00:04:17 <EgoBot> help ps kill i eof flush show ls bf_txtgen usertrig daemon undaemon
00:04:19 <EgoBot> 1l 2l adjust axo bch bf{8,[16],32,64} funge93 fyb fybs glass glypho kipple lambda lazyk linguine malbolge pbrain qbf rail rhotor sadol sceql trigger udage01 unlambda whirl
00:05:05 <ihope_> You have more of this than that!
00:05:25 <Asztal> !malbolge KzH2K!NKaszoj
00:05:27 <EgoBot> invalid character in source file
00:10:12 <Asztal> I think the malbolge program is waiting for input
00:10:25 <EgoBot> 1 EgoBot: daemon cat reload
00:10:27 <EgoBot> 2 EgoBot: daemon EgoBot reload
00:10:39 <EgoBot> Use: i <pid> <input> Function: send input to a process
00:11:33 <EgoBot> 1 EgoBot: daemon cat reload
00:11:34 <Asztal> it should be gone, anyway.
00:11:35 <EgoBot> 2 EgoBot: daemon EgoBot reload
00:12:09 <ihope_> So what's DCBAqponmlG do?
00:12:27 <Asztal> I found it on my hard disk
00:12:39 <Asztal> I probably should have run it *before* I asked EgoBot
00:13:42 <pikhq> !malbolge /dev/urandom
00:13:45 <EgoBot> invalid character in source file
00:14:27 <EgoBot> invalid character in source file
00:17:35 -!- Razor-X` has changed nick to Razor-X.
00:17:56 <pikhq> !malbolge (=<`$9]7<5YXz7wT.3,+O/o'K%$H"'~D|#z@b=`{^Lx8%$Xmrkpohm-kNi;gsedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:9876543s+O<oLm
00:18:15 <ihope_> That's just ASCII backwards!
00:18:28 <pikhq> It's the first Malbolge program.
00:18:49 <ihope_> You sure that one wasn't written first?
00:19:23 <pikhq> Only if you count {} as a C program, a Tcl program, etc.
00:25:46 <ihope_> main = getContents >>= putStr
00:25:58 <ihope_> Those all do nothing, but in different ways.
00:26:36 <pikhq> int main() {if(0==1) {printf("Hah! 0=1!");}}
00:26:42 <Asztal> Hmm, It's hard to fit much of a befunge program into 50x50 pixels :(
00:27:02 <pikhq> Asztal: Modern Befunge allows ooxoo pixels.
00:27:19 <Asztal> http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/images/avatars/61634.png is what I currently have
00:27:45 <Asztal> but it would be awesome if my avatar could factorise numbers or something
00:27:56 <Asztal> I guess I could make one that factorises primes...
00:28:38 <pikhq> http://esolangs.org/wiki/Braincopter
00:29:28 <Asztal> Lode visits the forums in question, if he saw it and ran it, that would be even better
00:29:41 <ihope_> pikhq: I meant they all do different kinds of nothing.
00:30:06 <ihope_> The first one exits immediately, the second one infinite loops without doing anything, and the third one just outputs its input.
00:30:14 <pikhq> ihope_: I know, I know. . .
00:30:50 <lament> YOU do different kinds of nothing.
00:30:52 <pikhq> if(0==1), assuming a good compiled, is turned into a NOP.
00:30:58 <pikhq> lament: Indeed, I do.
00:30:59 <ihope_> main = if unsafePerformIO main then False else True
00:31:30 <lament> what's unsadePerformIO?
00:31:52 <ihope_> unsafePerformIO :: IO a -> a
00:32:29 <lament> so that thing just infiniteloops and smashes the stack?
00:32:38 <ihope_> Something like that, yeah.
00:33:16 <ihope_> main = if unsafeCoerce# main then unsafeCoerce# 3 else unsafeCoerce# "whee"
00:33:28 <ihope_> That's not quite as boring, I'm sure.
00:44:35 <pikhq> Anyone know of a Brainfuck itoa implementation?
00:46:30 <ihope_> For outputting numbers?
00:47:02 <pikhq> Memory efficiency would be ideal.
00:51:28 <ihope_> So is Bitwise Cyclic Tag the simplest programming language or something?
00:51:38 <ihope_> It has three commands that do simple things.
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01:05:03 * pikhq just writes his own damned itoa
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02:16:08 -!- ihope has quit ("http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/esoteric/06.08.09").
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13:57:50 <fr34k> everyone's asleep?
13:58:11 <jix> Razor-X: you here?
