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01:27:03 <oerjan> AVG just ...replaced... by About:tab button with its own page O_O
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01:50:57 <oerjan> gah does anyone know how to fix a hijacked About:Tab in IE 8 (hijacked by my _virus scanner_, no less)
01:51:41 <zzo38> Is the bean dizzy?
01:51:53 <oerjan> zzo38: what the hell does that mean?
01:52:18 <zzo38> I don't know the answer either. (That is why I asked.)
01:56:13 <oerjan> this is completely unacceptable, as it destroys my most frequently used button
02:00:10 <zzo38> What button is that?
02:00:52 <oerjan> the new tab one to the right of the tab list, also ^T
02:01:18 <oerjan> finally i found a directly relevant message
02:03:10 <oerjan> ok that _was_ reasonably simple to fix, once i found that.
02:04:05 -!- monqy has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds).
02:04:08 <oerjan> so i won't have to hire a hitman after all, i guess.
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02:30:42 <oerjan> kallisti: because foldl is sort of tail recursive. except you really want foldl'
02:32:10 <kallisti> I thought foldr was the sort of tail recursive one...
02:32:32 <oerjan> no, foldr is the productive one
02:32:45 <oerjan> and only when the function used is lazy
02:32:45 -!- quintopi1 has changed nick to quintopia.
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02:33:43 <oerjan> > foldr (\n s -> show c++',':s) [1..]
02:33:44 <lambdabot> No instance for (GHC.Num.Num GHC.Types.Char)
02:33:49 <oerjan> > foldr (\n s -> show n++',':s) [1..]
02:33:49 <lambdabot> No instance for (GHC.Num.Num GHC.Types.Char)
02:34:13 <oerjan> > foldr (\n s -> show n++',':s) undefined [1..]
02:34:14 <lambdabot> "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28...
02:42:44 <lambdabot> 2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977572
02:46:28 <lambdabot> 0.6931471805599453094172321214581765680755
02:49:09 <lambdabot> "0.693147180559945309417232121458176568075500134360255254120680009493393621...
02:49:29 <kallisti> > last . showCReal 1000 . log $ 2
02:49:44 <kallisti> $ has the lowest possible operator precedence, and is right-associative.
02:49:59 <kallisti> this is in contrast to regular function application, which has higher precedence than any operator, and is left-associative.
02:50:13 <kallisti> it's just a syntactically different means of applying functions.
02:50:37 <kallisti> (also it allows you to use function application as a function, thus passing it to other functions and stuff)
02:51:05 <kallisti> > map ($ 2) [abs, negate, recip]
02:51:17 <Guest94209> i'm not very good at thinking curriedly, so i'm not sure what it accomplishes in that call when you put it between parameters
02:51:39 <kallisti> ($ 2) is a function that takes a function and applies the argument 2 to it
02:52:30 <kallisti> you could think of the left-hand side of the $ as being empty, waiting to be filled in later.
02:53:30 <kallisti> it's a special form of operator syntax called operator sections
02:53:41 <oerjan> > (-2) 2 -- *evil cackle*
02:54:33 <kallisti> Guest94209: also when you enclose a operator in parentheses it refers to the operator as a function.
02:54:45 <kallisti> Guest94209: that's not a standard thing, btw
02:56:22 <kallisti> > let in do id let in do id let in do let in id do let in id do id let in do id let in do id let in do id let in do id do id id id id id id id id id id id id 2
02:56:23 <lambdabot> <no location info>: parse error on input `let'
02:56:59 <kallisti> hmmm I must have typed something wrong
02:57:13 <oerjan> the id let rings warning bells
02:57:27 <kallisti> anyway, truly Haskell is a wonderful language.
02:57:45 <kallisti> > do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 5
02:58:14 <oerjan> sadly be do would have the same problem
02:58:48 <lambdabot> <no location info>: parse error on input `do'
02:58:54 <lambdabot> <no location info>: parse error on input `}'
02:59:05 -!- Guest94209 has changed nick to quintopia.
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02:59:54 <oerjan> () is not Void, not that that works either
03:03:06 -!- NihilistDandy has quit.
