←2018-05-15 2018-05-16 2018-05-17→ ↑2018 ↑all
00:06:46 -!- oerjan has joined.
00:14:33 <esowiki> [[Talk:Polynomial]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=55275&oldid=55266 * Oerjan * (+43) The beatings will continue until the signing improves
00:22:55 -!- doesthiswork has joined.
00:36:08 <oerjan> @messages-loud
00:36:08 <lambdabot> fizzie said 15h 9m 47s ago: FTP wouldn't work, yes; the outbound firewall rules are pretty strict. Added 'patch'.
00:36:10 <oerjan> thanks
00:36:31 <oerjan> <Galaxtone> why'd you remove the spacing <-- it seemed unnecessary?
00:40:40 <oerjan> Galaxtone: btw signing is usually done *only* on talk pages (i think there's some exception somewhere...)
00:40:56 <oerjan> and main pages are not for discussion.
00:46:29 <esowiki> [[Talk:The Insane Esolang]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=55276 * Oerjan * (+1983) Move invalid submissions here
00:47:11 <esowiki> [[The Insane Esolang]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=55277&oldid=55271 * Oerjan * (-1841) Move section to talk
00:48:59 <esowiki> [[The Insane Esolang]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=55278&oldid=55277 * Oerjan * (+13) /* External resources */ Reformat to standard
00:55:24 <oerjan> <shachaf> He'll see whatever you say here probably <-- but does that apply in the reverse? :/
00:58:28 <Galaxtone> your totally right
00:58:31 <Galaxtone> should of moved it to talk
00:59:09 <Galaxtone> sorry
00:59:25 <Galaxtone> forgive me senp-
01:00:51 <oerjan> you're lucky i even understand that reference :P
01:01:15 <oerjan> other people here keep linking to japanese stuff and i keep going "huh?"
01:01:38 * oerjan old fart
01:03:18 <oerjan> @metar ENVA
01:03:20 <lambdabot> ENVA 160050Z 10006KT CAVOK 11/10 Q1015 RMK WIND 670FT VRB01KT
01:04:12 <oerjan> temperatures falling again... and just before our national day.
01:49:47 <esowiki> [[User talk:Digital Hunter]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=55279&oldid=55243 * Digital Hunter * (+168) /* Random Stuff Section */ new section
01:52:40 <esowiki> [[Surtic]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=55280&oldid=55242 * Digital Hunter * (+3)
01:54:42 <esowiki> [[Surtic]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=55281&oldid=55280 * Digital Hunter * (+10) /* Cat */
02:11:48 -!- erkin has quit (Quit: Ouch! Got SIGIRL, dying...).
02:15:57 -!- Galaxtone has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
02:36:27 -!- MDude has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
02:53:21 -!- MDude has joined.
03:05:52 -!- arseniiv has joined.
03:07:52 -!- aloril has quit (Quit: Leaving).
03:08:30 -!- aloril has joined.
03:28:10 -!- johan66 has joined.
03:28:26 <johan66> hi
03:29:49 <arseniiv> hi
03:31:02 <johan66> anyone speak spanish?
03:33:07 <oerjan> `buenvenido johan66
03:33:08 <HackEso> ​/srv/hackeso-code/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: buenvenido: not found
03:33:13 <oerjan> oops
03:33:27 <johan66> XD
03:33:32 <johan66> Thanks
03:33:43 <oerjan> `` ls bin/buen*
03:33:44 <HackEso> ls: cannot access 'bin/buen*': No such file or directory
03:33:54 <oerjan> oh hm
03:33:57 <oerjan> `` ls bin/ben*
03:33:58 <HackEso> bin/benvenuto
03:34:04 <oerjan> hm nope
03:34:58 <oerjan> `bienvenido johan66
03:35:00 <HackEso> johan66: ¡Bienvenido al centro internacional para el diseño y despliegue de lenguajes de programación esotéricos! Por desgracia, la mayoría de nosotros no hablamos español. Para obtener más información, echa un vistazo a nuestro wiki: <http://esolangs.org/>. (Para el otro tipo de esoterismo, prueba #esoteric en EFnet o DALnet.)
03:35:53 <johan66> That was awesome, thank you
03:37:05 <johan66> and sorry, im interesting in esoteric themes or that something
03:38:57 <arseniiv> oerjan: is there something like “привет” also? :D
03:39:39 <arseniiv> though, I’m perfectly glad to be here without any localized greetings
03:39:39 <oerjan> `` grep -r welcome.ru bin
03:39:40 <HackEso> No output.
