00:01:26 <GregorR> I don't know why printf doesn't work :(
00:01:44 <GregorR> I think it has something to do with C's IO buffering.
00:01:57 <oklokok> hey don't worry, i don't know either
00:03:19 <oklokok> so what was it again you were cooking=
00:03:29 <GregorR> MMIX simulator in JavaScript.
00:03:54 <oklokok> hmm, and mmix was an risc or smth?
00:04:06 <oklokok> or something everyone should know.
00:04:32 <GregorR> Everyone Knuthiest (a member of the Knuth order of the Knuth religion) should know :P
00:05:36 <ehird`> I should create a CrazyOldComputerSciencePerson group
00:05:39 <ehird`> Knuth and Stallman could join
00:05:56 <ehird`> Knuth would look away in disguist at Stallman's hygene while Stallman would rant on about freedom
00:06:22 <ehird`> then knuth would hit stallman over the head with a micro-optimized assembly language sorting algorithm
00:06:47 <ehird`> and thus would speak Stallman:
00:06:57 <ehird`> "Wow. I didn't realise there were people with more of a clue than me."
00:08:45 <oklokok> GregorR: and err... why printf? is that mmix?
00:09:40 <GregorR> But a program using printf, compiled to MMIX, isn't working.
00:10:19 <oklokok> is the compilation correct, or does the actuall mmix code run incorrectly
00:10:26 <oklokok> both should be easy to trace :|
00:13:36 <ehird`> the compilation is by gcc
00:13:46 <ehird`> gcc basically, never is wrong
00:14:06 <ehird`> GregorR is working on an MMIX emulator
00:14:32 <ehird`> GregorR: ... Question: Does gcc-mmix compile gcc?
00:14:41 <ehird`> GregorR: I think you can see where I'm taking this.
00:14:50 <GregorR> ehird`: Donno, but don't think I haven't thought that way ;)
00:15:03 <ehird`> You could develop it entirely in your browser in a shell :D
00:15:09 <ehird`> and compile stuf fand test it
00:17:32 <ehird`> if you give it some kind of XMLHttpRequest bindings
00:17:37 <ehird`> and a simple upload/get backend
00:17:41 <ehird`> then you could upload the new version from it
00:18:03 <ehird`> You could even implement an ANSI-compliant terminal emulator, and edit the JS code with vi in it
00:18:30 <ehird`> Vi running under a CPU emulator in JS would just be crazy :-)
00:18:38 <ehird`> Then you must do emacs, thus having another turing complete layer!
00:19:34 <GregorR> vim was actually my original goal.
00:19:48 <GregorR> I wanted a web-based editor that was really, truly vim.
00:19:52 <GregorR> Not vim-like, but actually vim.
00:19:53 <oklokok> how many turing machines does it take to change a light bulb?
00:20:06 <ehird`> oklokok: 1, but you don't know if it'll ever finish or not
00:21:07 <oklokok> i'm pretty sure that's simple enough that you can prove it correct
00:21:48 <oklokok> my answer was "trivially one given a way to encode 'changing a light bulb' into the program states"
00:21:59 <oklokok> but i'm not sure if that works
00:22:09 <oklokok> since it kinda doesn't... do anything.
00:22:25 <oklokok> these are the questions that keep me awake at night
00:22:34 <oklokok> and also the fact i drank too much caffeine
00:22:56 <ehird`> that's not funny, though
00:23:20 <oklokok> my idea was to be funny by ruining the joke.
00:23:49 <oklokok> requires less wit, you see
00:24:18 <oklokok> ehird`: can i see the spec for that language of yours
00:24:31 <oklokok> jumping to -1 is exciting!
00:25:11 <ehird`> (The reason for that abbreviation has never been adequately explained.)
00:25:11 <ehird`> http://esolangs.org/wiki/Wapr
00:25:23 <ehird`> "CMD stack -> newstack"
00:25:24 <oklokok> i'm making a generic assembly of some sort...
00:25:59 <oklokok> thought i'd take that as an example assembly to make for it, since it's pretty simple
00:26:15 <GregorR> oklokok: Generic assembly? You mean C?
00:26:17 <oklokok> and also because i know the creator of it
00:26:50 <oklokok> perhaps i should respond to jokes with a smiley or something if i laugh at them D:
00:27:12 <ehird`> we just used :-) to indicate a joke
00:27:16 <ehird`> and "Haha" to indicate laughs
00:27:18 <GregorR> ARRRRGH, why doesn't this work *sobs*
00:27:23 <ehird`> (OK, so I wasn't alive in those days but ;))
00:28:10 <oklokok> it was that 2 meter long line noise?
