< 1722816168 429382 :mtm!~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net QUIT :Ping timeout: 276 seconds > 1722816248 393713 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Laconic14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134931&oldid=50791 5* 03Corbin 5* (+84) 10Use infobox proglang to consolidate some given info. Add bluelinks and stub. < 1722816361 680081 :mtm!~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net JOIN #esolangs mtm :Textual User < 1722816553 359782 :salpynx!~salpynx@ JOIN #esolangs * :realname < 1722816577 407234 :X-Scale!~X-Scale@ JOIN #esolangs X-Scale :[https://web.libera.chat] X-Scale > 1722817536 194368 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Not-Quite-Laconic14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134932&oldid=134930 5* 03Corbin 5* (+25) 10Add .nql file extension. < 1722818373 703052 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs : The budget is real, mostly because *you* the esoteric PL designer have a limited imagination. ← perhaps – but I think people normally pick a weirdness budget substantially less than what my imagination would allow < 1722821293 501994 :salpynx!~salpynx@ PRIVMSG #esolangs :if i were a bored teenager, i might consider creating real esolangs with names like "Strings and boxes", "Standard-blox", or "Sanctified black copper calx" for Unicode look alike names to notify this channel that a page named Sandbox was created. < 1722821311 846823 :salpynx!~salpynx@ PRIVMSG #esolangs :chat GPT just created an esolang for me based on Standard abstract complexes, it calls it Simplicia, which is a more creative name than "S𝗍andа𝗋𝖽⠀аbѕ𝗍𝗋ас𝗍⠀сo𝗆р𝐥еx" < 1722821344 236576 :zzo38!~zzo38@host-24-207-52-143.public.eastlink.ca PRIVMSG #esolangs :I think ais523 is probably correct. However, I would not generally deliberately pick a "weirdness budget" but just what specific features I think that specific programming language should have, and it is not specific to esoteric programming languages. Another thing that sometimes has an effect is what it is designed to be compatible with, for some kinds of "compatible". < 1722821402 35464 :salpynx!~salpynx@ PRIVMSG #esolangs :the AI generated esoteric code like: ADD_SIMPLEX 3 [0,1,2,3] // Tetrahedron representing a nested loop structure < 1722821415 697556 :salpynx!~salpynx@ PRIVMSG #esolangs :it struck me as pretty novel to have a conceptually esoteric language with sensible readable keywords, rather than the fashion for abstract or otherwise cryptic syntax. < 1722821416 36516 :salpynx!~salpynx@ PRIVMSG #esolangs :INTERCAL comes to mind, but I can't think of much else notable. Golfing and tarpit languages suit single symbol syntax, and that's what seems popular. < 1722821976 957343 :lynndotpy!~rootcanal@ QUIT :Quit: bye bye < 1722822038 468904 :lynndotpy!~rootcanal@ JOIN #esolangs lynndotpy :lynn < 1722822153 628482 :salpynx!~salpynx@ PRIVMSG #esolangs :awkward, deliberately obtuse, or dumb weirdness stays weird. Clever, useful and usable weirdness is innovation and will likely become mainstream < 1722822289 669174 :zzo38!~zzo38@host-24-207-52-143.public.eastlink.ca PRIVMSG #esolangs :Some of it might. Some might not become mainstream, or will but in a different way. (I think that PostScript has many good features that are not as common in the most commonly used programming languages) < 1722822657 156146 :salpynx!~salpynx@ PRIVMSG #esolangs :I thought there was a PostScript article on the wiki, looks like there isn't. It's hard to place some of those retro computing languages, and even Uxn which I added recently that sit somewhere in the intersection of good + interesting < 1722822740 657872 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :single letter keeps the parser simpler < 1722822741 667430 :salpynx!~salpynx@ PRIVMSG #esolangs :it would be sad if we couldn't include good and interesting languages, but being too far in that direction almost seems like grounds for exclusion from the eso- category < 1722822967 285006 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :there are some weird ideas I've had that I'm not sure whether they're good or bad, e.g. generalizing an operator that works along the lines of Rust's ? to handle the List monad in addition to the Maybe monad (but limiting the scope to one block rather than the function, in both cases) < 1722823005 195397 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :so, e.g., { xs? + 1 } would be equivalent to xs.map(|x| x + 1) < 1722823025 909819 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :I think the operator would have to be called something other than ?, though < 1722823044 439472 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :but this is elegant in a way, it's sort-of like the opposite of do notation < 1722823125 603306 :salpynx!~salpynx@ PRIVMSG #esolangs :toy languages that test an idea are good, they fit in the esolang category and are easily recognisable as a useful thing (and could spark other creative ideas) < 1722823159 387415 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :I agree < 1722823176 828305 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :if you can take one new idea, put familiar (to esolangers at least) syntax around it and build a language, it can teach you a lot < 1722823184 544770 :zzo38!~zzo38@host-24-207-52-143.public.eastlink.ca PRIVMSG #esolangs :Yes, I think so too < 1722823193 104914 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :I don't think I've seen that happen in ages, though, which is a pity < 1722823323 348251 :salpynx!~salpynx@ PRIVMSG #esolangs :based on a recent joke comment here i've started a basically bf clone, but the tape is is an infinte 3d lattice of cells which are accessed by following the path of the Lorenz attractor... the parameters of which are determined by properties of the source code < 1722823324 118721 :zzo38!~zzo38@host-24-207-52-143.public.eastlink.ca PRIVMSG #esolangs :I also think some things are worth something too, such as, [[Prehistory of esoteric programming languages]], [[User:Ian/Computer architectures]], etc too. Notice also they mention "some really weird ideas for the VAX that would make it almost esolang-like" < 1722823404 340304 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :I think there's a big overlap between esoprogramming and "found languages", i.e. things that turned out to be usable as programming languages despite not being intended that way < 1722823435 451566 :zzo38!~zzo38@host-24-207-52-143.public.eastlink.ca PRIVMSG #esolangs :Yes, there is that too < 1722823442 471802 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :although the latter normally end up becoming directly ontopic due to people creating an esolang that compiles to them < 1722823497 622165 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :ais523: I've thought about multiple things of that form. < 1722823540 160931 :salpynx!~salpynx@ PRIVMSG #esolangs :I think best case scenario is I get a finite tape that intersects itself in unpredicatable ways. It's fun to create an interpreter for. I have a rudimentary one that is proving difficult to debug, because I'm not sure what exactly to expect when i move the data pointer :) < 1722823580 526923 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :There was a monad syntax proposal where you could write "do { f (<- a) (<- b) }" to mean "do { x <- a; y <- b; f x y }", and so on. < 1722823643 374862 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :But as a more syntactic thing, I've wondered about a programming language where there's an operator to have a thing that takes "the rest of the block" as an argument. < 1722823689 447768 :salpynx!