00:00:35 <Moon_> dont make me {0|0}
00:00:58 <HackEgo> no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \ no \
00:01:35 <oerjan> <hppavilion[1]> oerjan: `goodhelp? <-- we've put a few things in `?
00:01:50 <HackEgo> usage: mk[x] file//contents
00:01:50 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: derp: not found
00:02:08 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: derp: not found
00:02:14 <fizzie> oerjan: I think you're catching up.
00:02:18 <HackEgo> /hackenv/derp: line 1: 0}: command not found \ /hackenv/derp: line 1: {0: command not found
00:02:50 <boily> hppavilion[1]: ♪ DING ♪ you have quotes!
00:03:07 <oerjan> <hppavilion[1]> Moon_: So you're secretly oerjan then? <-- i'm not that good an actor.
00:03:09 <HackEgo> 365) <d1ffe7e45e interpreter> The interpreter uses an unbounded tape size, but due to technical limitations will stop being unbounded if the tap size reaches 2^63 cells.
00:03:21 <fowl> #tesoeric will have blackjack and hookers soon
00:03:56 -!- gnomi has joined.
00:03:56 -!- gnomi has quit (Client Quit).
00:04:25 <Moon_> mkx hia//:(){ :|: & };:
00:04:26 <boily> There is One Oerjan, and Int-e is the anti-Oerjan.
00:04:47 <Moon_> `mkx hia//:(){ :|: & };:
00:04:56 <oerjan> <hppavilion[1]> oerjan: Huh, he actually did it <-- it's not much of a loop, HackEgo has timeouts etc.
00:04:59 <hppavilion[1]> When I get to the new testament in the Book of Eso, who's Jesus?
00:05:50 <hppavilion[1]> Moon_: We just executed an infinite loop in finite time. Yep.
00:06:18 <Moon_> i was trying to see if i could crash hackerego
00:06:38 <hppavilion[1]> https://www.quora.com/Can-an-officer-put-himself-under-lawful-arrest/answer/Paul-Harding-14?srid=dS99
00:07:06 <oerjan> hppavilion[1]: the only person here sufficiently lawful good to be Jesus is ais523, and only on some days.
00:07:21 <fizzie> There's a well-known denial-of-service thing, though I forget how exactly it went. (Perhaps a good thing.)
00:07:58 <fizzie> (There's also hundreds of <defunct> Python processes presumably due to not waiting on something.)
00:08:14 <Moon_> `mkx script//echo Hia, run scriptadd to add to me!
00:08:27 <oerjan> fizzie: _definitely_ a good thing. iirc we had to get Lymia to hack it for real...
00:08:33 <hppavilion[1]> It appears fizzie has finally merged with eir creation
00:08:57 <Moon_> `cat bin/complaints
00:09:11 -!- tromp_ has joined.
00:10:01 <fizzie> oerjan: Oh, right, no -- that was actually EgoBot.
00:10:13 <Moon_> `mkx scriptadd//print_args_or_input "$@" >> script
00:10:25 <Moon_> ./scriptadd echo leltest
00:10:33 <fizzie> oerjan: With the empty-loop bfjoust DOS that ludicrously got fixed with Lymia's shellshockery.
00:11:12 <Moon_> `./scriptadd echo leltest
00:11:19 <HackEgo> Hia, run scriptadd to add to me! \ leltest
00:12:04 <fizzie> Things conventionally go in bin/ so that people don't need to bother with "`./". Not that I think that's the most useful pair of commands ever.
00:12:25 <oerjan> fizzie: i'd just decided _not_ to point that out.
00:12:35 <Moon_> how do i move it there fizzie?
00:13:21 -!- adu has joined.
00:13:24 -!- tromp_ has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds).
00:13:58 <Moon_> someone wanna compile this: http://pastebin.com/Hpepq8AE for nix
00:14:11 <Moon_> and put it on something i can `fetch from?
00:14:40 <fizzie> `` mv script{,add} bin/ # I guess they could be there just as well -- but how did you write those things in the first place?
00:14:42 <Moon_> adjust the file grab location as needed
00:14:59 <oerjan> `fetch http://pastebin.com/raw/Hpepq8AE
00:15:01 <HackEgo> 2016-04-27 23:14:54 URL:http://pastebin.com/raw/Hpepq8AE [4154] -> "Hpepq8AE" [1]
00:15:08 <HackEgo> Hia, run scriptadd to add to me! \ leltest
00:15:23 <Moon_> `scriptadd echo why dont you cat me?
00:15:30 <HackEgo> Hia, run scriptadd to add to me! \ leltest
00:15:39 <oerjan> `` mv Hpepq8AE moonlang.c
00:15:59 <fizzie> Oh, the location in scriptadd is wrong now.
00:16:23 <oerjan> was gcc too much for HackEgo
00:16:33 <HackEgo> echo Hia, run scriptadd to add to me! \ echo leltest
00:16:34 <int-e> everything is too much for hackego
00:16:45 <HackEgo> ls: cannot access moonlang: No such file or directory
00:16:51 <HackEgo> :-( \ !\.´ \ (* \ 99 \ a.out \ bdsmreclist \ bin \ canary \ cat \ close \ *) \ Complaints.mp3 \ :-D \ dog \ emoticons \ equations \ esobible \ etc \ evil \ factor \ foo \ good \ hia \ hw \ ibin \ interps \ karma \ le \ lib \ ls_dev \ misle \ moonlang.c \ paste \ ply-3.8 \ quine \ quines \ quotes \ script \ share \ src \ theorems \ tmflry \
00:17:01 <oerjan> int-e: bah it still does that?
00:17:23 <int-e> oerjan: why would it stop?
00:17:30 <oerjan> `` mv a.out bin/moonlang
00:17:41 <fizzie> `` sed -i -e 's|script|bin/script|' bin/scriptadd; rm script # I wonder if this is worth fixing
00:17:44 <FireFly> Why do we have green opening and closing paren-comments?
00:18:01 <Moon_> the thing might not work due to it trys to get CLIO.txt from C:/
00:18:18 <HackEgo> cat: *): No such file or directory
00:18:28 <HackEgo> cat: *): No such file or directory
00:18:33 <fizzie> FireFly: Ask whoever named those files "\x0303(*" and so on.
00:18:52 <Moon_> whats the directory it needs changed to?
00:19:00 <int-e> `culprits (* close
00:19:02 <FireFly> figured it'd be one of them
00:19:23 <int-e> `` culprits *\(\**
00:19:33 <fizzie> It's "\x0303(*" and "close \\ *)\x03".
00:19:35 <Moon_> it will need to have scanf removed
00:19:48 <Moon_> what directory should CLIO.txt be in?
00:19:49 <FireFly> God, why would they do that
00:20:05 <int-e> `` rm *\(\** *\*\)*
00:20:14 <Moon_> what directory should CLIO.txt be in?
00:20:17 <fizzie> Moon_: You shouldn't have a CLIO.txt at all.
00:20:20 <Moon_> i need to know so it works right
00:20:45 <Moon_> whats should i do then
00:21:09 <oerjan> ok i don't remember enough C to do this correctly, but the source is in moonlang.c if someone wants to fix it.
00:21:13 <Moon_> i forgot how to use them a long while ago
00:21:55 <int-e> `` hg log e88203039ec3
00:22:18 <oerjan> oh wait now i remember
00:22:20 <int-e> anyway it seems to have been deliberate, actually.
00:22:22 <fizzie> Command-line arguments would be most reasonable for anything intended for HackEgo.
00:22:53 -!- XorSwap has joined.
00:23:28 <oerjan> `` sed -i '115cint main(int argc, char *argv[]) {' moonlang.c
00:23:29 <Moon_> well i just looked it up
00:23:29 <fizzie> int main(int argc, char **argv) + use argv[1] as the input, for the minimal possible solution.
00:23:47 <Moon_> ill put the fix up on pastebin
00:24:28 <Moon_> http://pastebin.com/18qQz2t6
00:24:49 * Moon_ uses brainfuck to go through the scrollback tape again
00:25:02 <fizzie> I mean: take the program source as the command-line input.
00:25:24 <Moon_> ill make a nother fix then
00:25:25 <fizzie> There's no reason to involve any files, because that would mean you'd need a wrapper script or something.
00:26:34 <Moon_> http://pastebin.com/J7vAQirV
00:26:59 <oerjan> <int-e> oerjan: why would it stop? <-- sudden outburst of sanity?
00:27:40 <Moon_> `fetch http://pastebin.com/download/18qQz2t6
00:27:42 <HackEgo> 2016-04-27 23:27:35 URL:http://pastebin.com/download/18qQz2t6 [133] -> "18qQz2t6" [1]
00:27:50 <oerjan> <FireFly> Why do we have green opening and closing paren-comments? <-- because someone could.
00:28:03 <oerjan> also, syntax coloring.
00:28:09 <fizzie> That's not the raw link you want to `fetch.
00:28:29 <HackEgo> Your request is blocked due to invalid referrer. If you are trying to hotlink this page, please use: http://pastebin.com/raw/18qQz2t6
00:28:42 <Moon_> `fetch http://pastebin.com/raw/18qQz2t6
00:28:44 <HackEgo> 2016-04-27 23:28:37 URL:http://pastebin.com/raw/18qQz2t6 [4018] -> "18qQz2t6.1" [1]
00:29:29 <HackEgo> mv: missing destination file operand after `18qQz2t6 bin' \ Try `mv --help' for more information.
00:29:37 <HackEgo> mv: missing destination file operand after `18qQz2t6//bin' \ Try `mv --help' for more information.
00:29:38 <fizzie> You need to, you know, compile it.
00:29:43 <HackEgo> mv: missing destination file operand after `18qQz2t6/bin' \ Try `mv --help' for more information.
00:29:51 <fizzie> `` gcc -x c 18qQz2t6.1 -o bin/moonlang && rm moonlang.c
00:30:44 <Moon_> does nix hate putchar?
00:31:16 <Moon_> o is putchar(*ptr);
00:32:09 -!- mad has joined.
00:32:21 <fizzie> The file you fetched is the one that tries to open a file.
00:32:21 <int-e> fp = fopen(argv[1],"r+"); ... it still wants a file name
00:32:28 <Moon_> its not *just* hackbot
00:32:38 <HackEgo> The program _Expects_ arguments by default.
00:32:44 <fizzie> It's not the most recent one, the one that just did interpret(argv[1]).
00:32:54 <int-e> also, you should test for argv == 2
00:33:14 <Moon_> we have to redownload it
00:33:16 <fizzie> `` echo ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++o | bin/moonlang /dev/stdin
00:33:17 <HackEgo> The program _Expects_ arguments by default>
00:33:28 <int-e> though actually you don't even have a test there, so never mind
00:33:30 <fizzie> Seems to work fine. Well, FSVO "fine".
00:34:11 <fizzie> Well, let's fetch the right one.
00:34:13 <fizzie> `fetch http://pastebin.com/raw/J7vAQirV
00:34:16 <HackEgo> 2016-04-27 23:34:09 URL:http://pastebin.com/raw/J7vAQirV [3808] -> "J7vAQirV" [1]
00:34:17 <Moon_> what is hackego's max reserve to data
00:34:29 <fizzie> `` gcc -x c J7vAQirV -o bin/moonlang
00:34:30 <Moon_> http://pastebin.com/HiT1E6mv
00:35:08 <fizzie> It segfaults if you provide no arguments, of course.
00:35:27 <fizzie> But the "J7vAQirV" version was the right one.
00:35:42 <Moon_> well, how will i have it give output
00:35:46 <fizzie> (You just didn't fetch it.)
