> 1677544340 649507 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Tenshi C14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=107077&oldid=107070 5* 03Richard565 5* (+5921) 10 > 1677549469 846285 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Tenshi C14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=107078&oldid=107077 5* 03Richard565 5* (+325) 10Extened the history section. > 1677549639 891825 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Esolang:Introduce yourself14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=107079&oldid=107048 5* 03Plasma 5* (+228) 10Added myself > 1677549649 148348 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Over Objective Programming Language14]]4 N10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=107080 5* 03Plasma 5* (+1452) 10Added basic language info > 1677549761 607114 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Special:Log/move14]]4 move10 02 5* 03Plasma 5* 10moved [[02Over Objective Programming Language10]] to [[Over-Objective Programming Language (Opal)]]: Changed name > 1677549785 480678 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Special:Log/move14]]4 move10 02 5* 03Plasma 5* 10moved [[02Over Objective Programming Language10]] to [[The Over-Objective Programming Language (Opal)]]: Changed name (again; forgot "the" this time somehow!) < 1677550714 99225 :Lord_of_Life!~Lord@user/lord-of-life/x-2819915 QUIT :Read error: Connection reset by peer < 1677550977 936303 :Lord_of_Life!~Lord@user/lord-of-life/x-2819915 JOIN #esolangs Lord_of_Life :Lord < 1677553013 69465 :razetime!~Thunderbi@ JOIN #esolangs razetime :razetime < 1677558250 677091 :slavfox!~slavfox@ QUIT :Read error: Connection reset by peer < 1677558437 806212 :slavfox!~slavfox@ JOIN #esolangs slavfox :slavfox < 1677561009 585981 :slavfox!~slavfox@ QUIT :Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in < 1677561194 851956 :slavfox!~slavfox@ JOIN #esolangs slavfox :slavfox < 1677561796 60099 :razetime!~Thunderbi@ QUIT :Ping timeout: 246 seconds < 1677561925 778343 :razetime!~Thunderbi@ JOIN #esolangs razetime :razetime < 1677563814 761676 :razetime!~Thunderbi@ QUIT :Ping timeout: 255 seconds < 1677568884 38601 :razetime!~Thunderbi@ JOIN #esolangs razetime :razetime < 1677569489 532069 :xelxebar!~xelxebar@KD111239181227.au-net.ne.jp QUIT :Read error: Connection reset by peer < 1677569523 136305 :xelxebar!~xelxebar@om126166170159.28.openmobile.ne.jp JOIN #esolangs * :xelxebar < 1677571133 241922 :Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo QUIT :Read error: Connection reset by peer < 1677571288 27769 :razetime!~Thunderbi@ QUIT :Ping timeout: 246 seconds < 1677572051 846993 :razetime!~Thunderbi@ JOIN #esolangs razetime :razetime < 1677572081 813464 :xelxebar_!~xelxebar@KD111239153139.au-net.ne.jp JOIN #esolangs * :xelxebar < 1677572256 136650 :xelxebar!~xelxebar@om126166170159.28.openmobile.ne.jp QUIT :Ping timeout: 252 seconds < 1677572765 791368 :razetime!~Thunderbi@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection < 1677573291 768066 :craigo!~craigo@user/craigo QUIT :Ping timeout: 255 seconds < 1677573827 232276 :Taneb!~Taneb@2001:41c8:51:10d:aaaa:0:aaaa:0 PRIVMSG #esolangs :ACTION hello < 1677573885 736981 :FireFly!~firefly@glowbum/gluehwuermchen/firefly PRIVMSG #esolangs :g'day < 1677574272 899009 :int-e!~noone@int-e.eu PRIVMSG #esolangs :^8ball is it a good day? < 1677574272 988094 :fungot!~fungot@2a01:4b00:82bb:1341::a PRIVMSG #esolangs :No. < 1677574398 712711 :int-e!~noone@int-e.eu PRIVMSG #esolangs :wtf I thought Stardew Valley was a feel good peaceful game... there's combat? < 1677574406 600282 :int-e!~noone@int-e.eu PRIVMSG #esolangs :And monsters? > 1677578507 830993 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User talk:Rdococ14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=107085&oldid=82282 5* 03Rdococ 5* (-76) 10 < 1677579030 692459 :xelxebar_!