00:04:02 -!- augur has joined.
00:09:07 -!- oerjan has joined.
00:13:52 <oerjan> i suppose none of them happen to be quines.
00:14:08 <oerjan> it didn't even differ.
00:14:13 <HackEso> #!/usr/bin/perl \ $c=unpack"C",$ARGV[0];print+($c&1?"H":"h"),"ello",($c&2?"":","),($c&4?" W":" w"),"orld",($c&16?$c&8?",":"!":$c&8?".":""),($c&32?"":"\n");
00:14:31 <HackEso> 8838:2016-07-24 <wob_jonäs> `` e=bin/hello;>$e echo $\'#!/usr/bin/perl\\n\'\'$c=unpack"C",$ARGV[0];print+($c&1?"H":"h"),"ello",($c&2?"":","),($c&4?" W":" w"),"orld",($c&16?$c&8?",":"!":$c&8?".":""),($c&32?"":"\\n");\' \ 8837:2016-07-24 <wob_jonäs> `` e=bin/hello;>$e echo $\'#!/usr/bin/perl\\n\'\'$c=unpack"C",$ARGV[0];print+($c&1?"H":"h"),"ello",($c&2?"":","),($c&4?" W":" w"),"orld",($c&16?"!":$c&8?".":""),($c&32?"":"\\n");\' \ 8836:2016-07-24 <wob_jona
00:14:40 <HackEso> 2/4:jonäs> `` e=bin/hello;>$e echo $\'#!/usr/bin/perl\\n\'\'$c=unpack"C",pack"h2",$ARGV[0];print+($c&1?"H":"h"),"ello",($c&2?"":","),($c&4?" W":" w"),"orld",($c&16?"!":$c&8?".":""),($c&32?"":"\\n");\' \ 8835:2016-07-24 <wob_jonäs> `` e=bin/hello;>$e echo $\'#!/usr/bin/perl\\n\'\'$c=unpack"C",pack"h",$ARGV[0];print+($c&1?"H":"h"),"ello",($c&2?"":","),($c&4?" W":" w"),"orld",($c&8?".":""),"\\n";\' \ 8834:2016-07-24 <wob_jonäs> `` e=bin/hello;>$e echo $
00:15:15 <shachaf> Is there some sort of standard compactification functor that takes the naturals to the extended naturals and the reals to the extended reals?
00:16:12 <oerjan> oh i see the difference was a newline, so invisible.
00:18:46 <oerjan> there's the alexandrov compactification, but that only adds 1 point.
00:20:28 <oerjan> shachaf: what exactly do you mean by the extended naturals and reals? adding negative and positive infinity?
00:21:11 <oerjan> i think that's particularly hard to do for naturals, since they are topologically discrete so the order isn't a topological property
00:21:40 <oerjan> which means you cannot canonically choose what sequences have limits -inf vs. +inf
00:22:09 <oerjan> for the reals it seems possible at least.
00:22:22 <shachaf> For N I want to add +inf, for R I want to add +inf and -inf
00:22:38 <shachaf> I guess for Z I want to add -inf too, which is a good argument that it's not really just a topological thing.
00:23:24 <shachaf> What do I want to do for R^2?
00:23:27 <oerjan> so you'd want a completion as ordered topological spaces
00:23:44 <oerjan> which doesn't work for R^2.
00:24:01 <shachaf> But talking about limits for R^2 makes sense.
00:24:41 <shachaf> I'm trying to figure out whether L, defined as Lf(x) = lim_{y -> x} {f(y)}, is some sort of functor.
00:26:28 <oerjan> you have the Stone–Čech compactification which adds heaps of points.
00:27:12 <shachaf> Well, I don't mind restricting it.
00:27:53 <shachaf> Apparently one-point compactification is a functor if you restrict it to proper maps (where preimages of compact subsets are compact).
00:28:26 <shachaf> Also I think I want to extend Q to the extended reals? To make limits work.
00:28:40 <shachaf> This might be a pretty ad-hoc non-functor.
