00:16:02 -!- kiki` has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity).
00:42:35 <rdococ> and now I must make another terrible esolang idea!
00:43:02 <rdococ> a language where something or other!
00:44:41 <rdococ> a language which starts out with only a string literal
00:44:52 <rdococ> and then you must define booleans and stuff from it
00:47:35 -!- DHeadshot has joined.
00:47:36 <moony> lol this was a bad idea
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00:54:14 <rdococ> we need a who conditional now
00:54:23 -!- loonysloot has changed nick to floofyhoof.
00:54:25 <rdococ> whoever? whatsoever? whatever
00:56:17 <moony> always let x = 3, never let x != 3
00:56:25 <moony> constants without the keyword
00:56:50 <rdococ> what about a language where every command is a banana
00:57:21 <moony> sounds like a joke language lol
00:57:25 <lambdabot> https://esolangs.org/wiki/Banana_Scheme
00:58:14 <oerjan> also, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCkerYMffMo
00:58:21 <myname> https://esolangs.org/wiki/Cheese
00:59:40 <HackEgo> flagpole//A flagpole is like a tadpole, but with a flag on top.
00:59:42 <shachaf> can you take that topic elsewhere please
00:59:44 <HackEgo> lkoen//LKoen vivait en haut de la Tour Eiffel, mais il s'est préfixé d'un L et s'est envolé.
00:59:46 <HackEgo> rtf//RTF stands for Rich's Text Format, invented by Rich Burlew. In addition to plain text it supports simple stick figures.
00:59:48 <HackEgo> rhubarb//Rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb, rhubarb: rhubarb rhubarb? Rhubarb, rhubarb, rhubarb rhubarb.
00:59:48 <HackEgo> ent//Ents are very useful creatures for the puzzle of writing town names in Hungary as the catenation of six or more Hungarian words. Bal-a-s-s-a-gyarmat Bal-a-ton-{s-zár-szó,{rend,szem}-e-s} Egy-ház-a-s-holló-s Fel-s-ősz-ent-már-ton Jász-ár-ok-száll-á-s Ki-s-kun-{fél-egy-ház-a,hal-a-s} Rá-basz-ent-mik-ló-s Vér-te-s-sző-lő-s.
01:00:59 -!- kiki` has joined.
01:01:14 <rdococ> but I'm smiling so I'm funny to someone
01:01:20 -!- moony has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
01:02:00 <shachaf> no, you're at best annoying
01:02:08 -!- moonythedwarf has joined.
01:02:33 -!- moonythedwarf has changed nick to Guest92062.
01:02:42 <rdococ> (you know I'm just joking around, right?)
01:02:58 -!- Guest92062 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
01:03:21 <shachaf> I don't know what you're joking around about, but whatever it is, you aren't very good at it.
01:04:50 <\oren\> argh why is my grampa so inhumanly good at card games
01:05:08 <shachaf> perhaps because he is not human
01:05:39 <\oren\> part of his ancestry is, indeed, unknown
01:06:48 <zzo38> At what card game?
01:09:42 <\oren\> a game apparently not playd outside northern canada
01:10:38 -!- DHeadshot has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds).
01:11:58 <rdococ> do you prefer !=, ~=, <> or some other syntax for inequality
01:13:43 <zzo38> I have used both != and <> for different program language. I think for most kinds, that != will be good. Also a few using /=
01:14:18 <\oren\> damn it it dodn't line up
01:15:02 <rdococ> I'd make my language flexible if I were making it practical, and allow all four.
01:16:12 <rdococ> feels like lua but even more wordose
01:16:21 <\oren\> would work well in a BASIC type language
01:16:41 <rdococ> if x is 3 then set x to 5 end
01:17:01 <rdococ> if x is less than 5 then set x to 6 end
01:17:19 <rdococ> what if "less than 5" was a number-like construct like "5" and "3" are?
01:18:04 <\oren\> in perl, lt, gt, eq and neq are the string-comparison operators
01:18:24 <\oren\> while > < == != compare numberly
01:18:48 <rdococ> does it even make sense to compare strings?
