←2006-01-16 2006-01-17 2006-01-18→ ↑2006 ↑all
00:38:29 -!- calamari has joined.
00:38:58 <ihope> It's the squid!
00:39:25 <calamari> hi
00:39:33 <ihope> Ello
00:44:03 <calamari> I'm terrible at c :( A program that I wrote in an afternoon in python is now on its 4th day of porting to c
00:44:18 <ihope> Ooh.
00:44:26 <ihope> Why do you want to port it to C?
00:44:33 <calamari> although, I now have some pretty cool list routines
00:44:54 <calamari> so that it can be compiled static
00:45:05 <ihope> List routines as in lists?
00:45:13 <calamari> singly linked list
00:45:19 <calamari> yeah
00:45:31 <calamari> split, join, etc
00:46:38 <calamari> and java-style iteration
00:46:48 <ihope> Hmm...
00:47:19 <calamari> also needed string routines and some stat stuff
00:47:32 <calamari> makes me appreciate python a lot more, thats for sure
00:47:33 <ihope> Can you give me a function that finds the last element of a list?
00:47:37 <ihope> :-)
00:47:41 <calamari> okay
00:47:53 <calamari> let's say your list is "mylist"
00:48:25 <calamari> void * data = listget(mylist, listlen(mylist) - 1);
00:48:36 <GregorR> Anything that uses lists would be far easier to port to C++.
00:48:51 <ihope> Even easier to port to Haskell... >:-)
00:48:52 <calamari> GregorR: too late :P
00:49:05 <calamari> can haskell compile to c?
00:49:14 <ihope> Maybe.
00:49:21 <GregorR> I think you can compile Haskell to ASM.
00:49:28 <GregorR> So who cares if it can compile to C :P
00:49:29 <calamari> ahh
00:49:32 <calamari> right
00:49:54 <calamari> just seems that c largely replaces asm on *nix systems
00:50:32 <ihope> ASM, ASM, asm, ASM, ASM
00:50:58 <calamari> asm is great, intel style
00:51:51 <ihope> The Intel style of great?
00:52:05 <calamari> intel syntax
00:52:36 <GregorR> We aren't seriously arguing that one ASM /syntax/ is better than another, are we?
00:52:41 <calamari> yes
00:52:46 <GregorR> *sigh*
00:52:55 <ihope> ASM is ASM.
00:53:07 <GregorR> No, Intel ASM is Intel ASM.
00:53:14 <GregorR> CISC ASM is very very different from RISC ASM :)
00:53:30 <ihope> MISC ASM?
00:53:35 <calamari> i've never really messed with risc
00:53:52 <GregorR> DAMN IT
00:54:01 <GregorR> I still haven't put my MISC VM anywhere >_<
00:54:06 <calamari> any risc cpus that can run linux?
00:54:11 <GregorR> calamari: Tons.
00:54:15 <calamari> cool
00:54:26 <GregorR> calamari: ARM, SPARC, Alpha, Pa-RISC
00:54:28 <GregorR> Just to name a few.
00:55:40 <calamari> wonder if there are any risc cpu's that come in a DIP for my breadboard .. hehe
00:56:20 <GregorR> lol
00:56:37 <GregorR> PIC is probably RISC. Doesn't run Linux or any other kernel though :P
00:56:53 <calamari> yeah pic is quite limited
00:57:13 <calamari> you can do tons of stuff with it, still
00:57:53 <calamari> its the harvard arcitecture that messes it up
00:59:21 <ihope> UTM's are very useful and powerful.
00:59:53 <calamari> sure.. bf :)
01:00:42 <calamari> I suppose if I had enough memory on a pic, I could emulate a machine that could run Linux.. hehe
01:03:43 <ihope> !bf_txtgen test
01:04:03 <EgoBot> 54 +++++++++++++[>+++++++++>++++++++>><<<<-]>-.>---.<-.+. [70]
01:04:40 <calamari> is that my java program?
01:04:52 <ihope> I dunno.
01:05:08 <calamari> !bf_txtgen /?
01:05:27 <EgoBot> 38 +++++++++[>+++++>+++++++>><<<<-]>++.>. [205]
01:05:46 <calamari> probably not, as mine doesn't terminate
01:05:52 <ihope> :-)
01:05:58 <ihope> !ps
01:06:01 <EgoBot> 2 ihope: bf_txtgen
01:06:03 <EgoBot> 3 ihope: ps
01:06:36 <calamari> !bf_txtgen A
01:06:55 <EgoBot> 30 ++++++++[>++++++++>>><<<<-]>+. [46]
01:07:07 <calamari> lol
01:07:32 <ihope> !bf_txtgen
01:07:44 <calamari> unless its printing only the first line
01:07:55 <EgoBot> 25 ++++[>++++++++>>><<<<-]>. [31]
01:08:13 <ihope> !bf ++++[>++++++++>>><<<<-]>.
01:08:17 <EgoBot>
01:08:27 <ihope> Hmm.
01:08:43 <calamari> !bf ++++[>++++++++<-]>.
01:08:47 <EgoBot>
01:08:52 <ihope> !bf +++++++++[>+++++>+++++++>><<<<-]>++.>.
01:08:57 <EgoBot> /?