00:35:54 <Moon_> `moonlang +++++++o
00:35:55 <fizzie> Byte 2 isn't exactly very printable.
00:36:04 <int-e> `` rm 18qQz2t6.1 J7vAQirV
00:36:06 <Moon_> `moonlang +++++++++++++++++o
00:36:10 <oerjan> `moonlang ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++o
00:36:30 <int-e> 7 annoys... shachaf?
00:36:32 <Moon_> `moonlang rHello, World!;
00:36:40 * int-e forgot who complained about bells
00:37:33 <oerjan> int-e: shachaf's a good guess for s/bells/any character/
00:37:54 <fizzie> `` moonlang r # very stable
00:37:56 <HackEgo> /hackenv/bin/`: line 4: 296 Segmentation fault moonlang r
00:38:10 <Moon_> you forgot the ; at the end of the printout
00:38:16 <mad> how crazy would a cpu with multiple instruction caches be?
00:38:17 <fizzie> No, I deliberately left it out.
00:38:36 <Moon_> but then r will never stop
00:39:02 <HackEgo> â \ "$&(*,.02468:<>@BDFHJLNPRTVXZ\^`bdfhjlnprtvxz|~ ¢¤¦¨ª¬®°²´¶¸º¼¾ÀÂÄÆÈÊÌÎÐÒÔÖØÚÜÞàâäæèêìîðòôöøúüþ. \ "$&(*,.02468:<>@BDFHJLNPRTVXZ\^`bdfhjlnprtvxz|~ ¢¤¦¨ª¬®°²´¶¸º¼¾ÀÂÄÆÈÊÌÎÐÒÔÖØÚÜÞàâäæèêìîðòôöøúüþ. \ "$&(*,.02468:<>@BDFHJLNPRTVXZ\^`bdfhjlnprtvxz|~ ¢¤¦¨ª
00:39:24 <fizzie> Huh, since when has \r terminated the output?
00:39:25 * boily mapoles the moonlang into subservience
00:39:28 <oerjan> Moon_: some people don't like making bots print control characters hth
00:39:59 <Moon_> 2 is a face on my pc
00:40:18 <HackEgo> â!$'*-0369<?BEHKNQTWZ]`cfilorux{~¢¥¨«®±´·º½ÀÃÆÉÌÏÒÕØÛÞáäçêíðóöùüÿ #&),/258;>ADGJMPSVY\_behknqtwz}¡¤§ª°³¶¹¼¿ÂÅÈËÎÑÔ×ÚÝàãæéìïòõøûþ. \
00:40:22 <Moon_> it hits the edge without finding a [
00:40:34 * oerjan swats Kaynato -----###
00:40:56 <int-e> Moon_: I was hoping for a segfault
00:41:13 <Moon_> r is the only thing i know of that will do that
00:41:23 <Kaynato> Ai! Oerjan, what-ever have I done to you?
00:41:42 <Moon_> well, try and figure out what all the opcodes do
00:41:44 <boily> Moon_: hey, no hitting. please use an approved weapon like a gentleman.
00:41:48 <int-e> well, there is no check for "hitting the edge" in the loop that skips back for ]
00:41:48 <Moon_> and make something intresting
00:41:52 <oerjan> Kaynato: "<oerjan> Moon_: some people don't like making bots print control characters hth"
00:42:05 <Kaynato> Ah, ok, ok, I've got it, my apologies
00:42:14 <Moon_> but for some reason its a anti-bug in that psot
00:42:20 -!- hppavilion[1] has quit (Quit: Leaving).
00:42:22 <Moon_> if it causes problems later
00:42:41 <fizzie> `moonlang ++++++++++j]]]]]]]]]]]
00:43:00 <Moon_> j and J can also do that
00:43:10 <Moon_> this is more of a proof of concept
00:43:31 <fizzie> I think the concept of a brainfuck derivative was kind of already proven by existing literature, but ah well.
00:44:02 <Moon_> [ doesnt function like a brainfuck bracket, i wrote them without thinking
00:44:02 <j-bot> Moon_: doesnt (function like a brainfuck bracket , i wrote them without thinking)
00:44:27 * FireFly . o O ( shortest program to print "Segmentation fault" to stderr and exit nonzero )
00:44:27 * Moon_ screams at j-bot to get out of here until later
00:45:16 <boily> FireFly: FirelloFly. http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/4399/shortest-code-that-return-sigsegv ?
00:46:49 <boily> Moon_: you ought to put the moonlang on the wiki hth
00:46:51 <fizzie> I have a vague feeling anagolf had something similar to that as well, though I may just be conflating that with just general solutions that die to exit.
00:47:02 <Moon_> its named CIOL really
00:47:43 <Moon_> also, i have a challange for you all
00:48:09 <oerjan> * Moon_ screams at j-bot to get out of here until later <-- hey in this here channel you watch your initial puncshuashion hth
00:48:20 <Moon_> write a game (of any sort) in CIOL (http://pastebin.com/Hpepq8AE, Non nix)
00:49:43 <Moon_> that acts as a quine on some computers
00:50:05 <Moon_> it doesnt segfault instantly
00:50:32 <fizzie> Does it actually print out two 'r's? That would seem a bit strange.
00:50:52 <Moon_> oh, your right, i didnt think it through *is stupid*
00:51:28 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: moon: not found
00:51:45 <Moon_> no interactive programs >_>
00:51:58 <Moon_> *now wants some sort of wrapper*
00:52:08 <oerjan> `` echo hi | moonlang io
00:53:01 <Moon_> `` echo hi | moonlang ipiPoPo
00:53:32 * Moon_ is prepared to cri over the fail
00:54:44 <fizzie> oerjan: Writing a quine?
00:55:25 <Moon_> `` echo hi| moonlang ipioPo
00:55:55 <Moon_> `` echo hi| moonlang ipiPopo
00:56:19 <HackEgo> Division by zero occured, Ending!
00:57:01 <Moon_> `moonlang rIma divide by zero!;d
00:57:02 <HackEgo> Ima divide by zero!Division by zero occured, Ending!
00:58:46 <HackEgo> â \ "$&(*,.02468:<>@BDFHJLNPRTVXZ\^`bdfhjlnprtvxz|~ ¢¤¦¨ª¬®°²´¶¸º¼¾ÀÂÄÆÈÊÌÎÐÒÔÖØÚÜÞàâäæèêìîðòôöøúüþ. \ "$&(*,.02468:<>@BDFHJLNPRTVXZ\^`bdfhjlnprtvxz|~ ¢¤¦¨ª¬®°²´¶¸º¼¾ÀÂÄÆÈÊÌÎÐÒÔÖØÚÜÞàâäæèêìîðòôöøúüþ. \ "$&(*,.02468:<>@BDFHJLNPRTVXZ\^`bdfhjlnprtvxz|~ ¢¤¦¨ª
00:58:50 <HackEgo> â \ "$&(*,.02468:<>@BDFHJLNPRTVXZ\^`bdfhjlnprtvxz|~ ¢¤¦¨ª¬®°²´¶¸º¼¾ÀÂÄÆÈÊÌÎÐÒÔÖØÚÜÞàâäæèêìîðòôöøúüþ. \ "$&(*,.02468:<>@BDFHJLNPRTVXZ\^`bdfhjlnprtvxz|~ ¢¤¦¨ª¬®°²´¶¸º¼¾ÀÂÄÆÈÊÌÎÐÒÔÖØÚÜÞàâäæèêìîðòôöøúüþ. \ "$&(*,.02468:<>@BDFHJLNPRTVXZ\^`bdfhjlnprtvxz|~ ¢¤¦¨ª
00:59:28 <HackEgo> â!$'*-0369<?BEHKNQTWZ]`cfilorux{~¢¥¨«®±´·º½ÀÃÆÉÌÏÒÕØÛÞáäçêíðóöùüÿ #&),/258;>ADGJMPSVY\_behknqtwz}¡¤§ª°³¶¹¼¿ÂÅÈËÎÑÔ×ÚÝàãæéìïòõøûþ. \
00:59:32 <oerjan> `moonlang ++++++++[-p+++++++P]p+++.
00:59:37 <oerjan> `moonlang ++++++++[-p+++++++P]p+++O
00:59:41 <oerjan> `moonlang ++++++++[-p+++++++P]p+++o
00:59:47 * boily playfully mapoles Moon_
01:00:05 <boily> *THWACK* *THWACK* *THWACK* :D
01:00:26 <fizzie> Please don't keep repeating the [++o] and friends, once was plenty.
01:00:33 <fizzie> `moonlang division by zero occurred, Ending!
01:00:34 <HackEgo> Division by zero occured, Ending!
01:00:37 <fizzie> A quine if you're case-insensitive.
01:01:04 <Moon_> using Moonlang's div by zero alert
01:01:48 <Moon_> that only happens in my interpreter
01:01:57 <Moon_> someone else could do it diffrent
01:01:58 -!- tromp_ has joined.
01:02:13 <Moon_> `moonlang rhello tromp_;
01:02:35 <Moon_> the i made it want input firefly
01:02:55 <Moon_> i for input and o for output
01:03:08 <Moon_> *moonlang is case sensitive*
01:03:40 <Moon_> who wants a challange?
01:04:18 * oerjan realizes a proper quine will not be as pretty as he thought, and loses interest
01:05:39 <Moon_> who thinks i should make a wiki page?
01:05:52 <oerjan> FireFly: to use r for most of it
01:06:17 <FireFly> and what is r again? I didn't pay attention
01:06:17 <Moon_> nice try, but r doesnt support direction switches
01:06:30 <Moon_> and any instructions it passes are unexecuted
01:06:39 <oerjan> Moon_: i didn't say for _all_ of it
01:06:54 <FireFly> oh, is it some kinda comment?
01:07:13 <FireFly> I probably should've jus read the source
01:07:14 <oerjan> FireFly: it's literal string printing
01:08:00 <Moon_> who thinks i should make a wiki page for CIOL
01:09:45 <oerjan> a dangerous question for a brainfuck derivative
01:10:15 <Moon_> its not quite derived
01:10:34 -!- idris-bot has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
01:10:50 <oerjan> it's definitely derived. derived doesn't mean "exact superset or subset".
01:10:57 -!- idris-bot has joined.
01:19:38 <Kaynato> I think I should stop working on Daoyu
01:20:01 <Kaynato> It is apparent that writing any appreciable interesting program is excruciatingly painful
01:20:28 <Kaynato> Though that's the point, my attempt at the 99 bottles program fell through completely
01:21:01 <Moon_> a nice hard lang would be nice
01:21:05 <Kaynato> I though about it a bit and actually implementing it with true recursion is Much Worse than just printing out the lyrics literally
01:21:27 <oerjan> well that's true for many languages :P
01:21:34 <Kaynato> I blame myself for making a language without arithmetic nor incrementation nor trivial random access
01:21:52 <Kaynato> The problem is that what I was doing with the recursion
01:22:01 <Kaynato> Was essentially printing out the lyrics each time
01:22:10 <Kaynato> No, wait, not quite what I mean
01:22:24 <Kaynato> Write down the entire lyrics, and print only the one which we are currently at
01:22:34 -!- huh has joined.
01:22:35 <Kaynato> For each 99 possible lyrics
01:23:37 <Kaynato> Moon_, would you be interested in writing something in Daoyu?
01:23:43 <Kaynato> It seems you enjoy challenges
01:23:57 <Moon_> have a interpreter?
