< 1727136168 468945 :mtm!~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net QUIT :Ping timeout: 252 seconds < 1727136324 387644 :mtm!~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net JOIN #esolangs * :Textual User > 1727136943 15340 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07^14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140541&oldid=140534 5* 03Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 5* (+114) 10/* Interpreter */ > 1727137127 803122 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[0714]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140542&oldid=140392 5* 03Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 5* (+154) 10/* Programs */ > 1727137209 560843 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07014]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140543&oldid=136117 5* 03Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 5* (+54) 10 > 1727137348 845759 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Tommyaweosme/warsides14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140544&oldid=140382 5* 03Tommyaweosme 5* (+26) 10none1 restored the instructions over and over again repeatedly in the sandbox > 1727137587 509886 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Pljic!14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140545&oldid=126253 5* 03Mmmph! 5* (-37) 10 > 1727138880 53078 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07A Very BASIC Esolang14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140546&oldid=140407 5* 03PythonshellDebugwindow 5* (+34) 10Formatting, category > 1727138979 927869 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[0714]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140547&oldid=140542 5* 03PythonshellDebugwindow 5* (+85) 10See also, category < 1727140147 583799 :amby!~ambylastn@ward-15-b2-v4wan-167229-cust809.vm18.cable.virginm.net QUIT :Quit: so long suckers! i rev up my motorcylce and create a huge cloud of smoke. when the cloud dissipates im lying completely dead on the pavement > 1727140813 36963 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Esolang:Sandbox14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140548&oldid=137364 5* 03Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 5* (+50) 10 < 1727141499 814842 :X-Scale24!~X-Scale@ QUIT :Quit: Client closed < 1727142837 413657 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net JOIN #esolangs * :realname < 1727143030 332552 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :Thinking once again about a geometric assembly language. It's easy to think about computation in terms of arithmetic because that's been the dominant branch of math for the last few millennia. < 1727143034 644597 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :And because that was what was easy to implement on silicon. < 1727143178 549086 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :The main issue I'm having is thinking of memory without using numbers for addressing. < 1727143355 760304 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :Computation in univalent foundations (univalent type theory, cubical type theory, etc.) is geometric. I'd be interested in reading your notes. < 1727143409 732771 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :Also, for this channel, it's worth remembering that e.g. analogue water computers were a thing. Tide clocks, programmable looms, certain kinds of ciphers. < 1727143465 98950 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :hppavilion[1]: Have you seen simplices (simplicial complexes) or opetopes? These are structures where the path to a particular vertex/node is not a number, but another structure. < 1727143494 220022 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :I mean, there's lots of those, like operads, but simplices and opetopes have the fun property that the path-structures are the same type as the container-structures. < 1727143502 335430 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :Wow this conversation immediately left my mathematical knowledge lmao > 1727143658 853973 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Tommyaweosme/common.css14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140549&oldid=137734 5* 03Tommyaweosme 5* (+62) 10 > 1727143688 415611 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Tommyaweosme/common.css14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140550&oldid=140549 5* 03Tommyaweosme 5* (+5) 10 > 1727143811 706973 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Tommyaweosme/common.css14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140551&oldid=140550 5* 03Tommyaweosme 5* (+0) 10 < 1727143856 220170 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :True; I'm thinking euclidean geometry, where operations revolve mostly around points (and lines and circles but those are really just ways to make more points) < 1727143856 225599 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :Sorry! Ignore me for a moment. What are you working on? What's on your mind? < 1727143857 447666 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :Assembly languages typically work by performing arithmetic operations on stored integers in a small collection of registers, like taking r1 and r2 and putting their sum in r3. I'm considering a language where registers hold points in a 2-dimensional space, and the operations are geometric operations on those points, like taking the midpoint of r1 and r2 and placing it in r3. < 1727143907 871951 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :Okay, yeah, makes sense. Are you thinking of what real hardware could implement, or is this more of a fantasy language? < 1727143952 4768 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :Note that I'm not talking about something like a 64-bit register holding two floats designated (x, y); as far as the virtual machine is concerned it's just points, no