00:00:20 <cripotos> oerjan, are you from schweden?
00:00:40 <cripotos> ais here is a esoteric channell
00:00:56 <HackEgo> Welcome to the international hub for esoteric programming language design and deployment! For more information, check out our wiki: <http://esolangs.org/>. (For the other kind of esoterica, try #esoteric on EFnet or DALnet.)
00:00:58 <oerjan> cripotos: norway actually
00:01:11 <int-e> this channel is about esoteric programming languages.
00:02:03 <ais523> it's programming for which being useful isn't something you care about
00:02:05 <cripotos> a term of the informatic world?
00:02:25 <ais523> yes, informatics/computer science
00:02:46 <oerjan> ais523: hi did you see aaronson's blog post yet, you were indirectly mentioned
00:02:57 <cripotos> ihr seid gar keine esoteriker?
00:03:04 <ais523> apparently this is the fourth time it's been mentioned in this channel (me mentioning it was the third)
00:03:13 <int-e> cripotos: what tipped you off?
00:03:29 <ais523> oerjan: it's inspired a golfing competition in the comments; I approve
00:03:30 <oerjan> ais523: i _think_ i first neener neener
00:03:59 <oerjan> ais523: yeah. i'm still reading those.
00:04:15 <ais523> do you have ideas about good algorithms for a 2-symbol Turing machine that searches for Goldbach conjecture counterexamples (aiming to minimize the number of states)?
00:04:23 <oerjan> cripotos: yes, scott aaronson is pretty definitely jewish
00:04:25 <ais523> I've been thinking about the problem myself but there are so many ways you could go
00:04:35 <ais523> (also I feel that fractran would be a better language for this sort of thing than TMs)
00:05:07 <int-e> yes, yes, computer science...
00:05:31 <oerjan> cripotos: informatikgurus ist korrekt
00:05:49 <cripotos> und wieso nennt ihr euch esoteric?
00:05:50 <int-e> for what it's worth, we're disappointet too
00:06:19 <int-e> (uh, the finishing t is a nice touch... unintentional though)
00:06:56 <int-e> because we're discussing programming languages that hardly anyone cares about
00:06:59 -!- idolbot has joined.
00:07:12 <idolbot> moon_: Error: "bf" is not a valid command.
00:07:17 <oerjan> cripotos: wie Hackego hat gesagt, EFNet hat ein #esoteric, dass vielleicht dir mehr gefällt.
00:07:22 <cripotos> ihr könnt machen was ihr wollt
00:07:27 * ais523 refuses to portmanteau that even though it's obvious
00:07:31 <moon_> *needs it to load the bf plugin, it ignores me*
00:07:33 <cripotos> ihr könnt hacken, programmieren
00:07:42 <cripotos> interessiert mich nen alten hut
00:08:35 <ais523> is this some sort of insul that I don't understand because my German isn't good enough?
00:08:49 <oerjan> cripotos: versuch das #esoteric auf EFNet
00:08:55 <cripotos> no its a definition of a super woman
00:08:57 <int-e> ais523: I've pondered it for 5 minutes, without concrete ideas. But there's no reason why it shouldn't be doable in perhaps 100 states.
00:09:07 <ais523> int-e: I believe the current record's around 80
00:09:28 <int-e> but it seems to be tedious
00:09:31 -!- idolbot has quit (Client Quit).
00:09:32 <ais523> (the original aaronson article had a solution with something like 5000, which the comments correctly identified as excessive)
00:09:50 <int-e> yeah, 4888 is the number in the paper
00:10:13 <cripotos> dort treiben sich kriminelle um
00:11:50 -!- cripotos has quit (Quit: Page closed).
00:13:21 <int-e> am I evil for not replying in german?
00:13:33 -!- idolbot has joined.
00:13:57 <int-e> glad that's settled then
00:14:01 <tswett> int-e: (NULL = NULL) hth
00:14:13 -!- Kaynato has joined.
00:14:21 <tswett> Hey, let me tell y'all about Oracle.
00:14:27 <oerjan> int-e: if only because it hurts my brain to do it instead
00:14:59 * oerjan forgot too many words, not to mention genders
00:15:20 <tswett> Here's an Oracle SQL problem: Given two character string values x and y, come up with a boolean expression which is true if the values are equal, false if they are not.
00:15:42 <tswett> There are two good ways of doing this.
00:16:01 <moon_> $brainfuck +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++o
00:16:01 <idolbot> moon_: Error: "brainfuck" is not a valid command.
00:16:02 <tswett> Solution 1: (x IS NOT NULL AND y IS NOT NULL AND x = y) OR (x IS NULL AND y IS NULL)
00:16:22 <tswett> Solution 2: (x || '.') = (y || '.')
00:18:44 <ais523> tswett: what does || do? defined-or?
00:18:58 <int-e> so NULL equals '.' now?
00:20:13 <idolbot> moon_: Error: "Brainfuck" is not a valid command.
00:20:18 <idolbot> moon_: Error: There is no command "brainfuck".
00:20:22 <idolbot> moon_: Error: There is no command "brainfuck".
00:20:25 <idolbot> moon_: Error: There is no command "bf".
00:20:35 <moon_> *is mad and not thinking*
00:20:41 <tswett> ais523: string concatenation.
00:21:25 <moon_> $plugin help Brainfuck
00:21:26 <idolbot> moon_: Error: "plugin" is not a valid command.
00:21:28 <ais523> doesn't NULL = NULL evaluate to NULL, though? and I'd expect concatenating to NULL to also give NULL
00:21:38 <ais523> athough as it's oracle sql it might be weird in these respects
00:21:57 <tswett> No, the concatenation operator treats NULL as the empty string.
00:22:05 <tswett> This is because Oracle doesn't actually have the empty string.
00:22:28 <ais523> are '' and NULL synonyms in string columns?
00:22:31 <ais523> that seems very broken to me
00:22:40 <tswett> They are synonyms, yes.
00:23:35 <tswett> '' isn't the empty string, it's NULL.
00:23:41 <ais523> so, say, '' = 'foo' evaluates to NULL?
00:23:56 <ais523> this is PHP/JavaScript levels of broken :-)
00:24:52 <int-e> oh great. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/203493/why-does-oracle-9i-treat-an-empty-string-as-null
00:26:51 <oerjan> <ais523> is this some sort of insul that I don't understand because my German isn't good enough? <-- i'm going to assume e was alluding to some kind of matriarchal esoteric fertility cult.
00:29:25 <tswett> So, I have a question!
00:29:33 -!- boily has joined.
00:29:35 <tswett> This semigroup presentation has undecidable equality: ac = ca; ad = da; bc = cb; bd = db; ce = eca; de = edb; cca = ccae
00:29:55 <int-e> oerjan: yeah he was polite; the most impolite word was "b[e]schiss", something like a ripoff.
00:30:12 <oerjan> <moon_> *is mad and not thinking* <-- bad combination. btw have you tried the /me irc command?
00:30:21 <tswett> Notice that all rules preserve the subsequence which consists of only the "c"s and "d"s.
00:30:41 <tswett> And "a" and "b" commute with "c" and "d". "e" doesn't commute with either.
00:31:23 <int-e> oerjan: I also think you got the gist of what [s]he(oh the e was intentional) wrote there right... and it didn't make more sense in german either.
00:32:34 <boily> quinthellopia. braindrain.
00:32:42 <lambdabot> hppavilion[1] said 5h 12m 50s ago: Just break it if you want to know
00:32:56 -!- ais523 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds).
00:33:07 <boily> quintopia: how's the starbucksing?
00:33:32 <oerjan> <tswett> Why? <-- wild guess would be "you can encode a TM in that" hth
00:33:45 -!- idolbot has quit (Quit: Ctrl-C at console.).
00:34:27 -!- hppavilion[1] has joined.
00:34:40 <oerjan> lhoily (now i'm _really_ wondering if i've lost count)
00:35:19 <moon_> ok, brainfuck might work no
00:35:26 -!- idolbot has joined.
