←2013-04-23 2013-04-24 2013-04-25→ ↑2013 ↑all
00:02:55 -!- conehead has quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com).
00:05:36 <kmc> i feel bad b/c i just vaccumed up a spider's whole web
00:05:43 <kmc> and now he/she is homeless and crawling around
00:09:16 <Phantom_Hoover> they can just spin a new one kmc
00:09:24 <Phantom_Hoover> that's sort of the point
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00:15:15 <olsner> nooo, fungot has quit
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00:23:46 <kmc> webs must be expensive though
00:28:53 -!- sirdancealot has quit (Quit: We can remember only three examples, which are produced commonly with no projection: children, works of art and, unfortunately, software.).
00:29:00 <shachaf> copumpkin: ?
00:29:03 <shachaf> Haizan
00:29:33 <shachaf> `relcome Saizan
00:29:45 <HackEgo> Saizan: Welcome to the international hub for esoteric programming language design and deployment! For more information, check out our wiki: http://esolangs.org/wiki/Main_Page. (For the other kind of esoterica, try #esoteric on irc.dal.net.)
00:35:51 <Saizan> shachaf: how many make jokes about wanting help with pentacles?
00:36:20 <shachaf> `pastelogs pentacle
00:36:54 <HackEgo> http://codu.org/projects/hackbot/fshg/index.cgi/raw-file/tip/paste/paste.25552
00:38:24 <olsner> two copies of the same joke, one that's not a joke at all, and then you?
00:38:51 <shachaf> I thought everything zzo38 says is a joke.
00:39:21 <olsner> I think most of it is entirely serious
00:39:36 <coppro> pentacles isn't the problem
00:39:36 <coppro> cups is
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00:55:13 <shachaf> kmc: Did you know about https://code.google.com/p/strace-plus/ ?
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01:00:34 <kmc> ooh
01:01:05 <kmc> i wonder if perf does this too
01:01:52 <shachaf> Stack traces? For what?
01:02:16 <kmc> yes
01:02:26 <kmc> doesn't perf do userspace profiling in addition to the performance counters stuff
01:03:56 <shachaf> perf probably does a lot of things I don't know about.
01:04:05 <shachaf> For example I just found out about `perf top`
01:07:54 <kmc> seems GNU Radio has a bunch of C code that is templated using http://www.cheetahtemplate.org/
01:08:11 <kmc> take that, #python people who told me several years ago that I was crazy for wanting to do that!
01:08:28 <Bike> laugh at strangers on freenode in hell
01:08:34 <kmc> yep
01:08:44 <ion> That proved you were not crazy for wanting to do that?
01:08:57 <kmc> no not really
01:14:44 <shachaf> `pastelogs supermegacomics.com
01:15:03 <HackEgo> http://codu.org/projects/hackbot/fshg/index.cgi/raw-file/tip/paste/paste.14095
01:16:56 <olsner> they should've used php for generating C code, since php comes with a builtin template engine
01:18:03 <ion> {-# LANGUAGE PHP #-} as an alternative for CPP.
01:18:12 <kmc> olsner: yes
01:18:20 <kmc> also ion in re: yes
01:18:29 -!- copumpkin has changed nick to Buffett.
01:18:50 <kmc> jimmy or warren
01:18:57 <olsner> I wonder if PHP has CPP integration too
01:18:58 <kmc> or breakfast
01:19:11 <ion> Perhaps it’s PHP all the way down.
01:19:46 <olsner> or phoebe
01:21:08 -!- Buffett has changed nick to copumpkin.
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01:38:35 <shachaf> kmc: Are you coming to BayHac 2013?
01:39:12 <kmc> doubtful
01:42:28 <ais523> do we have a `firstlog?
