< 1674260346 206524 :bgs!~bgs@212-85-160-171.dynamic.telemach.net JOIN #esolangs bgs :bgs < 1674260730 978514 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-158.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :99.51 manuscripts. I need just a bit more and I'll be able to research that science < 1674261182 373583 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-158.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :ooh nice, this unlocks multiple other Science upgades < 1674264925 344729 :Riviera!Riviera@user/riviera QUIT :Ping timeout: 260 seconds < 1674265672 374723 :haavard!~haavard@haavard.me JOIN #esolangs haavard :Håvard Pettersson < 1674266108 858029 :fizzie!irc@selene.zem.fi JOIN #esolangs fizzie :Heikki Kallasjoki < 1674266306 28672 :Riviera!~Riviera@user/riviera JOIN #esolangs Riviera ::) < 1674267625 664971 :troglodito!~cave@2a00:d880:3:1::85b7:69dc JOIN #esolangs troglodito :troglo < 1674267638 20985 :troglodito!~cave@2a00:d880:3:1::85b7:69dc PART :#esolangs > 1674271272 837926 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07++C+=C++ + ++C;14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=106337&oldid=106330 5* 03FiveUnderlines 5* (+122) 10 > 1674271950 819289 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Language list14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=106338&oldid=106302 5* 03FiveUnderlines 5* (+22) 10 > 1674272257 43884 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07++C+=C++ + ++C;14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=106339&oldid=106337 5* 03FiveUnderlines 5* (+13) 10 < 1674272351 162831 :craigo!~craigo@180-150-37-12.b49625.bne.nbn.aussiebb.net QUIT :Ping timeout: 246 seconds > 1674272450 936669 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07++C+=C++ + ++C;14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=106340&oldid=106339 5* 03FiveUnderlines 5* (+46) 10 < 1674274322 434611 :bgs!~bgs@212-85-160-171.dynamic.telemach.net QUIT :Remote host closed the connection < 1674275751 519848 :FreeFull!~freefull@user-5-173-197-124.play-internet.pl QUIT : > 1674278994 281005 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07++C+=C++ + ++C;14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=106341&oldid=106340 5* 03FiveUnderlines 5* (-1) 10 > 1674279111 864361 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07++C+=C++ + ++C;14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=106342&oldid=106341 5* 03FiveUnderlines 5* (+1) 10 > 1674279166 700797 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07++C+=C++ + ++C;14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=106343&oldid=106342 5* 03FiveUnderlines 5* (-1) 10 < 1674293730 305917 :impomatic!~impomatic@2a00:23c7:5fac:e001:78e7:e14a:e201:c7bd JOIN #esolangs impomatic :John Metcalf < 1674296722 574867 :Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo QUIT :Read error: Connection reset by peer < 1674300919 791505 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-158.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :hmm, there are now two workshop improvements that require titanium, which is fine, but why do they show up as white instead of red? < 1674300962 566740 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-158.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :I guess the game only colors red things where I don't have enough storage capacity, and I have some starting storage capacity for titanium even though I haven't unlocked it < 1674301054 425913 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-158.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :also that latest science upgrade that I researched unlocks several other science upgrades and workshop upgrades, many of which again require much more science storage than I have now, but at least one that doesn't < 1674301118 478794 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-158.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :of course, that one workshop improvement that I think I will be able to unlock also isn't cheap, but I expected that much < 1674301175 587473 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-158.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :anyway, I figure I should max out my Aqueducts and then start to explode my kitten population to much larger < 1674301205 337975 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-158.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :and start using some farmers regularly so that that can work < 1674301303 256036 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-158.