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00:02:02 <zzo38> Of when what is done?
00:05:26 <oerjan> zzo38: the wiki converts ais523's customary spam block lengths of 24 years into that for some reason.
00:06:04 <ais523> it wasn't me who invented them
00:06:09 <ais523> they were already customary by the time I was made an admin
00:06:25 <oerjan> iirc it started around the same time that time wrapped past the unix 2038 limit, right?
00:06:36 <ais523> `` echo $((4*3600+19*60+12))
00:06:48 <oerjan> what happens if you use 21 years?
00:07:10 <ais523> oerjan: when we hit the Y2038 limit, for a while 24-year blocks didn't work, then after an upgrade they did but with that weird 15552-second offset
00:09:00 -!- mauris_ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds).
00:11:09 <oerjan> as far as i can see in https://esolangs.org/wiki/Special:Block/, the actual expiry time listed is 24 years ahead, no offset (unless the seconds are wrong, i didn't see those)
00:12:33 <oerjan> `` date '+%s' Sun, 29 Jan 2040 19:16:25 GMT
00:12:36 <HackEgo> date: extra operand `Sun,' \ Try `date --help' for more information.
00:12:42 <oerjan> `` date '+%s' 'Sun, 29 Jan 2040 19:16:25 GMT'
00:12:44 <HackEgo> date: extra operand `Sun, 29 Jan 2040 19:16:25 GMT' \ Try `date --help' for more information.
00:13:47 <oerjan> `` date '+%s' --date='Sun, 29 Jan 2040 19:16:25 GMT'
00:13:57 <oerjan> `` date '+%s' --date='Sun, 29 Jan 2016 19:16:25 GMT'
00:14:10 <oerjan> > 2211477385 - 1454094985
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00:16:33 <oerjan> it's an exact multiple...
00:16:42 <oerjan> > 757382400 `mod` 15552
00:17:20 <oerjan> that cannot be a coincidence
00:18:03 <oerjan> > second (`divMod` 60) $ 15552 `divMod` 3600
00:18:56 <oerjan> ais523: that _is_ quite eerie, the extra offset is a divisor of the correct one
00:20:15 <ais523> !c int main(void) { printf("%f", (double)(float)757382400); }
00:20:22 <ais523> !c int main(void) { printf("%f", (double)(float)757382400); }
00:20:36 <ais523> !c printf("%f", (double)(float)757382400);
00:20:51 <ais523> !c printf("%f", (double)(float)757382400000000.);
00:20:52 <EgoBot> 757382384713728.000000
00:21:07 <ais523> probably isn't a floating point rounding situation
00:22:50 <oerjan> the correct offset is 48700*15552, the reported one is 48701*15552
00:28:05 <HackEgo> 15552: 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
00:28:14 <oerjan> oh that's a pretty number
00:28:34 <oerjan> not that unlikely it might appear somewhere, then
00:29:48 -!- hppavilion[1] has joined.
00:30:09 <HackEgo> 86400: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5
00:30:47 <oerjan> factors of 2 might spring into existence easily, but 3?
00:32:05 -!- boomboompsh has quit (Quit: Page closed).
00:34:20 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Special:Log/block]] block * Oerjan * blocked [[User:114 buy levitra]] with an expiry time of 2 decades, 3 years, 10 hours, 8 minutes and 24 seconds (account creation disabled): Blocking this ancient obvious spam account for an experiment
00:35:32 <oerjan> `` date '+%s' --date='Sun, 30 Jan 2039 00:34:18 GMT'
00:35:44 <oerjan> `` date '+%s' --date='Sun, 30 Jan 2016 00:34:18 GMT'
00:35:49 <ais523> `echo $((10*3600+8*60+24))
00:35:56 <ais523> `` echo $((10*3600+8*60+24))
00:36:22 <ais523> > (2179960458-1454114058)
00:36:27 <ais523> > (2179960458-1454114058) / 36504
00:37:04 <ais523> typo somewhere? or just a coincidence lurking somewhere?