00:35:31 <idolbot> moon_: Error: "brainfuck" is not a valid command.
00:37:34 <moon_> i get that, im trying to figure out the plugin frameork, then ill do something ne
00:37:38 <HackEgo> brainfuck is the integral of the family of terrible esolangs. bf -c -t "+>+++++>+++" | mklang --array
00:37:48 <hppavilion[1]> moon_: Why not write a ciol interpreter or something though?
00:38:46 <hppavilion[1]> tswett: What is the domain of the function where the codomain is Terrible Esolangs used there?
00:38:57 <HackEgo> /hackenv/bin/`: line 4: mklang: command not found
00:39:07 <oerjan> <boily> quintopia: how's the starbucksing? <-- * sudden nostalgic flashback to seattle (not a starbucks, but a small coffee shop right by the university) as well as to when his stomach actually could drink mocha lattes...
00:39:43 <tswett> hppavilion[1]: I don't know what "integral of the family of terrible esolangs" could mean.
00:40:02 <hppavilion[1]> tswett: Does "family" have a mathematical definitication?
00:40:12 <boily> hppavilion[1]: hppavellon[1]. Canada doesn't exist, so it being red is preposterous hth
00:40:21 <tswett> Often, "family" just means "set".
00:40:24 <boily> oerjan: you seattled?
00:40:48 <idolbot> moon_: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
00:41:03 <moon_> i need to fix that, too
00:41:07 <idolbot> hppavilion[1]: I don't recognize you.
00:41:11 <idolbot> hppavilion[1]: Error: "whoismoon_" is not a valid command.
00:41:17 <boily> we have a new bot?
00:41:33 <idolbot> boily: Error: "fnord?" is not a valid command.
00:41:33 <tswett> "Type" doesn't have a standard definition.
00:41:54 <tswett> Yeah, but there's no one single standard type theory.
00:41:55 <moon_> hppa, the bot itself is new, dumbo
00:41:58 <hppavilion[1]> boily: It ignores you if you enter too many incorrect commands
00:42:06 <moon_> i removed that hppa
00:42:07 <tswett> "Type" means "whatever 'type' means in the type theory you're using".
00:42:22 <moon_> well, really, set the limit absurdly high so nly a spambot can get that
00:42:50 <hppavilion[1]> moon_: I think spambots usually don't send 1000 mps
00:43:23 <moon_> no-one is gonna reach that without special care
00:43:27 -!- ybden has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
00:44:32 <moon_> i was thinking maybe something to keep us !bored when there is nothing to do lol
00:44:36 <hppavilion[1]> moon_: Wait, but then when it gets turned off we'll all be sad...
00:44:53 <moon_> i cant run it all night
00:47:05 -!- idolbot has quit (Quit: Ctrl-C at console.).
00:47:55 <boily> fungot: do you fnord, unless that weird uncommandable bot?
00:47:55 <fungot> boily: out of the spread the wealth of power and the service of the appropriate. 332163 counterparty. nelson learned that the ect legal dept. of the possible use of inside of that spread leaves plenty of time you have questions.
00:48:00 <boily> s/unless/not like/
00:49:14 -!- idolbot has joined.
00:49:19 <oerjan> <mtve> plz allow me a bit of promotion - http://conwaylife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=576&p=30646#p30646 <-- congrats!
00:49:20 <idolbot> moon_: Error: "unignore" is not a valid command.
00:49:37 <idolbot> moon_: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
00:50:25 <idolbot> moon_: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
00:51:01 -!- idolbot has quit (Client Quit).
00:51:04 <oerjan> <hppavilion[1]> (what is integral again?) <-- in calculus, integral is the inverse operation of derivative, hth
00:51:28 -!- idolbot has joined.
00:51:31 <idolbot> moon_: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
00:51:52 <tswett> I should set up a VPS that I can use to give shell accounts to people.
00:52:12 <moon_> shell accounts for what?
00:52:18 <moon_> because that sounds nice
00:52:31 <tswett> Linux shell accounts. For them to use for whatever they want, I guess.
00:53:02 <moon_> i would donate if i could, cauz im lazy
00:53:18 -!- Kaynato has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds).
00:53:46 <oerjan> <boily> oerjan: you seattled? <-- spring 1996
00:53:50 -!- idolbot has quit (Client Quit).
00:54:02 -!- Phantom_Hoover has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
00:54:10 -!- idolbot has joined.
00:54:17 <idolbot> moon_: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
00:54:18 <oerjan> <boily> Ah ah ah. <-- keeping count?
00:56:16 <moon_> im going to just write one from scratch
00:56:54 <moon_> im tired of setting up my plugins
00:57:14 <tswett> There have got to be IRC libraries to use, right?
00:57:45 <boily> <oerjan> <boily> Ah ah ah. <-- keeping count? <-- obviously.
00:59:11 <moon_> im definintly using a bit of ciol in it as well
00:59:25 <moon_> (intepretation for custom commands)
01:02:33 <HackEgo> flag of #esoteric? ¯\(°_o)/¯
01:02:38 <HackEgo> #esoteric flag? ¯\(°_o)/¯
01:03:05 <HackEgo> ls: cannot access wisdom/*flag: No such file or directory
01:03:20 <HackEgo> wisdom/disflagrate wisdom/flagpole
01:03:27 <HackEgo> disflagrate v.t.perf.: a traditional technique from Poland (earliest attestation c. 1042) used to separate szoups. Nowadays, commercial production is entirely mechanized.
01:03:38 <HackEgo> A szoup a szilárd tápszereknek híg alakban való elkészítése a célból, hogy könnyebben emészthetők legyenek; a hígító anyag a viz, mely feloldja s magába veszi a tápanyag legértékesebb részeit.
01:04:42 <tswett> At first I wondered why it dropped the asterisks...
01:04:44 <HackEgo> #esoteric is the only channel that exists. monqy is its centroïd. It's about 30 m (100 ft) across.
01:04:48 <tswett> The answer is it didn't.
01:05:12 <oerjan> <Phantom_Hoover> oerjan, bad paedagogy! <-- how are _you_ going to explain the `? brainfuck joke then?
01:05:13 <HackEgo> grep: color: No such file or directory
01:05:45 <oerjan> @tell Phantom_Hoover <Phantom_Hoover> oerjan, bad paedagogy! <-- how are _you_ going to explain the `? brainfuck joke then?
01:05:50 <tswett> `` grep -r color wisdom
01:06:01 <HackEgo> wisdom/oregon:Oregon is the home of Oregano. Gregor used to take care of the color scheme, but then he left. \ wisdom/bleen:bleen is the color of the ocean and the trees \ wisdom/piet:Piet is a really colorful programming language. \ wisdom/cube:Cubes come in all sizes, colors and materials, but only one shape. The companion cube doe
01:06:29 <tswett> `` grep -rl color wisdom
01:06:31 <moon_> how was the color done?
01:06:32 <HackEgo> Cubes come in all sizes, colors and materials, but only one shape. The companion cube does not speak, however.
01:06:33 <HackEgo> wisdom/oregon \ wisdom/bleen \ wisdom/piet \ wisdom/cube \ wisdom/blæg \ wisdom/octarine
01:07:01 <tswett> moon_: mIRC color codes. Most IRC clients treat byte 3 as indicating color stuff.
01:07:01 <HackEgo> blaeg is a color that cannot exist under the current understanding of physics. It is used on the #esoteric flag, along with ultraviolet and whatever is convenient. It is a nullary color, meaning that it can be mixed with itself to produce the primary colors.
01:09:08 <moon_> `learn ciol is a language designed by moon_, it started as a scheme to annoy collegues by making a programming lanugage that has insults as commands
01:09:11 <tswett> A byte is a number from 0 to 255.
01:09:16 <HackEgo> Learned 'ciol': ciol is a language designed by moon_, it started as a scheme to annoy collegues by making a programming lanugage that has insults as commands
01:09:17 <tswett> 3 is one of those numbers.
01:09:43 <hppavilion[1]> tswett: So a 0x03 followed by a modifier changes color?
