00:37:35 -!- tusho has quit.
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00:44:19 -!- oerjan has quit ("Good night").
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01:42:54 <augur> nevermind, hes not here
01:55:25 -!- Corun has quit ("Leaving").
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08:01:09 <AnMaster> ais523 and tusho: if you are reading logs I won't be reachable today, I'm leaving for an airshow
08:26:46 -!- hotidlerchick has joined.
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10:42:01 -!- GreaseMonkey has quit ("Remote closed the previous member app").
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14:47:27 <oklopol> lament: you were in my dream
14:48:33 <oklopol> let me start from the beginning, unless someone has something interesting to talk about
14:49:04 <oklopol> i was on some page, where you kinda bidded about something
14:49:33 <oklopol> highest bid won, don't remember what i was bidding about, but i won some guy who was apparently like the god of that page, won every bid
14:50:07 <oklopol> and turned out i had also kissed his girlfriend
14:50:17 <oklopol> and for some reason this made me take out my gun
14:50:34 <oklopol> he started yelling "shoot me you fucking pussy"
14:50:45 <oklopol> and i was like "give me a reason and i totally will"
14:51:20 <oklopol> he pressed the trigger himself, then, probably realizing i was a pussy
14:51:37 <oklopol> fell down on the floor, no one in the mall noticed
14:51:54 <oklopol> but i figured they might at some point, so i kinda paniced
14:52:03 <oklopol> and then came the lament part
14:52:21 <oklopol> lament was on the cover of an energy drink can
14:52:53 <oklopol> and my first thought was looking at his face would instantly tell me what to do :D
14:53:17 <oklopol> but, all the cans had turned away
15:08:24 <oklopol> it's not all that weird in writing, but somehow lament was my mentor or something, it was important to see his face after the incident.
15:08:50 <oklopol> no anal sex yet, but it's quite clear the obsession is starting
15:09:10 <oklopol> ais523: how's coding going?
15:09:29 <ais523> but my program still steers the rover into craters too much
15:20:09 -!- tusho has joined.
15:20:47 <tusho> i totally wont hat one
15:20:58 <oklopol> Communication between the server and controller will be over a TCP/IP socket using plain-text messages encoded in ASCII. <<< because martians don't understand english? :P
15:34:34 <oklopol> weird they don't give out the details of the rotation / acceleration, as they're easy to calculate from the state info they give
15:35:33 <oklopol> hmm, actually they give quite a lot of details :P
15:36:19 <oklopol> just have to calc acceleration
15:36:21 <ais523> oklopol: well, my program calculates the rotation rules atm
15:36:32 <ais523> that still doesn't stop it crashing into things, though
15:39:03 <oklopol> how does the server thing work, you use a public server for testing or smth?
15:39:21 <ais523> oklopol: no, they supplied binaries for it
15:39:26 <ais523> and you run it on your own system
15:39:38 <ais523> no source, though, thus causing lots of people to fail to get it working
15:39:38 <oklopol> did you write a visualization so you can see it run?
15:39:45 <ais523> oklopol: it has its own visualization
15:40:10 <oklopol> in that case, i would have loved this
15:40:24 <ais523> oklopol: it's not too late to enter
15:40:29 <ais523> it doesn't run on Windows, though
15:40:37 <ais523> only on Linux and Mac OS X, and not easily in either case
15:41:28 <oklopol> well in that case i can't enter, i don't have a linux computer here.
15:42:09 <tusho> they provide a livecd
15:43:58 <oklopol> any restrictions on the language?
15:44:30 <tusho> whatever's on the licd
15:44:40 <tusho> http://www.icfpcontest.org/live-cd.html
15:44:46 <tusho> if you <3 me, use the eso-std.org mirror that's linkd
15:44:54 <tusho> unless you want to use scheme or something, 'cause the mzscheme is broken on 1.5
15:50:31 -!- timotiis has joined.
15:56:38 <oklopol> it'd prolly take me till midnight to get that working, don't really feel like it, since the competition has already been on for about 20 hours.
15:58:46 <oklopol> would be so cool doing this in Ob
15:59:06 <oklopol> (the declarative bot ai language)
15:59:24 <ais523> oklopol: there's a 72-hour competition as well as the lightning round...
16:00:27 <oklopol> i guess i could go for it...
16:01:04 <oklopol> it's just getting the live-cd to work sounds like something i will fail at.
