←2009-03-20 2009-03-21 2009-03-22→ ↑2009 ↑all
00:23:33 <Deewiant> New DOBELA spec up at http://esolangs.org/wiki/DOBELA, somebody poke asiekierka once he's around.
00:23:36 <Deewiant> To bed ->
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00:43:39 -!- tombom has quit ("Peace and Protection 4.22.2").
00:47:31 <FireFly> <- To bed ;o
00:47:45 <FireFly> No, actually, that's that way ->
00:47:59 -!- FireFly has quit ("zzz").
00:48:06 -!- neldoreth has quit (Remote closed the connection).
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01:02:53 -!- Mony has quit ("C IA").
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01:24:58 <comex> ha
01:25:00 <comex> that's a funny language
01:58:02 -!- neldoret1 has joined.
02:03:21 -!- neldoreth has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)).
02:28:21 -!- GreaseMonkey has joined.
04:34:53 <psygnisfive> BSG was retarded.
05:16:54 <Sgeo> BSG?
05:41:06 -!- lifthrasiir has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
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06:29:36 <Sgeo> DOBELA question: If a space switches modes, can it switch back?
06:35:48 -!- cherez has joined.
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06:58:42 -!- GreaseMonkey has quit ("X-Chat -> http://xchat.org <- At least when I quit I don't look like a lamer").
07:39:38 -!- Sgeo has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
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08:04:22 -!- asiekierka has joined.
08:04:24 <asiekierka> Hello
08:04:31 <asiekierka> no ais523 :(
08:07:33 -!- mtve- has joined.
08:08:59 -!- mtve has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
08:54:59 -!- MigoMipo has joined.
10:13:27 -!- Mony has joined.
11:00:35 -!- BeholdMyGlory has joined.
11:04:53 <Deewiant> asiekierka: 2009-03-21 01:23:32 ( Deewiant) New DOBELA spec up at http://esolangs.org/wiki/DOBELA, somebody poke asiekierka once he's around.
11:08:40 <asiekierka> ok
11:08:48 <asiekierka> checking
11:10:45 <asiekierka> <asiekierka> wait, what char is between # and =
11:10:45 <asiekierka> <asiekierka> isn't it |, not empty space
11:23:19 -!- asiekierka has quit (Nick collision from services.).
11:23:36 -!- asiekierka has joined.
11:48:42 -!- javame has joined.
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11:51:45 -!- Asztal_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
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15:05:45 -!- BeholdMyGlory has quit ("brb reboot").
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15:42:26 -!- fungot has quit ("restarting, just a moment").
15:43:13 -!- fungot has joined.
15:43:20 <fizzie> ^style
15:43:20 <fungot> Available: agora alice darwin discworld europarl ff7 fisher ic irc* lovecraft nethack pa speeches ss wp
15:43:22 <fizzie> ^style nethack
15:43:22 <fungot> Selected style: nethack (NetHack 3.4.3 data.base, rumors.tru, rumors.fal)
15:43:26 <fizzie> fungot: How do you feel?
15:43:26 <fungot> fizzie: xan: they sent their friend the mosquito, " fnord to a real, but that was an fnord chap. knife like that of a fnord poor place.
15:43:59 <fizzie> fungot: I don't think NetHack was that fnordy a game.
15:43:59 <fungot> fizzie: rock: bilbo saw that in fnord. lizards can be fnord by filling some small role for one at a wild and wise, so you have all the tools fnord he fnord, fnord: anyone who has met a fnord fnord, and it could be made to fnord it; and whatever is inside it.
15:44:26 <fizzie> Mayhaps I should've used the "do not filter rare words" version for this particular set.
15:45:31 <fizzie> fungot: Are you feeling less fnordy now?
15:45:31 <fungot> fizzie: sling: and the apples of youth. able to do so. among his kind, moon-watcher was almost a giant.
15:45:58 <fizzie> Not a particularly coherent database.
16:09:49 -!- Mony has quit ("Quit").
16:11:00 -!- l has joined.
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16:11:28 -!- l has changed nick to Guest16949.
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17:08:39 -!- neldoret1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
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17:42:36 <Deewiant> :-D "fnord he fnord, fnord: anyone who has met a fnord fnord"
17:42:50 <Slereah> met a what?
17:43:05 <ehird> Hi
17:43:06 <Deewiant> What fungot said above
17:43:06 <fungot> Deewiant: i smell a maze follow the other a knife; both the oldest and the pendulum, by rudyard kipling) has opposed thoth-amon, who had laid waste the country. she looked stupidly down at her, but adventurers have nevertheless met their end numerous times due to the bones. they enjoy coating their body with lard and usually wear nothing but two areas of blank skin.
17:48:47 <ehird> 09:24:15 <ais523> but this gives me an idea 09:24:16 <asiekierka> ais523: Make your own simple FS 09:24:27 <ais523> apart from a few bytes of asm
17:48:55 <ehird> Chris pressey, in the 90s, wants his idea back.
17:49:00 <ehird> Protip: It didn't turn out interesting
17:49:32 <ehird> 09:29:27 <asiekierka> The bootsector code is 29 bytes 09:29:41 <ais523> where the entire program fit in the header information
17:49:34 <ehird> Er, what?
17:49:45 <ehird> It was hard enough fitting '_exit(42);' into the header, remember that article?
17:49:49 <ehird> I very much doubt you could fit BF in there
18:00:10 <ehird> 13:15:02 <ais523> although it would be great if there was an even bigger secret one I didn't know about
18:00:12 <ehird> Shifty eyes.
18:01:28 <ehird> 13:21:55 <asiekierka> Also, don't alter BF.
18:01:33 <ehird> Bizarro asiekierka?
18:07:30 <ehird> 15:38:18 <oklofok> oh wait
18:07:30 <ehird> 15:38:29 <oklofok> prolog is based on that isn't it kinda
18:07:32 <ehird> 15:38:54 <oklofok> assuming you define naturals, and it tries them in order
18:07:39 -!- MigoMipo has joined.
18:07:41 <ehird> nummer(X,N) :- X = N; N2 is N+1, nummer(X,N2).
18:07:45 <ehird> num(X) :- nummer(X,0).
18:07:46 <ehird> then
18:07:49 <ehird> num(X), write(X), write('\n'), X = 2000.
18:10:26 <ehird> 15:51:00 --- quit: ais523 (Remote closed the connection)
18:10:26 <ehird> 15:53:34 --- quit: zzo38 ("because ais523 quit")
18:10:27 <ehird> ;_;
18:11:54 <ehird> omg nethack
18:11:55 <ehird> ^style
18:11:55 <fungot> Available: agora alice darwin discworld europarl ff7 fisher ic irc lovecraft nethack* pa speeches ss wp
18:11:58 <ehird> fungot: Hack nets
18:11:58 <fungot> ehird: only a kind of cram,' he said desperately, " even on the yulkjhnb keys.
18:20:11 * ehird switches to fish shell to avoid going insane
18:34:15 -!- KingOfKarlsruhe has quit (Remote closed the connection).
18:38:25 -!- FireFly has joined.
18:39:04 <ehird> So anyway I turned into an alien: I like GNOME
18:46:14 -!- Asztal has joined.
18:47:31 -!- Asztal_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
18:47:36 -!- Asztal has changed nick to Asztal_.
18:49:01 <bsmntbombdood> gnome?
18:49:07 <bsmntbombdood> i don't use gnome
18:51:06 <Deewiant> How about DWARF or ELF or HOBBIT
18:51:37 <ehird> bsmntbombdood: thx for the info
18:51:41 <ehird> Deewiant: @
18:51:57 <Deewiant> @?
18:52:05 <ehird> yes.
18:52:09 <Deewiant> @.
18:52:12 <ehird> @
18:52:17 <Deewiant> @_@
18:52:54 <ehird> @________@
18:53:00 <ehird> mouth too big.
18:53:25 <fizzie> E2BIG
18:53:29 <Deewiant> ホレ!(^-^)/(((((((((●~*
18:53:31 <Deewiant> I bomb you
18:55:14 <bsmntbombdood> desktop environments ftl
18:55:40 <Slereah> ?????!
18:55:44 <Slereah> Woops
18:55:51 <Slereah> 逝ってよし!
18:57:09 <Deewiant> (,,#゚Д゚):∴;'・,;`:ゴルァ!!
