←2013-04-27 2013-04-28 2013-04-29→ ↑2013 ↑all
00:03:28 <Sgeo> I LOVE HAVING MONEY
00:03:38 <Sgeo> This is going to go to my head, I think
00:03:49 <Bike> i hear that's the root of something
00:03:57 <mnoqy> happiness, right?
00:04:11 <fizzie> Minus one, maybe?
00:04:12 <elliott> how much money are you giving to charity
00:04:23 <Sgeo> Not enough
00:04:25 <kmc> "If the Euclidean algorithm requires N steps for a pair of natural numbers a > b > 0, the smallest values of a and b for which this is true are the Fibonacci numbers FN+2 and FN+1, respectively."
00:04:31 <kmc> neat
00:04:45 <Bike> i think i actually understand why that is which is a weird feeling
00:04:48 <kmc> i was looking at the description of euclidean algorithm and thinking it looked fibonacci-ish
00:04:53 <Sgeo> Presumably me donating to a charity some money because I owe a friend that money and that friend wanted me to donate it to that charity instead of giving it to him doesn't count, right?
00:05:07 <Bike> i don't think you "'get"' tzedakah sgeo
00:05:09 <kmc> i like that the complexity of computing fib(n) recursively is O(fib(n))
00:05:24 <fizzie> "We're taking a break from Weekly Sales" well that didn't take long.
00:05:40 <Sgeo> I did donate some money to Doctors Without Borders at the beginning of the year
00:05:57 <Bike> kmc: i wonder if you could draw some analogy with exp and derivation
00:06:03 <kmc> ?
00:06:17 <Bike> you know, exp being its own derivative
00:06:30 <kmc> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/21/Euclidean_algorithm_running_time_X_Y.png
00:06:33 <kmc> oh
00:07:01 <Bike> knuth goes over the complexity of the euclidean algorithm in taocp2, it's scary
00:07:10 <fizzie> Euclidean_algorithm_running_time_X_Y.png looks like one of those laser shows they have.
00:07:14 <Bike> http://murileemartin.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/glennbeckpenalty-600px-01.jpg anyway
00:07:19 <kmc> it would be a good album cover
00:07:25 <Sgeo> You know what the love of money is? Silly. Money in and of itself is... meaningless if you don't use it, on something
00:07:43 <Sgeo> Charity, leisure, to give as an inheritance, etc.
00:07:44 <mnoqy> what sort of money are we talking here
00:07:52 <Bike> fiat money, evidently
00:07:58 <kmc> but if you don't know what to do with it yet, collecting money is a p. good default
00:08:04 <fizzie> Bike: Is that an album cover he's presenting?
00:08:14 <Bike> http://murileemartin.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/glennbeckpenalty-600px-08.jpg close
00:08:21 <elliott> that would be a good album cover
00:09:09 <mnoqy> yeah
00:09:32 <elliott> todo: steal glenn beck's whiteboard?? i'm sure he archives them right
00:10:06 <mnoqy> Sgeo: and have you been spending your money on anything cool. since you've said you love having money but also
00:11:44 <Bike> http://murileemartin.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/glennbeckpenalty-600px-09.jpg
00:12:02 <Sgeo> Bought my gf Portal and Portal 2. Bought myself an ep of Doctor Who, and plan on doing that instead of watching on TV
00:12:19 <mnoqy> that's a start, i guess
00:12:19 <ThatOtherPerson> @tell Taneb I've written up a specification of some of the API of the game engine: https://github.com/T-and-T/LD26/blob/master/spec.md; I'll probably create the basic structure before going to bed
00:12:20 <lambdabot> Consider it noted.
00:12:24 <Sgeo> Repaid my debt that I owed my friend (by giving the money to a specific charity)
00:12:48 <Sgeo> Went out to Dave & Busters with a friend. Went out for dinner with some friends
00:13:17 <kmc> i love how half of the 'pseudocode' in Wikipedia is valid Python if you move around a few semicolons
00:13:49 <ThatOtherPerson> @tell Taneb and you can then start filling in stuff for the AIEntity and PlayerEntity and such, and add stuff to the spec
00:13:49 <lambdabot> Consider it noted.
00:14:30 <Sgeo> Bought a book on web security
00:15:28 <ThatOtherPerson> @tell Taneb oh, and what resolution should we use?
00:15:29 <lambdabot> Consider it noted.
00:16:01 -!- mnoqy has quit (Quit: hello).
00:19:19 <fizzie> LD26 is the dose needed, statistically speaking, for killing 26% of the population.
00:21:17 <ThatOtherPerson> what do you mean its not like staying up late kills you i mean really i am feeling just fine and normal hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
00:21:26 <elliott>
00:21:26 -!- carado has joined.
00:21:30 <kmc> elliott: well said
00:21:35 <elliott> ty
00:21:41 <elliott> it accurately represented my feelings at the time of writing
00:22:26 -!- carado has quit (Client Quit).
00:23:00 <Sgeo> For some reason that reminds me of http://en.uncyclopedia.co/wiki/Fisher_Price:_A_Retrospective
00:23:12 -!- sirdancealot has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds).
00:23:37 <ThatOtherPerson> POTATO
00:23:44 <ThatOtherPerson> i saw a potato on that website
00:24:57 <ThatOtherPerson> haha
00:25:03 <elliott> ...
00:25:07 <Bike> ok dude
00:25:09 <elliott> i'm already bored of this
00:25:13 <Bike> you're in that mode of tireness where nothing you say is funny
00:25:19 <ThatOtherPerson> sorry
00:26:15 <Koen_> uh guys
00:26:29 <ThatOtherPerson> Yes?
00:26:31 <Koen_> I just found some kinf of scar behind my left ear
00:26:42 <Phantom_Hoover> ThatOtherPerson, kill them all
00:26:45 <Koen_> like if I had had plastic surgery or something
00:26:54 <Koen_> what if I'm not me?!
00:27:01 <Phantom_Hoover> kill them all
00:27:17 <ThatOtherPerson> Why?
00:27:17 <Phantom_Hoover> (don't kill them all, leave a few for later)
00:27:28 <Phantom_Hoover> because you're not really you
00:27:32 <Phantom_Hoover> you're one of them
00:27:35 <Phantom_Hoover> they have to pay
00:27:49 -!- nooga has joined.
00:28:03 <Koen_> who's them
00:28:13 <Phantom_Hoover> all of them
00:28:20 <Bike> if you knew that, would you be in this situation?
00:28:22 <Phantom_Hoover> those that you should kill
00:31:10 -!- nooga has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
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00:32:59 <ThatOtherPerson> I'd rather not, if it's all the same to you.
00:33:25 <Phantom_Hoover> kmc, SWEDEN: YOUR THOUGHTS
00:33:39 <Koen_> ThatOtherPerson: are you me
00:33:42 <Koen_> I think you're me
00:33:45 <Koen_> check your ears
00:33:46 -!- carado has joined.
00:33:52 <ThatOtherPerson> Koen_: how tired are you?
00:33:59 <Koen_> well i'm about to go to bed
00:34:12 <Phantom_Hoover> he's so tired
00:34:15 <Phantom_Hoover> they're all so tired
00:34:19 <Phantom_Hoover> they need to rest
00:34:38 <Koen_> I don't think internet relay hypnosis is a thing
00:43:02 -!- Koen_ has quit (Quit: The struct held his beloved integer in his strong, protecting arms, his eyes like sapphire orbs staring into her own. "W-will you... Will you union me?").
00:49:04 -!- carado has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds).
01:08:39 -!- sirdancealot has joined.
01:11:35 -!- nooga has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
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01:30:00 <Sgeo> Is Pi a good movie?
01:30:18 <Bike> yes
01:31:14 <kmc> eh
01:31:18 <kmc> it's a movie you should see
01:31:24 <kmc> i don't know if that's the same thing as a 'good movie'
01:31:33 <Lumpio-> I remember it being disturbing as hell
01:31:49 <Phantom_Hoover> note that it contains wanton crimes against mathematics
01:32:16 <Lumpio-> ...name a movie that has mathematics as a theme and doesn't
01:33:27 <Bike> Donald in Mathmagic Land
01:33:28 <kmc> which crimes?
01:33:57 <Bike> it's kind of inaccurate about the history of music though
01:34:02 <nooga> hate crimes
01:37:59 -!- Nisstyre-laptop has joined.
01:40:36 -!- kmc has set topic: Happy Ed Balls Day everyone! | http://underhanded.xcott.com/?page_id=5 | http://codu.org/logs/_esoteric/.
01:40:57 <Phantom_Hoover> kmc, there's a bit where someone has apparently read out every 216-digit number
01:41:50 <ais523> kmc: what's Ed Balls Day?