03:50:13 <lambdabot> 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841972
03:50:57 <lambdabot> Overlapping instances for GHC.Show.Show
03:51:16 <lambdabot> "0.693147180559945309417232121458176568075500134360255254120680009493393621...
03:51:36 <lambdabot> "3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406...
03:55:23 <oerjan> 14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510
03:55:27 <oerjan> 582097494459230781640argh
03:56:54 <oerjan> > "3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406" == "3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406"
03:58:13 <oerjan> hm what would be nice is an irssi key combination which turned _off_ newlines until you're finished pasting
03:58:55 <oerjan> i suppose rebinding ^J might work
04:06:03 <quintopia> and one that automatically breaks lines that are too long to the right length at word boundaries
04:06:10 <quintopia> i tried to make one once but it is hard
04:19:30 <lambdabot> "1.415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062...
04:20:03 <calamari> > showCReal 1000 $ 100000000000*(pi-3.1415926535)
04:20:04 <lambdabot> "8.979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862...
04:23:44 <calamari> any idea how many digits it has?
04:30:55 -!- quintopia has quit (Read error: Operation timed out).
04:33:11 <oerjan> > (3 :: CReal) == (3 :: Double)
04:33:12 <lambdabot> Couldn't match expected type `Data.Number.CReal.CReal'
04:33:15 -!- kmc has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
04:34:03 <oerjan> pi = 16 * atan (fromRational (1 % 5))
04:34:03 <oerjan> - 4 * atan (fromRational (1 % 239))
04:34:13 <oerjan> it's actually computed
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04:36:03 <oerjan> data CReal = CR (Int -> Integer)
04:36:25 <oerjan> with that representation it won't even be cached
04:36:46 <oerjan> converges too slowly, probably
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04:37:16 <lambdabot> "3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406...
04:37:42 <oerjan> that atan definition really could use some guards http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/numbers/2009.8.9/doc/html/src/Data-Number-CReal.html
04:37:50 <calamari> so the answer is that it calculated it to 1000?
04:37:54 <calamari> > showCReal 100000 $ 4*atan(1)
04:38:29 <lambdabot> "3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406...
04:38:37 <lambdabot> "3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406...
04:38:42 <lambdabot> "3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406...
04:38:55 <oerjan> i'm pretty sure lambdabot's timeouts are not that stable
04:39:03 <lambdabot> "3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406...
04:39:13 <lambdabot> "3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406...
04:42:48 <calamari> > showCReal 6700 $ 4 * atan (fromRational (1 % 2)) * atan (fromRational (1 % 3))
04:42:56 <calamari> > showCReal 100 $ 4 * atan (fromRational (1 % 2)) * atan (fromRational (1 % 3))
04:42:56 <lambdabot> "0.596715500962747835751687566251669522596093586562952203060403924448942519...
04:43:14 <calamari> > showCReal 100 $ 4 * (atan (fromRational (1 % 2)) + atan (fromRational (1 % 3)))
04:43:15 <lambdabot> "3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406...
04:43:36 <calamari> > showCReal 6700 $ 4 * (atan (fromRational (1 % 2)) + atan (fromRational (1 % 3)))
04:44:42 <oerjan> generally taylor series converge faster the closer you are to the center point
04:45:07 * Sgeo seems to want to do Haskell in Smalltalk
04:45:41 <oerjan> ...i guess that's better than LLScript or what it was called
04:46:17 <oerjan> wait, did i give Sgeo a terrible idea there... never mind, it will be too horrible even for him.
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04:56:27 <zzo38> I think I have figured out how to make packages install include file for use with Hampp; it can be installed in $libdir/includes/hampp/ Is this correct?
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05:41:22 -!- oerjan has set topic: http://codu.org/logs/_esoteric/ | Resistance is omelette du fromage, thus voltage is fromage times currant. | Electric buns, all the rage..
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06:37:11 <oerjan> <ais523> ah, you have to love the Internet: cia.gov gets DDOSed, Anonymous aren't entirely sure whether they did it or not
06:37:46 <oerjan> isn't anonymous more or less by design _fated_ to split into several disconnected pieces that don't know what the others are doing
06:39:43 <oerjan> <ais523> I'm just /that/ trustworthy, that anyone can make anyone trust them simply by pretending to be me
06:39:57 <oerjan> i rate that "plausible".
