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10:24:57 <andreou> wow, lots and lots of people
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18:02:10 * calamari_ is happy.. figured out how to do bitwise AND, OR, & XOR with only 6 memory cells
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20:31:06 <calamari_> pretty well.. implementing my and/or/xor
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23:43:33 <calamari_> oh, to answer your question.. I have logical AND and OR support in BFBASIC, but I figured out how to do bitwise AND OR and XOR in brainf***
23:44:12 <calamari_> well, that has never been difficult, but doing it without using a lot of memory was a chore
23:45:46 <calamari_> I finally decided on the lame approach.. figure out odd or even (basically get the rightmost bit), then divide by 2. Do this for the other number. Compare logic and/or/xor for 0 or 1 (easy). Add to answer. Repeat 8 times
23:46:37 <calamari_> So I am converting to binary, but not keeping the answer around so I only need a few temp cells
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