01:42:06 <kmc> http://www.thecommentator.com/article/3374/happy_ed_balls_day
01:42:43 <ais523> that's quite the meme
01:42:46 <Lumpio-> Maybe whoever read all of them is... really old
01:42:52 <kmc> Phantom_Hoover: ah yes
01:45:40 <Bike> http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/webdr06/2013/4/13/9/enhanced-buzz-18948-1365859313-1.jpg i see, i see
01:46:13 <Sgeo> > 10 ** 216 -- yes I know it's less than this. Or less than twice this, if you count negatives
01:46:15 <lambdabot> 1.0e216
01:46:21 <kmc> welp
01:46:37 <Sgeo> Erm, that didn't quite do what I wanted
01:46:39 <Bike> well played, floating point
01:46:41 <Phantom_Hoover> what
01:46:42 * Sgeo feels like an idiot
01:46:47 <Bike> Sgeo: hint it has a log of digits
01:46:49 <Bike> lot
01:46:55 <Phantom_Hoover> what would you conceivably have wanted to do
01:47:13 <Sgeo> Oh, it did do what I wanted to do
01:47:29 <Phantom_Hoover> sgeo.................
01:47:38 <Bike> > "1" ++ take 256 ["0"..]
01:47:39 <Sgeo> I didn't entirely recognize that 216 and 1e216 are different numbers
01:47:40 <lambdabot> Couldn't match expected type `GHC.Types.Char'
01:47:40 <lambdabot> with actual type...
01:47:45 <Bike> er
01:48:09 <Bike> > "1" ++ (take 256 ["0"..])oh
01:48:13 <lambdabot> Not in scope: `oh'
01:48:13 <lambdabot> Perhaps you meant one of these:
01:48:13 <lambdabot> `or' (imported from ...
01:48:13 <Bike> ...
01:48:28 <Bike> i'm really good at this.
01:49:04 <Bike> > "1" ++ take 256 $ repeat '0'
01:49:06 <lambdabot> Couldn't match expected type `[GHC.Types.Char]'
01:49:06 <lambdabot> with actual ty...
01:49:15 <Bike> fine. fine
01:51:38 -!- Nisstyre-laptop has changed nick to Nisstyre.
01:55:06 <Sgeo> :t repeat
01:55:09 <lambdabot> a -> [a]
01:55:25 <Sgeo> :t take 256 $ repeat '0'
01:55:26 <lambdabot> [Char]
01:55:35 <Sgeo> Oh
01:55:53 <Bike> > "1" ++ (take 256 (repeat '0'))
01:55:55 <lambdabot> "10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000...
01:55:59 <Bike> parens never let me down.
01:56:04 <Bike> anyway http://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2013/04/absurd-pitches-pull-out-the-hayek-and-polanyi-lesson.html
01:56:12 <Sgeo> > "1" ++ (take 256 $ repeat '0')
01:56:14 <lambdabot> "10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000...
01:58:44 <kmc> Bike: nice
01:58:45 <kmc> nike
02:00:17 <ThatOtherPerson> @tell Taneb the basic skeleton is done, pick a function or object and start filling it in! https://github.com/T-and-T/LD26
02:00:18 <lambdabot> Consider it noted.
02:01:14 -!- ThatOtherPerson has quit (Quit: Leaving).
02:02:12 <kmc> not sure about the "free market is best" implication but, an amusing list
02:02:47 <Bike> "Except that some of them were actually supported by the government (e.g., Google & Tesla)" "Palantir was one of the CIA’s venture fund’s recipients" hahaha
02:03:07 <kmc> also it's not like governments never try absurd things and follow through way past the point where a reasonable person would have given up
02:03:12 <kmc> they are particularly known for doing just that
02:04:01 <kmc> they're usually miserable failures but so are most startups
02:04:02 <nooodl_> ed balls day reminds me of
02:04:04 <nooodl_> Bqhatevwr
02:04:12 <Bike> "In-Q-Tel of Arlington, Virginia, United States is a not-for-profit venture capital firm that invests in high-tech companies for the sole purpose of keeping the Central Intelligence Agency, and other intelligence agencies, equipped with the latest in information technology in support of United States intelligence capability" uh
02:04:17 <Bike> uh?
02:04:18 <Bike> uh.
02:05:32 <kmc> governments will try a bunch of crazy skunk works projects in areas which particularly interest the ruling classes (mostly defense and how to take stuff from poor people)
02:05:45 <kmc> free market will build consumer tech or whatever else makes money
02:06:08 <Bike> did you know the bolsheviks were partially sponsored by the okhrana? government waste at work
02:06:27 <kmc> nice
02:06:37 <kmc> why?
02:06:55 <Bike> "we've got to divide all these anti-tsarist outfits somehow. let's pick an especially stupid one to prop up and split the rest"
02:07:01 <kmc> heh
02:08:23 <Bike> they also wrote the protocols of the elders of zion. they were really good at encouraging later violence i guess?
02:09:30 <Bike> "Just as the Okhrana had once sponsored trade unions to divert activist energy from political causes, so too did the secret police attempt to promote the Bolshevik party, as the Bolsheviks seemed a relatively harmless alternative to more violent revolutionary groups. Indeed, to the Okhrana, Lenin seemed to actively hinder the revolutionary movement by denouncing other revolutionary groups and refusing to cooperate with them." you can't make th
02:10:00 <kmc> uh, the jews in the jew base at the center of the moon wrote the protocols
02:10:02 <kmc> everyone knows that
02:10:16 <elliott> Bike: you can't make th, indeed
02:10:19 <elliott> it's literally impossibel to make th
02:10:21 <kmc> þ
02:10:35 <Bike> yes. fuck th
02:11:00 <Bike> það
02:20:58 -!- nooodl_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
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03:01:39 <kmc> who were the other revolutionary groups though
03:02:12 <Bike> i can only think of the mensheviks and Left SRs off the top of my head
03:02:24 <Bike> oh, and anarchists i suppose.
03:02:25 <kmc> were there anarchists too
03:02:27 <kmc> yep
03:02:53 <kmc> red army, white army, black army, green army
03:02:59 <Bike> probably some trade unionists hanging out. maybe some real wackos on the right too, like Black Hundredists but less useful to the tsar
03:03:23 <Bike> you named the actual colors they all used, right? like that wasn't a joke
03:03:29 <kmc> yeah
03:03:37 <kmc> green army was peasants who wanted to be left alone
03:03:54 <Bike> i think the later soviet union makes a lot more sense when you put it in the context of the russian civil war because that shit was fucked
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03:30:42 -!- Bike has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds).
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04:14:40 <kmc> https://twitter.com/jobs/positions?jvi=o0m7Wfw9,Job "Desired Skills:... You consider Firefly one of the best TV shows ever"
04:14:43 * kmc facepalm
04:16:50 -!- mnoqy has joined.
04:17:01 <Fiora> "well, actually I kind of prefer ghost in the shell" "sorry, you're just not the kind of person we need right now"
04:17:30 <Bike> we need you to write out a short Firefly fanfic on this whiteboard
04:17:48 <pikhq> How oddly specific.
04:18:00 <pikhq> That's the sort of thing that would detract me from a company...
04:18:20 <pikhq> I mean really, who gives a shit about your taste in TV shows for employment purposes?
04:18:51 <Fiora> Bike: I wonder what they would do if it was slash
04:18:52 <mnoqy> twitter, linux kernel engineer division
04:19:18 <Bike> it's not an actual requirement, it's just a thing for them to say "we want nerds like yoU"
04:19:37 <mnoqy> maybe its so you can JIVE with all the twitter linux kernel engineers who talk all about how firefly is so great and if u dont think so you'll be SO PUT OFF and you wil;l INVARIABLY PUT THE M OFF TOO
04:19:43 <Bike> that first sentence seems ungrammatical. "Twitter is seeking an experienced software engineer obsessed with evolving Linux kernel in revolutionary ways."
04:19:45 <mnoqy> and
04:19:47 <mnoqy> nobody wants that
04:20:04 <mnoqy> Bike: i dont think thats a real sentence. nobody should say that.
04:20:21 <Jafet> Revolving Linux kernel in evolutionary ways
04:20:27 <mnoqy> yeah
04:20:57 <Jafet> Are twitter employees called twats
04:21:03 <mnoqy> one can hope
04:24:37 <kmc> presumably ghost in the shell would be just as good, the point is that they only want people in the mainstream of 'nerd culture' and consider that on par with ability to perform the job, as a decision factor
04:24:42 <kmc> which is gross
04:24:46 <kmc> bad for diversity and just... bad
04:25:19 <kmc> only they probably don't see it that way, they see it as 'look at us, we're nerds like you'
04:25:48 <mnoqy> heh heh nerd culture
04:25:50 <Bike> yeah that's what i got out of it
04:26:31 <kmc> firefly is all right
04:26:38 <kmc> tbh I don't spend many cycles thinking about firefly, one way or the other
04:26:45 <mnoqy> id be pretty put off of a job offer that pandered to nerd culture bc uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurgh nerd culture..........i dont want all of my job-friends being awful nerds!!