01:24:07 <Kaynato> Compiler and interpreter, yep
01:24:43 <Moon_> zip and ship (= a wiki article for this might be nice
01:25:05 <Moon_> `bf ++++++++++[->++++++++++<]>.+.+..+.+.+..-.-..-.-..+.-.
01:25:43 <fizzie> `moonlang +jrxxx ++++[p++++P-]pJ yyy*_________________;J
01:25:47 <HackEgo> xxx ++++[p++++P-]pJ yyy*_________________
01:25:49 <fizzie> With suitable 'xxx' and 'yyy' (+ adjustments), that would be a quine.
01:26:07 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[CIOL]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=46855 * * (+1166) Created page with "CIOL is a language developed by Moon_, and is designed to be fast, and efficient, in its own way == Operations == * p | Moves the pointer up one * P | Moves the pointer down o..."
01:26:32 <fizzie> (They just need to print "+jr" and ";J".)
01:26:37 <Moon_> shh, hackego, thats my ip >_>
01:27:20 <HackEgo> âÿþýüûúùø÷öõôóòñðïîíìëêéèçæåäãâáàßÞÝÜÛÚÙØ×ÖÕÔÓÒÑÐÏÎÍÌËÊÉÈÇÆÅÄÃÂÁÀ¿¾½¼»º¹¸·¶µ´³²±°¯®¬«ª©¨§¦¥¤£¢¡
01:27:23 <Moon_> have the equiv in CIOL huh
01:27:58 -!- tromp_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
01:28:03 <huh> what is 0x0d that is getting cut off?
01:28:09 <huh> is it delete?
01:28:27 <Moon_> i wrote the CIOL interpreter and the lang itself huh :P
01:28:39 <Kaynato> Moon_: https://github.com/Kaynato/DaoEsolang
01:28:57 <Kaynato> How does one hook into HackEgo?
01:30:03 <Moon_> pastebin the code and make it accept <your lang here> code as a arguement
01:30:19 <Moon_> then compile it on hackego after `fetch ing it
01:30:38 * Moon_ has explained where the moonlang file came from
01:30:58 <Moon_> `moonlang rAnd you are welcome;
01:31:00 <Kaynato> Pastebin the .c source, use `fetch to get it to hackego, then compile, right
01:31:13 <Moon_> put it in bin and run
01:31:24 <Moon_> but it cant be interactive
01:31:33 <Moon_> it has to have argument input
01:31:57 <fizzie> 0xd is CR, which I don't think used to cut things off, but apparently now does.
01:32:23 <Kaynato> Hm, the code itself has to be the argv?
01:32:28 <Moon_> but a simple char input will work like ``echo hi | moonlang ipiPopo
01:32:31 <Moon_> ``echo hi | moonlang ipiPopo
01:32:32 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: `echo: not found
01:32:38 <Moon_> `` echo hi | moonlang ipiPopo
01:32:45 <Kaynato> Great, this means I will have to overhaul my program
01:32:58 <Moon_> `` echo hi | moonlang ipiopo
01:33:05 <Moon_> `` echo hi | moonlang ipiopo
01:33:09 -!- boily has quit (Quit: SLUGGISH CHICKEN).
01:33:21 <fizzie> A somewhat common convention is to put both program and input in the arguments, separated by !.
01:33:38 <HackEgo> ` \ `` \ ^.^ \ ̊ \ \ ! \ ? \ ?? \ ¿ \ ' \ @ \ * \ ؟ \ \ \ \ 1492 \ 2014 \ 2015 \ 2016 \ 2017 \ 5quote \ 8ball \ 8-ball \ aaaaaaaaa \ addquote \ aglist \ allquotes \ analogy \ anonlog \ append \ arienvenido \ as86 \ aseen \ asm \ autowelcome \ bardsworthlist \ before \ benvenuto \ bf \ bienvenido \ bienvenue \ blessyou \ bookofeso \
01:34:05 <fizzie> ^bf ,[>,]<[.<]!like this
01:34:31 <Moon_> how can i get moonlang on fung :P
01:34:38 <HackEgo> Linux umlbox 3.13.0-umlbox #1 Wed Jan 29 12:56:45 UTC 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux
01:34:51 <HackEgo> Hia, run scriptadd to add to me! \ leltest
01:35:02 <HackEgo> cat: scriptadd: No such file or directory
01:35:06 <Moon_> `cat bin/scriptadd
01:35:08 <HackEgo> print_args_or_input "$@" >> bin/script
01:35:10 <huh> `curl http://google.com/
01:35:11 <fizzie> If you implement it in Befunge, I might consider adding it (but not very likely).
01:35:15 <HackEgo> Failed to connect to socket 2. \ % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current \ Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed \
01:35:23 <fungot> https://github.com/fis/fungot/blob/master/fungot.b98
01:35:25 <huh> so this is a real thing?
01:35:52 <oerjan> @tell \oren\ <\oren\> anyway someone was claiming that no font supports that character <-- hey my browser shows it hth
01:36:03 <Moon_> omg no i am not writing it in befunge
01:36:38 <fizzie> Well, if you write it in brainfuck or underload, you can use ^def to add it yourself.
01:36:59 <fungot> Usage: ^def <command> <lang> <code>
01:37:47 <Moon_> did i break a thing
01:37:47 <oerjan> <Moon_> shh, hackego, thats my ip >_> <-- we see it with /whois anyway
01:38:16 <Moon_> `moonlang rI have a challange for you all;
01:38:18 <HackEgo> I have a challange for you all
01:39:04 <Moon_> and besides that, anyone feel like improving the wiki article? http://esolangs.org/wiki/CIOL
01:39:35 <fizzie> You didn't break it, you just chose a very suboptimal thing to output.
01:40:04 <fizzie> ^A is the CTCP escape character and gets filtered.
01:40:09 <FireFly> ^def test bf ++++++++[->++++++<]>...
01:40:28 <FireFly> I guess I could just have ^bf 'd it
01:40:38 -!- XorSwap has quit (Quit: Leaving).
01:40:48 <FireFly> ^bf ++++++++[->++++++<]>...
01:41:07 -!- XorSwap has joined.
01:41:30 * FireFly . o O ( befunge eval in fungot's fungespace for trusted users [i.e. admin] )
01:41:30 <fungot> FireFly: what do you do? argh! block out! you are in
01:41:44 <FireFly> fungot: oh no! what do I do?!
01:42:06 <FireFly> very existential today, are ew
01:42:20 <oerjan> <Kaynato> Hm, the code itself has to be the argv? <-- preferably as a single argument. that's the most convenient to use from HackEgo, anyway.
01:43:17 -!- XorSwap has quit (Client Quit).
01:44:03 <Moon_> `moonlang rThats what i did here kaynato;
01:44:03 <HackEgo> Thats what i did here kaynato
01:44:31 <Moon_> I have a challange for you all
01:45:05 <Kaynato> I suppose I wouldn't bother with comments in this type of interpreter, then?
01:45:55 <oerjan> <fizzie> Well, if you write it in brainfuck or underload, you can use ^def to add it yourself. <-- ps: underload has no input hth
01:46:34 <FireFly> Oh, doesn't render for me either.
01:46:48 <FireFly> And nothing I'm really interested in supporting in any of my fonts
01:47:05 -!- lambda-11235 has joined.
01:47:30 <HackEgo> U+12379 - No such unicode character name in database \ UTF-8: f0 92 8d b9 UTF-16BE: d808df79 Decimal: 𒍹 \ 𒍹 (𒍹) \ Uppercase: U+12379 \ Category: Cn (Other, Not Assigned)
01:48:57 <fungot> Usage: ^def <command> <lang> <code>
01:49:05 <Moon_> ^def bfinbf bf [-]+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>[-]<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<[>[-],>[-]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>>>[-]>>[- ]<<<<<<[->>>>+>>+<<<<<<]>>>>>>[-<<<<<<+>>>>>>]<[-]>[-]<<<<<[->>>>+>+<<<<<]>>>>>[ -<<<<<+>>>>>]<<<[-]+[[-]>>>[-]>[-]<<<[->>+>+<<<]>>>[-<<<+>>>]<[>[-]>[-]<<<[->>+> +<<<]>>>[-<<<+>>>]<[<<<<[-]+>->->>[-]]<[-]]<<<]<[-]+>>>>[-]>[-]<<<[->>+>+<<<]>>> [-<<<+>>>]<[<<<<[-]>
01:49:10 <Moon_> damnit its too lage
01:49:28 -!- Phantom_Hoover has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
01:51:05 <fizzie> The ^ul used to be defined via bf but the time limits meant it could run hardly anything.
01:51:18 <oerjan> Moon_: it's possible to input larger programs through the ^str command, but awkward.
01:51:29 <Moon_> http://pastebin.com/7qsnWhTR is the program
01:51:37 <Kaynato> I get the distinct feeling that Daoyu will be impractical with HackEgo here
01:52:15 <Moon_> it will probably be so for large programs, try HQR++
01:52:25 <oerjan> Moon_: oh. i doubt that has much of a chance of not timing out even if you got it in.
01:54:08 <oerjan> Kaynato: well inputting things with more than one line is awkward.
01:54:34 <Kaynato> That's fine - Daoyu isn't reliant on lines - but the problem is just the size of most programs
01:55:50 <HackEgo> /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 \ __gmon_start__ \ libc.so.6 \ fflush \ exit \ strncpy \ puts \ putchar \ memset \ getchar \ stdout \ malloc \ stderr \ fprintf \ strcmp \ __libc_start_main \ free \ GLIBC_2.2.5 \ =X! \ fff. \ 72 1 \ 01 1 \ 08 1 \ 08 1 \ 11 4 \ 4 32 \ 119 \ 111 \ 114 \ 108 \ 100 \ 33 H \ 10 HH \ <bu0H \ fffff. \ l$ L \ t$(L \ |
01:56:04 <oerjan> `` strings bin/fueue | tail
01:56:06 <HackEgo> --print \ Error: %s received too many arguments. The Hello world program \ FUEUE: UNMATCHED OPENING SQUARE BRACKET PROBABLY FORGOT A CLOSING SQUARE BRACKET \ FUEUE: UNKNOWN %c OP \ That's impossible...Neither num nor fun nor block... \ is_empty \ Error: found a %d in my soup \ deletetop \ sendback \ Error: queue was empty in %s
01:56:30 <oerjan> `` strings bin/fueue | tail -10 | head
01:56:32 <HackEgo> --print \ Error: %s received too many arguments. The Hello world program \ FUEUE: UNMATCHED OPENING SQUARE BRACKET PROBABLY FORGOT A CLOSING SQUARE BRACKET \ FUEUE: UNKNOWN %c OP \ That's impossible...Neither num nor fun nor block... \ is_empty \ Error: found a %d in my soup \ deletetop \ sendback \ Error: queue was empty in %s
01:56:50 <oerjan> `` strings bin/fueue | tail -50 | head
01:56:53 <HackEgo> /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 \ __gmon_start__ \ libc.so.6 \ fflush \ exit \ strncpy \ puts \ putchar \ memset \ getchar
01:57:06 <oerjan> oh maybe there aren't that many
01:57:23 <oerjan> `` strings bin/fueue | tail -25 | head
01:57:27 <HackEgo> 08 1 \ 11 4 \ 4 32 \ 119 \ 111 \ 114 \ 108 \ 100 \ 33 H \ 10 HH
01:58:03 <oerjan> `` strings bin/fueue | paste
01:58:06 <Moon_> `fetch http://pastebin.com/raw/71ab5gx8
01:58:12 <HackEgo> http://codu.org/projects/hackbot/fshg/index.cgi/file/tip/paste/paste.12763
01:58:15 <HackEgo> mv: missing file operand \ Try `mv --help' for more information.
