00:00:20 <AnMaster> in that case: http://svn.gna.org/svn/wesnoth/trunk/data/core/music/legends_of_the_north.ogg
00:02:08 <AnMaster> ehird, not sure what genre it is in. Can you help there?
00:02:49 <ehird> But I'll click anyway, even though I've hated every single wesnoth musics I've listened to.
00:02:56 <ehird> AnMaster: Note effects of sarcasm on claims thus.
00:03:08 <ehird> AnMaster: Because it sounds like cheesy early 00s game music.
00:03:11 <AnMaster> ehird, nah, that is too meta for my taste
00:03:13 <ehird> Which it most likely is
00:03:25 <AnMaster> ehird, why do you dislike that
00:03:35 <oerjan> Non-sequiturs should all be taken out and shot for insulting Obama!
00:03:40 <AnMaster> ehird, also in that case there is one other file you might like
00:03:47 <ehird> Because it's the game music equivalent of Tubular Bells II in the background of a Discovery documentary.
00:04:11 <AnMaster> ehird, if you hate the other wesnoth music you might actually like http://svn.gna.org/svn/wesnoth/trunk/data/core/music/knalgan_theme.ogg (I hate it)
00:04:20 <ehird> Firefox appears to be trying to download that file over and over again before it plays it.
00:04:30 <ehird> (Well, just the former; haven't tried the latter.)
00:04:47 <AnMaster> vlc http://svn.gna.org/svn/wesnoth/trunk/data/core/music/knalgan_theme.ogg works here
00:04:48 <ehird> AnMaster: To be fair, I'm running a HIGHLY UNSTABLE WILL EXPLODE INTO VOMIT nightly.
00:05:15 <ehird> Let's see if QuickTime will play a URL. Wait, no; I haven't installed the ogg stuff.
00:05:50 <ehird> No. I prefer mplayer and this machine is temporary.
00:06:02 <AnMaster> what happened to your normal one
00:06:05 <ehird> Until I get my new one.
00:06:11 <ehird> I just clean-upgraded in February.
00:06:17 <AnMaster> ehird, when will you get the new one
00:06:19 <ehird> And downloading stuff is generally therefore pointless.
00:06:27 <ehird> This "legends of the north" is unbearably bad.
00:06:38 <ehird> Can't listen any further.
00:07:05 <AnMaster> plus I really like the "legends of the north" one
00:07:09 <ehird> It's exactly like the other one
00:07:17 <AnMaster> ehird, what, I hate the other one
00:07:23 <AnMaster> so logically you should love it
00:07:31 -!- BeholdMyGlory has quit (Remote closed the connection).
00:07:43 <ehird> I hate eating poop and taking videos of doing so, too.
00:07:50 <AnMaster> ehird, like you have to love country western
00:08:10 <ehird> I have ensnared you by your own argument, now go take a camera to the toilet.
00:08:16 <AnMaster> (I like some experimental jazz, might sound strange)
00:08:32 <ehird> I like some jazz. Sort of.
00:08:35 <ehird> (As in, some sort-of-jazz.)
00:08:43 <AnMaster> ehird, so the argument was proven false by absurdity
00:08:51 <AnMaster> ehird, what about country western
00:09:06 <ehird> AnMaster: Allow me to self-lobotomize.
00:09:50 <ehird> Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. The KLF amuse me.
00:10:02 <AnMaster> I hate rap btw. All rap I heard
00:10:05 <ehird> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_KLF
00:10:36 <ehird> aka The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu, The Timelords and so many others.
00:11:34 <AnMaster> oh a band that changed name too often
00:11:41 <ehird> They never changed name.
00:11:44 <ehird> They just had a fuckton of aliases.
00:12:09 <ehird> But let's say KLF.
00:12:19 <AnMaster> oh the "The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu" one
00:12:28 <ehird> Let's say The KLF.
00:12:37 <ehird> "The KLF" != "The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu", last I checked.
00:13:17 -!- GreaseMonkey has joined.
00:13:21 <AnMaster> ehird, hey, oerjan could have made the joke
00:14:15 <ehird> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K_Foundation_Burn_a_Million_Quid
00:15:58 <ehird> Aren't you a socialist?
00:16:13 <ehird> "Budget One million pounds" made me laugh.
00:16:34 <ehird> They might have had it already.
00:18:05 <AnMaster> as for being a socialist... Would that imply burning the money is the best way?
00:18:06 * oerjan thinks alias is already plural in latin
00:18:37 <oerjan> modern socialists don't burn money, they recycle
00:19:26 -!- inurinternet has quit (No route to host).
00:19:35 <ehird> AnMaster: A socialist society would have no need for money, and thus a True Socialist would denounce it.
00:19:44 <ehird> Because I said so.
00:20:09 <AnMaster> ehird, except we haven't yet achieved such a society, thus we still need money to further our cause.
00:21:08 <AnMaster> [ebuild U ] sys-apps/sed-4.2 [4.1.5-r1] USE="acl%* nls -static" 862 kB <-- why did sed get an "acl" useflag
00:21:23 <ehird> Yeeeeeeeees... I'll stay behind to the system that (a) has had at least one working example in practice, where (b) sane adherents don't attribute its failures to poor application when they're obviously not and that (c) approximates a meritocracy rather than a ubiquitouscrapocracy.
00:21:31 <ehird> (re: 00:20 AnMaster: ehird, except we haven't yet achieved such a society, thus we still need money to further our cause. )
00:22:06 <AnMaster> ehird, I agree that communism isn't the best solution
00:22:34 <ehird> What I said never mentioned "communism".
00:22:41 <augur> ehird: interestingly, in the US, as long as you have >50% of a piece of currency (bills, dunno about coins), the treasury will replace it with a full piece for you
00:23:01 <ehird> augur: So if you cut a bill in half and send both pieces in separately, you can double the amount? :-)
00:23:14 <ehird> Well, you could do that maybe
00:23:36 <AnMaster> depends on how exactly they measure
00:23:39 <ehird> stick a bit more on; won't cost you the price of the bill if you're lucky
00:23:46 <ehird> so you could make a bit under 2x profit
00:24:21 * oerjan vaguely recalls something about needing to have the serial number preserved
00:25:13 <augur> oerjan: not in america.
00:25:17 <augur> you just need >50% of the bill.
00:25:37 <ehird> augur: get some $100 bills and let's do this shit
00:25:52 <AnMaster> ehird, they will detect that you glued on some more stuff
00:25:59 <augur> i dont think your scheme will work, ehird :P
00:26:05 <ehird> AnMaster: not if you do it very carefully
00:26:42 <augur> ehird, its actually easier to just counterfit dollar bills
00:26:50 <augur> or five dollar bills
00:26:58 <augur> use them for vending machine
00:27:09 <ehird> i scanned and printed a £5 note once on regular paper then cut it out
00:27:10 <augur> the ones that accept 5's and give you back coins
00:27:12 <ehird> just to break the law for no reason
00:27:21 <ehird> only one side though :P
00:27:23 <ehird> prolly still counts.
00:27:29 <augur> you have to crumple that shit too.
00:27:35 <AnMaster> <ehird> i scanned and printed a £5 note once on regular paper then cut it out <-- is that illegal?
00:27:39 <AnMaster> it isn't even hard to see it is fake
00:27:43 <augur> tho you can crumple it relatively easily
00:27:47 <augur> and it looks pretty fucking real
00:27:48 <AnMaster> what with only being printed on one side
00:27:49 <ehird> AnMaster: Forging money is illegal in general.
00:27:57 <ehird> augur: paper was a bit too high quality for that
00:28:01 <ehird> could work with recycled paper
00:28:05 <augur> anmaster: its only forgery if you try to use it as real money tho
00:28:16 <augur> im prtty sure, yeah
00:28:32 <augur> because money in advertizements, for instance, isnt a forgery
00:28:41 <augur> replica money is not illegal, afaik. maybe now it is
00:28:45 <augur> in the us it used to not be
00:28:48 <ehird> augur: your variation of english irritates me and i don't know why
00:29:08 <augur> HAVE YOU ANY SCONES
00:29:18 <ehird> well, if you said "advertisements" as opposed to the invalid advertizements (even in american english)
00:29:19 <ehird> that would be good
00:29:20 <augur> CHEERIO AND ALL THAT
00:29:28 <ehird> you know, as opposed to simply being wrong
00:29:31 <augur> well, its supposed to be advertisements, i just cant spell
00:29:35 -!- CESSMASTER has quit ("Computer has gone to sleep").
00:29:35 <ehird> also isn't instead of isnt would help a little but advertisements is the main thing
00:29:44 <augur> advertizement is not american spelling
00:29:50 <ehird> augur: ha, your defense of "ENGLISH MODERNIZZZZZZZATION" falls down!
00:29:53 <ehird> you are merely the bad englisher!
00:30:15 <augur> hey listen, im not saying american spelling isnt inconsistent
00:30:23 <ehird> no, that's just ...
00:30:25 <ehird> whatever englisher is
00:30:28 <ehird> nounist or something.
00:30:34 <ehird> it's not verbiage-coining i know that much
00:30:38 <augur> also, isnt requiring an apostrophy is silly.