01:09:03 <ihope> :-)
01:09:05 <ihope> !ps
01:09:09 <EgoBot> 2 ihope: bf_txtgen
01:09:12 <EgoBot> 3 ihope: ps
01:09:16 <calamari> !kill 2
01:09:18 <ihope> It's still runnin'.
01:09:19 <EgoBot> Process 2 killed.
01:09:26 <calamari> not anymore :P
01:09:27 <ihope> ...Not anymore.
01:09:51 <ihope> y u stop it u so meen
01:10:11 <calamari> what was the string ?
01:10:28 <ihope> .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
01:10:30 <ihope> :-P
01:10:33 <calamari> hah
01:10:55 <calamari> !bf_txtgen .
01:11:07 <EgoBot> 28 +++++++++[>+++++>>><<<<-]>+. [21]
01:11:39 <calamari> !bf +++++++++[>+++++<-]>+.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
01:11:43 <EgoBot> .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
01:11:49 <ihope> Yay!
01:11:54 <ihope> !bf_txtgen @
01:12:09 <EgoBot> 29 ++++++++[>++++++++>>><<<<-]>. [39]
01:12:35 <ihope> But why the >>><<<<?
01:12:37 <calamari> !bf_txtgen \
01:12:42 <calamari> dunno
01:12:49 <EgoBot> 34 +++++++[>+++++++++++++>>><<<<-]>+. [18]
01:13:00 <calamari> I know on mine you could specify the number of cells to use
01:13:19 <ihope> I oughtn't txtgen this quine...
01:13:24 <ihope> !bf_txtgen
01:13:31 <EgoBot> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: n must be positive
01:13:31 <ihope> I can txtgen that one, though :-)
01:13:36 <ihope> Aww.
01:14:04 <calamari> !bf_txtgen -?
01:14:17 <EgoBot> 36 +++++++++[>+++++>+++++++>><<<<-]>.>. [173]
01:14:21 <ihope> !help bf_txtgen
01:14:27 <EgoBot> Use: bf_txtgen <text> Function: use textgen.java with 1000 generations to generate an efficient BrainFuck text generator.
01:14:47 <ihope> omg a swair werd!!!!one!
01:14:48 <calamari> so it's my program, cut off at 1000
01:15:16 <calamari> !bf_txtgen -t 1 .
01:15:35 <EgoBot> 66 +++++++++++++++[>>+++>++>++++++++<<<<-]>>.>>----.<++.<++++.>.<---. [339]
01:26:53 <GregorR> No, you cant give args to !bf_txtgen :P
01:27:20 <ihope> !bf_txtgen args
01:27:29 <GregorR> Har har
01:27:35 <EgoBot> 58 ++++++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++>><<<<-]>-.>++.<++++++.>+. [349]
01:28:12 <ihope> Do you think BF-PDA is useful as a compression thinger?
01:36:08 <ihope> !malbolge_txtgen Hello, world!"
01:36:11 <ihope> ...Oops!
01:36:15 <EgoBot> Huh?
01:36:41 <ihope> See? It's smart!
01:36:47 <ihope> !bf_txtgen \\
01:37:01 <EgoBot> 35 +++++++++++++[>+++++++>>><<<<-]>+.. [25]
01:37:14 <ihope> Hmm.
01:37:28 <ihope> !bf_txtgen ☺
01:37:42 <EgoBot> 78 +++++++++++++++[>+++++++++++++++>++++++++++>++++++++++++><<<<-]>+.>++.>++++++. [106]
01:37:49 <ihope> Omgwtfbbq.
01:37:57 <ihope> !bf +++++++++++++++[>+++++++++++++++>++++++++++>++++++++++++><<<<-]>+.>++.>++++++.
01:38:01 <EgoBot>
01:38:08 <ihope> !bf +.
01:38:13 <EgoBot> <CTCP>
01:40:44 -!- cmeme has quit ("Client terminated by server").
01:41:17 -!- cmeme has joined.
01:44:47 <GregorR> lol, you made EgoBot kill cmeme ;)
01:45:05 <ihope> :-)
01:45:13 <ihope> !kill GregorR
01:45:16 <EgoBot> No such process!
01:45:23 <ihope> Aww.
01:45:29 <ihope> !ps
01:45:32 <EgoBot> 2 ihope: ps
01:45:49 <ihope> What's process 1, I wonder...
01:45:50 <ihope> !kill 2
01:45:55 <EgoBot> Process 2 killed.
01:47:16 <GregorR> Process 1 is !roll
01:47:19 <GregorR> !ps d
01:47:22 <EgoBot> 1 GregorR: daemon roll glass
01:47:24 <EgoBot> 2 GregorR: ps
01:48:19 <ihope> Ah.
02:13:15 -!- calamari has quit ("Leaving").
02:15:22 -!- ihope has left (?).
02:19:16 -!- Gs30ng has joined.
02:19:22 <Gs30ng> hi
02:22:53 <GregorR> 'ello
02:24:52 <Gs30ng> i have a new esolang idea and have no way to explain what it is
02:25:06 <Gs30ng> this sucks.
02:25:47 <GregorR> Write an interpreter in Glass then run it through EgoBot, and we'll all understand :P
02:39:11 <lament> lalalalala
02:54:46 -!- CXII has joined.
