←2008-08-03 2008-08-04 2008-08-05→ ↑2008 ↑all
00:32:03 -!- Corun has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
01:08:28 <tusho> http://www.haskell.org/sitewiki/images/0/0a/TMR-Issue10.pdf Haskell in Haskell.
01:08:31 <tusho> Intermediate language?
01:08:32 <tusho> Unlambda.
01:14:01 <oerjan> closer to Lazy K, i should think
01:14:20 <tusho> i was just quoting the reddit headline
01:14:30 <oerjan> ah
01:19:06 -!- tusho has quit.
01:26:14 <pikhq> Hahah. :)
01:27:07 <oerjan> THIS IS NO LAUGHING MATTER
02:02:24 -!- erus` has joined.
02:18:34 <ihope> Idea: You're a wolf. You communicate by howling or not howling. At any given time, you know how many wolves are howling. Try to figure out what your friend is saying.
02:28:51 -!- bsmntbombdood has joined.
02:56:00 * Dewi looks around the channel for people called 'Idea'
02:57:17 <oerjan> probably just a horrible misspelling. actually, "Dewi" looks sort of close.
03:10:29 <Dewi> oerjan: Can't be me. I communicate by howling, but I'm not a wolf.
03:11:16 <oerjan> well that's what _you_ think
03:12:06 -!- sebbu has quit ("reboot").
03:24:10 <pikhq> ihope: Unless the wolves use CDMA, I refuse.
03:24:27 <ihope> There, I just violated an Agoran contract.
03:24:38 <pikhq> Which contract?
03:25:01 <ihope> The pledge to ascend my current game of NetHack.
03:25:08 <pikhq> Ah.
03:25:18 <pikhq> Fool.
03:25:25 <pikhq> Where'd you die?
03:26:20 <ihope> On dungeon level 3, of course.
03:26:36 <ihope> That death was not nearly embarrassing enough.
03:29:36 * pikhq is curious
03:29:58 <pikhq> (what can I say? I'm curious about how people die in nethack)
03:32:18 <ihope> Essentially, I starved to death.
03:32:49 <ihope> Lessons learned from that game: Don't eat poisonous things, thereby decreasing your strength, then kick *three* sinks, thereby releasing the black puddings within, and cause them to divide by hitting them accidentally, then get most of your armor and both your weapons stolen by nymphs and become a wererat and summon so many pets that you have to kill some of them to move around.
03:32:59 <ihope> As told to #nethack a few minutes ago.
03:33:29 <ihope> Another lesson learned from that game: Don't pledge to win a game you've never won before.
03:33:37 <ihope> Do pledge to get the Bell if you've done that before.
03:37:31 <pikhq> Also, if you're hungry, kill your pet. :p
03:37:51 <pikhq> Tasty.
03:40:04 -!- Sgeo has joined.
03:41:37 <ihope> I killed my pet because he was in the way; I wasn't hungry. Then I starved to death anyway.
03:44:41 <ihope> I just started a new game and already my armor class is below what it was in my previous game.
03:57:43 -!- Sgeo has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
03:59:42 -!- Sgeo has joined.
04:09:45 -!- pikhq has quit ("leaving").
04:25:39 -!- oerjan has quit ("Good night").
04:33:06 <RodgerTheGreat> ihope: wait, you can *win* nethack?
04:34:02 <bsmntbombdood> nethack is one giant puddle of wtf
05:33:44 -!- GreaseMonkey has joined.
06:32:10 -!- Slereah_ has joined.
06:32:17 <Slereah_> THEN WHO WAS PHONE?
06:43:21 <bsmntbombdood> huh?
06:50:09 -!- olsner has quit ("Leaving").
07:02:27 -!- Sgeo has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
07:57:49 -!- CakeProphet has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
07:59:59 -!- clog has quit (ended).
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08:25:06 -!- sebbu has joined.
09:34:02 * Mony is back (gone 09:36:42)
09:34:05 <Mony> hi
09:35:18 <Slereah_> Hi.
10:05:01 -!- kar8nga has joined.
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10:44:01 -!- kar8nga has left (?).
10:54:58 -!- GreaseMonkey has quit ("You're still in denial. It's easier to lie by saying that I'm lying than to face truth.").
11:06:17 -!- tusho has joined.
