←2007-01-20 2007-01-21 2007-01-22→ ↑2007 ↑all
00:08:06 -!- sebbu has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
00:08:15 * pikhq just had a really stupid idea. . .
00:08:33 <pikhq> Make a BF->C compiler which outputs C code which is also valid BF code.
00:09:14 -!- sebbu2 has quit ("Leaving").
00:09:43 <oklopol> well, that's a more amphibious version of me thinking of making A program that is both C and BF
00:09:50 <oklopol> tho, pretty easy
00:09:56 <pikhq> Indeed it is.
00:09:57 <oklopol> *amphibious xD
00:10:05 <oklopol> no, not a correction
00:10:07 <pikhq> An example method:
00:10:10 <oklopol> ambitious
00:10:14 <pikhq> p++; // -
00:10:17 <pikhq> == +
00:10:22 <pikhq> p--; // +
00:10:23 <pikhq> == -
00:10:29 <pikhq> while { // [
00:10:31 <pikhq> == [
00:10:34 <pikhq> } // ]
00:10:36 <pikhq> == ]
00:10:39 <pikhq> etc.
00:10:54 <oklopol> well, yeah
00:10:59 <pikhq> Easy.
00:11:11 <oklopol> includes have even <>'s
00:11:14 <oklopol> that's nice
00:11:17 <oklopol> :)
00:11:25 <oklopol> *even even
00:12:38 <oklopol> of course, that way it's easier than making one program that is sensible c++ code and the same in brainfuck without comments
00:12:49 <oklopol> sensible as in not clearly brainfuck
00:12:58 <oklopol> of course need a lot of redundance
00:19:28 <oklopol> without comments p++-1; p--+1;
00:19:52 <oklopol> [ and ] are hard tho
00:20:19 <oklopol> well, you can have 1[...] and have code normally in it, separated by commas
00:20:38 <oklopol> so, it's pretty trivial actually
00:22:39 <oklopol> commas are an operator tho, which i realized in the bathroom
00:22:41 <pikhq> Got it done.
00:23:01 <oklopol> so you have to do '[',']' or something everywhere
00:23:04 <pikhq> So take advantage of that. . . :p
00:23:05 <oklopol> cool
00:23:16 <pikhq> Want me to upload the script?
00:23:16 <oklopol> whaaaat?
00:23:25 <oklopol> you can
00:23:28 <oklopol> do
00:23:28 <oklopol> please
00:25:01 <pikhq> http://pikhq.nonlogic.org/bf.tcl
00:25:16 <pikhq> Not very complex, but not bad for a quick hack.
00:27:09 <oklopol> me read
00:27:27 <pikhq> Hell. . . I released a different way of doing it.
00:27:31 <pikhq> Define some macros.
00:27:40 <pikhq> +();-();>();, etc.
00:28:03 <oklopol> what lang?
00:28:21 <oklopol> the script?
00:28:21 <pikhq> Um. . . C?
00:28:23 <pikhq> Oh.
00:28:24 <pikhq> Tcl.
00:29:05 <oklopol> < {
00:29:05 <oklopol> puts "p-=1; // +<"
00:29:05 <oklopol> }
00:29:11 <oklopol> p+=-1;
00:29:13 <oklopol> :P
00:29:54 <oklopol> p+=+(-1); // <- and you can have the nice arrow
00:30:19 <pikhq> Hahah.
00:30:38 <oklopol> i don't think this is a C script
00:31:36 <oklopol> it gets fairly complicated with no comments
00:31:43 <oklopol> unless you do constants
00:31:44 <pikhq> It compiled to C.
00:31:48 <pikhq> And is written in Tcl.
00:31:49 <oklopol> then it's trivial again
00:31:52 <oklopol> ah
00:31:55 <oklopol> i don't know tcl
00:32:05 <oklopol> i mean, i can read it of course
00:32:18 <oklopol> but i've never seen it before
00:32:24 <oklopol> i've heard the name tho
00:33:24 <oklopol> while ('['&&*p) {
00:33:33 <oklopol> ']';}
00:33:40 <oklopol> :P
00:34:34 <oklopol> (p++)>--0;
00:34:38 <oklopol> (p--)>++0;
00:35:01 <oklopol> convert those, much nicer
00:35:02 <oklopol> :)
00:35:37 <oklopol> (p--)<++0; of course
00:36:04 <pikhq> Me like.
00:36:38 <oklopol> putchar((*p)*1.0);
00:36:59 <oklopol> *p=getchar(),*p*=!feof(stdin);
00:37:08 <pikhq> Except for one thing. . .
00:37:09 <oklopol> no comments yay
00:37:13 <oklopol> what is that?
00:37:14 <pikhq> (p++)>--0;
00:37:18 <oklopol> <
00:37:23 <oklopol> (p--)<++0; of course
00:37:24 <pikhq> That adds two, moves right, then subtract two.
00:37:25 <oklopol> oh
00:37:34 <oklopol> fuck
00:37:35 <oklopol> true
00:37:38 <oklopol> sorry
00:37:54 <oklopol> --(p++)>0;
00:38:01 <oklopol> ++(p--)<0;
00:38:08 <oklopol> now it should work
00:38:10 <pikhq> That's equivalent to "" from a C perspective, I believe.
00:38:24 <oklopol> ?
00:38:36 <pikhq> ++(--p)==p
00:38:47 <pikhq> I'm pretty certain, that is.
00:39:02 <oklopol> what do you mean?
00:39:14 <pikhq> (p++)|(--0)>0;
00:39:17 <pikhq> That's my solution.
00:39:21 <oklopol> you might need +(+(p--)<0);
00:39:29 <oklopol> --0 won't work
00:39:32 <oklopol> -(-0)
00:39:33 <pikhq> What I'm saying is that that performs the ++ operator, then the -- operator.
00:39:43 <oklopol> no
00:39:45 <pikhq> Mmkay.
00:39:47 <oklopol> oh
00:40:05 <oklopol> well, yes, but i meant it with the parenthesis, forgot to actually put them
00:40:13 <pikhq> It's like (p-=1)+=1;
00:40:15 <oklopol> or just + + p-- == 0;
00:40:32 <oklopol> yeah, a million possibilities
00:40:41 <oklopol> you can put many in, to be selected a t random
00:40:42 <oklopol> *at
00:41:25 <pikhq> That'd be a bit of a trickier thing, and I'm lazy.
