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00:09:04 <esolangs> [[Jail system is Turing-complete]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=132495 * Tommyaweosme * (+757) Created page with "Let's assume there are infinite people (there aren't really, but that doesn't matter), and there is one judge. The judge can go from interviewing different people at a time, so <code>></code> and <code><</code> are down. Since [[Brainfuck]]'
00:11:11 -!- X-Scale has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds).
00:11:21 <esolangs> [[Talk:Jail system makes no sense]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132496&oldid=116142 * Tommyaweosme * (+250)
00:18:31 -!- X-Scale has joined.
00:57:56 -!- amby has quit (Quit: so long suckers! i rev up my motorcylce and create a huge cloud of smoke. when the cloud dissipates im lying completely dead on the pavement).
01:17:05 <esolangs> [[Special:Log/newusers]] create * Duoquadragesimal * New user account
01:22:24 <esolangs> [[Esolang:Introduce yourself]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132497&oldid=132491 * Duoquadragesimal * (+187) /* Introductions */
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02:23:56 <esolangs> [[User:Tommyaweosme]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132498&oldid=131568 * Tommyaweosme * (+170)
02:34:52 -!- X-Scale has quit (Quit: Client closed).
02:42:10 -!- tromp has joined.
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02:44:13 <esolangs> [[Eafish]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=132499 * Tommyaweosme * (+459) Created page with "{{lowercase}} '''eafish''' is [[Deadfish]] without the d command. It also doesn't follow the tradition of 256=0, so theres no going back if you accidentally square or increment the counter. == UI == There is 3 buttons. Increment, square, and output. Output prints the
02:44:19 <esolangs> [[Eafish/HTML Interpreter]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=132500 * Tommyaweosme * (+372) Created page with "<h1>eafish interpeter</h1> <p id="o"></p> <button onclick="incr()">increment</button> <button onclick="squa()">square</button> <button onclick="outp()">output</button> <script> whar=0 function incr(){ whar+=1 } function squa(
03:02:36 <esolangs> [[Roko]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=132501 * Duoquadragesimal * (+1078) Created page
03:05:13 <esolangs> [[Roko]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132502&oldid=132501 * Duoquadragesimal * (+5) dont confuse
03:06:18 <esolangs> [[Language list]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132503&oldid=132472 * Duoquadragesimal * (+11) Added Roko
03:21:54 <esolangs> [[Roko]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132504&oldid=132502 * Duoquadragesimal * (+647) Added categories, added a section
03:27:35 <esolangs> [[Roko]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132505&oldid=132504 * Duoquadragesimal * (+66) add more categories
04:27:31 <esolangs> [[User talk:/w/wiki/index.php/Talk:index.php/Main page]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132506&oldid=132474 * PrySigneToFry * (+186)
04:34:15 <esolangs> [[lang]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132507&oldid=131677 * PrySigneToFry * (+429)
04:37:37 <esolangs> [[lang]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132508&oldid=132507 * PrySigneToFry * (+164)
04:42:45 <esolangs> [[ErrorFull]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132509&oldid=129724 * PrySigneToFry * (-24)
04:47:49 <esolangs> [[User talk:Tommyaweosme]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132510&oldid=132485 * PrySigneToFry * (+397)
04:50:29 <esolangs> [[User talk:None1]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132511&oldid=132460 * PrySigneToFry * (+265)
04:56:25 <esolangs> [[User:PrySigneToFry/Discussion]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132512&oldid=132323 * PrySigneToFry * (+362)
04:58:16 <esolangs> [[User:PrySigneToFry/Discussion]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132513&oldid=132512 * PrySigneToFry * (+57)
05:20:30 -!- tromp has joined.
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06:18:26 -!- chiselfuse has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
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07:11:20 <esolangs> [[Incremental Model]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=132514 * Salpynx * (+3687) I think this works as a computational model, it may need adjustment as a working clicker game...
07:29:15 -!- sprout has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds).
07:30:09 -!- sprout has joined.
08:30:13 -!- chiselfuse has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
08:30:30 -!- chiselfuse has joined.
08:59:11 <esolangs> [[Incremental Model]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132515&oldid=132514 * Salpynx * (+59) /* External resources */ Incremental game on Wikipedia
09:51:11 <esolangs> [[Esolangs.org]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=132516 * Aadenboy * (+3402) possibly
09:52:26 <esolangs> [[User:Aadenboy]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132517&oldid=132115 * Aadenboy * (+38) /* my esolangs */ updated
10:32:59 -!- Sgeo has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
11:18:22 -!- tromp has joined.
12:05:47 -!- X-Scale has joined.
12:20:41 <esolangs> [[Language list]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132518&oldid=132503 * Aadenboy * (+19) /* E */ added lang
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13:02:59 -!- tromp has joined.
13:09:27 -!- X-Scale has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds).
