00:01:51 -!- sebbu has quit ("@+").
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00:30:38 <comex> someone mentioned my name
00:30:44 <comex> who, or for what purpose, I cba to tell
00:33:09 <MizardX> about http://etherpad.com/
00:33:41 <comex> so collabedit clone?
00:33:52 -!- warrie has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
00:35:39 <MizardX> http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/esoteric/08.11.19 at 08:10:58
00:38:52 <comex> kate plugin or something would be cooler
00:38:58 <comex> or anything that can do syntax highlighting
00:39:03 <comex> but not a goddamn website
00:39:42 <comex> something that can collaboratively edit/save existing code on one guy's drive would be pretty cool, I've never seen a good program though
01:09:47 -!- jix has quit ("...").
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02:16:53 <MizardX> +ul ((.)S:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^):^
02:18:45 <MizardX> Hmm... thutubot didn't return from the crash
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03:28:13 -!- Asztal has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.4/2008102920]").
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08:02:11 <GregorR> A more challenging version of Five Clicks to Jesus: See how many times you can make it to Jesus in five clicks without ever reusing a page. http://codu.org/5ctj/
08:04:53 <olsner> oh crap, there's no limit to how much time you can spend doing that
08:17:37 <olsner> well, yeah, there is the length of my life, the heat death of the universe and/or the demise of the internet, whichever comes first
08:51:39 -!- olsner has quit ("Leaving").
09:39:19 -!- Corun has joined.
10:25:18 -!- Corun has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep").
12:35:01 <ehird> GregorR: ?restart=1 fails
14:34:36 <ehird> GregorR: I submitted 5 clicks to jesus to reddit
14:35:11 <ehird> just the main one, it should probably be in /r/pointlessgamesaboutjesusandwikipediaandsixdegreesofseperation or something
14:37:07 <ehird> Your current clicks:
14:37:08 <ehird> Google_Book_Search
14:37:09 <ehird> Censorship_by_Google
14:37:10 <ehird> United_States_of_America
14:37:14 <ehird> Christianity_in_the_United_States
14:37:18 <ehird> ^^ can anyone do better than that from Google book?
14:42:56 <ehird> Your current clicks:
14:42:56 <ehird> Face_(Benjamin_Zephaniah)
14:42:56 <ehird> Benjamin_Zephaniah
14:42:57 <ehird> Rastafari_movement
14:43:42 <ehird> GregorR: fix the restart
14:45:24 <ehird> Your current clicks:
14:45:24 <ehird> Seyyed_Jafar_Kashfi
14:45:25 <ehird> Christians_in_Iran
15:20:35 -!- jix has joined.
15:34:20 -!- psygnisfive has quit (Remote closed the connection).
15:41:04 <ehird> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/west_yorkshire/4264941.stm lol.
16:20:13 -!- jix has quit ("Computer has gone to sleep").
17:01:10 -!- Sgeo has joined.
17:03:32 <nooga> i haven't got left eye!
17:08:23 <AnMaster> well aren't IQ tests quite inexact measurements
17:08:59 <oklopol> well yes, i wouldn't say they test intelligence
17:09:09 <nooga> codu.org is dead :D
17:09:16 <oklopol> but that's irrelevant, being in the top 2% simply isn't news, is y point
17:09:31 <oklopol> so i just think they could've left that out
17:09:44 -!- MizardX has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)).
17:09:46 <AnMaster> nooga, connection issues for him I guess
17:09:51 <oklopol> i mean, 2% of the whole population or earth is in the top 2%
17:10:01 <oklopol> and that's a lot of people.
17:10:19 <ehird> codu.org is dead because i submitted it to reddit
17:10:28 <nooga> i've got 138 in mensa test, dunno why\
17:10:31 <AnMaster> oklopol, however is it top 2% of the those who took the tests?
17:10:33 -!- MizardX has joined.
