00:01:53 <HackEgo> C is the language of��V�>WIד�.��Segmentation fault
00:04:06 <HackEgo> wisdom is always factually accurate, except for this entry
00:12:27 <HackEgo> Haskell is preferred by 9 out of 10 esoteric programmers. Ask your GP today! http://learnyouahaskell.com/
00:12:48 <oerjan> `run echo 'No instance for (Wisdom IRC) \ arising from a use of `wisdom' \ Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Wisdom IRC) \ In the expression: wisdom (Proxy :: Proxy IRC)' > wisdom/haskell
00:12:51 <HackEgo> bash: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `(' \ bash: -c: line 0: `echo 'No instance for (Wisdom IRC) \ arising from a use of `wisdom' \ Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Wisdom IRC) \ In the expression: wisdom (Proxy :: Proxy IRC)' > wisdom/haskell'
00:13:51 <oerjan> `run echo "No instance for (Wisdom IRC) \\ arising from a use of `wisdom' \\ Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Wisdom IRC) \\ In the expression: wisdom (Proxy :: Proxy IRC)" > wisdom/haskell
00:13:53 <HackEgo> bash: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ``' \ bash: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
00:14:03 <oerjan> `run echo "No instance for (Wisdom IRC) \\ arising from a use of \`wisdom' \\ Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Wisdom IRC) \\ In the expression: wisdom (Proxy :: Proxy IRC)" > wisdom/haskell
00:14:17 <HackEgo> No instance for (Wisdom IRC) \ arising from a use of `wisdom' \ Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Wisdom IRC) \ In the expression: wisdom (Proxy :: Proxy IRC)
00:15:09 <lambdabot> mueval-core: internal error: PAP object entered!
00:15:35 -!- Phantom_Hoover has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
00:17:02 <lambdabot> mueval-core: internal error: PAP object entered!
00:17:27 <elliott> `run echo "Unbound implicit parameter (?haskell::Wisdom) \ arising from a use of implicit parameter `?haskell'" >wisdom/haskell
00:17:30 <HackEgo> bash: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ``' \ bash: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
00:17:38 <elliott> `run echo "Unbound implicit parameter (?haskell::Wisdom) \\ arising from a use of implicit parameter `?haskell'" >wisdom/haskell
00:17:41 <HackEgo> bash: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ``' \ bash: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
00:17:50 <elliott> `run echo "Unbound implicit parameter (?haskell::Wisdom) \\ arising from a use of implicit parameter \`?haskell'" >wisdom/haskell
00:17:59 <HackEgo> Unbound implicit parameter (?haskell::Wisdom) \ arising from a use of implicit parameter `?haskell'
00:20:29 <elliott> oerjan: ps i see you've been fully indoctrinated into the reflection school of thought
00:21:34 <oerjan> ...that, or i was trying to make the error message particularly ridiculous...
00:22:24 <oerjan> obviously someone of skill could make that much worse
00:22:30 <elliott> oerjan: Have I mentioned we need special syntax for proxen?
00:22:55 <elliott> Well, writing reflect (Proxy :: Proxy p) all over the place is really awful.
00:23:01 <elliott> It'd be nice if we could just write reflect ~p or such.
00:23:09 <elliott> So ~t --> (Proxy :: Proxy t).
00:23:42 <zzo38> I think that is the problem of the lack of good macros in Haskell in general
00:25:04 <oerjan> elliott: hm this could obviously be improved if we had the :: sections i've been thinking of before
00:25:26 <oerjan> then you could let reflect (:: p)
00:26:19 <oerjan> since (:: p) = (\x -> x :: p) which has type (p ->) p, that would be of the required form
00:27:11 <elliott> oerjan: best of all, it would even be a correct type signature for the entire thing
00:28:34 <elliott> Does anyone know a good graphical side-by-side comparison/diff tool?
00:29:37 -!- hagb4rd2 has quit (Quit: hagb4rd2).
00:30:05 <elliott> vimdiff uses some pretty unreadable background colours here...
00:30:40 <RocketJSquirrel> Still, I only use 'diff', because I'm not some kind of wuss.
00:31:45 <elliott> Hey, what's the standard off-white foreground colour used in xterm?
00:34:36 <elliott> What does it mean if every few letters I type, my cursor switches from insert to override mode and back????
00:36:39 <oerjan> elliott: btw (reflect x :: p) would also be shorter, for whatever x = undefined you choose
00:36:58 <elliott> oerjan: I don't like undefined.
00:37:12 <oerjan> actually you could make that x = Proxy
00:37:19 <oerjan> just as long as it's polymorphic
00:37:20 <elliott> Err... I also can't press altgr+2 to switch to the 2nd desktop. soething is wrong here.
00:37:42 <oerjan> wait id should also work
00:37:46 <olsner> you're probably holding down the control key or something
00:39:03 <oerjan> (reflect id :: p), (reflect [] :: p), are some of the possibilities. i don't recall any shorter predefined ones.
00:39:14 -!- elliott has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
00:41:14 -!- elliottasdf has joined.
00:41:27 <elliottasdf> After hard-rebooting and trying to log in, it says my password is incorrect
00:41:29 <oerjan> <oerjan> (reflect id :: p), (reflect [] :: p), are some of the possibilities. i don't recall any shorter predefined ones.
00:41:35 <elliottasdf> I can enter it into the username field without problems
00:41:41 <nortti> i have written very simple stdio.h for c2bf and I am currectly working on a simple c preproceasor
00:41:55 <olsner> elliottasdf: maybe your password is not what you think it is
00:42:07 <elliottasdf> olsner: Yes, very helpful, thank you, seeing as I've entered it N times today.
00:42:17 <olsner> maybe you're not even elliott
00:43:59 <nortti> elliott: what os are you using?
00:44:21 <elliottasdf> Arch Linux, kernel version 3.2.2; login is via the standard VT login.
00:45:22 <elliottasdf> Two completely random, unexplainable behaviours in direct succession.
00:45:39 <elliottasdf> I think I have a USB hard drive with an Arch installation ISO on it.
00:45:52 <elliottasdf> Do you think it's worth a try to mount my Linux partition and reset my password with it?
00:45:56 <olsner> oh, maybe it's a bug in the key logger
00:48:02 <nortti> elliottasdf: try booting from live cd and setting second field in your /etc/passwd entry as empty
00:48:12 <Sgeo> Hi elliottasdf
00:48:15 <elliottasdf> Easier to chroot in and use passwd(1), no?
00:48:27 <Sgeo> Switching to CL and learning Another System Definition Facility?
00:48:27 -!- oerjan has quit (Quit: Lost terminal).
00:48:43 <Sgeo> ....jokes might be a bad idea I guess, sorry
00:49:05 <elliottasdf> I'm not in *that* bad a mood. Although that one would make my day worse no matter how it was going.
00:49:06 <HackEgo> 78) <fedoragirl> My mascot is a tree of broccoli.
00:49:49 <nortti> I petsonally thik editing /etc/passwd is easier
00:50:14 <Sgeo> Editing password from LiveCD?
00:50:16 <Sgeo> I've done that
00:50:23 <HackEgo> 513) <Phantom_Hoover> You realise the micromanagement it took to make quintopia encrust my silver throne with emeralds rather than a jug?
00:50:39 <Sgeo> Read some forum post suggesting to chroot to the system on HD then use passwd
00:50:56 <Sgeo> Seemed to work
00:51:17 <elliottasdf> The insert keys are coming from inside the house.
00:51:26 -!- hagb4rd has joined.
00:51:42 <elliottasdf> I booted the live CD, typed "ls " and — I swear to god — ^[[2~ appeared after ls and before the space.
00:51:56 -!- oerjan has joined.
00:52:13 <elliottasdf> Unplugged the keyboard, plugged back in, same behaviour, what the fuck?!
00:52:18 <Sgeo> "Fixing partner's lost password: Boot into LiveCD, chroot into HD, use passwd. Tried unsuccessful options such as logging into recovery (on my machine), and pondered editing /etc/shadow directly but didn't know exactly what to change."
00:52:34 <elliottasdf> In fact, it seems that "s" is the only key affected.
00:52:39 <elliottasdf> Sgeo: That's irrelevant now, it's something to do with the keyboard.
00:52:57 <Sgeo> Change your password to something without an s
00:53:50 <Sgeo> I should read the update
00:53:55 <Sgeo> I read part of it, but got distracted
00:54:10 <elliottasdf> olsner: nortti: Any ideas what that could be?
00:54:51 <elliottasdf> Took off & replaced keycap on "s"; nothing unusual, same behaviour.
00:55:35 <elliottasdf> ...and pressing the insert key only actually works half the time.
00:55:42 <elliottasdf> Like, literally alternating nothing/it appears/nothing/it appears.
00:55:48 <nortti> try different keyboard
00:57:49 <nortti> try opening up keyboard and cleaning contacts
00:57:53 <elliottasdf> Took keycap off insert key. Now "s" produces "as[INSERT]".
00:59:54 <elliottasdf> It does sound like something's up with the circuit, though.
01:00:02 <elliottasdf> ISTR that the connections are laid out in a rather nonsensical manner.
01:00:04 <Sgeo> What does a do?
01:02:03 <itidus21> so your keyboard might be messing up your password entry :-?
01:03:11 <elliottasdf> How to fix it is less so, especially since taking off all the keycaps would probably result in my fingers becoming bloody messes.
01:04:07 <itidus21> i hope it's not a laptop ... that would be positively annoying
01:05:04 <itidus21> my kb has keys which can be lifted with a butterknife
01:05:42 <oerjan> elliottasdf: oh hm btw about reflect - wouldn't you usually call it as reify ... (\p -> ... reflect p ...) ?
01:05:47 <itidus21> i remember the agony trying to fix the spacebar
01:05:54 <oerjan> so no explicit Proxy needed
01:06:08 <elliottasdf> If you can do that, you can just do let p = x in ... p ...
01:06:18 <elliottasdf> The whole point is that you propagate the info through types.
01:06:33 <elliottasdf> The only thing you use the initial proxy for is to unify the types correctly.
01:07:01 <elliottasdf> Anyway, if anyone has any ideas that don't involve taking off every keycap, they'd be really really appreciated...
01:07:31 <oerjan> "the fast implementation ascends from the ranks of completely unportable black magic to being merely mostly unportable black magic" :D
01:09:29 <zzo38> I don't like the way those reflection stuff works; I had a better solution in Ibtlfmm where values can be made into types by {} around it and types into kinds by {} around it but it is not implemented as far as I know
01:09:31 <oerjan> elliottasdf: um, i don't see anything in the API that _forbids_ using the passed-in p as the proxy for reflect.
01:09:52 <oerjan> in fact the example does so
01:09:53 <elliottasdf> oerjan: I said it was _pointless_, and not what you usually do.
01:10:05 <elliottasdf> oerjan: Because you would have to pass the bloomin' p around everywhere as a parameter!
01:10:07 <zzo38> elliottasdf: Yes it probably does work better than before, but still it isn't sensible to me the way it is done in Haskell
01:10:10 <elliottasdf> If you do that, you can just pass the value itself.
01:10:43 <elliottasdf> foo :: (Reifies s Config) => IO (MyThing s)
01:10:50 <elliottasdf> (where MyThing's type parameter is phantom)
01:10:58 <elliottasdf> then you can't do anything like that, you must construct your own proxy.
01:11:46 <oerjan> elliottasdf: oh hm reflect (:: p) is _not_ of type p. because that's really (:: s).
01:13:25 <zzo38> Maybe this way better: data DynamicMonoid (x :: *) (_ :: {x}) (_ :: {x}) :: * = DynamicMonoid x;
01:13:47 <zzo38> (But it won't work in Haskell)
01:14:14 <elliottasdf> zzo38: I see you are still determined to reinvent Agda without looking at it.
01:14:52 <zzo38> elliottasdf: Yes I did make a mistake, it should be (_ :: {x -> x -> x})
01:15:30 <zzo38> I did look at Agda; it fails a few things I was looking for too, and it requires Unicode, and so on.
01:15:51 <lambdabot> elliott says: "with a lot of unicode" is like agda's @faq. "yes, agda can do that with a lot of unicode!"
01:16:36 <zzo38> Even if it has some features like Agda or Coq, it isn't any of them.
01:17:56 <elliottasdf> You know who knew about keyboard matrices?
01:18:07 <elliottasdf> Ilari. I distinctly remember Ilari talking about scancodes and keyboard layouts and shit.
01:18:54 <zzo38> People have told me some of these ideas resemble Haskell, Agda, Prolog, Lisp, Clean, and a few other things.
01:18:55 -!- derdon_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
01:19:33 <elliottasdf> My keyboard has now started producing input without me pressing any keys.
01:20:03 <zzo38> O no, now you have to buy another keyboard, or fix it with a screwdriver and that stuff
01:20:48 <lambdabot> olsner says: shapr: 2eyb6ard 0a5ntenance
01:20:54 <oerjan> demonic possession, obviously
01:21:16 <elliottasdf> OK, I tried to stop it and it just spewed a 1 out in the middle of the 3s.
01:21:21 <elliottasdf> Ctrl+C then stopped doing anything entirely.
01:22:06 <elliottasdf> oerjan: Frankly, that seems plausible at this point.
01:23:28 <fizzie> Zen and the Art of 2eyb6ard 0a5ntenance, a famous book.
01:24:02 <elliottasdf> Now it's started printing out "E"s at a much slower rate.
01:24:54 <fizzie> Not much. I'd suggest a vigorous shaking, but I suppose that's as likely (or maybe slightly more) to make whatever's wrong worse.
01:25:01 <nortti> elliottasdf: Get cross, hold it in front if you in front of your keyboard and say "By the power of christ I command you to leave"
01:25:23 <nortti> that might help with demonic possession
01:25:47 <fizzie> Yes, a soul-stealing machine like a camera can also help.
01:26:00 <oerjan> nortti: he doesn't have the faith
01:26:11 <olsner> is a possessed camera better than a possessed keyboard?
01:26:53 <elliottasdf> I swear to god, "s" now inputs asd[INSERT][INSERT][INSERT].
01:27:48 -!- augur has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
01:28:01 <elliottasdf> fizzie: I tried shaking and it didn't do much.
01:28:06 <elliottasdf> Except it logged me out of that console somehow.
01:29:33 <nortti> elliottasdf: alvur is not in irc right now
01:30:00 <elliottasdf> nortti: It was a joke. I wouldn't talk to that guy if he was the only person on the planet who could fix my keyboard, anyway.
01:31:02 <nortti> well that's one reason
01:31:05 <olsner> but... do you really want to fix a keyboard that breaks? you should get a keyboard that doesn't break instead
01:31:10 <fizzie> Personally I'd just buy a new keyboard, but certainly it at least has been possible to open those things up and clean/unstick the actual contact points, if that's the problem. Just removing keycaps probably doesn't open things up enough, though, and it might be somehow otherwise broken.
01:31:18 <lambdabot> Local time for elliottasdf is 2012-04-22 01:31:18 +0000
01:31:23 <elliottasdf> Can't really buy a new keyboard in the timeframe I'd like.
01:31:40 <fizzie> Don't you have 24h computer shops in Hexham?
01:32:02 <lambdabot> Local time for nortti is Sun Apr 22 04:34:23 UTC+3.00 2012
01:32:23 <lambdabot> Local time for olsner is Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970
01:34:18 <fizzie> How'd that work, anyway? I think I saw a CTCP TIME from lambdabot the other day.