00:41:36 <oklopol> i like *p=getchar(),*p*=!feof(stdin); most
00:41:42 <oklopol> :)
00:41:56 <oklopol> because the , is actually used
00:42:47 <oklopol> *p+=1 uses the bf-operator more tho
00:44:05 <oklopol> i'll learn lisp now, bye ->
00:45:08 <pikhq> Your . interpretation doesn't work. . .
00:45:09 <pikhq> Hmm.
00:46:36 <pikhq> I added int a;float b;
00:46:40 <pikhq> And
00:46:51 <pikhq> a=putchar(*p),b=1.0;
00:47:23 <pikhq> And now it's complaining about the unary minus thing.
00:50:17 <pikhq> basm.0.b.c:4458: error: wrong type argument to unary minus
00:50:37 <oklopol> where
00:51:03 <oklopol> putchar(int((*p)*1.0)); just do
00:51:20 <oklopol> swap c++ and english
00:51:58 <oklopol> where does it complain about an unary minus?
00:53:12 <oklopol> a*
00:53:17 <oklopol> *a unary
00:53:27 <pikhq> +(+(p--)<0);
00:55:26 <oklopol> complains about that?
00:55:51 <oklopol> i can't see a unary minus
00:56:22 <pikhq> -(-(p++)>0); as well.
00:57:29 <oklopol> well, try converting the bool to an int
00:58:06 <pikhq> In C, there is no such thing as a "bool". . . "0" is an int.
00:58:15 <oklopol> ah
00:58:16 <pikhq> It doesn't complain about -0-0;
00:58:22 <pikhq> It's complaining about the pointer./
00:58:23 <oklopol> sorry
00:58:31 <oklopol> char* doesn't support unary minus of course
00:58:40 <oklopol> sorry about the
00:58:41 <oklopol> *that
00:58:47 <oklopol> -(-int(p++)>0);
00:58:52 <oklopol> for example
00:59:46 <CakeProphet> negative pointers are like lol
01:00:17 <oklopol> i don't like it when non-rational things are not supported
01:00:38 <oklopol> no matter how much it helps newbies :\
01:00:45 <pikhq> Got a working version.
01:00:51 <oklopol> me too
01:00:57 <oklopol> -(-int(p++)>0);
01:01:07 <oklopol> what did you do?
01:01:20 <pikhq> -(-(int(p++)<0);
01:01:23 <pikhq> Err.
01:01:26 <pikhq> -(-(int)(p++)<0);
01:01:46 <oklopol> c doesn't have int(...)$?
01:01:49 <oklopol> -$
01:02:06 <CakeProphet> oklopol, yeah... all the weird stuff should be allowed for the sake of being there to tinker with.
01:02:32 <pikhq> It's not a function.
01:02:36 <pikhq> (int)foo
01:02:44 <pikhq> is the way to cast "foo" to an integer.
01:03:00 <fizzie> C++ would accept int(foo), too.
01:03:13 <CakeProphet> int(...) is a C++-ism I believe.
01:03:17 <pikhq> Probably.
01:03:39 <oklopol> yeah, i've read that somewhere actually, didn't remember :\
01:03:45 <CakeProphet> (int) foo is even referred to as c-like type declaration in C++-lingo
01:03:47 <pikhq> http://pikhq.nonlogic.org/bf.tcl
01:03:59 <pikhq> Polyglot BF->C compiler.
01:04:05 <fizzie> Isn't that a "c-style cast"?
01:04:09 <pikhq> Now with thanks to oklopol.
01:04:18 <CakeProphet> sure
01:04:29 <oklopol> puts "putchar(*p*(1.0));"
01:04:36 <oklopol> convert to int maybe?
01:04:41 <oklopol> or?
01:04:49 <oklopol> it might do that with putchar actually :)
01:05:15 <pikhq> puts "putchar(*p*(1.0));"
01:05:17 <pikhq> That works.
01:05:32 <pikhq> It probably casts to char automagically.
01:05:33 <oklopol> yeah, you said something about it not working, but maybe you didn't
01:05:39 <pikhq> I thought it didn't work.
01:05:56 <oklopol> yeah, would be weird id they'd've added a float version to get it not working for floats
01:05:56 <pikhq> But there were a lot of errors. . . And I apparently did something stupid in saying that.
01:06:14 <oklopol> good you said it, i don't like it when i imagine things
01:06:23 <oklopol> happens often :\
01:08:15 <fizzie> "(int)foo" is called "the cast notation" in the C++ standard (5.4), while "int(foo)" is simply "explicit type conversion (functional notation)" (5.2.3).
01:08:36 <oklopol> N +'s of brainfuck -> *p+={(N-1)*"+ "}1;
01:08:53 <oklopol> where {(N-1)*"+ "} of course means "+ " N-1 times
01:09:19 <pikhq> 'cept that instead of "one" it'd be "N".
01:09:32 <oklopol> ...?
01:09:55 <oklopol> yeah
01:10:36 <oklopol> same with minus of course
01:10:36 <fizzie> Why putchar(*p*(1.0)); and not the much simpler (and lacking the silly float conversion) putchar((1.0, *p)); ?
01:10:41 <pikhq> Right.
01:10:51 <fizzie> Oh, the comma.
01:11:08 <oklopol> fizzie, it doesn't really matter, one can easily come up with tons of those :\
01:11:10 <fizzie> I only now realized what you were trying to do, anyway.
01:11:20 <oklopol> and that
01:13:31 <oklopol> N >'s -> puts "-(int)(p+=N){>0 N times};"
01:13:43 <oklopol> but, of course you can't do it in the puts
01:13:56 <pikhq> I can do something different. . .
01:14:02 <oklopol> k
01:14:13 <oklopol> what is that?
01:14:21 <pikhq> set string "-(int)(p+=$n)"
01:14:57 <pikhq> for {} {$n != 0} {incr n -1} {append string ">0"}
01:15:03 <pikhq> puts "$string;"
01:15:03 <oklopol> yeah
01:15:48 <CakeProphet> so... language advocacy is really starting to annoy me.
01:15:59 <CakeProphet> and it's practically everywhere...