01:58:17 <HackEgo> 2016-04-28 00:58:09 URL:http://pastebin.com/raw/71ab5gx8 [375] -> "71ab5gx8" [1]
01:58:22 <HackEgo> Usage: mv [OPTION]... [-T] SOURCE DEST \ or: mv [OPTION]... SOURCE... DIRECTORY \ or: mv [OPTION]... -t DIRECTORY SOURCE... \ Rename SOURCE to DEST, or move SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY. \ \ Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. \ --backup[=CONTROL] make a backup of each existing destination file \
01:58:45 <Moon_> `mv 71ab5gx8 /bin/
01:58:47 <HackEgo> mv: missing destination file operand after `71ab5gx8 /bin/' \ Try `mv --help' for more information.
01:58:54 <oerjan> hm looks like it's actually C
01:58:59 <Moon_> `mv 71ab5gx8.../bin/
01:59:00 <HackEgo> mv: missing destination file operand after `71ab5gx8.../bin/' \ Try `mv --help' for more information.
01:59:15 <HackEgo> 71ab5gx8: file not recognized: File format not recognized \ collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
01:59:16 <Sgeo> HackEgo is Gregor's, right?
01:59:30 <Moon_> can you compile it oerjan?
02:00:38 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: rn: not found
02:00:42 <HackEgo> mv: missing file operand \ Try `mv --help' for more information.
02:00:50 <HackEgo> Usage: mv [OPTION]... [-T] SOURCE DEST \ or: mv [OPTION]... SOURCE... DIRECTORY \ or: mv [OPTION]... -t DIRECTORY SOURCE... \ Rename SOURCE to DEST, or move SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY. \ \ Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. \ --backup[=CONTROL] make a backup of each existing destination file \
02:01:00 <oerjan> `` gcc -x c 71ab5gx8 -o bin/moonlang
02:01:08 <Moon_> dude its not moonlang
02:01:21 <oerjan> Moon_: i recommend saying that before asking hth
02:01:23 <HackEgo> 71ab5gx8: In function ‘main’: \ 71ab5gx8:5:30: warning: character constant too long for its type [enabled by default] \ 71ab5gx8:5:40: warning: character constant too long for its type [enabled by default] \ 71ab5gx8:5:1: warning: overflow in implicit constant conversion [-Woverflow]
02:01:51 <HackEgo> 99 bottles of beer in the wall, \ 99 bottles of beer. \ Take one down, pass it round, \ 98 }bottles of beer in the wall \ \ 98 bottles of beer in the wall, \ 98 bottles of beer. \ Take one down, pass it round, \ 97 }bottles of beer in the wall \ \ 97 bottles of beer in the wall, \ 97 bottles of beer. \ Take one down, pass it round, \ 96 }bottl
02:01:53 <HackEgo> -rwxr-xr-x 1 5000 0 7202 Apr 28 01:01 bin/moonlang
02:02:14 <Moon_> you compiled 99 bottles of beer on the wall thinking it was my language lel
02:02:32 <HackEgo> rm: cannot remove `/home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/env/.hg/store/data/canary.orig': Is a directory \ Done.
02:02:49 <oerjan> `` gcc -x c 71ab5gx8 -o 99bb
02:02:59 <HackEgo> 71ab5gx8: In function ‘main’: \ 71ab5gx8:5:30: warning: character constant too long for its type [enabled by default] \ 71ab5gx8:5:40: warning: character constant too long for its type [enabled by default] \ 71ab5gx8:5:1: warning: overflow in implicit constant conversion [-Woverflow]
02:03:11 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: /hackenv/99b: No such file or directory
02:03:25 <HackEgo> 99 bottles of beer in the wall, \ 99 bottles of beer. \ Take one down, pass it round, \ 98 }bottles of beer in the wall \ \ 98 bottles of beer in the wall, \ 98 bottles of beer. \ Take one down, pass it round, \ 97 }bottles of beer in the wall \ \ 97 bottles of beer in the wall, \ 97 bottles of beer. \ Take one down, pass it round, \ 96 }bottl
02:04:17 <Moon_> thats a bug im too lazy to gix
02:04:33 <Moon_> due to the fact i challanged myself to compact code when i made it
02:05:51 <HackEgo> :-( \ !\.´ \ 71ab5gx8 \ 99 \ 99bb \ bdsmreclist \ bin \ canary \ cat \ Complaints.mp3 \ :-D \ dog \ emoticons \ equations \ esobible \ etc \ evil \ factor \ foo \ good \ hia \ hw \ ibin \ interps \ karma \ le \ lib \ ls_dev \ misle \ paste \ ply-3.8 \ quine \ quines \ quotes \ share \ src \ theorems \ tmflry \ wisdom \ wisdom.pdf
02:06:11 <HackEgo> izabera izabera izabera izabera
02:06:30 <HackEgo> b=bottle a=({no+more+$b\s,1+$b,{2..99}+$b\s}+of+beer) w=on+the+wall \ x=(Take+one+down,+pass+it+around Go+to+the+store+and+buy+some+more) \ for i in {99..0};{ \ echo "${a[i]^} $w, ${a[i]}. \ ${x[!i]}, ${a[i-1]} $w." \ }|tr + \
02:06:42 -!- adu has quit (Quit: adu).
02:06:47 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: 99: not found
02:06:47 <Kaynato> I mean, er, when we pass in the input through IRC, does HackEgo recieve chars
02:07:00 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: u: not found
02:07:03 <Kaynato> I mean well it does receive a string of chars, yes
02:07:13 <Kaynato> One character per byte, yes
02:07:29 <oerjan> Kaynato: however, if you send utf-8, it gets utf-8
02:08:27 <fizzie> `moonlang +jr++++[-p++++++++p+++++++++++++++++++++PP]p+++op+o++++++++oP[-P++p]P---------J------------------o+++++++++++++++o* this is a rather suboptimal quine here;J
02:08:28 <HackEgo> +jr++++[-p++++++++p+++++++++++++++++++++PP]p+++op+o++++++++oP[-P++p]P---------J------------------o+++++++++++++++o* this is a rather suboptimal quine here;J
02:09:35 <HackEgo> â!$'*-0369<?BEHKNQTWZ]`cfilorux{~¢¥¨«®±´·º½ÀÃÆÉÌÏÒÕØÛÞáäçêíðóöùüÿ #&),/258;>ADGJMPSVY\_behknqtwz}¡¤§ª°³¶¹¼¿ÂÅÈËÎÑÔ×ÚÝàãæéìïòõøûþ. \
02:09:43 <Moon_> yup its not a batch trick either
02:10:08 <fizzie> It wouldn't look that crummy if it were.
02:10:26 <oerjan> `` moonlang "$(moonlang '+jr++++[-p++++++++p+++++++++++++++++++++PP]p+++op+o++++++++oP[-P++p]P---------J------------------o+++++++++++++++o* this is a rather suboptimal quine here;J')"
02:10:28 <HackEgo> +jr++++[-p++++++++p+++++++++++++++++++++PP]p+++op+o++++++++oP[-P++p]P---------J------------------o+++++++++++++++o* this is a rather suboptimal quine here;J
02:11:38 <Moon_> its shorter than a brainfuck quine :P
02:13:09 <Moon_> ^bf ++++++++++[->++++++++++<]>-.+..+.-....-.+.+.+..-.+.-.
02:13:09 <fizzie> It's really just +jr <print "+jr"> J <print ";J">* ;J with a little bit of number-mangling to have the first J jump to the 'r', and the second J to the part that prints the ;J
02:13:31 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[CIOL]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=46856&oldid=46855 * * (+226) The first quine has been made!
02:14:34 <Moon_> how many esolangs have you been the first to make a quine in
02:15:07 -!- hppavilion[1] has joined.
02:15:18 <fizzie> Most likely 0, not counting this one.
02:15:48 <Moon_> Fizzie made the first quine in CIOL
02:16:05 <Moon_> `moonlang +jr++++[-p++++++++p+++++++++++++++++++++PP]p+++op+o++++++++oP[-P++p]P---------J------------------o+++++++++++++++o* this is a rather suboptimal quine here;J
02:16:07 <HackEgo> +jr++++[-p++++++++p+++++++++++++++++++++PP]p+++op+o++++++++oP[-P++p]P---------J------------------o+++++++++++++++o* this is a rather suboptimal quine here;J
02:16:43 <Moon_> you could shorten it by using the mathmatical functions and registers that are implented
02:17:12 <fizzie> Probably, but I'm more of a brainfuck programmer.
02:18:36 <hppavilion[1]> If primary storage is RAM, secondary storage is disk, and tertiary storage is that which you access via a robotic arm, then what's quaternary storage?
02:19:17 <Moon_> http://esolangs.org/wiki/CIOL
02:19:24 <Moon_> you can read the specs there
02:19:30 <fizzie> Underload is the canonical quine-making language.
02:22:24 <Moon_> who wants to try and make 99 bottles of beer?
02:22:31 <Moon_> most languages have it :P
02:24:27 <Moon_> i can _print_ 99 bottles of bea
02:24:50 <Moon_> `moonlang r99 bottles of beer;
02:25:08 * Moon_ is a lazy person sometimes
02:25:20 <\oren\> alhtough some people pronounce it bea
02:25:22 <Moon_> i have a challange for toy all
02:25:34 <\oren\> those people are what I call worng
02:26:41 <Kaynato> Have you checked out Daoyu, Moon_?
02:27:35 <hppavilion[1]> What kinds of instructions does a Geoemetry and Construction Unit (GCU) handle I wonder?
02:28:15 <Kaynato> Compass_set(point A, point B)
02:28:43 <Kaynato> You've got an origin point, an unset compass...
02:28:48 <hppavilion[1]> Kaynato: But I'm thinking the origamic one rather than compass-and-straightedge
02:28:56 <Kaynato> Oh, ok. That's something different, yes. Hm
02:30:01 <hppavilion[1]> Though neither works very well for a CPU; perhaps a new model is in order
02:30:34 -!- Moon_ has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds).
02:30:58 <Kaynato> Operating on a sheet of paper.
02:32:54 <hppavilion[1]> Apparently the reason that you cannot double a cube is because root(2, 3) is not constructible
02:33:26 <hppavilion[1]> Which is because ruler-and-compass can only construct the roots of quadratics
02:33:40 <hppavilion[1]> (quadratics over the field of other constructed points)
02:34:09 <hppavilion[1]> oerjan: Is there some hierarchy of construction tools I have not been told about?
02:34:41 <oerjan> hppavilion[1]: probably? i'm not an expert but i understand a marked ruler is more powerful than a straightedge
02:35:14 <hppavilion[1]> oerjan: What exactly does a marked ruler have? I mean, marks obviously, but what do they mean?
02:35:41 <oerjan> possibly just one mark, i'm not sure
02:36:06 <oerjan> you need at least two.
02:36:31 <oerjan> i don't remember, see wikipedia probably
02:37:29 <oerjan> two _might_ be enough to get some extra power.
02:39:30 <hppavilion[1]> oerjan: It's exactly exactly as powerful as origami
02:39:41 <hppavilion[1]> oerjan: Also, once you have 2 you effectively have infinitely many
02:40:26 <hppavilion[1]> oerjan: My proof seems to have broken in my head, so I'll have to rethink
02:42:07 -!- hppavilion[2] has joined.
02:44:20 <Kaynato> ! is a Daoyu source command, so I will have to use something else as the input delimiter
02:45:01 -!- hppavilion[1] has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds).
02:46:42 <Kaynato> What characters is HackEgo sensitive to?
