00:06:45 <tswett> You know, I think a being which does *not* exist is more perfect than one which does.
00:07:41 <tswett> After all, the most perfect situation is a situation in which nothing is necessary. If the existence of a being is necessary, that being is a mark of imperfection.
00:08:17 <tswett> God, being perfect in all ways, is certainly not a mark of imperfection.
00:08:51 <tswett> The ontological argument got it backwards.
00:09:12 * oerjan sidles away from the puffs of logic
00:11:40 <\oren\> well you've shown that the ontological argument is based on a matter of opinion about what perfection is
00:12:15 <tswett> By the way, let me monologue about my indentation philosophy.
00:13:03 <tswett> A piece of an expression generally consists of an opening delimiter and/or a closing delimiter and/or middle delimiters, along with inner contents.
00:13:29 <tswett> The rule is pretty simple.
00:14:02 <tswett> If the expression-piece is split across multiple lines, then all delimiters should be at the same indentation level, and all inner contents should be at a greater indentation level.
00:14:40 <tswett> Well... that's not completely accurate.
00:14:52 <tswett> In any case, here's how I'd do an "if" statement:
00:15:16 <tswett> All braces are at the same indentation level, as are the keywords "if" and "else".
00:15:46 <tswett> The "indentation level that a token is at" means the amount that the line is indented, not the point where the left edge of the token appears.
00:16:01 <tswett> Meanwhile, "bar;" and "baz;" are at the next greater indentation level.
00:17:00 <tswett> "foo" is inner contents, but it's allowed to occupy a single line along with delimiters.
00:17:02 <\oren\> that's indeed how I indent
00:17:15 <tswett> How about a big function call? Like this:
00:17:47 <\oren\> hmmm that's a good idea
00:18:08 <tswett> Thou shalt not indent a line in order to make its beginning line up with a token inside of the line above it, for that is detestable to Me.
00:18:31 -!- bb010g has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity).
00:19:39 <tswett> So that means in Haskell, you don't do this:
00:20:35 <tswett> Try to make this "indent the inner contents of a syntax element" thing the only style of indentation that you use.
00:20:46 <tswett> There's one other style which is okay, but should be avoided.
00:21:14 <tswett> Namely: you can break a syntax element that would normally be one line across two lines, putting a line break in an arbitrary place and indenting the second line.
00:23:48 <tswett> Here's an officially tswett-approved way of indenting SQL:
00:23:52 <tswett> ON people.name = cities.name
00:32:45 -!- boily has joined.
00:41:43 * boily is tempted to mapole tswett
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00:47:50 <tswett> . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. .
00:48:08 <tswett> .. . . .. . .. ... .. ...... . .. . .. . . ....
00:48:41 -!- andrew has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
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00:50:21 <boily> why do I have the feeling there's a fnord hidden somewhere in that...
00:53:30 <tswett> You know what the worst thing is?
00:54:07 <boily> multiple fnords? no fnords? reverse fnord?
00:54:49 <fizzie> fungot: What's the worst thing in life? Something about your enemies?
00:54:50 <fungot> fizzie: that it makes a guest of it, much as the moon takes liberty. reason. justice. civility. edification. perfection. for the first time in i don't have a very exciting 24 hours or so.
00:57:48 <tswett> The fnord was contained in *your* messages.
00:58:29 <HackEgo> wisdom/fnord: UTF-8 Unicode text
00:58:36 <HackEgo> 0000000 203f afc2 285c b0c2 80e2 5f8b 296f c22f \ 0000010 0aaf \ 0000012
00:58:58 <tswett> `run echo '? ¯\(°_o)/¯' | hexdump
00:58:58 <HackEgo> 0000000 80e2 3f8b c220 5caf c228 e2b0 8b80 6f5f \ 0000010 2f29 afc2 000a \ 0000015
00:59:14 <oerjan> the fnord was in you all along
01:00:06 <tswett> So... how are those different?
01:00:08 <oerjan> tswett: are you confused
01:00:13 <tswett> `run unidecode $(wisdom/fnord)
01:00:15 <HackEgo> bash: wisdom/fnord: Permission denied
01:00:20 <tswett> `run unidecode $(cat wisdom/fnord)
01:00:39 -!- hppavilion[1] has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
01:00:44 <boily> The Fnord you can grasp is not the True Fnord.
