←2025-03-07 2025-03-08 2025-03-09→ ↑2025 ↑all
00:30:15 <int-e> . o O ( typedef double Int; )
00:37:03 <zzo38> Is it the attempt to be confusing, or something else, or both?
00:37:20 <int-e> just a line of code I just wrote unironically
00:37:53 <zzo38> O, OK, but why is it written like that?
00:39:04 <int-e> (doubles work as 54 bit signed integers if all your divisions are exact)
00:39:28 <int-e> it's written like that because I was switching between 32 and 64 bit ints before
00:40:28 <zzo38> OK
00:49:18 -!- amby has quit (Quit: so long suckers! i rev up my motorcylce and create a huge cloud of smoke. when the cloud dissipates im lying completely dead on the pavement).
00:53:39 <esolangs> [[Universal machine]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153517&oldid=128366 * Stkptr * (+3613) Weak universal
01:10:06 <esolangs> [[User talk:Hotcrystal0]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153518&oldid=153498 * I am islptng * (+566) /* */ new section
03:22:48 <esolangs> [[Universal machine]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153519&oldid=153517 * Stkptr * (+72) /* Weak universal machines */ Error about the 2,3 machine
03:32:08 <esolangs> [[User talk:ColorfulGalaxy's CA discoveries]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153520&oldid=153424 * PrySigneToFry * (+455)
03:34:46 <esolangs> [[User:Trump Bot]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=153521 * PrySigneToFry * (+10) Created page with "{{Banned}}"
03:47:55 -!- craigo has quit (Quit: Leaving).
04:41:44 <esolangs> [[Universal machine]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153522&oldid=153519 * Ais523 * (+22) /* Example universal machines */ fix misleading language, which made it easy to confuse the implementing and implemented languages
05:59:52 <esolangs> [[User talk:ColorfulGalaxy's CA discoveries]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153523&oldid=153520 * I am islptng * (+160)
06:03:39 <esolangs> [[User talk:]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153524&oldid=147681 * PrySigneToFry * (+216) /* Bad news */ new section
06:22:08 <esolangs> [[User talk:Hotcrystal0]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153525&oldid=153518 * PrySigneToFry * (+923) /* EternalGolf */ new section
06:34:23 <esolangs> [[MazeLang]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153526&oldid=153493 * PrySigneToFry * (+606)
07:11:42 -!- Lord_of_Life has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds).
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07:13:23 -!- Lord_of_Life_ has changed nick to Lord_of_Life.
07:21:49 -!- tromp has joined.
08:01:03 -!- sprock has quit (Quit: brb).
08:07:24 -!- sprock has joined.
08:15:28 <esolangs> [[User talk:Hotcrystal0]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153527&oldid=153525 * PrySigneToFry * (+10) Fixed festival
08:32:06 -!- sprock has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
08:32:56 -!- sprock has joined.
08:33:00 -!- tromp has quit (Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…).
08:40:14 -!- sprock has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds).
08:43:48 -!- sprock has joined.
08:58:30 <esolangs> [[Reflecto]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153528&oldid=153504 * QuantumV * (+95) fixonacci
09:43:02 <esolangs> [[Abacus Computer]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153529&oldid=153495 * TomosCode * (+27)
09:43:49 <esolangs> [[Beta]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153530&oldid=141251 * PkmnQ * (-26) category was added because of ambiguity, but [[Vague]] isn't categorized as uncomputable
09:48:26 <esolangs> [[Reflecto]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153531&oldid=153528 * QuantumV * (-83)
10:21:33 -!- Sgeo has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
10:48:53 <esolangs> [[Brain:D]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153532&oldid=80678 * PkmnQ * (-26) should ambiguity make a language uncomputable?
11:52:36 <esolangs> [[Subst]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=153533 * Hakerh400 * (+14360) +[[Subst]] (part 1 due to filter rules)
11:53:08 <esolangs> [[Subst]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153534&oldid=153533 * Hakerh400 * (+37460) (part 2)
11:53:21 <esolangs> [[Subst]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153535&oldid=153534 * Hakerh400 * (+2288) (part 3)
11:54:25 <esolangs> [[Language list]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153536&oldid=153513 * Hakerh400 * (+12) +[[Subst]]
11:54:38 <esolangs> [[User:Hakerh400]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153537&oldid=151549 * Hakerh400 * (+12) +[[Subst]]
11:57:08 <esolangs> [[Subst]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153538&oldid=153535 * Hakerh400 * (+498)
11:57:30 <esolangs> [[Subst]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153539&oldid=153538 * Hakerh400 * (-497)
12:04:48 -!- mtm has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds).