04:27:01 <mnoqy> i've never seen firefly but i've heard things about it like: it's a tv show??
04:27:07 <kmc> yes
04:27:16 <kmc> they're space outlaws / cowboys
04:27:24 <kmc> it has snappy dialogue and interesting characters
04:27:25 <Bike> if i had a tech company i'd put a bunch of football jargon in job postings and talk about throwing pigskins around, just for variety
04:27:34 <kmc> it's not like... transcendently important television
04:27:42 <kmc> Bike: then you will get brogrammers instead
04:27:44 <kmc> can't win bro
04:27:56 <Bike> is that... is that a real thing
04:28:03 <kmc> signs point to yes
04:28:03 <Jafet> But if the job posting did not have this requirement and you don't care about joss whedon shows and you sign up for that job and it becomes a source of friction for whatever reason
04:28:10 <Jafet> isn't that worse???
04:28:39 <mnoqy> how about advertise to rockstar ninjas using a combination of dorky dated rock terms and authentic japanese
04:28:55 <Fiora> kmc: okay then how about a better example
04:28:59 <Fiora> I like shugo chara? :P
04:29:23 <kmc> Bike: you should include more obscure references, jargon about october revolution political factions or earthworm digestive processes
04:29:25 <Bike> ew cooties
04:29:25 <mnoqy> single any one show out in a job posting and you've got a bad job posting
04:29:38 * Fiora shoots the cootie cannon at Bike
04:29:40 <Jafet> Can you make shugo chara sound manly in 140 characters
04:29:44 <mnoqy> probably anything to do with tv in a job posting about twitter linux kernels is Bad News
04:29:55 <kmc> also I do like your scenario Fiora regarding going in just to pick a fight about Firefly
04:29:56 <Bike> kmc: it's like nadsat but more ridiculous. i should write a novel
04:30:00 <kmc> wear a shirt that says FIREFLY SUCKS
04:30:09 <Fiora> kmc: that's not what I meant, but XD
04:30:11 <kmc> just those words in big letters, nothing else
04:30:18 <elliott> i'd apply for a kernel development job that talked about earthworms
04:30:19 <elliott> maybe
04:30:22 <Jafet> Grave of the firefly
04:30:22 <elliott> wellll
04:30:27 <elliott> not if i have to work with biologists [EYES BIKE]
04:30:36 * Bike throws eyes at elliott
04:30:42 <mnoqy> -eyes-
04:30:46 <elliott> :'(
04:30:54 <kmc> "Much as the humble earthworm eats dead things and shits out dirt, you will be eating kernel oops reports and shitting out LKML patch emails"
04:30:58 <Bike> -roll-
04:31:01 <elliott> :'(::::: <- pile of eyes Bike threw at me
04:31:02 <Fiora> Jafet: in all seriousness I think it's a lot more fun to make eextremely manly things sound girly
04:31:06 <kmc>
04:31:10 <elliott> :'(:::::. Bike what did you do
04:31:12 <elliott> where is the missing eye
04:31:37 <mnoqy> what sort of eyes are we talking her
04:31:38 <mnoqy> e
04:31:39 <Bike> right i'm submitting this as a use-case for combining multiocular-o above
04:32:00 <Bike> mnoqy: mostly shrimp tbh
04:32:12 <Fiora> shell gasoline is filled with natural oils and plant extracts, designed to revitalize and exfoliate your car, helping your morning drive feel brighter, smoother, and healthier.
04:32:19 <Fiora> (see, it's great)
04:32:19 <mnoqy> what sort of shrimp are we talking here
04:32:33 <Bike> let's say mantis shrimp (they aren't shrimp)
04:32:43 <Jafet> Combining above should be a binary operator
04:32:47 <Bike> Fiora: the joke is: i actually have no idea what exfoliation is
04:32:57 <Bike> "the removal of the oldest dead skin cells on the skin's outermost surface" i see
04:33:07 <mnoqy> the loss of leaves (or, in some cases, pieces of bark) from a plant
04:33:16 <mnoqy> the process responsible for breaking up particle aggregates
04:33:18 <Bike> wow i bet that would be hard to describe without some biological research
04:33:27 <mnoqy> a granite dome
04:33:32 <mnoqy> i think its that one
04:33:37 <elliott> exfoliation is when something was foliate but hten it's not
04:34:28 <Bike> having a granite dome on your car would be weird.
04:34:30 <Bike> you're weird, fiora.
04:34:47 <Fiora> what :<
04:35:02 <mnoqy> im sure granite domes could be a perfectly reasonable fad
04:35:14 <mnoqy> like idk wizard hats and parachute pants
04:35:42 <elliott> wait there's a relevant ph quote here i think
04:35:44 <elliott> `quote rejuvi
04:35:49 <HackEgo> No output.
04:35:50 <elliott> !!
04:35:51 <elliott> `quote rejuv
04:35:53 <HackEgo> No output.
04:35:54 <elliott> help
04:35:56 <elliott> `quote smoot
04:35:58 <HackEgo> 212) <Phantom_Hoover> [...] reyouthismootherate [...]
04:36:00 <elliott> ok there
04:36:07 <Bike> good quote.
04:36:21 <mnoqy> `pastelogs reyouthismootherate
04:36:46 <mnoqy> `pastelogs smoot
04:37:03 <HackEgo> http://codu.org/projects/hackbot/fshg/index.cgi/raw-file/tip/paste/paste.25087
04:37:16 <HackEgo> http://codu.org/projects/hackbot/fshg/index.cgi/raw-file/tip/paste/paste.13753
04:38:08 <Bike> <elliott> I want to `addquote <Phantom_Hoover> [...] reyouthismootherate [...] <-- very civil of you elliott
04:38:49 <elliott> looks like I am good at achieving my goals
04:39:41 <mnoqy> why doesnt anyone say "smoot" without putting an h at the end
04:39:50 <mnoqy> what a boring pastelogs
04:40:00 <mnoqy> `pastelogs smoot[^h]
04:40:15 <Fiora> smoot
04:40:16 <HackEgo> http://codu.org/projects/hackbot/fshg/index.cgi/raw-file/tip/paste/paste.12036
04:40:37 <Fiora> oh. right. a smoot is like 170cm
04:41:09 <elliott> mnoqy: you think the fact that people don't do that is important
04:41:14 <kmc> Oliver Smoot went on to be Chairman of ANSI and President of ISO
04:41:15 <kmc> no joke
04:41:27 <elliott> mnoqy: you think that's a point
04:41:32 <pikhq> How appropriate.
04:41:33 <elliott> mnoqy: but I think you'll find 'smoot
04:41:36 <elliott> get it
04:41:40 <elliott> it's moot
04:41:42 <elliott> get it
04:41:53 <mnoqy> were all of those lines a setup for that
04:41:57 <elliott> yes
04:42:58 <Fiora> elliott you're terribible
04:43:42 <elliott> the bible of terribleness
04:43:44 <mnoqy> terribible: horror movie???
04:44:10 <kmc> hint: its the regular bible
04:44:44 <elliott> wow kmc
04:44:46 <elliott> edgy religious commentary
04:44:55 <elliott> we're going to get banned by the govt
04:46:21 * Bike imagines the Bible as slasher film with OT God as the killer and... david as the final girl maybe??
04:46:36 <mnoqy> final girl? is that a slasher film thing
04:47:00 <Bike> yeah
04:48:48 <mnoqy> i was thinking terribible would be more like.....theres a bible in a hotel room but then it eats people......or you could have a bible for a bizarre cult and it has mind-controlling properties and whoever reads it cannibalizes their families in a ritual to summon the great undoing
04:49:10 <Bike> wasn't that silent hill or something
04:49:11 <Fiora> ... oh geez I've never read "terribible" as having 'bible' in it -_-
04:49:34 <Jafet> I would read the terribible
04:50:13 <mnoqy> the eating one or the other eating one or the normal bible (does it have eating?)