03:40:19 <oerjan> `cat bin/@
03:40:20 <HackEso> ​#!/usr/bin/perl -w \ $_ = join " ", @ARGV; if (s/^([^ ]*) +([^ ]*) +//) { print "$1: "; exec $2, $_; }
03:40:41 <oerjan> `@ arseniiv \? welcome.ru
03:40:42 <HackEso> arseniiv: Can't exec "\?": No such file or directory at /hackenv/bin/@ line 2.
03:40:45 -!- johan66 has left ("Adiós").
03:40:48 <oerjan> wat
03:40:55 <oerjan> `@ arseniiv ? welcome.ru
03:40:57 <HackEso> arseniiv: Добро пожаловать в Международный центр по разработке и внедрению языков эзотерического программирования! Для получения дополнительной информации посетите wiki: <http://esolangs.org/>. (Для другого типа эзотеризма попробуйте #esoteric в EFnet или DALnet.)
03:41:27 <arseniiv> :D
03:41:33 <arseniiv> neat
03:41:53 <oerjan> someone made that recently. i'm not sure what verb to use since there's no actual привет in there
03:43:01 <oerjan> perhaps пожаловать?
03:43:19 <arseniiv> hm, it can be simply добро-пожаловать (IIRC spaces in unix filenames are a pain, so a dash)
03:43:40 <arseniiv> alas simply “пожаловать” isn’t enough
03:44:42 <oerjan> ok. i won't be able to easily type it regardless.
03:44:46 <arseniiv> (it would mean “to come” or “to give” in a somewhat high and archaic register)
03:45:16 <oerjan> i noticed, i just looked it up on wiktionary
03:45:46 <arseniiv> :)
03:46:15 <oerjan> `` cd bin; cp welcome добро-пожаловать; sled добро-пожаловать//s,welcome,welcome.ru,
03:46:17 <HackEso> ​добро-пожаловать//#!/usr/bin/perl -w \ if (defined($_=shift)) { s/ *$//; s/ +/ @ /g; exec "bin/@", $_ . " ? welcome.ru"; } else { exec "bin/?", "welcome"; }
03:46:28 <oerjan> oops
03:46:36 <oerjan> `` cd bin; cp welcome добро-пожаловать; sled добро-пожаловать//s,welcome,welcome.ru,g
03:46:39 <HackEso> ​добро-пожаловать//#!/usr/bin/perl -w \ if (defined($_=shift)) { s/ *$//; s/ +/ @ /g; exec "bin/@", $_ . " ? welcome.ru"; } else { exec "bin/?", "welcome.ru"; }
03:46:55 <oerjan> `добро-пожаловать arseniiv
03:46:56 <HackEso> arseniiv: Добро пожаловать в Международный центр по разработке и внедрению языков эзотерического программирования! Для получения дополнительной информации посетите wiki: <http://esolangs.org/>. (Для другого типа эзотеризма попробуйте #esoteric в EFnet или DALnet.)
03:49:19 * oerjan notices those messages are still not using https
03:49:29 <oerjan> nor the channel topic
04:10:00 -!- doesthiswork has quit (Quit: Leaving.).
04:12:32 -!- doesthiswork has joined.
04:14:33 <oerjan> is today's xkcd in need of some repair or is it just my browser
04:17:54 <arseniiv> I think yes
04:18:03 <oerjan> yes which
04:19:08 <arseniiv> maybe both
04:19:48 <oerjan> OKAY
04:20:28 <arseniiv> OTOH my screenshot is https://s7.postimg.cc/dukoo6yez/Screenshot-1463.png
04:21:17 <arseniiv> could it possibly be intentional?
04:21:30 <oerjan> possibly.
04:22:42 <oerjan> https://xkcd.com/349/ seems relevant.
04:50:30 -!- variable has joined.
04:58:22 -!- oerjan has quit (Quit: Nite).
05:32:58 -!- user24 has joined.
05:32:58 -!- user24 has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
05:34:30 <arseniiv> I’m probably demented, I dance with a cassette player playing a thing I already have in mp3 and in a far better quality (including a proper—not so slow—tempo)
06:37:49 -!- doesthiswork has quit (Quit: Leaving.).
06:43:18 -!- norvic has joined.
06:51:35 <arseniiv> oerjan: my friend said me that the last xkcd displays well when page zoom is > 1. The result: https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/repairs_2x.png
06:52:19 <arseniiv> now I’m almost sure it’s planned
06:55:47 <arseniiv> or maybe not. At least now I know some last xkcds have ×1 and ×2 image variants
07:04:33 -!- imode has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds).