16:01:15 <oklopol> compared to that, the actual programming task seems trivial :P
16:01:29 <oklopol> anyone else here making an entry?
16:08:13 -!- poiuy_qwert has joined.
16:09:47 <Deewiant> I was going to, but I spent most of today failing at getting the server working
16:10:11 <ais523> Deewiant: maybe you can help me instead
16:11:45 <Deewiant> TBH I just wanted to see how hard it actually was, I didn't really do anything, and now I'm not in the mood any more :-/
16:11:59 <Deewiant> if you want to ask me about something feel free, of course :-P
16:13:27 <Deewiant> oklopol: tusho was inaccurate BTW, you can submit a binary in any language
16:13:49 <Deewiant> rather, a binary compiled from any language
16:13:50 <tusho> but oklopol uses interppy languages
16:14:08 <oklopol> Deewiant: tusho was inaccurate BTw, i use *python*
16:14:30 <oklopol> i know a lot of languages well enough to do something like this
16:14:40 <oklopol> Ob is one of my own langs, haven't implemented yet.
16:15:01 <oklopol> it's an event-based declarative language for making bot ai's for a game of mine
16:26:06 <ais523> does anyone know how bad an idea it is to mount the same drive in two OSs simultaneously?
16:26:25 <ais523> not with my hard drive though
16:26:28 <tusho> ais523: give it a go
16:30:14 -!- pikhq has joined.
16:44:10 <ais523> also, that's the first time I've ever reformatted a hard drive
16:44:12 <RodgerTheGreat> http://mathworld.wolfram.com/TuppersSelf-ReferentialFormula.html
16:44:19 <ais523> although it was a virtual one on my filesystem
16:47:18 <tusho> RodgerTheGreat: always liked that, wonder if you could make a program that creates equations like that
16:47:23 <tusho> i mean, obviously it's possible
16:47:28 <tusho> dunno if it'd be trivial or not
16:47:40 <tusho> the thing about that formula i don't like
16:47:45 <tusho> which is outside the formula
16:47:51 <tusho> it seems like a bit of a cheat.
16:47:54 <RodgerTheGreat> Well, it certainly looks like the N is large enough to contain the bitmap the function "generates"
16:48:02 <tusho> kind of like writing a drawing program
16:48:07 <tusho> then feeding it itself as an image
16:48:20 <RodgerTheGreat> so it's a function that unpacks a base-10 number into a bitmap, somehow
16:48:21 <tusho> there's no actual self-reference, it's indirect
16:48:42 <tusho> still impressive, of course
16:48:48 <tusho> but not what I hoped when I first saw it
16:49:19 <tusho> an _actual_ self-plotting formula would probably be very long, kind of like those huge quines
16:49:37 <RodgerTheGreat> makes you wonder if a "plot quine" would be possible, though. It would undoubtedly be really nasty and complicated.
16:49:53 <ais523> tusho: mounting the same file on two OSs at once doesn't work, because neither understands when it's changed
16:49:53 * tusho toys with writing a program to write it
16:50:01 <ais523> they end up with different internal versions of it
16:50:03 <tusho> ais523: I imagined that would happen, yeah.
16:50:12 <ais523> maybe if I don't mount both at the same time...
17:23:51 <oklopol> http://mathworld.wolfram.com/TuppersSelf-ReferentialFormula.html is a cheat
17:24:09 <oklopol> that's trivial to do, except perhaps not one that short.
17:25:07 <oklopol> as i now see you discussed already.
17:28:25 * ais523 submits an initial solution
17:28:30 <ais523> so there's something there if I run out of time
17:29:27 -!- ais523 has quit (Remote closed the connection).
17:31:25 <oklopol> or if you run out of connection.
17:32:54 <oklopol> okay, i'm going to code A in language B now, anyone feel like supplying A and B?
17:35:47 <tusho> oklopol: python in python
17:35:51 <Slereah2> Brainfucks in recursive functions.
17:36:10 <tusho> oklopol: c in python
17:36:18 <oklopol> perhaps i could just make befunge in c.
17:36:18 <Slereah2> Motherfucking snakes in a motherfucking plane.
17:36:43 <oklopol> c in python doesn't sound too hard
17:36:50 <tusho> not the basics, anyway
17:36:52 <tusho> you'll have to simulate memory
17:36:55 <tusho> for pointers and shizz
17:36:58 <tusho> but apart from that...
