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02:56:22 <Sgeo> So, how is Square not the most completely idiotic thing ever conceived, exactly?
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02:57:51 <Sgeo> http://squareup.com/
02:57:59 <Sgeo> Well, I guess the receipts thing..
02:58:51 <coppro> Sgeo: It's brilliant. It's the smallest device I've ever seen that a criminal could use to steal card numbers
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06:28:17 <uorygl> Sgeo: well, that little square might emit encrypted data only decryptable by trusted software. It's not absolute security, of course.
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06:29:06 <uorygl> And I think it's not *that bad* if your credit card information is leaked to a bad guy.
06:29:23 <uorygl> So, let's see how common it ends up being, in practice, for people to steal information this way.
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06:40:36 * oerjan notes that uorygl is apparently not rot-anything
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13:04:18 <oklofok> what's your favorite number (modulo 7)?
13:06:29 <fizzie> What's your favourite colour (modulo three)?
13:06:45 <oklofok> that's a very weird question, fizzie.
13:07:03 <fizzie> I had trouble deciding between "modulo three" and "modulo green" there.
13:07:16 <Deewiant> If I take it as an RGBA quadruple and interpret it as a single 32-bit number modulo three, I get black
13:07:59 <oklofok> well i'd say black is my favorite color anyway, anything else needs the right hue to look nice
13:08:40 <oklofok> wait don't you also get invisible black?
13:10:16 <fizzie> Invisible colours are my favourite kind of colours.
13:10:46 <oklofok> you like letting other's choose
13:10:52 <Deewiant> If modulo green is modulo 0x00ff00ff, I get 0x004b384a which is some kind of semitransparent turquoise
13:14:46 <fizzie> #4b0082? That would give a non-transparent color.
13:14:54 <fizzie> And it looks a bit Deewianty maybe.
13:15:17 <oklofok> no i'm pretty sure Deewiant would want some red in there
13:15:31 <fizzie> That has 0x4b blobs of red.
13:15:42 <fizzie> By #4b0082 I mean 0x4b0082ff, of course.
13:16:00 <oklofok> yes, that sounds Deewianty
13:16:11 <fizzie> Yes, you measure them as blobs. #ffffff has 768 blobs; that's all you can fit in one pixel.
13:17:36 <oklofok> http://www.answers.com/topic/blob-visual-system
13:18:11 <Deewiant> Interblobs tell the difference between #ffffff and #ɟɟɟɟɟɟ
13:18:54 <oklofok> are those f's turned upside down or somethign?
13:19:36 <oklofok> what does it mean they are sensitive to orientation
13:20:01 <oklofok> like only light from a certain angle hits them
13:28:28 <Asztal> That seems unlikely, since they're in the visual cortex
13:28:28 <oklofok> oh lol i just read the relevant sentence :P
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15:10:44 <AnMaster> <Deewiant> If I take it as an RGBA quadruple and interpret it as a single 32-bit number modulo three, I get black <-- only 8 bits per channel? :(
15:11:06 <AnMaster> Deewiant, and you didn't specify the gamut
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15:13:11 * oerjan swats AnMaster -----###
15:13:38 <oerjan> sorry you went so fast i thought you were a fly
15:14:04 <AnMaster> oerjan, I liked the annotation this time
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16:02:08 <oerjan> there was a tragic accident involving cheddar, a moose and five ancient OSes
16:02:30 <oerjan> while ehird survived (barely), the cheddar did not.
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16:49:15 <ais523> Ubuntu developer's theory: the reason that my fscks keep getting stuck at 90% is that fsck isn't installed
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16:55:41 <ais523> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/487744 (the person who said fsck wasn't installed reassigned the bug to mountall for some reason)
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18:11:03 <AnMaster> ais523, since when does ubuntu use first tire support staff
18:11:04 <ais523> as far as I can tell, that's a completely bogus comment from the developer
18:11:36 <AnMaster> ais523, did you try a different fsck version from a livecd?
18:11:47 <ais523> too busy with other things
18:12:34 <fizzie> The "first tire" typo immediately made me think of a Ubuntu supportperson balancing on a unicycle.
18:16:33 <fizzie> "Unibuntu -- it's only got one wheel group member." That's the motto.
18:17:54 <AnMaster> huh there is no wheel in /etc/groups on januty?