coordinates (think Euclid, not Descartes) < 1727143970 130134 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :More the latter. < 1727144042 125878 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :Ah, sure. One thought is about the nature of registers. A register doesn't really hold a value; instead, *all* of the registers are piped from one place to another alongside the ALU, and the ALU *ignores* the registers that aren't being used. (Aggressive oversimplification, sorry, trying to make a point.) > 1727144051 489239 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Deadfish with gotos and input14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140552&oldid=140375 5* 03Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 5* (+34) 10/* See also */ < 1727144077 947795 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :So maybe there's a similar geometric notion of distance betweeen points. Not for coordinates, but for being near enough to use in operations. < 1727144085 12250 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :Go one level up and think of it as a mathematical model, not as physical implementation < 1727144114 3452 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :Like compass-and-straightedge construction? < 1727144147 534010 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :Yes; an assembly language which performs compass-and-straightedge constructions rather than arithmetic constructions (so to speak) < 1727144255 396916 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :Mmm, good times. So, for that sort of construction, it might be worth knowing that we've historically made sense of that geometry by turning it into algebra. < 1727144283 231401 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :Are we back on Descartes and analytic geometry? < 1727144322 742829 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :Well, Gauss, really. Coordinate-free manipulations of geometry which -- under some chosen metric -- can be evaluated arithmetically. < 1727144381 452052 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :I'm not saying that you have to do that, but I'm saying that you might find it hard to convince other people to not do it. < 1727144470 235134 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :Hmmmm, I feel like I might know what you're talking about but not by name. I was last looking at Hilbert's axioms. < 1727144583 375221 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :Is there a name for what you're talking about so I can review it? < 1727144604 629795 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :Gauss showed which regular polygons are constructible. Another classic example is the impossibility of trisecting angles. These proofs are fundamentally non-geometric, which is part of why trisector cranks still exist today. < 1727144765 421868 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :Ahhhh < 1727144963 35985 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :Another thing crucial to this is that the I/O would be geometric as well. Picturing a higher-level (non-assembly) language for a moment, rather than printing text (sequence of integers interpreted as characters) one would draw curves on a canvas, and rather than taking text input one might take a point as input (like a spot that's clicked) < 1727145028 129054 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :So you might want to check if a point is inside a circle. Except there's no notion of circles in the assembly, so what you'd be doing is checking if the input point is closer to the circle's center than some designated point on its circumference. < 1727145078 488393 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :I don't know if I can avoid having something analogous to the flags register without it being contrived < 1727145200 705854 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :Actually implementing an emulator for this on a real computer would probably require the points to be floating point pairs. That or complicated OO algebra bs but ew. < 1727145457 748718 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :I think that existing games built around this stuff, like Euclidea, use the lines-and-points axioms. (Are those Hilbert's or Tarski's? I don't remember.) To compare line lengths, they probably compare algebraic expressions generated from the first line on the board. < 1727145480 32223 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :Hilbert's I believe < 1727145535 391779 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :tarski's axioms exclusively deal in points < 1727145601 769094 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :(though the congruence relation intuitively works with 2 line segments, it's strictly a relation on 4 points) < 1727145630 150029 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :which incidentally makes Tarski probably the best place to start, since there's only one data type (points) rather than two (lines and points) or three (lines, points, and circles) < 1727145886 765595 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :Yeah, that makes sense. Also removes the temptation to generalize and go full Grassmannian. < 1727146038 754395 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :I'm in an ARM assembly class rn so that's gonna influence what comes out in the end. I think the only concession I need to make to arithmetic will be the actual integrally-indexed assembly instructions (no computed jumps since that would require you to... compute a number) < 1727146301 356748 :korvo!