01:34:42 <lambdabot> Local time for fizzie is Sun Apr 22 04:34:38 2012
01:35:16 <lambdabot> Local time for elliottasdf is 2012-04-22 01:35:15 +0000
01:35:50 <lambdabot> Local time for olsner is Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970
01:36:01 <elliottasdf> Also, sitting here with this laptop is really uncomfortable. :(
01:36:11 <elliottasdf> Also where is monqy? Today is terrible. I hate today.
01:37:09 <fizzie> I have a spare PS/2 keyboard you can have if you pick it up. The 'u' doesn't work after an icecream incident, though.
01:37:49 <fizzie> They probably sell some kind of USB adapters.
01:38:18 <elliottasdf> They do. They don't work very well, esp. for things like the Model M which require rather more than a USB port is willing to offer.
01:38:54 <fizzie> It's a real Compaq-brand keyboard, from a... Compaq Presario CDS 633?
01:39:18 <fizzie> It was certified MPC level... 2?
01:39:46 <elliottasdf> fizzie: I'll forgive you if you watch me play Crawl.
01:40:20 <fizzie> http://www.recycledgoods.com/product_images/e/719/s_p_23909_1__90557_zoom.jpg yessss that looks familiar.
01:40:49 <fizzie> Sadly, imma sleep right about now. Early (noon) morning tomorrow.
01:41:41 <fizzie> That thing's got a Sound Blaster 16 card with an Adaptec SCSI chip integrated right on it.
01:41:53 <fizzie> The CD drive's hooked up with that.
01:42:59 <fizzie> Also something that looks just like a Tseng Labs ET4000 VLB video card, except it's not physically a card, it's on the motherboard.
01:43:51 <fizzie> The (three) expansion card slots are in a board that sticks up vertically from a custom slot in the mb.
01:46:34 <pikhq> http://sprunge.us/caiY Y'mean, try to make this madness work? :P
01:47:27 <pikhq> elliottasdf: Yup, it's really insanely crappy.
01:48:08 <pikhq> Presumably cheap and hopefully quick and easy to get?
01:48:33 -!- NSQX has joined.
01:48:54 <pikhq> Yeah, either try cracking it open and seeing if there's any shorts, or buy a new one.
01:50:49 <pikhq> SIXTH is impossible to google.
01:51:03 -!- augur has joined.
01:51:38 <NSQX> http://esolangs.org/wiki/UniCode All of us would always have ''only a few thoughts'' for UniCode, but what I want is teamwork by the whole community to help finish the first UniCode specification, which would require 65536 different instructions thought of.
01:53:34 * oerjan predicts that NSQX is not going to get what he wants
01:53:52 <NSQX> No, first we will have teamwork on the UniCode 1.1 specification, which maps all the characters in Unicode 1.1 (65536 characters) to UniCode instructions. After we finish the UniCode 1.1 specification with our teamwork, then we will work on the UniCode 2.0 specification, which has more than 110,000 characters.
01:54:02 <elliottasdf> NSQX: Anyway, it would really be a good idea to omit the rows with no UniCode instruction description.
01:54:17 <elliottasdf> Otherwise the page will get way too big for the server and browsers very quickly, if a lot of people collaborate on creating the subpages.
01:54:36 <oerjan> NSQX: even besides the technical problems, there are not sufficiently many people sufficiently interested in this project.
01:54:49 <oerjan> (i, for one, don't care about it.)
01:56:06 -!- augur has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
01:56:10 <NSQX> Anyway, however, I am okay even if the ''UniCode 1.1 specification'' is completed in ''2020'' or earlier.
01:56:49 -!- augur has joined.
01:56:52 <nortti> elliott: you can get a free ps/2 keyboard from me if you come to finland and clean sodium hysrokside from it yourself
01:57:44 <nortti> Little incident on chemitry claas
01:58:00 <olsner> why did you bring your keyboard to chemistry class?
01:58:32 <oerjan> his whole life is a lye
01:58:33 <nortti> it got to my phome which i put on my old keyboard after I got home
01:58:51 <NSQX> Well, for just this moment, think of any characters which are not yet mapped to any UniCode instructions, then type the character and your proposed instruction on this IRC channel. Of course, unlike a wiki, anything you type here does not fill up any server.
01:59:07 <elliottasdf> It does, multiple bots log every line sent to the channel
02:00:03 <nortti> NSQX you can create you own channel just for that
02:00:47 <elliottasdf> Well, it's certainly fine to collaborate on esolangs here.
02:02:17 <nortti> U+0666 : start a satanic ritual
02:03:17 <NSQX> Okay, talk about thousands of UniCode characters and their instructions on the non-logged channel #uclang
02:04:52 <nortti> but how we maintain list of what does what
02:05:34 <elliottasdf> Right, logging is quite the benefit there :P
02:07:31 <elliottasdf> NSQX: You won't be able to fill up any disk by talking in here, anyway.
02:07:48 <elliottasdf> The freenode servers rate-limit every client, so there's no way for any one person to cause much data to be logged per day.
02:10:49 <nortti> RocketJSquirrel: ITYM? and U+0666 was in hexadecimal
02:12:09 <oerjan> there are no yaks in peru
02:12:17 <RocketJSquirrel> nortti: "ITYM" = "I think you mean", and I'm making fun of our silly, would-be-prime-if-not-for-symmetry number of fingers.
02:12:30 <oerjan> and tibet has only lamas, not llamas
02:13:44 <RocketJSquirrel> elliottasdf: Our number of fingers is 2*5. If it wasn't for the free multiple of two thanks to symmetry, it would be prime.
02:14:41 <elliottasdf> Well, my keyboard appears to have become completely useless.
02:16:54 <olsner> then why is it still your keyboard?
02:17:07 <nortti> elliottasdf: what are you using to write then?
02:18:48 <nortti> What kind of specs does your other laptop have?
02:19:10 <elliottasdf> The other one is, like, 1.33 GHz Core 2 Duo ULV with 4 gigs of RAM.
02:21:10 <elliottasdf> This one is 2.13 GHz Core 2 Duo with the same RAM, but the RAM is DDR3, the HD is SSD and the resolution is higher.
02:30:19 <elliottasdf> You can't just shimmy down from the ceiling like that.
02:30:47 <oerjan> it's an ooooooooooooooooooooomen
02:32:20 <zzo38> Then leave it alone, unless it touched you
02:34:48 -!- MoALTz has joined.
02:38:28 <HackEgo> 710) <fizzie> Do you want me to live dangerously and just stick it in the bot without testing it? <elliott> fizzie: Yes. <elliott> There is pretty much no way it won't be amazing.
02:39:16 <NSQX> Well, to find Unicode escape identifiers to put in the table of UniCode characters, go to http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/(hexcode)/index.htm
02:39:53 * elliottasdf isn't sure what an "escape identifier" is meant to be.
02:40:36 <NSQX> For example, http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/00AB/index.htm for the Unicode escape identifier for UniCode's right shift instruction, which is LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
02:40:51 <elliottasdf> I don't see anything marked as an escape identifier on that page.
02:41:41 <NSQX> Then look for "LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK" on that page, it is the Unicode escape identifier apart from the code.
02:42:28 <NSQX> No, 0x00AB (171) is the code.
02:42:50 <elliottasdf> That's just the number of the codepoint (in hex and decimal).
02:43:19 <elliottasdf> So I'm not sure what you want that column to contain, other than the hex version of the column next to it.
02:43:59 -!- NSQX has quit (Quit: leaving).
02:44:14 -!- elliottasdf has changed nick to elliott.
02:44:19 -!- elliott has quit (Changing host).
02:44:19 -!- elliott has joined.
02:44:33 <elliott> @tell monqy sorry, it was necessary
02:46:13 <elliott> Oh, *now* you start talking again.
02:46:33 <elliott> It would take a Unicode Big Endian codepoint to express my distaste.
02:46:40 -!- hagb4rd has quit (Quit: hagb4rd).
02:48:13 <elliott> Hey oerjan, fix my keyboard or I'll cry.
02:49:14 <elliott> Actually, I might just cry anyway. But you should still fix my keyboard.
02:49:16 <elliott> I'm getting rather keybored.
02:49:59 <elliott> oerjan: Come on, swat me for that.
02:50:06 <elliott> It would beat eternal nothingness.
02:51:05 <oerjan> I'm sorry, elliott. I'm afraid I can't do that. Except for the swatting part. -----###
02:51:23 <elliott> Two spaces after full stops? You must really hate me.
02:52:02 -!- hagb4rd has joined.
02:52:51 <oerjan> i have used that for years, i think.
02:54:03 <elliott> Well, my other computer doesn't use a monospaced font.
02:54:06 <oerjan> i'm just not talkative enough for it to show up often.
02:54:19 <elliott> So I don't see the awfulness as much.
02:54:22 <elliott> But I can't use that because
02:54:59 <elliott> I bet soon you'll get really keybored of hearing about my broken keyboard.
02:55:53 <oerjan> i'm not betting against that.
02:56:02 <oerjan> seems it's that earth day thing
02:56:18 <elliott> Is the earth rebelling against my artificial technology?
02:56:27 <elliott> Is the EARTH to blame for my BROKEN KEYBOARD???
02:56:42 -!- oerjan has quit (Quit: Lost terminal).
02:57:27 <elliott> ALSO I DON'T HAVE ADBLOCK HERE
03:14:41 -!- nortti has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds).
03:27:22 <elliott> http://stackoverflow.com/suggested-edits/245370
03:41:16 <qfr> I presume that was you, elliottq
03:41:18 <qfr> elliott * even
03:41:33 <elliott> Totally. I logged out and suggested an edit just so I could reject it.
03:42:13 <elliott> idcbhygytfrdsr, and all that.
03:42:19 -!- MDude has changed nick to MSleep.
03:42:54 <elliott> (I Don't Care 'Bout How You Guys Yank Televisions From Radical Democrats (So Radical))
03:45:30 <elliott> "Ibex 'Dangerously Crass' Begats Hella Yak Geishas, You Tossers", Fucking Ridiculous Diocese Sluttily Rants
03:46:59 <elliott> Incantations Don't Castrate Banned Hamburgers; However, Yammering Ghouls' Ytterbium Tools Froze Recently, Damning Saintly Raccoons.
03:49:34 <elliott> Isengard Disease Causes Buggery, Hugs; Y'all Gimli-Yacht Travellers, For Real; Don't Sex Rabbis.
03:49:47 <elliott> qfr: Come on, I can't do all these by myself.
03:51:37 <qfr> elliott of course you can, you know Haskell
03:58:20 -!- monqy has joined.
03:58:39 <elliott> monqy a lot happened monqy monqy
03:58:50 <lambdabot> monqy: You have 1 new message. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read it.
03:59:02 <monqy> a lot really did happen, if i have a message,
03:59:34 <monqy> oh no now i have to logread
04:01:39 <monqy> 01:51:38: <NSQX> http://esolangs.org/wiki/UniCode All of us would always have ''only a few thoughts'' for UniCode, but what I want is teamwork by the whole community to help finish the first UniCode specification, which would require 65536 different instructions thought of.
04:02:04 <elliott> You skipped the part where my keyboard broke.
04:02:14 <monqy> :( where should i start
04:02:29 <monqy> also oh no UniCode pages on the wiki
04:07:39 <monqy> i'll just start where i last quit and skim until i find something interesting
04:08:58 <elliott> also monqy i played crawl some more
04:09:33 <monqy> im going to tv your deaths
04:10:07 <elliott> how do you watch the tv again
04:10:36 <monqy> telnet termcast.develz.org
04:10:43 <monqy> i'll find all your games i havent seen and queue them up
04:11:57 <elliott> rest in piece lichemaster the firebug, deep elf
04:12:18 <elliott> really bad about black on black text
04:12:45 <monqy> probably someone in ##crawl will ask me why i queued all of these deaths
04:12:48 <monqy> i shoiuld prepare an excuse
04:13:22 <elliott> how could anyone question the beauty of me dying
04:13:38 <monqy> i like it, but i might like it because it's bad
04:13:56 <elliott> should i join, is it a scary kind of place
04:14:04 <monqy> i don't think it's scary
04:14:22 <monqy> it's friendly depending on stuff i guess
04:14:28 <monqy> 21:14:21 < mikee_> monqy, what are you doing
04:14:36 <elliott> i kept pressing ctrl+p to try and view previous messages
04:14:43 <elliott> i ended up praying a lot instead
04:14:51 <elliott> but xom didn't seem to mind
04:14:56 <elliott> monqy: also are you doing them in reverse order
04:15:02 <elliott> because that was my most recent one i think
04:15:03 <monqy> it's easier that way
04:15:36 -!- augur has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
04:15:48 <elliott> is ##crawl laughing at how bad i play
04:16:13 <monqy> so far only mikee has said anything and it was just asking me why all these d:1 mucks are important
04:17:08 <elliott> oh boy i remember this one
04:17:19 <elliott> xom was all inner flame and i was all oops
04:17:44 <elliott> i forget how i actually died though
04:17:47 <monqy> for future reference (assuming any future at all) that brown ^ was a shaft and you could have stepped on it and hit > for a free escape
04:18:02 <elliott> thanks, i'll let past me know
04:19:39 <elliott> monqy—elliott !tv monopoly
04:20:14 <elliott> normalises the speed doesn't it
04:20:35 <elliott> also i meant to say monqy instead of squarelos so that it was more symmetrical sigh
04:20:53 <monqy> well making big delays shorter is fine by me but i wish it kept small delays small
04:21:21 <elliott> wait ##crawl know my nickname now OOPSE
04:21:41 <monqy> they probably won't bother you
04:21:52 <monqy> unless you join and say bad things
04:22:09 <monqy> one way to find out
04:22:17 <elliott> don't do it and think about it instead???
04:23:29 <elliott> why is the background all wrong
04:23:54 <monqy> ^Q to quit, S or ^S to save and quit
04:24:01 <monqy> what terminal are you usicng
04:24:21 <monqy> termian dltot app is kown to have crawl problems
04:24:29 <elliott> i have a brighter background
04:24:42 <elliott> how do i make it forget me
04:24:46 <monqy> i forget what ##crawl says about terminal.app
04:24:56 <elliott> i dont want to know (it would hurt my (feeligns))
04:25:57 <elliott> monqy: is there a way to disable how crawl sets its own background
04:26:03 -!- asiekierka has joined.
04:32:48 <elliott> monqy: i cant figure it out :'(
04:34:38 <lambdabot> Local time for monqy is Sat Apr 21 21:34:37 2012
04:35:44 <monqy> 21:35:38 <Henzell> macos[1/1]: Install iTerm, do not use Terminal.app. If you like X, any sane X terminal emulator will work (xterm, urxvt).
04:38:23 -!- NihilistDandy has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
04:40:07 <elliott> monqy: i used xterm but now every text am really small :(
04:40:58 <monqy> can you make every text bigger
04:42:05 <elliott> monqy: how do you paste into xterm without mouse
04:42:28 <monqy> try pressing three fingers on your touchpad?
04:42:39 <elliott> monqy: doesnt work in os x
04:43:38 <elliott> i think because its even more boring when im not acutally making the game do anything
04:44:13 <elliott> i may grow to quickly regret this decision
04:45:11 <monqy> if you want to get far enough to see different parts of crawl which is probably the best thing to do to get into it
04:45:15 <monqy> muck probably isn't the best choice
04:45:22 <monqy> but i dunno what a good choice would be
04:45:29 <monqy> the 'best' choices are boring
04:45:39 <monqy> trolls and berserkers and such
04:45:43 <elliott> i just picked muck because
04:45:50 <elliott> (a) you were playing muck and
04:45:58 <elliott> (b) they don't have to eat which is nice
04:45:59 <monqy> muck is one of those
04:46:02 <monqy> infamously bad combos
04:46:11 <elliott> i'm kind of infamously bad too
04:46:15 <elliott> but uh yeah trolls sound boring
04:46:21 <elliott> berserker i GUESS i could do???