02:55:12 -!- CXI has quit (Nick collision from services.).
02:55:17 -!- CXII has changed nick to CXI.
03:23:33 -!- Sgeo has quit (Connection timed out).
04:06:31 -!- calamari has joined.
04:20:07 <GregorR> !daemon hangman glass file://glass/hangman.glass
04:20:26 <GregorR> ...
04:20:50 <GregorR> Bloody bot.
04:21:05 <EgoBot> Hangman started! Type /msg EgoBot '!hangman <lcase-word>' to start a game!
04:21:13 <GregorR> Theeeeeeeeere it goes.
04:21:31 <EgoBot> _________ |
04:21:45 <GregorR> Anybody want to play? ^_^
04:21:49 <GregorR> Type !hangman <lcase-guess>
04:21:55 <GregorR> To guess a letter.
04:22:11 <Gs30ng> !hangman e
04:22:15 <EgoBot> _________ |-
04:22:20 <Gs30ng> oops
04:22:24 <Gs30ng> !hangman a
04:22:27 <EgoBot> __a______ |-
04:22:34 <Gs30ng> !hangman i
04:22:39 <EgoBot> __ai_____ |-
04:22:51 <Gs30ng> !hangman o
04:22:55 <EgoBot> __ai_____ |-:
04:22:58 <Gs30ng> !hangman y
04:23:01 <EgoBot> __ai_____ |-:(
04:23:05 <Gs30ng> i quit
04:23:11 <GregorR> !hangman b
04:23:13 <EgoBot> b_ai_____ |-:(
04:23:15 <GregorR> !hangman r
04:23:19 <EgoBot> brai_____ |-:(
04:23:22 <GregorR> !hangman n
04:23:25 <EgoBot> brain____ |-:(
04:23:27 <GregorR> Getting it now? :P
04:23:43 <GregorR> !hangman
04:23:47 <EgoBot> brain____ |-:(<
04:23:48 <GregorR> Err, whoops >_>
04:23:52 <GregorR> !hangman f
04:23:55 <EgoBot> brainf___ |-:(<
04:23:58 <GregorR> !hangman u
04:24:01 <EgoBot> brainfu__ |-:(<
04:24:03 <GregorR> !hangman c
04:24:07 <EgoBot> brainfuc_ |-:(<
04:24:09 <GregorR> !hangman k
04:24:11 <GregorR> 8-D
04:24:11 <EgoBot> Answer: brainfuck
04:24:40 <Gs30ng> GregorR, unable to guess *answer* directly?
04:24:49 <Gs30ng> like, !hangman brainfuck
04:24:52 <GregorR> It's written in Glass, gimme a break :P
04:25:02 <Gs30ng> what, really?
04:25:08 <GregorR> Yeah
04:25:12 <Gs30ng> whoa...
04:25:29 <GregorR> "!daemon hangman glass file://glass/hangman.glass" = load file://glass/hangman.glass as the daemon !glass
04:29:40 <GregorR> {M[m(_o)O!(_i)I!(_s)S!(_a)A!"Hangman started! Type /msg EgoBot '!hangman <lcase-word>' to start a game!\n"(_o)o.?(_t)<1>=/(_t)(_word)(_i)l.?=(_word)(_word)*(_word)*(_s)l.?<1>(_a)s.?(_s)d.?,=(_wordl)(_word)*(_s)l.?=(_gword)""=(_wl)(_word)*(_s)l.?=/(_wl) (_gword)(_gword)*"_"(_s)a.?= (_wl)(_wl)*<1>
04:29:41 <GregorR> (_a)s.?=\(_tr)<7>=/(_tr)(_gword)*(_o)o.?(_ded)<7>(_tr)*(_a)s.?=" |"(_o)o.?/(_ded)(_ded)(_ded)*<1>(_a)s.?="-"(_o)o.?/(_ded)(_ded)(_ded)*<1>(_a)s.?=":"(_o)o.?/(_ded)(_ded)(_ded)*<1>(_a)s.?="("(_o)o.?/(_ded)(_ded)(_ded)*<1>(_a)s.?="<"(_o)o.?/(_ded)(_ded)(_ded)*<1>(_a)s.?="-"(_o)o.?/(_ded)(_ded)(_ded)*
04:29:41 <GregorR> <1>(_a)s.?="<"(_o)o.?/(_ded)(_ded)(_ded)*<1>(_a)s.?=\\\\\\\" '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!\n"(_o)o.?(_tryl)(_i)l.?=(_tryl)(_tryl)*<1>(_s)d.?,=(_bad)<1>=(_curlo)<0>=(_lgd)<1>=/(_lgd)(_word)*(_curlo)*(_s)d.?<1>(_s)d.?,(_curle)1=,,(_clgood)(_curle)*(_tryl)*(_s)e.?=/(_clgood)(_clgood)
04:29:43 <GregorR> <0>=(_bad)<0>=(_gword)*(_curlo)*(_s)d.?<1>(_s)d.?(_gword)3(_curle)*(_s)a.?2(_s)a.?=,,,\(_curlo)(_curlo)*<1>(_a)a.?=(_lgd)(_curlo)*(_wordl)*(_a)(lt).?=\/(_bad)(_bad)<0>=(_tr)(_tr)*<1>(_a)s.?=\(_good)(_word)*(_gword)*(_s)e.?=/(_good)(_good)<0>=(_tr)<0>=\\"\n"(_word)*"Answer: "(_o)o.?(_o)o.?(_o)o.?\]}
04:29:47 <GregorR> Muahahaha ^_^
04:32:08 -!- calamari has quit ("Leaving").