00:28:55 <oerjan> for R^2 you might want a circle, for the projective plane.
00:29:11 <shachaf> A circle is what I was thinking.
00:29:29 <oerjan> although maybe not identifying opposite directions.
00:29:36 <oerjan> i mean the circle at infinity.
00:30:13 <shachaf> How are limits of functions : R^2 -> R usually defined?
00:31:19 <oerjan> i suppose it's not topological either, though, since you can deform R^2, like e.g. rotating each point proportionally do its distance from (0,0).
00:31:59 <oerjan> so lines through the origin would become spirals
00:33:15 <oerjan> you pretty much need to define something like a path to take the limit along
00:33:30 <oerjan> (universally, a net or filter.)
00:38:21 <oerjan> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/End_(topology) is a different method that actually adds two points to R, but only one to R^2.
00:41:53 <oerjan> found in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compactification_(mathematics)#Other_compactification_theories
00:43:46 <shachaf> oerjan: Oh, that's interesting.
00:44:18 <shachaf> Whata does it do to discrete spaces?
00:48:24 <shachaf> the end compactification is not always compact #scow
00:49:54 -!- sprocklem has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds).
00:51:12 <shachaf> Hmm, is Lf(Lg(x)) = L(f.g)(x) anyway, even disregarding infinity?
00:51:54 <shachaf> That would mean lim_{y -> lim_{z -> x}{g(y)}}{f(z)} = lim_{z -> x}{f(g(z))}
00:58:47 * oerjan suddenly noticed he'd forgot to close the veranda(?) door
00:59:05 <oerjan> it took surprisingly long to get cold enough to notice
00:59:10 <lambdabot> ENVA 180050Z 07003KT 310V120 CAVOK 10/02 Q1014 RMK WIND 670FT 16008KT
00:59:29 -!- wob_jonas has joined.
00:59:33 <HackEso> hello hello hello, what's all this then?
00:59:42 <HackEso> `hello prints variants of hello, world. To control format, pass a single letter as command-line argument. "@"=>"hello, world", "H"=>"hello, world.", P=>"hello, world!", "X"=>"hello, world,", take 1 letter later to s/h/H/, 2 letter later to s/d,/d/, 4 letter later to s/w/W/, lowercase to remove newline.
01:00:10 <oerjan> wob_jonas: i know. i just wondered if any combination was a quine, but that won't work.
01:00:41 <wob_jonas> yeah, it won't work because this always prints the comma
01:00:52 <wob_jonas> it doesn't always print the comma, I'm stupid
01:02:46 <oerjan> <shachaf> Hmm, is Lf(Lg(x)) = L(f.g)(x) anyway <-- it seems to me you could carefully construct f and g so that f.g was nowhere defined but Lf and Lg are total.
01:03:57 <oerjan> wob_jonas: it doesn't work because the command character must be W or w, neither of which works.
01:05:06 <oerjan> shachaf: like, f and g could be identity functions on two disjoint dense subsets of R.
01:08:01 <oerjan> still might work with something like Cantor dust?
01:10:11 <oerjan> if the inverse of a compact set is compact, then any added limit must be infinite, mustn't it?
01:10:38 <shachaf> Also this L operates on partial functions, I guess.
01:10:59 <oerjan> yeah i sort of interpreted it like that.
01:12:05 <oerjan> it might be different if Lf(x) requires f to be defined in (some neighboorhood of x)\{x}.
01:12:53 -!- tromp has joined.
01:16:27 -!- xkapastel has joined.
01:17:46 -!- tromp has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds).
01:28:25 <oerjan> `` grwp oerjan | wc -l # why you all forget grwp
01:28:49 <HackEso> /srv/hackeso-code/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: cbt: not found
01:29:04 <shachaf> `mkx bin/cbt//cat bin/"$1"
01:29:10 <HackEso> #! /bin/bash \ cd wisdom; shopt -s dotglob; grep -R "$@" -- *
01:30:21 <oerjan> `learn `cbt was the moment when bin/ jumped the shark.