01:16:04 <CakeProphet> when talking about any language.
01:16:24 <pikhq> I like Tcl. . . It does what I need it to do, and I know it.
01:16:36 <pikhq> And I've grown fond of it. . .
01:16:40 <pikhq> What more reason do I need?
01:17:09 <CakeProphet> ...
01:17:26 <CakeProphet> at least you didn't turn into a living advertisement.
01:17:46 <pikhq> That's all the language advocacy I do.
01:17:48 <oklopol> c++ is the BEST by the way, i'll be off reading lisp now ->
01:17:58 <oklopol> (BEST)
01:18:40 <oklopol> btw
01:18:52 <oklopol> bsmntbombdood
01:19:13 <pikhq> C++ is a language.
01:19:20 -!- fizzie has quit (zelazny.freenode.net irc.freenode.net).
01:19:25 <pikhq> It happens to be pretty good.
01:19:25 <pikhq> There we go.
01:19:26 <oklopol> the function you had, i figured how you do that in the shower that morning
01:19:53 <oklopol> pikhq, i wasn't serious... just to be sure :)
01:20:14 <oklopol> okay, it didn't need clarification now that i see how i presented it :)
01:21:05 -!- fizzie has joined.
01:21:08 <oklopol> bsmntbombdood, just that if you like to have your own code there, i can tell you the algo, unless you either know it or don't care or whatever
01:21:22 <oklopol> now really ->
01:21:25 <fizzie> Re TCL, why not string repeat ">0" $n instead of the for loop? :p
01:21:54 <pikhq> fizzie: I don't have all of the string functions commited to memory.
01:35:29 <CakeProphet> hmmm... maybe a Category:Homoiconic should be added to the wiki?
01:43:25 <bsmntbombdood> oklopol: what?
01:44:58 <oklopol> the function you used to make the fractions
01:45:10 <bsmntbombdood> What about it?
01:45:30 <oklopol> well, just what i said :\
01:45:32 <oklopol> nothing more
01:45:46 <oklopol> just that it's trivial to do that
01:45:50 <oklopol> but you prolly know that
01:46:24 <oklopol> and just don't feel sad to use code written by someone you don't know in a small project like that
01:47:22 <oklopol> i don't see why you would, tho
01:48:11 <bsmntbombdood> That code is very slow
01:48:42 <bsmntbombdood> O(n) it looks like
01:48:59 <bsmntbombdood> at least O(n) that is
01:49:10 <bsmntbombdood> O(n) for whole numbers
01:49:20 <oklopol> well, you take the fraction straight from the double, then just gcm it
01:49:56 <bsmntbombdood> What do you mean, take the fraction?
01:50:22 <oklopol> the double is in a format ... * 2**..
01:50:26 <oklopol> *-a
01:50:54 <oklopol> so, you take the mantissa and the exponent straight from the number
01:51:00 <oklopol> assuming those are the terms
01:51:32 <oklopol> that is the gist of the problem
01:51:42 <oklopol> so i'm pretty sure it's the most efficient one
01:51:51 <oklopol> most efficient algorithm i mean
01:52:56 <oklopol> you can easily get the mantissa and exponent from a double in haskell, so why not in python
01:53:28 <oklopol> (i'm not sure if that makes sence, i just think of both as non- implementation spesific...)
01:53:55 <oklopol> (like, not having limits on how floating point numbers are stored)
01:54:28 <oklopol> (ignore all "<oklopol> \(.*\)")
02:21:59 -!- jix__ has joined.
02:26:39 -!- jix__ has quit (Client Quit).
02:33:53 -!- jix has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
02:49:08 -!- ihope has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
03:09:00 <SimonRC> zZzZ
03:17:34 <oklopol> ozozozozo
03:37:50 -!- pikhq has quit ("leaving").
04:10:12 -!- Sgeo has quit ("Leaving").
06:02:32 <CakeProphet> !glass
06:02:37 <CakeProphet> !help
06:02:46 <CakeProphet> EGOBOTS DOWN
06:02:49 <CakeProphet> PANIC
06:04:07 <bsmntbombdood> zoooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmg
06:06:56 -!- Lea has joined.
06:06:59 <Lea> ....
06:07:21 <CakeProphet> lol hi. :)
06:07:28 <Lea> LOLSUP
06:07:33 <CakeProphet> How's life?
06:07:35 <CakeProphet> peachy?
06:07:39 <Lea> Oh wonderful.
06:07:41 <Lea> You?
06:07:41 <CakeProphet> splendid.
06:07:44 <Lea> Grand.
06:07:45 <CakeProphet> awesome
06:07:46 <Lea> Excellent.
06:07:49 <CakeProphet> yup
06:07:50 <Lea> WOnderful.
06:07:52 <Lea> ..Oh
06:07:55 -!- CakeProphet has changed nick to GrandmotherChaos.
06:07:59 <Lea> So how do I make t-...
06:08:03 <GrandmotherChaos> ...
06:08:05 <Lea> Grandmotherchaos, mm.
06:08:09 <GrandmotherChaos> hrm
06:08:12 <GrandmotherChaos> Lea, whoooo
06:08:24 -!- GrandmotherChaos has changed nick to SevenInchBread.
06:08:35 <SevenInchBread> now what were you saying?
06:08:35 -!- Lea has changed nick to SixInchBread.
06:08:41 <SevenInchBread> :o scandalous
06:08:44 <SixInchBread> Wow. SixInchBread is used by someone.
06:08:49 <SevenInchBread> I don't like the emoticon they give to :o
06:08:53 <SixInchBread> ..no
06:08:55 -!- SixInchBread has changed nick to Lea.
06:09:00 <SevenInchBread> yeah... someone made it after I made this one.
06:09:11 <SevenInchBread> posers no doubt
06:09:18 <Lea> Indeed.
06:09:58 -!- Lea has changed nick to LeaLeaLea.
06:10:09 <SevenInchBread> oooh
06:10:13 <SevenInchBread> it's wavy
06:10:21 <LeaLeaLea> Two Lea's will simply not cut it.
06:10:27 <SevenInchBread> nope.
06:10:34 <SevenInchBread> we're totally spamming this channel.
06:10:43 <LeaLeaLea> ..We're speaking.