01:00:53 <tswett> `unidecode ? ¯\(°_o)/¯
01:01:32 <tswett> `run unidecode $(cat /dev/urandom)
01:02:03 <tswett> `run unidecode $(cat /dev/urandom | head -c 50)
01:02:19 <tswett> `loudly Are you still with us, HackEgo?
01:02:25 <HackEgo> Traceback (most recent call last): \ File "/hackenv/bin/unidecode", line 4, in <module> \ s = u" ".join("[U+{0:04X} {1}]".format(ord(c), unicodedata.name(c, "DUNNO")) for c in " ".join(sys.argv[1:]).decode("utf-8")).encode("utf-8") \ File "/usr/lib/python2.7/encodings/utf_8.py", line 16, in decode \ return codecs.utf_8_decode(input, err
01:02:26 <HackEgo> Are you still with us, HackEgo?
01:03:19 <HackEgo> :-( \ yellow \ bdsmreclist \ bin \ canary \ cat \ Complaints.mp3 \ :-D \ dog \ emoticons \ etc \ evil \ factor \ good \ ibin \ interps \ le \ lib \ paste \ quines \ quotes \ share \ src \ u8tbl \ u8tbl.c \ wisdom \ wisdom.pdf
01:03:21 <boily> holy fungot. this is aggressive!
01:03:22 <fungot> boily: have a look. which of course it was a nasty pair, but he had already been a mass grave
01:03:47 <oerjan> who the hell wants little-endian 16-bit hexdumps
01:03:53 <tswett> `run unidecode $(ls *yellow*)
01:04:31 <tswett> `run echo $(ls *yellow*)
01:04:43 <tswett> `run unidecode '$(ls *yellow*)'
01:05:11 <tswett> `run ls *yellow* | hexdump
01:05:12 <HackEgo> 0000000 3003 2c31 3830 6579 6c6c 776f 0a03 \ 000000e
01:06:20 <oerjan> WHY ARE YOU USING little-endian hexdumps?
01:06:49 <HackEgo> removed `\00301,08yellow\003'
01:09:27 -!- hppavilion[1] has joined.
01:09:33 <oerjan> `` echo hello | hexdump
01:09:34 <HackEgo> 0000000 6568 6c6c 0a6f \ 0000006
01:10:09 <boily> it really is 16 bit little endian. there's something fundamentally wrong there.
01:10:12 <tswett> `run echo 12345 | hexdump
01:10:13 <HackEgo> 0000000 3231 3433 0a35 \ 0000006
01:10:30 <oerjan> `` echo hello | hexdump -C
01:10:32 <HackEgo> 00000000 68 65 6c 6c 6f 0a |hello.| \ 00000006
01:10:55 <boily> as a sane person, I concur.
01:16:37 <HackEgo> :-( \ (* \ bdsmreclist \ bin \ canary \ cat \ close \ *) \ Complaints.mp3 \ :-D \ dog \ emoticons \ etc \ evil \ factor \ good \ ibin \ interps \ le \ lib \ paste \ quines \ quotes \ share \ src \ u8tbl \ u8tbl.c \ wisdom \ wisdom.pdf
01:16:57 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: : not found
01:17:21 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: : not found
01:17:35 <tswett> You seem to be trying to run a command with an empty name.
01:17:58 <tswett> ` Since the command name is the thing between the grave accent and the space.
01:17:59 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: : not found
01:18:06 <tswett> And you're not puting anything there.
01:18:18 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: (*: not found
01:18:27 -!- bb010g has joined.
01:18:29 <HackEgo> bash: (*: command not found
01:18:34 <tswett> Also, it's not in bin.
