00:04:33 -!- EgoBot has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)).
00:04:46 -!- EgoBot has joined.
00:05:18 <bsmntbombdood> EgoBot: EgoBot EgoBot EgoBot EgoBot EgoBot EgoBot EgoBot EgoBot
00:09:34 <yoshibot> dude, is bsmnt_bot running on netcat?
00:15:31 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
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00:18:15 <oerjan> bsmntbombdood: You might want to add something to save your list of added patterns to a file to be performed on startup.
00:19:13 <oerjan> I was thinking just of the command text.
00:19:51 <bsmntbombdood> pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle <function <lambda> at 0xb7bcc5dc>: it's not found as __main__.<lambda>
00:20:17 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
00:21:10 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
00:21:30 <oerjan> It would also be a good idea to make it a text file so you can edit out patterns if something goes horribly wrong. :)
00:21:52 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
00:21:59 * jix is in love :)
00:21:59 <ihope> bsmntbombdood: function pickling?
00:22:11 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
00:22:30 <ihope> Is that when you have an injective mapping from a function into brine?
00:22:45 <oerjan> I believe the ACTION is surrounded by \001 characters.
00:23:11 <ihope> And you should send the word "tests" as well.
00:23:34 <bsmntbombdood> r".* PRIVMSG \S* :%sctcp (.*) (.*)" % self.COMMAND_CHAR
00:23:38 <ihope> Also, make doesn't seem to have left behind a binary called "netcat".
00:23:52 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
00:23:58 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
00:24:13 -!- CakeProphet has quit (No route to host).
00:24:23 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
00:24:29 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
00:24:49 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
00:24:59 -!- jix has quit ("Bitte waehlen Sie eine Beerdigungnachricht").
00:25:07 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
00:26:29 <oerjan> Is there an echo here?
00:26:37 <bsmntbombdood> r".* PRIVMSG \S* :%sctcp (\S+) (.+)" % self.COMMAND_CHAR
00:27:32 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
00:27:45 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
00:28:27 <ihope> ~ctcp #esoteric ACTION is awesome
00:29:29 -!- RodgerTheGreat has quit.
00:29:39 <ihope> !ctcp ##quantum ACTION is awesome
00:29:47 <ihope> ~ctcp ##quantum ACTION is awesome
00:30:24 <ihope> Of course, ##quantum was -n'd.
00:32:05 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG \S+ :~join (.*)", lambda x, y : bot.raw("JOIN :%s" % y.group(1)))
00:33:30 <ihope> I somehow feel plain old ~raw won't do much.
00:34:00 <bsmntbombdood> :kornbluth.freenode.net 421 bsmnt_bot POKE :Unknown command
01:05:16 <bsmntbombdood> I wonder how MapReduce is used for machine learning
01:43:01 -!- tgwizard has quit (Remote closed the connection).
01:52:47 -!- ihope_ has joined.
01:54:48 -!- CakeProphet__ has joined.
01:54:52 -!- CakeProphet__ has changed nick to CakeProphet.
02:00:23 -!- ihope has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)).
02:08:24 <oerjan> i don't think your quine quite works.
02:10:25 -!- CakeProphet__ has joined.
02:10:36 <oerjan> ah, i confused the \n before ' and the actual newline after
02:11:18 -!- CakeProphet has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)).
02:11:19 -!- CakeProphet__ has changed nick to CakeProphet.
02:30:00 <oerjan> main = putStr s >> putStrLn (show s) where s = "main = putStr s >> putStrLn (show s) where s = "
02:36:17 -!- ihope_ has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)).
02:37:32 <oerjan> although the %r in Python and show in Haskell make quines in those languages almost too easy.
02:38:41 <oerjan> main = putStr s >> print s where s = "main = putStr s >> print s where s = "
02:40:27 <bsmntbombdood> print (lambda s : s+repr(s)+')')("print (lambda s : s+repr(s)+')')(")
02:41:41 <CakeProphet> print (lambda x:x%x)("(lambda x:x%%x)(%r)")
02:42:07 <oerjan> you forgot the print in the string.
