00:06:41 -!- Sgeo_ has joined.
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00:14:45 <fizzie> `` echo hello your name is $IRC_NICK # turns out there was multibot precedence for this name, I just propagated it
00:17:21 <kmc> `` echo $IRC_NICK is the cutest girl in the world
00:17:22 <HackEso> kmc is the cutest girl in the world
00:17:27 <kmc> why thank you HackEso
00:17:38 -!- Lord_of_Life_ has joined.
00:17:57 <shachaf> imo what about the rest of the message
00:17:59 <kmc> `` env | grep kmc
00:18:39 <fizzie> `mkx bin/whoami//echo $IRC_NICK
00:19:01 <fizzie> `` /usr/bin/whoami # the official one wasn't very useful anyway
00:19:02 <HackEso> /usr/bin/whoami: cannot find name for user ID 1000: No such file or directory
00:19:46 -!- Lord_of_Life has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds).
00:20:03 -!- Lord_of_Life_ has changed nick to Lord_of_Life.
00:38:53 <oerjan> ^ul (:*)(:*)(a)~^~(^)~^*(~S:^):^
00:39:29 -!- MDude has joined.
00:39:55 <oerjan> ^ul (:*)(:*)(a)~^~(^)~^*(((:):)())~*^(~S:^):^
00:40:12 <oerjan> ^ul (:*)(:*)(a)~^~(^)~^*(((:):)())~*^^(~S:^):^
00:40:36 <oerjan> ^ul (:*)(:*)(a)~^~(^)~^*(((:):)())~*^^^(~S:^):^
00:40:57 <oerjan> ^ul (:*)(:*)(a)~^~(^)~^*(((:):)())~*^^^(~aS:^):^
00:40:57 <fungot> (:)(:) ...out of stack!
00:41:07 <oerjan> ^ul (:*)(:*)(a)~^~(^)~^*(((:):)())~*^^(~aS:^):^
00:41:07 <fungot> ((:):) ...out of stack!
00:41:19 <oerjan> ^ul (::**)(:*)(a)~^~(^)~^*(((:):)())~*^^(~aS:^):^
00:41:19 <fungot> (:)(:) ...out of stack!
00:41:29 <oerjan> ^ul (::**)(:::***)(a)~^~(^)~^*(((:):)())~*^^(~aS:^):^
00:41:29 <fungot> ()((:):) ...out of stack!
00:42:35 <oerjan> ^ul (::**)(:::***)(a)~^~(^)~^*(((=)S)((!=)S)((:):)())~*^^!!^
00:42:43 <oerjan> ^ul (:::***)(:::***)(a)~^~(^)~^*(((=)S)((!=)S)((:):)())~*^^!!^
00:50:56 <oerjan> ^ul ((==)S)((!=)S)((:):)()(:::***)(:::***)(a)~^~(^)~^*^^!!^
00:51:44 <oerjan> ^ul ((==)S)((!=)S)((:):)()(:::***)(:::***)(a)~^~(^)~^^!!^
00:52:10 <oerjan> ^ul ((==)S)((!=)S)((:):)()(:::***)(:::***)(a)~^~(^)~^^^!!^
00:52:14 <oerjan> ^ul ((==)S)((!=)S)((:):)()(:::***)(:::***)(a)~^~(^)~^^^^!!^
00:52:52 <oerjan> ^ul ((==)S)((!=)S)(:):(:::***)(:::***)(a)~^~(^)~^^^^!!^
00:53:16 <oerjan> ^ul ((==)S)((!=)S)(:):(:::***)(:::***)(a)~^~(^)~^^^!!^
00:53:40 <shachaf> Should `list be adapted to use whoami?
00:54:41 <oerjan> ^ul ((==)S)((!=)S)(:):(:::***)(:::***)(a)~^~(^)~^^!!^
00:54:54 <HackEso> KmC: wElCoMe tO ThE InTeRnAtIoNaL HuB FoR EsOtErIc pRoGrAmMiNg lAnGuAgE DeSiGn aNd dEpLoYmEnT! fOr mOrE InFoRmAtIoN, cHeCk oUt oUr wIkI: <HtTpS://EsOlAnGs.oRg/>. (fOr tHe oThEr kInD Of eSoTeRiCa, TrY #eSoTeRiC On eFnEt oR DaLnEt.)