02:47:46 <Kaynato> Only at the beginning? I mean inside of input
02:47:49 <hppavilion[2]> oerjan: What's the weirdest toolset that could be used for construction
02:48:05 <Kaynato> Is there a convention for delimiting input?
02:49:38 <Kaynato> For example, passing in inputs to the I/O of BF
02:51:01 <oerjan> Kaynato: for BF the convention is !
02:51:10 <Kaynato> Ah, ok. So it's just for BF.
02:51:22 <oerjan> some other HackEgo commands use //
02:51:42 <oerjan> because it's redundant in filepaths
02:52:39 <oerjan> and of course some use space
02:53:26 -!- MDude has changed nick to MDream.
02:53:30 <oerjan> hppavilion[2]: silly putty hth
02:54:30 <hppavilion[2]> oerjan: Are there concrete-feeling construction methods (like straightedge-and-compass) for other fields?
02:55:19 <oerjan> lambda calculus is pretty concrete hth
02:56:07 <huh> SKI-combinator calculus is where it's at
02:57:23 <hppavilion[2]> The study of logical reasoning in the form of silly drawings on paper?
02:57:27 * oerjan wonders if manifold surgery counts. not that he's sure what it is.
02:58:27 <mad> how about a family of geometric shapes
02:59:18 <mad> where determining if one of shapes in the parametric family is connected (or it's genus aka number of holes) is turing complete?
03:00:18 * oerjan hits mad's apostrophe out of the ball park
03:01:20 <mad> like, the shape keeps going on, and it can either start a new section (disconnedted, calculation stops) or stop going on (connected, calculation stops), or it can keep going on forever (infinite loop)
03:11:59 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Special:Log/delete]] delete * Oerjan * deleted "[[//////////]]": content before blanking was: "blobfish"
03:24:39 <huh> does anyone have that hilarious quote from the guy who didn't know this channel was about programming?
03:28:01 <Kaynato> Command prompt is sensitive to "<"
03:28:38 -!- tromp_ has joined.
03:33:00 -!- tromp_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds).
03:37:41 <HackEgo> 147) <ais523> syntax is the least important part of a programming language <ais523> other than Python \ 484) <zzo38> I think Perl is a programming language too. [...] \ 515) <monqy> one time I tried cpp programming <monqy> it was hellish <monqy> maybe I should try again \ 553) <oklopol> so you are doing for compilers what imperative prog
03:38:58 <oerjan> `` quote programming | tail -n +4
03:39:03 <HackEgo> 553) <oklopol> so you are doing for compilers what imperative programming did for functional programming \ 685) <kmc> has there been any work towards designing programming languages specifically for stoned people \ 713) <Edwin Brady> Just seen this comment on reddit: "Parallel programming has been a solved problem for decades." I might have to stop
03:39:17 <oerjan> `` quote programming | tail -n +6
03:39:18 <HackEgo> 713) <Edwin Brady> Just seen this comment on reddit: "Parallel programming has been a solved problem for decades." I might have to stop reading the internet. \ 861) <kmc> i'm looking for a haskell-like programming language, meaning that it supports nesting multi-line comments \ 942) <kmc> it's almost like Haskell is a programming language and not s
03:39:25 <oerjan> `` quote programming | tail -n +8
03:39:26 <HackEgo> 942) <kmc> it's almost like Haskell is a programming language and not some kind of mathematical rhetorical arguing device \ 1002) <kmc> i had a dream just now where i was in a gymnasium and they had fire alarm pull stations but they also had a similarly shaped "call/cc alarm" which I think you were supposed to pull if you found a way to write call/
03:39:38 <oerjan> `` quote programming | tail -n +10
03:39:39 <HackEgo> 1038) <Bike> I'm glad I quit programming to take up listening to numbers stations \ 1164) <fungot> boily: i'll probably stop programming the day i will hit the end of the program.
03:40:29 <huh> oerjan: it was years ago
03:40:48 <huh> it was something very weird like "we are all trapped in a box"?
03:41:12 <oerjan> huh: we made it our wiki tagline hth
03:41:26 <HackEgo> 240) <treederwright> enjoy being locked in your matrix of solidity
03:41:32 <huh> ah yes that's it
03:42:03 -!- aloril has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
03:47:07 <huh> Enjoy being locked in your matrix of solidity.
03:49:50 <oerjan> hppavilion[2]: i'm afraid treederwright did not stay long enough to properly enlighten us, although i suspect e found it futile since we are, after all, locked in our matrix of solidity. hth.
03:52:27 -!- huh has left.
03:52:53 <Kaynato> alright, done with the command line daoyu interpreter
03:53:10 -!- oerjan has set topic: If anyone has the key to the matrix of solidity, please hand it in at the desk | The international hub of esoteric programming | logs: http://codu.org/logs/_esoteric/ http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/esoteric/?C=M;O=D | http://esolangs.org/ | https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2023808/wisdom.pdf | Note: people with cloaks will be treated as if they're from Varanasi (not Kashi).
03:54:47 -!- mad has left.
03:59:18 <HackEgo> 1183) <fowl> one day we'll be able to put evil people inside mirrors and throw them into space like superman 2
03:59:28 <fowl> I'm immortal!!!
04:00:33 <HackEgo> 1277 25654 153531 quotes
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04:50:51 <HackEgo> Runs arbitrary code in GNU/Linux. Type "`<command>", or "`run <command>" for full shell commands. "`fetch <URL>" downloads files. Files saved to $PWD are persistent, and $PWD/bin is in $PATH. $PWD is a mercurial repository, "`revert <rev>" can be used to revert to a revision. See http://codu.org/projects/hackbot/fshg/
04:51:19 <Kaynato> So, I just `fetch <pastebin url> ?
04:53:29 <Kaynato> would commented and documented code be appreciated or would obfuscated code...
04:54:08 <oerjan> the .c is only temporary anyway
04:54:16 <Kaynato> true, obfuscated code it is
04:54:27 <Kaynato> well at the least, less readable, more compact
04:54:36 <Kaynato> I do not think I have enough time today for a full-blown obfuscation
04:57:54 -!- adu has quit (Quit: adu).
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05:44:43 <\oren\> sometimes the way I code my home projects is accidental obfuscation
05:45:21 <FreeFull> https://github.com/FreeFull/ircclient/ Does anything seem particularly obfuscated about this code?
05:45:45 <\oren\> becuase I don't leave comments, use a lot of macros to avoid typing long words, and use single letter variable names
05:47:00 <\oren\> like #define ei else if
05:47:54 <FreeFull> \oren\: All comments in the code I linked are TODOs
05:48:09 <FreeFull> And there are a few single letter variable names too
05:49:09 <FreeFull> https://github.com/FreeFull/ircclient/blob/master/src/tui/mod.rs#L84-L109
05:53:47 <\oren\> Hmm, maybe "obfuscation" is too harsh a word for the style of programming which exists to save typing at the cost of comprehension
05:55:37 <FreeFull> Yeah, I don't bother saving my typing by making my code overly short
06:32:01 -!- hppavilion[2] has joined.
06:38:10 -!- J_Arcane_ has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds).
06:41:51 <hppavilion[2]> I seem to have just learned about p-adic number by mistake
06:43:07 <Kaynato> Ok, good: http://pastebin.com/raw/aJGM6eAB
06:43:15 <Kaynato> so now I do `fetch http://pastebin.com/raw/aJGM6eAB
06:44:38 <HackEgo> Runs arbitrary code in GNU/Linux. Type "`<command>", or "`run <command>" for full shell commands. "`fetch <URL>" downloads files. Files saved to $PWD are persistent, and $PWD/bin is in $PATH. $PWD is a mercurial repository, "`revert <rev>" can be used to revert to a revision. See http://codu.org/projects/hackbot/fshg/
06:44:45 <Kaynato> `fetch http://pastebin.com/raw/aJGM6eAB
06:45:08 <Kaynato> I am not entirely sure I have done this correctly
06:45:16 <HackEgo> 2016-04-28 05:44:57 URL:http://pastebin.com/raw/aJGM6eAB [3485] -> "aJGM6eAB" [1]
06:45:16 <HackEgo> wget: unable to resolve host address `bone'
06:45:36 <Kaynato> So now I compile this, yes
06:46:50 <Kaynato> `gcc aJGM6eAB -o dao.exe -ansi -O3
06:47:03 <HackEgo> gcc: error: aJGM6eAB -o dao.exe -ansi -O3: No such file or directory \ gcc: fatal error: no input files \ compilation terminated.
06:47:29 <FreeFull> I think you need to rename it to have a .c extension
06:47:35 <HackEgo> :-( bdsmreclist dog factor interps paste src \ !\\.´ bin emoticons foo karma ply-3.8 theorems \ 71ab5gx8 canary equations good le quine tmflry \ 99 cat esobible hia lib quines wisdom \ 99bb Complaints.mp3 etc hw ls_dev quotes wisdom.pdf \ aJGM6eAB :-D evil i
06:47:37 <HackEgo> :-( \ !\.´ \ 71ab5gx8 \ 99 \ 99bb \ aJGM6eAB \ bdsmreclist \ bin \ canary \ cat \ Complaints.mp3 \ :-D \ dog \ emoticons \ equations \ esobible \ etc \ evil \ factor \ foo \ good \ hia \ hw \ ibin \ interps \ karma \ le \ lib \ ls_dev \ misle \ paste \ ply-3.8 \ quine \ quines \ quotes \ share \ src \ theorems \ tmflry \ wisdom \ wisdom.pdf
06:47:48 <FreeFull> Also just using ` won't work, you need `run
06:48:24 <FreeFull> `run gcc daoyu.c -o dao -ansi -O3
06:48:51 <HackEgo> daoyu.c: In function ‘FB’: \ daoyu.c:43:41: warning: ignoring return value of ‘realloc’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] \ daoyu.c:43:59: warning: ignoring return value of ‘realloc’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
06:49:43 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: dao: not found
06:50:10 <HackEgo> -rwxr-xr-x 1 5000 0 15629 Apr 28 05:48 dao
06:50:18 <FreeFull> It's there and it's executable
06:50:25 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: dao: not found
06:50:36 <FreeFull> `run ./dao '$$$^>;:^<@TESTING'
06:51:45 <HackEgo> ls: invalid option -- ' ' \ Try `ls --help' for more information.
06:51:52 <HackEgo> ls: cannot access bf: No such file or directory
06:52:07 <HackEgo> ` \ `` \ ^.^ \ ̊ \ \ ! \ ? \ ?? \ ¿ \ ' \ @ \ * \ ؟ \ \ \ \ 1492 \ 2014 \ 2015 \ 2016 \ 2017 \ 5quote \ 8ball \ 8-ball \ aaaaaaaaa \ addquote \ aglist \ allquotes \ analogy \ anonlog \ append \ arienvenido \ as86 \ aseen \ asm \ autowelcome \ bardsworthlist \ before \ benvenuto \ bf \ bienvenido \ bienvenue \ blessyou \ bookofeso \
06:52:56 <Kaynato> `run dao $$$^>;:^<@TESTING
06:52:57 <HackEgo> bash: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `;' \ bash: -c: line 0: `dao $$$^>;:^<@TESTING'
06:53:06 <Kaynato> `run dao $$$^>^;:^<@TESTING
06:53:08 <HackEgo> bash: @TESTING: No such file or directory
06:53:17 <HackEgo> bash: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `;' \ bash: -c: line 0: `dao $$$>;:<@TESTING'
06:53:23 <Kaynato> `run dao "$$$>;:<@TESTING"
06:53:28 -!- lambda-11235 has quit (Quit: Bye).