~salpynx@ PRIVMSG #esolangs :.. it made me think about using chaotic attractors for control flow, like Conedy or Thue-Mirr. Refracting chaotic trajectories might be interesting < 1722823712 379657 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :shachaf: yes, I've had thoughts along those lines too, although they never really came to anything < 1722823715 478027 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :So you could say e.g. -- assuming you indicate this operator with ` -- { if(p)`; let x = for(xs)`; let y = for(ys)`; ... } < 1722823736 437230 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :(In the above the thing can also pass a value to the rest of the block.) < 1722823788 910175 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :But also just "for(xs)`++;" or whatever as an inline loop without naming the variable. < 1722823808 106242 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :There are surprisingly many cases where you have a thing that occupies the rest of the block. < 1722823817 698183 :zzo38!~zzo38@host-24-207-52-143.public.eastlink.ca PRIVMSG #esolangs :Free Hero Mesh has a "link ... else ... then" block; if both inner parts are empty then it acts like a operator that takes "the rest of the block" as an argument. < 1722823819 876431 :salpynx!~salpynx@ PRIVMSG #esolangs :What is the class of mathematical curiosities where it is unclear whether the thing is a programming language or not? Thue-Mirr is a bit like that, there's a binary sequence thing I can no longer find on the wiki that falls into the same category -- curious systems that exist but aren't neccesarily for programming < 1722823860 879406 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :And there are even more things when you start thinking about this as the basic primitive. < 1722823881 453676 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :now I'm surprised that I haven't seen an esolang with an if-else-then statement < 1722823896 785207 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :I wouldn't be surprised if some practical language was capable of that, although I can't think of an example offhand < 1722823915 153474 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :Perl has an unless statement – does that allow an else? < 1722823932 831132 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :it does! I had to look it up < 1722823943 187841 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :ais523: Some lambda calculus things often represents booleans with false as the first argument. Though this is more of a convention, I suppose. < 1722823945 941462 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :but there isn't an elsunless < 1722823952 843099 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :Then again, so is true/false itself. < 1722823979 789429 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :I have considered a representation where true is Some(()) and false is None, which would be asymmetrical < 1722823990 101309 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :it makes some things more natural and other things much more awkward < 1722824014 86208 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :By the way: Do you have a good name for the partially-ordered type {_|_, false, true}, with the order {_|_ < false, _|_ < true}? < 1722824021 274721 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :This comes up in a lot of situations and I'd like a short name for it. < 1722824129 713883 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :oh, I think I recognise that but don't know what if it's called, if it even has a commonly recognised name > 1722824167 300338 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User talk:/w/wiki/index.php/Talk:index.php/Main page14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134933&oldid=134528 5* 03Tommyaweosme 5* (+11) 10amg uso o < 1722824193 537508 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :MiniSAT calls this "lbool" for "lifted boolean". < 1722824199 680948 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :(And probably other SAT solvers, I don't remember now.) < 1722824247 979515 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :But there are many other situations. < 1722824305 460997 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :For example, when you're doing a distributed transaction, you can track each participant in the transaction as having that state (maybe, succeeded, failed). < 1722824321 435298 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :And also the entire transaction -- the whole transaction is just the "and" of all the participant states. < 1722824551 787465 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :it's one of those types that has two comparison operators at right angles: the "more defined than" operator and the "truer than" operator < 1722824852 86664 :salpynx!~salpynx@ PRIVMSG #esolangs :Perl can do unless-elsif-else , conceptually you could have an elsunless to chain unlesses. 'unless' is an odd word. < 1722824896 898685 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :now I'm wondering why Perl doesn't allow else if as a special case, and invented a new keyword instead > 1722825023 585697 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Tommyaweosme14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134934&oldid=134914 5* 03PrySigneToFry 5* (+199) 10 < 1722825056 946802 :salpynx!~salpynx@ PRIVMSG #esolangs :oh, I just noticed you'd already made an elsunless comment above :) < 1722825185 27487 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :ais523: I'm a little skeptical about the value of "truer than" in most of these contexts. < 1722825201 631557 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :I talked about this with a friend and he pointed out that you can think of these as representing possible sets of values. < 1722825220 19885 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :I.e. {false, true}, {false}, {true} < 1722825225 83221 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :I mean sets of booleans. < 1722825229 289520 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :I tried to write a for-else loop once but Rust wouldn't let me (I wanted the block at the end to provide a value if there was no break out of the for) < 1722825233 273032 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :And I mean "sets of possible values". > 1722825236 426719 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User talk:/w/wiki/index.php/Talk:index.php/Main page14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134935&oldid=134933 5* 03PrySigneToFry 5* (+97) 10 < 1722825288 390458 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :shachaf: it's basically a "declarative language boolean", right? unknown, true, false (and the "no possibility" possibility doesn't exist because that would trigger backtracking / pruning of that nondeterministic branch) < 1722825320 633699 