00:55:02 <kmc> `relcome shachaf
00:55:04 <HackEso> shachaf: Welcome to the international hub for esoteric programming language design and deployment! For more information, check out our wiki: <https://esolangs.org/>. (For the other kind of esoterica, try #esoteric on EFnet or DALnet.)
00:55:12 <HackEso> kmc: Tervetuloa esoteeristen ohjelmointikielten suunnittelun ja käyttöönoton kansainväliseen keskukseen! Lisätietoa saat wikistämme: <https://esolangs.org/>. (Muu esoteerisuus: kokeile kanavaa #esoteric joko EFnet- tai Dalnet-verkossa.)
00:55:55 <kmc> "VAROITUS: Tamä tuote sisältää ja sitä poltettaessa siltä erityy kemikaaleja, joiden on Kalifornian osavaltiossa todettu aiheuttavan syöpää ja sikiön epämuodostumia tai muita lisääntymiskykyyn
00:56:00 <kmc> littyviä vaurioita."
00:56:33 <kmc> ääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääää
00:56:35 <fizzie> Alavilla mailla hallan vaara, älä rääkkää sitä kääkkää.
00:56:53 <HackEso> /srv/hackeso-code/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: ברוכים: not found
00:57:13 <kmc> is that a tongue twister?
00:57:21 <fizzie> They're the canonical most and least beautiful sentences of Finnish, according to someone.
00:57:41 <HackEso> muillesi voisekonotkaamissamme korostamasi jyräävä seltuaalisempaan pilkupakkaamme alkamaltasi tuhoukkivälit holle kauemporummat kielialiltanhua tasi turvat ulstressa odostanne
00:57:58 <shachaf> regular finnish is tongue twisty enough for me
00:58:01 <kmc> google thinks the first half is Malayalam
00:58:11 <kmc> and it sounds rather nicer when text-to-spoken as such
00:58:20 <fizzie> Not bad in terms of % of real words this time: muillesi, korostamasi, jyräävä, turvat.
00:58:26 <kmc> "älä rääkkää sitä kääkkää" could only be finnish
00:58:27 <fizzie> Usually there's just one or two.
00:58:44 <kmc> Holle's long-tailed drumsticks for you!
00:58:47 <fizzie> "Don't torture that old crone", basically.
00:59:00 <kmc> Hollow drops of the hollow-spotted tongue cups for Holle that we emphasized for others
01:00:09 <kmc> okay, ok, this is too good: https://i.imgur.com/B0Nfc1a.png
01:00:34 <kmc> I am just removing words from the end one by one
01:00:40 <kmc> next is "the rumbling spheres we've been stressing to others for our more stellar backside"
01:00:52 <kmc> "your crunchy belligerent bundle that you emphasized to others"
01:00:57 <fizzie> It's a bit hard to reason out how it got that.
01:01:27 <HackEso> fizzie is not fnord with a monad but the sneaky king of #esoteric, see https://zem.fi/static/img/square_fizzie_320px_white.jpg
01:01:34 <shachaf> fizzie: are you actually sneaky twh
01:01:47 * kmc has a more stellar backside
01:02:10 <fizzie> I think not, I probably must've just edited a file in a query around the time that got added.
01:02:36 <HackEso> 11495:2018-04-12 <shachäf> ` hg cat -r 10000 wisdom/fizzie > wisdom/fizzie \ 11493:2018-04-12 <shachäf> slwd fizzie//s.prime minister.emperor. \ 11286:2017-12-28 <boil̈y> slwd fizzie//s/\\bfi/Fi/ \ 11285:2017-12-25 <boil̈y> slwd fizzie//s/^/King / \ 10285:2017-02-16 <shachäf> revert \ 10284:2017-02-16 <\oren̈\> slwd fizzie//s/$/ He never remembers w\'s./ \ 10241:2017-02-13 <shachäf> slwd fizzie//s.king.prime minister. \ 10201:2017-02-01 <shacha
01:02:46 <HackEso> 2/3:chäf> slwd fizzie//s. k. canary k. \ 8869:2016-07-28 <shachäf> slwd fizzie//s#http.*#https://zem.fi/static/img/square_fizzie_320px_white.jpg# \ 8168:2016-05-25 <shachäf> ` sed -i \'s/k/sneaky k/\' wisdom/fizzie \ 4999:2014-10-02 <oerjän> revert 4969 \ 4984:2014-09-30 <mroman̈_> learn_append fizzie Fizzie is a bot controlled by fungot. \ 4249:2013-12-30 <oerjän> learn fizzie is not fnord with a monad but the king of #esoteric, see http://codu
01:03:19 <fizzie> http://esolangs.org/logs/2016-05.html#l1kg
01:03:38 <oerjan> kmc: are you sure it's not a black hole hth
01:03:43 <HackEso> fizzie//fizzie is not fnord with a monad but the king of #esoteric, see https://zem.fi/static/img/square_fizzie_320px_white.jpg
01:04:03 <shachaf> This was about the mv trick.
