00:03:01 <oerjan> <wob_jonas> shachaf: how would __LINE__ help? the preprocessor expands it to an integer, not to a string. <-- hah, i had just realized that. __FILE__ wouldn't be helpful, choosing a filename seems like cheating.
00:03:45 -!- tromp has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds).
00:05:03 <oerjan> <wob_jonas> "<oerjan> oh don't have b" => what? I thought you were only using b as an arbitrary identifier character, and you could replace it with some other letter, although it might make the code a few characters longer if it's above l
00:05:45 <oerjan> ah right. there were still some available, the coding makes 100 = m.
00:06:38 <oerjan> anyway, the '\'' method would be better anyway, since it's bound to q.
00:09:10 <oerjan> @tell wob_jonas see logs
00:11:16 <HackEso> IMHO means "In My Holy Omniscience".
00:11:24 <oerjan> ah we already had that
00:17:50 <shachaf> oerjan: Well, the right thing to do would be to standardize the file name.
00:18:15 <shachaf> But anyway I thought of __FILE__ first and then decided __LINE__ would be easier to predict and forgot it wasn't a string.
00:20:49 <oerjan> my answer contains TIO links and i think those all give __FILE__s that are longer than __TIME__
00:27:22 <oerjan> shachaf: https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/1072/ may be a relevant policy although it might still be an improvement with something like A.hs
00:28:18 <shachaf> Can you call the file "A"?
00:28:36 <shachaf> Or does that add bytes in the form of compiler flags to force the program to be Haskell?
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00:32:51 <oerjan> shachaf: current policy would make it count as "Haskell with option ...", a distinct language.
00:33:08 <oerjan> i'm not actually going to do this, anyway.
00:33:39 <oerjan> that'd be nice. got a mappend replacement?
00:34:48 <shachaf> mappend isn't even being used at [a] here, I guess.
00:37:11 <shachaf> Are there any letters that could be extracted more easily?
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00:38:09 <oerjan> i think the putStr and print are pretty fixed. just about any other method collides with the show used in quine 2.
00:40:36 <oerjan> hm crazy idea: let quine 2 use putStr, print and do instead
00:41:06 <oerjan> that'd make it longer though
00:42:04 -!- tromp has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
00:43:01 <oerjan> but then there will be bracketing problems.
00:43:39 <oerjan> and still not sure quine 1 gets any better by having show instead
00:46:33 <oerjan> it would loose mappend too
00:48:16 <oerjan> it is quite hard to do proper point-free stuff without <>
00:48:28 <oerjan> mappend is an outlier there
00:50:41 -!- jix has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds).
00:50:54 <shachaf> ap is permitted in quine 1, at least
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00:57:27 <shachaf> Sometimes you can use (>>=)/(=<<) similarly to ap for (e ->)
00:57:33 <shachaf> But I don't think you can make it work here.
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01:20:30 <oerjan> by "without <>" i meant without either of those two characters. also "."
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06:38:54 <esowiki> [[Takeover]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=54974&oldid=54973 * Plokmijnuhby * (-10)
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13:01:24 <wob_jonas> it's ironic that it's hard to do pointfree programming without the "." point character
13:16:39 <HackEso> IMHO means "In My Holy Omniscience".
13:16:45 <wob_jonas> I still wonder if that one should mention "hairy"
13:17:06 <HackEso> WTH is wavy toe hair. hth.
13:21:14 <int-e> wob_jonas: I've been saying for years that point-free code can be recognized by its abundance of dots
13:22:13 <int-e> @pl \a b c d e -> a (b (c (d e)))
13:22:13 <lambdabot> (. ((. (.)) . (.) . (.))) . (.) . (.) . (.)