06:10:48 <SevenInchBread> yup
06:10:50 <LeaLeaLea> WHAT DO YOU DO ON IRC BUT CHAT?
06:10:58 <SevenInchBread> IT'S NOT ALLOWED
06:11:07 <LeaLeaLea> FUCK YOU
06:11:34 <SevenInchBread> WHY ISN'T EGOBOT WORKING
06:11:43 <LeaLeaLea> It hates you.
06:11:47 <SevenInchBread> someone turn it on!
06:11:51 <LeaLeaLea> Refuse him.
06:11:52 * SevenInchBread downloads the source
06:15:31 <LeaLeaLea> ....
06:17:30 <SevenInchBread> SOMEONE MAKE EGOBOT WORK
06:17:33 <LeaLeaLea> NOPE.
06:17:35 <SevenInchBread> I can't figure out how to run it.
06:17:47 <LeaLeaLea> You = suck.
06:17:47 <SevenInchBread> LeaLeaLea fizzie SevenInchBread oklopol lament_ NK` MM2 GregorR sekhmet cmeme bsmnt_bot bsmntbombdood puzzlet clog sp3tt mtve meatmanek SimonRC tokigun pgimeno
06:17:50 <LeaLeaLea> ...
06:17:51 <SevenInchBread> I ping you all
06:17:53 <SevenInchBread> like an ass
06:17:57 <LeaLeaLea> Don't you ever ping me again.
06:18:01 <LeaLeaLea> Or I'll 'ping' you.
06:18:08 <SevenInchBread> I'LL PING YOU EVERY FUCKING DAY
06:18:13 <LeaLeaLea> ....
06:18:22 <SevenInchBread> anywho.
06:18:27 <LeaLeaLea> ... Defeated.
06:18:27 <SevenInchBread> how do you run egobot?
06:18:32 <LeaLeaLea> It's down.
06:18:41 <SevenInchBread> ...yes
06:18:47 <LeaLeaLea> I ATE IT
06:19:00 <SevenInchBread> ..poop
06:19:05 <LeaLeaLea> A noble cause.
06:19:18 * LeaLeaLea tests.
06:19:20 <LeaLeaLea> ... :)
06:19:27 * SevenInchBread whooooo
06:19:46 <LeaLeaLea> SEVENINCHBREAD?
06:19:50 <LeaLeaLea> SEVENINCHBREAD???
06:19:53 <SevenInchBread> Yah?
06:19:56 * LeaLeaLea refuses to tell.
06:20:01 <SevenInchBread> ...
06:20:19 <SevenInchBread> LeaLeaLea, I wonder why you would be here...
06:20:25 <SevenInchBread> hrm...
06:20:29 <LeaLeaLea> ... So do I..
06:20:58 <SevenInchBread> wheee
06:22:08 <LeaLeaLea> :)
06:23:01 <LeaLeaLea> Do de doo..
06:24:55 -!- LeaLeaLea has quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]").
06:25:46 -!- LeaLeaLea has joined.
06:25:50 <LeaLeaLea> I have returned.
06:26:13 <SevenInchBread> hi. :)
06:26:17 <LeaLeaLea> Hi. :)
06:30:29 <SevenInchBread> ?????>>>>>>>
06:30:31 <SevenInchBread> ?>">'.
06:30:33 <SevenInchBread> rl
06:32:53 <LeaLeaLea> ...
06:35:19 <SevenInchBread> HEY GREGOR
06:35:27 <SevenInchBread> GregorR, GREGOR
06:35:30 <SevenInchBread> WAKE UP
06:35:52 -!- SevenInchBread has changed nick to CakeProphet.
06:36:09 <CakeProphet> GregorR, Get egobot back up
06:37:29 -!- LeaLeaLea has quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]").
06:38:07 -!- LeaLeaLea has joined.
06:38:20 <LeaLeaLea> CakeProphet.
06:38:25 <CakeProphet> yah?
06:38:30 <LeaLeaLea> I don't like you.
06:38:41 <LeaLeaLea> ..Have you made the bot work yet..
06:38:52 <LeaLeaLea> HAVE YOU?
06:39:05 <CakeProphet> NO
06:39:07 <LeaLeaLea> :)
06:39:09 <CakeProphet> I'm not familiar with C
06:39:15 <LeaLeaLea> I GUESS YOU SUCK THEN.
06:39:15 <CakeProphet> you have to compile it and shit
06:39:19 <CakeProphet> NOPE
06:39:21 <CakeProphet> I ROCK
06:39:23 <LeaLeaLea> ... :):):)
06:39:44 <bsmntbombdood> hmmm?
06:39:45 <CakeProphet> Gregor!!!!!!!!!!!
06:39:53 <CakeProphet> bsmntbombdood, make EgoBot work
06:39:54 <LeaLeaLea> He is intentionally ignoring you.
06:39:57 <LeaLeaLea> Because he does not like cake.
06:40:00 <LeaLeaLea> Nor prophets.
06:40:07 <CakeProphet> damn...
06:40:23 <CakeProphet> you can get the source
06:40:26 <CakeProphet> and like... compile it
06:40:27 <CakeProphet> and stuff
06:40:33 <CakeProphet> and make it work
06:40:36 <LeaLeaLea> You lie.
06:40:43 <CakeProphet> I don't
06:40:45 <LeaLeaLea> You do.
06:40:52 <CakeProphet> erm nope
06:40:53 <LeaLeaLea> DO.
06:40:59 <LeaLeaLea> ..Premeditated ftw.
06:41:13 <CakeProphet> hrm
06:41:20 <LeaLeaLea> !help
06:41:24 <LeaLeaLea> NEVER SPEAK OF THAT
06:41:42 <CakeProphet> bsmntbombdood, make egobot work
06:41:49 <bsmntbombdood> ...
06:41:53 <CakeProphet> ...
06:42:00 <LeaLeaLea> .....
06:42:18 <CakeProphet> I want to play with glass
06:42:54 <LeaLeaLea> I want you to play with glass.
06:43:00 <CakeProphet> see?
06:43:02 <LeaLeaLea> Mhm.
06:43:10 <CakeProphet> and maybe brainfuck
06:43:13 <CakeProphet> but mostly glass
06:43:21 <CakeProphet> aha!