02:43:17 <CakeProphet> print (lambda x:x%x)("print (lambda x:x%%x)(%r)")
02:44:02 <CakeProphet> print (lambda x:x%x)('"print (lambda x:x%%x)(%r)"') :P
02:45:01 <bsmntbombdood> (lambda x:x%x)("print (lambda x:x%%x)(%r)") == "print (lambda x:x%x)('print (lambda x:x%%x)(%r)')"
02:49:14 <bsmntbombdood> print open(__import__("inspect").getsourcefile(lambda : 0)).read()
02:51:17 * CakeProphet refuses to use single quotes unless absolutely nessicary.
02:52:58 <EgoBot> Use: daemon <daemon> <daemon-command> Function: start a daemon process.
03:01:19 <CakeProphet> pfft... I don't consider it a disqualification if the quote is selected arbitrarily by the interpreter based on the innards of the string.
03:17:32 <CakeProphet> !daemon lol glass {M[m(_o)O!(_i)I! (_i)i.? " " 1 (_o)o.?(_o)o.?(_o)o.?]}
03:17:38 -!- EgoBot has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)).
03:17:48 -!- EgoBot has joined.
03:18:27 <oklopol> print b+b[4:6]+chr(34)+chr(34)+chr(34)+b[:103]+"+')'"+chr(92)+'n'+chr(34)+chr(34)+chr(34)+')'
03:18:27 <oklopol> print b+b[4:6]+chr(34)+chr(34)+chr(34)+b[:103]+"+')'"+chr(92)+'n'+chr(34)+chr(34)+chr(34)+')'\n""")
03:18:33 <CakeProphet> Making a quine in ORK would be super difficult.
03:19:04 <oklopol> yeah, but i couldn't think of a new short way to make a quine
03:19:36 <oklopol> i tried to make one in c++ tho, but it get's very big since a c++ program has lot
03:24:52 <CakeProphet> In glass... you have to instantiate and get and call a bunch of crap to do just the simplest of things :P
03:31:36 <oerjan> compared to brainfuck or unlambda this is all peanuts, of course.
03:39:37 <GregorR> http://www.codu.org/eso/ < I have recreated my esopage, including ORK readme and the likes.
03:42:18 <bsmntbombdood> GregorR: What do you get when you execute that page?
03:42:55 <GregorR> The only program I ever wrote in 2L :P
03:42:59 <GregorR> 2L is really difficult X_X
03:43:34 <GregorR> Feel free to read the 2L readme.
03:45:47 <oerjan> Why is c and d of the ORK quine split in two? Is there a length limit on strings?
03:46:24 -!- digital_me_ has joined.
03:46:36 <oerjan> I suppose that goes for b,c,d as a whole.
03:47:02 <GregorR> No, there's no length limit. I have no idea why I did it like that :P
03:49:07 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.register_raw(r"\S+ PRIVMSG (\S+) :~cat (.*)", lambda x,y : bot.raw("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (y.group(1), y.group(2))))
03:58:26 -!- digital_me_ has quit ("leaving").
04:47:53 -!- CakeProphet has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
07:46:43 -!- digital_me has quit ("Lost terminal").
07:59:59 -!- clog has quit (ended).
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08:36:44 -!- oerjan has quit ("Good night").
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12:42:10 -!- jix has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
13:50:40 -!- oklofok has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)).
15:10:57 -!- ihope has joined.
15:11:12 <ihope> The nice thing about ##quantum is you can tell who's identified and who's not.
15:11:40 <ihope> The identified people are opped, the unidentified people aren't.
15:11:49 <ihope> Except the only unidentified person is bsmnt_bot.
15:12:02 <ihope> Now, let's see here...
