←2021-10-21 2021-10-22 2021-10-23→ ↑2021 ↑all
00:09:06 <user3456> I believe it's because the computer reads from disk a lot during bootup
00:09:10 <user3456> But I might be wrong
00:09:59 <Corbin> Depending on the machine, the fans might be configured to run at full speed on boot, and it's not until later that the OS turns them down to a reasonable speed.
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00:41:22 <Kit> okay for my 2d esolang i mentioned earlier
00:41:23 <Kit> uh
00:41:38 <Kit> do you think this would be an adaquate control flow thing
00:41:40 <Kit> so
00:41:41 <Kit> uh
00:42:22 <Kit> `#` allows any beam to pass through ONLY IF the amount of non-zero beams on that cell is greater than 2
00:42:24 <HackEso> ​#`? No such file or directory
00:42:29 <Kit> oh shut up
00:42:51 <zzo38> What things can cause the mouse to not move properly in some directions? Touching the thing inside works properly, and I tried to clean the ball and the mouse pad, but it is not much better than it was before
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02:09:28 <zzo38> Sometimes GitHub has a message like "Sorry, we had to truncate this directory to 1,000 files. 651 entries were omitted from the list." Is there a way to access the next page?
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07:12:28 <nakilon> Corbin AFAIK it's not just the fans fault
07:12:50 <nakilon> they are like this because BIOS uses 100% of videocard power
07:13:16 <nakilon> at least that fancy red GUI thingy with mouse
07:14:03 <nakilon> or the step before it, I don't remember, but it was melting the card
07:14:58 <nakilon> zzo38 do you use ball mouse? _Oo
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08:01:35 <riv> > the snowflake emoji, which is the traditional snowflake glyph with the V16 modifier
08:01:37 <lambdabot> <hint>:1:20: error: parse error on input ‘,’
08:01:37 <riv> didn't realize that
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11:43:17 <esolangs> [[Special:Log/newusers]] create * Jaipack17 * New user account
11:48:21 <esolangs> [[Esolang:Introduce yourself]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=88988&oldid=88915 * Jaipack17 * (+297)
11:49:00 <esolangs> [[Esolang:Introduce yourself]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=88989&oldid=88988 * Jaipack17 * (+67)
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13:01:03 <esolangs> [[Trow]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=88990 * Jaipack17 * (+2202) Created page with "= Trow = Trow is an output-only esoteric language designed to generate randomized sentences using different kinds of sentence structures and lists. Multiple lists with differ..."
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13:01:42 <esolangs> [[Trow]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=88991&oldid=88990 * Jaipack17 * (-39)
13:02:26 <esolangs> [[Trow]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=88992&oldid=88991 * Jaipack17 * (-36)
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15:28:00 <Kit> would you say lines 19-40 and 75-83 are clear on what they do or should i add comments? https://penis.observer/DDwtD.bas
15:29:14 <Kit> or well
15:29:25 <Kit> i guess this can extend to the rest of the code
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16:56:54 <esolangs> [[Trow]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=88993&oldid=88992 * Jaipack17 * (+0)
17:57:48 <Corbin> Are tombstone diagrams available on the wiki? Or would I have to make an image for each diagram and upload it individually?
17:58:00 <Corbin> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tombstone_diagram
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18:20:46 <zzo38> As far as I know, esolang wiki does not have any tombstone diagrams yet.
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19:21:40 <fizzie> I imagine you could also somewhat emulate them with with tables and cell borders, using the feature where the top/right/bottom/left borders can be set separately.
19:21:42 <esolangs> [[Esolang:Sandbox]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=88994&oldid=88306 * Fizzie * (+843) Tombstone diagram test
19:21:48 <fizzie> Like ^ in that thing.
19:22:04 <fizzie> (Leaving a gap left as an exercise for the reader.)
19:27:37 <riv> puckipedia?
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21:10:55 <nakilon> what a domain name https://penis.observer/DDwtD.bas
21:11:05 <Kit> lol
21:11:07 <Kit> yea
21:11:19 <Kit> its like 0x0.st but funny
21:11:23 <nakilon> it lacks line number for better observation
21:11:46 <Kit> h
21:11:50 <fizzie> `curl -s ... | nl -ba` is my go-to line number tool for "plain" paste sites.
21:11:53 <HackEso> Traceback (most recent call last): \ File "<string>", line 1, in <module> \ NameError: name 'access' is not defined
21:12:00 <fizzie> HackEso: Don't you start with me.
21:12:10 <Kit> lol
21:13:52 <fizzie> `cbt curl
21:13:53 <HackEso> ​#!/bin/bash \ exec $HACKENV/bin/lynx
21:13:56 <fizzie> `cbt lynx
21:13:57 <HackEso> ​#!/bin/bash \ ? 'web access' >&2 \ exit 1
21:14:09 <nakilon> I'm on windows, what's the nl?
21:14:12 <nakilon> I thought there is cat -n
21:14:20 <fizzie> `` echo ?
21:14:21 <HackEso> ​🌱
21:14:32 <fizzie> The dangers of an unescaped ?, I guess.
