←2014-04-08 2014-04-09 2014-04-10→ ↑2014 ↑all
22:27:56 -!- boily has joined.
22:28:11 <boily> lexande: hellexandello! you'll be quoted in no time.
22:28:24 <shachaf> `ello lexande
22:28:25 <HackEgo> lexandello
22:28:56 <boily> shellochellof.
22:29:18 -!- Tritonio has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
22:31:16 <boily> lexande: ♪ding♪ your missing quote is ready!
22:31:34 <boily> quintopia: quintellopiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
22:31:46 <quintopia> hi
22:32:45 -!- esowiki has joined.
22:32:46 -!- glogbot has joined.
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22:33:38 <boily> quintopia: how's life? is it spring already down South?
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22:35:09 -!- esowiki has joined.
22:36:33 <oerjan> !logs
22:37:12 <lexande> boily: thank you! i am still missing a description though
22:37:32 <shachaf> did you ever get lexande's approximate coördinates and body weigh
22:37:35 <oerjan> now the codu logs are empty pages :(
22:38:36 <boily> lexande: I know. no one entered a Wisdom Entry about you yet.
22:38:46 <lexande> where do those come from?
22:38:48 <boily> shachaf: not yet. let me ask them the The Question.
22:39:12 <boily> lexande: eeeeeh... you know about the bees and flowers and storks, right?
22:39:33 <boily> lexande: also, could you please answer the The Question? what are your approximate coördinates and body weigh?
22:40:13 <lexande> i answered it on 2013-10-08
22:40:47 <lexande> 10:11 < boily> lexande: what kind of people do you meet? are met people human? do you like roast beef? what are your approximate coördinates and body weigh?
22:40:56 <lexande> 10:16 < lexande> boily: {iowa, tanzania, cambridge, caltech, boston, new york, CMU, random traveling} people; yes (to first approximation); ambivalent; (40.80, -73.94) and 90kg
22:41:11 <lexande> 10:21 < lexande> err, 900N sorry
22:41:12 <lexande> 10:21 * boily falls down from his chair “A first! Complete and useful information!”
22:41:26 <boily> ah bin torieux. autant pour moi...
22:42:14 <oerjan> `? boily
22:42:15 <HackEgo> boily is monetizing a broterhood scheme with the Guardian of Lachine. He's also a NaniDispenser, a Man Eating Chicken and a METARologist.
22:44:10 <int-e> ~metar LOWI
22:45:13 <boily> int-e: int-ello. sorry, let me cuttlefishify the channel ipso facto.
22:45:31 -!- metasepia has joined.
22:45:36 <int-e> ~metar LOWI
22:45:36 <metasepia> LOWI 092220Z AUTO VRB02KT 9999 BKN090 08/M00 Q1023
22:49:43 * int-e fails to think of a clever way of combining "thanks" and "boily" into a single word. thankoily? much boiblyged?
22:50:09 <int-e> suggestions welcome.
22:50:52 <shachaf> `thanks boily
22:50:53 <HackEgo> Thanks, boily. Thoily.
22:51:05 <int-e> right.
22:51:19 <int-e> `thanks shachaf
22:51:20 <HackEgo> Thanks, shachaf. Thachaf.
22:52:25 <lexande> `thanks kmc
22:52:25 <HackEgo> Thanks, kmc. Tmc.
22:52:35 <lexande> <_<
22:52:45 -!- nucular has quit (Quit: Excess Food).
22:55:01 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Smartboxes]] http://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=39273&oldid=39272 * * (+279) Borrowed decrement from Nock
22:58:06 <boily> “much boiblyged”. hi hi hi :D
22:58:52 <boily> ~metar CYUL
22:58:52 <metasepia> CYUL 092200Z 26014G22KT 30SM SKC 04/M10 A2984 RMK SLP106
23:03:21 <ion> https://twitter.com/Slidebite/status/453974294582665217
23:05:31 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Talk:Smartboxes]] N http://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=39274 * * (+369) Created page with "--~~~~ I'm probably going to write a Hoon implementation at some point. Though in that case I'll borrow the local convention of %literals (besides numbers, I suppose I could j..."
23:17:19 -!- augur has joined.
23:24:03 -!- augur has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
23:32:57 <ion> https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t31.0-8/1941475_10203307420304421_4729873601312022517_o.jpg “This content cannot be displayed in a frame”
23:33:17 -!- yorick has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
23:35:18 -!- augur has joined.
23:35:31 <kmc> :3
23:35:53 <kmc> is that the error produced by X-Frame-Options ?
23:36:24 <boily> ion: :D
23:37:01 -!- augur has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
23:39:00 -!- Sgeo has joined.
23:40:04 -!- tromp has joined.
23:47:14 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Smartboxes]] http://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=39275&oldid=39273 * * (+36) Amended to use fixpoint combinator instead of relying on scope
23:53:09 -!- Froox has joined.
23:55:02 -!- Froox has quit (Client Quit).
←2014-04-08 2014-04-09 2014-04-10→ ↑2014 ↑all