00:07:33 <ehird> 6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
00:07:33 <ehird> 7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen [do]: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
00:07:43 <ehird> Been nice knowing you, church-going christians
00:07:49 <ehird> Or hey anyone who uses the lord's prayer
00:07:53 <ehird> See you guys in hell
00:08:22 <pikhq_> Hmm. Have I actually prayed in public?
00:08:39 <pikhq_> It always struck me as kinda dumb to do so.
00:08:39 -!- pikhq_ has changed nick to pikhq.
00:08:53 <ehird> Have you ever prayed in a church?
00:09:21 <pikhq> Yes. Aforementioned church was almost completely empty.
00:09:42 <ehird> Ever used the Lord's Prayer more than once? :P
00:09:58 <pikhq> I... Don't think I've ever actually used it.
00:10:14 <ehird> Well, keep it up :P
00:10:19 <pikhq> I certainly don't have it memorised.
00:10:34 <ehird> Our father, who art in heaven
00:10:36 <ehird> hallowed by thy name
00:10:41 <ehird> give us this day our daily bread
00:10:43 <ehird> something about forgiveness
00:10:46 <ehird> something about tresspassing
00:10:47 <pikhq> Okay, actually, I do have it memorised.
00:10:50 <ehird> for you are the something something
00:10:51 <Pthing> forgive us our trespasses
00:10:59 <Pthing> as we forgive those who trespass against us
00:11:03 <Pthing> lead us not into temptation
00:11:04 <ehird> I haven't said that since before middle school
00:11:12 <ehird> or even read it more than once or twice beyond that
00:11:12 <Pthing> and deliver us from evil
00:11:14 <ehird> so pretty good imo
00:11:40 <pikhq> ehird: It's also amusing to read this: "Judge not, lest ye be judged".
00:12:11 <pikhq> (that is very, very hard to do, BTW)
00:12:14 <ehird> pikhq: must be fun reconciling that with the bible
00:12:37 <pikhq> ehird: ... You mean people pay attention to more than the Gospels?
00:12:54 <ehird> So, where did God say that you should only look at the Gospels?
00:13:30 <oklopol> i may remember it in finnish, but i don't think i've ever actually understood a word of it
00:13:52 <pikhq> Nowhere. He said it replaced the old testament, and everything that comes after the Gospels is basically irrelevant. :P
00:14:14 <ehird> translation of the lord's prayer to modern, streetwise English!:
00:14:26 <ehird> your name is pretty awesome.
00:14:31 -!- oklopol has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)).
00:14:35 <ehird> Your ghetto will rock.
00:14:41 <ehird> People will do shit you ask them to.
00:14:49 -!- oklopol has joined.
00:14:51 <ehird> In the universe as well as that strange metaphysical dimension shit, man.
00:14:53 <oklopol> i mean i've probably understood it as i've said it, iirc we used to do that a lot in school, i just mean the way i remember it is 100% rote
00:15:03 <ehird> We like doing bad shit!
00:15:09 <ehird> But we're okay with other people doing bad shit.
00:15:23 <ehird> Don't make me buy the new iPhone
00:15:32 <ehird> And stop me doing bad shit.
00:16:24 <oklopol> what's the iphone part originally
00:16:43 <ehird> no it literally says that
00:16:53 -!- BeholdMyGlory has quit (Remote closed the connection).
00:17:09 <ehird> DEAR BILLY GRAHAM: We pray the Lord’s Prayer in our church every week, but do you think the time will ever come when God’s will actually is going to be done on earth as it is in heaven (as the prayer says)? The world is so full of evil that I honestly wonder how it could ever happen. — Mrs. D.C.
00:17:10 <ehird> http://www.kansascity.com/238/story/1374439.html
00:17:25 <nooga> i try to find anagrams for all 7 letters long words in ~35MB wordlist
00:17:35 <nooga> and the script in ruby is riddiculously slow
00:25:07 <oklopol> ehird: that really opened my eyes
00:25:23 <ehird> oklopol: to magic?
00:30:20 <oklopol> i always get a weird feeling when i see someone start talking about the teachings of the bible, it's like that first moment in a movie when you see something that can't happen in real life, you kinda switch into fiction mode
00:31:12 <ais523> nooga: ruby is ridiculously slow in general
00:31:19 <ehird> ais523: beep beep FUD
00:31:20 <ais523> I did exactly that in Perl a few months ago, it took a few minutes
00:31:25 <ehird> If he's using Ruby 1.9, it's not slow.
00:31:25 <oklopol> actually fairly similar to the feeling of the fourth wall being broken
00:31:29 <ehird> Anything below, yeah, dog slow.
00:31:35 <oklopol> although that's kinda the other way around
00:34:03 -!- FireFly has quit ("Later").
00:39:20 -!- ais523 has quit (Remote closed the connection).
00:42:31 <pikhq> ehird: It's still slow. And dynamic to boot.
00:42:41 <ehird> YARV is like python-speed.
00:43:22 <nooga> vomits:its mist moist most omit omits sit sot vim vims vomit
00:43:41 <ehird> int puts(const char * /*@ observer @*/)
00:43:45 <ehird> /*@ modifies fileSystem, internalState @*/;
00:43:50 <ehird> guess it needs to be on the same line
00:44:08 <ehird> is it asking for a name? xD
00:45:32 <ehird> hello.c:5:5: Modifies list for main uses global file system state, not included
00:45:56 <ehird> A global variable is used in the modifies clause, but it is not listed in the
00:45:56 <ehird> globals list. The variable will be added to the globals list. (Use
00:45:56 <ehird> -warnmissingglobs to inhibit warning)
00:45:58 <ehird> watttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
00:46:39 * oerjan read that as involving global warming somehow
00:46:47 -!- olsner has quit ("Leaving").
00:47:30 <oerjan> also, terawattttttttttttttttttttttttttt
00:47:55 <ehird> http://pastie.org/580711.txt?key=hshhnvulajwdtdccu5ddhq
00:48:02 <ehird> I now hate splint.
00:48:12 <ehird> (The error is that I missed a star.)
00:48:35 <pikhq> ehird: So, needs more type inference?
00:49:35 <ehird> [22:34] ais523: in this case, it would be (const char * /*@ observer @*/)
00:49:35 <ehird> ...or observer BEFORE that declaration
00:50:15 <nooga> what are those /*@ ... @*/ things?
00:51:47 <ehird> Splint declarations
00:51:53 <ehird> aka "holy fucking pedantic declarations"
00:52:12 <ehird> basically once I'm done writing this hello world, if it doesn't work the world's collapsing
00:54:18 <HackEgo> * specify: determine the essential quality of \ * give a definition for the meaning of a word; "Define `sadness'" \ * determine the nature of; "What defines a good wine?"
00:56:18 <nooga> once i thought that such tool as splint might be nice, but then i ran away and never bothered to check how it actually works
00:58:27 <ehird> i _am_ using it in super-pedantic mode
00:58:41 <ehird> some with arguments
00:58:50 <ehird> which turns on a fuckload of others
00:59:29 <nooga> wonder if someone uses it that way
00:59:44 <nooga> perhaps even in NASA they piss on that
01:00:08 <ehird> hello.c:3:5: Name puts is reserved for the standard library
01:00:51 <ehird> so now i have to declare properties about puts...
01:00:52 <ehird> without using it :D
01:03:44 <Asztal> If you use gets, does it delete all your source files and tell you to quit?
01:07:03 <nooga> whaaaat eeeeeeeels is theeeeeere!?
01:08:12 <ehird> (The -f <filename> flag loads options from filename. —splint)
01:10:14 <oerjan> nooga: i have a hovercraft full!
01:11:41 <ehird> [ehird:~/Code/scraps/2009-08/splint-hello-world] % ./run-splint
01:11:41 <ehird> Splint 3.1.2 --- 11 Aug 2009
01:11:41 <ehird> Finished checking --- no warnings
01:11:42 <ehird> [ehird:~/Code/scraps/2009-08/splint-hello-world] % make
01:11:42 <ehird> cc -std=c89 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -c -o hello.o hello.c
01:11:43 <ehird> cc hello.o -o hello
01:11:45 <ehird> [ehird:~/Code/scraps/2009-08/splint-hello-world] % ./hello
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01:12:27 <ehird> pikhq: I didn't even have to declare anything on puts
01:12:31 <ehird> It inferred everything for me
01:12:40 <ehird> so I just wrote my puts-return-value-checking hello world, then added:
01:12:40 <pikhq> And you can be sure it's not doing anything you don't want it to.
