00:26:17 https://github.com/memesmith0/mcr13 this is alot closer to what the final product should look like 01:14:42 -!- amby has quit (Quit: so long suckers! i rev up my motorcylce and create a huge cloud of smoke. when the cloud dissipates im lying completely dead on the pavement). 02:44:43 -!- nitrix has joined. 02:48:59 [[User:PrySigneToFry/Sandbox/Users that is also on other place]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152054&oldid=152045 * PrySigneToFry * (+58) 02:53:36 [[User talk:I am islptng]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152055&oldid=152029 * PrySigneToFry * (+559) 02:55:49 [[Language list]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152056&oldid=152053 * PrySigneToFry * (+16) /* S */ 02:56:48 [[StormLang]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152057&oldid=152013 * PrySigneToFry * (+25) 03:05:02 -!- op_4 has quit (Remote host closed the connection). 03:05:32 -!- op_4 has joined. 03:13:09 mmcr(){ (a(){ unset f c;while read -r i;do if [ "$i" = m ] ;then read -r i;c="$c$i";read -r i;f="$f$i";else echo "$i"|awk "$f{o=\$0;$c print o}"||exit;fi;done;};a|a|sh>&2)};#https://github.com/memesmith0/mmcr 03:14:57 -!- zzo38 has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds). 03:50:03 Sometimes I think it would be nice if Turing-style machines had explicit stuckness. 03:50:29 Right now I'm dreaming of self-applying Brainfuck and it's unfortunate that sometimes the best way to signal an error in the input is by provably never halting. 03:53:53 -!- zzo38 has joined. 03:57:21 -!- Lykaina has quit (Quit: Leaving). 04:26:08 (a(){ f="";c="";while read -r i;do if [ "$i" = m ] ;then read -r i;c="$c$i";read -r i;f="$f$i";else echo "$i"|awk "$f{o=\$0;$c print o}";fi;done;};a|a) 04:27:43 I have a very powerful subset of lambda calculus that always halts 04:35:14 -!- ais523 has quit (Quit: quit). 04:40:03 (a(){ f="";c="";while read -r i;do if [ "$i" = m ] ;then read -r i;c="$c$i";read -r i;f="$f$i";else echo "$i"|awk "$f{o=\$0;$c print o}";fi;done;};a|a) 04:40:30 thats the money shot 04:43:07 [[User:PrySigneToFry/Sandbox/Users that is also on other place]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152058&oldid=152054 * Aadenboy * (+0) lowercase 05:12:55 lisbeths: Good times. Lambda calculus is very relevant to many folks here; do you have a description of your subset? 05:32:00 yes 05:32:09 ibis combinator 05:32:13 kestrel combinator 05:32:20 kite combinator 05:32:26 viero combinator 05:32:33 is_end_of_list combinator 05:33:25 these should always halt when applied to each other in correct sequences 05:34:40 https://github.com/memesmith0/mcr14 05:34:57 I have successfully decoupled awk as the only macro system for mcr5 05:35:07 so now you can use any system that you want for macros 05:55:07 I think that that combinator basis is equivalent in power to BCKI, maybe more usefully phrased as BCI+K. It's an affine lambda calculus. 06:00:32 -!- jjrubes has joined. 06:09:34 [[D]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152059&oldid=128743 * BestCoder * (+14) 06:37:22 -!- nitrix has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer). 06:40:34 -!- nitrix has joined. 07:03:38 [[Fucktion]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=152060 * I am islptng * (+968) Created page with "'''Fucktion''' is an esolang created by islptng. == Intro == We have only parenthesis. Other characters are considered as comments.
Each program are computed by calling function f(). Arguments are passed without punctuation or spaces.
Example: (()(())(()() 07:05:09 -!- jjrubes has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer). 07:07:41 [[User talk:Tommyaweosme]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152061&oldid=152046 * Ractangle * (+207) /* WoUlD yOu MiNd If I tHoUgHt Of YoUr "BRING BACK THE OLD SANDBOX" As An ExAmPlE pRoGrAm? */ 07:10:23 [[Fucktion]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152062&oldid=152060 * I am islptng * (+341) 07:31:25 [[EsoInterpreters]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152063&oldid=151470 * WinslowJosiah * (+68) Add Deadfish interpreter in Bespoke 07:53:24 heh I know some special tricks that are much nicer than BCKL as you shall see in the coming weeks with fastlisp 08:00:05 anymcr(){ if [ "$2" = "" ] ;then sh -c "$1"|sh -c "$1";else sh -c "$1"|sh -c "$1"|sh -c "$2">&2; fi;};mcr14(){ (a="(unset