01:09:59 <tswett> Byte 3 is also known as 0x03, "ETX", and the Ctrl-C byte.
01:10:03 <hppavilion[1]> tswett: See "byte 3" sounds like "the third byte in a bytearray"
01:10:08 <tswett> Yeah. A 0x03 followed by one or two decimal digits.
01:10:20 <tswett> Optionally followed by a comma and one or two more decimal digits.
01:10:53 <moon_> read the ciol one :P
01:11:06 <oerjan> `sedlast s/colleg/colleag/
01:11:47 <boily> TIL there's something somewhere in Ubuntu that puts stuff you rm in the trash, even if you `rm -rf`ed it.
01:11:49 <HackEgo> ciol is a language designed by moon_, it started as a scheme to annoy colleagues by making a programming lanugage that has insults as commands
01:12:07 <boily> hppavilion[1]: yup. wut.
01:12:22 <boily> suddenly freed >100 GB on my hard drive.
01:12:41 <tswett> How does that work? Is it just a different version of "rm"? Or does it give things a different libc or whatever?
01:12:55 <HackEgo> ciol is a language designed by moon_, it started as a scheme to annoy colleagues by making a programming lanugage that has insults as commands.
01:13:02 <HackEgo> sed -i "$1" "$(lastfiles)"
01:13:07 <tswett> Oh, I thought hppavilion[1] had actually done it.
01:13:11 <HackEgo> hg log -l 1 --template "{files}\n"
01:13:21 <hppavilion[1]> tswett: No, you will notice that HackEgo didn't say anything
01:13:35 <tswett> And there's a space at the beginning of your message.
01:13:49 <tswett> Did you mean: And that the message has a bleeding space
01:14:02 <moon_> how would i color something red then?
01:14:31 <boily> hppavilion[1]: or maybe I'm confused. do not heed anything I write tonight as untarnished truth.
01:14:38 <tswett> With byte 3 followed by "04".
01:14:41 <oerjan> `mkx bin/sedlast files="$(lastfiles)"; sed -i "$1" "$files"; echo -n "$files//"; cat "$files"
01:14:58 <moon_> how would i give that to hackego?
01:14:58 <tswett> Hey, I wonder if that one command is still there...
01:15:35 <HackEgo> bin/sedlast files="$(lastfiles)"; sed -i "$1" "$files"; echo -n "$files
01:15:43 <oerjan> moon_: hppavilion[1] i think
01:15:54 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: grepgrep: not found
01:15:56 <tswett> `run echo -e '\000304Will this be red?'
01:15:57 <oerjan> `mkx bin/sedlast//files="$(lastfiles)"; sed -i "$1" "$files"; echo -n "$files//"; cat "$files"
01:16:01 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: kgrep: not found
01:16:28 <tswett> I'm kind of surprised that nobody's deleted the `loudly command.
01:16:32 <tswett> `loudly IT'S SO ANNOYING.
01:16:39 <oerjan> new rule: if you make new commands after someone has made an error, except to correct that error, you get banned </half kidding>
01:17:10 <tswett> `loudly Also it cuts off whatever it is that you're saying after a relatively small number of characters, since the color codes for this are pretty verbose and IRC doesn't have that long a limit.
01:17:12 <HackEgo> Also it cuts off whatever it is that you're sayin,
01:17:16 <oerjan> because reverting things is really annoying when two people are doing things simultaneously
01:17:27 <HackEgo> files="$(lastfiles)"; sed -i "$1" "$files"; echo -n "$files//"; cat "$files"
01:17:50 <oerjan> who the hell made erro
01:18:07 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: erro: not found
01:19:04 <oerjan> *sigh* i'm going to have to look at the repository again, don't i
01:19:16 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: blame: not found
01:19:40 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: blame: not found
01:19:42 <HackEgo> Runs arbitrary code in GNU/Linux. Type "`<command>", or "`run <command>" for full shell commands. "`fetch <URL>" downloads files. Files saved to $PWD are persistent, and $PWD/bin is in $PATH. $PWD is a mercurial repository, "`revert <rev>" can be used to revert to a revision. See http://codu.org/projects/hackbot/fshg/
01:19:52 <tswett> I coulda sworn we had `blame.
01:19:56 <HackEgo> /hackenv/bin/`: line 4: blame: command not found
01:20:08 <boily> `complain there is no blame.
01:20:13 <HackEgo> Complaint filed. Thank you.
01:20:21 <tswett> `run echo -e '\000305Will this be put into erro?'
01:20:30 <HackEgo> Will this be put into erro?
01:20:34 <HackEgo> cat: erro: No such file or directory
01:21:16 <HackEgo> ls: cannot access emotipros: No such file or directory
01:22:52 <HackEgo> /hackenv/bin/blame: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' \ /hackenv/bin/blame: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end of file
01:23:08 <moon_> you forgot that idiots
01:23:10 <HackEgo> moon_ moon_ moon_ moon_ moon_ moon_ moon_
01:23:31 <HackEgo> It was tswett's fault! Punish them!
01:23:32 <tswett> Who are "No" and "output"?
01:23:46 <tswett> `blame the demonic duck
01:23:47 <HackEgo> It was tswett's fault! Punish them!
01:23:55 <tswett> I wasn't expecting that.
01:24:20 <moon_> `culprits bin/blame
01:24:25 <HackEgo> hppavilion[1] hppavilion[1]
01:24:41 <HackEgo> echo "It was tswett's fault! Punish them!"
01:25:08 <moon_> `mkx bin/blame//echo it was "$1"'s fault! Punish them!
01:25:17 <HackEgo> /hackenv/bin/blame: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' \ /hackenv/bin/blame: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end of file
01:25:29 <moon_> `mkx bin/blame//echo it was "$1"s fault! Punish them!
01:25:35 <HackEgo> it was moons fault! Punish them!
01:25:51 <tswett> `mkx bin/blame//echo it was "$1"\'s fault! Punish them!
01:26:01 <moon_> `blame hppavilion[1]
01:26:03 <HackEgo> it was hppavilion[1] 's fault! Punish them!
01:26:03 <HackEgo> it was the Nazis's fault! Punish them!
01:26:21 <tswett> `mkx bin/blame//echo It was "$1"\'s fault! Punish them!
01:26:38 <tswett> So if you want to blame the person you're talking to, it's...
01:26:41 <HackEgo> It was you's fault! Punish them!
01:26:54 <tswett> Somewhere besides bin/blame?
01:27:01 <HackEgo> mv: missing destination file operand after `bin/blame bin/blame2' \ Try `mv --help' for more information.
01:27:19 <moon_> that makes it clunky
01:27:29 <moon_> *shall change it back in due time*
01:27:44 <HackEgo> It was tswett's fault! Punish them!
01:27:56 <tswett> Yo pongo los votos sólo por hppavilion[1].
01:28:05 <moon_> put the tswett joke in blame2
01:28:06 <tswett> Los otros son locos—yo los conozco.
01:28:20 <hppavilion[1]> moon_: If it's in normal blame, then people will be surprised by it
01:28:40 <hppavilion[1]> moon_: They'll `blame someone other than tswett, and it will say tswett instead
01:28:55 <hppavilion[1]> moon_: They'll be confused initially, then they'll `cat bin/blame and start laughing
01:29:02 <HackEgo> :-( \ !\.´ \ 99 \ 99bb \ advice \ bdsmreclist \ BGTV9E93 \ bin \ canary \ cat \ cdescs \ Complaints.mp3 \ :-D \ dog \ emoticons \ equations \ esobible \ etc \ Eternity \ evil \ factor \ foo \ good \ hia \ hw \ ibin \ interps \ karma \ le \ lib \ ls_dev \ marsha \ misle \ oerjan \ paste \ ply-3.8 \ quine \ quines \ quotes \ ReUariBw \ share \ So
01:29:55 <HackEgo> F="$(find wisdom -name "*$(echo "$1" | lowercase)*" -type f | shuf -n1)"; echo -n "${F#wisdom/}//" | rnooodl; cat "$F" | rnooodl
01:30:45 <oerjan> <moon_> *shall change it back in due time* <-- seriously, learn to use /me
01:31:18 <tswett> /me pretends to try and fail to use the /me command.