17:37:04 <tusho> lexing + parsing's a bit hard, some ambiguities
17:37:06 <tusho> but the actual language
17:37:12 <tusho> it'd be a fun project
17:37:30 <oklopol> most likely, but B can't be python
17:37:30 <tusho> 'cause, you know, C "feels" substantial
17:37:45 <tusho> C interp in Python sounds fun
17:38:15 <oklopol> sure does, but i want a different language.
17:38:50 <oklopol> and i haven't used C in ages, should see if i get anything to work aymore
17:39:25 <tusho> c in c would be pretty hard
17:40:15 -!- ais523 has joined.
17:40:42 <oklopol> wow, my empty program worked!
17:43:18 <ais523> you were slow there...
17:43:27 <tusho> wasn't paying attention
17:52:08 <tusho> shall we play a game
17:52:23 <ais523> tusho: not right now, only 2 hours to the lighning deadline, at least not with me
17:53:47 <tusho> hotidlerchick: hi oklopol
17:54:21 <tusho> hotidlerchick: hi oklopol
17:55:34 <ais523> [17:54] <aSmig> If the martians run into each other, do they turn into cheese?
17:55:34 <ais523> [17:55] <staff_tjc> aSmig: the cheese may be Brie or provolone; which one it is is deliberately unspecified ;-)
17:55:46 <ais523> there's so much deliberately unspecified there...
17:55:48 <oklopol> hotidlerchick: lol sure :)
17:56:37 -!- hotidlerchick has changed nick to oklo.
17:56:44 -!- oklopol has changed nick to hotidlerchick.
17:56:52 -!- oklo has changed nick to oklopol.
17:57:11 * ais523 so wants an IRC client command to do that automatically, without the other person knowing
17:57:17 <ais523> and automatically rewriting all the messages
17:57:29 <oklopol> hotidlerchick: oooh, that would be so hot
18:01:00 <oklopol> ask tusho, I'm sure he knows
18:02:20 <hotidlerchick> also i think i'll just implement 93... possibly because i've lost most of my awesome man brain?
18:02:46 <ais523> oklofok: it shouldn't be too hard to implement 93 in such a way you can later generalise it to 98
18:03:25 <hotidlerchick> but that should be easy too, some kinda wrapper that autoextends where necessary
18:11:48 <tusho> ais523: oklofok: it shouldn't be too hard to implement 93 in such a way you can later generalise it to 98
18:11:48 <tusho> hotidlerchick: ais523: true
18:11:51 <tusho> CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE
18:12:00 <ais523> tusho: they swapped nicks
18:12:22 <ais523> tusho: I was nickpinging oklofok, who isn't even in the channel, to avoid getting confused about the nicks
18:13:47 -!- Slereah__ has joined.
18:16:03 <ais523> anyone who wants to help (tusho? Deewiant?): I've been programming for several hours now and am having problems sorting out my thinking: what's the formula to calculate a turning circle from a turn speed in degrees per second and a forward speed in meters per second?
18:16:51 <ais523> hmm... it shouldn't be that hard to work out...
18:17:02 <ais523> let's see... after turning 360 degrees you've done one complete turning circle
18:17:08 <ais523> so presumably work out how far you go in that time
18:17:17 <ais523> and that's the circumference of the circle
18:17:28 <Deewiant> r = v^2 / a where v is velocity forward, a is acceleration towards centre of circle
18:17:45 <ais523> Deewiant: wrong formula, but quite possibly
18:17:53 <ais523> I know the turn rate, not the acceleration
18:18:08 <Deewiant> I think you can find the acceleration
18:18:22 <ais523> yes, but there has to be an easier way, surely...
18:18:56 -!- poiuy_qwert has quit (Remote closed the connection).
18:29:36 -!- Slereah2 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
18:31:00 <ais523> I tried to figure it and got v * 360 / (dtheta/dt)
18:31:11 <ais523> the 360 because it's in degrees
18:33:08 <ais523> yes, that's my problem, being a bit slow thinking mathematically due to being in super-coding mode
18:35:07 <ais523> let me know what it is?
18:35:14 <hotidlerchick> circumference = motion_length_per_sec * (angs_per_sec / 360)
18:35:30 <ais523> that's the same formula I came up with
18:35:43 <ais523> maybe there was a units problem in my implementation...