17:10:52 <AnMaster> oklopol, does it even include those who didn't score so well
17:10:55 <oklopol> probably clever people take it more likely than idiots
17:10:58 <ehird> GregorR: your host fucking sucks
17:11:34 <oklopol> i have a book by mensa, with some kinda practise tests¨
17:11:42 <oklopol> but i can pretty much get everything right
17:11:49 <nooga> there are some things like finding mistakes
17:12:06 <oklopol> two pics next to each other? :P
17:12:11 <nooga> werid questions like "what is the most simmilar thing to a half an apple"
17:12:31 <oklopol> ah, yeah the retarded ones are sometimes hard
17:12:37 <nooga> there are some stupid pictures and you must choose which variant is ok
17:12:40 <AnMaster> nooga, um the other half unless it was asymmetrical
17:13:00 <AnMaster> however I don't know if that is what they want or not
17:13:11 <nooga> i told the same ;p
17:13:50 <nooga> but i do not feel that IQ, i consider myself as a extremely stupid person ;p
17:14:01 <nooga> doing idiotic things all the time
17:14:17 <AnMaster> anyway IQ tests depend on stuff like culture, for the verbal tests and such
17:15:19 <oklopol> the test should be about algorithmics and mathematics
17:15:30 <oklopol> if you're intelligent in some other subject, hey, i don't care!
17:15:30 <AnMaster> also I'm certainly good at some things, but tricky questions is not my strength
17:16:48 -!- Corun has joined.
17:17:14 <nooga> when intelligence comes with clumsyness it's for nothing
17:17:45 <AnMaster> nooga, you mean like not being able to do the complex math without a paper and a pencil?
17:17:50 <nooga> my behaviour indicates that i'm 5 year old retard :D
17:18:21 <AnMaster> well I can't do anything except basic calculations without paper and pen
17:18:27 <AnMaster> or even better a graph calculator
17:18:29 <oklopol> nooga: yeah i have the same feeling about myself occasionally
17:18:34 <AnMaster> I need to see the problem written down
17:18:58 <AnMaster> can't keep a lot of number/terms/whatever in in my brain at once
17:19:45 <oklopol> i was in the finals of a mental calculation competition once
17:20:10 <oklopol> me too, it's just others suck more
17:20:42 <oklopol> i didn't really do well in the finals
17:20:43 <AnMaster> oklopol, so can you take 146 + 325 in your head?
17:20:55 <oklopol> i actually lost because i didn't *go* to the finals xD
17:20:56 <nooga> i had a chess master in my class in high school
17:21:01 <nooga> that guy was enormous
17:21:03 <oklopol> my math teacher was soooo dissappointed
17:21:38 <AnMaster> I would need to write the calculation down
17:21:38 <oklopol> was wondering why i didn't remember any details
17:22:11 <nooga> calculate 53^7/2 .... five seconds .... Mat says: 587355569918.5
17:23:01 <nooga> master chess player from my previous school
17:23:20 <nooga> he had loads of RAM in his brain ;p
17:24:18 <oklopol> i wonder if it's too late to start practising that
17:25:01 <MizardX> I'm a member of Mensa in my country. :)
17:25:16 <oklopol> nooga: i don't think it is, but i don't have proof either way
17:25:38 <ehird> real geniuses know to stay away from other geniuses, because they're fuckwits.
17:26:12 <nooga> irb(main):001:0> 53**7/2.0
17:26:16 <MizardX> geh... giantic ping to the server... I'll reconnect
17:26:24 -!- MizardX has quit ("Sanity shutdown").
17:26:40 -!- MizardX has joined.
17:27:07 <MizardX> {MizardX} I'm a member of Mensa in my country. :)
17:27:49 <oklopol> nnscript just has a colon after the nick :|
17:28:10 <oklopol> yeah nnscript can be any things
17:28:18 <oklopol> i mean my nnscript, naturally
17:28:46 <oklopol> i use the default, it's visuallicious
17:30:08 <AnMaster> <oklopol> nnscript just has a colon after the nick :|
17:30:10 -!- nooga has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)).
17:30:32 <MizardX> The full line: «18:28:37» {oklopol} i use the default, it's visuallicious
17:30:55 <AnMaster> 18.27:49 <oklopol> nnscript just has a colon after the nick :|
17:33:47 <GregorR> ehird: Argh, whywould you reddit it X_X
17:33:59 <ehird> GregorR: because i like it
17:34:01 <GregorR> ehird: And also, I've never had even the smallest problem with restart=1
17:34:15 <GregorR> ehird: Yeah, but I wasn't necessarily done working out the kinks :P
17:34:20 <ehird> ?restart=1 redirects to ?restart=1?
17:34:48 <GregorR> That's never happened to me >_>
17:35:23 <GregorR> I would fix it, but I can't connect to my server.