18:58:20 <Slereah>    ∧_∧
18:58:20 <Slereah>   ( ´∀`)< ぬるぽ
18:58:33 <ehird> Insert faggoty SIJS smiley.
18:58:53 <Deewiant> (  ゚,_ゝ゚)バカジャネーノ
19:02:05 <Slereah> I can't actually read moon.
19:02:50 <Slereah> Bakaa neeno?
19:02:58 <Slereah> Wait
19:03:30 <Slereah> Bakashaneeno?
19:03:31 <Slereah> O
19:03:34 <Slereah> Iunno
19:03:37 <Slereah> What does that mean?
19:03:52 <ehird> fish is awesome
19:04:27 <Deewiant> Slereah: Ja, not sha, right?
19:04:34 <ehird> Line
19:04:40 <Slereah> Oh right, there's a dakuten on it
19:04:43 <ehird> U
19:05:08 <Slereah> Stupid something?
19:06:59 <Deewiant> Yeah, something like that, I think it's just an exclamation.
19:07:11 <ehird> hey, anyone know how to make `login` not display the Last login: bullshit
19:07:39 <Deewiant> Slereah: "Don't be stupid"?
19:09:19 <Slereah> Iunno, can't speak moon.
19:09:33 <Slereah> ( ´ー`)   < シラネーヨ
19:09:59 <Deewiant> What is this moon you speak of
19:10:16 <Slereah> Shiraneeyo
19:10:22 <Slereah> Means roughly "I dunno"
19:10:40 <Deewiant> Yes, that I did know :-)
19:10:41 <ehird> Deewiant: moon=japanese
19:10:43 <ehird> in chanspeka
19:10:44 <ehird> er
19:10:45 <ehird> chanspeak
19:10:49 <Deewiant> Right
19:10:51 <Deewiant> Why
19:10:56 <ehird> because it's moon language.
19:11:04 <ehird> duh.
19:11:04 <Slereah> It sounds exactly like the language of the moon people
19:11:15 <Slereah> I can sort of read japanese chanspeak
19:11:20 <Slereah> But not much further
19:11:58 <ehird> http://hugsformonsters.com/images/blog/IE2.jpg
19:12:23 <Deewiant> Olde
19:12:29 <Deewiant> I saw that, like, yesterday.
19:12:42 <Deewiant> (`ー´)ヘヘーン
19:13:25 <Slereah> ( ゚∀゚)< さいたまさいたまさいたま!
19:13:29 <ehird> Deewiant: does ccbi build with ldc
19:13:33 <Deewiant> ehird: Yes
19:13:38 -!- kar8nga has joined.
19:13:52 <ehird> also why do so many tech things sound almostbutnotquitelike "lsd"
19:14:04 <Deewiant> Or I'm not sure about tango version compatibility
19:14:18 <Deewiant> It needs a fairly late version to run at all (bug in the regex library)
19:14:33 <Deewiant> But I might not have released a version which compiles against that late versions
19:14:43 <Deewiant> In any case, if there's a problem, it's Tango, not LDC.
19:15:04 <Deewiant> Slereah: Saitama?
19:15:17 <Slereah> SAITAMA :D
19:16:05 <Deewiant> http://tanasinn.info/wiki/Saitama Right.
19:16:21 <Deewiant> A magical place, where money can be found in any municipal tip and cats can enjoy all-you-can-eat buffets of dead pensioners.
19:16:56 <ehird> I compiled llvm and it broke my body
19:17:02 <Slereah> It is an old 2ch meme about how Saitama is the happiest place on earth
19:17:37 <Deewiant> I avoid *chan mostly
19:17:44 <Deewiant> ((((ヽ(`0´)ノ))))バーリアッ
19:18:03 <Slereah> Then why are you using what looks a lot like chan AA? :o
19:18:13 <ehird> Slereah: Exactly my thoughts
19:18:35 <Deewiant> AA?
19:18:40 <Slereah> Ascii art
19:18:42 <Deewiant> And just because I ran into a web page full of them
19:18:49 <Slereah> Although actually SJIS art
19:18:50 <Deewiant> And it ain't ASCII if it ain't ASCII
19:18:54 <Slereah> Yes
19:18:59 <Deewiant> SJIS art rendered in glorious UTF-8
19:19:03 <Slereah> Except the japs call it AA for some reason
19:19:12 <Deewiant> They're idiots, in general
19:19:19 <Slereah> Asuki Aato or something
19:19:27 <Deewiant> Probably another 'i' there
19:19:30 <ehird> …what is LDC written in?
19:19:35 <Deewiant> C++
19:19:46 <ehird> Deewiant: are you meant to compile it with clang? :P
19:20:00 <Deewiant> No, gcc will do :-P
19:20:06 <ehird> Deewiant: but dude, that's so boring.
19:20:08 <Slereah> Also how did you get on the tanasinn wiki from Saitama?
19:20:13 <ehird> does it compile with clang?
19:20:16 <Slereah> Did you just google saitamasaitamasaitama?
19:20:18 <Deewiant> Slereah: http://www.google.com/search?q=saitama saitama saitama
19:20:30 <Deewiant> ehird: Haven't tried.
19:20:30 <Slereah> You most certainly did :D
19:20:49 <Deewiant> Well, I knew 'saitama' itself wouldn't tell me anything. :-P
19:20:50 <ehird> Deewiant: Ah wait you need svn llvm for clang don't you?
19:21:08 <Slereah> You cal also try Saitamaaaa
19:21:13 <Deewiant> ehird: Don't know about that either. I got it to run a few years back with just an ordinary LLVM, but then, that was a few years back. :-P
19:21:22 <Deewiant> Or a year ago, or whenever clang was announced
19:22:00 <Deewiant> ehird: Also, is your Mac a PowerPC or Intel
19:22:04 <ehird> Deewiant: Intel
19:22:11 <Deewiant> Are they 32- or 64-bit?
19:22:14 <ehird> 64
19:22:20 <Deewiant> Cool
19:22:26 <ehird> Deewiant: but the OS is 32 bit atm.
19:22:30 <ehird> well
19:22:30 <ehird> both
19:22:33 <ehird> the libs are there for both
19:22:38 <ehird> but all the apps that come with it etc are 32 bit
19:22:41 <ehird> Snow Leopard's fixing that
19:22:45 <Deewiant> So it can run 64-bit apps?
19:22:50 <Deewiant> It just chooses not to? :-P
19:23:15 <ehird> Deewiant: It's 64 bit but Apple are lazy butts and didn't compile the apps as 64 bit
19:23:21 <ehird> You can compile with -m64 just fine
19:23:31 <Deewiant> So it is actually 64-bit, it just runs everything in 32-bit mode by default
19:23:41 <ehird> Yah
19:23:41 -!- k has joined.
19:23:44 <Deewiant> It sounded like it had a 32-bit kernel with 64-bit libs :-)
19:24:03 <ehird> I mean, in Activity Monitor all the Kinds are Intel instead of Intel 64 or whatever
19:24:10 -!- k has changed nick to Guest13293.
19:25:06 <Deewiant> http://club.pep.ne.jp/~hiroette/en/facemarks/ was that page
19:25:28 <ehird> "Western Smileys(Emoticons)(1 byte) and Japanese ones(2 bytes)"
19:25:28 <ehird> >_<
19:25:40 <Deewiant> Like I said, they're idiots in general
19:26:29 <ehird> "Apparently, Japanese Smileys(Emoticons) are read vertically whilewestern Smileys(Emoticons) are read hosizontally."
19:26:33 <ehird> "Apparently" ^_^;;;
19:26:38 <ehird> I MAY BE WRONG I DUNNO
19:26:49 <ehird> Maybe we Japanese have sideways eyes!
19:26:51 <ehird> I just don't know!
19:26:52 <Slereah> Or maybe the asians have a really fucked up face
19:26:57 <ehird> :D
19:27:15 <Deewiant> Well, he's just saying that he hasn't found counterexamples
19:27:32 <ehird> Deewiant: No, he's _trying_ to say that
19:27:39 <Deewiant> Well yes
19:27:51 <Slereah> I could probably find one
19:28:00 <Slereah> In my 2CHANNEL BIG BOOK OF ASCII ART
19:28:19 <ehird> ~~<'V_x;;)''
19:28:46 <ehird> A mouse with a long hair coming out of its nose, with a ' for an eye, and a V shaped chunk out of its body, forming part of a face where it is flattened like a _,
19:28:49 <ehird> with an eye like a x
19:28:59 <ehird> then, a ;;) winks behind and forms its curvaceous mousebutt.