04:50:23 <Bike> People eat things in the normal bible, yes
04:50:43 <elliott> mnoqy: i like the bible that eats people one
04:50:53 <elliott> it sounds appropriately 'b (c? d?) movie'
04:50:54 <elliott> e movie
04:50:55 <elliott> z movie
04:51:14 <Bike> "z movie"'s a term that people have used in all seriousness, fyi
04:51:40 <elliott> they shouldn't
04:51:49 <elliott> there's no way humans can even comprehend how gloriously bad a z movie would have to be
04:52:00 <Bike> it's used to refer to like, plan 9
04:52:02 <elliott> to justify skipping all those letters
04:52:19 <Bike> or manos, you know, mst fodder
04:52:34 <elliott> pfft surely plan 9 just counts as b movie or maybe c movie
04:52:44 <elliott> i haven't even seen it and i categorically disbelieve that it warrants the label z
04:52:46 <Jafet> z for zardos
04:53:05 <Fiora> what did I even start
04:53:29 <Bike> haha if you google "z movie" you get the film about greece, awesome
04:53:58 <Bike> Stock footage of a rocket launch is played in reverse to depict the landing of an alien spacecraft. What appears to be shag carpet is draped over several actors shambling about at a snail's pace, thus bringing the monstrous "creeping terror" to the screen. The movie also employs a technique that has come to be synonymous with Z-movie horror: voiceover narration that paraphrases dialogue being silently enacted onscreen
04:54:05 <Bike> i dunno elliott this seems "pretty bad"
04:54:13 <elliott> okay but look Bike
04:54:18 <elliott> there are 26 letters in the alphabet
04:54:31 <elliott> if you think how bad B movies are in comparison to A movies and then extend that towards C movies
04:54:36 <elliott> just imagine how awful it has to get to reach all the way to Z
04:54:49 <elliott> probably no person is capable of creating anything that awful
04:55:35 <Bike> how about the star wars holiday special
04:56:02 <kmc> that sounds like Turkish Star Wars
04:56:13 <kmc> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%BCnyay%C4%B1_Kurtaran_Adam
04:56:46 <Bike> good film (it's not)
04:57:17 <Bike> "I'm not sure a human did film Plan 9. It doesn't seem to see things as a human."
04:57:36 <kmc> "The villain tells them he is actually from Earth and is a 1,000 year old wizard. He tried to defeat Earth, but was always repelled by a shield of concentrated human brain molecules, which looks like the Death Star from Star Wars."
04:57:41 <Bike> my favorite worst film is Alan Smithee though
04:57:56 <Bike> because it's about a guy trying to not be credited for a terrible film
04:58:30 <elliott> i found that film on wikipedia once
04:58:34 <elliott> and it just blew my mind
04:58:40 <Bike> i know, right
04:58:52 <Bike> some kind of postmodern epic
04:58:56 <elliott> like you have to realise this is during one of those 6 am times when you've given up on everything and are just clicking wikipedia links you don't even care about any more
04:58:59 <Bike> and: it's fucking terrible
04:59:17 <elliott> and then you read
04:59:19 <kmc> hollywood crawled up its own ass and found mainly shit
04:59:20 <elliott> The film's creation set off a chain of events which would lead the Directors Guild of America to officially discontinue the Alan Smithee credit in 2000. Its plot (about a director attempting to disown a film) eventually described the film's own production; director Arthur Hiller requested that his name be removed after witnessing the final cut of the film by the studio.
04:59:38 <elliott> and then there's not really any other links that make sense to click on any more because you just read that
04:59:53 <Bike> "welp, guess i reached the end of human knowledge"
04:59:57 <Jafet> Is that like the genuinely bad version of Adaptation
05:00:07 <elliott> A director by the name of Alan Smithee has been allowed to direct Trio, a big-budget action film starring Sylvester Stallone, Whoopi Goldberg, and Jackie Chan. The studio recuts the film, and when Smithee sees the results (which he describes as being "worse than Showgirls") and realizes that he cannot use a pseudonym (because the only one allowed is "Alan Smithee") he steals the film and goes on the run, threatening to burn it.
05:00:28 <Bike> ok Trio sounds pretty amazing
05:01:50 <Bike> "8.1.1 Ha-Trempist (The Hich Hiker or An American Hippie in Israel) (1972)" this article's looking pretty good
05:03:25 <elliott> hich hiker
05:05:59 <elliott> @tell ais523 looks like abusefilter is blocking users now; we might want to disable it if it spams up recent changes too much
05:06:00 <lambdabot> Consider it noted.
05:08:12 <elliott> @tell ais523 also, do filters 2 and 3 not have warning messages? the case of an actual person adding a link to their own userpage without there being a newline seems vaguely plausible, I don't know what it'd look like if they tried
05:08:12 <lambdabot> Consider it noted.
05:16:18 <mnoqy> oh no i missed so much $$A+$$ bad movies conversation
05:17:06 <elliott> yep
05:17:11 <elliott> we enjoyed having it without you
05:17:16 <Bike> i... don't know what that means
05:17:54 <elliott> yes
05:18:04 <mnoqy> i need to see more bad movies. not counting mst3k the only great movies i remember seeing are gamebox 1.0 and hercules in new york
05:18:20 <mnoqy> i also need to see more mst3k
05:18:52 <Bike> how about rifftrax
05:18:59 <mnoqy> never seen =/
05:19:34 <mnoqy> i could count all the mst3k i've seen on my fingers (maybe need to include toes?) if i could dang remember what they were. it's been long enough that i can probably rewatch them all and still enjoy them so i'm putting all the mst3k i remember enjoying on my to-watch list
05:20:05 <elliott> i hvaen't even watched mst3k i think i'm too lazy to
05:20:21 <elliott> sort of feel like reading about awful stuff is better than actually consuming it, even by proxy
05:20:25 <mnoqy> pod people was my first mst3k and it's good so i recommend it
05:21:06 <mnoqy> gosh i even have a mst3k tab open i just gotta finally get around to watching it
05:21:27 <mnoqy> this one's uhhh "prince of space" i don't think i've seen it before
05:22:11 -!- ogrom has joined.
05:22:25 <mnoqy> guess i'll watch it now so i don't dang forget
05:22:28 <mnoqy> ~again~
05:23:22 <Bike> bye
05:23:42 <mnoqy> bye(?)
05:25:19 <Bike> hello
05:25:21 <mnoqy> hi
05:25:36 <Bike> sup
05:25:54 <Bike> http://25.media.tumblr.com/bb840b5cc1d32d4436cede48f4bcde0e/tumblr_mlw2vsXwG81qzqvm2o4_1280.gif is this sup
05:31:07 <mnoqy> no
05:32:17 <elliott> what
05:38:49 <elliott> it's 6:30 :(
05:39:03 <ion> №pe
05:53:50 -!- conehead has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
05:56:21 -!- zzo38 has joined.
06:00:39 <zzo38> Do you know how to properly color the tree structure now?
06:46:00 <zzo38> I estimate the one million dollar wedge in Wheel of Fortune to be worth only a few dollars.
06:53:19 -!- Jafet has quit (Quit: Leaving.).
06:54:06 <zzo38> What do *you* think????!???
06:54:18 <Bike> what do i think
06:54:33 <mnoqy> good question
06:54:55 <mnoqy> if i had to color a tree, i think i'd play it safe and go brown for the trunk and green for the leafs
06:55:58 <zzo38> I think you are correct, but it isn't what I meant.
07:08:21 <zzo38> In the tree I have described, neither brown nor green are valid.
07:10:09 -!- Bike has quit (Quit: leaving).
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08:16:55 <zzo38> Now I added triad registers into Internet Quiz Engine, so each register can have up to three pieces.
08:23:51 <Vorpal> Balanced ternary is confusing.
08:24:23 <zzo38> Well, it is an optional feature, and not all of the registers have to use it.
08:24:48 <Vorpal> oh my line was no in reply to you
08:24:52 <Vorpal> just a comment in general
08:25:47 <zzo38> Well, I suppose it can be confusing. And it is good that it is not in reply to me, because I didn't mean balanced ternary anyways. Do you use balanced ternary for anything?
08:27:48 <Vorpal> zzo38, no, not really. I'm just trying to figure it out as I got nothing better to do.
08:28:12 <Vorpal> I don't know any practical application for balanced ternary in this day and age.
08:28:48 <Vorpal> Also there seems to be balanced ternary gray code. That sounds fun.
08:31:36 * FireFly is reminded of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_for_operations_with_functions
08:38:50 * Vorpal looks
08:40:16 <Vorpal> Oh looks like it used balanced ternary indeed
08:52:22 <FreeFull> Balanced ternary computers are pretty cool
08:55:16 <fizzie> Tere is also the Setun.
08:55:25 <fizzie> s/T/Th/
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09:47:40 <Vorpal> Wtf is gvfs-monitor-dir and why is it using 1.4 GB RAM?
09:47:46 * Vorpal kills the process.
09:48:07 <FreeFull> I wonder if someone made a modern balanced ternary VM
09:53:16 -!- carado has joined.
09:58:47 <fizzie> PulseAudio refused to start a while ago, due to some sort of "inotify: Too many files" error.
09:59:34 <fizzie> Also I managed to get some sort of a inotify max_user_watches error out of Dropbox too; had to bump the limit up.
09:59:41 <fizzie> Don't know if there's some sort of a leak of them.
10:00:41 <FreeFull> Your fault for using pulseaudio
10:01:17 <fizzie> I doubt it's PulseAudio leaking anything, given that (a) it was not running.
10:01:53 <FreeFull> OSS, Alsa and Jack are clearly superior
10:03:21 <fizzie> In general it works well for me, and I can juggle streams from headphones to dinky computer speakers to the S/PDIF output, without having to figure out, for each application separately, how to change the output device; something ALSA couldn't do. (I guess with .asoundrc + pcm.default, but wouldn't that mean a restart of the application in question?)