08:32:47 -!- AnotherTest has joined.
09:29:27 <esowiki> [[The Insane Esolang]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=55282&oldid=55278 * Galaxtone * (+414) Insturctions look good.
09:32:30 -!- norvic has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
09:49:21 <fizzie> Yes, looks like the "normal size" image has just been cropped instead of being resized. I was wondering why it looked broken in my feed reader but okay after opening the page. Though it was just Feedly acting up.
09:53:50 -!- xkapastel has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity).
10:16:25 -!- aloril has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds).
10:25:27 -!- boily has joined.
10:39:13 <boily> fungot: nostril.
10:39:13 <fungot> boily: ( ( uh)) that have done both but yeah that's why you know do my class work laughter mm
10:44:04 <esowiki> [[The Insane Esolang]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=55283&oldid=55282 * Galaxtone * (+67) /* Hello, World! */
10:45:07 -!- Galaxtone_ has joined.
10:45:15 <esowiki> [[The Insane Esolang]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=55284&oldid=55283 * Galaxtone * (+13) I'm just full of mistakes
10:47:00 -!- Galaxtone__ has joined.
10:47:04 <Galaxtone__> nickname already in use...
10:47:08 <Galaxtone__> twice?
10:47:09 -!- Naergon has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds).
10:47:54 <izabera> maybe try with less popoular usernames
10:48:16 <Galaxtone__> I mean it's my normal username
10:48:30 <Galaxtone__> but I just got disconnected and it looks like they haven't been "kicked"
10:48:33 <Galaxtone__> for timeout
10:49:34 -!- Galaxtone_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
10:50:07 <Galaxtone__> why does it say nickname already in use when theres no user connected with that nick
10:50:33 <Galaxtone__> wait no its there but why isn't showing in my user list...
10:52:13 <boily> there are no other Galaxtones, only the Galaxtones you are. embrace the fungot. fnord.
10:52:13 <fungot> boily: you know on
10:54:49 <Galaxtone__> there is a Galaxtone but it's from my computer which is in sleep mode
10:55:19 <esowiki> [[The Insane Esolang]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=55285&oldid=55284 * Galaxtone * (+69) /* Instructions */
10:56:04 <esowiki> [[The Insane Esolang]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=55286&oldid=55285 * Galaxtone * (+4) /* Instructions */
10:56:52 -!- aloril has joined.
11:01:01 <esowiki> [[The Insane Esolang]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=55287&oldid=55286 * Galaxtone * (+5) /* Instructions */
11:01:14 -!- boily has quit (Quit: EXHAUSTIVE CHICKEN).
11:10:52 <esowiki> [[The Insane Esolang]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=55288&oldid=55287 * Galaxtone * (+123) /* Instructions */
11:13:22 <arseniiv> fungot: let’s pretend
11:13:22 <fungot> arseniiv: know but now i
11:14:30 <arseniiv> fungot: now you what?
11:14:30 <fungot> arseniiv: see that's what's on my mind
11:15:43 <arseniiv> omg fungot has become self-aware! Forgive me!
11:15:43 <fungot> arseniiv: and i mean they're getting anything out of shakespeare if i had a baby a month before the trip they wouldn't have to
11:16:18 <arseniiv> and they even think of having a baby :o
11:18:09 -!- Galaxtone__ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
11:18:16 <arseniiv> two or more fungots could talk to each other indefinitely, it will trigger the Singularity and
11:18:16 <fungot> arseniiv: you've got a gun that's big enough to keep ahead of security i think is
11:18:46 <arseniiv> hm
11:19:09 <APic> Hm.
11:25:52 <impomatic> Hmmm?
11:26:41 <APic> Hmmmm.
11:28:33 -!- AnotherTest has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds).
11:42:37 <esowiki> [[The Insane Esolang]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=55289&oldid=55288 * Galaxtone * (+57) /* Instructions */
11:44:23 -!- Bowserinator has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
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12:40:04 -!- J_Arcane has joined.
13:00:33 -!- doesthiswork has joined.
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17:42:37 -!- LKoen has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
17:51:20 -!- erkin has joined.
18:01:23 <esowiki> [[Talk:The Insane Esolang]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=55290&oldid=55276 * Plokmijnuhby * (+436)
18:07:23 -!- LKoen has joined.
18:10:06 -!- SopaXorzTaker has joined.