01:18:51 <boily> `` find / -name '(*' -type f
01:19:22 <HackEgo> find: `/proc/tty/driver': Permission denied \ find: `/proc/1/task/1/fd': Permission denied \ find: `/proc/1/task/1/fdinfo': Permission denied \ find: `/proc/1/task/1/ns': Permission denied \ find: `/proc/1/fd': Permission denied \ find: `/proc/1/fdinfo': Permission denied \ find: `/proc/1/ns': Permission denied \ find: `/proc/2/task/2/fd': Permissi
01:19:59 <tswett> `` find / -name '(*' -type f 2>/dev/null
01:21:11 <HackEgo> cat: emoticons/*: No such file or directory
01:21:19 <HackEgo> lol \ 凸 \ ガ~(゚ロ゚;)~ン \ (°Д°) \ (≧∇≦)/ \ ¯\(°_o)/¯ \ ーー蟲蟲 \ オラオラオラ(三・o・)三☆三(`ε´三)無駄無駄無駄無駄
01:21:33 <tswett> We have a bunch of them.
01:21:36 <HackEgo> drowning \ flipbird \ gaaan \ gaan \ kyaa \ shrug \ swatter \ useless
01:22:59 <boily> swatter is pretty nice ^^
01:23:16 <boily> \oren\: do you have 蟲 in your font?
01:30:12 <boily> six 虫 at the end of a stick being swung around!
01:34:35 <\oren\> also the letter omega is now known as wubbleyou
01:35:04 <\oren\> it's a cuddly doubleyou
01:37:08 <boily> `addquote <\oren\> also the letter omega is now known as wubbleyou <\oren\> it's a cuddly doubleyou
01:37:11 <HackEgo> 1260) <\oren\> also the letter omega is now known as wubbleyou <\oren\> it's a cuddly doubleyou
01:46:23 -!- aretecode has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
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02:08:42 <tswett> I thought it was spelled "doubleu".
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02:12:52 <izabera> you and your friend have a file with 1000 numbers (two copies of the same file). you have to find the highest number in that file
02:13:00 <izabera> this would be easy, but who finishes first wins
02:13:16 <izabera> and if A finishes first but B finds a larger number, B wins
02:13:49 <izabera> you don't really have to find the highest value, just some value higher than what your friend finds
02:14:04 <izabera> or finish first with the same value
02:22:54 -!- Frooxius has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
02:23:58 <boily> sample 1 / e * 1000 values, use the highest.
02:24:13 <boily> > floor $ 1 / (exp 1) * 1000
02:24:30 <oerjan> is that just a guess or do you have proof
02:24:59 <oerjan> i recognize the strategy from a very different problem
02:25:16 <boily> finding the best meal at a restaurant or something, iirc hth
02:26:06 <oerjan> that problem has the restriction that you only get one chance to choose each option.
02:27:26 <oerjan> i'm pretty sure this isn't optimal, because it can be beaten on average by the "check all the numbers dammit" strategy
02:28:30 <oerjan> which i believe _ties_ with the "check 50%" strategy...
02:28:58 <boily> still checking 367 of them because e. I like e.
02:29:54 <oerjan> what about the "check 367", then go on until you find a larger one, then stop
02:30:44 <boily> > (1 % 1 + 1 % 10000000) ^ 10000000
02:30:49 <oerjan> but i'm not sure if it makes sense to use a strategy that is not just a number of values to check
02:31:41 <oerjan> of course if you know your opponent's strategy, you should check one number less i think
02:32:36 <boily> a bfjoust for finding the largest number in a list.
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02:34:33 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[O]] M http://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=45798&oldid=43930 * Phase * (-1)
02:38:23 -!- boily has quit (Quit: ACYCLIC CHICKEN).
02:38:34 <oerjan> hm this problem has a bit of the two envelopes problem in it
02:49:05 <\oren\> Hmm can't I just run a simulation
03:05:44 <\oren\> wait, what about the order of the numbers
03:06:36 <\oren\> the strategy "check the first N numbers" is faster than "shuffle then check N numbers"
03:17:18 <\oren\> where a,A is advantage to A, b,B is advantage to B
03:18:41 <\oren\> capitals are advantages > 500 in 1000 trials
03:20:02 <\oren\> sort of a prisoner's dilemma happening in part of the diagram
03:20:19 <\oren\> this is on an array of 10 numbers
03:20:27 <oerjan> i think if they always check the first N numbers, then whoever stops first will always have checked a subset of the other one
03:20:35 <oerjan> so will never have a _larger_ number
03:20:53 <oerjan> so there should be shuffling.
