00:04:17 -!- Corun has joined.
00:14:29 * SimonRC goes to beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed.
00:15:28 <ehird> beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed.
00:15:51 <oerjan> Advice #50314: Never keep your bed near a cliff edge
00:16:31 <ehird> oerjan: You are brilliant.
00:18:49 <ehird> Slereah_: Jolly good old bean!
00:19:04 <oerjan> um, tea is not a bean.
00:20:33 <oerjan> wikipedia tells me that technically coffee beans are not beans either
00:21:53 <ehird> oerjan: Jolly good old leaf
00:22:06 * oerjan finds it slightly disturbing that apparently the frenchman wants tea while the englishman is referring to coffee
00:22:43 <oerjan> That's Just Not Right, I Tell You
00:22:57 <Slereah_> http://images.encyclopediadramatica.com/images/e/eb/Octocat_Fanart.png
00:25:34 <ehird> oerjan: I am writing some particularly gnarly Haskell!
00:25:56 <ehird> <Slereah_> http://images.encyclopediadramatica.com/images/e/eb/Octocat_Fanart.png
00:25:56 <ehird> <Slereah_> Maybe I'm relaxing.
00:26:01 <ehird> stupid selection clipboard
00:26:06 <ehird> <interactive>:1:0:
00:26:06 <ehird> No instance for (ToFormatter
00:26:07 <ehird> (SimpleFormatterInt r String) String t)
00:26:55 <oerjan> ToFormatter your own class?
00:27:12 <ehird> class ToFormatter a r b where
00:27:12 <ehird> toFormatter :: a -> FormatterInt r b
00:27:12 <ehird> instance ToFormatter (FormatterInt r a) r a where
00:27:12 <ehird> instance ToFormatter [Char] r r where
00:27:13 <ehird> toFormatter s = FormatterInt (\k r -> k (r ++ s))
00:27:17 <ehird> (I told you it was gnarly)
00:27:50 <ehird> oerjan: For completeness:
00:27:51 <ehird> data FormatterInt r a = FormatterInt ((String -> r) -> String -> a)
00:27:52 <ehird> type Formatter a = forall r. FormatterInt r a
00:27:52 <ehird> type SimpleFormatterInt r a = FormatterInt r (a -> r)
00:27:52 <ehird> type SimpleFormatter a = forall r. SimpleFormatterInt r a
00:28:52 <ehird> oerjan: any clues? :D
00:30:33 <oerjan> you should have automatically an instance ToFormatter (SimpleFormatterInt r a) r (a -> r). do you want something else?
00:31:12 <ehird> oerjan: SimpleFormatterInt is just an alias, though.
00:31:23 <ehird> oerjan: And you can't instance synonyms
00:31:30 <oerjan> i mean you get that from the alias
00:32:15 <ehird> instance ToFormatter (FormatterInt r a) r a where
00:32:15 <ehird> instance ToFormatter (FormatterInt r (a -> r)) r (a -> r) where
00:32:24 <ehird> oerjan: the first is a generlaization of the second
00:32:27 <ehird> so why is it complaining?
00:34:18 <oerjan> are r and t in the error message required to be general? because that instance gives you r = String, t = String -> String i think
00:35:05 <ehird> oerjan: Shall I just show the koed
00:35:53 <ehird> oerjan: http://hpaste.org/7625
00:36:17 <ehird> I just added the second-last instance, but it' ag generalization of the previous one
00:36:25 <ehird> err, specification
00:36:38 <oerjan> sure, you shouldn't need it
00:37:23 <oerjan> it would just give a confusing overlap which only breaks things
00:37:36 <ehird> No instance for (ToFormatter (SimpleFormatterInt r a) String t)
00:38:26 <ehird> oerjan: To be honest.
00:38:31 <ehird> I just want (format "abc")
00:38:49 <ehird> oerjan: So what i'm doing is defining something to get a Formatter out of a String or a Formatter.
00:38:51 <ehird> As that type-class.
00:38:55 <ehird> But whatever I'm doing. It isn't working.
00:48:17 * oerjan has more or less convinced himself simpleFmt is well-typed
00:49:34 <ehird> oerjan: are you having a problem with it? :P
00:49:45 <ehird> oerjan: It's just delimited CPS. JEEZ.
00:51:01 <oerjan> i'm _seriously_ out of training
00:53:01 <ehird> oerjan: now the real problem is that I _think_ format "a" vs format str is impossible to type properly.
00:53:05 <ehird> At least, with a type-class.
00:53:16 <ehird> It's like recursive type-classes and stuff.