06:53:29 <Kaynato> `run dao '$$$>;:<@TESTING'
06:53:51 -!- tromp_ has joined.
06:54:55 <oerjan> Kaynato: you should _not_ need run for dao itself, if it works as i suggested.
06:57:12 -!- J_Arcane_ has joined.
06:58:06 -!- tromp_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds).
06:58:13 -!- Kaynato has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
06:58:38 <oerjan> @tell Kaynato you should _not_ need `run for dao itself, if it works as i suggested.
06:59:23 -!- hppavilion[2] has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds).
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08:57:53 -!- myndzi has quit (Excess Flood).
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10:01:50 <fizzie> Huh, I didn't notice the 'R' instruction at all.
10:01:51 <fizzie> `moonlang +jrR+Rj++++[-p++++P]pJ[-P+++p]P-oRJ*done;J
10:01:52 <HackEgo> +jR+Rj++++[-p++++P]pJ[-P+++p]P-oRJ*done;J
10:01:56 <fizzie> That's so much simpler.
10:06:11 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[CIOL]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=46857&oldid=46856 * Fizzie * (+126) Formatting & much nicer quine.
10:07:30 <fizzie> FreeFull: For the record, "gcc -x c file.with.whatever.extension" is also an alternative.
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12:12:32 <lambdabot> CYUL 281100Z 33007KT 30SM FEW120 M00/M10 A3011 RMK AC1 AC TR SLP199
12:12:50 <boily> negative cow isn't good weather for riding a bike.
12:13:08 * boily has unsatisfied biking urges!
12:17:53 -!- shikhin has changed nick to shikhn.
12:18:19 -!- boily has quit (Quit: DRAGON CHICKEN).
12:19:28 <lambdabot> EGLL 281050Z AUTO 26009KT 220V290 9999 NCD 10/M03 Q1014 NOSIG
12:19:48 <fizzie> They say next week it's going to get warm.
13:38:02 -!- spiette has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
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14:00:54 -!- Sgeo has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds).
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14:17:03 <b_jonas> In windows, is it normal that .LNK (and also .PIF) are not in my $ENV{PATHEXT} ?
14:31:38 <fizzie> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/fd7hxfdd(v=vs.84).aspx "PATHEXT -- typically .com, .exe, .bat, or .cmd".
14:32:28 <fizzie> Although I guess that "typically" could be referring to typical executables, not typical contents of the environment variable.
14:33:32 <fizzie> (Also: .PIF files, so retro.)
15:08:08 <int-e> problem identification format
15:08:23 -!- `^_^ has joined.
15:09:07 <int-e> (but I'm afraid I know the correct expansion as well... and google just confirmed that suspicion)
15:09:44 <b_jonas> I don't know the expansion, I would guess it's program information file or something meaningless like that
15:10:50 <int-e> and your guess would be correct
15:17:22 <fizzie> Pressure-injected footing.
15:19:06 <lambdabot> *** "piffle" wn "WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)"
15:19:06 <lambdabot> n 1: trivial nonsense [syn: {balderdash}, {fiddle-faddle},
15:19:06 <lambdabot> v 1: speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly
15:22:28 -!- J_Arcane_ has joined.
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15:39:06 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Special:Log/newusers]] create * Moon * New user account
15:40:16 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[CIOL]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=46858&oldid=46857 * Moon * (+34)
15:48:56 -!- shikhn has changed nick to shikhin.
15:49:58 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[CIOL]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=46859&oldid=46858 * Moon * (+166) Added some more samples
15:52:41 <Melvar> @let type Jq = Kleisli []
15:53:40 <Melvar> @let jeach :: Jq [a] a; jeach = Kleisli id
15:54:31 <Melvar> @let jlist :: Jq a b -> Jq a [b]; jlist (Kleisli alb) = Kleisli $ \a -> [alb a]
15:56:15 <Melvar> Now, in jq map is defined as: def map(f): [ .[] | f ];
15:56:51 <Melvar> @let jmap :: Jq a b -> Jq [a] [b]; jmap f = jlist $ jeach >>> f
16:01:18 -!- `^_^v has joined.
16:03:08 -!- `^_^ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds).
16:04:53 <Melvar> @let jcomma :: Jq a b -> Jq a b -> Jq a b; jcomma (Kleisli f) (Kleisli g) = Kleisli $ \x -> f x ++ g x
16:12:20 <int-e> Yay, what could possibly go wrong... "Value range propagation now assumes that the this pointer of C++ member functions is non-null."
16:13:05 <int-e> and this is why it's bad when language standards are written by compiler writers :P
16:15:04 <int-e> source: https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-6/changes.html under "general optimizer improvements"
16:18:04 <Melvar> int-e: I’ve heard a complaint about this. My question is how you manage to call a member function with null this at all.
16:18:52 <xfix> I'm surprised that this is not a reference in C++ myself. I guess this was before references were in a language.
16:20:29 <xfix> Melvar: Well, if a method in question is not virtual, I don't see why it wouldn't work, method calls don't look at value to determine which method to call in C++.
16:20:42 <b_jonas> xfix: the semantics is that the member function is called with the invocant passed as a reference, which is why it must point to a valid object rather than null. this is a pointer only for historical reasons, because this existed in ancient C++ before C++ references were invented.
16:21:16 <b_jonas> There's still an invocant, which is a reference, but this gives its address.
16:21:37 <b_jonas> Since you can just write *this, it wouldn't make sense to introduce a new language feature to replace this.
16:21:59 <xfix> Well, I guess a->b is a syntactic sugar for (*a)->b, so there is a dereference.
16:22:28 <b_jonas> xfix: yes, a->b is usually syntactic sugar for (*a).b
16:22:34 <xfix> On basic level, I guess it's different with operator overloading.
16:22:51 <xfix> And because (*a) is undefined behaviour when a is NULL, somebody went and said this is undefined behaviour.
16:23:03 <xfix> Even if a method technically gets a pointer.
16:23:18 <b_jonas> xfix: no, the method gets a reference, not a pointer
16:23:27 <b_jonas> this just gives its address
16:24:31 <Melvar> b_jonas: You mean, “this” means something like “&real_this”?
16:26:14 <b_jonas> xfix: this is especially obvious in C++11, in which there are member functions you can call only on a reference to rvalue as invocant, and ones you can call only on a reference to lvalue as invocant (the invocant still seems like a ref to rvalue from inside the method, just like how it would happen with a function argument), and a pointer doesn't carry an lvalue/rvalue distinction.
16:26:33 <b_jonas> Melvar: sort of. as in, it would make more sense if it worked that way.
16:27:42 <xfix> Either way, a->b being a syntactic sugar for (*a).b made Stroustrup realize it can dereference a NULL pointer, and because NULL pointer dereference is undefined behaviour in C, it's going to stay in C++.
16:29:43 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Talk:CIOL]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=46860 * Fizzie * (+731) Wiki talk pages == bug trackers, right?
16:44:08 -!- XorSwap has joined.
16:49:57 -!- Reece` has joined.
16:59:35 <int-e> Melvar: C++ has static type information. For non-virtual methods, you don't need to look at the object's data in order to figure out where the method that you're calling is.
17:02:31 <int-e> I agree that C++ code shouldn't rely on this. But apparently significant code bases *do* rely on it, so... it's quite nasty to just change the behavior.
17:09:17 <b_jonas> int-e: it's not really a change, it was always that way in the language, it's just that gcc now optimizes using that by default (but there's a switch of gcc to override that for old non-compliant programs)
17:10:13 <b_jonas> There are lots of old (and sometimes new) programs doing things the language doesn't allow, and they sometimes get away with it for a while when compilers are still young. Signed integer overflows and some invalid pointer arithmetic are the most important.
17:10:46 <xfix> To think integer overflow was undefined to allow implementations to just error on integer overflow.
17:10:53 <xfix> Some CPUs actually have hardware traps for integer overflow.
17:11:31 <b_jonas> xfix: no, the goal is also to allow compilers to derive bounds, especially to simplify inline functions
17:11:44 <xfix> But then compiler writers realized that it's undefined, so they can do whatever they like, even if the intent of this rule was to allow integer overflow trapping.
17:14:05 <xfix> C standard did not make behaviour undefined because they did like it. I don't think standard authors were too concerned about optimizing compilers of the future.
17:14:39 <xfix> I mean, technically strict aliasing is a performance optimization, but other undefined behaviours have a reason, even if it's "nobody should depend on that".
17:16:15 -!- J_Arcane_ has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds).
17:16:17 <xfix> Or just "out of scope" for a specification, like "program must end with newline" (if a program doesn't, it's undefined behaviour).
17:19:30 <b_jonas> xfix: the integer overflow is a performance optimization too. it allows a lot of optimizations. if you don't want it, then you have to use unsigned additions, or an integer wrapper class that does unsigned addition and subtraction and bitshift, but signed comparison.
17:20:14 <xfix> I do wonder how integer overflow behaves in FORTRAN, considering C had to compete with it.
17:21:03 <b_jonas> xfix: did C really have to compete with fortran? C started as a system programming language, it had to complete with assembly languages for the processors of that day.
17:21:23 <xfix> Was integer overflow undefined in assembly?
17:22:20 <b_jonas> xfix: cpu level usually has very few undefined behavior, and much fewer undefined results than C.
17:22:42 <b_jonas> So I don't think there's any cpu arch that has an integer overflow that gives even an undefined result.
17:23:14 -!- Phantom_Hoover has joined.
17:23:20 <xfix> Which would make sense for C to allow overflow, just like Assembly. Pretty sure the reasoning for "undefined behaviour" wasn't as much as let compilers do some crazy optimizations, but rather to allow C to work on machines where integer overflow triggers a hardware trap.
17:23:30 <xfix> C doesn't define trapping.
17:23:57 <b_jonas> xfix: I don't know what its original reason was, but it's a good thing NOW that the signed integer overflow gives an undefined result in C
17:24:12 <b_jonas> because it REALLY does let the compiler optimize a lot of boundary checks
17:24:20 <b_jonas> and it will become even better as compilers improve.
17:24:22 <xfix> That much, I can probably agree with, but I don't think spec authors made it an undefined behaviour to allow optimizations.
17:24:53 <fizzie> b_jonas: The mythical "numerical programming community" is used approximately all the time as a justification for decisions in the C99 rationale document.
17:24:54 <b_jonas> xfix: I don't know. When was the first spec made? In 1989?
17:25:14 <xfix> Integer overflow optimizations are quite recent. I do wonder what was the first compiler which used integer overflow for optimization purposes.
17:26:58 <Phantom_Hoover> i suppose it comes down to the history of when compilers started optimising out branches with undefined behaviour
17:27:09 <b_jonas> xfix: I don't think they're that recent. An array access pattern like for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) { f(a[i]); } is common, so it's often optimized, and if sizeof(*a) is not a power of two, than especially on old cpus (before pentium) when multiplies were expensive, it was worth to optimize it
17:27:54 <b_jonas> xfix: the compiler would optimize that by keeping track of either sizeof(*a)*i or of a+i
17:28:07 <xfix> I do wonder, where overflow comes into play here?
17:28:14 <fizzie> (At least VLAs were added explicitly to compete with FORTRAN.)
17:28:20 <b_jonas> hmm wait, that's a bad example
17:28:31 <xfix> Like, I understand `i` can overflow, but before that happens, pretty sure you will exceed the size of `a` array.
17:28:42 <xfix> Unless somehow `a` array takes entire memory.
17:28:51 <xfix> Without leaving a byte for anything else.