10:03:34 <fizzie> (Jack would probably work well, but I have ugly experiences about it from years past.)
10:04:13 <fizzie> Sorry, pcm.!default. (That always reads like "not default" for me.)
10:10:47 -!- sebbu2 has joined.
10:11:07 <fizzie> Also, I dreamed that Ubuntu 13.04 came with GCC 5.x, and they promised GCC 6.x for 13.10.
10:11:14 <fizzie> I suppose... that's not true, then.
10:11:26 -!- sebbu2 has quit (Changing host).
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10:12:44 <Vorpal> fizzie, I never figured out how to send stereo streams with pulse audio to the rear output on my SB Live
10:12:52 -!- sebbu has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds).
10:13:02 <Vorpal> fizzie, why would I want that? better DAC than on the front jack
10:13:11 <Vorpal> So I just use ALSA.
10:13:20 <Vorpal> For vlc that is
10:13:37 <Vorpal> Easy to switch vlc around, as well, it is available in the menus
10:14:03 <Vorpal> fizzie, also, strange dreams
10:14:23 <shachaf> «In the Japanese language, the word sake refers to Japanese liquor, while the beverage called sake in English is termed nihonshu (日本酒, "Japanese liquor").»
10:16:16 <fizzie> Vorpal: It's kind of bad when it comes to multiple ALSA devices on a single card, that's true.
10:16:33 <Vorpal> fizzie, yeah I have a ton on my SB Live
10:17:32 <fizzie> I have the headphones connected to a USB dongle (much less noisy than the onboard sound; don't have a dedicated sound card in this box), and that's a separate "card", so even PA's limited configuration is enough.
10:17:34 <Vorpal> fizzie, http://sprunge.us/ASCN
10:17:53 <fizzie> That's a lot of devices.
10:18:33 <Vorpal> fizzie, I use my earbuds in the Intel HDA port on the front, and my studio headset in the rear channel of the SB Live.
10:18:41 <fizzie> http://sprunge.us/aRSf so dinky.
10:19:06 <Vorpal> fizzie, you want -L for listing PCMs
10:19:29 <fizzie> Bah, that just has the silly alsa surround-this surround-that names.
10:19:37 <Vorpal> fizzie, for arecord: http://sprunge.us/TXfU
10:19:55 <Vorpal> I also have a gameport on the SB Live
10:20:15 <fizzie> Heh, seems that I got the card numbers in different order than they usually go; it's normally so that onboard sound is 0 and card 1 is the bt878; while card 2, when it exists, is the USB dongle.
10:20:30 <fizzie> This time I happened to have it connected at boot-time, that probably explains why they're the wrong way around.
10:20:51 <Vorpal> right
10:21:23 <fizzie> "USB Device 0xccd:0x77", doesn't even know a name for it.
10:21:35 <Vorpal> fizzie, also my mobo doesn't like my sound card, I sometimes need to reload the emu10k1 kernel module, after the kernel decides to disable the interrupt line it is using.
10:21:41 <Vorpal> due to stray interrupts
10:21:46 <Vorpal> never happened on my old mobo
10:22:01 <fizzie> (lsusb knows it's a "TerraTec Electronic GmbH Aureon Dual USB", wonder why ALSA can't get that information.)
10:22:11 <Vorpal> Because lsusb is user space?
10:22:20 <Vorpal> And ALSA is kernel space
10:23:10 <Vorpal> fizzie, update-usbids updates the user space USB ID database, you can probably find a call to that in your crontab or /etc/cron.some-duration/
10:23:14 <fizzie> I guess; but they could've built in a mechanism in the USB audio class that'd let the device provide a name string.
10:23:18 <Vorpal> similar to update-pciids for lspci
10:23:57 <Vorpal> fizzie, should have been in the USB system overall then, not just the audio class
10:24:54 <Vorpal> fizzie, I think "card 2: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]" is the thing on my GPU
10:24:57 <Vorpal> maybe
10:26:27 <fizzie> The onboard graphics chipset I have (Radeon something-or-other) has an audio device, but I have it disabled these days; the graphics card doesn't have any HDMI holes.
10:27:11 <Vorpal> My graphics card has two HDMI, two DVI and one display port or something silly like that
10:27:28 <Vorpal> (one of the DVI is DVI-I the other a DVI-D)
10:27:46 <fizzie> Can you push audio over DP? I'd guesstimate so.
10:27:53 <fizzie> Apparently.
10:28:16 <Vorpal> Maybe
10:28:25 <fizzie> "-- up to 8 channels of 24 bit 192 kHz uncompressed PCM --"; well, that's quite a lot.
10:29:10 <FreeFull> What if you put the sampling rate down? Do you get more channels or not?
10:29:34 <fizzie> Probably not.
10:29:40 <fizzie> (But I wouldn't know.)
10:31:08 <fizzie> I think it's comparable to HDMI; while you can only fit two channels of uncompressed PCM over S/PDIF; surround sound needs Dolby Digital or DTS or other such things.
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10:39:11 <Vorpal> fizzie, isn't S/PDIF optical or something?
10:39:59 <fizzie> There's both optical and copper (coax) cable variants of it.
10:40:08 <fizzie> (The protocol is same in both.)
10:40:13 <Vorpal> I wonder which one my SB Live has
10:40:18 <Vorpal> I know it has a S/PDIF port
10:40:36 <fizzie> The coax cable variant tends to be an orange RCA connector.
10:40:52 <Vorpal> Hm, I do not remember the port color
10:40:57 <Vorpal> SB Live 5.1 anyway
10:41:32 <fizzie> The optical thing is "natively" a TOSLINK connector (a sort of a rectangular thing), but quite often these days it's integrated in a regular 3.5mm stereo jack.
10:42:13 <Vorpal> Definitely a separate jack in my case
10:43:53 <Vorpal> yeah the connector is not circular.
10:44:05 <fizzie> Then it's probably the regular TOSLINK one.
10:44:18 <fizzie> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:TOSLINK.jpg looks like that at the male end.
10:44:37 <fizzie> There's a coax S/PDIF jack on my motherboard back panel, which I think is not terribly common. (I certainly don't mind, though.)
10:45:43 <Vorpal> why are all the connectors on the back
10:45:47 <Vorpal> hard to reach
10:46:10 <fizzie> The laptop's got one of those combo "3.5mm line out / optical SPDIF" dealies, and it's always-on, so there's a permanent red light coming out of one of the four 3.5mm jacks on the side, whenever the sound isn't muted.
10:46:22 <Vorpal> fizzie, ouch
10:46:41 <fizzie> It's not all that bright, but certainly noticeable in the dark.
10:46:43 <Phantom_Hoover> omg new lyttle lytton
10:46:54 <Vorpal> fizzie, can't you just mute that channel in alsamixer?
10:47:29 <fizzie> Vorpal: I mostly run Windows in the laptop, and haven't bothered to navigate enough dialogs to disable it.
10:47:35 <Vorpal> ah
10:47:42 <fizzie> I'm sure it's in there somewhere.
10:48:43 <fizzie> (The USB dongle also has an optical digital output like that.)
10:50:48 <fizzie> I wonder if anyone makes a splitter so that you can plug in both an optical TOSLINK cable and a regular 3.5mm thing at the same time to one of those jacks.
10:51:24 <Vorpal> heh
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10:59:40 <fizzie> "sd 6:0:0:3: [sdg] Write Protect is on" huh.
11:00:14 <Vorpal> Every other piece of music is a performance of 4'33" where someone just happened to be playing sometime else at the time.
11:00:27 <Vorpal> fizzie, sdg? Fancy
11:00:28 <Vorpal> how many hdds
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11:00:47 <Vorpal> I only have up to sdd
11:01:03 <fizzie> Vorpal: Just three; but it's from a memory card reader that generates four devices (sde, sdf, sdg, sdh) for the different kinds of ports.
11:01:11 <Vorpal> ah
11:01:11 <fizzie> (sdd is an optical drive.)
11:01:23 <Vorpal> my optical drive is sr0
11:01:35 <Vorpal> So I don't get how you get a sdd for an optical drive
11:01:48 -!- zzo38 has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
11:01:50 <fizzie> Hmm, I wonder what sdd is, then.
11:02:03 <fizzie> Oh, it was sdd, sde, sdf and sdg for the card reader; mislooked.
11:02:03 <Vorpal> sudo file -s /dev/sdd
11:02:08 <Vorpal> ah
11:02:29 <Vorpal> fizzie, anyway if it is a SD card, check the slider on the side for read only
11:02:52 <fizzie> "sd 6:0:0:3: [sdg] Write Protect is off" yes, the lock switch seems to be a bit flaky.
11:03:09 <fizzie> It was unlocked; I toggled it to locked and back, and now it's off.
