←2009-03-01 2009-03-02 2009-03-03→ ↑2009 ↑all
00:03:28 <ehird> ..................
00:19:43 <olsner> wanting is just another kind of need
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02:01:58 <comex> well, at least you're trying to be nice to goethe
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06:07:30 <GregorR> "want" is to "need" as "theory" is to "fact" ... once you start getting technical, they're all the same :P
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09:26:28 <MizardX> >>> print hex(id(257))
09:26:30 <MizardX> 0xb713d8
09:26:32 <MizardX> >>> print hex(id(258))
09:26:34 <MizardX> 0xb713d8
09:26:36 <MizardX> >>> 257 is 258
09:26:38 <MizardX> False
09:27:48 <MizardX> >>> print hex(id(257)),hex(id(258))
09:27:48 <MizardX> 0xb713d8 0xb713cc
09:30:17 <MizardX> -5 to 256 is cached. The rest is subject to garbage collection and reallocation.
09:31:34 <bsmntbombdood> so?
09:32:19 <MizardX> To speed up calculation, store every number to be used in some collection. :)
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10:07:02 <AnMaster> http://www.makelinux.net/kernel_map
10:07:05 <AnMaster> cool
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14:01:28 <ehird> 02:01 comex: well, at least you're trying to be nice to goethe
14:01:32 <ehird> itym /query ehird
14:02:11 <ehird> AnMaster: nice page apart from the "ISRAEL IS AWESOME" link in the bottom right.
14:02:19 <AnMaster> ehird, indeed
14:02:28 <AnMaster> ehird, I didn't notice that link before btw
14:02:43 <AnMaster> I was so busy looking at the interesting map
14:02:54 <ehird> i should put like, a link supporting pedophillia in the corner of all my highly interesting technical documents
14:03:01 <ehird> then nobody will criticize any part apart from that one
14:03:14 <AnMaster> hah
14:04:26 <ehird> http://linuxdriver.co.il/israel/hamas_and_press <- hamas are evil, black and wear green headbands.
14:04:28 <ehird> ic
14:04:41 <ehird> also, their children are shaped like elongated eggs
14:07:58 <ehird> hi ais523
14:08:29 -!- ais523 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
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14:20:43 <ehird> AnMaster: http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/linuxdna-supercharges-linux-intel-cc-compiler
14:22:40 <AnMaster> ehird, AMD here
14:22:53 <ehird> doesn't icc work for amd?
14:22:59 <AnMaster> ehird, yeah but it is slower than gcc
14:23:01 <AnMaster> on amd
14:23:02 <ehird> ah
14:23:18 <AnMaster> ehird, it isn't like Intel have any interest in making it good on amd...
14:23:22 <ehird> true
14:23:27 <ehird> AnMaster: that's pretty bad, since gcc is one of the slowest compilers...
14:24:07 <AnMaster> ehird, slowest as in compile time or generating slow code? Or both?
14:24:12 <ehird> latter
14:24:22 <ehird> although gcc(1)'s execution time is pretty dismal, I don't know how that compares to others
14:24:34 <AnMaster> ehird, iirc clang is a lot faster.
14:24:41 <AnMaster> but of course it is far from ready yet
14:24:44 <ehird> yes, clang(1) is faster
14:24:49 <AnMaster> tcc is way way faster btw...
14:24:58 <AnMaster> but it only does basic constant folding iirc
14:25:00 <ehird> but, gcc's generated code pales in comparison to the vast majority of other compilers, iirc
14:25:04 <ehird> (mostly commercial)
14:25:07 <AnMaster> ehird, true
14:25:20 <AnMaster> it is a bit better in recent versions however
14:25:43 <AnMaster> I mean, compare GCC 3.4 to GCC 4.3 for example...
14:25:57 <ehird> I only have 4.0.1
14:26:12 <ehird> because that's what comes with Apple's latest devtools, and I could upgrade it manually but I wouldn't get apple's mods
14:26:28 <ehird> and I don't feel like finding out if it'd break something
14:26:46 <AnMaster> I have 3.4.6, 4.1.2, 4.2.1, 4.3.<whatever the latest is on archlinux>
14:26:56 <ehird> AnMaster: incidentally, I experienced an insanely bad bug in my gcc yesterday
14:26:59 <ehird> as in major breakage
14:27:08 <ehird> maybe if I give you a console log you can explain it?
14:27:10 <ehird> it's very simple
14:27:10 <AnMaster> I mean, only archlinux would make a compiler hit stable a few days after it was released...
14:27:20 <AnMaster> ehird, sure
14:27:22 <AnMaster> tell me
14:27:30 <AnMaster> and file a bug after checking the last gcc ;)
14:27:34 <AnMaster> 4.0.1 is kind of old
14:27:41 <ehird> it's almost certainly not a gcc bug
14:28:04 <AnMaster> ehird, also llvm-gcc uses apple mods. llvm-gcc is on 4.2.1 currently iirc
14:28:35 <ehird> apple have heavily invested in llvm so I'm not surprised
14:28:39 <AnMaster> indeed
14:28:49 <AnMaster> ehird, so what is this bug you hit?
14:28:53 <ehird> AnMaster: http://pastie.org/404648.txt?key=kjkf82sgtymwyt44eapphq
14:29:00 <ehird> warning: your eyes will pop out in shock at the WTFiness
14:29:02 <AnMaster> key?
