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04:45:07 <esowiki> [[Joke language list]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=57395&oldid=56583 * Jabutosama * (+145) /* General languages */ added wismaster
05:11:44 <esowiki> [[Special:Log/newusers]] create * Xylochoron * New user account
05:12:14 -!- bradcomp has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds).
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05:43:50 <esowiki> [[Esolang:Introduce yourself]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=57396&oldid=57357 * Xylochoron * (+116) /* Introductions */
05:46:26 <esowiki> [[Esolang:Introduce yourself]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=57397&oldid=57396 * Xylochoron * (+153) /* Introductions */
05:47:11 <esowiki> [[Language list]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=57398&oldid=57393 * Xylochoron * (+11) /* D */
06:16:59 -!- tromp has joined.
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06:27:19 <esowiki> [[D'ni]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=57399 * Xylochoron * (+3252) Created page
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08:26:15 <wob_jonas> Can we dispell the +R channel flag now perhaps?
08:27:04 <wob_jonas> ``` echo "$[$(fromroman XCVIII) + 1]"
08:27:21 <Taneb> wob_jonas: still getting spam in another channel
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09:21:28 <esowiki> [[List of ideas]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=57400&oldid=57394 * GDavid * (+62) /* Derivative Ideas */
09:34:50 -!- nfd9001 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds).
10:04:03 <esowiki> [[List of ideas]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=57401&oldid=57400 * GDavid * (+1174) /* Ideas related to esoteric operating systems, esoteric processors and esoteric computers */
10:27:33 -!- arseniiv has joined.
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10:46:23 -!- oerjan has set topic: Welcome to the international tarpaulin for esoteric programming language discussion, design, development and deployment! | https://esolangs.org | logs: https://esolangs.org/logs/ http://codu.org/logs/_esoteric/ http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/esoteric/?C=M;O=D | https://www.dropbox.com/s/fyhqyvy3i8oh25m/wisdom.pdf.
10:48:16 -!- wob_jonas has quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client).
10:48:45 * oerjan was going to point out the channel isn't technically +R
10:49:20 <Taneb> I wonder if any server uses the HTTP 418 status code as "intended"
10:58:26 <oerjan> that doesn't seem quite right.
10:58:36 <HackEso> #!/usr/bin/perl \ sub k{my$t;$t=~y/IVXLC/XLCDM/,$t.=("",I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX)[$_]for/./g;$t}$_=(shift=~/(\w+)/)[0];print k,$/
10:59:50 <HackEso> #!/usr/bin/perl \ sub k{my$t;$t=~y/IVXLC/XLCDM/,$t.=("",I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX)[$_]for/./g;$t}$_=(shift=~/(\w+)/)[0];print k,$/
11:00:32 <oerjan> `sled bin/toroman//s,.XLCDM,DM/XLCDMEE,
11:00:35 <HackEso> bin/toroman//#!/usr/bin/perl \ sub k{my$t;$t=~y/IVXLCDM/XLCDMEE/,$t.=("",I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX)[$_]for/./g;$t}$_=(shift=~/(\w+)/)[0];print k,$/
11:02:47 <int-e> `toroman --clockface 4
11:03:17 <oerjan> `sled bin/toroman//s,print,$_="Number too large" if /E/;,
11:03:18 <HackEso> bin/toroman//#!/usr/bin/perl \ sub k{my$t;$t=~y/IVXLCDM/XLCDMEE/,$t.=("",I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX)[$_]for/./g;$t}$_=(shift=~/(\w+)/)[0];$_="Number too large" if /E/; k,$/
11:03:34 <oerjan> `sled bin/toroman//s,print,$_="Number too large" if /E/;print,
11:03:35 <HackEso> bin/toroman//#!/usr/bin/perl \ sub k{my$t;$t=~y/IVXLCDM/XLCDMEE/,$t.=("",I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX)[$_]for/./g;$t}$_=(shift=~/(\w+)/)[0];$_="Number too large" if /E/;print k,$/
11:04:56 <HackEso> #!/usr/bin/perl \ sub k{my$t;$t=~y/IVXLCDM/XLCDMEE/,$t.=("",I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX)[$_]for/./g;$t}$_=(shift=~/(\w+)/)[0];print k,$/
11:08:07 <oerjan> ok i don't understand how that works.