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13:54:30 <arseniiv> @pl \f g x y z z' z'' -> f (g x y z z' z'')
13:55:19 <arseniiv> oh, I have thought I didn’t understand something, now I do understand I mixed two things, many functions and many arguments
13:55:29 <wob_jonas> @type \f g x y z z' z'' -> f (g x y z z' z'')
13:55:30 <lambdabot> (t1 -> t2) -> (t3 -> t4 -> t5 -> t6 -> t7 -> t1) -> t3 -> t4 -> t5 -> t6 -> t7 -> t2
13:55:36 <wob_jonas> @hoogle (t1 -> t2) -> (t3 -> t4 -> t5 -> t6 -> t7 -> t1) -> t3 -> t4 -> t5 -> t6 -> t7 -> t2
13:55:37 <lambdabot> Data.Composition (.::.) :: (d -> e) -> (a -> a1 -> a2 -> b -> c -> d) -> a -> a1 -> a2 -> b -> c -> e
13:55:37 <lambdabot> Data.Composition (.****) :: (d -> e) -> (a -> a1 -> a2 -> b -> c -> d) -> a -> a1 -> a2 -> b -> c -> e
13:55:37 <lambdabot> Data.Composition compose5 :: (d -> e) -> (a -> a1 -> a2 -> b -> c -> d) -> a -> a1 -> a2 -> b -> c -> e
13:56:17 <lambdabot> (t1 -> t2) -> (t3 -> t4 -> t5 -> t1) -> t3 -> t4 -> t5 -> t2
13:56:20 <arseniiv> woah, and it’s only what Hoogle knows. Is here an interface to Hayoo?
13:56:24 <wob_jonas> @hoogle (t1 -> t2) -> (t3 -> t4 -> t5 -> t1) -> t3 -> t4 -> t5 -> t2
13:56:24 <lambdabot> Data.Composition (.:.) :: (d -> e) -> (a -> b -> c -> d) -> a -> b -> c -> e
13:56:24 <lambdabot> Data.Composition (.**) :: (d -> e) -> (a -> b -> c -> d) -> a -> b -> c -> e
13:56:24 <lambdabot> Data.Composition compose3 :: (d -> e) -> (a -> b -> c -> d) -> a -> b -> c -> e
13:57:01 <arseniiv> I think composeN names are too long. However, they at least don’t contain any dots
13:57:25 <wob_jonas> isn't there something like that in Applicative too?
13:58:17 <arseniiv> I forgot if it’s applicable to functions. Oh, you mean lift, IDK
14:01:50 <lambdabot> • Couldn't match expected type ‘Expr -> ()’ with actual type ‘Expr’
14:01:50 <lambdabot> • In the third argument of ‘liftA3’, namely ‘z’
14:02:16 <arseniiv> also, are here any combinator-expressing bots? :D
14:02:32 <lambdabot> Applicative f => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> f a -> f b -> f c -> f d
14:03:07 <lambdabot> Applicative f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
14:04:17 <arseniiv> @run (\x y z -> [x,y,z]) "abc" "lmn" "xyz"
14:04:49 <arseniiv> @run liftA3 (\x y z -> [x,y,z]) "abc" "lmn" "xyz"
14:04:51 <lambdabot> ["alx","aly","alz","amx","amy","amz","anx","any","anz","blx","bly","blz","bm...
14:06:27 <lambdabot> • Couldn't match expected type ‘Expr -> t’ with actual type ‘Expr’
14:06:28 <lambdabot> • The function ‘a’ is applied to one argument,
14:06:31 <lambdabot> • Ambiguous type variable ‘a0’ arising from a use of ‘show_M732047058109...
14:06:31 <lambdabot> prevents the constraint ‘(Show a0)’ from being solved.
14:07:18 <lambdabot> • Ambiguous type variable ‘a0’ arising from a use of ‘show_M761428108178...
14:07:18 <lambdabot> prevents the constraint ‘(Show a0)’ from being solved.
14:07:29 <arseniiv> how are these free variables supposed to be handled?
14:07:58 <lambdabot> • Ambiguous type variable ‘a0’ arising from a use of ‘show_M704515130069...
14:07:58 <lambdabot> prevents the constraint ‘(Show a0)’ from being solved.
14:08:36 <int-e> f and g are magical and may require a type signature.
