00:33:29 <ihope> !bf ++++++++++++[>+++++++++>++++++++++<<-]>+++.--.------.>-.---.<-.----..>---.
00:43:43 <ihope> !bf +++++++++++++[>++++++++>++++++>++++++++>+++++++<<<<-]>>++.>>++++++.-----.<++++++.<++++.<.---.>>>.<.<.>-----.<<--.
00:45:05 <GregorR> So, somebody posted a bug in OBLISK. I was amazed. I went "OMG, somebody's used it enough to uncover a bug?!?!?!?!"
00:47:51 <GregorR> I didn't even care about the slightly rude tone of the bug report.
00:47:57 <GregorR> Because somebody cared enough to post.
00:49:52 <Keymaker> ha, didn't care about the slightly rude tone?! i see.. mr, i think you are not taking it serious enough!!!
00:51:17 <Keymaker> you shall reply with more rude tone and tell him/her to fix the bug by him/herself if it annoys him/her that much!
00:52:06 <GregorR> I fixed it and am now releasing a new version :P
00:52:44 <Keymaker> you should've let them know that *you* are in charge of the project and can do whatever you want to, and you don't need to care about their "bug reports"!
00:53:59 <ihope> !bf ++++++++[>++++<-]>+.
00:54:24 <GregorR> Yes, because not having any users rocks :P
00:54:39 <Keymaker> indeed, and that's the main point in my programs!
00:55:07 <GregorR> Please keep in mind that, while OBLISK is esoteric, it is not esoteric by design.
00:55:36 <Keymaker> hmm, that explains something :)
01:31:49 -!- Keymaker has left (?).
01:35:15 -!- calamari has joined.
01:56:33 <ihope> !bf +++++++++++++++[>+++++>++>++++++++>+++<<<<-]>--.>++.>----.------------.+.+++++.---.<.>++++++++.----.>+.
01:58:29 <calamari> did Gregor fix the hangman thing?
02:00:16 <ihope> (I'm trying to figure out how I got into the habit of using /leave instead of /part.)
02:00:36 <ihope> Well, I actually have to go... like, right now, so...
02:16:46 -!- GregorR-L has joined.
02:37:14 <ihope> I have exams tomorrow. Must sleep...
02:37:16 -!- ihope has quit ("What the heck is a Beerdigungnachricht?").
02:46:22 <calamari> it's hard to type with one hand, hehe
02:46:34 <GregorR-L> It's slightly disturbing that you're on IRC at the time, btw.
02:47:01 <calamari> he likes to sleep a lot right now
02:48:40 <GregorR-L> Make sure you also tell us when he writes his first piece of code.
02:48:46 <calamari> there, I put him down.. I think I got all the gas out hehe
02:49:07 <calamari> hahaha not yet, but he was looking over at the bookcase
02:49:18 <calamari> (of course he was looking everywhere else too)
02:59:16 <calamari> did you get to the bottom of that hangman duplicate command bug ?
02:59:42 <GregorR-L> Yeah, but when I tried to fix it, I ended up breaking something else, and I haven't gotten around to fixing the whole thing :P
02:59:58 <EgoBot> help ps kill i eof flush show ls bf_txtgen usertrig daemon undaemon
03:00:00 <EgoBot> 1l 2l adjust axo befunge bch bf{8,[16],32,64} glass glypho kipple lambda lazyk malbolge pbrain rail sadol sceql trigger udage01 unlambda
03:01:10 <calamari> would you be willing to add linguine? it doesn't have file ops
03:02:45 <GregorR-L> In a class that I don't pay enough attention in ^_^
03:04:43 <calamari> I barely passed my automata/grammars/turing machine class with a C
03:05:48 <calamari> which is kinda weird since I enjoy the topic (this channel and all)
03:20:40 <calamari> GregorR: is there a certain api for the daemon stuff?
03:21:11 <GregorR-L> When you start a !daemon, the trigger is registered so when you type !whatever, it sends that input to the program.
03:21:34 <GregorR-L> And it sends the input with a newline, btw.
03:22:14 <GregorR-L> And it may crash because the whole bloody thing is still buggy ^_^
03:22:50 <calamari> I'm sure you'll get it all fixed up
03:25:06 <GregorR-L> Incidentally, are you interested in writing a daemon? :)
03:25:41 <GregorR-L> Well, I'll add that soon enough *shrugs*
03:35:51 <GregorR-L> BTW, does BFBASIC support true subroutine calls or just GOTOs (and if it supports true subroutine calls, does it support recursion?)
03:39:09 <GregorR-L> (It seems to me like goto would be infinitely easier than return >_>)
03:39:16 <calamari> the last time raven and I were messing with it, I put in a new line numbering scheme. gosub really got hurt tho
03:39:47 <calamari> before, gosub was limited to the cell size
03:40:06 <calamari> now its not.. although I can't remember how I did it now hehe
03:40:38 <calamari> the goto code became a lot smaller/faster if I remember right
03:41:04 <calamari> before it had to step thru the entire program to find the right line number
03:41:34 <calamari> oh yeah, any chance of allowing params to be passed to the textgen?
03:41:48 <GregorR-L> I don't want to make infinite generations possible.
03:42:41 <calamari> btw did I ever put that thing under gpl?
03:42:55 <calamari> haha well there isn't a need for -i r -o
03:43:35 <GregorR-L> What'll happen if you do -i a -i b?