04:32:12 <GregorR> lol
04:32:15 <GregorR> Scared 'im away.
04:38:34 <Gs30ng> the code reminds me a joke about LISP
04:38:51 <Gs30ng> that LISP stands for Lots of Irritating Superfluous Parenthesis
04:40:09 <Gs30ng> Parentheses*
04:55:29 <GregorR> I see nobody else wants to write any daemons :'(
04:56:24 <Gs30ng> GregorR, i think that parentheses are annoying
04:56:42 <GregorR> You don't have to write it in Glass.
04:56:43 <Gs30ng> what about just spacing them?
04:57:00 <Gs30ng> instead of parentheses
04:57:02 <GregorR> Glass is set in stone, Gs30ng :P
04:57:09 <GregorR> There is nothing you can do to change it.
04:57:16 <Gs30ng> hmm
04:57:17 <Gs30ng> ok
04:57:20 <GregorR> Any language supported by EgoBot can be used to write a daemon, so write on ein Udage ^_^
04:58:25 <Gs30ng> GregorR: so is it possible to make !befunge or something like that?
04:58:46 <GregorR> Yeah, you can use http:// to make it download the script from the intarweb.
04:58:58 <Gs30ng> no i mean
04:59:09 <GregorR> !help
04:59:13 <EgoBot> help ps kill i eof flush show ls bf_txtgen usertrig daemon undaemon
04:59:15 <EgoBot> 1l 2l adjust axo befunge bch bf{8,[16],32,64} glass glypho kipple lambda lazyk malbolge pbrain rail sadol sceql trigger udage01 unlambda
04:59:31 <Gs30ng> can EgoBot read 2-or-more line code?
04:59:43 <GregorR> Only by telling it to interpret off of a web site.
04:59:54 <Gs30ng> aha... got it
05:00:14 <GregorR> So if you upload it somewhere, then use !befunge http://whatever/blah.bf , then it'll run.
05:00:25 <GregorR> Or you can give it to me and I can put it in the pseudofilesystem.
05:00:40 <GregorR> !2l http://www.befunge.org/fyb/2l/exa/HelloWorld.2l
05:01:16 <GregorR> My network sucks right now, however ;)
05:01:38 <GregorR> So the download will fail about 1/2 the time
06:08:49 -!- calamari has joined.
06:09:17 <GregorR> calamari, join me in a game of hangman?
06:09:30 <calamari> sure
06:09:35 <calamari> question tho
06:09:47 <GregorR> Yeah?
06:09:50 <GregorR> !daemon hangman glass file://glass/hangman.glass
06:09:53 <EgoBot> Hangman started! Type /msg EgoBot '!hangman <lcase-word>' to start a game!
06:09:54 <calamari> are you good with domain stuff? kidsquid.com/images/ seems to be going to someone else's website
06:10:14 <GregorR> lol, not particularly, but I've done my share of domain manipulation.
06:10:57 <GregorR> Damn, my network is so aweful right now.
06:10:59 <GregorR> I can't even test it.
06:11:15 <GregorR> *awful
06:11:28 <GregorR> So anyway ... start a game of hangman ^_^
06:11:32 <GregorR> Or shall I?
06:11:36 <calamari> no I'll do it
06:11:43 <EgoBot> __________ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:11:49 <GregorR> !hangman e
06:11:52 <EgoBot> __________ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:11:57 <calamari> I tried it first with quotes .. oops :)
06:12:02 <GregorR> !hangman "
06:12:05 <EgoBot> __________ |-: '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:12:14 <GregorR> Gra, lies ;)
06:12:17 <GregorR> !hangman a
06:12:22 <EgoBot> _a_a____a_ |-: '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:12:23 <calamari> not lies.. it didn't accept it tho
06:12:31 <GregorR> Oh, strange.
06:12:41 <GregorR> !hangman c
06:12:44 <calamari> because it was '!hangman etc
06:12:44 <EgoBot> ca_a____a_ |-: '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:12:47 <GregorR> !hangman l
06:12:49 <EgoBot> ca_al___a_ |-: '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:12:51 <GregorR> Ohhhhhh, quotes there.
06:13:07 <GregorR> !hangman u
06:13:11 <EgoBot> ca_al___a_ |-:( '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:13:21 <calamari> maybe change the first ' to ` <shrug>
06:13:29 <GregorR> !hangman o
06:13:31 <EgoBot> ca_al___a_ |-:(< '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:13:51 <GregorR> !hangman s
06:13:53 <EgoBot> ca_al___a_ |-:(<- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:14:03 <GregorR> !hangman h
06:14:05 <EgoBot> ca_al___a_ |-:(<-< '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:14:09 <GregorR> Urk
06:14:13 <GregorR> !hangman t
06:14:15 <EgoBot> Answer: cavalryman
06:14:21 <GregorR> Bloody hell.
06:14:35 <GregorR> Well, I fail :P
06:14:38 <GregorR> Your turn!