01:04:12 <shachaf> I think that's sneaky after all.
01:05:54 <HackEso> התבל ללבו ויתרת ימים דבש וכו מונה האשמורו מורת שהבני לגל ולהעבדו כמפנ המוזלי כשתית
01:07:54 <kmc> is that because the vowels are not written
01:08:02 <shachaf> probably has to do with it?
01:08:28 <shachaf> books translated into hebrew are noticeably shorter if i remember correcctly
01:08:52 <shachaf> presumably chinese or something is even better
01:09:03 <shachaf> but the alphabet is much larger
01:09:54 <esowiki> [[Special:Log/upload]] upload * A * uploaded "[[File:Scratch(3.0).png]]": Deadfish
01:10:00 <kmc> I'm playing with my fidget cube
01:11:09 <esowiki> [[Deadfish]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60481&oldid=59790 * A * (+44) /* The language defined by the Revised Revised Revised Revised Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme */
01:12:04 <esowiki> [[Special:Log/upload]] overwrite * A * uploaded a new version of "[[File:Scratch(3.0).png]]"
01:15:21 -!- oerjan has quit (Quit: Nite).
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02:03:01 <fizzie> `` echo $PATH # cleanups
02:03:02 <HackEso> /hackenv/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
02:06:06 <shachaf> i am considering doing something sneaky and evil
02:07:11 <kmc> what is it, though
02:08:08 <shachaf> it wouldn't be sneaky if i told you
02:11:53 <kmc> will this affect me
02:21:17 -!- Essadon has quit (Quit: Qutting).
02:23:34 <fizzie> A cafe nearby had an advertising sign (advertisign?) outside, and at the bottom it said "hugs are free", and I got puzzled about whether that was a general statement or if they're actually hugging their customers.
02:23:53 <imode> means don't tip with a hug.
02:25:11 <fizzie> I guess that's possible, it just didn't seem likely from the context. Anyway, people don't usually tip at coffee shops here.
02:27:54 <kmc> imo go in and ask for a hug
02:32:49 <pikhq> IMO tipping is weird
02:42:09 <kmc> american tipping culture is really bad
02:47:17 <kmc> especially the part where employers can count tips as part of minimum wage :(
02:48:44 <pikhq> CO's setup for that is weird. Tipped wage is $2.02/hour below non-tipped minimum.
02:48:58 <pikhq> And that's a constant figure.
02:50:26 <pikhq> (minimum wage is $11.10/hr, going to $12/hr next year, after which point it will be pegged to inflation)
02:56:44 <kmc> shachaf: also you should come to san francisco and hug me sometime
02:57:45 <pikhq> If you come to Denver I will have hugs on tap.
02:57:54 <kmc> I just might
02:58:00 <kmc> in fact there's some chance I'll move to the area
02:58:36 <kmc> unclear, but it's under consideration
03:00:48 <shachaf> I was in Denver and didn't find any hugs there.
03:01:03 <shachaf> Admittedly I wasn't there for very long. And I think you were in California at the time.
03:02:39 <pikhq> And I'm technically not in Denver yet.
03:02:52 <pikhq> I'm moving up there in about a month.
03:03:02 <pikhq> (that said, I'm about 60 miles south of there, so...)
03:04:24 <shachaf> imo berkeley is closer than denver and possibly has more hugs per capita
03:06:07 <pikhq> Denver's still in reasonable travel distance of family.
03:09:07 <pikhq> Also, I'm kinda trying to move to be _close_ to the office...
03:10:06 <kmc> shachaf: do you know other people in berkeley who will hug me?
03:10:07 <pikhq> That is admittedly a valiant goal.
03:11:40 <oren> gUd aftRnUn evrEwun! is nO dEl breksit upon us? hW sUn wil nO?
03:13:52 <fizzie> They're voting on no deal tomorrow, though just a moment ago my newsfeed said it might still happen even if they vote no for no deal.