13:58:14 <fr34k> hey pikhq, i got a new language
13:59:25 <fr34k> so like i wrote it all down in a word-document..
13:59:50 <jix> fr34k: show show show!
14:00:02 * pikhq prepares to flog someone
14:00:56 <fr34k> ok, but like it's a word2k7 document..and its best viewed in that format..*.doc then, if i pastebin it, it could be messy, but why not
14:01:15 <fr34k> im uploading it to pastebin
14:01:30 <fr34k> oh yeh, btw pikhq, im aka boblol
14:01:56 <pikhq> Please, for the love of all that is holy, use a real office suite. . .
14:02:21 <pikhq> Microsoft Office refuses to support any sort of standards.
14:02:39 <pikhq> Standards which would allow me, a free software user, to view your documents.
14:02:41 <jix> fr34k: save it as rtf... more programs are able to open that
14:02:55 <fr34k> yeh, but i was thinking of uploading it to pastebin
14:03:13 <pikhq> OpenOffice.org is my personal recommendation.
14:03:26 <fr34k> as i said: im uploading it to pastebin
14:03:54 <pikhq> http://openoffice.org/ Give it a try. . .
14:04:29 <fr34k> i've tried openoffice..never really liked it..but that was some time ago..but can i first of all upload it to pb?
14:05:06 <lindi-> pikhq: do you know how can i print a file with openoffice from a cronjob?
14:06:12 <pikhq> lindi-: Not familiar with OpenOffice's command line options; sorry. Shouldn't be that hard to do, I'm just not sure how.
14:07:04 <fr34k> ok, here it is: http://pastebin.ca/177416
14:07:15 <lindi-> pikhq: it doesn't really do command line options
14:07:23 <fr34k> im not so good at english, so if you have any questions, go ahead
14:08:09 <lindi-> pikhq: i would also like to know how can i print a file with mozilla
14:08:22 <lindi-> please let me know if you ever figure it out
14:08:39 <pikhq> fr34k: I've got a project for this weekend.
14:09:06 <pikhq> Thanks for the weekend project.
14:09:15 <fr34k> you mean you're doin it?
14:12:10 <pikhq> Your description isn't that great, but your code examples more than make up for it.
14:12:24 <fr34k> haha, yeh im not good at explaining :P
14:12:42 <fr34k> but i think this idea/language, is much better than CUBSO, wich totally sucked :P
14:13:29 <pikhq> Probably wouldn't be hard to compile to C, actually. . .
14:13:45 <fr34k> perhaps no..i dont speak c so i dont know :P
14:13:59 <fr34k> but im goin to gothenburg this weekend, so i'll see how it went when i come back
14:14:28 <pikhq> BTW, s/array/variable/
14:14:30 <fizzie> lindi; By "print a file with mozilla" do you mean that, given a local HTML file, print it out (like the 'print' menu option does) without doing any interaction with it?
14:14:51 <fr34k> pikhq: s/array/variable ??
14:14:56 <lindi-> fizzie: or remote file, i guess mozilla could still do http to get it
14:14:57 <pikhq> I'll try doing a real array implementation that conforms to the syntax. . .
14:15:07 <pikhq> fr34k: You called variables "arrays".
14:15:15 <fr34k> yeh i forgot the word
14:15:22 <fr34k> so i used something else haha
14:15:35 <lindi-> fizzie: and if possible it would be cool to do this without an X server of course
14:15:40 <pikhq> An array, in this syntax, would be like this:
14:16:05 <pikhq> [a(0)=0][a(1)=5][a(2)=250]
14:16:11 <pikhq> There. A 3 element array.
14:16:27 <fr34k> so you said you are goin to add that function as well?
14:16:44 <pikhq> Not that hard to do, after all. ;)
14:16:51 <fr34k> haha, for me it is :P
14:17:11 <fr34k> btw, the language turned out to be quite complex, if you know what i mean
14:17:29 <pikhq> Doesn't seem all that complex to me.
14:17:51 <fr34k> well, not in that way, but like this line:
14:17:51 <fr34k> [a[=]10] [b[=]0][.[?[b[<=][a]]][![b[++]]],]
14:18:04 <fr34k> its quite hard to keep track of all [ and ]
14:18:44 <pikhq> That's an issue one gets with Lisp, too. Not terribly difficult.
14:18:56 <fr34k> hey wait a minute!
14:19:04 <fr34k> there's an error in your array syntax
14:19:09 <fr34k> it should be like this:
14:19:45 <pikhq> Hmm. Where's the while loop?