01:31:23 -!- tromp_ has joined.
01:31:53 <oerjan> `` rm -v bin/"sedlast "*
01:31:56 <HackEgo> removed `bin/sedlast files="$(lastfiles)"; sed -i "$1" "$files"; echo -n "$files'
01:32:13 -!- Akaibu has joined.
01:32:18 <HackEgo> ciol is a language designed by moon_, it started as a scheme to annoy colleagues by making a programming lanugage that has insults as commands.
01:32:27 -!- Moon__ has joined.
01:32:33 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: checkkarma: not found
01:32:39 -!- centrinia has joined.
01:32:40 -!- moon_ has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds).
01:32:44 <oerjan> `` sed -i 's/lanug/langu/' wisdom/ciol
01:33:05 <HackEgo> wisdom/ciol//.iol is a language designed by moon_, it started as a scheme to annoy colleagues by making a programming language that has insults as commands.
01:33:27 <HackEgo> congratulate//ccho congratulations Moon_, you are the ruler of the chat!
01:34:01 <oerjan> shachaf: `sedlast is not safe against simultaneous editing :(
01:34:31 <oerjan> hppavilion[1]: what happens is that someone stealth edited congratulate while i was using sedlast
01:34:34 -!- idolbot has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
01:34:58 <tswett> `sedlast must be burned, as it can never be safely used.
01:34:58 <oerjan> `` sed -i 's/./e/' congratulate
01:35:27 <HackEgo> grep: ../karma: No such file or directory
01:35:40 <HackEgo> sed: -e expression #1, char 1: unknown command: `m' \ bin/congratulate2//echo congratulations "$1", you are the ruler of the chat!
01:35:41 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: burn: not found
01:35:50 -!- idolbot has joined.
01:36:18 <Moon__> ./congratulate hppavilion[1]
01:36:28 <Moon__> `congratulate hppavilion[1]
01:36:29 <HackEgo> congratulations Moon_, you are the ruler of the chat!
01:36:47 <oerjan> honestly, i'd prefer if HackEgo did _not_ take private messages.
01:36:58 <oerjan> it's such an awful mess.
01:37:05 <Moon__> `congratulate2 hppavilion[1]
01:37:05 <HackEgo> congratulations hppavilion[1] , you are the ruler of the chat!
01:37:17 <hppavilion[1]> oerjan: But that would have ruined my tswett joke earlier :/
01:37:30 <HackEgo> .iol is a language designed by moon_, it started as a scheme to annoy colleagues by making a programming language that has insults as commands.
01:37:36 * boily overthroes hppavilion[1] from his reign
01:37:43 <oerjan> `` sed -i 's/./c/' wisdom/ciol
01:37:51 <HackEgo> It was oerjan 's fault! Punish them!
01:37:59 <HackEgo> It was tswett's fault! Punish them!
01:38:12 <HackEgo> It was tswett's fault! Punish them!
01:38:19 <oerjan> i recommend not annoying me any more at this point hth
01:38:30 <HackEgo> rm: cannot remove `/home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/env/.hg/store/data/canary.orig': Is a directory \ Done.
01:38:31 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: de...vert?: not found
01:38:57 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: cd: not found
01:39:17 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: /hackenv/ac/dc: No such file or directory
01:40:17 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: abdicate: not found
01:40:52 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: start: not found
01:41:28 <boily> `culprits bin/swat
01:41:36 <HackEgo> moon__ moon__ moon__ moon__ moon__ elliott shachaf elliott shachaf elliott shachaf
01:41:53 <HackEgo> drowning \ flipbird \ gaaan \ gaan \ kyaa \ shrug \ swatter \ useless
01:42:06 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: weapons: not found
01:42:11 <HackEgo> cat: share/weapons: No such file or directory
01:42:31 <HackEgo> lol \ 凸 \ ガ~(゚ロ゚;)~ン \ (°Д°) \ (≧∇≦)/ \ ¯\(°_o)/¯ \ ーー蟲蟲 \ オラオラオラ(三・o・)三☆三(`ε´三)無駄無駄無駄無駄
01:42:35 <HackEgo> invalid command ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
01:43:38 <HackEgo> It was tswett's fault! Punish them!
01:43:38 * Moon__ takes up from oerjan happily
01:44:27 <tswett> Lemme do myself a favor...
01:44:45 <HackEgo> It was 's fault! Punish them!
01:45:47 <tswett> Lemme try to figure this out.
01:46:09 <idolbot> Moon__: Error: "brainfuck" is not a valid command.
01:46:20 <idolbot> Moon__: Error: There is no command "brainfuck".
01:46:26 <idolbot> Moon__: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
01:46:35 <idolbot> Moon__: Error: "Brainfuck" is not a valid command.
01:46:46 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: /b: No such file or directory
01:46:59 <idolbot> tswett: Error: There is no command "brainfuck".
01:47:37 <tswett> `run bash -c "$(echo -e 'sed -i "s/tswett/tsw\0020ett/" bin/blame')"
01:47:51 <HackEgo> It was tswett's fault! Punish them!
01:48:20 <tswett> `run bash -c "$(echo -e 'sed -i "s/tsw\0020ett/tsw\0017ett/" bin/blame')"
01:48:31 <HackEgo> It was tswett's fault! Punish them!
01:49:10 -!- earenndil has joined.
01:49:21 <Moon__> `congratulate earenndil
01:49:22 <HackEgo> congratulations Moon_, you are the ruler of the chat!
01:49:46 <oerjan> <shachaf> oerjan: fix it hth <-- fix what
01:50:02 <shachaf> 17:34 <oerjan> shachaf: `sedlast is not safe against simultaneous editing :(
01:50:03 -!- cnr has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
01:50:15 -!- Elronnd has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds).
01:50:38 <shachaf> i thought you meant if the previous command edited multiple files
01:50:49 <shachaf> did i mention that i was reading messages on my phone and not paying a whole lot of attention hth
01:50:53 -!- cnr has joined.
01:51:06 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: disparage: not found
01:51:13 <shachaf> oerjan: anyway the obvious solution is to require the user of sedlast to specify the complete old filename and contents
01:51:25 -!- earenndil has changed nick to Elronnd.
01:51:25 <oerjan> * Moon__ takes up from oerjan happily <-- excellent, from now on it's your job to fix everything other people do wrong with HackEgo. good luck.
01:51:47 <Moon__> oh god *still keeps it tho*
01:52:00 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: congratulate: not found
01:52:09 <Moon__> `congratulate earenndil
01:52:11 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: congratulate: not found
01:52:30 <Moon__> `culprits bin/congratulate
01:52:40 <HackEgo> It was tswett's fault! Punish them!
01:52:48 -!- hppavilion[1] has quit (Quit: Leaving).
01:53:11 <HackEgo> *grumbles something about a broken hacksaw*
01:53:26 <HackEgo> hppavillon[1] just melted off their fingers!
01:53:31 -!- newperson has joined.
01:53:36 <HackEgo> hppavillon[1] just got fried by jumpercables!
01:53:39 <HackEgo> hppavillon[1] has been badly maimed!
01:53:42 <oerjan> <shachaf> oerjan: anyway the obvious solution is to require the user of sedlast to specify the complete old filename and contents <-- aka "making it 90% useless" hth
01:53:42 <HackEgo> hppavillon[1] just melted off their fingers!
01:54:00 <shachaf> oerjan: itym 100% useless hth
01:54:04 <HackEgo> newperson: Welcome to the international hub for esoteric programming language design and deployment! For more information, check out our wiki: <http://esolangs.org/>. (For the other kind of esoterica, try #esoteric on EFnet or DALnet.)