18:18:06 <ais523> there's an "admin" group
18:18:12 <ais523> which is the group of people allowed to sudo, which comes to much the same thing
18:18:23 <ais523> as root doesn't actually have a password, a wheel group would be kind-of pointless
18:18:23 <AnMaster> ais523, "wheel" is *traditional*
18:18:47 <ais523> AnMaster: GNU su doesn't support wheel, because Stallman thought it was unfair for people to be unable to get root if they guessed the root password
18:20:49 <AnMaster> ais523, also just do: chown root:wheel /bin/su && chmod 4710 /bin/su
18:20:59 <AnMaster> (unless I misremember mode needed for suid)
18:21:33 <AnMaster> ais523, that assumes the write/read perm is sane before
18:21:41 <AnMaster> also why allow other people to read it?
18:21:54 <AnMaster> you don't actually need +r for group/others for suid binaries
18:22:26 <AnMaster> ---s--x--x 2 root root 143400 Jun 17 17:52 /usr/bin/sudo
18:22:29 <ais523> but why not allow people to read it, given that GNU su binaries are easy enough to come by
18:22:46 <ais523> also, those perms look fine to me
18:22:57 <AnMaster> but still, that means owner can't read it?
18:23:35 <ais523> root can read anything
18:24:13 <AnMaster> ais523, btw for fsck, did you try running it manually at all?
18:24:31 <AnMaster> say, from init=/bin/busybox style of thing
18:28:36 <AnMaster> ais523, I think the person in question did not read the bug properly
18:28:50 <AnMaster> hopefully someone else will bounce it back to the right thing
18:29:32 <AnMaster> ais523, otherwise you can try to change distro of course. This sort of thing generally doesn't happen with gentoo for example
18:29:43 <AnMaster> actually, bug reports tends to be responded to quickly with gentoo
18:29:52 <AnMaster> not *fixed* quickly always of course
18:36:52 <AnMaster> ais523, what bug reporting tool btw?
18:37:00 * AnMaster wasn't aware such a thing existed
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19:05:29 <ais523> you give it a pid or the name of a package
19:05:34 <ais523> and it goes and attaches info to your bug report
19:11:12 <AnMaster> ais523, pid of a program no longer running?
19:11:21 <ais523> no, of one that's currently running
19:11:26 <ais523> if you get a segfault, you give the package name instead
19:11:33 <ais523> currently running's for more minor bugs
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20:42:53 <Gregor> http://ismarriagelegalintexas.com/
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21:01:27 <ais523> yay, finally got this FPGA evaluation board working
21:01:27 <ais523> it's running a simple Verilog program that counts up to 2^32 repeatedly
21:01:31 <ais523> showing the top four bits on LEDs
21:11:09 <AnMaster> ais523, how long does it take to count to 2^32?
21:11:39 <ais523> it was a few seconds to count to 2^28
21:11:46 <ais523> but I was running it from a relatively slow clock
21:12:02 <AnMaster> ais523, 2^32 is quite a bit bigger than 2^28 however
21:12:09 <ais523> no, just 16 times bigger
21:12:20 <AnMaster> ais523, well, I think that is quite a bit
21:12:35 <ais523> I mentioned 2^28 as it was the lowest observable number
21:12:45 <fizzie> Oh, it's more than a bit; something like four bits.
21:13:53 <AnMaster> ais523, shouldn't a hello world be more.... traditional?
21:13:55 <ais523> four bits, and I had them all connected to LEDs
21:14:08 <ais523> AnMaster: traditional hello-world equivalent in embedded systems is flashing one LED
21:14:11 <ais523> and I was flashing four of them
21:14:59 <AnMaster> ais523, what about using 7-(or more)-segment displays?
21:15:14 <fizzie> The TI DSP devboard had four leds too; we had those flashing in a KITT-from-Knight-Rider-y sort of pattern, with the sweep speed controllable with one of the four sliders we had in the "remote control" UI for the project.
21:15:20 <ais523> there's an LCD on the board, but not seven-segment-displays
21:15:29 <ais523> and there's about 12 LEDs on the board, but I only connected four of them
21:15:55 <ais523> yes, if the docs said which pins on the board it was connected to
21:16:33 <ais523> suspiciously bad; in fact, I'd say deliberately bad
21:16:41 <ais523> they want you to buy a complicated configuration program
21:16:51 <ais523> that does all the connection for you so you don't have to look at pinouts
21:17:06 <AnMaster> ais523, oh I see. Why not call them and ask for pinout instead and see what they say?
21:17:18 <ais523> because they don't accept queries from students
21:17:19 <AnMaster> oh and... how hard would it be to reverse engineer it?
21:17:22 <fizzie> II think we might've had some sort of "flicker the leds when it gets a parameter update from the remote control" feature, so in that sense the leds weren't completely useless.
21:17:27 <ais523> I actually thought of reverse-engineering
21:17:40 <AnMaster> ais523, talk to a non-student about this? teacher or whatever
21:17:44 <ais523> but it would be kind-of hard
21:18:12 <ais523> my professor's trying to find out the pinout at the moment, apparently
21:18:36 <AnMaster> ais523, why would it be hard? could something break?