11:07:06 <tusho> hello
11:08:50 <AnMaster> Deewiant, hey I found an possible issue with TRDS, how does it handle the ? instruction
11:08:58 <AnMaster> it need to give same result on the next run
11:09:45 <Mony> hi tusho
11:29:38 <Deewiant> AnMaster: heh, ask Mike
11:29:56 <AnMaster> Deewiant, does ccbi do the right thing there?
11:30:06 <Deewiant> no :-P
11:30:26 <AnMaster> Deewiant, bet you don't want to need to change that ;P
11:30:29 <tusho> "it should. Make a new release."
11:30:34 <Deewiant> would be a simple change though
11:30:48 <AnMaster> Deewiant, recording any ? yeah
12:01:38 -!- jix has joined.
12:03:18 <tusho> Incorrect plurals. Discuss.
12:03:19 <tusho> Databii.
12:05:04 * Mony miam
12:11:52 -!- erus` has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
12:13:19 -!- ErkiDerLoony has joined.
12:42:25 -!- kar8nga has joined.
12:50:40 -!- RedDak has joined.
13:03:05 -!- kar8nga has quit ("Leaving.").
13:16:26 * Mony is away: I will be back !
13:19:23 -!- timotiis has joined.
14:12:24 -!- ihope has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
14:14:34 <tusho> Hmm.
14:14:41 <tusho> I type "publicly", not "publically".
14:24:59 -!- pikhq has joined.
14:40:51 -!- RedDak has quit (Remote closed the connection).
14:41:50 -!- CakeProphet has joined.
14:47:29 -!- Tritonio_ has quit (Remote closed the connection).
15:01:40 -!- ais523 has joined.
15:02:08 <ais523> hi tusho
15:02:12 <tusho> ....................
15:02:18 <tusho> THIS SECOND
15:02:27 * tusho stabs ais523's eyes out
15:02:39 * ais523 defends emself with a towel
15:02:42 <ais523> useful things, towels
15:02:50 <tusho> Aha! But...
15:02:54 * tusho brings out NUCLEAR TOWEL
15:03:02 <tusho> It's nuclear, so yours dissolves along with your eyes.
15:03:18 <ais523> well, I defeat that with a cluebat
15:03:24 <ais523> now can we get back to talking about esolangs?
15:03:37 <ais523> I went and implemented Shove
15:03:47 <ais523> I couldn't think of an efficient way to do it so I did it a really inefficient way
15:03:56 <tusho> heh
15:04:11 <ais523> at least the way I did it makes it clear what's going on
15:04:41 <tusho> what language?
15:04:44 <tusho> don't say shove.
15:04:45 <ais523> Perl
15:07:03 <tusho> http://code.eso-std.org/shove/shove.pl
15:09:46 <ais523> ok, I've put a few example programs there too now
15:09:58 <ais523> modelling the Underload stack-manipulation primitives
15:10:00 -!- kar8nga has joined.
15:10:04 <ais523> I have dup, concat, swap and enclose there
15:10:13 <ais523> pop, eval and quote are trivial
15:10:34 <ais523> so all I need now is a way to combine two programs into one and I'll have an Underload -> Shove compiler
15:11:00 <ais523> combining two programs into one isn't trivial in Shove but I've thought of a way to do it, now I'm writing a precompiler that I can use to generate the compiler
15:12:20 <tusho> ais523: shouldn't it say "by ais523"?
15:12:50 <tusho> looks cool though
15:12:58 <tusho> i think you'll need a stage-2 shove though
15:13:00 <ais523> quite possibly, but I tend to sign realname on things that have copyright
15:13:00 <tusho> that lets you define commands
15:13:03 <tusho> because "swap" is long
15:13:23 <ais523> tusho: yes, that would be important for practical use, atm I'm trying to work around the restrictions of the language though
15:13:32 <tusho> ais523: yes
15:13:37 <ais523> programming Shove feels a bit like programming a cross between Underload and SMITH, only 10 times more confusing
15:13:43 <tusho> also, nowadays I generally sign copyrighted things tusho
15:13:50 <tusho> i think it's sufficiently formal
15:13:59 <tusho> how many things have been published under pseudonyms? loads
15:14:09 <tusho> i don't see why it wouldn't stand up legally
15:17:13 -!- ihope has joined.
15:17:25 <ihope> Tzi-ga-na-tood.
15:17:32 <ais523> ihope: ?
15:17:38 <ihope> Ello.