00:28:22 <GregorR> The problem is, I believe, in the buffering.
00:28:24 <ehird`> TWO METE RLONG LINE NOISE
00:28:41 <GregorR> ehird`: Look at the source of http://www.codu.org/jsmmix/test.html
00:30:19 <oklokok> ehird`: 1. spec no see on eso page! 2. blahbot, dead, is? why so, also, can run wapr, but... omg, how?
00:30:35 <ehird`> oklokok: um, its the spec
00:30:39 <ehird`> oklokok: the monospaced block
00:31:40 <ehird`> it specifies the whole, afaik TC, language
00:31:42 <ehird`> I shall revive blahbot.
00:31:43 <oklokok> yarrrrr, now, that's not the asm language you were doing... some time ago? :\
00:31:59 <ehird`> (Yeah, I like weird names)
00:32:00 <ehird`> http://esolangs.org/wiki/Yael
00:32:37 <oklokok> yeaps, that's what i was looking for
00:32:49 <oklokok> hmm, 4 hours till i need to wake up
00:33:32 <ehird`> now where is blahbot...
00:34:09 <oklokok> you could just be a character in my dream
00:34:48 <ehird`> Also: You can't read in dreams.,
00:35:00 <oklokok> often i have characters in my dreams i have known for ages, like, i have memories of past incidents with them etc.
00:35:05 <oklokok> you could be something like that.
00:35:13 <ehird`> It is, in fact, completely impossible to read in dreams. So unless you're using text to speech...
00:35:17 <oklokok> i actually often irc in my dreams.
00:35:28 <ehird`> yes, but can you READ and UNDERSTAND everything they're saying?
00:35:34 <ehird`> your brain just supplies some sort of meaning
00:35:42 <oklokok> i've had normal boring conversations in my dreams :|
00:35:54 <ehird`> is this a normal boring conversation? ;)
00:36:12 <ehird`> Your dream couldn't remmeber THAT :p
00:36:43 <ehird`> why isn't your client responding
00:36:47 <oklokok> my client doesn't show it...
00:37:08 <ehird`> [00:37] [Whois] oklokok is n=ville@ (ville salo)
00:37:19 <ehird`> I'm pretty sure your dream would not remember your ident
00:37:25 <oklokok> unfortunately i remember that.
00:37:40 <ehird`> OK, how about you just go to bed
00:38:20 -!- Sgeo has joined.
00:38:58 <oklokok> the boring conversation is usually the type, "i had the weirdest dream just now", "boring" was just something to characterize non programming related
00:39:15 <oklokok> often when i have a weird dream, i also have a few dreams where i tell everyone about it
00:39:44 <ehird`> where the hell is blahbot, oklokok
00:40:45 -!- blahbot` has joined.
00:41:25 <oklokok> speaking of dreams, last night i had a dream laurel and hardy were having sex while running towards a shelf full of plates, which then fell on top of them killing them both
00:42:50 <ehird`> and its a broken lambda calculus interp
00:43:14 <ehird`> singleton.send :define_method, :putc, proc {|c| c = c[0] unless c.is_a? Numeric; if c == ?\n; write(@buf); @buf = ""; else @buf << c; end}
00:43:18 <ehird`> i was so fucking evil back then
00:43:52 <ehird`> in ruby {|x| ...} is a block
00:44:18 <oklokok> oh, why don't you need quotes?
00:44:18 <ehird`> ?CHAR == ascii number of CHAR
00:44:28 <ehird`> so ?\n == ascii number of newline [it supports escapes]
00:45:42 <ehird`> @x means 'instance variable x'
00:46:21 <oklokok> hmm instance variable of what?
00:46:39 <ehird`> singleton.send :define_method, :putc, X # this is evil magic
00:46:46 <ehird`> singleton is an object
00:46:50 <ehird`> the singleton object of a class
00:46:53 <ehird`> its basically its metaclass
00:47:00 <ehird`> its an object that is each instnace of the class
00:49:40 <oklokok> i should remember... i've programmed on that
00:49:56 <ehird`> Ruby is the only useful esoteric language.
00:50:00 <oklokok> remembering is for computers
00:51:08 <oklokok> someday i'll actually learn the techniques of my memory training book...
