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10:41:30 <esowiki> [[Language list]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=77468&oldid=77445 * SunnyMoon * (+11) Where were you, 1L_a?
10:49:31 <esowiki> [[1L a]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=77469&oldid=36071 * SunnyMoon * (+40) Headings make it easier.
10:50:35 <esowiki> [[1L a]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=77470&oldid=77469 * SunnyMoon * (-75) 1L_a has no control flow.
10:51:35 <esowiki> [[1L a]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=77471&oldid=77470 * SunnyMoon * (-28) If I am wrong, please revert my edits.
10:54:03 <esowiki> [[Talk:1L a]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=77472 * SunnyMoon * (+172) Citation needed
11:10:16 -!- kritixilithos has joined.
11:21:52 <lambdabot> KOAK 131053Z 35005KT 1 1/2SM BR FU BKN006 15/13 A2991 RMK AO2 SLP127 T01500128 $
11:21:56 <lambdabot> KSEA 131053Z 12003KT 3/4SM FU BR OVC031 12/11 A2996 RMK AO2 SLPNO FU OVC031 T01170106
11:39:03 -!- kritixilithos has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
12:19:50 <lambdabot> EGLL 131150Z AUTO 25012KT 9999 NCD 23/12 Q1024 NOSIG
12:43:03 <HackEso> 2020-09-13 12:43:02.650 +0000 UTC September 13 Sunday 2020-W37-7
12:55:33 <fizzie> Ooh, missed that. Oh well, it's the powers of 2 that are the real moments to celebrate.
12:55:36 <fizzie> `` printf "%x" $(date +%s)
12:56:54 <fizzie> `` date --date=@$(python -c 'print(0x60000000)')
12:56:56 <HackEso> Thu Jan 14 08:25:36 UTC 2021
12:57:02 <fizzie> Something to look forward to.
12:57:25 <fizzie> `` date --date=@$(python -c 'print(0x50000000)')
12:57:26 <HackEso> Fri Jul 13 11:01:20 UTC 2012
12:57:50 <fizzie> s/powers of 2/multiples of large &/
13:03:36 <int-e> > (3*2^29 - 1600000000)/86400
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13:08:57 <fizzie> `` s=$(date +%s); for p in $(seq 10 40); do date --date=@$(((s&~(1<<p-1))+(1<<p))); done | paste
13:08:59 <HackEso> https://hack.esolangs.org/tmp/paste/paste.31981
13:10:07 <fizzie> Hmm, I think I messed that up somewhere.
13:10:28 <esowiki> [[Ix]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=77473&oldid=77231 * Orisphera * (+44) /* The language */
13:11:32 <b_jonas> fizzie: well you can find occasions to celebrate any time
13:12:19 <esowiki> [[Ix]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=77474&oldid=77473 * Orisphera * (+93) /* Case-sensitivity */
13:12:22 <fizzie> Oh, precedence. 1<<p-1 == (1<<p)-1, not 1<<(p-1).
13:12:28 <fizzie> `` s=$(date +%s); for p in $(seq 10 40); do date --date=@$(((s&~((1<<p)-1))+(1<<p))); done | uniq | paste
13:12:30 <HackEso> https://hack.esolangs.org/tmp/paste/paste.11013
13:12:49 <fizzie> Judging from the fact that y2k38 shows up, that's probably right.
13:13:48 <fizzie> (Er, I mean, I *wanted* 1<<p-1 to be (1<<p)-1, not 1<<(p-1).)
13:16:10 <int-e> `` dc <<<2o1600000000p
13:16:11 <HackEso> 1011111010111100001000000000000
13:16:38 <int-e> (that long run of 1s following the 10 at the start is also significant)
13:32:53 <esowiki> [[List of ideas]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=77475&oldid=77331 * Orisphera * (+180) /* Ideas related to esoteric operating systems, esoteric processors and esoteric computers */
13:35:25 <esowiki> [[1L a]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=77476&oldid=77471 * TwilightSparkle * (+75) Undo revision 77470 by [[Special:Contributions/SunnyMoon|SunnyMoon]] ([[User talk:SunnyMoon|talk]]) How? 1L_a do have control flow. Did you even read the specs?
13:39:29 <esowiki> [[1L a]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=77477&oldid=77476 * SunnyMoon * (-75) IF statements. They are essential for turing machines.
