05:23:23 -!- kipple has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
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14:37:18 -!- pgimeno has joined.
14:38:11 <pgimeno> so it's not just a tale... this channel does actually exist
14:48:43 <pgimeno> cpressey: just curious, will the Cat's Eye pages content include a discussion on the several languages and paradigms, as the original did?
15:36:59 <pgimeno> damnit, I want to write a debugger for HQ9+ but the specs do not mention the initial value nor the limit value for the accumulator
15:38:17 <pgimeno> is it supposed to be run in a 32-bit binary computer?
15:44:10 <pgimeno> so many broken specs out there... how is one supposed to debug a HQ9+ program if he can't even know the current value of the accumulator?
15:47:22 <pgimeno> I don't know if it's customary to introduce oneself here, anyway I'm Pedro Gimeno from Spain and I'm a esoteric languages fan - my current project is a Malbolge program that copies input to output AND stops on EOF
15:48:08 <mtve> hello. and how do you define EOF?
15:48:41 <pgimeno> EOF as read from standard input comes in as the number 59048 in Malbolge
15:49:33 <pgimeno> so far nobody has succeeded in writing a Malbolge program that does a conditional jump in Malbolge, that's what I'm trying now
15:52:31 <pgimeno> I'm actually using many of Lou Scheffer's directions
15:55:26 <pgimeno> but there are so many caveats he doesn't mention
16:14:15 <pgimeno> I've so far written a Malbolge debugger in Python and a cat program in Malbolge which does not stop on EOF - if someone's interested I can post it on the web
16:14:52 <mtve> there was such program already afair, was it yours?
16:15:41 <mtve> ah, by Lou Scheffer indeed
16:15:58 <pgimeno> no, but Lou Scheffer's one cheats
16:16:58 <mtve> sure, post it somewhere. btw it seems the server with your homepage does not respond.
16:17:28 <pgimeno> hm, which one? I migrated it somewhere else not long ago
16:18:06 <mtve> www.formauri.es/personal/pgimeno/
16:18:40 <pgimeno> I suppose it will be back online soon
16:18:58 <mtve> no problem, there is a google cache.
16:21:13 <pgimeno> http://perso.wanadoo.es/p.gimeno/temp/mbd.py <-- Malbolge debugger
16:21:31 <pgimeno> http://perso.wanadoo.es/p.gimeno/temp/catnoeof.mb <-- CAT program which does not consider EOF
16:23:12 <mtve> i guess Lou's cat does not understand EOF as well?
16:23:28 <pgimeno> it does exactly the same as this, except for the >127 chars
16:28:45 <mtve> post it to esoteric maillist
16:29:42 <pgimeno> do you think it will be of interest there?
16:30:28 <pgimeno> btw, formauri.es is back online; it was probably on mainteinance or something
16:31:07 <mtve> the list was dead quite a long time, any letter could resurrect it :)
16:31:38 <pgimeno> I don't hold any esolang stuff in there so far; I was about to write a page dedicated to Malbolge as the result of working on this
16:31:59 <pgimeno> I'm afraid of mailinglists (too much time consumed)
16:33:21 <mtve> time? there were only two mails this year. irc consumes much more time.
16:36:33 <mtve> echo subscribe lang | mail listar@esoteric.sange.fi
16:46:55 <mtve> great, it works. also i've found a bug in my interpreter :)
16:47:56 <pgimeno> that's not surprising; the reference interpreter is already quite buggy
19:08:00 <pgimeno> does someone have the Rube and Rube II distributions?
19:09:54 <pgimeno> I could only recover the Rube 1.02 C source, examples and docs from the Wayback machine
19:25:10 <mtve> http://web.archive.org/web/20020601172059/www.catseye.mb.ca/esoteric/alpaca/redgreen/index.html ?
19:26:14 <mtve> http://www.jaapan.de/en/myprg.php?page=progs2
19:37:06 <pgimeno> oh, apparently RedGreen is included in the Alpaca distribution