17:29:04 <b_jonas> xfix: no, it's the s*sizeof(a) that overflows, in which case you have to keep track of i to compare it
17:29:47 <fizzie> "In C89, division of integers involving negative operands could round upward or downward in an implementation-defined manner; the intent was to avoid incurring overhead in run-time code to check for special cases and enforce specific behavior. In Fortran, however, the result will always truncate toward zero, and the overhead seems to be acceptable to the numeric programming community. ...
17:29:53 <fizzie> ... Therefore, C99 now requires similar behavior, which should facilitate porting of code from Fortran to C."
17:29:55 <b_jonas> this is a bad example, so scratch that
17:30:30 <b_jonas> fizzie: that one is because the cpus where the built-in division truncates to zero have won
17:30:50 <b_jonas> fizzie: it's rounding down that you want more often, but cpus do truncation
17:30:53 <xfix> Just use unsigned compare in this specific case, if it overflows after multiplication, chances are you would read more memory than you can address to begin with.
17:31:15 <xfix> Unsigned, because in theory you can take over a half of memory space.
17:32:07 <b_jonas> fizzie: ok, actually no, because if the division is by a power of two constant, then the compiler optimizes it to a shift, which rounds down, so in that case the truncation is _slightly_ more expensive (it's just two fast extra instructions to truncate).
17:32:44 <b_jonas> fizzie: but in the case of a variable divisor, all current cpus except for mmix do truncating division.
17:33:49 <b_jonas> (And mmix is currently rarely used for performance-sensitive computations.)
17:34:17 <xfix> I don't really like "zero truncating" division mechanics, but that's how it works.
17:36:18 <xfix> I mean, by themselves they aren't a problem, but modulo is defined as `a - (n * (a//n))`.
17:36:53 <xfix> With zero truncating, when you ask for `-2 % 10`, you get `-2` which is less than useful.
17:37:11 <b_jonas> xfix: yes, that's what I'm saying, division rounding down is more often useful. but in reality, you just need both, in different cases.
18:03:58 <fizzie> I have mentioned this many times, but since I still find it amusing -- at one point, the R7RS Scheme draft had 7 different variants of quotient and remainder.
18:04:24 <fizzie> {floor,ceiling,centered,truncate,round,euclidean}-{quotient,remainder}.
18:06:27 <fizzie> Oh, right, 7, because there's also the non-prefixed one.
18:06:32 <fizzie> And / for each of them.
18:07:49 <fizzie> So {floor,ceiling,centered,truncate,round,euclidean}{-quotient,-remainder,/} + quotient + remainder + modulo. (No plain /.)
18:08:43 <fizzie> In the final version they cut it down a little, and only have {floor,truncate}{-quotient,-remainder,/} + quotient + remainder + modulo.
18:09:32 <fizzie> Oh, there's a plain /, it's just not on the same list because it doesn't give exact integer results for exact integer arguments.
18:10:15 <b_jonas> fizzie: yes, iirc r5rs has two built-in modulus operations and NEITHER OF THEM ARE THE NORMAL TRUNCATING OR ROUND DOWN VERSION WE'RE USED TO.
18:10:22 <fizzie> quotient -> truncate-quotient, remainder -> truncate-remainder, modulo -> floor-remainder.
18:10:31 <b_jonas> I can't quite follow what r6rs does but it's just riddiculously wrong
18:10:44 <b_jonas> in general, scheme was designed by people who don't know how numbers in computers work
18:11:06 <b_jonas> the whole language has this ridiculously elaborate theoretical system for numeric types that doesn't actually work
18:12:15 <fizzie> The R7RS ones are arguably reasonable. It has the above mappings, and the definitions of floor(n1/n2) and truncate(n1/n2) for the quotient + the obvious definition for the remainder such that (= n1 (+ (* n2 (x-quotient n1 n2)) (x-remainder n1 n2))) is true.
18:12:22 <b_jonas> luckily of course, it's loose enough that specific implementations just do the special case of having normal numeric types and add normal numeric functions in their library
18:13:33 <b_jonas> fizzie: I think at one point scheme had a round to nearest modulo, and a modulo that either rounds down or truncates but does the unusual thing for a negative divisor
18:14:40 <b_jonas> luckily negative divisor matters much less than positive divisors
18:14:48 <fizzie> The R7RS draft ones were quite... comprehensive. The ceiling, floor, truncate, round variants are defined via the quotient (with the obvious meanings); the euclidean-quotient is floor-quotient for a positive and ceiling-quotient for a negative divisor; and the centered-quotient chooses the quotient so that -|n2 / 2| <= remainder < |n2 / 2|.
18:35:48 <prooftechnique> @tell hppavilion[1] https://xkcd.com/903/ <- alt text. Enjoy
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21:16:47 -!- MDream has changed nick to MDude.
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21:54:50 <fizzie> HackEgo's done the thing where it hasn't rejoined.
21:56:04 <fizzie> No, there it is -- I just can't see.
21:57:08 <fizzie> The wiki bridge had gone down, though.
22:01:52 -!- hppavilion[2] has joined.
22:08:18 -!- Moon_ has joined.
22:10:39 <Moon_> `complaints chat is empty
22:10:44 <Moon_> `complaint chat is empty
22:10:45 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: complaint: not found
22:11:01 <Moon_> `complain chat is empty
22:11:04 <HackEgo> Complaint filed. Thank you.
22:11:41 -!- hppavilion[2] has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds).
22:11:54 <fizzie> I filed a bug report about there that interpreter, FWIW.
22:13:24 <fizzie> See https://esolangs.org/wiki/Talk:CIOL
22:14:24 <Moon_> how should i fix it?
22:14:30 <Moon_> \ alone is a excape code
22:14:37 <fizzie> By not having a "\" at the end of the line.
22:14:53 <fizzie> There's nothing wrong with '\\', the problem is with the \ in the comment.
22:15:05 <fizzie> Which extends the comment to continue to the next line.
22:15:16 <Moon_> just remove the comment and its fixed
22:15:33 <fizzie> (Incidentally, it's "escape".)
22:19:09 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Talk:CIOL]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=46861&oldid=46860 * Moon * (+52)
22:19:35 <Moon_> `fetch http://pastebin.com/raw/BGTV9E93
22:19:39 <HackEgo> 2016-04-28 21:19:38 URL:http://pastebin.com/raw/BGTV9E93 [3761] -> "BGTV9E93" [1]
22:19:48 <HackEgo> gcc: error: missing argument to ‘-h’ \ gcc: fatal error: no input files \ compilation terminated.
22:19:56 <HackEgo> gcc: fatal error: no input files \ compilation terminated.
22:20:03 <HackEgo> Usage: gcc [options] file... \ Options: \ -pass-exit-codes Exit with highest error code from a phase \ --help Display this information \ --target-help Display target specific command line options \ --help={common|optimizers|params|target|warnings|[^]{joined|separate|undocumented}}[,...] \
22:20:04 <HackEgo> Usage: gcc [options] file... \ Options: \ -pass-exit-codes Exit with highest error code from a phase \ --help Display this information \ --target-help Display target specific command line options \ --help={common|optimizers|params|target|warnings|[^]{joined|separate|undocumented}}[,...] \
22:20:34 <HackEgo> BGTV9E93: file not recognized: File format not recognized \ collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
22:21:07 <fizzie> `` gcc -x c BGTV9E93 -o bin/moonlang
22:21:14 <Moon_> do you know how to compile on hackbo- ohthx
22:22:05 <fizzie> Do you mind if I change the echo / reverse echo examples to accept inputs of arbitrary lengths? The fixed 5-character versions seem a bit arbitrary.
22:22:27 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Talk:CIOL]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=46862&oldid=46861 * Moon * (+99) /* BUG REPORTING */ new section
22:23:22 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[CIOL]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=46863&oldid=46859 * Fizzie * (-114) Genericize.
22:23:28 <Moon_> `` echo derpp | moonlang rEnter a five character long word or sequence;ipipipipipPPPPPopopopopop*
22:23:29 <HackEgo> /hackenv/bin/`: line 4: 296 Done echo derpp \ 297 Segmentation fault | moonlang rEnter a five character long word or sequence \ /hackenv/bin/`: line 4: ipipipipipPPPPPopopopopop*: command not found
22:23:56 <fizzie> You need a bit of quoting for the argument.
22:24:03 <fizzie> `` echo derpp | moonlang 'rEnter a five character long word or sequence;ipipipipipPPPPPopopopopop*'
22:24:04 <HackEgo> Enter a five character long word or sequencederpp
22:24:25 <fizzie> (Otherwise argv[1] will be just "rEnter".)
22:25:25 <Moon_> Also thanks for your work in CIOL :P
22:25:30 <fizzie> The `foo x y z syntax is close to `` foo 'x y z' in that it implicitly puts everything in one argument.
22:26:09 <fizzie> `` echo ding dong | moonlang '+++j[-oi+]'
22:26:11 <fizzie> `` echo ding dong | moonlang '++j[pi+]P[-oP]'
22:26:31 <fizzie> It reverses the newline as well.
22:26:39 <fizzie> So the output is an empty line followed by "gnod gnid".
22:26:57 <fizzie> `` echo -n ding dong | moonlang '++j[pi+]P[-oP]' # workaround
22:28:04 <Moon_> `` echo -n abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z| moonlang '++j[pi+]P[-oP]' #Ok moonlang, its time to learn your abcs!
22:28:06 <HackEgo> z dna yxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba
22:29:54 <Moon_> i wonder how long a bottles of beer program in CIOL would be
22:31:08 <fizzie> Probably not *too* bad, with r. About the only slightly complicated piece is the decimal output.
22:31:25 <fizzie> I had an incredibly overcomplicated variant of +++j[-oi+], built on the idea of doing a conditional jump based on the fact that (n+1)/n is 2 for n == 1 and 1 for any n > 1. I don't know why the obvious solution didn't immediately occur to me.
22:31:55 <Moon_> any additions to the page are not minded
22:31:59 <Moon_> including improvements
22:32:07 <fizzie> `` echo like this | moonlang '[i++p+P/+p-P/dp++P\p-P[-p+++++++P]p--------jP\---o]'
22:32:28 <Moon_> i like how you used the registers
22:32:41 <fizzie> Well, it needs the (n+1)/n.
22:32:51 <fizzie> (That's why I noticed the \ thing.)
22:33:14 <Moon_> well its good you had the overcomplicated idea first
22:33:23 <Moon_> otherwise the bug would've slipped by for longer
22:34:35 <Moon_> i've been thinking on a language that has no memory besides the memory that stores the program, and it is self modifying
22:34:47 <Moon_> sounds like a pain, eh?
22:35:20 <Moon_> leme see if i can find my theoretical hello world example
22:36:33 <Moon_> Hello, World!.
22:36:49 <Moon_> even tho Hello world is in text
22:37:03 <Moon_> Ansii character table is smaller
22:37:51 <Moon_> <NUL>.001+001=0010019<<ansii 255>
22:42:35 <Moon_> Fizzie, i have a challange for you
22:42:50 <Moon_> well really more of a question
22:43:43 <Moon_> how do you compare values in bf?
22:48:00 <impomatic_> Decrement both and set a flag depending which one reached zero first?
22:49:22 <fizzie> See https://esolangs.org/wiki/Brainfuck_algorithms for x == y, x != y, x <= y etc.
22:50:06 <\oren\> apparently qmericans dont like catsup flavord chips! why?!?!