~korvo@2604:a880:4:1d0::4d6:d000 PRIVMSG #esolangs :Very cool. Feel free to share what you come up with. < 1727146307 416148 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :Of course > 1727146823 335923 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Bouncy Counters14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140553&oldid=140490 5* 03Ais523 5* (+237) 10/* With two counters */ Turing-complete, but the I/O works a bit differently < 1727148182 769942 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :It *would* be possible to just coerce all points to algebraic numbers represented in a canonical form... that would make comparing the equality of points feasible. < 1727148217 493262 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :(whereas with points represented by floats two points that should be the same would likely happen to be different < 1727148218 667607 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net PRIVMSG #esolangs :) < 1727149130 491592 :Lord_of_Life_!~Lord@user/lord-of-life/x-2819915 JOIN #esolangs Lord_of_Life :Lord < 1727149148 454979 :Lord_of_Life!~Lord@user/lord-of-life/x-2819915 QUIT :Ping timeout: 252 seconds < 1727149213 359006 :Lord_of_Life_!~Lord@user/lord-of-life/x-2819915 NICK :Lord_of_Life > 1727150342 393047 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Turn Left14]]4 N10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=140554 5* 03Ais523 5* (+6601) 10new language! > 1727150405 134062 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Bouncy Counters14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140555&oldid=140553 5* 03Ais523 5* (+172) 10mention [[Turn Left]] > 1727150436 144906 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Ais52314]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140556&oldid=138920 5* 03Ais523 5* (+15) 10+[[Turn Left]] > 1727150460 267315 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Near-Turing machine14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140557&oldid=135724 5* 03Ais523 5* (+5) 10pipe year link > 1727150555 833852 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Language list14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140558&oldid=140241 5* 03Ais523 5* (+16) 10/* T */ +[[Turn Left]] I am assuming that spaces are ignored for alphabetisation purposes (as they seem to be lower down the list) > 1727150872 369920 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Near-Turing machine14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140559&oldid=140557 5* 03Ais523 5* (+3) 10/* One-sided near-Turing machine */ fix thinko > 1727151225 795969 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Analogia14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140560&oldid=137691 5* 03Ais523 5* (-1) 10/* Computational class */ fix use of entirely the wrong word > 1727151445 334972 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07High Rise14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140561&oldid=75851 5* 03Ais523 5* (+168) 10mention Spiral Rise more prominently > 1727152374 100049 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Esimpl14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140562&oldid=111173 5* 03Ais523 5* (+87) 10/* Commands */ thoughts on printable ASCII > 1727153256 518873 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Addition Automaton14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140563&oldid=115405 5* 03Ais523 5* (+23) 10/* Small values of b */ clarify that this can use a flavour of Echo Tag that has already been proven TC, and the unknown-computational-class version is being used only as an example < 1727153432 425848 :craigo!~craigo@user/craigo JOIN #esolangs craigo :realname > 1727153456 823098 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[076 bytes of useless element14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140564&oldid=140526 5* 03Yayimhere 5* (+3) 10/* Interpreters */ < 1727153480 320230 :wWwwW!~wWwwW@ JOIN #esolangs * :[https://web.libera.chat] wWwwW > 1727154357 590444 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[076 bytes of useless element14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140565&oldid=140564 5* 03Yayimhere 5* (+54) 10/* Interpreters */ > 1727155199 26018 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07MSFE++14]]4 N10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=140566 5* 03Cycwin 5* (+1169) 10Created page with "It is an extended version of [[MiniStringFuck]]. Changed from only 2 operators to 3.We also added 2 bytes.Here are three operators in MSFE++. + operator: used to add one to the current byte. - operator: new operator. Subtracts the current byte by 1 and moves to the next > 1727155350 568223 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Cycwin14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140567&oldid=137603 5* 03Cycwin 5* (+23) 10 > 1727155759 441551 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Mildfuck14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140568&oldid=140540 5* 03Yayimhere 5* (+23) 10/* Hello, World! */ give myself credit for hello world program > 1727155766 576234 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Mildfuck14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140569&oldid=140568 5* 03Yayimhere 5* (-1) 10/* Hello, World! */ < 1727155809 191754 :Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo QUIT :Read error: Connection reset by peer > 1727155874 994577 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[0714]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140570&oldid=140440 5* 03Yayimhere 5* (+2) 10/* >>= kinda */ > 1727156048 286580 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Bog prok14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140571&oldid=140366 5* 03Yayimhere 5* (+41) 10/* memory related */ < 1727156444 689426 :wWwwW!~wWwwW@ QUIT :Quit: Client closed < 1727157046 414176 :hppavilion[1]!~hppavilio@49-147-42-72.gci.net QUIT :Ping timeout: 252 seconds < 1727160302 176712 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl JOIN #esolangs * :Textual User < 1727167441 416375 :X-Scale!~X-Scale@ JOIN #esolangs X-Scale :[https://web.libera.chat] X-Scale < 1727168611 326119 :X-Scale!~X-Scale@ QUIT :Ping timeout: 256 seconds < 1727172329 453599 :__monty__!