00:54:12 <ehird> oerjan: OK, back to simpler stuff
00:54:12 <ehird> http://hpaste.org/7627
00:54:20 <ehird> format (constFmt "a") doesn't work
00:55:25 <ehird> format (FormatterInt fmt) = fmt id ""
00:55:47 <ehird> oerjan: Okey. Now I just need ........ FORMAT COMPOSITION
00:57:56 <ehird> (%) (FormatterInt f) (FormatterInt g) =
00:57:57 <ehird> FormatterInt (\k r -> f (g k) r)
00:58:00 <ehird> oerjan: AM I AWESOME OR WHAT
00:58:06 <ehird> format (str % int) "abc" 2 => "abc2"
00:58:27 <ehird> format (str % num) "abc" "foo" => No instance for (Num [Char])
00:59:17 <ehird> oerjan: so, is CPS awesome or whut
00:59:19 <oerjan> btw you can define operators infix too
00:59:27 <ehird> but only if I have a type sig
00:59:37 <ehird> (%) :: FormatterInt t t1 -> FormatterInt r t -> FormatterInt r t1
00:59:42 <ehird> couldn't have wrote that out the first time
00:59:46 <ehird> it's obvious in retrospect
01:00:05 -!- Slereah_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
01:00:07 <oerjan> FormatterInt f % FormatterInt g = ...
01:00:16 <ehird> oerjan: yes, but if you just do that out of the blue it won't work.
01:00:21 <ehird> since it doesn't know % is an infix op
01:00:55 <oerjan> it should. maybe you have to parenthesize the args
01:02:39 <oerjan> actually testing with Just, it just works
01:03:41 <ehird> *Main> :t format (str % str % num)
01:03:41 <ehird> format (str % str % num) :: (Num a) => String -> String -> a -> String
01:03:44 <ehird> that's the craziest thing.
01:03:48 <ehird> it actually gives you sane types
01:06:25 <ehird> oerjan: my formatter is even lazy
01:08:48 <ehird> oerjan: so any ideas about how to allow:
01:09:13 <ehird> OH WAIT I MIGHT KNOW.
01:14:57 -!- Corun has quit ("Google did 9/11").
01:18:17 <ehird> <interactive>:1:4:
01:18:17 <ehird> My brain just exploded.
01:18:17 <ehird> I can't handle pattern bindings for existentially-quantified constructors.
01:19:12 <oerjan> you must use match the pattern either in a case or as a function argument
01:19:37 <oerjan> so that the match has a well-defined smaller scope
01:20:00 <ehird> oerjan: I'm just trying to eliminate that fscking 'r' param
01:20:06 <ehird> It makes me want to murder babies
01:21:22 <ehird> oerjan: ok, having problems
01:27:00 -!- jix has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep").
01:34:23 -!- oerjan has quit ("Good night").
01:45:13 -!- ehird has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
02:50:15 <RodgerTheGreat> could somebody with an arbitrary-precision calculator calculate (3^40 - 3^0) / 2008 for me?
02:50:48 <Sgeo> justfuckinggoogleit.com
02:51:52 <RodgerTheGreat> I've been looking around but most suck and I figured this channel would have good odds of finding somebody with one
02:52:11 <Sgeo> I meant use Google as a calculator
02:52:17 <Sgeo> Oh, _arbitrary precision_
02:52:32 <RodgerTheGreat> yeah, google just gives me scientific notation, same as my calculator
05:19:48 -!- Judofyr has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
05:23:32 * pikhq is done with high school
05:24:05 <pikhq> In fact, to demonstrate that, allow me to show you my high school todo list:
05:36:12 <RodgerTheGreat> The way my technical electives are going it's looking like I might be able to pick up a math minor. Bask in the keen irony.
05:36:53 * pikhq plans on picking up a math major
05:37:04 <pikhq> Combinatorics. . . Been a while since I've done any of that. ;)
05:38:03 <RodgerTheGreat> I did a bunch in Algorithms, Cryptography, Discrete Structures and Stats, so a lot of it's a snap
05:38:19 <RodgerTheGreat> I'm down to three tricky ones left on this homework assignment
05:41:53 <lament> RodgerTheGreat: i'm sure the question either implicitly or explicitly prohibits calculators.
05:42:16 <lament> you're supposed to find some kind of a residue.
05:42:32 <RodgerTheGreat> lament: nah, I'm just pretty sure I was taking the wrong approach to that one
05:43:14 <pikhq> RodgerTheGreat: Are you sure you need (3^40 - 1)/2008 evaluated?