15:17:43 <ais523> also, I put my new Shove interp online
15:17:47 <ais523> http://code.eso-std.org/shove/shove.pl
15:23:14 <ais523> hopefully it's clear enough for people to be able to deduce the spec from the interp
15:23:14 -!- ErkiDerLoony has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
15:23:25 <ais523> oh, and ! S and n aren't part of the language
15:23:31 <ais523> they're all NOPs, just with side effects
15:23:44 <ais523> which make it possible to produce output and to run the program in a reasonable length of time
15:34:01 <Deewiant> "NOPs with side effects" sounds like an oxymoron to me ;-)
15:35:32 <ais523> Deewiant: they're NOPs from the language's point of view
15:35:37 <ais523> I have a no I/O tarpit
15:35:43 <ais523> but certain nops happen to cause output-like side-effects
15:36:01 <Deewiant> yeah, I know what you meant, it just sounded a bit funny until I read the context :-)
15:36:20 <ais523> another interesting point about Shove: in Befunge, if you go into stringmode from right to left, you get the string as you wrote it; in Shove, if you do that, the string comes out upside-down
15:36:30 <ais523> or at least with v and ^ swapped and likewise for the other characters
15:36:47 <ais523> this is a consequence of the way I wrote the interp, but I deliberately wrote the interp like that so that that would happen
15:37:00 <Deewiant> ¿ʇɹoddns ǝpoɔıun ǝʌɐɥ ʇı sǝop os
15:37:21 <ais523> unfortunately no, I wanted to do that but it couldn't write messages sideways very well
15:37:30 <Deewiant> heh
15:37:32 <ais523> so I just restricted myself to command characters and left other characters alone
15:38:46 -!- timotiis has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
15:44:50 <tusho> oh that's a nice css effect
15:44:57 <tusho> the background of blockquotes was fixed to all of them
15:45:00 <tusho> so it was like they were cut holes in the page
15:45:05 <tusho> to a fixed position background
15:45:13 <ais523> that is clever
15:46:00 <tusho> it's a bit too subtle though
15:46:02 <tusho> the shape is white on beige
15:46:08 <tusho> explains why I haven't noticed it before
15:49:15 -!- MikeRiley has joined.
15:52:21 <MikeRiley> you about AnMaster???\
15:52:28 <AnMaster> hm?
15:52:30 <AnMaster> what?
15:52:40 <Deewiant> AnMaster: ask him about ?
15:53:03 <MikeRiley> got a couple questions on funge108....
15:53:13 <MikeRiley> been working on adding a mode for that in Rc/Funge-98...
15:53:21 <ais523> Deewiant: what's your ? question?
15:53:22 <AnMaster> MikeRiley, well ? in TRDS, shouldn't it mean that when you jump back in time the old ip (not jumped) will make the same random choice at ?
15:53:25 <AnMaster> or?
15:53:31 <Deewiant> ais523: that
15:53:32 <ais523> oh, TRDS
15:53:35 <MikeRiley> would not make the same random choice...
15:53:50 <AnMaster> MikeRiley, well fire away the questions
15:53:53 <MikeRiley> when an ip jumps back, the future no longer exists...
15:53:53 <ais523> I /thought/ ? was one of the better-specified commands
15:54:01 <AnMaster> I have been extremely busy with non-esoteric stuff the last week
15:54:06 <MikeRiley> so future events need not recur...
15:54:08 <AnMaster> and will probably be that the next week too
15:54:12 <AnMaster> so I may be hard to reach
15:54:17 <AnMaster> fire away the questions
15:54:30 <MikeRiley> ok,,,first,,,on your new fingerprint method,,,,what format are you expecting URIs to be??? can you give me an example??
15:54:57 <AnMaster> MikeRiley, iirc I refer to an RFC and even give some examples
15:55:08 <MikeRiley> do not remember seeing any examples....
15:55:15 <AnMaster> http://example.com/my-finger-print.html
15:55:17 <AnMaster> or whatever
15:55:19 <AnMaster> just URIs
15:55:31 <MikeRiley> just a though....web addresses are a bad idea....
15:55:36 <AnMaster> doesn't even have to be URLs, though I guess in practice they will be
15:55:59 <ais523> well, in that case I may end up calling a fingerprint apt://nethack to annoy people
15:56:09 <MikeRiley> for resource types, i was looking at f108: for the interpreter handprint, and fngr: for fingerprints...
15:56:24 <AnMaster> ais523, is it a valid protocol defined in a RFC?
