←2009-07-26 2009-07-27 2009-07-28→ ↑2009 ↑all
00:01:15 -!- ehird has changed nick to eli_yt.
00:01:19 <eli_yt> grr
00:01:47 -!- eli_yt has changed nick to eli_yt`xyrd.
00:01:56 <eli_yt`xyrd> _ is ",", ` is "."
00:01:57 <eli_yt`xyrd> hmm
00:01:59 <eli_yt`xyrd> let's reverse that
00:02:03 -!- eli_yt`xyrd has changed nick to eli`yt_xyrd.
00:02:57 <AnMaster> here we go.. recompiling xchat...
00:03:22 <oklopol> elit hrdi
00:03:34 <oerjan> http://www.catholic-tube.com/
00:04:05 <oklopol> i'm so getting oklotube
00:04:36 <oklopol> videos about me, supplied by you and your friends.
00:04:39 <eli`yt_xyrd> oerjan: …Convert Obama.
00:04:40 * oerjan thinks ehird will find the lead story there suitable wtf :D
00:04:40 <eli`yt_xyrd> Really now.
00:04:45 <eli`yt_xyrd> Heh, snap.
00:04:52 <oerjan> *ly
00:04:54 * eli`yt_xyrd prays to turn Obama into an atheist.
00:04:55 <eli`yt_xyrd> Wait.
00:04:56 <eli`yt_xyrd> Never mind.
00:05:07 <eli`yt_xyrd> Dammit, how do you set up an opposing movement to that? :-)
00:05:46 <oerjan> eli`yt_xyrd: an atheist would use the placebo effect for that purpose, i think
00:05:53 <oklopol> what is obama?
00:06:00 <oklopol> religion-wise
00:06:03 <oerjan> oklopol: some us black guy
00:06:08 <eli`yt_xyrd> oklopol: uhh i think just like
00:06:09 <eli`yt_xyrd> uncatholic
00:06:11 <eli`yt_xyrd> um
00:06:13 * eli`yt_xyrd looks up
00:06:15 <oklopol> anticatholic
00:06:21 <eli`yt_xyrd> ReligionChristian,[3] former member of United Church of Christ[4][5]
00:06:35 <eli`yt_xyrd> so i guess protestant kinda thing
00:06:43 <eli`yt_xyrd> congregationalist & presbyterian sez [[United Church of Christ]]
00:06:49 <eli`yt_xyrd> The UCC maintains full communion with several other mainline Protestant denominations and participates in worldwide ecumenical efforts. The UCC has historically favored progressive, or liberal, views on civil rights, gay rights, women's rights, abortion, and other issues. Congregations have extensive, perhaps definitive, authority over matters of doctrine and ministry, though, and may or may not support the national body's theological or moral stan
00:06:51 <eli`yt_xyrd> ces.
00:06:55 <eli`yt_xyrd> so, liberal kinda christian
00:07:38 <oklopol> are all us presidents religious nowadays?
00:07:48 <oklopol> i'm about as clueless about these things as an infant
00:07:58 <eli`yt_xyrd> oklopol: every single US president has been religious
00:08:02 <eli`yt_xyrd> the founding fathers were deists
00:08:10 <oklopol> oh?
00:08:12 <eli`yt_xyrd> so they won't be saying "god bless"
00:08:18 <eli`yt_xyrd> but they still believe there was a god guy
00:08:18 <oklopol> i've heard otherwise
00:08:26 <eli`yt_xyrd> oklopol: yes, by over-zealous atheists seeking confirmation
00:08:34 <oklopol> makes sense
00:08:40 <eli`yt_xyrd> they were secular, understated deists
00:08:44 <eli`yt_xyrd> still religion
00:09:37 -!- eli`yt_xyrd has changed nick to elliott.
00:09:43 <elliott> i hate how this is registered
00:09:51 <oklopol> that's just scary :\
00:09:52 <elliott> oh wow
00:09:54 <oklopol> i mean the nick.
00:09:55 <GregorR> I recall some poll showing that if somebody was an atheist, but otherwise everybody agreed with them about everything, they still wouldn't win in a US presidential race. Or even come close.
00:09:55 <elliott> it's registered by elliottcable
00:09:58 <elliott> whom I hate
00:10:07 <elliott> and I mean hate
00:10:10 -!- elliott has changed nick to ehird.
00:10:31 <oklopol> GregorR: your country rocks :P
00:10:40 <GregorR> :(
00:10:44 -!- ehird has changed nick to elliott.
00:10:50 <oklopol> can't say i know what the state is in finland.
00:11:06 <elliott> 112 days since use, excellent
00:11:10 * elliott asks for droppitude
00:11:16 <GregorR> (Also, a gay man could potentially win, but narrowly, it was like 30% who would refuse to vote for him based on that alone)
00:11:25 <oklopol> hehe
00:11:44 -!- elliott has changed nick to ehird.
00:11:48 <ehird> darn
00:11:54 <ehird> apparently the account owner has to be inactive
00:12:01 <ehird> they pointed out he was in #freenode :)
00:12:08 <GregorR> lawl
00:12:24 <ehird> hmm that means I could hog hundreds of nicks
00:12:25 <GregorR> Somebody registered 'Gregor' five weeks ago.
00:12:27 <ehird> and just stay online the account
00:12:30 <GregorR> To that I say, "Gee, I'm a retard"
00:12:38 <ehird> GregorR: just give it 60 days :P
00:12:52 <GregorR> But I wanna drink goat's blood!
00:13:05 <oerjan> wait, what?
00:13:31 <GregorR> But it's only Tuesday :(
00:13:32 <ehird> oklopol: you said you were gonna think for a few hours when i asked how exactly your OS would visualise objects
00:13:37 <ehird> did you ever finish that thinking :D
00:14:12 <oklopol> oh i don't think i even started :D
00:14:23 <oklopol> you do realize it was like a year ago that i was interested in os stuff
00:14:40 <ehird> oklopol: well yeah but you're not even interested in computers any more
00:14:47 <ehird> so everything is gonna be backdated
00:14:50 <oklopol> true.
00:15:01 <AnMaster> damn it seems gtkspell is too old too
00:15:03 <AnMaster> sigh
00:15:09 <GregorR> He's only interested in gay sex, torture and murder.
00:15:15 <ehird> and IRC
00:15:15 <oklopol> :D
00:15:18 <ehird> don't forget IRC
00:15:22 <GregorR> ehird: True
00:15:35 <ehird> oklopol: are those vjn people still spamming in finnish?
00:15:38 <ehird> i suspect them of doing it non-stop for years without sleeping
00:15:45 <oklopol> err, yes, we still do
00:15:51 <ehird> i'ma go eavesdrop
00:15:54 <AnMaster> ehird, btw when googling I found a highly insane thread at the ubuntu forums...
00:15:57 <oklopol> but, pretty much all of vjn is currently in the army
00:16:02 <AnMaster> not sure if it is safe to link it to you
00:16:07 <ehird> AnMaster: sure thing.
00:16:13 <AnMaster> actually. Not a good idea AT ALL.
00:16:13 <ehird> oklopol: mandatory .mil service?
00:16:17 <ehird> AnMaster: do it bitch
00:16:21 <oklopol> except one who was there for 3 days and got bored, one who's me, and one who did it ages ago
00:16:27 <oklopol> ehird: yes.
00:16:30 <ehird> or i'll find an openssl exploit and hax your computer to find the link
00:16:33 <ehird> oklopol: lame
00:16:45 <AnMaster> ehird, lets just say it is someone recompiling packages on ubuntu with -funroll-loops...
00:16:49 <ehird> AnMaster: <3
00:16:51 <ehird> link
00:16:55 <oklopol> GregorR: actually i take back my insult, finland is worse :P
00:17:00 <ehird> it'll be avant garde
00:17:00 <AnMaster> ehird, ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101097
00:17:03 <ehird> oklopol: insult at what
00:17:04 <AnMaster> from 2005
00:17:13 <oklopol> ehird: that poll thing GregorR mentioned
00:17:19 <ehird> oklopol: what did you say about it?
00:17:21 <oklopol> oh wait
00:17:28 <ehird> AnMaster: ugh
00:17:33 <oklopol> does us have mandatory mil? :P
00:17:40 <ehird> no.
00:17:40 <oklopol> it doesn't in tv shows
00:17:51 <AnMaster> ehird, agreed
00:17:57 <AnMaster> ehird, and gentoo devs would agree too
00:17:59 <AnMaster> NOT safe flags
00:18:17 <oklopol> ehird: #vjn.priv has most of the action nowadays
00:18:25 <ehird> oklopol: sounds terribly private.
00:18:30 <oklopol> yes.
00:18:37 <ehird> it's ok, i'm happy being part of the hoi polloi
00:18:42 <ehird> which i guess consists of… me
00:18:47 <ehird> maybe Q
00:18:50 <ehird> me and Q
00:18:54 <ehird> unless .priv has Q
00:18:55 <oklopol> your being on #vjn may induce okoing there ofc, although you probably leave soon.
00:18:57 <ehird> then just me
00:19:18 <oklopol> q is on .priv.
00:19:29 <ehird> i'm so ronery
00:19:46 <oklopol> .priv is for voiced people and ops really
00:20:22 <oklopol> except this johan who we know from volimo's invading a few of his channels has an autovoice too
00:20:29 <oklopol> but isn't part of vjn
00:20:59 <ehird> didn't you guys sign up as a corporation or something? or was that a religion
00:21:03 <ehird> anyway, you should do it as a religion instead
00:21:06 <oklopol> we're a registered group
00:21:07 <ehird> i think everything should be a religion
00:21:13 <ehird> i mean you can only have one religion
00:21:17 <ehird> so it'd enforce cliqueness
00:21:34 <ehird> oklopol: that sounds like a very pointless status
00:21:35 <oklopol> we were thinking about religion, but most of us don't want the possible press interest
00:21:56 <ehird> oklopol: methinks you overestimate your importance :D
00:22:38 <AnMaster> idea: install new gtkspell and xchat in ~/local
00:22:51 <AnMaster> ehird, is that a better/worse idea than upgrading it system wide?
00:22:54 <oklopol> my friend's mum works for a paper, she'd definitely write the story at least
00:23:02 <ehird> AnMaster: it's a pretty bad idea.
00:23:17 <oklopol> which said friend wouldn't want
00:23:23 <AnMaster> ehird, well I can't live without proper spell checking in irc client. And that means I need to do either of those
00:23:32 <AnMaster> since I found in changelog that this is real real issue
00:23:35 -!- BeholdMyGlory has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
00:23:36 <ehird> AnMaster: so you want it in xchat but don't need it in firefox?
00:23:44 <ehird> do you never type in two languages in firefox too?
00:23:50 <ehird> an app-specific "solution" to this is silly
00:24:04 <AnMaster> ehird, err I can change language in firefox already?
00:24:14 <ehird> Yeah… tediously.
00:24:26 <AnMaster> ehird, not really
00:24:26 <ehird> AnMaster: If it works how you want, then that's just Gnome's widget.
00:24:28 <ehird> Install xchat-gnome and it should use it.
00:24:37 <AnMaster> ehird, anyway it isn't app specifc
00:24:42 <ehird> XChat doesn't use Gnome stuff, so.
00:24:43 <AnMaster> anything using gtkspell can use it
00:24:55 <ehird> As I said, I doubt it's gtkspell.
00:25:04 <AnMaster> ehird, I read the changelog
00:25:05 <AnMaster> a sec
00:25:11 <AnMaster> http://gtkspell.sourceforge.net/ChangeLog
00:25:16 <ehird> Just install xchat-gnome and see if it works, ffs.
00:25:17 <AnMaster> * Fix feature request #1523881, #1643622 and #2054637
00:25:17 <AnMaster> by adding a Language selector sub-menu.
00:25:18 <AnMaster> there
00:25:19 <AnMaster> ehird, ^
00:25:22 <AnMaster> HAPPY NOW?
00:25:32 <ehird> You're an idiot and clearly cannot comprehend English
00:25:35 <ehird> s/$/./
00:25:43 <GregorR> http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/garfield-lol.jpg
00:25:43 <ehird> Also, your argument method consists of yelling.
00:25:51 <ehird> I haven't /ignored someone in a while.
00:26:04 <ehird> GregorR: Oooold
00:26:04 <ehird> Like 2006-2007 old
00:26:23 <AnMaster> ehird, very well I compiled it in "/local and used LD_PRELOAD. Guess what now xchat automatically has that pop up menu option
00:26:32 * GregorR looks at the URL.
00:26:32 <AnMaster> ehird, do you finally believe me?
00:26:38 <GregorR> I'd say more like, 2008 old :P
00:26:48 <ehird> GregorR: That image is copied.
00:26:55 <ehird> From the, I think, dinosaur comic forums.
00:26:58 <GregorR> So's your face.
00:27:24 -!- FireFly has quit ("Later").
00:27:47 <AnMaster> ais523, sigh I guess ehird ignored me just before I told him about LD_PRELOAD?
00:27:51 <oerjan> `translatefrom se Later
00:27:51 <HackEgo> No output.
00:28:05 <AnMaster> oerjan, not Swedish
00:28:18 <ais523> AnMaster: are you saying that you got it to work?
00:28:44 <AnMaster> ais523, yes with LD_PRELOADing a newer gtkspell.so
00:28:47 <oerjan> `translatefrom no Later
00:28:48 <HackEgo> No output.
00:28:50 <AnMaster> which is a temp hack
00:29:00 <AnMaster> just to check that I was right
00:29:40 <AnMaster> oh and xchat-gnome doesn't support it
00:29:45 <AnMaster> so using it won't help anywya
00:29:47 <AnMaster> anyway*
00:31:52 <AnMaster> even better: xchat-gnome destroyed the normal xchat settings
00:32:03 <AnMaster> I guess ehird is REALLY proud now
00:32:36 <AnMaster> ais523, please tell ehird that 1) it was gtkspell 2) xchat-gnome didn't work 3) xchat-gnome mangled preferences from normal xchat.
00:32:38 <AnMaster> that is all
00:32:47 <ais523> <AnMaster> ais523, please tell ehird that 1) it was gtkspell 2) xchat-gnome didn't work 3) xchat-gnome mangled preferences from normal xchat.
00:32:55 <ehird> ais523: if you do that again, I'll ignore you.
00:33:09 <AnMaster> seems he is afraid of the truth too
00:33:11 <AnMaster> oh well
00:33:23 <ais523> ehird: it's not as if you're saying anything atm anyway
00:33:41 <ehird> ais523: and? I don't appreciate you breaking my ignore option.
00:33:53 <AnMaster> yes he is afraid of the truth
00:34:01 <ais523> AnMaster: I don't think that's quite the situation
00:34:10 <AnMaster> at least I can accept when I'm wrong usually. ehird can't
00:34:43 <AnMaster> anyway now lets find a more permanent solution than scp from libgtkspell.so.0.0.0 from gentoo and then LD_PRELOAD it
00:35:13 <ais523> hmm... it seems that people who arrive at websites from Bing are 55% more likely to click through on adverts
00:35:20 <ais523> compared to people who arrived from Google
00:35:24 <AnMaster> ais523, any idea if there is any place like packages.debian.org but for ubuntu?
00:35:35 <ais523> AnMaster: IIRC, it exists but I don't know where it is
00:35:45 <ais523> also, apt-cache search, etc, can be pretty useful
00:35:50 <AnMaster> ah
00:35:52 <AnMaster> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtkspell
00:35:53 <AnMaster> that
00:35:58 <oerjan> ok there, now i ignored _both_ ehird and AnMaster.
00:36:01 <AnMaster> ais523, yes but I want to find last unstable
00:36:11 <ehird> oerjan: i apologise for not saying anything.
00:36:18 <AnMaster> ais523, huh? did either of us insult oerjan?
00:36:19 <oklopol> actually, what would be much better than ignore would be something that prevents the server from sending your messages to everyone on the chan.
00:36:25 <AnMaster> or is oerjan just joking
00:36:44 <oklopol> i don't think he felt he was insulted
00:36:52 <ais523> AnMaster: there is definitely a place for find last unstable, but again I don't know where it is
00:37:08 <ais523> oklopol: /part? or have I taken the wrong interpretation of your ambiguous sentence?
00:37:08 <oklopol> he just doesn't like seeing hate.
00:37:10 <AnMaster> ais523, how sane on a scale from 0-10 is it to use a package from last unstable on stable
00:37:17 <ehird> ais523: "everyone"
00:37:17 <AnMaster> ais523, as in: package manager breaking or such?
00:37:18 <ehird> not anyone
00:37:30 <ehird> i.e., /notfortheeyesof AnMaster
00:37:31 <ais523> AnMaster: it won't break the package manager, most likely it'll complain about unmet dependencies if you try though
00:37:36 <oklopol> ais523: what ehird said; which i guess means "what i said"
00:37:42 <AnMaster> ais523, hm interesting
00:37:56 <ehird> i'm going to try macirssi now!
00:37:56 <ais523> the package manager won't let you do anything stupid without a --force option
00:38:21 <oklopol> ais523: basically the ability to ignore myself for someone else.
00:38:45 <AnMaster> ais523, now to figure out how.. because deps are rather modest of this...
00:38:47 <ais523> oklopol: unfortunately, most IRC servers ban the obvious method of implementing that
00:38:54 <ais523> which is list-of-people PRIVMSGs
00:38:56 <oklopol> ais523: what's the obvious method?
00:39:01 <oklopol> eh
00:39:11 <oklopol> that's not the same
00:39:21 <oklopol> your messages will not be mutual knowledge to the channel
00:39:25 <ais523> oklopol: in theory, you can write PRIVMSG ais523,AnMaster,ehird :Look at this message!
00:39:30 <oklopol> they will be knowledge separately to each dude on the chan
00:39:37 <ais523> ideally, you'd want PRIVMSG ais523,AnMaster,ehird@#esoteric :Look at this message!