01:42:43 <shachaf> `cat bin/pastelogs
01:42:44 <HackEgo> ​#!/bin/bash \ cd /var/irclogs/_esoteric \ \ pasterandom() { \ if [ "$1" -gt 150 ]; then \ echo "No." \ exit \ fi \ for i in $(seq "$1"); do \ file=$(shuf -en 1 ????-??-??.txt) \ echo "$file:$(shuf -n 1 $file)" \ done | paste \ } \ \ if [ "$1" ]; then \ if expr "$1" + 0 >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
01:42:57 <ais523> yeah but `pastelogs IRC would take far too long
01:42:59 <ais523> err
01:43:02 <ais523> `pastelogs ais523
01:43:10 <HackEgo> http://codu.org/projects/hackbot/fshg/index.cgi/raw-file/tip/paste/paste.24412
01:43:14 <ais523> whoops
01:43:37 <shachaf> hi ais523
01:43:46 <olsner> oh, 2007, that's only half a decade ago
01:43:47 <ais523> aha, it stops after a while
01:43:55 <shachaf> olsner: :☹(
01:44:15 <olsner> shachaf: actually 20% more than half a decade
01:44:15 <ais523> 2007-01-15.txt:17:16:16: <ais523> So there are people on #esoteric at the moment after all, then? I was monitoring the logs to see if anyone was online, but somehow I never seem to be online at the same time as other people...
01:44:31 <shachaf> i'm online
01:45:38 <ais523> 2007-01-17.txt:12:02:30: <ais523> For those who don't know, it was me who caused EgoBot to crash
01:45:39 <ais523> 2007-01-17.txt:12:03:13: <ais523> I fed it an infinite loop written in Unlambda, and it sent me an infinite number of copies of the letter 'b' in response, until it got thrown out
01:45:42 <ais523> ah, memories
01:46:14 <shachaf> @unlambda `.i`.hi
01:46:14 <lambdabot> hi
01:54:39 -!- copumpkin has changed nick to Buffett.
01:55:25 -!- Buffett has changed nick to copumpkin.
02:04:01 -!- conehead has joined.
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02:28:28 <kmc> http://blog.pnuts.tk/2013/04/plaidctf-pyjail-story-of-pythons-escape.html this is some p. esoteric python
02:28:55 <shachaf> newtype Foo a = Foo { unFoo :: a }; instance Monoid a => Num (Foo a) where Foo x * Foo y = Foo (x <> y); fromInteger 1 = Foo mempty; timesN n = unFoo . (^ n) . Foo
02:39:52 <ion> http://img.chan4chan.com/img/2009-03-23/haqq3rs.jpg
02:46:32 <kmc> icy hot stuntaz
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03:28:37 <shachaf> @ask mnoqy How many values of type Either () () -> Either () () are there?
03:28:37 <lambdabot> Consider it noted.
03:28:54 <Bike> imo ugh
03:29:08 <shachaf> imo hi
03:29:10 <shachaf> himo
03:29:15 <shachaf> ☝ p. clever huh
03:29:44 <Bike> no
03:33:06 <shachaf> oh man there's a copumpkin-dolio party in #scala
03:34:50 <Bike> w ath
03:35:26 <kmc> "several"
03:35:54 <shachaf> that's a lot of values
03:41:02 -!- TodPunk has quit (Quit: This is me, signing off. Probably rebooting or something.).
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03:46:00 <mnoqy> shachaf: that's not a very nice thing to ask
03:46:19 <shachaf> mnoqy: should i "unask it"
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03:47:58 <kmc> shachaf: should i move to san francisco
03:49:37 <shachaf> kmc: i don't know
03:49:58 <qwerty0> yes. next question.
03:50:25 <shachaf> why do you want to?
03:50:29 <kmc> what's so great about san francisco, i say we go to mexico
03:51:46 <shachaf> mnoqy: how about: Endo (Either (Maybe Void) (Maybe Void))
03:52:02 <shachaf> (Endo is free because it's a newtype..)