14:29:04 <AnMaster> huh
14:29:17 <ehird> oh, I set it as a private paste so it doesn't show up in the recent pastes list
14:29:35 <AnMaster> hm
14:29:43 <ehird> AnMaster: but yeah, surely the cpp can't be THAT horrifically broken?!?!
14:29:50 <AnMaster> err
14:29:57 <AnMaster> ehird, something is wrong yes.
14:30:07 <ehird> terribly wrong..
14:30:12 <AnMaster> maybe (haven't checked) cpp standalone defaults to --traditional or something?
14:30:21 <ehird> what's the opposite of --traditional?
14:30:34 <ehird> also, this works on a recent version of gcc/linux, so I doubt that
14:30:48 <AnMaster> ehird, don't know, and don't remember if the exact option name was that. Was just trying to come up with a hypothesis
14:31:01 * AnMaster checks man page now
14:31:32 <ehird> yeah I looked
14:31:37 <ehird> but couldn't find anything relevant
14:31:50 <ehird> the person who tested it on linux thinks it's apple shipping a broken gcc
14:31:59 <ehird> but I find it hard to believe their gcc team is that incompetent
14:32:15 <AnMaster> ehird, my cpp does it correctly
14:32:19 <AnMaster> 4.1.2
14:32:21 * ehird nod.
14:32:29 <AnMaster> $ cpp --version
14:32:29 <AnMaster> cpp (GCC) 4.1.2 20070214 ( (gdc 0.24, using dmd 1.020)) (Gentoo 4.1.2 p1.1)
14:32:36 <ehird> ...
14:32:38 <ehird> that's your gdc cpp
14:32:40 <ehird> ? lol
14:32:43 <AnMaster> ehird, no
14:32:48 <ehird> "( (gdc 0.24, using dmd 1.020))"
14:32:54 <AnMaster> ehird, the same version string is appeneded to all of gcc
14:32:55 <AnMaster> -_-
14:32:57 <ehird> ah
14:33:00 <AnMaster> extremely stupid yes
14:33:03 <ehird> AnMaster: you're meant to install gdc separately :P
14:33:21 <AnMaster> ehird, hm? Just turned on the d useflag for GCC
14:33:28 <ehird> right, that's wrong
14:33:35 <ehird> you're meant to have a separate gcc called gdc
14:33:46 <AnMaster> ehird, I do, but all are built at once
14:33:47 <AnMaster> it seems
14:33:51 <AnMaster> *shrug*
14:33:51 <ehird> weird
14:34:27 <AnMaster> ehird, I mean it builds g++, gcc, gfortan, gdc, whatever-the-objc-one-is-called
14:34:44 <AnMaster> --enable-languages=c,c++,d,objc,treelang,fortran
14:34:49 <ehird> mm
14:34:49 <AnMaster> according to gcc -v
14:34:56 <ehird> oh well, gdc is obsolete anyway
14:35:11 <AnMaster> ehird, yeah, so is this gcc and your mom :P
14:35:33 <ehird> except that's literally; the creator of the d language has said about as much and the last release was in 2070
14:35:35 <ehird> *2007
14:35:57 <AnMaster> +/- 63 years
14:36:17 <ehird> quite
14:37:40 <AnMaster> btw, did you know gdb includes large part of binutils in the source tarball?
14:37:52 <ehird> no, but I am not surprised.
14:38:21 <AnMaster> ehird, and that gcc has it's own modified copy of libtool included?
14:38:25 <ehird> wow, #macosx is so pointless to be in. it's all random chatter about bullshit and cannabis, and not one bit of os x talk
14:38:29 <AnMaster> for internal use during building
14:38:43 <ehird> i know this because I left it on when going to sleep so I have a full nightsworth of logs.
14:38:55 <ehird> AnMaster: O_O
14:39:05 <AnMaster> ehird, well, that is because everything just works on OS X, so they have nothing else to talk about ;P
14:39:23 <ehird> ha
14:40:35 <AnMaster> ehird, oh and that gcc use autoconf but not automake.
14:40:48 <ehird> that's not surprising
14:40:58 <ehird> gcc's fucked up enough that automake would probably be impossible
14:41:14 <AnMaster> yeah
14:41:27 <ehird> it's enough to make kernighan disown C...
14:41:30 <AnMaster> ehird, actually some parts of it use automake
14:42:03 <AnMaster> libjava, libstdc++ and a few other
14:42:07 <AnMaster> but nost most parts
14:42:18 <ehird> which reminds me that I was going to write an article on how to kern Han characters and sign it Brian W Kerninghan
14:42:45 <AnMaster> ehird, that pun is too bad even for me to say it...
14:42:49 <ehird> :)
14:43:05 <AnMaster> err that was not grammatically correct, was it?
14:43:52 <ehird> i think it might be technically correc
14:43:52 <ehird> t
14:43:55 <ehird> but it was very awkawrd
14:43:56 <ehird> *awkward
14:44:04 <ehird> 'that pun is too bad for me to even say it' would be more idiomatic
14:44:08 <ehird> and yes, I know that's less logic
14:44:08 <ehird> al
14:44:33 <AnMaster> err that wouldn't be the same
14:44:38 <ehird> it is
14:44:54 <ehird> it's one of the most ridiculous idioms
14:45:06 <AnMaster> the first one implied it was so bad it was even worse than my bad jokes :P
14:45:12 <ehird> so does mine
14:45:22 <ehird> it's just an unintuitive idiom
14:45:54 <AnMaster> hmm ok... it *seems* to mean that it is so bad that I would never say it (and not implying in any way that I make bad jokes)
14:46:13 <ehird> well
14:46:24 <ehird> AnMaster: try 'that pun is too bad for even me to say it'
14:46:35 <AnMaster> hm ok
14:49:22 <fizzie> Even pun, that too bad is, for me to say it is. Even.