11:04:10 <Vorpal> heh
11:04:44 <fizzie> AIUI, the switch doesn't actually *prevent* writes, it just sets that one bit and assumes that the client side honors it.
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11:06:01 <Vorpal> Heh
11:06:25 <fizzie> Or maybe "client" is the wrong word in this context, perhaps "host" is more appropriate.
11:06:51 <Vorpal> fizzie, I have an issue with the SD reader on my laptop, and that is that it is slightly too tight of a fit, meaning that inserting a SD card usually results in the thing sliding
11:07:58 <ineiros> fizzie: Regarding my browsing habits (which were apparently discussed ~a day ago), Mozilla has since improved the session restore functionality. The escaping doesn't seem to happen that way any more. Also, the fact that all the tabs are not immediately loaded when restoring the session has significantly reduced the anxiety of pressing the "Restore session" button.
11:08:35 <fizzie> I'd like it if Chrome stole the lazy-loading thing from them, too.
11:14:53 <Vorpal> Hm I should really reformat the external SD card on my phone from FAT-32 to something saner. I just ran fsck on that thing and it found a couple of stuff
11:15:12 <Vorpal> also the mtab on my phone is crazy
11:19:12 <Vorpal> http://sprunge.us/IQKN
11:22:33 <Vorpal> /dev/block/mmcblk0p12 /.secondrom ext4 rw,relatime,barrier=0,data=ordered,noauto_da_alloc 0 0
11:22:33 <Vorpal> tmpfs /.secondrom tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,size=131072k,mode=771,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0
11:22:33 <Vorpal> /dev/block/mmcblk0p12 /.secondrom ext4 rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,nodiratime,barrier=0,data=ordered,noauto_da_alloc 0 0
11:22:36 <Vorpal> that is quite confusing
11:22:41 <Vorpal> three mounts on top of each other?
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12:28:22 <fizzie> From what I recall, the N900 mtab is kind of simple, esp. in comparison.
12:29:27 <fizzie> http://sprunge.us/jfVV and it's mostly the /opt stuff due to silly partitioning.
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12:44:42 <Vorpal> fizzie, /home/user/ nice
12:45:11 <Vorpal> Also for some reason the caps lock led is out of sync with what is actually happening atm
12:45:23 <Vorpal> Hm, replugging the keyboard helped
12:45:24 <Vorpal> strange
12:46:03 <shachaf> But I don't know what will work.
12:46:30 <shachaf> That message was intended for #haskell. Unauthorized readers will be prosecuted.
12:46:36 <Vorpal> heh
12:46:50 <Vorpal> shachaf, what if I'm in both channels?
12:46:55 <Vorpal> Can I read it twice
12:47:29 <shachaf> How can you tell it's the same message without reading it twice?
12:48:26 <Vorpal> shachaf, you could extrapolate from the comment "<shachaf> That message was intended for #haskell. Unauthorized readers will be prosecuted." that you would post it twice, once in each channel
12:50:38 <Jafet> Reading this message is forbidden.
12:52:53 <fizzie> Vorpal: It's pretty much a single-user device, and the single user is called "user".
12:53:11 -!- MindlessDrone has quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.4.0).
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12:56:44 <Vorpal> fizzie, right
12:56:59 <Vorpal> modern Android has that multi-user stuff. Not completely sure how it works.
13:07:32 <fizzie> http://sprunge.us/UNXe that's probably not good.
13:08:20 -!- Taneb has joined.
13:09:09 <Taneb> How do Agda et al. compare with Haskell in terms of type system ridiculawesomeness?
13:09:10 <lambdabot> Taneb: You have 4 new messages. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read them.
13:10:14 <olsner> they're probably all turing complete
13:10:30 <shachaf> No.
13:10:44 <shachaf> Agda et al. are very carefully not Turing-complete.
13:11:04 -!- ThatOtherPerson has joined.
13:11:22 <shachaf> (Even the language itself. Let alone the type system, which is more or less the same thing as the language itself.)
13:11:31 <shachaf> A Turing-complete type system would defeat a lot of purposes.
13:12:34 <Vorpal> fizzie, indeed. That is from your phone?
13:12:53 <Vorpal> or desktop?
13:12:56 <Vorpal> or laptop?
13:13:46 -!- Taneb has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
13:15:40 <Phantom_Hoover> @tell Taneb well haskell's type system is a subset of agda's, so...
13:15:41 <lambdabot> Consider it noted.
13:22:23 -!- Taneb has joined.
13:23:16 <ThatOtherPerson> Hey Taneb!
13:23:18 <Taneb> Hi
13:23:18 <lambdabot> Taneb: You have 5 new messages. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read them.
13:23:24 <Taneb> My internet's kinda crappy here
13:23:28 <ThatOtherPerson> ah
13:24:16 <fizzie> Vorpal: Desktop; the device it speaks of is the keyboard; I plugged the Nexus 7 into the same hub where it is, using my no-name microusb cable, and it has some connectivity problems; I guess the intermittent connections went and confused things. (Replugging fixed it.)
13:24:28 <shachaf> Phantom_Hoover: "haskell's type system is a subset of agda's"?
13:24:34 <Phantom_Hoover> uh
13:24:37 <Phantom_Hoover> it isn't is it
13:24:38 <Phantom_Hoover> fuck
13:24:41 <Jafet> C is a subset of C++
13:24:47 <Jafet> everyone knows this
13:24:47 <Phantom_Hoover> @tell Taneb no it isn't
13:24:48 <lambdabot> Consider it noted.
13:25:08 <Taneb> @messages
13:25:08 <lambdabot> Phantom_Hoover said 21s ago: no it isn't
13:25:08 <ThatOtherPerson> Phantom_Hoover: actually he's back
13:25:09 <Jafet> @google fuzzy set theory
13:25:10 <lambdabot> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuzzy_set
13:25:10 <lambdabot> Title: Fuzzy set - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
13:25:11 <Phantom_Hoover> but it is p. cool
13:25:14 <shachaf> Hmm, I didn't even have to say anything.
13:25:16 <Jafet> ok it exists
13:25:21 <Phantom_Hoover> @tell ThatOtherPerson i know, it was for comedic effect
13:25:22 <lambdabot> Consider it noted.
13:25:23 <shachaf> Phantom_Hoover: "it isn't"?
13:25:37 <Phantom_Hoover> @tell Taneb maybe it is? I DON'T KNOW
13:25:38 <lambdabot> Consider it noted.
13:25:40 <ThatOtherPerson> @messages
13:25:40 <lambdabot> Phantom_Hoover said 19s ago: i know, it was for comedic effect
13:25:58 <Taneb> @tell Phantom_Hoover don't worry, I found it funny :)
13:25:58 <lambdabot> Consider it noted.
13:26:06 <Phantom_Hoover> @messages
13:26:07 <lambdabot> Taneb said 9s ago: don't worry, I found it funny :)
13:27:11 <ThatOtherPerson> @massages
13:27:11 <lambdabot> You don't have any new messages.
13:27:22 <ThatOtherPerson> ... how
13:28:15 <Phantom_Hoover> @adsfae
13:28:16 <lambdabot> Unknown command, try @list
13:28:36 <Phantom_Hoover> @goggle hello
13:28:37 <lambdabot> http://www.hellomagazine.com/
13:28:37 <lambdabot> Title: HELLO! Online: celeb & royal news, magazine, babies, weddings, style
13:29:13 <Vorpal> fizzie, ah okay
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13:50:27 <FireFly> @yarn !
13:50:27 <lambdabot> What be a priate's favourite cheese?
13:50:28 <lambdabot> Yarrlsburg!
13:51:15 <shachaf> @yarn!
13:51:15 <lambdabot> Arr! Me ship be the biggest brig in the port!
13:51:50 <FireFly> @arrow
13:51:51 <lambdabot> I want me grog!
13:52:10 <FireFly> go home lambdabot, you're drunk
13:56:16 -!- Taneb has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
13:57:26 <Vorpal> does anyone use Go?
13:57:39 <Vorpal> It got a lot of hype around it's release but it seems to me that quickly died down.
13:57:44 <Vorpal> Haven't heard about it in ages.
13:59:10 <FireFly> I had to use it for a course this semester
14:00:43 <Vorpal> oh, how was it?
14:02:45 <FireFly> Well, it was all right. The course was about parallellisation/synchronisation mechanisms, and for that purpose I guess it's a good fit
14:03:39 <FireFly> We never used e.g. interfaces/structs, so my experience is rather limited..
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14:09:06 <Vorpal> Hm
14:12:46 <fizzie> I am under the impression that Go does get at least some amount of commercial use.
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17:34:03 <zzo38> Can PADsynth be implemented efficiently in hardware?
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17:48:28 <oerjan> <Sgeo> This is going to go to my head, I think <-- you'll end up bying a south american country? (i recall opus the penguin did that)
17:48:42 <oerjan> *buying
17:49:52 <pikhq> oerjan: Sounds familiar.