17:35:28 <GregorR> Perhaps because somebody reddit'd it.
17:35:51 <AnMaster> GregorR, what page was it btw?
17:36:33 <GregorR> AnMaster: I made a web-page version of the game five-clicks-to-jesus.
17:36:55 -!- sebbu has joined.
17:36:57 <MizardX> AnMaster: http://pici.se/326552/ :)
17:36:58 <GregorR> AnMaster: You go to a random Wikipedia page and try to get to Jesus in five clicks or less.
17:37:14 <GregorR> Shit, my hosting company is not going to be happy with me :P
17:37:27 <AnMaster> GregorR, you can blame it on ehird
17:37:38 <AnMaster> he should pay for it obviously
17:37:44 <GregorR> No, they're not going to be happy with me because I had to use leet hax to make it work 8-D
17:38:21 <GregorR> Their PHP is in secure mode, which won't let you connect to (e.g.) Wikipedia from PHP, so I had to install my own PHP since they allow CGI :P
17:38:26 <AnMaster> MizardX, what about that picture?
17:39:16 <oklopol> it's not ehird's fault GregorR's afraid of fame and glory.
17:39:35 <AnMaster> GregorR, that would increase the load a lot
17:39:51 <AnMaster> GregorR, like not using php accelerator which they would probably use
17:40:10 <GregorR> AnMaster: norly lawl liek DUH THAT'S THE PROBLEM I'M SAYING THEY'LL KILL ME FOR
17:40:23 <GregorR> And the reason I didn't want this being reddited or what not :P
17:40:50 <AnMaster> GregorR, idea: do it on client side
17:41:17 <AnMaster> don't know if it can connect to another site though
17:41:21 <GregorR> AnMaster: The reason I did it server side was to make cheating impossible.
17:41:36 <GregorR> Since JavaScript AFAIK can't connect to another server.
17:42:16 <AnMaster> GregorR, writing the cgi-script in C maybe could have helped.
17:42:25 <AnMaster> just the bit that handles the remote connection
17:44:46 <GregorR> ehird: What's your browser by the way? I think it's your browser that's effing up restart, not my server (per se)
17:44:52 <GregorR> ehird: That is, your browser is interpreting the URL wrong.
17:45:10 * GregorR just forwarded codu.org to google.com via DNS :P
17:45:26 <GregorR> Isn't it awesome that DNS changes propagate instantly
17:45:46 <AnMaster> GregorR, they don't afaik, even if ttl is short it still takes a bit
17:46:10 <GregorR> The last statement by me was sarcasm :P
17:48:12 <AnMaster> it seems to point to one of those "reserved domain that goes nowhere" ads pages
17:48:30 <AnMaster> GregorR, hm it already moved for me
17:51:20 <GregorR> ehird: WHY WOULD YOU KILL MY SERVER
17:51:36 <ehird> Gee, I was not aware that it could not handle being at #47151 or something on reddit
17:53:00 <GregorR> No, it couldn't handle my bug causing infinite redirects (probably)
17:53:14 -!- Mony has joined.
17:53:52 <GregorR> Well, I'm going to go take a shower while my DNS changes propagate.
17:54:03 <GregorR> And hope like heck that this goes under the radar for my host.
17:56:03 <ehird> Eh, slicehost don't mind you using a shitload of bandwidth over your limit, they just tell you to do something if it happens a lot.
18:07:14 <GregorR> Slicehost costs a shitload of money.
18:07:49 <ehird> $20/mo is not a "shitload of money".
18:09:09 <GregorR> $20/mo four times as much as I'm currently paying.
18:10:12 <GregorR> That being said, I am now strongly considering switching ;)
18:12:10 <GregorR> What about CPU time? Does slicehost monitor CPU usage?
18:13:49 <GregorR> OK, I'm buying an effing slice. Grrf.
18:20:13 -!- KingOfKarlsruhe has joined.
18:21:01 <ehird> It's shared between slices
18:21:05 <ehird> So you'll just end up taking littler slices cpu :P
18:21:07 <ehird> ofc, with a slice you have to run your own apache and all. I'm sure you'll manage. :P
18:21:20 <GregorR> That's sort of the /advantage/ of SliceHost.
18:24:50 <GregorR> Now upgrading my slice to Lenny.
18:25:39 <GregorR> WTF, you can upgrade etch->lenny in some ~300MB? :P
18:45:11 -!- AquaLoqua has joined.