06:15:09 <EgoBot> ________ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:15:28 <GregorR> Written in Glass, btw, if you couldn't tell :)
06:17:32 <lament> !hangman e
06:17:35 <EgoBot> ________ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:17:45 <lament> !hangman a
06:17:49 <EgoBot> a_______ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:17:56 <lament> !hangman o
06:17:59 <EgoBot> a_o_____ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:18:59 <lament> !hangman i
06:19:03 <EgoBot> a_o___i_ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:19:11 <lament> !hangman t
06:19:16 <EgoBot> a_o__ti_ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:20:04 <calamari> sorry, was afk.. thanks lament :)
06:21:13 <calamari> !hangman r
06:21:15 <EgoBot> a_o__ti_ |-: '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:21:31 <lament> !hangman s
06:21:33 <GregorR> And lament was doing so well ;)
06:21:35 <EgoBot> a_o_sti_ |-: '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:21:45 <lament> !hangman c
06:21:49 <EgoBot> aco_stic |-: '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:21:50 <lament> !hangman r
06:21:55 <EgoBot> aco_stic |-:( '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:21:59 <lament> errr
06:22:02 <lament> !hangman u
06:22:02 <calamari> hehe
06:22:05 <EgoBot> Answer: acoustic
06:22:16 <GregorR> Hoopla.
06:22:29 <lament> i don't think it should punish me twice
06:22:39 <lament> for the same wrong letter
06:22:41 <GregorR> I wrote it in Glass, gimme a break!
06:23:57 <EgoBot> ___________ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:25:08 <calamari> does it show spaces?
06:25:18 <calamari> (the above doesn't have any)
06:26:08 <lament> !hangman e
06:26:11 <EgoBot> __e________ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:26:16 <lament> !hangman o
06:26:19 <EgoBot> __e_o______ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:26:22 <lament> !hangman a
06:26:25 <EgoBot> __e_o__a___ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:27:35 <lament> !hangman y
06:27:39 <EgoBot> __e_o__a__y | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:27:45 <lament> !hangman t
06:27:49 <EgoBot> _te_o__a__y | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:27:59 <lament> !hangman l
06:28:03 <EgoBot> _te_o__a__y |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:28:08 <lament> !hangman r
06:28:13 <EgoBot> _te_o_ra__y |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:28:14 <GregorR> No, it doesn't :P
06:29:24 <Gs30ng> !hangman s
06:29:29 <EgoBot> ste_o_ra__y |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:29:35 <Gs30ng> !hangman r
06:29:39 <EgoBot> ste_o_ra__y |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:29:46 <Gs30ng> oops
06:29:50 <GregorR> lol
06:30:12 <calamari> wait.. is that a bug then ?
06:30:26 <calamari> no.. I guess its not :)
06:31:10 <GregorR> It's not a bug, just a lacking feature.
06:33:19 <Gs30ng> !hangman p
06:33:23 <EgoBot> ste_o_rap_y |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:33:29 <Gs30ng> !hangman h
06:33:35 <EgoBot> ste_o_raphy |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:33:37 <Gs30ng> !hangman g
06:33:41 <EgoBot> ste_ography |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:33:50 <Gs30ng> i have no idea
06:34:09 <Gs30ng> i feel lacking vocabulary
06:34:34 <calamari> yeah, it's not something you'd use in normal conversation these days
06:34:38 <lament> !hangman n
06:34:41 <EgoBot> Answer: stenography
06:35:25 <calamari> lament.. set one up!
06:38:13 <EgoBot> ___ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:38:15 <calamari> quick test..
06:38:19 <calamari> !hangman
06:38:24 <EgoBot> _ _ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:38:26 <calamari> cool
06:38:29 <calamari> !hangman a
06:38:31 <calamari> !hangman b
06:38:33 <Gs30ng> .....
06:38:33 <EgoBot> a _ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:38:52 <GregorR> calamari: You did it too fast :P
06:38:55 <calamari> so we can work around spaces..
06:38:59 <calamari> !hangman b
06:39:00 <calamari> lol
06:39:01 <GregorR> The second line got dropped :P
06:39:03 <EgoBot> _ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:39:34 <calamari> did it break?
06:39:44 <GregorR> Nah, it's fine.
06:39:46 <GregorR> !hangman
06:39:47 <calamari> !hangman b
06:39:50 <GregorR> lol
06:39:51 <EgoBot> _ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:40:01 <calamari> !hangman a
06:40:05 <EgoBot> _ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:40:12 <calamari> the answer is supposed to be `a b'
06:40:17 <GregorR> If it gets two lines of input at once, it'll only show one line of output to the channel.
06:40:19 <GregorR> !hangman a
06:40:21 <GregorR> A bit screwy that way.