03:52:18 <mnoqy> D:
03:52:28 <shachaf> ↁ:
03:53:34 <shachaf> kmc: just think of all the burritos
03:54:20 <kmc> we have those here now too
03:54:42 <kmc> what's........ ↁ
03:54:48 <kmc> Alternative forms
03:54:48 <kmc> V, MMMMM, mmmmm, V̅, Ⅴ̅
03:55:57 <Bike> hi
03:56:00 <mnoqy> hi
03:57:07 <shachaf> kmc: well my crystal ball informs me that all the cool people move to san francisco
03:58:08 <copumpkin> :(
03:58:25 <shachaf> sorry copumpkin
03:58:35 <shachaf> at least you're ol
04:00:08 <kmc> it seems so
04:01:30 <shachaf> kmc: didn't you recommend a change of scenery/surroundings/something like that to me once
04:01:48 -!- qwerty0 has quit (Quit: Leaving).
04:02:15 <kmc> did i
04:02:18 <kmc> in re: what
04:04:32 <shachaf> in re: being generally frustrated
04:04:35 <kmc> i would need to find a job in SF that isn't full of brogrammers or insufferable hipsters or whatever
04:04:46 <kmc> it would be an exciting education in the degree to which these are real things!
04:04:59 <shachaf> i think these things are overstated
04:05:18 <kmc> yes
04:05:28 <kmc> thank you internet for bringing me the worst of everything, daily
04:05:36 <kmc> but also...... the best?
04:06:39 * kmc thinks #esoteric is much closer to the best, all things considered
04:06:49 <Fiora> I think so too
04:07:07 <Fiora> as inexplicable as this place can be sometimes it generally isn't that bad
04:07:22 <shachaf> high praise
04:07:30 <kmc> yes i quite like #esoteric
04:07:33 <kmc> I feel comfortable here
04:07:39 <shachaf> i live in the hope that one day someone will think that sometimes i generally am not that bad
04:07:51 <shachaf> Fiora thinks ##fiora is the very best, of course
04:07:58 <Bike> so is anyone else doing gsoc?
04:08:10 <shachaf> I'm the backup admin for haskell.org. Does that count?
04:08:16 <Bike> or has anyone done it before. i'm suddenly intimidated by having to form a plan and generally not fuck up
04:08:16 <kmc> i feel comfortable here because it's obviously v. accepting of strange people
04:10:05 <shachaf> are you strange people
04:10:14 <shachaf> am i strange people?? help
04:10:15 <kmc> i don't know
04:10:20 <kmc> maybe i am more sad than strange :/
04:10:26 <Fiora> sad?
04:11:14 <kmc> yeah
04:11:28 <shachaf> I,I They used to think I was ADD but it turned out I was just ODD.
04:11:51 <Bike> overdosed o- oh. oh
04:12:09 <kmc> :)
04:12:20 <Bike> i got it.
04:12:30 <kmc> did you know: in californee you can buy alcohol in grocery stores
04:12:33 <kmc> "land of plenty"
04:12:42 <kmc> and weed on every corner
04:13:07 <shachaf> you could move to berkeley
04:13:09 <Fiora> is that not normal?
04:13:14 <Fiora> like, alcohol in grocery stores
04:13:17 <kmc> Fiora: you can't in MA :(
04:13:19 <shachaf> not in some states
04:13:24 <Fiora> even , like, wine?
04:13:30 <kmc> in MA each company is only allowed to sell alcohol in 3 stores statewide
04:13:34 <Fiora> woow
04:13:38 <kmc> so like... there are three Trader Joe's that sell booze
04:13:39 <kmc> total
04:13:47 <Fiora> O_O even things like cooking wine?
04:13:50 <kmc> it's not quite as bad as PA
04:14:05 <kmc> i don't know about cooking wine, often it's salted such that you don't want to drink it
04:14:21 <Fiora> oh, they carded me when I bought some at the trader joe's
04:14:22 <Bike> you still can't buy alcohol on sundays, right?
