00:00:03 <oerjan> something like zipWith. it would probably be more verbose (like most things Java)
00:00:16 <oerjan> let me check on Scala.
00:00:20 <xor> what does zipWith do?
00:02:08 <oerjan> zipWith f (x1:l1) (y2:l2) = (f x1 x2) : zipWith f l1 l2
00:03:53 <ihope> More like zipWith f _ _ = []
00:04:27 <xor> so like mapcar
00:04:39 <oerjan> no, mapcar is map in haskell
00:05:04 <oerjan> oh, right, mapcar doesn't have fixed number of arguments
00:05:16 <xor> zipWith + [1,2] [3,4] => [4,6] right?
00:05:27 <oerjan> so mapcar corresponds to map, zipWith, zip3With, etc.
00:05:43 <xor> (mapcar #'+ '(1 2) '(3 4)) => (4,6)
00:06:05 <oerjan> actually, zipWith (+) [1,2] [3,4]
00:06:35 <xor> meh, I don't actually know haskell
00:06:36 <oerjan> otherwise it would try to add zipWith to [1,2] [3,4]
00:07:07 <oerjan> which would give a type error
00:07:37 <oerjan> well, you seemed to understand the zipWith definition
00:07:57 <xor> That's obvious
00:14:45 <oerjan> hm, Scala for comprehension seem based on haskell list comprehensions, but without the parallel extension
00:20:21 <Razor-X> GregorR: Can it work with timeouts and unconnected sockets?
00:22:18 -!- Asztal has quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.75 [IceWeasel 1.0.1b2] (kidding!)").
00:25:22 <GregorR> Razor-X: I haven't extensively used sockets in D, so you'd have to ask somebody more knowledgeable.
00:25:58 <Razor-X> I hate you GregorR! Now I'm gonna have to cut myself!
00:28:09 <oerjan> ah, i found something in the Python tutorial:
00:28:23 <oerjan> >>> for q, a in zip(questions, answers):
00:28:58 <oerjan> so while you need to use the zip function, it can itself be inserted easily in for statements.
00:29:08 <Razor-X> Mmmf. The sockets interface needs to be cleaner.
00:30:19 <oerjan> http://docs.python.org/tut/node7.html#SECTION007600000000000000000
00:32:50 <oerjan> i suspect you can do similar things in Scala, too, since Scala has pattern matching and higher order functions.
00:33:16 <oerjan> (I am mentioning Scala because it is somewhat Java-based)
00:35:24 <oerjan> razor-x: reading the logs, i am thinking about a cheat for your structs
00:36:03 <oerjan> you could use a class containing static final integer variables for your offsets, plus an array
00:36:54 <oerjan> and of course whatever utility methods you consider convenient
00:37:15 <oerjan> (the array should not be static, of course)
00:37:41 <Razor-X> That was what I was planning to do though.
00:38:00 <Razor-X> Create a class and name the fields as fixed offsets in an internal byte[] .
00:38:11 <Razor-X> Either that, or continue wading through struct hell in C.
00:38:57 <Razor-X> But I do appreciate a struct's ability to be pointed at a blob of data and name the fields.
00:39:39 <Razor-X> Mmmf. Too much time with Scheme. I'm rusty on my imperative code.
01:19:14 -!- GreaseMonkey has joined.
01:26:24 * ihope offers some soap to GreaseMonkey
01:26:46 <ihope> Wait, are you that matrix eating guy?
01:37:38 <GreaseMonkey> MOV eax, Pie - sets the register EAX to the constant Pie
01:37:54 <GreaseMonkey> CALL eat - calls the function at the label "eat"
01:41:06 <GreaseMonkey> i don't know how the LOOP instruction works in 32-bit mode
02:03:04 <xor> te he he, memoization
02:05:33 <Razor-X> GreaseMonkey: You're using Intel syntax, you know.