15:12:06 <EgoBot> help ps kill i eof flush show ls bf_txtgen usertrig daemon undaemon
15:12:08 <EgoBot> 1l 2l adjust axo bch bf{8,[16],32,64} funge93 fyb fybs glass glypho kipple lambda lazyk linguine malbolge pbrain qbf rail rhotor sadol sceql trigger udage01 unlambda whirl
16:06:25 <EgoBot> rhotor-hi: ./Parser.hs:(29,0)-(46,39): Non-exhaustive patterns in function tokenize
16:06:34 <jix__> !rhotor <x/"test">
16:06:37 <EgoBot> rhotor-hi: ./Parser.hs:(29,0)-(46,39): Non-exhaustive patterns in function tokenize
16:09:03 <jix__> !rhotor http://rafb.net/p/K3yUA865.txt
16:10:24 <jix__> !rhotor http://files.method-missing.org/evil.rho
16:10:29 <EgoBot> rhotor-hi: ./Parser.hs:(29,0)-(46,39): Non-exhaustive patterns in function tokenize
16:10:38 -!- ihope has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
16:10:48 <jix__> !rhotor http://files.method-missing.org/evil.rho
16:10:55 <EgoBot> ~cat !rhotor http://files.method-missing.org/evil.rho
16:10:55 <bsmnt_bot> !rhotor http://files.method-missing.org/evil.rho
16:10:59 <EgoBot> ~cat !rhotor http://files.method-missing.org/evil.rho
16:10:59 <bsmnt_bot> !rhotor http://files.method-missing.org/evil.rho
16:11:05 <EgoBot> ~cat !rhotor http://files.method-missing.org/evil.rho
16:11:05 <bsmnt_bot> !rhotor http://files.method-missing.org/evil.rho
16:11:13 <EgoBot> ~cat !rhotor http://files.method-missing.org/evil.rho
16:11:14 <bsmnt_bot> !rhotor http://files.method-missing.org/evil.rho
16:11:18 <jix__> hrhr bots are stupid
16:11:19 <EgoBot> ~cat !rhotor http://files.method-missing.org/evil.rho
16:11:19 <bsmnt_bot> !rhotor http://files.method-missing.org/evil.rho
16:11:27 <EgoBot> ~cat !rhotor http://files.method-missing.org/evil.rho
16:11:27 <bsmnt_bot> !rhotor http://files.method-missing.org/evil.rho
16:11:31 <EgoBot> ~cat !rhotor http://files.method-missing.org/evil.rho
16:11:31 <bsmnt_bot> !rhotor http://files.method-missing.org/evil.rho
16:11:35 <EgoBot> ~cat !rhotor http://files.method-missing.org/evil.rho
16:11:35 <bsmnt_bot> !rhotor http://files.method-missing.org/evil.rho
16:11:39 <EgoBot> rhotor-hi: Prelude.head: empty list
16:12:22 -!- digital_me has joined.
16:13:13 <SimonRC> That was a cool teleporting noise.
16:13:32 <SimonRC> anyway, I was going to share this: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/youtube.png
16:16:46 -!- jix__ has changed nick to jix.
16:23:17 <SimonRC> I just recognised the art style and looked at the URL.
17:03:42 -!- oklopol has joined.
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17:09:30 -!- feoh has left (?).
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18:03:33 -!- jix has quit ("Bitte waehlen Sie eine Beerdigungnachricht").
19:55:12 <EgoBot> help ps kill i eof flush show ls bf_txtgen usertrig daemon undaemon
19:55:13 <EgoBot> 1l 2l adjust axo bch bf{8,[16],32,64} funge93 fyb fybs glass glypho kipple lambda lazyk linguine malbolge pbrain qbf rail rhotor sadol sceql trigger udage01 unlambda whirl
19:55:16 <ihope> Yep, still working.
19:56:28 -!- gnidan has joined.
20:09:14 -!- RodgerTheGreat_ has joined.
20:25:43 -!- RodgerTheGreat has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
20:30:31 -!- RodgerTheGreat_ has changed nick to RodgerTheGreat.
20:48:48 <EgoBot> 1 bsmntbombdood: daemon cat bf
20:50:34 <EgoBot> Use: ps Function: display the current processes
20:58:29 <ihope> ~cat !cat ~cat ~cat ~cat !cat !cat
20:58:32 <EgoBot> ~cat ~cat ~cat !cat !cat
20:58:45 <ihope> Indeed, I didn't expect that to work.