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :Hmm, I'm not sure what you mean by "declarative language". < 1722825326 489580 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :Oh, you mean a logic language like Prolog. < 1722825353 109685 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :Yes, that sounds sort of right, though in Prolog you can't explicitly test that something is unknown, right? < 1722825358 49718 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :yes – I think the term "declarative language" is more general but I was thinking of the ones that work using successively tighter constraints < 1722825380 817755 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :in a hypothetical pure Prolog you shouldn't be able to, almost all practical Prologs have some way to do it though < 1722825418 146188 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :IIRC even standard ISO Prolog has var/1 and nonvar/1 < 1722825568 125781 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :The monotonicity thing is generally important in all cases. < 1722825583 231578 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :I mean, I think of these as write-once variables, that start in unknown state and then change state at most once. < 1722825594 445824 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :that's basically what a boolean is in Prolog < 1722825603 25799 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :you can't unassign it except by backtracking < 1722825720 53484 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :Right. < 1722825727 761540 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :This is also the SAT solver thing, of course. < 1722825744 925007 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :SAT solvers are also declarative < 1722825763 538049 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :now you've got me wondering about what a declarative language actually is < 1722825796 193482 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :I think the main defining feature is that the program specifies properties of the output it wants, without directly specifying an algorithm – and that normally gets implemented using mathematical nondeterminism but not always < 1722825941 550462 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :`? cut elimination < 1722825943 122643 :HackEso!~h@techne.zem.fi PRIVMSG #esolangs :The cut-elimination theorem states that any Prolog program written using the cut operator ! can be rewritten without using that operator. < 1722826014 805974 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :hmm, I think you can distinguish _ from true from false if you have cuts < 1722826040 129480 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :cut allows you to define not, then if not(not(X=true)) and not(not(X=false)) it must be _ < 1722826057 109996 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :so I'm interested in what that cut-eliminates to < 1722826072 710278 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :the theorem must have some sort of set of Prolog builtins that are used to replace the cut < 1722826199 898253 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :miniKanren doesn't have cuts, and also doesn't have var/1 or equivalent. < 1722826215 589970 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :I should clarify that the above is a joke, and may not actually hold. < 1722826222 82224 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :oh, right < 1722826222 683968 :shachaf!~shachaf@user/shachaf PRIVMSG #esolangs :Though I thought it did! So that's an interesting point. < 1722826227 223606 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :it probably does hold if you have enough builtins < 1722826237 395761 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :It's actually kind of annoying because gensym has to be hacked in somehow, whereas a Prolog implementation could check each variable and cut it off with a fresh gensym once. < 1722826245 633666 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cut-elimination_theorem < 1722826280 32468 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :which is about something else, of course < 1722826826 593996 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :now I have fallen into the side track of working out how people actually represent booleans in Prolog, when they need to, because true and false are both keywords that don't expand to boolean values < 1722826829 124866 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :I guess you could use t and f < 1722826854 82086 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :or, hmm, no, it's fail not false, and true might not be a keyword? < 1722826928 155200 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :I haven't written Prolog in so long < 1722826946 153677 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :I guess what I'm thinking about is, some interpreters use true versus false to specify whether your query succeeded or failed < 1722827304 973598 :Lord_of_Life!~Lord@user/lord-of-life/x-2819915 QUIT :Ping timeout: 260 seconds < 1722827376 843500 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :Ugh, curious Brainfuck problem: is it easy to do succ (mod 2**n) for *small* n? Looking at Laver tables and I need to be able to do lots of (mod 8) and (mod 16); I could start at bigger n but the whole point is to search for (mod 32). < 1722827413 46376 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :ais523: Relationally (or homotopically, posetally, etc.) there's two different Booleans. < 1722827429 998419 :Lord_of_Life!~Lord@user/lord-of-life/x-2819915 JOIN #esolangs Lord_of_Life :Lord < 1722827431 608421 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :There's {t, f}. There's also {f → t}, with a single non-trivial arrow. < 1722827456 35241 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :If you want the former in Prolog then you use symbols. If you want the latter then you NAF and SIT. < 1722827467 402324 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :Er, Negation As Failure and Substitution Is Truth. < 1722827477 276492 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :korvo: I'm assuming you're talking about bignum brainfuck – mod 2**n is pretty easy when you have wrapping cells < 1722827509 55811 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :just store the numbers multiplied by a constant < 1722827518 557356 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :and let the wrapping handle the modulo for you < 1722827539 356488 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :with bignum brainfuck it's probably quite difficult, though < 1722827556 930908 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :ais523: That might work! The constant would slowly decrease to zero, at which point it would be ignorable. < 1722827578 714097 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :FWIW I'm looking at p2 of http://cheddarmonk.org/papers/laver.pdf < 1722827692 904763 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :I think I'm going to use wrapping Brainfuck for Busy Brains. I guess that bignums are beautiful? But for some reason, wrapping feels closer to the spirit of BB. < 1722827755 64428 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :fwiw, 1-bit wrapping is