01:12:47 <ehird> /*@globals fileSystem@*/
01:12:47 <ehird> /*@modifies fileSystem@*/
01:12:59 <ehird> now, to accept user input
01:13:32 <ehird> I got my obsessive-compulsive splint to let hello world through
01:13:39 <pikhq> He just got "Hello, world" working.
01:13:43 <ehird> http://pastie.org/580730.txt?key=yyfbz2lopd5zbrenhux4ja
01:13:45 <ehird> err, s/int argc/void/
01:13:51 <ehird> stupid half-written code :D
01:14:02 <pikhq> The stunningly non-trivial Hello, world!
01:14:55 <pikhq> ehird: Hmm. When you write it like *that*, it doesn't seem that bad.
01:15:17 <ehird> Yeah, it's actually quite simple ... for now.
01:15:21 <ehird> Wait until I add a data structure.
01:15:28 <ehird> Of course, nobody uses splint like this :P
01:15:31 <pikhq> It just makes it so that you have to check *all* the error conditions.
01:15:44 <pikhq> And there's far, far too many of them in the C library.
01:16:54 <pikhq> (how many people knew that puts could error out?)
01:17:12 <ehird> (void) puts("foo");
01:17:16 <ehird> voila, splint's off your back
01:18:38 * ehird writes array.h, array.c
01:18:46 <ehird> (Can't go checking things ourselves now, can we?)
01:18:55 <ehird> Who needs performance anyway
01:19:04 <ehird> All the performance coders are using Haskell.
01:19:16 <nooga> $ time ruby words.rb > anagrams.txt
01:27:14 -!- Asztal has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)).
01:33:41 <pikhq> Oh, farking brilliant.
01:33:54 <pikhq> Man carries gun to a town hall meeting where Obama is scheduled to appear.
01:34:05 <pikhq> While carrying a sign that says "It's time to water the tree of liberty."
01:36:37 <pikhq> Oh, and it was happening at a school. (you can't carry a gun within 1,000 feet of a school)
01:38:32 <pikhq> I think the Republicans appear more crazy by the day.
01:38:58 <pikhq> And they've appeared pretty damned crazy for a while now.
01:41:06 <ehird> http://www.fujinonbinos.com/ ← View source and grep <FONT
01:41:47 <ehird> if splint preprocesses
01:41:51 <ehird> how can it enforce cpp naming conventions
01:42:10 <ehird> it doesn't preprocess, it seems
01:42:16 <ehird> or rather, does it after enforcing cpp
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01:51:58 <ehird> pikhq: I lied; that doesn't actually compile cleanly.
01:51:58 <ehird> ...if you enable +strict-lib.
01:51:58 <ehird> pikhq: "main.c:8:9: Called procedure puts may access global stdout"
01:51:58 -!- oerjan has quit ("Good night").
01:51:58 <ehird> /*@globals fileSystem, stdout, *stdout, errno@*/
01:52:01 -!- GregorR-L has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)).
01:52:26 <ehird> /*@globals fileSystem, stdout, *stdout, errno@*/
01:52:26 <ehird> /*@modifies fileSystem, stdout, *stdout, errno@*/
01:53:19 <ehird> pikhq: It feels ewwily implementation-exposing :P
01:54:25 <ehird> pikhq: It's not looking at system code, though
01:54:28 <ehird> It's in its definition file
01:54:34 <ehird> So it's not exposing anything
01:54:46 <ehird> just doing exactly what the C standard says
01:55:03 <ehird> int main(const int argumentCount, const char *const argumentValues[])
01:55:03 <ehird> printf("Hello, %s!\n", argumentValues[0]);
01:55:13 <ehird> argv is always at least one element long
01:55:26 <ehird> ...[1] works too though.
01:55:38 <ehird> pikhq: argv is terminated with a NULL
01:55:42 <ehird> too clever by half!
01:55:45 <pikhq> Yeah, I was about to say.
01:55:54 <ehird> would be nice to be warned about that, still
01:56:05 <ehird> ...okay, [2] works.
01:56:14 <ehird> Hello, PATH=/Users/ehird/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/bin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/Users/ehird/.cabal/bin:/Applications/J/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin!
01:56:22 <ehird> pikhq: it's picking up the third environ parameter
01:56:36 <ehird> since it's an array
01:56:39 <ehird> and comes right after argv
01:56:47 <ehird> (ofc splint doesn't know that, but i'm talking about when i run it)
01:57:23 <pikhq> It's easy to forget that environ is also passed to main, isn't it?
01:57:35 <ehird> splint parse errors
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02:04:14 <ehird> if (argumentCount < 1)
02:04:15 <ehird> printf("usage: %s greetee\n", argumentValues[0]);
02:04:19 <ehird> wants me to check if I have an argv[0] :D
02:04:34 <ehird> ...HOW DO I DO THAT X_X
02:05:33 <ehird> http://www.splint.org/manual/html/sec9.html
02:06:03 <ehird> if (world_has_not_imploded)
02:06:05 <pikhq> Hmm. Actually, check to make sure argv is not NULL?
02:07:16 <ehird> /*@requires maxRead(argumentValues) == (argumentValues + argumentCount)@*/
02:07:29 <ehird> main.c:16:32: Possible out-of-bounds read: argumentValues[0]
02:07:29 <ehird> Unable to resolve constraint:
02:07:29 <ehird> requires <parameter 2> >= 0 - <parameter 1>
02:08:06 <ehird> even unsigned it wants me to check it's greater to or equal than a minus number
02:08:20 <ehird> also (argumentCount < 1) is comparing incompatible types
02:09:21 <ehird> !NULL doesn't satisfy it
02:09:27 <ehird> it could still be out of bounds
02:09:41 <ehird> it's complaining about another line
02:09:51 <ehird> it never complained about one of my lines
02:10:26 <ehird> int main(const unsigned int argumentCount, const char *const argumentValues[])
02:15:41 <ehird> in if (argumentCount < (unsigned int)1)
02:15:45 <ehird> it accepts argumentValues[0]
02:15:47 <ehird> but in the else clause
02:17:14 <ehird> hmm okay splint is on crack, it's satisfied that !(argumentCount < (unsigned int)1) but wants proof that (argumentCount >= 1)
02:17:19 -!- nooga has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)).
02:17:34 <pikhq> If this were C++, it'd have a point.
02:17:51 <pikhq> Operator overloading's a bitch. ;)
02:17:57 -!- Sgeo has joined.
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02:23:54 <ehird> My brain is melting.
02:24:33 <ehird> NOW WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM
02:24:54 <ehird> pikhq: I think it's going on the principle "If we can do something in one branch, we probably can't do it in another". :D
02:25:39 <ehird> it errors out on the other if I comment out the latter
02:28:52 -!- nooga has quit (Remote closed the connection).
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02:59:23 * Sgeo msgs someone about Circe repos
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03:02:32 <ehird> Sgeo: nobody cares about that shitty 100-line client.
03:02:49 <Sgeo> It has more than 100 lines!
03:04:30 -!- ehird has quit.
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05:06:30 <Sgeo> Someone should make an esolang where the file has to start with .LOG
05:29:11 <bsmntbombdood> would it be possible to stream video in a way that bitrate can gracefully degrade on a low bandwidth connection?
05:57:48 <pikhq> Yes, but it's not all that good.
06:06:42 <bsmntbombdood> you ought to be able to do it with n log n precomputation
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08:49:15 <AnMaster> <Sgeo> Someone should make an esolang where the file has to start with .LOG <-- eh why?
08:49:53 <Sgeo> Windows Notepad, when it opens a file that starts with .LOG, automatically adds a datetime stamp
08:54:38 <Sgeo> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/260563
08:55:26 <Sgeo> http://www.ehow.com/how_4887314_turn-xp-notepad-log-book.html
08:57:51 -!- M0ny has joined.
09:00:05 <Sgeo> Anyways, sleep now
09:16:57 -!- Sgeo has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
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11:22:33 * oerjan thinks xkcd has a math error today
11:23:45 <oerjan> that may of course be a result of hallucination
11:28:30 <fizzie`> Well, "top prime's divisors'"...
11:28:54 <fizzie`> Maybe it's some artistic license to fit in the haikuistic form.
11:29:19 <oerjan> the problem is, that is just a weird way of saying the top prime
11:29:55 <oerjan> you have to take the product of _all_ the primes
11:30:39 <fizzie`> Why do I have some sort of stain in my name?
11:30:41 -!- fizzie` has changed nick to fizzie.