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :I have 18 kittens right now, and I think my catnip fields and catnip storage can usually support like three times that much, but I think if I get a hot summer, cold autumn, and cold winter or some such combo then suddenly it will fail at much fewer kittens, so I will need farmers to avoid that < 1674301527 673659 :FireFly!~firefly@glowbum/gluehwuermchen/firefly PRIVMSG #esolangs :there are cases where you can get resources in other ways, so I guess it "makes sense" to have that behaviour wrt starting storage capacities < 1674301534 284970 :FireFly!~firefly@glowbum/gluehwuermchen/firefly PRIVMSG #esolangs :and them showing up as white rather than red < 1674301618 242980 :FireFly!~firefly@glowbum/gluehwuermchen/firefly PRIVMSG #esolangs :I'm about halfway to the next science.. < 1674301727 54682 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-158.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :right, maybe I can actually get them from genafngynagvp genqr < 1674301747 356468 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-158.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :which I have unlocked but haven't crafted any of the necessary item < 1674301885 839006 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-158.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :I'm going to have to do a hunting streak again later where most of my villagers work as hunters, because that one workshop upgrade that I can develop requires 10000 ivory. it won't be a waste because I still need manuscripts and I'll use the furs from that to craft them < 1674301918 815133 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-158.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :I made a lot to spend on that latest science upgrade < 1674301921 337044 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-158.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :and on the temples < 1674301931 576507 :FireFly!~firefly@glowbum/gluehwuermchen/firefly PRIVMSG #esolangs :not like it's a waste either way, even if you let the kittens consume the luxury resources it still gives +production bonus < 1674301940 651214 :FireFly!~firefly@glowbum/gluehwuermchen/firefly PRIVMSG #esolangs :ACTION nods < 1674301969 665315 :FireFly!~firefly@glowbum/gluehwuermchen/firefly PRIVMSG #esolangs :I'm doing the thing about having most of the kittens on hunting currently to try to reach the next science < 1674301999 963698 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-158.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :I hope I'll get some way to increase my gold storage capacity < 1674303548 30744 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-158.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :that reminds me, I have to remove a broken lightbulb, so I'll have to shut down kittens and IRC for that < 1674303854 231685 :craigo!~craigo@180-150-37-12.b49625.bne.nbn.aussiebb.net JOIN #esolangs craigo :realname < 1674304906 438683 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-167.monradsl.monornet.hu JOIN #esolangs * :b_jonas < 1674304926 246088 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-167.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :broken lightbulb connector extracted successfully < 1674304997 770659 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-167.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :huh < 1674305020 301127 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-167.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :fizzie: https://logs.esolangs.org/libera-esolangs/2023-01-21-raw.txt doesn't show the message where my previous IRC instance QUIT (or PART) < 1674306545 546645 :impomatic!~impomatic@2a00:23c7:5fac:e001:78e7:e14a:e201:c7bd QUIT :Read error: No route to host < 1674306560 368602 :impomatic!~impomatic@host109-153-26-207.range109-153.btcentralplus.com JOIN #esolangs impomatic :John Metcalf < 1674306591 723643 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-167.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :I maxed my aquaeducts at 54, at least until I buy more warehouses < 1674306755 433579 :craigo!~craigo@180-150-37-12.b49625.bne.nbn.aussiebb.net QUIT :Quit: Leaving < 1674306799 29537 :craigo!~craigo@180-150-37-12.b49625.bne.nbn.aussiebb.net JOIN #esolangs craigo :realname < 1674308018 130683 :Guest81!~Guest81@ JOIN #esolangs * :[https://web.libera.chat] Guest81 < 1674308029 976231 :Guest81!