04:14:25 <Bike> god i love mass
04:14:30 <kmc> crypto/cooking advice: "always salt your hash" "don't put pickles in your cookies"
04:14:30 -!- TeruFSX has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds).
04:14:32 <Bike> or wait was that just boston
04:14:34 <Fiora> buying cooking wine is like the only time I've ever been carded
04:14:38 <kmc> Bike: I think I can
04:14:41 <Fiora> since, I mean. I don't normally buy alcohol... XD
04:14:58 <shachaf> Fiora is a total drunkard
04:15:02 -!- fizzie has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
04:15:03 <Fiora> totally -_-
04:15:09 <Bike> one of my childhood memories is walking into a trader joe's with my dad and getting all excited about the liquor section being covered in caution tape
04:15:14 <Fiora> it's not like I've never drank more than about one sip in my life
04:15:25 <Fiora> I don't even know if I inherited the alcohol flush gene <.<
04:15:40 <shachaf> Fiora: that's one more sip than i have, so ha!!
04:15:44 <shachaf> should i drink alcohol
04:15:54 <Fiora> I don't think so, it doesn't seem like a good idea
04:17:19 <shachaf> Bike: which gsoc thing are you doing
04:17:27 <Fiora> like it makes you dumb and say dumb things and lose control of yourself for no real good reason
04:17:37 <Bike> sbcl, hopefully
04:17:42 <Fiora> and then you wake up later and regret it
04:17:44 <Bike> i still haven't decided which specific thing to do...
04:17:44 <kmc> alcohol is overrated but it's allright
04:17:55 <shachaf> kmc: is that just the alcohol talking
04:18:44 <kmc> mbe
04:18:50 <shachaf> Bike: have you considered......haskell
04:19:04 <shachaf> being in #esoteric is a lot like being drunk isn't it
04:19:12 <Bike> Yes. I was convincing somebody to use it elsewhere today.
04:19:24 <shachaf> i mean for gsoc
04:20:19 <Bike> I have a patch in sbcl and i'm sorta familiar with the codebase. Also I actually know Lisp, instead of my pretending to know Haskell.
04:20:38 <shachaf> good point
04:20:57 <Bike> kmc: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_laws_in_the_United_States#Massachusetts my childhood!!
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04:23:48 <madbr> "Since the law changed in 2004, off-premises sales are now allowed anywhere in the state, with local approval, after noon."
04:23:51 <madbr> local aproval
04:30:30 <madbr> not much of a fan of local level of government... feels wrong to give them that kind of power
04:31:10 <Bike> beer power?
04:32:14 -!- mnoqy has quit (Quit: hello).
04:33:55 <madbr> to me it feels like letting old jealous ladies from your neighbourhood decide... dunno
04:35:43 <madbr> and generally a plan to end up with a town where you can't do anything and there are no places to go out
04:36:26 <madbr> and end up with a "doughnut" city that's dead in the middle (only example I've seen personally was cleveland)
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05:05:07 <kmc> þeer
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06:54:04 <fizzie> Bike: There's a friend of mine who did GSoC.
06:54:16 <Bike> are they still alive
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06:54:47 <fizzie> Bike: About the only detail I remember is that his mentoring organization complained on his Facebook wall that they'd like to see some commits, when he was rambling around Europe.
06:55:20 <fizzie> Bike: But he's still alive, and did finish the thing, and I think he's been on-and-off involved in the project since then too.
06:55:46 <Bike> cool cool
06:56:10 <fizzie> I wonder if there are stats on how many people generally "fuck up" their projects. Some assumption of fucking up is built in the reward scheme.
06:56:45 <fizzie> "88.5% overall success rate" for 2012.
06:57:14 <fizzie> So if you do fail, you can brag about being part of the "11.5%".
06:57:41 <Bike> hooray
06:57:49 <Fiora> you'll do fine bike
06:57:56 <fizzie> You'll do a fine bike.