03:14:10 <fizzie> I think it boils down to "it's all messed up".
03:14:57 <oren> wel yes bEcuz Du E.yU. has tU agrE tU
03:15:08 <kmc> that has been my impression for some time
03:18:27 <pikhq> Yeah. No deal is what happens if the UK just fails to take action at this point.
03:19:10 <pikhq> And given the past couple of years in UK politics, I dare say that's the safe bet.
03:25:35 <kmc> hm, is there a prediction market contract for no-deal brexit?
03:25:37 <kmc> i can't find one
03:26:03 <pikhq> Fair question, actually. Hmm.
03:34:14 <shachaf> https://www.betfair.com/exchange/plus/politics/market/1.153694387
03:35:38 <kmc> what tf do all these numbers mean
03:39:05 <shachaf> https://www.livetipsportal.com/en/betting-strategies/back-lay/
03:39:09 <shachaf> not sure why they make it so complicated
03:40:25 <shachaf> Oh, it's just the inverse of the probability?
03:42:33 <shachaf> And I guess the other numbers are the bid and ask sizes at other prices?
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05:12:26 <esowiki> [[User talk:A]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60483&oldid=60345 * Ais523 * (+706) some bugs in the Deadfish-in-Scratch implementation
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09:33:11 <wob_jonas> fizzie: nice! though I was hoping for the full sender and receiving channel/nick too, although of course there are ways to abuse that with sneaky commands that behave differently in private message than on the channel
09:33:47 <wob_jonas> ``` perl -e'print reverse $ENV{IRC_NICK}'
09:33:56 <wob_jonas> ``` perl -e'print "".reverse $ENV{IRC_NICK}'
10:04:34 <wob_jonas> I guess now we could make a subscribe macro that appends you to a list
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13:18:43 <fizzie> wob_jonas: The receiving side needs a patch in multibot, which I don't currently have a fork of. But I could easily propagate multibot's IRC_IDENT and IRC_HOST variables to the sandbox as well.
13:21:16 <fizzie> The exact semantics of those are: IRC_NICK is the incoming message's prefix with the leading ':' and any characters after the first '!' removed; IRC_IDENT is either empty or the characters from the first '!' to the first '@' after that; and IRC_HOST is either empty or the characters after the '@' from the previous step.
13:24:58 <fizzie> `` echo $IRC_NICK $IRC_IDENT $IRC_HOST # <- wob_jonas
13:24:59 <HackEso> fizzie fis unaffiliated/fizzie
13:28:51 <HackEso> fizzie \ fizzie!fis@unaffiliated/fizzie
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13:32:22 <esowiki> [[Special:Log/upload]] upload * A * uploaded "[[File:Truth-machine.JPG]]": Truth-machine
13:33:24 <esowiki> [[Truth-machine]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60485&oldid=60310 * A * (+49) /* Sceql */
13:33:37 <esowiki> [[Truth-machine]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60486&oldid=60485 * A * (-4)
13:33:51 <wob_jonas> fizzie: ok, but how about also the message target, which is usually either #esoteric or HackEso ?
13:34:22 <wob_jonas> whcih is the first parameter after the PRIVMSG or NOTICE
13:37:20 <fizzie> Yes, that's the part that's not available to a running multibot command.
13:38:36 <fizzie> multibot itself obviously has it, but it's only used (after a fashion) to determine the name of the script/executable to run, not exported in an environment variable.
13:38:56 -!- AnotherTest has quit (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in).
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13:39:23 <fizzie> I can add it (probably as IRC_TARGET), but not while I'm supposed to be working, because it involves forking the multibot repo to make changes on that level.
13:40:33 <esowiki> [[Special:Log/upload]] overwrite * A * uploaded a new version of "[[File:Scratch(3.0).png]]": Fix bugs
13:41:45 <esowiki> [[Special:Log/upload]] overwrite * A * uploaded a new version of "[[File:Scratch(3.0).png]]": Fix that again :(
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13:57:29 <esowiki> [[User talk:A]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60489&oldid=60483 * A * (-783) Clear talk page
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14:42:37 <HackEso> wob_jonas!25bf3cd1@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.