18:45:36 * GregorR is now copying in his web page.
18:52:48 * ehird invented a voting system
18:53:53 <GregorR> You think you invented it, or you think YOU invented it?
18:54:16 <GregorR> That is, do you think you invented it rather than just remembering it, or do you think you were the first to invent it (which isn't really relevant)
18:54:17 <ehird> I think *I* invented it.
18:54:41 <ehird> Let votes be the number of ballots entered.
18:54:46 <ehird> For each candidate:
18:54:46 <oklopol> everything you say can and will be irrelevant
18:54:55 <ehird> oklopol: stop disrupting my formatting.
18:54:56 <ehird> Let votes be the number of ballots entered.
18:54:59 <ehird> For each candidate:
18:55:08 <fizzie> Combo-braeker time would be this.
18:55:21 <ehird> (Votes are a list of candidates, in descending preferential order)
18:55:39 <ehird> Let likeifyness be the position of the candidate on the ballot.
18:56:04 <ehird> Let likeifyness2 be {1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, ...}[likeifyness].
18:56:13 <ehird> Increase the candidate's cool factor by likeifyness2.
18:56:23 <ehird> The candidate's popularity is (cool factor)/(number of votes).
18:56:31 <ehird> Then, the candidate with the highest popularity wins.
18:56:37 <ehird> Has this been invented?
18:57:21 -!- KingOfKarlsruhe has quit (Remote closed the connection).
18:57:24 <oklopol> so basically everyone has infinite votes, but they decrease logarithically in value
18:58:00 <ehird> I developed this for b nomic, soo I'll just steal an exampel
18:58:06 <ehird> ehird Teucer Codae BP
18:58:07 <ehird> ehird BP Teucer Codae
18:58:14 -!- Asztal has joined.
18:58:27 <ehird> because teucers popularity factor is about 0.5208
18:58:41 <fizzie> It certainly sounds very similar to some "everyone ranks all candidates they like" system I've heard about.
18:59:02 <ehird> It's simple to describe, simple to count ballots with it, and seems to give good results.
18:59:26 <oklopol> i don't think that's a good system
19:00:27 <fizzie> See "Preferential voting" in wikipedia; there's a list, it might be one of those.
19:00:46 <oklopol> well my argument was that when people list their preferences, they may not always know exactly what's the number one choice
19:01:04 <oklopol> with 1 vs. 0.5 for the two first factors
19:01:12 <ehird> this solves it, though
19:01:14 <oklopol> it's very essential you choose the first one right
19:01:26 <ehird> maybe it should be decreasing in another way?
19:01:49 <oklopol> i'm comparing to just averaging positions of candidates...
19:02:10 <oklopol> i don't know, i'm not especially interested in humans :P
19:03:43 <fizzie> Apparently they use that sort of thing (but with points 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, ...) in Nauru, or something like that.
19:04:28 -!- AquaLoqua has quit ("Dana").
19:04:57 <oklopol> well, probably it's reasonable to make people actually choose the exact best one, especially if only a small amount of things will win the vote anyway
19:05:08 <fizzie> You could also give everyone a fixed amount of voting power (that's pretty much what that thing does, anyway) and let them divide it whichever way they want. Though it's maybe a bit hard to handle those voters who vote 1/pi points for candidate A, 1-1/pi points for candidate B.
19:05:20 <oklopol> but that does sound better than 1/2^n
19:05:43 <ehird> oklopol: you know what the problem is-
19:05:55 <ehird> with just averaging candidate's positions?
19:05:59 <ehird> ehird Teucer Codae BP
19:06:02 <ehird> ehird BP Teucer Codae
19:06:04 <ehird> => In that election, Codae wins.
19:06:47 <ehird> obviously, he shouldn't, if you look at the ballots
19:06:50 <oklopol> can't say i understand that logic
19:06:57 <ehird> either Teucer or BP wins
19:07:11 <ehird> (position+position+...)/num_of_votes
19:07:23 <ehird> if you calculate it
19:07:28 <GregorR> Hey, I'll finally be able to have https://codu.org/ . That's something.
19:07:31 <ehird> BP or Teucer SHOULD win, if you look at it.