02:11:09 <GreaseMonkey> i've come up with an XOR gate in WireWorld that looks like it says XOR
02:19:26 <EgoBot> help ps kill i eof flush show ls bf_txtgen usertrig daemon undaemon
02:19:28 <EgoBot> 1l 2l adjust axo bch bf{8,[16],32,64} funge93 fyb fybs glass glypho kipple lambda lazyk linguine malbolge pbrain qbf rail rhotor sadol sceql trigger udage01 unlambda whirl
02:20:18 <EgoBot> 102 ++++++++++++++[>+++++>++++++++>+++++++>+++++++<<<<-]>----.>++.>>-.++++++++.+++++.<++++.<+++.>---.>---. [160]
02:24:46 <EgoBot> bf/, glass/, linguine/
02:44:21 <oerjan> !daemon cat bf +[,.[-]+]
02:45:44 <EgoBot> 1 oerjan: daemon cat bf
02:47:28 <oerjan> If the daemons are reloaded at all they are reloaded when EgoBot starts up, I believe.
02:47:55 <Razor-X> Let's see how good I am with this OOP thingamabobber.
02:49:10 <oerjan> i believe so, although the first [-] is redundant if this is the whole program.
02:49:29 <oerjan> !bf [-]>+[>,.]<[<]>[.>]
02:51:04 <GreaseMonkey> actually, for the cat one, shouldn't that be: +[,.] ?
02:51:12 <oerjan> that's weird, i thought it would repeat the message twice
02:51:46 <oerjan> i added the [-]+ to ensure it doesn't stop at eof
02:52:00 <oerjan> hm, that may not actually make sense.
02:52:10 <Razor-X> I don't think EgoBot sends an eof ever.
02:52:13 <oerjan> i mean on NUL, although they are probably the same.
02:52:29 <oerjan> no, that would stop on \255
02:52:35 <Razor-X> Yeah. How many people send NULs over IRC?
02:53:21 <Razor-X> Actually, the end of a string on t3h intarweb is CR-LF.
02:53:31 <oerjan> although that could be avoid by using bf16 rather than bf8, i think
02:53:50 <EgoBot> 1 oerjan: daemon cat bf
02:55:52 <oerjan> now why didn't [-]>+[>,.]<[<]>[.>] work? maybe it just didn't show up because EgoBot only gives one line of output
02:56:43 <oerjan> oh, i thought you were doing it on purpose
02:57:43 <GreaseMonkey> !daemon act bf8 [-]>+[[>.]<[<]+.->[.>]+.-<[<]>+]
02:57:53 <oerjan> and that it should print it twice, which it strangely didn't
02:59:06 <oerjan> now you have no , in there
02:59:55 <oerjan> did we kill EgoBot again?
03:00:16 <GreaseMonkey> !daemon ctcp bf8 [-]>+[[>,]<[<]+.->[.>]+.-<[<]>+]
03:01:11 <oerjan> i think EgoBot is dead, the error in the act daemon caused it to produce an infinite number of NULs
03:02:10 <oerjan> that's the problem, if it crashed properly it would reload but it seems to be hanging
03:05:00 <Razor-X> Lucky people. All I've gotten to done is crash EgoBot.
03:05:10 <oerjan> actually it probably doesn't print just NULs but it does make approx 256*4 chars output
03:18:38 <GreaseMonkey> http://images.wikia.com/uncyclopedia/images/thumb/6/6c/Bass_player.JPG/250px-Bass_player.JPG
03:18:45 <GreaseMonkey> http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Image:Bass_player.JPG
03:22:22 -!- ecl has joined.
03:22:27 -!- ecl has left (?).
03:32:09 <RodgerTheGreat> I find this tremendously entertaining: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yeldaBkyxo&mode=related&search=
03:32:39 -!- ihope has quit (Connection timed out).