11:31:33 <fizzie> It's been noticed by many in the comment thread, but I guess those won't get any official justifications.
11:44:00 -!- oklopol has joined.
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13:25:42 <FireFly> http://xkcd.com/281/ <-- Is more true than I've previously thought
13:26:23 <Slereah_> I'm waiting for 4 different packages.
13:26:50 <Slereah_> One is supposed to arrive today
13:26:54 <FireFly> But I was bored, so I wrote a lil' module for my IRC bot, so it tells me when their location updates
13:27:14 <FireFly> Both of mine are from the states, so they're overseas too
13:29:14 <fizzie> I'm waiting for my wandering-around Finland-local package; it was "sorted" the day before yesterday, delivered to a wrong place yesterday, resent and "sorted" again yesterday-evening, and now there's no new entries in the tracking system.
13:29:26 <fizzie> Maybe they've decided to ship it to Africa now.
13:29:35 <Slereah_> Oh, do we complain about the postal system?
13:29:42 <Slereah_> Because I have a totally good one.
13:29:59 <Slereah_> See, thanks to the online tracking of packages, I knew that mine was coming yesterday
13:30:21 <Slereah_> So I woke up early, because it's a big one and it won't fit in the mailbox and I don't want to go to the post office to get it
13:30:39 <Slereah_> And at 4PM, I'm thinking 'It's not gonna arrive now.'
13:30:53 <Slereah_> So I go to my mailbox, and in there is a message from the mailman.
13:31:02 <Slereah_> "Your package is too big, come take it here"
13:31:19 <oklopol> how did he know you are gay
13:31:25 <oklopol> do you live in a pink house or something
13:31:34 <Slereah_> So I try to go to said postal center
13:31:47 <Slereah_> Turns out it's actually IN THE NEXT TOWN
13:32:00 <Slereah_> I try to go there, but even before I reach it, it's closing time.
13:32:13 <Slereah_> So now, he's supposed to come back today
13:32:29 <oklopol> Slereah_: if you were a mailman, would you ring a doorbell at 4am?
13:32:49 <fizzie> You need to set up a trap. Maybe one of those rope-with-a-loop type of things.
13:33:59 -!- CESSMASTER has joined.
13:34:23 <fizzie> I don't think the local post service tries to ring either. In fact, I'm not sure they even take larger-than-average packages with them, they just bring the note.
13:35:06 <Slereah_> Why is he coming back today to try again?
13:36:05 <Slereah_> I mean, if he's not going to ring, I'd rather go take it to the post office
13:36:06 <fizzie> That's different, of course. That sounds more like what the UPS-style delivery companies do. And I'm sure the postal system does have a direct-to-home delivery service, it's just that the default cheapest thing isn't it.
13:36:12 <Slereah_> Also most of the time, they do ring
13:36:31 <fizzie> Maybe you got a terminally shy deliveryperson.
13:37:10 <fizzie> He's intimidated by the size of your package.
13:39:57 <Slereah_> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1156265/Radioactive-paedophile-suspect-run-skipping-court.html
13:42:30 -!- ehird has joined.
13:47:55 <ehird> yeah party fuck yeah
13:49:06 <fizzie> "Partyhird" should have a meaning.
13:50:47 <ehird> fucked up kids names are fun
13:51:54 <ehird> "and this is Party Qwerty One Plus E To The Power Of I Times Pi Equals Zero Hird; One Plus E To The Power Of I Times Pi for short."
13:53:58 <ehird> speaking of xkcd, I will, one day, make http://xkcd.com/413/ a reality
13:54:03 <ehird> well, apart from the soul bit
14:10:56 -!- nooga has joined.
14:13:36 <oklopol> A BCD number is not the same as a straight binary number.
14:16:55 <ehird> 05:39:57 <Slereah_> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1156265/Radioactive-paedophile-suspect-run-skipping-court.html
14:16:56 * ehird scratches head at that URL
14:16:59 * ehird clicks, but... carefully
14:17:02 <oklopol> in fact it's such a useless comment i'm wondering if it's a gay joke
14:17:10 <oklopol> although those are pretty rare in our lecture materials
14:17:56 <ehird> oklopol: i saw someone say "duh, it's easy! <shitty explanation of binary>" to a guy who said he never really "got" BCD
14:19:06 <oklopol> is this guy a baker or a cleaner
14:20:11 <ehird> oklopol, not everyone who doesn't find exactly the same things easy as you is stupid :P
14:21:09 <oklopol> you only think that because you don't know what quotient rings are!
14:21:55 <oklopol> and in case that wasn't a very clear joke, yes, that is true, and i'm aware of that to some degree.
14:22:52 <ehird> quotient rings are like... when you have a wizard
14:23:00 <ehird> in a corridor (this corridor is the wizard)
14:23:07 <ehird> and he moves along (entering the universe)
14:23:12 <ehird> but then the corridor stops existing, yet it must
14:23:14 <ehird> so it appears again
14:23:20 <ehird> he is trapped forever
14:23:27 <ehird> he can't get out of the corridor. it's him.
14:23:29 <fizzie> I got into an argument because of BCD, since the lecturer of our "basics of digital systems" or whatever course insisted that absolutely all floating-point numbers everywhere use a powers-of-two representation, while in fact the TI-86 calculator uses something like 14-digit BCD floats with a decimal exponent in the [-999, 999] range.
14:23:47 <ehird> fizzie: Your university sounds... good :-P
14:24:30 <fizzie> I had to email the lecturer some proof afterwards, IIRC.
14:24:46 <fizzie> oklopol: Yes, it's not like I'd be getting any new stories from anywhere.
14:25:49 <oklopol> ehird: i have a CS professor who ends all his emails in either "hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." or "ooooooooooo...", and never uses a computer for anything else
14:26:06 <ehird> oklopol: never reads responses? :D
14:26:14 <ehird> also do those two endings make any more sense in finnish than they do in english
14:26:21 <oklopol> the reason for those repetitions i don't know, but probably has to do with the fact he has no idea how computers work
14:26:29 <ehird> if not I'm fairly sure you might be in an insane asylum not a university
14:26:32 <ehird> it's worth considering
14:26:53 <ehird> i haven't seen a counterexample yet, fizzie, you, Deewiant, BCD prof guy, esolang prof guy, hhhh/oooo prof guy
14:26:56 <oklopol> he's actually a pretty brilliant man for his age
14:26:56 <ehird> worth considering.
14:27:13 <ehird> oklopol: so what he's just trying to type "h"? xD
14:27:21 <oklopol> no matter what you ask him, after a while in solitary confinement in his room, he'll have a perfect answer and understanding of the matter
14:28:38 <oklopol> ehird: i have no idea why those h's and o's appear, and i'm the only one who gets them
14:28:55 <ehird> maybe it's code for "will you marry me"
14:29:01 <fizzie> We once found a ~/dead.letter file from the root account of the Linux server in our high school, which had some real content written by a math teacher first, and then a long string of stuff like "^X ^C ^D ^X ^X ^[ exit quit exit exit" and finally the Finnish sentences "millä tämän tösselön saa tallettamaan? ei tadia [sic] toimia."
14:29:05 <ehird> h or o is 1 or 0, the repeating is just so it stands out
14:29:09 <ehird> chronological order
14:29:13 <fizzie> Oklopol can translate the Finnish part so that it preserves the tone.
14:29:37 <FireFly> "BCD prof guy, esolang prof guy, hhhh/oooo prof guy"
14:29:50 <ehird> FireFly: yeah i make up names pretty spontaneously
14:29:53 <ehird> hard to shake it after
14:30:00 <oklopol> fizzie: i'm not sure i can translate "tssel" :D
14:30:14 <Deewiant> fizzie: Haha, he must've used vi[m]
14:30:20 <FireFly> Sounds like the name of some swedish island to me
14:30:27 <ehird> Deewiant: Or mail(1)
14:30:31 <ehird> No newline in what fizzie said
14:30:35 <ehird> so it wouldn't cause an exit
14:31:04 <ehird> ^C and ^[ would have exited insert mode
14:31:28 <fizzie> There were newlines, though, I just compressed a bit. I'm not sure if there was the traditional single-dot-line attempted.
14:31:37 <FireFly> 'then a long string of stuff like "^X ^C ^D'
14:31:43 <FireFly> ^X ^K ^C ^D would've been nice
14:31:47 <Deewiant> Oh, ^C leaves insert mode as well
14:32:14 <fizzie> I don't remember details, but it was clear that a very large number of keyboard commands had been attempted.