06:43:24 <LeaLeaLea> ...What
06:43:28 <CakeProphet> I'll make my own bot... WAY BETTER THAN EGOBOT
06:43:35 <LeaLeaLea> ..Yeah. Five years later..
06:43:38 <LeaLeaLea> Still no bot.
06:43:40 <CakeProphet> ...shut up
06:43:46 <CakeProphet> I've got one like...
06:43:49 <CakeProphet> halfwaydone man
06:43:57 <LeaLeaLea> :)
06:44:00 <bsmntbombdood> code glass for bsmnt_bot
06:44:11 * CakeProphet has lots of unfinished projects
06:44:15 <LeaLeaLea> ..Who are you
06:44:20 <CakeProphet> bsmntbombdood, it has a glass interpreter?
06:44:26 <bsmntbombdood> no
06:44:31 <bsmntbombdood> you need to code one
06:44:34 <CakeProphet> ....
06:44:36 <CakeProphet> fuck that
06:44:49 <CakeProphet> just use egobots
06:44:53 <CakeProphet> in a subprocess
06:45:00 <CakeProphet> or something
06:45:06 <bsmntbombdood> go ahead
06:45:09 <CakeProphet> ...
06:45:15 <CakeProphet> GOD DAMNIT
06:45:21 <bsmntbombdood> You are allowed to make net connections with bsmnt_bot
06:45:28 <bsmntbombdood> download the interpreter
06:45:39 <CakeProphet> ...how do you run C on Windows?
06:46:37 <CakeProphet> I don't think I even have a compiler for it.
06:48:09 <CakeProphet> bsmntbombdood, aaah
06:49:07 <CakeProphet> actually..
06:49:11 <CakeProphet> cygwin might have something for it.
06:49:15 * CakeProphet checks
07:00:53 <CakeProphet> nope
07:03:00 <bsmntbombdood> do it with bsmnt_bot
07:05:09 -!- LeaLeaLea has quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]").
07:16:26 <puzzlet> whats wrong with him
07:17:55 <CakeProphet> hmmm?
07:18:04 <CakeProphet> puzzlet, who?
07:18:47 -!- bsmntbombdood has changed nick to lolipop.
07:20:14 -!- LeaLeaLea has joined.
07:20:20 <puzzlet> forget it
07:20:26 <LeaLeaLea> I have returned.
07:20:33 <CakeProphet> oh.
07:20:38 -!- lolipop has changed nick to bsmntbombdood.
07:21:49 * CakeProphet frowns.
07:21:59 * CakeProphet consternates
07:22:00 <LeaLeaLea> ..Quiet.
07:22:09 <CakeProphet> we all hate you
07:22:10 <LeaLeaLea> I have no time for your shenanagens.
07:22:12 <LeaLeaLea> NO.
07:22:18 <CakeProphet> yep
07:22:24 <LeaLeaLea> Unfortunate.
07:22:39 <CakeProphet> ~help
07:22:47 <CakeProphet> :o scandalous
07:22:53 <LeaLeaLea> SHUT UP.
07:22:56 <CakeProphet> ~exec print "Lol"
07:23:02 <CakeProphet> ....scandalous
07:23:15 <CakeProphet> bsmntbombdood, your bot's dead.
07:23:32 <bsmntbombdood> what?
07:23:34 <bsmntbombdood> no it's not
07:23:39 <CakeProphet> lol yah
07:23:44 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout("lol")
07:23:45 <bsmnt_bot> lol
07:23:47 <CakeProphet> ...
07:23:52 <CakeProphet> oh
07:23:54 <CakeProphet> yeah
07:23:59 <CakeProphet> you do the wierd stdout wrapper
07:24:14 <CakeProphet> ~exec sys.stdout(str(globals()))
07:24:15 <bsmnt_bot> {'thread_info': <thread._local object at 0xb7d41890>, 'exec_global_tracer': <function exec_global_tracer at 0xb7cad994>, 'pprint': <module 'pprint' from '/usr/lib/python2.4/pprint.pyc'>, 're': <module 're' from '/usr/lib/python2.4/re.pyc'>, 'SysWrapper': <class __main__.SysWrapper at 0xb7ca935c>, 'exec_local_tracer': <function exec_local_tracer at 0xb7cc033c>, '__doc__': N
07:24:15 <bsmnt_bot> one, 'math': <module 'math' from '/usr/lib/python2.4/lib-dynload/math.so'>, 'IRCbot': <class __main__.IRCbot at 0xb7ca92fc>, 'args': {'IDENT': 'bsmnt', 'REALNAME': 'bsmntbombdood bot', 'CHAN': '#esoteric', 'NICK': 'bsmnt_bot', 'HOST': '', 'PORT': 6667, 'VERBOSE': True}, '__builtins__': <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>, '__file__': '/bot/ircbot.py', 'inspect': <
07:24:15 <bsmnt_bot> module 'inspect' from '/usr/lib/python2.4/inspect.pyc'>, 'IRCFileWrapper': <class __main__.IRCFileWrapper at 0xb7ca932c>, 'sys': <module 'sys' (built-in)>, '__name__': '__main__', 'copy': <module 'copy' from '/usr/lib/python2.4/copy.pyc'>, 'types': <module 'types' from '/usr/lib/python2.4/types.pyc'>, 'socket': <module 'socket' from '/usr/lib/python2.4/socket.pyc'>, 'threa
07:24:20 <bsmnt_bot> d': <module 'thread' (built-in)>, 'os': <module 'os' from '/usr/lib/python2.4/os.pyc'>, 'traceback': <module 'traceback' from '/usr/lib/python2.4/traceback.pyc'>, 'bot': <__main__.IRCbot instance at 0xb7cbf14c>, 'threading': <module 'threading' from '/usr/lib/python2.4/threading.pyc'>, 'time': <module 'time' from '/usr/lib/python2.4/lib-dynload/time.so'>, 'pickle': <module
07:24:25 <bsmnt_bot> 'pickle' from '/usr/lib/python2.4/pickle.pyc'>, 'marshal': <module 'marshal' (built-in)>}
07:24:51 <bsmntbombdood> ...smart
07:25:16 <CakeProphet> ~exec sys.stdout(repr(self))
07:25:16 <bsmnt_bot> <__main__.IRCbot instance at 0xb7cbf14c>
07:25:50 <CakeProphet> What's the quick way to match all the beginner stuff with register_raw?