18:36:13 <ais523> I have angular speed in .1s of degrees per second, and speed in mm per second
18:36:13 <hotidlerchick> most likely, i'm quite sure it's like that, although my derivation wasn't mathematical
18:36:20 <ais523> so I made the constant 3600
18:36:38 <ais523> wait, your formula's different from mine
18:36:45 <ais523> I got the * and / the wrong way round
18:37:01 <ais523> ...except wouldn't turning faster give a smaller turning circle?
18:37:11 <ais523> your formula's clearly wrong with angs_per_sec = 0
18:37:15 <ais523> the circle's infinite then
18:38:18 <tusho> ais523: maybe you should code another part
18:38:39 <ais523> tusho: this is the most important part currently left
18:38:47 <ais523> although I'm coding a different bit of that part right now
18:38:56 -!- poiuy_qwert has joined.
18:40:21 <hotidlerchick> you also move @ (circumference * (degrees / 360)) / sec for rotation speed degrees/sec
18:40:46 <ais523> turningcircle = maxspeed*3600/maxhardturn;
18:40:57 <ais523> maxhardturn is in .1s of degrees per second
18:41:02 <ais523> maxspeed's in mm per second
18:41:23 <ais523> let me recompile and rerun
18:41:49 <ais523> hotidlerchick: not radius?
18:42:32 <ais523> hotidlerchick: ah, good point
18:42:54 <ais523> still, 120m is far too large for the turning circle because I've seen it turn faster than that
18:43:02 <hotidlerchick> this is the classical problem of doing math and programming simultaneously
18:43:21 <ais523> yes, this is why I could do with someone else to do the math for me...
18:43:23 <hotidlerchick> @ math, you don't think, when getting the result, you often don't have a clear idea what it is, and assume it's what you wanted
18:46:28 <hotidlerchick> ais523: why the silence, trying to figure out circumference -> radius? ;)
18:46:39 <ais523> and circumference->radius is easy
18:46:42 <ais523> that's not the problem
18:47:04 <ais523> the formula looks right, but acts wrong
18:47:14 <ais523> I'll get it to printf its arguments to see if they're right
18:48:25 <ais523> ah, i think it is right
18:48:30 <ais523> I know what's happening
18:48:37 <ais523> the return value's correct, it just looks wrong
18:56:57 <augur> how would you do conditionals in an RPN-like language??
18:57:09 <augur> oklopol: ::pounce::
18:58:08 <hotidlerchick> augur: put two subprograms on stack, then pop one of them and run tos
18:58:28 <tusho> augur: yeah, quotations.
18:58:38 <augur> on, quote the cod?e?
18:58:46 <tusho> augur: quotations are lambdas, basically
18:58:49 <tusho> so you end up with
18:58:55 <tusho> cond [iftrue] [iffalse] if
18:59:06 <tusho> generally you have combinators manipulating the subprograms
18:59:15 <augur> oh i see, so instead of code, you'd have lambdas
18:59:18 <tusho> x y [z] dip == x z y
18:59:18 <augur> ok that makes sense.
18:59:24 <tusho> (dip is a very useful combinator)
18:59:29 <tusho> (you can build lots of swap-rot-etc things out of it)
19:01:45 <hotidlerchick> http://www.vjn.fi/pb/p265444122.txt the formula is correct
19:02:32 <hotidlerchick> took ages, since i kinda managed to confuse angles of complexes and angles on the screen
19:03:07 <tusho> BREAKING NEWS: ais523+hotidlerchick win ICFP
19:03:52 <ais523> I'm using that formula now, thanks
19:03:54 <hotidlerchick> the for loop moves the point "pos" around by turning it by the angle all the time
19:04:10 <ais523> and you're credited (as oklopol, your nick before you swapped) in the README for the mathematical help
19:04:24 <hotidlerchick> and its distance from origo is printed, wavering is because of the discrete simulation ofc
19:04:31 <tusho> ais523: at least use his real name
19:04:36 <ais523> tusho: well, I don't know it
19:04:37 <tusho> oklopol omniovorol
19:04:40 <ais523> anyway I credited you as tusho
19:05:30 <hotidlerchick> anyway, don't use oklopol ominovorol, oklopol or ask my actual real name :P
19:05:43 <hotidlerchick> anyway, don't use oklopol ominovorol period. use oklopol or ask my actual real name :P
19:05:47 <ais523> tusho: I'll credit you with your realname if you like
19:05:53 <tusho> hotidlerchick: 'don't use my real name, oklopol or my real name'?!!12121212
19:05:56 <ais523> and I was using oklopol, and will do except on request
19:05:56 <tusho> ais523: no but I mean what did I do
19:06:25 <tusho> was talking about the redundancy actually hotidlerchick
19:06:32 <tusho> since oklopol ominovorol is your real name
19:07:40 <hotidlerchick> is this a oklopol=hotidlerchick reference, do you actually think that's anyone's irl name?