14:49:40 <fizzie> I hope I didn't miss any words.
14:50:25 <ehird> pun bad too is me say even for
14:51:32 <AnMaster> ehird, another cool thing: valgrind itself doesn't use system libc, but has it's own one that it uses internally. And then I'm not talking about redirecting malloc() and such...
14:51:36 <Asztal^_^> the original, "that pun is too bad even for me to say it...", seemed fine to me
14:51:46 <ehird> AnMaster: O_O
14:51:54 <ehird> Asztal^_^: 'even for me to' is bad
14:52:01 <AnMaster> ehird, iirc it can't use system libc since it need to do stuff before libc is loaded
15:05:23 <fizzie> aaabdeeefhiimnnooooprsstttttuvy. Now the letters are more ordered.
15:05:23 <AnMaster> ehird, for more info see docs/internals/why-no-libc.txt in the valgrind source tarball
15:05:23 <ehird> i'd use valgrind if it supported my platform
15:05:23 <AnMaster> ehird, yeah, but porting valgrind isn't easy
15:05:23 <AnMaster> considering it does all sort of strange tricks
15:05:23 <ehird> mm
15:05:23 <fizzie> Darwin/x86 is marked "high" in valgrind's "porting plans" priority table. Dated Feb 1, 2007. Lacking suitably interested people, I guess.
15:05:23 <ehird> Heh
15:05:23 <AnMaster> ehird, maybe you could help!
15:05:23 <ehird> AnMaster: I'm not too hot on the internal details of Darwin/Mach
15:05:23 <AnMaster> true
15:05:24 <AnMaster> ehird, hm it would probably be harder than porting to other *nix on x86 since you can't reuse the ELF stuff even
15:05:24 <ehird> yes
15:05:24 <AnMaster> doesn't valgrind work on freebsd iirc?
15:05:24 <ehird> i think so
15:05:24 <AnMaster> though iirc it works better on linux
15:05:24 <ehird> it still saddens me that we even need tools like valgrind, being able to leak memory shouldn't be something you can do by accident...
15:05:24 <fizzie> On the other hand: "There are experimental ppc32/darwin and x86/FreeBSD ports for Valgrind 2.X. They could be made to work with 3.X with some effort."
15:05:24 <AnMaster> ehird, or use uninitialised variables?
15:05:24 <ehird> I've followed a "with some effort" pointer before, fizzie. That way lies madness.
15:05:24 <AnMaster> or have tread race conditions
15:05:24 <AnMaster> thread*
15:05:24 <ehird> AnMaster: what the fuck is an uninitialized variable anyway
15:05:24 <ehird> variables store a value
15:05:24 <ehird> from a theoretical point of view, an uninitialized variable is just ridiculous
15:05:24 <AnMaster> ehird, in C it is like this: int foo(int bar) { int quux; return quux + bar; }
15:05:24 <ehird> yes, well, that's C for you
15:05:24 <ehird> i presume it made sense in the 70s
15:05:24 <AnMaster> ehird, true. Valgrind is for languages like C and C++
15:05:24 <ehird> and gets() also made sense in the 70s...
15:05:24 <AnMaster> which are still used
15:05:24 <AnMaster> ehird, no way gets() made sense even back then
15:05:24 <ehird> sure it did
15:05:24 <AnMaster> explain please...
15:05:24 <ehird> if you didn't listen to the program when it told you to enter up to 30 characters you got fired
15:05:28 <ehird> because your job was to operate the programs
15:05:32 <AnMaster> hah
15:05:44 <ehird> there weren't any malicious users
15:05:47 <ehird> it's like trying to break your toaster
15:05:50 <ehird> you can do it, but who does
15:06:13 <AnMaster> if they were network connected I'm sure we would have lots of toaster hackers...
15:06:25 <ehird> now THAT'S some criminal activity I could get into
15:06:28 <AnMaster> because then you can break someone else' toaster...
15:06:39 <ehird> "i pwnt ur toaster"
15:06:46 <ehird> "now it burnz all your bread. and ur hand."
15:06:46 <AnMaster> someone else's?
15:06:48 <AnMaster> or what
15:06:49 <ehird> "HAHAHAHAHAHA"
15:07:13 <fizzie> I'm sure spammers would hack toasters to burn viagra ads to all bread.
15:07:32 <ehird> should just burn the viagra into the bread.
15:07:32 <AnMaster> fizzie, you got a dangerous mind...
15:07:41 <ehird> "Now you've had a sneak peek, why not buy some more?"
15:07:50 <AnMaster> -_-
15:07:56 <AnMaster> anyway.
15:08:01 <AnMaster> "someone else's"?
15:08:03 <ehird> AnMaster: I'm more worried about the unholy scramjet-equipped cyborg pigeons, an abomination against nature.
15:08:06 <AnMaster> or how do you say that...
15:08:08 <ehird> someone else's is valid syntax.
15:08:19 <AnMaster> ehird, really? it looks very weird
15:08:25 <ehird> not to me
15:08:28 <AnMaster> hm
15:08:33 <ehird> what looks odd to be is omitting the s after s'
15:08:33 <fizzie> SEP field is the Somebody Else's Problem field.