06:42:03 <oerjan> <Phantom_Hoover> elliott is probably going to yell at me once he comes online, but Dwarf Fortress. <-- optimist.
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10:47:35 <elliott> poll: is it Turing complete or Turing-complete?
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10:48:16 <ais523> elliott: both, I think, but I see the hyphenated version more often
10:48:44 <elliott> ais523: right, it was a question of style
10:48:53 <elliott> our article is [[turing-complete]] but our category is [[category:turing complete]]
10:49:01 <elliott> i find this unacceptable, so one of them has to change :)
10:49:09 <ais523> because category names tend to use spaces, possibly?
10:49:22 <elliott> that... doesn't make any sense?
10:49:29 <ais523> it makes a bit of sense
10:49:38 <ais523> oh, my supervisor just went and named the source language that my hardware compiler accepts
10:49:44 <elliott> oh dear, [[Excela]] just got edited again
10:49:45 <ais523> so we're going to call it Lusio
10:50:02 -!- itidus21 has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds).
10:50:06 <elliott> ais523: most edits to the esowiki are spam nowadays :P
10:50:21 <elliott> also, Lusio is a terrible name. thought you should know
10:50:38 <ais523> meh, I'm not paid enough to come up with /good/ names, or even names at all
10:53:13 <ais523> cheater: I might have to do that too
10:53:40 <ais523> only things I can put on the webserver here that won't just be served literally are PHP and htaccess files
10:54:21 <cheater> i was mostly commenting on the "not paid enough" part of what you said
10:54:56 -!- elliott has left ("Leaving").
11:02:14 <cheater> i mean, with the right experience you can get paid what, 10k euro/month doing that sort of stuff if you work hard. optimally this leaves 3/4 of the year for doing anything at all, while not starving yourself to death. maybe even do a research position in this time still earning some extra cash on the side, or hire assistants.
11:03:09 <cheater> quite comfortable given that you are left with a situation of being able to devote yourself to your resarch in full without having to worry about anything.
11:08:13 <tzxn3> why does Excela keep getting edited?
11:08:34 <tzxn3> the spambots seem to have an obsession with it
11:08:53 <ais523> tzxn3: indeed, it's weird
11:09:07 <ais523> and from experience, if I lock the page, the spambots pick a different page and get obsessed with that one instead
11:18:07 -!- Taneb has quit (Quit: Leaving).
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12:32:37 <elliott> wow, most insidious spambot yet
12:32:40 <elliott> http://esolangs.org/w/index.php?title=Lambda&curid=1640&diff=29854&oldid=24902
12:32:48 <elliott> linking to a Wikipedia mirror...
12:33:57 <elliott> actually, I'm not convinced that was even a bot
12:35:38 -!- nooga has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
12:37:59 -!- Taneb has joined.
12:38:31 <Taneb> A thought occurs from my attempt many years ago to learn C++
12:38:44 <Taneb> What was with that system pause thing I seem to remember?
12:39:55 <elliott> system("pause") does something implementation-defined to "pause".
12:40:05 <elliott> On Windows it will run the pause command which says "Press any key blah blah blah" and waits for a key.
12:40:22 <elliott> It is used by very bad C++ tutorials so that you can double-click an executable without the command window disappearing at the end.
12:42:38 <Taneb> Haskell is definitely the easiest to learn non-esoteric language I have encountered.
12:42:44 <Taneb> And tried to learn
12:42:48 <cheater> haha, that was the most annoying thing when i started developing on a windowing system
12:43:00 <cheater> took me a day or so to figure it out.
12:43:29 -!- elliott has left ("Leaving").
12:43:38 <cheater> Taneb: i concur, other languages are fairly difficult to figure out
12:56:35 <fizzie> Older tutorials from the DOS age instead all started with system("cls") to cler the screen.
12:57:45 <kallisti> I disagree with the popular "Haskell is easier to learn than imperative languages"
12:59:06 <Taneb> kallisti, carry oh
12:59:09 <kallisti> I think understand the basics of Haskell took about as long as having a firm grasp of Python when I first started programming.