00:37:09 <ais523> 24 years has a lot of factors
00:40:01 <HackEgo> 725882904: 2 2 2 3 3 3 3360569
00:40:18 <HackEgo> 725846400: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 31 271
00:41:55 <hppavilion[1]> Also, I think that mediawiki should measure "2 decades" as "1 score"
00:42:07 <oerjan> hppavilion[1]: trying to find out the reason for mediawiki's weird block length reporting bug
00:43:02 <oerjan> hppavilion[1]: it reports 24 years as 2 decades, 4 years, 4 hours, 19 minutes and 12 seconds and i just now checked that 23 years -> 2 decades, 3 years, 10 hours, 8 minutes and 24 seconds
00:44:25 <oerjan> the 24 year one had an eerie coincidence that the 23 year one doesn't.
00:49:26 <fizzie> http://sprunge.us/iBVG?php is what it uses to go from seconds to a list of things.
00:50:15 <fizzie> With http://sprunge.us/XaFK?php for the $durationIntervals table.
00:51:13 -!- hppavilion[1] has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds).
00:52:16 <fizzie> Since "years" is based on what I assume to be an average year length over a 400-year interval, but the seconds it starts from uses the exact leap years for the particular time span, I'd assume that to go at least somewhat wrong.
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00:53:47 <oerjan> > 757382400 `divMod` 31556952
00:54:24 <fizzie> Well, that seems quite confirmationary.
00:54:47 <fizzie> > 725846400 `divMod` 31556952
00:56:35 <fizzie> That's what you get by trying to human-format a "duration" given as a number of seconds rather than a start and end timestamp.
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01:00:57 <oerjan> does irssi have a command to tell it "pretend this server has already lagged out and reconnect already"
01:01:44 * oerjan sees in the logs that his most important message got through just in time
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01:02:54 <oerjan> ais523: well, mystery solved
01:03:30 <oerjan> it was both simpler and more stupid than hoped
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01:04:53 <oerjan> ais523: the reporting is done with a flawed algorithm for splitting out the years
01:05:15 <ais523> ah right, the X hours we see is actually made out of amortized leap days?
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01:07:27 <oerjan> > 86400 * ( 365 + ( 24 * 3 + 25 ) / 400
01:07:29 <lambdabot> parse error (possibly incorrect indentation or mismatched brackets)
01:07:35 <oerjan> > 86400 * ( 365 + ( 24 * 3 + 25 ) / 400 )
01:07:53 <oerjan> > 86400 * ( 365 + ( 24 * 3 + 25 ) / 400 ) :: CReal
01:07:55 -!- glowcoil_ has changed nick to glowcoil.
01:08:10 <oerjan> heh it's at least a whole number of seconds
01:11:14 <oerjan> if it hadn't been, maybe they would have thought twice.
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01:12:32 <oerjan> also, this means the bug has nothing to do with crossing 2038 per se
01:12:56 <oerjan> it should show up almost every time you have a duration > a year
01:18:01 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Special:Log/move]] move * Oerjan * moved [[]] to [[User talk:]]: This does not belong in the main namespace; really you should register to get a proper user page but this'll have to do for now.
01:25:25 <fizzie> I was confused about that.
01:28:47 <lambdabot> ENVA 300050Z 25035G48KT 9999 FEW055 06/M02 Q0968 RMK WIND 670FT 26026G48KT
01:29:42 <fizzie> Ooh: 35 knots, 48 in gusts.
01:29:46 <fizzie> Except I still can't read that.
01:30:07 <lambdabot> EGLL 300120Z AUTO 22016KT 9999 -RA OVC010 11/10 Q1009 NOSIG
01:30:24 <fizzie> It was slightly windy here earlier, but not really.
01:30:51 <oerjan> it might be abating here too
01:34:17 <izabera> "Knowledge of the main components of an application architecture." what does this mean?