19:07:56 <tusho> it's obviously your irl name.
19:07:58 <tusho> why would you lie?
19:08:16 <tusho> ais523: what am I credited -for-
19:08:18 <tusho> i don't know what i did
19:08:58 <ais523> tusho: eso-std.org, actually
19:09:19 <tusho> "TUSHO. FOR BEING ESO-STD.ORG.
19:10:05 <hotidlerchick> hmph, can't talk on #eso with this nick, "long time no be" was my official join pun.
19:12:08 <tusho> can you credit me as
19:12:12 <tusho> tusho <http://tusho.org/>
19:12:24 <tusho> (you can keep the eso-std.org thing, just, you know, I'd like to have a pointer)
19:12:26 <ais523> tusho: even though it isn't registered?
19:12:35 <ais523> that'll just get people to domain-squat you, but OK
19:12:36 <tusho> yes; I've linked to it quite a lot
19:12:38 <tusho> i'll register it sometime
19:14:56 <tusho> hotidlerchick: who, GregorR?
19:15:25 <tusho> hotidlerchick: you need oklopol.org
19:15:33 <tusho> http://www.vjn.fi/oklopol/
19:15:35 <tusho> the url is just too ugly
19:15:38 <tusho> for such a masterpeice of a page
19:17:47 <tusho> hotidlerchick: is oklopol going to be selling things?!?!?!
19:17:52 <tusho> Buy oklopol today!
19:19:51 <tusho> hotidlerchick: you could just type 'foo'
19:19:56 <tusho> and firefox will try .com,.org,google,etc
19:27:37 <oklopol> you know hotidlerchick, you haven't really done your idling properly
19:32:12 -!- Slereah2 has joined.
19:45:05 -!- ais523 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
19:49:03 * tusho just made his blog design even more minimal
19:49:11 <tusho> not even the header paragraph any more
19:49:15 <tusho> I snook an archives link into the footer
19:49:22 <tusho> '[All posts] licensed under CC by-sa 3.0.'
19:49:24 <tusho> all posts links to the archives
19:51:24 -!- Slereah__ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
19:56:29 -!- ais523 has joined.
20:01:41 -!- ais523 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
20:01:48 -!- ais523 has joined.
20:17:22 <ais523> sorry for the connection trouble...
20:17:33 <ais523> at least I got the latest version of my ICFP contest entry in on time
20:17:37 <ais523> even though it was buggy
20:17:50 <tusho> ais523: i take it you'll do more revisions
20:17:53 <tusho> not just the lightning
20:40:24 -!- ais523 has quit ("(1) DO COME FROM ".2~.2"~#1 WHILE :1 <- "'?.1$.2'~'"':1/.1$.2'~#0"$#65535'"$"'"'&.1$.2'~'#0$#65535'"$#0'~#32767$#1"").
20:48:47 -!- Slereah__ has joined.
20:59:09 -!- oklopol has quit ("KVIrc 3.2.0 'Realia'").
21:05:19 -!- Slereah2 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
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21:12:40 -!- hotidlerchick has changed nick to oklopol.
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21:17:33 <tusho> oklopol: i didn't notice any change.
21:20:15 <oklopol> 23:12… hotidlerchick is now known as oklopol
21:20:17 -!- timotiis has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
21:21:16 <tusho> oklopol: yes what's the difference
21:22:38 <tusho> oklopol: same person though
21:23:14 <oklopol> no idea why it felt like it
21:34:00 -!- augur has changed nick to psygnisfive.
21:34:15 -!- Slereah__ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
21:42:35 -!- ihope has joined.
21:42:43 <ihope> We ought to do a BF busy beaver project on the wiki.
21:44:17 <ihope> Is the most usual format tape infinite in both directions, cells 8-bit and wrapping?
21:44:39 -!- RodgerTheGreat has quit.
21:50:01 <oklopol> just infinite to the right
21:50:27 <ihope> The tape is generally finite to the left?
21:51:14 <ihope> And is going left while on the leftmost cell undefined?
21:52:04 <oklopol> and you generally start at the leftmost cell
21:52:12 -!- oerjan has joined.