01:24:17 -!- hppavilion[0] has joined.
01:27:02 <\oren\> rdococ: asciibetical order
01:28:59 <zzo38> It does make sense to compare strings. Usually by the ASCII codes, although with SQL it is also possible to define other collations too.
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02:15:34 <\oren\> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cc9LwNQr0JY
02:21:10 <HackEgo> danddreclist 85: shachaf nooodl boily \ http://zzo38computer.org/dnd/recording/level20.tex
02:38:04 -!- floofyhoof has changed nick to broodycoot.
02:51:11 <HackEgo> ethanol//Ethanol is a Group 1 carcinogenic substance since 1988.
02:54:20 <zzo38> How difficult would it be to make a television set that has a mode to improve the picture quality of a RF Famicom?
02:55:33 <shachaf> zzo38: Improve by making the picture 3D?
02:55:54 <shachaf> Did you see it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDxjbXAqTPg
02:56:05 <zzo38> I don't mean to make 3D
02:56:25 <zzo38> I mean to decode it into palette indices and then reencode the picture.
02:56:39 <shachaf> There's also a paper at http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~tom7/zelda/
02:57:58 <zzo38> I don't mean 3D or anything else like that, but to get rid of the bad quality induced by the RF modulator and demodulator and the NTSC decoder.
03:12:49 <\oren\> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cc9LwNQr0JY
03:24:29 * Zarutian hands zzo38 an Nitendo multi connector with RGB RL out and possibly an SCART adapter to connect it to a telly.
03:42:02 -!- oerjan has quit (Quit: Nite).
03:45:44 <shachaf> don't put the scart before the scow
03:46:57 <pikhq> I'd hate on SCART here, but the American alternative is "go fuck yourself".
03:50:39 <\oren\> hmm, I just thought of a crazy game idea
03:51:13 <\oren\> modern kids don't get to use chemistry sets (I was the only person my age who ever had one)
03:51:48 <\oren\> so why not make a "virtual chemistry set" that uses data on real chemicals including reaction rates etc
03:52:46 <Zarutian> pikhq: if only they had bloody specified that any newer tellys had L protrusions above and below SCART ports so one could use a rubber band to keep the damn things connected then I would have been rather less irritated
03:53:52 <Zarutian> because invariably it would 'just fall out a bit' because someone was 'dedusting'
03:54:40 <\oren\> Zarutian: when I was in france they used tape
03:54:56 <\oren\> it still fell out though
03:55:26 <\oren\> (oh, and by 'hotel' i mean a family run bed and breakfast type thing)
03:58:24 <Zarutian> and why didnt they specify that the two data lines were just I2C? (Though not directly connected to the devices internal I2C buses)
03:58:41 <Zarutian> that is what HDMI at least gets right.
03:59:41 <\oren\> HDMI is annoying because it doesn't have screwholes
04:00:10 <pikhq> Most consumer TV connectors don't, though.
04:01:07 * boily sthwacks shachaf. 0.74 FP.
04:01:09 <pikhq> The only screwon connector I know of in that space is the F connector.
04:04:57 <Zarutian> I found it rather neat that an brand of VCRs had a little TeleText generation module for manual and certain On Screen Menu stuff. The VCR didnt have any tuner though. (Relied on the pass through from the telly)
04:05:07 <Sgeo> Frog Fractions 2 has been revealed
04:08:31 <zzo38> Does it control the external tuner so that it can change the channel for a programmed recording?
04:10:10 <zzo38> I tried to invent the way to use MIDI that can be used for this and other purposes.
04:10:53 <pikhq> Bit of an unusual choice, but MIDI certainly is up to the task.
04:11:14 <Zarutian> zzo38: nope, SCART didnt allow for that (but it should have if the two data lines actually had any specified protocol for deck control)
04:12:35 <pikhq> Um, can't you do exactly that with AV.link on SCART?