03:55:26 <GreaseMonkey> http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Classic_homecomputer_games
04:04:15 <GreaseMonkey> updated my userpage: http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/User:Thematrixeatsyou
04:05:01 <RodgerTheGreat> aw. the main article for BF isn't a valid program. :'(
04:09:01 <GreaseMonkey> http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Image:FeatBrainFuck.png
04:10:08 <RodgerTheGreat> well, that image pretty much makes sense, because it uses every symbol once
04:11:34 <RodgerTheGreat> I kinda get the impression that the Brainfuck article wasn't made by people that actually knew how to code in it
04:11:44 <xor> GreaseMonkey highlighted meeeeeeeeeeee
04:13:41 <xor> <GreaseMonkey> i've come up with an XOR gate in WireWorld that looks like it says XOR
04:16:16 <xor> what's wireworld?
04:18:02 <RodgerTheGreat> if you think of wire as traversible space and electron heads and tails as particles, it's pretty easy to see it as a particle automaton, although cellular automaton is equally valid
04:18:05 <GreaseMonkey> 3 = wire -(if 1 or 2 electrons neighbouuring)-> electron (1)
04:19:44 <GreaseMonkey> the left side is input (the ones spawning off the +)
04:20:16 <GreaseMonkey> if you put an electron on the top input and then one cycle later put an electron on the bottom input it screws up
04:21:55 <GreaseMonkey> Roger: i should challenge you to making a wireworld trainset
04:26:51 <GreaseMonkey> it can spawn more electrons if you need it to, but you must have a main electron going at all times
04:26:54 <RodgerTheGreat> my favorite part of the Basic interpreter article is this section:
04:35:07 <RodgerTheGreat> tomorrow's goal: revising the Uncyclopedia BF article in order to create a delightful combination of humor and factual accuracy! (all in pure BF, naturally)
04:35:57 <xor> put in bf code to generate a real article
04:36:39 <GreaseMonkey> perhaps the brevity article, encrypted? or the stub article, perhaps?
04:36:44 <RodgerTheGreat> I was going to do things like creating an accurate explanation of how BF works IN BF, etc
04:38:09 <xor> one big !bf_txtgen
04:38:10 <RodgerTheGreat> and it wouldn't be that rewarding to people that bother to decode it
04:38:39 <RodgerTheGreat> I'll draft the plaintext version tonight, and convert and post it tomorrow
04:41:11 <GreaseMonkey> with just a t-junction and a reverser, i can get something quite interesting :D
04:42:00 -!- GreaseMonkey has changed nick to AFKMonkey.
04:42:13 <xor> !bf_textgen hi
04:43:04 <xor> where's EgoBot ?
04:43:21 <oerjan> we killed it a while ago
04:43:35 * oerjan points at GreaseMonkey
04:44:07 <oerjan> rather impressively, too, it hung instead of crashing and reloading
04:45:27 <RodgerTheGreat> gregor is probably going to kill someone. I'll make sure we have plenty of gauze and duct-tape in the first-aid cabinet.
05:09:53 -!- xor has changed nick to bsmntbombdood.
05:33:19 -!- AFKMonkey has quit.
06:11:15 -!- cmeme has quit (Excess Flood).
06:13:13 -!- Razor-X has quit (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net).
06:13:13 -!- GregorR has quit (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net).
06:13:13 -!- sp3tt has quit (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net).
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06:13:15 -!- mtve has quit (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net).
06:13:15 -!- EgoBot has quit (orwell.freenode.net irc.freenode.net).
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07:16:28 <dbc> B'dar b'dee b'doo b'dah.
07:38:20 -!- GreaseMonkey has joined.
07:42:57 -!- GreaseMonkey has left (?).
07:43:01 -!- GreaseMonkey has joined.
07:43:51 -!- encoded has joined.
07:44:16 -!- encoded has set topic: Read the principia discordia!.
07:45:39 -!- bsmntbombdood has set topic: the international hub for esoteric programming language design and deployment - map: http://www.frappr.com/esolang - forum: http://esolangs.org/forum/ - EgoBot: !help - wiki: http://esolangs.org/wiki/ - logs: http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/esoteric/ or http://meme.b9.com/cdates.html?channel=esoteric - for brainfuck-specific discussion, go to ##brainfuck - http://esolangs.org/wiki/Adjudicated_Blind_Collaborative_Design_Esolang_Factory.