00:30:57 <ehird> also, "alot" really gets on my nerves
00:30:59 <augur> your face looks unbalanced
00:31:02 <ehird> reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally
00:31:04 <augur> alot is a single word as well.
00:31:06 <AnMaster> and izn't ehird's hate for what he badly calls bad English cute?
00:31:08 <ehird> i want to punch you when you say "alot"
00:31:19 <ehird> i will fucking punch you in the god damn face
00:31:29 <augur> well ehird, your ancestors want to punch you in the face for "until"
00:31:41 <augur> and countless others.
00:31:45 <ehird> augur: but you are not shakespeare, so there. :p
00:31:54 <augur> he didn't invent those
00:32:04 <augur> noone invented those
00:32:04 <ehird> augur: I'm going to start using "a n" instead of "an ". It'll be a nball.
00:32:27 <oerjan> wherefore mustest thou mangle english so
00:32:31 <ehird> AnMaster: we don't give a shit
00:32:39 <augur> ehird, if it actually split in your dialect, then it'd be acceptable
00:32:44 <AnMaster> ehird, btw, did you know an ewt -> a newt
00:32:45 <ehird> and anmaster is stupid and also sounds pretentious to boot
00:33:01 <ehird> it cutifies its contextual surroundings
00:33:04 <AnMaster> ehird, well that is the story of the word
00:33:13 <augur> anmaster gives a perfect example.
00:33:18 <ehird> incidentally "a nhero" proves once and for all that "an h" is only said by illiterate shitbags!
00:33:25 <augur> languages change, ehird.
00:33:37 <ehird> so does your mom. in bed, augur.
00:33:42 <ehird> i have it on good authority.
00:34:16 <augur> pea is another good one
00:34:25 <augur> "pea" used to mean nothing
00:34:32 <augur> the word for what we call a pea as "a pease'
00:34:43 <augur> the plural was "peases"
00:34:58 <augur> but because "pease" sounds so much like an english plural
00:35:06 <augur> people reanalyzed it as being such
00:35:15 <ehird> augur: you should start using mark twain's evolved english spelling. it would be lojikl und kohirnt.
00:35:31 <ehird> unfortunately the translation can't be automated as it involves distinguishing hard and soft c and thusly i cry
00:35:50 <augur> i use the spelling that im familiar with
00:35:54 <augur> and that others are familiar with
00:35:59 <ehird> AnMaster: civil; cunt
00:36:12 <augur> the letter <c> denotes two sounds in english, as in many languages
00:36:15 <ehird> (do not question my choice of examples)
00:36:55 <augur> as does spanish, french (sort of?), italian (sort of?)
00:36:57 <AnMaster> ehird, question for the latter
00:37:30 <augur> but just knowing that i can annoy ehird simply by typing normally
00:37:50 <AnMaster> augur, ofcourse it is delightful!
00:37:57 <AnMaster> but I normally type that as two words
00:38:09 <ehird> augur: "x" is either "ks" or "s" isn't it
00:38:28 <augur> i can only think of examples with it as /ks/
00:38:31 -!- FireFly has quit ("Later").
00:38:40 <augur> yeah, names excluded
00:38:48 <ehird> that much is true.
00:39:09 <ehird> "Year 2 might reform "w" spelling, so that "which" and "one" would take the same konsonant"
00:39:19 <ehird> I can't even automate that with (x|y) replacements
00:39:19 * AnMaster is listening to Händel's Xerxes: Largo according to his media player
00:39:38 <augur> ehird: part of the problem is that english spelling is not phonemic
00:39:45 <augur> so there is no real automation to use
00:39:56 <augur> you can, however, refer to pronunciations in dictionaries
00:40:03 <AnMaster> ehird, why would you automate it
00:40:04 <augur> and given modern technology, this is trivial.
00:40:11 <ehird> AnMaster: because doing the replacements is a bitch
00:40:22 <AnMaster> ehird, just type it right from the start
00:40:34 <AnMaster> ehird, also more info on this please?
00:40:35 <augur> the wiki also says <x> / Z/
00:40:48 <augur> on english orthography
00:40:54 <augur> also, english spelling reforms are common, AnMaster
00:40:58 <augur> just look them up on wiki
00:41:04 <AnMaster> Swedish had some too historically
00:41:08 <ehird> if onli xat waz izi, AnMaster.
00:41:14 <ehird> (took me ~30s to write)
00:41:17 <augur> english hasnt actually had them
00:41:28 <augur> the only major spelling change in english was introduced by noah webster, i believe
00:41:34 <augur> when he created his dictionary of american english
00:41:35 <ehird> "Fainali, xen, aafte sam 20 iers ov orxogrefkl riform, wi wud hev a lojikl, kohirnt speling in ius xrewawt xe Ingliy-spiking werld. " looks so pretty though
00:41:45 <augur> in which he modified some spellings to distinguish American english from British english
00:42:02 <ehird> even better lowercased:
00:42:02 <ehird> fainali, xen, aafte sam 20 iers ov orxogrefkl riform, wi wud hev a lojikl, kohirnt speling in ius xrewawt xe ingliy-spiking werld
00:42:19 <ehird> AnMaster: http://design.caltech.edu/erik/Misc/Twain_english.html
00:42:36 <augur> logical, throughout
00:43:01 <AnMaster> that doesn't make a lot of sense
00:43:07 <ehird> I did, however, come across one error: the "Plan for the Improvement of English Spelling" that you attribute to Mark Twain is actually (IIRC) a few paragraphs out of a letter to *The Economist*, written by one M.J. Shields (or M.J. Yilz, by the end of the letter). The letter is quoted in full in one of Willard Espy's *Words at Play* books, as well as in other places (I believe it's in Giles Brandreth's *The Joy of Lex*).
00:43:17 <ehird> oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
00:43:49 <ehird> also http://www.i18nguy.com/humor/eurospell.html
00:44:05 <augur> one seriously problem with english spelling reform proposals
00:44:36 <augur> english dialects vary so much in pronunciation
00:45:13 <augur> that any attempt to make the spelling reflect pronunciation will either have to rely on very abstract, and often mis-aligned, inventories
00:45:52 <ehird> AnMaster: dodderers, maybe.
00:46:23 <ehird> and "x" -- bai now jast a memori in the maindz ov ould doderez -- tu riplais "ch
00:46:26 <augur> its a quote from the page
00:46:30 <augur> " Also, al wil agre that the horible mes of the silent "e"'s in the language is disgraceful, and they should go away."
00:46:44 <augur> we just got rid of soft c's two years prior!
00:48:23 <AnMaster> ph -> f would be nice actually
00:48:30 <AnMaster> it would end up closer to Swedish
00:51:14 <augur> lots of things would be nice.
00:51:25 <augur> there are definitely some ways of streamlining english
00:51:30 <augur> especially in terms of consonants
00:51:37 <augur> those are almost universally unchanged
00:51:54 <augur> most english retains the same consonant systems
00:52:24 <augur> kool will finally become an acceptable spelling! D:
00:54:08 <augur> changes to vowels, forgetit
00:54:12 <augur> too hard to achieve.
00:54:28 <AnMaster> augur, it has changed over time
00:54:38 <augur> vowels vary greatly across dialects
00:54:42 <augur> while consonants havent
00:55:05 <augur> north country/souther canada dialects of english pronounce "iain" and "anne" the same
00:55:24 <augur> some dialects pronounce "pin" and "pen" the same
00:55:31 <augur> "cot" and "caught"
00:55:59 <augur> and those just hover around some mainstream dialects
00:56:00 <AnMaster> how did iain and anne end up the same
00:56:25 <augur> because "anne" has a front vowel
00:56:33 <augur> and in those dialects
00:56:45 * AnMaster isn't sure how to pronounce "iain" anywaye
00:56:50 <augur> that particular vowel is diphtongized
00:57:20 <augur> i@n or iIn in SAMPA
00:57:41 <AnMaster> I fail less at IPA than I fail at SAMPA
00:58:18 <augur> the { of anne in these dialects is /i@/
00:58:21 <augur> theres a spectrum of this tho
00:58:29 <augur> in my dialect, anne has {_r
00:58:33 <augur> which is higher than just {
00:58:40 <augur> but isnt quite a diphtong
00:59:36 <AnMaster> augur, all dictionaries use IPA as far as I have seen
00:59:42 <augur> yes but its useful for typing
00:59:54 <AnMaster> augur, maybe, I don't type phonetics a lot
01:00:17 <augur> tho it might be ɛ̝
01:00:37 <augur> denoting raised-ness
01:00:43 <ehird> 00:59 AnMaster: augur, all dictionaries use IPA as far as I have seen
01:00:56 <augur> ehird: european ones do, usually.
01:00:56 <AnMaster> ehird, *AS FAR AS I HAVE SEEN*
01:01:05 <augur> not english language dictionaries tho
01:01:09 <ehird> you haven't seen an oed?