21:18:51 <ais523> partly because there are thousands of pins, connected to all sorts of thigns
21:18:58 <ais523> and if you send output to an input pin, bad things happen
21:19:14 <AnMaster> ais523, the leds were documented?
21:19:50 <ais523> which is another reason I'm suspicious, btw
21:21:40 <fizzie> Hardware's like that; stick to software, and you'll never have to... uh, worry about... bad documentation... wait, I don't think that's actually true.
21:22:31 <fizzie> Well, at least with software usually you can have a backup if you make smoke come out of it when experimenting.
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21:55:18 <AnMaster> ais523, would reading on an output pin do bad stuff?
21:55:47 <ais523> mostly, you just get garbage
21:55:53 <AnMaster> that way you could try all inputs and see what ones are inputs (that you can trigger at least)
21:56:07 <AnMaster> (I guess two way communication channels wouldn't be found that way)
21:56:19 <AnMaster> (assuming the chip needs to trigger *first*)
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22:01:30 <AnMaster> ais523, why not use some other product instead?
22:01:42 <ais523> we're considering that
22:02:03 <AnMaster> ais523, any luck for the prof in finding the pinout?
22:02:03 <ais523> this one was donated to us free (suspicious in of itself), so we have it to hand
22:02:03 <ais523> AnMaster: I haven't heard anything
22:02:46 <AnMaster> ais523, how is donations to universities suspicious?
22:02:57 <ais523> in that it's clearly an advertising ploy
22:03:08 <ais523> to get us using their products when we leave, rather than a competitor's
22:03:12 <ais523> because we're more used to them
22:03:29 <ais523> if we can't get the peripherals working, though, it's possible that ploy will backfire :)
22:06:35 <AnMaster> ais523, hm I guess MSDNAA is the same basic idea?
22:08:10 <AnMaster> ais523, IMO MSDNAA backfires *badly*
22:08:26 <ais523> in what way? I have an MSDNAA subscription in theory but I've never used it
22:08:32 <ais523> or even asked for a password for it
22:08:54 <AnMaster> ais523, because I learnt that Windows 7 need like 7 GB hd space for a minimal clean install
22:09:13 <AnMaster> so I guess 32-bit is a bit less
22:09:38 <AnMaster> a 64-bit ubuntu install fits in much less and comes with way more useful programs
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22:10:13 <AnMaster> like, office suite, compiler, vector graphics editor, "better than paint" bitmap editor (gimp)
22:10:32 <ais523> apparently they're planning to remove GIMP from a default install (making it an installable package like most other programs)
22:10:39 <ais523> on the basis that it's rather more powerful than most people need
22:10:41 -!- kar8nga has quit (Remote closed the connection).
22:10:57 <AnMaster> ais523, xp x64 needs around 2.5 GB iirc
22:11:00 <ais523> I have Kolourpaint installed as a better-than-paint image editor
22:11:19 <ais523> but it's KDE, and I'm not sure if there's a similarly-featured Gnome program
22:11:30 <ais523> kolourpaint is just paint with more features
22:11:55 <AnMaster> ais523, what about krita. It supports non-RGB, which gimp still doesn't
22:12:09 <AnMaster> however it lacks many of the useful photo editing features of gimp
22:12:22 <AnMaster> seems more intended for artists that draw stuff
22:12:39 <AnMaster> I keep imagining someone using a wacom pad or such with it
22:16:17 <AnMaster> ais523, oh and the downloader app sucks
22:16:32 <ais523> does it run under Linux?
22:16:38 <AnMaster> it uses CRC at the end it says, yet usually results in bad downloads
22:17:07 <AnMaster> ais523, wine said something about missing MSIE activex embedding galore thingy
22:17:29 <AnMaster> ais523, well I don't think the word "galore" was there
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22:18:37 <AnMaster> huh, the number 9 in minesweeper
22:18:56 * AnMaster suspects foul play or possibly a bug
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22:24:33 <AnMaster> ais523, night. I have an early day tomorrow
22:25:05 <AnMaster> (oh that was probably a Swedishism too)
22:25:15 <ais523> nope, same idiom's used in English
22:25:29 <ais523> something you've said there is subtly different from what we say here, but I'm not entirely sure what
22:25:47 <AnMaster> ais523, I think it may be "early morning" in Swedish
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23:11:02 <Oranjer> :O is just my greeting here, as I am almost always confused
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23:35:41 <quantumEd> brainfuck has 20x more users than D
23:35:46 <quantumEd> https://www.spoj.pl/ranks/languages/
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