03:44:14 <GregorR-L> It'll just dump you to a bash shell ;)
03:45:25 <calamari> of course you're not running it root I hope
03:45:36 <GregorR-L> No, I'm not even running it as my normal user.
03:45:41 <GregorR-L> That would delete virtually nothing.
03:46:08 <GregorR-L> It may wipe out the Glass cache :(
03:49:13 -!- GregorR-L has quit.
04:00:16 -!- meat` has quit (Remote closed the connection).
04:08:36 <GregorR> I love how linguine.tar.gz has *~ files in it :P
04:10:58 <EgoBot> help ps kill i eof flush show ls bf_txtgen usertrig daemon undaemon
04:11:00 <EgoBot> 1l 2l adjust axo befunge bch bf{8,[16],32,64} glass glypho kipple lambda lazyk linguine malbolge pbrain rail sadol sceql trigger udage01 unlambda
04:11:06 <calamari> blah.. I thought I fixed those
04:11:35 -!- Sgeo has quit.
04:12:17 <GregorR> You may want to test it ;)
04:12:34 <EgoBot> ascii.lng, beer.lng, bfi.lng, bitwise.lng, cat.lng, collatz.lng, digroot.lng,
04:13:03 <calamari> ls only gives the first line? hehe
04:14:10 <EgoBot> python: can't open file './linguine/linguine.py': [Errno 13] Permission denied
04:14:22 <EgoBot> help ps kill i eof flush show ls bf_txtgen usertrig daemon undaemon
04:14:24 <EgoBot> 1l 2l adjust axo befunge bch bf{8,[16],32,64} glass glypho kipple lambda lazyk linguine malbolge pbrain rail sadol sceql trigger udage01 unlambda
04:14:38 <EgoBot> To use an interpreter: <interpreter> <program> Note: <program> can be the actual program, an http:// URL, or a file:// URL which refers to my pseudofilesystem.
04:14:50 <EgoBot> cp: cannot stat `./files/beer.lng': No such file or directory
04:14:53 <GregorR> 20:09:26 <GregorR> !ls linguine/
04:15:03 <calamari> !linguine file://linguine/beer.lng
04:15:06 <EgoBot> python: can't open file './linguine/linguine.py': [Errno 13] Permission denied
04:15:28 <GregorR> How dare you make a script 0711.
04:15:54 <calamari> !linguine file://linguine/beer.lng
04:15:56 <EgoBot> 99 bottles of beer on the wall,
04:16:11 <GregorR> Thought you may not want all that output ;)
04:16:19 <calamari> !linguine file://linguine/pi.lng
04:16:37 <GregorR> Something tells me that that one doesn't halt :P
04:16:44 <GregorR> Or probably ever print a \n
04:16:58 <EgoBot> 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097
04:17:00 <GregorR> !flush gets rid of output.
04:17:12 <GregorR> Hmm, actually, it doesn't get rid of it if it hasn't done \n.
04:17:17 <GregorR> So that works in a strange way :P
04:17:21 <GregorR> The !kill caused it to output though.
04:17:29 <GregorR> Ahh, UNIX, your ways confused me ^_^
04:17:43 <GregorR> If you wanted to show the buffer mid-execution, use !show.
04:18:02 <calamari> !linguine file://linguine/pi.lng
04:18:10 <EgoBot> 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899
04:18:44 <GregorR> OK, I'm going to test something that will almost certainly crash EgoBot.
04:19:05 <GregorR> !daemon hangman glass file://glass/hangman.glass
04:19:08 <EgoBot> Hangman started! Type /msg EgoBot '!hangman <lcase-word>' to start a game!
04:19:14 <EgoBot> ____ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:19:21 * calamari has this much memorized: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197
04:19:36 <EgoBot> t__t | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:19:38 <EgoBot> te_t | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:20:00 <GregorR> Yes, it will respond to anything that starts with a ! ;)
04:20:23 <GregorR> Time for a release I'd say.
04:20:29 <calamari> btw are daemons exempt from the single line thing?
04:20:48 <GregorR> Every line of input gives them permission for one line of output.
04:20:57 <GregorR> That's true of all programs, actually.
04:23:16 -!- fungebob has joined.
04:24:06 <calamari> !linguine file://linguine/digroot.lng
04:24:38 <EgoBot> Use: i <pid> <input> Function: send input to a process
04:24:46 <EgoBot> ___ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:26:08 <EgoBot> 1__ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:26:18 <EgoBot> 12_ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:26:46 <GregorR> Or wait, is it even still running?
04:26:56 <EgoBot> ______ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:27:12 <GregorR> Making it a daemon doesn't automagically make it always run.
04:27:24 <GregorR> You have to write a program to be a daemon.
04:27:26 <calamari> ahh right, needs to stay in a loop
04:27:32 <EgoBot> __e___ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:27:44 <EgoBot> __e___ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:27:50 <EgoBot> __e___ |-: '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:27:55 <EgoBot> __e_t_ |-: '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:28:06 <EgoBot> __ert_ |-: '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:28:14 <EgoBot> __ert_ |-:( '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:28:23 <EgoBot> __ert_ |-:(< '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:28:33 <GregorR> Heehee, I spelled esotric ;)
04:29:06 <EgoBot> __ert_ |-:(<- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:29:30 <EgoBot> __ert_ |-:(<-< '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:30:14 <calamari> http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=qwerty
04:30:55 <GregorR> Qwerty - adj - Unorganized or badly designed.