13:00:29 <kallisti> with (roughly) the same amount of effort.
13:00:48 <kallisti> the difference is what they I already knew some of the basics of functional programming. How to write recursive programs, for example.
13:01:35 <kallisti> if anything is Haskell is /more/ difficult to learn, or about the same.
13:01:41 <kallisti> erkopwjetpiwe[0rowpoejt[woerpiowjret[ikwepirjwetwer
13:01:57 <kallisti> I just woke up. so 100% typo level is achieved.
13:04:07 <kallisti> I definitely think it varies for different people, of course. If you have a background in esolangs and programming language concepts.
13:04:17 <kallisti> then of course picking up Haskell was pretty quick.
13:04:40 <kallisti> people with mathematics backgrounds as well would likely find Haskell somewhat natural.
13:05:16 -!- NihilistDandy has joined.
13:05:54 <kallisti> I think people with absolutely no experience in either programming nor mathematics would not find it natural at all to think about recursion, recursive ADTs, polymorphism, higher-order functions, etc. These concepts would take a lot of effort to really sink in.
13:06:42 -!- ais523 has joined.
13:06:57 <Taneb> Is it bad that my first programming language was imperative, and I struggle to understand the imperative bits of Haskell?
13:07:14 <kallisti> Haskell handles imperative code a bit differently.
13:07:27 <kallisti> in fact the IO monad is a major stumbling block for many people. so that's pretty normal.
13:08:15 <kallisti> mainly because I wasn't clear on the details. It sounds very hand-wavey for a while until I really bug in and looked at how it works.
13:08:37 <kallisti> I'm going to go eat breakfast and drink some coffee.
13:09:04 <Taneb> I don't drink coffee.
13:09:16 <Taneb> I don't eat coffee, either.
13:09:25 <Taneb> I do both eat and drink breakfast, however.
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13:11:01 <Taneb> The brand of cereal I eat likely does not exist in the US
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13:11:30 <kallisti> I bet there's a reasonably similar analog.
13:11:48 <Taneb> Oh, those exist here
13:12:07 <kallisti> all American things exist everywhere.
13:12:15 -!- Phantom_Hoover has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
13:13:07 <kallisti> (not true; I bet you guys don't have Quiktrip)
13:13:23 <Taneb> And now I must go have a shower.
13:13:30 -!- Taneb has quit (Quit: CLEEAAN).
13:19:36 <fizzie> Quiktrip sounds like some brand name for DMT or something. "Quiktrip(tm) - when you just don't have the time for a full-blown trip."
13:22:24 <kallisti> you can do all the stereotypical American things you could imagine
13:23:42 <kallisti> buy hot dawgs, huge 1.5 litre soft drinks, potato chips, coffee, energy drinks, and beer... all while filling your SUV with gas.
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15:01:16 <elliott> http://www.xanxys.net/hs2bf/
15:01:32 <elliott> if you click one link today...
15:05:43 <Gregor> It ... it actually works, doesn't it.
15:06:06 <Gregor> It's kinda hard to tell because details are sparse, but everything suggests it's describing a working system.
15:08:50 <elliott> I'm not convinced it has algebraic data type declarations, but it has lists and bytes, so you don't technically need 'em :P
15:09:04 <elliott> (I think it might be dynamically typed, so you could nest them.)
15:09:07 <elliott> Either way, it's... pretty impressive.
15:09:39 <elliott> here's the worst part: it's been out since 2010, and nobody noticed
15:13:33 <lifthras1ir> hey, Japaneses are known for making awesome things out of nothing, but only available in Japanese. :S
15:14:21 <elliott> lifthras1ir: That's why God invented Google Translate: so we could understand what they say even less.
15:14:56 <lifthras1ir> elliott: ..with a latency of approx. 2 years.
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16:33:34 <elliott> ais523: do you have any way of getting a list of potential spambots without the DB dump of users?
16:33:41 <elliott> it would be nice to get a list of users to delete before the DB itself
16:34:49 -!- Taneb has joined.
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16:43:27 <ais523> elliott: I can't think of one
16:44:00 <elliott> @tell Taneb Do you feel like sifting through 2,000 names and telling us which ones are spambots?! It'll really help!
