←2021-05-10 2021-05-11 2021-05-12→ ↑2021 ↑all
00:12:50 -!- tromp has joined.
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00:50:57 <esowiki> [[Special:Log/newusers]] create * Trump bot 3 * New user account
00:51:39 <esowiki> [[Esolang:Introduce yourself]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=82846&oldid=82841 * Trump bot 3 * (+122) /* Introductions */
00:52:25 <esowiki> [[User:ColorfulGalaxy]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=82847&oldid=81720 * Trump bot 3 * (-18) Nationality no longer exists
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01:12:48 * pikhq waves
01:15:46 <zzo38> Hello
01:16:08 <pikhq> hi
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02:07:03 <esowiki> [[User:ColorfulGalaxy]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=82848&oldid=82847 * ColorfulGalaxy (disambiguation) * (+88) Undo revision 82847 by [[Special:Contributions/Trump bot 3|Trump bot 3]]) ([[User talk:Trump bot 3|talk]]) (Text might be offensive) (/* Tag */ Undo
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03:01:43 <esowiki> [[User:ColorfulGalaxy/Aheui alphabet]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=82849 * Trump bot 3 * (+411) Dath sntnce wrning
03:02:48 <esowiki> [[User:ColorfulGalaxy]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=82850&oldid=82848 * Trump bot 3 * (-34) I told you that the Chins nationality does not exist
03:03:12 -!- tromp has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
03:17:10 <esowiki> [[Airline food]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=82851&oldid=82396 * Largejamie * (+4)
03:35:49 -!- xkapastel has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity).
03:53:17 <esowiki> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * Ais523 * deleted "[[User:ColorfulGalaxy/Aheui alphabet]]": created by blocked user while circumventing the block
03:54:51 <esowiki> [[User talk:Trump bot 3]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=82852 * New Army * (+33) Created page with "What did you say on my talk page?"
03:54:53 <esowiki> [[Special:Log/block]] block * Ais523 * blocked [[User:Trump bot 3]] with an expiration time of indefinite (account creation disabled, email disabled): Abusing multiple accounts
03:55:31 <esowiki> [[User:ColorfulGalaxy]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=82853&oldid=82850 * Ais523 * (+34) Undo revision 82850 by [[Special:Contributions/Trump bot 3|Trump bot 3]] ([[User talk:Trump bot 3|talk]]) edit by blocked user circumventing the block
03:56:14 <esowiki> [[Esolang:Introduce yourself]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=82854&oldid=82846 * Ais523 * (-122) Undo revision 82846 by [[Special:Contributions/Trump bot 3|Trump bot 3]] ([[User talk:Trump bot 3|talk]]) edit by blocked user circumventing the block
03:57:35 <esowiki> [[Special:Log/block]] block * Ais523 * blocked [[User:]] with an expiration time of 1 month (account creation disabled): IP being abused to create multiple accounts in circumvention of a block
03:59:27 <esowiki> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * Ais523 * deleted "[[User talk:Trump bot 3]]": not useful to communicate with a banned user, especially not on the talk page of a sockpuppet account
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08:11:10 <esowiki> [[User talk:Ais523]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=82855&oldid=82657 * ColorfulGalaxy * (+237) /* Euler's birthday is coming. */
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08:14:28 <esowiki> [[User talk:Ais523]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=82856&oldid=82855 * ColorfulGalaxy * (+39) /* Euler's birthday is coming. */
08:20:37 <esowiki> [[Esolang:Sandbox]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=82857&oldid=82732 * ColorfulGalaxy * (+30) From CoffeeHax's introduction
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08:49:10 <esowiki> [[User:ColorfulGalaxy/Google mirror]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=82858 * ColorfulGalaxy * (+1649) Not completed yet
08:51:07 <esowiki> [[User talk:Heavpoot]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=82859&oldid=81914 * ColorfulGalaxy * (+235) /* Please help me with the tricks for my Google mirror simulator */ new section
08:58:32 -!- sprock has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
09:46:08 <b_jonas> fungot, what is your favorite matrix norm?
09:46:08 <fungot> b_jonas: the commission' s position with regard to the first group consists of the only parties, along with the view that we would discuss this prior to voting.
09:46:29 <b_jonas> that is a reasonable position
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12:03:48 <esowiki> [[Cheese]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=82860&oldid=82845 * Sanscicondos * (-2) formatting
12:04:28 <esowiki> [[Cheese]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=82861&oldid=82860 * Sanscicondos * (+0) /* Versions */
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12:21:17 <esowiki> [[Cheese]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=82862&oldid=82861 * Sanscicondos * (-11) Removed vAlpha1.3 while not avaliable
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12:32:39 <int-e> that UZG...SIr string near the top of the sandbox page bothers me... is it meaningless or is it a base62 encoded message? https://esolangs.org/wiki/Esolang:Sandbox (unfortunately there does not seem to be any standard base62 format... a quick search has turned up two conventions for the digits already: 0-9A-Za-z and 0-9a-zA-Z)
12:33:43 <int-e> of course the whole sandbox page is weird, so whatever
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12:47:53 <b_jonas> fungot: has HackEso's coins predict dogecoin before it became popular, and if so, does that make HackEso a hipster?