07:48:18 <encoded> i thought this chan was about philosofy
07:48:30 <encoded> http://www.rabbithole.cc/cold.jpg
07:48:32 -!- encoded has left (?).
07:49:38 -!- Razor-X has joined.
07:50:37 <bsmntbombdood> !bf_textgen Welcome to the esoteric programming channel! Logs of previous discussions are available at http://meme.b9.com/clog/esoteric/?M=D
07:50:49 <bsmntbombdood> !bf_txtgen Welcome to the esoteric programming channel! Logs of previous discussions are available at http://meme.b9.com/clog/esoteric/?M=D
07:50:49 <EgoBot> help ps kill i eof flush show ls bf_txtgen usertrig daemon undaemon
07:50:51 <EgoBot> 1l 2l adjust axo bch bf{8,[16],32,64} funge93 fyb fybs glass glypho kipple lambda lazyk linguine malbolge pbrain qbf rail rhotor sadol sceql trigger udage01 unlambda whirl
07:51:07 <EgoBot> 2 bsmntbombdood: bf_txtgen
07:54:53 <EgoBot> PRIVMSG bsmntbombdood i wanna feel your body breaking... wanna feel your body breaking... and shaking... and left in the cold...
07:55:37 <EgoBot> 1 EgoBot: daemon cat reload
07:55:39 <EgoBot> 2 bsmntbombdood: bf_txtgen
07:55:41 <EgoBot> 3 GreaseMonkey: bf_txtgen
07:55:43 <EgoBot> 4 GreaseMonkey: daemon orly bf
07:56:41 <GreaseMonkey> now for "daemon act bf8 [-]>+[[>.]<[<]+.->[.>]+.-<[<]>+]"
07:56:55 <EgoBot> i love you bsmntbombdood
07:57:05 <GreaseMonkey> that was a frikkin disaster... did GregorR reset it?
07:57:25 <EgoBot> i love you GreaseMonkey
07:58:31 <EgoBot> i love you a lot GreaseMonkey
07:59:01 <EgoBot> let's have an orgy in #esoteric
07:59:54 <EgoBot> 1419 +++++++++++[>+++>+++>++++++++>++++++++++<<<<-]>>>-.++++++++++++++.+++++++.---------.++++++++++++.>-.--------.<<-.>>+++++++++++++++.<.<.>>.<<++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.>----------.<<-.>>.>-.----.+++++.<.>--.<<+.>--.<<.>>>--.++.---.<++++.<+++++++++.<+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.>>>--.<<-----.>>
07:59:59 -!- clog has quit (ended).
08:00:00 -!- clog has joined.
08:01:00 <EgoBot> 1 EgoBot: daemon cat reload
08:01:04 <EgoBot> 3 GreaseMonkey: bf_txtgen
08:01:06 <EgoBot> 4 bsmntbombdood: daemon cat bf
08:02:44 <bsmntbombdood> !bf_txtgen Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. `'Tis some visitor,' I muttered, `tapping at my chamber door - Only this, and nothing more.'
08:04:18 <GreaseMonkey> !daemon ctcp bf8 ---------[++++++++++.,----------]+.
08:04:44 <EgoBot> 1 EgoBot: daemon cat reload
08:04:46 <EgoBot> 2 bsmntbombdood: bf_txtgen
08:04:50 <EgoBot> 4 bsmntbombdood: daemon cat bf
08:06:32 <GreaseMonkey> !daemon ctcp bf8 +[----------[++++++++++,----------]+.]