15:08:42 <AnMaster> ehird, true that looks worse
15:08:50 <ehird> my brain doesn't mentally parse the invisible s
15:08:58 <AnMaster> ehird, but trying saying it out loud?
15:09:02 <AnMaster> with the s
15:09:02 <ehird> yet most style guides recommend it
15:09:05 <ehird> AnMaster: sure, you repeat the s
15:09:09 <ehird> "Joneses"
15:09:17 <fizzie> Come to think of it, I haven't seen any programmable-image toasters, just boring fixed-image ones. Certainly in 2009 it should be possible to read toast-pictures from an USB stick or something.
15:09:22 <AnMaster> ehird, sure, but to me it seems weird after "else"
15:09:29 <ehird> shrug
15:09:36 <AnMaster> which isn't a noun or pronoun (sp?).
15:09:37 <ehird> "elseses"
15:09:49 <ehird> also, it's a (pronoun*)
15:09:54 <fizzie> Elsifs.
15:09:56 <ehird> pointer dereferencing is implicit
15:10:10 <AnMaster> also scramjet is fun...
15:10:30 <ehird> "Things you should know: the Illuminati is run by reptilian astral entities known throughout history as Djinn, Nagas, Sheti, Angels/Demons, Dragons, Drucul etc. that rule the higher echelons of Freemasonry and do foul sex&torture rituals usually with young children getting eaten. They'll probably stage terror attacks soon, then will come an American union(WW3 too) & a staged alien invasion w/Draconian-saviours! Get storable food, support Stewart Swerd
15:10:31 <ehird> low, Alex Jones, Dr.Deagle & David Icke!"
15:10:33 <ehird> — Youtube
15:10:38 <ehird> Thanks for the info.
15:10:51 <AnMaster> how much shorter travel time for Europe-US could you get with a scramjet aircraft?
15:10:55 <AnMaster> compared to a Concorde or such
15:11:01 <ehird> AnMaster: scramjet cyborg pigeon?
15:11:05 <ehird> they travel faster than light.
15:11:16 <ehird> before you start talkin' physics, they're an abomination against nature, remember?
15:11:18 <AnMaster> ehird, not those, I mean a scramjet aircraft
15:11:24 <ehird> oh. those are boring.
15:11:32 <AnMaster> ehird, still they are quite fast
15:11:53 <AnMaster> anyway scramjet cyborg pigeon aren't an abomination against nature. unholy scramjet-equipped cyborg pigeons are
15:11:59 <AnMaster> there is a important difference there
15:12:19 <AnMaster> scramjet cyborg pigeon are just dead.
15:12:43 <AnMaster> pigeons*
15:12:46 <ehird> 15:08 ehird: AnMaster: I'm more worried about the unholy scramjet-equipped cyborg pigeons, an abomination against nature.
15:12:47 <ehird> i said unholy
15:12:53 <AnMaster> ehird, <ehird> AnMaster: scramjet cyborg pigeon?
15:12:55 <AnMaster> not there
15:12:55 <AnMaster> :P
15:13:03 <ehird> sure, but I missed the abomination part too
15:13:13 <AnMaster> <ehird> before you start talkin' physics, they're an abomination against nature, remember?
15:13:22 <AnMaster> that implied they were
15:13:22 <ehird> and i said unholy before
15:13:36 <AnMaster> ehird, ah so you just forgot a word then there
15:13:39 <AnMaster> right
15:14:35 <fizzie> Hmm, this "introduction to AI" course programming-assignment/AI-tournament thing is proving to be rather popular this year too. 36 groups already registered.
15:15:02 <ehird> fizzie: wait, finns doing AI? shit. shit. robot invasion soon.
15:15:09 <ehird> stealing food and securing house ->
15:15:54 <AnMaster> ehird, you sould like Randall...
15:16:11 <ehird> we share common safety instincts
15:16:42 <AnMaster> ehird, well in his case it is those velicoraptors or whatever the name was.
15:16:46 <fizzie> We already had this tournament thing last year, and all we got was a couple of Java classes that play a board game. Your fears might be exaggerationary.
15:17:01 <ehird> fizzie: but _oklopol_ might be in this one.
15:17:03 <fizzie> Calicoraptors. They are more tasteful.
15:17:04 <ehird> do you see?
15:17:11 <AnMaster> <fizzie> Calicoraptors. They are more tasteful. <-- ?
15:18:30 <fizzie> I was partially referring to the (according to WP) US term for this cat-colorization: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Tortie-flame.jpg -- but you can interpret it as you like.
15:19:57 <fizzie> I'm not sure what to make of the summary. It says "Tortoiseshell Cat. -- tortoiseshells have no white fur" but the cat in question does have some white. Unless it's just an overexposed photo, but I don't think so.
15:21:36 <fizzie> http://zem.fi/~fis/abominations.txt -- my 'cut'-based approach for separating the speaker's nickname didn't really understand a CTCP ACTIONy comment, but on the other hand it looks much more hilarious that way.
15:22:04 <ehird> :DDD
15:22:17 -!- oerjan has joined.
15:23:00 <fizzie> ehird: You are the undisputed abomination-leader, though.
15:23:15 <oerjan> wait, what?
15:23:19 <ehird> I abomin all the time.
15:23:25 <ehird> oerjan: http://zem.fi/~fis/abominations.txt.
15:23:26 <ehird> A happy accident.