14:42:43 <HackEso> echo -n $IRC_NICK; if [[ "$1" == "-v" && -n "$IRC_IDENT" ]]; then echo -n "!$IRC_IDENT"; if [[ -n "$IRC_HOST" ]]; then echo -n "@$IRC_HOST"; fi; fi; echo
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18:33:54 <fizzie> Today's "duh" moment: if you parse a bunch of bytes as proto X and rely on the idea that surely it'll throw some sort of exception if that's actually a message of type Y, you may end up spending a few hours (this thing is slow to run) figuring out why that stuff you see in the byte[] just won't seem to go in the proto.
18:35:30 <fizzie> (An InvalidProtocolBufferException will only get thrown if the incoming message has a set field that has a type that conflicts with the parsed-as proto; for all field numbers that don't exist the protobuf runtime will just go "huh, this is probably from some future version of X, I'll be forwards-compatible and ignore it".)
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21:04:01 <b_jonas> fizzie: have you decided yet whether you'll join HackEso to #esoteric-blah ?
21:05:07 <b_jonas> shachaf: no, `list shouldn't be adapted to use whoami. the whole point of list is that it makes it impossible to just remove you from the list, without changing the source code
21:05:31 <b_jonas> it doesn't just put nicks to a file. if it did that, people would just remove themselves afterwards by editing that file or reverting.
21:05:54 <b_jonas> but you can't do that, the way it's implemented. you'd have to mess with its source code to remove you.
21:06:38 <esowiki> [[Esolang:Featured languages/Candidates]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60490&oldid=60293 * Camto * (+804) Suggest Underload.
21:08:28 <b_jonas> oh, that reminds me. who asked about rubik's cubes, and have you ordered one yet?
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21:45:40 <oerjan> ^ul (:::***)(:::***)(a)~^~(^)~^*(((==)S)(!(<)S)(!(!(>)S)(:):)())~*^^!!^
21:45:50 <oerjan> ^ul (::**)(:::***)(a)~^~(^)~^*(((==)S)(!(<)S)(!(!(>)S)(:):)())~*^^!!^
21:46:00 <oerjan> ^ul (::**)(:*)(a)~^~(^)~^*(((==)S)(!(<)S)(!(!(>)S)(:):)())~*^^!!^
21:51:49 <oerjan> ^ul (::**)(:*)(a)~^~(^)~^*(((==)S)(!(<)S)(!(!(>)S)(:):)())~*^^!!^(aS:^):^
21:51:49 <fungot> >(aS:^) ...out of stack!
21:52:17 <oerjan> ^ul (::**)(:*)(a)~^~(^)~^*(((==)S)(!(<)S)(!(!(>)S)(:):)())~*^^!!^(~aS:^):^
21:52:29 <oerjan> ^ul (::**)(::**)(a)~^~(^)~^*(((==)S)(!(<)S)(!(!(>)S)(:):)())~*^^!!^(~aS:^):^
21:52:38 <oerjan> ^ul (:*)(::**)(a)~^~(^)~^*(((==)S)(!(<)S)(!(!(>)S)(:):)())~*^^!!^(~aS:^):^
21:54:41 <HackEso> bash: rustc: command not found
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22:07:47 <nykebarz> Guys, what language uses just ".?!"
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22:11:17 <int-e> . o O ( Ook! minus Ook )
22:12:19 -!- imode has joined.
22:12:35 <int-e> ... https://esolangs.org/wiki/Blub ... really.
22:19:06 <int-e> It would have been nice to hear the answer. But "Ook! minus Ook" seems to exist, so I'll stick to that guess: https://www.dcode.fr/ook-language ("In order to shorten writing and avoid multiples Ook, the code is sometimes simplified (by removing the Ook) [...]")
22:23:38 <b_jonas> int-e: wouldn't that work by still writing one Ook followed by all the punctuation though, the theory being that an orangutan would be able to pronounce a single Ook expressively enough?
22:28:08 <int-e> ........!?.?................?.!!?!.?!.!.!.
22:28:40 <int-e> sorry, I meant ........!?.?................?.!!?!.?..!.!.!.
22:32:16 -!- arseniiv has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds).
22:33:26 -!- moei has quit (Quit: Leaving...).
22:33:38 <b_jonas> `perl -e %m=("..",'$m[$s]++',"!!",'$m[$s]--',".?",'$m++',"?.",'$m--',"!.",'print chr$m[$s]',"!?",'while($m[$s]){',"?!",'}');$m{ while("........!?.?................?.!!?!.?..!.!.!."=~/(..)/){print(($m{$1}//die"what$1"),"; ");}
22:33:39 <HackEso> syntax error at -e line 1, near "{ while" \ Missing right curly or square bracket at -e line 1, at end of line \ Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors.