15:56:26 <AnMaster> ;P
15:56:37 <MikeRiley> using a web address is problematic,,,,
15:56:37 <ais523> AnMaster: no idea, but I see the links around every now and then
15:56:38 <AnMaster> MikeRiley, no, makes no sense at all IMO
15:56:40 <tusho> MikeRiley: use URIs
15:56:45 <tusho> MikeRiley: there's a spec for them
15:56:45 <AnMaster> MikeRiley, URI != URL
15:56:48 <tusho> (note: not URL)
15:57:00 <MikeRiley> and what should the defined format be???
15:57:05 <tusho> MikeRiley: here is the rfc:
15:57:12 <tusho> MikeRiley: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986
15:57:18 <tusho> it's long; have fun
15:57:33 <tusho> there are uri manipulation libs for just about every language
15:57:35 <tusho> must be one for c
15:58:43 -!- ais523 has quit (Remote closed the connection).
15:59:01 -!- ais523 has joined.
15:59:02 <MikeRiley> asking an implementer to read through that rfc is not good, better to provide reasonable examples within your spec...
15:59:29 <ais523> wb ais523
15:59:33 <tusho> MikeRiley: so use a library!
15:59:48 <tusho> anyway all URIs are reasonable
15:59:50 <tusho> no reason to restrict them
16:00:04 <MikeRiley> so,,,i can just invent anything i want for them???
16:00:10 <tusho> no.
16:00:14 <tusho> anything that obeys http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986
16:00:20 <MikeRiley> then, layout a spec,,,,
16:00:24 <tusho> MikeRiley: uhh
16:00:26 <tusho> you mean
16:00:28 <MikeRiley> the rfc covers them in a general form...
16:00:28 <tusho> duplicate the existing spec?
16:00:31 <MikeRiley> no,,,,
16:00:39 <tusho> http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986 is a specification for URIs
16:00:44 <tusho> anything that obeys that is a valid URI
16:00:50 <MikeRiley> just like http: is a dfined subset....define a subset for this...
16:00:56 <tusho> no
16:00:57 <tusho> that's not the point
16:01:09 <tusho> the point is that it SHOULD use http://, gopher://, ftp://, whatever
16:01:15 <tusho> that's the point of using URIs
16:01:20 <MikeRiley> understood....
16:01:31 <MikeRiley> but anything before the :// ??? i can define whatever i want???
16:01:40 <MikeRiley> i think the resource type should be speced,,,,
16:01:48 <tusho> MikeRiley: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986
16:01:55 <tusho> i don't know how many times I need to paste that link..
16:02:11 <MikeRiley> i do not intend to read through that document....too long
16:02:23 <tusho> MikeRiley: so use a pre-existing library for manipulating URIs in C
16:02:30 <tusho> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Identifier more info
16:02:31 <ais523> ah, I finally found the thing before the ://
16:02:33 <ais523> it's at http://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes.html
16:02:44 <ais523> they didn't define it in the RFC itself so they could change it later
16:02:51 <tusho> of course
16:02:53 <ais523> they just mandated IANA to keep a list, and that's where it is
16:02:54 <tusho> no reason to restrict it though
16:02:58 <tusho> just allow any valid URI
16:03:00 <MikeRiley> the rfc just says the a resource type has to be there, does not define them
16:03:02 <tusho> and then you won't have to update it
16:03:06 <tusho> srsly
16:03:09 <tusho> no reason keeping track of that list
16:03:15 <tusho> just allow anything that is a syntactically valid URI
16:03:23 <tusho> that is how URIs are used all the time and how they should be
16:03:33 <MikeRiley> of course....so my point,,,i can define whatever resource type i want???? so like fngr://???
16:03:47 <MikeRiley> so could do something like fngr://rcfunge98.trds
16:03:49 <MikeRiley> ???
16:03:50 <tusho> MikeRiley: don't, but it would be syntactically valid
16:03:50 <ais523> well, no, because it isn't a URI if you don't use a registered scheme, I don't think
16:03:56 <tusho> ah yes, ais523 is right
16:03:59 <tusho> ok, you need to keep track of the list
16:04:00 <tusho> not too hard
16:04:03 <ais523> it would be well-formed just not valid
16:04:08 <tusho> it's not like it has changed for what, years?
16:04:16 <tusho> MikeRiley: in practice the URI will probably be
16:04:29 <tusho> http://your.site/funge/fingerprints/name
16:04:37 <tusho> and have that link to documentation
16:04:43 <ais523> what about an irc:// URI to a fingerprint?