07:26:49 <bsmntbombdood> what?
07:27:13 <CakeProphet> the beginning
07:27:15 <CakeProphet> of an IRC line
07:27:21 <CakeProphet> is there a quick way to match it?
07:27:24 <CakeProphet> in a regex
07:27:29 <CakeProphet> of register_raw() thing
07:27:36 <bsmntbombdood> "^"?
07:27:46 <CakeProphet> ...
07:27:49 <CakeProphet> the address stuff
07:27:57 <CakeProphet> well..
07:28:06 <CakeProphet> I could just do .*?
07:28:16 <bsmntbombdood> \S* would be better
07:28:22 <bsmntbombdood> but what do you mean?
07:28:39 <bsmntbombdood> If you want to get stuff like the nick, match it against self.message_re
07:29:13 <CakeProphet> what are the arguments of the function?
07:29:27 <CakeProphet> in the second argumet of register_raw
07:29:44 <bsmntbombdood> message, regex match object
07:32:07 -!- Sartak has joined.
07:32:17 -!- Sartak has left (?).
07:32:45 <CakeProphet> ~exec import random;self.register_raw("\S*: *~roll (?<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(random.randint(1,y.groupdict.get("d", 6))))
07:32:54 <CakeProphet> ~roll 6
07:33:02 <CakeProphet> CONTROVERSY
07:33:43 <CakeProphet> ~exec import random;self.register_raw("\S*: *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(random.randint(1,y.groupdict.get("d", 6))))
07:33:48 <CakeProphet> ~roll 10
07:33:54 <CakeProphet> CONTROVERSY
07:34:20 <bsmntbombdood> nope
07:34:21 <CakeProphet> bsmntbombdood, what was the error message.
07:34:30 <bsmntbombdood> #bsmnt_bot_errors
07:34:34 <CakeProphet> ...damnit
07:34:37 <bsmntbombdood> your regex is wrong
07:34:46 <CakeProphet> ~exec import random;self.register_raw("\S*: *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(random.randint(1,y.groupdict.get("d", 6))))
07:34:52 <CakeProphet> oh..
07:34:54 <bsmntbombdood> ...still wrong
07:35:24 <CakeProphet> ~exec import random;self.register_raw("^\S*: *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(random.randint(1,y.groupdict.get("d", 6))))
07:35:31 <CakeProphet> ~roll 5
07:35:35 <CakeProphet> ...
07:35:40 <CakeProphet> what's wrong?
07:35:43 -!- LeaLeaLea has quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]").
07:36:17 <bsmntbombdood> this is the format of a message: ":CakeProphet!n=CakeProp@wikipedia/The-Prophet-Wizard-of-the-Crayon-Cake PRIVMSG #esoteric :what's wrong?
07:36:24 <CakeProphet> oooh...
07:36:28 <CakeProphet> yeah
07:36:31 <CakeProphet> forgot the leading semicolon
07:36:57 <bsmntbombdood> no
07:37:05 <bsmntbombdood> \S matches non-whitespace chars
07:37:56 <CakeProphet> ~exec import random;self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(random.randint(1,y.groupdict.get("d", 6))))
07:38:01 <CakeProphet> ~roll 10
07:38:01 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
07:38:05 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
07:38:21 <CakeProphet> I broken it
07:40:24 <CakeProphet> ~exec import random;self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(random.randint(1,int(y.groups("d")))))
07:40:34 <CakeProphet> ~roll 10
07:40:35 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
07:40:37 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
07:40:50 <CakeProphet> ~exec import random;self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(str(random.randint(1,int(y.groups("d"))))))
07:40:54 <CakeProphet> ~roll 10
07:40:54 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
07:40:56 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
07:41:22 <bsmntbombdood> y.group
07:41:32 <CakeProphet> ~exec import random;self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(str(random.randint(1,int(y.group("d"))))))
07:41:37 <CakeProphet> ~roll 10
07:41:38 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
07:41:40 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
07:41:41 <CakeProphet> nope lol
07:42:18 <bsmntbombdood> global name random not defined
07:42:25 <CakeProphet> ~exec import random;self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(str(__import__("random").randint(1,int(y.groups("d"))))))
07:42:28 <CakeProphet> ~roll 10
07:44:32 <CakeProphet> ~exec import random;self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout.write(str(__import__("random").randint(1,int(y.groups("d"))))))
07:44:36 <CakeProphet> ~roll 10
07:44:48 <bsmntbombdood> weird
07:46:04 <CakeProphet> ~exec import random;self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout.write(str(__import__("random").randint(1,int(y.group("d"))))))
07:46:06 <CakeProphet> ~roll 10
07:46:06 <bsmnt_bot> 1
07:46:08 <CakeProphet> ~roll 10
07:46:09 <bsmnt_bot> 9
07:46:10 <CakeProphet> ~roll 10
07:46:10 <bsmnt_bot> 1
07:46:12 <CakeProphet> ~roll 10
07:46:12 <bsmnt_bot> 2
07:46:13 <CakeProphet> ~roll 10
07:46:13 <bsmnt_bot> 2
07:46:16 <CakeProphet> how novel
07:46:44 <bsmntbombdood> ...
07:47:44 <CakeProphet> ~exec globals()["random"] = __import__("random");self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *~roll (?P<d>\d*) *$", lambda x,y: sys.stdout.write(str(random.randint(1,int(y.group("d"))))))
07:47:49 <CakeProphet> ~roll 10
07:47:49 <bsmnt_bot> 5
07:47:50 <bsmnt_bot> 6
07:47:54 <CakeProphet> :o
07:48:40 <CakeProphet> get rid of the old one.
07:49:20 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec del self.raw_regex_queue[-2]
07:49:34 <CakeProphet> ~roll 56
07:49:35 <bsmnt_bot> 9
07:49:38 <CakeProphet> ~roll 4345694569049560945609456
07:49:39 <bsmnt_bot> 937767620971671047976646
07:49:40 <CakeProphet> ~roll 4345694569049560945609456
07:49:41 <bsmnt_bot> 2838600485402488068531576
07:49:42 <CakeProphet> ~roll 4345694569049560945609456
07:49:43 <bsmnt_bot> 2269477471378303337011121
07:49:44 <CakeProphet> ~roll 4345694569049560945609456
07:49:45 <bsmnt_bot> 2115576699285482581859932
07:50:39 <bsmntbombdood> fun
07:56:33 <CakeProphet> ~exec self.__class__.imlazy = lambda x,f: self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *%s (?:(?: (.*?) ))* *", lambda ge,ha: sys.stdout(str(f(*ha.groups()))))
07:57:00 <CakeProphet> oh...