~xelxebar@KD111239153139.au-net.ne.jp NICK :xelxebar < 1677579395 28495 :__monty__!~toonn@user/toonn JOIN #esolangs toonn :Unknown < 1677582004 876728 :fizzie!irc@selene.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :^8ball is it friday yet? < 1677582004 966592 :fungot!~fungot@2a01:4b00:82bb:1341::a PRIVMSG #esolangs :Yes. < 1677582031 237292 :fizzie!irc@selene.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :^8ball are you sure? < 1677582031 334405 :fungot!~fungot@2a01:4b00:82bb:1341::a PRIVMSG #esolangs :Yes. < 1677582035 895118 :fizzie!irc@selene.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :^8ball are you *really* sure? < 1677582036 12043 :fungot!~fungot@2a01:4b00:82bb:1341::a PRIVMSG #esolangs :No. < 1677582045 760028 :fizzie!irc@selene.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :Right. < 1677582068 133432 :int-e!~noone@int-e.eu PRIVMSG #esolangs :it would've worked without the empahsis too < 1677582094 813375 :int-e!~noone@int-e.eu PRIVMSG #esolangs :(but no, I didn't count... and I also didn't remember which parity is which) < 1677582125 648774 :int-e!~noone@int-e.eu PRIVMSG #esolangs :^8ball ? < 1677582125 712084 :fungot!~fungot@2a01:4b00:82bb:1341::a PRIVMSG #esolangs :Yes. < 1677582163 126533 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu JOIN #esolangs b_jonas :[https://web.libera.chat] wib_jonas < 1677582193 130677 :int-e!~noone@int-e.eu PRIVMSG #esolangs :^8ball is today tuesday? < 1677582193 233795 :fungot!~fungot@2a01:4b00:82bb:1341::a PRIVMSG #esolangs :Yes. < 1677582205 410990 :int-e!~noone@int-e.eu PRIVMSG #esolangs :(this time, I did count) < 1677582241 419955 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :be careful, I think some of the 8-ball services in these bots (HackEso, perlbot, lambdabot) is rigged, with a nonstandard set of answers that differs significantly from the original < 1677582254 873590 :int-e!~noone@int-e.eu PRIVMSG #esolangs :really < 1677582444 302632 :int-e!~noone@int-e.eu PRIVMSG #esolangs :Next you'll be telling us that there are different versions of the magic 8-ball with different answers. < 1677582562 752167 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :int-e: there are probably ones with slightly different answers, but that wasn't my problem. at one point one of them had a very different distribution of answers, with I think more than 20 different answers. I think that's fixed by now but I'm not sure. < 1677582922 891111 :fizzie!irc@selene.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :You removed the two definitely nonstandard ones from https://hack.esolangs.org/repo/file/tip/share/8ballreplies -- the rest I feel like came from a random web search result originally. < 1677582988 434651 :fizzie!irc@selene.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :That list has 10 "positive" replies, 5 "neutral" ones and 5 "negative" ones. < 1677583047 142574 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :ok, that was probably one of the nonstandard ones then < 1677583083 510524 :fizzie!irc@selene.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :There was some sort of a joke about "Outlook not so good" and the email client Outlook, but I don't remember how it went. < 1677584206 329817 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :it looks as if the 20 responses might not be standardized in an RFC or ISO/ANSI/ECMA standard. this is shocking. < 1677584297 615329 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :last time I found out that the ISO C standard doesn't completely define the Gregorian calendar. < 1677584314 603577 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :I don't understand how people live in such uncertainty about how their basic tools work < 1677586433 906064 :FireFly!~firefly@glowbum/gluehwuermchen/firefly PRIVMSG #esolangs :@8ball < 1677586434 89588 :lambdabot!