16:04:45 <ais523> that would be great
16:04:48 <tusho> ais523: hah, yes
16:04:50 <tusho> or mailto
16:04:52 <MikeRiley> your.site is a bad idea....
16:04:56 <tusho> MikeRiley: no, it's not
16:05:01 <MikeRiley> yes it is....
16:05:03 <tusho> URIs are used as universal identificaiton and have been for quite a file
16:05:07 <ais523> actually irc:// is not on the list
16:05:09 <tusho> it is the Right Thing
16:05:09 <ais523> which surprises me
16:05:11 <MikeRiley> example#1 catseye which defined some specs no longer exist
16:05:17 <tusho> MikeRiley: yes it does
16:05:18 <tusho> catseye.tc
16:05:24 <tusho> anyway, URIs by definition aern't meant to change
16:05:24 <MikeRiley> different address tho
16:05:25 <ais523> but I agree with MikeRiley to some extent, especially as not everyone has a website
16:05:31 <tusho> ais523: that's why ESO is offering them
16:05:32 <tusho> remember?
16:05:34 <ais523> tusho: that doesn't prevent them changing in practice
16:05:38 <MikeRiley> example#2, the fingerprints that i have defined are on a different address...
16:05:41 <tusho> http://fingerprints.eso-std.org/...
16:05:47 <ais523> you change ESO's naming scheme every week afaict
16:05:53 <tusho> no
16:05:55 <ais523> next week it'll be befunge.eso-std.org/fingerprints
16:06:00 <tusho> no, it won't
16:06:04 <tusho> you don't understand what i'm saying
16:06:13 <ais523> yes I do, I'm just disagreeing
16:06:19 <MikeRiley> websites are NOT as constant, and in my opinion should not be part of URIs for fingerprints....
16:06:23 -!- Hiato has joined.
16:06:30 <tusho> MikeRiley: URIs are URIs whether you'd like them to be URIs are not.
16:06:42 <tusho> If you don't support a certain type of URIs you don't support URIs at all.
16:06:52 <ais523> well in that case it shouldn't be "URI" but some other sort of identifier
16:06:58 <tusho> no it shouldn't
16:06:59 <AnMaster> back
16:07:01 <tusho> you'd end up reinventing URIs
16:07:05 <tusho> which is pointless
16:07:14 <MikeRiley> no, would still be in the format of uris,,,,just different information...
16:07:23 <tusho> MikeRiley: the format of URIs includes the protocols.
16:07:27 <tusho> If you disallow a protocol you do not support URIs.
16:07:28 <MikeRiley> i agree...
16:07:39 <tusho> I highly reccomend you just stick with URIs.
16:07:40 <MikeRiley> i think the protocol should be there,,,and be defined for handprints and fingerprints
16:07:52 <tusho> That's anti-ethical to the whole idea of URIs!
16:08:00 <tusho> They're meant to design a resource protocol-agnostically!
16:08:07 <tusho> er, not resource
16:08:09 <tusho> you know what I mean
16:08:24 <AnMaster> I will stick to plain URIs
16:08:36 <AnMaster> because I want to be able to use gopher or whatever if I want
16:08:45 <ais523> tusho: the problem is URIs aren't actually very good at their job
16:08:45 <tusho> AnMaster: good :)
16:08:54 <tusho> ais523: URIs are fine at their job. People aren't.
16:08:55 <MikeRiley> makes no sense to me to name fingerprints this way...
16:08:56 <ais523> because people don't control Internet locations indefinitely in real life
16:08:59 <AnMaster> anyway the risk of collision is *much* higher currently with 4 letters than with a URL
16:09:01 <AnMaster> URI*
16:09:02 <tusho> [[[ What makes a cool URI?
16:09:03 <tusho> A cool URI is one which does not change.
16:09:03 <tusho> What sorts of URI change?
16:09:03 <tusho> URIs don't change: people change them.]]] - TBL
16:09:15 <MikeRiley> i agree about the 4 letters,,,,that was definitely a problem...
16:09:17 <ais523> tusho: or their webhost changes them, or their financial situation
16:09:21 <tusho> ais523: purl.net
16:09:40 <ais523> tusho: what if it goes down tomorrow
16:09:44 <ais523> I mean, seriously?