15:24:23 <AnMaster> oerjan, Hello
15:24:24 <oerjan> oh well.
15:24:35 <oerjan> hi there
15:24:51 <AnMaster> oerjan, read IWC?
15:25:03 <ehird> x_x
15:25:18 <AnMaster> ehird, I was asking first this time... That is much better
15:25:26 <oerjan> AYEEEH
15:26:42 <oerjan> i see kyros's logic is impeccable as usual
15:27:33 <AnMaster> indeed a good summary of what I was going to say
15:27:55 <oerjan> also a good summary of the annotation, i see
15:28:15 <oerjan> well, given a certain leap in logic
15:28:24 <oerjan> er, i mean
15:28:38 <oerjan> it stands to reason that's also a good summary of the annotation.
15:28:52 <AnMaster> er
15:28:54 <AnMaster> what?
15:29:33 <oerjan> i think you really need to work on your logic :D
15:31:22 <AnMaster> it stands to reason that I don't
15:32:12 <ehird> X = it stands to reason that X.
15:32:12 <oerjan> well then we agree
15:32:14 <ehird> In X.
15:32:58 <oerjan> ehird: it stands to reason that you have not understood today's IWC.
15:32:59 <AnMaster> ehird, X therefore Y, Y therefore X
15:33:35 <AnMaster> it stands to reason that it stands to reason
15:33:57 <ehird> '??җ??Ati???ը?k?֣?"H9?[Ä>??\GF?4?<$F?`
15:33:57 <ehird> y`W???׃??
15:33:58 <ehird> ??r%??3?hD?????T?????4?U?Ž5`?$?9aAEY?3c??jl¨jWq?? G??=?JL???49W?,户??͎x?k??m@5s????]??C?ʪBɊ׌?b5\??I??kNfK?
15:34:01 <ehird> lI???
15:34:03 <ehird> ~??ސ˺??R=??J?!s?u??(]I$[?"h`f??S????X* ?0≞?]%??CGL???ϼJ??݅?n?5?E'E?????'
15:34:06 <ehird> Gc?'?(?J˿X???L???OLY?W?™T??V?R$D*?8g??89f??Z?#u?YAs ?JydZWǵ"?3??-?\?"???
15:34:07 <oerjan> hm mezzacotta hall of fame is picking up again
15:34:09 <AnMaster> don't dump binary data on irc...
15:34:09 <ehird> o&?#!v???>?~?ڑ?n? ?|<=??G????:[}???????????4'Rnl???G??l?UrbfV??Xqɘ????,?wb?u?Iv???o???`#J???#?N?.?DS»q?,u0???F?h"????(F?6?ރ????i?????;???????L?3?>?
15:34:12 <AnMaster> ehird, stop it
15:34:13 <ehird> V???[Y?ރ0o?f
15:34:15 <ehird> ...stands to reason.
15:34:16 <ehird> I meant to put that before but failed.
15:34:17 <AnMaster> ah
15:34:21 <ehird> Oh honestly, get yourself a decent client :P
15:34:28 <ehird> Surely it could filter out garbage?
15:34:28 <oerjan> i assume that contains some unicode
15:34:33 <AnMaster> ehird, actually it did
15:34:34 <ehird> also, that's longer than I intended.
15:34:39 <AnMaster> but it was still spammy
15:34:42 <ehird> my terminal font is smaller, see
15:35:31 <AnMaster> ehird, fun thing to annoy users with default irssi settings: /exec -o echo -e \\007
15:35:39 <AnMaster> adjust for your client syntax
15:35:45 <AnMaster> :P
15:36:04 <AnMaster> don't know if +c filters that
15:36:08 <ehird> that'd be a nice flooding script
15:36:11 <AnMaster> +c filters colours and bold and such
15:36:19 <ehird> just tack a bunch of \\007s on to your regular flood message
15:36:24 <AnMaster> ehird, did your client beep?
15:36:28 <ehird> no
15:36:31 <AnMaster> good
15:36:33 <oerjan> <kerlo> I also need a new computer. What should I get?
15:36:35 <ehird> but it's a gui one
15:36:41 <ehird> so it's unlikely to react to terminal codes
15:36:41 <AnMaster> ehird, mine filters it
15:36:47 -!- oklopol has quit (Connection reset by peer).
15:36:50 <ehird> +c filters all non-printable-unicode
15:36:51 <oerjan> a black hole. that should have maximal information density.
15:36:51 <ehird> I think
15:36:54 <ehird> well, apart from things like \1
15:37:00 <AnMaster> ehird, hm certain mirc versions *did* beep on \007 iirc
15:37:11 <AnMaster> also \\007 is just to escape it to echo...
15:37:16 <AnMaster> (and bash)
15:37:29 <ehird> well, mirc emulates a terminal pretty much
15:37:35 <ehird> including the select-is-copy behaviour
15:37:53 <AnMaster> ehird, +c doesn't. I saw a box saying [0722] in what you pasted above. Which is not printable
15:38:06 <ehird> Hm.
15:38:17 <ehird> ab
15:38:22 <ehird> See anything there?
15:38:25 <ehird> I guess \7 isn't copyable./
15:38:26 <AnMaster> yes: ab
15:38:30 <ehird> har har
15:38:50 <oerjan> <GregorR> "want" is to "need" as "theory" is to "fact" ... once you start getting technical, they're all the same :P
15:38:53 <AnMaster> and no, byte 7 isn't copyable
15:39:13 <AnMaster> err that was ambiguous
15:39:14 <oerjan> necessity is the mother of death, as i might say more often.