01:37:28 <izabera> reading this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Applications_architecture i don't really understand if that's a real thing or it just means to know how a system is designed
01:39:29 <fizzie> I have a vague suspicion it's not the applications architecture your quote is talking about.
01:39:47 <izabera> then i'm not sure what it is
01:41:04 <fizzie> But the latter thing insists on calling it "applications architecture", plural, while your quote doesn't, which makes me think it's more about the architecture of a single application.
01:41:05 <oerjan> i think the last issue in the top box might be relevant hth
01:41:49 <fizzie> Well. I'm sure buzzwords feature heavily in whatever the "correct" meaning is, as well.
01:42:43 <fizzie> "To create patterns, one needs building blocks. Building blocks are components of software, mostly reusable, which can be utilized to create certain functions. -- An application is a compilation of various functionalities, all typically following the same pattern. This pattern defines the application’s pattern."
01:44:04 <fizzie> Sounds pretty enterprise.
01:45:21 <fizzie> I don't think that is a very good encyclopedia article.
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01:48:52 <fizzie> I clicked the "Zachman Framework" link and now I'm regretting it.
01:50:43 <fizzie> On the other hand, at least now I know that an "event list" is the contextual when, while a "data entity specification" is the physical what.
01:51:40 * izabera was applying for a junior sysadmin position and this was in the requirements
01:55:45 <fizzie> In that case, you might have been right, and it could have been something vaguely related to the notion of applications architecture the Wikipedia page was about. Maybe.
01:56:37 <fizzie> "Row-six provides measured return on investment for Individual Projects and, potentially, for the entire investment portfolio. Without row-six the Framework only identifies sunk-cost, but the row-six ROI permits it to measure benefits and to be used in a continuous improvement process, capturing best practices and applying them back through row-two."
01:56:56 <fizzie> I'm entirely unable to distinguish between "serious" enterprise architecture talk, and parody of enterprise architecture talk.
01:59:57 <fizzie> "The Zachman Framework methodology has for example been used by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to develop and maintain its One-VA Enterprise Architecture --" didn't I hear something in the news about how they've got years of backlog in processing applications there?
02:00:12 <fizzie> Well, I'm sure https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zachman_Framework#/media/File:VA_EA_Meta-Model_Cell_Details_Enlarged.jpg will take care of all that in no time at all.
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02:11:54 <izabera> found another one and they want a sysadmin that can work on unix/linux/windows, knows access, mysql, mssql, vba, cups... aaaand.... ms office and cobol
02:13:29 <fizzie> Are you sure you're reading a real job listings site?
02:13:55 <izabera> who the fuck writes cobol in 2016
02:14:26 <fizzie> People who are desperately trying to maintain a legacy system in some sort of a working order, is my guess.
02:14:27 <izabera> or even in the last 20 years
02:16:45 <olsner> izabera: another channel I'm in runs a cobol bot
02:16:55 <olsner> (they also have quotes on gopher, so eh)
02:17:36 <izabera> kind of surprised that this channel doesn't have a cobol bot
02:17:52 <olsner> fungot: are you cobol?
02:17:52 <fungot> olsner: i see, so ( letrec* ( ( a 2 1) ' (
02:17:58 <fizzie> We have a Gopher enthusiast regular, at least.
02:18:19 <fizzie> fungot: That doesn't look like COBOL at all
02:18:20 <fungot> fizzie: something to read that paper all the time when theorems were making forced entry. as an explanation, but you can have a hope of educating myself in order to
02:18:37 <olsner> hm, that looks slightly more like cobol
02:29:58 <oerjan> stupid monospace makes them hard to distinguish
02:30:47 <oerjan> there was this guy here once who knew cobol. *something*iggins
02:31:15 <oerjan> i think he was older than me
02:32:35 <pikhq_> I... also know COBOL, sadly.
02:41:53 <izabera> where do i find a cobol interpreter to set up a bot?