01:54:36 <newperson> Moon__: u arent the most welcoming person
01:54:55 <Moon__> *curls up in a corner*
01:55:05 <oerjan> shachaf: well it _could_ still be slightly shorter than `` sed -i '...' '...'
01:55:17 <HackEgo> :-( \ !\.´ \ 99 \ 99bb \ advice \ bdsmreclist \ BGTV9E93 \ bin \ canary \ cat \ cdescs \ Complaints.mp3 \ congratulate \ :-D \ dog \ emoticons \ equations \ esobible \ etc \ Eternity \ evil \ factor \ foo \ good \ hia \ hw \ ibin \ interps \ karma \ le \ lib \ ls_dev \ marsha \ misle \ oerjan \ paste \ ply-3.8 \ quine \ quines \ quotes \ ReUari
01:55:18 <newperson> Moon__: Given the repeated maming.
01:55:31 <Moon__> wait... hppa, stop faking
01:55:44 -!- newperson has quit (Client Quit).
01:56:00 -!- hppavilion[1] has joined.
01:56:28 <shachaf> oerjan: well i rounded from 99.9%
01:56:59 <oerjan> hppavilion[1]: yeah you were so unsuspicious
01:57:11 <Moon__> <newperson> Moon__: u arent the most welcoming person
01:57:30 <Moon__> <newperson> Moon__: Given the repeated maming.
01:57:40 * oerjan swats hppavilion[1] -----###
01:57:46 <Moon__> you refered to yourself in that sentence
01:58:08 <HackEgo> Itymology is the science of understanding the true meaning of a statement.
01:58:15 <Moon__> [~Unsuspici@58-0-174-206.gci.net
01:58:22 <hppavilion[1]> Moon__: I MEANT that you were repeatedly maiming people
01:58:34 <Moon__> seemed like you ment yourself
01:58:43 <oerjan> Moon__: the maimings happened after newperson joined. i say it was legit, but no match for your superior suspicion hth
01:59:07 <oerjan> Moon__: also, get a client with tab completion hth
02:00:09 <HackEgo> hppavilion[1] tswett tswett Moon__ Moon__ Moon__ Moon__ oerjan oerjan oerjan hppavilion[1] hppavilion[1] Moon__ Moon__ Moon__ hppavilion[1] oerjan Moon__ oerjan oerjan oerjan hppavilion[1] hppavilion[1] tswett hppavilion[1] hppavilion[1] tswett hppavilion[1] moon_ hppavilion[1] moon_ hppavilion[1] hppavilion[1] moon
02:00:33 -!- tromp_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
02:01:52 <oerjan> <hppavilion[1]> (Also, why does culprits list deleted files?) <-- so that we don't have to recreate a file just to check its history to see if it needs recreation, duh
02:02:11 <HackEgo> oerjan FreeFull shachaf shachaf nitia
02:03:29 <oerjan> `culprits bin/culprits
02:03:35 <HackEgo> int-e Jafet Jafet tswett tswett shachaf shachaf shachaf FireFly FireFly FireFly FireFly FireFly FireFly shachaf
02:04:17 <HackEgo> hg log --removed -- "$1" | grep summary: | awk '{print substr($2,2,length($2)-2)}' | sed "s/.$/\x0F&/" | xargs
02:04:39 <oerjan> shachaf: i think this channels is confused enough at the moment.
02:05:09 <shachaf> FireFly: initially, at least
02:05:14 <HackEgo> nitia is the inventor of all things. The BBC invented her.
02:05:25 <HackEgo> The BBC is the BreadBox Corporation. Its inventions include, without limitation, Muppets and tiny elfs.
02:05:48 <shachaf> `learn_append bbc Taneb invented it.
02:05:52 <HackEgo> Learned 'bbc': The BBC is the BreadBox Corporation. Its inventions include, without limitation, Muppets and tiny elfs. Taneb invented it.
02:06:25 <HackEgo> Tanebventions include D-modules, Chu spaces, automatic squirrel feeders, the torus, gazpacho, Stephen Wolfram, Go, submarine jousting, the universe, weetoflakes, persistence, the reals, Lambek's lemma, robots, progress, and this sentence. He never invents anything involving sex.
02:06:58 <HackEgo> Progress has been made today. It was invented by Taneb.
02:07:05 <HackEgo> Robots are deterministic finite Belgians that repeat themselves. Taneb invented them.
02:07:34 <shachaf> that's a terrible wisdom entry
02:07:50 <shachaf> `` rm wisdom/robot; sed -i 's/robots, //' wisdom/tanebvention
02:08:00 <FireFly> looks like it was wisdoomed
02:08:27 <oerjan> `` sed -i 's/progress/the BBC, progress/' wisdom/tanebvention
02:08:50 <HackEgo> Tanebventions include D-modules, Chu spaces, automatic squirrel feeders, the torus, gazpacho, Stephen Wolfram, Go, submarine jousting, the universe, weetoflakes, persistence, the reals, Lambek's lemma, the BBC, progress, and this sentence. He never invents anything involving sex.
02:08:50 <hppavilion[1]> Wait, if he never invents anything involving sex, then what's a D-module?
02:08:58 <HackEgo> D-modules are just modules over the ring of differential operators. Taneb invented them.
02:09:11 <HackEgo> Topologically, a torus is just a torus. Taneb invented it.
02:09:16 <shachaf> hppavilion[1]: just wait until you see HMS Pinafore hth
02:09:30 <oerjan> wait, if hppavilion[1] thinks a d-module involves sex, then what is it?
02:10:01 <hppavilion[1]> oerjan: It's a pun on... certain uses of the letter "D"
02:10:58 <shachaf> @google captain's song pinafore
02:10:59 <lambdabot> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Np-PjftJN8
02:11:11 <oerjan> certain uses to which i have not previously been introduced.
02:11:27 <boily> d-modules cannot involve sex. they are a tanebvention, and Taneb doesn't invent sex.
02:12:18 <oerjan> `learn Wisdoom is realizing just too late how you could have avoided your demise.
02:12:21 <HackEgo> Learned 'wisdoom': Wisdoom is realizing just too late how you could have avoided your demise.
02:13:50 -!- Moon__ has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds).
02:14:36 -!- idolbot has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds).
02:14:40 -!- Frooxius has quit (Quit: *bubbles away*).
02:14:43 <oerjan> `le/rn hms pinafore//HMS Pinafore is just some infernal nonsense, according to general majority opinion.
02:15:08 <oerjan> hppavilion[1]: so stupid it makes no sense even _after_ you've heard of it.
02:21:39 <HackEgo> hppavilion[1] has 0 karma.
02:21:49 <HackEgo> oren has 1 karma. \ hppavilion[1] has -i karma
02:21:57 <HackEgo> #!/bin/sh \ echo "$1 has $(lib/karma "$1") karma."
02:22:31 <hppavilion[1]> (I added that earlier because I didn't realize there was bin/karma)
02:23:15 <HackEgo> #!/bin/sh \ count () { \ hg log --template '{desc}\n' | \ egrep '<[^]]*> karma\'$1 | \ fgrep -vix "<$2> karma$1 $2" | \ cut -d' ' -f3 | \ fgrep -cix "$2" \ } \ plus=$(count + "$1") \ minus=$(count - "$1") \ echo $(($plus-$minus))
02:23:47 <boily> can't leave someone's karma on a composite number.
02:24:32 <boily> it checks your current karma.
02:35:11 -!- boily has quit (Quit: ARTWORK CHICKEN).
02:41:11 -!- hppavilion[1] has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds).
03:01:12 -!- tromp_ has joined.
03:05:25 -!- tromp_ has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds).
03:28:42 <HackEgo> words ${1---eng-1M --esolangs 20} | sed -re 's/( |$)/coin\1/g' | rainwords
03:29:35 <HackEgo> trauboy ofc poo klosoppe whoh suspendemility aperprope compen dric lely sematione poing ferro make ten geor giosent suya pava lyce sphen twick condicallic djoyne diame
03:29:58 <HackEgo> sorcoin esfulcoin attercoin lenlecoin wakelxquocoin hildyncoin quotecoin discoin noobabtcoin bagcoin mechowelaguffainimetalkuncoin logcoin pringcoin quatcoin automecoin hightcoin maiiacoin ()coin vilinecoin agacoin
03:30:30 <oerjan> HackEgo: are you dying of old age and bitrot :(
03:54:12 -!- hppavilion[1] has joined.