04:46:32 <elliott> i just don't want to worry about eating all the time
04:46:36 <monqy> mube is also on the infamously bad side
04:46:40 <elliott> so things that can eat corpses, or don't need to eat, appeal to me
04:46:51 <monqy> kobe is good though
04:47:12 <monqy> oh no am i accidentally using the shortenings do you know what they mean i forgot to explain them
04:47:25 <elliott> kobold berserker sounds good
04:47:44 <elliott> kobolds don't have to eat right
04:48:05 <elliott> what definition of "good" are you using
04:48:12 <elliott> and is that water meant to be an a with a hat
04:48:23 <monqy> it's meant to be a ≈
04:48:46 -!- augur has joined.
04:48:57 <monqy> as a berserker you can pray over corpses you don't want to eat to sacrifice them to trog, press a to use god abilities (you start with berk)
04:49:05 <elliott> ok i guess ill stick with this
04:49:07 <monqy> you could play a kobe and maybe dive a bit and use berk to kill hard stuff
04:49:32 -!- MSleep has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds).
04:50:06 <elliott> i have to type my 20-character password each time
04:50:18 <monqy> it gets trunkated to the first 8
04:50:27 <elliott> but the sign up thing said 20 char
04:51:06 <elliott> _You hit the plant but do no damage.
04:51:18 <elliott> also are things that are bold blue good
04:51:28 <monqy> the _s separate messages on different turns
04:51:40 <monqy> blue means it has some enchantments or something
04:51:46 <monqy> this could mean it's negatively enchanted and cursed
04:51:49 <elliott> level up once or twice on the first floor thing
04:52:06 <elliott> also diving sounds like a pain when
04:52:11 <elliott> the non-boring way to find >s is autoexplore
04:52:15 <elliott> but that searches lots of other things too
04:52:51 <elliott> when trog accepts my kill is that
04:52:53 <monqy> cannibalism isn't a problem in crawl unless you worship good gods or the corpse of your race is indedible to you
04:52:56 <elliott> do i have to do anything about it
04:53:00 <monqy> it means you might have gained some piety
04:53:02 <elliott> also then why didnt it prompt me about eating the kobold bitses
04:53:45 <elliott> that's an instadeath thing right
04:53:49 <elliott> or was that nethack im thinking of
04:54:02 <monqy> crawl just won't let eat poisonous chunks
04:54:10 <monqy> unless you have rpois, in which case they're just like clean chunks
04:54:19 <monqy> unless they're pois+contam, in which case they're just like contam chunks
04:54:25 <monqy> but kobolds treat clean and contam the same so
04:55:53 <elliott> so does trog like me killing uhhh
04:56:16 <monqy> i think trog doesn't care about plants or "nonliving" things?
04:56:20 <monqy> maybe just not care about plants
04:56:22 <elliott> ok so basically everything
04:56:32 <monqy> nonliving is things like golems
04:56:50 <elliott> jesus fuck how bad are me and the giant newt at aiming
04:57:09 <elliott> i swear roguelikes take place in a world where everybody's swords are made of jelly
04:57:56 <elliott> im level up once more and then go dive
04:57:57 -!- pikhq_ has joined.
04:58:05 <monqy> if you level up once more
04:58:09 -!- pikhq has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
04:58:22 <monqy> really you could have dove right at the beginning but maybe you feel more comfortable this way
04:58:27 <monqy> berk is really strong
04:58:35 <elliott> what was the "if" i dont quite
04:58:44 <elliott> doing it to get items and uhhh
04:58:54 <monqy> maybe theres not enough xp on this level
04:59:00 <elliott> it feels less foolhardy if i level up a bit first because then i have a Serious Commitment to the game
04:59:19 <elliott> but you're right, i'll go down a level
04:59:31 <elliott> then level up once, then dive time
04:59:46 <monqy> my strat on berkers is dive until i find hard things then berk them for all the levels i could have gotten by doing things slowly
04:59:59 <elliott> ok this is the part where we find out i've forgotten how to do that
04:59:59 <Sgeo> elliott, berserker?
05:01:16 <monqy> until you start having trouble?
05:01:24 -!- quintopia has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
05:02:03 <monqy> oh i wasn't watching
05:02:09 <Sgeo> WHat's in inventory?
05:02:36 <elliott> i think ill try monqys strategy this time
05:02:58 <monqy> also when berking try to handle just one thing at a time
05:03:06 <elliott> the orcs came before the berk thing
05:03:07 <monqy> i don't know how you got into that situation
05:03:09 <elliott> that was sort of a last minute thing
05:03:16 <elliott> there were orcs and i was almost dead so
05:03:31 <zzo38> The next session of Dungeons&Dragons game not played yet so I selected a flaw and a feat (it is allowed to select a trait no more often than once every five levels, although less often if you wish; but only upon advancing a level)
05:03:35 <monqy> also if you're in especially trrouble you can use one of trogs other abilities before the berk too, like trogs hand for extra hp regen and magic resistance, or brothers in arms from berking friends
05:03:38 <Patashu> you should play a spriggan wizard
05:03:44 <Patashu> 2. if you run out of magic darts run
05:03:45 <monqy> uuugh kiting is boring
05:03:47 <elliott> monqy: man trog is like 10x nicer than xom
05:03:53 <monqy> I explicitly avoided suggesting kitey things
05:04:30 <monqy> kiting is when you used ranged stuff then step away until you're out of range and repeat
05:04:32 <Patashu> faster than like everything
05:04:48 <monqy> you're in no danger at all and you can kill anything that's slower than you and melee only
05:04:50 <Patashu> it's kind of silly, spriggans and centaurs are way too powerful as a result
05:04:52 <monqy> i.e. most of early game
05:05:14 <monqy> it's a Big Crawl Problem
05:05:30 <monqy> either search or go back up and try another downstairs
05:06:22 -!- quintopia has joined.
05:07:41 <elliott> uhh is there a decent wiki
05:07:43 <elliott> i found a wiki once googling
05:07:44 <monqy> i've never used them!!
05:07:47 <elliott> i don't know if it's any good like
05:07:52 <monqy> the wiki is infamously bad
05:07:59 <Patashu> what I do when I want to know A Thing in crawl is
05:08:06 <Patashu> or if it's not a monster ??name_of_thing
05:08:25 <monqy> ##crawl is generally better than wiki but sometimes bad people give bad advice
05:08:27 <monqy> or are generally bad
05:08:28 <Patashu> you can pm the bots directly if you don't want to reveal your shameful secrets
05:08:33 <Sgeo> elliott, the Crawl wiki is considered obsolete by everyone
05:08:47 <monqy> Sgeo: obsolete and full of bad advice and misinformation
05:08:53 <monqy> Sgeo: it is doublebad
05:09:24 <monqy> you can berk again
05:09:44 <Patashu> btw, the most important thing to know in crawl as a combat wombat is the concept of weapon delay
05:10:01 <monqy> is that really the most important thing
05:10:04 <Patashu> every 2 points in $weapon_skill your weapon's weapon delay is reduced by 10%
05:10:11 <monqy> i thought the most important thing was like
05:10:12 <Patashu> to a minimum of 70% or half of its original whichever is lower
05:10:19 <Patashu> for strategy purposes it is
05:10:19 <monqy> when to run and how to position yourself
05:10:26 <monqy> oh i was thinking tactics
05:10:33 <Patashu> basically you want to pump your weapon skill until you have the min delay for your weapon
05:10:38 <Patashu> then you can do other things as well
05:10:38 <elliott> i keep getting sidetracked
05:10:52 <monqy> you don't have to dive
05:10:58 <monqy> diving is less boring than clearing everything
05:11:08 <zzo38> ADOM has something like weapon delay too; the more skills you have reduce the energy costs. This is described fully in the instructions (push ? during the game).
05:11:16 <Patashu> alternate o and tab until D:1 is cleared
05:11:17 <monqy> Patashu: for some reason elliott is exploring manually
05:11:26 <Patashu> I have a friend who explores manually
05:11:28 <elliott> was trying to find stairs quicker
05:11:28 <monqy> also don't alternate o and tab, put them both on the same key
05:11:31 <elliott> because autoexplore is all
05:11:35 <monqy> and make sure that key is spacebar
05:11:46 <monqy> also put other things on spacebar
05:11:52 <elliott> monqy "speaking from personal experience"
05:12:00 <elliott> is "other things" a euphemism for "a giant lua macro"
05:12:07 <monqy> if you want it to be!
05:12:29 <monqy> if i was serious about winning my macro would be smaller or better
05:12:54 <monqy> but I prefer crazy
05:13:28 <elliott> i was expecting that kobold to be angrier
05:13:35 <monqy> kobolds aren't very angry
05:13:48 <Patashu> goliath beetles are sloooow
05:13:50 <Patashu> but they hit for like all your hp
05:13:54 <monqy> they're slow but hit kind of hard?? just don;'t keymash into them
05:14:07 <elliott> ill just wait to not be exh
05:14:14 <elliott> this is my strategy for everything btw
05:14:22 <monqy> you can hit 5 to be less exh
05:14:24 <Patashu> you can kill it and take 0 damage with hack and back
05:14:47 <Patashu> dying to goliath bettles is boring-er
05:14:54 <elliott> suddenly i agree with patashu
05:14:58 <zzo38> Is it possible to win at Crawl without ever advancing an experience level?
05:15:04 <monqy> one solution to goliath beatles: dont fight them
05:15:27 <monqy> that's "keymashing into them"
05:15:39 <monqy> zzo38: well, maybe with absolutely insane luck manipulation, but then I don't know
05:15:40 <zzo38> monqy: In ADOM it is possible; someone won an ultra ending with only one experience point in total (which is not enough to advance a level).
05:15:48 <Patashu> zzo38: you would need insane luck manipulation
05:17:22 <elliott> monqy: how come kobolds can like
05:17:26 <elliott> throw across insane curves
05:17:28 <Patashu> there's technically nothing stopping you
05:17:33 <Patashu> since the runes and orb are on the ground
05:17:38 <Patashu> except there'll be thousands of enemies in your way
05:17:38 <monqy> elliott: insane curves?
05:17:47 <elliott> im around the corner from them completely
05:17:47 <Patashu> and you don't start with enough escape resources nor will you find enough
05:17:49 <elliott> and they just hit me anyway
05:17:56 <Patashu> also, if you can see a monster it can hit you
05:18:03 <Patashu> (well, ignoring things like glass)
05:18:03 <monqy> elliott: they're approximations of plain ol euclidean lines
05:18:17 <elliott> you cant throw curves like that irl
05:18:25 <monqy> they're bad approximations
05:18:25 <elliott> and then randomly decides to bend
05:18:41 <Patashu> in crawl, the field of vision model is that you can project a line from anywhere within your tile to anywhere in the other tile
05:18:43 <elliott> do i need to care about whether i increase str int or dex
05:18:43 <Patashu> and that counts as being in LOS
05:18:50 <zzo38> Can you, scare someone away, teleport in different places, get a lot of defense, etc
05:18:52 <monqy> ther'es a certain tension between realism and crawl isn't real life, and in crawl it ends with everyone being upset
05:18:53 <Patashu> also, int if you plan on casting spells (you don't)
05:19:01 <Patashu> zzo38: you can do all of those things
05:19:05 <monqy> elliott: go dex on kobe probably?
05:19:07 <Patashu> but you can't do them enough without levels or a shitload of comestibles
05:19:15 <elliott> ive never increeased dex before
05:19:41 <monqy> str would be for armours and you're probably as kobe doing more a dodgey route. you already have enough str for any armour you'd want to use
05:20:10 <monqy> oh no what did you do
05:20:23 <zzo38> elliott: Then you must learn......
05:20:27 <Patashu> zzo38: the thing about crawl that's different from most roguelikes is that 'teleportation' takes a few turns to activate
05:20:34 <Patashu> and during those few turns you're pretty vulnerable to whatever's in your line of sight
05:20:53 <monqy> "pretty vulnerable" just as vulnerable as usual
05:21:01 <monqy> you can do stuff while waiting to teleport
05:21:05 <monqy> like heal, run away, etc
05:21:12 <Patashu> there's a teleport control status, but certain levels (like zot:5) prevent it from working, too
05:21:15 <elliott> monqy: didnt you say trog had magic abilities
05:21:26 <monqy> elliott: you only have enougjh piety for berk
05:21:27 <Patashu> while theoretically you could teleport-dance to get three runes the orb and leave you can't really do it enough and reliably enough
05:21:32 <Patashu> oh, and when you have the orb that disables ctele too
05:21:38 <zzo38> Is it possible to win at Crawl with a small inventory weight limit
05:21:45 <elliott> monqy: is this the part where i die
05:21:53 <monqy> elliott: do you have potieon
05:22:02 <monqy> you could randomly try one of those
05:22:18 <zzo38> (In ADOM, someone has once won with the weight limit being no more than one chaos orb, meaning you have to place each orb individually)
05:22:27 <elliott> this is a new level design
05:22:28 <Patashu> yeah, ADOM has crazy amounts of exploits, I've read
05:22:36 <Patashu> like where you teleport to the rooms in darkforge full of pools weapons and armour
05:22:43 <Patashu> and get everything you need to be unnecessarily powerful
05:22:54 <monqy> elliott: crawl has "vaults" which are chunks of predesigned dungeon structure, and "entry vaults" which happen on game start
05:22:54 <elliott> whats that weird circle level thing
05:22:58 <monqy> elliott: that's that
05:23:08 <elliott> oh how do you offer a corpse thing btw
05:23:43 <elliott> is it bad to do it too much
05:23:53 <Patashu> pray does nothing if there's no corpse under you
05:24:04 <monqy> worst that can happen is you pray away the corpses you want to eat and run out of food "rip"
05:24:21 <monqy> i forget if praying with a corpse under you costs a turn
05:24:26 <monqy> if it does i guess that could be bad in combat
05:24:35 <monqy> but otherwise it's strictly beneficial
05:24:45 <zzo38> Patashu: I know, ADOM has a lot of these things; it has the "uberjackal" effect which many people hate but I think it is not strong enough
05:25:00 <monqy> if you don't need the corpse or turn for something else: pray is stricktly good
05:25:40 <zzo38> And you can win without ever entering Darkforge, even. You could also win by entering only the tower of flames and the main dungeon
05:26:04 <zzo38> (I have found where the world map is stored in the executable, and edit it; it is not difficult to do)
05:26:27 <zzo38> (For example, to restrict certain areas of the game)
05:26:50 <Patashu> You should try crawl, zzo38
05:27:08 <zzo38> Patashu: I have played Crawl too
05:27:16 <zzo38> And I do have it on my computer
05:27:26 <monqy> what crawl is this
05:27:35 <monqy> you seem like the sort of person who would play ancient crawl
05:28:03 <monqy> you're probably a bit too early for an orc warrior
05:28:10 <monqy> if you don't get away it will kill you
05:28:16 <monqy> and if it has a polearm it will kill you from afar
05:28:23 <elliott> it used an orcish halberd :(
05:29:11 <elliott> playing more properly now though
05:29:20 <elliott> They say that the Orb of Zot exists deep, deep down but nobody ever got it.
