00:05:51 <ehird> immibis: freedom from this 'debate'..
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00:25:29 <RodgerTheGreat> Slereah: I'm reminded of something a chatterbot of mine asked once- "Is love the meaning of life?" It was just random parroting and synthesis, but it really struck me as insightful.
00:26:08 <Slereah> Well, insightful for a piece of code anyway.
00:26:59 <RodgerTheGreat> it reinforces a theory of mine that art is in the mind of the beholder- the meaning of every work is what we make of it, wether that was the artist's intention or not
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00:39:56 <ehird> a 32 line s-expression parser
00:40:00 <ehird> ofc i did use rparsec
00:43:30 <ehird> it even supports (a b c . d)
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03:30:18 * fax is wondering..
03:31:11 <fax> If you had a set of combinators like, {S, K} or {B, I, Q}.. or anything
03:32:26 <fax> if it can be decided whether they cauld be composed to make a given type (like a -> b -> a or anything)
03:34:55 <fax> It's possible to enumerate all combinations and test them... but that might never terminate
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15:46:38 <Leath> let's see if it works
15:46:56 <Leath> please, some one write the first 5 numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence
15:46:57 <Asztal> is this going to be IRP?
15:47:38 <Asztal> has anyone considered updating the wiki?
15:47:55 <Asztal> it still says #esoteric for IRP :)
15:48:38 <RodgerTheGreat> If ONE more person joins this channel for the exclusive person of IRPing, I can't be held responsible for what I'm going to do to them.
15:48:40 <Leath> sigh, where's the interpreter
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15:50:46 <Leath> ok it doesn't work, time to keep stumbling
15:51:02 <Leath> no I'll go do shopping instead
15:51:05 <Leath> have fun mate, cya
15:51:10 -!- Leath has quit.
15:51:11 <Slereah> IRP soon looses its interest.
15:51:22 <Asztal> I did answer the fibonacci thing though :(
15:51:24 <Slereah> Especially since most people just ask some hellov world or Fibonacci.
15:51:34 <RodgerTheGreat> yeah, I think I'm becoming increasingly irritated by it
15:51:46 <Asztal> http://esolangs.org/wiki/IRP
15:51:59 <Asztal> This page has been accessed 14,850 times.
15:52:46 <Asztal> I wonder if "IRP ERROR: please go fuck yourself" causes the user to vote thumbs down, thus decreasing the number of IRPers
15:53:13 <Asztal> But with less IRPers, IRP interpreters won't be so annoyed. It becomes a cycle!
15:53:40 <Slereah> An IRP interpreter always halt.
15:53:54 <Slereah> That's why it can't be TC.
15:55:29 <RodgerTheGreat> I still like the "please print out the lyrics to 99b" "go to gell"
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16:26:26 <oklopol> i wonder if asking to "go to hell" was just part of the solution
16:26:57 <oklopol> can irp nodes do but tail recursion?
16:42:14 <Slereah> You will find 99's lyrics in hell.
16:42:22 <Slereah> For beer is the devil's mouthwash
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20:17:09 <oklopol> RodgerTheGreat: you like comics right? i made some awesome stuff http://www.vjn.fi/index.php?c=18 (don't worry, i know it's not awesome ;))
20:19:17 <oklopol> press previous for the true comics
20:20:17 <oklopol> i actually think the idea could've been kinda funny if made right.
20:20:29 <oklopol> but making it right would not really be my style
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21:01:48 <sbp> let hi equal, in a kind of macro way, print
21:01:57 <sbp> let there equal, in a kind of macro way, "Hello, world!"
21:02:53 <sbp> you guys need hella debugging
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21:04:35 <Slereah> Does Python have a decimal to binary converter?
21:05:13 <GregorR> What IS the price of tea in China? 8-O
21:05:30 <Slereah> Yes. But my question was related to doing it easily
21:05:37 <Slereah> Otherwise, I might as well do it by hand
21:06:03 <Slereah> I'm trying to make sum Hello world on a Post machine
21:07:23 <oerjan> http://supertart.com/priceofteainchina/index.php
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21:14:47 <RodgerTheGreat> they're kinda like scruples in some ways, if that helps.
21:15:26 <oerjan> so they're not unrupulous?
21:20:42 -!- graue has joined.
21:31:07 <uvanta> what's going on in esolang world?
21:32:54 <uvanta> i don't see anything remarkable in Recentchanges of wiki.. anybody working on new language oslt?
21:38:17 <uvanta> "or something like that"
21:39:03 <Slereah> Well, I'm making some Post-Turing machine right now.
21:39:24 <Slereah> And I guess I could post Lazy Bird.
21:39:49 <Slereah> Is it national abbreviation day?
21:40:54 -!- GreaseMonkey has joined.
21:40:59 <graue> what's iflas? "i feel like a sandwich"?
21:42:17 <uvanta> Slereah: that reminds me of gravity
21:42:24 <Slereah> I can't enjoy mah sandwiche :(
21:43:00 <uvanta> if i remeber correctly, it's a language designed to be 'super-turing complete'
21:43:01 <GregorR> Don't just /feel/ like a sandwich.
21:43:33 <Slereah> The Post is for Emil Post.
21:44:10 <Slereah> Some guy who made a Turing machine before the Turing machine :o
21:44:20 <Slereah> Although it's significantly shorter
21:44:58 <oerjan> graue: indecipherable four-letter acronym
21:45:42 * Slereah is making some lazy-ass decimal to binary converter
21:45:55 <Slereah> It's so lazy that I should be ashamed of it
21:47:19 <Slereah> It's 40 damn lines long :o
21:57:51 <GregorR> POLL: Should software use the term "disk" or "disc" for CD/DVD's? e.g. "/dev/sr0: closing disc"
21:58:57 <GregorR> ... that's not a locale issue.
21:59:23 <GregorR> Disk means "storage device", disc means "round thing"
21:59:33 <GregorR> It just so happens that most disks are discs :P
22:00:23 <oerjan> maybe it's a time zone issue. before dusk, they're disks, unless on a desk
22:07:22 <uvanta> after Udage, i felt like there can't be a truly new esolang idea, so i lost my interest, and quit, that was about 1 year ago
22:08:34 <uvanta> a week ago, i was in times of trouble, i saw the God of Esoteric Programming Language comes to me
22:08:54 <uvanta> speaking words of brand new esolang idea
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22:10:01 <uvanta> i wrote down the spec, and now i'm working on its implementation
22:14:20 <slereah_> http://membres.lycos.fr/bewulf/Russell/Hello%20world!2.txt
22:19:32 <uvanta> that's.. a... model suggested by Emil Post?
22:20:09 <slereah_> Print zero, print one, stop, a conditional state, left and right.
22:21:29 <slereah_> (It was actually empty-print a mark, but well)
22:27:24 <uvanta> there wasn't any attempt to make a Post machine in esolang society, was there?
22:28:23 <slereah_> Although it has a similar feel to boolfuck.
22:28:31 <uvanta> I saw a lot of TM-like models, Church(lambda) models, but i haven't even heard about Post
22:29:31 <slereah_> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-Turing_machine#1936:_Post_model
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22:52:56 * immibis thinks ^_` is an unusual alternate nick for GreaseMonkey
22:57:25 <Slereah> Wonder if I could make a translator between the Love Machine 9000 and the Post Machine.
23:15:34 <Slereah> The next version will be OVER 9000
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23:48:02 <GregorR> I can't install OpenSolaris.
23:48:08 <GregorR> Mostly because I only have 512MB of memory ...
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