02:43:06 <pikhq_> Not easily: it's largely compiled.
02:44:09 <izabera> do you need something like
02:44:19 <izabera> i dunno, special whitespace things?
02:44:43 <izabera> or can you write a whole function in a single line?
02:44:48 <pikhq_> Oh my shit yes. In traditional COBOL, *columns* are significant.
02:45:28 <fizzie> That's the case for traditional FORTRAN as well.
02:45:54 <pikhq_> And freeform COBOL is not very common.
02:46:05 <FireFly> The joy of working with ancient technology?
02:47:14 <fizzie> Freeform FORTRAN was introduced in Fortran 95, and might be relatively common.
02:47:19 <fizzie> As far as these things go.
02:48:20 <FireFly> INTERCAL depended on using backspace to combine characters originally, didn't it?
02:49:03 <izabera> this gnu cobol thing has a gui
02:49:16 <FireFly> Old APL charsets did that too (and of course the original typeballs did too); I guess it was pretty popular back then
02:49:38 <FireFly> Right, the backspace glyph
02:49:47 <pikhq_> Though a pain to type, and won't render right, it'll still "work".
02:50:12 <FireFly> Vim has an option to have infix backspace compose digraphs in insert-mode
02:50:33 <FireFly> It's not exactly overstriking, but I guess it's somewhat similar
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02:57:08 <lambdabot> EGLL 300250Z AUTO 26019KT 9999 -RA BKN012/// BKN025/// OVC042/// //////CB 11/09 Q1008 RERA TEMPO SCT012
02:57:58 <fizzie> Huh. That's apparently for "recent" weather.
02:58:30 <fizzie> So "light rain, recently less so".
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03:10:45 <oerjan> it's for those pesky backwards-in-time flying planes
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03:23:33 <zzo38> How do you do memcpy between different buffers in a JavaScript code?
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03:30:15 <zzo38> Nevermind I figured it out
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05:24:15 <zzo38> I think the debugger built-in to Firefox is defective
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06:04:25 <zzo38> I find ZORKMID is useful not only for debugging Z-machine story files, but also for debugging other Z-machine implementations.
06:13:11 <zzo38> And, ZORKMID is a implementation of Z-machine that I have written in C, and includes a debugger (although it is also usable just for play game even without using the debugger)
06:20:20 <zzo38> The name is short for "Zork Machine Interpreter and Debugger"
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06:27:06 <zzo38> But there are many options too, so you can use "zorkmid -rh" to disable save games and debugging, in case a secure environment is required.
06:28:26 <hppavilion[1]> One of the most popular searches for porn in Hawaii is "Hawaii"
06:31:25 <hppavilion[1]> (I really hope you mean you don't know, less that be a bit embarrassing xD)
06:43:41 <hppavilion[1]> If we were to just use porn consumption per capita as a predictor of political orientation, we could have predicted the results of the 2012 elections with 70% accuracy.
06:43:58 <hppavilion[1]> (src: http://www.pornhub.com/insights/red-versus-blue-us-states/)
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14:52:51 <HackEgo> perpetual motion machine/Perpetual motion machines came with FreeFull's phone. They were hallucinated by Slereah's lack of entropy.
14:53:31 <boily> `culprits wisdom/perpetual\ motion\ machine
14:53:44 <boily> `` culprits wisdom/perpetual\ motion\ machine
14:53:49 <HackEgo> oerjan elliott boily boily
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15:57:14 <fizzie> https://googledrive.com/host/0B4J9OAzXNfZAcG5vcDhkWGFKd3M IMPORTANT: DANGER DEER
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16:39:01 <lambdabot> LOWI 301620Z 16016G28KT 110V190 CAVOK 11/M01 Q1016 WS R08 NOSIG
16:41:28 <lambdabot> CYUL 301600Z 21004KT 15SM BKN017 OVC100 M07/M11 A2994 RMK ST6AS2 SLP141
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17:59:40 <oerjan> @tell hppavilion[1] <hppavilion[1]> (I swear, I have no clue how I wound up there) <-- well i know why i did (for SCIENCE). alas, i note that several of the comments point out much of this can be explained by variation in broadband penetration between states.