16:09:49 <ais523> it probably won't happen but it might
16:09:49 <tusho> ais523: it won't. It's got a huge amount of backing
16:09:49 <MikeRiley> not there have been any collisions yet,,,very few people have defined fingerprints.....
16:09:56 <tusho> it's not just Yet Another Service
16:10:18 <ais523> tusho: that attitude strikes me as being overconfident
16:10:23 <ais523> no matter what website it's with respect to
16:10:51 <tusho> ais523: purl has got a huge, huge amount of backing and effort & research to stay totally persistent put in it
16:10:51 <pikhq> Actually, a URI is meant to just *identify* the resource... Not necessarily point out where it is. urn:isbn:1234567890123, for example, is a valid URI... Well, except that that's not by any means a valid ISBN. :p
16:10:56 <tusho> pikhq: Yes.
16:11:02 <ais523> pikhq: yes
16:11:08 <pikhq> It seems like at least one person did not understand that.
16:11:15 <pikhq> Though I might just be missing something.
16:11:22 <tusho> MikeRiley, I think
16:11:25 <ais523> even so, I think it should probably have a date involved if you're going to base a URI on an URL
16:11:33 <ais523> because the URL might end up owned by someone else eventually
16:11:51 <tusho> URLs are a subset of URIs
16:11:57 <tusho> "basing a URI on a URL" is a silly concept
16:12:23 <MikeRiley> which is back to my point, a web address is not relevent in a URI...
16:12:23 -!- Hiato1 has joined.
16:12:39 <tusho> MikeRiley: of course it is
16:12:39 <MikeRiley> unless it is the URI is for a web based service...
16:12:55 <MikeRiley> fingerprints are not web-based services....
16:13:01 <MikeRiley> they are features in an interprter,,,,
16:13:05 <tusho> that's not how it works
16:13:11 <ais523> well, I think it should be a data:// URI
16:13:20 <ais523> that contains all the information needed to implement the fingerprint
16:13:28 <ais523> e.g. the code for the fingerprint encoded in base64
16:13:29 <MikeRiley> data:// is reasonable....
16:13:37 <MikeRiley> and i can put anything i want after that???
16:13:42 <ais523> MikeRiley: yes, but my suggestion is unreasonable on other grounds
16:13:46 -!- kar8nga has quit (Connection timed out).
16:13:49 <MikeRiley> which are???
16:13:52 <ais523> MikeRiley: there's a defined format for data://
16:13:57 <tusho> MikeRiley: you must support all URIs
16:14:02 <tusho> otherwise you do not support URIs at all
16:14:04 <MikeRiley> ok,,,,so we are back to where i started...
16:14:07 <ais523> MikeRiley: if you're going to have the entire code of your fingerprint in your program, then why bother with fingerprinting at all?
16:14:08 <tusho> and therefore will not conform to befunge-108
16:14:36 <MikeRiley> all my fingerprint code is in my interpreter,,,,but it still requires the fingerprint mechanism to overload A-Z....
16:15:01 <MikeRiley> i am trying to figure out how these should appear???
16:15:05 <ais523> yes, in the interpreter makes sense, in the program doesn't
16:15:23 <MikeRiley> when i use (,,,,,what should appear in the 0gnirts to load TRDS for example???
16:15:38 <tusho> MikeRiley: http://your.site/befunge/fingerprints/trds
16:15:39 <tusho> or whatever
16:15:42 <ais523> the problem is that funge-108 fingerprints will likely have names which are far too long for practical use
16:15:53 <tusho> mailto:your.emai+trds@your.email.domain
16:15:54 <MikeRiley> your.site is unacceptable to me,....my site may change in the future....
16:15:57 <ais523> just look at any OpenOffice.org macro language source and you'll see what I mean
16:16:00 <tusho> MikeRiley: will your email?
16:16:04 <MikeRiley> probably
16:16:06 <ais523> mine definitely will
16:16:13 <tusho> MikeRiley: ok, what won't?
16:16:18 <MikeRiley> anything related to the web is not a constant,,,,
16:16:34 <MikeRiley> i think fingerprints should have names that can be relied upon to be constant....
16:16:48 <tusho> a URI changing is a bug, a flaw, an error
16:16:50 <tusho> in practice, yes, they do
16:16:52 <tusho> so pick one that won't
16:16:59 <tusho> pick a protocol that doesn't rely on something mallable
16:17:05 <tusho> ais linked to a list of them
16:17:07 <MikeRiley> to pick one that will not,,,you cannot use any web address within the uri....