01:30:23 <HackEso> Learned '`cbt': `cbt was the moment when bin/ jumped the shark.
01:31:52 <oerjan> i suppose i cannot complain that it doesn't fit our naming scheme.
01:31:54 -!- variable has joined.
01:32:07 <HackEso> cat: bin/cwt: No such file or directory
01:32:52 -!- sleffy has joined.
01:35:01 <shachaf> oerjan: come on, bin/ was way past the shark
01:35:28 <shachaf> Also "our naming scheme" is terrible and ad-hoc
01:36:08 <HackEso> cat: bin/grbp: No such file or directory
01:39:29 <oerjan> `le/rn taah//TaAH (Terrible and Ad-Hoc) is the naming scheme used for HackEso commands. It is highly acronymous and portmantic.
01:39:30 <HackEso> Learned 'taah': TaAH (Terrible and Ad-Hoc) is the naming scheme used for HackEso commands. It is highly acronymous and portmantic.
01:41:30 <HackEso> `! \ `# \ `fetch \ `help \ `hoag \ `run \ cookie \ guarantee \ hackego \ hackeso \ list \ med \ prefixes \ print_args_or_input \ ruddy \ source \ test \ tmp \ warranty \ web access \ zarutian \
01:41:54 <oerjan> `,2 grwp -i -l hackego
01:42:25 <oerjan> `,1 grwp -i -l hackego
01:42:26 <HackEso> 1/1:grep: invalid option -- ' ' \ Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]... \ Try 'grep --help' for more information.
01:42:51 <HackEso> 1/1:`! \ `# \ `fetch \ `help \ `hoag \ `run \ cookie \ guarantee \ hackego \ hackeso \ list \ med \ prefixes \ print_args_or_input \ ruddy \ source \ test \ tmp \ warranty \ web access \ zarutian \
01:43:13 <oerjan> `1 grwp -i -l hackego | tail -n 1 | cat -v
01:43:26 <shachaf> i propose using a different naming scheme for hackego and hackeso hth
01:43:57 <HackEso> https://hack.esolangs.org/tmp/paste/paste.5467
01:44:01 <oerjan> `1 grwp -i -l hackego | tail -n 1 | hexdump
01:44:03 <HackEso> 1/1:/hackenv/bin/`: line 5: hexdump: command not found
01:44:14 <oerjan> `` grwp -i -l hackego | tail -n 1 | xd
01:44:14 <HackEso> /hackenv/bin/`: line 5: xd: command not found
01:44:20 <oerjan> `` grwp -i -l hackego | tail -n 1 | xxd
01:44:21 <HackEso> /hackenv/bin/`: line 5: xxd: command not found
01:44:28 <HackEso> 000000 61 0a >a.< \ 000002
01:44:44 <oerjan> `` grwp -i -l hackego | tail -n 1 | hd
01:44:45 <HackEso> 000000 e3 80 80 0a >....< \ 000004
01:45:09 <oerjan> i suppose that's unicode.
01:45:42 <oerjan> `` icode "$(grwp -i -l hackego | tail -n 1)"
01:45:43 <HackEso> [U+3000 IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE]
01:47:59 <oerjan> shachaf: that also exists for portmantophobes
01:48:12 <oerjan> (except it still is one)
01:48:31 <oerjan> `` \? "$(grwp -i -l hackego | tail -n 1)"
01:48:32 <HackEso> is a space, unless you're hackego and don't understand wide characters.
01:50:24 <HackEso> * oerjan swats quintopia -----### \ <oerjan> Phantom_Hoover: it records all the big hits
01:50:35 <HackEso> cat: junk/bdsmreclist: No such file or directory
01:50:44 <oerjan> `doag junk/bdsmreclist
01:50:46 <HackEso> 7943:2016-05-07 <fizzïe> ` rm -r junk # it\'s junk \ 7876:2016-05-06 <shachäf> ` mv bdsmreclist junk/
01:53:38 -!- doesthiswork1 has joined.