probably more elegant than 8-bit wrapping < 1722827775 84048 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :although, that might be a bit too close to a Turing Machine to be interesting < 1722827790 368301 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :Yep, you're reading my mind. < 1722827846 72963 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :Maybe Brainfuck isn't interesting enough? I dunno. Once I get bfmacro working, it should be easy to pound out some inefficient example programs, and that'll give us a sense of whether it's worthwhile. < 1722828310 421140 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :...Okay, yeah, now I'm thinking that we have to study Brainfuck as a perfectoid system; there's bignum BF and also all the p-adic BFs. < 1722828353 422679 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :Like, classical Brainfuck is merely the case of p=2, k=8. I'm convinced. < 1722828381 153023 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :ACTION going to think of a better name than "Perfectoid Algebraic Brainfuck" before making a new page < 1722829092 551495 :salpynx!~salpynx@ PRIVMSG #esolangs :i can see a maximally offensive intercalative blend for that, but that's probably not what you're striving for < 1722829528 793135 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :re: elegance in BF, I feel like limited tape length / unlimited cell size and unlimited tape length / limited cell size are both more elegant than the combinations with both limited or both unlimited < 1722829576 973035 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :I guess I don't like it when tarpits have extra power above what they need for TCness < 1722829588 584240 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :although, not always, e.g. Underload is probably more elegant with the unneccessary builtins < 1722829604 344375 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :and SKI combinator calculus conceptually "wants" the I even though it's just SKK < 1722829699 674732 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :salpynx: Nah, it's got reasons. "Perfectoid" is what Scholze calls this whole tower-of-p-adic-spaces with an infinite space on top. "Algebraic" is to get rid of all of the syntactic issues that would get in the way. < 1722829802 835099 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :Like, for any positive k, let `+k` be `+` k times, and then `+k[-]` halts in any of the flavors we're discussing, including bignum. This is trivial if we've algebraically identified `[-]` with the operation which zeros the current cell in any flavor. < 1722829820 76749 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :But sure, as usual, feel free to make monstrosities. < 1722829952 661600 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :ais523: I do think that SKI is a sweet spot in terms of breadth vs depth. The one-combinator bases are known (Jot, Iota, Meredith's bases) but derivations are always way deeper just by a counting argument. < 1722829967 527710 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :(You know this. As usual, when talking to you, I'm talking to the channel.) < 1722830610 647765 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :hmm, is it possible to consistently/rigorously define the bignum-BF variant in which -[-] terminates (having wrapped the cell value around the entire infinite number line and back to 0)? < 1722830654 749570 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :my guess is no, assuming that we want all programs that halt regardless of the cell size to also halt with bignums < 1722830681 290151 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :or at least, yes in terms of being able to define the language mathematically but no in terms of implementing it on a Turing machine < 1722830682 391915 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :You gotta believe~ So, at first blush, no; it only converges (mod p**k), a very light version of Hensel's lemma. < 1722830719 380784 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :But if you believe that F1, the field with one element, is a real thing... F1 would be the finite field upon which you could do (mod 1) shenanigans legitimately. < 1722830815 778999 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :I realised fairly recently that mod-0 is most consistently defined as the identity function, which would in turn imply that floor-division of a nonzero number by 0 returns 0 < 1722830863 53725 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :although maybe the "0" here is actually a misidentified infinity < 1722830897 334425 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :Right, that's kind of the big question: are characteristic zero fields actually going off to some point-at-infinity, some divergence, or some looping-around? > 1722833426 529149 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Special:Log/newusers14]]4 create10 02 5* 03DKoTechnology 5* 10New user account > 1722833786 297956 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07x.14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134936&oldid=134902 5* 03Gggfr 5* (+44) 10/* how it works */ > 1722834170 140724 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:PrySigneToFry14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134937&oldid=134859 5* 03PrySigneToFry 5* (-454) 10 > 1722834389 463745 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Tommyaweosme14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134938&oldid=134934 5* 03Unname4798 5* (-199) 10Replaced content with "meow" > 1722834595 144294 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Talk:x.14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134939&oldid=134846 5* 03Gggfr 5* (+380) 10 > 1722834756 300512 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07?Q?14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134940&oldid=134810 5* 03Gggfr 5* (+29) 10/* tips */ > 1722834780 474654 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07?Q?14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134941&oldid=134940 5* 03Gggfr 5* (-42) 10/* examples */ > 1722835344 669664 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Why tho14]]4 N10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=134942 5* 03Gggfr 5* (+496) 10Created page with "'''why tho''' is a esolang created by [[User:Yayimhere]] and is inspired by [[Lambda calculus]] and [[Fractran]]. == How it works == the start of the program is a two lambda calculus expressions(the first one is x and the second one is x) each encased by square brackets. t > 1722835473 293545 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Why tho14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134943&oldid=134942 5* 03Gggfr 5* (+150) 10 > 1722835519 989948 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Why tho14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134944&oldid=134943 5* 03Gggfr 5* (+29) 10 < 1722835802 446228 :zzo38!~zzo38@host-24-207-52-143.public.eastlink.ca PRIVMSG #esolangs :The "Concrete Mathematics" book also says that mod 0 should be defined as a identity function < 1722835802 700655 :Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo QUIT :Read error: Connection reset by peer < 1722835863 16003 :zzo38!