08:07:18 <EgoBot> 1 EgoBot: daemon cat reload
08:07:20 <EgoBot> 2 bsmntbombdood: bf_txtgen
08:07:22 <EgoBot> 3 GreaseMonkey: daemon ctcp bf8
08:07:24 <EgoBot> 4 bsmntbombdood: daemon cat bf
08:08:09 <GreaseMonkey> !daemon ctcp bf8 +[----------[++++++++++,----------]+.++++++++++++.---.---------]
08:08:59 <GreaseMonkey> !daemon ctcp bf8 +[----------[++++++++++.,----------]+.++++++++++++.---.---------]
08:09:10 <EgoBot> <CTCP>ACTION proclaims that GreaseMonkey is 1337<CTCP>
08:09:24 <EgoBot> <CTCP>ACTION likes this<CTCP>
08:10:24 -!- cmeme has quit ("Client terminated by server").
08:10:27 <GreaseMonkey> !daemon ctcp bf8 +[----------[++++++++++.,----------]+.++++++++++++.---.---------]
08:10:39 <EgoBot> <CTCP>ACTION is being tested<CTCP>
08:10:56 -!- cmeme has joined.
08:11:45 <GreaseMonkey> !daemon ctcp bf8 +[[-]---------[++++++++++.,----------]+.]
08:12:24 <EgoBot> 1 EgoBot: daemon cat reload
08:12:26 <EgoBot> 2 bsmntbombdood: bf_txtgen
08:12:28 <EgoBot> 3 GreaseMonkey: daemon ctcp bf8
08:12:30 <EgoBot> 4 bsmntbombdood: daemon cat bf
08:13:26 * EgoBot is being tested<CTCP><CTCP>ACTION is hungry<CTCP><CTCP>ACTION won't work :(<CTCP>
08:13:45 <GreaseMonkey> !daemon ctcp bf8 ---------[++++++++++.,----------]+.
08:14:12 <EgoBot> 1 EgoBot: daemon cat reload
08:14:14 <EgoBot> 2 bsmntbombdood: bf_txtgen
08:14:18 <EgoBot> 4 bsmntbombdood: daemon cat bf
08:14:47 <GreaseMonkey> !daemon ctcp bf8 ---------[++++++++++.,----------]+.+++++++++.
08:15:11 -!- anonfunc has joined.
08:15:18 <EgoBot> 1 EgoBot: daemon cat reload
08:15:20 <EgoBot> 2 bsmntbombdood: bf_txtgen
08:15:25 <EgoBot> 4 bsmntbombdood: daemon cat bf
08:15:45 -!- cmeme has quit.
08:16:17 <GreaseMonkey> !daemon ctcp bf8 [[-]---------[++++++++++.,----------]+.+++++++++.,[-]+]
08:16:17 -!- cmeme has joined.
08:18:30 <GreaseMonkey> note the userbox: http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/User:Thematrixeatsyou
08:20:12 <GreaseMonkey> oh, and the bf_txtgen has a limit to how big the string is
08:25:07 <GreaseMonkey> anyways, who's keen for a wireworld challenge? build a train set in wireworld :D
08:31:13 -!- GreaseMonkey has quit ("!daemon act bf8 [-]>+[[>.]<[<]+.->[.>]+.-<[<]>+]").
08:47:12 -!- Sgeo has quit ("Ex-Chat").
08:48:16 -!- anonfunc has quit.
09:55:20 -!- EgoBot has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
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14:30:08 -!- jix has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
16:45:48 -!- CakeProphet has quit ("haaaaaaaaaa").
18:16:23 <bsmntbombdood> !bf_txtgen Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore
18:20:18 <EgoBot> 1178 ++++++++++[>+++>+++++++++++>++++++++>++++++++++++<<<<-]>>>-.<.>++++++++++++++++++++.++.<<++.>>>---.<<++.-.-.<.>>----.<<.>>>--------.----.<+++.++++++++++.<-----.>>--.+.<<+++++++++++.<.>----------------.>++++.<+.----.>.+++++++.<<++++++++++++.------------.>>--.>.+.+++.<<++++.<.>----------------------------.<.>>-------.<<+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
18:26:27 <bsmntbombdood> !bf_txtgen While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. `'Tis some visitor,' I muttered, `tapping at my chamber door - Only this, and nothing more.'