22:34:15 <b_jonas> `perl -e %m=("..",'$m[$s]++',"!!",'$m[$s]--',".?",'$m++',"?.",'$m--',"!.",'print chr$m[$s]',"!?",'while($m[$s]){',"?!",'}'); while("........!?.?................?.!!?!.?..!.!.!."=~/(..)/g){print(($m{$1}//die"what$1"),"; ");}
22:34:15 <HackEso> $m[$s]++; $m[$s]++; $m[$s]++; $m[$s]++; while($m[$s]){; $m++; $m[$s]++; $m[$s]++; $m[$s]++; $m[$s]++; $m[$s]++; $m[$s]++; $m[$s]++; $m[$s]++; $m--; $m[$s]--; }; $m++; $m[$s]++; print chr$m[$s]; print chr$m[$s]; print chr$m[$s];
22:34:40 <b_jonas> `perl -e %m=("..",'$m[$s]++',"!!",'$m[$s]--',".?",'$m++',"?.",'$m--',"!.",'print chr$m[$s]',"!?",'while($m[$s]){',"?!",'}'); while("........!?.?................?.!!?!.?..!.!.!."=~/(..)/g){ $f.=(($m{$1}//die"what$1"),"; "); } eval$f;
22:35:55 <b_jonas> `perl -e %m=("..",'$m[$s]++',"!!",'$m[$s]--',".?",'$m++',"?.",'$m--',"!.",'print chr$m[$s]',"!?",'while($m[$s]){',"?!",'}'); while("........!?.?................?.!!?!.?..!.!.!."=~/(..)/g){ $f.=(($m{$1}//die"what$1"),';print"['.$1.':$s:$m[$s]]"; '); } eval$f;
22:35:55 <HackEso> [..::][..::][..::][..::][!?::][.?::][..::][..::][..::][..::][..::][..::][..::][..::][?.::][!!::][?!::][.?::][..::][!.::][!.::][!.::]
22:36:11 <b_jonas> `perl -e %m=("..",'$m[$s]++',"!!",'$m[$s]--',".?",'$m++',"?.",'$m--',"!.",'print chr$m[$s]',"!?",'while($m[$s]){',"?!",'}'); while("........!?.?................?.!!?!.?..!.!.!."=~/(..)/g){ $f.=(($m{$1}//die"what$1"),';print"['.$1.':$s:$m[$s]]"; '); } $s=@m=0; eval$f;
22:36:12 <HackEso> [..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][!?:1:][.?:1:][..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][?.:1:][!!:1:][?!:1:][.?:1:][..:1:][!.:1:][!.:1:][!.:1:]
22:36:33 <b_jonas> `perl -e %m=("..",'$m[$s]++',"!!",'$m[$s]--',".?",'$m++',"?.",'$m--',"!.",'print chr$m[$s]',"!?",'while($m[$s]){',"?!",'}'); while("........!?.?................?.!!?!.?..!.!.!."=~/(..)/g){ $f.=(($m{$1}//die"what$1"),';print"['.$1.':$s:$m[$s]]"; '); } $s=@m=0; eval$f; print'[STOP]';
22:36:34 <HackEso> [..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][!?:1:][.?:1:][..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][?.:1:][!!:1:][?!:1:][.?:1:][..:1:][!.:1:][!.:1:][!.:1:][STOP]
22:37:13 <b_jonas> `perl -e %m=("..",'$m[$s]++',"!!",'$m[$s]--',".?",'$m++',"?.",'$m--',"!.",'print chr$m[$s]',"!?",'while($m[$s]){',"?!",'}'); while("........!?.?................?.!!?!.?..!.!.!."=~/(..)/g){ $f.=(($k{$1}//die"what$1"),';print"['.$1.':$s:$m[$s]]"; '); } $s=@m=0; eval$f; print'[STOP]';
22:37:26 <b_jonas> `perl -e %m=("..",'$m[$s]++',"!!",'$m[$s]--',".?",'$m++',"?.",'$m--',"!.",'print $m[$s]',"!?",'while($m[$s]){',"?!",'}'); while("........!?.?................?.!!?!.?..!.!.!."=~/(..)/g){ $f.=(($m{$1}//die"what$1"),';print"['.$1.':$s:$m[$s]]"; '); } $s=@m=0; eval$f; print'[STOP]';
22:37:27 <HackEso> [..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][!?:1:][.?:1:][..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][..:1:][?.:1:][!!:1:][?!:1:][.?:1:][..:1:][!.:1:][!.:1:][!.:1:][STOP]