~zzo38@host-24-207-52-143.public.eastlink.ca PRIVMSG #esolangs :It does not mention floor-division of a nonzero number by zero making zero, although in uxn, division by zero is defined to make zero, whether the first number is zero or nonzero > 1722835913 267049 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Unname4798/Test14]]4 N10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=134945 5* 03Unname4798 5* (+910) 10Created page with "You can see block details at [https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?title=User:Tommyaweosme/blockedlist&action=raw User:Tommyaweosme/blockedlist]. hello. im a soldier, and esolang war 2 just sparked. if youve got any questions, ask em here. == Appeal the re > 1722836186 85147 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:PrySigneToFry/About Sandbox War14]]4 N10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=134946 5* 03PrySigneToFry 5* (+2640) 10Created page with "Sandbox War :::::::::::::::::::::::::::Written by --[[User:PrySigneToFry|Pry]][[User talk:PrySigneTo > 1722836262 471419 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Tommyaweosme14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134947&oldid=134938 5* 03PrySigneToFry 5* (+38) 10 > 1722836337 687830 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:PrySigneToFry14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134948&oldid=134937 5* 03PrySigneToFry 5* (+43) 10 < 1722837143 697112 :int-e!~noone@int-e.eu PRIVMSG #esolangs :ais523: how does x - (x div 0) * 0 = x mod 0 = x imply anything about x div 0? < 1722837192 888409 :int-e!~noone@int-e.eu PRIVMSG #esolangs :(IMO it's quite reasonable to define `x mod 0 = x` and still leave `x div 0` undefined) < 1722838152 850723 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :int-e: oh, good point < 1722838163 770397 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 PRIVMSG #esolangs :I forgot about the multiplication by 0 < 1722838360 762156 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 QUIT :Quit: quit > 1722838563 124636 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Tommyaweosme14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134949&oldid=134947 5* 03Unname4798 5* (-38) 10Replaced content with "meow" > 1722839802 141196 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Why tho14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134950&oldid=134944 5* 03Gggfr 5* (+118) 10 < 1722839802 356099 :sprout!~quassel@2a02-a448-3a80-0-2c67-11c0-6e5f-59bd.fixed6.kpn.net QUIT :Ping timeout: 276 seconds < 1722839870 883853 :sprout!~quassel@2a02-a448-3a80-0-4450-25ff-7ca4-4590.fixed6.kpn.net JOIN #esolangs sprout :sprout > 1722839951 859154 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07ARMLite14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134951&oldid=134898 5* 03Ducbadatchem 5* (+4168) 10add some things, still incomplete < 1722840050 549477 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl JOIN #esolangs * :Textual User > 1722841346 105250 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Why tho14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134952&oldid=134950 5* 03Gggfr 5* (+457) 10 > 1722841782 722194 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Why tho14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134953&oldid=134952 5* 03Gggfr 5* (+40) 10 > 1722841887 617853 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07ARMLite14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134954&oldid=134951 5* 03PythonshellDebugwindow 5* (+0) 10/* Comments */ Fix tag > 1722841958 39986 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Why tho14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134955&oldid=134953 5* 03Gggfr 5* (+4) 10/* How it works */ > 1722842204 96060 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Why tho14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134956&oldid=134955 5* 03PythonshellDebugwindow 5* (+84) 10Categories > 1722842471 241098 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07TESTLANG14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134957&oldid=134924 5* 03PythonshellDebugwindow 5* (+142) 10Stub, categories > 1722842753 459655 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Why tho14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134958&oldid=134956 5* 03Gggfr 5* (+23) 10 < 1722842986 494443 :b_jonas!~x@ QUIT :Read error: Connection reset by peer < 1722843081 573237 :b_jonas!~x@ JOIN #esolangs b_jonas :b_jonas < 1722844186 732247 :X-Scale!~X-Scale@ QUIT :Quit: Client closed > 1722844428 254342 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Why tho14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134959&oldid=134958 5* 03Gggfr 5* (+106) 10/* How it works */ > 1722844605 867237 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07TESTLANG14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134960&oldid=134957 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+253) 10 > 1722845010 255674 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Talk:Fractran14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134961&oldid=95246 5* 03Gggfr 5* (+162) 10/* Python Interpreter */ > 1722845108 731995 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07TESTLANG14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134962&oldid=134960 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+69) 10 > 1722845190 578785 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07TESTLANG14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134963&oldid=134962 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+56) 10 > 1722845318 793050 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Why tho14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134964&oldid=134959 5* 03Gggfr 5* (+185) 10/* simple example */ > 1722845330 515679 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Why tho14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134965&oldid=134964 5* 03Gggfr 5* (+1) 10/* se also */ > 1722845796 590878 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Why tho14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134966&oldid=134965 5* 03Gggfr 5* (+1) 10/* se also */ > 1722845863 256434 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07TESTLANG14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134967&oldid=134963 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+84) 10/* Examples */ > 1722846111 372714 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Ractangle14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134968&oldid=134506 5* 03Ractangle 5* (-24) 10/* Esolangs */ > 1722846180 289059 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07(script())14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134969&oldid=134515 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+17) 10/* Deadfish implementation */ > 1722846408 920823 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07TESTLANG14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134970&oldid=134967 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+46) 10/* Sub-words */ > 1722846538 969040 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07*&&^14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134971&oldid=134765 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+18) 10/* See also */ > 1722847252 820028 