05:43:25 <pikhq> (can't you just leave it in that form)
05:43:32 <lament> i'd hope it's mod 2008
05:43:47 <lament> otherwise it's a really big number
05:44:52 <RodgerTheGreat> pikhq: as I said, don't worry about it- it was involved in trying to check a result
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15:03:11 <ehird> OK, I have discovered the weirdest bot on the weirdest channels.
15:03:13 <ehird> * [Pyrobot] #elfsnuggle @#softsilkyrestrainythingies #elsewhere
15:03:18 <ehird> * Topic for #elfsnuggle is: Welcome to Elfsnuggle! the snuggly-wuggliest channel ever.
15:03:21 <ehird> -ChanServ- [#elfsnuggle] Welcome to ElfSnuggle, the snuggly-wuggliest channel on freenode! *huggles from your ops ElfSong and Strapples*
15:03:37 <ehird> * Topic for #softsilkyrestrainythingies is: Welcome to #softsilkyrestrainythingies. This channel is for anyone who loves soft silky restrainy thingies, your chat host Strapples (A.K.A Alin0) has CP, sensory integration disorder, PDD-NOS, motor neuron disease-NOS (Codenamed progressive CP) and absolutely loves soft silky restrainy thingies! No rules here! Just dont piss me off. Piss me off and you may be muted.
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15:43:38 <ehird> i got bluecurve working properly
15:43:42 <ehird> OK, now I just have to get it working with kde
15:53:37 -!- AnMaster has joined.
16:09:21 -!- RedDak has quit (Remote closed the connection).
16:29:34 <ehird> oklopol: haskellnomic ROX OR NOT
16:32:35 <ehird> 'Please enter an expression of type (a -> b): '
16:32:47 <ehird> (\x -> x+2) works, undefined works, putStrLn works
16:33:15 -!- oklopol has changed nick to oklobot.
16:35:19 <oklobot> this on guy was once active on our channel for months, all he did was respond to okos randomly
16:35:44 <oklobot> well, sometimes, very rarely, he almost responded coherently to direct questions
16:36:20 -!- oklobot has changed nick to oklofyug.
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16:55:25 <ehird> oklofok: so would you play haskellnomic
16:55:28 <ehird> it will be made of luv
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18:43:57 <ehird> OERJAN ARE YOU THERE
18:45:56 -!- RedDak has quit (Remote closed the connection).
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18:55:01 -!- kar8nga has left (?).
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18:58:49 <ehird> kar8nga: YOU BE WHOM
19:01:10 -!- sebbu has quit (Success).
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19:01:12 <kar8nga> oh, and I like stackbased languages
19:01:20 <kar8nga> that's why I'm reading sometimes here
19:01:42 <kar8nga> am I now admiited to this illustrous circle?
19:05:48 <ehird> you have to sacrifice a few goats first
19:08:52 <kar8nga> and I always thought the initiation consisted of showing a proof of concept for embedding unlambda in bf
19:09:04 <kar8nga> but yeah, the goats could be easier, actually
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19:12:11 <ehird> kar8nga: the goats are actually intercal programs
19:14:02 -!- Judofyr_ has changed nick to Judofyr.
19:18:38 <AnMaster> <kar8nga> oh, and I like stackbased languages
19:19:29 <AnMaster> kar8nga, I'm working on a fast befunge interpreter in C, befunge is quite stack based, though not exactly only stack based
19:22:34 <AnMaster> http://rage.kuonet.org/~anmaster/cfunge/
19:31:16 <kar8nga> but I will elaborate next week - I gotta pack my bags for my holidays
19:32:53 <kar8nga> AnMaster: just got the sources - I have some questions - but that next week
19:33:11 <AnMaster> kar8nga, well next week I may not be around
19:33:24 <AnMaster> kar8nga, also see README for how to build without boehm-gc
19:33:30 <AnMaster> because it can cause problems sometimes
19:33:44 <AnMaster> kar8nga, also how to install is in README
19:33:52 <AnMaster> it doesn't use configure, but cmake instead
19:34:02 <AnMaster> kar8nga, was that what you wondered?
19:41:19 <kar8nga> just took a look over the code layout
19:41:31 <AnMaster> kar8nga, oh? my indent style? or what is the question?
19:41:36 <kar8nga> but discussion has time :-)
19:41:43 <AnMaster> also I may not be reachable next week
19:49:38 <kar8nga> then the week after - or maybe I know it by then
19:49:59 <kar8nga> good night everybody (I guess I'm in a bit earlier timezone than you)
19:50:04 -!- kar8nga has quit ("Leaving.").
19:55:56 <Deewiant> AnMaster: befunge is not very stack based
19:56:18 <Deewiant> to do anything interesting you have to either load FRTH or modify space
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21:38:23 -!- oerjan has joined.