19:29:30 <Asztal_> what about the tail?
19:29:32 <Slereah> This site totally lacks the really racist smileys
19:29:48 <ehird> Asztal_: it fills a wrapping universe. the ~~ is therefore also its tail.
19:30:42 <Slereah> http://membres.lycos.fr/bewulf/Divers8/nida%20nida%202.jpg
19:30:45 <Slereah> Ah, the nidas.
19:31:00 <Slereah> They are little characters of racial hatred :D
19:31:12 <Slereah> http://membres.lycos.fr/bewulf/Divers8/nida%20nida.jpg
19:32:30 -!- javahorn has joined.
19:33:11 -!- kar8nga has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
19:36:07 <Deewiant> http://www.flickr.com/photos/27545038@N05/3371908385/sizes/l/
19:37:26 <ehird> hah
19:38:18 <ehird> Slereah: New rule: All irony must be in the top-left.
19:38:45 <Slereah> wat
19:38:57 <ehird> yes
19:39:06 <Slereah> What does that even mean
19:39:15 <ehird> it means I&@#
19:39:33 <ehird> Deewiant: does ccbi work with d2
19:39:48 <Deewiant> Very likely not
19:39:54 <ehird> :< y not
19:39:58 <Deewiant> Tango doesn't
19:40:02 <ehird> d2 has all the cool shtuff
19:40:33 <Deewiant> But no decent libraries :-P
19:41:07 <ehird> Poo to you too.
19:41:31 <Deewiant> Well sorry, CCBI was started before there was even a D 1.0
19:42:12 <ehird> err
19:42:15 <ehird> how old is ccbi?
19:42:49 <Deewiant> // File created: 2006-06-06
19:43:04 <Deewiant> Version D 1.00 Jan 2, 2007
19:43:25 <Deewiant> DMD 0.160 was all the rage when CCBI began
19:43:30 <ehird> :D
19:44:05 <Deewiant> I think I should have just stuck with 1.016
19:44:19 <Deewiant> 1.017 made .init almost useless
19:44:31 <ehird> (Please use configure --prefix=/usr' to configure libconfig, otherwise you will get the error 'can't find libconfig++.so.8' from ldc.)
19:44:34 <ehird> what the fucjk
19:44:41 <ehird> Deewiant: .init?
19:44:55 <Deewiant> ehird: foo.init
19:44:59 <ehird> Deewiant: .init?
19:45:09 <Deewiant> Beforehand, I could do 'int x = 1;' and then x.init would be 1
19:45:12 <ehird> i..see
19:45:13 <Deewiant> Now, it would be zero
19:45:16 <ehird> libconfig ----- (Please use configure --prefix=/usr' to configure libconfig, otherwise you will get the error 'can't find libconfig++.so.8' from ldc.)
19:45:20 <ehird> Deewiant: is this really true
19:45:22 <Deewiant> Because int.init is zero
19:45:33 <Deewiant> So basically, before you had x.init and typeof(x).init
19:45:46 <Deewiant> Nowadays x.init means the same thing as typeof(x).init
19:45:59 <Deewiant> Which means I have two or three FOO_INIT constants in CCBI somewhere
19:46:05 <ehird> libconfig ----- (Please use configure --prefix=/usr' to configure libconfig, otherwise you will get the error 'can't find libconfig++.so.8' from ldc.)
19:46:05 <Deewiant> Along with an inflammatory comment
19:46:07 <ehird> Deewiant: is this really true
19:46:18 <Deewiant> ehird: Stop bugging me, I don't know
19:46:23 <ehird> :P
19:47:15 <ehird> (~/D/libconfig-1.3.2) ./config
19:47:15 <ehird> …/config.guess (Guess the build system triplet)
19:47:17 <ehird> …/config.sub (Validate and canonicalize a configuration triplet)
19:47:22 <ehird> what the fuck fish, that's too clever. stop it.
19:47:28 <ehird> stop KNOWING. THINGS.
19:49:45 <Deewiant> Have you used zsh?
19:50:03 <ehird> Yes; I used it until 15 minutes ago
19:50:07 <ehird> Fish knows more; by far.
19:50:09 <Deewiant> Heh
19:50:18 <ehird> CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:18 (message):
19:50:19 <ehird> libconfig++ not found
19:50:23 -!- zzo38 has joined.
19:50:24 <Deewiant> :-)
19:50:28 <Deewiant> It /did/ warn you
19:50:29 <ehird> but i installed it wtf :|
19:50:32 <ehird> Deewiant: i did
19:50:35 <ehird> I used --prefix=/usr
19:50:39 <Deewiant> Oh
19:50:40 <Deewiant> Shrug
19:50:59 <ehird> ranlib /usr/lib/libconfig++.a
19:50:59 <ehird> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
19:51:01 <ehird> Libraries have been installed in:
19:51:03 <ehird> /usr/lib
19:51:19 <zzo38> Look at the CLCLC-INTERCAL page again, I defined quantum INTERCAL and cellular automata operator. Do you like this???
19:51:37 <ehird> Yes I do like this!!!
19:51:59 <Deewiant> ehird: Installed fish and its 'help' gives a 404, good start
19:52:06 <ehird> Deewiant: wfm
19:52:12 <zzo38> Comment more on it, either on the talk page or on IRC, I will quit now but will read the logs and talk page when I get back
19:52:15 -!- zzo38 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
19:52:46 <Deewiant> Oh wait, I know why
19:52:52 <Deewiant> Firefox runs in its damn 32-bit chroot
19:52:59 <ehird> It uses lynx for me
19:53:00 <ehird> XD
19:53:12 <ehird> also why not use 64 bit firefox?
19:53:20 <ehird> Deewiant: there's a 64 bit java plugin out now, you know
19:53:21 <Deewiant> 64-bit flash didn't exist at the time
19:53:25 <Deewiant> Or work
19:53:32 <Deewiant> Nowadays I guess it does
19:53:43 <ehird> Yes, since December 08.
19:54:38 <ehird> Oh great
19:54:45 <ehird> it's failing because its using pkg-config to find libconfig
19:54:48 <ehird> but that's macports's
19:54:53 <ehird> so it doesn't know about the /usr/bin one
19:54:58 <ehird> *headdesk*
19:55:00 <Deewiant> :-P
19:55:05 <Deewiant> So who's doing what wrong
19:55:20 <ehird> CMake needs it in /opt/local/bin/pkg-config; ldc needs it in /usr/lib.
19:55:33 <ehird> LDC should learn to work with effing other installation directories.
19:55:56 <Deewiant> Run sed and figure it out
19:55:57 <Deewiant> :-P
19:56:14 <ehird> No; I'll just reinstall in /opt/local and hope
19:56:43 <ehird> 18:55 ehird: Why does LDC require libconfig++ in /usr/bin?
19:56:43 <ehird> 18:56 mwarning: In a nutshell, licensing issues.
19:56:51 <ehird> 18:56 mwarning: or what do you mean?
19:56:56 <ehird> lol wat :-D
19:57:54 <ehird> greaaaaaaaaaaaaaat; the libconfig in macports is another lib called that :-D
19:57:56 <ehird> fuck my life
20:00:18 -!- Sgeo has joined.
20:02:16 <ehird> (/o/l/l/pkgconfig) sudo cp /dev/stdin libconfig++.pc
20:02:20 <ehird> Take that, fucking "sudo cat >foo" errors.
20:02:24 <ehird> >:|
20:04:03 <ehird> CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:18 (message):
20:04:03 <ehird> libconfig++ not found
20:04:06 <ehird> Deewiant: i hate you
20:04:15 <Deewiant> What did I do
20:04:21 <Deewiant> You're the one running a mac
20:04:26 <Deewiant> Use something that works
20:04:27 <ehird> Said ccbi worked with ldc
20:04:39 <ehird> Also I am fairly certain this has nothing to do with os x.
20:05:18 -!- Judofyr has quit ("raise Hand, 'wave'").