18:33:25 <EgoBot> 2325 +++++++++++++[>+++>+++++++>++>++++++++<<<<-]>>----.>>.+.+++.-------.<++++++.<--------------.>.>+++++++++.+.-----------..+.-.<<<+++++.------------.>+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.>+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.----.<++++.------.+++++++++++++.<.>-----------.>>---.<+++++++++++++++.>+++++++++++++++.<-------.+++++.-------.<<++++++++
18:33:28 -!- Sgeo has joined.
18:57:11 -!- |Ikarus| has joined.
19:01:18 -!- Asztal has quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.75 [IceWeasel 1.0.1b2] (kidding!)").
19:23:01 -!- |Ikarus| has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
19:48:05 -!- Sgeo has quit ("Ex-Chat").
20:33:13 -!- Sgeo has joined.
21:10:49 -!- GreaseMonkey has joined.
21:39:43 <GreaseMonkey> >>>+[[-]>>[-]++>+>+++++++[<++++>>++<-]++>>+>+>+++++[>++>++++++<<-]+>>>,<++[[>[
21:39:43 <GreaseMonkey> ->>]<[>>]<<-]<[<]<+>>[>]>[<+>-[[<+>-]>]<[[[-]<]++<-[<+++++++++>[<->-]>>]>>]]<<
21:39:44 <GreaseMonkey> ]<]<[[<]>[[>]>>[>>]+[<<]<[<]<+>>-]>[>]+[->>]<<<<[[<<]<[<]+<<[+>+<<-[>-->+<<-[>
21:39:44 <GreaseMonkey> +<[>>+<<-]]]>[<+>-]<]++>>-->[>]>>[>>]]<<[>>+<[[<]<]>[[<<]<[<]+[-<+>>-[<<+>++>-
21:39:44 <GreaseMonkey> [<->[<<+>>-]]]<[>+<-]>]>[>]>]>[>>]>>]<<[>>+>>+>>]<<[->>>>>>>>]<<[>.>>>>>>>]<<[
21:40:10 <EgoBot> help ps kill i eof flush show ls bf_txtgen usertrig daemon undaemon
21:40:11 <EgoBot> 1l 2l adjust axo bch bf{8,[16],32,64} funge93 fyb fybs glass glypho kipple lambda lazyk linguine malbolge pbrain qbf rail rhotor sadol sceql trigger udage01 unlambda whirl
21:40:18 <GreaseMonkey> !daemon extrabf bf8 >>>+[[-]>>[-]++>+>+++++++[<++++>>++<-]++>>+>+>+++++[>++>++++++<<-]+>>>,<++[[>[->>]<[>>]<<-]<[<]<+>>[>]>[<+>-[[<+>-]>]<[[[-]<]++<-[<+++++++++>[<->-]>>]>>]]<<]<]<[[<]>[[>]>>[>>]+[<<]<[<]<+>>-]>[>]+[->>]<<<<[[<<]<[<]+<<[+>+<<-[>-->+<<-[>+<[>>+<<-]]]>[<+>-]<]++>>-->[>]>>[>>]]<<[>>+<[[<]<]>[[<<]<[<]+[-<+>>-[<<+>++>-[<->[<<+>>-]]]<[>+<-]>]>[>]>]>[>>]>>]<<[>>+>>+>>]<<[->>>>>>>>]<<[>.>>>>>>>]<<[>->>>>>]<<[>,>>>]<<
21:41:03 -!- EgoBot has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
21:41:33 -!- EgoBot has joined.
21:42:00 <GreaseMonkey> !daemon extrabf bf8 >>>+[[-]>>[-]++>+>+++++++[<++++>>++<-]++>>+>+>+++++[>++>++++++<<-]+>>>,<++[[>[->>]<[>>]<<-]<[<]<+>>[>]>[<+>-[[<+>-]>]<[[[-]<]++<-[<+++++++++>[<->-]>>]>>]]<<]<]<[[<]>[[>]>>[>>]+[<<]<[<]<+>>-]>[>]+[->>]<<<<[[<<]<[<]+<<[+>+<<-[>-->+<<-[>+<[>>+<<-]]]>[<+>-]<]++>>-->[>]>>[>>]]<<[>>+<[[<]<]>[[<<]<[<]+[-<+>>-[<<+>++>-[<->[<<+>>-]]]<[>+<-]>]>[>]>]>[>>]>>]<<[>>+>>+>>]<<[->>>>>>>>]<<[>.>>>>>>>]<<[>->>>>>]<<[>+>>>]<<
21:42:12 -!- EgoBot has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
21:42:42 -!- EgoBot has joined.