01:53:38 -!- doesthiswork has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
01:54:02 <oerjan> <shachaf> whoa, what if e.g. vim syntax-highlighted regular expressions
01:54:43 * oerjan was just testing if the irssi line joining had somehow fixed itself.
01:58:50 <oerjan> <\oren\_> What if a language had the phoneme inventory: p t k f s x and nothing else <-- sounds like something you could use for a fantasy reptile species
02:02:30 <oerjan> hm with fizzie's length adjustment there should now be room for many more tanebventions
02:02:49 <wob_jonas> oh yeah, I wanted to comment on that. according to http://wals.info/chapter/2 , all spoken languages surveyed in WALS have vowels.
02:02:50 <HackEso> Tanebventions include necessity, Go, submarine jousting, Fueue, the universe, special relativity, metar, sand, dragons, persistence, the BBC, _46bit, progress, sanity, Italian, the grace period, the Oxford comma, ruin, and this sentence. See also tanebventions: maths or tanebventions: foods. He never invents anything involving sex.
02:03:00 <shachaf> Maybe some other people should tanebvent things and give Taneb a break.
02:03:03 <oerjan> certain wisdoms are bound to grow.
02:04:18 <wob_jonas> all languages surveyed in that chapter, at least
02:04:57 <wob_jonas> We might have to split the tanebventions properly, with the top-level wisdom only linking to three to eight other wisdoms.
02:05:12 <shachaf> `` grwp '' | sort-by-lengths | tac | tail -n+2
02:05:13 <HackEso> ance:Spelling of -ance/-ence words: advance, science, conference, experience, finance, insurance, licence, performance, reference, assistance, balance, defence, difference, distance, evidence, acceptance, appliance, audience, compliance, importance, influence, instance, intelligence, maintenance, preference, presence, sentence, sequence, substance, violence, absence, accordance, alliance, appearance, assurance, attendance, circumstance, clearance, confiden
02:05:16 <shachaf> `2 grwp '' | sort-by-lengths | tac | tail -n+2
02:05:18 <HackEso> 2/343:nfidence, consequence, entrance, excellence, existence, fragrance, governance, guidance, independence, offence, refinance, residence, resistance, romance. \ o:o is a popular comedy adventure fantasy webcomic. It's about a group of adventurers, heroes or warriors (whatever you want to call them) called the Order of the Stick, as they go about their adventures with minimal competence or knowledge of what they are doing, and eventually sort of stumble i
02:05:19 <wob_jonas> like tanebventions: math, tanebventions: foods, tanebventions: other
02:05:26 <HackEso> 3/343:nto a plan by an undead sorcerer to conquer the world, essentially, and they're out to stop him and conquer their personal problems at the same time. Hopefully not in that order, so they get their personal problems taken care of before the final battle. And it's a comedy. \ zarutian:You can trust Zarutian. He fixes, as an electronics technician, banal mistakes of electronics engineers. Rather cy(ph|b)erpunkish in outlook regarding the 'Net. Knows mor
02:05:45 <HackEso> 4/343:e about ocaps than you can imagine. Possesses an Icelandic unnerver that ejects freezingly hot lava out of its business end. Bears an 'Authentic fakes provider' seal from the guild of Realers. He is also known for making rather long HackEgo wisdom entries. Take for instance this entry. It has a whole subentry just on Icelandic unnerver. Even though the Icelandic unnerver has its own. \ brilliant:B҉ͭR̲̞Iͪ͞L̡͠L̝̊I̤ͣA̍҉N̏́T̈͡ ̐