20:05:38 <ehird> (~) pkg-config --libs libconfig++
20:05:39 <ehird> Failed to open '/opt/local/lib/pkgconfig/libconfig++.pc': Permission denied
20:05:40 <ehird> No package 'libconfig++' found
20:05:42 <ehird> (~) ls -l /opt/local/lib/pkgconfig/libconfig++.pc
20:05:44 <ehird> -rw------- 1 root admin 309 21 Mar 19:02 /opt/local/lib/pkgconfig/libconfig++.pc
20:05:48 <ehird> My life is hilarious.
20:05:50 <Deewiant> :-D
20:06:41 <ehird> DEFAULT_ALT_TARGET *x86_64-apple-darwin9.6.0
20:06:41 <ehird> DEFAULT_TARGET *i686-apple-darwin9.6.0
20:06:45 <ehird> now what the heck is that supposed to mean.
20:06:58 <ehird> set(DEFAULT_TARGET ${HOST_TARGET} CACHE STRING "default target")
20:06:58 <ehird> set(DEFAULT_ALT_TARGET ${HOST_ALT_TARGET} CACHE STRING "default alt target")
20:07:02 <ehird> stunningly clear.
20:07:56 <Deewiant> Ask AnMaster, I guess, isn't he our resident CMake expert
20:08:06 <ehird> It's not a cmake thing
20:08:08 <ehird> its an LDC thing :P
20:08:23 <AnMaster> ?
20:08:34 <AnMaster> also what is LDC?
20:08:39 <ehird> AnMaster: put your scrollback goggles ona
20:08:44 <ehird> and your google goggles on
20:09:03 <AnMaster> ehird, busy atm.. so if anyone wants help they better make a summary, no time to read scrollback either now or later
20:09:23 <ehird> what, later? you will forever be too busy to read scrollback?
20:09:50 <ehird> Deewiant: do you use dsss?
20:10:02 <Deewiant> Define me using it
20:10:09 <Deewiant> CCBI doesn't
20:10:18 <ehird> you
20:10:21 <ehird> as in the person you.
20:10:28 <Deewiant> I /have/ used it
20:10:40 <Deewiant> I'm not using it at this moment
20:10:44 <ehird> what do you use instead
20:10:47 <Deewiant> I don't see myself using it any time soon
20:10:52 <Deewiant> For what?
20:10:57 <ehird> for... the things dsss does.
20:11:04 <Deewiant> I don't do the things DSSS does. :-P
20:11:09 <AnMaster> ehird, this is such a high volume channel I will never have time to read it
20:11:20 <ehird> AnMaster: ehird, this is such a high volume channel
20:11:23 <ehird> please let that be sarcasm
20:11:29 <ehird> or are all your 500 channels ghost towns
20:12:05 <AnMaster> ehird, of course channels like ##linux have way more traffic. But #esoteric can generate quite large logs too.
20:12:11 <AnMaster> not the top not the botton
20:12:13 <AnMaster> bottom*
20:12:16 <AnMaster> but somewhere in between
20:12:20 <Slereah> heh
20:12:24 <Slereah> bottom
20:12:25 <ehird> no, this channel is slow.
20:12:31 <ehird> /usr/local/include/llvm/Analysis/DebugInfo.h: In member function ‘unsigned int llvm::DIDescriptor::getVersion() const’:
20:12:32 <ehird> /usr/local/include/llvm/Analysis/DebugInfo.h:66: error: ‘LLVMDebugVersionMask’ was not declared in this scope
20:12:35 <ehird> /usr/local/include/llvm/Analysis/DebugInfo.h: In member function ‘unsigned int llvm::DIDescriptor::getTag() const’:
20:12:38 <ehird> /usr/local/include/llvm/Analysis/DebugInfo.h:70: error: ‘LLVMDebugVersionMask’ was not declared in this scope
20:12:41 <ehird> ^____________________________^;;
20:14:14 <AnMaster> ehird, ah right now that you mention LLVM... LDC does sound familiar. Some D compiler using LLVM right?
20:14:33 <ehird> yes
20:14:42 <ehird> now i need to figure out why llvm 2.5 is broken
20:15:00 <AnMaster> ehird, anyway for the pkgconfig thing above, did fixing permissions help?
20:15:05 <ehird> yes.
20:15:08 <AnMaster> good
20:16:16 <AnMaster> ehird, hm what GCC version? LLVM 2.5 couldn't be compiled on GCC 4.1.2, installed GCC 4.3.3 to ~/local/gcc-4.3 and used that. It worked.
20:16:42 <ehird> It _compiles_ fine with gcc 4.0.1
20:16:46 <AnMaster> However I had to mess with rpath in LDFLAGS or I ran into issues with /lib/libgcc_s.so being the wrong version
20:16:48 <ehird> It's just ldc fails when including that
20:17:06 <AnMaster> ehird, llvm 2.5 compiled with GCC 4.1.2, But then I got an assertion when compiling llvm-gcc
20:17:15 <AnMaster> because 4.1.2 it *miscompiled* llvm
20:17:19 <AnMaster> nasty yes
20:17:34 <ehird> is this just a 2.5 thing
20:17:47 <ehird> because macports uses regular os x gcc for 2.4 in its portfile
20:17:59 <AnMaster> ehird, I found a bug report marked "INVALID" telling users to try again with a newer GCC.
20:18:12 <AnMaster> So I assume it won't be fixed to support older gcc
20:18:12 <ehird> ... I thought Apple was quite invested in llvm?
20:18:20 <AnMaster> ehird, yeah but tiger is old
20:18:25 <ehird> I'm on leopard
20:18:29 <AnMaster> oh?
20:18:34 <AnMaster> upgraded recently?
20:18:47 <ehird> I think I've figured it out: your IRC is write-only.
20:18:55 <ehird> Unless someone's talking directly to you.
20:19:10 <ehird> I upgraded early feb
20:19:23 <AnMaster> also... two things: 1) I said 4.1.2, maybe 4.0.1 isn't broken, but it might 2) llvm 2.4 worked on gcc 4.1.2, but 2.5 doesn't
20:19:51 * ehird tries to download new dev tools if any
20:20:00 <ehird> "Xcode 3.1.2 is an update release of the developer tools for Mac OS X. This release provides additional GCC and LLVM compiler options, general bug fixes, and must be installed on Leopard, Mac OS X 10.5.0 and higher."
20:20:05 <AnMaster> ehird, that is quite possible, I don't usually read scrollback from when I'm away unless someone highlight me, usually I just glance over it quickly
20:20:05 <ehird> Whoooaaaaaaaaaa; it comes with LLVM?
20:20:21 <ehird> (~) /Developer/usr/bin/llvm-gcc
20:20:21 <ehird> i686-apple-darwin9-llvm-gcc-4.2: no input files
20:20:23 <ehird> !
20:20:58 <AnMaster> "and must be installed on Leopard, Mac OS X 10.5.0 and higher." <-- as in: you must NOT use an OS X 10.5.0 (or later) installation without xcode.
20:21:14 <AnMaster> it would be illegal!
20:21:15 <ehird> weird, I have llvm-gcc but no llvm(1)
20:21:20 <ehird> whuz up wit dta
20:21:21 <ehird> dat
20:21:23 <AnMaster> ehird, there is no llvm?
20:21:30 <ehird> llvm-gcc but no llvm,
20:21:33 <AnMaster> there is llc lli and various tools
20:21:33 <AnMaster> ..
20:21:39 <AnMaster> there is no tool named llvm
20:21:48 <ehird> No llc, no lli
20:21:51 <ehird> And there IS llvm(1)
20:21:55 <ehird> I know because I ran it recently
20:22:06 <AnMaster> ehird, you know about binutils? there is ld, objdump, readelf and so on. But no /usr/bin/binutils
20:22:14 <ehird> No; listen; I had LLVM recently.
20:22:15 <AnMaster> hm no llc? that is strange indeed
20:22:17 <ehird> It had an llvm(1).