~toonn@user/toonn JOIN #esolangs toonn :Unknown > 1727172484 962638 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Talk:14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140572&oldid=140383 5* 03PkmnQ 5* (+481) 10/* Interesting minimalization */ Minimalization's not the right word > 1727172571 848663 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Talk:14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140573&oldid=140572 5* 03PkmnQ 5* (-3) 10/* Interesting subset */ I thought for sure that would work > 1727173796 202115 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User talk:MihaiEso14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140574&oldid=140539 5* 03None1 5* (-60) 10/* Make it even scarier !!!! */ scarier is already comparative and doesn't need "more" > 1727174050 909910 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Mildfuck14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140575&oldid=140569 5* 03PkmnQ 5* (-72) 10/* Interpreter */ > 1727174166 600719 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07^14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140576&oldid=140541 5* 03None1 5* (-114) 10Undo revision [[Special:Diff/140541|140541]] by [[Special:Contributions/Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff|Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff]] ([[User talk:Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff > 1727174185 369002 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07^14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140577&oldid=140576 5* 03None1 5* (+1) 10Undo revision [[Special:Diff/140534|140534]] by [[Special:Contributions/Ractangle|Ractangle]] ([[User talk:Ractangle|talk]]) > 1727174207 513650 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07^14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140578&oldid=140577 5* 03None1 5* (-483) 10Undo revision [[Special:Diff/140532|140532]] by [[Special:Contributions/Ractangle|Ractangle]] ([[User talk:Ractangle|talk]]) > 1727174208 199696 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Mildfuck14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140579&oldid=140575 5* 03PkmnQ 5* (+39) 10 < 1727177769 160164 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl QUIT :Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz… < 1727178101 143409 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl JOIN #esolangs * :Textual User < 1727179219 63887 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl QUIT :Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz… < 1727179474 437563 :mtm!~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net QUIT :Ping timeout: 260 seconds < 1727179557 980231 :mtm!~textual@c-71-228-84-213.hsd1.fl.comcast.net JOIN #esolangs mtm :Textual User < 1727179844 318869 :wWwwW!~wWwwW@ JOIN #esolangs * :[https://web.libera.chat] wWwwW < 1727180116 410042 :X-Scale!~X-Scale@ JOIN #esolangs X-Scale :[https://web.libera.chat] X-Scale > 1727180265 444348 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Talk:Child Script14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140580&oldid=140445 5* 03PrySigneToFry 5* (+134) 10/* Maybe this a "Hello, world!' program? */ new section < 1727180988 378010 :wWwwW!~wWwwW@ PRIVMSG #esolangs :https://esolangs.org/wiki/6_bytes_of_useless_element can you make a interpreter < 1727181021 326466 :X-Scale!~X-Scale@ QUIT :Ping timeout: 256 seconds < 1727181869 193619 :amby!~ambylastn@ward-15-b2-v4wan-167229-cust809.vm18.cable.virginm.net JOIN #esolangs amby :realname > 1727182853 50439 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:GUAqwq/brainfuck quine14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140581&oldid=139155 5* 03GUAqwq 5* (-739) 10Undo revision [[Special:Diff/139155|139155]] by [[Special:Contributions/Cycwin|Cycwin]] ([[User talk:Cycwin|talk]]) > 1727182870 155434 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:GUAqwq/brainfuck quine14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140582&oldid=140581 5* 03GUAqwq 5* (+739) 10Undo revision [[Special:Diff/140581|140581]] by [[Special:Contributions/GUAqwq|GUAqwq]] ([[User talk:GUAqwq|talk]]) > 1727183150 959281 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Talk:TypeInt14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140583&oldid=137372 5* 03GUAqwq 5* (+129) 10 > 1727183308 678536 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Bundle Bungle14]]4 N10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=140584 5* 03RhubarbJayde 5* (+6349) 10Created page with "Bundle Bungle is an esolang created by [[User:RhubarbJayde]] in 2024. It operates on a "quasi-stack", which is a data structure with a read head, where pushing and popping act at the read head and don't automatically move it. A quasi-stack can obviously emul < 1727183339 676812 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl JOIN #esolangs * :Textual User > 1727183403 649033 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Bundle Bungle14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140585&oldid=140584 5* 03RhubarbJayde 5* (-1) 10/* Example programs */ > 1727183468 542511 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07MSFE14]]4 N10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=140586 5* 03Cycwin 5* (+235) 10Created page with "MSFE # is an extension of Ministringfuck. It is stack based. I have extended + and in MSFE #. However, this function is completely different. We execute instructions based on the number of +. Here I will list instructions. (writing...)" > 1727183539 407259 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Bundle Bungle14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140587&oldid=140585 5* 03RhubarbJayde 5* (+169) 10 > 1727184706 652565 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07MSFE14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140588&oldid=140586 5* 03Cycwin 5* (+2900) 10 > 1727184753 90234 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07MSFE14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140589&oldid=140588 5* 03Cycwin 5* (+56) 10 > 1727184912 665047 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Cycwin14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140590&oldid=140567 5* 03Cycwin 5* (+17) 10 > 1727184930 250475 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Cycwin14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140591&oldid=140590 5* 03Cycwin 5* (+2) 10 > 1727186732 126422 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Talk:Brainflop14]]4 N10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=140592 5* 03Yayimhere 5* (+186) 10Created page with "is there a ''proof'' that this is TC?? [:~~~~:] (note: if not i will delete the category of TC'ness)" < 1727186928 407438 :X-Scale!