06:40:23 <EgoBot> Answer: a
06:40:37 <GregorR> 22:35:41 <EgoBot> Answer: a b
06:40:37 <GregorR> 22:36:59 <EgoBot> Answer: b
06:40:43 <calamari> ahh
06:41:03 <GregorR> Not sure how to fix it >_>
06:42:57 <EgoBot> ______________ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:43:02 <calamari> !hangman
06:43:05 <EgoBot> ________ _____ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:43:17 <calamari> :)
06:43:56 <GregorR> Hmmmm
06:43:59 <GregorR> !hangman e
06:44:03 <EgoBot> ________ _____ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:44:18 <GregorR> !hangman o
06:44:23 <EgoBot> ____o___ _____ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:44:36 <GregorR> !hangman u
06:44:39 <EgoBot> ____o___ __u__ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:44:44 <GregorR> !hangman s
06:44:49 <EgoBot> ____o___ __u__ |-: '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:44:52 <GregorR> !hangman t
06:44:57 <EgoBot> ____ot__ __u__ |-: '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:45:00 <GregorR> !hangman i
06:45:05 <EgoBot> ___ioti_ __ui_ |-: '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:45:14 <GregorR> !hangman y
06:45:20 <EgoBot> ___ioti_ __ui_ |-:( '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:45:26 <GregorR> !hangman a
06:45:31 <EgoBot> a__ioti_ __ui_ |-:( '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:45:31 <lament> !hangman s
06:45:35 <lament> er damn
06:45:35 <EgoBot> a__ioti_ __ui_ |-:(< '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:45:40 <GregorR> Not symbiotic :P
06:45:44 <lament> !hangman c
06:45:47 <EgoBot> a__iotic __ui_ |-:(< '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:46:34 <lament> !hangman n
06:46:37 <EgoBot> a_niotic __ui_ |-:(< '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:46:46 <GregorR> !hangman f
06:46:49 <EgoBot> a_niotic f_ui_ |-:(< '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:46:51 <GregorR> !hangman l
06:46:55 <EgoBot> a_niotic flui_ |-:(< '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:46:56 <GregorR> !hangman d
06:47:01 <EgoBot> a_niotic fluid |-:(< '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:47:07 <GregorR> Now I don't know what that _ is :P
06:47:15 <GregorR> Probably g?
06:47:17 <lament> no
06:47:18 <GregorR> !hangman g
06:47:19 <lament> !hangman m
06:47:21 <EgoBot> a_niotic fluid |-:(<- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
06:47:21 <GregorR> Err :P
06:47:27 <GregorR> 22:44:28 <EgoBot> Answer: amniotic fluid
06:47:34 <GregorR> One sec, I have to fix the buffer issue.
06:47:35 <lament> i'm too slow :)
06:48:18 <GregorR> !undaemon hangman
06:48:20 <GregorR> !undaemon roll
06:48:21 <EgoBot> Process 2 killed.
06:48:23 <EgoBot> Process 1 killed.
06:48:27 <calamari> GregorR: that's the "water" that surrounds a baby in the womb..
06:49:04 <GregorR> Yeah, I remembered.
06:49:06 <GregorR> Took me a bit.
06:50:35 <GregorR> !reload
06:50:51 <GregorR> !daemon hangman glass file://glass/hangman.glass
06:50:52 <calamari> wow, that was fast
06:50:57 <EgoBot> Hangman started! Type /msg EgoBot '!hangman <lcase-word>' to start a game!
06:51:06 <GregorR> Untested too :P
06:51:11 <GregorR> !hangman blah
06:51:23 <GregorR> ...
06:51:27 <GregorR> And unworking ^_^
06:52:10 <GregorR> !undaemon hangman
06:52:12 <EgoBot> Process 1 killed.
06:52:55 <GregorR> Strange, why doesn't that work ...
06:53:02 <GregorR> !glass file://glass/hangman.glass
06:53:06 <EgoBot> Hangman started! Type /msg EgoBot '!hangman <lcase-word>' to start a game!
06:53:08 <GregorR> !i 1 abc\n
06:53:27 <GregorR> OK, I totally broke output :P
06:53:36 <calamari> hehehe
06:53:40 <calamari> Ctrl-Z
06:53:46 <GregorR> !kill1
06:53:49 <GregorR> !kill 1
06:53:50 <EgoBot> Huh?
06:53:52 <EgoBot> Process 1 killed.
06:55:20 <GregorR> !raw JOIN #egobot
06:57:43 <calamari> so you've constructed a clever way to get bits to /dev/null?
06:57:52 <GregorR> Yes :P
07:02:27 -!- EgoBot has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
07:02:28 <calamari> hmm, I wonder if theres a greppable dictionary on my hd somewhere :)
07:02:36 <GregorR> O_O
07:02:42 <GregorR> >_>
07:02:43 <GregorR> <_<
07:02:50 <calamari> <-- cheater
07:03:09 <GregorR> I was O_Oing at EgoBot crashing :P
07:03:19 <calamari> ahh, thought you did that
07:03:29 <GregorR> No, that was it crashing :P
07:03:33 <calamari> cool
07:03:35 <calamari> ;)
07:03:41 <GregorR> Yeeee haw
07:03:50 <calamari> well, it's midnight
07:03:55 <GregorR> OK?
07:04:00 <calamari> I'd better go to bed
07:04:08 <calamari> cool program tho, that was fun
07:04:17 <GregorR> Hah, I'll make it better within the hour :P
07:04:18 <GregorR> Bye.
07:04:21 <calamari> cyas
07:04:23 -!- calamari has quit ("Leaving").
07:15:49 <GregorR> That's so weird, it only dies when I run it connected - when I run it locally, it works fine.
07:18:17 -!- EgoBot has joined.
07:45:20 -!- CXI has quit (Connection timed out).