00:39:41 <AnMaster> ais523, doesn't work on freenode
00:39:45 <AnMaster> iirc
00:39:58 <ais523> or maybe, PRIVMSG -oklopol@#esoteric :This is secret from oklopol
00:40:04 <ais523> except - is legal in nicks
00:40:08 <ais523> so you'd need a different syntax
00:40:21 <oklopol> i guess you could prepend something like "this is a message to everyone except X on #Y:".
00:40:27 <oklopol> then it would be mutual knowledge
00:40:40 <oklopol> but i prefer the solution where the server does it
00:40:41 <AnMaster> ais523, what is this extension to IRC supposed to do
00:40:51 <ais523> AnMaster: what oklopol requested
00:41:05 <AnMaster> ais523, exclude someone else from seeing the message?
00:41:10 -!- ehird_ has joined.
00:41:15 <AnMaster> wb ehird_
00:41:17 <ais523> hi ehird_
00:41:24 <ehird_> heh macirssi shows the topic as \u05ea etc
00:41:26 <ais523> AnMaster: yes, basically to avoid annoying them
00:41:34 <ehird_> kinda very unicode!
00:42:17 <ehird_> okay how do i make this window less transparent
00:42:25 <ehird_> it doth piss me off
00:42:28 <ais523> super-mousewheel?
00:42:38 <ehird_> ais523: wat?
00:42:47 <oklopol> i mean sure i sometimes want not to see other people's messages for a while, when i need a break from the anger induced trance, but a forced ignore would be a nice long-term solution to annoying people.
00:42:59 <ehird_> there we go
00:43:09 <oklopol> longer-term, that is, i can't really be mad to anyone for more than a few hours
00:43:26 <oklopol> to humans that is
00:43:34 <ais523> ehird_: I was trying to remember how to do it on Compiz
00:43:41 <ais523> it has a shortcut to control window transparenc
00:43:46 <ehird_> ais523: wow
00:43:48 <ais523> wait, no super-mousewheel is zoom
00:43:54 <ehird_> well, that could actually be useful
00:43:57 <ais523> there is a shortcut for transparency, though
00:43:57 <ehird_> to see stuff behind it quickly
00:44:00 <ais523> ehird_: it has been
00:44:00 <ehird_> though I'd prefer just one shortcut
00:44:03 <ehird_> to make it about half transparent
00:44:09 <ehird_> as opposed to such silly fine-grainedness
00:44:21 <ehird_> hmm
00:44:26 <ehird_> i appear to be unable to say unicode chars
00:44:32 <ehird_> it just gets eaten up
00:44:41 <ehird_> well this client is thoroughly shit
00:46:23 <ehird_> Colloquy 2.2 (4129)
00:46:23 <ehird_> The latest build on 1/9/2009 can be downloaded here (6.98 MB). Requires Mac OS X 10.4 or higher. Supplied as a universal binary, allowing it to run on an Intel or PowerPC Mac.
00:46:28 <ehird_> cool a new colloquy
00:46:31 <ehird_> that's basically unheard of
00:46:50 <ehird_> SO LONG SOLK FUCKERS!
00:46:53 <ehird_> ...for a second
00:46:55 -!- ehird_ has quit ("Get MacIrssi - http://www.sysctl.co.uk/projects/macirssi/").
00:47:07 -!- ehird_ has joined.
00:47:14 -!- ehird_ has quit (Client Quit).
00:47:34 -!- ehird_ has joined.
00:47:39 <ehird_> what i meant to say was
00:47:44 <ehird_> "correction
00:47:50 -!- ehird_ has quit (Client Quit).
00:48:11 -!- ehird_ has joined.
00:48:14 <ehird_> /quit Don't get MacIrssi, it sucks - http://www.sysctl.co.uk/projects/macirssi/"
00:48:20 <ehird_> without the space
00:48:25 <ehird_> jesus fucking christ on a pogo stick
00:48:37 -!- ehird_ has quit (Remote closed the connection).
00:50:37 -!- ehird_ has joined.
00:50:39 <ehird_> hi bitches
00:50:47 <ehird_> i don't never made a floughterus
00:50:53 <ehird_> and you know it's true
00:51:15 -!- ehird has quit ("Caught sigterm, terminating...").
00:51:20 <ehird_> hahaha lame bitch-o
00:51:21 -!- ehird_ has changed nick to ehird.
00:52:00 <oklopol> you can't have sex on a pogo stick
00:52:04 <ehird> fuckin' can
00:52:11 <ehird> you can fuck a can.
00:53:46 -!- anm_ub has joined.
00:54:05 <anm_ub> ais523, yes it seems to work very nicely. Had to build it locally to get deps right
00:54:08 <anm_ub> but that was easy
00:54:16 <ais523> anm_ub: context?
00:54:44 <anm_ub> dpkg-buildpackage to build the "unstable" gtkspell
00:54:57 <anm_ub> then installing it
00:55:04 <anm_ub> works flawlessly
00:55:18 <anm_ub> and yes the extra menu in the popup menu is there
00:55:55 <anm_ub> I wgeted the files in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/gtkspell/2.0.15-0ubuntu1
00:56:04 -!- anm_ub has changed nick to anmaster_ub.
00:56:09 -!- ehird has quit.
00:56:50 <anmaster_ub> ais523, I wonder why ehird had such large issues with me being right about it being a gtkspell issue...
00:57:17 -!- ehird has joined.
00:57:21 <ehird> that's my name
00:57:23 <ehird> don't tear it about
00:57:28 -!- ehird has left (?).
00:57:30 <anmaster_ub> huh
00:57:32 -!- ehird has joined.
00:57:34 <ehird> tis though
00:57:37 <anmaster_ub> why did he leave in a huff suddenly
00:57:42 <anmaster_ub> *shrug*
00:57:52 <ehird> ok this style sucks
00:57:55 <ehird> i'ma try another one
00:58:03 -!- ehird has quit (Client Quit).
00:58:15 -!- ehird has joined.
00:58:21 <ehird> good morning america
00:58:29 <ehird> mood gorning america
00:58:46 <ehird> hmm
00:58:50 <ehird> wonder if i can, like
00:58:51 <ehird> change this font.
00:58:53 <ehird> would be nic.
00:58:54 <ehird> e.
00:59:21 <anmaster_ub> anyway... long live gtkspell 2.0.15
01:01:34 <AnMaster> * ais523 is annoyed at Ubuntu's typical bug response <ais523> it's considerably worse than Debian's <-- ?
01:02:43 <ais523> yes
01:02:47 <ais523> very considerably worse
01:02:50 <ais523> Debian's is pretty good IME
01:02:55 <AnMaster> ais523, in what way
01:03:16 <ais523> response time
01:03:27 -!- calamari has quit ("Leaving").
01:03:30 <AnMaster> btw this is a rather tight fit in the menu bar thing at the top
01:03:51 <ehird> brb
01:03:52 <ehird> brb
01:03:55 -!- ehird has quit.
01:04:07 -!- ehird has joined.
01:04:11 <ehird> hello!
01:04:17 <ehird> turns out I'm an antelope. would you believe?
01:04:27 <AnMaster> 2x xchat icon (this is X forward, haven't yet fixed listening ip for bouncer), battery, network manager, bluetooth, CPU temp, battery temp, fan speed, core 1 temp, core 2 temp, sound, date
01:04:28 <AnMaster> ais523, ^
01:04:31 <AnMaster> what do you think :D
01:04:45 -!- anmaster_ub has quit ("brb").
01:04:46 <ehird> fairly sure I've outlawed slavery at least once in my lifetime
01:04:51 <ais523> AnMaster: I don't
01:04:55 <ais523> no opinion
01:05:27 <AnMaster> I think I shall have to ignore ehird too soon
01:05:33 <AnMaster> clearly he is trying to be annoying
01:06:07 <ehird> well guys! it's been just swell
01:06:11 <ehird> but i gotta fly you know?
01:06:11 <ehird> like
01:06:13 <ehird> into bed
01:06:16 <AnMaster> ais523, btw, apart from the wlan... this thinkpad works very well
01:06:18 <ehird> fly into bed.
01:06:19 <ehird>
01:06:21 -!- ehird has quit (Client Quit).
01:06:39 <AnMaster> ais523, the wlan has some bug that makes it take ages to connect to networks with WPA2-PSK
01:06:44 <AnMaster> like that I use at home
01:06:57 <AnMaster> known and reported bug
01:08:00 <ais523> AnMaster: in what?
01:08:32 <AnMaster> ais523, well no one knows... either wpa_supplicant or the kernel module iwlagn
01:08:37 <AnMaster> or a combination
01:09:33 <AnMaster> the result is that it takes a random amount of time before things connect
01:09:41 <AnMaster> before it keeps reporting this in dmesg:
01:09:42 <AnMaster> :
01:09:47 <AnMaster> [17435.744398] wlan0: disassociating by local choice (reason=3)
01:10:20 <AnMaster> last time it took 10 seconds. the time before that it took about 5 minutes
01:10:26 <AnMaster> ais523, this is a very annoying bug
01:10:28 <ais523> I think that bug affects me too
01:10:32 -!- GreaseMonkey has quit ("HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.org <- Nobody cares enough to cybersquat it").
01:10:36 <AnMaster> ais523, you have an intel chipset?
01:10:42 <AnMaster> that uses that driver?
01:10:51 <AnMaster> if it is a different driver hm
01:10:59 <ais523> yes, intel chipset
01:11:02 <AnMaster> then maybe the bug is in wpa_supplicant
01:11:06 <AnMaster> ais523, that driver though?
01:11:10 <ais523> can't remember the driver offhand
01:11:15 <AnMaster> ais523, also when did the issue start
01:11:20 <AnMaster> ais523, lsmod | grep wlan
01:11:25 <ais523> AnMaster: it's been there forever
01:11:32 <AnMaster> ais523, damn :(
01:11:47 <AnMaster> ais523, sometimes it doesn't connect at all
01:12:02 <AnMaster> anyway do you know any good workaround?
01:12:13 <ais523> no
01:12:28 <AnMaster> ais523, so how do you usually solve it...?
01:12:31 <AnMaster> waiting?
01:12:46 <AnMaster> also I sure hope the university I'm going to won't use WPA2
01:13:35 <ais523> yes, waiting
01:14:20 <AnMaster> ais523, looks like WLAN coverage at the uni is rather sparse: https://shib1.oru.se/account/images/Zonkarta.jpg
01:14:20 <ais523> bear in mind that my trackpad doesn't work, the sound has issues sometimes, some of the buttons on the front don't work, and the computer needs a reboot to turn the screen on if it's closed
01:14:27 <AnMaster> the https cert is broken yes
01:14:36 <AnMaster> I guess I will have to reupload the image instead
01:15:12 <AnMaster> the link to the PDF with details about wlan gives 404
01:15:44 <AnMaster> ais523, my touchpad/trackpoint works
01:15:47 <AnMaster> two issues however:
01:15:57 <AnMaster> tapping the trackpoint is supposed to click: doesn't work
01:16:49 <AnMaster> Fn-F8 is supposed to turn off the touchpad (useful when you are writing to prevent accidental mouse movements), after some fiddling with hal it does. But it *also* turns off the buttons for the trackpoint
01:16:59 <AnMaster> the thinkpad has two sets of buttons
01:17:04 <AnMaster> one below the touchpad
01:17:06 <AnMaster> and one above
01:17:16 <AnMaster> the above ones are for the track point in the middle of the keyboard
01:17:35 <AnMaster> ais523, the wlan bug, does it only affect WPA2 networks?
01:17:46 <AnMaster> or WPA too? And what about WEP or unencrypted
01:17:54 <ais523> it doesn't affect original WPA, haven't tried anywhere else
01:17:58 <ais523> and for all I know, it's a different bug
01:18:45 <AnMaster> ais523, so WPA2 but not WPA? (asking for confirmation because your response seemed to contain a typo or be rather strangely worded)
01:19:01 <ais523> AnMaster: yes, I think so, but if it's a different bug this info won't help
01:19:14 <AnMaster> ais523, well non-WPA2 seems to work for me
01:19:22 <AnMaster> but that is too insecure for my home network
01:20:58 -!- bsmntbombdood has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
01:21:51 <AnMaster> ais523, your dmesg contains that error I mentioned?
01:21:57 <AnMaster> if so very probably the same bug
01:22:00 <ais523> that's not an error, it's full of stuff like that
01:22:06 <ais523> I can't remember the exact wording
01:22:13 <AnMaster> [17435.744398] wlan0: disassociating by local choice (reason=3)
01:22:17 <ais523> but I think that's the message, I'm not sure though
01:22:18 <AnMaster> is the significant line
01:22:54 <AnMaster> ais523, does it only happen after suspend? Or also on cold boot?
01:23:00 <ais523> it happens all the time
01:23:04 <ais523> also, after random disconnectoin
01:23:18 <AnMaster> ais523, I don't have random disconnections
01:23:18 <ais523> however, the same issue also seems to happen to people with Windows
01:23:22 <AnMaster> but then I have good signal here
01:23:22 <ais523> so I assumed it was the router's fault
01:23:34 <AnMaster> ais523, no issues on windows here
01:23:35 <AnMaster> :/
01:23:50 <ais523> my guess is different bug with the same symptoms
01:25:34 * Sgeo wants to use HP Polaris
01:26:05 <Sgeo> I think I just discovered a flaw in HP Polaris and similar stuff: What happens when a program wants to store a cache or config files?
01:26:25 <Sgeo> Is Polaris set up to handle that?
01:27:26 <AnMaster> hm someone suggests 2.6.28-9 kernel should fix it
01:27:29 <AnMaster> as in
01:27:32 <AnMaster> downgrading
01:28:32 <ais523> check the diff between the kernels for anything that might be causing the issue
01:30:01 <AnMaster> hm
01:30:09 <AnMaster> ubuntu bug reports seem confused indeed
01:30:18 <AnMaster> and very seldom does a developer respond
01:30:29 -!- bsmntbombdood_ has joined.
01:30:48 <AnMaster> ais523, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/348275 <-- fun reading
01:30:55 <AnMaster> ais523, of course
01:31:16 <AnMaster> I think there are several different bugs in that report
01:33:43 <GregorR> http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=0,1,5&comics=1385,1360,1359 T-Rex comics
01:34:14 <AnMaster> heh
01:36:34 <GregorR> http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=0,1&comics=1438,1204 Hahahah, OK, I'm having too much fun with this silly script :P
01:39:42 <pikhq> ... A script that glues parts of Dinosaur Comics together.
01:39:45 <pikhq> Okay, that's nice.
01:40:29 <GregorR> It's my response to the posted random-second-panel script :P
01:40:48 <pikhq> :D
01:41:30 <GregorR> I personally like ?panels=0,1 ... it's T-Rex having a hard time fighting off his ADD.
01:41:34 <AnMaster> GregorR, where is that script
01:41:51 <GregorR> What, the random-second-panel one? It's linked on qwantz.com
01:43:41 <GregorR> http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=0,1&comics=850,876 T-Rex has often-weird trains of thought :P
01:45:02 <GregorR> http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=0,1&comics=220,180 I don't think that's true, T-Rex (OK, I promise this is the last one I post :P
01:45:03 <GregorR> )
01:46:37 <oerjan> well, it _could_ have been true
02:01:25 -!- oerjan has quit ("Good night, and watch out for the giant mutated bed bugs").
02:02:01 <pikhq> AT&T has the mind of a dog and balls the size of the moon.
02:02:05 <pikhq> They're censoring 4chan.
02:02:45 <GregorR> Hah
02:04:19 <GregorR> http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=0,1,5,6&comics=911,15,15,15 // ha, a friend constructed this one
02:14:59 <mycroftiv> pikhq: my opinion is that this is actually 'line in the sand' time
02:15:40 <mycroftiv> either we agree 'ok, its fine if all communications get prior corporate approval' - or we cave in.
02:27:35 <Sgeo> Aren't both options the same?
02:33:15 -!- ehird has joined.
02:33:24 -!- ehird has quit (Client Quit).
02:47:01 <mycroftiv> Sgeo: oh yeah, guess i didnt do a very good job on that dichotomy, huh
02:55:18 <AnMaster> night
03:43:11 <GregorR> http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=0,1,5&comics=475,1410,170
03:43:25 <GregorR> A friend of mine is using this to make "T-Rex is Lonely Comics" now :P
04:13:51 <oklopol> as in, has those 3 squares?
04:14:14 <oklopol> not in theme of jokes clearly, so i'll assume yes
04:17:34 <GregorR> Well yeah
04:17:37 <GregorR> He now has no friends :P
04:18:12 <pikhq> Except God and Shakespeare.
04:18:13 <oklopol> but he seems to have some sorta employees
04:18:17 <pikhq> And the Devil.
04:19:28 <oklopol> animals are a weird concept
04:19:38 <oklopol> i want to see one
04:19:40 <oklopol> :|
04:19:56 <pikhq> They're multicellular protists without a cell wall.
04:20:00 <pikhq> What's so hard about that?
04:23:03 <oklopol> i'm not saying they are hard to implement, i'm just saying they weird me out so to speak.
04:23:20 <oklopol> i mean currently. suddenly they started feeling so real.
04:23:44 <oklopol> things sometimes start feeling very real, it's a great opportunity to find new perspectives to life
04:23:53 <oklopol> yes, yes
04:23:55 <oklopol> now more algebra
04:36:59 -!- Pthing has quit (Remote closed the connection).
04:37:10 * Warrigal has a strange Omegle conversation.
04:37:47 <Warrigal> I said, "Hi. I've decided I'd like to make friends with a completely random person. Are you up for it?" E said "yes". I said, "Are you on Facebook? You could send me a friend request". E disconnected.
04:38:02 <bsmntbombdood_> http://blogs.1077theend.com/files/2009/03/amanda-palmer.jpg
04:38:05 <bsmntbombdood_> amanda fucking palmer
04:38:09 <bsmntbombdood_> i loves her
04:38:24 <oklopol> Warrigal: how is that strange
04:38:52 <oklopol> bsmntbombdood_: is that your mother?