20:59:37 <bsmntbombdood> ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
20:59:38 <bsmnt_bot> !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
20:59:42 <EgoBot> ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
20:59:43 <bsmnt_bot> !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
20:59:46 <EgoBot> ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
20:59:47 <bsmnt_bot> !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
20:59:50 <EgoBot> ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
20:59:51 <bsmnt_bot> !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
20:59:54 <EgoBot> ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
20:59:55 <bsmnt_bot> !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
20:59:58 <EgoBot> ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
20:59:59 <bsmnt_bot> !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
21:00:02 <EgoBot> ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
21:00:03 <bsmnt_bot> !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
21:00:06 <EgoBot> ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
21:00:07 <bsmnt_bot> !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
21:00:10 <EgoBot> ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
21:00:10 <bsmnt_bot> !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
21:00:14 <EgoBot> ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
21:00:15 <bsmnt_bot> !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
21:00:18 <EgoBot> ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
21:00:18 <bsmnt_bot> !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
21:00:22 <EgoBot> ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
21:00:23 <bsmnt_bot> !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
21:00:26 <EgoBot> ~cat !cat ~cat !cat ~cat !cat
21:06:37 <bsmntbombdood> while __import__("os").fork(): __import__("os").fork()
21:12:01 -!- CakeProphet has joined.
21:15:21 <ihope> bsmntbombdood: is that really a good idea?
21:17:56 -!- pgimeno has changed nick to GatoRandi.
21:18:17 -!- GatoRandi has changed nick to pgimeno.
21:19:52 -!- pgimeno has changed nick to GatoRandi.
21:20:52 -!- GatoRandi has changed nick to pgimeno.
21:23:12 <ihope> What's it do, exactly?
21:23:41 <ihope> That's what I'd guessed...
21:24:18 <ihope> I just noticed, though, that that line didn't start with a ~
21:24:31 <ihope> Probably not as bad as ~exec while __import__("os").fork(): __import__("os").fork()
21:24:55 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec while __import__("os").fork(): __import__("os").fork()
21:25:23 <GregorR> while 1: __import__("os").fork()
21:26:20 <GregorR> Every fourth fork of yours is wasted.
21:26:20 <bsmntbombdood> it will grow faster if the new proccesses keep forking
21:26:46 <GregorR> The condition for the while. fork() returns a non-true value (0) for the child.
21:26:51 <GregorR> So that child won't fork anymore.
21:27:13 <bsmntbombdood> fine, while not __import__("os").fork(): __import__("os").fork()
21:27:22 <GregorR> Now the parent won't fork anymore.
21:27:29 <ihope> So it won't do anything?
21:27:48 <GregorR> ihope: No, it'll still fork off into infinity, but a simple while-true loop will fork faster.
21:28:19 <GregorR> bsmnt_bot: Now that would only fork twice :P
21:28:45 <GregorR> bsmntbombdood: A simple while-true loop would fork just as fast if not faster.
21:29:48 <ihope> Fork fork fork fork fork fork fork fork goto.
21:29:51 <GregorR> I'm dumbfounded by the fact that you seem to think that would be faster than a while-true loop.
21:30:48 <GregorR> ihope: +[Y+] will fork faster :)
21:31:18 <GregorR> Y returns 0 for the child, just like fork(), so you have every-other fork dropping out of the loop.
21:31:32 <GregorR> In fact, come to think of it, yours won't fork to any significant degree.
21:31:40 <GregorR> The children will just keep on dying.
21:31:57 <ihope> I'm going to quote you.
21:32:17 <GregorR> Y'know, I'm in that channel.
21:34:43 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec while __import__("os").fork(): __import__("os").fork()
21:36:18 <oklopol> every third fork is wasted i think
21:36:50 <oklopol> one fork in, 3 out, 1 dies
21:37:09 <GregorR> oklopol: That'd be every fourth, and that's what I told him, but he apparently won't believe me :P
21:38:15 <ihope> Now, I take it at more than -1 of you have seen http://dnptbky.ytmnd.com/
21:38:18 <oklopol> every third fork created dies
21:38:50 <oklopol> why would that be every forth?
21:39:11 <GregorR> ihope: Yes, I've seen that, a friend of mine made it :P
21:41:16 <bsmntbombdood> GregorR: Please respect our customers in south america
21:42:18 <GregorR> I respect them just as much as I respect everyone else. Namely, none.
21:44:54 -!- tgwizard has quit (Remote closed the connection).
21:52:52 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec __import__("time").sleep(300); self.raw("PRIVMSG #esoteric :%s" % "NFQS".encode("rot13"))
21:55:39 -!- tgwizard has joined.
21:59:36 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec __import__("time").sleep(500); self.raw("PRIVMSG #esoteric :the world will end in %s days" % __import__("random").randint(66,6666))
22:08:21 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec __import__("time").sleep(__import__("random").randint(500,3000)); self.raw("PRIVMSG #esoteric :blah")
22:09:53 <ihope> Is it going to output anything?