19:07:44 <oklopol> teucer has a smaller position in each and every vote
19:08:07 <oklopol> so naturally his average position is smaller
19:08:25 <ehird> he SHOULD win with a decent system
19:08:40 <fizzie> (position+position+...)/num_of_votes_where_it_occurs is a more reasonable "average".
19:08:47 <ehird> teucer or bp should win with a decent system
19:08:51 <ehird> but codae wins with your stupid system :P
19:09:03 <oklopol> ehird: that's not possible
19:09:05 <ehird> fizzie: well, yeah, but then one vote at #1 makes that candidate win
19:09:49 <oklopol> he'd win with my system too, i can see that without any calculations.
19:10:02 <fizzie> Well, alternatively you could stick all non-voted at the same place to the end of the list, and then normalize the positions so that 0 is first, 1 is last.
19:10:10 <oklopol> what are the average positions of the guys then, in my system?
19:10:55 <oklopol> if codae's average position is seriously less than teucer's, then there's something wrong with the world
19:11:20 <oklopol> i mean, his positions are 3, 3, 3 and 4
19:12:50 <fizzie> ehird's not using an average of those numbers, because of the problem that if you just do that, then the guy who's #1 in someone's list and completely unvoted in others will get an average position of 1 and maybe even win.
19:14:26 <fizzie> And anyway the position is a bit silly-ish when the length of the candidate lists vary. Assuming you won't require everyone to rank the whole list in the preferred order.
19:14:46 <fizzie> You could assign normalized positions to all candidates for all voters, though.
19:15:28 <oklopol> ehird thought i meant the guys who get bad positions on average should win
19:15:40 <oklopol> which i find pretty reasonable, why wouldn't i suggest that
19:17:13 -!- kar8nga has joined.
19:18:39 <oklopol> fizzie: yes, if only votes that mention candidate X count for choosing the best one, then very little known ones will only get votes from people who have a special reason to vote for them. so someone could win because only their family knew about them
19:19:31 <oklopol> so it's obvious you should assume people who aren't mentioned in a vote should get some kinda negative feedback from that vote
19:19:46 <oklopol> not "feedback", i have no words.
19:19:59 <ehird> my original method trumps all these so far :P
19:20:20 <oklopol> ehird: does it actually differ from what i suggested?
19:20:31 <oklopol> i mean, assuming you don't do it in some retarded fashion
19:20:36 <ehird> it has teucer winning that election
19:21:00 <ehird> which is the Correct Outcome, intuitively, I'd say
19:21:04 <ehird> either teucer or BP
19:21:08 <ehird> it succeeds the test :P
19:21:23 <oklopol> i'm 99% sure you'd get one of those with my method too
19:22:07 <oklopol> i have a feeling you have no idea what i've been telling you.
19:22:22 <ehird> i have a feeling that's nice
19:22:24 <fizzie> Your "original" method is also not that original, given that it's just Borda count with a custom point-assignment; 1/2^n is not *that* different from 1/n, except that listing more than very few candidates becomes pointless very quickly.
19:23:34 <ehird> Eh, whatever, I'll go with 1/n :P
19:24:20 <ais523> isn't that just a Borda count with different weights?
19:28:23 <fizzie> Averaging normalized positions would give you the ranking: bp (.44), teucer (.55), ehird (.66), codae (.83). I'm not sure if that simplifies to Borda count with the correct assignment of weights, though.
19:28:45 <fizzie> Maybe it does, since it's pretty much just summing things up.
19:28:59 <oklopol> ehird: teucer wins, bp a close second
19:29:30 <ehird> show your calculatons.
19:30:17 <oklopol> i made everyone who's not in the vote #5
19:31:14 <oklopol> anyway, the point is, this is a trivial issue, and that it's clear either BP or teucer wins no matter how you implement it
19:32:32 <fizzie> Voting systems seem to tend towards the complex, though... even the D'Hondt thing we use for parliamentary elections is not particularly simple.
19:33:18 <fizzie> And I think one of the student-organization-related elections did something utterly complicated, too.
19:33:49 <fizzie> Incidentally, I'm at Tampere now. (Which probably says nothing to non-Finns, and even for Finnish people I don't think we have any locals here?)
19:34:25 <oklopol> i can't think of a much simpler scheme to get parties in the system
19:34:48 <oklopol> if you had been in turku, i'd have had a task for you.
19:35:06 <fizzie> Both start with a T, so it's pretty close.