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Why tho14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134972&oldid=134966 5* 03Gggfr 5* (+91) 10/* computational class */ > 1722847803 629753 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Special:Log/move14]]4 move10 02 5* 03Ractangle 5* 10moved [[02Shell10]] to [[User:Ractangle/Shell]] > 1722847815 933446 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Ractangle/Shell14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134975&oldid=134973 5* 03Ractangle 5* (-13) 10 > 1722847839 277978 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Ractangle14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134976&oldid=134968 5* 03Ractangle 5* (-20) 10/* Esolangs */ > 1722847872 288084 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Special:Log/move14]]4 move10 02 5* 03Ractangle 5* 10moved [[0210]] to [[User:Ractangle/]] > 1722847897 638693 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Ractangle/14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134979&oldid=134977 5* 03Ractangle 5* (-53) 10 > 1722847915 374515 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Ractangle14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134980&oldid=134976 5* 03Ractangle 5* (-10) 10/* Esolangs */ > 1722848744 396321 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:5anz14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134981&oldid=134811 5* 035anz 5* (+11) 10/* Doing it by hand... again. */ > 1722848812 123142 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:5anz14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134982&oldid=134981 5* 035anz 5* (+13) 10/* Esolang I made */ > 1722848880 577246 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User talk:5anz14]]4 N10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=134983 5* 035anz 5* (+24) 10Created page with "Ask me questions here :)" < 1722849815 32584 :salpynx!~salpynx@ QUIT :Remote host closed the connection < 1722849936 36427 :mtm_!~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net JOIN #esolangs * :Textual User < 1722849972 618026 :mtm!~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net QUIT :Ping timeout: 244 seconds < 1722850088 437752 :mtm_!~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net QUIT :Read error: Connection reset by peer < 1722850200 635274 :mtm!~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net JOIN #esolangs mtm :Textual User < 1722851795 336168 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu JOIN #esolangs b_jonas :[https://web.libera.chat] wib_jonas < 1722851805 381137 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :"grey area, such as future solar eclipses" hehe, I hadn't noticed this pun yesterday < 1722853050 935490 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :"how you can do the 1==2 in Rust […] but it looks massively suspicious" => if Rust ever implements the equivalent of the Haskell extension where numeric literals can be of any type constructed by some trait method rather than only built-in numeric types then you'll be able to do this in a somewhat less suspicious way. < 1722853117 874840 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :Of course that's more difficult than in Haskell because Rust doesn't have a built-in bigint type, so the trait function would need to be a custom one that parses a string to a number, rather than just converts a number from some built-in type. > 1722853575 756847 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Why tho14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134984&oldid=134972 5* 03Xff 5* (+41) 10/* computational class */ < 1722854478 97604 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :"a conceptually esoteric language with sensible readable keywords" => it doesn't happen often because most esolangs have few builtin features. Keywords are much more useful when you have a hundred builtin features and you don't want to represent all of them with punctuation. But when your language is like brainfuck or underload with just eight < 1722854478 597806 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :builtins, and source code is typed in full ASCII rather than punched in some very limited EBCDIC set, then it's easier to just use eight distinct punctuation marks for the eight builtins. < 1722854671 523557 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :“‘found languages’, i.e. things that turned out to be usable as programming languages despite not being intended that way” => hmm, does Amycus count? > 1722854748 152260 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User talk:Tommyaweosme14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134985&oldid=134913 5* 03Unname4798 5* (-46) 10Esolang Sandbox Preservation War ended on August 3. < 1722854969 942735 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :ais523 "I haven't seen an esolang with an if-else-then statement" => https://esolangs.org/wiki/Geo has both if-then-else and if-else-then. and IIRC think Slang has if and unless like perl does, though it spells unless differently. > 1722854982 408749 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Talk:Mugh brains14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134986&oldid=133271 5* 035anz 5* (+140) 10/* How do I use this? */ new section < 1722854992 456259 :X-Scale!~X-Scale@ JOIN #esolangs X-Scale :[https://web.libera.chat] X-Scale < 1722855439 357228 :X-Scale!~X-Scale@ QUIT :Ping timeout: 256 seconds < 1722855563 961201 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :ais523 "for-else loop […] I wanted the block at the end to provide a value if there was no break out of the for" => yeah, for-else and while-else could be useful, python has that feature. I faintly remember that some programming language spoiled it by assigning a different and less useful semantics to it. < 1722855827 347124 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :"declarative language" => we had a university course titled "declarative programming" which teaches prolog and Standard ML, so I assumed it mostly meant the same as functional programming > 1722855857 174672 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07TESTLANG14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134987&oldid=134970 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+30) 10/* Words */ < 1722856158 958752 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :"how people actually represent booleans in Prolog" => Olvasható represents them with the terms tru and fals, except in most cases the term is optimized out and the boolean only appears as a success/failure that we dispatch on with => . You could represent them with the terms true and false because then you can just execute a boolean term to get < 1722856159 441186 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :the success/fail return. < 1722856196 346835 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :false and fail are equivalent as predicates in Prolog > 1722856343 635871 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Normalcalc14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134988&oldid=134419 5* 03Itoh Shimon 5* (+24) 10/* Specifications */ < 1722856719 381530 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :s/dispatch with =>/dispatch with ->/ < 1722857978 978530 