13:10:34 <esolangs> [[EmojiLang in Chinese]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=132519 * PrySigneToFry * (+2854) Created page with "In order to make it easier for some programmers to program, I designed this programming language. (That's what I've always done!) EmojiLang in Chinese (Elic(<nowiki>[elk]</nowiki>) for short) is based on Mihai Popa's Emojilang. == Command Table == {
13:12:20 <esolangs> [[Language list]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132520&oldid=132518 * PrySigneToFry * (+85)
13:14:40 <esolangs> [[User talk:/w/wiki/index.php/Talk:index.php/Main page]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132521&oldid=132506 * PrySigneToFry * (+124)
13:51:55 <esolangs> [[User:PrySigneToFry/Discussion]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132522&oldid=132513 * PrySigneToFry * (+57)
14:17:50 <esolangs> [[User talk:Ais523]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132523&oldid=132388 * PrySigneToFry * (+284)
14:25:06 <esolangs> [[4ME]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132524&oldid=132483 * Ractangle * (-67) /* Cat program */
14:25:18 <esolangs> [[4ME]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132525&oldid=132524 * Ractangle * (-141) /* Errors */
14:25:28 <esolangs> [[4ME]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132526&oldid=132525 * Ractangle * (-96) /* A+B Problem */
14:25:53 <esolangs> [[A+B Problem]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132527&oldid=132294 * Ractangle * (-97) /* 4ME */
14:35:33 -!- leah2 has joined.
14:45:36 -!- __monty__ has joined.
15:05:37 <esolangs> [[4ME]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132528&oldid=132526 * Ractangle * (-64) /* Commands */
15:28:49 <esolangs> [[Special:Log/upload]] overwrite * Ractangle * uploaded a new version of "[[File:My github profile read me.png]]"
15:49:33 <esolangs> [[4ME]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132530&oldid=132528 * MihaiEso * (+31) /* Errors */
15:50:19 <esolangs> [[User:Ractangle/Opening square bracket]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132531&oldid=132003 * Ractangle * (+204)
15:51:42 <esolangs> [[4ME]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132532&oldid=132530 * MihaiEso * (+0) /* See Also */
16:00:37 <esolangs> [[4ME]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132533&oldid=132532 * Ractangle * (-2) /* Commands */
16:05:32 <esolangs> [[4ME]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132534&oldid=132533 * Ractangle * (+35) /* Commands */
16:06:22 <esolangs> [[4ME]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132535&oldid=132534 * Ractangle * (+2) /* Commands */
16:15:18 <esolangs> [[None,]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132536&oldid=132076 * MihaiEso * (-1)
16:23:36 -!- tromp has quit (Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…).
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16:59:10 -!- tromp has joined.
17:01:10 -!- earend1 has joined.
17:05:21 <esolangs> [[SynDev]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132537&oldid=20968 * PythonshellDebugwindow * (+22) Category
17:10:58 -!- tromp has quit (Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…).
17:17:11 <esolangs> [[User:Yayimhere/Sandbox]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132538&oldid=132480 * Gggfr * (-12)
17:17:46 <esolangs> [[,(*+)]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132539&oldid=132478 * Gggfr * (-12)
17:19:05 -!- amby has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
17:19:22 -!- amby has joined.
17:30:51 <esolangs> [[Backway]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132540&oldid=129544 * Gggfr * (-131)
17:32:02 <esolangs> [[4ME]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132541&oldid=132535 * Ractangle * (-37) /* Commands */
17:37:53 -!- Sgeo has joined.
17:52:27 <esolangs> [[@ complete]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=132542 * Gggfr * (+230) Created page with "'''@ completeness''' is a concept made by [[User:yayimhere]]. === Meaning === A esolang thats @ complete must be able to do two things # replace the code with something in memory # put code into memory A example of this is [[(*)]]"
17:52:53 <esolangs> [[4ME]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132543&oldid=132541 * Ractangle * (+24) /* Commands */
17:53:01 <esolangs> [[@ complete]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132544&oldid=132542 * Gggfr * (+22)
17:54:05 <esolangs> [[@ complete]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132545&oldid=132544 * Gggfr * (+0)
17:56:29 <esolangs> [[4ME]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132546&oldid=132543 * Ractangle * (+41)
17:56:45 <esolangs> [[4ME]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132547&oldid=132546 * Ractangle * (+0) /* Cat program */
17:57:29 <esolangs> [[(*)]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132548&oldid=132477 * Gggfr * (+28)
17:58:15 <esolangs> [[(*)]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132549&oldid=132548 * Gggfr * (-9)
17:58:31 <esolangs> [[Special:Log/move]] move * Ractangle * moved [[Byte]] to [[User:U]]
17:58:48 <esolangs> [[Special:Log/move]] move * Ractangle * moved [[User:U]] to [[User:Ractangle/U]]
17:59:26 <esolangs> [[User:Ractangle/U]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132554&oldid=132552 * Ractangle * (-1950) Replaced content with "{{Stub}} '''U''' is an esoteric programming language created by [[Ractangle]] [[Category:Languages]] [[Category:Non-textual]][[Category:2024]]"
18:09:37 <esolangs> [[4ME]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132555&oldid=132547 * Ractangle * (+48) /* Commands */
18:10:39 <esolangs> [[4ME]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132556&oldid=132555 * Ractangle * (+7) /* Computational Class */
18:20:14 -!- Lord_of_Life has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
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18:35:40 <esolangs> [[User:Tommyaweosme]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132557&oldid=132498 * Tommyaweosme * (-1948) Replaced content with "AHHHHHHHHHHH ROBLOX ONE DAY BANNED ME FOR HARRASSING BUY I DIDNT MEAN IT"
18:38:05 -!- Koen has joined.