01:01:19 <AnMaster> Swedish-English and English-Swedish tend to use IPA
01:01:27 <augur> anmaster: the sound in "anne" is either between æ and ɛ or between ɛ and e
01:02:14 <augur> some more extreme new york dialects have {_r/E_r as e@ instead
01:02:40 <augur> while others take this even further and turn it into I@ or i@
01:02:50 <augur> its the uh sound, mostly
01:02:50 <AnMaster> and again I don't know any SAMPA
01:03:05 <augur> im referring to things i just typed in IPA
01:05:14 <augur> ofcourse it isnt agreement because i like a nmaster alot!
01:05:46 <AnMaster> augur, you need more and at the start of sentences as well. Ofcourse.
01:06:10 <AnMaster> augur, it annoys ehird. Sentences starting with "and"
01:06:26 <AnMaster> But I'm not sure about that though.
01:06:33 <augur> and you tell me this now?!
01:07:21 <AnMaster> augur, split infinitives didn't have any effect on ehird last I tried.
01:07:28 <AnMaster> I guess he is too young to find that bad.
01:07:32 <augur> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lich59xsjik&feature=related
01:08:11 <ehird> churchill is young then
01:08:31 <augur> UP WITH WHICH I WILL NOT PUT
01:09:08 <augur> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHYYkZpZGjo&feature=related
01:09:55 <augur> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvQq5xVRHtk
01:10:30 <AnMaster> augur, anything worth watching in the latter two
01:10:53 <AnMaster> augur, enough if you don't have flash and have to mess with command line apps?
01:11:44 <augur> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Aq359_QeR4&feature=related
01:11:46 <augur> this one is brilliant
01:12:19 <augur> its just the cool whip one but with lots of editting to make it trippy
01:13:16 <AnMaster> augur, what series is these two first from?
01:13:24 <augur> its all family guy man
01:14:22 <AnMaster> <augur> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvQq5xVRHtk <-- wth at the setting...
01:14:44 <augur> you dont watch family guy, obviously.
01:15:04 <augur> i dont watch family guy
01:15:11 <augur> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JhuOicPFZY&feature=related
01:15:24 <AnMaster> <augur> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Aq359_QeR4&feature=related <-- this one is broken?
01:15:57 <augur> its intentionally like that
01:16:00 <augur> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRn5-LQCg2s&feature=fvw
01:17:06 <AnMaster> you pasted too many, I list track of which one I was at
01:17:42 <augur> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuAVgWJ28Hw&NR=1
01:25:06 <AnMaster> augur, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YWMGuh15nE <-- in 4k !
01:26:08 <augur> oh i thought you meant like
01:28:04 <augur> i suppose thats interesting, anmaster
01:28:18 <AnMaster> augur, it's bloody awesome, that is what it is!
01:28:24 <augur> tho itd be more so if it were used in like
01:28:28 <augur> real applications.
01:29:04 <AnMaster> augur, um, that requires a powerful pc
01:29:19 <augur> i imagine that a lot of that is procedurals.
01:29:39 <AnMaster> augur, and it is probably hand coded asm
01:29:59 <augur> you could probably utilize procedural stuff to general stuff on the fly, which is then stored
01:31:54 <AnMaster> from the spam directory. Subject: You'd better reply!
01:55:15 -!- CESSMASTER has joined.
02:00:30 -!- CESSMASTER has quit (Remote closed the connection).
02:05:42 -!- CESSMASTER has joined.
02:08:09 <oerjan> wait, someone actually mentioned Malbolge Unshackled in a reddit comment?
02:26:59 <oerjan> did you swallow a fly?
02:27:07 <bsmntbombdood> why is newegg's cheapest 1920*1080 monitor $160 cheaper than the cheapest 1920*1200?
02:27:11 * oerjan recommends not proceeding to the spider
02:28:27 <oerjan> erm, that isn't obvious?
02:34:54 <oerjan> i guess you haven't quite cracked newegg yet
02:40:50 -!- CESSMASTER has quit (Remote closed the connection).
02:46:04 -!- CESSMASTER has joined.
02:56:20 <bsmntbombdood> ehird: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824001317
03:04:11 -!- Sgeo has joined.
03:07:24 -!- CESSMASTER has quit (Remote closed the connection).
03:07:35 -!- CESSMASTER has joined.
03:16:11 -!- inurinternet has joined.
03:46:43 -!- Darth_Cliche has joined.
03:49:33 <Darth_Cliche> hmm... how do you control EgoBot to make it run a program?
03:51:01 <EgoBot> help: General commands: !help, !info, !bf_txtgen. See also !help languages, !help userinterps. You can get help on some commands by typing !help <command>.
03:51:33 <EgoBot> Unsupported instruction ''' (0x27) (maybe not Befunge-93?)
03:51:56 <EgoBot> Unsupported instruction ''' (0x27) (maybe not Befunge-93?)
03:52:10 <EgoBot> languages: Esoteric: 1l 2l adjust asm axo bch befunge befunge98 bf bf8 bf16 bf32 boolfuck cintercal clcintercal dimensifuck glass glypho haskell kipple lambda lazyk linguine malbolge pbrain perl qbf rail rhotor sadol sceql trigger udage01 underload unlambda whirl. Competitive: bfjoust fyb. Other: asm c cxx forth sh.
03:54:00 <Darth_Cliche> !befunge "dlrow elloH",,,,,,,,,,,
03:56:16 <oerjan> i suppose there just was no output from the programs
03:56:40 <oerjan> !befunge "dlrow elloH",,,,,,,,,,,
03:59:58 <EgoBot> EgoBot is a bot for running programs in esoteric programming languages. If you'd like to add support for your language to EgoBot, check out the source via mercurial at https://codu.org/projects/egobot/hg/ . Cheers and patches (preferably hg bundles) can be sent to Richards@codu.org , PayPal donations can be sent to AKAQuinn@hotmail.com , complaints can be sent to /dev/null
04:00:35 <oerjan> hm there seems to be no help on using languages in general
04:00:57 <EgoBot> userinterps: Users can add interpreters written in any of the languages in !help languages. See !help addinterp, delinterp, show | !userinterps. List interpreters added with !addinterp.
04:00:58 <Darth_Cliche> !befunge http://catseye.tc/projects/befunge93/eg/wumpus.bf
04:02:46 -!- Darth_Cliche has quit ("Dartus Clicus cessare").
04:03:01 <oerjan> !bf ,>++++++++[<++++++++>-]<.
04:03:38 <oerjan> it seems then that it does _not_ just give eof
04:04:26 -!- pikhq has joined.
04:05:05 <oerjan> all the test programs probably just looped
04:08:09 -!- CESSMASTER has quit ("Computer has gone to sleep").
04:10:29 * Sgeo is in love with Superosity
04:11:12 <oerjan> 05:11 There is no such nick superosity
04:11:19 <pikhq> HARD DRIVE FAILURE.
04:12:42 -!- CESSMASTER has joined.
04:14:14 <Sgeo> Superosity.com
04:17:21 * Sgeo is reading random storylines now
04:18:56 -!- CESSMASTER has quit ("Computer has gone to sleep").
05:01:03 <Sgeo> http://superosity.keenspot.com/comics/sup19990618a.png What's the OS in purple?
05:06:25 -!- Pthing has quit (Remote closed the connection).
05:09:09 <Sgeo> It looks like perhaps BSD/**
05:09:12 <Sgeo> What's the **?
05:10:40 <Sgeo> http://superosity.keenspot.com/comics/sup19991229a.png
05:12:46 -!- inurinternet has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
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14:49:30 <ehird> 17:14:57 <AnMaster> I don't HAVE a TV.
14:49:31 <ehird> http://www.theonion.com/content/node/28694
14:49:41 <ehird> it depresses me how often i have occasion to link to that in here
14:52:21 <ehird> 17:17:42 <augur> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuAVgWJ28Hw&NR=1
14:52:25 <ehird> least funny thing i ever saw
14:53:12 <ehird> 17:25:06 <AnMaster> augur, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YWMGuh15nE <-- in 4k !
14:53:17 <ehird> wow, it's that thing i linked a week ago!
14:54:06 <ehird> 17:27:54 <bsmntbombdood> cool music
14:54:07 <ehird> 17:28:02 <AnMaster> the beginning especially yes
14:54:07 <ehird> you could be satisfied listening to the first minute of every track of the same genre forever, then
14:54:42 <ehird> http://vimeo.com/1715318 starts off classical :-P
14:55:59 <ehird> 18:27:07 <bsmntbombdood> why is newegg's cheapest 1920*1080 monitor $160 cheaper than the cheapest 1920*1200?
14:56:11 <ehird> 1080p is "the new thing"
14:56:23 <ehird> because people are fucking idiots and just want to watch movies or something
14:56:27 <ehird> bsmntbombdood_: that screen is also glossy
14:56:34 <ehird> again useless for non-movie stuff
14:57:46 <ehird> 20:11:19 <pikhq> HARD DRIVE FAILURE.
14:57:53 <ehird> well just restore from your off-site backups then ;)
15:04:53 <AnMaster> <ehird> wow, it's that thing i linked a week ago! <-- a week ago?