04:12:52 <pikhq> ... which only helps you, granted, if the deck and the TV actualy have AV.link.
04:14:31 <zzo38> My specification for TVMIDI requires that the external tuner support MIDI CCs 0, 32, and 64 (although CC 0 is unneeded if there are no channel numbers higher than 127), and that it can at least parse all other MIDI messages even if it ignores them. Other commands are defined, but implementation is optional.
04:16:27 <zzo38> (Controls 0 and 32 change the channel, while control 64 is OSD suppress; setting it to 127 ensures that the video output displays only the TV show and no menus or anything else.)
04:18:05 <zzo38> I think it is good at least, do you think?
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06:33:05 <rdococ> hppavilion[1] I need isnpiration
06:33:37 <rdococ> I want to create this kind of language.
06:33:41 <rdococ> easier and no IPA - yay
06:34:41 <rdococ> if I were a terrible esolanger, how would I create a good language?
06:35:22 <rdococ> hppavilion[1], over here
06:35:51 <rdococ> hppavilion[1], I said here
06:43:23 <rdococ> you're talking in #conlang but not here :/
06:43:54 <rdococ> I'm tired and I get weird when I'm tired
06:44:03 <rdococ> It's not a complete lie
06:49:58 <rdococ> I'm sorry... again... for being a nuisance
06:59:06 <rdococ> what about a non-standard number type
06:59:29 -!- TunaVaruna has left ("Be back later...").
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07:00:27 <zzo38> What kind of non-standard number type?
07:00:39 <rdococ> the idea just popped into my head
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08:27:04 <HackEgo> |a+b@| = { √(a²-b²) if a²-b² ≥ 0 ; i√(a²-b²) if a²-b² < 0 }
08:27:35 <zgrep> I think we found a contradiction somewhere along the line with this definition. Or maybe the if statement was to combat the definition.
08:27:48 <zgrep> Err, the contradiction.
08:28:40 * zgrep . o O ( Just pick a type of number that you don't find most places, and it's bound to be fairly non- standard. )
08:31:33 * zgrep . o O ( Like numbers that can be divided by 18603444599. Those aren't common. )
09:06:13 <rdococ> idk why the if conditional is there...
09:06:38 <rdococ> I mean I get the logic it should be √(a²-b²), but why i√(a²-b²) if a²-b² < 0?
10:01:26 <rdococ> hppavilion[1], do you know why the if conditional above is there?
10:02:25 <rdococ> I know, but why does it have to be real?
10:02:51 <rdococ> so if I'm fine with |@| = i then I can remove the if conditional lol
10:03:11 <hppavilion[1]> rdococ: Since if a²-b² < 0, then i√(a²-b²) = i√|a²-b²|i = -√|a²-b²|
10:03:39 <hppavilion[1]> rdococ: I think it just equates to swapping the positions of a and b?
10:03:52 <rdococ> and negating it, that's what I thought too
10:04:09 <rdococ> isqrt(a^2 - b^2) = -sqrt(b^2 - a^2)?
10:41:52 * zgrep looks at the definition and thinks about it
10:42:06 <zgrep> (it was |@| = @ at some point, but that was proven to be not a thing that happens, right?)
11:00:14 <zgrep> rdococ: Why negating it?
11:10:09 <hppavilion[1]> zgrep: I don't think I stuck with $; I think I chose a greek letter at some point
11:10:18 <HackEgo> I must confess, I know not of what you are speaking.
11:11:57 <zgrep> I see. Could just use cis(ψ) :P
11:12:17 <zgrep> Though I guess it's not any characters shorter, is it.
11:12:53 <hppavilion[1]> trans(for p in `ls -R1d ./**/* | grep "class"`; do pnf=`(sed "s/\.class/.java/" <<< $p)| sed "s,^\./,,"`; pn="$PWD/disasm/$pnf"; install -D /dev/null $pn; javap -c "$p" > $pn; done)
11:15:02 <rdococ> |ψ| = i wasn't that my idea?