~lambdabot@haskell/bot/lambdabot PRIVMSG #esolangs :Unknown command, try @list < 1677586549 297766 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :perlbot call 8ball Is today Tuesday? < 1677586549 613689 :perlbot!~perlbot@perlbot/bot/simcop2387/perlbot PRIVMSG #esolangs :wib_jonas: Cannot predict now < 1677586562 128852 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :`8ball Is today Tuesday? < 1677586563 645866 :HackEso!~h@techne.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :It is decidedly so. < 1677587135 534076 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu QUIT :Quit: Client closed < 1677594019 821784 :xelxebar!~xelxebar@KD111239153139.au-net.ne.jp QUIT :Ping timeout: 260 seconds < 1677595994 147197 :dyurko[m]!~dyurkohou@2001:470:69fc:105::3:16cd QUIT :Ping timeout: 252 seconds < 1677596021 941461 :Franciman!~Franciman@mx1.fracta.dev JOIN #esolangs Franciman :Franciman < 1677596968 806488 :fungot!~fungot@2a01:4b00:82bb:1341::a QUIT :Remote host closed the connection < 1677597294 641703 :fungot!~fungot@2a01:4b00:82bb:1341::a JOIN #esolangs fungot :fungot-0.1 < 1677599154 130264 :dyurko[m]!~dyurkohou@2001:470:69fc:105::3:16cd JOIN #esolangs * :@dyurko:houtworm.im < 1677599729 143484 :bgs!~bgs@212-85-160-171.dynamic.telemach.net JOIN #esolangs bgs :bgs < 1677599788 133901 :Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo JOIN #esolangs Sgeo :realname < 1677600368 810260 :xelxebar!~xelxebar@KD111239153139.au-net.ne.jp JOIN #esolangs * :xelxebar < 1677601864 131135 :laerling!~laerling@user/laerling JOIN #esolangs laerling :lærling < 1677602185 470281 :Franciman!~Franciman@mx1.fracta.dev QUIT :*.net *.split < 1677602185 814957 :^[!~user@user//x-8473491 QUIT :*.net *.split < 1677602185 851999 :hkgit03!~laerling@user/laerling QUIT :*.net *.split < 1677602185 970600 :JAA!~JAA@user/jaa QUIT :*.net *.split < 1677602186 199522 :sknebel!~quassel@v22016013254630973.happysrv.de QUIT :*.net *.split < 1677602254 480962 :Franciman!~Franciman@mx1.fracta.dev JOIN #esolangs Franciman :Franciman < 1677602254 481141 :^[!~user@user//x-8473491 JOIN #esolangs ^[ :user < 1677602254 481151 :JAA!~JAA@user/jaa JOIN #esolangs JAA :JustAnotherArchivist < 1677602254 484509 :sknebel!~quassel@v22016013254630973.happysrv.de JOIN #esolangs sknebel :sknebel < 1677602276 105105 :xelxebar!~xelxebar@KD111239153139.au-net.ne.jp QUIT :Quit: WeeChat 3.8 < 1677603634 137191 :craigo!~craigo@user/craigo JOIN #esolangs craigo :realname < 1677603743 868939 :craigo!~craigo@user/craigo QUIT :Client Quit > 1677605089 824875 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07WTFCode14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=107086&oldid=107074 5* 03Asicosilomu 5* (+0) 10/* ARRAY LENGTH */ < 1677607193 402968 :FireFly!~firefly@glowbum/gluehwuermchen/firefly PRIVMSG #esolangs :`8ball is 8ball the OG AI helper? < 1677607195 83005 :HackEso!~h@techne.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :My reply is no. < 1677607198 375380 :FireFly!~firefly@glowbum/gluehwuermchen/firefly PRIVMSG #esolangs :pity < 1677610319 756284 :craigo!~craigo@user/craigo JOIN #esolangs craigo :realname < 1677610353 590318 :xelxebar!~xelxebar@wilsonb.com JOIN #esolangs xelxebar :ZNC - https://znc.in < 1677611001 940282 :int-e!~noone@int-e.eu PRIVMSG #esolangs :FireFly: It could be a lie. < 1677611075 370455 :int-e!~noone@int-e.eu PRIVMSG #esolangs :The 8-ball predates Eliza by just 20 years (taking the year it was invented for a convenient round number) < 1677612927 894969 :b_jonas!~x@adsl-89-134-29-3.monradsl.monornet.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :`8-ball Were you invented just 20 years before Eliza? < 1677612929 367424 :HackEso!~h@techne.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :Yes. < 1677612981 146312 :int-e!