15:05:06 <AnMaster> ehird, I remember it mentioned some months ago in here first time
15:05:16 <AnMaster> I didn't know you linked it a week ago
15:05:24 <ehird> i linked it the first time I know that muhc
15:05:36 <AnMaster> ehird, I know you linked it in March or so
15:05:51 <ehird> AnMaster: no, you're hallucinating, misremembering or delusional
15:05:53 <ehird> i definitely didn't
15:06:08 <AnMaster> ehird, I'm pretty sure, but I don't care enough to check logs
15:07:01 <ehird> 20:53 ehird: Lifeforce was in 4k?
15:07:02 <ehird> 20:53 ehird: I imagine it was a lil bigger than that.
15:07:04 <ehird> 20:53 Deewiant: No, it wasn't.
15:07:06 <ehird> 20:53 AnMaster: wow
15:07:08 <ehird> 20:53 Deewiant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YWMGuh15nE was, though.
15:07:10 <ehird> 20:53 Deewiant: Among others.
15:07:12 <ehird> Deewiant, 2009-04-13
15:07:18 <ehird> But it didn't look like it generated a lot of discussion.
15:07:27 <ehird> I mainly remember my link
15:07:46 <AnMaster> ehird, *shrug* if it was Deewiant or you? Why should I care
15:07:47 <ehird> I got it from reddit, so — sec —
15:07:53 <AnMaster> point is it was mentioned in here months ago
15:08:04 <ehird> AnMaster: the first time it was mentioned that generated any discussion was when i did it
15:08:38 <ehird> it's like someone said "dungheap reconstruction digholes" in 2003, never mentioned it again and no discussion happened and then we had a huge discussion about said thing today
15:08:44 <ehird> and you said "well this isn't the first it's been mentioned!"
15:08:55 <ehird> which is — technically, pedantically, but only obnoxiously — true.
15:09:01 <ehird> but sanely and practically false.
15:09:10 -!- KingOfKarlsruhe has left (?).
15:09:33 <AnMaster> ehird, to me the first event was very important
15:09:48 <AnMaster> a pivot point of this channel even!
15:09:54 <ehird> yes, but you're insane.
15:10:13 <ehird> omg os x includes a built-in summarizer
15:11:07 <ehird> i should put war and peace into it
15:11:13 <ehird> or the compleat #esoteric logs
15:11:24 <ehird> if I gave it old B Nomic lists it'd come out with "You're all Fucking Nuts."
15:11:46 <ehird> AnMaster: gimme a document to summarizify
15:11:56 <ehird> preferably mostly prose
15:12:07 <ehird> so eg the c standard won't work too well
15:12:34 <AnMaster> ehird, I don't have it, nor have I read it, so I can't verify
15:12:35 <ehird> Summarized to 1 sentence, it will be "What the living fuck did I just read."
15:12:55 <ehird> To the Pirate Bay I go, despite owning the book, because that copy is in dead paper form!
15:12:59 <ehird> ...and in paperback.
15:13:01 <AnMaster> ehird, what about http://www.google.com/accounts/TOS
15:13:04 <ehird> God, it's awful to read.
15:14:09 <ehird> AnMaster: nah, it's one volume
15:14:12 <ehird> and you can get it in hardcover
15:14:25 <ehird> AnMaster: not really.
15:14:36 <ehird> AnMaster: the complete anthology of the h2g2 books is like >1000 pages and it's fine.
15:15:08 <ehird> add introduction by douglas adams, salt to taste
15:15:21 <ehird> AnMaster: http://pastie.org/542340.txt?key=poc5eegs6ksmlsh4vifjg few-sentence summarization of google tos
15:15:31 <AnMaster> if you mean "The Ultimate hitch hikers guide to the galaxy" (omnibus edition) I have it in paperback
15:15:37 <ehird> apart from the second, it does really well
15:15:45 <ehird> gets all the main points
15:16:19 <ehird> AnMaster: no, not that one.
15:16:41 <ehird> 15:16 AnMaster: ehird, do it on the GPL
15:16:41 <ehird> 15:16 ehird: AnMaster: no, not that one.
15:17:11 <AnMaster> and I mentally connected it to the h2g2
15:17:15 <AnMaster> also what one did you mean then
15:17:30 <ehird> AnMaster: http://pastie.org/542344.txt?key=lcpefjknwnww3glcv8er0a
15:17:40 <ehird> it sort of missed the whole redistribution terms sort of thing
15:17:43 <ehird> licenses aren't very prosey
15:17:52 <ehird> AnMaster: and i don't know what it's called
15:18:25 <ehird> AnMaster: incidentally, are you aware of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/And_Another_Thing..._%28novel%29 ?
15:18:31 <ehird> AnMaster: need to pirate it first
15:18:47 <ehird> considering it has a bunch of weird characters, i doubt there are many ebooks of it :D
15:18:55 <ehird> (might all be in unicode, but)
15:19:34 <ehird> in its programming languages thing
15:19:38 <ehird> it predates unicode after all
15:19:41 -!- jix has joined.
15:20:42 <AnMaster> the last book ended in a way preventing further books didn't it?
15:20:52 <AnMaster> that doesn't stop things in there
15:21:03 <ehird> AnMaster: i'm not sure how he's going to get around the earth being destroyed along the entire probability axis
15:21:09 <ehird> (and everyone on it)
15:21:25 <ehird> 270+ Popular Science Books // hooray for torrent file selection
15:21:47 <ehird> of .djvus and .pdfs
15:21:50 <ehird> some ebook format shit
15:21:55 <ehird> some ebook format shit
15:22:03 <AnMaster> you said it all the 270 books was in one file?
15:22:36 <ehird> all in one .uif, which contains .djvus and .pdfs. presumably, .uif is a file format for software & hardware ebook packs
15:22:40 <ehird> what is hard for you to understand about this
15:22:52 <AnMaster> ehird, I didn't know what uif was!
15:23:11 <ehird> i don't know but i'm not downloading 2gb to find out
15:23:26 <ehird> if they were separate files i could select just GEB.
15:23:51 <ehird> * Douglas Hofstadter - Godel Escher Bach.zip 24 Mb
15:25:33 <ehird> or be in a bloated ebook format
15:25:35 -!- oerjan has joined.
15:25:36 <ehird> or, it's a windows virus.
15:25:47 <ehird> oerjan: BE VEWY VEWY FWIGHTENED
15:26:24 <AnMaster> ehird, did the nasal demons clean them first?
15:26:40 <ehird> AnMaster: they just clean the api.
15:26:40 <oerjan> then they can have _my_ virus. *atchoo*
15:27:03 <ehird> it might not necessarily be clean afterwards
15:28:43 <oerjan> being nasal demons, they probably wash it _with_ snot
15:35:32 <ehird> AnMaster: it's a scanned GEB… in multiple .docs
15:38:48 <ehird> AnMaster: ew, it's just ascii-ized
15:39:07 <oerjan> <ehird> AnMaster: incidentally, are you aware of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/And_Another_Thing..._%28novel%29 ?
15:39:24 <oerjan> yet another point for always trusting your first impression
15:43:42 <ehird> Apply for your Free 60 day Trial
15:43:42 <ehird> Experience the power of OpenSPARC free for 60 days with a Sun SPARC Enterprise Server with CoolThreads technology.
15:43:44 <ehird> For a full 60 days you can try Sun's coolest servers at your site—with no risk, no commitment and no charge. At the end of the trial period, you can buy the trial unit or return it—no questions asked. Benefit from a full 60-day trial in your production environment:
15:43:50 <ehird> AnMaster: oerjan: do you know how to change identity?
15:43:53 <ehird> i have some theft to do.
15:44:16 <ehird> step 4. SUN SERVER
15:44:25 -!- Pthing has joined.
15:47:30 <oerjan> wait, DMM _edited_ yesterday's annotation
15:48:50 <oerjan> for once, my obsessive compulsion to check i haven't missed a day pays out :D
15:50:02 <ehird> fun fact: we have flying cars,, they're called PEOPLE
15:50:56 <oerjan> that was today, not yesterday
15:51:23 <ehird> oerjan: i was just being absurdist.
15:51:48 <oerjan> insufficiently absurd. try mermaids.
15:52:00 <ehird> mermaids are basically flies though.
15:52:14 <oerjan> that theory sounds fishy
15:52:38 -!- randomity has quit (hubbard.freenode.net irc.freenode.net).
15:52:38 -!- Leonidas has quit (hubbard.freenode.net irc.freenode.net).
15:53:38 <oerjan> a very random netsplit
15:54:16 <ehird> i need to write that p2p encrypted chat thing
15:54:20 <ehird> netsplits always consist of one person :)
15:54:27 -!- randomity has joined.
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15:54:30 <ehird> well unless you're that person
15:54:34 <ehird> then it consists of everyone else
15:54:43 <oerjan> um there were definitely two there
15:54:51 <ehird> 15:54 ehird: i need to write that p2p encrypted chat thing
15:55:20 <AnMaster> what does it have to do with netsplits
15:55:26 <oerjan> ehird: the AnMaster virus is spreading. be vewy afwaid.
15:56:16 -!- pikhq has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
15:57:17 <oerjan> AnMaster: that would make it vulnerable to actual irc netsplits
15:57:40 <ehird> Dum dum dum dum dumb.