06:58:00 <fizzie> Perhaps a recumbent of some sort.
07:05:45 <shachaf> Bike: you can't do gsoc if you're from Iran, Cuba, Myanmar, Sudan or North Korea hth
07:07:37 <Bike> i'm from luxembourg.
07:07:43 <Bike> wait, why sudan?
07:07:56 -!- conehead has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.).
07:08:26 <Bike> and why not south sudan.. i don't get it
07:11:12 <shachaf> don't be difficult Bike
07:19:37 <shachaf> kmc: have you watched the film Funny Bones
07:20:51 <fizzie> Bike: Why doesn't Luxembourg have Google Street View?
07:20:55 <fizzie> (Your fault?)
07:21:57 <shachaf> Fiora: irc color
07:24:52 -!- Bike has quit (Quit: tire).
07:31:51 <kmc> shachaf: haven't
07:32:29 <shachaf> imo i enjoyed it
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12:14:23 <shachaf> Saizan: How did you end up in this channel?
12:15:20 <fizzie> All roads lead here.
12:16:23 <shachaf> Yes. That's why I asked which road.
12:18:45 <Saizan> shachaf: i've seen it mentioned here and there, and i was looking for somewhere else to lurk
12:20:04 <shachaf> Ah.
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13:06:17 <shachaf> @ask mnoqy hey do you like domain theory problems.................
13:06:17 <lambdabot> Consider it noted.
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13:35:05 <shachaf> @ask mnoqy also, how many functions of type () -> () -> ()
13:35:06 <lambdabot> Consider it noted.
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15:08:57 <AnotherTest> Hi
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15:09:56 <boily> AnotherTest: hi.
15:13:25 <ThatOtherPerson> Hi!
15:17:06 <boily> qatar wants to grab the ICAO headquarters from us! http://affaires.lapresse.ca/economie/transports/201304/23/01-4643911-le-qatar-veut-ravir-loaci-a-montreal.php
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18:54:49 <Vorpal> Is there a tool like nice or ionice for setting the scheduler? I mean the stuff that sched_getscheduler(2) does
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19:27:48 <Vorpal> aha, found it in the schedtool package.
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20:07:50 -!- crazyPussy123333 has joined.
20:16:14 <mnoqy> `welcome crazyPussy123333
20:16:19 <HackEgo> crazyPussy123333: Welcome to the international hub for esoteric programming language design and deployment! For more information, check out our wiki: http://esolangs.org/wiki/Main_Page. (For the other kind of esoterica, try #esoteric on irc.dal.net.)
20:19:22 <Taneb> crazyPussy123333: can you confirm that you are indeed an insane feline?
20:19:42 <Taneb> Or perhaps a large number of said maladjusted mammals
20:22:41 -!- crazyPussy123333 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
20:23:50 <mnoqy> bye crazypuss
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20:36:09 <boily> by saizan too?
20:36:24 -!- augur has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
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20:37:06 <boily> bye augur, bye my bot!
20:37:08 <boily> bye me!
20:37:10 -!- boily has quit (Quit: Poulet!).
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20:52:22 -!- dudeForExample85 has joined.
20:55:41 <mnoqy> `welcome dudeForExample85
20:55:43 <HackEgo> dudeForExample85: Welcome to the international hub for esoteric programming language design and deployment! For more information, check out our wiki: http://esolangs.org/wiki/Main_Page. (For the other kind of esoterica, try #esoteric on irc.dal.net.)
20:59:59 -!- john_metcalf has joined.
21:00:01 <john_metcalf> Hi :-)
21:00:28 <mnoqy> `welcome john_metcalf
21:00:30 <HackEgo> john_metcalf: Welcome to the international hub for esoteric programming language design and deployment! For more information, check out our wiki: http://esolangs.org/wiki/Main_Page. (For the other kind of esoterica, try #esoteric on irc.dal.net.)
21:00:40 <john_metcalf> So who's an expert at finding stuff that's hidden away somewhere on the net?