14:32:16 <Deewiant> Yeah, that one I just didn't notice at first
14:32:37 <ehird> http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2004/06/03/147583.aspx <3
14:33:00 <fizzie> The BCD lecturer wasn't very high in the hierarchy, certainly no professor; maybe some sort of post-graduate student.
14:34:20 <ehird> everyone in university is either a student or a professor, don't you know the basic hierarchy of everythings
14:35:33 <ehird> also they all have crazy white hair
14:35:40 <ehird> are all male, are all like 70
14:35:56 <ehird> and all wear white lab coats all the time
14:36:45 <ehird> this is know to be true.
14:38:17 -!- randomit1 has joined.
14:38:59 <ehird> randomit1: a few possibilities here
14:39:29 <Slereah_> Ayn Rand never forgets her 1's
14:39:44 <ehird> yes he might be a heretic though.
14:39:46 <ehird> you can never tell
14:40:37 <ehird> every day a random first-year (= year-1) MIT student gets to come on IRC and blab
14:41:36 <oklopol> "randomit" is finnish and means "randoms"
14:42:06 <ehird> anyway goddamn randomit1 put us out of our speculation
14:42:24 <fizzie> Wait, that's an extra D.
14:42:27 <ehird> hey it's the six degrees of wikipedia guy
14:42:35 <ehird> i found this out using hostname, realname and google
14:43:23 <ehird> "22/7 (pi) is a non-terminating, non-repeating decimal. It is an irrational number." —yahoo answers
14:43:23 <fizzie> Obligatory cyber-stalking procedure has now been completed?
14:43:34 <oklopol> i'd say we get a bit overenthusiastic over new people
14:43:39 <ehird> oklopol: they're so rare!
14:43:44 <ehird> we can harvest their organs and stuff.
14:44:09 <oklopol> also let me point out mine and fizzie's almost simultaneous stalking stoppery effort
14:44:13 <ehird> it's kind of annoying when they don't say anything though.
14:44:33 <ehird> oklopol: hey I'd whoised just to look
14:44:43 <ehird> but then googled the name since he was stupidly refusing to talk!
14:44:55 <ehird> then i saw that the website was .de which my brain had memorised his hostname as being
14:44:59 <ehird> okay this isn't sounding any less creepy
14:45:08 <fizzie> Yes, it is certainly stupid not to talk to an overtly crazy person.
14:45:42 <oklopol> ehird: it's not .de though
14:45:52 <ehird> http://www.netsoc.tcd.ie/~mu/wiki/
14:46:07 <ehird> spoon.netsoc.tcd.ie
14:47:17 <fizzie> Next, find out his hair color and foot size and habitual body odor.
14:47:49 <ehird> he's in here, it's fairly safe to assume that his body odour is more or less indescribably bad
14:48:12 <ehird> hair color, I'm gonna say black or dark brown, there seems to be commonness of that among geeknerdthingies
14:48:20 <ehird> either really tiny or really big
14:48:28 <ehird> (also applies to nevermind
14:48:45 <ehird> oklopol: you're platonically not actually in here, though
14:49:18 <ehird> sorry it's .ie not .de
14:49:24 <ehird> i was wondering why its site was in english for a second there
14:50:05 <ehird> randomit1: please don't make all this effort wasted
14:51:05 <oklopol> it seems even boolean algebras are pretty after a few courses of algebra
14:51:28 -!- GregorR-L has joined.
14:51:28 <ehird> algebra is indian magics
14:51:48 <ehird> we're stalking a new guy who hasn't said anything
14:51:55 <ehird> he's the six degrees of wikipedia guy, and uh that's about it
14:52:11 <GregorR-L> randomit1: http://codu.org/5ctj/ woooh :P
14:52:12 <ehird> stalking people is very boring when their name gives a relevant #1 google result
14:52:24 <ehird> GregorR-L: he's been in for like 5-10 minutes and hasn't said a thing
14:53:27 <fizzie> It's the standard "play dead" response when confronted by a large, wild animal.
14:54:31 <oklopol> ehird: that you are a very small, domesticated animal
14:54:50 <fizzie> The ferocity makes up for any deficiencies in size.
14:55:08 -!- randomity has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)).
14:55:17 <ehird> that's not randomit1
14:55:20 <oklopol> so it was just a nick change
14:55:28 <ehird> i haven't seen randomity in here before though
14:55:33 <ehird> not the same connection
14:56:03 <fizzie> It does sort of explain the name; "randomit1" is a reasonable alt-nick for "randomity".
14:56:56 <fizzie> First signgs of any randomity in my logs are from 2009-07-07 and there's even some talk.
14:57:58 <GregorR-L> I decree that ehird's reaction is randumbity.
15:08:16 <ehird> http://imgur.com/9qS5U.png The first person to read this shorthand and tell me the English text gets a cookie.
15:08:54 <ehird> GregorR-L: it isn't
15:09:08 <ehird> GregorR-L: Protip: The characters are all shoved together.
15:09:13 <ehird> Also, you can clearly see commas.
15:09:13 <GregorR-L> In that case, I was expecting it to be scanned at more than 2dpi
15:09:19 <ehird> It's not a scanning.
15:09:22 <ehird> It's an accurate computer rendering.
15:09:42 <ehird> Srsly, if you find the commas, colons and the letter that occurs a lot, you've basically cracked it.
15:10:32 <ehird> I can read parts of it, anyway. Would need more practice to read more effectively. But it'd be fine for notes, since you'd basically remember what you're writing anyway.
15:11:54 <ehird> Oh, final hint: It's two columns; the second comes after the first.
15:12:10 <ehird> No semantic reason, just using the space more effectively.
15:12:53 -!- Asztal has joined.
15:13:07 <GregorR-L> http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=0,1,5&comics=92,07,1128&strip
15:14:58 <ehird> It wouldn't be nearly as short without my addition.
15:15:03 <ehird> GregorR-L: stfu, I didn't do that at all
15:15:04 <nooga> Congratulations! You found Jesus in 3 clicks! yay
15:15:07 <ehird> no regular font was involved in the process
15:15:39 <nooga> from a canadian hockey player
15:15:55 <GregorR-L> -> Canada -> Christianity -> Jesus
15:17:33 <ehird> what's the different kind of restarts
15:18:05 <GregorR-L> Normally it prevents you from revisiting a page you've seen before.
15:18:11 <GregorR-L> So the more you go through the more difficult it gets.
15:18:19 <GregorR-L> But you can also restart that data if you're a wimp.
15:19:00 <ehird> oklopol: If you want, an extra hint about the shorthand: The direct mappable result from it is 546 characters long; the text originally used and what you are meant to comprehend is 725 characters long.
15:19:36 <oklopol> what? where do the rest go
15:19:46 <oklopol> do you mean some characters just disappear
15:19:53 <nooga> Roman_Catholic_Church
15:19:54 <ehird> oklopol: if you can get at the 546 long text, your brain can fill in the rest semi-easily
15:20:17 <ehird> well, not that easily, but the source text isn't very comprehendable really
15:20:26 <ehird> oklopol: I'll help you by giving you one of the lord's prayer
15:20:35 <ehird> not that you'll even bother
15:20:38 <ehird> but i like to think you would.
15:23:31 <ehird> http://imgur.com/GK8QT.png
15:23:35 <ehird> lord's prayer, with linebreaks and shit
15:24:24 <ehird> really, knowing the linebreaks there's some very obvious structure in some words
15:25:45 <oklopol> okay much harder than i though
15:26:01 <ehird> oklopol: protip: first word of the second line
15:26:09 <ehird> second word of the fourth line
15:26:13 <ehird> "hallowed", "will"
15:26:33 <oklopol> if i need more hints, i'll ask
15:36:37 <oklopol> okay, i don't want more hints, but i'm not going to crack it now
15:37:21 <oklopol> i only do the systematic approach well, and i don't have time for that
15:37:33 <ehird> it's not anything special
15:37:38 <ehird> the chars are just bunched up making it look hard
15:38:08 <oklopol> not sure how i'm supposed to respond to that
15:38:09 <GregorR-L> I drew a diagram of the communication done by a hypothetical program. For the part that's done over the Internet, I drew a big bubble and labeled it "WEBERNETS". My sponsor here was confused :P
15:39:14 <pikhq> ehird: That is not shorthand.
15:40:13 <pikhq> ehird: Shorthand scripts are human scripts.
15:40:20 <GregorR-L> pikhq: ehird doesn't understand that "shorthand" isn't a general word for all forms of smaller writing.