04:32:33 <EgoBot> _______ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:32:41 <EgoBot> ____ __ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:33:02 <EgoBot> ____ __ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:33:19 <EgoBot> ____ __ |-: '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:33:24 <EgoBot> ____ __ |-:( '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:33:30 <EgoBot> ____ u_ |-:( '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:33:40 <EgoBot> __i_ u_ |-:( '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:33:49 <EgoBot> s_i_ u_ |-:( '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:34:08 <EgoBot> s_it u_ |-:( '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:37:59 <GregorR> You know what's funny - every letter I guessed that I got right, was not where I expected it to be ;)
04:38:09 <GregorR> On "s" I was thyinking "us"
04:38:25 <calamari> I'm glad you didn't guess h ;)
04:38:26 <GregorR> Un "t" I was thinking "sti*" (for some reason)
04:38:33 <GregorR> On "p" I was thinking "up"
04:39:41 <EgoBot> _________ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:39:53 <EgoBot> ________e | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:39:56 <GregorR> Not sure why I chose this word :P
04:40:01 <EgoBot> ________e |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:40:08 <EgoBot> ______i_e |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:40:16 <EgoBot> ______i_e |-: '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:40:27 <EgoBot> _____si_e |-: '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:40:41 <EgoBot> _____si_e |-:( '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:40:51 <EgoBot> __t__si_e |-:( '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:41:21 <EgoBot> o_t__si_e |-:( '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:41:49 <EgoBot> o_t__si_e |-:(< '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:42:01 <EgoBot> o_t__si_e |-:(<- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:42:16 <EgoBot> o_t__si_e |-:(<-< '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:43:18 <EgoBot> o_tr_si_e |-:(<-< '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:45:15 <EgoBot> o_trusi_e |-:(<-< '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:45:23 <EgoBot> obtrusi_e |-:(<-< '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:47:04 <EgoBot> __________ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:47:09 <EgoBot> __________ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:47:26 <EgoBot> _____ ____ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:47:36 <EgoBot> _e___ ____ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:47:43 <EgoBot> _e__a ____ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:47:49 <EgoBot> _e__a _o__ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:48:03 <EgoBot> _es_a _o__ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:48:15 <EgoBot> _es_a _o__ |-: '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:48:19 <calamari> hope I didn't see this one and repeat :)
04:48:33 <EgoBot> _es_a _o__ |-:( '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:48:45 <EgoBot> tes_a _o__ |-:( '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:48:54 <EgoBot> tesla _o_l |-:( '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:48:56 <EgoBot> tesla co_l |-:( '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:49:22 <EgoBot> ____________________________ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:49:27 <EgoBot> ____ _______ _______________ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:50:00 <EgoBot> ____ _a_____ _______________ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:50:01 <EgoBot> ____ _a__e__ _e__e__e__e____ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:50:03 <EgoBot> ____ _a_ie__ _ei_e__e__e__i_ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:50:05 <EgoBot> _o_o _a_ie__ _ei_e__e__e__i_ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:50:30 <EgoBot> _o_o _a_ie__ _ei_e__e__e__i_ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:50:31 <EgoBot> _o_o sa_ie_s _ei_e__e__e_sis |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:51:08 -!- CXI has quit (Success).
04:51:47 <EgoBot> _o_o sa_ie_s _ei_e__e__e_sis |-: '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:51:49 <EgoBot> _o_o sa_ie_s _ei_e__e__e_sis |-:( '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:52:02 <EgoBot> _o_o sa_ie_s _ei_e__er_e_sis |-:( '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:52:13 <EgoBot> _o_o sa_ie_s _ei_e__er_e_sis |-:(< '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:52:25 <EgoBot> _o_o sa_iens _ei_e__er_ensis |-:(< '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:52:34 <EgoBot> _o_o sapiens _ei_e__er_ensis |-:(< '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:52:37 <EgoBot> ho_o sapiens hei_e__er_ensis |-:(< '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:52:41 <EgoBot> homo sapiens hei_e__er_ensis |-:(< '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:53:10 <GregorR> Iiiiiiiiiiiiiii'm so evil, so evil, so evil yes I am.