12:47:53 <fungot> b_jonas: the berlin summit, which, unfortunately, but it is not possible, at this stage, europe' s fnord every month. i should now like to confine myself to six of the proposed amendments of the cerdeira fnord report are based on real facts. and everything else which has been strengthened and clarified to very positive effect by the european union
12:48:21 -!- Lord_of_Life_ has changed nick to Lord_of_Life.
12:57:25 <esowiki> [[Cheese]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=82863&oldid=82862 * Sanscicondos * (+107) Added usable starting tab to syntax
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14:21:31 <fizzie> `coins 10
14:21:34 <HackEso> piggercoin litiecoin sulacoin bosotiacoin coveralcoin repremcoin nevicoin adhacoin eclamcoin mancoin
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18:04:02 <cGIfl300> lol, it exist :)
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20:53:30 <esowiki> [[Airline food]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=82864&oldid=82851 * Largejamie * (+0)
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21:40:43 <nakilon> b_jonas I use to listen the stream too, sometimes when I go sleep
21:41:21 <nakilon> also used to go sleep while listening to Red Alert 2 gameplay
21:42:58 <nakilon> I have an idea that after some machine learning you can simulate it -- using game sound samples you can simulate the game, each stage of it
21:43:36 <nakilon> "ASMR gameplay sound simulator for fans"
21:49:28 -!- delta23 has quit (Quit: Leaving).
21:57:31 <int-e> pfft: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2021-32471
21:59:10 <fizzie> Heh. Just because it started with CVE-, I thought it would've been about that Wi-Fi thing that's been making the rounds recently.
21:59:24 <fizzie> That's a lot more on-brand for us though.
22:03:03 -!- delta23 has joined.
22:03:05 <zzo38> I didn't know they have CVE for Universal Turing Machine; well, now I know.
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22:09:57 <b_jonas> int-e: lol
22:10:27 <b_jonas> there's a full article linked
22:10:51 <int-e> yeah I'm actually reading that right now (though not in full detail)
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22:23:51 <int-e> Okay, I did enjoy the phrases "cognitive complexity" and "so unquestionably saunters" :-)
22:25:16 <int-e> And the attack is of some minor theoretical concern... you have to be careful of invalid inputs when doing things like diagonalizing over all Turing machines.
22:27:35 <int-e> (And by "theoretical concern" I mean, of course, that it concerns people working in computability theory :-) )
22:29:53 <b_jonas> makes sense
22:39:54 <esowiki> [[Special:Log/newusers]] create * Slendi * New user account
22:43:44 <esowiki> [[Esolang:Introduce yourself]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=82865&oldid=82854 * Slendi * (+167) /* Introductions */
23:11:19 <esowiki> [[Airline food]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=82866&oldid=82864 * Largejamie * (-15) /* Computational Class */
23:14:41 <arseniiv_> recently I dabble several minutes to half a hour of lazy mental effort in hyperbolic geometry, again, and in esoteric parts of it
23:15:25 <arseniiv_> like, how many ends a straight line has? Two, but beware an euclidean one has just a single one
23:15:28 -!- arseniiv_ has changed nick to arseniiv.
23:21:10 <arseniiv> or, what geometry is on the absolute? One may first think that the absolute is an artifact of models of this geometry, but when transforming the space, the absolute undergoes the same transformations regardless of a model which we use, be it one of circle models, a half-plane conformal model or maybe the best of all, hyperboloid-in-Minkowski-space model, in which case the absolute is the sky sphere or whatsitcalled. And in this last case
23:21:10 <arseniiv> it’s obvious the cone is acted on by the same O⁺(1, n) group the hyperboloid and all the rest of Minkowski space areor, what geometry is on the absolute? One may first think that the absolute is an artifact of models of this geometry, but when transforming the space, the absolute undergoes the same transformations regardless of a model which we use, be it one of circle models, a half-plane conformal model or maybe the best of all, h
23:21:10 <arseniiv> yperboloid-in-Minkowski-space model, in which case the absolute is the sky sphere, a projectivization of the null cone (or light cone)
23:23:48 <arseniiv> and in this case it’s obvious the sky sphere (hm I’m afraid I remember its name wrong, but it’s definitely not a heavenly sphere) is not a stranger here: it’s acted on by the same O⁺(1, n) the rest of the Minkowski space is (including our beloved hyperboloid which we used to cut all other transformations out)
23:26:14 <arseniiv> and then look at the sky: it seems it’s changed by different hyperbolic transformations in different ways, I mean its own symmetry group is also the same O⁺(1, n) — as it seems. So what geometry is that? It’s not hyperbolic, this thing is compact
23:27:58 <arseniiv> it’s not euclidean either (we might think that based on it being an “apparent” limit of concentric/parallel horospheres, the other being their center/end; horospheres by themselves are euclidean)
23:30:13 <arseniiv> it’s not elliptic too, as there are too many symmetries. I bet a physicist will say something conformal something, though barring the case of 2D absolute where, as we know, there are too many conformal transformations (thanks to complex numbers IIRC), but maybe it should be called an inversive geometry or something?..
