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04:59:33 <Arrogant> It's not the east or the west side. No it's not. It's not the north or the south side. No it's not. It's the dark side. You are correct.
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06:04:47 <wildhalcyon> a lot of members here are from other continents
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06:17:29 <wildhalcyon> actually, judging by the map, we're pretty evenly spread out
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16:27:34 <SimonRC> lololol: http://gorillamask.net/rcterror.shtml
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21:44:50 <ihope> I wish there were an online thing to perform abstraction elimination automatically.
21:45:03 <ihope> The expression I want to perform it on: \zjspchdelorw.``z`jh``z`je``z`jl``z`jl``z`jo``z`jc``z`js``z`jw``z`jo``z`jr``z`jl``z`jd`jp
21:45:38 <ihope> Then again, maybe it's a bit easier than I thought...
21:54:20 <ihope> Okay. Step one changes that to \zjapchdelor.``s`k`z`jh``s`k`z`je``s`k`z`jl``s`k`z`jl``s`k`z`jo``s`k`z`jc``s`k`z`ja``s``s`kzj`k``z`jo``z`jr``z`jl``z`jd`jp
21:54:25 <ihope> Getting shorter, no?
22:03:56 <ihope> Abstraction elimination.
22:05:11 <ihope> PHB: a description of the externally observable forwarding treatment applied at a differentiated services-compliant node to a behavior aggregate. Duh.
22:11:25 <fizzie> Ah, Per-Hop Behaviour. TLAs are sometimes less informative.
22:12:54 <fizzie> Telecommunications people seem to be absurdly fond of them; TUP, DUP, BISUP, ISUP, OMAP, TCAP, SCCP, MTP-[123], PDH, SDH and ATM were all mentioned on a single lecture slide.
22:42:59 <ihope> Sheesh. Where are all these rats coming from?
22:44:07 <fizzie> Perhaps there's a ship sinking nearby?
22:45:10 <fizzie> Rats always leave a sinking ship.
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23:08:32 <ihope> Okay, this method of scrolling makes no sense.
23:12:31 <ihope> ...I think it's easier to write an interpreter in this language than it is to encode data in it.
23:12:52 <ihope> This particular program consists almost entirely of data.
23:12:58 <lindi-> ihope: which language this time? ;)
23:13:31 <ihope> Oh, I'll name it after the shortest valid program that can be written in it.
23:13:42 * ihope enumerates through all the possible programs
23:14:32 <ihope> The first syntactically correct program is (), but I doubt it's valid.
23:15:40 <ihope> Nope, it's not. Next is (()).
23:18:08 <ihope> Eh, I'll just write the interpreter.
23:22:10 <lindi-> ihope: where's the specification?
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