14:08:45 <int-e> :t h -- do we have this?
14:09:14 <lambdabot> • Ambiguous type variable ‘a0’ arising from a use of ‘f’
14:09:14 <lambdabot> prevents the constraint ‘(Show a0)’ from being solved.
14:09:20 <int-e> @run f a :: Expr -> Expr
14:09:23 <lambdabot> • Ambiguous type variable ‘a0’ arising from a use of ‘f’
14:09:23 <lambdabot> prevents the constraint ‘(Show a0)’ from being solved.
14:09:53 <int-e> (that is the point, f is, effectively, variadic; similar to printf)
14:10:47 <wob_jonas> @run fmap f (g :: Expr -> Expr) a :: Expr
14:10:55 <wob_jonas> @run liftA f (g :: Expr -> Expr) a :: Expr
14:11:04 <wob_jonas> @run liftA2 f (g :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr) a b :: Expr
14:11:06 <lambdabot> • Couldn't match expected type ‘Expr -> ()’ with actual type ‘Expr’
14:11:06 <lambdabot> • In the third argument of ‘liftA2’, namely ‘a’
14:11:38 <wob_jonas> @run liftA2 (f :: Expr -> Expr) (g :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr) a b :: Expr
14:11:39 <lambdabot> • Couldn't match type ‘Expr’ with ‘b0 -> Expr’
14:12:13 <wob_jonas> @run liftA2 (f :: Expr -> Expr) (g :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr) (a :: Expr) (b :: Expr) :: Expr
14:12:15 <lambdabot> • Couldn't match type ‘Expr’ with ‘b0 -> Expr’
14:12:31 <wob_jonas> @run liftA2 f g (a :: Expr) (b :: Expr) :: Expr
14:12:33 <lambdabot> • Couldn't match expected type ‘Expr -> ()’ with actual type ‘Expr’
14:12:33 <lambdabot> • In the third argument of ‘liftA2’, namely ‘(a :: Expr)’
14:12:40 <wob_jonas> @run f (a :: Expr) (b :: Expr) :: Expr
14:12:48 <wob_jonas> @run f (g (a :: Expr) (b :: Expr)) :: Expr
14:12:50 <lambdabot> • Ambiguous type variable ‘t0’ arising from a use of ‘f’
14:12:50 <lambdabot> prevents the constraint ‘(Show t0)’ from being solved.
14:13:07 <wob_jonas> @run f (g (a :: Expr) (b :: Expr) :: Expr) :: Expr
14:13:21 <wob_jonas> @run f ((g :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr) (a :: Expr) (b :: Expr)) :: Expr
14:13:32 <wob_jonas> @run liftA2 f (g :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr) (a :: Expr) (b :: Expr) :: Expr
14:13:34 <lambdabot> • Couldn't match expected type ‘Expr -> ()’ with actual type ‘Expr’
14:13:34 <lambdabot> • In the third argument of ‘liftA2’, namely ‘(a :: Expr)’
14:13:49 <wob_jonas> @run (f :: Expr -> Expr) ((g :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr) (a :: Expr) (b :: Expr)) :: Expr
14:13:59 <wob_jonas> @run liftA2 (f :: Expr -> Expr) (g :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr) (a :: Expr) (b :: Expr) :: Expr
14:14:01 <lambdabot> • Couldn't match type ‘Expr’ with ‘b0 -> Expr’
14:14:05 <wob_jonas> @run liftM2 (f :: Expr -> Expr) (g :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr) (a :: Expr) (b :: Expr) :: Expr
14:14:07 <lambdabot> • Couldn't match type ‘Expr’ with ‘a20 -> Expr’
14:14:07 <lambdabot> Expected type: Expr -> a20 -> Expr
14:14:25 <wob_jonas> @run (. (.)) (f :: Expr -> Expr) (g :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr) (a :: Expr) (b :: Expr) :: Expr
14:14:27 <lambdabot> • Couldn't match expected type ‘Expr -> Expr -> Expr’
14:14:48 <wob_jonas> @run ((.) . (.)) (f :: Expr -> Expr) (g :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr) (a :: Expr) (b :: Expr) :: Expr
14:15:11 <lambdabot> (b -> c) -> (a1 -> a2 -> b) -> a1 -> a2 -> c
14:15:13 <lambdabot> Prelude (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
14:15:13 <lambdabot> Data.Function (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
14:15:13 <lambdabot> Control.Category (.) :: Category cat => cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