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14:11:57 <esowiki> [[1L a]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=77478&oldid=77477 * SunnyMoon * (+122) Commenting 101
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15:42:43 <esowiki> [[Filth]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=77479&oldid=77330 * Bananaapple * (+855) Updated the language definition to remove some ambiguity. "Executing a popped \X will result in strangeness." is not true, since its behaviour can be both defined and implemented rather easily, and it was never a part of the original definition. I changed the definition of label
15:43:41 <esowiki> [[Filth]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=77480&oldid=77479 * Bananaapple * (+5) formatting
15:44:58 <esowiki> [[Filth]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=77481&oldid=77480 * Bananaapple * (+79) typo and one more ambiguity down
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18:06:31 <esowiki> [[Filth]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=77482&oldid=77481 * Bananaapple * (-4) the XX is not a valid operation to do on the command stack. Why was 'x' there in the first place then?
18:24:10 <kmc> there was an event?
18:24:18 <kmc> is it the sort of event where you remain indoors?
18:24:46 <b_jonas> kmc: unix epoch time 1_600_000_000
18:28:53 <kmc> it's weird that i've been alive for almost 2/3 of the unix epoch
18:29:00 <kmc> seems impossible somehow
18:41:18 <spruit11> We are closer to Ceasar than Ceasar to the construction of the pyramids. Weird too.
18:45:44 <imode> spruit11: don't feel bad, we have the 17 event in a couple years.
19:02:17 <kmc> spruit11: yeah
19:39:07 <int-e> 0x60000000 is next January.
19:40:07 <fizzie> (And after that, there's just one high nybble flip left before the Big One.)
19:47:21 <fizzie> Our channel turned 2^29 seconds old late last year, and I think nobody celebrated that either.
19:47:26 <fizzie> `` date --date=@$(( $(date --date='2002-12-09T06:00:00Z' +%s) + 2**29 ))
19:47:27 <HackEso> Sat Dec 14 00:48:32 UTC 2019
19:48:40 <fizzie> `` date --date=@$(( $(date --date='2002-12-09T06:00:00Z' +%s) + 2**30 ))
19:48:42 <HackEso> Wed Dec 17 19:37:04 UTC 2036
19:51:06 <fizzie> 2^29 seconds is surprisingly close to being exactly 17 years.
19:51:10 <fizzie> > 2**29 / (86400*365.2425)
19:53:45 -!- kritixil1 has quit (Quit: quit).
19:53:56 <myname> 10! secons are exactly 6 weeks
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20:00:03 <Emerald> can anyone here help me on anything
20:01:31 <HackEso> Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
20:01:43 <HackEso> hth ([ʰtʰh̩]) is help received from a hairy toe. It is not at all hambiguitous.
20:02:17 <myname> Emerald: it helps if you ask actual questions
20:02:53 <Emerald> On my phone it won’t let me go to the editing preferences
20:03:14 <myname> okay, i would ask about that in an android or ios channel respectively
20:06:04 <myname> i refuse to help people that don't do the bare minimum effort
20:06:29 <Emerald> Oh I tried fixing the problem
20:06:35 <int-e> Also, if you think your phone possessed, you have the wrong kind of esoteric channel.
20:06:57 <fizzie> Would these be the wiki's "editing" preferences page?
20:07:23 <Emerald> I can go to preference main page just fine
20:07:38 <Emerald> but my phone ain’t letting me go to other preferences
20:07:59 <fizzie> (Works for me on Android Chrome is all I can say about that. Though not well.)
20:08:37 <Emerald> Unfortunately, IOS isn’t android....
20:10:06 <fizzie> MediaWiki isn't particularly mobile-friendly out of the box. But odd if it doesn't work at all.
20:10:37 <int-e> fizzie: your mindreading skills are impressive
20:10:46 <Emerald> But my main editing device is my phone
20:11:17 <fizzie> No "request desktop site" or equivalent in Safari? That might work (or not).
20:12:03 <Emerald> ive tried using the link for the page
20:15:40 <fizzie> You can try some of the other skins (which you can override on a page basis by adding ?useskin=modern and such), though I imagine they don't really have functional differences.
20:17:59 <fizzie> Or add ?printable=yes, which gives a really plain view... but it still has script-driven tabs, which is probably the problem. Don't really have any likely suggestions at this point.
20:18:56 <Emerald> Well I guess I will give up since that didn’t work
20:21:30 <fizzie> Eventually we'll upgrade the MediaWiki version again, which might help. Or not.
20:24:06 <int-e> Emerald: fwiw, if you'd mentioned the wiki, you'd probably have gotten a less snarky reception
20:52:35 -!- Emerald has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
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23:34:44 <zzo38> Does any TV set have a variant pillarbox mode to extend the picture on both sides by display stuff that would ordinarily be cut off (such as hblank)?
23:51:26 <shachaf> Do you like Edward Nelson's Internal Set Theory?
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