18:30:20 -!- LKoen has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
18:47:18 -!- SopaXorzTaker has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
18:57:27 <esowiki> [[Special:Log/newusers]] create * TabAtkins * New user account
18:59:09 <esowiki> [[Esolang:Introduce yourself]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=55291&oldid=55155 * TabAtkins * (+186) introduce myself
18:59:16 <esowiki> [[Fractran++]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=55292&oldid=47241 * TabAtkins * (-13) Fix dead link
19:06:46 -!- MDude has quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)).
19:07:57 -!- doesthiswork has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
19:28:46 -!- wob_jonas has joined.
19:28:58 <wob_jonas> `? welcome
19:28:59 <HackEso> Welcome to the international hub for esoteric programming language design and deployment! For more information, check out our wiki: <http://esolangs.org/>. (For the other kind of esoterica, try #esoteric on EFnet or DALnet.)
19:29:10 <wob_jonas> oerjan: good idea. let me try to edit most or all of them to use https
19:29:28 <wob_jonas> `echo wisdom/welcome*
19:29:29 <HackEso> wisdom/welcome*
19:29:33 <wob_jonas> ``` echo wisdom/welcome*
19:29:34 <HackEso> wisdom/welcome wisdom/welcome.bork wisdom/welcome.de wisdom/welcome.eo wisdom/welcome.es wisdom/welcome.fi wisdom/welcome.fr wisdom/welcome.is wisdom/welcome.ja wisdom/welcome.nb wisdom/welcome.nl wisdom/welcome.ru wisdom/welcome.ru wisdom/welcome.sv wisdom/welcome.tr
19:29:48 <int-e> wob_jonas: why are you avoiding `` ?
19:30:29 <wob_jonas> int-e: I'm not really avoiding it, but ``` sets the locale to POSIX (or used to in HackEgo), which is usually the sanest default, so it's easier not to think about whether I really depend on that
19:30:58 <wob_jonas> ``` grep -L '<http://esolangs.org>' wisdom/welcome*
19:30:59 <HackEso> grep: wisdom/welcome.ru : Is a directory \ wisdom/welcome \ wisdom/welcome.bork \ wisdom/welcome.de \ wisdom/welcome.eo \ wisdom/welcome.es \ wisdom/welcome.fi \ wisdom/welcome.fr \ wisdom/welcome.is \ wisdom/welcome.ja \ wisdom/welcome.nb \ wisdom/welcome.nl \ wisdom/welcome.ru \ wisdom/welcome.ru \ wisdom/welcome.sv \ wisdom/welcome.tr
19:31:09 <int-e> `` cd bin; echo \`*
19:31:10 <HackEso> ​` `` `^ `̀
19:31:18 <wob_jonas> `? welcome.ru
19:31:19 <HackEso> ​Добро пожаловать в Международный центр по разработке и внедрению языков эзотерического программирования! Для получения дополнительной информации посетите wiki: <http://esolangs.org/>. (Для другого типа эзотеризма попробуйте #esoteric в EFnet или DALnet.)
19:31:22 <int-e> `cat bin/`^
19:31:23 <HackEso> ​[[ $# == 2 ]] || { echo "Usage: $0 n cmd" >&2; exit 2; }; for ((i=0; i < $1; i++)); do \` "$2"; done | sport
19:31:29 <wob_jonas> is a directory? still?
19:31:58 <wob_jonas> ``` cat wisdom/welcome
19:31:59 <HackEso> Welcome to the international hub for esoteric programming language design and deployment! For more information, check out our wiki: <http://esolangs.org/>. (For the other kind of esoterica, try #esoteric on EFnet or DALnet.)
19:32:04 <wob_jonas> ``` grep -L '<http://esolangs.org/>' wisdom/welcome*
19:32:05 <HackEso> grep: wisdom/welcome.ru : Is a directory \ wisdom/welcome.bork \ wisdom/welcome.ru
19:32:13 <wob_jonas> ``` ls -dF wisdom/welcome*
19:32:14 <HackEso> wisdom/welcome \ wisdom/welcome.bork \ wisdom/welcome.de \ wisdom/welcome.eo \ wisdom/welcome.es \ wisdom/welcome.fi \ wisdom/welcome.fr \ wisdom/welcome.is \ wisdom/welcome.ja \ wisdom/welcome.nb \ wisdom/welcome.nl \ wisdom/welcome.ru \ wisdom/welcome.ru / \ wisdom/welcome.sv \ wisdom/welcome.tr
19:32:27 <int-e> oh, function iteration. duh.
