19:22:42 -!- esowiki has joined.
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19:23:26 <zzo38> Gregor: Thank you for fixing it.
19:23:35 <oerjan> ah, i was afraid Gregor had sacrificed himself for the bots
19:24:18 <zzo38> Do you like the Imakuni?'s card?
19:25:09 -!- glogbackup has joined.
19:25:35 <oerjan> i just learned of its existence, also i don't play any form of pokemon game.
19:31:37 -!- ais523 has joined.
19:31:49 <ais523> Happy Australian Mailman Mailing List Reminders Day!
19:31:53 -!- ais523 has left.
19:36:29 <oerjan> are you not familiar with this esteemed holiday
19:39:42 -!- AnotherTest has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds).
19:45:20 -!- SirCmpwn has quit (Excess Flood).
19:49:04 <zzo38> Aura of Confusion (a class feature of aberration saver) also wants you to play it as a basic pokemon. However, you can't!!! Too bad!!!
19:50:27 -!- pikhq has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
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20:32:02 <zzo38> Now make up your own Pokemon card puzzle!
20:33:47 <shachaf> zzo38: Now that HackEgo is back up, you could `danddreclist.
20:34:12 <zzo38> I already did (when it wasn't up), but I will do again just in case.
20:34:17 <HackEgo> danddreclist 41: shachaf nooodl boily \ http://zzo38computer.org/dnd/recording/level20.tex
20:37:20 <zzo38> (Nothing stops me from using `danddreclist when HackEgo isn't on, although then it won't work perfectly. Anyone who is notified on messages starting with `danddreclist is still notified, though.)
20:37:46 <shachaf> zzo38: If I do that, I'll get double-notified.
20:38:40 <zzo38> I am saying, it can be done in place of the other way if you prefer, since that would work even if HackEgo is down.
20:38:46 <zzo38> You don't have to.
20:39:16 -!- Koen_ has joined.
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20:46:23 <nooodl> @tell boily new danddreclist: http://zzo38computer.org/dnd/recording/level20.tex
20:54:51 <zzo38> Is there an easy way in UNIX command-line to convert all filenames to lowercase like you can in Windows command-line?
20:56:21 <shachaf> Perhaps: rename 'tr/A-Z/a-z/' *
20:56:34 <shachaf> Depends on what "UNIX command-line" is.
20:57:04 <zzo38> O, I didn't know about that command.
20:57:30 <Bike> man rename actually has rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' * as an example
20:59:01 <zzo38> OK, yes that can work. In Windows it is: for /f %i in ('dir/l/b') do ren %i %i or something like that I think.
21:00:08 <shachaf> Of course, Windows filesystems aren't case-sensitive.
21:02:04 <zzo38> Yes, I know, and such a thing works due to that.
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21:03:38 <shachaf> But you have to be careful when your filesystem isn't. What if you have two files, "A" and "a"?
21:04:49 <zzo38> Of course then it won't work.
21:05:12 <zzo38> Someone has once asked me how to convert all of their filenames into lowercase on a Windows computer and I came up with this command.
21:08:45 <pikhq> shachaf: FWIW Windows *filesystems* are perfectly sane case-wise.
21:09:03 <pikhq> It's just Win32 that's case insensitive.
21:09:20 <Roujo> Oh. So NTFS is, but Windows doesn't care?
21:09:36 <pikhq> FAT32 with long file names is the same way.
21:10:45 <pikhq> Sorry, FAT with long file names in general.
21:25:25 -!- Taneb has joined.
21:43:53 <zzo38> And if you have any comments/questions/complains about the Dungeons&Dragons game I am recording, you can tell me that too, please.
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22:04:03 <doesthiswork> Schematic tables are a pretty cool way of handling branching. http://www.subtextual.org/subtext2.html
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22:14:35 <Bike> so uh i forgot how to use tar. if i have a .tar i should be able to do just 'tar t filename' to get a list of what's in it, right?
22:16:11 -!- yorick has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
22:17:04 <Bike> oh, no, i need f. damn.
22:19:42 <Koen_> the bonus question at our final exam was exctracting a file from a corrupted .tar.gz archive
22:19:45 -!- Taneb has quit (Quit: Leaving).
22:40:07 -!- Sgeo has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.).
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22:58:45 <shachaf> Bike: hm what are some good adjunctions i don't know about
22:59:54 <Bike> up adjunctions
23:00:10 <Bike> (analogous to left adjunctions)
23:00:57 <Bike> You know damn well what I mean.
23:01:05 <shachaf> in galois connections people call the left adjoint the "lower adjoint" and the right adjoint the "upper adjoint" hth
23:01:36 <oerjan> shachaf: did you know that quotienting out the commutator is a functor from groups to commutative groups that is adjoint to the inclusion in the reverse direction? (iirc)
23:04:02 <shachaf> google finds results with "abelian group" when you search for "commutative group"
23:05:11 <shachaf> maybe it's a right adjoint
23:05:26 -!- variable has changed nick to constant.
23:05:36 <oerjan> i don't think my brain is up to figuring out the diagrams at the moment.
23:05:45 <shachaf> oerjan: what do i pay you for hth
23:06:34 <oerjan> it's ok i think i found it on wikipedia
23:06:58 <oerjan> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commutator_subgroup#Abelianization
23:08:31 <shachaf> i don't know anything about groups :'(
23:09:18 <oerjan> that could be a problem
23:09:37 <shachaf> how do i become not such an ignoramus twh
23:09:49 <oerjan> read a group theory textbook
23:10:19 <oerjan> i dunno it's been something like 20 years since i took the course...
23:10:33 <shachaf> i'm sure i'll be abel to find one
23:12:24 <oerjan> i wouldn't be surprised if this adjunction holds more generally for quotients/inclusions between algebras with extra equations added (e.g. xy=yx to get abelian groups)
23:13:02 <shachaf> is there a nice categorical way of talking about algebras with equations
23:13:55 <oerjan> hm... i recall they're related to monads. like the list monad to monoids etc.
23:14:19 <oerjan> maybe, i don't clearly remember that term.
23:14:25 <shachaf> like http://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/module+over+a+monad ?
23:15:28 <oerjan> sorry my brain cannot help you there
23:24:41 <HackEgo> slist 8/31: Taneb atriq Ngevd Fiora nortti Sgeo ThatOtherPerson alot
23:34:27 <Bike> uh, you're not on the slist, dude. you ain't got right to interfere in slist affairs.
23:34:51 <Bike> so sayeth the treaty
23:39:08 <zzo38> Treaty? It is a suggestion, not a treaty, isn't it?
23:53:00 <oerjan> `run echo 'The Treaty on `lists treats how to `list our treats.' >wisdom/treaty
23:56:25 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: hack: not found