04:53:16 <calamari> because that means one of us does
04:53:27 <GregorR> Come on man, it's your HISTORY
04:53:48 <calamari> because I'm one of those religious nuts ;)
04:55:06 * GregorR gets down his gun labeled "for creationists"
04:55:16 * GregorR polishes his gun labeled "for creationists"
04:55:29 <EgoBot> homo sapiens hei_e__ergensis |-:(< '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:55:57 <EgoBot> homo sapiens hei_el_ergensis |-:(< '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:56:35 <EgoBot> homo sapiens hei_el_ergensis |-:(<- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:57:37 <EgoBot> homo sapiens hei_el_ergensis |-:(<-< '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:57:53 <EgoBot> Answer: homo sapiens heidelbergensis
04:59:10 <calamari> here's one you'll just love ;)
04:59:19 <EgoBot> __________________ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
04:59:25 <EgoBot> ___ ____ __ ______ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:06:56 <EgoBot> __e ____ __ ______ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:07:05 <EgoBot> __e ____ __ ______ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:07:10 <EgoBot> __e _oo_ o_ _o__o_ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:07:24 <EgoBot> t_e _oo_ o_ _o__o_ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:07:31 <EgoBot> the _oo_ o_ _o__o_ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:07:40 <EgoBot> the _oo_ o_ mo_mo_ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:07:51 <EgoBot> the _oo_ of mo_mo_ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:08:06 <EgoBot> the _oo_ of mo_mon |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:08:24 <EgoBot> the boo_ of mo_mon |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:08:27 <EgoBot> the book of mo_mon |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:08:28 <EgoBot> Answer: the book of mormon
05:08:56 <EgoBot> _______________________ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:09:00 <EgoBot> _ _____ _______ __ ____ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:09:26 <EgoBot> a _____ _______ __ ____ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:09:32 <EgoBot> a ___e_ _______ __ ___e | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:09:41 <EgoBot> a __ie_ _i_____ __ _i_e | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:10:34 <EgoBot> a __ie_ _i__o__ o_ _i_e | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:10:42 <EgoBot> a _rie_ _i__or_ o_ _i_e | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:10:58 <EgoBot> a _rief _i__or_ of _i_e | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:11:04 <EgoBot> a _rief _i_tor_ of ti_e | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:11:08 <EgoBot> a brief _i_tor_ of ti_e | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:11:10 <EgoBot> a brief hi_tor_ of ti_e | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:11:12 <EgoBot> a brief hi_tory of ti_e | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:11:14 <EgoBot> a brief history of ti_e | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:11:16 <EgoBot> Answer: a brief history of time
05:13:00 <calamari> which book did Carl Sagan write then, heh
05:13:08 <calamari> probably a whole bunch of them
05:13:35 <GregorR> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_sagan#Related_books_and_media
05:16:17 <calamari> I'm not sure if they are still going with white holes now tho
05:18:28 <calamari> bah.. my brain is like a queue, quite annoying sometimes
05:23:45 <calamari> I do remember drawing the solar system over and over
05:23:54 <calamari> and always a ring around Jupiter too
05:24:18 <calamari> once I found out it had one.. I think I've always been a nerd
05:24:57 <calamari> but anyhow, I'm not anti-science
05:28:37 <EgoBot> ___________ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:28:47 <EgoBot> ______ ____ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:29:42 <GregorR> BTW, I'm not here, I'm eating :P
05:44:54 <EgoBot> ____e_ ____ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:45:06 <EgoBot> ____e_ ____ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:45:14 <EgoBot> __a_e_ _a__ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:45:22 <EgoBot> __a_e_ _a__ |-: '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:45:30 <EgoBot> __a_er ra__ |-: '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:45:50 <EgoBot> __a_er ras_ |-: '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:46:46 <EgoBot> __a_er rash |-: '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:47:08 <EgoBot> __a_er rash |-:( '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:47:37 <EgoBot> __aper rash |-:( '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:47:44 <EgoBot> d_aper rash |-:( '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
05:53:57 <GregorR> svn: MKACTIVITY of '/svn/esofiles/!svn/act/e07784d8-c30a-0410-a64c-90bef6fce685': 400 Bad Request (http://esoteric.voxelperfect.net)
06:05:31 <GregorR> That's what happens when I try to svn commit the latest egobot.
06:13:42 <GregorR> I think I'll write (and IMPLEMENT) my own API like that.
06:14:14 * GregorR suddenly realizes that it may not be possible to output a null in Glass >_>
06:20:02 <GregorR> I'd like to make the concept of a filesystem be in an API, but filesystem drivers be in an esolang.
06:32:06 <calamari> can I input a program with more than one line ?
06:33:04 <EgoBot> To use an interpreter: <interpreter> <program> Note: <program> can be the actual program, an http:// URL, or a file:// URL which refers to my pseudofilesystem.
06:33:16 <GregorR> I can bold if necessary :P
06:33:54 <GregorR> You could send it to me and I could add it to the filesystem.
06:34:05 <GregorR> Or you could use a pastebin *shrugs*
06:42:07 <calamari> I'm messing around with a quick design of the daemon
06:50:18 <calamari> hmm, maybe this doesn't need to run as a daemon
06:50:35 <EgoBot> Use: usertrig <command> <trig-command> Function: manage user triggers. <command> may be add, del, list or show.
06:51:31 <EgoBot> Available URLs: egobot_source logs map wiki
06:51:47 <EgoBot> http://www.esolangs.org/wiki
06:52:29 <calamari> pretty cool, what language is that in.. c++?
06:52:46 <EgoBot> Available URLs: egobot_source logs map wiki
06:52:53 <GregorR> But usertriggers can only be implemented in esolangs.
06:53:26 <GregorR> Unlike a daemon, usertriggers call the command on-demand.
06:53:37 <GregorR> And the command is expected to terminate :P
06:55:34 * GregorR doesn't know what dc is >_>
06:56:39 <GregorR> Heck, if you want an RPN calculator, use Glass ;)
06:56:52 <GregorR> !glass {M[m(_o)O!(_a)A!<5><5>(_a)a.?(_o)(on).?]}
06:57:00 <GregorR> !glass {M[m(_o)O!(_a)A!<5><5>(_a)m.?(_o)(on).?]}
06:57:18 <GregorR> I taught a class on Glass on IRC a while ago.
06:57:21 <GregorR> Too bad you weren't there.
06:57:32 <GregorR> Could've learned the OMGBEST ESOLANG EVERROFLROFL
06:58:01 <GregorR> And the log is linked to on http://www.esolangs.org/wiki/Glass :P
07:10:02 -!- CXI has joined.
07:53:53 -!- fungebob has quit ("Chatzilla [Firefox 1.5/2005111116]").
07:59:59 -!- clog has quit (ended).
08:00:00 -!- clog has joined.
08:09:28 <calamari> cool, found a linguine parsing bug
08:09:52 <calamari> cool is an overloaded word for me :)
08:10:21 <calamari> one usage implies sarcasm hehe
08:16:58 <GregorR> I like treating Java like "just another programming language"
08:17:11 <GregorR> I wonder if ant can be convinced to build Java apps natively ...