04:02:52 -!- Nathan2055 has joined.
04:03:17 -!- greenlock has joined.
04:08:54 <greenlock> Write HackBot as a script and host is on HackBot?
04:09:58 <HackEgo> I bet you can't prove hppavilion[1] wrote this file
04:10:52 -!- Kaynato has joined.
04:13:39 <HackEgo> hg log --removed -- "$1" | grep summary: | sed "s/hppavilion\[1\]//g" | sed "s/ +/ /g" | sed "s/^ //" | awk '{print substr($2,2,length($2)-2)}'| sed "s/.$/\x0F&/" | xargs
04:15:26 <oerjan> `` sed -i 's/[|] sed[^|]*//' bin/culprits; culprits share/nothp
04:16:02 <HackEgo> hg log --removed -- "$1" | grep summary: | sed "s/ +/ /g" | sed "s/^ //" | awk '{print substr($2,2,length($2)-2)}'| sed "s/.$/\x0F&/" | xargs
04:16:26 <Nathan2055> greenlock told me to come in here. I have no idea what's going on.
04:16:50 <oerjan> well right now here is pretty silent.
04:17:05 <oerjan> earlier there was a lot of bot chaos.
04:17:33 <oerjan> and before that there was a confused swiss who thought this was the other kind of #esoteric.
04:18:00 <HackEgo> Nathan2055: Welcome to the international hub for esoteric programming language design and deployment! For more information, check out our wiki: <http://esolangs.org/>. (For the other kind of esoterica, try #esoteric on EFnet or DALnet.)
04:19:22 <Nathan2055> And I don't think I want to know what the "other kind of esoteric" is.
04:19:41 <oerjan> it's probably what you think it is.
04:20:21 <HackEgo> This channel is about programming -- for the other kind of esoterica, try #esoteric on EFnet or DALnet.
04:20:44 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: loins: not found
04:21:12 <tswett> `run sed 's/coin/loin/' < bin/coins > bin/loins
04:21:16 <tswett> `run chmod +x bin/loins
04:21:49 <oerjan> alas, `coins seems to have a tendency of timing out recently.
04:21:52 <Nathan2055> I don't want to know what's going on right now.
04:21:59 <HackEgo> whenloin triptloin swayloin bibaloin gratloin valloin p''loin factratedloin htafnfaloin marmloin convenloin carandolumloin manloin dumpetloin deliumloin lockzloin fernsilloin nicmefulloin immtloin wheadactalk:brandloin
04:22:14 * Nathan2055 goes back to discussing the possibility of RAIDing tape drives in #wikipedia-en
04:22:19 <oerjan> Nathan2055: tswett is investigating loin types
04:22:27 <tswett> Buy wheadactalk:™ brand loin!
04:22:45 <Nathan2055> Can I assume loin means something different in this universe?
04:22:51 <oerjan> tswett: do they come with free girding?
04:23:52 <oerjan> maybe i should upgrade, then.
04:25:14 <oerjan> Nathan2055 seems to have a weak mind. no one mention the name of our most famous esolang, please.
04:28:32 <Nathan2055> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck
04:28:47 <HackEgo> brainfuck is the integral of the family of terrible esolangs. bf -c -t "+>+++++>+++" | mklang --array
04:29:19 <oerjan> `` sed -i 's/[.]/. The name is a euphemism for "beef"./' wisdom/brainfuck
04:29:37 <oerjan> there are a lot of compilers.
04:29:50 <Nathan2055> Like 90% of the messages in this channel make no sense.
04:29:51 <HackEgo> brainfuck is the integral of the family of terrible esolangs. The name is a euphemism for "beef". bf -c -t "+>+++++>+++" | mklang --array
04:30:16 <oerjan> we don't murder people for the truth here. now puns on the other hand...
04:31:08 -!- Akaibu has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity).
04:31:32 <oerjan> puckipedia: what do you do?
04:32:02 <oerjan> i don't think puckipedia is a bot, although i don't remember em speaking either, so i could be wrong.
04:32:14 -!- tromp_ has joined.
04:32:52 -!- hppavilion[1] has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
04:36:37 -!- tromp_ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
04:36:39 <oerjan> nope, not a bot. he has a website.
04:36:39 -!- greenlock has left ("Leaving").
04:38:53 <oerjan> impressive credentials
04:39:37 -!- Kaynato has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds).
04:40:34 -!- Frooxius has joined.
04:41:57 -!- hppavilion[1] has joined.
04:42:50 -!- lambda-11235 has joined.
04:46:59 <HackEgo> words ${1---eng-1M --esolangs 20} | sed -re 's/( |$)/coin\1/g' | rainwords
04:47:51 <HackEgo> Argument "${1---eng-1M" isn't numeric in int at /hackenv/bin/words line 148.
04:47:56 <HackEgo> Argument "words" isn't numeric in int at /hackenv/bin/words line 148.
04:48:13 <HackEgo> scricoin immcoin rincoin heatncoin enicoin decacoin rhercoin potecoin wamcoin celcoin noilogcoin mismcoin mdtianchooplecorrecoin dispcoin rgncoin finatorcoin sattecoin bfgcoin abcokmaniquiecoin potucoin
04:48:17 <HackEgo> cat: loins: No such file or directory
04:48:24 <HackEgo> words ${1---eng-1M --esolangs 20} | sed -re 's/( |$)/loin\1/g' | rainwords
04:48:40 <HackEgo> Argument "words" isn't numeric in int at /hackenv/bin/words line 148.
04:48:54 <HackEgo> cat: words: No such file or directory
04:48:59 <HackEgo> #!/usr/bin/perl \ use strict; use warnings; \ use v5.10; \ use open qw( :encoding(UTF-8) :std); \ use File::Basename 'dirname'; \ use Storable 'retrieve'; \ use List::Util qw(sum min); \ use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt); \ BEGIN { \ eval { \ require Math::Random::MT::Perl; Math::Random::MT::Perl->import('rand'); \ }; \ #wa
04:51:28 <hppavilion[1]> http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/122336/i-got-an-email-threatening-to-ddos-me-if-i-dont-pay-a-ransom-what-should-i-do
04:51:39 <hppavilion[1]> "Our attacks are extremely powerful - sometimes over 1 Tbps per second. And we pass CloudFlare and others remote protections! So, no cheap protection will help."
04:53:21 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Special:Log/newusers]] create * Jobende * New user account
04:53:59 -!- newsham has joined.
04:58:28 <oerjan> `` echo ${1---eng-1M --esolangs 20} # hppavilion[1]
04:58:29 <HackEgo> echo ${1---eng-1M --esolangs 20} # hppavilion[1]
04:59:16 <oerjan> hppavilion[1]: that doesn't expand to the right thing outside of the bin/coins script
05:02:27 <\oren\> tera bytes per second per second would be a unit of change in traffic
05:03:50 -!- Kaynato has joined.
05:04:30 <oerjan> hppavilion[1]: basically, it expands to the argument of bin/`
05:04:35 <HackEgo> #!/bin/bash \ TIMEFORMAT="real: %lR, user: %lU, sys: %lS" \ shopt -s extglob globstar \ eval -- "$1" | rnooodl
05:05:05 <\oren\> e.g. if you have zero traffic now and one Mbps traffic ten minutes from now, then your traffic has spiked at a rate of 16.66 kbps^2
05:05:35 <\oren\> er, wait did I do that math right?
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07:36:43 * oerjan notices a dark shadow of trouble in today's freefall
07:55:52 <rdococ> there needs to be a programming language made of cheese
08:09:24 <oerjan> . o O ( why doesn't english use one of -ein or -eine predictably? )
08:33:38 <int-e> oerjan: I thought there were shadows of trouble in 2804 already
08:34:39 <int-e> unless you mean literal shadows, hmm
08:55:05 <rdococ> can text cast shadows? can text cast shadows?