05:29:23 <elliott> this is the worst opening sentence ever
05:29:30 <Patashu> like you read opening sentences
05:29:31 <elliott> but nobody ever got it??? are you fucking kidding me
05:29:37 <monqy> elliott: it's not the worst
05:29:45 <monqy> elliott: amazingly there's one that's even better
05:30:20 <monqy> The bosom of this dungeon contains the most powerful artefact, the Orb of Zot.
05:30:32 <monqy> oh it's not as great as i remember it:(
05:31:44 <monqy> also maybe you are diving a bit too quickly?? maybe dive to d:3 then find something difficult to get a level or two off of before going further??
05:31:54 <monqy> or go further and if you see anything too difficult run away
05:32:01 <monqy> and go back up and level up
05:32:30 <elliott> i think my main problem though is that
05:33:13 <Patashu> possibly you're bad at them because you don't play them enough
05:33:18 <elliott> i feel like monqy was just treating my badness as a crawl-specific thing and is now giving up on me
05:33:44 <monqy> what happened there
05:34:02 <zzo38> Which roguelike games are designed to be impossible to win at?
05:34:07 <elliott> i think it mostly is impatience though because uh
05:34:11 <elliott> monqy: btw i found vagrant
05:34:22 <monqy> is smart kobold winnable? I've never tried
05:34:30 <elliott> but uh my problem is basically
05:34:36 <elliott> when nothing much ish appening i go too fast because
05:34:42 <elliott> its really boring to consider every little thing that i know will be fine
05:34:46 <elliott> but then i get into trouble and dont realise it
05:35:00 <monqy> it's a crawl problem
05:35:00 <Patashu> that's why crawl has tedium-reducing buttons
05:35:05 <Patashu> like o, tab, G, x X and so on
05:35:14 <elliott> monqy: its kind of nethack problem too for me
05:35:20 <monqy> i dont play nethack so
05:35:26 <Patashu> 2. is the thing that has appeared difficult?
05:35:27 <monqy> i wouldnt know if its a nethack problem
05:35:30 <Patashu> 3. no? tab tab tab or cast cast cast
05:35:31 <elliott> well nethack is a lot less boring because the maps are a lot smaller and stuff but
05:35:39 <elliott> there's a lot of monsters that are really easy to dispose of
05:35:45 <monqy> i used to play nethack a little bit but i stopped
05:36:05 <monqy> and i didn';t want to bother with spoilers because yawn
05:36:11 <monqy> i knew about elbereth but never used it
05:36:19 <Patashu> the other thing you need is a strong early game so you figure out what your resources are and get a strong attack quickly
05:36:27 <elliott> a lot of the variants nerf elbereth because
05:36:28 <Patashu> if you're a melee character, pump the type of weapon you're using, and look for strong weapons of that kind
05:36:33 <elliott> you can just spam it forever
05:36:36 <monqy> i think the furthest i got is it was time to do the quest or something and i couldn't figure out how
05:36:41 <Patashu> if you're a spellcaster, pump the kind of spell you're using (+ spellcasting if you need to reduce your hunger, e.g. spriggan)
05:36:52 <Patashu> the other thing to do is play the id game properly
05:37:03 <Patashu> how I do it is wait until I have a bunch of scrolls, then start reading them
05:37:11 <Patashu> if I'm prompted to select an item, it's either identify, enchant armour or recharging
05:37:14 <elliott> is there for no reason whatsoever
05:37:19 <Patashu> once I have id, I use it on all my potions
05:37:27 <Patashu> (you do it that way because there are more dangerous potions than dangerous scrolls)
05:37:28 <monqy> you can use e or y to confirm eating
05:37:33 <elliott> Patashu: this sounds REALLY BORING
05:37:47 <elliott> youve ruined it for me now but ON THE OTHER HAND thats convenient
05:37:51 <monqy> elliott: identification in crawl is boring
05:38:06 <monqy> i dont know what Patashu said but
05:38:07 <elliott> how many times have you won crawl btw im just curious
05:38:17 <Patashu> elliott: the early game only lasts until about D:5 thankfully
05:38:21 <monqy> i someohw won it 17 times before getting sick of it
05:38:45 <elliott> i guess its easier to win than nethack
05:38:54 <Patashu> nethack is easier if you're really, really spoiled though
05:39:01 <elliott> winning nethack 17 times would be pr ETTY imrpresive
05:39:03 <monqy> some people think it iss, some people think it isntt
05:39:14 <elliott> but then monqy could be relaly good i wouldnnt know ive never seen monqy play
05:39:19 <monqy> people have won crawl hunderetds of times
05:39:31 <monqy> i used to be pretty good but then i got sick of it
05:39:54 <Patashu> btw, monqy, have you played brogue yet
05:40:03 <monqy> i liked it until i got sick of it too
05:40:03 <elliott> i was asking ais whether brougre is good
05:40:18 <monqy> no :( i got to like the level before the last as my best
05:40:32 <monqy> i won doomrl a good few times before getting sick of it too
05:40:36 <monqy> brogue is another roguelike
05:40:43 <monqy> it's like rogue but it has a b in front
05:40:58 <Patashu> but it's full of gas you can set on fire
05:41:00 <Patashu> bridges you can set on fire
05:41:05 <Patashu> and in general you should set fire to things whenever possible
05:41:07 <zzo38> I have many ideas to make up a roguelike game. One is that each kind of creature and each class has two numeric values associated with it called "experience factor" and "score factor", neither of which affect NPCs. Also that inactive areas are stored to disk instead of memory, that experience points are mostly earned from quests and other unique things, that tactics to save time are important, many kinds of spells/items, etc
05:41:11 <Patashu> (preferably while not in it)
05:41:28 <elliott> monqy: im doing what you said
05:41:47 <zzo38> I don't know what is your opinion of some of my ideas for roguelike games
05:41:50 <monqy> just rest it off maybe?
05:41:55 <Patashu> quaff whatever kind of potion you have the most of
05:41:56 <monqy> if you get too low on hp you can try your potions
05:41:59 <Patashu> (it'll probably be curing or heal wounds)
05:42:09 <monqy> alternatively start reading scrolls for identify and start the identification game right now
05:42:27 <monqy> 5 just pauses when you lose hp from pois
05:42:38 <monqy> where by dumb i mean
05:43:06 <monqy> annoying but sometimes lifesaving? like it's just annoying if you're high hp and if you're low hp it should be pausing on hp loss anyway so yeah it's just dumb
05:43:13 <monqy> 5 is better than .
05:43:18 <monqy> just hit 5 multiple times
05:43:31 <monqy> also now you got trog's hand!! congratulatiosn1!!
05:43:33 <zzo38> Patashu: When I am playing KING game I usually only quaff a potion I have more than one of if it is unidentified, however, in KING, all potions are equally likely to appear
05:43:43 <elliott> i dont WANT trogs hand that s DISTUGISTNG its all BLOODIED STUMpe
05:43:54 <monqy> you lost trogs hand
05:44:02 <monqy> you lose piety over time and you went below the trogs hand threshhold
05:44:06 <Patashu> trog's hand is incredibly good
05:44:42 <monqy> shafts can take you down up to 3 levels i think? and you cant go back up them so
05:44:47 <monqy> only use for escape or SERIOUS DIVING
05:44:53 <monqy> are you serious about your diving
05:45:03 <elliott> i guess my joking diving...
05:45:24 <monqy> also it might be good to
05:45:27 <zzo38> There is a review of my KING game which says that the game is good in general but things such as, even after you identify a potion it still might be difficult to understand, for example a potion of Regenerate will regenerate the level, not your health.
05:45:30 <monqy> rest off exh before exploring
05:45:30 <monqy> in case you need to berk
05:45:41 <monqy> or you could backpedal until exh goes away if you ned to berk
05:45:45 <monqy> also you don't need to berk everything
05:45:51 <elliott> i thought i died to one of those before
05:46:01 <monqy> also also also oh i forgot what i was going to say drat
05:46:10 <elliott> this game is not that bad really
05:46:13 <monqy> rest off slow definitely
05:47:17 <elliott> does being very full or jjjorijtiorjtojrtijrotjritjroijtoirjtoirjtoirjtoirjtiorjtirojt thingy
05:47:31 <monqy> only really weird things like
05:47:40 <monqy> not being able to eat a royal jelly to restore your stats
05:47:51 <elliott> really careful about keeping at right level of hunger
05:48:12 <monqy> if you eat too much permanent food you won't have any for later
05:48:17 <monqy> assuming you get later
05:48:24 <Patashu> unless you're about to starve
05:48:33 <monqy> should proably trogshand&berk yuor ghost
05:48:49 <monqy> dont berk from far away
05:48:57 <monqy> you lose berk duration quickly when walking
05:48:59 <elliott> yeah that was a last minute oopse
05:49:01 <Patashu> why is it that in roguelike
05:49:05 <Patashu> people use circles expecting them to be circles
05:49:11 <Patashu> but they should use squares instead
05:49:20 <monqy> Patashu: nobody knows
05:49:23 <Sgeo> Wait, how id elliott manage to find elliott's ghost?
05:49:33 <Patashu> I think it's more likely to pick ghosts of people who have died lately
05:49:35 <monqy> Patashu: were you around for the squarelos branch? in which square los was implemented
05:49:37 <Patashu> and elliott has died a lot lately
05:49:42 <monqy> Patashu: and erocrawl, in which square los was implemented
05:49:48 <monqy> Patashu: some of the devs (kilobyte) don't like it
05:50:21 <Patashu> maybe cdo has its own ghosts
05:50:31 <monqy> cao has cao ghosts and cdo has cdo ghosts
05:50:32 <Patashu> stop running around slowed
05:50:35 <elliott> i like the part where slow + exh + worm
05:50:37 <Patashu> now you can't hack and back that worm
05:50:38 <monqy> yeah i said to rest off slow!!
05:50:47 <Patashu> now you can hack and back it
05:50:48 <monqy> hack and back is the dumbest
05:50:58 <monqy> you have enoiough hp to just hit it, don't even need berk
05:51:02 <monqy> if it gets you low, run away
05:51:03 <Sgeo> hack and back?
05:51:08 <elliott> quite a few species by now
05:51:10 <Patashu> 1) wait for it to step next to you
05:51:19 <Patashu> works on anything much slower than you
05:51:40 <monqy> at the cost of: guilt, hating yourself, me sending you the message "hi"
05:52:03 <Patashu> am I also forbidden to cast mephitic cloud and cblink
05:52:08 <monqy> i will also send you "hi" if you: kite excessively, use mephitic cloud, -yes
05:52:16 <Sgeo> And mephitic cloud?
05:52:23 <monqy> don't you play crawl sgeo
05:52:44 <zzo38> Can I use an Either monad transformer on a list monad?
05:52:46 <elliott> `addquote <Sgeo> hack and back? <Patashu> works on anything much slower than you <monqy> at the cost of: guilt, hating yourself, me sending you the message "hi" <Patashu> am I also forbidden to cast mephitic cloud and cblink <monqy> i will also send you "hi" if you: kite excessively, use mephitic cloud, -yes
05:52:49 <HackEgo> 844) <Sgeo> hack and back? <Patashu> works on anything much slower than you <monqy> at the cost of: guilt, hating yourself, me sending you the message "hi" <Patashu> am I also forbidden to cast mephitic cloud and cblink <monqy> i will also send you "hi" if you: kite excessively, use mephitic cloud, -yes
05:53:14 <zzo38> And if so, will it do what I am trying?
05:53:29 <zzo38> elliott: Oops you typed it backwards!!!!!!
05:53:30 <monqy> elliott: perhaps a few too many things to be berking
05:53:38 <monqy> elliott: you might run out of berk and be slowed in fron of them all
05:53:41 <monqy> Patashu: sword in stone
05:53:42 <Patashu> you can't run from things while slowed
05:53:49 <Patashu> faster than you are right now
05:53:59 <Patashu> do you have any id'd potions/scrolls
05:54:11 <elliott> is there any level of good that can help me now
05:54:13 <Patashu> the regen is like 1 hp/turn or so
05:54:18 <Patashu> do you have any id'd scrolls/potions
05:54:18 <elliott> i berked when there was only one human
05:54:21 <monqy> it's more than 1hp per tern isnt it
05:54:27 <elliott> i have a potion of heal me up
05:54:34 <zzo38> If your character is human then they may be as fast as you I suppose, so you can run away at the same speed they are running, I suppose, I would think. But if your character not human then consider something else
05:54:43 <elliott> zzo38: im david slowed though
05:54:44 <monqy> elliott: generally if you'r ein unexplored territory you should see if there's something you can't see or back way intpo exoplorded tarretory if you can
05:54:52 <monqy> elliott: anyway you can probably survive this
05:55:08 <Patashu> use the potion of heal wounds to heal
05:55:14 <elliott> there's a trap, could i maybe run to trap, just asking
05:55:23 <monqy> you can run it just won't get you away from the human. it will hit you but less frequently
05:55:31 <monqy> you cant get to the trap
05:55:34 <monqy> it's enclosed in walls
05:55:37 <Patashu> btw, I just thought of something
05:55:40 <monqy> it's sword in stone vault
05:55:40 <Patashu> has elliot been bothering to upgrade armour
05:55:55 <elliott> should i move before doing that
05:55:59 <elliott> or is here as good a place as any
05:56:36 <monqy> wha y are you attacking
05:56:47 <elliott> 06:55 <Patashu> trog's hand and hit it
05:56:56 <Patashu> well I shouldn't have should I
05:57:04 <elliott> "heal me up" was ambiguous
05:57:12 <Patashu> curing is good enough at low levels
05:57:13 <zzo38> elliott: Do you have "heal woulds"?
05:57:21 <Patashu> I don't have any woulds that need healing
05:57:49 <monqy> backpedaling will reducce the frequency at which the human hits you
05:57:57 <monqy> you can recast trogs hand once it expires
05:58:03 <monqy> aim for a staircase you can go up
05:58:14 <monqy> then you will only have things that are adjacent to you to worry about
05:58:20 <monqy> and you can maybe berkem by then
05:58:32 <elliott> i cant really aim for anything
05:59:02 <Patashu> look at all that shit you had
05:59:28 <elliott> how do you call up message history
05:59:35 <Patashu> that is the worst entry vault I've ever seen
05:59:44 <monqy> Patashu: there's a kobold with disperasal darts
05:59:47 <monqy> Patashu: and a secret door i think
05:59:50 <monqy> Patashu: but yeah it's bad
05:59:58 <Patashu> turn off everything except maces and flails
06:00:03 <elliott> im dont do anything patashu says after latst time without monqy confirmation
06:00:25 <Patashu> anyway the reason why you do that is
06:00:29 <Patashu> more m&f = lower weapon delay
06:00:29 <monqy> maybe identify stuff if youre ok with that sort of thing. generally the thing to do is read scrolls to identify them and use id scrolls on potions, since bad scrolls arent so bad but bad potions are real badlike
06:00:36 <Patashu> lower weapon delay = you get hit less because you hit more faster like
06:00:40 <Patashu> so it's the best thing to raise early on
06:00:52 <elliott> i dont really know HOW to identify stuff :x :x :x
06:00:54 <monqy> i dunno if you're at a learning point at which you should bother with skills
06:00:57 <monqy> elliott: just use them
06:01:23 <Sgeo> elliott, read-iding works with many scrolls, although id/enchant armor/recharge it would be useful with spoilers
06:01:48 <elliott> this is what happens when i spam tab
06:01:56 <monqy> you werent in a chokke pont
06:02:12 <Patashu> the only tough monster on D:1
06:02:15 <monqy> elliott: it wouldn't hurt to do the skill thing where you disable everything but m&f for aw hile but ehh
06:02:18 <Sgeo> elliott, basically, scrolls that can be used on items are either ID or enchant armor or recharge
06:02:24 <monqy> elliott: if you want to: hit m to open the skille menu
06:02:27 <Sgeo> One of the tutorials actually goes through that
06:02:46 <monqy> u disabled maces and flal
06:03:07 <Patashu> doesn't matter if you're only training one thing
06:03:10 <monqy> asteris makes them train faster relative to ther skills you have on
06:03:13 <Patashu> * means 'disproprtionately train this'
06:03:28 <Patashu> turn off everything that isn't m&f
06:03:37 <monqy> also you may want to switch to manual mode it doesnt mater when youre only training one thing
06:03:50 <Sgeo> I do not understand the m screen at all
06:03:50 <monqy> Sgeo: don't you play crawl?