15:40:24 <pikhq> That is not human. Thus, not shorthand. QED.
15:40:33 <ehird> GregorR-L: That's because it isn't, idiot.
15:40:43 <pikhq> ehird: ... But it is.
15:40:44 <pikhq> ehird: Erm. Isn't.
15:40:56 <ehird> But hey, why not make assumptions about something that you've said is incomprehensible to you?
15:41:08 <pikhq> ehird: Shorthand is a script that is easier and faster to write than normal script.
15:41:31 <pikhq> Unless you regularly write out bitmaps, that isn't shorthand. :P
15:41:41 <ehird> pikhq: yeah, uh, I could have drawn it by hand
15:41:53 <ehird> funnily enough, computers can draw nowadays
15:42:00 <ehird> I didn't because it wasn't needed
15:42:09 <pikhq> ehird: ... You fail.
15:42:30 <pikhq> Pitman is a shorthand system. That is a binary text encoding.
15:42:32 <ehird> if i wrote a computer program that spit out a blocky version of gregg's shorthand
15:42:38 <ehird> then it wouldn't be shorthand>?
15:42:42 <ehird> there are letter forms there
15:42:52 <ehird> "I can't read it" != "it's a bitmap representing binary"
15:43:02 <pikhq> Oh, there are actual letter forms? That's not shorthand, that's longhand. :P
15:43:17 <ehird> Letter forms that mesh together, yes.
15:43:21 <ehird> Not all of them though.
15:43:47 <ehird> Not all the letters are written out.
15:43:53 <ehird> Besides, it's way more concise than writing them out normally.
15:46:40 <ehird> pikhq: I'll prove it to you
15:46:48 <ehird> Give me some text, I'll give you an image of it.
15:48:28 <oklopol> ehird: so is that meant to be a script a human writes faster than the usual one?
15:48:54 <oklopol> if yes, i doubt it succeeds at that, if not, what's your definition of shorthand?
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15:49:17 <ehird> The writing time is probably about the same or a little shorter; but even a little bit is a great improvement. The major advantage is that it's much smaller.
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15:49:41 <ehird> You can fit many notes on one piece of paper quite quickly and then read them semi-easily later on.
15:50:30 <oklopol> i don't think that's one of the usual things "shorthand" implies
15:50:42 <ehird> I don't see why no
15:50:57 <oklopol> if it's in your definition, then that's definitely shorthand
15:51:08 <ehird> oklopol: anyway, the actual writing will be significantly shorter
15:51:17 <ehird> there's much less to write
15:51:20 <oklopol> i'm just trying to resolve the conflict, because i'm annoyed by your definition conflicts
15:51:21 <ehird> there's a small cognitive overhead, though
15:51:24 <ehird> which would balance it out
15:51:31 <oklopol> as i am by all definition conflicts
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15:56:46 <fizzie> There is a microSD card slot in this GPRS/3G/etc. USB-stick-modem, but none of the instructions say what it's for, except that a microSD card is not included. I guess it shows up as a mass storage device, I'm just not quite sure why it's there.
15:57:29 <fizzie> Oh, and quite many of these sticks start out as pretending to be a mass storage device containing the (Windows) drivers; then you need to poke them so that they transmogrify to a USB serial device.
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15:57:57 <pikhq> fizzie: That is so dumb.
15:58:03 <ehird> HURF DURF I'M A STICK
15:58:06 <ehird> DO NOT COME NEAR ME
15:58:08 <ehird> OR I WILL POKE YOU
15:58:16 <ehird> I TALK USB ^______________^
15:58:29 <oklopol> ehird: okay i think i've crached it, actually
15:58:36 <ehird> I crached your mom
15:59:33 <oklopol> took me longer than it should've, maybe, but as i've mentioned, i don't like thinking outside the box, not at all the kind of puzzle i'm good at
15:59:48 <ehird> so, what do you think it is
15:59:58 <oklopol> also i mean i crached the encryption, haven't looked at the actual code yet
16:00:31 <ehird> there's no encryption
16:00:35 <ehird> do you mean you decoded the letter forms or
16:00:43 <oklopol> i mean what i obviously mean
16:03:42 <ehird> Judge Leonard Davis of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas issued a permanent injunction that "prohibits Microsoft from selling or importing to the United States any Microsoft Word products that have the capability of opening .XML, .DOCX or DOCM files (XML files) containing custom XML," according to a statement released by attorneys for the plantiff, i4i.
16:03:50 <ehird> Die, Microsoft! Die!
16:03:57 <ehird> Toronto-based i4i sued Microsoft in March 2007 alleging that the Redmond,Wash.-based software giant violated its 1998 patent (No. 5,787,449) for a document system that eliminated the need for manually embedded formatting codes.
16:04:20 <oklopol> ehird: "And the priests told M-someone..."?
16:04:59 <ehird> "M-someone" doesn't inspire confidence
16:05:01 <oklopol> okay, then i can read it, and yes, it was trivial
16:05:13 <ehird> what's the m-someone
16:06:05 <oklopol> it's just m and a comma isn't it
16:06:41 <ehird> anyway you probably dislike it because it's trivial eh
16:06:45 <oklopol> then why would you expect me to guess it without reading more
16:07:23 <oklopol> well as i suck at that sort of puzzles, it was relatively tedious to crack.
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16:22:03 <ehird> I'm so glad project Xanadu didn't take off
16:22:21 <ehird> [[Every document can contain a royalty mechanism at any desired degree of granularity to ensure payment on any portion accessed, including virtual copies ("transclusions") of all or part of the document.
16:22:22 <ehird> Every Xanadu service provider can charge their users at any rate they choose for the storage, retrieval and publishing of documents.]]
16:22:35 <ehird> unenforcable, illogical DRM built right in...
16:28:52 <fizzie> There were OS X drivers on the fake mass-storage thing, so I installed those; the (very ugly, operator-themed) control program found the UMTS network, but said "general error: 1002" when trying to connect. So I told the laptop to restart (there were two modems in the network port list and everything), and now it no longer boots.
16:29:08 <fizzie> I'm used to incompetence by the telephone operators, but this is on another level entirely.
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16:30:20 <fizzie> There's the OS X boot screen (grey apple logo with the round animated twirly thing below it), but at some point a black square (approximately 1/3rd of the screen width/height) appears in the middle, and the animated thing freezes up.
16:30:45 <ehird> i'm tempted to try and debug that over irc
16:31:13 <fizzie> I'm going to go make some food now, I doubt you can debug that without any assistance from me. Though it'd certainly be impressive.
16:31:31 <ehird> to start it up again
16:31:34 <ehird> all you have to do is
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16:39:48 <pikhq> nooga: 'Tis awful.
16:40:10 <ehird> True, but not in the way you mean.
16:40:41 <nooga> templates were the most stupid ideas on earth
16:41:15 <fizzie> Well, it did boot in the hold-shift "Safe Boot" mode. Going to try to deinstall those drivers; even if they worked, the control application was so incredibly ugly I can't see myself using it.
16:41:35 <pikhq> nooga: With the worst possible implementation.
16:41:38 <ehird> so uh why do all laptops suck!
16:41:45 <ehird> is important question of importantness.
16:42:01 <nooga> stroustrup was on acid
16:42:02 <pikhq> Such a verbose notation for the untyped lambda calculus.
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17:00:30 <ehird> [16:41] ehird: so uh why do all laptops suck!
17:00:31 <ehird> [16:41] ehird: is important question of importantness.
17:02:58 <ehird> oklopol: they're all compromises. compromises of stupid.
17:03:07 <nooga> pikhq: http://www.osl.iu.edu/~kyross/templ-interp.html ohhhh
17:04:13 <ehird> either they're gigantic and you can't fit them on your lap, or they're really hot and you can't fit them on your lap, or they're really heavy and you can't loosely carry them around, or they have a shitty battery life (anything under six hours, basically; preferably 7+) so you can't go somewhere without worrying about charging them, or they have a dog-slow processor
17:04:24 <ehird> oh, or they have a glossy screen and you can't use them in daylight at all
17:05:04 <oklopol> ehird: right, shitty battery life
17:05:16 <ehird> the thinkpad x200 comes pretty close; like nine hours battery life with the 9-cell battery, runs cool, is just 12" diagonal, has a matte screen, with the 9-cell battery is like 3.5lbs (= 1.58kg)
17:05:22 <ehird> and has a proper core 2 duo 2.4ghz processor
17:05:35 <ehird> stick an ssd in it and that weight goes down a bit too, speed up as well
17:05:54 <ehird> disadvantages: doesn't have a trackpad, just a nipple mouse (may be a plus depending on which you prefer),
17:05:54 <nooga> macbooks are pretty well designed
17:06:01 <ehird> apparently the backlight isn't good enough for outdoor use
17:06:18 <nooga> ibms always had those uncool lcds
17:06:37 <ehird> nooga: the regular macbook is almost 1.5x the weight of the x200 with a 9-cell battery
17:06:44 <ehird> and get four hours less battery life
17:06:47 <ehird> and is a bit bigger
17:06:50 <ehird> nooga: uncool? you mean matte?