03:20:55 <\oren\> also in this simulation, both player shuffle independently
03:22:34 <oerjan> so it is best to check _much_ more numbers than the opponent, or _slightly_ fewer.
03:23:36 <oerjan> the first gives you a better chance of finding the maximum, the latter gives you a better chance of finishing first
03:24:32 <oerjan> (but still with a good maximum)
03:26:38 <\oren\> I should make a better heatmap
03:27:10 <oerjan> if your opponent checks many numbers, you should check slightly fewer. if e checks few, you should check more than em.
03:28:31 -!- bb010g has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity).
03:28:58 <oerjan> about half is fairly good too
03:30:52 <\oren\> here the greek letters represent an advantage of 3 per 10 or more
03:31:29 <\oren\> eh doesn;t tell much more
03:31:51 <oerjan> there's a kind of phase shift between 4 and 5
03:33:46 <oerjan> it's a little too thin to have rock-paper-scissors
03:34:27 <\oren\> http://www.orenwatson.be/envelopes.htm
03:34:28 <oerjan> 4 beats 5 beats 6 beats a beats 4
03:39:07 <\oren\> maybe it would exist if there were more strategies?
03:39:21 <\oren\> that is, a larger array?
03:40:29 <oerjan> well some of those - could be a slight advantage
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03:43:30 <^v> \oren\, i like your style
03:43:44 <^v> who needs pasting services?
03:43:52 <^v> just post the shit IRC
03:45:00 * oerjan wonders if ^v sounds a little grumpy
03:45:32 <^v> its sarcasm xD i dont care if you spam but some people might
03:46:21 <\oren\> ^v: meh, I figure we spent like 10 minutes posting nothing but various dots earlier, so whatever
03:46:28 <oerjan> given that the channel is _still_ slow on average...
03:48:10 <oerjan> the 6 - 7 is the main chokepoint, you cannot avoid having both
03:48:53 <\oren\> I think the lines of - are probably infinitely thin (as the nubmer of options increases)
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03:50:24 <\oren\> but still the b zone and the a zone would always be mirrored created a 6-7 chokepoint
03:53:19 <oerjan> in fact larger seems worse, since the distance between what you can get from 7 and what can reach 6 increases
03:53:44 <oerjan> (in the 4 - 5 case before, they're 8 and 9 so neigbors)
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05:02:07 <\oren\> oerjan: I modified it to print even the smallest advantages
05:02:18 <\oren\> with b as , and a as .
05:03:21 <\oren\> , and . indicate only a 1/100 to 1/10 advantage
05:03:44 <\oren\> but as you can see, at 4,5,6 there is a cycle!
05:06:37 <oerjan> in any case, there's not a winning pure strategy
05:07:16 <oerjan> but there should be a mixed one
05:07:47 <Sgeo_> "Writing U+BF (two hexadecimal digits) is not common practice, nor is writing an odd number of hexadecimal digits."
05:07:54 <Sgeo_> I think that last part of the sentence is wrong
05:08:55 <HackEgo> U+1F673 - No such unicode character name in database \ UTF-8: f0 9f 99 b3 UTF-16BE: d83dde73 Decimal: 🙳 \ 🙳 (🙳) \ Uppercase: U+1F673 \ Category: Cn (Other, Not Assigned)
05:10:06 <Sgeo_> "UTF-8 can therefore be used to exchange data among computers no matter what their native byte ordering is. For this reason, UTF-8 is becoming the de facto standard for encoding web pages."
05:10:12 <Sgeo_> I... think there may be other reasons too
05:10:42 <\oren\> such as the dominance of linux over web servers?
05:10:58 <Sgeo_> Such as ASCII being valid UTF-8
05:11:03 <Sgeo_> Although the page does mention that
05:11:39 <\oren\> that too, but that's true of Shift-JIS and the EUC-* encodings too
05:16:14 <\oren\> So the combination of being ascii-compatible and supporting all languages
05:16:37 <\oren\> (where all means "languages commonly used on the internet")
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05:32:57 <lifthrasiir> which is pan-Unicode and compatible to GBK in addition to ASCII
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05:43:58 <pikhq> GB 18030 is kinda a pain to encode and decode.