14:15:26 <wob_jonas> @hoggle (b -> c) -> (a1 -> a2 -> b) -> a1 -> a2 -> c
14:15:26 <lambdabot> Data.Function on :: (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> a -> c
14:15:26 <lambdabot> Data.Function.HT compose2 :: (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> a -> c)
14:15:27 <lambdabot> CorePrelude on :: (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> a -> c
14:16:02 <wob_jonas> @hoggle (b -> c) -> (a1 -> a2 -> m b) -> a1 -> a2 -> m c
14:16:02 <lambdabot> Data.Function.Tools apply2way :: (a -> b -> c) -> (d -> a) -> (d -> b) -> d -> c
14:16:38 <lambdabot> Monad m => (a1 -> a2 -> r) -> m a1 -> m a2 -> m r
14:16:47 <wob_jonas> @hoggle Applicative m => (b -> c) -> (a1 -> a2 -> m b) -> a1 -> a2 -> m c
14:16:47 <lambdabot> Control.Applicative liftA3 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> f a -> f b -> f c -> f d
14:16:47 <lambdabot> Diagrams.Prelude liftA3 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> f a -> f b -> f c -> f d
14:16:47 <lambdabot> Streaming liftA3 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> f a -> f b -> f c -> f d
14:17:16 <wob_jonas> @hoggle Functor m => (b -> c) -> (a1 -> a2 -> m b) -> a1 -> a2 -> m c
14:17:31 -!- moei has quit (Quit: Leaving...).
14:18:56 <lambdabot> error: Data constructor not in scope: Natural
14:20:00 <arseniiv> I don’t need GHCi anymore, I’ll spam here ]:D
14:28:16 -!- LKoen has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
14:29:22 <arseniiv> variable: it’s unfair, I haven’t conquered the universe yet
14:30:18 -!- SopaXorzTaker has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
14:30:19 <arseniiv> I would be more tasty otherwise
14:31:40 <arseniiv> then please restart the world to the point whete I haven’t been eaten yet :)
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15:19:33 <int-e> . o O ( GroundZero is destined to be DeepMind's final AI project. )
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15:29:54 <int-e> `learn The password of the month is <redacted>.
15:29:56 <HackEso> Relearned 'password': The password of the month is <redacted>.
15:30:02 <arseniiv> `learn final is an annotation in Java, it means the marked code will not be changed anymore and is a final version,
15:30:06 <HackEso> Learned 'final': final is an annotation in Java, it means the marked code will not be changed anymore and is a final version,
15:30:57 <lambdabot> pointless <expr>. Play with pointfree code.
15:30:59 <arseniiv> it was secretly a typo, don’t tell anyone
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15:31:46 <int-e> `slwd final/s=final(.*).="final"\1.=
15:31:51 <int-e> `slwd final//s=final(.*).="final"\1.=
15:31:52 <HackEso> /bin/sed: -e expression #1, char 24: invalid reference \1 on `s' command's RHS
15:31:57 <int-e> `slwd final//s=final\(.*\).="final"\1.=
15:31:59 <HackEso> final//"final" is an annotation in Java, it means the marked code will not be changed anymore and is a final version.
15:32:33 <int-e> `slwd final//s=,=;=
15:32:34 <HackEso> final//"final" is an annotation in Java; it means the marked code will not be changed anymore and is a final version.
15:32:51 <int-e> `quote punctuation
15:32:58 <HackEso> 1322 26633 159414 quotes
15:33:05 <HackEso> 1244) <Jafet> I guess the problem is, the cache size bounds the evilness of the memory bus
15:33:22 <esowiki> [[Subleq]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=54976&oldid=46448 * Impomatic * (+141) /* External resources */
15:33:24 <int-e> fungot: you there?