04:39:02 <bsmntbombdood_> negatory
04:39:22 <oklopol> i would
04:39:43 <Warrigal> E indicated that e would cooperate and then failed to answer a question.
04:41:09 <oklopol> he thought you meant befriending during that conversation, probably.
04:41:26 <oklopol> didn't realize you actually meant what you said, because it isn't something you'd expect to see
04:41:45 * Warrigal shrugs.
04:42:18 <Warrigal> Why would anyone ever use Omegle for an ordinary purpose? I use it for explicitly random solitications; therefore, everyone does.
04:42:43 <oklopol> the only other person i know who uses it keeps asking people "red or blue?" and similar questions.
04:42:58 <oklopol> and keeps statistics
04:46:13 <oklopol> apparently after a few thousand questions most conversations consist of "oh fuck you again"
05:46:23 <GregorR> http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=0,1&comics=1283,1297 Oh T-Rex, your logic is always so flawed.
05:54:56 -!- Gracenotes has quit (Remote closed the connection).
05:58:29 -!- Pthing has joined.
06:23:43 -!- jix has quit (hubbard.freenode.net irc.freenode.net).
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06:27:09 <oklopol> http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=0,1&comics=1283,1297 <<< this is hilarious :D
06:27:23 <oklopol> i'm not entirely sure why
06:27:25 <oklopol> but i'm hungry
06:28:15 -!- Robdgreat has joined.
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06:56:30 -!- ais523 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
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08:30:05 -!- MizardX- has changed nick to MizardX.
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09:14:21 -!- FireFly has quit ("Later").
09:17:33 -!- ais523_ has changed nick to ais523.
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09:34:35 -!- augur has joined.
09:39:39 -!- augur has set topic.
09:39:43 <augur> speak english next time
09:39:48 -!- augur has set topic: http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/esoteric/?C=M;O=D.
09:42:22 <oklopol> what?
09:42:32 <oklopol> am i still ignoring someone
10:01:12 <augur> no
10:01:14 <augur> the topic was hebrew
10:01:18 <augur> and a bitch to change
10:01:22 <augur> so i removed it entirely
10:01:59 <augur> bye
10:06:54 -!- BeholdMyGlory has joined.
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11:26:11 <AnMaster> morning
11:26:17 <AnMaster> or early afternoon rather
11:27:44 -!- sebbu2 has quit ("@+").
11:31:08 <AnMaster> you know what irritates me? That xchat lacks readline editing commands. Stuff like Ctrl-a to go to start of line
11:47:11 -!- ehird has joined.
11:51:48 <AnMaster> hi ehird
11:57:44 -!- sebbu has joined.
12:00:01 -!- oerjan has joined.
12:02:03 <ehird> oerjan!
12:02:03 -!- jix has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
12:02:19 <ehird> You're proterozoic.
12:02:25 <oerjan> ehird, you rascal!
12:02:28 <ehird> Make no mistake!
12:03:00 <oerjan> meaning essentially i talk out of my ass
12:03:33 <oerjan> oh wait, that would be proteostomic
12:03:39 <ehird> Loto tprtpstringkgay.
12:04:11 <oerjan> if i could only spell that right.
12:04:55 <oerjan> also, get off my protolawn.
12:05:20 <ehird> Get a non-proterozoic lawn!
12:05:31 <ehird> So that I may step on it in bigger leaps and bounds! Like Neil Armstrong!
12:05:36 <ehird> YOU LIVE ON THE MOON, OERJAN!
12:06:16 <oerjan> protostomic, was it
12:06:52 <ehird> Protosthutyourassomic.
12:07:33 <oerjan> i make no guess what opening you are currently talking out of.
12:09:56 <oerjan> ah. sorry about that mad cow disease, then.
12:10:12 <ehird> MAD PLOW!
12:10:40 <oerjan> that sounds scary
12:10:54 <ehird> 43 and a half is just impossible
12:10:55 <ehird> you know?
12:11:37 <oerjan> yes, it is a thinly-concealed mathematics secret. we try not to scare ordinary people with it, though.
12:12:14 <ehird> oerjan: weren't you the one who said that the laws of mathematics might start to break down at around 10^40 or sth?
12:12:17 <ehird> i assume that was just a joke
12:13:05 <oerjan> not really
12:13:17 <ehird> oerjan: then what the flying fuck did you mean?
12:14:06 <oerjan> mathematics could be inconsistent, but it could be that the proof is very long and hard to stumble on
12:14:29 <ehird> oerjan: why 10^40
12:14:39 <ehird> oerjan: I don't see any clauses in peano arithmetic going,
12:14:41 <oerjan> ok _that_ was just out of thin air
12:14:52 <ehird> "if(x>10^40, 42, else x+y)"
12:15:31 <oerjan> ehird: that doesn't matter. you don't see any clauses saying 43 is prime, either.
12:15:50 <ehird> you're sounding vaguely crackpottish, oerjan
12:15:53 <oerjan> the proof would probably have to build up some complicated machinery, or something
12:15:57 <ehird> s/ $//
12:16:19 <oerjan> i would be crackpot if i claimed i knew of such a thing. i am merely pointing out the possibility.
12:17:20 <ehird> oerjan: (a) what's up with your English lately?, (b) i think if mathematics "breaks down" past a certain point, our conceptions are wrong, not mathematics
12:17:48 <ehird> also, PA is terribly simple… if it's inconsistent, it's probably impossible to formalise arithmetic in a way that matches our expectations
12:17:52 <ehird> so…
12:18:11 <oerjan> i think maybe the 10^40 was a kind of "infinity could be inconsistent, but it could computational capability close to the entire universe to show"
12:18:56 <oerjan> and maybe the universe would be finite _because_ of this inconsistency, just in order to be able to logically exist...
12:19:12 <oerjan> *could require
12:19:19 <oerjan> my english am fine
12:19:39 <ehird> well sure, I'm not sure I like the idea of infinity too much
12:19:49 <ehird> (limits don't count, that's just an unbounded limit, not an actual infinity being involved)
12:20:49 <ehird> oerjan: but that's not the same as "a certain number might be speshul and fuck everything up" :P
12:21:14 <oerjan> well i never meant that anyway, at least directly
12:22:14 <ehird> sure is what you said
12:22:37 <oerjan> although if there were a short proof, it could very well involve a special number. but then it could involve anything.
12:23:30 <oerjan> it could even be that a particular number works, but not larger ones. likely, if a special property of it is needed.
12:23:55 <ehird> hrmm\
12:23:59 <ehird> s/m\\$//
12:24:05 <ehird> oerjan: i don't exactly see this as being likely at all
12:24:29 <oerjan> likely is used here in a relative sense
12:24:35 <AnMaster> oerjan, hiwc
12:24:45 <oerjan> hi AnMaster
12:25:05 * oerjan runs scrambling to the browser
12:26:30 <ehird> oerjan: well it's more likely than god existing in my mind but that's not exactly a stunning upper bound
12:26:57 <ehird> hmm Colloquy isn't ignoring lines mentioning AnMaster, wonder if I could tell it to
12:27:08 <ehird> kind of annoying seeing one side of conversations
12:27:22 <AnMaster> you could also unignore me you know...
12:27:37 <ehird> alas, seems not
12:27:45 * oerjan was expecting a pun related to hyperspace there, but no.
12:29:01 -!- jix has joined.
12:39:18 <oerjan> xkcd :D
12:41:15 <AnMaster> oerjan, agreed
12:41:16 -!- jix has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
12:46:40 * oerjan also liked today's girl genius, although that requires some context
12:51:10 -!- oerjan has quit ("Gibber gibber").
12:57:57 <AnMaster> seems like awk on ubuntu isn't gawk
12:58:05 <AnMaster> mawk??
13:03:16 -!- jix has joined.
13:09:56 <fizzie> This Ubuntu 8.10 workstation I have at work has both gawk and mawk installed, and plain "awk" defaults on gawk with the alternatives system (priority 10 for gawk vs. 5 for mawk).
13:10:05 <fizzie> But it could be that the default install doesn't include gawk.
13:10:11 <ehird> Okay?
13:10:16 <ehird> Oh, wait, AnMaster.
13:10:21 <fizzie> ehird: Yes.
13:10:43 <fizzie> I should make a habit of attributing my lines.
13:20:40 * ehird yells at a prescriptivist
13:23:17 -!- FireFly has joined.
13:29:25 -!- GregorR has set topic: ערוץ לדיון סוגיות בנושא יהודי דתי, ו אזוטרי שפות תכנות http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/esoteric/?C=M;O=D.
13:32:15 -!- ehird has set topic: איל ההון את ערוץ http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/esoteric/?C=M;O=D.
13:37:08 <GregorR> "Tycoon the channel" is what I get from that :P
13:38:22 <ehird> Mogul the channel!
13:57:32 -!- fizzie has set topic: ערוץ, דת, יהודים, ו בגשם כדי לדון בבעיה עם שפת התכנות http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/esoteric/?C=M;O=D.
13:58:00 <fizzie> "Channel, religion, Jews, and the rain to discuss the problem with the programming language", according to translate.google.com.
14:00:27 <ehird> wow
14:00:30 <ehird> I just borked google translate
14:00:33 <ehird> they made me DDoS themselves
14:00:53 <ehird> http://imgur.com/vIUZH.png
14:01:28 <ehird> *them, not themselves, I think
14:01:37 <AnMaster> fizzie, I don't want to be highlighted every line unless there is a good reason though
14:02:17 <AnMaster> (so not to please ehird, but ok if there are two convos at once or such, or if it is the first line in a discussion)
14:02:57 <AnMaster> is there some sort of right-to-left thingy in the topic?
14:03:36 <AnMaster> at least xchat displays the text with the non-ASCII stuff last in the topic line of the channel, but in the reverse order when I do /topic
14:05:34 <GregorR> Yes, that's right.
14:05:45 <ehird> I'm always right.
14:06:20 <ehird> (GregorR: Perhaps you were talking to AnMaster :P)
14:06:49 <GregorR> The world may never know.
14:07:00 <ehird> Tragic
14:07:03 <ehird> s/$/./
14:07:08 <ehird> Gotta learn to type dots.
14:45:06 -!- ehird has set topic: INFINITE GUNS AVAILABLE NOW → http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/esoteric/?C=M;O=D.
14:52:15 -!- GregorR has set topic: ערוץ לדיון סוגיות בנושא יהודי דתי, ו אזוטרי שפות תכנות http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/esoteric/?C=M;O=D.
14:52:34 -!- ehird has set topic: THE MAN IS TRYING TO OPRESS THIS → http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/esoteric/?C=M;O=D.
14:52:42 <ehird> (THE MAN IS GREGORR)
14:54:17 -!- GregorR has set topic: הדיכוי של ערוץ! http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/esoteric/?C=M;O=D.
14:56:38 -!- ehird has set topic: 沒關係 http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/esoteric/?C=M;O=D.
14:57:05 <ehird> ("C'est ne pas une sujet [topic]", if Google Translate is right.)
14:57:10 <ehird> (Simplified Chinese. Very short.)
14:57:18 <ehird> (Clearly Magritte was Chinese.)
14:57:59 <ehird> Oh well :)
14:59:50 -!- ehird has set topic: 這不是一個問題 http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/esoteric/?C=M;O=D.
14:59:53 <ehird> Got it wrong the first time.
15:00:04 <ehird> "This is not an issue" XD
15:06:48 -!- GregorR has set topic: ערוץ זה הוא קרב בין היהודים לבין 中文 http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/esoteric/?C=M;O=D.
15:06:55 -!- ehird has set topic: 這不是一個問題 http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/esoteric/?C=M;O=D.
15:06:58 <ehird> I am unstoppable.
15:07:01 <ehird> Unstopperable.
15:07:13 <GregorR> But mine was hilarifunny :P
15:08:06 <fizzie> You are unspottable.
15:08:49 <ehird> GregorR: What does it actually say?
15:09:25 <GregorR> This channel is a war between Jews and Chinese
15:09:30 <GregorR> (With "Chinese" in Chinese)
15:11:06 -!- ehird has set topic: http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/esoteric/?C=M;O=D אױ װײ.
15:11:17 -!- ehird has set topic: אױ װײ http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/esoteric/?C=M;O=D.
15:13:50 -!- GregorR has set topic: てぃす いす ぶろけん エんぐりしゅ! http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/esoteric/?C=M;O=D.
15:15:21 -!- BeholdMyGlory has quit (Remote closed the connection).
15:15:45 <ehird> Oy vey, GregorR obliterated my oy vey.
15:15:58 <GregorR> :P
15:16:23 <GregorR> But I replaced it with thisu isu burokenu Engulishu!
15:16:25 <ehird> GregorR: "I d GURISHU ticket to ISU bath chair!"?
15:16:26 <ehird> xD
15:17:05 <Slereah> GIRUGAMESH
15:22:26 <ehird> [[Linux has a NAZI theme--darwin evolution konquer. People who obsess on evolution are sick in the head. They all want to kill-off dumb people.
15:22:26 <ehird> LoseThos has a bible theme. It has a special kernel task called "Adam", father of all tasks. I'm an evolutionist, but it's not my religion.
15:22:26 <ehird> Consider this turf wars. Stick to your atheist operating systems, fair enough?]]
15:23:42 <GregorR> ?!?!?!
15:24:32 <ehird> GregorR: From reddit, by the mentally insane creator of the 64-bit OS that implements unprotected memory on top of paging and only works at 640x480x16colours because he didn't want to do any buffering: http://losethos.com/
15:24:53 <ehird> More WTF: http://www.reddit.com/user/losethos/
15:25:04 <ehird> Even more WTF: http://www.losethos.com/FBI.html
15:25:09 <GregorR> He's clearly insane if he says he's an evolutionist, but also associates it with naziism?
15:25:19 <pikhq> 64-bit, unprotected memory. With 640x480, 4-bit color. Must. Kill.
15:25:30 <ehird> GregorR: He doesn't appear to understand what evolution is, or that it's a scientific theory and not a belief.
15:25:34 <ehird> Just click that FBI.html page.
15:25:40 <ehird> He has some sort of fucked up algorithm for generating nonsense.
15:25:44 <ehird> And this is apparently god talking to him.
15:25:50 <GregorR> O_O
15:25:58 <ehird> pikhq: He explicitly dislikes it.
15:26:13 <ehird> GregorR: The "Moses Comics" link is extra-fun; a bunch of comics where God is a fucking asshole! Comes with ;-) smilies!
15:26:54 <pikhq> ehird: MURDER
15:26:55 <pikhq> b
15:26:59 <ehird> He's better than the Time Cube guy because he isn't an internet-recluse.
15:27:08 <ehird> You can watch him on reddit!
15:27:21 <pikhq> ... And he wrote this over the course of 6 *years*.
15:27:28 <ehird> [[Errata:
15:27:29 <ehird> * I misspoke -- the FPS is 500 LOC not 500,000 LOC.]]
15:27:40 <ehird> The vocal cords are, like, right next to each other.
15:28:06 <GregorR> I know that when I cough, it sounds like I'm saying "thousand"
15:28:31 <ehird> Oh, oh, and you can get a dictionary and a utility to decompress the LoseThos archive files on Windows or Linux.
15:28:34 <ehird> It's free, for now, if you complete a survey:
15:28:34 <ehird> 1) Describe your system hardware. Tell what works and what doesn't.
15:28:34 <ehird> 2) Did you install it on your hard drive? Any difficulties?
15:28:45 <ehird> "Difficulties: You're fucking insane and this OS is terrible"
15:28:57 <pikhq> How in the world does it take you 6 years to write something that poor?
15:29:15 <pikhq> Even the Hurd does more in 6 years.
15:29:16 <ehird> pikhq: Obviously God told him to take that long.
15:29:19 <pikhq> And that's the ultimate in vaporware.
15:29:40 <pikhq> He has a 12 fps flight sim.
15:29:46 <pikhq> Dealing with his crap graphics.
15:29:47 <pikhq> FAIL!
15:29:49 <ehird> pikhq: The OS does no buffering.
15:29:54 <ehird> It redraws the entire screen every frame.
15:30:01 <ehird> He knew he could do buffering, but decided to keep the low res instead.
15:30:16 <pikhq> No. Buffering.
15:30:40 <ehird> Yep, no dirty rectangles at all
15:30:41 <ehird> Total redraw
15:30:54 <ehird> pikhq: Also, Hurd seems quite active, actually; they migrated to git on -06-30 and they made a stable release on 2007-12-30
15:31:03 <ehird> I wonder if X11 compiles on it?
15:31:08 <pikhq> Guess how you write to the graphics card with VESA? A feking FRAMEBUFFER.
15:32:01 <pikhq> ehird: Checking packages.debian.org.
15:32:15 <ehird> pikhq: Long mode requires a memory mapping thing, so he actually had to do work to make it map directly to physical memory.
15:32:29 <pikhq> ehird: Not hard, though.
15:32:34 <ehird> http://images.google.com/images?client=safari&rls=en-gb&q=x11%20hurd&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi
15:32:37 <ehird> Second screenshot is KD eon Hurd
15:32:39 <ehird> but seems to be dead
15:32:41 <pikhq> Single line of code, in fact.
15:32:42 <ehird> *KDE on Hurd
15:32:53 <ehird> pikhq: Don't care :P
15:32:57 <ehird> http://web.archive.org/web/20070212142238/http://people.debian.org/~mbanck/media/hurd-kde.png
15:33:01 * ehird waits for it to load.
15:33:15 <ehird> Yup.
15:33:20 <GregorR> Wow, that's sweeterrible 8-D
15:33:22 <ehird> KDE running on GNU Hurd.
15:33:26 <ehird> GregorR: What is?
15:33:32 <GregorR> KDE on Hurd
15:33:34 <ehird> Ah.
15:33:45 <ehird> GregorR: Of course, most of the work is glibc and stuff.
15:33:57 <ehird> If you use all the other GNU crap, it doesn't take that much to get KDE running, I'd imagine.