21:01:03 <mnoqy> how expert/hidden/somewhere are we talking here
21:02:41 <john_metcalf> I'm looking for Jintori. It's a Japanese two-dimensional programming language from the late eighties or early nineties. Used for a two dimensional programming game of the same name.
21:07:51 -!- augur has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
21:10:42 <Phantom_Hoover> fizzie's good at finding random shit on the internet
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21:12:06 <Taneb> john_metcalf: like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnage_Heart ?
21:12:09 <FireFly> maybe this is relevant: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ja&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=sv&ie=UTF-8&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Ftech-tokyo.com%2F%3Fp%3D4147
21:12:53 -!- sebbu has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
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21:14:11 -!- sebbu2 has changed nick to sebbu.
21:14:50 <FireFly> Hm, probably not related
21:15:53 * FireFly wonders how many computer games called Jintori controlled by a specialised programming language there are
21:18:53 <john_metcalf> That's not the one...
21:19:21 <FireFly> Hm
21:19:46 <john_metcalf> I have a possible filename, Jintori.2.01.tar
21:20:58 <FireFly> I found a post that mentions a "Core Wars-like game" called Jintori, in which programs compute in two-dimensional space
21:24:19 <john_metcalf> That's it :-)
21:25:08 <FireFly> https://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.corewar/msg/1996dfe8c5903977?dmode=source this here contains some source code
21:25:11 <FireFly> but it's cut off
21:25:31 <FireFly> er wait, maybe those are just file separators
21:26:00 <john_metcalf> I think that's just a patch.
21:26:06 -!- dudeForExample85 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
21:26:22 <FireFly> Oh
21:26:33 <john_metcalf> I've tried an Archie search... Not sure if it's worth a Gopher search?
21:30:02 <john_metcalf> I've found an EXE :-)
21:30:14 <john_metcalf> No manual, source or programs
21:31:21 -!- sirdancealot has joined.
21:31:40 <john_metcalf> At least I assume it's the correct EXE. It kills DosBox :-( Found it here http://www.vector.co.jp/soft/dl/dos/game/se002172.html
21:32:43 <elliott> Vorpal: you like optimising PNGs, right?
21:33:42 <pikhq> john_metcalf: I'd be pretty surprised if that works well in common DOS installs.
21:38:14 <pikhq> Given the age, it's probably not for PC-compatibles.
21:41:23 -!- mnoqy has quit (Quit: hello).
21:42:29 <pikhq> Hell, could plausibly be for the MSX.
21:43:10 <pikhq> Ah, looked it up.
21:43:28 <pikhq> It's for PC-98 MS-DOS.
21:43:44 <pikhq> You're gonna need an actual PC-98 emulator; DOSBox won't work.
21:43:54 * john_metcalf searches for one...
21:44:22 <pikhq> (PC-98 is an x86 based platform that was popular in Japan in the 80s. It was *not* IBM compatible, but it did use MS-DOS.)
21:44:57 <olsner> 80s? I always thought 98 meant 1998
21:45:06 <pikhq> No, it shipped in 1982.
21:45:21 <pikhq> Up until '92.
21:45:34 <pikhq> Windows 95 is what finally killed it, because 95 didn't run on a PC-98.
21:48:00 <olsner> wikipedia claims 1982..2000
21:51:18 <olsner> http://www.pc-9800.net/db_98/data/img/pc-9821ra43_l.jpg
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22:06:42 <FireFly> Hmm
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22:23:00 <kmc> so someone ported MS-DOS to this platform?
22:24:05 <elliott> presumably it was "compatible enough" to run MS-DOS or something?
22:24:32 <pikhq> No, it had a custom build of MS-DOS.
22:25:06 <kmc> don't a lot of DOS programs use PC BIOS features directly rather than going through DOS for everything?
22:25:11 <pikhq> Yes.