07:57:13 <CakeProphet> ~exec self.__class__.imlazy = lambda x,f: self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *%s (?:(?: (.*?) ))* *" % x, lambda ge,ha: sys.stdout(str(f(*ha.groups()))))
07:57:43 <CakeProphet> hmmm...
07:58:33 <CakeProphet> ~exec self.__class__.imlazy = lambda x,f: self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *%s (?P<inp>.*)$" % x, lambda ge,ha: sys.stdout(str(f(*ha.group("inp")))))
07:58:53 <CakeProphet> ~exec self.imlazy("cat", lambda foo: foo)
07:59:23 <bsmntbombdood> what are you doing?
07:59:25 <CakeProphet> ~exec self.__class__.imlazy = lambda self, x,f: self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *%s (?P<inp>.*)$" % x, lambda ge,ha: sys.stdout(str(f(*ha.group("inp")))))
07:59:32 <CakeProphet> ~exec self.imlazy("cat", lambda foo: foo)
07:59:42 <CakeProphet> cat h
07:59:42 <bsmnt_bot> h
07:59:46 <CakeProphet> being lazy
07:59:50 <CakeProphet> cat whoooo
07:59:54 <CakeProphet> ERROR
07:59:59 -!- clog has quit (ended).
08:00:00 -!- clog has joined.
08:00:51 <CakeProphet> ....how could it possibly get a typeerror?
08:01:12 <CakeProphet> ah.
08:01:27 <CakeProphet> ~exec self.__class__.imlazy = lambda self, x,f: self.register_raw("^\S* PRIVMSG #esoteric : *%s (?P<inp>.*)$" % x, lambda ge,ha: sys.stdout(str(f(ha.group("inp")))))
08:01:49 <CakeProphet> ~exec del self.raw_regex_queue[-1]
08:01:59 <CakeProphet> ~exec self.imlazy("cat", lambda foo: foo)
08:02:01 <CakeProphet> cat whooo
08:02:02 <bsmnt_bot> whooo
08:02:05 <CakeProphet> cat hahahahahaha
08:02:06 <bsmnt_bot> hahahahahaha
08:02:08 <CakeProphet> mehehehehehe
08:02:15 <CakeProphet> ~exec del self.raw_regex_queue[-1]
08:02:20 <CakeProphet> ~exec self.imlazy("~cat", lambda foo: foo)
08:02:23 <CakeProphet> ~cat wha
08:02:24 <bsmnt_bot> wha
08:03:03 <CakeProphet> ~exec self.imlazy("~dup", lambda x: x*2)
08:03:08 <CakeProphet> ~dup hello
08:03:08 <bsmnt_bot> hellohello
08:03:13 <CakeProphet> :(
08:03:17 <CakeProphet> ~exec del self.raw_regex_queue[-1]
08:03:32 <CakeProphet> ~exec self.imlazy("~dup", lambda x: "%s %s" % (x,x))
08:03:39 <CakeProphet> ~dup ha
08:03:40 <bsmnt_bot> ha ha
08:03:50 <CakeProphet> ~dup ~dup ~dup ha
08:03:50 <bsmnt_bot> ~dup ~dup ha ~dup ~dup ha
08:03:57 <CakeProphet> :(
08:04:20 <CakeProphet> ~exec self.imlazy("~dog", lambda x: x[::-1])
08:04:23 <CakeProphet> ~dog wha
08:04:23 <bsmnt_bot> ahw
08:09:43 <CakeProphet> ~exec self.imlazy("~rot", lambda x:"".join( [(chr((ord(c) if ord(c) < ord("n") else ord(c)-26)+13) if c != " " else " ") for c in x]))
08:09:52 <CakeProphet> ~rot whooo
08:10:31 <bsmntbombdood> python 2.4
08:10:38 <CakeProphet> ....crap
08:11:01 -!- helios24 has joined.
08:13:50 <CakeProphet> ~exec self.imlazy("~A", lambda x: " ".join(["".join(["A" for c in w]) for w in x.split()]) + "!")
08:13:54 <CakeProphet> ~A hmmmm
08:13:54 <bsmnt_bot> AAAAA!
08:13:57 <CakeProphet> ~A hmmmm hmmmm
08:13:58 <bsmnt_bot> AAAAA AAAAA!
08:14:07 <CakeProphet> ~A to be or not to be, that is the question
08:14:07 <bsmnt_bot> AA AA AA AAA AA AAA AAAA AA AAA AAAAAAAA!
08:15:02 <CakeProphet> I had to do a cheap hack to bypass the lack of conditionals.
08:15:18 <CakeProphet> I couldn't conditionally exclude whitespace from being converted... so I used split and applied a for loop to each word.
08:15:46 <bsmntbombdood> It works
08:18:38 <CakeProphet> hrm...
08:18:49 <CakeProphet> time to implement dupdog
08:18:50 <CakeProphet> :D
08:27:07 <CakeProphet> ~exec def mfit(src):; cmd = src[0]; src = src[1:]; if cmd == "~":; return src*2; elif cmd == "?":; if len(src)%2 == 0: return src.replace("?","\n").replace("~", "\t").replace("!","?").replace("\n","~").replace("\t","!"); else:; return src; else; print len(src); return ""
08:27:39 <CakeProphet> ...damn
08:49:02 -!- sebbu has joined.
09:24:27 -!- wooby has joined.
10:00:30 -!- oerjan has joined.
10:13:33 <oerjan> amphibious programming FTW
10:36:41 <oerjan> ~A Good grief.
10:36:41 <bsmnt_bot> AAAA AAAAAA!
11:11:55 <oklopol> ~A
11:12:01 <oklopol> ~A
11:12:05 <oklopol> ~A
11:12:05 <bsmnt_bot> AAAA!