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu PRIVMSG #esolangs :apparently ruby has unless-else too, no surprise since it copied a lot of that from perl > 1722858083 266247 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07TESTLANG14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134989&oldid=134987 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+50) 10/* Sub-words */ > 1722858134 386858 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Deadfish/Implementations (nonalphabetic and A-L)14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134990&oldid=134877 5* 03Ducbadatchem 5* (+1368) 10Added ARMLite implementation > 1722858136 917101 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07TESTLANG14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134991&oldid=134989 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+52) 10/* Examples */ > 1722858199 556233 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Language list14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134992&oldid=134865 5* 03Ducbadatchem 5* (+14) 10Added ARMLite entry > 1722858994 746107 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07TESTLANG14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134993&oldid=134991 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+5) 10/* Hello, world! */ < 1722859459 406829 :mtm!~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net QUIT :Ping timeout: 260 seconds < 1722859552 887174 :mtm!~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net JOIN #esolangs mtm :Textual User > 1722859596 307690 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:XKCD Random Number14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134994&oldid=134912 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+98) 10/* TernLSB */ < 1722861860 367168 :ManDeJan!3da94070ba@user/mandejan QUIT :Remote host closed the connection < 1722861860 529795 :ursa-major!114efe6c39@2a03:6000:1812:100::11f3 QUIT :Write error: Connection reset by peer < 1722861886 853279 :ManDeJan!3da94070ba@user/mandejan JOIN #esolangs ManDeJan :ManDeJan < 1722861889 902707 :ursa-major!114efe6c39@2a03:6000:1812:100::11f3 JOIN #esolangs ursa-major :Bailey Bjornstad > 1722863633 417631 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Talk:SpoilerFuck14]]4 N10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=134995 5* 035anz 5* (+181) 10Created page with "==What?== I can't help but think the name "'''Fuck'''" was just for this wiki. -~~~~" > 1722863815 949513 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07B i n a r y14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134996&oldid=134802 5* 035anz 5* (+5) 10/* Fake 0 */ > 1722863858 111447 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Deadfish/Implementations (nonalphabetic and A-L)14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134997&oldid=134990 5* 03Ducbadatchem 5* (+59) 10/* ARMLite */ > 1722863934 26835 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07ARMLite14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134998&oldid=134954 5* 03Ducbadatchem 5* (+1494) 10Added Deadfish implementation link + some commands > 1722864821 236022 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Why tho14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=134999&oldid=134984 5* 03Xff 5* (+40) 10 > 1722865846 458839 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07TESTLANG14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135000&oldid=134993 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+8) 10/* Sub-words */ < 1722867137 438883 :X-Scale23!~X-Scale@ JOIN #esolangs X-Scale :[https://web.libera.chat] X-Scale < 1722867543 370854 :X-Scale23!~X-Scale@ QUIT :Ping timeout: 256 seconds > 1722868783 626127 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07?Q?14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135001&oldid=134941 5* 03Xff 5* (+4) 10/* examples */ > 1722869890 178335 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Special:Log/newusers14]]4 create10 02 5* 03ThatAH 5* 10New user account > 1722870112 841821 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Esolang:Introduce yourself14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135002&oldid=134820 5* 03ThatAH 5* (+287) 10/* Introductions */ < 1722871535 423211 :X-Scale!~X-Scale@ JOIN #esolangs X-Scale :[https://web.libera.chat] X-Scale > 1722871542 617459 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:ThatAH14]]4 N10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=135003 5* 03ThatAH 5* (+37) 10Created page with "Creator of Digital and yeah, yapping." > 1722871687 504555 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:RainbowDash14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135004&oldid=134111 5* 03RainbowDash 5* (+15) 10 < 1722872575 361227 :X-Scale!~X-Scale@ QUIT :Ping timeout: 256 seconds > 1722873068 28731 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Ducbadatchem14]]4 N10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=135005 5* 03Ducbadatchem 5* (+104) 10i use arch btw > 1722874610 87782 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Digitial14]]4 N10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=135006 5* 03ThatAH 5* (+3598) 10Created page with "'''Digital''' is an [[Esoteric programming language|esolang]] created by [[User:ThatAH]]. It is similar in some ways to [[Unary]] but is intended to be more practical. Digital only uses ten instructions, the numbers of the base-10 system, where it derives it's name from > 1722874671 959857 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Digitial14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135007&oldid=135006 5* 03ThatAH 5* (-6) 10Fixed the code tags overflowing the page. > 1722874767 746806 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Digitial14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135008&oldid=135007 5* 03ThatAH 5* (+0) 10Miner semantic change. < 1722874792 310891 :wib_jonas!~wib_jonas@business-37-191-60-209.business.broadband.hu QUIT :Quit: Client closed < 1722875089 448464 :X-Scale!~X-Scale@ JOIN #esolangs X-Scale :[https://web.libera.chat] X-Scale > 1722875127 66034 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:ThatAH14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135009&oldid=135003 5* 03ThatAH 5* (+96) 10 > 1722875148 778585 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:ThatAH14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135010&oldid=135009 5* 03ThatAH 5* (+4) 10 > 1722875176 919312 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:ThatAH14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135011&oldid=135010 5* 03ThatAH 5* (+1) 10 > 1722875365 85141 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Digitial14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135012&oldid=135008 5* 03ThatAH 5* (-1) 10 < 1722876179 338987 :X-Scale!~X-Scale@ QUIT :Ping timeout: 256 seconds < 1722876797 81707 :FreeFull!~freefull@ QUIT : < 1722876922 955453 :FreeFull!