07:59:59 -!- clog has quit (ended).
08:00:00 -!- clog has joined.
11:55:59 -!- CXI has joined.
12:18:18 -!- Keymaker has joined.
14:15:29 -!- jix has joined.
15:16:55 -!- ihope has joined.
15:19:54 <ihope> BANG!
15:29:13 -!- Freya has joined.
15:29:20 -!- Freya has changed nick to nooga.
15:29:22 <nooga> ;p
15:29:33 <nooga> jix
15:30:10 <nooga> how to iterate through two arrays in ruby at the same time?
15:30:40 * ihope learns Ruby
15:31:04 <nooga> me too :p
15:31:17 <nooga> i'm seeking for the most fancy way
15:31:29 <ihope> But I'm gonna zip right through this and become an expert in 30 minutes...
15:32:07 <nooga> sounds possible
15:32:41 <ihope> reeleaz??/
15:34:57 <ihope> So should my new programming language be called Peridot or Sardonyx?
15:35:59 <nooga> what is your national language?
15:36:51 <ihope> English, I'd suppose.
15:37:34 <nooga> i think sardonyx sounds better
15:38:08 <ihope> Okay.
15:39:39 <ihope> Sardonyx's syntax should be clear as Glass...
15:40:20 <ihope> Combine that with the variables of Haskell and the object-orientation of C, and you get a "great" lanugage.
15:40:39 <ihope> Great as in big. Very big.
15:41:21 -!- nooga has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
15:41:32 -!- Freya has joined.
15:41:58 <ihope> Nooga leaves, Frary enters.
15:42:01 <ihope> *Freya
15:42:02 -!- Freya has changed nick to nooga.
15:42:15 <nooga> gosh
15:42:17 <nooga> i hate her nick
15:47:10 <ihope> !help
15:47:14 <EgoBot> help ps kill i eof flush show ls bf_txtgen usertrig daemon undaemon
15:47:16 <EgoBot> 1l 2l adjust axo befunge bch bf{8,[16],32,64} glass glypho kipple lambda lazyk malbolge pbrain rail sadol sceql trigger udage01 unlambda
15:47:28 <ihope> !help ps
15:47:32 <EgoBot> Use: ps Function: display the current processes
15:47:40 <ihope> Mm-hmm.
15:48:04 <ihope> !bf_txtgen !bf_txtgen
15:48:20 <EgoBot> 104 +++++++++++[>+++>+++++++++>+++++++++><<<<-]>.>-.>+++.<---.+++++++++++++++++++++.++++.----.>+.--.<------. [319]
15:51:41 <nooga> powinien byc ejszcze sadol
15:52:14 <nooga> whoops :)
15:52:26 <nooga> there should be also sadol
15:52:34 <nooga> polish/english
15:53:12 <ihope> !sadol polish/english
15:53:16 <EgoBot> BDSM: Double division '/' by 0 (index: 6, row: 1, col: 7)
15:53:20 <ihope> Whoa!
15:53:26 <nooga> :)
15:53:41 <ihope> !sadol Is this a valid Sadol program?
15:53:45 <EgoBot> BDSM: Parsing: Unexpected end of file (index: 30, row: 1, col: 31)
15:53:55 <ihope> Waah.
15:53:56 <nooga> without that ?, yes
15:54:06 <nooga> !sadol Is this a valid Sadol program
15:54:10 <nooga> it is :D
15:54:14 <nooga> !sadol Is this a valid Sadol program
15:54:27 <ihope> !sadol ?margorp lodaS dilav a siht sI
15:54:42 <ihope> !ps
15:54:42 <nooga> it is :)
15:54:45 <EgoBot> 1 ihope: ps
15:54:51 <ihope> Heh...
15:57:57 <nooga> ?margorp lodaS dilav a siht sI
15:58:12 <GregorR> >_>
15:58:17 <ihope> !margorp lodaS dilav a siht sI
15:58:20 <EgoBot> Huh?
15:58:29 <nooga> this will return 0, because m is 0 == false, and r is 0
15:58:39 <nooga> !sadol !?margorp lodaS dilav a siht sI
15:58:42 <EgoBot> 0
15:58:44 <nooga> :)
15:59:11 <nooga> !sadol :r"5i rox !?margorp lodaS dilav a siht sI
15:59:15 <EgoBot> i rox
15:59:17 <nooga> ;]
15:59:43 -!- ihope has left (?).
16:26:14 <nooga> ha
16:26:25 <nooga> i just recieved a parcel from sun microsystems
16:26:34 <GregorR> A SPARCv7?!?!?!?
16:26:49 <GregorR> 32 bits of BLAZING power?
16:27:00 <nooga> 7777 Gateway Blvd., Newark, CA 94560 :D
16:27:12 <nooga> no... just a promo cup -.-
16:27:29 <nooga> no... it's a mug
16:27:41 <GregorR> Lame :P
16:27:57 <nooga> i can't afford sparc 7 :D
16:28:07 <nooga> so i bought a mug for free
16:28:16 <GregorR> Hah
16:28:22 <nooga> with fancy, orange sun logo
16:28:26 <GregorR> You know, SPARCv7s are olde :P
16:28:42 <nooga> idk, never seen sparc :>
16:29:03 <nooga> i'm ol' x86 user ;p
16:29:57 <nooga> + i just can't stand java
16:30:00 <nooga> and solaris
16:30:10 <GregorR> Java = awful
16:30:18 <GregorR> Solaris = stuck in its ways (and those ways are awful)
16:30:22 <GregorR> OpenSolaris = closed
16:30:27 <nooga> xD
16:30:34 <GregorR> Think I'm kidding? :P
16:30:58 <GregorR> Luckily, I'm pretty sure everybody figured out that OpenSolaris is not open, so it's not all that popular.