15:34:52 <ehird> pikhq: http://www.losethos.com/contact.html
15:34:57 <ehird> LoseThos' original codebase is from 1993.
15:35:03 <ehird> And was unchanged until 2003.
15:35:54 * ehird installs — as much as it pains him to — Windows Media Player on OS X.
15:35:58 <ehird> (For the crazy LoseThos videos!)
15:36:12 <pikhq> The userspace stuff is not hard to get working. After all, Hurd is just a kernel.
15:36:13 <pikhq> The glibc's a bit hard, though, because it's basically emulating UNIX on a not-all-that-UNIX API.
15:36:43 <ehird> "There are a lot of homo's on this site. Butt hole surfers. Nasty!!"
15:36:45 <ehird> Woot, he's a bigot.
15:37:08 <pikhq> WITH BUSY-WAITS.
15:37:12 <ehird> Ö
15:37:15 <ehird> ↑ Shock emoticon!
15:37:21 <pikhq> Murder.
15:37:37 -!- jix has quit (hubbard.freenode.net irc.freenode.net).
15:37:37 -!- bsmntbombdood_ has quit (hubbard.freenode.net irc.freenode.net).
15:37:37 -!- pikhq has quit (hubbard.freenode.net irc.freenode.net).
15:37:37 <ehird> I am in favour of this "murder" idea.
15:37:56 <ehird> Discover two ways to enjoy your audio and video on your Mac. Flip4Mac provides Windows Media video and audio playback in the QuickTime Player for Mac OS X. Windows Media Player for Mac is also available as a free download from Microsoft, but future updates will be discontinued.
15:38:00 <ehird> Oh, that sounds better.
15:39:39 <ehird> The page “index” has content of MIME type “application/x-mplayer2”, but you don’t have a plug-in for this MIME type. This page may have the plug-in for you to download and install:
15:39:44 <ehird> Guess I need to install it anyway, huh.
15:40:11 <ehird> Oh, it works if I restart Safari.
15:40:34 <ehird> Oh, wow.
15:40:37 <ehird> Just listen to his voice.
15:41:20 <ehird> It blinks around so much...
15:42:48 <ehird> "You want you too you wait for unsigned". (U1 U2 U8 :P)
15:43:11 -!- jix has joined.
15:43:11 -!- bsmntbombdood_ has joined.
15:43:11 -!- pikhq has joined.
15:43:24 <ehird> pikhq: You have to listen to the LoseThos video.
15:43:26 <ehird> You can taste the insanity.
15:45:18 <ehird> I think I'll install the Hurd.
15:45:32 <ehird> To http://www.superunprivileged.org/!
15:45:54 <ehird> —taking a detour to Why Cooperation With RMS Is Impossible, uh, I mean the Free Software Song—
15:46:25 <ehird> Aww, man.
15:46:28 <ehird> The Hurd LiveCD uses Debian.
15:46:31 <ehird> Why does it use Debian?
15:46:37 <ehird> I want raw Hurd, man!
15:46:42 <ehird> Debian is too easy.
15:47:04 <ehird> :(
15:47:12 <ehird> pikhq: how did your POSIX kernel go, btw?
15:47:13 <GregorR> It's all Debian maaaaaaaaaan
15:47:19 <GregorR> Debian won Hurd :P
15:47:28 <ehird> GregorR: That's just too lame and easy.
15:47:33 <ehird> Fuck that, I'm going to write my own insane POSIX kernel.
15:47:48 <ehird> Let's see… a function is a process. Calling a function sends a message to it.
15:47:51 <ehird> printfd, fuck yeah.
15:48:11 <ehird> printf("Hello, %s!\n", "world"); /* this actually sends the arguments to the printf process */
15:48:25 <ehird> :-P
15:49:00 <pikhq> Yo.
15:49:24 <ehird> pikhq: Answer my question >_>
15:49:35 <pikhq> ehird: I just got back from a netsplit!
15:49:41 <ehird> Traumatic!
15:49:44 <ehird> It's been minutes, man.
15:49:49 <ehird> You've been back minutes. :P
15:49:58 <pikhq> No, I first saw your question a second ago.
15:50:06 <pikhq> 09:48 -!- Netsplit over, joins: GregorR, EgoBot, Warrigal, FireFly, sebbu, ehird, Robdgreat, augur, MigoMipo, MizardX (+28 more)
15:50:12 <pikhq> Is now 09:50.
15:50:19 <pikhq> And all your messages hit in a giant stream.
15:50:25 <ehird> You rejoined 15:43 here
15:50:28 <ehird> s/$/./
15:50:32 <ehird> It's now 15:50 for me.
15:51:05 <sebbu> [16:37:37] <-- pikhq has quit (wolfe.freenode.net irc.freenode.net)
15:51:09 <sebbu> [16:43:07] --> pikhq (n=pikhq@75-106-100-121.cust.wildblue.net) has joined #esoteric
15:51:19 <pikhq> 09:39, netsplit.
15:51:23 <ehird> pikhq: …a POSIX kernel that compiles with clang/LLVM. >:)
15:51:26 <ehird> I must do it!
15:51:26 <pikhq> 09:48, return from netsplit.
15:51:36 <pikhq> ehird: Awesomeness.
15:51:39 <ehird> That is, the kernel is compiled with clang/LLVM.
15:51:59 <ehird> I shall call it… POSEVEN.
15:52:02 <ehird> Maybe. Or not.
15:52:19 <ehird> pikhq: Anyway, did your kernel get anywhere?
15:52:29 <pikhq> Not really.
15:52:31 <pikhq> For lack of work.
15:52:36 <ehird> D'aww.
15:52:44 <ehird> I wonder what VM I should test this OS in.
15:52:47 <ehird> Bochs?
15:52:59 <ehird> QEMU?
15:53:00 <pikhq> Yeah; Bochs has a nice debugger.
15:53:00 <ehird> Decisions, ecisions.
15:53:03 <ehird> *decisions
15:53:09 <ehird> pikhq: But I hate debuggers. :(
15:53:18 <pikhq> ehird: You'll need one.
15:53:32 <ehird> Hey, I got an OS to print "Hello, world!" without a debugger!
15:53:33 <ehird> :P
15:54:31 <ehird> Perhaps keeping a clang/LLVM in tree would be useful.
15:54:40 <ehird> It doesn't seem to be well-suited to installing what with the whole svn thing.
15:54:47 <pikhq> My interrupt handlers never got finished.
15:54:57 <ehird> I'll interrupt your handlers, if you know what I mean?
15:55:00 <ehird> That's what she said.
15:55:01 <ehird> Oh snap.
15:55:03 <ehird> Just like your mom.
15:55:06 <ehird> Just like YOUR FACE!
15:55:08 <ehird> That's what she said.
15:55:10 <ehird> Ice burn!
15:55:11 <pikhq> And from there, I'd need to get paging and a kmalloc going.
15:55:12 <ehird> The end.
15:55:41 <ehird> I wonder if there are any OSes that switch to long mode before leaving assembly (as in, a few lines in).
15:55:47 <ehird> If not, let poseven be the first!
15:56:04 <ehird> Maybe I should target Itanium. :P
15:57:20 <ehird> pikhq: Oh snap, if I can get clang/LLVM working for this, I can write parts of the kernel in Objective-C.
15:57:34 <ehird> I'm not sure why I'd *want* to, what with the runtime dependency and large overhead, but… :P
15:57:41 <ehird> s/large/huge/
15:57:57 <ehird> (The fastest Objective-C method call is, iirc, four times slower than a C++ virtual method call.)
15:58:12 <pikhq> ehird: 'Twould be awesome to make an all-Objective-C OS, though.
15:58:34 <pikhq> Pointless, but awesome.
15:58:44 <ehird> Quite.
15:59:11 <ehird> I wonder if clang/LLVM support any calling conventions that let you detect the end of a variable argument list.
15:59:20 <ehird> e.g. pushing the length first.
15:59:37 <ehird> It's quite silly that C doesn't let you do that. Bah at asm compatibility.
15:59:40 <ehird> Oh well. :P
15:59:56 -!- Xiin has changed nick to Xiin_.
16:00:49 <ehird> Hmm, processes containing all the standard functions might be useful, actually.
16:01:26 <ehird> For instance, if printf does `sendmsg(current_output_process(), "printf", ...);`
16:01:37 <ehird> s/$/ then you can implement a terminal easily./
16:01:49 <ehird> By just changing the current output process, and implementing printf and the like.
16:02:02 <ehird> I guess most OSs work similarly anyway, but this is a bit more general.
16:02:37 <ehird> Of course, it'd actually be write that does that, and not printf, but you get the idea.
16:03:34 <ehird> And it also lets you do Plan 9-style things, where you can printf in a graphical application and it goes to your graphical window, as well as being able to draw on it.
16:05:39 <ehird> What happens if you install Debian's Linux kernel on a Debian/kHURD installation, I wonder?
16:05:49 <ehird> Can you use it via two kernels? :-)
16:07:35 <ehird> Hey, with the kernel as a process, hotswapping it is really easy.
16:08:31 <ehird> Just tell the kernel to do it, and it starts up the hotswapper as a child process, giving it full privileges. It passes a pointer to its state and memory locations to the hotswapper function, which then wantonly writes all over it, removes its process entry, hacks the stack so that when it returns it's to the relevant function in the new kernel, then returns.
16:08:46 <ehird> (Multitasking has to be disabled for the duration, of course.)
16:10:20 <ehird> Am I right/wrong?
16:10:26 <oklopol> wrong
16:10:35 <oklopol> morning
16:10:44 <oklopol> i'll read what i answered now
16:11:17 <oklopol> ugh, no i won't
16:12:07 <ehird> oklopol: plz do :<
16:12:12 <ehird> it's just three lines
16:14:43 <oklopol> your questions is whether hotswapping can be done like that or whether you can use two kernels?
16:14:52 <oklopol> well use X via two kernels
16:14:57 <oklopol> where X is OS mumbo jumbo
16:15:02 <oklopol> :D
16:15:05 <ehird> oklopol: the former
16:15:11 <ehird> if you have the kernel as Just Another Process
16:15:16 <ehird> (that happens to have all the other processes as children)
16:16:00 <ehird> pikhq: Consider "killall -9 poseven". Your mind is now blown.
16:16:21 <ehird> <poseven> Stop right there, poseven! I'm halting your execution and then I'll
16:16:55 <oklopol> ehird: i don't know where the kernel usually is
16:17:13 <ehird> oklopol: it usually doesn't really exist from the userspace point of view
16:17:17 <oklopol> right
16:17:22 <oklopol> i guess i did know that
16:17:27 <ehird> your first process is whatever the main process is e.g. init or whatever
16:17:29 <ehird> which starts all the others
16:17:41 <oklopol> yeah init
16:17:48 <oklopol> in unix
16:17:54 <oklopol> i've heard of that!
16:18:22 <ehird> hooray :P
16:19:37 <oklopol> but, err, i have not made an os, so it's mostly an unjustified opinion that i think making them is trivial. maybe it's really hard to have the kernel as a process, as it's the one who's in charge of all processes.
16:19:48 <ehird> it's not
16:19:57 <oklopol> i don't see why it would be
16:20:10 <ehird> i'm just noting that I'm pretty sure you can do hotswapping the kernel (e.g. upgrading, patching and the like) at runtime without breaking shit quite easily if it's a process
16:20:13 <pikhq> Hurd has the scheduler as just another process.
16:20:19 <ehird> which is cool
16:20:29 <ehird> pikhq: but, presumably, the scheduler doesn't schedule
16:20:42 <ehird> the scheduler will be a process in the same way that the kernel pretends to be a regular process
16:20:43 <ehird> no?
16:20:48 <ehird> er
16:20:50 <ehird> doesn't get scheduled
16:20:52 <ehird> not doesn't schedule
16:21:07 <oklopol> i'm fairly sure it schedules itself
16:21:08 <oklopol> why not
16:21:33 <pikhq> The scheduler is just another process. That "processes" are just things with seperate memory and the ability to pass messages is irrelevant. :P
16:21:42 <ehird> oklopol: because it can't schedule if it's letting another process run instead of itself
16:21:50 <ehird> and that process won't have a scheduler to butt it off after a while
16:23:05 <ehird> Anyway, the first person who can tell me what in hell "killall -9 poseven" (where poseven is the kernel process) would do gets a useless internet point. :P
16:23:29 <oklopol> right it can't be the one who does all the actual memory switching shit; i just keep thinking of the algorithmic aspects of scheduling for some reason :P
16:23:47 <pikhq> ehird: halt
16:24:41 <ehird> pikhq: Well, the kernel will just replace itself with something that attempts to get rid of itself and keep scheduling, so I think it'd actually be a hardware error.
16:24:54 <ehird> Because it'd try and call kernel functions, which have been replaced by other memory.
16:25:13 <ehird> Basically the same as casting a random memory location to a function pointer then calling it.
16:25:21 <ehird> Maybe, maybe it'll do something weird. Most probably, it'll just reboot.
16:25:32 <oklopol> there should be an OS course in mathematics where an OS is built over a turing machine, i might actually find the interest to get a firm grip over this stuff :P
16:25:40 <ehird> (Well, it might first call the handler, which is part of the now random memory.)
16:25:41 -!- nooga has joined.
16:25:49 <ehird> (Perhaps nesting this a few times, but eventually it'll give up and reboot.)
16:26:07 <ehird> oklopol: kinda impossible to do a regular OS on a TM
16:26:13 <ehird> you can't access the ip and other internal stuff
16:26:22 <oklopol> yeah, not tm
16:26:50 -!- nooga has quit (Remote closed the connection).
16:26:50 <pikhq> A theoretical model of a machine, not an actual one with ugly cruft.
16:26:52 <ehird> realisticised von neumann, I guess
16:27:08 <ehird> Anyway, -ffreestanding is the name of the game for clang/LLVM freestandingness.
16:27:09 -!- nooga has joined.
16:27:16 <ehird> You need memcpy and a few other things, apparently, but that's… not a great hardship.
16:28:14 <oklopol> the way i see it, accessing ip, interrupts and all that, are stuff that's main purpose is to let you run stuff without an interpretation layer, but leave a weak sort of higher level for controlling the running
16:28:27 <oklopol> with a tm you'd have to have the interpretation layer explicit
16:28:31 <nooga> my ruby interp is fucked up
16:28:33 <ehird> oklopol: *stuff whose
16:28:36 <ehird> oklopol: Ha! You errored.
16:28:58 <oklopol> well fuck.
16:28:59 <ehird> Also, doing such an emulation layer wouldn't really help you learn much about the actual interesting lower-level parts of OS design.
16:29:27 <oklopol> ehird: reason is i was trying to find something less oklo than "stuff" to use there, but though meh who gives a fimmel.
16:29:35 <ehird> fimmel? xD
16:29:40 <oklopol> so the next word got very little focus
16:29:43 <oklopol> err yes fimmel :P
16:29:53 <ehird> oklopol: "things" is quite less oklo
16:29:59 <ehird> -er than stuff
16:30:49 <oklopol> ehird: well, the way i see it, what the OS is is basically a way to make the interpretation layer work sensibly without actually having one.
16:30:57 <oklopol> so yes, i agree completely, and that was pretty much my point
16:30:58 <ehird> perhaps, perhaps
16:31:06 <oklopol> something of a simplification, but, well, i'm a mathematicion.
16:31:09 <oklopol> *mathematician
16:31:15 <ehird> oklofailing a lot today eh
16:31:25 <oklopol> well umm stuff up
16:31:26 <oklopol> ...
16:31:28 <oklopol> shut
16:31:31 <ehird> :D
16:31:33 <oklopol> ...
16:31:42 <ehird> you're cursed
16:32:15 <oklopol> so i decided to clean the apartment today. seems not to have happened yet.
16:32:31 <oklopol> anyone in turku atm..?
16:32:38 <ehird> yes, i am
16:32:40 <ehird> *I
16:32:54 <ehird> (ip because i'm sshing in to my uk comp)
16:32:56 <oklopol> i just got like 2000e from mister insurance company.
16:33:11 <ehird> give me it or something.
16:33:21 -!- BeholdMyGlory has joined.
16:33:30 <ehird> *give it to me, rather
16:33:38 <oklopol> ehird: if you clean this shithole, then yes; that was the whole point :P
16:33:59 <oklopol> meh shouldn't lie, i would probably not give you all of it.
16:34:02 <ehird> oklopol: either you really hate money or that place is a gigantic dump :D
16:34:05 <ehird> aw dammit!
16:34:17 <ehird> anyway I'm not actually in turku.
16:34:18 <oklopol> also i should probably call my parents and ask for them to actually give the money to me
16:34:31 <oklopol> i'm just assuming they will :P
16:34:55 * oklopol is a spoiled brat
16:35:13 <ehird> oklopol: just stop talking to them and become an unspoiled brat!
16:37:13 <oklopol> then how would i ever get to places over 1km away from my house
16:37:51 <ehird> oklopol: walk
16:37:55 <ehird> or public transport
16:37:56 <ehird> or fly
16:37:58 <ehird> with like
16:37:58 <ehird> wings
16:38:11 <ehird> you'd have to get wings first though.
16:38:15 <oklopol> but my shoes don't really have soles
16:38:32 <ehird> buy new shoes, with soles
16:38:35 <ehird> or see the other options
16:38:43 <oklopol> my feet basically sweat acid, and i never buy new clothes
16:38:49 <ehird> then see the ohter options
16:40:09 <oklopol> i used to have awesome bus skills, i'd go in, sit down, instantly fall asleep and wake up at the correct stop
16:40:16 <oklopol> well. usually, that is.
16:40:38 <oklopol> sometimes i'd be late for school because i'd slept for 5 stops too long
16:41:27 <oklopol> this was during my first year of high school when i occasionally went months with like 2-3 hours of sleep a night
16:41:32 <oklopol> i was basically a zombie
16:41:35 <oklopol> awesome times
16:42:05 <ehird> well
16:42:07 <ehird> do it then!