11:12:18 <oklopol> ~A
11:12:18 <bsmnt_bot> AAAAA AAAA AAA AA A!
11:49:38 -!- wooby has quit.
12:40:22 -!- Sgeo has joined.
12:50:56 -!- oerjan has quit ("Dream").
13:54:18 -!- helios24 has quit ("Leaving").
14:46:12 -!- ihope has joined.
15:10:22 * SimonRC lols at the original iPod announcement at Slashdot.
15:10:22 <SimonRC> "No wireless. Less space than a nomad. Lame."
15:10:23 <SimonRC> X-P
15:10:47 <SimonRC> oklopol: have you been reading Uncyclopedia again?
15:15:15 <oklopol> oh me?
15:15:30 <oklopol> i've never read uncyclopedia :\
15:15:33 <oklopol> why you ask?
15:27:37 <CakeProphet> I made the AAAA! thing
15:27:52 <CakeProphet> (AAAAAAAAA! is something from uncyclopedia)
15:28:37 <CakeProphet> http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/AAAAAAAA%21
15:34:44 <oklopol> http://esoteric.voxelperfect.net/wiki/AAAAAAAAAAAAAA%21%21%21%21
15:34:48 <oklopol> do that too
15:43:28 <CakeProphet> hmmm
15:43:40 <CakeProphet> what's the servername and hostname parameters of a USER IRC message for?
15:43:56 <CakeProphet> it seems odd that the server would request its own name in a USER message
15:46:01 <oklopol> you don't send them
15:46:09 <oklopol> it's for their internal messaging
15:46:26 <oklopol> just the same format between users and servers && servers and servers
15:46:34 <oklopol> if you supply it, it's ignored
15:46:48 <oklopol> read the rfc like us the rest of us
15:46:48 <oklopol> :)
15:47:04 <oklopol> you put a * usually
15:47:10 <SimonRC> CakeProphet: ok, my mistake
15:48:13 <CakeProphet> ....I did read the rfc... it didn't explain any of that
15:49:35 <oklopol> really :O
15:49:40 <oklopol> it's a big rfc
15:49:48 <oklopol> it explains it all
15:51:30 <oklopol> hmm, i'm not sure if the client rfc explains it, just saying they are ignored should suffice
15:51:42 <oklopol> you can read the server rfc if you care about details :)
15:52:55 <oklopol> Note that hostname and servername are normally ignored by the IRC
15:52:56 <oklopol> server when the USER command comes from a directly connected client
15:52:56 <oklopol> (for security reasons), but they are used in server to server
15:52:56 <oklopol> communication.
15:52:58 <oklopol> client rfc
15:53:38 <oklopol> for security reasons... a very thorough explanation :)
15:58:27 <CakeProphet> I'm reading the server rfc...
15:58:31 <CakeProphet> didn't know there was more than one
16:00:45 <oklopol> god i chose the wrong lisp book :)
16:01:15 <oklopol> i've read 111 pages and i know EVAL, DEFUN and lists
16:01:40 <oklopol> i couldn't gotten all this information in 10 minutes from anyone who knows lisp
16:01:59 <oklopol> plus the book is from 1989... prolly changed quite a bit :)
16:02:10 <oklopol> but, gotta finish what i started
16:29:24 <ihope> There are two RFCs, eh?
16:29:32 <ihope> Is RFC 1459 the client one?
16:34:58 <oklopol> i think so
16:49:31 <fizzie> No.
16:49:37 <fizzie> RFC 1459 is the old RFC.
16:49:49 <fizzie> The newer ones (there are 4 or 5 of them) start with a 2.
16:50:01 <fizzie> See http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/rfc/
16:50:08 <oklopol> :o
16:50:17 <oklopol> why am i always so goddamn obsolete
17:10:36 -!- Sgeo has quit (Remote closed the connection).
17:12:44 * SimonRC wonders why seperate layers are a good thing in software but a bad thing in your mind.
17:16:13 <oklopol> they're bad in your mind?
17:16:28 <oklopol> i thought mind was the ultimate layer management system
17:18:19 <SimonRC> Nonono, I was thinking about the Superego/Ego/Id thing, which IIRC Freud blames for many mental problems.
17:18:28 <SimonRC> OTOH, Freud wrote a lot of crap at times.
17:19:40 <oklopol> ah, you didn't mean different layers of abstraction, but that
17:20:21 <oklopol> isn't that more like... multithreading?
17:20:29 <oklopol> haven't read about that actualyl
17:20:32 <oklopol> ylylyly
17:21:50 -!- jix__ has joined.
18:07:54 * SimonRC goes to dinner
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19:35:20 * CakeProphet watches as he bzips his entire computer.
19:35:45 <CakeProphet> I'm finally getting a linux distro.
19:35:47 <CakeProphet> how exciting.
19:36:46 <oerjan> Entire computer? Including hardware? :)
19:37:00 <CakeProphet> ....of course
19:37:02 <CakeProphet> ...
19:37:10 <CakeProphet> nah... just the essentials and stuff I can't get elsewhere.
19:37:31 <CakeProphet> which compromises roughly 2.4 gigs of gzip compressed data.
19:37:38 <CakeProphet> which apparently is too large to... shove down my email...
19:37:44 <CakeProphet> so... I'm bzipping the gzip of a tar
19:38:34 <CakeProphet> it's just a backup anywas.
19:38:44 <CakeProphet> once I get linux I can just access the partition directly.
19:39:38 <CakeProphet> I'm considering impatiently skipping the backup and booting it.
19:59:37 <pgimeno> knoppix?
20:00:22 -!- CakeProphet has quit ("haaaaaaaaaa").
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20:42:43 <meatmanek> SevenInchBread is apparently a dick.
21:46:49 <ihope> He is?
21:47:08 <bsmntbombdood> ~A AAAAAAAAAA
21:47:09 <bsmnt_bot> AAAAAAAAAA!
21:47:36 <ihope> Or is it she?
21:48:17 <bsmntbombdood> ~A AAAAAAAAA=
21:48:18 <bsmnt_bot> AAAAAAAAAA!
22:03:27 -!- jix__ has quit ("Bitte waehlen Sie eine Beerdigungnachricht").
22:10:43 <bsmntbombdood> ~A AAAAAAAAA=
22:10:52 <bsmntbombdood> ?
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