20:22:29 <AnMaster> $ ls ~/local/llvm/bin
20:22:29 <AnMaster> bugpoint llc llvm-as llvm-config llvm-dis llvm-gcc llvm-ld llvm-prof llvmc x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc-4.2.1 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-llvm-g++
20:22:29 <AnMaster> gccas lli llvm-bcanalyzer llvm-cpp llvm-extract llvm-gccbug llvm-link llvm-ranlib opt x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-llvm-c++ x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-llvm-gcc
20:22:29 <AnMaster> gccld llvm-ar llvm-c++ llvm-db llvm-g++ llvm-gcov llvm-nm llvm-stub x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-cpp-4.2.1 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-llvm-cpp
20:22:31 <Deewiant> I have llc/lli but no llvm, FWIW
20:22:31 <AnMaster> FYI ^
20:23:10 <ehird> llvm[2]: Uninstall circumvented with NO_INSTALL
20:23:11 <ehird> wat
20:23:19 <AnMaster> the llvm prefix I selected with a configure option to llvm-gcc... So I can have it in PATH
20:23:30 <AnMaster> ehird, err?
20:24:03 <AnMaster> I don't have any llvm man page
20:24:15 <ehird> ?
20:24:24 <AnMaster> as in no man page named just llvm
20:24:32 <AnMaster> there is llvm-ar(1) and such
20:24:32 <ehird> I don't know what you're blabbing about
20:24:37 <AnMaster> <ehird> And there IS llvm(1)
20:24:37 <ehird> and I don't care
20:24:37 <AnMaster> that
20:24:44 <AnMaster> ok
20:24:53 <ehird> great, make uninstall fails on LLVM if you haven't already compiled it
20:24:56 <ehird> joy to the fucking world
20:25:38 <AnMaster> ehird, heh. May I mention some non-linux specific ways to solve it for software you compile manually?
20:25:52 <ehird> If you wish
20:25:54 <AnMaster> --prefix
20:26:05 <ehird> Yeah; I so enjoy fighting with my system
20:26:06 <AnMaster> like --prefix=$HOME/local/<programname>
20:26:12 <ehird> 100 long path entries give me a hardon.
20:26:24 <AnMaster> ehird, no need. That is why you use symlinks in ~/bin
20:26:34 <ehird> ->square 1
20:26:44 <AnMaster> ehird, you could make a symlink manager
20:26:51 <ehird> No.
20:27:45 <AnMaster> ehird, and not everything you actually need in $PATH. Stuff like pure libraries
20:27:46 <ehird> shit, i -have- 3.1.2
20:27:55 <AnMaster> ehird, 3.1.2 of what?
20:27:59 <ehird> xcode
20:28:45 <ehird> ""Xcode 3.1 introduces two new compilers for Mac OS X: GCC 4.2"
20:28:49 <ehird> 4.2? Nobody fuckin' told me
20:28:54 <ehird> Oh.
20:28:57 <ehird> It's called "gcc-4.2".
20:29:09 <ehird> Dear Apple,
20:29:10 <ehird> what the fuck?
20:29:14 <ehird> Hate, Elliott
20:30:00 <AnMaster> ah
20:30:36 <ehird> (~/D/llvm-2.5) set CC gcc-4.2; ./configure --enable-{optimized,pic}; set -e CC
20:30:37 <ehird> la la la
20:31:31 * ehird make -j3
20:31:35 <ehird> Maybe speed will solve my problems.
20:31:49 <ehird> Hey, it's building linearly anyway.
20:31:50 <ehird> Fuck that.
20:31:52 <AnMaster> ehird, I have multiple gcc-x.y too, Gentoo has a tool somewhat like the "alternatives" thingy on Debian. gcc is a small shell script that runs either /usr/bin/gcc-<configured version>
20:32:07 <ehird> Wait, no, llvm is just slow to compile. God.
20:32:07 <AnMaster> set CC gcc-4.2 <-- are you using tcsh?!
20:32:11 <ehird> AnMaster: fish
20:32:22 <AnMaster> ehird, ah tried that once, rather weird
20:32:23 <ehird> I switched from zsh ~25 minutes ago.
20:32:28 <ehird> It's cleverer than zsh, so I like it more.
20:32:37 <ehird> And my quote key works once more.
20:32:37 <Deewiant> It's non-POSIX which might play havoc with many things
20:32:46 <ehird> Deewiant: That's why you don't write shell scripts in it
20:32:46 <Deewiant> Might have to give it a try to see if it does
20:32:51 <ehird> Because you should use a proper scripting language
20:32:51 <ehird> :P
20:32:54 <AnMaster> Deewiant, ah yes, now I remember why I uninstalled it again
20:33:01 <ehird> It uses sh(1) to run ./foo
20:33:03 <ehird> I believe
20:33:11 <ehird> when there's no shebang and it's not an executable
20:33:37 <ehird> I don't care about POSIXness; the POSIX syntax shits on my day all the time so I'm happy to be rid of it for interactive use
20:33:41 <AnMaster> ehird, personally I write a lot of bash one liners. How well can you do such things?
20:33:48 <AnMaster> with loops
20:33:52 <ehird> AnMaster: Just as well.
20:34:03 <ehird> http://www.fishshell.org/images/fish7.png <- Function-y thingy.
20:34:10 <ehird> http://www.fishshell.org/user_doc/index.html Docs of control structures and whatnot
20:34:17 <AnMaster> like: for i in ~/.mozilla/profile/blah/*.sqlite; do sqlite3 "$i" VACUUM; done
20:34:25 <ehird> (~) for x in *; echo $x; end
20:34:25 <ehird> Code
20:34:26 <ehird> crap
20:34:28 <ehird> Desktop
20:34:29 <AnMaster> (some of the sqlite files in mozilla can grow very large)
20:34:30 <ehird> (etc)
20:34:32 <ehird> And yes, that works with spaces in filenames.
20:34:40 <ehird> Also, `foo` and $(foo) become (foo).
20:34:41 <AnMaster> ehird, it would for bash too
20:34:47 <AnMaster> err
20:34:47 <Deewiant> ehird: Non-case-sensitive just for sorting, or otherwise as well?
20:34:51 <ehird> Yes, but for non-echo things too, AnMaster
20:34:56 <AnMaster> $(foo) become (foo) ?
20:35:02 <ehird> Yes.
20:35:04 <ehird> It's not POSIX syntax.
20:35:06 <ehird> It's saner
20:35:09 <AnMaster> hm
20:35:19 <AnMaster> ehird, so how do you do a subshell then
20:35:22 <ehird> As you can see from http://www.fishshell.org/images/fish7.png the command syntax is used for eeverything
20:35:23 <ehird> AnMaster: ()
20:35:25 <AnMaster> if () is used for something else
20:35:45 <AnMaster> ehird, $() and () are different types of subshells...
20:35:50 <AnMaster> in posix
20:36:00 <AnMaster> so how do you do a () style subshell
20:36:05 <ehird> Yes, and I'm eternally happy to not have to give a shit about which I'm using because there's no such warts in fish.
20:36:33 <ehird> (~) rm<TAB>
20:36:33 <ehird> rm (Remove directory entries) rmiregistry (Java remote object registry)
20:36:35 <AnMaster> ehird, so () behaves like $()?
20:36:35 <ehird> rmdir (Remove directories) rmsgfmt (Executable, 396B)
20:36:37 <ehird> rmic (Java RMI stub compiler) rmsgmerge (Executable, 398B)
20:36:39 <ehird> rmid (RMI activation system daemon) rmt (Remote magtape protocol module)
20:36:41 <ehird> Fuck yeah whatis(1).
20:36:43 <AnMaster> ehird, what does this do in fish: $(echo ls)
20:36:44 <Deewiant> AnMaster: What's the difference in POSIX
20:36:44 <ehird> AnMaster: or (). I don't even know; there's no distinction between the two.
20:36:48 <ehird> Also, gives an error.
20:37:01 <ehird> fish: Did you mean (COMMAND)? In fish, the '$' character is only used for accessing variables. To learn more about command substitution in fish, type 'help expand-command-substitution'.
20:37:01 <ehird> echo $(echo ls)
20:37:03 <ehird> ^
20:37:31 <AnMaster> Deewiant, $() substitutes the output of the command in the rest of the command
20:37:41 <Deewiant> Yeah, but what's ()
20:37:43 <AnMaster> Deewiant, () sends stdout to stdout
20:37:49 <AnMaster> just a subshell.
20:37:50 <Deewiant> Right
20:38:06 <AnMaster> so (cd foo); won't change current working directory for example. Since it is a subshell
20:38:20 <AnMaster> nor will variable or env changes be visible outside
20:38:25 <AnMaster> and so on
20:38:52 <AnMaster> ehird, anyway what command in fish does the same as $(echo ls) do in bash. That is with the substitution bit.