c f;while read -r i;do if [ \"\$i\" = m ] ;then read -r i;c=\"\$c\$i\";read -r i;f=\"\$f\$i\";else echo \"\$i\"|awk \"\$f{o=\\\$0;\$c print o}\";fi;done;)";if [ "$2" = "" ] ;then if [ "$1" = "" ] ;then anymcr "$a"; else anymcr "$1"; fi; elif [ "$1" = "" ] ; then anymcr "$a" "$2"; else anymcr "$1" "$2"; 08:00:05 fi;)};mcr14sh(){ mcr14 "" "sh";}; 08:00:38 I think its pretty finished I can't fathom anything else I'd want to do with it 08:01:05 perhaps I could change anymcr to reflect systems that do not pipe into themselves 08:01:15 but other than that there's not much else I can do 08:21:36 [[User talk:I am islptng]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152064&oldid=152055 * I am islptng * (+1525) 08:58:59 [[User talk:I am islptng]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152065&oldid=152064 * Ractangle * (-1538) /* My usage of span rotation */ oh no you dont! 09:10:18 Next up, porting to execline~ 09:36:35 -!- jjrubes has joined. 09:46:05 -!- jjrubes has quit (Quit: Leaving). 10:33:54 [[User talk:Tommyaweosme]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152066&oldid=152061 * PrySigneToFry * (+916) 10:35:32 [[User talk:Tommyaweosme]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152067&oldid=152066 * PrySigneToFry * (+0) Fixed time 10:41:28 okay Ive added some very basic documentation on the mcr14 page 10:42:59 -!- chomwitt_alt has joined. 11:08:30 is there any online PDF that will give me a formal introduction to lambda calculus? 11:09:31 I'm looking for something more academic than practical. I mean https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda_calculus seems good. It uses the academic terms like "abstraction", "application", etc. that's how I want to learn it. but some articles I found online mixes too much programming terminology making the articles difficult to read. 11:09:55 the backus naur form for lambda calculus is real simple 11:10:15 lisbeths: thx. any links you could point me to? 11:10:17 the wikipedia page on the church encoding is really good 11:10:24 and the wikipedia page for lambda calculus 11:10:42 you might also want to look up scotts encoding and de brujins indices 11:11:04 if you /join #lambdacalculus I put a bunch of materials about lambda calculus in the topic 11:12:31 lisbeths: great. didn't know it existed. let me joint hat. 11:13:38 in have this lambda tattoo https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/qHkz5Nss/1000000994.jpg 11:35:52 -!- tromp has joined. 11:42:03 [[User:I am islptng/List of the users that is also in conwaylife.com]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152068&oldid=151984 * PkmnQ * (+92) 11:43:46 [[User:PrySigneToFry/Sandbox/Users that is also on other place]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152069&oldid=152058 * PkmnQ * (+42) 11:48:11 Hi 12:01:34 [[User:PrySigneToFry/Sandbox/Users that is also on other place]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152070&oldid=152069 * PrySigneToFry * (+9) 12:44:47 -!- amby has joined. 12:47:38 [[User:Krolkrol]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=152071 * Krolkrol * (+20) Created page with "This is my user page" 12:49:26 [[No.]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152072&oldid=135544 * Krolkrol * (+108) 12:56:41 [[User:PrySigneToFry/Sandbox/Users that is also on other place]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152073&oldid=152070 * Gilbert189 * (+159) 13:04:51 new base for mcr (c="";while read -r i;do if [ "$i" = m ] ;then read -r i;c="$c$i";else echo "$i"|sh -c "read -r o;$c echo \"\$o\""||exit;fi;done) 13:05:01 you can remove ||exit error handling for more character space 13:21:06 -!- Sgeo has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer). 13:48:49 [[Kolakoski sequence]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152074&oldid=150786 * PkmnQ * (+535) /* Tag system */ 13:49:47 can i get help 13:49:51 my brainfuck interpreter is slow 13:49:59 https://gist.github.com/izabera/d980ad66fca9ca78987a51519f2279b3 13:50:20 https://asciinema.org/a/rcwlxfOh1CSaQ1ADlue1F2g4K 13:50:39 the long pauses are clone returning eagain over and over and over 13:50:45 and i can't tell if i'm doing things wrong 13:52:23 I don't know what you expected 13:52:37 i mean the parent dies immediately every time 13:52:42 so i'm not running out of pids 13:52:51 so, i expected zero pauses 13:53:19 but they'll still become zombies that have to be reaped? 