21:53:47 <oerjan> well someone down in Tnsberg gave the wrong phone number in a paper advertisement today... the number given happened to be mine :D
21:54:17 -!- Slereah__ has joined.
21:55:01 <oerjan> other than that, not much
21:56:16 <GregorR> Are you getting sexay chat?
21:56:39 <oerjan> no, just requests for renting an apartment, alas
21:57:16 <GregorR> "I don't have an apartment for you ... but I've got something else for you, baby ;)"
21:57:26 <psygnisfive> you should find out what its an ad for and answer the phone as tho you were the advertiser
21:57:53 <oerjan> otoh i have so far failed to answer a single of the calls
22:00:05 <oerjan> mostly because i accidentally had the phone turned off until late afternoon
22:02:20 <oerjan> (i did find the ad though, since one of the recorded calls mentioned the name of the newspaper)
22:02:54 <psygnisfive> sucks that you didnt know about it earlier
22:05:28 <oerjan> well-known bf spamming program
22:06:09 <oerjan> hm actually that one stops after one cycle
22:06:39 <oerjan> although can still be messy with > 8 bit bf
22:07:04 <oklopol> why does it stop after one cycle?
22:07:10 <oerjan> egobot if it were here, uses 16 bit by default
22:07:36 * oerjan wonders if that was grammatical
22:10:33 <oerjan> excuse me while i go feed arrows to my time flies
22:11:05 -!- Slereah2 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
22:11:17 -!- Slereah2 has joined.
22:11:31 <oerjan> i nearly have enough for my time machine now. BWAHAHAHA!
22:13:40 <oerjan> on the other hand, i have conclusively shown that apples fly almost, but not quite like bananas.
22:14:42 * oerjan for clarity wishes to stress that he is on nothing stronger than coffee
22:15:35 <oklopol> caffeine! that's what i was missing
22:15:55 <tusho> GregorR: i want egobot back
22:17:09 <ihope> Yay, a non-trivial program that outputs a number of characters equal to its length: +++[-...]
22:19:07 <oerjan> is this some new kind of quinoid concept?
22:19:20 <ihope> I guess it is like a quine.
22:19:49 <ihope> Something Haskellian: replicate 16 '.'
22:24:03 -!- Slereah__ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
22:24:58 <psygnisfive> http://scarybuggames.com/2008/05/chronotron/
22:31:29 <tusho> ihope: better are programs which output their length
22:31:37 <tusho> so a 36 char program would print \36
22:42:16 <tusho> What's a brainfuck version of that
22:43:03 <oerjan> something +++[->+++<] -like probably
22:44:03 * tusho has no BF interp atm
22:46:29 <oerjan> ++[->+++++++++<]>. i think
22:52:36 <tusho> output the decimal of the length
22:52:45 * pikhq takes a break from the distro development.
22:53:04 <pikhq> I almost have a distro which can boot from a single *5 1/4"* floppy.
22:53:04 <pikhq> Just one problem. . .
22:53:14 <pikhq> I've cut out too much of the kernel for it to boot.
22:53:22 <pikhq> Or, for that matter, for it to tell me why it won't boot.
22:56:28 <tusho> pikhq: Are you using linux_tiny?
22:57:45 <oerjan> tusho: whatever the rest of the program does with the length, the ++[->listofplusses<]restofprogram method can be used to initialize a cell with it
23:09:47 -!- Slereah__ has joined.
23:11:48 <Slereah__> Let's build a device that will pour liquid nitrogen on the CPU.
23:12:09 <oerjan> and make icecream at the same time!
23:17:32 <oklopol> psygnisfive: the game is a bit too slow for me
23:17:56 <oklopol> especially as you can't skip the trivial levels
23:19:55 -!- Slereah2 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
23:38:14 <tusho> psygnisfive: cool idea for a game
23:38:26 <tusho> its not time travel though
23:39:04 <ihope> Someone help me prove that there isn't a 9-character BF program that uses the . instruction more than 9 times. :-)
23:39:31 <tusho> psygnisfive: and what happens
23:39:45 <tusho> psygnisfive: unlikely.
23:40:09 <ihope> tusho: not if cells never wrap.
23:40:18 <tusho> ihope: that calls . more than 9 times/
23:40:31 <ihope> But it never terminates.
23:40:44 <ihope> One that uses the . instruction more than 9 times and then terminates.
23:40:53 <oklopol> psygnisfive: paradoxes don't make it time travel, you being able to play multiple characters simulataneously would
23:41:14 <oklopol> i guess the make it more time travelish
23:41:25 <oklopol> what's the deelio with level 19?