16:42:07 <ehird> [ehird:~/Code/poseven/llvm] % CC="gcc-4.2 -m64" ENABLE_OPTIMIZED=1 ./configure
16:42:09 <ehird> doo doo doo
16:42:29 <oklopol> once i started snoring during a mass lecture
16:42:40 <oklopol> not at all embarrassing
16:42:53 <oklopol> fg ->
16:43:28 <ehird> pikhq: hmm if you compile your kernel as 64-bit code you have to enter long mode before jumping to it from asm right?
16:43:32 <ehird> i wonder if that stops you setting up interrupts or sth
16:44:32 <oklopol> ...oh wait did you start working on your os again? :D
16:44:52 <pikhq> ehird, you can set up interrupts from 64-bit code.
16:44:57 <pikhq> You just need some asm stubs.
16:45:05 <ehird> coolio
16:45:09 <ehird> oklopol: again?
16:45:12 <ehird> i've just started!
16:45:16 <ehird> this is a side-OS
16:45:17 <ehird> not the main thingy
16:45:51 <oklopol> well i don't mean continuing an existing thing, just starting to play with os stuff again.
16:45:54 <ehird> hmm ~/Code/poseven/llvm as build and ~/Code/poseven/llvm-src as svn tree is so ugly.
16:45:55 <ehird> oklopol: yah
16:46:04 <ehird> in fact it's almost enough to make me use the auto* build system
16:46:06 <ehird> for llvm
16:46:50 -!- puzzlet has joined.
16:47:15 <ehird> hmm
16:48:57 <ehird> why does llvm's build process suck
16:49:35 -!- nooga has quit (Remote closed the connection).
16:49:37 -!- GregorR-L has joined.
16:54:47 <ehird> urgh
16:54:51 <ehird> i hate bikeshedding
16:54:53 <ehird> but i can't help it
16:55:51 <GregorR-L> http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=0,1&comics=152,899 T-Rex never had the "birds and bees" talk
16:56:01 <ehird> XD
16:56:27 <ehird> GregorR-L: You need to add an interface thingy to that so we can point in click instead of bored and click.
16:56:38 <GregorR-L> http://codu.org/weird/dinosaurComicMunger.xhtml
16:56:40 <ehird> *and, not in
16:56:45 <ehird> Ah.
16:56:56 <ehird> GregorR-L: That lacks a total link :P
16:57:03 <GregorR-L> Yes. It does.
16:57:05 <GregorR-L> E_TOOBAD
16:58:07 <ehird> GregorR-L: http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?comics=1004,974&panels=0,1
16:58:20 <ehird> T-Rex has an existential crisis.
16:58:28 <GregorR-L> X-D
16:58:50 -!- puzzlet_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
16:59:07 <GregorR-L> Well, he did just realize he's an anachronism ( http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=0,1,5&comics=37,961,62 )
16:59:44 <ehird> GregorR-L: http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?comics=1222,1004&panels=0,3
16:59:52 <ehird> Deus ex Hamletia.
17:00:11 <ehird> Also, XD
17:00:30 <GregorR-L> Bleh, now I have to fix it and add full-URL support to the munger >_<
17:00:33 <GregorR-L> What have you done to me?!
17:00:54 -!- Zuu has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
17:01:07 <ehird> :D
17:01:09 <ehird> GregorR-L: http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?comics=64,535&panels=0,4
17:01:17 <ehird> You should make it piece them together so they're side-by-side. :|
17:01:30 <GregorR-L> Bleh :P
17:01:44 <GregorR-L> I considered doing that .... it's still on my "maybe" list
17:01:55 <GregorR-L> LOL
17:02:02 <GregorR-L> Hahahah, dinosaurs wouldn't happen to be ... URBAN LEGENDS?
17:02:27 <ehird> WTF, it gave me 7 comics
17:02:30 <ehird> But there's only 6 panels
17:02:32 <oklopol> is the picture splicing done in php
17:03:11 <ehird> GregorR-L: ?comics=1139,42,89,1000,613,552,734; but 734 doesn't appear
17:03:13 <ehird> Anyway,
17:03:15 <ehird> http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?comics=89,552&panels=2,5
17:03:21 <ehird> T-Rex is a secret pedophile!
17:03:46 <GregorR-L> ehird: The 7th "panel" is the copyright line.
17:03:49 <GregorR-L> oklopol: Yes
17:03:50 <ehird> Oh. XD
17:03:54 <ehird> I guessed that, but wasn't sure.
17:04:02 <ehird> Anyway, comment on ↑ >_>
17:04:09 <GregorR-L> ehird: D-8
17:04:10 <oklopol> i guessed he was a pedophile too
17:05:34 -!- Zuu has joined.
17:05:35 <AnMaster> ehird, still on ignore?
17:05:56 <AnMaster> if not: fingerprint device is too new to be supported under linux yet: http://reactivated.net/fprint/wiki/Unsupported_devices#AuthenTec_AES2550_.26_AES2810
17:06:08 <AnMaster> (I have the "AES2810" model in the laptop)
17:06:09 <ehird> T-Rex doesn't know how to express his feelings: http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?comics=1465,1380&panels=0,1
17:08:03 <ehird> FUCK YEAH http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?comics=1063,644&panels=0,1
17:09:18 <GregorR-L> lawl @ both of those
17:09:47 <GregorR-L> The first one would be the single worst greeting card you could send to a friend getting a transplant ;P
17:11:21 <ehird> Bleh, I wonder if I should have llvm-src/ and llvm-bin/ instead of llvm-src/ and llvm/.
17:11:33 <ehird> Although it's a tree, not just bins.
17:11:39 <GregorR-L> I wonder if anything more trivial has ever been worried about :P
17:11:56 <ehird> I can't help it >_<
17:11:58 <ehird> GregorR-L: Choose for me!
17:12:08 <GregorR-L> Leave it as it is!
17:12:20 <ehird> GregorR-L: As is what? I HAVEN'T DECIDED YET ;_;
17:12:24 <oklopol> just call name all your folders with consecutive numbers
17:12:28 <oklopol> call name.
17:12:34 <ehird> call name :D
17:12:37 <GregorR-L> Oh, I thought it had "llvm" for bins as is.
17:12:41 <GregorR-L> Use "llvm" for bins
17:12:47 <ehird> GregorR-L: Okay. But!
17:12:57 <oklopol> NO BUTS THE GREGOR HAS SPOKEN
17:13:11 <ehird> ~/Code/poseven/poseven/
17:13:11 <ehird> ~/Code/poseven/libc/
17:13:12 <ehird> ~/Code/poseven/llvm-src/
17:13:12 <ehird> ~/Code/poseven/llvm/
17:13:16 <ehird> GregorR-L: DON'T YOU SEE A PROBLEM HERE????????
17:13:52 <oklopol> have an src folder inside llvm, that'd show 'em
17:13:56 <GregorR-L> GREGOR HAS SPOKEN
17:14:37 <GregorR-L> IT IS CONSIDERED
17:14:42 <ehird> AND?
17:14:55 <ehird> GregorR-L: JUSTIFY
17:15:28 <ehird> GregorR-L: JUSTIFY… WITH ANUSES
17:15:29 <ehird> NOW YOU MUST
17:15:34 <ehird> I
17:15:37 <ehird> DOUBLE DARE YA
17:18:10 <ehird> GregorR-L: >_> Fine. :P
17:20:00 <ehird> pikhq: how do microkernel systems handle scheduling of hardware?
17:20:01 <ehird> that is
17:20:20 <ehird> if the daemon that talks to the audio hardware isn't run for long enough
17:20:25 <ehird> your output will stutter
17:20:26 <ehird> etc
17:20:36 <ehird> just dumb luck?
17:20:42 <ehird> and fast computers
17:22:17 <pikhq> ehird: That's how *most* systems handle scheduling of hardware.
17:22:45 <ehird> pikhq: Not really; the kernel isn't subject to scheduling in the same way, no?
17:22:54 <ehird> Anyway, I hate things like audio stuttering when I run an intensive computation.
17:22:55 <ehird> Shit sucks.
17:31:21 -!- Zuu has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
17:31:56 <GregorR-L> ehird: Reload the munger.
17:32:08 -!- augur has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
17:32:18 -!- augur has joined.
17:32:23 <ehird> Reopen, rather; looks good.
17:32:30 <ehird> GregorR-L: I suggest adding a button to randomise only one panel.
17:32:35 <ehird> To create the perfect story.
17:32:38 <GregorR-L> ...
17:32:39 <ehird> As in, select a panel.
17:32:42 <GregorR-L> That's CLICKING ON THE PANEL
17:32:44 -!- jix has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)).
17:32:47 <ehird> Orrrrrr, that.
17:32:53 <GregorR-L> Why do people not figure that out X-D
17:32:54 <ehird> I was going to say you could do it by clicking on the panel.
17:32:55 <ehird> xD
17:33:02 <ehird> GregorR-L: Because it looks just like a regular image?
17:33:09 <GregorR-L> That's because it is :P
17:33:17 <ehird> It doesn't say "Click me to swap!"
17:33:22 <GregorR-L> I'll add a line at the bottom, "click on a panel, bonehead!" :P
17:33:28 -!- jix has joined.
17:33:36 <ehird> I'm not sure you understand how UI design works. :P
17:34:23 <GregorR-L> I'm quite sure I don't.
17:34:28 <GregorR-L> Screw UI design though.
17:34:43 <oklopol> screw everything, says it
17:34:45 <oklopol> *i
17:34:46 <oklopol> ...
17:34:50 <oklopol> this is bad day.
17:34:50 <GregorR-L> http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=0,1&comics=1493,728 T-Rex has real relationship problems
17:35:01 <ehird> xD
17:35:27 <GregorR-L> http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=0,1&comics=1189,1041 He and Utahraptor were going to build a time machine, but Utah was all like "screw that noise"
17:35:28 <ehird> GregorR-L: Add the ability to drag the panels to rearrange; you can do it in the URL, after all.
17:35:34 <ehird> i.e., non-ascending panel numbers.
17:35:42 <GregorR-L> Uhh, except that in the URL it makes no difference :P
17:36:03 <ehird> Darn.
17:36:14 <ehird> See, cause, stuff would be better rearranged. >_>
17:36:17 <ehird> *'cause
17:36:37 <GregorR-L> Yeah yeah yeah
17:36:44 <GregorR-L> But it ruins the Dinosaur Comicsitude :P
17:36:50 <GregorR-L> http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=0,1&comics=284,950 Last one I do today :P
17:36:58 <ehird> GregorR-L: So does skipping panels.
17:37:05 <GregorR-L> So does your FACE.
17:37:05 <ehird> Also, <3
17:38:27 <GregorR-L> ?panels=0,1 makes an awesome forum sig btw :P
17:38:51 <ehird> Forum sigs are evil.
17:38:55 <ehird> Especially image ones.
17:39:03 <GregorR-L> Your face is evil. Especially image ones.
17:39:53 <GregorR-L> (Incidentally, the munger will almost certainly not work on IE now, but *eh*, whoTF cares about IE?)
17:40:18 <pikhq> GregorR-L: It may work on IE8.
17:40:27 <pikhq> Which, though not great, is at least tolerable.
17:40:47 <pikhq> About on par with Mozilla 1.0, standards-support-wise.
17:40:48 <oklopol> i still haven't figured out a way to change firefox to english
17:40:57 <ehird> pikhq: Now now, it's slightly better than moz 1.
17:41:05 <GregorR-L> `translateto es English is for the weak.
17:41:14 <ehird> Fail. :P
17:41:18 <GregorR-L> HackEgo: Hewwo? :(
17:41:19 <HackEgo> Inglés es para los débiles.
17:41:24 <GregorR-L> There we go.
17:41:28 <GregorR-L> I blame Google.
17:41:38 <ehird> oklopol: Options/Preferences → Content → Languages → Choose, I think.
17:41:39 <pikhq> ehird: Sure; the Mozilla suite was a bloated mess.
17:42:17 <oklopol> ehird: the only thing in options is a preference ordering of languages of page content
17:42:31 <oklopol> but i can check for fun
17:42:35 <ehird> oklopol: Yes, but the Firefox UI is built with local web pages.
17:42:44 <ehird> Alternatively, set Windows to English.
17:42:59 <oklopol> naturally my windows is in english
17:43:19 <ehird> http://www.research.att.com/areas/visualization/papers_videos/subpage.php?page=../../../../etc/passwd
17:43:20 <pikhq> ehird: Technically not true.
17:43:23 <ehird> Anonymous' rampage, la la la
17:43:26 <pikhq> It's built with local XUL pages.
17:43:27 <pikhq> :P
17:43:32 <ehird> pikhq: Which are web pages.
17:43:38 <oklopol> i don't like using finnish with computers
17:43:48 <pikhq> Which are a lot like web pages, only with weirder XML.
17:43:48 * ehird saves the /etc/passwd locally.
17:43:51 <ehird> oklopol: So set Windows to English.
17:44:12 <oklopol> err
17:44:13 <ehird> http://www.research.att.com/areas/visualization/papers_videos/subpage.php?page=../../../../proc/cpuinfo
17:44:14 <oklopol> what does that mean?
17:44:24 <oklopol> everything except firefox and torrent is in english
17:44:26 <ehird> http://www.research.att.com/areas/visualization/papers_videos/subpage.php?page=../../../../proc/uptime
17:44:30 <ehird> oklopol: oh, okay
17:44:45 <GregorR-L> They're running 2.6.9 lawl
17:44:45 <ehird> oklopol: also wow nobody calls it (mu)Torrent :P
17:44:52 <oklopol> started using internet explorer again
17:44:54 <oklopol> ehird: what then?
17:44:56 <oklopol> mtorrent
17:44:57 <oklopol> ?
17:44:59 <oklopol> utorrent?
17:45:03 <oklopol> hmm
17:45:04 <oklopol> probably that
17:45:13 <ehird> uTorrent, yeah
17:45:14 <oklopol> i just happen to know where mu is
17:45:20 <oklopol> on my keyboard
17:45:31 <ehird> anyone got a nice exploit for linux 2.6.9? :P
17:45:35 <GregorR-L> ehird: http://www.research.att.com/areas/visualization/papers_videos/subpage.php?page=../../../../proc/self/maps Weeh :P
17:45:46 <ehird> where did you get the kernel version from btw?
17:45:49 <ehird> I saw it on reddit beforehand
17:45:53 <pikhq> ehird: A few.
17:45:58 <ehird> pikhq: gimme!
17:46:00 <GregorR-L> ehird: proc/version ...
17:46:01 <ehird> i'm british so it's okay.
17:46:08 <ehird> GregorR-L: right, I don't really know /proc
17:46:09 <ehird> at all
17:46:25 <GregorR-L> Clearly
17:46:30 <ehird> http://www.research.att.com/areas/visualization/papers_videos/subpage.php?page=/etc/passwd
17:46:32 <ehird> No .. needed!
17:46:32 <pikhq> ehird: I don't happen to recall which ones they are.
17:46:45 <pikhq> God. That is so broken.
17:46:49 <ehird> "/var/lib/menu/kde"
17:46:54 <ehird> …this is a server?
17:46:58 <GregorR-L> Haw
17:47:01 <ehird> (from /etc/passwd)
17:47:04 <pikhq> WHO INSTALLS KDE ON A SERVER.
17:47:36 <ehird> http://www.research.att.com/areas/visualization/papers_videos/subpage.php?page=../../../../etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
17:47:43 <GregorR-L> Haw haw haw
17:48:03 <pikhq> I'd call that a major fail.
17:48:26 <pikhq> Is Apache running as root or something?
17:48:28 <ehird> Darn, no /etc/shadow access :P
17:48:33 <ehird> pikhq: No; they'll just use shadow.
17:48:34 <GregorR-L> ehird: Heh, tried :P
17:48:38 <ehird> Shows as a blank page, so.
17:48:38 <pikhq> I guess that's a no.
17:48:43 <ehird> /etc/passwd is usually world-readable.
17:48:54 <pikhq> Oh, right. Shadow.
17:49:01 <ehird> http://www.research.att.com/areas/visualization/papers_videos/subpage.php?page=/etc/group
17:49:01 <pikhq> The reason that /etc/passwd can be world-readable.
17:49:24 <ehird> http://www.research.att.com/areas/visualization/papers_videos/subpage.php?page=/var/log/dmesg
17:49:33 <ehird> Saving all these like hell :P
17:49:43 <ehird> http://www.research.att.com/areas/visualization/papers_videos/subpage.php?page=/etc/ssh/ssh_config
17:49:49 <Deewiant> In case you need them some day?
17:49:57 <ehird> Exactly!
17:50:04 <ehird> http://www.research.att.com/areas/visualization/papers_videos/subpage.php?page=/etc/hosts
17:50:31 -!- Zuu has joined.
17:50:32 <ehird> What's RAM info in /proc?
17:50:35 <ehird> *Where's
17:50:58 <pikhq> /proc/meminfo
17:51:19 <pikhq> See if you can get /proc/kcore. :P
17:51:22 <ehird> MemTotal: 4041436 kB
17:51:24 <ehird> x_x
17:51:28 <ehird> Less than a GB?
17:51:33 <Deewiant> /proc/diskstats
17:51:47 <ehird> http://www.research.att.com/areas/visualization/papers_videos/subpage.php?page=/proc/kcore empty :(
17:52:18 <GregorR-L> It doesn't serve up binaries.
17:52:34 <pikhq> /proc/cmdline
17:52:47 <pikhq> Kernel command-line. Whee.
17:52:52 <ehird> /proc/givemerootline
17:53:05 <GregorR-L> /proc/canhasroot
17:53:37 <Deewiant> /proc/self/cmdline was uninteresting :-/
17:54:39 <ehird> It's down
17:54:49 <ehird> http://www.research.att.com/
17:54:50 <ehird> is down
17:55:09 <Deewiant> I managed to get a partial result, just missing half the images :-P
17:55:12 <ehird> GregorR-L: Deewiant: pikhq:
17:55:16 <ehird> That's a patched RHEL4 kernel, not just a stock 2.6.9 kernel.