22:11:08 <bsmntbombdood> in __import__("random").randint(500,3000) seconds...
22:14:40 -!- gnidan has quit ("leaving").
22:19:42 <ihope> I want a ~horriblysandboxedexec command that I can use.
22:20:07 -!- jix has joined.
22:21:21 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
22:21:33 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
22:22:05 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
22:22:21 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
22:22:58 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec print [(i[0],i[2]) for i in self.commands_running]
22:23:09 <ihope> "It is recommended to backup valuable data before proceeding."
22:23:17 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec print [(i[0],i[2]) for i in self.commands_running]
22:23:19 <ihope> But I don't have any valuable data! How can I do that?
22:23:37 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec print [(i[0],time.time() - i[2]) for i in self.commands_running]
22:23:53 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec print [(i[0],time.time() - i[2]) for i in self.commands_running]
22:24:13 <ihope> But you said "now"...
22:24:24 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec print [(i[0],time.time() - i[2]) for i in self.commands_running]
22:24:55 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.raw("PRIVMSG #esoteric :%s" % [(i[0],time.time() - i[2]) for i in self.commands_running])
22:24:56 <bsmnt_bot> [('self.raw("PRIVMSG #esoteric :%s" % [(i[0],time.time() - i[2]) for i in self.commands_running])', 0.00049591064453125)]
22:25:32 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.raw("PRIVMSG #esoteric :%s" % [(i[0],time.time() - i[2]) for i in self.commands_running])
22:25:32 <bsmnt_bot> [('__import__("time").sleep(100); print "done"', 1.8968710899353027), ('self.raw("PRIVMSG #esoteric :%s" % [(i[0],time.time() - i[2]) for i in self.commands_running])', 0.00046992301940917969)]
22:26:15 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.raw("PRIVMSG #esoteric :%s" % [(i[0],time.time() - i[2]) for i in self.commands_running])
22:26:15 <bsmnt_bot> [('__import__("time").sleep(100); print "done"', 44.46694016456604), ('self.raw("PRIVMSG #esoteric :%s" % [(i[0],time.time() - i[2]) for i in self.commands_running])', 0.00042605400085449219)]
22:28:11 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
22:28:20 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
22:28:27 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.raw("PRIVMSG #esoteric :%s" % [(i[0],time.time() - i[2]) for i in self.commands_running])
22:28:27 <bsmnt_bot> [('self.raw("PRIVMSG #esoteric :%s" % [(i[0],time.time() - i[2]) for i in self.commands_running])', 0.00048398971557617188)]
22:33:26 <bsmntbombdood> alas, the people in #python say there's no way to do it
22:33:54 <ihope> Everything can be done, given enough time.
22:34:32 <ihope> And remember, "forever" just means "for a really long time".
22:50:33 <ihope> Have your thread check some variable every second thing it does.
22:57:01 <ihope> Use time slicing and all that jazz.
22:57:59 <bsmntbombdood> I don't want to right my own multitasking operating system, and i don't think that's even possible in python
22:59:33 <ihope> Python's Turing-complete, isn't it?
23:00:11 <GregorR> sizeof(void *) is defined to be finite.
23:00:18 <ihope> Yeah, something like that.
23:00:19 <GregorR> Therefore no C implementation can access infinite memory.
23:00:40 <GregorR> The python /language/ is, the python /implementation/ is (of course) not.
23:02:36 <ihope> But it isn't, is it?
23:03:11 <ihope> Languages can be, implementations can't
23:04:01 <bsmntbombdood> Any language with pointers can't be turing complete then
23:04:31 <jix> when the pointers can be arbitrary(wrong spelling for sure) large
23:04:57 <jix> define real language
23:05:06 <jix> they can't be in any implementation
23:05:12 <jix> but they can be in the specification
23:05:32 <ihope> jix: that'd be "arbitrarily".
23:05:52 <jix> ihope: thx
23:05:55 -!- yoshibot has quit.
23:06:08 <ihope> And pointers can be arbitrarily large, if you have infinite memory.
23:09:55 <GregorR> C plus the concept of infinity is TC, since sizeof(void *) could be infinity.
23:11:04 <ihope> C plus ordinal numbers!