22:25:12 <kmc> i imagine those wouldn't work well
22:25:16 <kmc> did they have an emulation layer for that?
22:25:20 <pikhq> PC-98 stuff used the PC-98 BIOS instead.
22:25:21 <pikhq> Nope!
22:27:28 -!- DHeadshot has joined.
22:36:34 -!- nooodl^ has joined.
22:41:31 <nooodl^> hey doesnt practically everyone here come from France?? because I'm in Paris riiight now
22:42:49 <Fiora> I thought it was Hexham that everyone was from
22:43:28 <john_metcalf> nooodl^ is Planar there? He's from France...
22:43:36 <elliott> it's finland or hexham
22:43:55 <elliott> i think we have like two french people?? plus boily who is fake french
22:45:14 <john_metcalf> Have you bumped into Fabrice Bellard yet? He's probably lurking nearby...
22:49:56 <coppro> I'm the token canehdian
22:50:39 <nooodl^> isn't that boily
22:50:48 <coppro> boily's canehdian?
22:50:53 <elliott> boily's fake french
22:50:57 <coppro> oh
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23:02:53 -!- copumpkin has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
23:03:13 <Phantom_Hoover> who's fabrice bellard
23:03:26 <nooodl^> ffmpeg
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23:03:36 <Fiora> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fabrice_Bellard I think?
23:03:40 <Phantom_Hoover> oh
23:03:41 <Phantom_Hoover> that dude
23:03:46 <elliott> qemu dude™
23:04:00 <elliott> i think i need to get rid of my ™ key it's too addictive
23:04:04 <nooodl^> jslinux dude too
23:05:32 <john_metcalf> lzexe dude!
23:06:06 <Fiora> http://www0.us.ioccc.org/2001/bellard.c oh my gosh @_@ he did this
23:06:08 <Fiora> http://www0.us.ioccc.org/2001/bellard.hint
23:06:23 <Fiora> he submitted a c compiler to the ioccc
23:06:27 <Fiora> in 3 kilobytes
23:06:37 <elliott> that compiler later turned into tcc
23:06:50 <elliott> which was then used to make a linux bootloader that actually compiled the kernel from scratch every time you booted it up
23:06:55 <elliott> (in <20 seconds)
23:06:57 <Fiora> O__O
23:07:26 <Bike> why would you want to do that
23:07:50 <elliott> Bike: because it's there
23:08:17 <Fiora> bellard seems a very "Because it's there" type of person
23:08:23 <Fiora> "In 2011, he created a minimal PC emulator written in pure JavaScript"
23:09:05 <Fiora> (I wonder why his compiler won 'best abuse of rules' though?)
23:10:09 <elliott> huh, good question. it doesn't seem to be "tricksy" in itself
23:11:05 <elliott> oh hey, David Madore (of Unlambda) fame was one of the winners of last IOCCC
23:11:09 <elliott> *Unlambda fame)
23:11:16 <elliott> also tromp__ I see
23:14:54 <pikhq> Y'know, I've been kinda curious about how bad a PC emulator would *be* to write if you aren't particularly performance-minded.
23:15:46 <Fiora> it's probably still pretty tricky? like it says he had to write an interrupt controller, interrupt timer and stuff
23:15:52 <Fiora> not even just a CPU, like, the CPU alone isn't enough
23:16:56 <Fiora> http://bellard.org/jslinux/tech.html ah
23:17:02 <Fiora> wow it even emulates an IDE hard drive
23:17:17 <Fiora> it has an MMU too O_O
23:18:09 <pikhq> Amused it's using a UART for output.
23:18:18 <pikhq> Though I guess it makes sense. VGA is tricky, even in text mode.
23:18:55 <pikhq> And really quite unsurprised he didn't emulate the FPU.
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23:58:18 <Fiora> Bike, maybe other people: http://www.valvesoftware.com/publications/2009/ai_systems_of_l4d_mike_booth.pdf this is really really cool and interesting
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