15:39:15 <AnMaster> anwyay
15:39:16 <AnMaster> anyway*
15:40:52 <ehird> <GregorR> "want" is to "need" as "theory" is to "fact" ... once you start getting technical, they're all the same :P
15:41:01 <ehird> that kind of thinking is unscientific and ultimately destructive
15:41:17 <oerjan> <ehird> also, their children are shaped like elongated eggs
15:41:21 <oerjan> but are they kosher?
15:41:39 <ehird> oh lawd
15:41:52 <oerjan> maybe not put the israelis on that idea
15:43:00 * oerjan has no clue whether that is grammatical
15:45:45 <ehird> think so
15:46:10 <oerjan> <ehird> wow, #macosx is so pointless to be in. it's all random chatter about bullshit and cannabis, and not one bit of os x talk
15:46:22 <ehird> let me guess, you're going to
15:46:26 <ehird> take "bullshit" literally
15:46:30 <ehird> c/d
15:46:31 <oerjan> maybe it means cannabis in some foreign language
15:46:39 <oerjan> WRONG!
15:46:46 <ehird> Ah yes, the veritable "Macosx plant".
15:46:49 <oerjan> er what's c/d?
15:46:53 <ehird> confirm/deny
15:47:15 <oerjan> yay, i managed to comply without understanding
15:49:32 <oerjan> 07:05:47 <ehird> it's like trying to break your toaster
15:49:32 <oerjan> 07:05:50 <ehird> you can do it, but who does
15:49:39 <oerjan> your children, obviously.
15:50:58 <oerjan> <ehird> AnMaster: I'm more worried about the unholy scramjet-equipped cyborg pigeons, an abomination against nature.
15:51:13 <oerjan> well the question here is whether scramjets can evolve...
15:51:49 <oerjan> might want to go via a dragon stage...
15:53:41 <oerjan> <ehird> my brain doesn't mentally parse the invisible
15:53:44 <oerjan> mine neither
15:53:51 <ehird> X_X
16:00:19 <oerjan> and that concludes my logreading. you should now be safe for a while, at least unless you say anything.
16:07:50 <ski__> anything.
16:09:51 <oerjan> you may or may not now still be safe. anyhow, food.
16:10:31 -!- ehird has set topic: Ⱒ GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER SPIDERY HA | http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/esoteric/?C=N;O=D.
16:16:19 <AnMaster> ...
16:16:24 <AnMaster> ehird, what are you trying to do?
16:16:30 <oerjan> my reaction exactly
16:16:35 <AnMaster> I see [2C22] in that topic
16:16:36 <ehird> what, it's a GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER SPIDERY HA.
16:16:38 <ehird> what did I do wrong?
16:16:43 <AnMaster> meaning you used some control code
16:16:47 <ehird> http://benfry.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/spidery-170x205.png
16:16:47 <oerjan> oh
16:16:49 <ehird> no.
16:17:00 <AnMaster> * ehird has changed the topic to: [2C22] GLAGOLITIC CAPITAL LETTER SPIDERY HA | http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/esoteric/?C=N;O=D
16:17:02 <ehird> the character that mocks you.
16:17:17 <ehird> AnMaster: control char / unicode learn2differenciate
16:17:34 <Asztal^_^> not http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/cjb/glagolitic.png ?
16:17:38 <ehird> *differentiate
16:17:40 <AnMaster> ehird, does any font have the complete unicode?
16:17:42 <ehird> Asztal^_^: no.
16:17:44 <ehird> AnMaster: code2000.
16:18:11 <AnMaster> ehird, is that symbol some phonetic one btw?
16:18:15 <AnMaster> it looks like it could be
16:18:23 <oerjan> hm that looks like the kind of letter you wouldn't like to meet in a dark alley
16:18:24 <ehird> it's glagolitic whatever that is
16:18:29 <AnMaster> k
16:18:34 <ehird> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glagolitic_alphabet
16:18:49 -!- Judofyr has quit (Remote closed the connection).
16:18:55 <AnMaster> oh I see
16:22:03 * ehird has conversation with human-that-fails-turing-test
16:22:23 <ehird> (http://www.satisfice.com/blog/archives/199)
16:24:03 <ski__> hm .. is there any voynich glyphs in unicode ?
16:24:13 <ehird> ski__: don't think so
16:24:15 <ehird> would be nice
16:24:19 <ehird> ask the conscript peeps?
16:25:08 <ehird> I'm going to tell this person I own the website I'm on
16:25:14 <ehird> Wonder how he'll react.
16:26:09 <ehird> No response. I guess this ain't covered in the script.
16:26:32 <ehird> "I am sorry but it is owned by somebody else. :) How may I help you today?"
16:26:36 <ehird> Time to be enraged!
16:28:04 <ehird> "Just to verify, do you own Webgreeter.com?"
16:28:08 <ehird> Like hell I do!
16:30:17 <ehird> I clicked away and lost the window :(
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17:13:01 <AnMaster> ski__, voynich?
17:13:28 <ehird> voynich manuscript
17:13:31 <ski__> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voynich_manuscript>
17:13:34 <ehird> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voynich_manuscript
17:13:36 <AnMaster> ah
17:13:37 <ehird> snap
17:15:53 <AnMaster> afk for a few hours (out of town)
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19:22:27 <ehird> 10:17:39 <ehird> #define LintSucksSoGodDamnMuch (void)printf
19:22:29 <ehird> xD
19:22:31 <ehird> i am funny.