05:44:04 <lifthrasiir> \oren\: and we now have a nasty conversion table, hehe
05:44:44 <pikhq> But, it is at least a full encoding of Unicode, and thus vastly better than the typical legacy encoding.
05:45:13 <pikhq> Much better than, say, Shift-JIS.
05:46:02 <pikhq> Sgeo_: The best rationale is that UTF-8 is: multi-lingual, ASCII compatible, and *relatively easy to support*.
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06:16:52 <zzo38> UTF-8 is compatible with Principle of Extended ASCII though, while Shift-JIS isn't
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07:31:33 <zzo38> Which are better encoding of list of natural numbers as natural numbers, is it the "Reverse Numeric Encoding" (I made it up), or the "Modified Godel Encoding" (my modified version of some other people's idea to make it properly one-to-one)?
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07:38:53 <shachaf> What's the "Reverse Numeric Encoding"?
07:39:31 <zzo38> The one I described before that involves reversing the bits
08:03:41 <zzo38> I do not understand you.
08:07:14 <zzo38> In both cases only finite lists are encoded, but it does even include empty list.
08:07:44 <myname> putting 3 pages of polynoms on a solution to a task: check
08:10:58 <zzo38> If you are encoding tuples instead then you can use Morton encoding (there are other ways too but I used Morton encoding because of INTERCAL); it is simpler than encoding lists.
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08:29:11 <zzo38> Don't you know that INTERCAL can make Morton encodings and Gray encodings?
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08:40:16 <mroman> freenode's having trouble again?
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08:53:11 <mroman> http://i.imgur.com/3DkP9KD.png
08:53:20 <mroman> ^- when 50% of the webpage is advertisment
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09:50:29 <mroman> Well... I've written a tool that "compresses" images down to ASCII only
09:50:43 <mroman> or in other terms: a binary PPM file with only ascii values
09:50:55 <mroman> so every pixel can be represented using only ascii for raw binary ppms
09:51:15 <izabera> can you show some example?
09:53:03 -!- adu has quit (Quit: adu).
09:53:45 <mroman> http://codepad.org/WtyQmCT4
09:54:18 <mroman> that's a 32x32 picture of Lena.
09:56:31 <mroman> http://codepad.org/a7KQLWdc <- 128x128 picture of some airport
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09:56:48 <mroman> and as you can probably guess from the repeating values the original picture was a jpeg :D
09:57:53 <mroman> izabera: the image will be darker though, because the max value is 126
09:58:47 <mroman> but you can just use in image viewer than can multiply each value by around 2.8
09:58:54 <mroman> then it looks bright again
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10:04:24 <mroman> but that's not very useful
10:04:29 <mroman> ppm files are too huge
10:04:39 <mroman> you better use png and b64 obviously
10:04:56 <izabera> can you show a larger picture?
10:08:52 <b_jonas> mroman: but wouldn't that restrict what bnrightnesses you can use?
10:09:36 <b_jonas> mroman: wait, why would you use 255 max brightness for this in first place, as opposed to say 126 max brightness?
10:09:46 <b_jonas> that would at least let you make bright pixels, even if not dark ones
10:10:24 <mroman> but ideally it would use 126 as max brightness yes
10:10:33 <mroman> izabera: Just scale down rgb by 2.8 then shift 32
10:15:13 <mroman> izabera: http://codepad.org/GA06KiBh
10:16:39 <zzo38> The RESUME and STASH and RETRIEVE commands of INTERCAL are also very similar command found in dc. The operation of ~ operator is also found in BESM-6 instruction set. The $ and ? operators are also things that have been invented before.
10:17:02 <mroman> http://mroman.ch/imgshare/ascii.ppm
10:17:04 <mroman> That's a bigger picture
10:18:25 <mroman> b_jonas: You only have the range 32-126 available basically
10:18:30 <mroman> really dark things get brighter
10:18:37 <mroman> bright things get darker a lot
10:19:01 <mroman> so yeah, image quality isn't very good :D
10:20:54 <mroman> you can open it in gimp and do a white balance correction
10:21:03 <mroman> and it looks roughly like the original picture again
10:22:20 <b_jonas> mroman: yes, but if you set 126 max brightness then bright things remain bright. and you could try to use newline and a few other control characters for dark stuff.