17:06:58 <ehird> ISN'T YOUR FACE SO PRETTY
17:07:16 <nooga> my HP got 3h battery life under linux ;F
17:07:23 <ehird> yes, that's exactly what i look for in a display, unusability
17:07:40 <nooga> glossy displays are really bad
17:07:49 <ehird> nooga: all macs are glossy
17:08:03 <ehird> so i don't know what you're trying to say with "uncool"
17:08:04 <nooga> i mean the colors and quailty of picture was poor on every ibm i looked at
17:08:19 <ehird> and the reviews of the screens are generally positive
17:08:26 <ehird> also some thinkpads have LED backlights nowadays
17:08:28 <nooga> it was long time ago
17:08:28 <ehird> which will be great
17:08:29 <ehird> dunno if the x200 does
17:09:01 <ehird> so here's my list of changes to make the x200 absolutely perfect
17:09:21 <ehird> - make the display LED-backlit, this should fix the supposed (ok, very anecdotal; just one review) outdoors problem;
17:09:38 <ehird> - maybe make it a little lighter with the 9-cell
17:09:52 <ehird> the list for most other laptops is like 10 items
17:10:46 <ehird> (the list for the toshiba portege r600, as far as I can tell, is "make the processor regular core 2 duo instead of low-voltage without changing anything else at all", but obviously that's rather unrealistic)
17:10:48 <nooga> brb reboot, my stable OS X 10.5.8 is unstable again
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17:25:26 <nooga> my OS X booted for 10 minutes!
17:25:51 <pikhq> Might I suggest using a quicker-booting OS?
17:26:08 <pikhq> Like... a Disk Operating System?
17:26:16 <ehird> pikhq: macs boot from power button in 15-20 seconds to desktop
17:26:18 <nooga> it always booted in 30 secs
17:26:27 <pikhq> ehird: I'm kidding.
17:26:28 <ehird> it's not OS X's fault he's added a bunch of shit
17:26:41 <pikhq> ehird: I'm well-aware that OS X has reasonable boot times.
17:26:51 <pikhq> However, nooga is easy to mock.
17:26:55 <pikhq> (and DOS boots faster!)
17:27:01 <nooga> usually 20-30 secs
17:27:17 <nooga> something strange happened and i can't even see what
17:27:20 <ehird> do you think I could pay Lenovo to change the ThinkPad X200 to be just awesome enough that my misgivings melt away
17:28:58 <nooga> you could manually replace the display
17:29:20 <ehird> the display is almost perfect
17:29:28 <ehird> just give it an LED backlight
17:29:35 <ehird> but, kind of impossible to do manually
17:29:41 <ehird> esp since it's high-dpi
17:29:57 <ehird> it has the same res as the 13" macbook/macbook air/macbook pro in 12"
17:30:08 <nooga> probably they are 12something perfect displays with led backlight to buy
17:30:11 <ehird> anyway that can't fix the fact that the 9-cell battery bulges a little
17:30:22 <ehird> well i say a little
17:30:24 <ehird> or the fact that there isn't a trackpad
17:30:32 <ehird> nooga: not really, no
17:30:50 <nooga> one of those mini ones on bt
17:31:12 <ehird> nooga: erm you realise that i wouldn't be wanting to pay the premium for a 12" laptop and <2kg and 9-hour battery life if I didn't want something I can just pick up and use forever
17:31:20 <ehird> a mouse kinda breaks that
17:32:21 <ehird> it's so close though
17:32:31 <ehird> adding a trackpad would be, I think, perfectly possible with basically no compromise
17:32:38 <ehird> making the display LED obviously is too (well, you compromise on price)
17:32:53 <ehird> making the 9-cell stick out less would be a challenge, but I wouldn't mind if the first two were done
17:33:00 <ehird> you'd have extra space
17:33:05 <ehird> since the trackpad would make it a little deeper
17:33:20 <nooga> omg it's so cool that iPhone OS is almost BSD ;d
17:33:41 <nooga> i could even use STL if i want
17:35:46 <pikhq> Uh, yeah... iPhone OS is heavily patched OS X...
17:35:48 <ehird> hmm apparently the x200 might be led from googling
17:35:59 <ehird> and there's still the claim that it isn't bright enough for outdoor use
17:37:16 <ehird> the x301 has it, but it only goes up to 1.40ghz low-voltage
17:37:33 <pikhq> So, of course it's almost BSD. It's a bastardisation of the hybrid of NeXT, BSD, SysV, and Mac OS, with a couple splashes of GNU.
17:37:33 <ehird> and since it has a 13" display, I can't pilfer it and put it in the x200
17:39:05 <ehird> swing and a miss, so many times
17:39:11 <ehird> just make a good laptop ff
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17:46:46 <nooga> pikhq: i can't tell the difference
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17:47:07 <nooga> got bash, got gcc, userland programming feels the same
17:47:24 <pikhq> ... Yeah, that's UNIX.
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17:59:18 <ehird> lenovo ships in 9 business days
17:59:25 <ehird> and there's no option for faster shipping
18:05:28 <ehird> GregorR-L: Shaddup.
18:05:45 <GregorR-L> Sweet, my sarcasm was visible EVEN IN TEXT.
18:06:20 <ehird> GregorR-L: I'm not complaining just because I'm impatient, FYI
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18:16:16 <nooga> pikhq: so it IS UNIX?
18:16:34 <pikhq> nooga: Like I said, it's heavily patched OS X.
18:16:44 <pikhq> Which is to say, it's heavily patched UNIX.
18:17:10 <GregorR-L> "Heavily patched OS X" = "UNIX patched so far it's unrecognizable" probably :P
18:17:32 <pikhq> GregorR-L: No, most of the patching is at the GUI level.
18:21:13 <fizzie> Crazitude. I got that 3G stick to work so that I try to run the "ISP" application, let it find the network and set the device up, press connect there and get a "error 1002", then sneakily open up OS X's built in "internet connect" tool and tell *that* to connect.
18:25:32 <nooga> probably pikhq i right
18:42:10 <ehird> GregorR-L: uhh, no
18:42:12 <ehird> OS X is certified unix
18:42:54 <GregorR-L> UNIX is more than a certification.
18:43:35 <pikhq> It is a state of mind.
18:43:56 <GregorR-L> A state of mind that OS X is SORELY lacking in.
18:44:19 <ehird> GregorR-L: Translation of what you are attempting to say:
18:44:32 <ehird> "I hate OS X; why must the facts oppose me so?"
18:45:04 <GregorR-L> I'm not denying that OS X is UNIX.
18:45:12 <GregorR-L> OS X is certainly more a true UNIX than Linux is.
18:45:32 <GregorR-L> But that's just a certification thing; there's more to UNIX than the certification.
18:45:46 <ehird> Yeah, uh, GregorR-L? Shut up. What you are saying: UNIX = the GUI.
18:45:55 <ehird> I open a terminal, and I get 100% unix, no exceptions, no "wrong state of mind".
18:46:08 <ehird> Unless your argument is "ZOMG!! THEY CHANGED THE PATH NAMES!!"
18:46:15 <ehird> In which case, consider yourself stabbed.
18:46:37 <GregorR-L> In spite of the fact that the path names are, in fact, a part of what makes the look and feel of UNIX?
18:47:55 <ehird> Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you GregorR-L. He is so desperate for a rational reason to hate OS X and claim it's not a UNIX that he resorts to "they renamed the paths".
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18:49:34 <GregorR-L> You are an idiot ehird. Truly. This is not my rationale for hating OS X. This is a totally unrelated note on the look-and-feel of the BETTER part of OS X. Many of these things are IMPROVEMENTS from UNIX. Frameworks being one example. But all these improvements make it LESS LIKE UNIX.
18:49:50 <ehird> Damn you an angry man.
18:50:14 <GregorR-L> You're putting words into my mouth. Stupid, stupid words.
18:50:48 <ehird> Your face is stupid.