12:06:04 -!- mtm has joined.
12:08:53 <esolangs> [[User talk:Hakerh400]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153540&oldid=152728 * Hakerh400 * (+359) /* Afth Language */
12:11:22 <esolangs> [[Subst]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153541&oldid=153539 * Hakerh400 * (+23)
12:23:53 -!- amby has joined.
13:40:14 <esolangs> [[User talk:Hotcrystal0]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153542&oldid=153527 * Hotcrystal0 * (+184)
13:43:26 <esolangs> [[User:Hotcrystal0]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153543&oldid=153516 * Hotcrystal0 * (+33)
13:48:58 <esolangs> [[User talk:Hotcrystal0]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153544&oldid=153542 * Hotcrystal0 * (+166)
13:51:36 <esolangs> [[User talk:Hotcrystal0]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153545&oldid=153544 * Hotcrystal0 * (+243)
13:58:51 <esolangs> [[User:Hotcrystal0]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153546&oldid=153543 * Hotcrystal0 * (+21)
14:23:53 -!- alec3660 has quit (Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.).
14:24:30 -!- alec3660 has joined.
14:24:42 <esolangs> [[User talk:Hotcrystal0]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153547&oldid=153545 * I am islptng * (+576) /* How well can you speak Chinese? */ new section
14:33:18 <esolangs> [[User talk:Hotcrystal0]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153548&oldid=153547 * Hotcrystal0 * (+250)
14:33:26 <esolangs> [[User talk:Hotcrystal0]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153549&oldid=153548 * Hotcrystal0 * (+1)
15:28:19 <esolangs> [[Category talk:Unknown-based]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=153550 * Leomok2009 * (+155) Created page with "What does this category mean? Does it mean that the user does not know if the esolang is stack-based, cell-based etc because it is difficult to categorise?"
15:30:29 <esolangs> [[Category talk:Unknown-based]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153551&oldid=153550 * Leomok2009 * (+54)
15:37:28 <esolangs> [[Category:Unknown-based]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153552&oldid=153342 * Leomok2009 * (+284)
15:37:42 <esolangs> [[Category:Unknown-based]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153553&oldid=153552 * Leomok2009 * (+0)
15:38:21 <esolangs> [[Category:Unknown-based]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153554&oldid=153553 * Leomok2009 * (+33)
16:38:10 -!- int-e_ has joined.
16:38:40 -!- int-e_ has quit (Client Quit).
16:39:30 <int-e> well, meh.
17:26:18 -!- tromp has joined.
17:26:36 <esolangs> [[Subst]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153555&oldid=153541 * Hakerh400 * (+0) /* Terms */
17:27:27 <esolangs> [[Subst]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153556&oldid=153555 * Hakerh400 * (-1) /* Terms */
17:28:40 <esolangs> [[Subst]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153557&oldid=153556 * Hakerh400 * (+28) /* Terms */
18:47:04 -!- tromp has quit (Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…).
18:48:19 -!- tromp has joined.
19:00:37 <esolangs> [[Uncomputable]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=153558 * Stkptr * (+24) Redirect to computable, this is an important concept so it should be easily accessible
19:06:01 <esolangs> [[Computable]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153559&oldid=147930 * Corbin * (+148) Not "simulated", but "recognized". Very important nuance.
19:10:33 <esolangs> [[Brain:D]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153560&oldid=153532 * Corbin * (+184) A second reason that this one isn't TC: it's trivial to recognize.
19:21:28 <esolangs> [[Computational class]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153561&oldid=90249 * Stkptr * (-1) /* Turing-completeness */ Constant function bounded storage machines are FSMs
19:23:52 <esolangs> [[BitChanger Busy beaver/Proof]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153562&oldid=153450 * Int-e * (+3624) /* Using Timbuk */ new section
19:26:44 <esolangs> [[BitChanger Busy beaver]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153563&oldid=152858 * Int-e * (+85) /* Confirmed optimal */ 15 is done
19:28:23 <esolangs> [[BitChanger Busy beaver/Proof]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153564&oldid=153562 * Int-e * (+11) /* Size 14 holdouts */ wordify
19:32:24 <esolangs> [[BitChanger Busy beaver]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153565&oldid=153563 * Int-e * (+0) /* Confirmed optimal */ count
19:33:03 <esolangs> [[BitChanger Busy beaver]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153566&oldid=153565 * Int-e * (+0) /* Confirmed optimal */ tnuoc
19:37:08 <esolangs> [[BitChanger Busy beaver/Proof]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153567&oldid=153564 * Int-e * (+65) Add links for context.