~X-Scale@ JOIN #esolangs X-Scale :[https://web.libera.chat] X-Scale > 1727187007 792776 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07MSFE14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140593&oldid=140589 5* 03GUAqwq 5* (+122) 10machine translated instruction description -> human translated instruction description > 1727188579 936029 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Untotal Array Changer14]]4 N10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=140594 5* 03Yayimhere 5* (+319) 10Created page with "'''Untotal Array Changer''' is a version of [[Array Changer]] with a single new command == new command == this new command is: (P) where P is a program treat P as a single command == infinite loop i think but its incomplete and a proof of co < 1727188822 699525 :wWwwW!~wWwwW@ QUIT :Quit: Client closed > 1727189281 959555 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07MSFE14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140595&oldid=140593 5* 03Cycwin 5* (+152) 10 > 1727189343 863581 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Esolang:Sandbox14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140596&oldid=140548 5* 03None1 5* (+46) 10/* Tests */ > 1727190269 218733 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Flow Uncontrolled14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140597&oldid=137197 5* 03Qawtykit 5* (+3) 10fixed a mistake in the 99 bottles of beer program > 1727190340 20913 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Flow Uncontrolled14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140598&oldid=140597 5* 03Qawtykit 5* (-3) 10oh wait there was actually no mistake > 1727190352 275023 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Talk:BeerLang14]]4 N10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=140599 5* 03Yayimhere 5* (+169) 10Created page with "what do you mean ) makes it TC. ill delete that category that's not enough [:~~~~:]" > 1727190656 675515 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Flow Uncontrolled14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140600&oldid=140598 5* 03Qawtykit 5* (-1) 10 > 1727190871 85045 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[076 bytes of useless element14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140601&oldid=140565 5* 03Corbin 5* (-343) 10/* Interpreters */ Give a working Python program; the existing program had a SyntaxError buried under all of those redundant list operations. Tested locally. < 1727194043 647991 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl QUIT :Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz… < 1727194637 319419 :wWwwW!~wWwwW@ JOIN #esolangs * :[https://web.libera.chat] wWwwW < 1727195972 402342 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl JOIN #esolangs * :Textual User > 1727196194 804471 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Brainflop14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140602&oldid=72407 5* 03PkmnQ 5* (-17) 10/* Commands */ Based on cat program < 1727196373 844798 :wWwwW!~wWwwW@ QUIT :Quit: Client closed < 1727196789 176020 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl QUIT :Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz… < 1727197836 149545 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl JOIN #esolangs * :Textual User < 1727201584 589916 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl QUIT :Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz… < 1727201913 89283 :craigo!~craigo@user/craigo QUIT :Quit: Leaving < 1727202478 602638 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl JOIN #esolangs * :Textual User > 1727203210 256844 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Bigfun14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140603&oldid=140484 5* 03Pro465 5* (+19) 10/* Description */ > 1727203717 255287 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Bigfun14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140604&oldid=140603 5* 03Pro465 5* (+314) 10/* Examples */ add program producing number much greater than graham's number < 1727206050 468897 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl QUIT :Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz… < 1727206205 347841 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl JOIN #esolangs * :Textual User > 1727208052 803288 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Bigfun14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140605&oldid=140604 5* 03Pro465 5* (+1501) 10/* a number much greater than Graham's number */ add explanation < 1727208992 393631 :X-Scale!