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20:09:28 <Jophish> I'm having a bit of trouble implementing a Modulo operator in brainfuck
20:09:39 <Jophish> would anybody be able to point me to am example?
20:10:59 <ehird> it's on the wiki
20:11:04 <ehird> lemme find it
20:11:09 <Jophish> oh great
20:11:14 <Jophish> thanks very much
20:11:18 <ehird> Jophish: http://esolangs.org/wiki/Brainfuck_algorithms#Divmod_algorithm
20:11:28 <ehird> does division too but should be easy to hack to your needs
20:11:53 <Jophish> sure
20:11:59 <Jophish> This is a livesaver!
20:12:11 -!- jix has joined.
20:12:14 <Jophish> I have been doing some stupidly long algorithm for this
20:12:26 <tombom> what, is this for your misson-critical application at work or something
20:12:37 <ehird> Jophish: :)
20:12:38 <ehird> tombom: haha
20:12:49 <ehird> he programs airplane flight systems in bf
20:13:31 <Jophish> how did you find out?
20:13:42 <tombom> it's stable!
20:14:03 <Jophish> one of the resons I chose it. plus it is very portable
20:14:10 <Jophish> what's not to like!
20:14:42 <ehird> :D
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20:22:55 <Jophish> hmm, having this short algorithm makes it much harder to form my code into a funny shape
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20:57:39 <ehird> http://imgur.com/1977 oh god yes
20:57:43 <ehird> mm
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21:10:11 <Impomatic> Hmmm...
21:21:19 <Impomatic> I've just about finished implementing a minimal Forth in Redcode. 36 Forth words in 85 Redcode instructions.
21:21:55 <ehird> neat!
21:21:59 <ehird> can we see? :)
21:22:14 <ehird> also, how do you run redcode things like that?
21:22:20 <ehird> can pmars run 'standalone' programs?
21:22:43 <Impomatic> I'm using exmars streams, which has extra opcodes for i/o
21:22:56 <Impomatic> ARES also has i/o, but implemented differently
21:23:14 <ehird> Ah...
21:24:06 <Impomatic> But with a few macros, it'd be possible to make them equivalent. It's possible to check which mars a program is being run in.
21:25:16 <Impomatic> I had to make a few compromises though :-( E.g. rename a few words + -> plus, * -> times, etc
21:25:21 <ehird> http://www.macosiphone.co.cc/ <- macintosh system 7 on an iphone :-|
21:25:24 <ehird> Impomatic: aw, why?
21:30:39 <Impomatic> ehird: because I'm implementing using macros, which have a limited character set
21:30:59 <ehird> ok
22:09:57 -!- tombom has quit ("Peace and Protection 4.22.2").
22:22:20 <kerlo> "What is the area of the largest rectangle that can be inscribed in the ellipse 4x^2 + 9y^2 = 36?"
22:23:06 <kerlo> My method: Note that 4x^2 + 9y^2 = 36 is actually a circle. Do the obvious. Note that it's an ellipse instead.
22:23:06 <ehird> 7
22:24:58 <kerlo> No, the number after 7.
22:25:09 <kerlo> I assume you took that from A013655.
22:25:23 -!- Impomatic has quit ("mov.i #1,1").
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22:49:44 <ehird> kerlo: xD
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23:10:09 <oklopol> how you doing
23:10:52 <ehird> "The main contender, ReiserFS, dropped out of the race because its creator decided to pursue other interests"
23:10:53 <ehird> XDD
23:10:55 <ehird> oklopol: fine kthx u
23:12:33 <oklopol> well, i failed my first exam
23:12:41 <oklopol> so i had to change my life philosophy
23:12:50 <oklopol> which took a while, thus the offline time
23:13:09 <oklopol> (nah i was just too lazy to open a new server window)
23:13:20 <ehird> oklopol: wait did u rly failers :|
23:13:39 -!- olsner has quit ("Leaving").
23:13:51 <oklopol> well.
23:13:59 <oklopol> depends on the definition of failing
23:14:04 <oklopol> by my definition yes
23:14:11 <ehird> oklopol: so you got 99%?
23:14:24 <fizzie> 4. (3) fail, go bad, give way, die, give out, conk out, go, break, break down -- (stop operating or functioning; "The engine finally went"; "The car died on the road"; "The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town"; "The coffee maker broke"; "The engine failed on the way to town"; "her eyesight went after the accident")
23:14:43 <fizzie> oklopol: Did your exam CONK OUT?
23:16:03 <oklopol> well i couldn't integrate sqrt(x^2 + 1) without using the formulas we were given, mainly because i got tired halfway through; anyway resulted in me almost tearing the paper in half and leaving, i then removed the whole answer to the exercise, and did another question instead, managed to remember a definition wrong and proved the wrong thing.
23:16:20 <oklopol> s/exercise/question
23:16:48 -!- GreaseMonkey has quit ("Client Excited").
23:16:58 <oklopol> so at least they should give me a zero from that, so at max i can get 75%, which as a grade would be like 3/5
23:17:02 <oklopol> well
23:17:07 <oklopol> that's pretty much a fail by any definition
23:17:26 <fizzie> It's not a fail by the "0 grade equals fail" definition, which in some sense is the official one.
23:17:41 <oklopol> well, true, i didn't fail the course
23:17:54 <ehird> oklopol: 75% isn't bad.
23:18:00 <fizzie> Fail the battle, not the war.