18:51:05 <oklopol> i always liked GregorR-L's face
18:51:25 <GregorR-L> I don't. My giant nose gets in the way :P
18:51:40 <ehird> The topic of #esoteric is now GregorR-L's face.
18:51:44 <oklopol> well i'm not saying it's pretty
18:52:01 <oklopol> (note that i'm not saying it isn't either)
18:52:13 <ehird> Why'dyou have to do that last line
18:52:43 <oklopol> because this is such a weird thing to talk about i want to make absolutely sure you see that i'm being absolutely serious.
18:55:37 <GregorR-L> That was a pretty powerful conversation killer there :P
18:56:01 <FireFly> [19:52:58] <oklopol> well i'm not saying it's pretty
18:56:01 <FireFly> [19:52:58] <oklopol> (note that i'm not saying it isn't either)
18:56:01 <FireFly> [19:52:58] <ehird> Why'dyou have to do that last line
18:56:02 <FireFly> [19:52:58] <oklopol> because this is such a weird thing to talk about i want to make absolutely sure you see that i'm being absolutely serious.
18:56:17 <GregorR-L> I don't know what it means to have an "interesting" face necessarily :P
18:56:36 <ehird> anyway let's talk about the minutiae of gregor's face to weird him out
18:56:42 <ehird> quick, assemble all the pictures you can
18:56:48 <oklopol> GregorR-L: that if i saw you on the street, i'd probably consider you a human
18:57:11 <ehird> oklopol: that's what he wants you to think
18:57:14 <ehird> he's a NWO reptilian
18:57:38 <fizzie> Now there's something to put in the CV for any future job-seeking: "oklopol would probably consider me a human".
18:58:39 <ehird> http://www.facebook.com/profile/pic.php?uid=AAAAAQAQo5IfP_eRlyVPnmMf7lzfAQAAAArtQbYncsgD5DU6UUxM0zQo
18:58:39 <ehird> A closeup of his face!
18:58:46 <ehird> Thank you, Google Images.
18:59:04 <ehird> I estimate it to have about five billion atoms.
19:00:50 <ehird> sweet, Háskóli means University in icelandic
19:01:37 <oklopol> i wonder why real world haskell doesn't mention that!
19:01:53 <ehird> they're dumber than a pile of brickrockshits!!!
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19:08:57 <ehird> So, people are stupid.
19:09:15 <oklopol> so have you noticed youtube comments are kinda stupid
19:10:29 <ehird> oklopol: yeah but people and things are almost as stupid
19:10:42 <oklopol> Slereah_: are you saying someone has noticed that before
19:10:56 <oklopol> because it's kinda subtle.
19:11:30 <Slereah_> Well no, that's why I said it was novel
19:11:45 <ehird> i think xkcd did a comic about that once
19:11:51 <ehird> he always sees the subtle side of things.
19:13:40 <FireFly> Theres the one about the function to force people to listen to their comments before sending them
19:13:43 <oklopol> and here i thought that comic was about being able to sing along with the music you're listening to
19:13:52 <oklopol> i mean. with the reader thingie.
19:13:58 <ehird> FireFly: that doesnt' exist
19:14:03 <ehird> xkcd has never done that.
19:14:15 <ehird> FireFly is just stupi
19:16:48 <oklopol> getting kinda nonsensical, people.
19:17:04 <oklopol> what perceptional gems i sow today.
19:17:18 <ehird> perceptional de,s dems dem sde
19:18:26 <nooga> people:elope pole lope plop pele pope ole lop pop pep
19:18:47 <ehird> Elope the people who pl0p your mony
19:18:59 <ehird> Elope the pole people who pl0p your mony
19:19:02 <oklopol> i knew this one guy who learned "elope" in a dictionary, then used it through high school in every situation possible
19:19:07 <ehird> Elope the pole people who pl0p your loping mony pope
19:19:14 <oklopol> i also know a guy named plop
19:19:26 <GregorR-L> oklopol: How many situations to use the word "elope" are there?
19:19:32 <oklopol> although these two guys are actually childhood friends, and were both in that high school
19:19:36 <ehird> Elope the popping, lopping pole pep people who pl0p your loping mony pope pele - ole!
19:19:43 <oklopol> GregorR-L: surprisingly many, unfortunately!
19:20:05 <oklopol> actually plop was once here
19:20:19 <ehird> is his name... really plop
19:20:33 <oklopol> more like something totally different
19:20:39 <ehird> yeaaaaah, and you're oklopol omniovorol.
19:20:55 <ehird> or omnivorol, whatever
19:20:59 <ehird> oklopol: what, really?
19:21:03 <ehird> your parents are awesome.
19:21:09 <ehird> or your deed poll, depending
19:21:15 <nooga> almost:stoma molts moats malts loams atoms mats alms laos stoa last loam alts lost soma lots malt alto slot mast slat atom moas moat slam also most oast salt oats olms alt oat sam sat olm mat mas lot sot las lam
19:21:44 <oklopol> ehird: i've told my name numerous times :D
19:22:06 <ehird> Almost molts the stoma moats of atoms; malts, mats and alms last Sam alt I give up
19:22:15 <ehird> oklopol: not when I'm around :P
19:22:26 <oklopol> ehird: maybe not, maybe not
19:22:32 <nooga> anagrams are awesome
19:22:54 <ehird> "Almost molts the stoma moats of atoms" sounds awesome
19:23:56 <oklopol> i haven't done anagrams that much, more of a palindrome guy
19:24:01 <GregorR-L> I don't want to know what a stoma moat is.
19:24:42 <pikhq> I know what a stoma is and what a moat is. I don't want the combination.
19:27:10 <nooga> lament:mental mantle mantel meant leant metal late elan name amen etal etna tale lame lane neat melt lean ante leat lent meat male malt tame mane teal team mean mate meal man mat let lea men lam met eta elm eat net ate ant tan tea ale alt ten
19:27:36 <nooga> mental lame team ate late tea
19:28:25 <ehird> haha i just remembered what a stoma is :D
19:28:59 <ehird> oklopol: do an anagram palindrome
19:29:06 <ehird> also fit an acronym in there while you're busy being awesome
19:30:06 <ehird> Men named lament's mental mantle meant late leant metal.
19:31:43 <ehird> Let M be the mental mantle of men named lament.
19:31:56 <ehird> M meant, when it communicated some thing, P.
19:32:06 <ehird> P is metal that was leant and was not returned on time (late).
19:33:22 <nooga> i woder if it's possible to teach machine grammar and build a lexical knowledge base using raw data like wordlists and a clever contraption working like re-captcha
19:33:39 <ehird> isn't that just nlp stuff
19:33:55 <oklopol> yes, when you lean, you better return on time or your back starts hurting
19:34:07 <pikhq> nooga: Possible? Probably. Feasible? Questionable.
19:34:45 <nooga> pikhq: nooga: Possible? Probably. Feasible? Questionable. && ehird: nooga: useless << WE'RE ON #ESOTERIC !
19:35:07 <ehird> guess what else is possible, unfeasible and useless
19:35:23 <nooga> billions of things
19:35:24 <GregorR-L> You spelling "infeasible" properly?
19:35:28 <ehird> jumping off a cliff and landing on a trampoline, surviving and jumping back up
19:35:39 <oklopol> GregorR-L: see also my leaning joke!
19:35:57 <ehird> oklopol: oh i just got that
19:35:58 <nooga> ehird: that's not awesome
19:36:11 <ehird> nooga: aren't you polish
19:38:46 <nooga> really weird formal proof
19:39:11 <nooga> indirect one i'd say
19:39:46 <oklopol> i'd say it wasn't very POLISHED
19:42:04 <nooga> polish:spoil hips soil slop hops slip lips lisp silo shop oils ship posh oil lop sip lip hop soh his sop hip
19:43:52 <ehird> Silo shop spoils, soils Polish hips with posh oils; lopped lip sips hops, his sop slop lisps, slips, soh...
19:44:12 <ehird> ("An anglicised spelling of so" :P)
19:44:52 <ehird> ("(music) A syllable used in solfège to represent the fifth note of a major scale." :P)
19:45:44 <ehird> say "Silo shop spoils, soils Polish hips with posh oils; lopped lip sips hops, his sop slop lisps, slips, soh..." ten times fast
19:48:56 <pikhq> Solfège abuse makes me cry.
19:49:15 <pikhq> "Soh" is solfège abuse.
19:49:23 <ehird> It's "so", anyway.
19:49:58 <ehird> Sow, a needle pulling thread, something something, tea, a drink with jam and bread, etc.