21:43:48 -!- EgoBot has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
21:44:07 <GreaseMonkey> then again, FukYorBrayne crashes too, and that's coded by Gregor
21:44:19 -!- EgoBot has joined.
21:48:42 <GreaseMonkey> !daemon cat bf8 ++++++++[>++++++++++++++<-]>[>+>+>+>+<<<<-]>--->----------->->+++++++>++++++++++>[-]+[[,----------]<[<]>[.>][-]+]
21:49:05 <EgoBot> 1 GreaseMonkey: daemon cat bf8
21:49:27 <GreaseMonkey> !daemon cat bf8 ++++++++[>++++++++++++++<-]>[>+>+>+>+<<<<-]>--->----------->->+++++++>++++++++++>[-]+[[,----------]<[<]>[.>][-]+]
21:49:49 <GreaseMonkey> !daemon kitten bf8 ++++++++[>++++++++++++++<-]>[>+>+>+>+<<<<-]>--->----------->->+++++++>++++++++++>[-]+[[,----------]<[<]>[.>][-]+]
21:50:29 <GreaseMonkey> so if i assign anything to cat, it'll just use the default cat program
21:51:51 <EgoBot> realloc: Cannot allocate memory
21:52:31 <EgoBot> realloc: Cannot allocate memory
21:52:59 <EgoBot> realloc: Cannot allocate memory
21:53:07 <EgoBot> 1 GreaseMonkey: daemon kitten bf8
21:53:23 -!- jix_ has quit ("Bitte waehlen Sie eine Beerdigungnachricht").
21:53:37 <EgoBot> realloc: Cannot allocate memory
21:53:54 <EgoBot> bf/, glass/, linguine/
21:55:26 <EgoBot> 1 GreaseMonkey: daemon kitten bf8
21:56:44 <EgoBot> realloc: Cannot allocate memory
21:57:09 <EgoBot> realloc: Cannot allocate memory
21:59:30 <GreaseMonkey> why do you have a link to "http://esolangs.org/wiki/Adjudicated" when it doesn't work?
22:02:28 <GreaseMonkey> !daemon kitten bf8 ++++++++[>++++++++++++++<-]>[>+>+>+>+<<<<-]>--->----------->->+++++++>++++++++++>[-]+[[,----------]<[<]>[.>][-]+]
22:05:07 <GreaseMonkey> k, so we got two people stupid enough to use mIRC (including me), a pissload of people using good ol' irssi and the lovely xchat, some using stuff i've never even heard of, one using hydraIRC, and two people stupid enough to own macs.
22:09:04 <RodgerTheGreat> when you type insults to mac users, what you're really saying is "I feel insecure about my choice of operating system"
22:14:46 <GreaseMonkey> hey, i've got linux, it's just that my distro won't detect my network card
22:15:22 <GreaseMonkey> meh sod it, i should just nuke my mandrake partition and stick something else on. so many choices....
22:16:46 <GreaseMonkey> i've got: mandrake 10.0 (network problems), fedora core 3 (sound problems D: ), ubuntu... something, morphix (modular distro - uses Gnome (eek!)), amd probably a few others
22:27:19 -!- beasty has joined.
22:27:30 -!- beasty has left (?).