14:20:18 <pikhq> I see what amounts to an infinite loop. . .
14:20:20 <fizzie> lindi; My initial approach (this is from a Firefox perspective) would be to write some JavaScript for it. I think scripts ran from chrome:// urls can print without any user interaction, so you could use "firefox -chrome chrome://my-automagical-printing-extension/thing.xul <url-to-print>". The extension-writing wouldn't be completely trivial, though, and it'd be an ugly solution. And wouldn't work without X.
14:20:25 <pikhq> But no while loop.
14:20:41 <pikhq> Maybe add a command for "exit loop", and it could work.
14:20:56 <fr34k> could you explain while loop?
14:21:08 <pikhq> Without a while loop, I don't see how this could be Turing complete. . .
14:21:22 <pikhq> while (a==b) {/* do stuff */}
14:21:30 <fr34k> yeh, but how does a while loop work?
14:22:12 <fr34k> [#[a[==][b][.[b[++]],]]
14:22:31 <fr34k> where [#] is while
14:22:43 <fr34k> wasnt that hard .P
14:23:08 <pikhq> Just wasn't sure if you were *aware* of your lack of Turing completeness (which you've fixed).
14:23:28 <fr34k> nah, im not so good at those stuff :P
14:23:54 <pikhq> Well, you're learning, so I can't complain much. . .
14:26:40 <fizzie> lindi; Actually trying to use the browser for that sounds rather painful; almost painful enough to consider writing something that'd just use Gecko for rendering and printing. Haven't done any Mozilla hacking, so no idea how much work that would be.
14:26:50 <fizzie> lindi; Someone's doing exactly that at http://gecko.dynalivery.com/
14:27:21 <Asztal> probably lots of work.
14:27:38 -!- boblol has joined.
14:28:19 <boblol> btw i must leave the comp for a while..catched a flu, and when sitting in front of screen i get headache
14:28:19 -!- boblol has changed nick to boblol|afs.
14:37:45 * boblol|afs starts playing metallica - nothing else matters on guitar
14:49:39 <lindi-> fizzie: yep that's only $ 12,000
14:51:22 <jix> who was the person who runs the contest?
14:53:28 <fizzie> lindi; Yes, well, I wasn't suggesting buying it from them.
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18:26:32 * Asztal wonders how he is going to implement wrapping in trefunge :|
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18:55:26 <pikhq> Asztal: With much pain.
18:57:37 <Asztal> I'm also wondering how fbbi ever did it with any efficiency, given it's interesting method of organising its space
18:58:41 * pikhq has learned one very, very simple thing about BFM. . .
18:59:01 <pikhq> I need to get some macros before I can write a *good* Brainfuck compiler in it.
19:01:04 <pikhq> Maybe write stuff to allow for that nice little array code I noticed.
19:07:02 <jix> Razor-X seems to be never here
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22:43:37 <Razor-X> Maybe you can have Firefox call lpr.
22:47:19 -!- tgwizard has quit (Remote closed the connection).
22:51:29 <pikhq> Presumably she has a "life".
22:51:31 -!- calamari has joined.
22:52:34 <Razor-X> pikhq: Not really... sleep and school is all.
22:52:52 <Razor-X> Sleep == 5 hours, School == 8 hours. So I'm gone for about 13 hours of the day.
22:54:16 -!- Razor-X has quit ("Hold on just a second.").
23:06:55 <pikhq> calamari: In your "x = y(z)" algorithm, don't you mean "y, temp0, and temp1 must be contiguous", not "x, temp0, and temp1"?
23:08:21 <pikhq> And likewise, wouldn't the pointer end at y, not x?
23:08:42 -!- Razor-X has joined.
23:08:47 <pikhq> I *think* you just copied the description from the "x(y) = z" algorithm. . .
23:09:53 <calamari> could have.. haven't looked at that stuff in ages
23:10:49 <pikhq> I'm going to assume so, because anything else doesn't make any damned sense.
23:24:40 <SimonRC> OMGWTFBBQ! _Eragon_ movie!<exclamatory punctuation>!
23:25:37 <SimonRC> The real question is: Will it be bad enough to be good while not being bad enough to be so bad it isn't even so bad it's good?
23:29:50 <SimonRC> at my statement or the trailer
23:30:10 <SimonRC> http://pdl.stream.aol.com/aol/us/moviefone/movies/2006/eragon_022358/eragon_trlr_01_dl.mov
23:43:29 <pikhq> I've got half of my array code for BFM working.
23:43:48 <pikhq> The getarray macro doesn't work at all.