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22:16:08 <ehird> oerjan: I have Ha skull qs.
22:17:38 <ehird> oerjan: I have two monads - Nomic, which contains an IO (and later a DB layer, etc) - and App, which is CGIT Nomic.
22:18:05 <ehird> oerjan: decent app structure? Also, Network.FastCGI's runFastCGI takes a CGI CGIResult, as opposed to CGI's runCGI, which takes any CGI monad in IO.
22:18:06 <Slereah_> Haskell and Nomic in the same discussion?
22:18:29 <ehird> It means that runCGI works but runFastCGI doesn't, because i use a custom cgi monad.
22:18:41 <AnMaster> ehird, what happened to the smalltalknomic?
22:18:50 <oerjan> yeah, i recall FastCGI's unfortunately restricted monad coming up on #haskell
22:18:58 <ehird> oerjan: SCGI does it too
22:19:04 <ehird> AnMaster: Gasp, I can multitask.
22:19:19 <AnMaster> ehird, so you didn't give up on them?
22:19:35 <ehird> Technically I have given up on very few projects. But some of them have been at low priority for years.
22:19:40 <ehird> But those two won't, because they're not hard.
22:19:51 <ehird> oerjan: So, is there anything I can actually do?
22:20:13 <oerjan> i vaguely recall someone talking about generalizing FastCGI but i don't know if it has been done, maybe search on hackage?
22:20:38 <oerjan> and also, ask on #haskell proper
22:20:45 <ehird> oerjan: ah. so nothing I can do outside of the fastcgi package
22:20:56 <ehird> It seems very odd to me, has nobody used fastcgi out of 'hello world'?
22:21:09 <oerjan> i don't know i haven't used any of this
22:21:27 * oerjan is the king of vaporware, remember? :D
22:21:44 <ehird> oerjan: then you'll know what duke nukem forever will be like
22:21:55 <ehird> AnMaster: are you ever returning to ircnomic? I'm curious.
22:22:18 <oerjan> i don't play any games more violent than FreeCiv
22:22:36 <Slereah_> I don't play any game more violent than Postal 2.
22:22:46 <Slereah_> But only because I haven't found any so far.
22:23:34 <ehird> oerjan: freeciv is destroying america
22:23:54 <oerjan> actually i haven't played it much lately either
22:24:19 <oerjan> america has been nuked?
22:26:05 <Slereah_> America will soon be a wasteland, oerjan.
22:27:20 <ehird> God hates fags. And freeciv.
22:28:06 * oerjan starts inflating his portable troll eater
22:28:49 * oerjan sends it off with the dreadful command 'NIBBLE'
22:29:31 <oerjan> in a couple of weeks, you will be all gone. BWAHAHA!
22:31:43 <oerjan> it can however be retargeted in time if you find an even worse troll to point it at
22:31:51 <oerjan> which should not be that hard
22:33:31 <ehird> oerjan: Slereah_'s pretty trolly.
22:33:37 <ehird> He's an ED&chan-character
22:34:44 * oerjan fails at googling that concept
22:34:49 <AnMaster> <ehird> AnMaster: are you ever returning to ircnomic? I'm curious.
22:35:20 <AnMaster> <ehird> oerjan: freeciv is destroying america
22:35:25 <ehird> AnMaster: Would your first action be trying to re-add the insensitive rule? :-)
22:35:31 <ehird> And it was a parody.
22:35:39 <ehird> god I need to install humour-v1.0 in AnMaster.
22:35:45 <AnMaster> ehird, yes of course that would be my first action
22:35:55 <ehird> AnMaster: Please don't come back then.
22:36:06 <AnMaster> ehird, I would time it with ais and sgeo so we did get it through
22:36:27 <ehird> Sgeo[College]: i'll do what i like
22:36:40 <ehird> AnMaster: ais hasn't exactly been grappling to get it back through
22:36:53 <AnMaster> ehird, I believe he would support it though
22:37:03 <ehird> AnMaster: I bet ABSTAIN.
22:37:23 <AnMaster> ehird, also that wasn't as bad as removing of all the other stuff you did
22:37:23 <ehird> AnMaster: Any way, coming back and doing so would be in patently bad faith as it'd kill Canada again due to reduced activity due to my non-participation.
22:37:28 <ehird> It has been going very fast recently.
22:37:31 <AnMaster> like "no rules may mention players by their name"
22:37:36 <Sgeo[College]> 1 AGAINST by ehird, 1 FOR by AnMaster, 1 ABSTAIN by ais523
22:37:53 <ehird> Sgeo[College]: It wouldn't pass then.