18:00:37 <oerjan> @tell hppavilion[1] so it's ice cream causing shark attacks all over again
18:02:06 <oerjan> (mainly i clicked because i realized my prejudices were about evenly split about which of republicans and democrats would be watching the most porn)
18:06:22 <fizzie> I think from the stereotypes, republicans should be more hypocritical about it?
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18:33:13 <boily> shikhin: shellokhin. identity crisis?
18:33:42 <shikhin> Yes. I also go by a God named driyoyleujiy in my free time. nortti is my agent, talk to em if you want to.
18:34:06 <boily> nortti: nellortti. shikhin is a god?
18:34:27 <nortti> yes. a chaotic evil one, at that
18:37:35 * nortti ponders the consequences of being a high priest of a malevolent god
18:38:08 * shikhin lures nortti in with promises of a world filled with esoteric languages and Hindu routers.
18:38:31 <nortti> ...that's a world I already live in
18:38:53 <shikhin> Then you must consider the possibility that you already are my high priest.
18:40:30 * shikhin procrastinates on doing malevolent stuff.
18:40:50 <nortti> that's one good part of you
18:41:25 <boily> `learn shikhin is a Malevolent God, who will promise you stuff tomorrow.
18:41:28 <HackEgo> Learned 'shikhin': shikhin is a Malevolent God, who will promise you stuff tomorrow.
18:41:34 <HackEgo> nortti boy. very nortti boy.
18:42:01 -!- Reece_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
18:42:16 <boily> `learn nortti is a very nortti boy. He yielded to shikhin's promises, and now is his High Priest.
18:42:19 <HackEgo> Learned 'nortti': nortti is a very nortti boy. He yielded to shikhin's promises, and now is his High Priest.
18:42:36 <nortti> damnit, was going to add that myself, using sed -i
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19:50:30 <HackEgo> hg log --removed "$1" | grep summary: | awk '{print substr($2,2,length($2)-2)}' | sed "s/.$/\x0F&/" | xargs
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20:14:57 <int-e> it's nicely compositional
20:18:23 <fizzie> Put some cats in between.
20:19:03 <fizzie> That's the sort of pipeline I write when doing one-offs, because it's just how I think them up.
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20:44:46 <zzo38> I think awk could even do the grep and sed steps too you can have a condition for each block, which can be a regular expression
20:46:29 <HackEgo> cat: cat cat: No such file or directory
20:46:35 <HackEgo> Meow~~ >^.^< \ Meow~~ >^.^<
20:47:13 <fizzie> `` cat cat | cat | cat - cat
20:47:14 <HackEgo> Meow~~ >^.^< \ Meow~~ >^.^<
20:47:44 <HackEgo> bash: neko: command not found
20:48:19 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: dog: not found
20:50:39 <int-e> `` tac <(echo a;echo b) <(echo c;echo d)
20:50:41 <HackEgo> tac: cannot create temporary file in `/tmp': Invalid argument
20:52:04 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: `echo: not found
20:52:17 <fizzie> You want a space after ``.
20:52:22 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: : not found
20:53:04 <int-e> bash stole a few cute ideas from zsh
20:54:51 -!- Melvar` has joined.
20:54:56 <fizzie> It's just calling mkstemp on a string that says "/tmp/tacXXXXXX".
20:55:01 <fizzie> Assuming it's the coreutils tac.
20:55:19 <int-e> but why does that go wrong?
20:56:02 <fizzie> It doesn't have strace. :/
20:56:11 <fizzie> I wanted to see what exactly it's trying that returns EINVAL.