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09:06:25 <oerjan> rdococ: of course not -----###
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09:09:42 <rdococ> what is that a shadow of? what is that a shadow of?
09:19:26 <oerjan> it's not a shadow, but the ghost of swattings yet to come
09:25:29 * ski . o O ( can shadows cast text ? )
09:36:28 -!- centrinia has quit (Quit: Leaving).
09:47:19 <int-e> of course text can cast shadows... this can be seen in many shop signs...
09:47:36 <int-e> rdococ: freefall is actually a webcomic.
09:48:36 <rdococ> the webcomic or the shadow the webcomic or the anomaly
09:50:02 -!- oerjan has quit (Quit: OKAY).
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10:04:35 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Nullary]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=46953&oldid=46952 * Occular * (+35)
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13:36:06 <zgrep> Some person made yet another thing. https://michaelochurch.wordpress.com/2016/05/05/setbang-1-toward-a-more-unreadable-esolang/
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14:05:23 <b_jonas> fungot, do you like Turing machines?
14:05:23 <fungot> b_jonas: it to investigate the enron case of the el data from eu countries to keep the price that we
14:05:59 <b_jonas> fungot: is Gravity a good film?
14:05:59 <fungot> b_jonas: as we will it be of the texas market seems the logical to me! i
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16:04:37 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Nullary]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=46955&oldid=46953 * Occular * (-7)
16:32:20 <\oren\> halp i cant stop typing snv instead of svn
16:35:24 <b_jonas> \oren\: I have the most problem with typing the other one of "io" and "oi". The problem is that both of those occur in English words, so I can't just train myself to type only one.
16:36:04 <b_jonas> The other common transposition typo I do is in my real name, because I type that quickly.
16:47:13 -!- Reece` has joined.
16:47:47 <Taneb> b_jonas, I guess oi and io are two sides of the same cion
16:59:24 <fizzie> Taneb: Let's try to aviod voilating the boundaries of good taste with them puns, okay.
17:00:05 <Taneb> fizzie, I find that notoin absurd
17:01:46 <shachaf> Taneb: congratulations on inventing the bbc
17:02:35 <HackEgo> Tanebventions include D-modules, Chu spaces, automatic squirrel feeders, the torus, gazpacho, Stephen Wolfram, Go, submarine jousting, the universe, weetoflakes, persistence, the reals, Lambek's lemma, the BBC, progress, and this sentence. He never invents anything involving sex.
17:02:50 <HackEgo> The BBC is the BreadBox Corporation. Its inventions include, without limitation, Muppets and tiny elfs. Taneb invented it.
17:08:27 -!- feliks has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds).
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17:13:38 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: inventions: not found
17:20:36 <shachaf> "invention" is a synonym for "tanebvention" hth
17:21:02 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: inventions: not found
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19:14:30 <int-e> `learn ACAB is short for "all codecs are broken".
19:15:00 <HackEgo> Learned 'acab': ACAB is short for "all codecs are broken".
19:22:54 <int-e> `` echo wisdom/*_*
19:22:56 <HackEgo> wisdom/_ÌÌÌ°_ÌÌ
ͨÌÌ´Í wisdom/ÌÌÍÌÌÌͦÌÍͪÍ̼̾ͦͨÍ
ÍÍÌ®Í̸̳Ì̤ÌÌ¯ÌªÌ¸ÌªÌ±Ì£Ì ÌºÌ¹ÍÌ©ÌÍÍÍÍÌÍ̪̮ÌÌÌ£ÍÌªÍ Í¢Í¢Ò̴̢_Ì¿ÌÍ£ÌͣͪÍÍÌÌÍÌÌÍ«ÌÍÌ£ÍÍÍÍ̪̪ÌÌÍÌÌ̻̥̫Ì̱ÌÍ̳̦̮Ì̲̥ÍÒÌÍÍ Í ÒÌ¡ÌÌ§Í wisdom/b_jonas wisdom/koen_ wisdom/
19:24:16 -!- Kaynato has joined.
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19:41:57 <coppro> `learn TAS is a tool-assisted speedrun: a race in which participants must use quality tools such as the PHP hammer, Autoconf, and the Arkenpliers to assist them in running.
19:42:03 <HackEgo> Learned 'ta': TAS is a tool-assisted speedrun: a race in which participants must use quality tools such as the PHP hammer, Autoconf, and the Arkenpliers to assist them in running.
19:42:19 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: ?TAS: not found
19:42:23 <HackEgo> TAS is a tool-assisted speedrun: a race in which participants must use quality tools such as the PHP hammer, Autoconf, and the Arkenpliers to assist them in running.
19:42:30 <HackEgo> TAS is a tool-assisted speedrun: a race in which participants must use quality tools such as the PHP hammer, Autoconf, and the Arkenpliers to assist them in running.
19:43:10 <coppro> `learn huh is ¯\(°_o)/¯
19:43:14 <HackEgo> Learned 'huh': huh is ¯\(°_o)/¯
19:43:50 <myname> are you sure you wanted that?
19:45:11 <shachaf> coppro: Did you mean "`learn A TAS is a ..."?
19:52:31 -!- deltab has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
19:52:35 <int-e> . o O ( libtool is for hardcore players)
19:59:15 <zzo38> I have book that includes Niels Bohr's coat-of-arms.
20:03:37 <zzo38> Unlike the one on Wikipedia this one though also includes his full name on the left and a date on the right (XVII Octobris an:MCMXLVII). About the date, Wikipedia says "At a memorial meeting of the Academy on 17 October 1947 for King Christian X, who had died in April, the new king, Frederick IX, announced that he was conferring the Order of the Elephant on Bohr."
20:07:29 -!- deltab has joined.
20:08:53 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Hellborne]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=46956 * Moon * (+520) Created page with "Hellborne is a language designed to be '''''as hard as fliping possible''''', generic things like increment and decrement, or changing the focused variable, take multiple comm..."
20:09:34 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Hellborne]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=46957&oldid=46956 * Moon * (+5)
20:16:55 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Brainmaker]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=46958&oldid=34528 * Moon * (+107)
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20:41:41 <shachaf> What do I use for serious proofs?
20:42:06 <hppavilion[1]> shachaf: Well, it depends on what kind of system you're proving in
20:47:16 <zzo38> One way to do conversion of 16-bit numbers from binary to decimal is to have tables for converting each byte into the place values in decimal (eight tables in total), and then add them up by implementing decimal arithmetic. On 6502 this can work well; use CMP #10 after each digit is processed and the carry flag is already correct for dealing with the next one.
20:48:48 <shachaf> I heard you wanted to break Z-machine backwards compatibility?
20:50:04 <zzo38> shachaf: I don't know why; I was not trying to break it?
20:56:57 <zzo38> How do you hear such thing anyways?
20:57:50 <shachaf> I was talking to vaporware.
20:58:27 -!- `^_^v has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep).
21:02:53 <zzo38> shachaf: At what time?
21:06:00 <shachaf> pikhq: You know vaporware, don't you?
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21:19:18 <zzo38> Their name is Jesse McGrew as can be reveal by finger command on ifMUD
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21:43:14 <FreeFull> zzo38 Take a look at http://bisqwit.iki.fi/story/howto/dither/jy/
21:43:29 <FreeFull> I wanted to link you to that sooner but haven't gotten around to it
21:44:55 <zzo38> OK I will read it.
21:45:23 -!- Moon_ has joined.