~Guest81@ QUIT :Client Quit > 1674308815 58299 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[072/9 of an esolang14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=106344&oldid=102747 5* 03Xyzzy 5* (+201) 10 < 1674311525 834772 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-167.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :7200 out of 10000 ivory now < 1674311975 960471 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-167.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :yes! < 1674311993 467535 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-167.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :I got the workshop upgrade that costs 10000 ivory < 1674312034 664500 :fizzie!irc@selene.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :Hmm. There might be some kind of a bug in the logbot. QUITs don't have channels associated with them, so they're only recorded in a specific channel's log if the bot thinks the nickname in question was currently on the channel, and the code tracking it might get desync'd somehow. < 1674312054 520613 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-167.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :that sounds possible < 1674312070 943250 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-167.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :fizzie: make sure you track all four of JOIN, KICK, QUIT, NICK < 1674312077 893996 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-167.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :maybe you're forgetting to track one of those four < 1674312107 572288 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-167.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :as far as I understand, nothing else has to be tracked because IRC servers send synthetic versions of these events for everything else so that clients don't have to know about anything else < 1674312114 580278 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-167.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :but you definitely need all four of these < 1674312156 770726 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-167.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :I'm not sure whether you need to know the case sensitivity rules or if the server always gives you the same case for the same name < 1674315630 853736 :simcop2387!~simcop238@perlbot/patrician/simcop2387 JOIN #esolangs simcop2387 :ZNC - https://znc.in < 1674315722 235974 :perlbot!~perlbot@perlbot/bot/simcop2387/perlbot JOIN #esolangs perlbot :ZNC - https://znc.in < 1674315946 472899 :FireFly!~firefly@glowbum/gluehwuermchen/firefly PRIVMSG #esolangs :PART as well for sure? > 1674315973 654975 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Special:Log/newusers14]]4 create10 02 5* 03KapitanGamer 5* 10New user account < 1674316047 924016 :int-e!~noone@int-e.eu PRIVMSG #esolangs :b_jonas: pretty sure they are all tracked in principle (though it's hard to find a nick change... 01-18 has one) < 1674316171 614650 :int-e!~noone@int-e.eu PRIVMSG #esolangs :But hmm, the perlbot/simcop2387 quits weren't there either. < 1674316172 343000 :int-e!~noone@int-e.eu PRIVMSG #esolangs :Odd. < 1674316186 750787 :bgs!~bgs@212-85-160-171.dynamic.telemach.net JOIN #esolangs bgs :bgs < 1674316211 404418 :int-e!~noone@int-e.eu PART #esolangs :argh < 1674316211 430011 :int-e!~noone@int-e.eu JOIN #esolangs int-e :Bertram > 1674316741 693609 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Esolang:Introduce yourself14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=106345&oldid=106326 5* 03KapitanGamer 5* (+88) 10 > 1674316773 751262 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:KapitanGamer14]]4 N10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=106346 5* 03KapitanGamer 5* (+89) 10Created page with "Hello, I'm '''KapitanGamer''' and I programming in Python. === My esolangs === * [[!