10:22:36 <b_jonas> you already have newlines in the header
10:23:41 <mroman> yeah but you'd need to shift it down by 32 again
10:23:49 <mroman> since 32 is the darkest value possible
10:24:16 <mroman> but this has no useful purpose anyway
10:24:36 <mroman> that I can think of :)
10:24:42 <mroman> for ASCII medium use b64 :)
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12:11:52 <HackEgo> science/Semi-automatic text generation.
12:13:09 <b_jonas> fungot, do you like ascii ppm?
12:13:09 <fungot> b_jonas: only one of his kind with this mutant candy-red blood. an outcast. he thinks it's about to be. someone needs to grab the beta ( 6) in the room. he briefly speaks to its strife! quota for the day. she simply returns to the land of wind and shade. in a kid's yard. not even that sure why
12:22:11 <boily> fungot: on top of being sentient, your creepiness levels are spiking as of late. please stop.
12:22:11 <fungot> boily: man. it is a good idea.
12:22:16 <fungot> boily: like a very clear mirror to break, luckwise. unfortunately it lacks a portal in space. jade's radioactive, omnipotent, space-warping dog named... which is a name i just made you disappear" and stuff
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14:09:50 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Talk:Silly Emplosions]] http://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=45799&oldid=13872 * * (+96) /* CONTRADICTIONS */ new section
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14:28:53 <lifthrasiir> https://github.com/lifthrasiir/unison is live on Github now.
14:29:12 <lifthrasiir> (also, sample pages etc. are automatically redirected to https://lifthrasiir.github.io/unison/sample )
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17:39:05 <BloodGod> I got an idea about two days ago on a language based off befunge and an important hobby of mine, Rubiks cubes. Been working it out since then.
17:57:08 <myname> programming in latex is pretty hard
17:57:27 <myname> way harder than brainfuck
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18:31:38 <zzo38> Then, learn Plain TeX programming.
18:41:04 <myname> i already fail to accomplish shit in latex due to expanding issues
18:41:11 <myname> edef doesn't help, sadly
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18:51:17 <zzo38> I have written the following macro: \def\ecall#1{\begingroup\edef\next{\endgroup#1}\next} It often helps with some things
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18:51:30 <zzo38> Although, expanding issues in TeX can sometimes be confusing
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19:04:33 <zzo38> It fully expands the text before executing it
19:05:21 <myname> well, i do get "missing }" errors out of edef
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19:54:46 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Special:Log/newusers]] create * HYPotenuser * New user account
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20:04:21 <BloodGod> Im trying to figure out how to decrypt some encrypted smali. Woo.
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22:25:22 <hppavilion[1]> Huh. For some reason my doubly-linked list loops back on itself after a certain point
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22:38:54 <hppavilion[1]> The offending line seems to be conductor=conductor->next;, though I could very, /very/ easily be wrong
22:39:19 <hppavilion[1]> I removed all recursion in case it was stack overflowing. That was not the issue.
22:39:55 <hppavilion[1]> (that conductor=conductor->next; is in a "while(conductor->next!=NULL){...}" loop)
22:40:07 <hppavilion[1]> (I'm attempting to find the last item in the list)
22:41:00 <hppavilion[1]> shachaf: Not if you only follow the "next" pointers
22:44:09 <hppavilion[1]> After the loop is conductor->next = &nd; nd.prev = conductor; and then the function is over
22:44:51 <hppavilion[1]> conductor is a pointer to the current node when it starts, nd is the argument of the function and should be another node; the one you want to add.
22:47:27 <hppavilion[1]> quintopia: Couldn't find anything on the internet that implements it themselves. At least, nothing good
22:48:36 <quintopia> you should probably do conductor.next = &nd instead
22:52:05 <hppavilion[1]> quintopia: Because I am fumbling my way around until it works and when I did that, it stuck.
22:53:40 <quintopia> nd is the actual node, not a pointer
22:54:14 <hppavilion[1]> Now I can't figure out how to access an arbitrary node with #include <list>
22:54:28 <fizzie> It's not necessarily "fine"; I think we're missing quite a lot of context.
22:55:25 <fizzie> I mean, if it's e.g. an automatically allocated object, generally putting pointers at one into a linked list is only useful in rare circumstances.
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