11:15:16 <rdococ> both of us or something
11:15:46 <rdococ> zgrep: sqrt(b^2 - a^2) for b>a would mean a positive number
11:18:54 <rdococ> what does crypto mean?
11:19:25 <rdococ> must be my double enemy then
11:19:37 <zgrep> <rdococ> zgrep: sqrt(b^2 - a^2) for b>a would mean a positive number <-- Yes?
11:20:31 <rdococ> so sqrt(1-0) as swapping a and b alone would do = 1
11:21:10 <zgrep> Maybe I shouldn't try thinking at 4-6 am.
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11:21:26 <rdococ> I wonder what 2^@ would be.
11:21:56 <zgrep> Wait... didn't we go down this road at some point?
11:22:09 <rdococ> probably my cryptomnesia
11:22:15 <zgrep> I vaguely remember something to do with trying to extend hyperoperators.
11:22:36 <zgrep> hyperoperation? Hyperwhatevertheyrecalled.
11:23:04 -!- IceFly has changed nick to FireFly.
11:23:06 <rdococ> 2^@ = x -> log_2(x) = @, right?
11:23:16 <zgrep> FireFly: You're no longer cold, I see.
11:23:23 <rdococ> so all we need is ln(a+b@), or log for any base
11:23:36 -!- hppavilion[1] has changed nick to EarthFly.
11:23:39 <FireFly> zgrep: are you saying I'm hot?
11:23:59 <EarthFly> FireFly, zgrep: get a room you n ≥ 2
11:24:28 <zgrep> FireFly: I'm saying your on fire.
11:24:40 <zgrep> Technically... we're in a room.
11:24:58 <EarthFly> rdococ: You'll want to define with e, not 2
11:25:26 <zgrep> EarthFly: What would the definition for $ be, then...
11:25:29 <zgrep> (out of curiosity)
11:25:29 <myname> people really do make your/you're mistakes, i am surprised
11:25:58 <EarthFly> rdococ: e^θ@ = cosa(θ)+sina(θ)@
11:26:01 * zgrep . o O ( Your you're own person. )
11:26:18 <EarthFly> rdococ: I don't know, it was bullshit madeupness
11:26:33 -!- EarthFly has changed nick to hppavilion1.
11:26:55 <hppavilion1> rdococ: One of the uses of complex numbers are representing rotations in 2D space
11:27:01 <myname> i only know cosa nostra
11:27:44 <rdococ> what would @ be used for?
11:28:09 <hppavilion1> rdococ: A point (x, y) rotated about the origin by θ is (x', y') where x'+b'i = (sin(θ)+i·cos(θ))(x+bi)
11:28:24 <izabera> myname: first rule of cosa nostra is don't talk about cosa nostra
11:28:41 <hppavilion1> rdococ: Complex numbers do nice rotations. I've been trying to figure out what split-complex numbers transform like
11:28:52 <myname> izabera: i read too much snow crash
11:29:18 <hppavilion1> rdococ: Split-complex numbers are a+bj, where j^2 = 1, j ≠ 1, j ≠ -1
11:29:53 <hppavilion1> rdococ: They're to hyperbolæ the same way complexes are to circles
11:30:09 <rdococ> Oh, so hyperbolic sine/cosine?
11:30:33 <rdococ> Only hyperbolic cosine?
11:31:37 <rdococ> You know what it reminds me of?
11:32:19 <rdococ> Minkowski space to be specific.
11:32:48 <rdococ> to me, 1 and j rotate like x and t rotate.
11:32:55 <rdococ> and 1 and i rotate like x and y would.
11:33:48 <rdococ> what would you call it
11:35:26 <rdococ> would that mean |j| = i?
11:36:02 -!- kiki` has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity).
11:36:51 <rdococ> I think I'm talking about Lorentz boosts
11:38:59 <rdococ> j is to hyperbolae as i is to circle, yes? now, in Minkowski space, distance is governed by sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - t^2), yes?
