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01:45:22 <ehird`> oklopol: have you got a rough oklotalk spec yet?
01:45:27 <ehird`> i want to implement it sometime
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02:56:07 <faxathisia> s = ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) ((s (k s)) ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) i))) (k i)))))) (k ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) i))) (k i))))
02:57:13 <faxathisia> cause I was always typing it out longhand before I realised....
02:59:06 <faxathisia> \x y z w -> ((x y) (z w)) = ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k (s (k s)))) ((s (k (s (k k)))) ((s (k (s (k s)))) ((s (k (s (k k)))) ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) i))) (k i)))))))) (k (k ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) i))) (k i)))))
02:59:22 <faxathisia> I wonder why thi thing prints out such long expressions though..
03:00:40 <pikhq> Simplify what you can. ;)
03:01:18 <pikhq> Hmm. SKKI? s k k i -> k i (k k) -> i
03:02:35 <faxathisia> if I have a list of combinators, and an expression made from those combinators.. I should be able to automatically generate some optimization rules I think
03:04:10 <pikhq> It's called 'eval'.
03:04:33 <faxathisia> I was thinking of combining the types together and seraching for reduced version
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03:32:39 <ihope_> \x y z w -> ``xy`zw. Apply a simple rule and that's reduced to \x y z -> ``s`xyz. Apply another one and it's reduced to \x y -> `s`xy. Another and it becomes \x -> ``s`ksx. One more and it becomes `s`ks.
03:32:56 <ihope_> It's quite obvious that you have room for improvement.
03:33:58 <ihope_> \x y z -> ``xz`yz can become \x y -> ``sxy can become \x -> `sx can become s. \x y -> x can become `ky can become k.
03:34:13 <ihope_> Moral of the story: \x -> `fx is the same as f. :-)
03:34:33 <ihope_> (Assuming f doesn't contain x, obviously.)
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05:43:36 <pikhq> I'd prefer irssi, but yeah, Pidgin is not the greatest at IRC.
05:44:07 <RodgerTheGreat> I'm mainly just giving it a spin because it was already here
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13:10:53 <Slereah-> Is there a way to reduce a combinator expression without using a dummy variable to test the expression?
13:13:32 <oklopol> isn't that an undecidable problem in general?
13:13:54 <Slereah-> Well, I'm not even talking in general.
13:14:05 <oklopol> i'm just asking in general
13:14:35 <Slereah-> I gives a contradiction with the omega combinator IIRC
13:16:19 <Slereah-> I tried to reduce them abstractions of ^ab.a, and ended up on (S(KK))I.
13:16:59 <Slereah-> Which gives Kx when applied to some combinator x, but well
13:21:35 <Slereah-> Just wondered if there was a way to do it without applyin it.
13:22:22 <oklopol> a function is how it behaves
13:22:41 <oklopol> applying is just a way to see how it behaves
13:23:32 <oklopol> errr don't think i actually know anything
13:24:15 <Slereah-> Let's just see if someone comes up with another answer!
13:24:28 <Slereah-> In the next... three or four hours, considering the rythm of this chan.
13:25:14 <Slereah-> Dealing with free variables is alrerady bothersome, but if I also have to apply the result...
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14:26:08 <faxathisia> Slereah-: My thought was, you have a tree of combinators... typecheck branches of it -- if they're a combinator you know already you can replace it
14:27:12 <faxathisia> e.g. when you see a branch with ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) ((s (k s)) ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) i))) (k i)))))) (k ((s ((s (k s)) ((s (k k)) i))) (k i)))) in it -- which has type (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c, just replace it with s
14:27:32 <faxathisia> then I think I just coded the algorithm the wrong way around :S
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15:02:59 <Slereah-> I'm not sure what you mean by "typecheck".
15:04:13 <faxathisia> you know what type s is and k, so you can tell what type is (s k) (k s) (s (s k)) .. etc
15:04:50 <faxathisia> but I thought inspecting the types should give a way to reduce the expressions
15:05:19 <faxathisia> s :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
15:06:31 <Slereah-> Would the type checking involve testing the combinators on some x-y-z combinators?
15:06:54 <faxathisia> (s (s (s (s k)))) :: ((((a -> b) -> a) -> a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> a) -> (((a -> b) -> a) -> a -> b) -> a
15:08:55 <faxathisia> well if you have (k s), you let a = (a' -> b' -> c') -> (a' -> b') -> a' -> c' in a -> b -> a and remove the first thing since one application was done.. to get b -> (a' -> b' -> c') -> (a' -> b') -> a' -> c'
15:09:39 <faxathisia> I was thinking it would be possible to reduce by, taking the type of every branch of the tree of combinators.. and seraching for types you already know
15:10:11 <faxathisia> but it would be better probably to just generated reduces expressions in the first place (I don't know why the algorithm on wikipedia doesn't)
15:11:12 <faxathisia> :t let k x y = x ; s x y z = (x z) (y z) ; i x = x in (s k) -- I was checking the combinators output with this
15:11:32 <Slereah-> I tried to search for some moar, but apparently abstractino reduction isn't popular on the interweb.
15:12:10 <faxathisia> but I didn't realize expressions can diverge :p
15:12:34 <faxathisia> so it might work for simplifying somethings, just evaling things which make it shorter
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16:36:05 <pikhq> oerjan: It appears that I have won the game, and may well earn the title 'Scamster'.
16:37:01 <pikhq> Points are a currency. Currencies can be created by their recordkeepor, unless the backing document for the currency says otherwise.
16:37:08 <pikhq> I am the recordkeepor of points.
16:37:54 <pikhq> So, I just say "I create 100 points in my posession. I win the game."
16:38:37 <pikhq> Also, I have earned the patent title 'Agoran Spy'. Tell me, is there anything here to spy on?
16:38:57 <oerjan> I could tell you, but then I would have to kill you.
16:39:45 <pikhq> I see that you've been playing Paranomic.
16:40:00 <oerjan> i don't quite remember
16:40:12 <pikhq> Paranomic XP is a recently formed Nomic. . .
16:40:20 <pikhq> Proposals have a security clearance.
16:40:35 <pikhq> You need to have that security clearance to be aware of it existing, much less to vote on it.
16:40:44 <oerjan> i did however play Blind Nomic. That was fun.
16:40:50 <pikhq> So, the phrase "I could tell you, but then I would have to kill you." is entirely true.
16:41:35 <oerjan> unfortunately it disappeared...
16:52:57 <pikhq> Ah, Christmas break. . . A wonderful time of year.
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18:52:14 <SimonRC> faxathisia: If you reduce the outermost combinator first you are guaranted to reach an answer if tyhere is one
18:52:30 <SimonRC> It is equivalent to "lazy evaluation" in proagramming languages
18:53:27 <SimonRC> Actually, combbinators are a bit like pure OO
18:53:47 <SimonRC> instead of "All you can do is send a message", you have "All you can do is calll it"
18:54:38 <SimonRC> you can't test for equality, you have to pass in things that tel it what to do in various cases
18:56:11 <oerjan> http://people.csail.mit.edu/gregs/ll1-discuss-archive-html/msg03277.html
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20:59:05 <Slereah-> Hm. What's the shortest way to make a nor out of nands?
20:59:31 <Slereah-> I got ((P|P)|(Q|Q))|((P|P)|(Q|Q)) so far.
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