19:49:58 -!- iano has quit.
19:50:38 <nooga> thread:hatred dearth earth heart heard rated hater trade death hated hared tread hard trad tear tahr rhea hare read hart rate hate drat dear date head hear dart dare heat herd her rad rat hat ate ear red eat had tar tea eta ted the era art are
19:51:08 <pikhq> Do, a deer, a female deer. Re, a drop of golden sun. Mi, a name I call myself. Fa, a long long way to run. So, a needle pulling thread. La, a note to follow so. Ti, a drink with jam and bread. And that brings us back to do.
19:51:13 <ehird> Dearth Earth hatred rated hard death rate heat, something.
19:51:21 * pikhq has seen "The Sound of Music"... A few too many times.
19:51:39 <ehird> "a note to follow so" is wayyyyyyyy copout.
19:53:20 <ehird> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trim_(programming)#Usage
19:54:04 -!- oklopol has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)).
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19:55:26 <ehird> awk is a nice language
19:55:30 <ehird> why don't people like awk?
19:56:06 <ehird> Let's call it modernly; PERL is dead, long live Perl; AWK is dead, long live Awk!
19:56:34 <ehird> so's your mom, fizzie.
19:57:50 <ehird> huh, awk doesn't support \d
19:58:31 -!- oklokok has joined.
19:58:51 <fizzie> I find that latter thing very unbelievable, since the [[:digit:]] construction is a POSIX thing.
19:59:35 <fizzie> awk '/^[[:digit:]]*$/ { print; }' does seem to do what one'd expect.
19:59:51 <fizzie> Though this is of course the GNU awk.
20:00:52 <ehird> nooga: you are uncouth as a horse.
20:02:58 <ehird> awk could do with better one line syntax
20:03:20 <nooga> i just said that [[:digit:]] is too verbose
20:05:04 <fizzie> Yes, it should be something XML-based instead.
20:05:16 <fizzie> With namespaces and all.
20:05:35 <fizzie> Oh, you said "too verbose", not "not verbose enough". Nevermind.
20:06:48 <ehird> regexps kinda suck
20:07:27 <nooga> but mostly write only
20:07:33 <fizzie> Yes, I'd much prefer a language where you pick up a pen and a graphing tablet and draw a little FSM instead.
20:08:13 <nooga> SQLs suck, they should think about something nicer
20:08:20 <FireFly> [[:digit:]], then you can just do [0-9] anyway
20:08:39 <FireFly> Well, if \d isn't available
20:11:22 <fizzie> Also with [0-9] you don't get the arabic-indic digit zero .. nine, or the Nko digits, or Devanagari digits, or any others. (Though I'm honestly not sure about \d or [[:digit:]] either. I think in Perl at least \d equals [[:digit:]] equals \p{IsDigit}, and that last one is defined with the Unicode Nd property, which all those digits share.)
20:12:55 <ehird> fizzie: graphing tablet? you mean tablet notebook!
20:13:05 <ehird> fizzie: no, \[0-9\], isn't it
20:14:50 <FireFly> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regex#POSIX_character_classes <-- Wiki says [:digit:] == \d == [0-9]
20:14:55 <FireFly> But they may be inaccurate
20:15:20 <fizzie> I can't seem to make ५ match even \p{IsDigit}, so maybe it's actually limited to 0-9 really.
20:15:53 <nooga> btw. any new, exciting esolangs?
20:15:56 * ehird wonders if sketching out a sane regex syntax would be sane
20:16:15 <nooga> i feel that it's really hard to invent something that does not resemble existing langs
20:17:34 <MizardX> posix character classes need to be enclosed in another set of [ ]
20:18:01 <fizzie> We have, in fact, sort-of established that already.
20:18:26 <fizzie> Maybe not explicitly, though.
20:19:26 -!- oklopol has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
20:19:30 <MizardX> http://www.regular-expressions.info/posixbrackets.html
20:21:12 <fizzie> Ah, it was just an encoding problem.
20:21:19 <fizzie> perl -e 'use utf8; print "yay\n" if "५" =~ /\d/;' does print out "yay".
20:22:05 <fizzie> Devanagari digit five.
20:22:22 <MizardX> http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E0%A5%AB
20:29:31 <ehird> "Password: must contain at least one uppercase character."
20:31:03 <nooga> if space and ! is permitted then you've gota nice password
20:32:10 <ehird> emailing things to myself = awesome
20:32:22 <ehird> google searchable, fluid, labelable, freetext remembering system
20:32:41 <ehird> and accessible anywhere!
20:34:06 <ehird> the best way to remembre things not important enough to commit to memory, imo
20:36:59 <ehird> now if only forums died and people used mailing lists instead
20:38:02 -!- oerjan has joined.
20:40:29 <ehird> i have so many windows open right now, yet I'm planning to migrate to a 1280x800 12.1" laptop...
20:40:55 <ehird> (yes, laptop; this one is small and cool enough to fit on my lap :P)
20:42:25 <ehird> pikhq: aren't you a fan of tiling window managers?
20:42:30 <ehird> i might be joining you in some days...
20:44:03 <pikhq> ehird: Tiling WMs are quite nice when you want to have everything use the entire screen.
20:44:21 <pikhq> Or, of course, if you just like ZOMG tiling.
20:44:23 <ehird> 12 inches of 1280x800... pretty sure I'm not gonna have more than two windows on the screen at once, ever
20:44:53 <pikhq> On a 12 inch screen? Yeah, more than two windows is sure to be painful.
20:45:02 <ehird> still, that's over 120 dpi
20:45:11 <ehird> so I'll be able to pack a good amount of pixels in
20:45:22 <ehird> still have misgivings about 12.1" vs 13.3", though
20:45:30 <ehird> 1.2" can make all the difference; that's what she said.
20:46:16 <ehird> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWpkZksn3Rw ;; the sleek laptop I'm prolly getting, except imagine a bit of poking out at the back due to the 9-cell battery
20:46:28 <ehird> looks awesome closed
20:46:38 -!- oerjan_ has joined.
20:47:35 <ehird> i hate how they compare it to the x300, it's annoyingly sleek :)
20:47:49 <ehird> but x300 people only get an ultra low voltage 1.4ghz vs the x200's regular 2.4ghz, so ha.
20:49:26 <ehird> if I could upgrade the x200 to 13" without too much weight impact I prolly would though
20:49:41 -!- oerjan has quit (Nick collision from services.).
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21:02:31 * ehird moves his imac far away enough that it appears as the same size the 12" laptop would on his lap
21:10:17 * olsner buys a billion-inch screen then moves it up in space to simulate a 12" display
21:11:40 * pikhq buys some screentime on the night sky
21:21:41 <ehird> Yes. Russia owns space.
21:21:54 <ehird> GregorR-L: what's pointless, olsner's idea or me?
21:24:14 <olsner> this mixup could have been hilarious
21:28:54 <pikhq> Yeah, but we screwed up the hilarity.
21:30:14 <olsner> yeah, we dropped the ball on that one
21:30:25 <GregorR-L> ehird: Considering that my message was an entire two minutes before olsner's, I'm not sure how that could be confusing.
21:30:38 <GregorR-L> Some major lagliage going on somewhere.
21:30:42 <GregorR-L> From my perspective, my message was at 4:08, but the log says it's at 4:11
21:31:14 -!- GregorR-L has quit ("Leaving").
21:31:24 -!- GregorR-L has joined.
21:31:42 <GregorR-L> Because on mine, my message was two minutes BEFORE yours.
21:31:48 <GregorR-L> But in the canonical log, yours came first.
21:33:51 <ehird> GregorR-L: why pointless?
21:34:34 <GregorR-L> I refuse to dignify that question with an answer and/or don't care to :P
21:34:53 <ehird> lol, this is the only level has restarted at stage 31, undefined
21:35:10 <ehird> GregorR-L: i'm trying to ascertain if the 1280x800 @ 12.1" is sufficient for doing everything
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23:24:19 -!- pikhq_ has changed nick to pikhq.
23:37:44 <nooga> it's rather that space owns russia
23:38:11 -!- BeholdMyGlory has quit (Remote closed the connection).
23:43:41 * oerjan swats FireFly -----###
23:43:57 <oerjan> sorry, i was getting low on my quota
23:46:43 <Warrigal_> I wish there were never any lag between my IRC client and the servers.
23:47:54 <Warrigal_> I'll just have to buy an indestructible dedicated cable going between my Slicehost data center and a freenode server and tell them both to put it in their routing tables.