19:32:32 <wob_jonas> wait, what's the difference? oh, there's a space
19:32:41 <wob_jonas> ``` ls -aF wisdom/welcome.ru\
19:32:42 <HackEso> ls: cannot access 'wisdom/welcome.ru\': No such file or directory
19:32:50 <wob_jonas> ``` ls -aF wisdom/welcome.ru\ #
19:32:51 <HackEso> ​./ \ ../
19:32:56 <int-e> `doag bin/`^
19:32:58 <HackEso> 10458:2017-03-20 <shachäf> mkx bin/`^//[[ $# == 2 ]] || { echo "Usage: $0 n cmd" >&2; exit 2; }; for ((i=0; i < $1; i++)); do \\` "$2"; done | sport \ 10454:2017-03-20 <shachäf> mkx bin/`^//[[ $# == 2 ]] || { echo "Usage: $0 n cmd" >&2; exit 2; }; for ((i=0; i < $1; i++)); do \\` "$2"; done \ 10453:2017-03-20 <shachäf> mkx bin/`^//[[ $# == 2 ]] || { echo "Usage: $0 n cmd" >&2; exit 2; }; for ((i=0; i <= $1; i++)); do \\` "$2"; done \ 10452:2017-03-20
19:33:00 <wob_jonas> ``` rmdir wisdom/welcome.ru\ #
19:33:01 <HackEso> No output.
19:33:14 <wob_jonas> `? welcome.bork
19:33:16 <HackEso> Velcume-a tu zee interneshunel hoob fur isutereec prugremmeeng lungooege-a deseegn und depluyment! Fur mure-a inffurmeshun, check oooot oooor veeki: <http://isulungs.oorg/>. (Fur zee oozeer keend ooff isutereeca, try #isutereec oon IFnet oor DELnet.)
19:33:18 <wob_jonas> `? welcome.ru
19:33:19 <HackEso> ​Добро пожаловать в Международный центр по разработке и внедрению языков эзотерического программирования! Для получения дополнительной информации посетите wiki: <http://esolangs.org/>. (Для другого типа эзотеризма попробуйте #esoteric в EFnet или DALnet.)
19:33:28 <wob_jonas> ``` grep -L '<http://esolangs.org/>' wisdom/welcome*
19:33:29 <HackEso> wisdom/welcome.bork
19:34:00 <wob_jonas> `? welcome.nb
19:34:02 <HackEso> Hei og velkommen til det internasjonale knutepunktet for esoterisk programmeringsspråkdesign og -utrulling! For mer informasjon, se wikien vår: <http://esolangs.org/>. (For den andre typen esoterisme, prøv #esoteric på EFnet eller DALnet.)
19:34:03 <wob_jonas> `? welcome.fr
19:34:05 <HackEso> Bienvenue au centre international pour le design et le déploiement des langages de programmation ésotériques! Pour plus d’informations, visitez le wiki: <http://esolangs.org/>. (Pour l’autre type d'ésotérisme, essayez #esoteric sur EFnet ou DALnet.)
19:34:09 <wob_jonas> `? welcome
19:34:11 <HackEso> Welcome to the international hub for esoteric programming language design and deployment! For more information, check out our wiki: <http://esolangs.org/>. (For the other kind of esoterica, try #esoteric on EFnet or DALnet.)
19:34:58 <int-e> fungot: spam!
19:34:58 <fungot> int-e: ( ( laughter not me noise mm noise mhm)) i've ( ( wanted to go and the other
19:38:30 <wob_jonas> ``` perl -pi -e 's%<http://esolangs.org/>%<https://esolangs.org/>% and warn "edited $ARGV\n"' wisdom/welcome*
19:38:32 <HackEso> edited wisdom/welcome \ edited wisdom/welcome.de \ edited wisdom/welcome.eo \ edited wisdom/welcome.es \ edited wisdom/welcome.fi \ edited wisdom/welcome.fr \ edited wisdom/welcome.is \ edited wisdom/welcome.ja \ edited wisdom/welcome.nb \ edited wisdom/welcome.nl \ edited wisdom/welcome.ru \ edited wisdom/welcome.sv \ edited wisdom/welcome.tr
19:38:36 <wob_jonas> `? welcome
19:38:37 <HackEso> Welcome to the international hub for esoteric programming language design and deployment! For more information, check out our wiki: <https://esolangs.org/>. (For the other kind of esoterica, try #esoteric on EFnet or DALnet.)
19:38:41 <wob_jonas> `? welcome.fr
19:38:42 <HackEso> Bienvenue au centre international pour le design et le déploiement des langages de programmation ésotériques! Pour plus d’informations, visitez le wiki: <https://esolangs.org/>. (Pour l’autre type d'ésotérisme, essayez #esoteric sur EFnet ou DALnet.)