00:51:22 <blahbot`> NameError: undefined local variable or method `x' for #<Blahbot:0xb7cca1ac>
00:51:26 <blahbot`> NoMethodError: undefined method `x=' for #<Blahbot:0xb7cca1ac>
00:51:44 <ehird`> %eval @x[0] = 2 @x[5] = 3
00:51:44 <blahbot`> SyntaxError: (eval):1: syntax error, unexpected tIVAR, expecting $end
00:51:47 <ehird`> %eval @x[0] = 2; @x[5] = 3
00:52:10 <ehird`> i was expecting a sparse array ;)
00:52:36 <ehird`> method_missing(:write, *args)
00:52:38 <ehird`> that makes no fucking sense
00:52:44 <ehird`> why do i have a method that calls method_missing?
00:53:00 <ehird`> past elliott is crazy :|
00:53:51 <blahbot`> NameError: undefined local variable or method `thrad' for #<Blahbot:0xb7cca1ac>
00:53:52 <blahbot`> NameError: undefined local variable or method `thread' for #<Blahbot:0xb7cca1ac>
00:54:05 <ehird`> %eval Thread.current[:stdout]
00:55:04 <ehird`> oklokok: I set $stdout (a global) to a class which is a 100% proxy (including as you can see pretty-printing) of Thread.current[:stdout]
00:55:17 <ehird`> %eval Thread.current[:stderr] = nil; $stderr
00:55:25 <ehird`> %eval Thread.current[:stderr] = nil; $stderr.puts("hi")
00:55:32 <ehird`> and somehow it goes to console
00:56:16 <oklokok> isn't that the same prob bsmntbombdood had?
01:00:07 <blahbot`> ./bot.rb:289: warning: getc is obsolete; use STDIN.getc instead
01:00:19 -!- blahbot` has quit (Remote closed the connection).
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01:08:47 -!- blahbot` has quit (Remote closed the connection).
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01:09:27 <blahbot`> undefined method `empty' for nil:NilClass
01:09:27 -!- blahbot` has quit (Remote closed the connection).
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01:11:00 <blahbot`> undefined method `empty' for []:Array
01:11:00 -!- blahbot` has quit (Remote closed the connection).
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01:11:29 -!- blahbot` has quit (Remote closed the connection).
01:11:59 -!- blahbot` has joined.
01:12:40 -!- blahbot` has quit (Remote closed the connection).
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01:13:01 <blahbot`> undefined method `chr' for "hi":String
01:13:01 -!- blahbot` has quit (Remote closed the connection).
01:13:06 -!- sebbu2 has quit ("@+").
01:13:25 -!- blahbot` has joined.
01:13:39 <blahbot`> undefined method `chr' for "h":String
01:13:39 -!- blahbot` has quit (Remote closed the connection).
01:14:10 -!- blahbot` has joined.
01:14:37 <ehird`> %eval Thread.current[:stdin]
01:14:41 <ehird`> %eval Thread.current[:stdin].getc
01:14:44 <blahbot`> 0. eval Thread.current[:stdin].getc
01:15:03 <ehird`> %eval while c = Thread.current[:stdin].getc; c; end
01:15:05 <blahbot`> 0. eval while c = Thread.current[:stdin].getc; c; end
01:15:18 <blahbot`> NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
01:15:48 -!- blahbot` has quit (Remote closed the connection).
01:15:58 -!- blahbot` has joined.
01:16:00 <ehird`> %eval while c = $stdin.getc; putc c; end
01:16:04 -!- blahbot` has quit (Excess Flood).
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01:16:26 <ehird`> %eval while c = $stdin.getc; putc c; end
01:17:04 <ehird`> %eval while true; puts Thread.current[:_input]; sleep 2; end
01:17:09 <blahbot`> 0. eval while true; puts Thread.current[:_input]; sleep 2; end
01:17:09 <blahbot`> 1. eval while c = $stdin.getc; putc c; end
01:17:27 <ehird`> %eval while true; p Thread.current[:_input]; sleep 2; end
01:17:51 <blahbot`> NameError: undefined local variable or method `x' for #<Blahbot:0xb7cd5868>
01:18:05 <ehird`> %eval putc "x"; putc "y"
01:18:38 -!- blahbot` has quit (Remote closed the connection).
01:18:49 -!- blahbot` has joined.