*/]]" > 1674316865 737487 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:KapitanGamer14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=106347&oldid=106346 5* 03KapitanGamer 5* (+12) 10 > 1674316997 107882 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:KapitanGamer14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=106348&oldid=106347 5* 03KapitanGamer 5* (+41) 10 > 1674317131 832034 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:KapitanGamer14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=106349&oldid=106348 5* 03KapitanGamer 5* (+4) 10 > 1674317202 98546 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:KapitanGamer14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=106350&oldid=106349 5* 03KapitanGamer 5* (+4) 10 > 1674317413 959808 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:KapitanGamer14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=106351&oldid=106350 5* 03KapitanGamer 5* (+2) 10 > 1674317585 44254 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:KapitanGamer14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=106352&oldid=106351 5* 03KapitanGamer 5* (+93) 10 > 1674319847 733424 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07++C+=C++ + ++C;14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=106353&oldid=106343 5* 03PythonshellDebugwindow 5* (+139) 10Categories < 1674321764 448459 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-167.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :FireFly: hmm wait, let me look up the list, I thought there were only four < 1674322077 340285 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-167.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :yeah, apparently it's five statements then, not four. NICK JOIN PART KICK QUIT < 1674322373 395956 :fizzie!irc@selene.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :I'm tracking those, plus the numeric 353. < 1674322379 196368 :fizzie!irc@selene.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :(RPL_NAMREPLY) < 1674322390 265432 :fizzie!irc@selene.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :Which you need for the initial join. < 1674322441 203376 :fizzie!irc@selene.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :There's also a // TODO comment to do periodic NAMES commands to help fix things if something still gets missed. < 1674322458 719364 :fizzie!irc@selene.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :But there might be a bug in there somewhere, of course. < 1674322613 933326 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl JOIN #esolangs * :Textual User > 1674322636 511208 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Array++14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=106354&oldid=105000 5* 03Z Z 5* (+4) 10/* Rebinding stuff */ < 1674325600 682573 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl QUIT :Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz… < 1674327259 286742 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl JOIN #esolangs * :Textual User > 1674327717 563894 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Special:Log/newusers14]]4 create10 02 5* 03DolphyWind 5* 10New user account > 1674328385 858176 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Esolang:Introduce yourself14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=106355&oldid=106345 5* 03DolphyWind 5* (+104) 10 > 1674328484 814442 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Esolang:Introduce yourself14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=106356&oldid=106355 5* 03DolphyWind 5* (+92) 10 < 1674333324 993877 :genpaku!~gen@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection < 1674333569 96937 :genpaku!~gen@ JOIN #esolangs genpaku :paku < 1674333997 154426 :Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo JOIN #esolangs Sgeo :realname < 1674334494 431067 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :`? nitia < 1674334497 263297 :HackEso!~h@techne.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :nitia is the inventor of all things. The BBC invented her. < 1674335145 77101 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :`? bbc < 1674335146 814805 :HackEso!~h@techne.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :The BBC is the BreadBox Corporation. Its inventions include, without limitation, Muppets, tiny elfs, villages in Norway, and inventors of all things. Taneb invented it. > 1674336013 419494 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Electra14]]4 N10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=106357 5* 03DolphyWind 5* (+13035) 10Created page with "= What is Electra? = Electra is a small esolang inspired by AsciiDots. Electra is created by [[User:DolphyWind]]. You can find more about electra on its [https://github.com/DolphyWind/Electra-Lang Github repository]. = How Electra works? = Electra has Currents whi < 1674336190 613065 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :`? tanebventions < 1674336192 318792 :HackEso!~h@techne.