15:33:24 <fungot> int-e: the final auction price: the auction ends when 72 hours
15:33:35 <fungot> int-e: each player is awarded a number
15:33:47 <int-e> fungot: what a precious prize!
15:33:47 <fungot> int-e: 2. the notification is challenged later, gave it its proposer. if the
15:36:06 -!- Naergon has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds).
15:50:13 <esowiki> [[Redcode]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=54977&oldid=54953 * Impomatic * (+32)
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15:51:26 <esowiki> [[BF Joust]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=54979&oldid=54374 * Impomatic * (+32)
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15:52:39 <esowiki> [[Pinkcode]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=54981&oldid=39703 * Impomatic * (+33)
15:53:08 <esowiki> [[Agony]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=54982&oldid=39372 * Impomatic * (+31)
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18:48:52 <ais523> quintopia: me personally, no
18:48:56 <ais523> I believe some other people have been working on them though
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20:02:28 <wob_jonas> quintopia: they could just play the hot new Super Mario Bros warpless TAS. that one certainly console verifies. but you should ask dwangoac or watch his preparations on twitch if you want to know for sure.
20:06:34 <wob_jonas> seriously, that thing is amazing, MrWint put in work to optimize Mario's movement locally with some brute-force searches of his config'n space, and he won two framerules over the TAS that was standing still 2012
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20:45:05 <quintopia> wob_jonas: what game has the largest absolute difference between human and TAS in the same category?
20:54:56 <arseniiv> someone interested in micro/xentonality?
20:55:28 <zzo38> Yes I have some interest
20:57:41 <wob_jonas> quintopia: I don't know, but I'd guess it's some long game with a difficult game-end glitch that hasn't been reproduced real time yet
20:58:05 <wob_jonas> quintopia: it's also a bit tricky to tell because the TAS people and the real-time speedrunners measure time differently
21:00:25 <wob_jonas> quintopia: SMB3 glitched any% is a possibility
21:12:45 <arseniiv> I haven’t made anything remote like music for years, but hope when I resume it would have something xen in it
21:14:46 <arseniiv> alas, I’m stuck in not wanting to sort out a huge VST collection. I copied them intact when migrating x86 → x64, and some of them should be reinstalled properly, some should be deleted outright etc. etc. it’s a grand mess((
21:15:32 <arseniiv> and today I open OpenMPT and see that its custom tuning system seems not working with VSTs
21:16:15 <arseniiv> hope I’m mistaken and there is some way, one just can’t do with samples only
21:17:57 <int-e> . o O ( voluminous sinsister toad )
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21:19:31 <arseniiv> `learn VST is a Visual Studio Tomorrow, an unofficial evil clone of VS made tomorrow and quantum-tunnelled back in time
21:19:33 <HackEso> Learned 'vst': VST is a Visual Studio Tomorrow, an unofficial evil clone of VS made tomorrow and quantum-tunnelled back in time
21:33:44 <zzo38> arseniiv: I don't know VST and much of OpenMPT though; try perhaps use of Csound.
21:33:54 <zzo38> (Csound is what I prefer)
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22:49:51 <esowiki> [[Special:Log/newusers]] create * JoeStrout * New user account
22:51:08 <esowiki> [[Esolang:Introduce yourself]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=54985&oldid=54955 * JoeStrout * (+143)
22:51:35 <esowiki> [[Esolang:Introduce yourself]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=54986&oldid=54985 * JoeStrout * (+60)
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22:57:44 <HackEso> 1/1:`ngevd//The `ngevd command hasn't been invented yet, but still manages to prevent bugs. \ emac//The eMac, released in 2002, was the first model of Macintosh computer to use electricity. \ wecome//wecome in pece. \ ramen//拉麵是一種類型的麵條縫製從原始樹木。 \ ruddy//HackEgo? ¯\(°_o)/¯
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