06:04:15 <Patashu> D:1 is always full of long corridors
06:04:17 <Sgeo> monqy, not much
06:04:44 <monqy> you always seem so enthusiastic about it
06:04:51 <monqy> talking about xom and stuff
06:05:05 <Patashu> btw, if you see any gloves, helmets, hats, boots, shields or whatever
06:05:10 <elliott> its like that thing that sgeo knows a lot about but has never played ever i forget what it is
06:05:10 <Patashu> pick them up and wear them (they won't autopickup)
06:05:57 <Sgeo> elliott, NetHack? DF? (Although I would not say I know a lot about either)
06:06:05 <Sgeo> DF especially I seem to prefer reading stories over playing
06:06:43 <monqy> mutation is a bad idea
06:06:47 <monqy> unless you like bad ideas
06:06:51 <monqy> (bad ideas can be fun)
06:06:51 <Patashu> it makes the early game more exciting
06:06:54 <monqy> ((bad ideas can also be bad))
06:07:00 <monqy> at this early point it's probably a good idea to quaf it
06:07:07 <Patashu> mutation makes your life more exciting
06:07:21 <Patashu> potions of mutation are 100% random
06:07:22 <Sgeo> Mutations are ... could be a resistance. Could be something else
06:07:39 <monqy> you got more hp (good), less mp (doesnt matter), and you move slwoly (bad)
06:07:42 <elliott> i dont want to cover ground slowly
06:08:06 <monqy> die from being slwo
06:08:12 <monqy> if by increase you mean
06:08:13 <Patashu> you can fix it via a few ways
06:08:36 <monqy> potion of cure mutatiosn, zin, jiyva
06:08:38 <elliott> + & also y r u peer pressuring jerks
06:08:56 <Sgeo> Don't both Zin and Jiyva suck?
06:08:58 <Patashu> (the scroll that did nothing is either remove curse or amnesia)
06:09:03 <Sgeo> Well, I've heard worse about Zin
06:09:07 <Patashu> is good as a swap for late game
06:09:13 <elliott> saying reither mreove curse of aensia
06:09:15 <monqy> Sgeo: are you listening to stories from bad people
06:09:40 <monqy> paralys is abd you can drop it
06:09:45 <monqy> d- to drop useles item
06:09:55 <monqy> you cant throw potion
06:10:02 <monqy> you cant dip either
06:10:07 <elliott> i dont care i want o keep it
06:10:11 <elliott> i ever need to be paralysde
06:10:15 <monqy> it's either encfhant armour or recharg wand
06:10:18 <monqy> and you dont have any wand
06:10:22 <elliott> i recharged my animal skin wand
06:10:37 <Sgeo> monqy, with evaporate...
06:10:38 <monqy> also wands dont explod
06:10:46 <monqy> Sgeo: shshshshshshshshssh
06:10:51 <monqy> Sgeo: also eliots trog
06:10:58 <Sgeo> monqy, oh, right
06:10:58 <monqy> he won't worship evaporate
06:11:07 <monqy> trog doesnt like magic
06:11:09 <Sgeo> elliott, Trog is antimagic
06:11:19 <monqy> lure the gnolls into the corridor
06:11:30 <Sgeo> elliott, spellbooks are useful with Trog though
06:11:35 <monqy> does the gnoll have a polearm
06:11:35 <Sgeo> You can make them burst into flame
06:11:46 <Patashu> wait for him to walk next to you
06:11:47 <monqy> ok try running back again
06:12:19 <elliott> i used my zerk to get out of the net
06:12:23 <monqy> the problem with zerking then is you're stuk in the net and berk will expire quickly with you trying to get out of it
06:12:27 <Patashu> you can kill things while in a net
06:12:34 <Patashu> you can't melee while in a net?
06:13:02 <monqy> does the other gnoll have a polearm
06:13:27 <Patashu> you can cast -spells- while under a net
06:13:34 <monqy> kobolds cant throw nets
06:13:34 <Patashu> (unless kobolds can't use them?)
06:13:40 <monqy> kobolds are too smalle
06:13:43 <Patashu> well if you could use it it would be awesome
06:13:47 <elliott> forgot to wait for non-exh
06:13:55 <monqy> dont need to berk the jackal
06:14:02 <Patashu> it's not like they're brogue jackals
06:14:22 <monqy> brogue jackals arne't so bad
06:14:35 <Patashu> it's easy to slip and die to them
06:14:41 <monqy> what's annoying is brogue vampire bad packs. not really hard most of the time but augh so annoying
06:14:41 <Patashu> because they spawn in packs on D:3 and move super fast
06:14:50 <Patashu> yeah vampire bats are worse
06:14:54 <Patashu> but you have darts for them at least
06:15:22 <monqy> brogue ogres can also be a problem early on. brogures
06:15:30 <Patashu> ogres at least you can run away from indefinitely
06:15:42 <zzo38> A monad transformer for Either would be simple: lift = EitherT . fmap Right; join (EitherT x) = EitherT (x >>= either (return . Left) id);
06:15:47 <monqy> dont bother with it right now at least
06:15:49 <elliott> zzo38: its in transformers
06:15:55 <Patashu> I prefer ac builds to ev builds
06:15:59 <Patashu> but I haven't played with them as much
06:16:22 <monqy> don't bother with armours until you have your other stuff down
06:16:31 <elliott> i never have my other stuff down
06:16:32 <zzo38> elliott: I didn't see it in transformers
06:16:35 <monqy> and then you rpobalby want a dragon armour or something
06:17:08 <monqy> maybe could put on leather armour if you found it
06:17:24 <monqy> ring mail hurts a bit more than leather armour so if you want to take baby steps go leather first
06:17:26 <zzo38> elliott: I didn't find it in mtl either; but I looked I found it in the package called EitherT
06:17:35 <elliott> monqy: btw is there an equivalent of nethack ant
06:17:40 <coppro> I have just come up with the best idea ever
06:17:45 <elliott> zzo38: oh wait it was an edwardk package it was in
06:17:49 <coppro> elliott: have you played nethack4 yet?
06:17:52 <Patashu> appears in packs, is unnecessarily dangerous?
06:17:53 <elliott> monqy: uhhh in nethack beginners die to swarms of ants a lot
06:18:04 <coppro> we need an IRC-based client for nethack
06:19:00 <monqy> and rest to full hp etc
06:19:06 <zzo38> join (EitherT x) = EitherT (x >>= either (return . Left) runEitherT); is what it should be
06:19:12 <monqy> and dont flee into unexplored area
06:19:17 <Patashu> 1586697 games for *: 448897x , 100673x a hobgoblin, 96271x a kobold, 59749x a gnoll, 49001x an orc priest, 48617x an orc wizard, 46036x a snake, 42409x an ogre, 41408x Sigmund, 38909x a goblin, 36786x an orc, 27486x an orc warrior, 27406x a centaur, 27355x a jackal, 27330x a giant gecko, 18774x a worm, 13987x Terence, 13309x Ijyb, 12979x a giant cockroach, 12313x a rat, 12188x an ooze, 10628x
06:19:35 <Patashu> yeah I don't know how people die to her
06:19:40 <elliott> do i want glowing orcish short sworde
06:20:00 <monqy> if you find a better mace or flail and have decednt attack delay with it
06:20:13 <monqy> as a maces kobe you are probably aiming for a demon blade
06:20:24 <monqy> elliott: might want to trogs hand it for the mr to avoid confusion
06:20:29 <Patashu> orc wizards are easy if you can get into melee with them
06:20:52 <Patashu> the orc wizard is forced to approach you
06:20:57 <Patashu> since it can't shoot past the gnoll
06:21:04 <monqy> Patashu: unless it blinks to the other side
06:21:09 <monqy> Patashu: unless it blinks away
06:21:18 <Patashu> keep hitting the thing in front of you
06:21:20 <coppro> I kind of really want to write this client now.
06:21:24 <coppro> IRC colors and everything.
06:21:30 <monqy> get to a corner so the orc wizard will have to get next to you and can't blink away without getting out of sight
06:21:35 <monqy> so it can't shoot at you from afar
06:21:49 <monqy> then just plow through or backpedal
06:21:52 <elliott> i should be able to get rid of it
06:21:52 <Patashu> walk backwards until the quokka catches up with you
06:21:55 <zzo38> But the package implements it in a way which seems too long to me such as EitherT x >>= f = EitherT $ do { res <- x; case res of { Right r -> runEitherT . f $ r; Left l -> return (Left l); }; };
06:22:20 <monqy> you mgiht want to trogs hand but
06:22:30 <coppro> we could have a collective game going
06:22:30 <elliott> i think i want to zerk him now
06:22:33 <coppro> !map and it sends you the map
06:22:36 <EgoBot> mapmapmapmapmapmapmapmapmapmapmap
06:22:38 <coppro> !north it moves you north, etc.
06:22:54 <Patashu> because of that other orc wizard down there v
06:23:15 <coppro> elliott: should I write this?
06:23:29 <monqy> ruin down the stairs
06:23:32 <elliott> in the three seconds before i die
06:23:45 <zzo38> coppro: Write it only if you like to do so
06:23:56 <monqy> elliott: stairs take a bit more than a turn to descend so
06:24:04 <Patashu> (that would have been useful)
06:24:05 <elliott> doesnt that mean i could have escaped
06:24:08 <monqy> could have identified that speed potion
06:24:19 <Patashu> btw any source of haste in crawl is very overpowered
06:24:22 <Patashu> it makes you do everything 1.5x as fast
06:24:42 <lambdabot> Local time for monqy is Sat Apr 21 23:24:40 2012
06:25:57 <elliott> ive started new game ready
06:27:21 <elliott> Patashu: are you ready to give me bad advice
06:27:52 <zzo38> coppro: Are you good at Pokemon Card?
06:28:08 <coppro> zzo38: do you have another puzzle?
06:28:17 <coppro> elliott: which server?
06:28:30 <coppro> for the stupid, please expand acronym
06:29:24 <zzo38> coppro: No, but I would want to know what someone else knowing Pokemon Card would think of this: http://zzo38computer.cjb.net/img_14/pokemoncard1.png Such as, who is winning and so on. I do have a later picture too
06:29:35 <zzo38> (Can you read Japanese a bit?)
06:29:48 <coppro> zzo38: No, I cannot read japanese
06:29:49 <monqy> you can kill plant if you hit it enough but it's usually not worth the bother
06:30:00 <monqy> bushes are even less worth the bother
06:30:13 <coppro> zzo38: I am also not familiar enough with the video game to interpret the situation from that screenshot
06:30:13 <elliott> i fucking hate it when things flee
06:30:30 <elliott> now that ive made your life a bother
06:30:35 <elliott> im gonna deny you the privilege of killing me
06:31:11 <elliott> thats pretty useless actually
06:31:22 <Patashu> for mapping branch ends and so on
06:31:23 <zzo38> coppro: You do not need to know the video game; everything there should be clear of the card game. The top player has already taken one side card, and has seven cards in hand and eight cards in trash and twenty-four cards in draw pile. Hopefully everything else is clear. (If not, ask.)
06:31:28 <monqy> magic mapping is useful on branch endings and for mapping out zot for diving i
06:31:46 <monqy> particularly for mapping out special pandemonium levels if you want to do a controlled teleport to the rune
06:31:52 <zzo38> coppro: Also, have you shown anyone else the two puzzles I have written? You are the only one I have shown who could solve them
06:32:16 <coppro> No, I have not. I don't know very many people who play Pokemon and I don't talk to any of them on a regular basis
06:32:26 <coppro> As for your earlier question, I don't know what all the cards do
06:32:29 <elliott> patashu peer prssured me so much
06:32:39 <zzo38> COPPRO: Also, the swirl icon next to KANGASKHAN means confuse
06:32:43 <monqy> dont bother with the scale mail
06:33:06 <monqy> ring mail would be better than scale mail for you right now, and leather better than that, but animal skin might really be best at the meoment
06:33:11 <Patashu> the mundane forms of armour, from least to most AC, is: animal skin/robe < leather < ring < scale < chain < splint < plate
06:33:12 <zzo38> coppro: I can give you the card texts. Wait a moment.
06:33:38 <elliott> and ran away before i could bash it in
06:34:01 <Patashu> you'll find that downstairs suck as an escape route
06:34:09 <Patashu> I once fled from an orc warrior downstairs
06:34:21 <Patashu> bother with that duder later
06:34:44 <Patashu> he probably had a shitload of hand axes
06:35:13 <Patashu> when you butcher two or more chunks
06:35:38 <Patashu> you're too busy worshipping trog to worship okawaru
06:35:48 <Patashu> scroll of blinking? potion of levitation?
06:35:53 <zzo38> KANGHASKHAN [Lv40]: Retreat cost 3, weak { # }, resist { @ }, attacks: { * } FETCH: draw a card; { **** } COMET PUNCH: Damage 2*coins(4).
06:36:25 <monqy> blink/tele from distortion hit/unwield
06:36:40 <monqy> tloc miscast from god wrath
06:36:40 <elliott> that guy must have high standards
06:36:47 <Patashu> okawaru? nah he's pretty chill
06:36:58 <Patashu> the only chiller god is cheibriados
06:36:59 <monqy> you want chill? go chei
06:37:20 <Patashu> he hates it if you cast spells
06:37:27 <zzo38> DARK CHARIZARD [Lv38]: Retreat 3, weak { 6 }, resist { # }, attacks: { * } NAIL FLICK: 1 damage; { MM } CONTINUOUS FIREBALLS: Toss coins equal to number of energy cards, each heads discards one energy and 5 damage
06:38:50 <zzo38> CHARMANDER [Lv9]: Retreat 1, weak { 6 }, no resist, power: GATHER FIRE: One during your turn if not sleep/confuse/paralyze, you can move one fire energy from another of your cards to this one. attacks: FIRE TAIL: does 2 point of damage
06:39:08 <Patashu> who knew iguanas were so dangerous
06:39:19 <Patashu> zerking doesn't work if you wait until you have 1 hp left
06:39:43 <monqy> did you wait until you had 1 hp left to zerk
06:39:45 <monqy> yeah don't do that
06:39:46 <elliott> monqy is going to come back and
06:39:58 <elliott> but then i had 1hp suddenly
06:40:09 <Patashu> elliott: do you have a query open to Gretell
06:40:19 <Patashu> <Gretell> iguana (l) | Speed: 10 | HD: 3 | Health: 9-24 | AC/EV: 5/9 | Damage: 15 | Flags: cold-blooded | Res: magic(12) | XP: 37.