13:53:23 i don't know 13:53:28 do they 13:53:37 i'm using clone with 0 in the lowest byte 13:53:41 of the first arg 13:53:58 i was hoping this would make them not zombied 13:53:59 [[User talk:I am islptng]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152075&oldid=152065 * I am islptng * (+1539) Undo revision [[Special:Diff/152065|152065]] by [[Special:Contributions/Ractangle|Ractangle]] ([[User talk:Ractangle|talk]]) 13:54:04 is that dumb 13:54:09 is that not how it works 13:54:21 isabella: (c="";while read -r i;do if [ "$i" = m ] ;then read -r i;c="$c$i";else echo "$i"|sh -c "read -r o;$c echo \"\$o\""||exit;fi;done) 13:54:43 (c="";while read -r i;do if [ "$i" = m ] ;then read -r i;c="$c$i";else echo "$i"|sh -c "read -r o;$c echo \"\$o\""||exit;fi;done) | (c="";while read -r i;do if [ "$i" = m ] ;then read -r i;c="$c$i";else echo "$i"|sh -c "read -r o;$c echo \"\$o\""||exit;fi;done) 13:54:46 can you not 13:54:53 can I not what 13:54:56 that 13:55:01 can you be more specific 13:55:13 do you want me not to speak to you? 13:55:23 you keep vomiting your line noise onto me in every channel we share 13:55:28 like 13:55:33 no offence but please don't 13:55:40 alot of people share alot of channels it isnt something personal 13:56:45 only this one was directed at you 5:54 AM 13:56:56 yep so maybe don't 13:57:10 ah so you are saying you dont want me to ping you. thats fine I will just /ignore you 13:57:48 isabella: Hmm I don't know what you mean by "0 in the lowest byte" 13:58:14 from my understading, the syscall takes a signal in the lowest byte of the first argument 13:58:25 and that signal is delivered to the parent when the child dies 13:58:31 but if it's 0, no signal is delivered 13:58:35 does that auto reap? 13:59:09 i don't know, can i make it autoreaped? 13:59:28 isabella: the zombies record exit codes that can be queried by the parent (or parent of parent if the parent dies, etc) 13:59:51 it's a pretty integral part of posix process semantics 14:00:12 that said I'm not even sure whether that causes your delays 14:00:35 Can I not avoid that at all 14:00:42 I don't think you can 14:00:52 you *could* stop forking without abandon of course 14:03:11 My first version was simpler but slower 14:03:20 Because no clone_vm 14:03:43 There's probably a way to do clone_vm without writing it in asm 14:05:29 to my mind the thing you're running into is that creating processes is expensive 14:05:32 * int-e shrugs 14:05:42 Yeah no I get that 14:05:50 I just want to get rid of the pauses 14:06:10 Heck maybe it runs out of zeroed pages and refilling those is why it pauses. 14:06:29 Clone_vm 14:06:33 No new pages 14:07:03 ah 14:08:35 I mean, the way you avoid having to reap processes is by using threads. 14:09:06 This was meant to be annoying to stop once it's running 14:09:24 * int-e shrugs 14:16:51 A friend tried it on openrc and it doesn't pause 14:17:10 So maybe my systemd is slow at reaping 14:24:34 [[User talk:I am islptng]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152076&oldid=152075 * Ractangle * (-1539) no 14:28:26 [[User talk:Tommyaweosme]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152077&oldid=152067 * Tommyaweosme * (+332) /* WoUlD yOu MiNd If I tHoUgHt Of YoUr "BRING BACK THE OLD SANDBOX" As An ExAmPlE pRoGrAm? */ 14:29:06 [[User:Tommyaweosme]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152078&oldid=150936 * Tommyaweosme * (+0) 14:50:37 [[User:PrySigneToFry/Sandbox/Users that is also on other place]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152079&oldid=152073 * Hotcrystal0 * (+14) 14:59:38 -!- craigo has joined. 15:00:01 -!- craigo has quit (Remote host closed the connection). 15:08:04 -!- craigo has joined. 15:13:53 [[Dolfins grace]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152080&oldid=140211 * Tommyaweosme * (-1) /* finnobachi */ 15:14:55 [[Deadfih]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152081&oldid=138461 * Krolkrol * (+232) 15:42:37 -!- tromp has quit (Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…). 16:20:44 -!- tromp has joined. 16:22:51 -!- ais523 has joined. 16:23:47 so i fixed the stalls 17:30:23 isabella: did you figure out a cause? or did you just tweak things until they went away? 17:33:29 It's systemd being slow at the one thing an init is required to 17:33:37 *do 17:33:58 okay 17:34:24 It's a bit faster too 17:34:33 99 bottles of beer in 7s 17:36:08 I also tried some alternative syscalls to measure a baseline 17:36:43 Sched_yield is like 60x faster 17:40:00 -!