20:38:57 <AnMaster> a plain ls would do the same of course
20:39:00 <ehird> ()
20:39:05 <AnMaster> but that is an oversimplified example
20:39:06 <ehird> Well.
20:39:09 <ehird> You can't use it as the head of a command.
20:39:21 <ehird> I'm not sure why
20:39:31 <AnMaster> ehird, ok. Using it at the head is rather uncommon, thought it can be useful sometimes
20:39:47 <ehird> (~) cat <(echo hi)
20:39:47 <ehird> fish: An error occurred while redirecting file 'hi'
20:39:49 <ehird> open: No such file or directory
20:39:52 <ehird> So, yes, it's $(foo)
20:40:05 <ehird> I think the only times I've used subshells is to work around shittiness in bash/zsh
20:40:06 <AnMaster> ehird, aww, <() is very useful
20:40:13 <ehird> AnMaster: I forget what <() does
20:40:16 <ehird> Isn't it just a reverse |?
20:40:34 <Deewiant> AnMaster: there's psub for that, read the tutorial/whatever
20:40:37 <AnMaster> $ echo <(echo hi)
20:40:38 <AnMaster> /dev/fd/63
20:40:40 <AnMaster> answer: no
20:41:59 <ehird> Deewiant: psub seems to print out junk output
20:42:06 <ehird> it prints -- psub -Q -o hf -- to stderr, I think
20:42:11 <ehird> I wonder why
20:42:12 <Deewiant> ehird: Well, I don't know how it works
20:42:28 <AnMaster> ehird, a not-so-good example for subshells (yes in this case the user wants to continue with next even if one fails. Call it "primitive tinderbox" if you want): for i in build_*; do (cd $dir && make); done
20:43:08 <Deewiant> Isn't (foo) just 'bash -c foo'
20:43:15 <Deewiant> Where s/bash/whatever shell/
20:44:11 <AnMaster> Deewiant, well, not exactly I *think*. Quoting would differ for example.
20:45:09 <ehird> http://www.nopaste.com/p/aonYWAHNqb <-- That error message could do with a trim...
20:45:34 <AnMaster> Deewiant, and then for bash there are some other things:
20:45:42 <AnMaster> BASH_SUBSHELL
20:45:43 <AnMaster> Incremented by one each time a subshell or subshell environment is spawned. The initial value is 0.
20:45:44 <AnMaster> for example
20:45:48 <ehird> heh, it just does (echo | bc), essentially
20:45:50 <AnMaster> makes me wonder "why that"
20:46:27 <AnMaster> ehird, it seems oddly formatted indeed
20:46:42 <ehird> individually it makes sense
20:46:45 <ehird> switch: Expected exactly one argument, got 0
20:46:45 <ehird> /opt/local/share/fish/functions/math.fish (line 12): switch $out
20:46:47 <ehird> ^
20:46:49 <ehird> that's just alignment
20:46:54 <ehird> but then it gives you the context by indenting
20:46:59 <ehird> then you have some fucked up summary of the man page
20:47:18 <AnMaster> ehird, heh
20:47:57 <AnMaster> Deewiant, I'm not sure if the special variable PIPESTATUS (array) is affected by pipes in subshells or not
20:49:01 <AnMaster> Deewiant, oh also the values in hash are inherited to child
20:49:09 <ehird> HATE RAGE
20:49:17 <AnMaster> Deewiant, that is quite a major difference
20:49:45 <ehird> AnMaster: which gcc did you use that it worked on
20:49:46 -!- neldoreth has quit (Remote closed the connection).
20:49:50 -!- neldoreth has joined.
20:50:54 <AnMaster> ehird, gcc 4.3.3. NOTE: llvm will fail if the libstdc++ and libgcc from gcc 4.3.3 are not in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
20:50:58 <AnMaster> version differences
20:51:07 <ehird> I hate life <33
20:51:12 <ehird> it's so life.
20:51:34 <ehird> yay it works maybe,.
20:51:34 <AnMaster> ehird, another solution would be LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/path/to/gcc-4.3.3/lib" ../llvm-2.5/configure ...
20:51:39 * ehird fingers doth cross
20:51:46 <AnMaster> that would avoid having to use LD_LIBRARY_PATH
20:51:46 <ehird> 83%
20:51:48 <ehird> 85%
20:51:50 <ehird> 97%
20:51:51 <ehird> 91%
20:51:54 <ehird> fff
20:51:54 <AnMaster> wait Mach-O...
20:51:58 <ehird> 94%
20:51:59 <AnMaster> no idea for Mach-O
20:52:00 <ehird> 96%
20:52:03 <ehird> 100%
20:52:06 <ehird> LINKING
20:52:12 <ehird> [100%] Built target ldc
20:52:16 <ehird> THANK YOU ALLAH
20:52:18 <ehird> :||||
20:52:20 <AnMaster> ehird, better run test suite
20:52:26 <AnMaster> llvm can miscompile easily
20:52:26 <ehird> how
20:52:28 <ehird> it's ldc
20:52:30 <ehird> not llvm
20:52:32 <AnMaster> oh right
20:52:39 <AnMaster> sure your llvm itself is sane?
20:52:47 <ehird> I'll assume so.
20:52:58 <AnMaster> ehird, it's the one from apple xcode?
20:53:02 <ehird> no
20:53:06 <AnMaster> oh
20:53:10 <ehird> Also, the issue was ldc was picking up _macports's_ llvm-config, OR that I had to compile ldc with gcc-4.2 too
20:53:11 <ehird> I don't know which
20:53:14 <ehird> I fixed both simultaneously
20:53:36 <AnMaster> ehird, if not I would definitely run make check in llvm build directory. Needs llvm-gcc installed to be able to run test suite
20:53:50 <ehird> I don't want to bother
20:53:54 <AnMaster> mhm
20:54:15 <AnMaster> ehird, also I suspect gcc 4.2 would indeed work. Since llvm-gcc is gcc-4.2.1 + patches
20:54:26 <AnMaster> but I just haven't tried that
20:56:35 <oklofok> helloes
20:56:56 <oklofok> well this was fun but gotta go again ->
20:59:02 -!- FireFly has quit ("Later").
21:01:41 <ehird> Rebuild has some advantages to using a static Tango library (as described above). It compiles and links only to the modules you actually need, and changing the compiler options, for all the modules your application needs, is easy.
21:01:58 <ehird> d is the single most shitty language to set up a compiler for
21:02:01 <ehird> I hate it.
21:02:43 <ehird> HTF are you meant to use those tools WITHOUT A D COMPILER?!
21:02:53 <ehird> HATE
21:04:02 <pikhq> Basically the issue with D is that it assumes that it'll get bootstrapped, similar to how C works...
21:04:15 <pikhq> And people aren't all that well set up for bootstrapping D.
21:04:32 <ehird> To hell with ldc
21:04:56 * comex looks at alchemy
21:05:02 <ehird> comex: ?
21:05:05 <pikhq> Might be easiest to get a binary of dsss, then use that to get you a gdc.
21:05:11 <ehird> pikhq: gdc? Seriously?
21:05:22 <comex> wouldn't it be awesome to get a web engine running inside flash
21:05:29 <ehird> Yeah, I want to use a compiler that was last released in 2007 and has been abandoned almost entirely.
21:05:31 <AnMaster> ehird, I always read the whole page before starting
21:05:35 <AnMaster> it is often useful
21:05:53 <ehird> AnMaster: Gee, AnMaster giving a diatribe about how he's more patient and moral than the target
21:05:54 <pikhq> ... GDC hasn't had a release in that long?
21:05:56 <pikhq> Ick.
21:05:56 <ehird> Unusual
21:05:57 <AnMaster> <ehird> d is the single most shitty language to set up a compiler for <-- so very true
21:06:20 <pikhq> Sure enough.
21:06:31 <pikhq> Ldc, then.
21:06:39 <ehird> pikhq: guess what I just got angry about?
21:06:40 <ehird> Installing LDC
21:06:44 <comex> Adobe has downloads labeled Windows, Mac, and Linux
21:06:53 <AnMaster> ehird, sorry. I was just trying to be helpful.