06:40:20 <monqy> one of the ##crawl bots
06:40:22 <Patashu> a magical bot of wonderousness
06:40:23 <monqy> could just join ##crawl
06:40:26 <zzo38> HAUNTER [Lv17]: Retreat cost zero, no weakness, resist { # }, power: TRANSPARENCY: If not speel/confuse/paralyze, toss a coin if any attack has an effect on this card, and if heads negate all effects; attack: NIGHTMARE: 1 point of damage and opponent sleeps
06:40:27 <monqy> probably nobody would hate you
06:40:37 <monqy> they're nice people
06:40:45 <monqy> except for ebarett
06:40:46 <elliott> ill stick to #esoteric FOR NOW
06:41:02 <elliott> i dont like the sound of that :(
06:41:19 <monqy> he often has good opinions but
06:41:25 <monqy> just has a tendency to be a jerk about them
06:41:27 <zzo38> DROWZEE [Lv12]: Retreat 1, weak { @ }, resist none, attack: { * } POUND: 1 damage; { @@ } CONFUSE: 1 damage and toss a coin if heads confused opponent.
06:41:29 <elliott> i dont care about good opinions
06:41:38 <elliott> like having good opinions is the most worthless skill ever anyone can do that
06:41:44 <monqy> good because lots of people in ##crawl have bad opionions
06:41:55 <elliott> why can't everyone just be monqy
06:42:33 <zzo38> JYNX [Lv23]: Retreat 2, weak { @ }, no resistance; attacks: { @ } DOUBLESLAP: Two coins, 1 damage per heads; { @@* } MEDITATE: Damage is 2 + amount of damage already on opponent
06:42:44 <zzo38> coppro: OK, does this help?
06:43:04 <monqy> 20:25:41: <elliott> ais523: What's a good roguelike that doesn't end in "Hack"?
06:43:10 <monqy> as far as roguelikes go, imo brogue is good
06:43:33 <Patashu> brogue reasons: popping a bloat to kill the pack of jackals mobbing you
06:45:12 <Patashu> the door puzzle on level 3 just had a bunch of scrolls
06:45:38 <monqy> what if the'yre good scroles
06:45:52 <Patashu> enchantment is guaranteed to be generated at a certain rate
06:45:55 <Patashu> and all the other scrolls are just ok
06:46:17 <Patashu> it's the game gypping you out of an awesome staff/weapon
06:47:15 <coppro> zzo38: I would say that the bottom player has the advantage
06:47:21 <elliott> scroll of random uselessness
06:47:35 <Patashu> you don't have to go i -> item -> r
06:47:43 <coppro> zzo38: the top player's pokemon are not very useful. Kangaskhan will die to a meditate
06:47:54 <coppro> and the charizards are terribly without any fire energy
06:48:01 <Patashu> since you don't know id yet
06:48:43 <monqy> enhcant weapon 1 increases accurac, 2 increases damag
06:48:47 <zzo38> coppro: You are correct about the bottom player having the advantage, but not quite right about the meditate. Here is a later state of the game: http://zzo38computer.cjb.net/img_14/pokemoncardII.png
06:48:55 <elliott> 27 poisoned needles its my lucky day
06:49:28 <coppro> oh wait that is fire energy
06:50:06 <zzo38> coppro: Yes it is fire energy, although I don't know what you are refering to.
06:50:14 <elliott> change the skill thing any time soon
06:50:26 <coppro> zzo38: I thought the energy on top was colorless
06:51:41 <zzo38> coppro: On top of what? Do you mean the energy attached to KANGASKHAN [Lv40]? It doesn't matter since that card can use any energy to attack. (However, in the first picture, it is confused.)
06:52:31 <coppro> zzo38: attached to the Charizards
06:52:35 -!- coppro has quit (Quit: leaving).
06:52:43 -!- coppro has joined.
06:52:46 <zzo38> (Note: In the second picture, Charmander has ten fire energies.)
06:52:49 <monqy> you cant dig metalle walls
06:52:51 <zzo38> coppro: Yes, they are fire
06:52:57 <elliott> i htink monqy is distracted by genius loges
06:52:58 <monqy> and they are ground to lightning i think
06:53:14 <monqy> im still diestract
06:53:32 <Patashu> why do you do this to yourself
06:53:49 <monqy> im distracted and then i look aback and 1hp and zerked
06:54:04 <Patashu> zerk isn't something you can use at low hp
06:54:21 <elliott> now watch as i die in the next 10 turns
06:54:22 <Patashu> if I want to die a lot on D:4
06:54:41 <monqy> elliott: someone with a name starting with "elli" joine ##crawl and i thought it was you for a second
06:54:47 <monqy> turns out it was just elliptic
06:54:48 <coppro> I'm sorry, I don't agree that that tip was professional
06:54:56 <coppro> it's just an amateur tip
06:55:05 <monqy> elliott: by the way you should join ##crawl just because you'd have the same four-letter prefix as one of the regulars
06:55:19 <zzo38> coppro: OK, did you see the second picture? It is just a later picture of the same duel
06:56:22 <Patashu> you probably can't afford anything though
06:56:37 <zzo38> Do you think the ten fire energies on Charmander is for MR.FUJI to fill up your draw pile, or to make a large attack later? Actually it is just a bluff.
06:56:37 <elliott> i can afford a cursed -6 ring of dexterity
06:57:24 <Patashu> [$] selected -> shopping list
06:57:26 <Patashu> it means when you get 390 gold
06:57:30 <zzo38> elliott: Well, if you need to reduce your dexterity it might be useful (I don't know why you need to do that); but you should probably remove the curse so that the ring can be removed when you want to put your dexterity score back to normal
06:57:31 <Patashu> crawl will be 'ding! you can afford this now'
06:57:58 <monqy> ring of regen is one of the lamer regeneration sources
06:58:01 <monqy> i forget if it's any good
06:58:01 <Patashu> you don't have to decide NOW
06:58:12 <elliott> ive decided i dont trust patshu
06:58:21 <Patashu> you should do exactly the opposite of what I say
06:58:27 <Patashu> buy the -6 ring of dexterity and wear it
06:59:15 <Patashu> early game ogres basically murder ppl
06:59:48 <elliott> escape to jewerlyry shoppe
07:00:04 <monqy> watch as orc kiles you
07:00:27 <monqy> it would counteract the pois at least
07:00:28 -!- cheater_ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds).
07:00:32 <zzo38> coppro: It seem you know Pokemon Card better than the other people who have tried to answer the puzzles and analyze the pictures; nobody else could understand even if they know Pokemon Card
07:00:34 <monqy> you might not need it
07:00:37 <monqy> whatever it won't really hurt
07:00:48 <zzo38> coppro: Also, if *you* make a puzzle for Pokemon Card please tell me
07:01:00 <coppro> zzo38: I do enjoy puzzles, so if you have more, I would like to know
07:01:01 <monqy> can just rest it off
07:01:09 <coppro> I don't think I will make any in the near future, but I will tell you if I do.
07:01:21 <monqy> berking that adder?
07:01:32 <monqy> adderberk isn't such a agreat idea past the very first few levels
07:02:34 <coppro> elliott: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adder_(electronics)
07:02:37 <monqy> also have you found any more maces or flaisles
07:02:51 <monqy> did you pickt ehm up
07:03:00 <zzo38> coppro: I will tell you if I have more puzzles. Currently I have none but I would like you or someone else to make some that I can look at; if it isn't you either then we can both try it
07:03:19 <Patashu> I almost always die early game in brogue
07:03:22 <Patashu> but I almost never die early game in crawl
07:03:24 <monqy> elliott: could searhc for mace
07:03:25 <Patashu> I wonder if anyone out there is the opposite
07:03:37 <monqy> don't run for the stairs
07:03:47 <monqy> go around the corner
07:04:04 <monqy> now would be a good stop
07:04:32 <monqy> those are alll the amces
07:04:41 <monqy> they dont look too special
07:04:44 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: `meh'': not found
07:04:59 <elliott> should i trya nd kill orcish wizerd
07:04:59 <monqy> it's a bit more resistant to corrision but ehh whatever
07:05:06 <monqy> if you don't charge into it
07:05:21 <monqy> and make sure you're in melee range and it's not blinking everwhere, and yoi're 1vs1ing it
07:05:58 <zzo38> coppro: I would also ask if you know about defensive strategies/tactics in chess? I find some of their tactics can be played in Pokemon Card too, actually
07:06:16 <monqy> sure but don't pick it up now
07:06:21 <monqy> go around the corner so the wizard cant see you
07:06:25 <Patashu> blowgun + anything else is usually a wasteof time
07:06:41 <monqy> needles can be good early game
07:06:52 <monqy> might want to try the glowing hammer
07:07:00 <monqy> you've got a corner to hide behind
07:07:00 <elliott> i think ill fight orcish wizard in that corridor
07:07:24 <monqy> one thing about berking wiszards is they blink away
07:07:36 <monqy> might want to trogshandok flee
07:08:00 <monqy> maybe curing first
07:08:18 <monqy> trogshand and hide behind the corner
07:08:22 <monqy> so the other wizard cant see you
07:08:35 <monqy> ok remember where the wziard is
07:08:39 <monqy> since its invisibeblel
07:08:45 <monqy> wizard is still there
07:08:53 <monqy> if you pick up the hammer
07:09:16 <monqy> it upgraded its weapon
07:09:26 <monqy> it wont work since you cant see it
07:10:09 <monqy> none of the spells sets with invis have blink
07:10:27 <Patashu> (I haven't memorized spell sets for any enemies :( )
07:10:32 <Patashu> (well for the ones that change them around)
07:10:34 <monqy> Patashu: i queried it in ##crawl
07:10:58 <elliott> still another orc wizard tho
07:11:04 <elliott> i think ill get that nice hammer then leg it to a stairs
07:11:12 <elliott> im never going to get that hammer am i
07:11:17 <monqy> you'll get it eventually
07:11:49 <Patashu> btw the hammer will be slightly worse than your mace, unless it has a cool brand like flaming or freezing
07:12:20 <monqy> 01:58:51: <NSQX> Well, for just this moment, think of any characters which are not yet mapped to any UniCode instructions, then type the character and your proposed instruction on this IRC channel. Of course, unlike a wiki, anything you type here does not fill up any server.
07:12:32 <elliott> monqy!!! i need ur attention
07:12:39 <elliott> no wiz gonna stop me get my hammer
07:12:48 <elliott> patashu said its slightly worse
07:13:02 <Patashu> (in which case it's better)
07:13:13 <monqy> youd be hable to tell by now
07:13:24 <monqy> i forget which is better of hammer and mace
07:13:49 <Patashu> I've now officially played more games of brogue than of crawl
07:13:59 <elliott> don't wanna have to eat when in melee
07:14:11 <monqy> orc priests can smite you from behind enemies
07:14:41 <monqy> kill priest first, then the other orcs
07:14:47 <monqy> unless a wizard comes
07:15:27 <elliott> holy shit this is orc town
07:15:34 <monqy> ou probably ate a roten chunk or soetmhgntn
07:15:48 <monqy> nasuea just means you cant eat more chunks for the moment
07:15:52 <monqy> kill it dont backpedal
07:15:57 <monqy> maybe hand, dont zerk
07:16:17 <monqy> look at its logfile
07:16:27 <monqy> ask sequell, politely
07:16:40 <elliott> 08:16 <elliott> hi whats log file ofsoul
07:16:43 <monqy> !log soul defe d:4
07:16:56 <elliott> 08:16 <Sequell> 24. soul, XL4 DEFE, T:1489: http://crawl.develz.org/morgues/trunk/soul/morgue-soul-20120422-065107.txt
07:17:17 <monqy> oh it doesn't haeve the scary splells
07:17:24 <monqy> not too much worry then
07:17:33 <monqy> unless it proves fhchanelgnging
07:17:49 <monqy> kill the wizard while it's next to you
07:17:56 <monqy> and if it blinks away go back to the ghost
07:19:23 <elliott> is that thing actually useful for anything ever
07:21:01 <monqy> probably charge them and berk once next to them
07:22:11 <monqy> if you really want to use it then use it
07:22:21 <monqy> not without more str
07:22:26 <monqy> more armour skill maybe
07:22:30 <monqy> preferably not on a kobold
07:22:32 <elliott> is scale mail better than skin though im just asking
07:22:34 <Patashu> yeah he needs two more str points
07:22:40 <elliott> aint got much smarts in me
07:22:54 <monqy> your target is probably dragon armour or something
07:23:19 <elliott> how can i tell if its heavy
07:23:41 <monqy> you want to have as much str as the evasion penalty times 3
07:23:56 <monqy> to get the maximum benefit str can have on armour
07:24:00 <monqy> beyond that you need armour skill
07:24:05 <monqy> what do you mean hevye
07:24:21 <elliott> or can i just carry it around "§uncaringley§"
07:24:28 <monqy> a cap on how much burden you can have
07:24:35 <monqy> and how many inventory letters you can have
07:24:38 <elliott> does it matter should i worry about carrying around scale mail
07:24:39 <monqy> dont worry about it right now
07:24:47 <monqy> if you need to drop it later you can
07:25:48 <monqy> crimson imps are annoying since they regenderate hp quickly and blink around
07:26:17 <monqy> oone comone way to deal with them is to "park" them on a previous level by leading them to a staircas, taking it with it adjacent, waiting for ot to blink away, and going down
07:26:27 <elliott> i prefer just waiting for it and berk
07:26:43 <monqy> also im really tired owwwow i shoudl slep before i give bad advice
07:26:48 <monqy> eyeballs will para you
07:26:54 <monqy> jelly will corrode your stuff and kill you
07:26:59 <monqy> do not ifhgt stuff in front of an eyeball
07:27:07 <elliott> what should i do to eyball
07:27:16 <monqy> nothing's around naymroe
07:27:23 <monqy> oyu mighty want a replacement for your mace sometime
07:27:36 <monqy> preferably: something better than a mace
07:27:39 <elliott> so i dont wake up this basterd
07:28:13 <elliott> wow scorpions are assholes
07:28:24 -!- impomatic has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds).
07:28:49 <monqy> have other better options but
07:29:46 <zzo38> Do you agree or disagree: No free man should be hanged twice for the same offence.
07:30:11 <monqy> what about free ghosts
07:30:23 <monqy> are ghost ever free
07:30:29 <monqy> elliott: close distance while it's asleep
07:30:40 <monqy> elliott: if you have trouble you can berk it
07:30:46 <monqy> berk before having trouble
07:30:49 <monqy> yeah that was good
07:31:07 <elliott> ive lurned from my scoprion mistakes
07:31:35 <Sgeo> elliott, eating poison isn't the most possible thing
07:31:41 <elliott> why are there so many scorpions
07:32:28 <Sgeo> elliott, me being stupid and referencing Homestuck
07:32:35 <elliott> monqy: i feel like im becoming
07:32:43 <elliott> Sgeo: isnt that... spiders
07:32:58 <Sgeo> elliott, but she is a Scorpio, so
07:33:12 <monqy> scorpiones are pretty much spiders
07:34:02 <elliott> i guess i dont need to yet
07:34:14 <monqy> it's with 'a' just like the other things
07:34:23 <monqy> it's called brothers in arms
07:34:30 <Patashu> ok, this game of brogue I have some actually good items
07:34:38 <Patashu> sword of slowing, leather armour of mutuality, staff of lightning, staff of obstruction
07:34:39 <monqy> also trog powers have power based on piety so at high piety they will be bettter
07:34:40 <oklopol> duddes duddes, the short music programs things was horribly cool.