16:08:28 <ehird> an isp of some kind offered a free (commercial) game if you signed up for them
16:08:38 <ehird> but somehow it didn't actually require you to sign up for them
16:08:46 <ehird> so you could just pick a game and address and they'd deliver it to you :D
16:08:52 <ehird> i think i still have it
16:11:03 -!- pikhq has joined.
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16:16:24 <ehird> AnMaster: it was uh i don't remember, some sci-fi racing game of some sort, all the others looked crap, it was quite fun
16:18:11 -!- oerjan has quit ("leaving").
16:23:12 <ehird> you know, even if Cheney on the M.T.A. wasn't a cool garbage collection algorithm
16:23:16 <ehird> i'd still use it just for the name
16:23:28 <ehird> augur: hey can you explain a linguistic quirk i have?
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17:06:32 <ehird> AnMaster: i always say "a h*" e.g. "a halo", and hate people who say "an halo", because it sounds dumbtarded. but I just realised today that I'd say "an honor killing"
17:06:38 <ehird> and "a honor killing" sounds dumbtarded.
17:06:44 <ehird> and I'm wondering why the fuck, and what logic's behind it
17:06:49 <ehird> maybe the two Hs are different
17:06:59 <ehird> they don't sound the same to me at least
17:07:04 <ehird> when you put an in front
17:07:09 <ehird> honor is like 'onor
17:07:12 <ehird> halo is like haylow
17:08:11 <Deewiant> One h is silent, the other isn't.
17:08:50 <pikhq> Man. It's crazy how much faster my system is now.
17:09:06 <pikhq> It's also a shame that I've got a dead 500G drive now, instead of a working one.
17:09:21 <ehird> pikhq: Did you go DDR3?
17:09:21 -!- Judofyr has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
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17:10:06 <ehird> Wasn't it only $30 or something? :P
17:10:33 <pikhq> $30 more. Welcome to the real world, where people spend less money sometimes.
17:12:02 <ehird> If I was going to do a major upgrade, and it was $30 for a good amount of extra performance and make my equipment last longer for upgrades, and also it involved getting parts from a respected company (Crucial) instead of a no-name brand like that DDR2 RAM, I'd certainly go for it.
17:12:43 <ehird> 17:11 Barhine: NE1 HERE goin to the singularity university?
17:12:50 <ehird> I suspect him of being underqualified.
17:13:50 <AnMaster> <ehird> AnMaster: i always say "a h*" e.g. "a halo", and hate people who say "an halo", because it sounds dumbtarded. but I just realised today that I'd say "an honor killing" <-- easy
17:14:01 <pikhq> Most of the reason for me getting new stuff was freaking hardware failure.
17:14:03 <AnMaster> it depends on the sound, not the spelling
17:14:19 <AnMaster> ehird, you learn this when you have English as a second language
17:14:31 <ehird> Yeah, I don't really know much about English, I can just speak it
17:14:40 <AnMaster> ehird, same for me with Swedish
17:14:44 <pikhq> AnMaster: Most people don't learn that?
17:15:14 <pikhq> That a vs. an is dependent on the following sound, not the letter?
17:15:35 <pikhq> (thus why 'an halo' sounds dumbtarded)
17:15:37 <AnMaster> pikhq, that is what I said everyone learnt when you use English as a second language
17:15:43 <ehird> But I couldn't tell the h in "halo" vs "honor"
17:15:56 <ehird> they're quite close for me.
17:15:59 <pikhq> ehird: I thought it was obvious there, too.
17:16:11 <ehird> my dialect is weird
17:16:15 <pikhq> Granted, in American English, they are more distinguishable.
17:16:16 <AnMaster> ehird, it sounds like "halo" and "onor"
17:16:17 <ehird> it's incredibly nondescript
17:16:21 <ehird> as paradoxical as that sounds
17:16:22 <Deewiant> ehird: There is no h in "honour"
17:16:38 <ehird> `addquote <Deewiant> ehird: There is no h in "honour"
17:16:39 <HackEgo> 36|<Deewiant> ehird: There is no h in "honour"
17:16:43 <ehird> And there is no I in team!
17:17:35 <pikhq> ehird: I made my equipment last longer for upgrades by getting a freaking current-gen CPU. That sufficient? ;)
17:18:00 <ehird> I'd say something about sockets and motherboards, but I won't.
17:19:40 <ehird> > 'h' `elem "honour"
17:19:41 <lambdabot> <no location info>: parse error on input `"'
17:19:42 <ehird> > 'h' `elem` "honour"
17:19:46 <ehird> Deewiant: Orally?!
17:20:13 <pikhq> > let 'h' `elem` "honour" = False in 'h' `elem` "honour"
17:20:40 <Deewiant> If you want to be pedantic, there's no h in "ɒnər"
17:20:56 <Deewiant> But it's all honour anyway :-P
17:21:06 <ehird> pikhq: Yes, (let x = y in x) is y.
17:21:18 <ehird> > let Nothing = 2 in Nothing
17:21:19 <lambdabot> No instance for (GHC.Num.Num (Data.Maybe.Maybe t))
17:21:23 <ehird> > let 2 = 3 in Nothing
17:21:33 <ehird> Except when I mess it up thrice in a row.
17:21:51 <pikhq> ehird: That's because Nothing is not a function, it's a type constructor. ;)
17:22:08 <ehird> pikhq: "2 = 3" sir.
17:22:16 <pikhq> And 2 is a literal, not a function.
17:22:18 <ehird> Nothing was just a mi steak.
17:22:26 <Deewiant> How can you let a literal = something?
17:22:32 <ehird> Deewiant: pattern matching
17:22:41 <pikhq> Only works on valid function names.
17:22:46 <Deewiant> Since when can you match against numbers?
17:22:46 <ehird> Deewiant: it's just like 'f 2 = ...' or 'case x of ...'
17:22:54 <ehird> Deewiant: (Just a)
17:23:14 <Deewiant> So why doesn't the match, y'know, fail?
17:23:26 <ehird> > let Nothing = Just 2 in Nothing
17:23:43 <ehird> Deewiant: because let-bindings don't fail.
17:23:46 * pikhq does a quick bit of shouting at Xorg
17:23:53 <ehird> good question though. ask your mother^U#haskell
17:24:09 <pikhq> "AllowEmptyInput is on, devices using drivers 'kbd' or 'mouse' will be disabled."
17:24:10 <Deewiant> Because if you just match against a constant value
17:24:13 <pikhq> WHY IS THAT A FEATURE.
17:24:31 <ehird> pikhq: Because X is stupid.
17:24:49 <Deewiant> It's just that you're not binding anything
17:24:52 <lambdabot> * Exception: <interactive>:1:137-152: Irrefutable pattern failed for patter...
17:24:56 <pikhq> ehird: It's a shame that it's the best thing on Linux, isn't it?
17:24:59 <ehird> i was gonna say that
17:25:15 <pikhq> It's a matter of "it works *just* well enough to prevent people from throwing it away."
17:25:18 <ehird> but analogued too far to 'case x of Just a -> bind a'
17:25:33 <ehird> pikhq: That's FOSS for you.
17:25:48 <ehird> pikhq: http://imgur.com/hG5aT.jpg all imageshack images return this
17:26:10 <pikhq> Lemme just say that I'm hopeful that Chrome OS makes for a tolerable windowing system.
17:26:19 <ehird> helloooooooooooooo
17:26:25 <ehird> huge website cracked by the anti-sec guys
17:26:43 <pikhq> I'd look but I don't have X working yet.
17:26:56 <ehird> well that won't work for text
17:27:00 <ehird> or a framebuffer viewer
17:27:13 <pikhq> If I cared enough I could set up links2.
17:27:24 <ehird> pikhq: You know who i'm talking about right :p
17:27:33 <ehird> astalavista and related guys who posted the log
17:27:38 -!- Judofyr has quit (Remote closed the connection).
17:30:51 <pikhq> Just had to turn on HAL.
17:31:01 <ehird> Xorg uses HAL now.
17:31:07 <pikhq> Thereby letting X automagically do configuration.
17:31:17 <ehird> Although HAL is being replaced.
17:31:21 <ehird> Apparently with something less XML.
17:31:25 <ehird> Which is always good.
17:31:32 <ehird> pikhq: Yuhuh; I forget what it's called.
17:31:40 <ehird> I'm just speaking from memory
17:31:43 <ehird> It might be EVEN MORE XML
17:31:48 <pikhq> Now, gimme a few minutes while I install Conkeror.
17:31:59 <ehird> Are you still using Dumbtoo?
17:32:12 <ehird> wow that was a terrible way of insulting gentoo
17:32:17 <pikhq> No, I'm using Gentoo.
17:33:25 <ehird> pikhq: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2009/Jul/0095.html is text-only transcript
17:33:35 <ehird> also has a transcript
17:33:40 <ehird> well, a two-line one
17:34:09 <pikhq> Amusingly, the limiting factor so far has not been compile speed.
17:34:16 <pikhq> It's been my Internet connection.
17:34:30 <ehird> Uhh, interwebs are generally the slow point in any system.
17:34:38 <ehird> Or HD, if without networking.
17:34:52 <pikhq> That's rather CPU-bound. ;)
17:35:11 <ehird> You won't be liking your computer when I buy a BEOWULF CLUSTER!!!!!!