16:31:49 <nooga> tried VMS?
16:32:06 <GregorR> Not much. Looked at a shell once :P
16:32:13 <nooga> hm
16:32:25 <nooga> i have read a book about Mithnick :>
16:32:41 <nooga> he said that he doesn't even know C
16:32:59 <GregorR> You will then need:
16:32:59 <nooga> but he tried to steal VMS sources
16:33:06 <GregorR> The Closed Binaries–OS/Networking (ON) Components, named:
16:33:06 <GregorR> * opensolaris-closed-bins-DATE.PLATFORM.tar.bz2
16:33:18 <GregorR> HOW IS THAT OPEN, SUN?!
16:33:21 <GregorR> HOW THE F*** IS THAT OPEN?!
16:33:22 <nooga> :D
16:33:31 <GregorR> Bastards.
16:33:36 -!- Gs30ng has quit ("TO SLEEP").
16:33:48 <GregorR> Anyway, off to suffer my lab partner who smells like the world's largest cigarette.
16:33:55 * GregorR brings lots of breath mints.
16:34:02 <nooga> ;D
16:35:13 <nooga> my breath smells like various nuts and raisins ;p
16:35:36 <nooga> just ate whole bag of those
16:49:49 <Keymaker> i wish i had even raisins.. i'm starving
16:50:37 <nooga> xD, i've got many sweets from germany
16:50:48 <Keymaker> :)
16:52:16 <nooga> want some ;p?
16:53:23 <Keymaker> heh.. well, i perhaps should try to find real food instead of virtual, this time
16:53:48 <nooga> where are you/
17:02:07 <Keymaker> in finland
17:02:13 <Keymaker> (sorry about delay)
17:02:52 <nooga> but exactly
17:03:33 <Keymaker> http://www.frappr.com/esolang
17:28:03 -!- nooga has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
17:32:10 * Keymaker goes to shop.. for lemonade and popcorn, of course
18:21:06 -!- robinhoode has joined.
18:21:18 -!- robinhoode has left (?).
18:42:02 <Keymaker> bye.
18:42:04 -!- Keymaker has left (?).
18:52:40 <jix> nooga: array_a.zip(array_b).each do |(item_a,item_b)|
19:44:00 -!- Freya has joined.
19:44:06 -!- Freya has changed nick to nooga.
19:44:08 <nooga> http://rafb.net/paste/results/GqVKFn31.html
20:00:59 <jix> nooga: array_a.zip(array_b).each do |(item_a,item_b)|
20:01:46 <jix> http://rafb.net/paste/results/bfrPL082.html
20:02:03 <jix> (vt100 compatible only)
20:02:41 <nooga> ;-]
20:19:22 <nooga> well
20:19:30 <nooga> is it yours?
20:41:26 -!- nooga has quit.
20:52:39 <jix> nooga: yes
20:59:50 -!- jix has quit ("Bitte waehlen Sie eine Beerdigungnachricht").
21:13:19 -!- Sgeo has joined.
21:41:28 -!- Keymaker has joined.
21:41:47 <Keymaker> evening
22:07:29 -!- ihope has joined.
22:07:33 -!- ihope has changed nick to Thimbledrahonkno.
22:07:58 <Thimbledrahonkno> Hmm, it truncated the "ckeroozchschnooglecheese".
22:08:13 -!- Thimbledrahonkno has changed nick to ihope.
22:08:32 <ihope> @bf_txtgen .
22:10:39 <ihope> !ps
22:10:44 <EgoBot> 1 ihope: ps
22:10:49 <ihope> Mmh?
22:17:54 -!- GregorR has quit (Remote closed the connection).
22:38:08 -!- EgoBot has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
22:57:06 -!- Sgeo has quit (Remote closed the connection).
22:58:21 <ihope> Hmm.
22:58:32 <Keymaker> hmm?
22:58:45 -!- Sgeo has joined.
23:08:12 <ihope> Much leaving.
23:08:20 <ihope> EgoBot's gone! Waah!
23:09:08 <Keymaker> hehe
23:20:50 <ihope> Hmm, secret code.
23:24:22 <ihope> "Esoteric" -> "Ricte" -> "Tec" -> "Ce"; "Esot+ri+" -> "Riot+" -> "Tio" -> "Oi"; "Es+t+r++" -> "Rs+t+" -> "Ts+" -> "Ts"; "E++++r++" -> "R++++" -> "R++" -> "R+"; "E+++++++" -> "E++++" -> "E++" ->
23:24:24 <ihope> "E+"
23:24:36 <ihope> So we end up with "ceoitsre".
23:43:41 -!- Keymaker has left (?).
←2006-01-16 2006-01-17 2006-01-18→ ↑2006 ↑all