22:38:05 <ehird> AnMaster: damn him for wanting the game to stay active
22:38:28 <Sgeo[College]> I might be FOR something that just said "case insensitive"
22:38:31 <AnMaster> ehird, well also we could promise not to abuse it
22:39:04 <AnMaster> ehird, we all know you did the mess up with removing the rule from your server
22:39:17 <ehird> AnMaster: i didn't.
22:39:30 <ehird> I don't have tcpdump on the server, anyway. I checked the next day.
22:39:46 <AnMaster> ehird, you can easily install it
22:39:57 <AnMaster> anyway both me and ais won't believe you
22:45:28 * oerjan guesses that this disagreement is about a rule that required reprogramming a server.
22:47:17 -!- Tritonio has quit (Remote closed the connection).
22:48:49 <ehird> AnMaster is just ye olde Writ of FAGEr
22:49:40 <oerjan> he means that you Left in a Huff :)
22:50:01 <AnMaster> oerjan, the point is: ehird threw a fit over adding a certain rule, and tried to remove it about once every 15 minutes
22:50:26 <AnMaster> then he managed to do it when a lot of ppl were sleeping, when it was later readded... well someone started removing it...
22:50:35 <ehird> anyway, I doubt oerjan actually _cares_ about this stupid thing
22:50:44 <ehird> a few days ago, it was removed democratically
22:50:49 <ehird> and has not caused controversy
22:50:52 <AnMaster> oerjan, and everyone knows it was ehird
22:51:10 * oerjan officially stops caring now.
22:51:19 <AnMaster> and then he threw an even larger fit and left in a huff himself
22:51:41 <AnMaster> oerjan, so well I left ircnomic because ehird is just creating drama all the time
22:51:42 <ehird> AnMaster: I must note that you were the one who killed the bot while proposals were going as soon as you left in a huff.
22:51:54 <ehird> And there hasn't been any drama since you /parted that last time, FWIW.
22:51:56 <AnMaster> ehird, I went down for a reboot too
22:52:00 <ehird> And can we please shut up now.
22:52:13 <AnMaster> ehird, it is you who should shut up IMO
22:52:25 <oerjan> ah the joy of relative reality
22:52:36 <ehird> AnMaster: Waaaaaaah.
22:52:38 <AnMaster> oerjan, indeed. everything is subjective
22:53:06 <ehird> AnMaster: Oerjan stopped caring a few messages ago. You were just flooding, so yes, you should have shut up.
22:53:11 * ehird goes back to #ircnomic
22:54:45 <oerjan> sounds like a bit too fast nomic if you can push through ordinary proposals while people are sleeping
22:55:24 <ehird> oerjan: any higher quorum and nothing would ever happen
22:55:34 <ehird> oerjan: proposals only last 15 minutes for example.
22:55:47 <AnMaster> oerjan, yes 15 minutes, ought to be a day or so
22:56:00 <ehird> AnMaster: ircnomic, from the start, was about being fast.
22:56:08 <ehird> If it lasted a day it would be incredibly boring.
22:56:18 <AnMaster> ehird, it would be like agora?
22:56:21 <ehird> People don't IRC for days at a time, AnMaster.
22:56:26 <ehird> 15 minutes is good.
22:56:45 <AnMaster> agreed. so yet timezones cause issues here
22:57:27 <ehird> the people there are actually in good faith now so its not a problem
22:57:31 <oerjan> well in that case you should perhaps just accept that the game is going to totally change from each day to the next
22:57:43 <ehird> oerjan: it doesn't though
22:57:47 <ehird> because people aren't insane.
22:58:03 <ehird> oerjan: http://lyokoscan.net/wiki/index.php5?title=Canada_Rules
22:58:05 <ehird> its a good set of rules
22:58:51 <AnMaster> oerjan, yes it does as soon as the rule ehird can't stand being democratically added was added
22:59:08 <ehird> ITT: AnMaster fails to shut up
22:59:23 <AnMaster> CORRECTION: ehird fails to shut up
23:00:05 <ehird> this is so productive
23:00:24 <AnMaster> well actually I got some more important stuff to do: watching some paint dry
23:02:25 <ehird> Snarky comment because I must get the last word in.
23:03:48 <AnMaster> well. I don't feel any such needs
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23:19:13 -!- Iskr has quit ("Leaving").
23:21:43 -!- revcompgeek has left (?).
23:26:09 -!- jix has quit ("CommandQ").
23:32:44 -!- Corun has changed nick to orunC.
23:52:27 -!- orunC has changed nick to Corun.
23:58:03 -!- BMeph has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).