21:06:53 <ehird> comex: Interesting observation
21:06:54 <pikhq> Hmm.
21:06:56 <comex> however, if you click linux, you get a file labeled "ubuntu"
21:07:05 <comex> clearly, ubuntu = linux
21:07:28 <AnMaster> ouch
21:07:41 <pikhq> So, yeah. D is a royal bitch to get working right.
21:07:46 -!- oerjan has joined.
21:07:51 <AnMaster> oerjan, hi
21:07:58 <AnMaster> afk for a while
21:08:00 <oerjan> hei hei
21:08:28 <AnMaster> oerjan, by the way...
21:09:09 <AnMaster> ...which university do you work at?
21:11:10 <oerjan> none
21:11:21 <AnMaster> oerjan, no?
21:11:25 <AnMaster> huh?
21:11:31 <ehird> AnMaster: when did you stop beating your wife?
21:11:36 <ehird> err
21:11:39 <ehird> s/when did/have/
21:11:42 <ehird> s/stop/stopped
21:11:44 <ehird> /
21:11:52 <AnMaster> ehird, I'm not married even. :P
21:11:56 <ehird> Yes or no.
21:12:03 <AnMaster> ehird, invalid question.
21:12:10 <ehird> AnMaster: Congratulations; you answered your own question.
21:12:24 <AnMaster> ehird, because it assumes 1) I'm married 2) I'm into S&M
21:12:39 <AnMaster> ehird, err I was pretty sure oerjan worked at an university
21:12:40 <ehird> It doesn't imply 2), as far as I can tell.
21:13:12 <AnMaster> ehird, well why else would someone beat his wife...
21:13:26 <ehird> ó-ó
21:13:31 <oerjan> ehird: don't tell him, let him keep his innocence
21:13:37 <oerjan> it's such a rare thing
21:13:48 <ehird> he can have mine. oh wait.
21:13:50 <AnMaster> oerjan, no I was just being sarcastic..
21:13:59 <ehird> I doubt it was sarcasm; that makes no sense.
21:14:03 <ehird> An attempt at a joke, maybe.
21:14:17 <AnMaster> ehird, the question I asked there was deeper
21:14:18 <ehird> Which, would be plausible, if it even hinted that it thought being funny might be a prospect to consider sometime, maybe.
21:14:29 <oerjan> only AnMaster can fail to detect a joke while explaining he was joking :D
21:14:33 <AnMaster> ehird, now go figure it out
21:14:47 <ehird> AnMaster: That's an incredibly incompetent attempt at a copout.
21:15:05 <AnMaster> ehird, actually it was. I was suggestion that there was no other *valid* reason.
21:15:16 <ehird> See, that's not what you said.
21:15:32 <ehird> Also; I assume you mean "my wife is into S&M".
21:15:37 <ehird> The current form is even more meaningless.
21:15:44 <AnMaster> ehird, ok that was a typo
21:15:53 <AnMaster> in fact I considered that both would be into it
21:15:53 -!- calamari has joined.
21:15:59 <AnMaster> otherwise it wouldn't make much sense indeed
21:16:10 <Sgeo> <oerjan> only AnMaster can fail to detect a joke while explaining he was joking :D
21:16:14 <Sgeo> I do that too sometimes
21:16:21 <ehird> Sgeo: PSOX.
21:16:25 <AnMaster> oerjan, hm "* oerjan (n=oerjan@hagbart.nvg.ntnu.no) has joined #esoteric" <-- ntnu.no gives me some university page...
21:16:39 <ehird> University = works at university. Duhh!
21:16:40 <oerjan> AnMaster: i've kept my old computer club account
21:16:43 <AnMaster> oerjan, And... I'm pretty sure you said you weren't a student
21:17:22 <Sgeo> ehird, ... I'm convinced taht that's revelent to the whole joking about joking thing somehow, but I'm not sure how
21:17:35 <oerjan> i'm actually ssh'ing there from home
21:18:20 <AnMaster> oerjan, mhm
21:18:21 <Sgeo> Incidentally, soon I'm going to start working on another project, one that will hopefully be useful and make me some money (probably not much, though)
21:18:46 <AnMaster> oerjan, so what do you work with then?
21:19:00 <ehird> Sgeo: what is it
21:19:02 <oerjan> darn
21:19:09 <AnMaster> oerjan, ?
21:19:23 <AnMaster> I'm pretty sure you were a $something in mathematics.
21:19:24 <Sgeo> ehird, the Antiposeball 6, next version of my rather successful, if underpriced, Antiposeball 5
21:19:28 <oerjan> still nothing
21:19:32 <ehird> Sgeo: wut
21:19:34 <oerjan> oh i _were_
21:19:41 <AnMaster> oerjan, you lost your job?
21:19:51 <oerjan> it was a temporary postdoc
21:19:53 <Sgeo> https://www.xstreetsl.com/modules.php?name=Marketplace&file=item&ItemID=374979
21:19:55 <AnMaster> oh I see
21:20:03 <ehird> oh, faggy second life stuff, I see I see.
21:20:06 <ehird> wait, that shit gives real money>
21:20:09 <ehird> ?
21:20:11 <ehird> what the fuck
21:20:26 <Sgeo> People are willing to buy L$ with USD
21:20:30 <Sgeo> And visa versa
21:20:34 <ehird> I read that as
21:20:39 <ehird> people are willing to buy L$ with LSD
21:20:44 <Sgeo> I myself am making very little money off of this though
21:20:45 <Sgeo> lol
21:20:47 <ehird> and I was on the account creation screen already!
21:25:48 <oerjan> i guess it's finally spring, ants and spiders are coming into the house again
21:26:45 -!- kar8nga has joined.
21:27:54 <ehird> oerjan: i assume you don't work than
21:27:59 <ehird> and yes than was intentional
21:28:00 <ehird> thannnnnnnnng
21:28:03 <ehird> it is a word for the ages
21:32:35 <oerjan> well whatever's your thang
21:34:10 <oerjan> <ais523> although it would be great if there was an even bigger secret one I didn't know about
21:34:22 <oerjan> if you found out, they would have to kill you
21:35:15 <oerjan> perhaps the NSA uses esolangs for solving PSPACE-complete problems in no time
21:35:34 <oerjan> it only works because it's INSANE
21:36:03 -!- neldoreth has quit (No route to host).
21:40:21 <psygnisfive> HEY GUISE
21:40:28 <psygnisfive> LOLCATS IS SRIUS BISNESS
21:40:29 <psygnisfive> http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=1256
21:40:29 <ehird> oh no
21:40:37 <psygnisfive> also, hey.
21:41:15 <oerjan> psygnisfive: BUT SIRIUS IS A DOG STAR...
21:41:23 <psygnisfive> OH NOES
21:41:31 <oerjan> i guess it chases them, or something
21:41:33 <psygnisfive> KITTIUS
21:41:42 -!- Guest13293 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
21:41:49 <psygnisfive> so im curious
21:42:11 <psygnisfive> im not sure how it'd work, precisely, yet
21:42:20 <psygnisfive> but
21:43:20 <psygnisfive> i think itd be interesting to experiment with a programming language in which the lexed items have a compositional semantics and type system that can be manipulated in CCG like fashion
21:43:58 <psygnisfive> especially where mismatches are concerned.
21:43:59 <psygnisfive> hmm hmm
21:45:03 <Sgeo> oerjan, what did ais523 mean by "bigger secret one"? "bigger secret one" than what?
21:45:36 <oerjan> insert comma between first two words
21:46:55 <Sgeo> is "one" == "esolang"?
21:48:57 <oerjan> Use the Logs, Sgeo
21:49:12 <oerjan> (from yesterday)
21:50:55 <Sgeo> got it
22:14:32 -!- neldoreth has joined.
22:16:42 <ehird> fish: Failed to execute process '/usr/bin/grep'. Reason:
22:16:43 <ehird> fish: The total size of the argument and environment lists (836kB) exceeds the
22:16:44 <ehird> system limit of 256kB.
22:16:46 <ehird> fish: Please try running the command again with fewer arguments.
22:16:48 <ehird> gggg
22:18:26 <oerjan> something is definitely fishy there
22:46:24 <bsmntbombdood> fail
22:46:34 <bsmntbombdood> do grep -r
23:07:14 -!- KingOfKarlsruhe has joined.