22:38:11 <b_jonas> `perl -e %m=("..",'$m[$s]++',"!!",'$m[$s]--',".?",'$m++',"?.",'$m--',"!.",'print $m[$s]',"!?",'while($m[$s]){',"?!",'}'); while("........!?.?................?.!!?!.?..!.!.!."=~/(..)/g){ $f.=(($m{$1}//die"what$1"),';print"['.$1.':$s:$m[$s]]"; '); } $s=0;@m=(0)x9; eval$f; print'[STOP]';
22:38:12 <HackEso> [..:0:0][..:0:0][..:0:0][..:0:0][!?:0:0][.?:0:0][..:0:0][..:0:0][..:0:0][..:0:0][..:0:0][..:0:0][..:0:0][..:0:0][?.:0:0][!!:0:0][?!:0:0][.?:0:0][..:0:0][!.:0:0][!.:0:0][!.:0:0][STOP]
22:38:22 <b_jonas> the .. should increment the memory
22:39:49 <int-e> huh. one of $m[$s]++ or $m++ doesn't make sense... unless perl has a commutative [] just like C.
22:39:51 <b_jonas> `perl -e %m=("..",'$m[$s]++',"!!",'$m[$s]--',".?",'$m++',"?.",'$m--',"!.",'print "($m[$s])"',"!?",'while($m[$s]){',"?!",'}'); while("........!?.?................?.!!?!.?..!.!.!."=~/(..)/g){ $f.=(($m{$1}//die"what$1").'; '); } $s=0;@m=(0)x9; eval$f; print'[STOP]';
22:39:59 <b_jonas> sorry, $f had the wrong content
22:40:41 <b_jonas> `perl -e %c=("..",'$m[$s]++',"!!",'$m[$s]--',".?",'$s++',"?.",'$s--',"!.",'print "($m[$s])"',"!?",'while($m[$s]){',"?!",'}'); while("........!?.?................?.!!?!.?..!.!.!."=~/(..)/g){ $f.=(($c{$1}//die"what$1").'; '); } eval$f; print'[STOP]';
22:40:51 <b_jonas> ok, so that prints three exclamation marks
22:41:00 <int-e> that's what I intended
22:41:13 <b_jonas> `perl -e %c=("..",'$m[$s]++',"!!",'$m[$s]--',".?",'$s++',"?.",'$s--',"!.",'print chr($m[$s])',"!?",'while($m[$s]){',"?!",'}'); while("........!?.?................?.!!?!.?..!.!.!."=~/(..)/g){ $f.=(($c{$1}//die"what$1").'; '); } eval$f;
22:42:31 <int-e> Though maybe I should have opted for five. https://wiki.lspace.org/mediawiki/index.php/Multiple_exclamation_marks
22:43:21 <b_jonas> `perl -e while("........!?.?................?.!!?!.?..!.!.!."=~/(..)/g){ $w{$1}++; } for(sort keys%w) { printf "%d%s | ",$w{$_},$_; }
22:43:22 <HackEso> 1!! | 3!. | 1!? | 13.. | 2.? | 1?! | 1?. |
22:44:33 <b_jonas> hmm, I could have just translated it to branfuck, then ask our hon. and learned friend fungot to run it
22:44:33 <fungot> b_jonas: one could say, this piet program prints " wrong"
22:45:14 <int-e> b_jonas: your way was more entertaining though a bit on the spammy side.
22:45:47 <b_jonas> yeah, I should have switched to private earlier
22:46:02 <b_jonas> fizzie: get HackEso onto #esoteric-blah, then I can still be entertaining
22:51:43 -!- housecarpenter has joined.
22:59:36 -!- imode has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.4).
23:03:08 -!- b_jonas has quit (Quit: leaving).
23:05:38 <esowiki> [[Esolang:Featured languages/Candidates]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60491&oldid=60490 * Oerjan * (+0) Capitalize Turing
23:09:21 -!- AnotherTest has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
23:18:04 <esowiki> [[Interfrac]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=60492&oldid=60357 * Oerjan * (+6) Be bold
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