19:38:44 <wob_jonas> `? welcome.nb
19:38:45 <HackEso> Hei og velkommen til det internasjonale knutepunktet for esoterisk programmeringsspråkdesign og -utrulling! For mer informasjon, se wikien vår: <https://esolangs.org/>. (For den andre typen esoterisme, prøv #esoteric på EFnet eller DALnet.)
19:38:49 <arseniiv> fungot how can you not match your patentheses, it’s so easy!
19:38:49 <fungot> arseniiv: yeah that's fun that's a lot
19:39:04 <wob_jonas> `welcome
19:39:05 <HackEso> Welcome to the international hub for esoteric programming language design and deployment! For more information, check out our wiki: <https://esolangs.org/>. (For the other kind of esoterica, try #esoteric on EFnet or DALnet.)
19:39:10 <wob_jonas> `bienvenue
19:39:12 <HackEso> Bienvenue au centre international pour le design et le déploiement des langages de programmation ésotériques! Pour plus d’informations, visitez le wiki: <https://esolangs.org/>. (Pour l’autre type d'ésotérisme, essayez #esoteric sur EFnet ou DALnet.)
19:39:16 <int-e> arseniiv: it's harder than it looks ;-)
19:39:17 <wob_jonas> `velkommen
19:39:19 <HackEso> Hei og velkommen til det internasjonale knutepunktet for esoterisk programmeringsspråkdesign og -utrulling! For mer informasjon, se wikien vår: <https://esolangs.org/>. (For den andre typen esoterisme, prøv #esoteric på EFnet eller DALnet.)
19:39:20 <arseniiv> `? https
19:39:21 <HackEso> HTTP is short for 'hipster technology trading platform'.
19:39:27 <wob_jonas> `WeLcOmE
19:39:29 <HackEso> WeLcOmE To tHe iNtErNaTiOnAl hUb fOr eSoTeRiC PrOgRaMmInG LaNgUaGe dEsIgN AnD DePlOyMeNt! FoR MoRe iNfOrMaTiOn, ChEcK OuT OuR WiKi: <hTtPs://eSoLaNgS.OrG/>. (FoR ThE OtHeR KiNd oF EsOtErIcA, tRy #EsOtErIc oN EfNeT Or dAlNeT.)
19:39:33 <wob_jonas> `wlcm myself
19:39:34 <HackEso> myslf: Wlcm t th ntrntnl hb fr strc prgrmmng lngg dsgn nd dplymnt! Fr mr nfrmtn, chck t r wk: <https://slngs.rg/>. (Fr th thr knd f strc, try #strc n EFnt r DALnt.)
19:39:46 <arseniiv> `wlcome
19:39:46 <HackEso> ​/srv/hackeso-code/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: wlcome: not found
19:40:07 <arseniiv> I read it existed. Some time ago then
19:40:29 <wob_jonas> `elcome
19:40:31 <HackEso> elcome o he nternational ub or soteric rogramming anguage esign nd eployment! or ore nformation, heck ut ur iki: <ttps://solangs.rg/>. (or he ther ind f soterica, ry #soteric n Fnet r ALnet.)
19:40:41 <wob_jonas> `wehlcohme
19:40:42 <HackEso> Wehlcohme to the ihntehrnahtiohnahl huhb fohr ehsohtehrihc prohgrahmmihng lahnguahge dehsihgn ahnd dehployhmehnt! Fohr mohre ihnfohrmahtiohn, chehck ouht ouhr wihki: <https://ehsohlahngs.ohrg/>. (Fohr the ohthehr kihnd ohf ehsohtehrihca, try #ehsohtehrihc ohn EhFneht ohr DAhLneht.)
19:40:53 <arseniiv> int-e: I hope one day fungot will master it?
19:40:53 <fungot> arseniiv: ( ( noise noise noise noise noise)) if there was any age on
19:40:55 <wob_jonas> `wercome
19:40:56 <HackEso> ​エソテリックプログラミング言語のディザインとデプロイメントの国際な場所へようこそ!詳しく、ウィキを見て: <https://esolangs.org/>。(他のエソテリック、irc.dal.netの#esotericへ)
19:41:04 <arseniiv> int-e: see!
19:41:05 <int-e> arseniiv: unlikely
19:41:07 <wob_jonas> `willkommen
19:41:09 <HackEso> Willkommen beim internationalen Zentrum für das Design und die Implementierung esoterischer Programmiersprachen! Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie das Wiki: <https://esolangs.org/>. (Für andere Arten der Esoterik gibt es #esoteric auf EFnet oder DALnet.)