17:40:43 <ehird> Meanwhile, some people are retired and they can't help it they were born with lack of oxygen.
17:40:56 <ehird> [http://imgur.com/vKy5j.jpg, via reddit]
17:43:36 <augur> "a honor" would be completely wrong, because the word "honor" begins with a vowel (the his spelling, and therefore irrelevant to this issue)
17:43:49 <augur> on the other hand "an halo" is extremely unusual
17:44:08 <ehird> augur: i see people say "an h" a lot more than i ever would
17:44:19 <ehird> for things i pronounce with an h (← lol example)
17:44:39 <augur> most of all because "an" followed by actual h sounds always requires, as far as i can tell
17:44:49 <augur> second-syllable stress
17:45:09 <ehird> augur: so "an hexagon" could work too?
17:45:26 <ehird> i can see "an hexagon" working, "an historic" sort of
17:45:40 <ehird> an hexagon could work though
17:45:46 <ehird> an '(very faint h)exagon
17:45:59 <augur> ofcourse, the an-h rule is only partial
17:46:08 <augur> not everyone has that in their phonology
17:46:15 <augur> but its almost /always/ that rule
17:46:33 <augur> and its usually, if not always, hI
17:46:40 <ehird> @americans: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/380923.stm?
17:46:50 <augur> not hA or h-anything else
17:46:54 <ehird> "A booming economy has generated massive tax revenues, and President Bill Clinton now predicts that it would take the government just 16 years to reduce the public debt to zero."
17:47:11 <Deewiant> augur: herb is unisyllabic and can be stressed, no?
17:47:20 <ehird> oh god i hate "an herb"
17:47:20 <augur> has to be stressed
17:47:22 <ehird> want to FUCKING KILL
17:47:42 <pikhq> Yes, and under Bill Clinton's policies, it would have...
17:47:50 <Deewiant> ehird: dictionary.com lists it as the primary pronunciation :-P
17:47:59 <bsmntbombdood_> i wonder if it's possible to get a monitor with real glass
17:48:00 <ehird> Deewiant: You will DIE.
17:48:06 <pikhq> Granted, that's because a large part of Bill Clinton's domestic policy consisted of "don't fuck things up".
17:48:07 <ehird> bsmntbombdood_: Yes, it's called an iPhone.
17:48:13 <ehird> Well, I think that's just covered with glass.
17:48:24 <ehird> pikhq: Clinton was still center-right.
17:48:30 <Deewiant> /ɜrb or, especially Brit., hɜrb/
17:48:30 <ehird> More right than center.
17:48:36 <ehird> Deewiant: dictionary.com is filthy mercan
17:48:41 <bsmntbombdood_> ehird: this monitor has bug-juice stains all over it that i can't get off
17:48:42 <ehird> America is actually merca
17:48:42 <pikhq> ehird: Yes, and "don't fuck things up" is a rather center-right policy.
17:48:50 <ehird> bsmntbombdood_: Well, don't do that.
17:48:52 <augur> like deewiant says
17:48:59 <pikhq> A center-right policy in the realms of sanity, but still. ;)
17:49:02 <augur> "an herb" is obviously required in american english
17:49:05 <Deewiant> ehird: There's an interesting usage note at http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/herb (near the middle)
17:49:06 <ehird> pikhq: I attack you with my far-left politics!
17:49:11 <augur> because of the h-less-ness of the word in american english
17:49:19 <ehird> MISSINGNO learned DF*@*~¶ˆ§
17:49:27 <pikhq> ehird: I'm far-left myself...
17:49:38 <ehird> You, and your facts.
17:49:43 <pikhq> It's just that, being in the US, I've learned to be appreciative of anyone that's sane.
17:49:45 <ehird> Didn't you listen to David Byrne?
17:49:59 * pikhq mutters at X some more
17:50:06 <pikhq> My alt keys have become Alt-GR keys!
17:50:44 <augur> ehird: very frequently, tho, an-h without /I/ is artificial
17:50:47 <ehird> Deewiant: which one in particular
17:50:56 <ehird> augur: note — i don't grok ipa
17:51:06 <augur> well, this is sampa, but
17:51:11 <augur> I is the sound in "it"
17:51:21 <ehird> sampa is just a lexicographicological replacement of IPA :P
17:51:29 <ehird> Deewiant: What do you mean?
17:51:32 <ehird> What entry are yout alking about?
17:51:35 <augur> if you're australian, lets say
17:51:43 <augur> "it" has a diphthong
17:51:55 <Deewiant> It's in a grey box in the middle.
17:51:59 <ehird> augur: Hiiiiiiiiiiiii.
17:52:09 <ehird> Deewiant: thought you meant middle of first entry, or middle entry
17:55:03 <ehird> "The Endor Holocaust was a theory put forward by Imperial propaganda agents after the Battle of Endor. It was theorized that after the destruction of the second Death Star over Endor in 4 ABY, the moon and its inhabitants were devastated by falling debris.[1] However, the moon and its primary sentient species, the Ewoks, were both still in existence long after the Death Star's destruction, and the Alliance of Free Planets established a base on the moon.[
17:55:05 <ehird> 2] Much of the debris of the superweapon was sent through a hyperspace wormhole that briefly opened up when the Death Star's hyperdrive regulator was destroyed"
17:55:08 <ehird> ↑ NOT A COPOUT WHATSOEVR
17:56:56 <ehird> http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Endor_Holocaust
17:57:10 <ehird> As if Wikipedia would have an article on the ENDOR HOLOCAUST.
18:01:01 <ehird> bsmntbombdood_: isn't it 2mbit dsl or something?
18:01:15 <ehird> okay i retract my statement
18:01:28 <ehird> bsmntbombdood_: shitty area for internet i guess?
18:03:29 <pikhq> I'm on 1 megabit, myself.
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19:00:24 <ehird> A tall order, for you, sir.
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19:16:17 <ais523> ok, so it seems the former CEO for SCO Germany owns unXis's German website
19:19:10 <ehird> unxis is from sco it seems?
19:19:17 <ehird> lol "The software business is to be sold to unXis, whilst the SCO Group will continue the business of litigating against Novell, IBM"
19:19:33 <ehird> now i want to kill off everyone part of SCO even more :)
19:19:59 <ais523> unXis is where they're trying to 'sell' all the assets that are actually worth something
19:20:06 <ais523> leaving SCO behind as a litigation shell company
19:20:23 <ais523> IBM's lawyers are upset about this, and subpoenad unXis massively
19:21:28 <ehird> [[ Saturday, July 11, 109
19:21:28 <ehird> We have recently redesigned our web site,]]
19:26:12 <ehird> Microsoft Exchange replaces the portion of the mail system that stores messages waiting to be read, which is currently implemented using several servers running a open-source program called Cyrus and a mail protocol known as IMAP, the Internet Message Access Protocol.
19:26:13 <ehird> — http://tech.mit.edu/V129/N29/webmail.html
19:26:16 <ehird> how could you, MIT!
19:27:24 <ehird> from later in the article: "The other major change to MIT’s mail system is the introduction of Symantec’s Brightmail AntiSpam filters and quarantine system, a web-based system which has replaced the Apache SpamAssassin filters."
19:28:35 -!- augur has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
19:29:19 <pikhq> Long ways away from the beauty that was Project Athena.
19:31:26 <ehird> pikhq: "Athena continues in use today, providing a ubiquitous computing platform for education at MIT; plans are to continue its use indefinitely."
19:31:36 <ehird> Originally, the Athena release used Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) as the base operating system for all hardware platforms. By the mid 1990s, public clusters consisted of the Solaris operating system on SPARC hardware from Sun Microsystems, and the Irix operating system on MIPS hardware from Silicon Graphics, Inc. (SGI). SGI hardware was dropped in anticipation of the end of Irix production in 2006. Linux-Athena was introduced in version 9, with
19:31:38 <ehird> the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system running on cheaper x86 or x86-64 hardware. Athena 9 also replaced the internally-developed "DASH" menu system and Motif Window Manager (mwm) with a more modern GNOME desktop. Athena 10,[3]planned for 2009,[4] will be based on Ubuntu Linux (derived from Debian) only. Support for Solaris is expected to be dropped almost entirely.[5]
19:31:44 <ehird> Doesn't sound dead to me
19:32:01 <pikhq> ehird: Shit like that makes it sound like they're killing it. :P
19:32:05 <ehird> pikhq: though that article mentions you can use Google Apps For My Domain as well
19:32:16 <ehird> it may be a perverse way to get people to use that instead :-D
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20:11:30 <oerjan> <Deewiant> One h is silent, the other isn't.
20:11:53 <oerjan> a/an is based on sound, not spelling.
20:14:19 <oerjan> a rule which is obvious to everyone _except_ the native speakers? :D
20:14:20 <ehird> pikhq: haha, after looking at the athena page on the mit site when you said they were killing it, i idly clicked around. they say that on your personal laptop/desktop, if you use linux, you should use red hat enterprise 5 and they'll supply a license
20:14:23 <ehird> there are no words
20:14:31 <ehird> oerjan: i think pikhq is a native speaker...
20:14:47 <ehird> wait it was ↑↑↑↑↑ by that message
20:14:50 <pikhq> For certain definitions of native, yes.
