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00:28:55 <ihope> I've decided I'm a nomic.
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00:29:08 <ihope> Until people start talking about something else, that is. :-P
00:29:51 <tusho> ihope: ##nomic, you. :P
00:48:28 <tusho> ihope is being a nomic in ##nomic :P
00:49:01 <ihope> Actually, that nomic is just pretending to be me. It's really an ordinary nomic of traditions.
01:02:18 <tusho> http://arxiv.org/abs/0806.2947 Wot
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01:28:04 <tusho> Slereah: http://arxiv.org/abs/0806.2947 analyze the stupidness lpz
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01:44:49 <ihope> I don't know what Herbrand is. Therefore, the proof is correct.
01:45:20 <ihope> I'd rather prove that ZFC being consistent implies that ZFC is consistent with ZFC's being consistent, and making that a paradox somehow.
01:47:29 <ihope> I guess that means that from ZFC plus "ZFC is consistent", you can prove that ZFC plus "ZFC is consistent" is consistent, which, by Goedel's Whatever, implies that ZFC plus "ZFC is consistent" is inconsistent, which somehow means that ZFC is inconsistent.
01:47:30 -!- Slereah has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
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02:09:11 <Slereah_> Herbrand is the first guy to prove arithmetic inconsistent.
02:10:05 <Slereah_> That article uses way too much abreviations.
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18:18:19 * ihope paints the word "surreal" on RodgerTheGreat's forehead
18:21:02 <ihope> Yay, I'm standard!
18:31:10 <tusho> RodgerTheGreat: I wanna play Rodgeria.
18:32:41 <RodgerTheGreat> You find yourself in a small, windowless room with surfaces roughly hewn from stone. There is a piece of chalk here.
18:35:09 <tusho> p.s. #rodgeria, don't wanna spam #esoteric
18:50:12 -!- jix has joined.
18:52:28 <tusho> Someone get in #rodgeria and help me solve this thing. :P
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19:17:46 <augur> It's pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
19:18:00 <augur> Or, in a more funny version
19:18:09 <augur> It's Pitch Black. You are likely to be eaten by Riddick.
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20:06:33 <Slereah_> Is there a "shame" tag on the esowiki?
20:06:53 <ihope> Category:Shame, I guess.
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20:50:52 <RodgerTheGreat> "It is pitch white. You are unlikely to be eaten by a grue"
20:51:41 <oerjan> otoh yetis and polar bears may be quite likely
20:51:45 <ihope> It's pitch-that's-been-out-in-the-sun-for-decades white.
20:52:51 <ihope> It's pitch. You are likely.
20:52:56 <tusho> @remember <oerjan> otoh yetis and polar bears may be quite likely <oerjan> and evil yaks
20:53:01 <tusho> WE NEED BOTTE IN HERE.
20:53:13 <oerjan> and not to forget killer penguins
20:53:25 <ihope> Clearly, we need a Python nomic bot.
20:54:17 <oerjan> oh and that should remind us of Peruvian mountain anakondas
20:55:01 <tusho> I might make a PerlIRCNomic
20:55:26 <tusho> the program given is run with -n or whatever with the nomic source as a program
20:55:53 <tusho> @propose s/my @players = (/$0"tusho",/;
21:25:16 <tusho> Say. What kind of metadata does a wiki page need, anyway?
21:25:20 <tusho> I can't think of anything sans permissions.
21:25:39 <Slereah_> I give you permission to think.
21:27:51 * SimonRC finishes reading Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom. http://craphound.com/down/download.php
21:28:12 <SimonRC> tusho: how about a talk page?
21:28:20 <tusho> SimonRC: that's not part of the actual wiki page
21:28:28 <tusho> (history is handled by git, talk pages are just page/talk)
21:28:51 <tusho> I dunno how I'll handle foo and foo/bar, though.
21:28:56 -!- cherez has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)).
21:29:00 <tusho> I mean, I could do foo/.index and foo/bar for that.
21:29:02 <SimonRC> wait, you're writing a wiki?
21:29:05 <tusho> But that kinda sucks if you just have a page with no subpages.
21:29:10 <tusho> SimonRC: Yes. That uses git.
21:29:19 <tusho> Very tiny. Minimal. (But nicer than git-wiki.)
21:29:39 <SimonRC> are you doing this for the XP?
21:29:49 <tusho> SimonRC: for the xp?
21:30:11 <SimonRC> I mean, for the practice and skills you'll gain from it
21:30:20 <tusho> I need a nice wiki that isn't a huge memory & bloat hog like mediawiki
21:30:23 <tusho> but still supports a nice set of featurse
21:31:12 <SimonRC> and none of the 500 existing wikis give you that?
21:31:36 <tusho> SimonRC: most of them suck.
21:31:50 <tusho> git-wiki is a step in the right direction but not enough
21:32:04 <tusho> git does like 90% of the work for me anyway
21:32:33 <SimonRC> ah, so you are going to be more extreme in some combination of attributes than anything already existant
21:32:45 <tusho> Yeah - like 'not sucking' ;)
21:33:03 <SimonRC> you had me worried for a moment; I though you were going to make a generic wiki
21:33:14 <tusho> no, not many wikis use git
21:33:19 <tusho> they all hack up their own RCS, which sucks
21:33:34 <tusho> the only one that does that I've found is hopelessly minimal
21:33:41 <tusho> and doesn't really work well for me
21:33:55 <SimonRC> that reminds me: I managed to break my company's primary SVN repos a few days back.
21:34:10 <SimonRC> evidently it didn't like my 3300-file commit
21:35:01 <SimonRC> 1650 auto-generated regression test cases: each an input and an output
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22:17:07 * SimonRC stops surfing and goes to get food
23:11:05 -!- Corun has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep").
23:17:36 <Slereah_> Even what's only theorically food?
23:17:54 <RodgerTheGreat> I have found the ultimate gift! http://pinkertonfx.com/hamster.htm (NSFW? Maybe?)
23:17:58 -!- Corun has joined.
23:18:39 <Slereah_> http://www.giantmicrobes.com/ <- much bettar
23:18:52 <Slereah_> The gift that keeps on giving.
23:19:26 <olsner> they don't seem to have aids though
23:20:02 <Slereah_> http://www.giantmicrobes.com/us/products/hiv.html
23:22:28 <Slereah_> But HIV doesn't have the same ring to it.
23:22:34 <Slereah_> http://www.giantmicrobes.com/us/products/blackdeath.html
23:22:39 <Slereah_> Enough fuzz makes anything adorable.
23:23:00 <RodgerTheGreat> they have my favorite bacteriophage: http://www.giantmicrobes.com/us/products/T4.html
23:26:20 <Slereah_> http://www.giantmicrobes.com/us/products/heartworm.html
23:26:53 <Slereah_> Hearts make anything adorable.
23:29:01 <Slereah_> Plus, I feel so safe with it when energy balls are shot at me
23:29:41 -!- jix has quit ("CommandQ").
23:29:51 <Slereah_> Tragedy struck http://membres.lycos.fr/bewulf/Divers3/Mah%20cube.jpg
23:34:42 <Slereah_> I usually play the Valve games in English
23:34:53 <Slereah_> But the names remain in the language of the CD.
23:46:15 -!- oerjan has quit ("Good night").
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23:53:03 <tusho> i am going to remove all links to EsCo from the wiki
23:53:14 <tusho> i should hope not; it's awful and it's spam
23:59:55 <Slereah_> You should put the EsCo link on the esme page