01:18:51 <ehird`> %eval while c = $stdin.getc; putc c; end
01:19:29 <blahbot`> 0. eval while c = $stdin.getc; putc c; end
01:19:31 -!- blahbot` has quit (Remote closed the connection).
01:19:41 -!- blahbot` has joined.
01:19:46 <ehird`> %eval while c = $stdin.getc; putc c; end
01:20:23 -!- blahbot` has quit (Remote closed the connection).
01:20:36 -!- blahbot` has joined.
01:20:39 <ehird`> %eval while c = $stdin.getc; putc c; end
01:20:43 <blahbot`> NoMethodError: private method `p' called for #<IO:0xb7d1cf60>
01:21:46 -!- blahbot` has quit (Remote closed the connection).
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01:21:57 <ehird`> %eval while c = $stdin.getc; putc c; end
01:22:36 -!- blahbot` has quit (Remote closed the connection).
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01:22:51 <ehird`> %eval while c = $stdin.getc; putc c; end
01:23:14 <blahbot`> => #<Method: Blahbot(Kernel)#putc>
01:23:22 <blahbot`> ArgumentError: (eval):1:in `putc': wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
01:23:48 <ehird`> %eval whle c = $stdin.getc; $stdout.putc c; end
01:23:49 <blahbot`> SyntaxError: (eval):1: syntax error, unexpected kEND, expecting $end
01:23:54 <ehird`> %eval while c = $stdin.getc; $stdout.putc c; end
01:25:18 <ehird`> I'd better be off now.
01:25:27 <ehird`> I have to be up at 7 and it's 1 :P
01:25:40 -!- ehird` has quit ("... and now I'm gone").
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02:53:56 <GregorR> http://www.codu.org/jsmmix/test.html <-- somebody else debug for me :P
03:04:12 <immibis> what does "save.c:(.text+0xb68): relocation truncated to fit: R_ARM_THM_CALL against `cart_removed_handler'" mean and how do i fix it
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03:33:50 <immibis> Two friends are sitting in a bar: /exit and /quit. /exit walks away. Who is left?
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04:05:39 <GregorR> ARRRRGH, I swear every instruction is correct >_<
04:06:01 -!- Tritonio has quit ("Bye...").
04:07:46 <immibis> puzzlet: joining #web2,0 will join #web2 and #0
04:11:21 -!- immibis has quit ("Hi Im a qit msg virus. Pls rplce ur old qit msg wit tis 1 & hlp me tk ovr th wrld of IRC. Life without danger is a waste of o).
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18:30:18 <Tritonio> what's the best way to change the layout of a keyboard? I want to switch some keys. Do I have to recompile any drivers or something?
18:30:45 <Tritonio> but I care about windows too...
18:31:16 <GregorR> KDE and GNOME both have keyboard layout options in their respective control panels
18:31:46 <Tritonio> and how can I create a custom layout?
18:32:08 <GregorR> Ohhh - well that I don't know :)
18:32:55 <Tritonio> anyway. i'll search for files named like ubuntu's already existing layouts. And then i'll try to edit a duplicate of one of them
18:35:18 <GregorR> Glad I could be not particularly helpful :P
18:36:39 <Tritonio> well you told me about the keyboard layouts. I had completely forgotten them... ;-)
18:42:31 <RodgerTheGreat> MacOS Classic had an awesome facility for modifying/creating keyboard layouts
18:43:12 <RodgerTheGreat> crack your System file open in resedit, double-click the appropriate resource, and you have a graphical WYSIWYG layout editor
18:48:15 <GregorR> MacOS classic also has cooperative multitasking :P
18:48:59 <GregorR> No, it isn't, I just like to make fun of it 8-D
18:49:17 <GregorR> Now somebody tell me why http://www.codu.org/jsmmix/test.html doesn't work :P
18:49:34 <GregorR> I try to stick to the script *shrugs*
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18:50:43 <GregorR> Whoah, somebody else on both #d and #esoteric
18:50:52 <GregorR> I don't know whether this bodes well for #d or not :P
18:52:40 <RodgerTheGreat> it took some convincing to get me past my gut feeling that it'd be as much a disaster as C++, but it seems very nifty
19:05:03 <RodgerTheGreat> http://www.flickr.com/photos/scalzi/sets/72157603091357751/show/
19:05:45 <oerjan> did he do it in just six days?
19:05:47 <RodgerTheGreat> "God's word offers HOPE. And as we all know, hope is the foundation to any rigorous scientific hypothesis. Wait, what?