19:42:07 <arseniiv> oh, BTW is there emoji welcome?
19:42:15 <wob_jonas> ``` bin/?*w?*e?*l?*c?*
19:42:17 <HackEso> Welcome to the international hub for esoteric programming language design and deployment! For more information, check out our wiki: <https://esolangs.org/>. (For the other kind of esoterica, try #esoteric on EFnet or DALnet.)
19:42:47 <wob_jonas> ``` bin/$'\x02'welcome
19:42:49 <HackEso> Welcome to the international hub for esoteric programming language design and deployment! For more information, check out our wiki: <https://esolangs.org/>. (For the other kind of esoterica, try #esoteric on EFnet or DALnet.)
19:43:05 <wob_jonas> `Welcome
19:43:06 <wob_jonas> `WELCOME
19:43:06 <HackEso> Welcome To The International Hub For Esoteric Programming Language Design And Deployment! For More Information, Check Out Our Wiki: <Https://Esolangs.Org/>. (For The Other Kind Of Esoterica, Try #Esoteric On EFnet Or DALnet.)
19:43:19 <wob_jonas> `wElCoMe
19:43:21 <HackEso> wElCoMe tO ThE InTeRnAtIoNaL HuB FoR EsOtErIc pRoGrAmMiNg lAnGuAgE DeSiGn aNd dEpLoYmEnT! fOr mOrE InFoRmAtIoN, cHeCk oUt oUr wIkI: <HtTpS://EsOlAnGs.oRg/>. (fOr tHe oThEr kInD Of eSoTeRiCa, TrY #eSoTeRiC On eFnEt oR DaLnEt.)
19:43:23 <int-e> wob_jonas: why are you doing this on the channel...
19:43:45 <wob_jonas> int-e: I've edited wisdom/welcome , which is referenced a lot, so I'm making sure that didn't break anythign
19:44:11 <wob_jonas> `? welcome.bork
19:44:13 <HackEso> Velcume-a tu zee interneshunel hoob fur isutereec prugremmeeng lungooege-a deseegn und depluyment! Fur mure-a inffurmeshun, check oooot oooor veeki: <http://isulungs.oorg/>. (Fur zee oozeer keend ooff isutereeca, try #isutereec oon IFnet oor DELnet.)
19:44:17 <wob_jonas> I still have to edit this one
19:44:31 <int-e> wob_jonas: HackEso is perfectly happy to reply to private messages
19:44:44 <wob_jonas> int-e: yes, I did query a few in private message too
19:45:29 <wob_jonas> but you know, last time one of you complained that I'm not showing the text of the wisdom on the channel before I forget it, despite that the bin/forget tool is deliberately set up to not show it, so now I'm cautious and test many things on channel
19:45:53 <arseniiv> probably Log Gods are angry if there’s not enough welcoming in the channel
19:46:57 <wob_jonas> ``` perl -pi -e 's%<http://isu%<https://isu% and warn "e $ARGV\n"' wisdom/welcome.bork
19:46:59 <HackEso> e wisdom/welcome.bork
19:47:04 <wob_jonas> `? welcome.bork
19:47:06 <HackEso> Velcume-a tu zee interneshunel hoob fur isutereec prugremmeeng lungooege-a deseegn und depluyment! Fur mure-a inffurmeshun, check oooot oooor veeki: <https://isulungs.oorg/>. (Fur zee oozeer keend ooff isutereeca, try #isutereec oon IFnet oor DELnet.)
19:47:10 -!- int-e has left.
19:48:07 <wob_jonas> `? wiki
19:48:08 <HackEso> The wiki is at <http://esolangs.org/>.
19:48:08 <wob_jonas> `? entrymsg
19:48:10 <HackEso> ENTRYMSG for #esoteric is Welcome to the esoteric programming channel! Wiki: <http://esolangs.org/>
19:48:48 <wob_jonas> that last one is actually true. can some channel moderator edit the ChanServ ENTRYMSG to refer to <https://esolangs.org/> instead?
19:49:59 <wob_jonas> fizzie: ^ please
19:50:21 <wob_jonas> ``` perl -pi -e 's%<http://eso%<https://eso% and warn "e $ARGV\n"' wisdom/wiki
19:50:23 <HackEso> e wisdom/wiki
19:50:25 <wob_jonas> `? wisdom/wiki
19:50:26 <HackEso> wisdom/wiki? ¯\(°​_o)/¯
19:50:29 <wob_jonas> `? wiki
19:50:31 <HackEso> The wiki is at <https://esolangs.org/>.