22:34:43 <GreaseMonkey> when you try to be philosophical about someone stating something generic, what you're really saying is "be nice to be :("
23:14:49 <EgoBot> help ps kill i eof flush show ls bf_txtgen usertrig daemon undaemon
23:14:51 <EgoBot> 1l 2l adjust axo bch bf{8,[16],32,64} funge93 fyb fybs glass glypho kipple lambda lazyk linguine malbolge pbrain qbf rail rhotor sadol sceql trigger udage01 unlambda whirl
23:15:27 <EgoBot> realloc: Cannot allocate memory
23:20:27 -!- lindi- has left (?).
23:23:09 <GreaseMonkey> it was because i kept doing this, which crashed it a few times: !daemon pie bf8 +++[>+++]
23:25:10 -!- CakeProphet has joined.
23:26:50 <EgoBot> 1 GreaseMonkey: daemon kitten bf8
23:27:00 <EgoBot> 6 GreaseMonkey: daemon p bf
23:28:03 -!- EgoBot has quit (Excess Flood).
23:28:28 -!- cmeme has quit ("Client terminated by server").
23:28:35 -!- EgoBot has joined.
23:28:51 <bsmntbombdood> man I can never think of clever ways to kill EgoBot
23:28:59 -!- cmeme has joined.
23:29:42 -!- EgoBot has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
23:30:13 -!- EgoBot has joined.
23:30:20 <GreaseMonkey> tried to make it print the same letter over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and while(1){over and } again
23:30:49 -!- EgoBot has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
23:31:20 -!- EgoBot has joined.
23:31:51 <GreaseMonkey> continue operation GregorRichardsKeepsProducingCrashyCode
23:35:17 <GreaseMonkey> !daemon f bf8 [-]----------[++++++++++>,----------]<[[<]>[.>]<]
23:35:24 -!- EgoBot has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer)).
23:35:43 <GreaseMonkey> that's the third error code for "Connection reset by peer"
23:35:54 -!- EgoBot has joined.
23:36:26 <EgoBot> 1 EgoBot: daemon kitten reload
23:36:28 <EgoBot> 2 GreaseMonkey: daemon b bf8
23:36:30 <EgoBot> 3 GreaseMonkey: daemon c bf8
23:36:32 <EgoBot> 4 GreaseMonkey: daemon d bf8
23:36:34 <EgoBot> 5 GreaseMonkey: daemon e bf8
23:36:50 <EgoBot> 1 EgoBot: daemon kitten reload
23:36:52 <EgoBot> 2 GreaseMonkey: daemon b bf8
23:36:54 <EgoBot> 3 GreaseMonkey: daemon c bf8
23:36:56 <EgoBot> 4 GreaseMonkey: daemon d bf8
23:36:58 <EgoBot> 5 GreaseMonkey: daemon e bf8
23:37:08 <EgoBot> 1 EgoBot: daemon kitten reload
23:37:10 <EgoBot> 2 GreaseMonkey: daemon b bf8
23:37:13 <EgoBot> 3 GreaseMonkey: daemon c bf8
23:37:14 <EgoBot> 4 GreaseMonkey: daemon d bf8
23:37:16 <EgoBot> 5 GreaseMonkey: daemon e bf8
23:38:26 <EgoBot> 1 GreaseMonkey: daemon a bf8
23:38:28 <EgoBot> 2 GreaseMonkey: daemon b bf8
23:38:30 <EgoBot> 3 GreaseMonkey: daemon c bf8
23:38:32 <EgoBot> 4 GreaseMonkey: daemon d bf8
23:38:34 <EgoBot> 5 GreaseMonkey: daemon e bf8
23:39:04 <EgoBot> 1 GreaseMonkey: daemon a bf8
23:39:06 <EgoBot> 2 GreaseMonkey: daemon b bf8
23:39:09 <EgoBot> 3 GreaseMonkey: daemon c bf8
23:39:10 <EgoBot> 4 GreaseMonkey: daemon d bf8
23:39:12 <EgoBot> 5 GreaseMonkey: daemon e bf8
23:39:14 <EgoBot> 6 GreaseMonkey: daemon f bf8
23:48:38 -!- tgwizard has quit (Remote closed the connection).