16:17:12 <tusho> correct
16:17:24 <tusho> http://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes.html
16:17:26 <tusho> pick one
16:17:51 <tusho> MikeRiley: in particular
16:17:54 <tusho> urn:
16:17:57 <tusho> is probably relevant to this
16:18:06 <tusho> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Name
16:19:02 <MikeRiley> so something like: urn://fingerprint:rcfunge98:trds ?????
16:19:11 <tusho> MikeRiley: why do you keep making things up?
16:19:16 <tusho> why not read the definition of URNs...
16:19:17 <MikeRiley> i am not....
16:19:20 <MikeRiley> just did....
16:19:25 <tusho> yes, you just made up urn://fingerprint:rcfunge98:tds
16:19:40 <tusho> MikeRiley: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2141.txt
16:19:41 <tusho> it's short.
16:19:45 <tusho> a lot shorter than the URI definition
16:19:51 <tusho> a few pages
16:19:58 <MikeRiley> ok, show me an example of how YOU would specify the trds fingerprint....
16:20:07 <AnMaster> http://www.iana.org/assignments/urn-namespaces
16:20:20 <tusho> MikeRiley: why?
16:20:25 <tusho> it's not my responsibility...
16:20:27 <MikeRiley> i want to see what you think it should be....
16:20:32 <tusho> you choose what kind of URI you want to use, e.g. URN
16:20:36 <tusho> then you make one of those...
16:20:38 <tusho> pretty simple
16:21:00 <MikeRiley> ok,,,,in that case, i will invent my own for my fingerprints....
16:21:17 -!- Hiato has quit (Connection reset by peer).
16:21:39 <tusho> MikeRiley: uh, as long as it accords to the spec...
16:21:46 <MikeRiley> and when somebody comes up with uris for fingerprints made by somebody else,,,,i will implement them then...
16:21:50 <tusho> if it doesn't, you can't use it, because it's not an URN (or not a URI or whatever)
16:21:54 <tusho> and...
16:21:57 <tusho> you don't need to do anything special
16:22:01 <tusho> just look up fingerprints by their uri
16:22:02 <tusho> instead of name
16:22:06 <tusho> it's trivial!
16:22:18 <tusho> you have a database of installed fingerprints, instead of name, the key is the URI
16:22:24 <MikeRiley> which means i can do something like: fngr://rcfunge98/trds.....
16:22:29 <tusho> no
16:22:29 <MikeRiley> that follows the rules of a uri....
16:22:33 <tusho> it isn't a valid URI
16:22:38 <tusho> because the protocol is not one of the registered protocols
16:22:41 <MikeRiley> does not matter that fngr is not already defined by somebody else...
16:22:44 <tusho> yes
16:22:45 <tusho> it does
16:22:52 <MikeRiley> does the uri spec say that it must be pre-registered???
16:23:02 <tusho> that is what a URI is.
16:23:06 <tusho> the protocol must be a valid URI protocol.
16:23:11 <tusho> IANA maintains the list.
16:23:14 <MikeRiley> the little of it that i read just sad that you had to specify a resource type...and not what the types are...
16:23:37 <tusho> "the little of it that I read" precisely
16:23:39 <tusho> the little of it.
16:23:52 <MikeRiley> i accept that....too long for me to waste my time reading it....
16:23:58 <MikeRiley> i would prefer to see reasonable examples....
16:24:06 <MikeRiley> or else i will make my own way of doing it....
16:24:20 <tusho> MikeRiley: go ahead, as long as you don't care about funge-108 compliance.
16:24:38 <MikeRiley> i guess at this point,,,i do not....since nobody is willing to define what it should look like....
16:24:52 <tusho> MikeRiley: I can copy and paste the rfc if you'd like?
16:24:56 <MikeRiley> i will use my method,,,which will work in my interpeter...
16:25:00 <tusho> i've told you exactly how it will look like
16:25:03 <MikeRiley> i am not going to read the rfc....
16:25:04 <tusho> by linking you to the definitive source
16:25:07 <tusho> you just refuse to read it.
16:25:15 <MikeRiley> i agree, i refuse to read it...
16:25:22 <tusho> have fun
16:25:25 <MikeRiley> i will....
16:26:01 <MikeRiley> and when somebody defines actual uris for non-rcs fingerprints,,,i will provide the support for them then....