02:06:23 <wob_jonas> ``` find wisdom -type f -exec wc -c {} \; | sort -n
02:06:40 <wob_jonas> ``` find wisdom -type f -exec wc -c {} \; | sort -nr
02:06:42 <HackEso> 1 wisdom/nak \ 1 wisdom/output \ 3 wisdom/cakeprophet \ 3 wisdom/doesthiswork \ 3 wisdom/døsthiswork \ 4 wisdom/døsthiswørk \ 4 wisdom/nooga \ 4 wisdom/Э \ 4 wisdom/э \ 7 wisdom/dy \ 7 wisdom/thanks ants \ 8 wisdom/him \ 9 wisdom/quine \ 9 wisdom/reversal \ 9 wisdom/whom \ 10 wisdom/for further details \ 10 wisdom/k \ 10 wisdom/watch \ 11 wisdom/haiku \ 11 wisdom/something-that-isn't-in-hackego's-wisdom \ 12 wisdom/1*1 \ 12 wisdom/? \ 12 wisdom/did \
02:06:57 <HackEso> 604 wisdom/ance \ 568 wisdom/o \ 557 wisdom/zarutian \ 477 wisdom/brilliant \ 430 wisdom/̸̸̼͚͇̮͕̳̞̤̜̯̪̪̱̣̠̺̹͍̩̝͚͕͓͚̙͓̪̮̟̜̣͙̪̂ͭ̎̏̔ͦ͒ͪ͌̾ͦͨ̚̚͢͢͠ͅ҉̴̢_͙̣͎͎͙̪̪̝̖͉̟̭̻̥̫̗̱̗͍̳̦̮̟̲̥͔̿̊ͣ̉ͣͪ͒̓̐͊̏ͫ̓̚̚҉̕͜͠͠҉̡̧̛͞ \ 429 wisdom/welcome.ru \ 420 wisdom/ᛁᚿ \ 406 wisdom/time cube \ 380 wisdom/speedy gonzales \ 350 wisdom/hydra \ 350 wisdom/can't \ 347 wisdom/wisest
02:07:28 -!- tromp has joined.
02:07:35 -!- augur has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
02:07:52 <HackEso> o is a popular comedy adventure fantasy webcomic. It's about a group of adventurers, heroes or warriors (whatever you want to call them) called the Order of the Stick, as they go about their adventures with minimal competence or knowledge of what they are doing, and eventually sort of stumble into a plan by an undead sorcerer to conquer the world, essentially, and they're out to stop him and conquer their personal problems at the same time. Hopefully not i
02:07:54 <wob_jonas> ``` find wisdom -type f -exec wc -c {} \; | sort -nr | tail -n+8
02:08:12 <HackEso> 406 wisdom/time cube \ 380 wisdom/speedy gonzales \ 350 wisdom/hydra \ 350 wisdom/can't \ 347 wisdom/wisest human \ 347 wisdom/gene ray \ 345 wisdom/tmp \ 343 wisdom/taneb \ 343 wisdom/select \ 340 wisdom/ent \ 336 wisdom/drone sex \ 334 wisdom/tanebvention \ 334 wisdom/font \ 329 wisdom/welcome.es \ 326 wisdom/hppavilion \ 325 wisdom/boily \ 323 wisdom/aristotle \ 319 wisdom/links \ 318 wisdom/=@ccc \ 315 wisdom/title \ 314 wisdom/sex \ 314 wisdom/#esoter
02:08:18 -!- sprocklem has joined.
02:08:23 <HackEso> 2/2:ot in that order, so they get their personal problems taken care of before the final battle. And it's a comedy.
02:08:23 <HackEso> Dr Gene Ray is the Greatest Philosopher, and is the Greatest Mathematician. Cubic Harmonics. Only Cubic Harmonics can save humanity. Cubic Harmonics will pacify all religions. 96-hour Cubic Day debunks 1-day unnatural god. 96-hour day willdisprove disunity god. Academians are teaching - pseudocience. Worshipping a Word God will destroy the USA.
02:08:26 <HackEso> EARTH HAS 4 CORNER SIMULTANEOUS 4-DAY TIME CUBE IN ONLY 24 HOUR ROTATION. 4 CORNER DAYS, CUBES 4 QUAD EARTH. Bible A Lie & Word Is Lies. Navel Connects 4 Corner 4s. God Is Born Of A Mother - She Left Belly B. Signature. Your dirty lying teachers use only the midnight to midnight 1 day (ignoring 3 other days) Time to not foul (already wrong) bible time. Lie that corrupts earth you educated stupid fools.