11:39:46 <rdococ> Now, if we take that idea of - t^2 and apply it to the complex numbers, we get sqrt(r^2 + i^2 - t^2).
11:40:44 <rdococ> Basically, what I'm saying is that the distance formula is sqrt(x^2 - yj^2), and that |j| = sqrt(-1) = i.
11:41:09 <rdococ> Is any of this... making sense?
11:41:36 <rdococ> or have you figured this out already?
11:48:46 <rdococ> Oh, and by the way... e^x = cosh x + sinh x
11:48:51 <rdococ> nvm, you know that alreadu
11:48:57 <rdococ> I'm embarassing myself
11:58:43 <myname> "the association for computational heresy" i like
12:00:23 <rdococ> told you I was embarrassing myself
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12:10:13 <zgrep> Not sure why I made this. https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/WOSlVQCN/%40.mov
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14:50:16 <HackEgo> jonathan hoag//Hoag is an art critic.
15:05:14 <Sgeo> I assume people in here know of Pokemon Showdown?
15:05:28 <Sgeo> How approachable is it for someone who hasn't played a real Pokemon game?
15:05:36 <Sgeo> (I have played the card game online)
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19:48:31 <zzo38> On some television shows I have watched I noticed that the captions are slightly different than what they say, such as "chocolate" instead of "candy" for example. Both ways make sense but they are different. Do you know why they differ?
19:52:57 <int-e> a possible reason is that they copy the script, rather than listening to the actors
19:53:24 <zzo38> I did think of that. But why didn't the actors say what is written on the script then?
19:53:44 <zzo38> The shows I noticed this for were not in colour.
19:53:56 <int-e> 'I think it would flow better if I said "candy" instead of "chocolate"'
19:54:21 <int-e> In a scene with several takes... and finally the director picks the one they think fits best
19:54:57 <int-e> But it's just one possibility of many anyway, though perhaps the most plausible.
19:55:45 <int-e> Also possible, you listen to a whole sentence before writing it down, and mix up synonyms. Or you base it on a translation of another set of captions. Or you actually abridge the text to fit on screen.
19:56:04 -!- hppavilion1 has set topic: The international hub for Esoteric Programming | http://esolangs.org/ | RIP Carrie Fisher. She will be missed. | logs: http://codu.org/logs/_esoteric/ http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/esoteric/?C=M;O=D | https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2023808/wisdom.pdf | For extensive pizza testing, use #esoteric-blah.
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20:02:49 <zzo38> Is there a device that can receive a picture from IEEE 1394 and captions from composite and then to output the combined signal as a composite video out?
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20:57:24 <zzo38> Some of the rules of Magic: the Gathering I think I would have written differently.
20:57:25 <zzo38> I would have written the rule for flip a coin differently. I would have made "flip a coin" to be a keyword action meaning "choose heads or tails at random". But some effects can have the player win/lose the flip and others don't, so this can complicate it a bit; errata might fix it, but maybe there is a better way to fix it, but I don't know.
20:58:06 <zzo38> There are other examples too, in order to attempt to remove redundant stuff, to clarify some things, etc.
20:58:12 <zzo38> Do you have opinion of such thing?
20:59:36 <shachaf> What if a coin lands on its edge?
21:00:42 <zzo38> It is an invalid choice, so you must flip the coin again.
21:01:27 <zzo38> "Flip a coin" is meaning "choose heads or tails at random", so if you make the choice at random by flipping a coin and it lands on its edge, that choice is invalid therefore you must flip the coin again.
21:02:59 <shachaf> I mean, before your changes are applied.
21:03:57 <zzo38> It is unclear, but probably you would have to do the same thing anyways.
21:06:48 <shachaf> I think you should win the game.
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21:07:28 <zzo38> But the rules do not say that you will win the game in such case.
21:08:32 <shachaf> But they don't say that you don't, either.
21:09:11 <zzo38> That is true, but I think it is irrelevant.
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21:14:58 <shachaf> Do the rules say that it's irrelevant?
21:17:00 -!- Frooxius has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds).