19:35:55 <oklopol> unfortunately position biased hamming distance is not the thing we're looking for here
19:36:23 <fizzie> And yes, if you insist on having the parties involved in the mess, I guess it's reasonably simple. Still, you *could* just count all votes per party, use that to set the amount of seats, and then use absolute order of candidates to select from within parties; that's simpler than the quotient messups.
19:37:14 <oklopol> tbh i can't see the crucial difference between those systems right away
19:37:25 <oklopol> but i still don't think it's complicated
19:38:06 <fizzie> You do need to keep updating the numbers when you assign seats.
19:38:17 <fizzie> Maybe it's not complicated in an absolute sense of the word.
19:38:20 <fizzie> But it's not just sums. :p
19:38:42 <fizzie> They're singing the "happy birthday" song in the hotel restaurant; the noise comes through my door.
19:39:54 <fizzie> I have to give a presentation at http://www.cs.tut.fi/~varri/medinfo/PreSem8.htm
19:40:41 <fizzie> It's a HUT/TTY-arranged seminar thing to complement the Hatutus Fall seminar today-afternoon.
19:41:53 <oklopol> Noise Robust LVCSR Feature Extraction Based on the Stabilized Weighted Linear Prediction
19:42:16 <fizzie> Hatutus being "the pattern-recognition research society of Finland" ("HAhmonTUnnistuksen TUtkimuksen Seura" is where the letters come from) or some-such. It's a bit of a punny name, since it also means something like "the putting-on of hats".
19:42:27 <oklopol> yeah i could talk about that for like a whole course's worth.
19:42:56 <oklopol> yeah also means the same as "vitutus" in some contexts
19:43:06 <oklopol> which i can't find a good translation for
19:43:17 <fizzie> The state of being pissed of, maybe.
19:43:35 <oklopol> yeah, right, guess you could break it down like that
19:44:36 <oklopol> (the task would've been to get me some coke, if you're wondering :P)
19:44:53 <fizzie> I *did* wonder, but thought it unbecoming of me to ask.
19:45:10 <fizzie> Is that "coke" as in the soft drink, or "coke" as in the drug?
19:45:48 <oklopol> i'll usually for the other one in /sg
19:45:49 <fizzie> That's good, I'm not really sure how one would go about obtaining the latter.
19:46:22 <oklopol> me neither, finland isn't really the best country for that
19:47:11 <fizzie> I wouldn't even be here except that I happened to walk past my supervisor's room at the particular moment when his supervisor was there, and they were all "hey, you probably don't have anything better to do, go and prepare a presentation for this thing".
19:48:04 <oklopol> so you told the "k i'll whip something up about Noise Robust LVCSR Feature Extraction Based on the Stabilized Weighted Linear Prediction by this afternoon"?
19:50:59 <fizzie> It's the title of a conference paper draft I've been working on. :p
19:51:06 <fizzie> I just made some slides out of that content.
19:51:52 <fizzie> Not yet quite sure what I'll say about it, but it's just 20 minutes, how hard could it be.
19:55:56 <ehird> fizzie: start talking about befunge
19:59:15 <fizzie> I think at least the aforementioned supervisors would. :p
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20:33:18 <ais523> oklopol: nope, I corrected oerjan's bad oko
20:33:41 <oklopol> ais523: yeah okay that's fine
20:33:53 <oerjan> hey mine was first so there!
20:34:19 <oerjan> oko doesn't quite work with three people
20:40:44 * oerjan tries to write the word "proofreading" and has to correct himself three times
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20:49:26 <olsner> ais523: any luck with your mod_rewrite project btw?
20:49:34 <ais523> nah, I've been doing about 6 other things at once
20:49:40 <ais523> and don't actually have mod_rewrite to test on
20:50:05 <olsner> I'm pretty sure mod_rewrite comes with apache by default
20:50:09 -!- Mony has quit ("Join the Damnation now !").
21:10:26 <oklopol> fizzie: where's your nick fro?
21:11:35 <fizzie> Er, well, actually, to tell you the truth, it's from the name "Fizban" in the Dragonlance series of fantasy books. Cut me some slack; I was so very young back then. (Then it morphed to "Fizzle" when the original was so often taken in IRC, then to "Fizzie" and finally to "fizzie".)
21:12:15 <oklopol> also fizzle is like pizzle
21:12:16 <fizzie> Maybe I should retcon a better etymology for it.