20:15:15 <pikhq> I couldn't speak until I was like 4.
20:15:18 <oerjan> ehird: bear with me i've only gotten to the second person to point it out yet :D
20:15:33 <pikhq> My language learning is therefore a bit... Idiosyncratic.
20:15:44 <ehird> pikhq: could you read when 4?
20:15:53 <pikhq> I could read when I was 2.
20:16:21 <ehird> i think i learned to read and speak at like roughly the same time
20:16:23 <ehird> when i was about 2
20:16:28 <ehird> wait, earlier than that
20:16:36 <ehird> i know that i knew the word "vocabulary" when i was 2
20:16:40 <ehird> so i probably didn't start then
20:20:09 <oerjan> hah, i could read when i was in the womb
20:20:23 <oerjan> too bad the library delivery service was horrible there
20:20:48 <oerjan> but then they _did_ have to go upward in the snow, both ways.
20:21:22 <oerjan> nowadays there isn't so much snow, we even have lawns to tell you to _get_ _off_
20:21:22 <ehird> oerjan: so your mother was a one-sided hill?
20:21:33 <oerjan> no no, we lived on one
20:21:43 <ehird> that's much less interesting.
20:21:54 <ehird> i was imagining them walking up, both ways, then just dropping it in like a hole like in a volcano
20:21:56 <ehird> and it'd just find its way
20:23:05 <oerjan> no volcanos in mainland norway, alas
20:23:55 <oerjan> there is one at Jan Mayen island, though
20:25:09 <ehird> it's an oerjancano.
20:27:49 <oerjan> <ehird> my dialect is weird <-- are you from 'artford, 'ereford or 'ampshire, where 'urricanes 'ardly hever 'appen?
20:28:23 <ehird> (If you imagined that as an extremely loud, guttural and raging scream, full of bloodlus, you got it right.)
20:28:35 <oerjan> why must i die merely for misquoting My Fair Lady? :(
20:29:12 <oerjan> or maybe you have something against people from 'artford, 'ereford and 'ampshire.
20:29:13 <ehird> Bloodlust. That's why.
20:29:59 <oerjan> also, i remember you're from 'exham.
20:30:31 <ehird> oerjan: not from. not from.
20:30:41 <ehird> we've moved like. 5 times.
20:31:20 <ehird> i was actually born in the south.
20:31:44 <ehird> but you couldn't really notice either way i don't think; my accent is, as I've said, weird in its nondescriptity.
20:32:18 <ehird> erm. let's say hemel hempstead. in england.
20:32:31 * oerjan has a cold and might be delirious without noting
20:32:31 <ehird> i was only born there tough
20:32:37 <ehird> iirc nobody in the family lived there at the time
20:32:45 <oerjan> 'emel 'empstead it is, then.
20:33:06 <ehird> I wonder what circumstances lead to me being born there
20:34:27 <oerjan> by "weird", do you mean your dialect is actually a mingling of all the places you've lived?
20:34:52 <ehird> that's the thing, I don't think it's regional at all
20:34:56 <ehird> apart from being british
20:42:21 <oerjan> irssi underline only one word when doing that?
20:42:36 <ehird> oerjan: lame client and your FORMATTING
20:42:45 <ehird> oerjan: also, it's just science
20:42:56 <ehird> oerjan: _ ok look for the next _ aha inbetween is realizes, italicize that
20:42:58 <ehird> normal text something
20:43:02 <ehird> oop a start of italics _
20:43:09 <ehird> oh well. just put it in there.
20:43:43 <oerjan> what i mean is i cannot get it to underline more than word word, whether i _do_this_ or _do this_
20:44:07 * pikhq tries to remembber the key combination for underlining
20:44:10 <oerjan> hm, _what__about__this_?
20:44:27 <ehird> oerjan: does it really matter to you? we can't see the underlines.
20:44:30 <oerjan> it's not about real underlining anyway
20:44:32 <ehird> pikhq: we have no colours
20:44:50 <ehird> but many clients don't
20:44:56 <ehird> i.e., all graphical ones and all simple text ones
20:44:58 <ehird> and probably some others.
20:44:59 <oerjan> ehird: well i guess it's just an annoying irssi display quirk
20:45:02 <ehird> god, that joke was AnMaster quailty
20:45:04 <pikhq> Specifically, irssi uses ncurses.
20:45:12 <ehird> pikhq: it can use any curses, can't it
20:45:26 <fizzie> Blame the fe-common/core/fe-messages.c function expand_emphasis. That's the culprit.
20:45:31 <oerjan> ehird: wait, what joke?
20:45:38 <ehird> fizzie: s/Blame/Patch/ :-P
20:45:44 * pikhq mutters at TeXlive
20:45:44 <ehird> 20:44 pikhq: ehird: Curses.
20:45:45 <ehird> 20:44 ehird: irssi uses curses
20:45:47 <ehird> 20:44 ehird: but many clients don't
20:45:49 <ehird> 20:44 ehird: i.e., all graphical ones and all simple text ones
20:45:51 <ehird> 20:44 ehird: and probably some others.
20:45:54 -!- KingOfKarlsruhe has quit (Remote closed the connection).
20:45:56 <ehird> pikhq: isn't texlive that thing that's like 100GB?
20:46:16 <pikhq> Why must it be distributed as a series of very small tarballs?
20:46:21 <ehird> 20:44 ehird: pikhq: we have no colours
20:46:22 <ehird> 20:44 ehird: in here
20:46:23 <ehird> 20:44 ehird: so no formatting
20:46:25 <ehird> he was exclaiming it
20:46:31 <ehird> and i took it as the library curses
20:46:37 <ehird> pikhq: isn't for os x
20:46:41 <ehird> it's a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge dmg
20:46:47 <pikhq> ehird: Is for source code.
20:46:56 <ehird> pikhq: you're trying to compile tex?
20:46:58 <ehird> that way lies madness
20:46:58 <oerjan> chalk me up for one AnMaster quality joke comprehension, then
20:47:06 <pikhq> ehird: No, Portage is.
20:47:14 <ehird> pikhq: slap it. it's silly.
20:47:23 <pikhq> The fetching is driving me crazy, though.
20:47:34 <fizzie> ehird: I installed TeXlive by compiling it with macports, and it worked just fine, as long as "just fine" means you're a-okay with waiting a couple of hours.
20:47:53 <ehird> fizzie: i just downloaded the dmg and clicked and let it pollute my namespace and give me a few kind of lame graphical applications
20:47:57 <pikhq> I've got high latency. So, each 100k file takes a couple seconds to start downloading.
20:48:05 <pikhq> And Portage fetches them sequentially.
20:48:06 <ehird> apart from the long download...
20:48:09 <ehird> pikhq: just get a binary.
20:48:16 <fizzie> ehird: Years of Debian usage has made the "I need something -> fire up the package manager" a reflex.
20:48:26 <ehird> fizzie: yeah; it doesn't pay off on the mac though
20:48:28 <pikhq> ehird: But that's not in the package manager.
20:48:30 <ehird> even fink, apt-based, always compils
20:48:43 <ehird> pikhq: surely you can hack up a package file? or perhaps use something like checkinstall?
20:48:51 <ehird> no? your package manager sucks!
20:49:06 <pikhq> But that requires maintanence.
20:49:16 <fizzie> "/* check that the beginning marker starts a word, and that the matching end marker ends a word */" is what the underlining thing tests.
20:49:18 <pikhq> At bare minimum paying attention to when TeXlive updates.
20:49:27 <ehird> pikhq: not really. TeXlive is updated once every year or something like that, and it barely ever changes
20:49:31 <ehird> having used it across two versions i think
20:49:34 <ehird> did not notice one difference
20:49:42 <fizzie> And the "ending marker" is the next _ from the first one.
20:49:47 <ehird> TeX never, ever changes; and derivatives rarely do too
20:49:50 -!- inurinternet has quit (Connection timed out).
20:49:52 <ehird> so only minor updates to related tools
20:50:06 -!- inurinternet has joined.
20:50:07 <fizzie> So in that case _this should underline a long thing_ but I'm not really sure.
20:50:13 <pikhq> Okay, so that requires one-time effort to make a binary package.
20:50:38 <oerjan> _then why does this not work_
20:50:46 <ehird> pikhq: With checkinstall, it hooks into make and everything. You just give it a name, version, license (autodetected, incidentally), and maybe even a description, hit enter, and it's installed.
20:51:10 <ehird> I know it can do .debs and .rpms; let's see if it does whatever portage dose.
20:51:12 <pikhq> ehird: Yes, I know.
20:51:15 <pikhq> That's more work than emerge.
20:51:31 <oerjan> fizzie: well this might not be the newest version of irssi, come to think of it.
20:51:35 <pikhq> Portage's binary packages are tarballs with metadata appended on the end.
20:51:44 <fizzie> oerjan: /* allow only *word* emphasis, not *multiple words* */ if (!settings_get_bool("emphasis_multiword")) { ...
20:51:52 <fizzie> oerjan: Maybe you should set that setting.