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20:57:48 <fizzie> `` t=$(mktemp "/tmp/tacXXXXXX"); ls -l $t; rm $t
20:57:49 <HackEgo> -rw------- 1 5000 487868 0 Jan 30 20:57 /tmp/tacH2R8sT
20:57:54 <fizzie> I mean, that's just fine.
20:58:28 -!- XorSwap has joined.
20:59:25 <fizzie> `` tac <(echo a; echo b)
20:59:31 <fizzie> And that is fine as well.
20:59:42 <fizzie> But once you add a second pipe, no.
20:59:47 <fizzie> `` tac <(echo a; echo b) cat
21:00:28 <int-e> so that leaves lseek (unlikely) and ftruncate...
21:00:45 -!- Melvar` has joined.
21:01:20 <fizzie> AFAICT, it would be creating a temp file for any non-seekable file. I'm confused as to why adding a second one would make it barf.
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21:01:32 <int-e> fizzie: it reuses the temp file
21:01:49 <int-e> (at least according to my local strace output)
21:02:26 <fizzie> Missed the "static" part.
21:02:52 <fizzie> But it should give a different error if it failed while seeking.
21:03:17 <fizzie> The "failed to create temporary file in %s" occurs only in the initial if (tempfile == NULL) branch. Maybe it's some sort of a ulimit.
21:03:38 <int-e> `` tac <(echo a;echo b) <(echo c;echo d)
21:03:39 <HackEgo> tac: cannot create temporary file in `/tmp': Invalid argument
21:03:56 <int-e> `` tac <(echo a;echo b) <(echo c;echo d) <(echo e;echo f) <(echo g;echo h)
21:03:58 <HackEgo> tac: cannot create temporary file in `/tmp': Invalid argument \ tac: cannot create temporary file in `/tmp': Invalid argument \ tac: cannot create temporary file in `/tmp': Invalid argument \ b \ a
21:04:39 <int-e> maybe that tac is buggy?
21:04:45 <HackEgo> tac (GNU coreutils) 8.13 \ Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. \ License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>. \ This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. \ There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. \ \ Written by Jay Lepreau and David MacKenzie.
21:05:32 <HackEgo> /dev/fd/63 /dev/fd/62 /dev/fd/61
21:05:55 <izabera> not sure why it doesn't work with tac
21:07:33 <fizzie> Oh, that's a different error string than in the tac source I'm looking at.
21:08:26 <fizzie> The one I'm looking at says "failed to create temporary file"; that tac says "cannot create temporary file".
21:09:37 <fizzie> The coreutils 8.13 apparently comes from before they invented the tempfile reuse.
21:10:01 <int-e> fizzie: the 8.13 version of tac is just buggy: it makes no attempt to reuse the temp file, and the 'template' variable is reused without being reinitialized; so the second time, there's no XXXXXX in there anymore
21:10:02 <fizzie> This one's copy_to_temp always makes a new file.
21:10:31 <izabera> is that what ubuntu is shipping?
21:10:44 <int-e> izabera: the VM is rather old.
21:11:11 <fizzie> The system it's running on has tac 8.23.
21:11:33 <HackEgo> /hackenv/bin:/opt/python27/bin:/opt/ghc/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
21:11:41 <izabera> well, let's write our own tac
21:12:14 <HackEgo> bash: line 0: type: gawk: not found \ awk is /usr/bin/awk
21:12:22 <fizzie> But hackbot has its own chroot, and I haven't been touching that.
21:12:57 <HackEgo> compiled limits: \ max NF 32767 \ sprintf buffer 2040 \ mawk 1.3.3 Nov 1996, Copyright (C) Michael D. Brennan
21:13:09 <HackEgo> compiled limits: \ max NF 32767 \ sprintf buffer 2040 \ mawk 1.3.3 Nov 1996, Copyright (C) Michael D. Brennan
21:13:23 <izabera> is this some sort of stripped ubuntu?