17:55:16 <ehird> It looks like they're using Red Hat Enterprise Linux (or a clone). It uses a patched version of the 2.6.9 kernel. So, no, you couldn't just use any exploit from the original release of 2.6.9 to today.
17:55:18 <ehird> Darn.
17:55:19 <Deewiant> /etc/mtab, nothing interesting there either
17:55:30 <pikhq> RHEL *4*?
17:55:38 <pikhq> ... That's no longer supported.
17:55:42 <ehird> Anyway... WTF, less than 1GB of RAM?
17:55:42 <pikhq> >:D
17:55:44 <ehird> What's up with that?
17:55:53 <ehird> It's a bloomin' quad-core Xeon.
17:56:01 <Deewiant> Does it take into account ram disks?
17:56:07 <ehird> Dunno
17:56:11 <pikhq> Probably running in Xen.
17:56:18 <ehird> I doubt that
17:56:18 <fizzie> 4041436k is actually four gigs, isn't it?
17:56:24 <ehird> Oh, okay.
17:56:27 <ehird> Google lied to me.
17:56:28 <ehird> :(
17:56:36 <ehird> Maybe 1000 vs 1024.
17:56:40 <Deewiant> Oh, you posted a number somewhere?
17:56:44 <Deewiant> Ah, I see it
17:57:02 <GregorR-L> `calc 4041436kb in gb
17:57:03 <Deewiant> And yeah, that's 4 million K i.e. 4 gigs
17:57:04 <HackEgo> 0 downloads completed with 0.00KB (0 bytes) transferred (not reported) ... <a href="http://www.torrentportal.com/details/4041436/IMG/"><img ...
17:57:09 <GregorR-L> >_>
17:57:29 <fizzie> "4 041 436 kilobytes = 3.85421371 gigabytes" says google-calculamator.
17:57:30 <ehird> wat
17:57:46 <ehird> fizzie: I said "kb" not kilobytes; I may have copied wrong or something.
17:58:03 <ehird> GregorR-L: http://www.torrentportal.com/details/4041436/IMG/ being "2 jailbaits - Shower Massage Fun.wmv".
17:58:12 <GregorR-L> Bahahahaha
17:58:24 <ehird> "Jailbaits" sounds wrong. How about jailbaitae? Jailbae? Jailbii?
17:58:40 <Deewiant> O_o
17:58:57 <GregorR-L> Jailboot.
17:59:09 <ehird> Alibi.
18:00:37 -!- Xiin_ has changed nick to Xiin.
18:00:53 * GregorR-L wonders how one pronounces "Xiin"
18:01:06 <Xiin> 'Shiin'
18:01:10 <ehird> Cheen, where ch is as in bach.
18:01:22 <ehird> Anyway, who are you, Xiin .
18:01:25 <ehird> s/ \.$/?/
18:01:37 <Xiin> I'm not entirely sure
18:01:42 <ehird> Where did you come from?
18:01:45 <GregorR-L> And are you familiar enough with regex to decipher things ehird says? :P
18:01:45 <Xiin> I don't even know where this is
18:01:55 <ehird> This is a place where we do VOODOO.
18:02:03 <GregorR-L> And/or esoteric programming languages :P
18:02:06 <ehird> GregorR-L: I typo a lot >_>
18:02:13 <ehird> Because I type a lot!
18:02:19 <FireFly> Create a lang called VOODOO
18:02:22 <FireFly> So ehird is correct
18:02:26 <ehird> Or because this keyboard sucks; pick your own excuse.
18:02:29 <Xiin> Oh, I remember joining now – I didn't think that there would be anyone in here, though
18:02:50 <FireFly> Well, you were quite wrong, it seems
18:02:51 <Xiin> "This is broken English"?
18:02:59 <GregorR-L> Hahaha, yes 8-D
18:03:05 <ehird> Xiin: So what did you come in here for?
18:03:09 <ehird> s/So/So,/
18:03:58 <ehird> !sh seq 1 1000
18:03:59 <EgoBot> 1
18:04:29 <Xiin> ehird: To test my new colour layout by spamming
18:04:42 <Xiin> I've forgotten to do it at all, though
18:05:10 <ehird> lawl :P
18:05:19 <Deewiant> !sh seq -s\ 1 1000
18:05:20 <EgoBot> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141
18:05:27 <ehird> !sh seq 1 1000
18:05:27 <EgoBot> 1
18:06:09 <Deewiant> !sh seq -s '' 1 1000
18:06:10 <EgoBot> 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061626364656667686970717273747576777879808182838485868788899091929394959697989910010110210310410510610710810911011111211311411511611711811912012112212312412512612712812913013113213313413513613713813914014114214314414514614714814915015115215315415515615715815916016116216316416516616716816917017117217317417517617717817918018118218318418518618718
18:06:27 <ehird> Deewiant: I'm testing DCC, silly.
18:06:48 <ehird> !sh seq --help
18:06:48 <EgoBot> Usage: /usr/bin/seq [OPTION]... LAST
18:07:16 <ehird> !sh seq -f %b -s '' 1 10
18:07:17 <EgoBot> /usr/bin/seq: format `%b' has unknown %b directive
18:07:30 <ehird> Abuh?
18:07:37 -!- Zuu has quit (Connection timed out).
18:07:46 <ehird> Doesn't glibc have %b?
18:07:53 <ehird> Oh:
18:07:54 <ehird> [18:06] EgoBot: -f, --format=FORMAT use printf style floating-point FORMAT
18:07:56 <ehird> Not free-form
18:08:19 <ehird> !c for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) printf("%b", i)
18:08:24 <EgoBot> Does not compile.
18:08:28 <ehird> o_O
18:08:31 <ehird> GregorR-L: Make it C99.
18:08:36 <ehird> Shorter.
18:08:46 <Xiin> ehird: It's really cool. Would you like to see it?
18:08:57 <ehird> Erm… sure.
18:09:03 <ehird> I don't use irssi, though.
18:09:06 -!- Zuu_ has joined.
18:09:18 <ehird> Hey, you're in the UK.
18:09:21 <ehird> Me too.
18:09:39 <Xiin> Oh, but it's so cute
18:09:39 <ehird> GregorR-L: plzzor >_>
18:09:46 <ehird> !c int i; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) printf("%b", i)
18:09:51 <EgoBot> %b%b%b%b%b%b%b%b%b%b
18:09:53 <GregorR-L> ehird: Submit a hg bundle and I'll do it :P
18:09:55 <ehird>
18:09:58 <ehird> >_<
18:10:04 <ehird> GregorR-L: gimme clone command
18:10:08 <GregorR-L> -std=c99 IS A LOT OF WORK
18:10:15 <GregorR-L> hg clone https://codu.org/projects/egobot/hg/
18:10:27 <ehird> GregorR-L: haha you just did about the same amount of work as required to fix it
18:10:35 <GregorR-L> Yup!
18:10:36 <ehird> by telling me what to do, making a joke, then giving me a relevant command
18:10:45 <ehird> GregorR-L: Thus, logically, you must have no qualm with doing it now yourself!
18:10:46 -!- Zuu_ has changed nick to Zuu.
18:10:46 <ehird> >_>
18:10:50 <ehird> *note: logic is not logical
18:11:02 <GregorR-L> It's the principle of the thing.
18:11:13 <pikhq> Note: people hate logic.
18:11:17 <GregorR-L> "It's the principle of the thing" is what people say when they just don't want to do something.
18:11:25 <GregorR-L> But then, it's the principle of the thing.
18:11:28 <ehird> pikhq: People are idiots. :P
18:12:14 <pikhq> ehird: BTW, with template C. Using [foo] for the syntax has a minor flaw. Namely, that's array notation. ;)
18:12:28 <ehird> pikhq: It is in Objective-C, too.
18:12:50 <pikhq> Also, I really need to do it right, instead of hacking it together with the Tcl "subst" command.
18:13:14 <Xiin> http://i330.photobucket.com/albums/l423/alice-mushroom-soup/Picture7-1-1.png
18:13:22 <Xiin> Oh darn it
18:13:24 <Xiin> Wrong one
18:13:54 <pikhq> ehird: Sure, but Objective-C is an extension to C syntax.
18:14:03 <ehird> pikhq: Well, then!
18:14:09 <ehird> GregorR-L: http://filebin.ca/rhjpv/shit
18:14:29 <pikhq> This thing is processing it as plain text and watching for [ ] to eval.
18:14:34 <GregorR-L> Crap, you actually did it >_<
18:14:36 <ehird> pikhq: Well make it less shit!
18:14:38 <ehird> GregorR-L: :)
18:14:39 <ehird> :D
18:14:46 <pikhq> ehird: I intend to.
18:15:56 <GregorR-L> Updated.
18:16:24 <ehird> !c printb(42); void printb(int i) { if (!i) putchar('0'); while (i) { r = i % 2; i >>= 1; putchar(i ? '1' : '0'); } }
18:16:25 <EgoBot> Does not compile.
18:16:30 <GregorR-L> !cxx cout << "Pretty sure you broke C++";
18:16:31 <EgoBot> Does not compile.
18:16:37 <GregorR-L> You broke everything lawl
18:16:38 <ehird> !c puts("fuck");
18:16:39 <EgoBot> fuck
18:16:42 <ehird> Did not.
18:16:50 <ehird> GregorR-L: Anyway, gnu99++ is obviously wrong, I think.
18:16:52 <GregorR-L> Ah, well you broke C++, because gnu99++ is nonsense :P
18:16:55 <GregorR-L> it's gnu++98
18:16:55 <ehird> Because, you know, it's not C++99.
18:16:59 <ehird> Right, whatever, do that :P
18:17:16 <ehird> GregorR-L: Anyway, nested functions don't work?
18:17:24 <ehird> int main(void) { printb(42); void printb(int i) { if (!i) putchar('0'); while (i) { r = i % 2; i >>= 1; putchar(i ? '1' : '0'); } } }
18:17:29 <ehird> is valid gnu99, I think
18:17:36 <GregorR-L> Should *shrugs*
18:17:45 <ehird> GregorR-L: Actually, can you give me a patch thing to the codebase of EgoBot/HackEgo?
18:17:53 <ehird> I'd like to basically add 2>&1 to the end of all the commands.
18:17:59 <GregorR-L> "a patch thing"?
18:18:00 <ehird> Instead of being an opaque "CAN'T COMPILE LOL" thing.
18:18:03 <ehird> GregorR-L: hg clone line.
18:18:14 <GregorR-L> Uh, you already have it for EgoBot
18:18:22 <GregorR-L> HackEgo is the same, with s/egobot/hackbot/
18:18:53 <ehird> GregorR-L: I mean multibot.
18:19:00 <GregorR-L> s/hackbot/stuff/
18:19:23 <GregorR-L> However, that won't change anything.
18:19:30 <GregorR-L> Because multibot has nothing to do with where the output goes.
18:19:45 <ehird> GregorR-L: I'm just going to change runcmd(foo) to runcmd(foo + " 2>&1");
18:19:51 <GregorR-L> Oh :P
18:20:03 <GregorR-L> Actually, that still won't work.
18:20:09 <ehird> Why not? Are you a NAZI?
18:20:11 <GregorR-L> It just sets IRC_SOCK=/tmp/multibot.foo and runs it, multibot doesn't change where the output goes.
18:20:22 <GregorR-L> (IIRC, which I probably don't)
18:20:23 <ehird> WELL THAT SUCKS.
18:20:46 <ehird> setenv("IRC_SOCK", sockName, 1);
18:20:46 <ehird> setenv("IRC_NICK", nick, 1);
18:20:46 <ehird> setenv("IRC_IDENT", ident, 1);
18:20:46 <ehird> setenv("IRC_HOST", host, 1);
18:20:47 <ehird> chdir(COMMANDS_DIR);
18:20:47 <ehird> execv(newargs[0] + sizeof(COMMANDS_DIR), newargs);
18:21:05 <ehird> GregorR-L: PRIVMSG/tr_21.cmd?
18:21:08 <ehird> It seems to handle scmds.
18:21:32 <ehird> GregorR-L: EgoBot's copy is different.
18:21:35 <ehird> >_<
18:21:53 <ehird> GregorR-L: And HackBot's uses /, doesn't it?
18:22:06 <ehird> TOOOO MANY THINGS
18:22:10 <ehird> !cxx cout << "this work yet?"
18:22:14 <EgoBot> this work yet?
18:22:16 <ehird> Yay.
18:23:31 <ehird> GregorR-L: Anyway, be a pal. In EgoBot and HackEgo:
18:23:33 <ehird> scmds/$CMD "$CMD" "$ARG" "$@" |
18:23:34 <ehird> becomes
18:23:37 <ehird> scmds/$CMD "$CMD" "$ARG" "$@" 2>&1 |
18:25:24 <ehird> GregorR-L: Wait, gnu++0x?
18:25:27 <ehird> Are you CRAZY?
18:26:10 <pikhq> ehird: The main-line support of GNU++0x is GNU C++ with C99 features.
18:26:20 <ehird> I know but :P
18:26:21 <pikhq> More complex work is in a branch.
18:27:03 <ehird> !c printb(42); void printb(int i) { if (!i) putchar('0'); while (i) { r = i % 2; i >>= 1; putchar(i ? '1' : '0'); } }
18:27:03 <EgoBot> Does not compile.
18:27:08 <ehird> GregorR-L: ADD IT BITCH ;_;
18:27:49 <GregorR-L> ehird: >: )
18:27:59 <ehird> GregorR-L: It's a two-line change dood ;_;
18:28:23 <ehird> !c void printb(int i) { if (!i) putchar('0'); while (i) { r = i % 2; i >>= 1; putchar(i ? '1' : '0'); } }; printb(42);
18:28:26 <EgoBot> Does not compile.
18:28:31 <ehird> GregorR-L: :(
18:29:24 <ehird> GregorR-L: I'll rip your soul apart.
18:29:33 <GregorR-L> Mmm ... soul.
18:29:41 <ehird> GregorR-L: Then poop on it.
18:31:30 <ehird> GregorR-L: .
18:39:46 <pikhq> Gah. My grandmother is a Palin fan.
18:40:13 <ehird> “First we kill Bin Laden’s son, then we win in Iraq, and pretty soon we’ll have settled the score with everyone who had nothing to do with 9/11.”
18:40:13 <ehird> — The Onion
18:40:17 <ehird> pikhq: How old is she?
18:40:30 <pikhq> ehird: ~60
18:40:43 <GregorR-L> My mom is 60 D-8
18:41:15 <ehird> GregorR-L: I believe my mother is relatively older to me than yours. Ha!
18:41:27 <ehird> …this is a competition, right?
18:41:31 <GregorR-L> Apparently :P
18:41:37 <pikhq> GregorR-L: And your grandmother?
18:41:39 <GregorR-L> `calc 60 - 23
18:41:40 <HackEgo> 60 - 23 = 37
18:41:43 <GregorR-L> She's 83
18:41:50 <ehird> [18:41] GregorR-L: `calc 60 - 23
18:41:51 <ehird> [18:41] HackEgo: 60 - 23 = 37
18:41:51 <ehird> [18:41] GregorR-L: She's 83
18:41:56 <oklopol> ehird's mum is 23?
18:41:59 <ehird> almost spit out my coke before i realised wtf you were talking about xD
18:42:02 <ehird> oklopol: wat
18:42:02 <pikhq> Approximately how old my great-grandfather is.
18:42:05 <GregorR-L> My GRANDMOTHER is 83 you dog biscuit.
18:42:40 <oklopol> my grandmother was like 91 and just died
18:42:44 <ehird> GregorR-L: Anyway, after scientific calculations, I got you beat. Ha.
18:42:54 <ehird> (Apparently there was a significant risk I'd have Down's syndrome…)
18:43:20 <oklopol> would be cool to try to become ehird's stepdad
18:43:20 <pikhq> My mom's like 38...
18:43:53 <GregorR-L> ehird: I can only conclude that your grandmother was about 13 when she had your mom :P
18:43:59 <ehird> pikhq: lawl teen babies
18:44:11 <ehird> GregorR-L: …how does that follow at all XD
18:44:19 <GregorR-L> OHWAIT lawl
18:44:25 <GregorR-L> Stupid you and pikhq having the same nick length
18:44:50 <ehird> But yeah, wtf@pikhq's family. :P
18:44:53 <ehird> Any inbreeding going on there too?
18:45:08 <pikhq> I'm my own cousin twice over.
18:45:19 <ehird> o_x
18:45:26 <ehird> I don't want to figure out the family tree that results in that,
18:45:28 <GregorR-L> ehird: I thought your mom was like 45 when she had you, but your grandmother was currently 60, and I was going >_O
18:45:29 <ehird> but I'm sure it's incredibly Southern.
18:45:31 <oklopol> i'm my dad's unborn sister
18:45:41 <pikhq> ehird: You know the Hatfields?
18:45:50 <ehird> pikhq: No.
18:45:53 <GregorR-L> `addquote <oklopol> i'm my dad's unborn sister
18:45:54 <HackEgo> 56|<oklopol> i'm my dad's unborn sister
18:46:08 <oklopol> you seem to enjoy quoting me
18:46:09 <pikhq> Had a famous feud with the McCoy's?
18:46:19 <ehird> pikhq: Yeah, I figured that out post-google.
18:46:36 <pikhq> Yeah, that's my mom's side of the family.
18:46:55 <GregorR-L> `google wertheimer
18:46:56 <ehird> Maybe I'll ask Wolfram Alpha what being your own cousin twice over implies.
18:46:57 <HackEgo> Apr 23, 2009 ... Max Wertheimer (April 15, 1880 October 12, 1943) was a Czech-born Jewish teacher who was one of the three founders of Gestalt psychology, ... \ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Wertheimer - [13]Cached - [14]Similar
18:47:17 <ehird> "Wolfram|Alpha isn't sure what to do with your input."
18:47:22 <ehird> that's what SHE said!