18:45:19 <esolangs> [[User:Yayimhere/Sandbox]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132558&oldid=132538 * Gggfr * (+99)
18:45:59 -!- tromp has joined.
18:59:01 <esolangs> [[User:Yayimhere/Sandbox]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132559&oldid=132558 * Gggfr * (+6)
19:53:17 <esolangs> [[Special:Log/move]] move_redir * SquirrelCorn * moved [[Confuzzle]] to [[Squick]] over redirect
19:53:17 <esolangs> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete_redir * SquirrelCorn * SquirrelCorn deleted redirect [[Squick]] by overwriting: Deleted to make way for move from "[[Confuzzle]]"
20:04:08 -!- tromp has quit (Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…).
20:08:13 -!- mtm has joined.
20:08:30 <esolangs> [[Squick]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132562&oldid=132560 * SquirrelCorn * (+428)
20:23:47 <esolangs> [[A+B Problem]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132563&oldid=132527 * Ractangle * (+2) (mostly) fixed the alignment
20:24:42 <esolangs> [[A+B Problem]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132564&oldid=132563 * Ractangle * (-24) /* SPIKE */
20:37:59 -!- Everything has joined.
20:40:34 -!- tromp has joined.
20:43:23 <esolangs> [[4ME]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132565&oldid=132556 * Ractangle * (-23)
20:53:35 -!- amby has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
20:53:52 -!- amby has joined.
20:55:12 <esolangs> [[Sesos]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=132566 * Ais523 * (+6546) documenting someone else's language from 2016
20:55:40 <esolangs> [[Language list]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132567&oldid=132520 * Ais523 * (+12) /* S */ +[[Sesos]]
20:56:22 <esolangs> [[Talk:Brainstoremax]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132568&oldid=132486 * Ais523 * (+601) the problem is in the number of commands per byte, not the number of bytes per pixel
21:02:50 <esolangs> [[Talk:Jail system makes no sense]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132569&oldid=132496 * Ais523 * (+233) suggesting deletion
21:05:46 -!- Everything has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds).
21:22:11 -!- tromp has quit (Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…).
21:39:20 -!- __monty__ has quit (Quit: leaving).
21:43:48 <esolangs> [[Talk:Jail system makes no sense]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132570&oldid=132569 * Tommyaweosme * (+277) /* Deletion? */
21:45:27 <esolangs> [[Brainstoremax]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132571&oldid=132410 * Tommyaweosme * (+3)
21:50:13 <esolangs> [[]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132572&oldid=120120 * .yazic * (+166)
21:59:55 <esolangs> [[Nope.]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132573&oldid=132150 * Tommyaweosme * (+343)
22:00:13 <esolangs> [[Nope.]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132574&oldid=132573 * Tommyaweosme * (+2) /* Poetic */ oops
22:02:40 -!- Evylah has joined.
22:05:19 <esolangs> [[Special:Log/upload]] upload * Tommyaweosme * uploaded "[[File:Rc ascii loop.png]]"
22:11:35 <esolangs> [[Special:Log/upload]] upload * Tommyaweosme * uploaded "[[File:Rc letter A.png]]"
22:21:31 <esolangs> [[Rubik's Cube]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=132577 * Tommyaweosme * (+887) Created page with "Rubik's cube is an esolang by [[User:Tommyaweosme]] where every rubik's cube algorithm is a valid program. (It adds on missing brackets at start and end) == Commands == L < R > F + B - U [ D ] U2 . D2 , == Ascii loop == F U U2 F D This leaves the Rubik
22:24:00 <esolangs> [[User talk:/w/wiki/index.php/Talk:index.php/Main page]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132578&oldid=132521 * Tommyaweosme * (+139)
22:43:52 <esolangs> [[Infinite commands???]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=132579 * Tommyaweosme * (+638) Created page with "Infinite commands??? is a programming language with (almost) infinite commands. Anyone can add commands. == Commands == print - prints a string (the string is next command) ask - asks the user a question say - prints the answer to the last question
22:45:24 <esolangs> [[Infinite commands???]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=132580&oldid=132579 * Tommyaweosme * (+57)
23:16:09 -!- Evylah has quit (Quit: Client closed).
23:44:40 -!- amby has quit (Quit: so long suckers! i rev up my motorcylce and create a huge cloud of smoke. when the cloud dissipates im lying completely dead on the pavement).
23:57:15 -!- Koen has quit (Quit: Leaving...).
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