19:13:06 -!- ehird` has joined.
19:18:10 <GregorR> Thanks, blood red lighting!
19:18:28 <ehird`> thanks, 1.1.2-jailbreakme-breaking iphone update!
19:24:10 <GregorR> It's extremely important to prevent 3rd party innovation.
19:24:23 <ehird`> they didn't break jailbreakme.
19:24:31 <ehird`> They fixed the TIFF exploit that jailbreakme uses.
19:24:37 <ehird`> Which is good, I guess, but you know what their motive was.
19:24:56 <ehird`> (Amusing aside: jailbreakme actually patches up the tiff exploit after using it to do its thing)
19:26:37 <GregorR> The question is, can that exploit be used maliciously? That is, could it be exploited by going to a web site, or would you have to voluntarily invoke it?
19:27:04 <ehird`> as soon as the tiff loads it happens
19:27:08 <ehird`> so yeah it is very exploitable
19:27:22 <ehird`> (jailbreakme when viewed on an iphone just adds a link to /files/y.tif)
19:28:10 <RodgerTheGreat> Apple has announced they will be releasing an iPhone SDK
19:28:16 <ehird`> RodgerTheGreat: i'm well aware
19:28:55 <RodgerTheGreat> and even if they can't make it illegal to modify stuff you buy, they are in no way obligated to help you
19:28:57 <ehird`> RodgerTheGreat: now can I get, right now, a terminal, SSH, an irc client, a better home that supports scrolling of the list, etc. with it?
19:29:18 <ehird`> and indeed, RodgerTheGreat. You also can't make it illegal for me to complain :)
19:29:40 <ehird`> well unless the iphone is a minority group or something
19:29:43 <RodgerTheGreat> *if* they had those features, I would seriously consider getting one. I do not own an iPhone because I do not currently find it useful.
19:29:55 <ehird`> Installer.app has all of that
19:30:01 <ehird`> the terminal even runs irssi
19:30:12 <ehird`> also, there's a barely-functional doom port :P
19:30:22 <ehird`> (no sound or controllers, so you can basically watch the demo)
19:30:26 <RodgerTheGreat> what is with people always porting doom of all things?
19:30:36 <ehird`> it's frickin' hilarious
19:30:49 <ehird`> Doom ported to NetBSD toaster!
19:31:03 <ehird`> "Does it run Doom?" is also infinitely funnier than "Does it run Linux?"
19:31:14 <ehird`> I actually played Doom on my 4g, non-colour iPod once
19:32:04 <ehird`> RodgerTheGreat: oh yes, and there's a python/ruby/perl/tcl/etc port
19:32:34 <RodgerTheGreat> or *GASP* an original game for these platforms instead of a mostly-pointless port of something you can play on a 386
19:33:00 <RodgerTheGreat> let me know when they have LUA, Java, or a decent BASIC for it
19:33:17 <ehird`> Why would you want java :|
19:33:36 <ehird`> pff you basically already have FORTH
19:34:02 <ehird`> http://www.modmyiphone.com/nativeapps/the-list/ a big list of native apps in Installer.app
19:34:28 <ehird`> RodgerTheGreat: for example,
19:35:20 <RodgerTheGreat> haha, this is fucking brilliant. "According to god's word, thorns came after Adam's sin, about six thousand years ago, not millions of years ago. Since we have discovered thorns in the fossil record, along with dinosaurs and other plants and animals, they all must have lived at the same time as humans, after Adam's sin."
19:35:32 <ehird`> RodgerTheGreat: hahah wow
19:35:43 <RodgerTheGreat> http://www.flickr.com/photos/scalzi/sets/72157603091357751/show/
19:36:09 <ehird`> it's worth mentioning that reddit works great with iPhone Safari
19:36:15 <RodgerTheGreat> specifically, http://www.flickr.com/photos/scalzi/1969184895/
19:36:16 <ehird`> the interface relaly is done right
19:46:11 <ehird`> RodgerTheGreat: also, it can't brick your iphone
19:46:17 <ehird`> RodgerTheGreat: the worst it can do is require a restore from itunes
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21:13:58 <oerjan> it's not entirely gone anyhow...
21:15:46 -!- jix has quit ("CommandQ").
21:48:12 -!- ehird` has joined.
22:12:48 -!- oerjan has quit ("Good night").
23:15:12 -!- puzzlet has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
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23:53:52 -!- puzzlet has quit (Remote closed the connection).
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