19:51:52 <wob_jonas> `? wlcom
19:51:53 <HackEso> Hi! This is a chat about unusual programming tools. For additional info, visit our wiki: <http://bit.ly/C4TUY>. (For unusual things of a contrasting sort, try http://bit.ly/19k9nf8.)
19:55:03 <wob_jonas> that one should be edited too
19:57:06 <wob_jonas> `? =@ccc
19:57:08 <HackEso> ​=@ccc is a great innovation in gcc 6, kept top secret, where inline asm statements can return a value in the carry flag on x86_64. See https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-6/changes.html which keeps this secret, https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-6.1.0/gcc/Extended-Asm.html , http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.kernel/2238065 .
19:57:14 <wob_jonas> ^ the gmane link in this one has to be updated too
19:57:21 <wob_jonas> because the original gmane shut down
19:57:43 <wob_jonas> there should be archives of that mailing list, but I'm not sure how to locate the right message
20:03:29 <wob_jonas> https://marc.info/?l=linux-kernel&m=143801938730922&w=2 is a relevant message, but I can't tell if that's the one the gmane link refers to
20:03:45 <wob_jonas> I suspect it might not be, but I don't know how to find the right one
20:03:54 <wob_jonas> meh, let's just do it, I don't know a better way for now
20:04:07 <wob_jonas> the old gmane address will still be in the hackeso version history
20:05:43 <wob_jonas> ``` sed -i 's%\<http://article\.gmane[^ ]*5 %https://marc.info/?l=linux-kernel\&m=143786977730804 %' wisdom/=@ccc
20:05:45 <HackEso> wisdom/=@ccc//=@ccc is a great innovation in gcc 6, kept top secret, where inline asm statements can return a value in the carry flag on x86_64. See https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-6/changes.html which keeps this secret, https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-6.1.0/gcc/Extended-Asm.html , https://marc.info/?l=linux-kernel&m=143786977730804 .
20:05:54 <wob_jonas> `? =@ccc
20:05:55 <HackEso> ​=@ccc is a great innovation in gcc 6, kept top secret, where inline asm statements can return a value in the carry flag on x86_64. See https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-6/changes.html which keeps this secret, https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-6.1.0/gcc/Extended-Asm.html , https://marc.info/?l=linux-kernel&m=143786977730804 .
20:06:15 <wob_jonas> ok
20:29:46 -!- arseniiv has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds).
20:44:23 -!- brandonson has joined.
20:58:54 <fizzie> wob_jonas: 21:58 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- The entry message for #esoteric has been set to Welcome to the esoteric programming channel! Wiki: <https://esolangs.org/>
20:59:26 <wob_jonas> `? entrymsg
20:59:27 <HackEso> ENTRYMSG for #esoteric is Welcome to the esoteric programming channel! Wiki: <http://esolangs.org/>
20:59:48 <wob_jonas> `slashlearn entrymsg//ENTRYMSG for #esoteric is Welcome to the esoteric programming channel! Wiki: <https://esolangs.org/>
20:59:51 <HackEso> Relearned 'entrymsg': ENTRYMSG for #esoteric is Welcome to the esoteric programming channel! Wiki: <https://esolangs.org/>
20:59:55 <wob_jonas> `? entrymsg
20:59:56 <HackEso> ENTRYMSG for #esoteric is Welcome to the esoteric programming channel! Wiki: <https://esolangs.org/>
21:00:02 <wob_jonas> fizzie: thanks
21:00:49 -!- Phantom_Hoover has joined.
21:00:49 -!- Phantom_Hoover has quit (Changing host).
21:00:49 -!- Phantom_Hoover has joined.
21:14:43 -!- LKoen has joined.
21:22:25 <wob_jonas> `? wisdom.pdf
21:22:26 <HackEso> Nicely formatted wisdoms and quotes book at https://www.dropbox.com/s/fyhqyvy3i8oh25m/wisdom.pdf
21:22:28 <wob_jonas> ^ this one is a bit old
21:22:57 -!- LKoen has quit (Quit: “It’s only logical. First you learn to talk, then you learn to think. Too bad it’s not the other way round.”).
21:32:54 -!- MDude has joined.
21:53:02 -!- AnotherTest has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds).
22:04:08 -!- wob_jonas has quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client).
22:08:11 <esowiki> [[Talk:Call stack/Manipulation]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=55293&oldid=46072 * Rdococ * (+874) /* Second execution primitive: 'catch-thrown' */ new section
22:16:20 -!- tromp has joined.
23:17:59 -!- Phantom_Hoover has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
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