19:43:32 <int-e> (That was fun, but surely there's a better tool than Timbuk for this... ideally one that can guess its own approximations for constructing automata.)
19:44:10 <int-e> (That = https://esolangs.org/wiki/Bitchanger_Busy_beaver/Proof#Using_Timbuk for those that ignore the esolangs bot)
19:53:18 <esolangs> [[Oracle machine]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=153568 * Stkptr * (+5055) Create page
19:56:25 <esolangs> [[BitChanger Busy beaver/Proof]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153569&oldid=153567 * Int-e * (+31) /* Using Timbuk */ fix typo, clarify where the current cell is
20:07:20 <korvo> TIL about Timbuk.
20:14:54 <esolangs> [[Brain:D]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153570&oldid=153560 * Corbin * (+1528) Compute the partition function.
20:16:45 <esolangs> [[List of complexity classes]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153571&oldid=153076 * Corbin * (+4) /* R */ Bluelink.
20:24:08 <esolangs> [[User:Buckets]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153572&oldid=153512 * Buckets * (+235)
20:25:12 <int-e> korvo: I've worked in term rewriting and Thomas Genet is a big name there, so I couldn't help being aware... heck I even worked with tree automata. But this is the first time I've actually used that tool.
20:25:19 <esolangs> [[Language list]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153573&oldid=153536 * Buckets * (+236)
20:25:27 <esolangs> [[Oracle]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153574&oldid=51332 * Stkptr * (+64) Link to oracle machine
20:25:56 <esolangs> [[Fe]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=153575 * Buckets * (+2854) Created page with "{{wrongtitle|title=<div style="position: relative;"><span style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0px; z-index: 2;">F<big><sup><sub><big>e</big></sub></sup></big></span><span style="position: relative;"><big><sub></sub></big></span></div>}} <div style="position: relative;">
20:26:36 <int-e> But there's plenty I don't know. Do people have automata based nontermination checkers for Turing machines (in the context of searching for busy beavers)? Because that's basically what's happening here... the BitChanger program is treated as a Turing machine.
20:27:45 <esolangs> [[Fe]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153576&oldid=153575 * Buckets * (+74)
20:28:28 <esolangs> [[Oracle machine]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153577&oldid=153568 * Stkptr * (+64) /* Computational class of machines with a halting oracle */
20:29:32 <esolangs> [[BitChanger Busy beaver/Proof]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153578&oldid=153569 * Int-e * (+4) /* Using Timbuk */ specify version used
20:42:01 <esolangs> [[List of complexity classes]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153579&oldid=153571 * Corbin * (+785) /* EXP */ NP ranges over polynomial amounts of random bits, not exponential. Also, explain why P is a subclass of EXP with a couple examples.
20:56:04 <esolangs> [[List of complexity classes]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153580&oldid=153579 * Corbin * (+504) /* PSPACE */ List out some specific useful examples for us.
21:00:06 -!- Sgeo has joined.
21:19:31 -!- tromp has quit (Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…).
21:25:28 -!- tromp has joined.
21:28:55 <esolangs> [[Fontmess]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153581&oldid=153436 * Buckets * (+512)
21:31:47 <esolangs> [[Computable]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153582&oldid=153559 * Stkptr * (+838) expound
21:46:24 -!- craigo has joined.
21:47:25 <esolangs> [[Brain:D]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153583&oldid=153570 * Stkptr * (+647) /* Computational complexity */
21:48:02 <esolangs> [[Brain:D]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153584&oldid=153583 * Stkptr * (+41) The class is unknown due to ill-defined execution
22:06:27 <esolangs> [[User:Hotcrystal0]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153585&oldid=153546 * Hotcrystal0 * (+55)
22:21:22 -!- Hoolootwo has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2+deb2+deb11u1 - https://znc.in).
22:22:44 -!- Hooloovoo has joined.
22:42:43 <esolangs> [[Brain:D]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=153586&oldid=153584 * Corbin * (+192) /* Computational complexity */ Don't remove a claim just because you don't grok it.
23:09:31 -!- tromp has quit (Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…).
23:54:16 <esolangs> [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * Ais523 * deleted "[[Category:Unknown-based]]": undiscussed category
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