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21:25:50 <izabera> `` printf 'FNR == 1{ for (i = max; i >= 1; i--) print a[i] } { a[max=FNR] = $0 } END { for (i = max; i >= 1; i--) print a[i] }' > bin/tac; chmod +x bin/tac
21:26:01 <izabera> `` tac <(echo a;echo b) <(echo c;echo d)
21:26:03 <HackEgo> /hackenv/bin/tac: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `(' \ /hackenv/bin/tac: line 1: `FNR == 1{ for (i = max; i >= 1; i--) print a[i] } { a[max=FNR] = $0 } END { for (i = max; i >= 1; i--) print a[i] }'
21:26:51 <izabera> `` printf '#!/usr/bin/awk\nFNR == 1 { for (i = max; i >= 1; i--) print a[i] } { a[max=FNR] = $0 } END { for (i = max; i >= 1; i--) print a[i] }' > bin/tac
21:26:56 <izabera> `` tac <(echo a;echo b) <(echo c;echo d)
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21:28:49 <HackEgo> #!/usr/bin/awk \ FNR == 1 { for (i = max; i >= 1; i--) print a[i] } { a[max=FNR] = $0 } END { for (i = max; i >= 1; i--) print a[i] }
21:30:05 <zzo38> Maybe you should install GNU awk (I think on Ubuntu you have to use the program name "gawk" for GNU awk; "awk" is mawk instead)
21:32:50 <izabera> `` printf '#!/bin/bash\nfor file do mapfile -t lines < "$file"; for (( i = ${#lines[@]} -1; i >= 0; i-- )) do printf "%%s\\n" "${lines[i]}"; done done' > bin/tac
21:32:55 <izabera> `` tac <(echo a;echo b) <(echo c;echo d)
21:33:42 <izabera> prints the lines in reverse order
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21:36:41 <fizzie> izabera: It's a Debian 7.3 in a chroot.
21:36:55 <fizzie> Probably with a rather limited selection of packages.
21:37:00 <izabera> that's why everything is so old
21:37:27 <fizzie> (The thing around it is a regular Debian 8.2, because I accidentally upgraded it the other day.)
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22:06:31 <\oren\> I got two ships in rendezvous to a few metres!
22:07:06 <\oren\> Only using a rocket, no RCS!
22:13:17 <\oren\> http://ctrlv.in/704702
22:15:53 -!- hppavilion[1] has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds).
22:16:51 <Elronnd> last I checked it was ~20-30 dollars
22:17:35 <\oren\> Elronnd: the canadian dollar has eakened
22:18:32 <\oren\> uh... that's wierd then
22:19:10 -!- hppavilion[1] has joined.
22:20:11 <int-e> it's yet another time sink
22:21:00 -!- Reece2 has quit (Quit: Alsithyafturttararfunar.).
22:21:05 <Elronnd> KSP_demo_linux.zip 98%[=========================> ] 470.21M 2.29MB/s eta 5s
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22:43:46 <fizzie> Steam had it in the sale, though skipped.
22:45:05 <fizzie> Heh, Steam's store page for the KSP demo: "English language not supported. This product does not have support for your local language. Please review the supported language list below before purchasing."
22:47:17 <fizzie> I guess it's all in Kerbalese.
22:53:09 <zzo38> If English is not supported, see if the language can be switched to American or Canadian instead
22:54:13 <quintopia> am i the only one here without double letters
22:55:27 <quintopia> although i cant claim its not paying attention
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23:05:38 <fizzie> Is there a "show unused imports" tool for Haskell that's sort of de-facto standard?
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23:08:10 <fizzie> Hm, -fwarn-unused-imports in ghc maybe.
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23:28:08 <hppavilion[1]> I want to make an esowiki article on the ban/nat/nit/nepit
23:29:03 <hppavilion[1]> Or should I roll all the strange units of measurement into one big article?
23:29:38 <hppavilion[1]> (ban/nat/nit/nepit is a base-e unit of measurement to the bit's base-2)
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23:55:51 <zzo38> I think you should put them together in one article, probably.
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