21:14:35 <Kit> `` ls
21:14:39 <HackEso> ​:#,_@ \ 🌱 \ a.o \ a.out \ asmbf-1.2.7 \ banana.txt \ bef2 \ bfi \ bin \ compiled_brachylog.pl \ egel-master \ egel-scripts \ egel.zip \ eGtbSgN68aHU \ just \ karma \ le \ olist.new \ output.b \ paste \ pd \ pd.c \ pikhqbow_tst \ program \ -.s \ spline \ spout \ stall \ test \ test.sh \ this.py \ tmp \ wisdomls.txt \ xaa
21:14:50 <Kit> wait is my thing still there
21:14:51 <Kit> uh
21:15:01 <Kit> `` who
21:15:02 <HackEso> No output.
21:15:05 <Kit> what was it called
21:15:06 <Kit> uh
21:15:09 <Kit> hold on
21:15:38 <Kit> ah
21:15:42 <Kit> `` whatwg
21:15:42 <fizzie> `sled /hackenv/bin/lynx//s|?|\\?|
21:15:45 <HackEso> ​/hackenv/bin/lynx//#!/bin/bash \ \? 'web access' >&2 \ exit 1
21:15:47 <HackEso> whatwg HTML specification -- 6172131 bytes strong! (as of 2021-02-07 22:47:46.000000000 +0000)
21:15:51 <Kit> YES
21:15:56 <fizzie> `curl just checking
21:15:57 <Kit> AHA its still there
21:15:57 <HackEso> Sorry, HackEgo's sandbox currently has no web access. However, see `? `fetch
21:16:39 <Kit> i cant believe it
21:16:42 <Kit> like
21:16:52 <Kit> i havent touched #esolangs in like
21:16:59 <Kit> well
21:17:09 <Kit> before the freenode thing
21:18:14 <nakilon> ``` ls -lt | rev | head -1
21:18:15 <HackEso> rev: stdin: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character \ 863 latot
21:18:17 <Kit> wait lemme update it
21:18:46 <Kit> `` cat `which whatwg`
21:18:47 <HackEso> ​#!/bin/bash \ FILENAME="tmp/whatwg" \ if ! [ -e "$FILENAME" ]; then \ echo 'what?' \ exit -1 \ fi \ FILESIZE=$(stat -c%s "$FILENAME") \ FILEDATE=$(stat -c%y "$FILENAME") \ echo -e "whatwg HTML specification -- $FILESIZE bytes strong! (as of $FILEDATE)" \ exit 0
21:19:04 <Kit> `fetch --help
21:19:05 <HackEso> wget: unable to resolve host address ‘--help’
21:19:17 <fizzie> `? fetch
21:19:18 <HackEso> ​`fetch [<output-file>] <URL> downloads files, and is the only web access currently available in HackEso. It is a special builtin that cannot be called from other commands. See also `edit.
21:19:51 <nakilon> ``` ls -lt | tail -1
21:19:52 <HackEso> ​-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 55 Oct 23 2019 test.sh
21:20:18 <Kit> `fetch tmp/whatwg https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/
21:20:20 <HackEso> 2021-10-22 22:20:19 URL:https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/ [137682/137682] -> "/hackenv/tmp/tmp/whatwg" [1]
21:20:35 <Kit> `` whatwg
21:20:36 <HackEso> whatwg HTML specification -- 137682 bytes strong! (as of 2021-10-22 05:58:30.000000000 +0000)
21:20:46 <Kit> wait
21:20:49 <Kit> thats lower?
21:20:57 <Kit> oh wait im stupid
21:21:29 <Kit> `fetch tmp/whatwg https://html.spec.whatwg.org
21:21:32 <HackEso> Cannot write to ‘/hackenv/tmp/tmp/whatwg’ (File too large).
21:21:42 <Kit> haha
21:21:50 <Kit> its grown too big
21:22:04 <Kit> imma move to privmsg so i dont spam too much
21:24:34 <nakilon> what is whatwg? I thought those who standardize these things are called w3c or something
21:24:43 <fizzie> Aw. I think the file size limit's still 10 megs.
21:24:53 <Kit> yea
21:24:54 <Kit> uh
21:25:54 <Kit> i fixed it by using the PDF version as a reference instead
21:26:21 <Kit> i could prob do something with pandoc going to plain text for a more accurate (and hopefully smaller) representation of it
21:26:26 <Kit> but im LAZY
21:26:28 <Kit> and STUPID
21:27:00 <fizzie> I don't know what to compare the whole WHATWG-to-W3C situation to, but they basically got started as an "independent" group from W3C when W3C went all XHTML/XML, and came up with HTML5, which everyone started to use, so eventually W3C had to just adopt it anyway.
21:27:33 <fizzie> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML5#W3C_and_WHATWG_conflict -- or something along those lines, anyway.
21:28:26 <Kit> i just use the whatwg thing bc a. what and b. it has the single-page version which is comically large
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21:31:43 <Kit> uh
21:31:51 <Kit> that doesnt look too good
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21:33:56 <nakilon> hm, what did it say in my quit line?
21:34:24 <Kit> `* nakilon has quit (*.net *.split)`
21:34:25 <HackEso> ​*? No such file or directory
21:34:43 <Kit> but many people left at the same time
21:34:50 <Kit> which was what alarmed me
21:35:09 <nakilon> weird that split made the client just disconnect
21:35:15 <nakilon> had to press the "Conenct"
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21:35:27 <nakilon> happened once already
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