23:41:52 <ihope> That does not use . more than 9 times.
23:42:26 <tusho> oerjan: you're provey
23:43:08 <ihope> http://esoteric.voxelperfect.net/wiki/BF_busy_beaver
23:43:24 <oklopol> psygnisfive: well things could react to their past/future selves
23:43:39 <oklopol> but they can now, too, except the control is simplified for the past versions
23:43:42 <ihope> Prove that a 9-character BF program can't output more than 9 characters before terminating.
23:44:11 <ihope> Oh, you're not oerjan, are you?
23:44:58 <oklopol> psygnisfive: just that the past self should already see the future self when playing the first round
23:45:14 <tusho> ihope: Gee, I should write a program to find these things.
23:45:36 <oklopol> psygnisfive: time travel isn't achievable
23:45:37 <oerjan> an exhaustive search does seem possible
23:45:46 <oklopol> i'm not saying this isn't the best way to do it
23:45:58 <tusho> psygnisfive: It was a joke, since of course it's one of the funnest impossible things.
23:46:04 <oklopol> i'm just saying it's not as close to time travel as one might've hoped
23:46:35 <tusho> psygnisfive weren't talkin' to me
23:47:11 <oklopol> hope has nothing to do with reason
23:47:48 <psygnisfive> the more guys i have on the screen the crummier it gets
23:47:53 <tusho> the frustrating thing about this game
23:47:57 <tusho> is that I see myslef make the same mistakes
23:48:31 <oklopol> hmm, actually 5 for one of the simple levels, but i think i could've done with less
23:48:36 <oklopol> psygnisfive: wanna help with 19?
23:48:47 <oklopol> i simply don't know how the lazer works
23:49:36 <psygnisfive> if i were really coy, i'd use special magic to reuse the same guy like 5 times
23:49:54 <oklopol> the game should let you do that
23:50:17 <psygnisfive> remember the puzzle where you had to change the past?
23:50:55 <oklopol> i meant use part of your past self's movement.
23:51:28 <oklopol> so you don't have to play all of the the round n times if there are n triggers that need to be held simultaneously
23:51:51 <oklopol> and can you help with #19?
23:52:11 <tusho> I caused a paradox
23:52:13 <tusho> and nothing happened
23:52:36 <tusho> it's easy to see how this game really works though
23:52:38 <tusho> it stores all your moves
23:52:39 <oklopol> psygnisfive: i don't get how you do it
23:52:45 <tusho> and if it waits a while
23:52:48 <tusho> and you're not back at the time pod
23:52:51 <tusho> it considers it a paradox
23:53:01 <oklopol> say i move to place A, then multiply into 7 guys
23:53:12 <oklopol> how do i secord the place, and start from there every time?
23:53:19 <tusho> time travel is the best way to get a clone army though
23:53:29 <tusho> just go back to 10 minutes ago repeatedly
23:53:36 <psygnisfive> you have to act as tho you were going to do it
23:53:47 <psygnisfive> and then when you press the buttons it works
23:53:55 <oerjan> tusho: sucks rather badly when a clone dies
23:54:04 <oklopol> 01:50… oklopol: i meant use part of your past self's movement. <<< i meant "to get the level done faster"
23:54:11 <tusho> oerjan: if we have time travel i hope we have invincibility
23:54:18 <oklopol> use part of the fucking move-around macro that's being recorded, twice.
23:56:09 <oklopol> 01:52… oklopol: say i move to place A, then multiply into 7 guys ||| 01:52… oklopol: how do i record the place, and start from there every time? <<< i want there to be an answer to this question.
23:56:32 <tusho> psygnisfive: he knows there isn't one
23:56:36 <oklopol> often, you need to walk n guys into a place, then put each on a different button
23:56:50 <oklopol> i want to walk there *once*
23:56:56 <oklopol> because it's trivial to walk them all there
23:57:07 <oklopol> but it takes fucking hours
23:57:25 <oklopol> anyway, i don't care whether you get it, i want you to help me with #19
23:58:01 <psygnisfive> you have to pause before you walk through the laser
23:58:01 <oklopol> how do i get past the lazer?
23:58:10 <oklopol> oh, right, it was a pause :)
23:58:18 <oklopol> heh, i got that, but didn't use it
23:59:52 <tusho> ihope: I wonder what BFBB(10) is