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :Tanebventions include necessity, Go, submarine jousting, Fueue, the universe, metar, sand, dragons, persistence, the BBC, _46bit, progress, sanity, the hug, Italian, the grace period, the limerick, ruin, and this sentence. See also tanebventions: maths or tanebventions: foods. He never invents anything involving sex. < 1674336289 628887 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :`? tanebventions: maths < 1674336291 539127 :HackEso!~h@techne.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :Mathematical tanebventions include D-modules, Chu spaces, the torus, Stephen Wolfram, Klein bottles, string diagrams, linear logic, the reals, Lambek's lemma, Curry's paradox, Stone spaces, algebraic geometry, locales, and histograms. < 1674336294 767294 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :`? tanebventions: foods < 1674336296 531144 :HackEso!~h@techne.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :Culinary tanebventions include automatic squirrel feeders, weetoflakes, mushrooms, nutella, and cognac. < 1674336665 520244 :chiselfuse!~chiselfus@user/chiselfuse QUIT :Ping timeout: 255 seconds < 1674336782 533930 :chiselfuse!~chiselfus@user/chiselfuse JOIN #esolangs chiselfuse :chiselfuse < 1674336827 325874 :Cale!~cale@2607:fea8:995f:b910:f535:7e00:458d:8e0c JOIN #esolangs Cale :realname < 1674337088 317023 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-167.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :histograms? is that new? < 1674337094 908077 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-167.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :and culinary? < 1674337223 155922 :Lord_of_Life_!~Lord@user/lord-of-life/x-2819915 JOIN #esolangs Lord_of_Life :Lord < 1674337224 437285 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-167.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :none of them are new < 1674337233 436101 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-167.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :apparently the last change was in 2019 < 1674337268 300888 :Lord_of_Life!~Lord@user/lord-of-life/x-2819915 QUIT :Ping timeout: 272 seconds < 1674337302 437075 :Lord_of_Life_!~Lord@user/lord-of-life/x-2819915 NICK :Lord_of_Life < 1674337731 502772 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :`? histograms < 1674337733 249220 :HackEso!~h@techne.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :Histograms are diagrams showing histamine levels. Taneb invented them. < 1674337798 321023 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :`? locale < 1674337800 38597 :HackEso!~h@techne.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :Locales are just frames, which are just complete Heyting algebras. Taneb accidentally invented them by asking about lattices. The one true locale in #esoteric is en_NZ.UTF-8. < 1674337821 941069 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :`slwd locale//s/#esoteric/#esolangs/ < 1674337824 903561 :HackEso!~h@techne.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :locale//Locales are just frames, which are just complete Heyting algebras. Taneb accidentally invented them by asking about lattices. The one true locale in #esolangs is en_NZ.UTF-8. < 1674338088 983436 :bgs!~bgs@212-85-160-171.dynamic.telemach.net QUIT :Remote host closed the connection < 1674338284 188263 :Cale!~cale@2607:fea8:995f:b910:f535:7e00:458d:8e0c QUIT :Ping timeout: 256 seconds < 1674338328 417002 :Cale!~cale@2607:fea8:995f:b910:f535:7e00:458d:8e0c JOIN #esolangs Cale :realname > 1674338906 201630 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Electra14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=106358&oldid=106357 5* 03PythonshellDebugwindow 5* (+96) 10/* FizzBuzz */ Categories < 1674339244 681642 :chiselfuse!~chiselfus@user/chiselfuse QUIT :Remote host closed the connection < 1674339283 527341 :chiselfuse!~chiselfus@user/chiselfuse JOIN #esolangs chiselfuse :chiselfuse < 1674339338 355077 :Cale!~cale@2607:fea8:995f:b910:f535:7e00:458d:8e0c QUIT :Ping timeout: 256 seconds < 1674340554 963373 :Cale!~cale@cpebc4dfb3052b3-cmbc4dfb3052b0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com JOIN #esolangs Cale :realname < 1674341169 802495 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl QUIT :Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz… < 1674341335 274280 :impomatic!