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18:12:02 <Taneb> Is there a shortcut on emacs to re-open all files if they've changed on the disk?
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18:14:20 <Bike> hm, there's kill-some-buffers and save-some-buffers but not read-some-buffers
18:14:48 <kmc> 420-kill-buffers-everyday
18:15:04 <kmc> is Sgeo going mad with wealth?
18:15:09 <Bike> great, now "buffers" doesn't look like a word
18:15:09 <kmc> Sgeo: you should donate some of that money
18:15:16 <Bike> yes, he's sponsoring mosquito laser initiatives
18:15:23 <kmc> they're called buffers but i've never seen them buff
18:15:31 -!- Tritonio has joined.
18:15:41 <kmc> does that stuff actually work
18:15:44 <kmc> in re: mosquito lasers
18:16:01 <Taneb> Sgeo has wealth!?
18:16:06 <Taneb> `welcome Tritonio
18:16:10 -!- nooga_ has joined.
18:16:12 <HackEgo> Tritonio: Welcome to the international hub for esoteric programming language design and deployment! For more information, check out our wiki: http://esolangs.org/wiki/Main_Page. (For the other kind of esoterica, try #esoteric on irc.dal.net.)
18:16:15 <oerjan> Bike: are these initiatives to kill mosquitoes with lasers, or initiatives to create killer laser mosquitoes?
18:16:37 <Taneb> oerjan: the latter would seem important if it is necessary at all
18:16:48 <Tritonio> is HackEgo a bit?
18:16:52 <Bike> yes
18:16:55 <Tritonio> *is HackEgo a bot?
18:17:12 <Taneb> Nah, it's some guy in Indiana typing really quickly
18:17:18 <Tritonio> :-D
18:17:18 <oerjan> Tritonio is new?
18:17:29 <Bike> kmc: yes, but the main problem is that there aren't many laser-related resources in places with mosquito problems
18:17:35 <Tritonio> no oerjan I just hadn't joined the channel for like a year.
18:17:37 <Taneb> Tritonio: are you new?
18:17:40 <Taneb> Aaah
18:17:53 <Taneb> Do you recall the Hexham co-incidence?
18:18:15 <oerjan> cohexham incidence
18:18:32 <FireFly> `run ls bin/ | tr [:upper:] [:lower:] | grep elcom
18:18:37 <HackEgo> relcome \ rwelcome \ welcome \ welcome \ welcome
18:18:42 -!- nooga has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds).
18:18:56 <Tritonio> what's that?
18:18:57 <Bike> cohexham sounds scary
18:19:05 <Taneb> Bike: I believe it's Finland
18:19:14 <Bike> like i said, scary
18:19:21 <Taneb> Evidence for this:
18:19:27 <Taneb> Hexham got attacked by vikings
18:19:33 <Taneb> Finland attacked vikings
18:20:15 <oerjan> sounds plausible
18:20:56 <Tritonio> so... any golf competition lately?
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18:26:56 <pikhq> Hmm. I should find a power supply for my LS-120 drive.
18:27:12 <pikhq> Be silly, pointless, but amusing actually using a parallel floppy drive.
18:34:20 <kmc> Bike: hm, plenty of rich places have non-life-threatening mosquito problems... maybe you could like sell them in SkyMall on a give-one, get-one basis
18:34:48 <Bike> maybe
18:34:50 <kmc> a crazy laser turret gadget for keeping mosquitos away from your barbequeue, that also lets you show off how charitable you are
18:34:53 <kmc> that could sell
18:35:03 <Bike> heh
18:36:53 <pikhq> Sillier still considering I don't have LS-120 media.
18:38:57 -!- Phantom__Hoover has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds).
18:39:26 <kmc> you can use it to read regular floppies right?
18:39:29 <kmc> that makes it even sillier
18:42:47 <pikhq> Yes.
18:43:06 <pikhq> To add to the silliness, I own an internal floppy drive.
18:43:11 <pikhq> One that's even hooked up.
18:43:25 <kmc> my middle school had a bunch of USB LS-120 drives because it was the cool thing to buy with a first-gen iMac
18:43:39 <pikhq> Mine had a bunch of Zip drives.
18:43:42 <Koen_> ThatOtherPerson: Taneb: how's the ludum dare going?
18:43:50 <Taneb> Surprisingly well
18:44:03 <pikhq> I just used 80mm CD-RWs.
18:44:23 <ThatOtherPerson> As in we might finish by the deadline
18:44:48 <Koen_> good, good
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18:45:10 <pikhq> This LS-120 drive was my grandmother's...
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19:35:41 <Sgeo> Literally Unbelievable jumped the shark
19:35:43 <Taneb> `pastequotes
19:35:57 <Sgeo> This person was clearly just continuing the oke, I think http://literallyunbelievable.org/post/49088978411/obviously-a-propaganda
19:36:14 <HackEgo> http://codu.org/projects/hackbot/fshg/index.cgi/raw-file/tip/paste/paste.11282
19:36:58 <Taneb> `quote 1035
19:37:05 <HackEgo> 1035) <Fiora> shachaf: make friends. help people. find ways to help people be happy. hug people. have fun. make the world a little bit better.
19:37:11 <Taneb> An inspiration to us all
19:37:13 <Taneb> Fiora++
19:37:30 <Bike> nothing is obvious, sgeo
19:38:03 <Taneb> Nothing is obvious, everything is a burrito
19:38:23 -!- Tritonio has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
19:39:04 <Sgeo> I still want to try the Dilburrito
19:39:27 <Fiora> >_<
19:40:23 <Sgeo> There was a little promotional flash game
19:40:41 <Sgeo> You'd have to stand under falling food to eat it. Try to eat healthy foods, avoid unhealthy ones
19:40:52 <Sgeo> Of course, the Dilberito was the most healthy food
19:41:55 <Fiora> I guess being an inspiration is okay
19:42:32 <mnoqy> is dilberito a portmanteaue of dilbert and burrito...............
19:42:52 <elliott> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/2b/DilBeriTO.jpg
19:42:56 <elliott> i...
19:43:34 <mnoqy> oh it's a real thing
19:43:47 <mnoqy> Scott Adams Foods, Inc????????
19:44:00 <Sgeo> Was a real thing
19:44:07 <Sgeo> It's been discontinued :(
19:44:25 <Bike> well shit, how could i not want to eat that
19:44:28 <mnoqy> a healthy food product that also had mass appeal, a concept he called "the blue jeans of food."
19:44:33 <mnoqy> mass appeal by way of dilbert?
19:45:03 <Bike> are blue jeans nutritionally sound
19:45:42 <Sgeo> A lot of the food I eat has genes
19:45:45 <pikhq> That is such a strange concept.
19:45:49 <Sgeo> (That would probably work better spoken)
19:46:08 <mnoqy> Sgeo: ...
19:46:22 <elliott> it wouldnt
19:47:21 <Bike> i think DNA is pretty well fucked by the time you're food has been cooked
19:47:32 <Bike> your
19:47:33 <mnoqy> what if you eat it before it's cooked??? WHAT THEN
19:47:59 <Bike> i guess sushi is alright
19:48:06 <zzo38> I have floppy drive in my computer but the eject button is broken, so when I use floppy disks I will use the external drive.
19:48:11 <mnoqy> well theres plants but sure
19:48:12 <Bike> alt. literally a manifestation of god into the corrupt world, if you're fiora
19:48:21 <Fiora> ???
19:48:26 <Bike> sushi.
19:48:28 <mnoqy> i think bike is saying you like sushi
19:48:39 <Fiora> um. I guess I do
19:48:49 <mnoqy> or maybe it's a nasty god and you hate sushi
19:49:14 <mnoqy> lazy do-nothing god "apathetic about sushi"
19:49:43 <Fiora> no I like sushi!
19:49:59 <Bike> wham. i've got this fiora thing down.
19:50:16 <Fiora> ?/
19:50:16 <lambdabot> Maybe you meant: . ? @ v
19:50:45 <Taneb> Isn't sushi just rice and vinegar or something and raw fish has a different name
19:51:03 <Fiora> raw fish alone is sashimi, but yeah, not all sushi has raw fish, or even fish
19:51:27 <zzo38> Sushi may include raw fish too, but always rice
19:52:06 <Taneb> I know this because I went to a sushi restaurant chain once in Homestuck cosplay
19:52:14 <kmc> i guess 'maki' and 'nigiri' are subtypes of sushi then?
19:52:23 * kmc was never very clear on it
19:52:34 <kmc> also I'm told that it's almost impossible to get authentic wasabi in the USA :/
19:52:39 <kmc> i've probably never tasted authentic wasabi
19:53:05 <kmc> not all fish in sushi is raw either, at least in america
19:53:12 <kmc> sometimes it's deliciously fried
19:53:16 <Bike> it's gotta have that "american touch" (deep fried wasabi)
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19:53:37 <kmc> that scottish touch
19:54:23 -!- nooga_ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds).