- zzo38 has quit (Remote host closed the connection). 18:12:59 -!- tromp has quit (Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…). 18:16:05 [[SCOOP]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=152082 * Anthonykozar * (+35465) Draft description of new language SCOOP (Single-Character Object-Oriented Programming). 18:20:36 -!- tromp has joined. 18:20:50 [[Scoop]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152083&oldid=151874 * Anthonykozar * (+32) Add Distinguish/Confusion template 18:21:28 [[SCOOP]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152084&oldid=152082 * Anthonykozar * (+33) Add Distinguish/Confusion template. 18:29:45 [[Special:Log/newusers]] create * Astolfotrap312++ * New user account 18:35:30 [[Esolang:Introduce yourself]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152085&oldid=151885 * Astolfotrap312++ * (+67) 18:43:17 -!- Lord_of_Life_ has joined. 18:44:03 -!- Lord_of_Life has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds). 18:44:22 i think it's not too far from a forkbomb 18:44:35 except it doesn't explode in resource usage 18:44:39 -!- Lord_of_Life_ has changed nick to Lord_of_Life. 18:44:55 it just keeps running away and doing the bare minimum amount of work on each step 18:47:04 [[SCOOP]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152086&oldid=152084 * Anthonykozar * (+129) Add wikitable class to all tables and change table columns called "Name" to "Symbol Name". 19:05:23 -!- chiselfuse has quit (Remote host closed the connection). 19:05:47 -!- chiselfuse has joined. 19:10:21 [[Esolang talk:Community portal]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152087&oldid=151090 * BestCoder * (+193) /* how to get noticed */ new section 19:25:28 -!- lisbeths has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity). 19:29:26 [[SCOOP]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152088&oldid=152086 * Anthonykozar * (+172) Added categories. 19:34:44 [[Language list]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152089&oldid=152056 * Anthonykozar * (+59) Added SCOOP (Single-Character Object-Oriented Programming) 19:40:52 [[Special:Log/newusers]] create * Muxutruk * New user account 19:43:54 -!- zzo38 has joined. 19:45:49 [[Esolang:Introduce yourself]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152090&oldid=152085 * Muxutruk * (+245) Introduced myself 19:50:27 [[Brainfuck]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152091&oldid=151072 * Muxutruk * (+97) Added my Brainfuck compiler 19:59:03 -!- Guest81 has joined. 19:59:25 -!- Guest81 has quit (Client Quit). 20:26:48 -!- tromp has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer). 20:34:44 [[User:Buckets/Sandbox]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=152092 * Buckets * (+7) Created page with "Sandbox" 21:00:37 G'Night 21:22:54 -!- chomwitt_alt has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds). 22:16:17 [[User:Buckets]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152093&oldid=151973 * Buckets * (+13) 22:16:22 [[Language list]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152094&oldid=152089 * Buckets * (+14) 22:16:37 [[Sundays]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=152095 * Buckets * (+896) Created page with "Sundays is an Esoteric programming language created by [[User:Buckets]] in 2020. {| class="wikitable" ! Commands !! Instructions |- | 0 (or 0.) || Create A new variable. |- | 1 || Change the variable to the Newer Created Variable. |- | 2 || Change the variable to the Old 22:18:01 [[Sundays]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152096&oldid=152095 * Buckets * (+22) 22:27:26 [[Sleep]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152097&oldid=113348 * Buckets * (+41) 22:29:12 -!- chiselfuse has quit (Remote host closed the connection). 22:29:24 -!- chiselfuse has joined. 22:43:55 [[User:Buckets/Sandbox]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152098&oldid=152092 * Buckets * (+27) 23:23:21 -!- Sgeo has joined. 23:48:06 [[User talk:I am islptng]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=152099&oldid=152076 * I am islptng * (+1539) This is the Chinese character for "Fun", Not n*zi flag!