21:17:33 <hppavilion1> `le/rn Belgium/The plural form of "Belgium" is "Belgia".
21:17:36 <HackEgo> All le//rn variants now use two slashes in the format.
21:17:41 <hppavilion1> `le//rn Belgium/The plural form of "Belgium" is "Belgia".
21:17:42 <HackEgo> All le//rn variants now use two slashes in the format.
21:17:58 <hppavilion1> `le/rn Belgium//The plural form of "Belgium" is "Belgia".
21:18:04 <HackEgo> Learned 'belgium': The plural form of "Belgium" is "Belgia".
21:19:13 <shachaf> `le/rn C++ comments/C++ single-line comments use "//"; multi-line comments use "/*" "*/"
21:19:48 <zzo38> Are you going to confuse you?
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21:33:04 <HackEgo> changeset: 10035:70889ab71789 \ tag: tip \ user: HackBot \ date: Tue Dec 27 21:17:58 2016 +0000 \ summary: <hppavilion1> le/rn Belgium//The plural form of "Belgium" is "Belgia".
21:54:22 <hppavilion1> Euclidean Distance is a metric in en–space
21:56:51 <\oren\> c++ multi line comments can also use #if 0
21:58:46 <zzo38> I commonly use #if 0 for disabling a block of code or for adding the compilation script
21:58:59 <zzo38> Rather than for comments
22:19:22 -!- puckipedia has quit (Excess Flood).
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22:40:37 -!- hppavilion1 has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds).
22:46:47 -!- oerjan has joined.
22:54:35 -!- Zarutian has joined.
23:01:18 <zgrep> `? C++ comments/C++ single-line comments use "
23:01:27 <HackEgo> C++ comments/C++ single-line comments use "? ¯\(°_o)/¯
23:02:18 <myname> who needs a wisdom.for that?
23:03:41 <HackEgo> 'c++ comments'? ¯\(°_o)/¯
23:03:52 * zgrep is assuming HackEgo didn't learn that in any way, shape, or form because of the lack of reply
23:05:23 <oerjan> @tell hppavilion[1] <hppavilion[1]> Is the ring the Gaussian Integers form prime? <-- yes, obviously hth
23:07:56 <HackEgo> bin/` \ bin/̊ \ bin/ \ bin/! \ bin/? \ bin/¿ \ bin/' \ bin/" \ bin/( \ bin/@ \ bin/* \ bin/؟ \ bin/ \ bin/ \ bin/1 \ bin/2 \ bin/5 \ bin/f \ bin/h \ bin/n \ bin/w
23:07:58 -!- boily has joined.
23:08:32 <HackEgo> ` ̊ ! ? ¿ ' " ( @ * ؟ 1 2 5 f h n w
23:09:04 <oerjan> i'm honestly not sure why \oren\'s line worked.
23:09:05 <HackEgo> http://codu.org/projects/hackbot/fshg/index.cgi/file/tip/bin/%3F
23:09:47 <HackEgo> /hackenv/bin/`: line 4: ?=: command not found
23:10:13 <HackEgo> ` ̊ ! ? ¿ ' " ( @ * ؟ 1 2 5 f h n w
23:10:19 <\oren\> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxXy3SrBcWw
23:11:01 <oerjan> it worked because there aren't any single-char files in the cwd
23:11:21 <HackEgo> 0000000 # ! / b i n / b a s h \n t o p i \ 0000020 c = $ ( e c h o " $ 1 " | \ 0000040 l o w e r c a s e | s e d \ 0000060 " s / n o o \ + d l / n o o o d \ 0000100 l / ; s / * $ / / "