16:44:09 <elliott> ais523: there, I just halved the workload
17:12:27 -!- augur has joined.
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17:16:18 <lambdabot> Taneb: You have 1 new message. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read it.
17:17:40 <Taneb> I'm using Solaris, for some crazy reason.
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17:21:48 <Taneb_> Not tonight, got a party
17:22:07 -!- Taneb has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
17:22:32 -!- Taneb_ has changed nick to Taneb.
17:22:37 <Taneb> Also a bad connection
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17:24:20 <elliott> http://esolangs.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Listusers&limit=500&offset=0
17:24:46 <elliott> There are 4.5 pages of that for you to go through.
17:24:53 <Taneb> What would I do with them?
17:25:03 <Taneb> My friend Chad says hello
17:25:15 <Gregor> I'm fairly certain that "205 buy insect repellant patch" is a legit user.
17:25:18 <elliott> List the ones that have red links, and look like spambots.
17:25:27 <elliott> Be liberal, i.e. list ones that you think might not be spambots.
17:25:35 <elliott> Anything with numbers in the name is suspect.
17:26:11 <Gregor> Throw that one out immediatemento.
17:27:26 <elliott> Gregor: Careful or you'll be assigned to the other half.
17:30:53 <cheater> what is the functional language similar to PD or Max/MSP?
17:30:58 <Gregor> Feeling inadequate in bed? The ladies not appreciating your ... #esoteric special offer for #esoteric! For just $29.99, V|/\|>UCT
17:31:02 <cheater> there was a video demo of it a while back.
17:31:25 -!- elliott has left ("Leaving").
17:33:34 <cheater> you mean this? http://impromptu.moso.com.au/tutorials/time.html
17:33:46 <cheater> i don't mean this. the programming interface was purely visual
17:35:59 <cheater> http://yaxu.org/some-videos/
17:43:20 <quintopia> youd think a graphical coding environment would be /less/ opaque to the average observer
17:47:57 -!- Taneb has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
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18:05:38 <cheater> no it's even more opaque because his graphics engine is real weird.
18:20:23 <kallisti> sometimes I forget that normal people put commas in their numbers to distinguish place values.
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18:44:14 <fizzie> We put commas in our numbers as the decimal mark, and sometimes periods as group separators.
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19:03:59 <itidus20> so i correctly calculated the essentially different positions and paths for the first 3 moves of tictactoe on paper and i am quite happy that some website backs up my numbers.
19:08:10 <itidus20> i think i am slowly becoming a geek
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19:14:59 <kallisti> fizzie: that's really weird to me.
19:15:04 <kallisti> but it appears to be a common convention.
19:15:07 <kallisti> Spanish does that, for example.
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20:24:45 <fizzie> All of non-English-speaking Europe, pretty much.
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21:41:35 <Aardwolf> Hello, the wiki at esoteric.voxelperfect.net rocks, but, I looked under recent changes to see what was new, and saw nothing but SPAM and thousands of SPAMBOT accounts. Shouldn't the wiki be invite only (just require easy approval from a member that's all)?
21:47:13 -!- HalfTauRSquared has changed nick to PiRSquared.
21:55:58 <itidus20> Aardwolf: they're changing servers..
21:56:09 <itidus20> its a fairly active topic here lately
21:56:59 <itidus20> basically.. they are as aware of the bots as a person can be aware of anything
21:57:35 <itidus20> not only that they're working on a custom captcha system to try to outsmart spam
21:57:36 <ais523> Aardwolf: invite only would be over the top
21:57:47 <ais523> there are plenty of easy ways to stop the spambot, but Graue is unwilling to implement any of tehm
21:58:04 <ais523> but I'm cleaning the spam out by hand, all of it, and elliott's working on migrating the wiki to a new server where we can have all the antispam we want
21:58:27 <ais523> did you use the recent changes link on the main page? it has most of the spam edited out (by me, so you'll still see recent spam)
22:06:52 <kallisti> @tell elliott as an expert googler you may find these googling challenges of interest: http://lifehacker.com/5885382/challenge-whats-this-musical-instrument-called
22:07:45 <kallisti> @tell elliott oh but don't scroll down to the comments; they spoil it.
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