02:08:29 <HackEso> Dr Gene Ray is the Greatest Philosopher, and is the Greatest Mathematician. Cubic Harmonics. Only Cubic Harmonics can save humanity. Cubic Harmonics will pacify all religions. 96-hour Cubic Day debunks 1-day unnatural god. 96-hour day willdisprove disunity god. Academians are teaching - pseudocience. Worshipping a Word God will destroy the USA.
02:08:46 <HackEso> 7954:2016-05-07 <b_jonäs> `` cp -vi wisdom/gene\\ ray wisdom/wisest\\ human
02:08:48 <HackEso> 7973:2016-05-08 <b_jonäs> `` mv -vi wisdom/{professor\\ ,}gene\\ ray \ 7972:2016-05-08 <b_jonäs> `` mv -vi wisdom/{,professor\\ }gene\\ ray \ 7953:2016-05-07 <b_jonäs> slashlearn Gene Ray/Dr Gene Ray is the Greatest Philosopher, and is the Greatest Mathematician. Cubic Harmonics. Only Cubic Harmonics can save humanity. Cubic Harmonics will pacify all religions. 96-hour Cubic Day debunks 1-day unnatural god. 96-hour day willdisprove disunity god. Acad
02:12:21 -!- tromp has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds).
02:13:28 <HackEso> the neverending work//The Neverending Work is what boily is going through trying to map entries that are being put in at the same time.
02:14:33 <oerjan> wob_jonas: what i meant is that since HackEso's line limit is longer now, it will take longer before tanebventions need more splitting.
02:15:22 <wob_jonas> oerjan: um, ok, although we might want to display wisdoms in mediums other than full hackeso lines, such as in `5 w
02:15:42 <wob_jonas> but who am I to complain about long wisdoms, when I'm the one who created half of them?
02:16:21 <oerjan> sure, but we've tried to keep most of them below the limit.
02:18:24 <shachaf> For April Fools' day we should have put some inaccurate entries in the wisdom database.
02:21:53 <oerjan> shachaf: shocking. also the bot was dead then, that's why the password was so late...
02:22:24 <HackEso> wisdom is always factually accurate, except for this entry, and, uh, that other one? It started with, like, an ø?
02:28:24 -!- augur has joined.
02:32:57 -!- augur has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
02:33:03 -!- wob_jonas has quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client).
02:41:09 -!- augur has joined.
02:42:03 -!- wob_jonas has joined.
02:43:54 <wob_jonas> This is terrible. The C++ language has grow so huge that among the documents in http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2018/#mailing2018-04 , for some of the ones that are dated to 2018-04-01, I can't even reliably tell if they're supposed to be april fool jokes or serious. (some are obviously april fools jokes)
02:44:30 -!- tromp has joined.
02:48:57 -!- tromp has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
02:52:58 -!- wob_jonas has quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client).
03:03:06 <shachaf> oerjan: Should chunking be done in `n instead of when generating tmp/spout?
03:04:56 <shachaf> That would let `1 be used as a pastebin.
03:05:07 <HackEso> https://hack.esolangs.org/tmp/spout
03:23:16 -!- hppavilion[1] has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
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03:29:47 -!- hppavilion[1] has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
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03:38:28 -!- tromp has joined.