08:20:05 <GregorR> Of course, I could just compile with Jikes, then collect all the class files into an executable as well.
08:26:30 <GregorR> Help, my hatred of Java is waning!
08:26:39 <GregorR> Though, it is still mostly like C++ for wimps.
08:48:52 -!- Keymaker has joined.
08:51:35 <Keymaker> calamari: just remember to teach brainfuck as primary programming language!
08:51:51 <GregorR> Children shouldn't be saying the F word.
08:53:19 <GregorR> And by "relearning" I mean "rekindling an old hatred"
08:53:42 <GregorR> Java, or "C++ for pansies," is a pretty obnoxious programming language.
08:53:45 <GregorR> I have to use it for Compilers >_<
08:54:30 <GregorR> However, with the aid of gcj, it's at least no worse than, say, Fortran :P
08:55:58 <Keymaker> except Fortran doesn't seem to be obnoxious ;)
08:56:18 <GregorR> My favorite command, java-wise: gcj `find . -name '*.class'` --main=<whatever> -nodefaultlibs -lgcc_s -lgcc -Wl,-Bstatic,-lgcj,-Bdynamic -lm -lpthread -lz -ldl -lgcc_s -lgcc -lc -lgcc_s -lgcc
08:56:31 <GregorR> Heheh, yea, Fortran is less obnoxious than Java ;)
08:59:09 <GregorR> Hahahah, I just realized how ginormous the binaries are when I do that XD
08:59:50 <GregorR> 12K with libgcj shared, 7.8M with libgcj static.
08:59:56 <GregorR> Lemme make a very similar C++ program for comparison.
09:00:22 <Keymaker> then why don't you use c++? or are you using it for some school stuff or what?
09:01:30 <GregorR> I have to use Java for school stuff, I'm experimenting with gcj for giggles.
09:02:13 <Keymaker> i see.. you seem to be thrilled with joy (giggles)
09:02:53 <Keymaker> funnily my english is getting worse instead of getting better..
09:04:16 <GregorR> OK, same app is 8K in C++ with dynamic libstdc++
09:04:54 <GregorR> 636K with static libstdc++
09:05:26 <Keymaker> hah, well it seems now obvious that you have to use java instead, to get insane file sizes
09:06:11 <GregorR> Well, time for sleep, I have to build evil^H^H^H^Huseful robots tomorrow.
09:06:34 <Keymaker> that sounds.. good.. i better stay away from this channel for the weekend ;)
09:06:44 <GregorR> No, not bots like IRC bots.
09:06:58 <Keymaker> then i better leave my home for the weekend
09:07:13 <Keymaker> i wish i could make robots like that..
09:24:23 <calamari> just need to fix a whitespace problem
09:25:23 -!- calamari has quit ("Leaving").
09:29:24 <Keymaker> oops, i was too late again.. bye :)
09:29:43 <Keymaker> i'll need to start going, too.. rrgh scoohl
09:29:51 -!- Keymaker has left (?).
10:38:35 -!- nooga has joined.
11:00:58 -!- nooga has quit ("Lost terminal").
11:12:30 -!- CXII has joined.
11:18:56 -!- CXI has quit (Connection timed out).
11:20:07 -!- CXII has quit ("If you're reading this, it's probably xchat's fault.").
11:20:52 -!- CXI has joined.
11:55:23 <EgoBot> _ | '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
11:55:35 <EgoBot> _ |- '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
11:55:42 <EgoBot> _ |-: '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
11:56:16 <EgoBot> _ |-:( '!hangman <lcase-guess>' to guess a letter!
13:41:53 -!- meat` has joined.
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18:18:19 -!- nooga has joined.
18:19:32 <nooga> what is the code of e? :p
18:22:32 <SimonRC> nooga: 'e'==0x65==101==0145==0110,0101
18:27:48 <GregorR> My ridiculous new rollable piano is quite playable 8-D
18:30:23 <nooga> i'm building a language for solving dynamic problems with 3 mathematicians :>
18:34:28 <GregorR> There is a Mathemetician called Fibonacci.
18:34:34 <GregorR> Fibonacci's first operand is 1.
18:34:39 <GregorR> Fibonacci's second operand is 2.
18:35:22 <nooga> im building itwith those guys
18:42:01 <Keymaker> it's like some thin piano you can wrap?
18:49:02 <Keymaker> didn't know about your musical talents :)
18:50:08 <nooga> i can play a guitar
18:50:21 <nooga> now trying some solos by pink floyd
18:50:33 <nooga> and ive got a prog rock band
18:50:49 <GregorR> The program counts as -5 musical talent.
18:50:53 <GregorR> And the guitar counts as 0.
18:51:13 <GregorR> I'll check if my music major buddy agrees :P
18:51:58 <GregorR> Sorry, being a jackass ^_^
18:53:49 <nooga> my dad looks just like Chuck Norris
18:56:20 * nooga has watched pimp my ride on mtv for 3 hours
19:21:37 -!- calamari has joined.
19:23:06 <Keymaker> sigh.. i wish i could do stuff with things like LCD-displays
19:23:14 <Keymaker> i'd like to have that kind of stuff toggled to my computer
19:24:03 <Keymaker> i just have zero skills with that kind of electronic work
19:24:16 <Keymaker> if i could get someone to make the device then i could program it..
19:25:11 <GregorR> See, that's why the robotics club is great.
19:25:16 <GregorR> I have 0 hardware skills ...