07:34:41 <Patashu> remind me not to die this time
07:34:45 <Sgeo> elliott, Trog isn't too boring for you?
07:35:04 <Patashu> all he can do is hit you with his flail
07:35:24 <elliott> uhhh who should i be hitting
07:35:29 <Patashu> doesn't matter you're dead
07:35:32 <monqy> for letting this happen
07:35:56 <Sgeo> elliott, hey, with #nethack help you survived shk wrath
07:35:58 <monqy> i dont know ;_; i want to sleeep
07:36:10 <elliott> am i keeping monqy awake oops
07:36:20 <elliott> pick it up when monqy isnt tired
07:36:22 <Patashu> it doesn't matter because you're dead
07:36:31 <monqy> hit obhth btobhthbh
07:36:36 <elliott> can i sent in reinforcements
07:36:39 <monqy> jk you cant hit both
07:36:41 <monqy> not when youre berk
07:36:44 <Patashu> when you're zerk all you can do
07:36:59 -!- monqy has quit (Quit: hello).
07:37:04 <elliott> i did better than all the previous times
07:37:11 <Sgeo> elliott, why Kobold and not Troll?
07:37:22 <elliott> because of those kobold camp comics
07:39:13 <Patashu> ok, this staff of lightning
07:39:16 <Patashu> is pretty good at killing things
07:40:12 <oklopol> more like the kill staff of killightning.
07:40:14 -!- cheater has joined.
07:40:48 <Patashu> now I have two staffs of lightning
07:40:54 <Patashu> I should duct tape them together
07:42:04 <elliott> can i watch you play somehow
07:42:35 <Patashu> I could livestream it but it'd be hard to see because of how big it is
07:43:49 <Patashu> crawl only makes fun of people who think the game is based on luck
07:43:53 <Patashu> or who think they're good when they aren't
07:44:20 <elliott> but i kind of think it is based on luck though
07:44:26 <elliott> my losses are based on stupidity
07:44:42 <elliott> but i can't deny there's something really arbitrary about it
07:47:55 <elliott> this is my third day of playing crawl bte
07:48:29 <elliott> This seems like a good idea, and I support it, but I suspect NSQX will manage to mess it up somehow. —Maharba 05:45, 22 April 2012 (UTC)
07:52:12 -!- Slereah has joined.
07:53:14 -!- cheater has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
07:53:40 <Sgeo> elliott, enjoying it?
07:54:00 * Sgeo is going to play a bit, not sure as what
07:54:11 <elliott> play kobold beerekrkserker it ts the funetste
07:54:19 <Sgeo> I want to play a spellcaster
07:54:25 <Sgeo> And I play troll berserker a lot, so
07:55:28 <Sgeo> "Transmuters shift their form to fight in a beast's shape"
07:55:29 <Patashu> what kind of spellcasters have you won as so far
07:55:48 <Sgeo> Patashu, I have never won Crawl
07:55:58 <Patashu> you get blade hands and stab everything with them
07:56:11 <Sgeo> Patashu, that sounds slightly boring
07:56:29 <Sgeo> Sludge Elf or Spriggan?
07:57:00 <Sgeo> Welcome, Sgeo the Demonspawn Transmuter
07:57:56 <Sgeo> What is good about claws for hands?
07:58:02 <Sgeo> Other than that's what trolls have
07:58:19 <Patashu> turn off everything except uc and transmutations
07:58:31 <Sgeo> Patashu, what about fighting?
07:58:40 <Patashu> fighting doesn't offer a large benefit until xl16
08:00:00 <Sgeo> Patashu, not spellcasting? not dodging?
08:00:14 -!- cheater has joined.
08:00:22 <elliott> vmklerpe gojwp ejfopj thjiowemc s/r[pgk xpojer
08:00:27 <elliott> lkejr qorj xigowpkrm lkmvb.,mjyew[p w[ kpc[kvmx.,mwe t;fl
08:00:27 <Patashu> and uc and transmutations help you the most
08:00:35 <Patashu> the first transmutation lets you use a weapon, right?
08:00:42 <Patashu> so I guess you can use a weapon instead of uc if you like
08:01:12 <Sgeo> Automatic or manual?
08:01:24 <Patashu> I don't know I never fucked with that
08:02:21 <oklopol> are we discussing automatic vs manual fucking
08:02:37 <Sgeo> Patashu, I feel stupid
08:03:13 <Sgeo> HOW IS THAT USEFUL AT ALL?
08:03:25 <Sgeo> I have a pair of horns on my head. Lovely.
08:03:36 <Patashu> horns makes your headbutts do more damage
08:03:41 <Patashu> you're getting the perfect mutations for a tm
08:03:56 <Sgeo> Patashu, that was just the spell, not mutation
08:04:18 <Patashu> you should probably find a weapon that isn't shit in that case
08:04:21 <Patashu> and also use that at the same time
08:04:49 -!- cheater has quit (Max SendQ exceeded).
08:05:08 <Patashu> holy FUCK I'm bad at brogue
08:05:45 <elliott> just hink u never bad at brogue as im crawl
08:05:53 -!- zzo38 has quit (Quit: Max SendQ not quite exceeded).
08:06:45 <elliott> my eyesnever stop multipleying
08:07:57 <Sgeo> Patashu, hand axe sufficient?
08:08:04 <elliott> you're gonna get kicked out of petrol with that attitude
08:09:15 -!- cheater has joined.
08:12:02 <Sgeo> I feel like I behaved stupidly
08:12:43 <Patashu> fighting ogres is a good way to die
08:12:50 <Patashu> when they're suddenly fodder
08:12:53 <elliott> unless you can berk ber ke berk
08:13:12 <elliott> wizards, jolly & ebullient
08:16:09 <Patashu> cool another death to vampire bats
08:16:12 <Patashu> I'm going to put brogue down
08:19:06 <Sgeo> elliott, playing again
08:21:53 * Sgeo asks a question in ##crawl
08:24:23 <elliott> Sgeo: did mym essages get droped
08:24:45 <Sgeo> I didn't notice until you said
08:24:50 <Sgeo> It does have the press _ thing
08:27:10 <Sgeo> Not a conductor?
08:28:53 <Sgeo> elliott, I'm scared
08:29:10 <Sgeo> elliott, should I zerk?
08:29:57 <Sgeo> Your shield and crystal plate armour prevent you from hitting the jelly.
08:30:00 <Sgeo> Now I'm ticked
08:30:28 <Sgeo> elliott, feel free to call me an idiot
08:30:52 <Sgeo> I had so much stuff in inventory... although I was berserking
08:30:55 <elliott> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FOSD_Program_Cubes oh boy can you say original research
08:32:58 -!- Phantom_Hoover has joined.
08:33:07 -!- Phantom_Hoover has quit (Changing host).
08:33:07 -!- Phantom_Hoover has joined.
08:34:43 <fizzie> Origona... originnul... original resurr... original rece... origami resea... no, I can't.
08:35:11 <elliott> fizzie: Can you add clog to the access list?
08:35:15 <elliott> If it loses its connection, it'll lose its +o.
08:35:42 <Phantom_Hoover> Hey, I finally got around to taking a photo of the errors on booting Arch.
08:35:43 -!- elliott has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
08:36:08 -!- elliott has joined.
08:36:14 -!- elliott has quit (Changing host).
08:36:14 -!- elliott has joined.
08:36:27 <elliott> Phantom_Hoover: thats just the stack trace
08:37:05 <Sgeo> If you're short on gold for some particularly interesting commodity, you can place it onto your shopping list. The game will interrupt you when you have collected enough gold to finally purchase an item on that list. You can read the shopping list in the game with '$'.
08:37:23 <Phantom_Hoover> Oi, fizzie, fix my computer so I don't have to use Windows.
08:37:55 <fizzie> Phantom_Hoover: If it fits in the video memory scrollback buffer, shift-pageup a bit.
08:38:11 <fizzie> Though it might be too far gone after the error message for that.
08:38:38 <fizzie> Well, you can normally. Perhaps not after a panic.
08:39:19 <fizzie> Alternatively, try a serial-console boot, that lets you log that stuff up.
08:39:39 <elliott> fizzie: is clog on access list yet
08:39:58 -!- Phantom_Hoover has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
08:40:26 <elliott> warped jenkins exquisitely
08:41:31 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: `wje'': not found
08:42:20 <elliott> `i'll always end up dying', he said, wje
08:42:22 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: i'll: not found
08:42:57 <elliott> Sgeo: whres your next game
08:43:13 -!- Phantom_Hoover has joined.
08:43:17 <elliott> hi Phantom_Hoover welcome to australia
08:43:23 <Sgeo> elliott, I'm reading the guide for some reason
08:43:26 <Sgeo> Also should eat soon
08:43:36 <elliott> —not that there's any accounting for taste—
08:44:00 <elliott> Phantom_Hoover: you'll need a serial cable
08:44:11 <fizzie> And serial ports in both computers.
08:44:59 <elliott> @ask monqy that german translation ISN'T faux german???
08:45:03 <elliott> @ask monqy like, it's real german?
08:45:34 <fizzie> A network console also exists, but your error might be slightly too early for that.
08:45:51 <oklopol> jwe jwe jwe jwe jwe jwe jwe jwe jwe
08:45:54 <oklopol> jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew
08:46:25 <HackEgo> /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: w`jè: not found
08:48:21 <elliott> # NOTE TO SELF: IF THIS DOESN'T WORK, FIX IT
08:48:30 <Sgeo> Apart from divine help, the most convenient way to do so is by reading a scroll of amnesia, which will let you pick a scroll to forget.
08:48:43 <elliott> : function try_corpsey_chunky_thing()
08:48:44 <Sgeo> Yes, please help me forget this scroll
08:49:07 <elliott> @tell monqy was rly disappointed that this code is well laid-out and readable
08:49:15 <elliott> @tell monqy please make it worse
08:51:31 <elliott> ^rainbow wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje
08:51:31 <fungot> wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje
08:51:34 <elliott> ^rainbow wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje
08:51:34 <fungot> wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje
08:51:35 <elliott> ^rainbow wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje
08:51:35 <fungot> wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje
08:51:36 <elliott> ^rainbow wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje
08:51:36 <fungot> wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje wje
09:00:00 <Sgeo> elliott, ok, I'll play a little with XOm
09:00:31 <Sgeo> lol with Chaos Knight, none of the species are recommended
09:00:38 <Sgeo> So I guess Chaos Knight is never recommended
09:01:12 <elliott> breathe the forging of a new era
09:01:22 <Sgeo> elliott, I am a HOCK
09:01:40 <Sgeo> elliott, you watching?
09:04:17 <oklopol> is "force" used in english in the sense of forcing a new meme? i can't find this in the urbandictionary, but what else would you use for it.
09:05:06 <oklopol> it's almost as if that place sucks ass worms
09:09:12 <Sgeo> While it is active, you can't eat unless you are starving or near starving (and you only get half nutrition then).
09:19:00 <lambdabot> Local time for elliott is 2012-04-22 09:18:59 +0000
09:19:05 <Sgeo> elliott, stones. Such a great gift
09:20:36 <Sgeo> Probably a useless amulet, but whatever
09:24:59 <Sgeo> elliott, did Xom just save my life?
09:25:05 <elliott> Your surroundings suddenly seem different.
09:25:05 <elliott> Your surroundings suddenly seem different.
09:25:07 <elliott> Your surroundings suddenly seem different.
09:25:09 <elliott> Your surroundings suddenly seem different.
09:25:11 <elliott> Your surroundings suddenly seem different.
09:25:13 <elliott> _Your surroundings suddenly seem different.
09:26:11 <Sgeo> I have no idea if that was a waste
09:27:46 * Sgeo barfs on elliott
09:28:04 <Sgeo> I'm going to go eat IRL
09:29:16 -!- nortti has joined.
09:53:41 -!- cheater has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds).
10:07:33 <Patashu> so I just thought, if you're going to play a berzerker anyway
10:07:39 <Patashu> the point of being in light armour is so you can also cast spells, right
10:07:49 <Patashu> so if you worship trog I can't figure out what the point is
10:07:53 <Patashu> anyway the cool thing about armour is
10:07:57 <elliott> (i heard crawl's magic is boring though)
10:07:59 <Patashu> guaranteed damage reduction
10:08:04 <Patashu> (crawl's magic is cool fuck da haters)
10:08:09 <elliott> kind of the point of armour yes
10:08:46 <Patashu> GDR is actually slightly different from AC
10:08:55 <Patashu> it's based only on the base armour class of what you're wearing
10:09:39 <Patashu> 14 * (base AC-2)^(1/2)% is your GDR
10:09:44 <Patashu> in plate armour that's a whopping 39.6%
10:10:00 <Patashu> (unlike AC itself, which is just -1dAC)
10:10:05 <elliott> i really don't like the kind of people monqy doesn't like
10:10:25 <Patashu> you can wear plate as soon as you're in 18 str
10:10:32 <Patashu> the problem is finding a set, but until you find plate you can just use whatever you find
10:12:37 <elliott> how can i be anything without monqy
10:14:10 -!- derdon has joined.
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10:14:46 <Patashu> the other cool thing about GDR is
10:14:52 <Patashu> you don't have to put -anything- in the armour skill for it to kick in
10:14:57 <Patashu> it works basically for free
10:15:23 -!- sebbu has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds).
10:16:19 <Patashu> other things you can do: pick up and throw darts/spears/javelins at tough (melee) monsters while waiting for them to approach, pillar dance, fully explore each level before descending to the next
10:17:49 <elliott> last one is fucking boring jesus
10:17:52 <elliott> i tried that to start with
10:22:03 <Patashu> but it improves your survivability A LOT
10:22:16 <Patashu> and I find the later part of the game more fun than the earlier parts
10:22:16 <elliott> have you even SEEN the levels
10:22:24 <elliott> that's why i try to get to them
10:22:35 <Patashu> you won't get to them if you keep dying
10:22:57 <elliott> i've been dying less each time!
10:23:09 <elliott> fuck you man i'm gonna start a new game
10:24:05 -!- hagb4rd has quit (Quit: hagb4rd).
10:26:00 <elliott> wonder if that's worth getting
10:26:53 <Patashu> kobold with a dagger of venom
10:27:05 <Patashu> now you're berserk and dead
10:27:24 <Patashu> you were so close to the orb
10:27:31 <elliott> i don't even know where the orb is
10:27:35 <elliott> how many levels of dungeon are there before actual shit
10:28:06 <Patashu> 27 levels of the dungeon, then 5 levels of zot
10:28:10 <Patashu> buuut you need 3 runes to get into zot
10:28:13 <Patashu> and there are 0 runes in the main dungeon
10:28:23 <elliott> do you go to space to get them
10:28:36 <Patashu> except replace 'space' with 'snakes' 'the ocean' etc
10:29:17 <elliott> should i drop my aminal skin
10:29:22 <elliott> or might it be useful later
10:30:26 <elliott> uhhh maybe i should switch back to animal skin
10:30:40 <Patashu> 'curse' in crawl just means you can't take it off
10:30:45 <Patashu> pretty irrelevant right now
10:30:53 <Patashu> it's not like nethack where
10:31:05 <Patashu> cursed items turn into shitty versions
10:31:10 -!- KingOfKarlsruhe has joined.