21:12:43 <oklopol> dragonlance? most of my friends play d&d, i'm not judging you.
21:12:44 <ais523> it's a good etymology, I like it
21:13:39 * oerjan vaguely recalls a Fizban in a MUD he played when he was not quite very young
21:13:49 <fizzie> Some people complained that "fizzle" is too feminine; but they didn't mind "fizzie". Go figure.
21:14:26 <oklopol> well i guess fizzle is a feminine pizzle. indeed, go figure
21:15:52 * oerjan cannot find such a meaning of fizzle, but it _does_ mean "complete failure"
21:16:14 <oklopol> well i was just going by Feminine pIZZLE
21:16:26 <oklopol> but okay, that may be even worse
21:17:02 <ais523> let's call fizzie emininiep from now on
21:17:07 <ais523> because it sounds good
21:17:17 <oerjan> the suggested etymology is that it originally meant "fart"
21:17:21 <ais523> oerjan: "fizzle out" is an idiom in English
21:17:46 <ais523> it's like running out of power, but with more sparks and hissing noises and lightning and fire
21:17:56 <ais523> like when a firework runs out of explosion
21:17:59 <fizzie> First google-hit of "fizzie" is "Fizzies - kids fruit-flavored, effervescent drink tabled"; and there are quite a lot of "bath fizzies" too. I guess it still beats the "complete failure" connotations.
21:45:29 <GregorR> codu.org is now on SliceHost.
21:45:46 <GregorR> My old host suspended my account but the server is still fucked X-P
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21:50:48 <oerjan> and not a real swede in sight
21:51:44 <oerjan> they're so tacky, in their blue swede shoes
21:53:08 <ais523> oerjan: yes, that is a really really bad pun
21:53:25 <ais523> GregorR: so in other words ehird just cost you lost of monet
21:53:46 <ehird> eh, i just submitted it to reddit.
21:53:48 <ehird> it barely got any traffic.
21:53:53 <ehird> plus GregorR switched on the merits
21:53:58 <ehird> the suspension was just the instigator...
21:54:08 <ehird> also, wow, codu.org is fast now
21:54:14 <ehird> GregorR: what webserver are you using?
21:54:46 <ehird> i switched eso-std.org over to nginx yesterday
21:54:50 <ehird> lot less memory usage, lot faster
21:56:37 -!- kar8nga has left (?).
21:57:33 <GregorR> ehird: Well, so's your face.
22:06:06 <nooga> ehird: i bet i can write something much faster than nginx for displaying "sometimes i fly around in a spaceship :>"
22:06:25 <ehird> nooga: subdomains. have you heard of them
22:06:26 <ais523> nooga: there are other things on that site too
22:06:29 <ais523> just not linked from the homepage
22:07:30 <Sgeo> http://agora.eso-std.org/notary-report.html
22:09:05 <ehird> nooga: you will have to take it on trust that eso-std.org is used a lot.
22:16:13 <Sgeo> nooga, http://agoranomic.org
22:33:19 <ais523> nooga: what do you think of it?
22:35:57 <oerjan> thinking is dangerous. do _you_ want your head to explode?
22:36:07 <ais523> oerjan: I'll try not to think about that
22:43:54 <oerjan> "Millions of years from now, upon exacvating the bedroom closet of the average American household, palentologists will conclude that for the species Homo Sapiens the male was bipedal and the female was centipedal."
22:44:07 <oerjan> (as seen on IWC forum)
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22:53:05 <nooga> i still can't code that transistor placement algo
22:54:39 <oerjan> can wires cross? if not, do you know that the graph is planar?
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22:58:40 <oerjan> maybe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graph_drawing can give some pointers
23:00:59 <oerjan> or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Routing_(EDA)
23:01:12 <oerjan> "Almost every problem associated with routing is known to be intractable."
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23:10:44 <nooga> but it's not about placing paths as connections
23:11:04 <nooga> but just placing elements on a square grid
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23:42:09 <GregorR> Apparently I've PERMAKILLED my old host :P
23:44:58 <oklopol> what a relevant comment, you must be from the internet
23:46:06 -!- jix has quit ("...").
23:50:35 <oerjan> "Teenage terrorists bring down web hosting service"
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23:56:09 <MizardX> Teenage mutant ninja... pirates!
23:58:38 <GregorR> My cat has decided she wants to be in my lap 24/7.