19:25:22 <GregorR> The EE guys have 0 software skills ...
19:27:09 <nooga> my hardware skillsare none
19:28:04 <nooga> Keymaker: i know one guy who has built a computer for his car
19:28:22 <nooga> with own RISC processor programmed in VHDL
19:35:36 <Keymaker> anyone know how i could switch the led lights in C?
19:35:44 <Keymaker> aren't the value stored somewhere in computer memory?
19:36:16 <Keymaker> the ones telling if caps is on etc..
19:37:50 <SimonRC> http://www.cs.pdx.edu/~harry/Relay/index.html
19:41:15 <Keymaker> i wish i could do that kind of stuff
19:43:26 <nooga> hehe ppl made such things in 40's
19:47:41 <nooga> http://www.cs.pdx.edu/~harry/Relay/index-Pages/Image5.html
19:47:52 <nooga> he's got it in his bedroom
19:48:18 <Keymaker> it's the coolest piece of computer hard ware i've ever seen
19:50:29 <nooga> it must be funny sound when it works
19:50:38 <nooga> click click click click
20:00:41 <nooga> sniff i smell f00d... g2g
20:00:47 -!- nooga has quit (";p").
20:11:17 -!- Sgeo has joined.
20:12:10 <SimonRC> he cheats though, by using IC RAM.
20:13:02 <Keymaker> simonrc; happen to know how to switch keyboard leds in c?
20:13:22 <Keymaker> like toggle some of them off or on?
20:13:29 * SimonRC attempts vainly to recall his QBasic days.
20:14:11 <SimonRC> You poke into byte 0x64 IIRC
20:14:31 <Keymaker> how do i do that? i really suck at c :o
20:14:36 <SimonRC> bit 4 should be Caps lock.
20:16:43 <calamari> trying to do lights? one sec I have some x86 asm for that
20:17:10 <calamari> I wrote a boot sector that flashes the keyboard lights.. was curious how dead the system was
20:19:42 <calamari> http://rafb.net/paste/results/rrERpg53.html
20:20:28 <Keymaker> hmm, perhaps i should try NASM just for fun
20:23:45 <Keymaker> so, the values are inside a byte?
20:24:22 <calamari> yeah.. cns in my diagram means = caps lock, numlock, scrolllock
20:25:18 <Keymaker> hey, does this program work from a floppy or something?
20:25:48 <calamari> --------K-M00400017--------------------------
20:25:49 <calamari> MEM 0040h:0017h - KEYBOARD - STATUS FLAGS 1
20:25:49 <calamari> SeeAlso: MEM 0040h:0018h,INT 16/AH=02h,MEM 0040h:0096h
20:25:49 <calamari> Bitfields for keyboard status flags 1:
20:25:49 <calamari> Bit(s) Description (Table M0010)
20:26:22 <calamari> I wanted to test a system where the video wasn't working
20:29:23 <Keymaker> too bad i'm not very good at good ol' assembler.. how do i get the byte from that 0417?
20:30:07 <Keymaker> windows, but it wouldn't matter if it worked in linux too
20:30:48 <calamari> what language do you want to use, c or asm?
20:31:25 <calamari> first you need a pointer to that memory location
20:31:27 <Keymaker> since i'm not that familiar with this assembler (well, not familiar with c either)
20:31:40 <Keymaker> how do i do that? (as said, i suck at c)
20:32:01 <calamari> I'm trying to remember, but I bet you Gregor could tell you right off the top of his head :)
20:32:22 <calamari> I remember it involved some funky casting
20:33:23 <calamari> well lets see, it's a far pointer
20:35:01 <calamari> that's just the name I gave for the pointer
20:35:25 <Keymaker> i guess i'll just rename it to 'a'. :)
20:35:55 <calamari> so you can do *kybd = the_new_values;
20:36:21 <Keymaker> if i change some led value there, does caps lock turn or off?
20:36:29 <Keymaker> or does it just switch the light?
20:36:57 <calamari> iirc a set (1) bit means its on, clear (0) off
20:37:15 <calamari> so use the c bit functions to do what you need
20:37:51 <Keymaker> ok.. and do i store the value to a byte or integer?
20:38:20 <calamari> I thought they were unsinged char's
20:38:58 <calamari> in any case, unsigned char value; should work
20:38:58 <SimonRC> use your compiler's "__int_8" type or equivalent in case char_bits|=8
20:39:11 <calamari> because iirc char is defined to be 1 byte
20:39:43 <SimonRC> calamari: but the size of a byte is not always 8 bits according to the standard
20:40:00 <SimonRC> calamari: not within that document
20:40:54 <calamari> aha, the c faq I had read was wrong.. http://c-faq.com/book/Errata.html
20:41:02 <Keymaker> well, doesn't matter in this case
20:41:13 <Keymaker> i can't use that __int_8 stuff anyways
20:41:50 <Keymaker> hmm, so would this work in linux as well?
20:41:54 <SimonRC> also, don;t believe Herbert Schillt
20:42:03 <Keymaker> does that has the stuff in the same address?
20:42:39 <calamari> well, Linux may stop me from accessing the byte
20:43:09 <Keymaker> i think i'll make a small esolang based on this
20:43:16 <Keymaker> using those values as memory etc.. :)
20:45:00 <calamari> doesn't look like gcc understands far
20:45:13 <calamari> I'll see if I can get a translation
20:51:59 <calamari> not yet, but I think I'm closer
20:52:08 <calamari> void * kybd = (void *) (0x417);
20:54:28 <calamari> try this and tell me what happens: http://rafb.net/paste/results/gvPZi937.html
20:54:52 <calamari> on Linux I get a Segmentation fault, which sounds promising
20:55:39 <Keymaker> the compiler compiled it ok, but the program crashed
20:55:52 <Keymaker> i mean when i ran it, it crashed
20:56:34 <Keymaker> hm, i guess there gotta be some way..