18:49:46 <ehird> http://listsearches.rootsweb.com/th/read/GENBRIT/2000-02/0950477670
18:49:56 <ehird> pikhq: I conclude your family tree has a lot of wiggly lines.
18:50:47 <ehird> Anyhow, brb →
18:51:03 <pikhq> ehird: Yes.
18:51:24 <GregorR-L> EWWWWWWWW
18:55:21 <oklopol> having sex is a much more fun way to build complex data structures than programming
18:56:02 <oklopol> maybe more like graphs.
18:56:41 <GregorR-L> My family tree is planar, damn it
18:56:58 <GregorR-L> PLANAR YOU HEAR ME
18:57:13 <oklopol> mine is a tree afaik.
18:57:19 <oklopol> even worse
18:57:35 <GregorR-L> pikhq's isn't even a DAG
18:57:42 <oklopol> :D
18:59:45 <oklopol> (actually had to think for a moment to make sure that's not possible :P)
19:00:24 <GregorR-L> X-D
19:01:25 <oklopol> you could add some sorta stepparent relations
19:01:49 <oklopol> like if you married your grandma, you'd have a stepgrandparent relation to yourself
19:10:27 <GregorR-L> http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=0,1&comics=245,509 T-Rex nitpicks
19:12:32 <FireFly> Heh
19:13:45 <oklopol> are american girls retarded or something or why can't they just drop it themselves?
19:13:52 <oklopol> i've never really understood that thing
19:18:08 <oklopol> the stupidity of complaining about it may of course be the reason it has become a tv show meme. i just decided i'd mock america when GregorR is near
19:18:39 <GregorR-L> I would mock your country if it was significant enough for me to have any appreciable knowledge of it.
19:18:41 <oklopol> i like to create these sorta microthings to myself randomly.
19:18:44 <oklopol> for
19:19:00 <oklopol> GregorR-L: so would your face
19:20:00 <oklopol> i'd love to move to america, it seems like an awesome country
19:20:12 <oklopol> in all truthness.
19:20:21 <oklopol> or really anything with big cities
19:20:31 <oklopol> i don't really give a shit what the people are like
19:20:38 <oklopol> microthings have nothing to do with my opinions
19:22:16 -!- Zuu has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
19:25:03 <AnMaster> GregorR-L, there?
19:25:14 <AnMaster> what would be the fastest way to transfer a file over LAN
19:25:17 <AnMaster> unencrypted
19:25:35 <AnMaster> as low overhead as possible
19:25:47 <GregorR-L> Uh, gzip | netcat?
19:25:48 <AnMaster> it is not a single file, but rather a directory of files
19:25:54 <GregorR-L> Uh, tar gzip | netcat?
19:26:21 <GregorR-L> tar zcf - myFavoriteDirectory | netcat -l -p 1234
19:26:22 <AnMaster> GregorR-L, I tried using rsync (not over ssh)... I only get roughly 12 MB/s with it
19:26:44 <GregorR-L> So, by "unencrypted" and "low overhead" you mean "I actually don't care" :P
19:26:46 <AnMaster> wait I'm close to maxing network out?
19:27:01 <AnMaster> since it is 100 mbps in one end
19:27:14 <AnMaster> so I can't go faster than about 12.5 megabyte / sec anyway
19:27:31 <AnMaster> GregorR-L, never mind. There are physical limitations preventing going faster :/
19:28:31 <oklopol> i want statistics on how people wipe their asses
19:29:07 <oklopol> i'm pretty sure i'm in a great minority, but not that many people have actually shared with me their methods, so can't be sure
19:29:23 <AnMaster> GregorR-L, in theory I can get 12.5 MB/s (100 mbit) I'm getting 12.41 MB/s. Which is pretty good considering...
19:29:26 <oklopol> hope i didn't interrupt anything, even if i did, this is a more interesting subject
19:31:07 <AnMaster> GregorR-L, using -z to rsync to compress slows things down
19:31:08 <AnMaster> very strange
19:31:26 <AnMaster> I guess cpu is more of a limit than network
19:34:53 <oklopol> fizzie: do you just do graphs, or also polls to acquire the data?
19:36:29 <fizzie> I personally don't do polls-for-people, if that's what you mean; when the urge to graph something strikes me, I just try to extricate data from any random existing thing.
19:36:50 <oklopol> okay then nevermind
19:37:19 <fizzie> Okay, unminding.
19:42:08 <GregorR-L> http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=0,1&comics=755,482 Baaaaahahah (discovered/munged by a friend of mine)
19:42:12 <Deewiant> GregorR-L: How do those dinosaurComic.php?comics= numbers relate to qwantz.com/index.php?comic= numbers
19:42:34 <GregorR-L> Deewiant: Not very well ... when you go to a comic at qwantz.com, look at the URL for the image, that's the number used in my PHP script.
19:42:44 <GregorR-L> For some reason there's no logical correspondence though >_>
19:43:07 <Deewiant> Hmph
19:43:46 <GregorR-L> I could have potentially done it in some different way, but I decided I didn't want to parse anything, so I just download comic2-$rand.png
19:47:36 <GregorR-L> (Mind you, I ended up having to parse something anyway ... whoops?)
19:48:18 <Deewiant> It'd be nice if the mapping weren't one-way
19:48:34 <GregorR-L> Yeah, not much I can do about that though :(
19:48:54 <Deewiant> You can create a dinosaurComic2.php that does it right :-P
19:49:03 <GregorR-L> So can your MOM.
19:49:33 <Deewiant> Doubtful
19:49:54 <Deewiant> ( GregorR-L) That's what SHE said
19:51:57 -!- GregorR-L has quit ("Leaving").
19:52:00 -!- GregorR-L has joined.
20:01:47 <ehird> back
20:03:07 <ehird> [18:55] oklopol: having sex is a much more fun way to build complex data structures than programming
20:03:07 <ehird> [18:56] oklopol: maybe more like graphs.
20:03:07 <ehird> + time travel = cyclic family graphs
20:03:23 <ehird> [19:13] oklopol: are american girls retarded or something or why can't they just drop it themselves?
20:03:23 <ehird> too much interbreeding
20:04:43 <oklopol> with time travel, the universe needs garbage collection to get rid of family trees that are completely self-created.
20:05:27 <pikhq> Unfortunately, family trees are only reference-counted.
20:05:51 <ehird> so pikhq how does it feel to have bad genes
20:05:55 <ehird> are they uncomfortable, try khakis
20:05:59 <oklopol> pikhq: at least in futurama
20:05:59 <ehird> BADUM TISH
20:06:29 <pikhq> oklopol: You mean that wasn't a documentary?
20:06:55 <ehird> *inbreeding not interbreeding
20:07:02 <ehird> i wonder how recently inbreeding happened in this family
20:07:03 <oklopol> documentary on a dude who went back in time and had sex with his grandma?
20:07:11 <ehird> anyone know a site where they magically learn about babies
20:07:13 <oklopol> yes maybe it was
20:07:17 <ehird> and assemble a family tree?
20:08:40 <GregorR-L> To be a completely detached family tree, you'd have to go back in time and have sex with your descendant who also went back in time to have sex with you, thereby establishing yourself as your own n-great grandfather.
20:08:55 <GregorR-L> And even then, some jerk would go and have sex outside the family I'm sure.
20:09:17 <ehird> anyway becoming your own parent is wildly unlikely
20:09:18 <ehird> i mean
20:09:24 <ehird> most likely you'll be birthed by other means
20:09:28 <ehird> and you just get an extra sibling
20:09:39 <oklopol> in a sensible universe you probably want to garbage-collect all even partly self-supported parts
20:09:50 <pikhq> Unless it's like Futuruma.
20:10:05 <ehird> pikhq: yeah but the odds against a fry situation are incredibly minimal
20:10:10 <ehird> err
20:10:12 <ehird> like, flipt hat
20:10:15 <ehird> *flip that
20:10:17 <ehird> or reverse it
20:10:18 <oklopol> and incredibly well defined.
20:10:20 <pikhq> Then, your nominal grandfather gets blasted by a nuclear test.
20:10:27 <pikhq> While you're banging your grandmother.
20:10:32 <oklopol> i'd say about 2%.
20:10:56 <oklopol> ugh, why am i in a time travel discussion
20:10:56 <oklopol> ->
20:11:14 <GregorR-L> <-
20:11:27 <GregorR-L> The much-coveted "less than or minus" operator
20:11:46 <ehird> :D
20:11:58 <ehird> GregorR-L: x < y || x - y
20:12:01 <ehird> sounds cool
20:12:26 <GregorR-L> Let's build an esolang around it!
20:12:35 <GregorR-L> Booleans are "0 == true" and "1 == false" btw
20:13:10 <ehird> >>> def op(x, y): return int(x < y or x - y)
20:13:10 <ehird> ...
20:13:10 <ehird> >>> op(15, 30)
20:13:10 <ehird> 1
20:13:10 <ehird> >>> op(30, 15)
20:13:11 <ehird> 15
20:13:14 <ehird> gotta be useful for something!
20:13:17 <ehird> GregorR-L: i'd prefer it being more like
20:13:33 <ehird> if x < y: return x else: return x - y
20:13:52 <ehird> which is basically "minus but NO NEGATIVES PLZ"
20:13:53 <ehird> at least
20:13:58 -!- oerjan has joined.
20:14:00 <ehird> that's what "less than or minus" conveys to me
20:14:31 <oerjan> !haskell :t ((<)||negate)
20:15:08 <oerjan> !haskell :t "Anybody there?"
20:15:09 <EgoBot> "Anybody there?" :: [Char]
20:15:11 <pikhq> x <- y = x < y || x - y
20:15:19 <pikhq> Most useless operator ever.
20:15:24 <ehird> pikhq: because it doesn't type.
20:15:29 <ehird> oerjan: no, it's not that
20:15:37 <pikhq> ehird: Yup.
20:15:45 <ehird> it's one of:
20:15:47 <ehird> def op(x, y): return int(x < y or x - y)
20:15:48 <ehird> or
20:15:56 <ehird> def op(x, y): return x if x < y else x - y
20:16:01 <ehird> the latter being arguably more useful
20:16:03 <oerjan> !haskell :t \x y -> x < y || x - y
20:16:08 <ehird> "take this away as long as it doesn't fuck up"
20:16:12 <ehird> oerjan: well okay num bool
20:16:25 <ehird> someone harass gwern to get ourselves \bot back
20:16:28 <oerjan> why the heck doesn't it answer
20:16:28 <ehird> GregorR-L: did you ever do the 2>&1 thing?
20:16:35 <ehird> oerjan: not ghci
20:16:42 <oerjan> ehird: don't bother if it cannot be permanent
20:16:54 <ehird> what cannot be
20:16:56 <ehird> \bot?
20:16:58 <oerjan> \bot
20:17:01 <ehird> why?
20:17:57 <oerjan> because it will just be annoying next time it disconnects again
20:18:05 <pikhq> Y'know, Lambdabot is free software.
20:18:13 <pikhq> Ehird, you could totally run a \bot.
20:18:23 <ehird> Not worth it.
20:18:29 <ehird> It's a shitfucking pain to compile.
20:18:32 * oerjan realizes he has _very_ messed up priorities there
20:18:38 <ehird> oerjan: quite :P
20:19:36 <oerjan> if something cannot be perfect, i cannot bother doing it at all :(
20:20:08 <oerjan> unless it is also trivial.
20:20:09 <pikhq> What a mathematician.
20:21:03 <ehird> oerjan: i thought like that onc
20:21:03 <ehird> e
20:21:10 <oerjan> that personality quirk may be the reason i went into mathematics.
20:21:13 <ehird> but then i realised that it reduced all projects to "induce singularity"
20:21:20 <ehird> so i dropped it
20:21:43 <pikhq> ehird: You mean not all your projects are "induce singularity"?
20:21:55 <ehird> Funnily enough, no.
20:22:21 <GregorR-L> I'll induce YOUR singularity
20:22:50 * FireFly has this idea of running an IRC bot written in Migol, running on a DS acting as a server
20:22:54 <FireFly> Good or bad idea?
20:23:04 <GregorR-L> GOOD
20:23:06 <FireFly> I'm too lazy to actually buy a server
20:23:17 <GregorR-L> Buying a server would be bad
20:23:25 <ehird> FireFly: Laptops make good home servers.
20:23:39 <ehird> Small, can easily be run headless, and quiet
20:23:41 <ehird> s/$/./
20:23:46 <ehird> Also, cheap.
20:24:39 <pikhq> FireFly: A DS acting as a server?
20:24:51 <pikhq> ehird: A Nintendo DS.
20:24:54 <ehird> I know.
20:24:59 <ehird> I was just saying re: buying a server.
20:25:05 <pikhq> Mmkay.
20:25:11 <FireFly> Well, A DS running a Migol interpreter written as DS homebrew
20:25:15 <ehird> Because you can get a 9" Dell laptop for, like, £100.
20:25:19 <FireFly> That connects to the IRC server
20:25:23 <ehird> But still, expensive vs £0.
20:25:27 <pikhq> FireFly: Just write it for Linux.
20:25:38 <FireFly> Meh, DSLinux is sloow ._.
20:25:38 <ehird> The DS doesn't have an MMU, pikhq.
20:25:44 <ehird> So… not the best choice of OS.
20:25:52 <pikhq> ehird: ucLinux doesn't need an MMU.
20:26:00 <ehird> Meh.
20:26:06 <ehird> The DS has very lwo resources.
20:26:07 <ehird> *low
20:26:12 <pikhq> True.
20:26:15 <FireFly> That's part of the fun :P
20:26:22 <ehird> Yes, but layering Linux on top won't help any.
20:27:08 <pikhq> It has multiprocessing, though.
20:27:17 <ehird> So does your mom.
20:29:04 <ehird> "I don't. Atheists can be nice people too. But people that REALLY BELIEVE that they will be on hell for eternity don't commit crimes."
20:29:05 <ehird> ↑ lawl
20:29:25 <ehird> [[Yeah, they believe that god is watching their every move and that they will go to hell if they commit the crime... but they think "hey, what the hell, hell seems nice".]]
20:29:26 <ehird> ↑ …does anyone actually think that?
20:30:01 <oerjan> what about people who think they've already been so bad they'll go to hell anyway?
20:31:17 <ehird> bah
20:31:28 <ehird> to link an ELF operating system I need a cross-compiler bintools thing
20:31:36 <ehird> *binutils
20:31:42 <ehird> (w/ clang/LLVM)
20:33:16 <ehird> "One of the outcomes of the initial attempt to port Hurd to the L4 microkernel was an effort to make Hurd more microkernel independent, rather than relying solely on the Mach interfaces."
20:33:22 <ehird> That's so ridiculous
20:33:24 <ehird> s/$/./
20:34:30 <ehird> btw
20:34:32 <ehird> "A Hurd process, on the other hand, runs under a set of user ids, which can contain multiple ids, one, or none."
20:34:38 <ehird> how does this interact with getuid()?
20:35:59 <ehird> All this applies to the current development version, and not to the last release (0.2). We encourage everybody who is interested to try out the latest development version, and send feedback to the Hurd developers.[…]That said, the last official release of the Hurd without the Debian parts was 0.2 done in 1997.
20:36:09 <ehird> "Don't use the last version (which happens to be from 1997)"
20:36:15 <ehird> This was written this year :P
20:36:38 <ehird> "People already expect delays; to disappoint them in this way as well would be unfortunate."
20:36:46 <ehird> …no…we expect it to die a slow and painful death.
20:37:12 <ehird> pikhq: GregorR-L: There's a guy who actually uses Hurd as his desktop OS.
20:37:22 <GregorR-L> I find this unsurprising.
20:37:31 <ehird> And has done for TWO YEARS.
20:37:35 <ehird> See http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/hurd/status.html
20:38:06 <ehird> I mean, if it was, like, 10 years, that'd be more understandable.
20:38:22 <ehird> A crazy person who got involved when it still looked feasible and is too stubborn to get out.
20:38:28 <ehird> But to decide, in 2007, to switch to the Hurd?
20:38:36 <ehird> Insane.
20:41:30 <oerjan> ehird: a slow and painful death is just a delay that got out of control
20:41:42 <ehird> deep
20:42:07 <ehird> oerjan: "You have cancer. This will result in a wild delay."
20:43:17 <oerjan> clearly that's a result of delaying quitting smoking. see?
20:43:25 <ehird> lol
20:43:46 <ehird> oerjan: "You have cancer completely randomly. This will result in a wild delay."
20:43:52 <ehird> a result of delaying not having cancer!
20:44:31 <ehird> Q3. Why bother writing a new OS when we have Linux and 386/BSD?
20:44:32 <ehird> For one thing, Linux and BSD don't scale well. Hardware designers are
20:44:32 <ehird> shifting more and more toward multiprocessor machines for performance,
20:44:32 <ehird> and standard Unix kernels do not provide much multiprocessor support.
20:44:35 <oerjan> rubbish, it's a result of delaying your cancer checkups. some stupid people let it go several _years_ without them.
20:44:51 <ehird> oerjan: it's an incurable type of cancer, so that wouldn't help
20:45:28 <oerjan> no cancer is incurable if you catch it early enough. nanobots will help us there.
20:45:40 <ehird> oerjan: in the future perhaps.
20:46:25 <oerjan> yes, how many tragedies have not been caused by this irresponsible delaying of the future.
20:46:57 <ehird> :D
20:47:14 <ehird> hmm
20:47:17 <ehird> argh
20:47:34 <ehird> i can't figure out how to organise this properly
20:47:46 <ehird> pikhq: "Hurd-ng is an effort to build a new operating system that preserves the main design goals of the Hurd while fixing some of the Hurd's shortcomings. There is not yet an official roadmap or a concrete specification; indeed, much of the work is research oriented."
20:48:27 <pikhq> ehird: Yup.
20:48:46 <GregorR-L> Yup, sounds like a research project.