16:26:09 <MikeRiley> and my fingerprints will use my specification...
16:26:11 <AnMaster> MikeRiley, examples are any valid URI
16:26:15 <tusho> MikeRiley seems to think that you have to special case it.
16:26:25 <AnMaster> I got no clue what you want instead...
16:26:27 <tusho> AnMaster: don't bother. he asks what a URI is.
16:26:33 <tusho> AnMaster: if you point him to the rfc he refuses to use it
16:26:36 <tusho> just let him implement whatever...
16:26:51 <MikeRiley> what i want, is a clear cut description (not referringt to an rfc) that describes what funge108 expects in the 0gnirts....
16:26:59 <MikeRiley> not a vague idea...
16:27:00 <tusho> MikeRiley: ANY URI
16:27:02 <tusho> ANY URI AT ALL
16:27:02 <MikeRiley> something specific....
16:27:03 <AnMaster> MikeRiley, ANY valid URI
16:27:05 <AnMaster> any at all
16:27:06 <tusho> for a definition of a URI: SEE THE RFC
16:27:09 <tusho> that is what defines a URI
16:27:13 <tusho> there is NO MORE WE CAN SAY
16:27:21 <AnMaster> MikeRiley, or do you want me to copy paste the entire rfc into the specs?
16:27:33 <MikeRiley> as i said,,,when somebody provieds me with uris for non-rcs fingerprints, i will implement those....my fingerprints will use my own...
16:27:35 <tusho> AnMaster: he wants you to rewrite it in a few pages, it seems
16:27:48 <AnMaster> well that is impossible tusho!
16:27:55 <tusho> of course
16:27:58 <MikeRiley> i prefer examples of what things should look like rather than long specs....
16:28:22 <Deewiant> so give him an example of a Funge-108 program and have him implement Funge-108 based on that ;-)
16:28:55 <tusho> Deewiant: *g*
16:30:18 <ais523> anyway, have a look at Shove, everyone, I'm quite amazed at how unlike Befunge it manages to be whilst seeming similar from a distance
16:30:40 <ais523> http://code.eso-std.org/shove/
16:30:46 <tusho> i looked at it
16:30:46 <tusho> quite nice
16:31:19 <ais523> the issue is that the program tends to disintegrate after it's been run for a bit
16:31:23 <ais523> because all the rows get out of sync
16:32:06 <ais523> anyway I thought of an improvement to Underload to make it much easier to compile
16:32:18 <ais523> delimit code strings with {} and data strings with []
16:32:28 <ais523> data strings can't be run with ^, code strings can't be output with S
16:32:40 <ais523> that means that you don't have trouble when compiling it into other concatenative langs
16:32:59 <ais523> oh, and you can't use * to concatenate a code string to a data string
16:33:30 <ais523> () would still be a combined code string/data string, but you shouldn't use it in programs you want to compile
16:33:31 <tusho> how about data strings = ""
16:33:32 <tusho> :P
16:33:35 <ais523> and probably you'd need two versions of a
16:33:39 <ais523> tusho: nesting?
16:33:40 <tusho> with proper escaping
16:33:48 <tusho> "Hello, world!\n"S
16:33:49 <ais523> ah, proper escaping would help
16:34:01 <ais523> then a would generate code strings
16:34:05 <tusho> and keep () as just code
16:34:07 <ais523> and quines would be a whole lot more difficult
16:34:17 <tusho> ais523: yes
16:34:19 <tusho> * would depend, though
16:34:28 <tusho> "a"(b)* would be invalid
16:34:31 <tusho> as would (b)"a"*
16:34:44 <ais523> yes, that's what I was saying
16:34:55 <ais523> concatenating data and code both make sense, but not concatenating them to each other
16:35:18 <tusho> yes
16:35:25 <tusho> brb
16:35:32 <ais523> biarb
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17:13:18 <Mony> I come back from the skate park :)
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17:17:42 <tusho> B to the A to the C K
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21:21:07 <Mony> i'm going to try to implent conditions in my "language"
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23:11:01 <Mony> does anyone have an good idea for my conditions ?
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23:26:41 <tusho> Mony: not really
23:27:06 <Mony> and bad ideas ? :P
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23:36:39 <tusho> none
23:36:40 <tusho> :P
23:45:49 <Mony> may the night give me ideas :D
23:45:52 * Mony is away: zZz
23:46:03 <Mony> good night guys ;)
23:46:53 -!- jix has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep").
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