~freefull@ JOIN #esolangs FreeFull :FreeFull > 1722877162 645733 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07A+B Problem14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135013&oldid=134884 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+49) 10/* This esolang is not a push-down automata */ > 1722877262 885093 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Hello world program in esoteric languages (T-Z)14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135014&oldid=128070 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+81) 10/* Text */ > 1722877456 258 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Ractangle14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135015&oldid=134980 5* 03Ractangle 5* (-4) 10/* Other things */ > 1722877664 193285 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Nope.14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135016&oldid=134609 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+44) 10/* Text */ > 1722877970 244880 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07!lyriclydemoteestablishcommunism!14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135017&oldid=130820 5* 03Ractangle 5* (-565) 10/* Language specifications */ > 1722878070 911326 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07!lyriclydemoteestablishcommunism!14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135018&oldid=135017 5* 03Ractangle 5* (-20) 10 > 1722878225 750729 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07!lyriclydemoteestablishcommunism!14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135019&oldid=135018 5* 03Ractangle 5* (-1) 10/* Implementations */ > 1722878273 666583 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07BASE/Other esolang implementations14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135020&oldid=132593 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+1) 10/* + */ > 1722878304 515715 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07BASE/Other esolang implementations14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135021&oldid=135020 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+4) 10/* - */ < 1722878478 524334 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl QUIT :Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz… < 1722879788 903341 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl JOIN #esolangs * :Textual User < 1722881500 445014 :X-Scale!~X-Scale@ JOIN #esolangs X-Scale :[https://web.libera.chat] X-Scale > 1722881723 542816 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07FlipFlop14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135022&oldid=131361 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+26) 10/* Example(s) */ > 1722881862 965409 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Talk:FlipFlop14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135023&oldid=131399 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+130) 10 < 1722882095 338079 :X-Scale!~X-Scale@ QUIT :Ping timeout: 256 seconds < 1722883205 895036 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl QUIT :Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz… < 1722884945 75821 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl JOIN #esolangs * :Textual User < 1722886551 407566 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl QUIT :Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz… < 1722886946 864374 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl JOIN #esolangs * :Textual User > 1722888111 241426 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User talk:Tommyaweosme14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135024&oldid=134985 5* 03Tommyaweosme 5* (-2) 10 > 1722888561 450620 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Better Burn14]]4 N10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=135025 5* 03Tommyaweosme 5* (+1510) 10Created page with "Better Burn is [[Burn]] but better. It was created as a child of the war between ~~~ and [[User:Ais523]]. == Commands == ;Colours given as BG, levels 0-3. 00 00 01 00 00 00 10 11 01 01 (digits 3 and 2 of wolfram rule in order) (first two digits of wolfram > 1722888573 457541 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Better Burn14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135026&oldid=135025 5* 03Tommyaweosme 5* (+0) 10 < 1722888886 842690 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :Protip: Don't say that you're at "war" with moderation. If you absolutely must take such a stance, be clear that you "disagree" with "decisions" made by moderators, but that you nonetheless "respect" what they do. < 1722888974 446742 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :There's no problem with being openly contemptuous of management as long as you're productive and courteous. Find a mindset that can both despise people and also ensure that they are comfortable and well-fed. < 1722889011 46267 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :But don't start shitting all over personal notes or personal connections unless you're prepared for a dramatic increase in intimacy and severity of consequences. > 1722891390 653315 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07BASE14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135027&oldid=131616 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+30) 10/* Commands */ > 1722891573 829372 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07BASE14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135028&oldid=135027 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+75) 10/* Commands */ > 1722891599 33309 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07BASE14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135029&oldid=135028 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+4) 10/* Hello, world! */ > 1722891631 996154 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07BASE14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135030&oldid=135029 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+11) 10/* Cat program */ > 1722891706 218245 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07BASE14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135031&oldid=135030 5* 03Ractangle 5* (+18) 10/* A+B Problem */ < 1722892427 382917 :zzo38!~zzo38@host-24-207-52-143.public.eastlink.ca PRIVMSG #esolangs :One thing to consider about esoteric programming languages vs not esoteric programming languages, is PostScript, which has been described as both at the same time (I don't know who described it as such; I think I was not the first to do so; do you know?) > 1722894049 456792 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Ractangle/rt14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135032&oldid=130989 5* 03Ractangle 5* (-69) 10/* Examples */ > 1722894173 880591 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Shape-complete14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=135033&oldid=131863 5* 03Ractangle 5* (-75) 10 < 1722895025 645386 :amby!~ambylastn@2a00:23c5:ce05:7801:1e67:1385:8d34:198f JOIN #esolangs amby :realname < 1722896150 929514 :Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo JOIN #esolangs Sgeo :realname < 1722896373 450776 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 JOIN #esolangs ais523 :(this is obviously not my real name) < 1722899752 808502 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 QUIT :Remote host closed the connection < 1722899826 349780 :ais523!~ais523@user/ais523 JOIN #esolangs ais523 :(this is obviously not my real name) < 1722900821 504220 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl QUIT :Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…