03:43:19 -!- tromp has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
03:52:59 <HackEso> cat: bin/spout: No such file or directory
03:53:04 <HackEso> distort "${2:-/dev/stdin}" | spore "${1-1}"
03:54:51 <oerjan> `mkx bin/sport//cat "${2:-/dev/stdin}" >tmp/spout.raw; distort spout.raw | spore "${1-1}"
03:54:59 <HackEso> Traceback (most recent call last): \ File "/hackenv/bin/distort", line 5, in <module> \ with open(name, "r") as f: \ IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'spout.raw' \ 1/0:
03:55:17 <oerjan> `mkx bin/sport//cat "${2:-/dev/stdin}" >tmp/spout.raw; distort tmp/spout.raw | spore "${1-1}"
03:55:23 <HackEso> 1/2:usual suspect//There are 3.99 usual suspects in #esoteric, but they're usually rounded up. \ york//York used to be known as Amsterdam. \ hppavilion_m//hppavilion_m is the hppavilions modulo m \ false//false is a very old stack-based language. For an authentic experience, run it on an Amiga. It's also not true. \ alumni//Alumni is a compromise spelling suggested to solve the aluminum vs aluminium debate that never really caught on, except in a
03:55:31 <HackEso> https://hack.esolangs.org/tmp/sport.raw
03:55:51 <HackEso> https://hack.esolangs.org/tmp/spout.raw
03:56:24 <oerjan> shachaf: seemed simpler
03:56:42 <shachaf> There isn't much of a reason to split on write instead of on read.
03:56:47 <shachaf> Unless you want to support fancy Unicode, I guess.
03:57:07 <oerjan> it makes it easier to calculate total line number
03:57:18 <shachaf> But the original reason to split on write was that this was designed for `5 which printed 5 lines and I wanted it to take less space.
03:57:34 <shachaf> We can always go back to the old days.
03:57:37 <HackEso> 656) <oklopol> i think i'll just take the usual route and go do post doc research somewhere far away and never come back and become a drug lord and kill myself
03:57:38 <HackEso> 719) <Taneb> profanity specialities
03:57:38 <HackEso> 432) <Taneb> Well, I'm now experimenting with clients <fizzie> It doesn't sound like good PR to say that out loud.
03:57:39 <HackEso> 884) <kmc> maybe i like pigeons too much
03:57:40 <HackEso> 805) <Phantom_Hoover> I think the only lesson I can really take away from this experience is "don't fuck around with vampires".
03:57:59 <oerjan> who cares about space in tmp/
03:58:23 <esowiki> [[Three Star Programmer]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=54863&oldid=54350 * Ais523 * (+34) link to the I/D machine, they're pretty similar
03:58:30 <shachaf> To take four lines of IRC instead of ten.
03:58:47 <shachaf> (spam was written before distort, is what I mean.)
03:59:18 <oerjan> `sled bin/sport//s, , ,
03:59:20 <HackEso> bin/sport//cat "${2:-/dev/stdin}" >tmp/spout.raw; distort tmp/spout.raw | spore "${1-1}"
04:00:40 <oerjan> oh hm. well splitting on write means less duplication of work, unless doing fancy and even more brittle file seeking.
04:02:49 <oerjan> . o O ( oklopol went to Brazil for postdoc, i believe. i hope he skipped the next steps. )
04:03:08 <shachaf> how can you skip never coming back
04:05:31 <oerjan> i guess you can only postpone it.
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06:23:52 <esowiki> [[Charm]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=54864&oldid=54845 * Aearnus * (-133) Corrected the website to link to the glossary
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09:49:10 <esowiki> [[Talk:Lost]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=54865 * Ais523 non-admin * (+1150) /* Stringmode */ new section, commenting on the recent edits to the page (which I think may be incorrect, but am not sure enough to edit them out myself)
09:54:27 <esowiki> [[Takeover]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=54866&oldid=54795 * Ais523 non-admin * (+0) /* Cat program */ fmt
09:55:43 <esowiki> [[Turing tarpit]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=54867&oldid=42601 * Ais523 non-admin * (+43) /* Survey */ the I/D machine probably fits here too
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13:50:32 <esowiki> [[RANDo]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=54868&oldid=54816 * Kamish * (-36)
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16:47:24 <HackEso> 1133) <shachaf> A Swede who was in #esoteric / Thought his rhymes were a little generic. / "I might use, in my prose, / ꙮs, / But my poetry's alphanumeric."
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18:18:12 <esowiki> [[Bitter]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=54870&oldid=54859 * DMC * (-14) /* The Virtual machine */
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18:45:46 <esowiki> [[Grawlix]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=54871&oldid=54693 * DMC * (+8) /* Grawlix Commands */
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