19:55:23 <mnoqy> how do you deep fry a wasaby
19:56:48 <kmc> in balls
19:56:51 <kmc> ed balls
19:56:58 <Taneb> First you need to catch the wasaby
19:58:02 <kmc> the guardian did a liveblog for ed balls day http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2013/apr/28/ed-balls-ed-balls-ed-balls-ed-balls-live
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20:04:14 <Bike> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nucleic_acid_thermodynamics DNA in cooked food is complicated
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20:11:48 <fizzie> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/113389132/Misc/20130428-bergen.ogg let's continue the tradition of inscrutable audio links.
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21:01:42 <ion> General MIDI ghettoblaster. http://a1.trd.cm/thaisecondhand/201207/05m/10195828_1.jpg
21:02:28 <Bike> awesome
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21:03:34 <fizzie> There's a seafront cafe thing in Helsinki, they have a piano in the corridor, the piano has a floppy disk drive on the side.
21:03:45 <fizzie> It looks incongruous.
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21:04:22 <fizzie> (Café Ursula, for the metropolitan-area Finns.)
21:05:42 <Phantom__Hoover> you know what the worst part about this connection bullshit is
21:05:46 <Phantom__Hoover> i have no idea what causes it
21:11:41 <kmc> yeah i've seen real mechanical pianos with midi hw + floppy drive
21:11:44 -!- augur has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
21:12:00 <kmc> i guess they have a solenoid on every key, you can see them move as they play themselves
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22:15:21 <elliott> today i learned: brendan eich donated $1k to the prop 8 campaign
22:15:28 <elliott> javascript suddenly even worse
22:16:26 <Bike> did he give a reason
22:16:41 <elliott> i don't think he made a public statement about it
22:16:46 <elliott> or really I just don't know
22:16:53 <elliott> wikipedia mentions it and gives some citations
22:16:58 <Bike> yeah i saw
22:16:58 <elliott> Eich donated $1,000 in 2008 to the campaign supporting California Proposition 8, which was recorded in a public database with Mozilla's name attached as his employer,[5] and many people commented about this donation on Twitter in March 2012.[6]
22:17:06 -!- DHeadshot has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
22:17:18 <elliott> http://articles.latimes.com/2012/apr/04/business/la-fi-tn-brendan-eich-prop-8-contribution-20120404
22:17:45 <elliott> Eich did not respond to an Los Angeles Times request for comment, but he did respond to a tweet by David Heinemeier Hansson, who created the open source Web framework Ruby on Rails, and has more than 55,000 followers on Twitter.
22:17:49 <elliott> In language we can't repeat here, Heinemeier Hansson said that seeing Eich's name and Mozilla's name on the list of people who gave to Prop 8 was "nasty."
22:17:58 <elliott> David "Language We Can't Repeat Here" Heinemeier Hansson
22:18:38 <Bike> "Apparently @brendaneich, father of #JavaScript, isn't as versatile as his language" i'm reading this as a sex position thing
22:20:18 <Bike> "Let the man have his opinion" a comments section /in/ the article, cool
22:22:07 <elliott> gonna donate $1M to the literally kill javascript programmers fund
22:22:09 <elliott> imo let me have my opinion
22:22:22 <elliott> and also
22:22:23 <elliott> let me have $1M
22:22:34 <Bike> are you the fund?
22:22:38 <kmc> the human fund
22:22:46 <Bike> have you transcended your human status to join the ranks of financial instruments
22:22:53 <Bike> get jiggy with some futures iykwim
22:26:24 <zzo38> Can you make any prestige class for Dungeons&Dragons game?
22:26:45 <Bike> No
22:27:27 <zzo38> Do you like to have any Pokemon game in Z-machine?
22:28:41 -!- Phantom__Hoover has joined.
22:29:36 <fizzie> The "Financial Instrument" prestige class, for bards.
22:31:13 -!- abumirqaan has joined.
22:31:44 <kmc> hehehe
22:32:11 <zzo38> Is that the one where bards earn money?
22:32:55 <Bike> No, it's where you use abstract mechanisms of capital as musical instruments.
22:33:07 <Bike> Like hooking up nasdaq to a synth and such.
22:33:10 <zzo38> O, that's how you do it.
22:33:53 <zzo38> Do you have a program to convert a NASDAQ to a Csound score file?
22:36:03 <zzo38> I also made some prestige class, and improvements to two prestige classes, and have now written most of "Aberration Saver" prestige class on a paper.
22:36:15 <Bike> I do not have such a program.
22:36:25 <zzo38> It is a kind of paper that might be used for bookkeeping, I suppose, but I wrote on the other side.
22:41:48 <Phantom__Hoover> OK guys
22:41:53 <kmc> there's a cool sculpture in the lobby of the London Stock Exchange with a bunch of balls that float up and down with the market http://vimeo.com/10163398
22:42:27 <Phantom__Hoover> can someone please, for the love of god, explain to me why when i connect to irc servers the connection is fine for a minute and then times out?
22:42:53 <Bike> nope
22:42:57 <Bike> god doesn't love me sorry
22:43:06 <Phantom__Hoover> but does he love me
22:45:02 <Bike> « In Trinidad it was sometimes called diablotin (French for "little devil"), presumably referring to its loud cries, which have been likened to those of tortured men. The common name "Oilbird" comes from the fact that in the past chicks were captured and boiled down in order to make oil.»
22:46:30 <Phantom__Hoover> stupid bird
22:47:23 <Sgeo> Hmm.
22:47:28 <Sgeo> I should play Barbu again
22:47:38 <Sgeo> There's, like, a really really small online community
22:47:52 <Sgeo> Who all play via a Windows program, and coordinate on Facebook
22:48:44 <Bike> A card game?
22:48:54 <Sgeo> Yes
22:49:06 <Sgeo> Made out of 7 card games.
22:49:19 <Bike> sounds complicated
22:49:59 <Bike> oh, they're just trick-taking games, that's not too bad
22:50:34 <Sgeo> There's one that isn't trick-taking
22:50:58 <Sgeo> Scoring is complicated though. Doubles and re-doubles, required to double dealer at least twice
23:01:42 -!- Phantom__Hoover has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
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23:14:04 <zzo38> I found it in Wikipedia now.
23:14:14 <zzo38> Do you invent any card games?
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23:23:12 <Sgeo> Why WOULD localhost.microsoft.com point to anyway?
23:23:16 <Sgeo> What use is there in that?
23:23:24 <Sgeo> Besides a security vulnerability
23:24:19 <Bike> so that you can access your own computer if the loopback device is failing, of course
23:24:51 <kmc> that wouldn't work
23:25:46 <Sgeo> I am not pleased with having the company where I work mentioned right before 'substantial security risk'
23:25:54 <kmc> Sgeo: hehe
23:25:58 <kmc> not microsoft though?
23:26:03 <Sgeo> Not Microsoft.
23:26:17 <Sgeo> It's talking about ISPs that pretend to be non-existent domains
23:26:19 <kmc> it could be useful if for whatever reason you didn't have a local name for 'localhost' but you did have '.microsoft.com' configured as a suffix
23:26:23 <kmc> ah yeah
23:26:25 <kmc> that's a shitty thing to o
23:26:27 <kmc> do
23:26:45 -!- Phantom__Hoover has quit (Read error: Operation timed out).
23:27:04 -!- Phantom_Hoover has joined.
23:35:35 <Sgeo> "As a result, merely hosting a valid, user-supplied JPEG image could become a grave security risk."
23:35:42 <kmc> how is that again?
23:36:26 <Sgeo> (About Flash's pre-2008 processing of policy files, that could interpret such a file as a cross-domain-policy
23:36:28 <Bike> the little known server-side executable jpeg protocol
23:36:35 <shachaf> sècùrìtỳ rìsk
23:36:44 <Sgeo> Ignoring MIME type and leading garbage
23:36:58 <Bike> oh, nice
23:41:13 <kmc> great
23:41:18 <kmc> Postel's Law is the worst thing ever for security
23:41:43 <shachaf> it's p. bad for a lot of non-security things too
23:41:44 <Bike> «RFC 1122 (1989) expanded on Postel's principle by recommending that programmers[2] "assume that the network is filled with malevolent entities that will send in packets designed to have the worst possible effect"»
23:42:14 <kmc> "expanded" meaning "directly contermanded"
23:42:17 <kmc> nice
23:42:23 -!- Phantom_Hoover has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
23:42:34 <Bike> good expansion
23:46:00 <Sgeo> So in Chrome, can't use cookies: with file:
23:46:14 <Sgeo> That must suck for people using old books to learn basic stuff
23:48:56 <kmc> is cookies: a thing
23:49:31 -!- Phantom_Hoover has joined.
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