22:51:42 <Moon_> im american, dont say dat
22:52:35 <Moon_> `bf x >>++++++++++<<[->+>-[>+>>]>[+[-<+>]>+>>]<<<<<<]>>[-]>>>++++++++++<[->-[>+>>]>[+[- <+>]>+>>]<<<<<]>[-]>>[>++++++[-<++++++++>]<.<<+>+>[-]]<[<[->-<]++++++[->++++++++ <]>.[-]]<<++++++[-<++++++++>]<.[-]<<[-<+>]<
22:53:59 <Moon_> `bf temp0[-] temp1[-] temp2[-] y[temp1+temp2+y-]temp2[y+temp2-] z[temp0+temp2+z-]temp2[z+temp2-] x>>[[>>]+[<<]>>-]+ [>>]<[-]<[<<] >[>[>>]<+<[<<]>-] >[>>]<<[-<<]
22:55:12 -!- centrinia has quit (Quit: Leaving).
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22:57:38 <fizzie> "In the interest of generality, the algorithms will use variable names in place of the < and > instructions. Temporary cells are denoted "temp". When using an algorithm in a program, replace the variable names with the correct number of < or > instructions to position the pointer at the desired memory cell."
22:58:43 <Moon_> more like "To stop people from ripping our stuff, we will make it harder to use"
23:00:31 <Moon_> `moonlang rThis is not ;RqRuRiRtReR rbrainfuck;
23:00:49 <HackEgo> This is not quite brainfuck
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23:04:37 -!- impomatic_ has quit (Quit: http://corewar.co.uk).
23:04:41 <centrinia> https://gist.github.com/Centrinia/e5ed37dd951e1a33fb37bcb33ae9cfc9
23:05:00 -!- tromp_ has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds).
23:13:39 -!- earenndil has changed nick to Elronnd.
23:14:00 <HackEgo> usage: mk[x] file//contents
23:15:33 <Moon_> `mkx Eternity// while :; do echo 'Loading'; sleep 1; done
23:15:54 <Moon_> `./eternity Run world of warcraft copy
23:15:55 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: /hackenv/eternity: No such file or directory
23:16:11 <Moon_> `./Eternity Run world of warcraft copy
23:16:41 <HackEgo> Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading \ Loading
23:17:16 <Moon_> its a shame Eternity (https://esolangs.org/wiki/Eternity) takes forever to load
23:17:56 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Eternity]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=46864&oldid=45788 * Moon * (+52)
23:28:08 <Moon_> fetch http://pastebin.com/raw/yn9LVhJv
23:28:14 <Moon_> `fetch http://pastebin.com/raw/yn9LVhJv
23:28:18 <HackEgo> 2016-04-28 22:28:15 URL:http://pastebin.com/raw/yn9LVhJv [1834] -> "yn9LVhJv" [1]
23:28:34 <Moon_> `` gcc -x c yn9LVhJv -o bin/Something
23:29:20 <Moon_> `Something imaprettybird
23:30:05 <Moon_> `Something commonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprint
23:30:07 -!- Kaynato has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity).
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23:31:25 <Moon_> `` Echo ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd | Something 'commonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillp'
23:31:26 <HackEgo> /hackenv/bin/`: line 4: Echo: command not found \ /hackenv/bin/`: line 4: 296 Exit 127 Echo ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd \ 297 Segmentation fault | Something 'commonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillp'
23:31:36 <Moon_> `` echo ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd | Something 'commonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillp'
23:31:47 <Moon_> `` echo ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd | Something 'commonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillp'
23:31:51 <Moon_> `` echo ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd | Something 'commonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillprintcommonillp'
23:32:15 <Moon_> `` echo ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd | Something 'commonillprint'
23:32:18 <Moon_> `` echo ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd | Something 'commonillprint'
23:32:21 <Moon_> `` echo ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd | Something 'commonillprint'
23:32:23 <Moon_> `` echo ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd | Something 'commonillprint'
23:32:37 <Moon_> `` echo ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd | Something 'dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd'
23:32:39 <HackEgo> /hackenv/bin/`: line 4: 296 Done echo ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd \ 297 Segmentation fault | Something 'dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd'
23:32:52 <Moon_> `` echo ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd | Something 'dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd'
23:34:08 <Moon_> `` echo ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd | Something 'dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd'
23:34:45 <Moon_> `fetch http://pastebin.com/raw/6TL7V2mM
23:34:47 <HackEgo> 2016-04-28 22:34:46 URL:http://pastebin.com/raw/6TL7V2mM [1144] -> "6TL7V2mM" [1]
23:35:22 <Moon_> `` gcc -x c 6TL7V2mM -o bin/Something
23:35:36 <Moon_> `` echo ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd | Something 'dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd'
23:35:43 <Moon_> `` echo ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd | Something 'dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd'
23:35:45 <Moon_> `` echo ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd | Something 'dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd'
23:35:56 <Moon_> `` echo abdskxvndvckuindglcjvgkjkvdh | Something 'dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd'
23:35:59 <Moon_> `` echo abdskxvndvckuindglcjvgkjkvdh | Something 'dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd'
23:36:10 <Moon_> `` echo hi | Something 'dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd'
23:36:23 <Moon_> `` echo hi | Something 'ddddddddddddddddzdfscazdfezddfadz'
23:36:32 <Moon_> `` echo hi | Something 'fbvgfhbvbgnhbhnjgfybfzdfscazdfezddfadz'
23:36:42 <Moon_> its suppost to be random
23:37:16 <Moon_> i forgot to init the gen, didn't i?
23:38:52 <Moon_> `fetch http://pastebin.com/raw/UZ3ESUfL
23:38:54 <HackEgo> 2016-04-28 22:38:53 URL:http://pastebin.com/raw/UZ3ESUfL [1194] -> "UZ3ESUfL" [1]
23:39:13 <Moon_> `` gcc -x c UZ3ESUfL -o bin/Something
23:39:20 -!- hppavilion[2] has joined.
23:39:33 <Moon_> `something degvsgszf
23:39:34 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: something: not found
23:39:45 <Moon_> `Something degvsgszf
23:39:48 <Moon_> `Something degvsgszf
23:39:50 <Moon_> `Something degvsgszf
23:39:55 <Moon_> `Something degvsgszffghnfghngjutxyhj
23:40:16 <Moon_> `Something degvsgszffghnfghngjutxyhjjfghvbnfdkjfngthlugjfe
23:40:37 <Moon_> `` echo Hiavhfghfbdo Something degvsgszffghnfghngjutxyhjjfghvbnfdkjfngthlugjfe
23:40:38 <HackEgo> Hiavhfghfbdo Something degvsgszffghnfghngjutxyhjjfghvbnfdkjfngthlugjfe
23:40:45 <Moon_> `` echo Hiavhfghfbdo | Something 'degvsgszffghnfghngjutxyhjjfghvbnfdkjfngthlugjfe'
23:42:06 -!- oerjan has joined.
23:42:07 <Moon_> `fetch http://pastebin.com/raw/waDs9gmT
23:42:09 <HackEgo> 2016-04-28 22:42:07 URL:http://pastebin.com/raw/waDs9gmT [1193] -> "waDs9gmT" [1]
23:42:26 <Moon_> `` gcc -x c waDs9gmT -o bin/Something
23:42:41 <Moon_> `` echo Hiavhfghfbdo | Something 'degvsgszffghnfghngjutxyhjjfghvbnfdkjfngthlugjfe'
23:42:44 <Moon_> `` echo Hiavhfghfbdo | Something 'degvsgszffghnfghngjutxyhjjfghvbnfdkjfngthlugjfe'
23:42:56 -!- Moon_ has quit (Quit: Page closed).
23:44:34 <oerjan> `culprits bin/Something
23:45:11 -!- Moon_ has joined.
23:45:33 <Moon_> Does hackego have a time service?
23:45:39 <Moon_> `Something dvbgfvbghfdv bnhhtgfvcbhygtbhvndgfxvcbhgtgbvn mkhg dbgthghbf mf
23:45:56 <Moon_> `Something dvbgfvbghfdv bnhhtgfvcbhygtbhvndgfxvcbhgtgbvn mkhg dbgthghbf mfuhnvoytewgthcsieytfhgkudhcfbdcjv nfhdjxckvfhdjkvkchfdjcvgfhdcghbfdhbdbfdbhvfhbvhgfhbvgbfbdhbxhzhbjkcnsbyku
23:46:40 <HackEgo> Thu Apr 28 22:46:39 UTC 2016
23:46:49 <Moon_> Somethng uses the tme variable from C
23:48:21 <oerjan> Moon_: um that makes no sense
23:48:35 <Moon_> like it has the time on its own, idk
23:48:39 <Moon_> http://www.tutorialspoint.com/c_standard_library/c_function_rand.htm
23:49:30 <oerjan> Moon_: that calls the time function to initialize the variable
23:51:15 <Moon_> `fetch http://pastebin.com/raw/wGAUV3ER
23:51:18 <HackEgo> 2016-04-28 22:51:16 URL:http://pastebin.com/raw/wGAUV3ER [1199] -> "wGAUV3ER" [1]
23:51:37 <Moon_> can you compile that as bin/Something?
23:51:57 <oerjan> Moon_: hm i think the use of t in that link is nonsense, you could just as well pass in 0
23:52:14 <oerjan> `` gcc -x c -o bin/Something wGAUV3ER
23:52:42 <Moon_> `something fbgfxgvfgfvhdvbhgd
23:52:44 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: something: not found
23:52:51 <Moon_> `Something fbgfxgvfgfvhdvbhgd
23:53:34 <Moon_> `` echo fvbgfgbhvz | Something 'fbgfxgvfgfvhdvbhgd'
23:53:40 <Moon_> `` echo fvbgfgbhvz | Something 'fbgfxgvfgfvhdvbhgd'
23:53:43 <Moon_> `` echo fvbgfgbhvz | Something 'fbgfxgvfgfvhdvbhgd'
23:53:50 <Moon_> Something works right
23:54:03 <Moon_> 'Anything is a Something program'
23:54:32 <Moon_> `` echo fvbgfgbhvz | Something 'Anything is a Something program'
23:55:37 <Moon_> `` echo fvbgfgbhvz | Something 'Anything is a Something program'
23:55:59 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: dos2unix: not found
23:56:29 <Moon_> `` echo fvbgfgbhvz | Something 'Anything is a Something program'
23:56:35 <Moon_> `` echo fvbgfgbhvz | Something 'Anything is a Something program'\
23:56:40 <Moon_> `` echo fvbgfgbhvz | Something 'Anything is a Something program'
23:56:43 <Moon_> `` echo fvbgfgbhvz | Something 'Anything is a Something program'
23:56:45 <Moon_> `` echo fvbgfgbhvz | Something 'Anything is a Something program'
23:57:03 <Moon_> `` echo fvbgfgbhvz | Something 'Including itself!'
23:57:06 <Moon_> `` echo fvbgfgbhvz | Something 'Including itself!'
23:57:16 <Moon_> `` echo fvbgfgbhvz | Something 'ghytghfbjg6vytffetkvjhbsudfbncuwareghjkcuajzfjtdkgvhbfjhrgatbickny'
23:57:20 <Moon_> `` echo fvbgfgbhvz | Something 'ghytghfbjg6vytffetkvjhbsudfbncuwareghjkcuajzfjtdkgvhbfjhrgatbickny'
23:57:44 <Moon_> `` echo fvbgfgbhvz | Something 'ghytghfbjg6vytffetkvjhbsudfbncuwareghjkcuajzfjtdkgvhbfjhrgatbickny'
23:59:22 <Moon_> `` echo fvbgfgbhvz | Something 'CAN I HAZ somethinginterp? K THX BYE'