11:08:35 <oerjan> so for now it'll just print E for too large numbers.
11:21:20 <oerjan> `sled bin/toroman//s,g;,g;$t~s/.*E.*/Number too large;/,
11:21:21 <HackEso> bin/toroman//#!/usr/bin/perl \ sub k{my$t;$t=~y/IVXLCDM/XLCDMEE/,$t.=("",I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX)[$_]for/./g;$t~s/.*E.*/Number too large;/$t}$_=(shift=~/(\w+)/)[0];print k,$/
11:21:46 <oerjan> `sled bin/toroman//s,g;,g;$t~s/.*E.*/Number too large/;,
11:21:47 <HackEso> bin/toroman//#!/usr/bin/perl \ sub k{my$t;$t=~y/IVXLCDM/XLCDMEE/,$t.=("",I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX)[$_]for/./g;$t~s/.*E.*/Number too large/;$t}$_=(shift=~/(\w+)/)[0];print k,$/
11:21:53 <HackEso> syntax error at /hackenv/bin/toroman line 2, near "$t~" \ No comma allowed after filehandle at /hackenv/bin/toroman line 2.
11:23:21 <oerjan> `sled bin/toroman//s,g;,g;$t=~s/.*E.*/Number too large/;,
11:23:22 <HackEso> bin/toroman//#!/usr/bin/perl \ sub k{my$t;$t=~y/IVXLCDM/XLCDMEE/,$t.=("",I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX)[$_]for/./g;$t=~s/.*E.*/Number too large/;$t}$_=(shift=~/(\w+)/)[0];print k,$/
11:24:54 <oerjan> . o O ( note to self: don't say "stop spamming" just before starting HackEso coding )
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11:36:05 <int-e> I still find the =~ very confusing... my first instinct is to use ~=.
11:36:30 <HackEso> 910) <RodgerTheGreat> an ieee-754 double does not have enough granular precision to express how little I care \ 643) <Phantom_Hoover> Just because you can't design a reliable Monopoly machine out of chocolate doesn't mean nobody else can.
11:37:30 <int-e> @google "monopoly machine"
11:37:30 <lambdabot> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9-NIN6Fpls
11:54:34 -!- oerjan has quit (Quit: Later).
11:57:04 <esowiki> [[Lambda Calculus to Brainfuck]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=57402 * A * (+701) New idea.
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12:11:55 <esowiki> [[Lambda Calculus to Brainfuck]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=57403&oldid=57402 * A * (+338) comments
12:12:40 <esowiki> [[Lambda Calculus to Brainfuck]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=57404&oldid=57403 * A * (+23)
12:23:47 <esowiki> [[Lambda Calculus to Brainfuck]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=57405&oldid=57404 * A * (+378)
12:28:57 <esowiki> [[Lambda Calculus to Brainfuck]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=57406&oldid=57405 * A * (+288)
12:33:16 <esowiki> [[Lambda Calculus to Brainfuck]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=57407&oldid=57406 * A * (+176)
12:38:42 <esowiki> [[Lambda Calculus to Brainfuck]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=57408&oldid=57407 * A * (+221) /* Bored? Let's enjoy an example */
12:40:16 <esowiki> [[Lambda Calculus to Brainfuck]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=57409&oldid=57408 * A * (+0) /* Bored? Let's enjoy an example */
12:43:57 <esowiki> [[Lambda Calculus to Brainfuck]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=57410&oldid=57409 * A * (+196) /* Bored? Let's enjoy an example */
12:51:39 <esowiki> [[Lambda Calculus to Brainfuck]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=57411&oldid=57410 * A * (+8) I think I sound too rude.
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14:37:50 <esowiki> [[Fish]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=57412&oldid=53269 * Kaa-kun * (+17)
14:46:11 <esowiki> [[Talk:Brainfuck]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=57413&oldid=46851 * Kaa-kun * (+528) Quick before I merge with the other bots!
14:47:07 <esowiki> [[Talk:Brainfuck]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=57414&oldid=57413 * Kaa-kun * (-2) What the heck happened?