23:11:33 <HackEgo> #!/bin/bash \ topic=$(echo "$1" | lowercase | sed "s/noo\+dl/noooooodl/;s/ *$//") \ topic1=$(echo "$topic" | sed "s/s$//") \ cd wisdom \ if [ \( "_$topic1"_ = "_ngevd"_ \) -a \( -e ngevd \) ]; \ then cat /dev/urandom; \ elif [ -e "$topic" ]; \ then cat "$topic" | rnoooooooodl; \ elif [ -e "$topic1" ]; \ then cat "$topic1" | r
23:13:38 <\oren\> `` echo nooooooodl | rnoooooooodl
23:13:40 <HackEgo> /hackenv/bin/`: line 4: rnoooooooodl: command not found
23:13:45 <\oren\> `` echo nooooooodl | rnooooooooodl
23:13:46 <HackEgo> /hackenv/bin/`: line 4: rnooooooooodl: command not found
23:13:56 <\oren\> `` echo nooooooodl | rno*dl
23:13:57 <HackEgo> /hackenv/bin/`: line 4: rno*dl: command not found
23:14:07 <oerjan> \oren\: tip: rnooooooooodl doesn't exist
23:14:16 <HackEgo> #!/bin/bash \ TIMEFORMAT="real: %lR, user: %lU, sys: %lS" \ shopt -s extglob globstar \ eval -- "$1" | rnooodl
23:14:28 <\oren\> `` echo nooooooodl | rnooodl
23:14:32 <\oren\> `` echo nooooooodl | rnooodl
23:14:38 <\oren\> `` echo nooooodl | rnooodl
23:14:49 <oerjan> \oren\: it only applies to three o's input
23:14:57 <HackEgo> perl -pe 's/([Nn])ooodl/"$1@{[o x(3+rand 7)]}dl"/ge'
23:15:03 <\oren\> `` echo rnooodl | rnooodl
23:15:09 <\oren\> `` echo nooodl | rnooodl
23:15:19 <shachaf> `mkx bin/cat///bin/cat "$@" | rnooodl
23:15:49 <shachaf> oerjan: Wait, why doesn't rnoooooodl work any any sequence of three os?
23:16:01 <shachaf> Kind of scow that it has to be surrounded by n and dl
23:16:18 <shachaf> I know people didn't like it when it was any character repeated three times. But three os?
23:17:50 <HackEgo> bin/cat//bin/cat: no such file in rev bd7f812be8ef
23:18:24 <HackEgo> #!/bin/bash \ TIMEFORMAT="real: %lR, user: %lU, sys: %lS" \ shopt -s extglob globstar \ eval -- "$1" | rnooooodl
23:19:12 <shachaf> oerjan wants cats to be trustworthy
23:20:52 <oerjan> too much redundancy, especially if you change it to any three o's
23:22:14 <\oren\> oooh I found the original song
23:22:17 <\oren\> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gldhm5MI9ho
23:29:47 <\oren\> °ᗝ°)(°ᗜ°)(°ᗝ°)(°ᗜ°)(°ᗝ°)(°ᗜ°)(°ᗝ°)(°ᗝ°)(°ᗜ°)(°ᗝ°)(°ᗜ°)(°ᗝ°)(°ᗜ°)(°ᗝ°)(°ᗜ°)(°〇°)(°〇°)
23:30:01 <\oren\> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Gxkt1FNL5s
23:34:16 -!- LKoen has quit (Quit: “It’s only logical. First you learn to talk, then you learn to think. Too bad it’s not the other way round.”).
23:46:35 <\oren\> more new unicode characters are coming! PREPARE YOURSELF!
23:46:38 <\oren\> http://www.unicode.org/L2/L2016/16381-n4778r-pdam1-2-charts.pdf
23:49:22 * oerjan pats /hackenv/share/UnicodeData.txt
23:56:17 <\oren\> in the Kana supplement block U+1B002-1B0FF
23:57:16 <shachaf> 2BEB ⯫ STAR WITH RIGHT HALF BLAC
23:57:29 <shachaf> according to the picture, the whole right is black
23:58:09 <shachaf> Astrological symbols for Eris and Sedna
23:58:13 <\oren\> the copyleft symbol is in too
23:59:01 <shachaf> "indicates a minor medial pause where the sense is complete but the meaning is not"
23:59:06 <shachaf> I'm going to be using that all the time.