20:50:09 <ehird> ~/Code/poseven/env/src/llvm/ → ~/Code/poseven/env/bin/
20:50:19 <ehird> ~/Code/poseven/env/src/binutils/ → ~/Code/poseven/env/bin/
20:50:20 <ehird> methinks
20:50:27 <ehird> then ~/Code/poseven/other shit
20:50:31 <ehird> s/$/\//
20:52:46 <oerjan> is that pos-even or po-seven?
20:53:32 <ehird> oerjan: pun on posix
20:53:34 <ehird> so po-seven
20:53:45 <oerjan> ah.
20:53:57 <oklopol> why didn't we get that
20:53:58 <ehird> the name is aesthetically pleasing, although interestingly only in lowercase
20:53:58 <oerjan> how poeightical
20:54:09 <ehird> oklopol: i mentioned it when i came up with it, iirc :P
20:54:10 <ehird> earlier today
20:54:12 <ehird> oerjan: hyuk hyuk hyuk
20:54:31 <oklopol> ehird: i must not have read that
20:55:08 <oklopol> i may have *seen* the message where you said it, but i don't read all logs i browse.
20:55:23 <oklopol> i just skim for keywords
20:55:47 <oerjan> this could go on even further, potentially
20:56:01 <oklopol> what do you mean
20:56:06 <oklopol> *-
20:56:17 <ehird> oerjan: after a while it'll just be ponine and lose its charm
20:57:02 <oerjan> no no, after that.
20:57:22 <oklopol> poten-tial
20:57:38 <ehird> ponine get it
20:57:39 <ehird> benign
20:58:20 <oklopol> no i was busy getting oerjan's slightly simpler pun.
20:58:41 <ehird> poetic.
20:58:42 <oerjan> i still haven't got ehird's
20:58:50 <ehird> oerjan: ponine/benign
20:59:56 <ehird> binutils time!
20:59:58 <ehird> I'm going to like with gold.
21:00:01 <ehird> clang, LLVM and gold.
21:00:04 <ehird> I'm so EDGY.
21:03:01 <ehird> hmm
21:03:11 <ehird> if you have something in /usr/src/foo, where do you put your build directory?
21:03:38 <oerjan> /usr/bob-the-builder/misc/foo
21:03:48 <ehird> oerjan: o_x
21:03:50 <ehird> wat
21:03:59 <ehird> it's can we fix it
21:04:01 <ehird> not can we build it
21:04:01 <ehird> silly
21:04:23 <oerjan> i've seen him build things too
21:07:13 * oerjan notes that "frank the fixer" exists
21:08:15 * oerjan discards the one google hit with both in it
21:09:24 <GregorR-L> http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=0,1,5&comics=859,1340,115 Happy Canada Day everyone!
21:09:52 <ehird> :D
21:10:16 <ehird> GregorR-L: link to the munger
21:10:23 <GregorR-L> http://codu.org/weird/dinosaurComicMunger.xhtml
21:10:29 <oerjan> GregorR-L: you're rather late for that
21:10:45 <GregorR-L> oerjan: WELL THE COMIC IS STILL FUNNY SO BLEH :P
21:11:36 <ehird> GregorR-L: http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=1,2&comics=1213,209
21:11:47 <ehird> A proof of shit being recognized as bananas.
21:12:56 <ehird> GregorR-L: http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=0,3,5&comics=1140,1106,560
21:13:05 <ehird> T-Rex explores alternate history; dodos.
21:13:28 <GregorR-L> lol
21:15:13 <pikhq> Universe where nobody ever dies? Man.
21:15:38 <pikhq> Screw rocket cars. Nuclear propulsion cars.
21:15:49 <ehird> Black hole cars
21:15:59 <oerjan> i guess if nobody ever dies, those would be safe
21:15:59 <ehird> Note: You could still be in a coma for the rest of your life :P
21:16:11 <pikhq> But that won't actually go at any pace.
21:16:36 <pikhq> ehird: The primary risk from a nuclear propulsion car would be the radiation causing cancer.
21:16:37 <ehird> http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=0,4&comics=1038,787
21:16:41 <ehird> Zombie crackers!
21:16:55 <pikhq> If you can't die, then cancer treatment would be pretty damned effective.
21:17:20 <ehird> Death is kind of meaningless if you can still come to arbitrary amounts of harm.
21:17:39 <ehird> Anyway, someone answer my build path question.
21:17:45 <ehird> Build path of /usr/src/foo = ???
21:17:47 <pikhq> No.
21:18:05 <ehird> :(
21:18:30 <ehird> http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=4,5&comics=684,1439
21:19:13 <ehird> LOL: http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=1,5&comics=918,157
21:20:58 <ehird> Physical buttons have the unique ability to provide low-attention and vision-free interactions through their intuitive tactile clues. Unfortunately, the physicality of these interfaces makes them static, limiting the number and types of user interfaces they can support. On the other hand, touch screen technologies provide the ultimate interface flexibility, but offer no inherent tactile qualities. In this paper, we describe a technique that seeks to occupy
21:20:59 <ehird> The outcome of our investigations is a visual display that contains deformable areas, able to produce physical buttons and other interface elements. These tactile features can be dynamically brought into and out of the interface, and otherwise manipulated under program control. The surfaces we describe provide the full dynamics of a visual display (through rear projection) as well as allowing for multitouch input (though an infrared lighting and camera setu
21:21:02 <ehird> YES!
21:21:17 <ehird> http://www.chrisharrison.net/projects/pneumaticdisplays/
21:21:21 <ehird> Buttonable touchscreens.
21:21:33 <pikhq> ehird: LCARS HAS BEEN INVENTED!
21:21:50 <ehird> pikhq: It's not _quite_ arbitrary though, I don't think.
21:21:51 <ehird> :(
21:21:59 <pikhq> ehird: Still.
21:22:04 <ehird> Also, "as well as allowing for multitouch input (though an infrared lighting and camera setup behind the display"
21:22:13 <ehird> That's not gonna be very good multitouch.
21:22:23 <ehird> pikhq: The tactile areas are actually fixed
21:22:28 <ehird> So you have to keep stuff in the same place
21:22:31 <pikhq> That is very much proof of concept.
21:22:55 <ehird> There's no real way to have arbitrary push-areas with this technology, I don't think.
21:23:10 <pikhq> Still pretty sweet, though.
21:23:13 <ehird> Yep.
21:24:32 <pikhq> Actually, if you had a very large number of tiny cells, you could *maybe* get arbitrary push-areas.
21:24:43 <pikhq> Though I doubt that'd be practical.
21:24:53 <pikhq> Or very nice to use.
21:25:27 <pikhq> Still, something at least vaguely like that would actually make for nice computer UIs.
21:26:16 <ehird> pikhq: They could only be one phyxel big, though.
21:26:19 <ehird> As in, no rectangles.
21:26:22 <ehird> Because it'd be ridged.
21:26:29 <ehird> Also, these won't be clacky.
21:26:32 <ehird> More latex-feeling.
21:26:51 <pikhq> Yeah, not all that nice.
21:27:56 <ehird> /usr/src/build, I think.
21:31:45 <GregorR-L> http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=0,1,5&comics=859,1340,115&strip Whoot new feature
21:31:52 <ehird> <3
21:32:06 <ehird> GregorR-L: doesn't add &strip to the bottom line
21:32:15 <GregorR-L> *fixy*
21:33:16 <GregorR-L> Fixt
21:35:38 <GregorR-L> Hahah, accidental additional feature: http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=0,0,0,0,0&strip
21:35:51 <ehird> xD
21:36:10 <ehird> GregorR-L: http://codu.org/imgs/dinosaurComic.php?panels=1,0&comics=1510,181&strip
21:36:13 <GregorR-L> The only reason that didn't work before is that it was overwriting the same place with new content *shrugs*
21:36:25 <pikhq> Nice.
21:36:30 <ehird> "Too many panels!" :(
21:36:33 <GregorR-L> Is that your SUBTLE way of telling my script is BETTER THAN EVER and JOYFUL?!
21:36:39 <GregorR-L> Seven is your max, too bad ;)
21:37:01 <ehird> GregorR-L: Haha, I didn't even think of it as a compliment on the script, but it makes most sense that way.
21:39:39 * ehird installs bochs
21:39:44 <ehird> poseven will be pretty cool ^_^
21:40:09 <GregorR-L> I JUST got that name.
21:40:13 <ehird> bochs @2.3.7 (emulators)
21:40:13 <ehird> Variants: smp, universal
21:40:13 <ehird> ↑ Does smp let you run multiple virtual cores on multiple real cores?
21:40:19 <ehird> GregorR-L: Wow, people really don't get it, do they?
21:40:22 <ehird> oklopol didn't either :P
21:40:43 <pikhq> I read it as pos-even.
21:40:49 <GregorR-L> I ought three because I have a friend that always seems three talk like that ...
21:40:50 <pikhq> And I was like "Uh?"
21:40:50 <ehird> SO DID OKLOPOL :P
21:41:00 <ehird> GregorR-L: …wat?
21:41:16 <ehird> Anyway, poseven just looks nice lowercased.
21:41:30 <ehird> GregorR-L: Oh, "to" → "two" :P
21:45:38 <oklopol> i did not read it as pos-even, i did not realize it could be a pun!
21:45:54 <oklopol> do not overestimate my non-gettings
21:46:00 <ehird> :D
21:46:12 <oklopol> i just thought it was a pretty word.
21:46:24 <GregorR-L> Funny, I thought it was an ugly word.
21:47:20 <oklopol> nah, it's not nice to laugh at stupid people.
21:47:42 <ehird> poseven isn't ugly.
21:48:57 <oklopol> imo it's the most beautiful poN of all naturals.
21:49:05 <ehird> you know what irrtates me?
21:49:11 <ehird> to get bochs to run a different thingy
21:49:12 <oklopol> *-naturals
21:49:15 <ehird> you need to change the config file.
21:49:20 <ehird> whyyyyyyyy
21:49:21 <oklopol> makes the pun better, and N already implies that
21:49:44 <pikhq> ehird: Because bochs is poorly designed on the UI front.
21:49:52 <ehird> i know but fff
21:49:55 <oklopol> anyway, good night sleep happy dream time.
21:49:56 -!- GregorR-L has quit ("Leaving").
21:49:57 <ehird> at least let me do "bochs shit"
21:49:57 <oklopol> ->
21:50:16 <ehird> not "e /opt/local/share/bochs/bochsrc.txt && bochs"
21:51:43 <ehird> :\
21:51:51 <ehird> or is there another way?
21:55:04 <ehird> i guess
21:55:05 <ehird> -f configfile specify configuration file
21:55:06 <ehird> but bleh
21:56:09 <ehird> 2) Create a disk image for the emulator.
21:56:09 <ehird> -cd /opt/local/share/bochs
21:56:09 <ehird> -sudo bximage (prompts will guide you)
21:56:09 <ehird> -sudo chmod 777 <diskimg-name>
21:56:10 <ehird> 3) Remove the current 'ata0-master:' statement in /opt/local/share/bochs/bochsrc.txt
21:56:10 <ehird> and replace it with the 'ata0-master:' string displayed at the end of the bximage
21:56:11 <ehird> process.
21:56:15 <ehird> I wonder wtf it uses that for
22:00:09 <ehird> hmm
22:00:41 <ehird> that's the hard drive i think
22:00:48 <ehird> so it doesn't matter if you're e.g. making a bootable floppy
22:01:13 <ehird> otoh that kind of limits your options
22:08:44 <ehird> sure is active around here
22:20:27 -!- ehird has quit.
22:22:50 -!- ehird has joined.
22:23:00 <augur> o.o
22:24:40 <ehird> o.o
22:24:43 <oerjan> o´o
22:25:57 <ehird> o\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\FUCK
22:25:58 <ehird> ...
22:25:59 <ehird> o.o
22:26:00 <augur> oerjan youve got something on your forehead
22:26:00 <ehird> omg
22:26:03 <ehird> it's smaller
22:26:04 <ehird> o.o o . o
22:26:05 <ehird> OMG
22:26:12 <ehird> I KNEW IT
22:26:13 <ehird> BUT STIL LTEXT
22:26:15 <ehird> AHAAHHAHA
22:26:18 <ehird> CONSPIRACY UNWOUND
22:26:19 <ehird> take that client
22:26:28 <augur> ehird what
22:31:20 <pikhq> Ò.ó
22:32:41 <oerjan> Ø.¤
22:33:13 <FireFly> ø.ø
22:33:25 <ehird> So.
22:33:31 <ehird> I'm lazy.
22:33:36 <pikhq> Øh, that Ørjan. He Kan tell yøu that møøse bites Kan be prity nasti.
22:33:57 <ehird> hoots mon there's a moose loose aboot this hoose
22:34:40 <oerjan> i hæve never been bytten by a møøse
22:35:40 -!- KingOfKarlsruhe has joined.
22:35:53 <ehird> KingOfKarlsruhe: you are a crap king
22:36:30 <KingOfKarlsruhe> no comment
22:36:39 <ehird> KingOfKarlsruhe: more like co nomment
22:36:41 <ehird> amirite
22:37:07 <FireFly> // comment
22:37:22 <ehird> / om nom nom nomment
22:37:28 <ehird> s/^/\//
22:47:30 -!- KingOfKarlsruhe has left (?).
22:47:34 -!- GreaseMonkey has joined.
22:54:53 <GregorR> Which is funnier, www.t-rex-is-lonely-comics.com or www.dinosaur-comics-minus-the-others.com
22:55:34 <FireFly> The second instantly makes me think of Garfield-minus-garfield
22:55:55 <FireFly> s/-/ /g
22:56:27 <GregorR> Yeah, that was the reference.
22:56:39 <GregorR> That was what a friend of mine wanted to call it.
22:56:47 <GregorR> I still like T-Rex is Lonely Comics
22:56:49 <augur> gregorr
22:56:51 <GregorR> But they're both pretty good.
22:56:57 <GregorR> augur
22:56:59 <augur> these are such ripoffs :|
22:57:07 <GregorR> ... by definition?
22:57:15 <FireFly> I'd prefer the first one, yeah
22:57:15 <augur> yes!
22:58:02 <GregorR> augur: Yes, good for you, you've noticed that this is not a new concept?
22:58:20 <augur> :|
22:58:39 <augur> its a ripoff of g-g AND dinosaur comics!
22:58:39 <augur> :|
22:59:20 <GregorR> Yes, it is an application of the idea behind g-g to Dinosaur Comics.
23:00:05 <augur> derivatives arent evil!
23:00:11 <augur> ANTIderivatives are
23:00:23 <augur> derivatives you can atleast find for any function. :|
23:00:53 <augur> be sure to credit g-g and dinocomics
23:00:56 * oerjan swats augur for using words that others have used -----###
23:01:35 <augur> words are not copyrighted ideas
23:01:43 <augur> they are opensource
23:01:45 <augur> not just that
23:01:45 <augur> they
23:01:48 <augur> re public domain
23:02:23 <FireFly> Not if they're trademarked?
23:02:35 <augur> even then
23:02:39 <augur> well
23:02:42 <augur> sort of
23:02:45 <GregorR> <augur> be sure to credit g-g and dinocomics // duuuuuuuuuuuuh
23:02:54 <augur> trademark isnt quite the same as copyright
23:03:06 <augur> its more naming right
23:03:30 <augur> plus, trademarks go away when the speech community de-brandifies a word
23:03:36 <FireFly> Well, it's not completely public domain then? (or is it?)
23:04:04 <augur> it is, sort of? if public domain is a copyright thing, then maybe
23:04:07 <augur> i mean
23:04:25 <augur> i dont think trademark intersects public domain
23:04:26 <augur> but it might
23:04:33 <augur> we might need to reconceptualize that
23:06:00 -!- ehird has quit.
23:13:51 -!- Pthing has joined.
23:21:37 -!- MigoMipo has quit ("QuitIRCServerException: MigoMipo disconnected from IRC Server").
23:22:32 -!- ehird has joined.
23:23:37 <ehird> [22:54] GregorR: Which is funnier, www.t-rex-is-lonely-comics.com or www.dinosaur-comics-minus-the-others.com
23:23:42 <ehird> dinosaurs-cant-actually-talk.com
23:24:07 <ehird> GregorR: t-rex-only-qwantz
23:24:10 <ehird> .com
23:24:30 <oerjan> ehird: you LIAR, that doesn't exist
23:24:40 <ehird> oerjan: ...
23:24:45 <ehird> he's asking for domain name suggestions
23:25:07 <oerjan> oh
23:27:18 <ehird> GregorR: anyway not actually worth a domain
23:27:48 <pikhq> Domains are cheap.
23:27:57 <ehird> yes, but
23:27:59 <FireFly> (incoming "so is you mother" from ehird)
23:28:03 <ehird> that
23:28:04 <ehird> and also
23:28:09 <ehird> it's pointless getting one for something that is hard to find a good domain for
23:28:12 <ehird> and will not be popular at all
23:28:48 <ehird> haha today's dinosaur comic is amazing
23:35:23 -!- Pthing has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
23:35:46 <oerjan> well duh, obviously it would be fiber, not dialup
23:35:59 <ehird> yeah dinosaur comics are all about fiber
23:36:03 -!- Pthing has joined.
23:36:19 <ehird> oerjan: perhaps you meant "AnMaster: "? :p
23:36:39 <ehird> oh
23:36:44 <ehird> "connecting via dialup to boner central"
23:36:46 <ehird> rightyho
23:37:31 <oerjan> ehird: curiously, AnMaster is not here
23:37:36 <oerjan> well, not talking
23:37:42 <FireFly> Nighty
23:37:45 <ehird> i can't know that
23:38:02 -!- FireFly has quit ("Later").
23:38:22 -!- BeholdMyGlory has quit (Remote closed the connection).
23:52:47 -!- Sgeo has joined.
23:56:27 <ehird> can the hurd boot via grub 2? :D
23:59:30 <pikhq> Yes; Grub 2 also implements Multiboot.
23:59:53 <ehird> oh man it'd be so fun to have a "top of the line" gnu system
23:59:56 <ehird> grub 2 booting hurd
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