14:49:09 <esowiki> [[Talk:Brainfuck]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=57415&oldid=57414 * Kaa-kun * (-53) /* Last HalfOr Is It? */
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15:45:16 <wob_jonas> oerjan: toroman is based on my old golf code. it is only guaranteed to work for valid input, that is, integers in 1..3999 inclusive. on other integers, it might give a stupid result, but it won't have bad side effects
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15:59:20 <HackEso> olist 1136: shachaf oerjan Sgeo FireFly boily nortti b_jonas
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16:39:33 <Shragazord> got any recommendations esolang for a first time? one which is interesting and wont make me want to kill myself?
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16:49:02 <Taneb> Shragazord: I quite like Piet, personally
16:49:31 <Taneb> http://dangermouse.net/esoteric/piet.html
16:52:11 <Taneb> It was actually the first programming language full stop I ever learnt!
16:55:07 <Taneb> I was... eleven or twelve, I think
16:55:51 <Taneb> And now I work for a company that does Haskell, circuit design, and neural networks, all at once, so go figure
16:56:40 <shachaf> Is it artificial neural networks or the real thing?
16:57:00 <Taneb> The former, I'm afraid
17:06:14 <HackEso> olist 0: shachaf oerjan Sgeo FireFly boily nortti b_jonas
17:07:39 <HackEso> olist is update notification for the webcomic Order of the Stick. http://www.giantitp.com/comics/ootslatest.html
17:11:32 <HackEso> olist 1137: shachaf oerjan Sgeo FireFly boily nortti b_jonas
17:13:24 <HackEso> Me is a proud member of the tEaM.
17:13:47 <HackEso> `help [<command>] gives HackEgo's default help message, or help for a specific command. Or currently possibly some other wisdom.
17:18:11 <HackEso> Runs arbitrary code in GNU/Linux. Type "`<command>", or "`run <command>" for full shell commands. "`fetch [<output-file>] <URL>" downloads files. Files saved to $PWD are persistent, and $PWD/bin is in $PATH. $PWD is a mercurial repository, "`revert <rev>" can be used to revert to a revision. See http://codu.org/projects/hackbot/fshg/
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17:43:35 <Taneb> So, I've got a ridiculous project in mind
17:43:56 <Taneb> I've just ordered a receipt printer
17:44:28 <Taneb> I'm going to try to use it as a computer terminal
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19:51:46 <wob_jonas> zseri_: I think you mean o strip number 1136.
19:52:35 <wob_jonas> I know some people can see tomorrow's qwantz strip, but I'm quite sure it's literally impossible in the case of o. The Giant has said that he doesn't use a buffer, it wouldn't work for him, he posts any strip when it's complete.
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19:53:54 <int-e> there might be telepaths
19:54:10 <int-e> precogs, I guess, is the next one
19:54:15 <wob_jonas> int-e: yes, but they shouldn't ring the obell early
19:54:36 <HackEso> 682) <elliott> @more <elliott> @more <elliott> @more <elliott> @more <elliott> @more <elliott> @more <elliott> @more <elliott> :(
19:54:50 <wob_jonas> the obell is what you ring with the `olist command
19:55:05 <int-e> wob_jonas: yeah I did get that
19:55:13 <wob_jonas> go and help the Giant instead by downloading all the strips from the future and sending them to him so he can draw them more easily.
19:55:29 <wob_jonas> I think I had a wisdom for it, but deleted it when I deleted my most silly wisdoms
19:55:44 <int-e> I just don't care about oots.
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20:07:49 <HackEso> 59) <oklofok> i use dynamic indentation, i indent lines k times, if they are used O(n^k) times during a run of the program
20:08:14 <int-e> that's... pretty good
20:08:53 <myname> you could make a language out of that
20:09:43 <myname> the more you execute a lie of code, the more it needs to be indented
20:10:19 <wob_jonas> we'd automate that with profile-guided indentation
20:10:56 <wob_jonas> and you can put short loops in one line to inline them
20:11:19 <wob_jonas> would be heaven for those people who keep asking "how can I do ... in one line?" on perl forums
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20:11:50 <myname> just don't allow more than one command per line
20:12:18 <wob_jonas> oh, like the good old 60's and 70's?
20:12:42 <int-e> . o O ( style rule 0) always indent newlines all the way to the end of the line )
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