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23:14:42 -!- k has changed nick to Guest43560.
23:14:44 -!- calamari has left (?).
23:17:21 -!- MigoMipo has quit ("QuitIRCServerException: MigoMipo disconnected from IRC Server").
23:17:43 <AnMaster> heh
23:17:49 <AnMaster> youtube just gave me "500 Internal Server Error"
23:19:40 <AnMaster> With a Swedish error message though... saying (translated): "Sorry, something went wrong.\nWe have sent out a team with well trained apes that will solve the problem." Then on a new line in English: " Also, please include the following information in your error report: f77t3o69eabsRNTY4yT_w2nOrdfwZuyWBlJ84eQiKqDa3<several more lines like this...>"
23:19:53 * AnMaster wonders what the long random-seeming string is...
23:20:15 <AnMaster> ehird, there?
23:20:17 -!- kar8nga has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)).
23:20:38 <AnMaster> If anyone know about error messages on such sites it would be you...
23:21:46 <oklofok> nice, 7 weeks of 1-2 exams a week, starting in two weeks
23:21:50 <oklofok> also exam tomorrow
23:33:56 -!- KingOfKarlsruhe has quit (Remote closed the connection).
23:36:16 <ehird> Bcak
23:36:17 <ehird> Back
23:36:29 <ehird> AnMaster: encoded/encrypted stack trace
23:36:33 <ehird> and errorinfo
23:36:44 <AnMaster> ehird, hm
23:36:59 <AnMaster> ehird, do you know this since before?
23:37:05 <AnMaster> or something
23:37:15 <ehird> AnMaster: it's what i'd do
23:37:20 <AnMaster> ehird, well true
23:37:21 <ehird> and its the only useful info it could be
23:37:22 <AnMaster> hm
23:37:35 <AnMaster> wonder if anyone broke the encryption/encoding used
23:37:44 <AnMaster> would be really interesting
23:38:08 <oerjan> sure it's not just Base64?
23:38:26 <AnMaster> oerjan, no, but I'll pastebin it if you want to look
23:38:39 <oklofok> i'm sure he wants to look
23:38:47 <oerjan> i don't know how to check it anyway
23:38:56 -!- neldoreth has quit ("leaving").
23:39:03 -!- neldoret1 has joined.
23:39:05 <AnMaster> http://paste.lisp.org/display/77401
23:39:08 <oerjan> i just know it gives printable ASCII
23:39:12 <AnMaster> if anyone is interested
23:39:48 <AnMaster> ��ގ�y��D���$base64: invalid input
23:39:54 <AnMaster> I get that from base64 -d
23:39:56 <AnMaster> so I guess not
23:40:08 <AnMaster> also bas64 tends to look different
23:40:09 <oerjan> oh well
23:40:26 <AnMaster> more + and such iirc
23:41:42 -!- Guest43560 has quit (Remote closed the connection).
23:42:46 -!- zzo38 has joined.
23:43:23 <zzo38> Do you know any example of any program using quantum computing algorithm? And I mean the real one, not the one that CLC-INTERCAL uses
23:44:53 <AnMaster> zzo38, well since there are no useful quantum computers yet I guess it is all highly theoretical still. Sure there have been some successful experiments with a few qbits (8 or something iirc?)
23:45:14 -!- KingOfKarlsruhe has joined.
23:45:17 <ehird> AnMaster: there are many programs simulating qubits
23:45:23 <AnMaster> ah yes
23:45:28 <AnMaster> now that you mention it
23:45:30 <ehird> it's not hard, just slow
23:45:38 <AnMaster> I remember some quantum brainfuck
23:45:46 <AnMaster> probably on the wiki
23:45:46 <ehird> yes
23:45:56 * ehird continues working on clone of the "xjump" game; anyone heard of it?
23:46:06 <ehird> aka falling tower
23:46:22 <zzo38> There are also quantum emulators on normal computers, they can't deal with very many qubits at once and it isn't as fast as real quantum computers. I want to know because I just defined quantum computing commands in CLCLC-INTERCAL today and I want to know how to write a program with the commands I defined
23:47:08 <zzo38> I have seen the quantum brainfuck on the wiki but the link to the file doesn't work
23:47:33 <zzo38> I would also like to see a example of a program written in quantum brainfuck if there are any.
23:47:48 <AnMaster> mhm
23:47:57 <ehird> AnMaster: you seem like the type to have played xjump?
23:48:19 <AnMaster> ehird, the name does sound slightly familiar. Please remind me of what type of game it was
23:48:44 <ehird> AnMaster: There's platforms on the screen; you control a guy. You jump higher and higher, while the tower falls downwards; if you go below the bottom, you die.
23:48:51 <ehird> So, jump jump jump slip fall game over
23:49:03 <zzo38> The command DO QUANTUM |1_|2 TRANSFORM |2_|1 is valid, but I'm not sure what it would do.
23:49:04 -!- KingOfKarlsruhe has quit (Remote closed the connection).
23:49:05 <AnMaster> ah yes that one. I died very early on
23:49:09 <ehird> Ditto
23:49:14 <AnMaster> not very fun if you die early on
23:49:18 <AnMaster> so I uninstalled it
23:49:31 <ehird> In my clone I was going to make it a little less skiddy
23:49:36 <zzo38> I don't understand quantum computing enough to understand it. I know a few things about quantum computing and quantum physics (I even have a book) but I don't know how a program would be written.
23:49:41 <AnMaster> ehird, that would probably help yes
23:49:55 -!- BeholdMyGlory has joined.
23:50:04 <ehird> zzo38: Look up that factoring algorithm for it?
23:50:06 <AnMaster> ehird, more mario style jump maybe? I have no problems with such high friction landing jumps
23:50:09 <ehird> On wikipedia's qubit I think
23:50:21 <ehird> AnMaster: Yeah, mario style jumps are nice
23:50:52 <AnMaster> ehird, Does mario have *any* skidding?
23:51:11 <ehird> No.
23:51:14 <AnMaster> mhm
23:51:35 <ehird> Mario physics are wack
23:51:38 <zzo38> I prefer fixed jumps over Mario-style
23:51:40 <AnMaster> ehird, a slight skidding (a few pixels) wouldn't be a probelm
23:51:43 <AnMaster> problem*
23:51:47 <ehird> zzo38: fixed?
23:51:48 <AnMaster> zzo38, "fixed jumps"?
23:52:07 <AnMaster> as in "not movable"? or "not broken"?
23:52:32 <AnMaster> not that the first makes much sense...
23:52:50 <AnMaster> and the second is rather poorly defined.
23:52:58 <AnMaster> (in this convo I mean)
23:53:18 <zzo38> By fixed jumps I mean you push jump button once and then you jump at a fixed height and fall back down, the amount of time you hold the button makes no difference. Also in the game I make I prefer to use L.shift to move left, R.shift to move right, Space to jump, Enter to action
23:53:37 <AnMaster> ...
23:53:39 <ehird> Mario is that, then
23:54:06 <AnMaster> zzo38, you know a lot of keyboards have issues detecting certain key combos?
23:54:18 -!- BeholdMyGlory has quit (Remote closed the connection).
23:54:49 <zzo38> I know some do, but I still prefer the key combinations I defined as long as it works. What is even more better is configuration of keyboard controls, so that I can configure it the way I want if my computer supports it
23:55:11 <zzo38> And other people can change the keyboard setting in case it doesn't work or they don't like it
23:55:33 <AnMaster> zzo38, mine doesn't like space and shift at the same time for some unknown reason...
23:55:46 <AnMaster> which is indeed rather irritating
23:56:07 -!- oerjan has quit ("Good night").
23:56:53 <zzo38> I found Shor's algorithm but how can you implement it using only controlled-V and hadamard? Because quantum brainfuck is apparently "quantum complete" so you should be able to do so, but I don't know how.
23:57:07 <ehird> Not sure
23:57:15 <zzo38> But what I really want to implement it in is CLCLC-INTERCAL
23:57:37 <ehird> zzo38: If you look up the other operations, maybe they show you how to implement them with those two
23:58:54 <AnMaster> if quantum computing ever goes mainstream the average pay for programmers will rise.
23:59:25 <AnMaster> Why? Because it is a lot easier to learn "normal" programming that quantum physics...
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