21:47:36 <zzo38> I could use some of these for adding into my "ff-reduce" program
21:48:03 <Moon_> `congratulate oerjan
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21:48:42 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: congratulate: not found
21:48:43 <HackEgo> :-( \ !\.´ \ 99 \ 99bb \ advice \ alrus \ bdsmreclist \ BGTV9E93 \ bin \ canary \ cat \ cdescs \ Complaints.mp3 \ congratulate \ :-D \ dog \ emoticons \ equations \ esobible \ etc \ Eternity \ evil \ factor \ foo \ good \ hia \ hw \ ibin \ interps \ karma \ le \ lib \ ls_dev \ marsha \ misle \ oerjan \ paste \ ply-3.8 \ quine \ quines \ quotes
21:49:17 <Moon_> `culptrits bin/congratulate
21:49:18 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: culptrits: not found
21:49:28 <Moon_> `culprits bin/congratulate
21:50:06 <HackEgo> congratulations Moon_, you are the ruler of the chat!
21:50:42 <Moon_> `mv congratulate bin/congratulate
21:50:44 <HackEgo> mv: missing destination file operand after `congratulate bin/congratulate' \ Try `mv --help' for more information.
21:50:51 <Moon_> `` mv congratulate bin/congratulate
21:56:07 -!- Reece` has quit (Quit: Alsithyafturttararfunar).
22:05:28 -!- hppavilion[1] has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
22:07:26 <quintopia> youve been mooning the wiki quite a lot today
22:10:02 <Moon_> anyways my pc died while i was just starting on a brainmaker (http://esolangs.org/wiki/Brainmaker) intepreter )=
22:10:13 <Moon_> lost a lot of code
22:10:55 -!- nycs has joined.
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22:14:23 <Moon_> im gonna start back up on working on a jirc bot
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22:27:09 <fizzie> It's a bit of a shame HackEgo doesn't make the person invoking the command available via an environment variable.
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22:38:08 <shachaf> fizzie: You can always use culprits.
22:41:09 -!- Akaibu has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity).
22:43:10 <fizzie> Ye-es, but only posthumously, right?
22:52:55 <moon__> *writing out the specifications and details of a new esolang, making the page quite long*
23:04:41 <moon__> thats a sample program
23:05:29 <tromp> blog entry on busy beavers and decidability: http://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=2725
23:07:48 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Antgrid]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=46959 * Moon * (+1191) Made page -Moon
23:08:28 <shachaf> Didn't you already discuss that post in this channel?
23:08:47 <fizzie> I think it's come up thrice.
23:08:52 <fizzie> Don't remember by whom, though.
23:09:24 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Antgrid]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=46960&oldid=46959 * Moon * (+161) oops! i forgot something!
23:09:50 <tromp> yes, this was previously discussed
23:10:09 <tromp> but maybe at that time the Laver tables were not in there yet:)
23:11:28 <tromp> see this comment: http://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=2725#comment-1086714
23:11:57 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Antgrid]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=46961&oldid=46960 * Moon * (+14)
23:12:24 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Antgrid]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=46962&oldid=46961 * Moon * (+1)
23:12:42 <fizzie> moon__: There's a "preview" function.
23:12:53 <moon__> i need to make a habit of useing it >_>
23:14:39 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Antgrid]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=46963&oldid=46962 * Moon * (+1)
23:20:57 <tromp> i'm wondering how best to compute laver tables in lambda calculus...
23:21:44 <tromp> in particular the map i -> (i+1) mod 2^n
23:22:54 <tromp> maybe using church numerals and lookup in a list...
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23:26:04 <HackEgo> [wiki] [[Antgrid]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=46964&oldid=46963 * Moon * (-14)
23:26:56 <moon__> antgrid is not your normal 2d esolang, its the program that is 2d, not the memory
23:27:49 -!- tromp_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
23:29:00 <b_jonas> moon__: so? piet also has only the code space 2d, not the data.
23:31:31 <Taneb> Befunge to some extent, COMPLEX
23:31:41 <Taneb> (COMPLEX to a different extent)
23:34:16 <fizzie> Wierd is stack + two-dimensional source, akin to Befunge.
23:35:15 <fizzie> 2L has two-dimensional code, and a Brainfuck-style tape for data.
23:35:47 <fizzie> PATH is maybe even closer.
23:36:16 <fizzie> (Incidentally, you could steal a nice formatting for a command list from the PATH article.)
23:37:22 <fizzie> Brainloller/Braincopter as well.
23:40:03 <fizzie> SNUSP's kind of a PATH derivative.
23:40:36 <fizzie> (The "bloated SNUSP" variant turns the data tape into a plane, but the others have a tape.)
23:42:44 <b_jonas> Then there's that two-dimensional language that has no data space, only an unbound instruction counter… I dunno what that counts.
23:44:00 <moon__> i found a intresting one: http://esolangs.org/wiki/Langar.io
23:44:02 <fizzie> Due to Befunge's influence, there's no shortage of the "two-dimensional source + a stack" types, either with or without access to the source code space.
23:44:24 <b_jonas> but befunge has a two-dimensional data space apart from the stack, right?
23:44:37 <fizzie> That would be the "with access to the source code space" part.
23:44:40 <moon__> ell i haven't checked out befunge, i didnt know it was 2d
23:44:52 <moon__> i came up with antgrid on my own
23:45:41 <zgrep> There's also ><>, iirc...
23:46:20 <b_jonas> moon__: good, now you should study popular esolangs before you invent the next one then
23:47:48 <b_jonas> moon__: at least learn about the classic ones like unlambda, intercal, befunge, underload, Piet, brainfuck (eww… I didn't say you have to like it, just learn about it), Chef, ... what important ones am I forgetting
23:48:23 <zgrep> Didn't you mean to put the parentheses 4 items to the left? :P
23:48:50 <zzo38> I think the ones you listed are a good choice probably.
23:49:05 <fizzie> Anyone will have their own list. Mine would have Thue and/or /// on it.
23:49:57 <Taneb> b_jonas, which idea?
23:50:02 <fizzie> And Malbolge's pretty famous as well, as an example of the "intentionally difficult" genre.
23:50:04 <b_jonas> a string replacement language should be mentioned, especially since variants of them are popularized by the masters Knuth and Chomsky
23:50:17 <fizzie> Taneb: Apparently I look like you.
23:51:02 <Taneb> fizzie, I have an image of you in my head, the accuracy of which I'm unsure of
23:51:06 -!- AnotherTest has quit (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in).
23:51:21 <Taneb> It's... a little like me? In the sense we're both skinny and white, but that's about it
23:51:40 <b_jonas> And I for one quite like untyped pointer machines with goto and immutable values on the heap, but I can't say they're historically important.
23:52:18 <b_jonas> Oh, don't forget fractran (counter machines with unbounded counter registers). Those are very popular (I can't say I like them though)
23:52:26 <b_jonas> And turing-machines of course.
23:53:37 <zzo38> You could try looking at random stuff too. Some of them are not as good but you can look anyways to see more kind of thing, there is also list of ideas to look at too
23:53:50 <b_jonas> (There's some other esolangs I dislike, and even one I hate, but they're not as important so I won't mention them here.)
23:54:05 -!- hppavilion[1] has joined.
23:55:30 <b_jonas> Did anyone look at Laconic in more detail? We should add something more to its entry about what sort of language it is, not just about the goal it serves.
23:55:38 <fizzie> Taneb: I'm not all that skinny any more, but sickly white, sure. I guess the coin leaves something to the imagination.
23:55:51 -!- shikhin has changed nick to hhiikns.
23:55:57 <b_jonas> In particular, does it have algebraic types with mutable cells? Or only immutable cells? Or even no algebraic types?
23:57:07 -!- hhiikns has changed nick to snkiihh.
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23:59:43 <HackEgo> :-( \ !\.´ \ 99 \ 99bb \ advice \ alrus \ bdsmreclist \ BGTV9E93 \ bin \ canary \ cat \ cdescs \ Complaints.mp3 \ :-D \ dog \ emoticons \ equations \ esobible \ etc \ Eternity \ evil \ factor \ foo \ good \ hia \ hw \ ibin \ interps \ karma \ le \ lib \ ls_dev \ marsha \ misle \ oerjan \ paste \ ply-3.8 \ quine \ quines \ quotes \ ReUariBw \ sh
23:59:53 <shachaf> what's with all the junk in hackenv