~noone@int-e.eu PRIVMSG #esolangs :I mean, according to Wikipedia... the 8 ball was invented in 1946 and ELIZA was created in 1966. > 1677618655 237041 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Vandlen't14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=107087&oldid=107067 5* 03Vandlen't 5* (+82) 10Changed page source. > 1677618715 230517 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Vandlen't14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=107088&oldid=107087 5* 03Vandlen't 5* (+82) 10Changed page source. > 1677618830 971329 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Vandlen't14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=107089&oldid=107088 5* 03Vandlen't 5* (+82) 10Changed page source. > 1677618855 296159 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User talk:Vandlen't14]]4 N10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=107090 5* 03SpaceByte 5* (+106) 10Created page with "== Yes == test --~~~~" > 1677618904 108756 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User talk:Vandlen't14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=107091&oldid=107090 5* 03SpaceByte 5* (+125) 10 > 1677619004 522095 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Vandlen't14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=107092&oldid=107089 5* 03Vandlen't 5* (+82) 10Changed page source. > 1677619277 270421 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Vandlen't14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=107093&oldid=107092 5* 03Vandlen't 5* (+82) 10Changed page source. > 1677619299 831398 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User talk:Vandlen't14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=107094&oldid=107091 5* 03SpaceByte 5* (+125) 10 > 1677619378 419857 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Vandlen't14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=107095&oldid=107093 5* 03Vandlen't 5* (+82) 10Changed page source. > 1677619394 714445 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User talk:Vandlen't14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=107096&oldid=107094 5* 03SpaceByte 5* (+120) 10 > 1677619422 846577 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User talk:Vandlen't14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=107097&oldid=107096 5* 03SpaceByte 5* (+79) 10 > 1677619452 28439 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07PRINT14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=107098&oldid=106623 5* 03SpaceByte 5* (+55) 10 > 1677619772 882187 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Vandlen't14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=107099&oldid=107095 5* 03Vandlen't 5* (+82) 10Changed page source. > 1677619818 845815 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07PRINT14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=107100&oldid=107098 5* 03SpaceByte 5* (+0) 10 > 1677620401 78784 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Vandlen't14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=107101&oldid=107099 5* 03Vandlen't 5* (+82) 10Changed page source. > 1677620509 94635 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Vandlen't14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=107102&oldid=107101 5* 03Vandlen't 5* (+82) 10Changed page source. > 1677620519 796697 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07PRINT14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=107103&oldid=107100 5* 03SpaceByte 5* (+0) 10 > 1677620542 325565 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07PRINT14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=107104&oldid=107103 5* 03SpaceByte 5* (+43) 10 > 1677620556 525212 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07PRINT14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=107105&oldid=107104 5* 03SpaceByte 5* (-43) 10Undo revision 107104 by [[Special:Contributions/SpaceByte|SpaceByte]] ([[User talk:SpaceByte|talk]]) < 1677628700 755893 :craigo_!~craigo@180-150-37-12.b49625.bne.nbn.aussiebb.net JOIN #esolangs * :realname < 1677628704 635761 :__monty__!~toonn@user/toonn QUIT :Quit: leaving