~impomatic@host109-153-26-207.range109-153.btcentralplus.com QUIT :Quit: impomatic > 1674342671 168665 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Special:Log/newusers14]]4 create10 02 5* 03K.avi 5* 10New user account > 1674342947 359420 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Esolang:Introduce yourself14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=106359&oldid=106356 5* 03K.avi 5* (+334) 10/* Introductions */ < 1674344294 113240 :Thedarkb-Desktop!~Thedarkb@ QUIT :Read error: Connection reset by peer < 1674344313 189244 :Thedarkb-Desktop!~Thedarkb@ JOIN #esolangs Thedarkb :Ben < 1674344415 367476 :Thedarkb-Desktop!~Thedarkb@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection < 1674344436 198503 :Thedarkb-Desktop!~Thedarkb@ JOIN #esolangs Thedarkb :Ben < 1674344570 505191 :FireFly!~firefly@glowbum/gluehwuermchen/firefly PRIVMSG #esolangs :`` grep -r '#esoteric' wisdom < 1674344571 858754 :HackEso!~h@techne.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :grep: wisdom: No such file or directory < 1674344577 84669 :FireFly!~firefly@glowbum/gluehwuermchen/firefly PRIVMSG #esolangs :`ls < 1674344578 159232 :HackEso!~h@techne.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :​🌱 \ 3 \ a.o \ a.out \ asmbf-1.2.7 \ banana.txt \ bef2 \ bfi \ bin \ Burlesque \ canary \ carrot.txt \ compiled_brachylog.pl \ egel-master \ egel-scripts \ egel.zip \ eGtbSgN68aHU \ foo \ JoaoDir \ just \ karma \ le \ nonoodl \ olist.new \ output.b \ paste \ pd \ pd.c \ pikhqbow_tst \ program \ -.s \ spline \ spout \ stall \ test \ test.sh \ this.py \ tmp \ wisdomls.txt \ xaa < 1674344603 662061 :FireFly!~firefly@glowbum/gluehwuermchen/firefly PRIVMSG #esolangs :eh wherever it is < 1674344626 516765 :FireFly!~firefly@glowbum/gluehwuermchen/firefly PRIVMSG #esolangs :`` wc wisdomls.txt < 1674344627 611344 :HackEso!~h@techne.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :​ 1599 1880 14278 wisdomls.txt < 1674344675 20776 :FireFly!~firefly@glowbum/gluehwuermchen/firefly PRIVMSG #esolangs :`` cat $(which slwd) < 1674344676 70448 :HackEso!~h@techne.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :cd $HACKENV/wisdom; sled "$1" | sed '1s/^Rosebud!$/Roswbud!/' < 1674344696 702703 :FireFly!~firefly@glowbum/gluehwuermchen/firefly PRIVMSG #esolangs :`` grep -r 'esoteric' $HACKENV/wisdom < 1674344698 142691 :HackEso!~h@techne.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :​/hackenv/wisdom/euclid:Euclid is a short geeky game in which the goal is to do Euclidean compass and straightedge constructions in as few steps as possible. It runs in the browser, found at "http://www.euclidthegame.com/". It was popular among #esoteric regulars in 2016-07. \ /hackenv/wisdom/furryscript:FurryScript is the hairiest of all esoteric languages. \ /hackenv/wisdom/#esoteric-blah:#esoteric-blah blah blah. Blah blah, blah blah blah blah. Blah b < 1674344716 764682 :FireFly!~firefly@glowbum/gluehwuermchen/firefly PRIVMSG #esolangs :`? #esoteric-blah < 1674344718 454654 :HackEso!~h@techne.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :​#esoteric-blah blah blah. Blah blah, blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah! < 1674344724 353237 :FireFly!~firefly@glowbum/gluehwuermchen/firefly PRIVMSG #esolangs :checks out < 1674344774 399115 :FireFly!~firefly@glowbum/gluehwuermchen/firefly PRIVMSG #esolangs :for some reason I thought /hackenv was the home directory/default pwd of execution < 1674344783 883954 :int-e!~noone@int-e.eu PRIVMSG #esolangs :it used to be < 1674344788 101818 :FireFly!~firefly@glowbum/gluehwuermchen/firefly PRIVMSG #esolangs :aha < 1674344845 64192 :int-e!~noone@int-e.eu PRIVMSG #esolangs :but it meant that a lot of crap got committed to the repo all the time < 1674344853 4106 :FireFly!~firefly@glowbum/gluehwuermchen/firefly PRIVMSG #esolangs :`pwd < 1674344853 854665 :HackEso!~h@techne.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :​/hackenv/tmp < 1674344856 589313 :FireFly!~firefly@glowbum/gluehwuermchen/firefly PRIVMSG #esolangs :*nod* < 1674345218 362488 :impomatic!~impomatic@host109-153-26-207.range109-153.btcentralplus.com JOIN #esolangs impomatic :John Metcalf < 1674345351 916345 :impomatic!~impomatic@host109-153-26-207.range109-153.btcentralplus.com QUIT :Client Quit < 1674345374 330923 :impomatic!~impomatic@2a00:23c7:5fac:e001:78e7:e14a:e201:c7bd JOIN #esolangs impomatic :John Metcalf < 1674345498 701340 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-28-167.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :I was looking too, most of the hits are in wisdom/welcome* where the "#esoteric" is legit because it refers to the other #esoteric