23:32:57 <arseniiv> now, are there some remnants of metric structure left after all that? It had angles but they got garbled by lorentzian boosts. But something should have remained. Well I fear what remains is exactly that unfamous riemannian conformal structure, which means the riemannian metric upto (uniform) scalings
23:33:15 <arseniiv> sorry, I’m finished now!
23:33:29 <arseniiv> I hoped someone would find this reading interesting
23:33:39 * int-e watches a bit of https://int-e.eu/~bf3/tmp/moebius8.html
23:35:11 <arseniiv> int-e wow this is really watchable
23:35:14 <int-e> (it's called moebius because translations in that particular model of the hyperbolic plane are moebius transformations)
23:35:36 <arseniiv> yep yep when we lay that all in ℂ we get those!
23:40:57 <arseniiv> on that note, did you know they LIED to you in the kindergarten by naming both euclidean translations and hyperbolic translations the same word? They are totally different things! Horolations are the same as translations, and hyperbolic translations are this new element we get by lowering the curvature, analogous to how we get translations when we move to euclidean space from elliptic space where there are only rotations. And then rotati
23:40:57 <arseniiv> on groups stay the same all the way, likewise with euclidean translation groups which continue their life as horolation groups. And hyperbolic translations have very lonely one-dimensional existence. As soon as we combine two different ones, the group grows to include other types of transformations. Which is good but we were doing classification
23:42:17 <arseniiv> I like how I can sound crackpotish by saying all that and still it would be perfectly mathematical, just a bit obscure and special, and not too interesting or new to be discussed widely
23:43:18 <arseniiv> but I *like* to say that euclidean lines are one-ended. That’s, how to put it, rebel-y? hm not that
23:45:06 <int-e> arseniiv: I don't know what you just said. I do know that actually achieving the tiling was not nearly as pretty as it is in Euclidean space.
23:45:52 <arseniiv> also I like to call euclidean geometry names, namely “degenerate”, which it is because it’s parabolic, and more graphically, that group of its similarity transformations is bigger than its isometries, which for both other constant-curvature riemannian space types, is not so
23:46:19 <arseniiv> int-e: do you mean, numerically? I think yes there are problems which would crop up no matter how do you calculate
23:47:25 <arseniiv> like, if we are to use unbounded rationals, then they would grow too fast, I presume
23:48:30 <int-e> well you can cheat in the margins :)
23:48:47 <arseniiv> int-e: did you use coordinates, and then which ones? Though now I think you meant achieving no harring gaps was a hard thing, and I agree it should be, probably
23:49:16 <arseniiv> yeah margins are that thing, I heard some people cheating at them too, and also again perfectly reasonable
23:50:34 <int-e> arseniiv: My coordinates are complex numbers in the unit circle. And given a target point I'm just shifting it closer to the origin 17 times (magic number?) and everything too far away will be black, I think...
23:51:19 <int-e> so it's a massive cheat :P
23:52:16 <arseniiv> (also did I tell that hyperbolic space is really scary? I seemed to manage to realize one pretty scary group as its isometries. The group where you wouldn’t return close to home if you make mistake in de-applying just one element. I don’t remember the definition exactly)
23:53:03 <arseniiv> ah, yeah, I should have realized they are complex numbers, you plainly mentioned Möbius transformations before and I even nodded
23:54:19 <int-e> https://int-e.eu/~bf3/tmp/moebius8_3s.html is what I'd get with 3 instead of 17 steps... it's cut in its own way, I suppose
23:54:49 <arseniiv> int-e: how do you paint a pattern on the tiles, do you just slide a tile on some image or do you generate things in more complex ways?
23:56:14 <int-e> it takes a sector out of https://int-e.eu/~bf3/tmp/moebius.png... and that sector is slowly rotating which results in the kaleidoscopic(sp?) effect
23:56:22 <arseniiv> moebius8_3s.html looks very strange. Now I know I imagined your algorithm a wrong way
23:56:52 <int-e> FWIW, it looks strange to me, too :P
23:57:01 <arseniiv> int-e: oh, just like that easy, whew
23:57:45 <arseniiv> may I draw an alternative circle for you later this day (when I’ve slept)?
23:58:02 <arseniiv> with more acidity
23:58:10 <arseniiv> or how it would be called
23:58:45 <int-e> arseniiv: you can copy the html file and play around with it yourself :)
23:58:59 <arseniiv> ah, that easy
23:59:09 <arseniiv> I definitely should
23:59:30 <int-e> it just loads a moebius.png file as a texture relative to its location
←2021-05-10 2021-05-11 2021-05-12→ ↑2021 ↑all