20:52:44 <AnMaster> compiling tex is not mad ehird
20:52:55 <AnMaster> portage has done it quite a few times for me
20:53:00 <pikhq> But apparently downloading it is.
20:53:00 <oerjan> now to wait until i discover that looks _horrible with code_
20:53:05 <fizzie> When in problem, source-dive. (Which I think is the word nethack people use for looking at the source when wondering something about the game mechanics.)
20:53:20 <oerjan> not that there is any code in this channel, anyhow *ducks*
20:53:54 <ehird> 12:51:12 <pikhq> ehird: Yes, I know.
20:53:55 <pikhq> > let kill = "KILL " ++ in kill "OERJAN!!"
20:53:55 <oerjan> apparently ? is not considered end of word
20:53:56 <ehird> 12:51:15 <pikhq> That's more work than emerge.
20:53:57 <lambdabot> <no location info>: parse error on input `in'
20:54:00 <ehird> pikhq: it's quicker, in total time
20:54:05 <fizzie> The "?*" thing does not match the "!ishighalnum(end[-1])" test.
20:54:31 <pikhq> ehird: Sure, but automated time is cheaper than my time.
20:55:16 <pikhq> "Wait while emerge does its thing" is more time-consuming for *me* than "wget&&tar -xf&&cd&&./configure&&make&&checkinstall"
20:55:17 <ehird> fizzie: perlists coding C?
20:55:31 <ehird> pikhq: ./configure&&make? I was talking about a binary package.
20:55:39 <ehird> More like "wget&&tar -xf&&cd&&checkinstall".
20:55:55 <ehird> For the minimal amount of extra effort in the former, it is a lot quicker.
20:56:03 <pikhq> In this case, "emerge a lot of packages here"
20:56:05 <fizzie> They seem to use that sort of idioms rather ofter, with char-pointers.
20:56:16 <ehird> fizzie: anti-idiom, more like
20:56:38 <fizzie> There's also a lot of places where it's combined with something like "(pos > 0 && bgn[-1] != ' ')" to avoid pointing at bad places.
20:56:39 <oerjan> pikhq: you need parentheses around "KILL " ++
20:56:53 <pikhq> oerjan: Oh, sure enough.
20:57:06 <pikhq> Don't I feel silly.
20:57:12 <fizzie> oerjan: You're helping him kill you? How... polite.
20:57:23 <oerjan> fizzie: we aim to please
20:57:26 <pikhq> > let kill = ("KILL " ++) in kill "OERJAN!!"
20:58:00 <ehird> > let kill whoeverItIs = "KILL " ++ whoeverItIs ++ "!!" in kill "oerjan"
20:58:06 <ehird> > let kill whoeverItIs = "KILL " ++ map toUpper whoeverItIs ++ "!!" in kill "oerjan"
20:58:27 <ehird> > let kill whoeverItIs = "KILL " ++ map toUpper whoeverItIs ++ ", FOR I HAVE AN INSATIABLE BLOODLUST FOR HIS FLESH!!!!!!" in kill "oerjan"
20:58:37 <pikhq> ehird: Needs more pointless.
20:58:45 <ehird> pikhq: Your mom's pointless, but okay:
20:59:03 <ehird> > let kill = ("KILL " ++) . map toUpper in kill "test"
20:59:23 <ehird> > let kill = ("KILL " ++) . (++ ", FOR I HAVE AN INSATIABLE BLOODLUST FOR HIS FLESH!!") . map toUpper in kill "test"
20:59:41 <ehird> > let kill = ("KILL " ++) . (++ ", FOR I HAVE AN INSATIABLE BLOODLUST FOR HIS FLESH!!!!!!") . map toUpper in kill "oerjan"
21:01:26 <pikhq> @let kill = ("KILL " ++) . (++ ", FOR I HAVE AN INSATIABLE BLOODLUST FOR HIS FLESH!!!!!!") . map toUpper
21:02:08 <oerjan> > flip (intercalate . map toUpper) ["KILL ", ", FOR I HAVE AN INSATIABLE BLOODLUST FOR ", "'S FLESH!!"] "pikhq"
21:03:43 <oerjan> it just doesn't get more pointless than this.
21:03:58 <ehird> oerjan: mine's nicer.
21:04:33 -!- KingOfKarlsruhe has joined.
21:04:33 <pikhq> oerjan: Make it all lambda.
21:04:47 <ehird> @unpl flip (intercalate . map toUpper) ["KILL ", ", FOR I HAVE AN INSATIABLE BLOODLUST FOR ", "'S FLESH!!"] "pikhq"
21:04:47 <lambdabot> (intercalate (map toUpper "pikhq") ["KILL ", ", FOR I HAVE AN INSATIABLE BLOODLUST FOR ", "'S FLESH!!"])
21:05:31 <pikhq> @unpl (KILL " ++) . (++ ", FOR I HAVE AN INSATIABLE BLOODLUST FOR HIS FLESH!!!!!") . map toUpper
21:05:41 <pikhq> @unpl ("KILL " ++) . (++ ", FOR I HAVE AN INSATIABLE BLOODLUST FOR HIS FLESH!!!!!") . map toUpper
21:05:41 <lambdabot> (\ e -> "KILL " ++ ((map toUpper e) ++ ", FOR I HAVE AN INSATIABLE BLOODLUST FOR HIS FLESH!!!!!"))
21:05:52 -!- KingOfKarlsruhe has left (?).
21:06:00 <pikhq> That's pretty boring too.
21:06:14 <oerjan> it seems to ignore operator precedence
21:21:56 -!- ais523 has quit (Remote closed the connection).
21:25:26 <ehird> pikhq: about project athena:
21:25:31 <ehird> pikhq: your recent grumbling at Xorg?
21:25:36 <ehird> Athena caused the invention of X11.
21:25:42 <ehird> Or, rather, X in general.
21:25:58 <pikhq> X11 is an 80s solution.
21:25:59 <ehird> Bloody hell, and Xaw.
21:26:06 <ehird> I hope they don't still use Xaw :-)
21:26:27 <pikhq> XDM uses it still.
21:26:40 <pikhq> As do a few core X utils.
21:26:49 <ehird> [[Linux-Athena was introduced in version 9, with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system running on cheaper x86 or x86-64 hardware. Athena 9 also replaced the internally-developed "DASH" menu system and Motif Window Manager (mwm) with a more modern GNOME desktop.]]
21:26:53 <ehird> Well, that's quite sane.
21:26:59 <ehird> Changing to Ubuntu even saner.
21:26:59 <pikhq> Most of that, of course, is provided just because it always has been.
21:27:12 <ehird> pikhq: Hey, I've used xdm and xman.
21:27:16 <ehird> I opened xedit once, too.
21:27:49 <ehird> pikhq: I find the best way to approach X is to install quite an old, minimalist window manager, lose your aesthetic sense and tell yourself 80s marketing speak about it.
21:27:58 <pikhq> Project Athena also brought us LDAP and Kerberos...
21:28:00 <ehird> It's quite awesome (in the old sense) before you use a more modern system.
21:28:14 <ehird> pikhq: And thin clients.
21:28:19 * oerjan vaguely recalls actually using xedit for some things, way back
21:28:21 <pikhq> I first used IceWM when I started on X, IIRC.
21:28:21 <ehird> But that Doesn't Count.
21:28:37 <ehird> IceWM would be better if you didn't have to click on menus to expand them
21:28:59 <ehird> a port of icewm to gtk would be very appealing imo
21:29:12 <fizzie> I think I installed some sort of fvwm first. Maybe.
21:29:27 <ehird> pikhq: I have blotted gtk1 from my mind.
21:32:32 <AnMaster> <pikhq> But apparently downloading it is. <-- why?
21:44:24 -!- GreaseMonkey has joined.
21:50:15 <pikhq> AnMaster: 100k tarballs.
21:50:23 <pikhq> When you have a 2 second latency.
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23:56:24 <ehird> xor xor xor xor xor xor xor xor xor xor xor xor xor xor xor
23:57:24 <lambdabot> forall a. (Bits a, Bits (a -> a -> a)) => (a -> a -> a) -> a -> a -> a
23:57:55 <lambdabot> forall a. (Bits a, Bits (a -> a -> a)) => a -> a -> a
23:58:04 <lambdabot> forall a. (Bits (a -> a -> a), Bits a, Bits ((a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> a -> a -> a)) => (a -> a -> a) -> a -> a -> a
23:58:11 <oerjan> :t xor xor xor xor xor
23:58:12 <lambdabot> forall a. (Bits (a -> a -> a), Bits a, Bits ((a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> a -> a -> a)) => a -> a -> a
23:58:19 <oerjan> :t xor xor xor xor xor xor
23:58:20 <lambdabot> forall a. (Bits ((a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> a -> a -> a), Bits (a -> a -> a), Bits a, Bits (((a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> a -> a -> a) -> ((a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> a -> a -> a) -
23:58:20 <lambdabot> > (a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> a -> a -> a)) => (a -> a -> a) -> a -> a -> a
23:58:50 <oerjan> this does not seem likely to converge
23:59:17 <ehird> oerjan: are you ever seriously going to have an instance of Bits a => Bits (a -> a -> a)?
23:59:24 <ehird> i can't even think of a way that could possibly work.