20:56:58 <calamari> I wonder what the assembler listing looks like for that code, one sec
20:58:19 <Keymaker> i couldn't remember the name and searched google for c compiler and there the name "cygwin" looked familiar.. but it wasn't that, it's mingw
21:02:22 <calamari> I guess it's compiler specific
21:02:34 <calamari> let me see if I can find something for mingw
21:05:05 <calamari> then see this page: http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/v2faq/faq17_7.html
21:05:18 <calamari> the line you want is #include <sys/nearptr.h>
21:05:32 <calamari> if that works in mingw you're set too
21:05:43 <Keymaker> hmhm, i'm not good with this compiler stuff.. perhaps i should try assember instead
21:05:54 <Keymaker> and i wouldn't like to get a new compiler :)
21:06:09 <calamari> oh wait.. might have something better
21:06:12 <Keymaker> hey, wasn't there some way in c to execute assembler?
21:06:39 <calamari> yeah, but that is extremely compiler dependent
21:07:10 <Keymaker> ok, so what were you about to say about something better? :)
21:07:23 <calamari> this is what you really want: http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/v2faq/faq18_4.html
21:08:46 <Keymaker> ah, seems nasm page won't load "Query failed: delete from wakka_referrers where time < date_sub(now(), interval '1' day) (Can't connect to MySQL server on 'mysql.sourceforge.net' (111))"
21:09:51 <calamari> http://nasm.sourceforge.net/doc/html/nasmdoc0.html
21:10:16 <Keymaker> or are there something other assembler i should use?
21:10:39 <calamari> it's free, it's cross platform, it works good
21:11:20 <Keymaker> grrh i can't navigate sourceforge anymore!
21:11:48 <calamari> dunno what was wrong with the old interface
21:12:09 <Keymaker> anyways, what should i download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6208 ??
21:13:45 <Keymaker> could sf be any more complicated? it takes about five different pages to get the download!
21:14:30 <calamari> !linguine http://rafb.net/paste/results/AY7t0u64.txt
21:15:03 <EgoBot> help ps kill i eof flush show ls bf_txtgen usertrig daemon undaemon
21:15:05 <EgoBot> 1l 2l adjust axo befunge bch bf{8,[16],32,64} glass glypho kipple lambda lazyk linguine malbolge pbrain rail sadol sceql trigger udage01 unlambda
21:16:17 <calamari> its the unix dc rpn calculator
21:16:35 <calamari> well, my linguine implementation of it
21:16:45 <EgoBot> Use: usertrig <command> <trig-command> Function: manage user triggers. <command> may be add, del, list or show.
21:17:34 <EgoBot> (urls): glass {M[m(_u)(URLs)!(_i)I!(_i)l.?(_u)u.?]}
21:18:24 <calamari> !usertrig add dc linguine http://rafb.net/paste/results/AY7t0u64.txt
21:19:20 <calamari> seems that I need to ignore char 255
21:20:18 -!- ihope has joined.
21:21:00 <Keymaker> calamari: do i need to do anything special or can i just write the commands?
21:21:10 <Keymaker> like, can i just start with "mov" or something?
21:21:15 <ihope> The core of my Unlambda interpreter seems to, like, work.
21:22:53 <ihope> There's no c combinator, but still...
21:23:10 <ihope> So I get to rewrite it *with* the c combinator!
21:23:31 <calamari> Keymaker: probably better not to just start with mov
21:23:47 <ihope> And I can probably use actual continuation passing style...
21:23:51 <calamari> Keymaker: one min, I have another source that can show you I think
21:24:19 <calamari> !usertrig add dc linguine http://rafb.net/paste/results/3Fvrge91.txt
21:26:40 <calamari> !usertrig add dc linguine http://rafb.net/paste/results/d0CQHD93.txt
21:28:49 <ihope> Maybe RTFM actually stands for Rich Text ForMat.
21:29:12 <Keymaker> or "read the friendly manual" :)
21:29:42 <ihope> Read the [second half of the name of an esoteric programming lanugage]ing manual...
21:30:49 <Keymaker> wha? i thought second means entirely same than first!
21:45:59 <ihope> http://picard.ytmnd.com/
21:49:42 <calamari> Keymaker: http://rafb.net/paste/results/9DEDZk37.html
21:50:01 <calamari> Keymaker: that's a normal ms-dos program.. although incomplete
21:51:15 <Keymaker> does it matter how many spaces i use after instructions?
21:51:36 <calamari> and it doesn't need to be uppercase either
21:54:03 <ihope> "The rules are etched in jello..."
21:54:09 <Keymaker> i'm still a bit confused how can i get that value to al or ah, though..