23:18:01 <ehird> by which i mean that's pretty damn good.
23:18:03 <ehird> :P
23:18:11 <oklopol> umm no it's my first non 5/5
23:18:19 <oklopol> so it's very bad.
23:19:05 <ehird> oklopol, just
23:19:06 <ehird> shut up
23:19:06 <ehird> :
23:19:08 <ehird> P
23:19:18 <oklopol> anyway if i fail more of these exams i have piled up here, i will probably stop caring about my grades completely
23:19:19 <oklopol> i mean
23:19:39 <oklopol> if i try my best, and it just isn't good enough.
23:19:43 <oklopol> that's
23:19:45 <oklopol> you know
23:19:47 <oklopol> depressing.
23:20:07 <ehird> yeah 75% is practically earth shattering failure
23:20:09 <oklopol> ehird: heh, that's what people keep telling me, i don't understand why :D
23:20:11 <ehird> you should just go home man
23:20:16 <ehird> and like
23:20:17 <fizzie> We've got some people here who do the whole "non-perfection == not acceptable" thing re grading, but personally I've never really seen the point.
23:20:18 <ehird> kill yourself
23:20:31 <oklopol> ehird: it's a shattering failure considering how much i did for the course.
23:20:41 <ehird> hahahaha oklopol you amuse me.
23:20:49 <oklopol> :)
23:21:10 <fizzie> See, you have a budding career as an ehird-amuser there.
23:21:21 <ehird> YES
23:21:27 <ehird> i'll give you food!
23:21:30 <oklopol> fizzie: no point, just an arbitrary goal.
23:21:52 <fizzie> Why can't this web-based study-result-browsamator compute grade point averages? Silly. It can in the PDF reports, but not in the web interface.
23:21:57 <ehird> oklopol: soooo ... don't do it again?
23:21:57 <oklopol> something i decided to do that isn't all that destructive
23:21:59 -!- comex has quit (Connection timed out).
23:22:00 <ehird> pretty simple
23:22:10 <ehird> if it was like 50% i'd understand
23:22:15 <ehird> but it's not going to happen again now is it :P
23:22:16 <fizzie> Maybe "averaging" is such a computationally intensive algorithm they can only do it offline.
23:22:41 <oklopol> ehird: 50%? you won't pass the course with a 50%
23:22:43 <fizzie> In most of our exams 50 % of points is the line between 0 and 1.
23:22:52 <fizzie> Approximately, anyway.
23:22:57 <ehird> oklopol: thus, I said, if it was 50% i'd understand.
23:23:00 <oklopol> well okay you will usually pass it with exactly that, as fizzie pointed out
23:23:07 <ehird> but it's not, it's 75%.
23:23:21 <fizzie> Why is this PDF report in Swedish? I don't get it.
23:23:41 <oklopol> no one gets swedish
23:24:22 <ehird> no one is swedish
23:24:26 * oklopol wished ais here
23:24:29 <oklopol> *wishes
23:26:07 <fizzie> Personally I only get a a-failure-am-I feeling out of grades that are <3. (Less than three, not a-heart-symbol.)
23:26:45 <fizzie> And I've got some of those too, which is why I don't like looking at these reports.
23:26:56 <oklopol> fizzie: anyway the point is pretty much just that after you get 5/5 from your first 6 or so exams, it's easy to go "hey, maybe i could get a 5/5 from EVERYTHING", and the obsession begins.
23:27:10 <fizzie> Yes, I guess it could go like that.
23:27:41 <oklopol> i did a few courses during high school tho, didn't really study for them, so i have a few 3's already
23:27:52 -!- sebbu2 has quit (Connection timed out).
23:27:59 <ehird> oklopol: all(5/5)-1 isn't too bad either though is it huh.
23:28:00 <oklopol> (average was 5/5 already when i started though)
23:28:05 <ehird> okay i understand it's not pretty
23:28:08 <ehird> i kinda sympathize there
23:29:02 -!- SimonRC has quit (Connection refused).
23:29:26 <oklopol> aesthetics are important. i love looking at numbers.
23:29:45 <ehird> oklopol: okay, make a pattern out of your grades
23:29:46 <ehird> liek
23:29:50 <oklopol> :)
23:29:55 <ehird> 5 5 5 5 3 4 4 5 4 3 3 4 5
23:29:57 <ehird> i dunno
23:30:04 <lament> 333333333333333333333333333
23:30:16 <oklopol> lament: is that pi?
23:30:19 -!- Ilari has quit (Connection timed out).
23:30:20 <ehird> 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1
23:30:21 <lament> yes.
23:30:31 <oklopol> lament: i remember seeing it somewhere
23:30:38 -!- Ilari_ has changed nick to Ilari.
23:30:45 <oklopol> how did euler's constant go then?
23:30:52 <oklopol> the same with 2's?
23:31:21 <lament> no
23:31:25 <lament> it's more complicated
23:31:29 <ehird> also how is that pi
23:31:35 <lament> 2718171817181718171817181718171817181718171817 etc
23:31:53 <oklopol> right right
23:32:00 <lament> crap, that's wrong
23:32:13 <lament> 27182818281828182818281828
23:32:22 <oklopol> ah yes
23:32:27 <oklopol> :P
23:32:46 <oklopol> how dare you make my randomness funny!
23:36:22 -!- Sgeo has joined.
23:37:03 -!- Jophish has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)).
23:54:36 -!- psygnisfive has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
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