~X-Scale@ QUIT :Quit: Client closed > 1727209314 329153 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Tommyaweosme/common.css14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140606&oldid=140551 5* 03Tommyaweosme 5* (+28) 10 > 1727209327 59853 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Tommyaweosme/common.css14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140607&oldid=140606 5* 03Tommyaweosme 5* (-1) 10 > 1727209537 731688 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Tommyaweosme/hacker.css14]]4 N10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=140608 5* 03Tommyaweosme 5* (+94) 10Created page with "* {background-color:black !important; color:whitesmoke !important;} a {color:lime !important;}" > 1727209699 877624 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Special:Log/upload14]]4 upload10 02 5* 03Tommyaweosme 5* 10uploaded "[[02File:Hackertheme.png10]]": from this own wiki, page shown is written by me, theme is by me, theme is on wiki, therefore completely safe for uploading > 1727209813 239133 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User talk:Unname479814]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140610&oldid=138974 5* 03Tommyaweosme 5* (+524) 10 > 1727209942 512631 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07248434550814]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140611&oldid=139485 5* 03Tommyaweosme 5* (-12) 10/* hello world */ > 1727210022 22997 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07248434550814]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140612&oldid=140611 5* 03Tommyaweosme 5* (-27) 10/* truth machine */ > 1727210722 295080 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07MSFE14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140613&oldid=140595 5* 03PythonshellDebugwindow 5* (+68) 10Wrongtitle, link, categories > 1727210890 97823 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07MSFE++14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140614&oldid=140566 5* 03PythonshellDebugwindow 5* (+140) 10Categories > 1727210901 198436 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07MSFE++14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140615&oldid=140614 5* 03PythonshellDebugwindow 5* (+19) 10Category > 1727210948 532098 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07MiniStringFuck14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140616&oldid=139256 5* 03PythonshellDebugwindow 5* (+24) 10/* See also */ Add > 1727211065 71578 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Array Changer14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140617&oldid=136395 5* 03PythonshellDebugwindow 5* (+49) 10See also > 1727211165 661051 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Array Changer14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140618&oldid=140617 5* 03PythonshellDebugwindow 5* (+38) 10Category > 1727211215 558493 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Untotal Array Changer14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140619&oldid=140594 5* 03PythonshellDebugwindow 5* (+155) 10Categories > 1727211335 399650 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Tommyaweosme/common.css14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140620&oldid=140607 5* 03Tommyaweosme 5* (-94) 10Blanked the page > 1727211382 277978 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Special:Log/move14]]4 move10 02 5* 03Tommyaweosme 5* 10moved [[02User:Tommyaweosme/hacker.css10]] to [[User:Tommyaweosme/themes/hacker.css]] > 1727211747 22134 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Tommyaweosme/sandbox lingojam14]]4 N10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=140623 5* 03Tommyaweosme 5* (+18) 10Created page with "'onele' ''double''" > 1727211772 20478 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Tommyaweosme/sandbox lingojam14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140624&oldid=140623 5* 03Tommyaweosme 5* (+46) 10 > 1727211868 244136 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Language list14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140625&oldid=140558 5* 03PythonshellDebugwindow 5* (+14) 10/* Non-alphabetic */ Add > 1727213714 33711 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07User:Tommyaweosme/sandbox lingojam14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140626&oldid=140624 5* 03Tommyaweosme 5* (+47) 10 > 1727213739 497395 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07T3rc+14]]4 N10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=140627 5* 03Tommyaweosme 5* (+1163) 10Created page with "{{lowercase}} t3rc+ is an extension is [[To The Top Right Corner|t3rc]] == commands == work the same by moving the pointer but not actually outputting ; output cell at pointer \ toggle output cell at pointer every arrow : input cell at pointer 0-z[] do commands < 1727214307 164612 :tromp!~textual@92-110-219-57.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl QUIT :Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz… < 1727214580 953425 :__monty__!~toonn@user/toonn QUIT :Quit: leaving < 1727215208 256802 :Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo JOIN #esolangs Sgeo :realname > 1727219227 153650 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Esolang talk:Community portal14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140628&oldid=134359 5* 03None1 5* (+680) 10/* 429 Too Many Requests */ > 1727219253 847234 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Esolang talk:Community portal14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140629&oldid=140628 5* 03None1 5* (+6) 10/* 429 Too Many Requests */ > 1727219307 802525 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Esolang talk:Community portal14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140630&oldid=140629 5* 03None1 5* (+4) 10/* 429 Too Many Requests */ > 1727219325 452551 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Esolang talk:Community portal14]]4 M10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140631&oldid=140630 5* 03None1 5* (+0) 10/* 429 Too Many Requests */ > 1727220724 689122 PRIVMSG #esolangs :14[[07Whenever14]]4 10 02https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=140632&oldid=135556 5* 03Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 5* (+346) 10/* Examples */ < 1727221451 383583 :X-Scale!~X-Scale@ JOIN #esolangs X-Scale :[https://web.libera.chat] X-Scale