21:54:47 <ihope> Apparently there's lots of that stuff scattered around the webtarnet,
22:07:03 <calamari> so you'll want something like MOV AX,0040h MOV DS,AX
22:07:48 <calamari> 8088 uses a segmented memory model
22:08:25 <Keymaker> ah, so first i make ds 0040h with that " MOV AX,0040h MOV DS,AX" and then use the another code
22:08:30 <calamari> to translate that to a regular address, you can think of it like seg*16+offset
22:08:55 <calamari> that's why 0040:0017 and 0000:0417 are the same
22:09:15 <calamari> btw each MOV needs to be on its own line
22:09:55 <calamari> then after changing AL, to set the keyboard lights use MOV [0017h], AL
22:10:48 <calamari> if it doesn't work, you might try assembling my lights floppy and testing it
22:11:08 <calamari> oh yeah.. to exit the program use INT 20h
22:11:32 <Keymaker> where was the int value stored?
22:11:41 <calamari> otheriwse it will keep running random instructions and crash :)
22:12:36 <Keymaker> didn't notice until now that that 20h was the value for the int
22:14:09 <calamari> you can also use RET, because MS-DOS sets it up to return to an INT 20h instruction
22:14:36 <calamari> but if you are in a CALLed subroutine, that will of course not exit the program but just the sub
22:15:53 <Keymaker> by the way, when there is those "7 INSert active 6 Caps Lock active 5 Num Lock active" you posted, are those left or right bits of the byte?
22:16:19 <calamari> 7 is the high order bit (left), 0 the low order (right)
22:16:28 <Keymaker> like if 1 is 00000001, would 7th bit be 1 or 0?
22:20:18 <Keymaker> is there any instruction for changing one bit?
22:22:02 <calamari> you have AND OR and XOR instructions
22:23:03 <calamari> for example OR AL,80h to set bit 7
22:23:59 <calamari> !usertrig add dc linguine http://rafb.net/paste/results/cai6si70.txt
22:24:07 <EgoBot> 'A' (65) unimplemented, commands: pnPf+-*/cdrqZXz#
22:26:41 <calamari> !dc 72P101P108dPP111P44P32P87P111P114P108P100P33P
22:29:36 <Keymaker> well, can't get this working :\
22:30:37 <calamari> <calamari> 4 Scroll Lock active
22:30:37 <calamari> <calamari> 3 either Alt pressed
22:30:39 <calamari> <calamari> 2 either Ctrl pressed
22:30:41 <calamari> <calamari> 1 Left Shift pressed
22:30:44 <calamari> <calamari> 0 Right Shift pressed
22:30:50 <calamari> so you just set Insert.. not what you probably wanted
22:33:10 <Keymaker> perhaps this stupid keyboard is wrong
22:34:17 <Keymaker> yes, but i'd like to get it working in windows..
22:34:41 <calamari> yeah, I'm just curious if my code is 100% right.. could be that it worked only on my system and I didn't know it
22:35:13 <calamari> you did have your caps lock off when you ran that, right ?
22:37:20 <calamari> doesn't work in qemu but that doesn't mean much
22:37:29 <calamari> you can compile lights and run it from dos tho
22:37:41 <calamari> http://rafb.net/paste/results/rrERpg53.txt
22:38:40 <Keymaker> ok, i'll do that.. it doesn't do any damage, i hope? :D
22:39:25 <Keymaker> sigh.. so it's my keyboard probably
22:39:36 <Keymaker> the program works well, beeping and printing numbers
22:39:48 <Keymaker> but the keyboard stays still..
22:40:03 <Keymaker> btw, is there any way to stop the program? :D
22:40:32 * Keymaker throws the keyboard through window.
22:40:47 * Keymaker eats GregorR's collection of hats.. once again.
22:40:54 <calamari> and it might just be me missing something
22:41:21 <Keymaker> it's annoying that i can't find info about this from the web
22:42:38 <calamari> found this: http://www.faqs.org/faqs/msdos-programmer-faq/part2/section-18.html
22:42:38 <ihope> Eek, autolobotomy.
22:42:58 <calamari> which seems to say we are right
22:44:13 <calamari> add these two lines before the INT 20h... MOV AH,02h INT 16h
22:45:47 <calamari> yeah doesn't help in qemu either
22:47:33 <ihope> "vOvovuvivuvOvokuvivuvObuvivuvOSuvivuvOduvivuvOsuvivuvOguvivuvOpuvivuvOTuvivuvOtuvivuvOvuvivuvO" is a long word, you know.
22:48:00 <calamari> maybe we can simulate a capslock key press
22:49:05 <calamari> hmm wait.. it did work in qemu
22:49:26 <calamari> after I ran your program everything I type is uppercase
22:49:59 <calamari> didn't need the MOV AH,2 INT 16h part
22:58:41 <ihope> "If you want to say 'Jorge's car', do you say 'Jorge de coche'?" Grr.
23:00:51 <calamari> if this is spanish, it'd be coche de Jorge
23:02:01 <ihope> El coche de Jorge...
23:04:05 <calamari> Keymaker: might have something.. trying to test it
23:05:10 -!- jix has quit ("Bitte waehlen Sie eine Beerdigungnachricht").
23:08:18 <calamari> try it anyways, maybe its just qemu
23:08:57 <calamari> here is the program (add the header stuff of course) MOV AH,05h MOV CX,3A00h INT 16h INT 20h
23:13:45 <calamari> found another method.. testing it
23:34:47 <ihope> (What are we frowning about?)
23:35:53 <Keymaker> and calamari tried some new technique but it didn't seem to work
23:36:05 <ihope> I can't get lead to blink...
23:36:10 <calamari> i've tried 3 different ways to turn on that capslock.. none seem to work
23:38:37 <calamari> MOV AL,0EDh OUT 60h,AL MOV AL,02H OUT 60h,AL INT 20h
23:52:19 <ihope> What's the contraction of *I* am?