10:31:29 <elliott> well that went better than expected
10:32:51 <Patashu> unlike iguanas and geckos, which are incredibly dangerous
10:33:01 <Patashu> you could die in two smites
10:34:26 <elliott> surprised i lasted that long
10:38:09 <elliott> what's the key for that :P
10:38:19 -!- NSQX has joined.
10:38:38 <Patashu> so d is enchant armour or recharging
10:39:51 <NSQX> http://esolangs.org/wiki/--C-%3DC-C--
10:39:52 <Patashu> zap test that wand already
10:40:31 <elliott> that was not a desirable outcome
10:41:33 -!- NSQX has quit (Client Quit).
10:41:45 -!- NSQX has joined.
10:41:52 -!- NSQX has quit (Client Quit).
10:41:57 -!- derdon has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
10:42:08 <Patashu> the enchantment isn't so important
10:42:30 -!- NSQX has joined.
10:42:47 <elliott> i.e., do i desperately need a new mace
10:42:54 <Patashu> it just means you can't take it off
10:42:54 <NSQX> http://esolangs.org/wiki/--C-%3DC-C--
10:43:03 <elliott> NSQX: the message came through
10:43:12 <elliott> Patashu: right, but wielding isn't wearing, so I wasn't sure
10:43:16 <Patashu> you should mentally replace 'curse' and 'cursed' with 'glue' and 'glued'
10:43:20 <Patashu> and that's what cursing is in crawl
10:43:54 <elliott> i wonder why i automatically picked up a cheese
10:44:01 <Patashu> since it's not blacked out
10:44:09 <elliott> i guess cheese is kind of meaty
10:45:14 <Patashu> (you don't want rings of ice/fire since they make you vulnerable to the opposite element)
10:45:20 -!- hagb4rd has joined.
10:45:21 <Patashu> (they also boost spells of that element, but you're a caveman)
10:46:23 <elliott> nobody can ever tell me crawl isn't cruel and arbitrary
10:46:43 -!- sebbu2 has changed nick to sebbu.
10:46:57 <elliott> i will admit, this is a very funny game
10:47:08 <Patashu> it's like all the bad guys were having a meeting
10:48:07 <elliott> it'd probably have killed me while I was running away
10:48:26 <Patashu> when I say 'pillar dancing' do you know what that means
10:48:49 <elliott> not really, though i recall the term existing
10:49:00 <Patashu> pillar dancing is where you exploit the property of being as fast or faster than your opponent
10:49:12 <Patashu> and running around the circuit with them chasing you
10:49:26 <elliott> yeah that falls well under "boring rubbish i can't be bothered with"
10:49:52 <Patashu> why do you even want advice then
10:49:58 <Patashu> if you're just playing it to see how horribly you die
10:50:06 <NSQX> http://esolangs.org/w/index.php?=PHPE9568F36-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42 http://esolangs.org/w/index.php?=PHPE9568F34-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42 http://esolangs.org/w/index.php?=PHPE9568F35-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42 http://esolangs.org/w/index.php?=PHPB8B5F2A0-3C92-11d3-A3A9-4C7B08C10000
10:50:09 <elliott> i just don't want to get into situations where i have to do that in the first place
10:50:20 <Patashu> that's kind of hard, though
10:50:26 <Patashu> since when you start you're very vulnerable and have no resources
10:50:32 <elliott> so is winning in the first place :p
10:50:38 <elliott> and yeah yeah i know i'd just rather take some risks earlier on
10:50:42 <Patashu> I've only played crawl ~30 times
10:50:47 <Patashu> winning crawl is pretty easy
10:50:52 <elliott> it means i'll have to restart more often, but it also means that i won't be bored to death
10:51:10 <hagb4rd> hey, what game are you talking about`? another nethack-like?
10:51:35 <Patashu> telnet crawl.develz.org port 345
10:53:04 <Patashu> are you ever going to pick up darts and throw them at things, btw
10:53:11 <Patashu> darts blow but it's slightly better than waiting around
10:53:17 <elliott> i haven't seen many darts around this time
10:53:26 <Patashu> autoexplore doesn't pick them up tho
10:53:55 <NSQX> http://esolangs.org/w/index.php?=PHPE9568F35-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42
10:54:35 <elliott> nethack doesn't have that kind of nonsense
10:54:41 <Patashu> this is why crawl is the superior game
10:55:14 <Patashu> might does not stack with berk
10:55:29 <Patashu> as part of its package deal
10:55:37 <elliott> you can always have more might
10:55:46 <Patashu> if you want more might S instead of D
10:56:23 * NSQX attempts to freeze the conversations about anything else than esoteric programming languages on #esoteric
10:56:35 <elliott> they're the backbone of this channel
10:57:11 <NSQX> <CTCP>SHOOT Patashu<CTCP>
10:58:27 <Patashu> to figure out what's in a big pile
10:58:38 * Sgeo prefers ,, for some reason
10:58:46 <Sgeo> I think because NetHak
10:58:59 <Sgeo> Also, because Wulfram II
10:59:12 <Sgeo> Wait, I forget what , did in Wulfram II
10:59:21 <Sgeo> One of , and . was drop and the other was install
10:59:24 -!- NSQX has quit (Quit: leaving).
10:59:24 <Sgeo> Forget which was which
11:00:13 <Patashu> you can't eat all that shit
11:00:37 <Sgeo> elliott, just press enter when the map comes up
11:02:09 <Patashu> I wouldn't fight him right now
11:02:13 <elliott> that's the colour of nearly dead things tho just logicing for you
11:02:21 <Patashu> can you get to a staircase?
11:02:29 <elliott> or that upstairs, but it's one way
11:02:53 <Patashu> now he's going to follow you up
11:03:36 <Patashu> also, that wasn't one way at all
11:03:48 <Patashu> how much does pain do again
11:03:55 <elliott> i thought green was one way but APPARENTLY NOT
11:03:59 <Patashu> pain won't do anything for you
11:04:19 <Patashu> (basically, pain does more damage the higher your necromancy skill is)
11:04:29 <elliott> it seemed a bit weak there
11:04:32 <Patashu> (it's a brand designed for a certain build, which is weird but ok)
11:04:34 <elliott> but i guess i am lower in the dungeon
11:04:46 <Patashu> use it until it reveals what its +s are
11:04:48 <Patashu> then try the protection flail
11:05:02 <Patashu> sometimes id scrolls let you id more
11:05:19 <Patashu> is the best scroll in the game
11:05:53 <Patashu> swap to the flail of protection
11:05:58 <Patashu> ditch the flail of pain you'll never use it
11:06:07 <elliott> is that why edmund was such a wuss
11:07:36 <Patashu> when you get a new thing you can train the skill associated with it
11:07:40 <Patashu> (and it turns it on automatically)
11:08:01 <Patashu> you should have darted it imo
11:08:37 <Patashu> idk why you aren't autopicking them up
11:08:49 <Sgeo> Patashu, the ones he didn't autopickup weren''t his I think
11:09:08 <Patashu> woah, I clicked something and I'm seeing a replay of elliot's entire game
11:09:19 <Patashu> since it's a 'bolt' and not a 'puff'
11:09:28 <Patashu> so you can use it to rape multiple enemies at once
11:09:41 <Patashu> if you see something and you're like OMG
11:09:43 <Patashu> check your inventory first
11:09:57 -!- elliott has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
11:10:26 -!- elliottasdf has joined.
11:10:54 <Patashu> I'll just repeat what I said
11:11:00 <Patashu> since it's a 'bolt' and not a 'puff' it pierces multiple enemies
11:11:18 -!- elliottasdf has changed nick to elliott.
11:11:21 -!- elliott has quit (Changing host).
11:11:22 -!- elliott has joined.
11:13:04 <Patashu> what about your other scrolls
11:13:25 <Sgeo> elliott, feel any desire to switch gods?
11:13:45 <Patashu> he is frighteningly vengeful
11:13:46 <Sgeo> Patashu, I was joking since elliott found an altar
11:14:11 <Sgeo> Patashu, didn't know Trog was vengeful though
11:14:20 <Patashu> and then beat the centaur's face in
11:14:46 <Sgeo> slurping noise?
11:15:25 <Sgeo> Patashu, are spellbooks useful with Trog, in the "nice way to place a trap for things that I can trigger" way?
11:15:30 <Sgeo> Or is that more annoying than anything
11:15:32 <Patashu> sgeo: they're not useful ENOUGH
11:15:37 <Patashu> but it makes a conjure flame where you put it
11:15:41 <Patashu> (also, you can throw a book then ignite it)
11:15:45 <elliott> is my wand really gonna be useful
11:16:08 <Patashu> again, aim at that furthest orc
11:18:01 <Sgeo> Why does cursing matter if it's a good weapon anyway?
11:18:09 <Patashu> sgeo: he can't butcher with a cursed mace in his hands
11:18:36 <Patashu> Gretell> elliott (L8 KoBe) killed Sigmund. (D:5)
11:18:53 <Patashu> trogs hand will help you resist it but
11:19:04 <elliott> beautiful sentence structure there
11:19:11 <Patashu> trog's hand gives you 'MR'
11:19:14 <Patashu> MR does NOT help you resist damage
11:19:19 <Patashu> what it does help you do is shrug off status effects
11:19:24 <Patashu> like paralysis and confusion
11:20:02 <elliott> gnoll fuckin shaman??? bullshit
11:20:59 <elliott> i'll just berk him in one go
11:21:55 <elliott> btw how do i see how many turns in i am
11:22:21 <Sgeo> Patashu, the ***... is piety?
11:24:00 <Patashu> to do that you have to edit your rc
11:24:20 <elliott> like a stats screen or w/e
11:24:25 <Patashu> this is what you want to turn on
11:24:46 <elliott> ok is this sabre worth anything
11:25:51 <Patashu> maybe find something with less MR
11:26:13 <Patashu> teleportation is one of the best wands
11:26:17 <Patashu> you can zap yourself with it
11:26:33 <Patashu> the centaur can't hit you as long as the imp is there
11:27:39 <Patashu> wait one turn then go one ne
11:27:56 <Sgeo> You're not going to get any treasures from it
11:28:24 <elliott> how long do i get to keep it
11:28:25 <Patashu> you know what enslavement is good on, right?
11:28:52 <elliott> not long at all, as it turns out
11:29:05 <Patashu> you don't have much shit to id
11:29:08 <Patashu> id your wand of teleportatoin
11:29:18 <Patashu> because teleportation is a useful escape mechanism
11:29:29 <Patashu> or something that might be recharging
11:29:44 <Patashu> on the wand of teleportation
11:30:15 <Patashu> try on the crude ring mail
11:30:16 <Sgeo> Scrolls of random uselessness are the best
11:31:10 <Sgeo> Randomly generated artifact
11:31:17 <elliott> can i drop my naimal skin now
11:31:28 <Sgeo> Basically: Random name and stats
11:31:42 <Patashu> the game just rolls some dice and says 'ok have this'
11:32:33 <Sgeo> Does elliott know what blinking does?
11:34:13 -!- hagb4rd has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
11:35:00 <Sgeo> There's a which stat thing in LearnDB which just says Int
11:35:09 <Sgeo> But I'd think that doesn't apply to non-spellcasters
11:35:57 <Sgeo> Read the scroll of random uselessness!
11:36:57 <Patashu> you're not going to go into the sewers?
11:37:27 <elliott> how dangerous are the sewers
11:37:35 <Sgeo> Oh, that's not a shop?
11:37:45 <Patashu> ok the thing to know about the sewers is
11:37:47 <Patashu> if you're standing in water
11:38:04 <Sgeo> Eating food in the sewers. Not at all gross.
11:38:23 <Patashu> telnet crawl.develz.org port 345
11:38:52 <elliott> its really hard to distinguish the two types of water here
11:40:07 <Patashu> how did someone die in the sewers
11:40:31 <Patashu> you have wands for a reason
11:40:41 <Sgeo> Patashu, what's how he died?
11:40:53 <Patashu> so he probably died xommily
11:40:57 <Patashu> since the sewers are yawnsville
11:41:06 <nortti> "Articles lacking sources from December 2009"
11:41:16 <nortti> wikipedia categories...
11:42:13 <elliott> is it supposed to be really hard to see
11:42:15 <elliott> the difference between the two here
11:42:21 <elliott> can barely distinguish them
11:43:10 <Patashu> made coming to the sewers worth it
11:43:55 <Patashu> btw once you have ****** piety
11:43:57 <Patashu> trog starts giving you shit
11:43:57 -!- hagb4rd has joined.
11:44:23 <elliott> an orc, an orc priest, an orc wizard and a centaur work into a bar
11:44:47 <elliott> i think i could have taken those on but ok
11:45:00 <elliott> sure unless you want excitement
11:45:11 <Patashu> also get out of that centaur's los
11:45:19 <Patashu> no you just want to melee it
11:45:24 <Patashu> it's its ranged attack you're worried about
11:48:00 <Patashu> I see lots of corpses to pray with
11:48:12 -!- cheater has joined.
11:48:22 <Patashu> unless you LOVE orc priests
11:48:28 <elliott> they're kinda fun actually
11:48:32 <Patashu> there are shops in the orcish mines
11:48:42 <elliott> ps - total ripoff of nethack gnomish mines
11:49:02 <Patashu> orc:4 has a chance of things like stone giants, ettins and orc warlords
11:49:08 <Patashu> it's secrety actually really dangerous!
11:49:12 <Patashu> it's a newbie trap basically
11:52:43 <Patashu> don't get into that situation in the first place
11:53:17 <Patashu> unless you're SUPER desperate
11:53:20 <Patashu> it's for curing status effects
11:53:30 <Patashu> past the early game it won't heal more than even a single round of melee
11:54:45 <Patashu> crazy yiuf has a guaranteed quarterstaff of chaos
11:54:51 <Patashu> random chance of chain paralysis until you die
11:55:13 <elliott> should i zap test wands on U
11:55:22 <Patashu> and berserk your pansy ass
11:56:36 <Patashu> <Henzell> chaos brand[1/9]: Imitates other brands, or can heal, polymorph, berserk, haste, invisify, petrify, paralyse, torment, cause miscasts and probably do a lot more to enemies. Added in 0.5, only gifted by Xom, Xom's vault guards, found on Pan lords, or on the uniques Crazy Yiuf (always) or Psyche (sometimes).
11:56:39 <Patashu> that's why it's not worth using either
11:56:47 <Patashu> you can't use it to fight hard enemies because you'll randomly berserk them
11:56:53 <Patashu> which makes them nigh unstoppable juggernauts
11:56:58 <Patashu> basically picture when you berserk
11:57:00 <Patashu> -except it doesn't run out-
11:57:41 <Patashu> do you know the trick for goliath beetles
11:58:11 <Patashu> if it hits you it might kill you at your hp
11:58:41 <elliott> is it still going to follow me in a straight line
11:59:12 <Patashu> you have a nice big pillar
11:59:28 <Patashu> it won't fight back unless it gets cornered
12:02:09 <lambdabot> Local time for Sgeo is Sun Apr 22 08:02:09
12:02:11 <elliott> Patashu: sick of this shield and ring mail thing
12:04:29 <Patashu> that wasn't the best place to hide waiting for him but ok
12:05:03 <Patashu> that doesn't have a horse's body
12:05:07 <Patashu> in terms of dealing with him
12:05:46 <Patashu> at a certain point in the game
12:05:49 <Patashu> orcs lose the ability to hit you
12:06:06 <Patashu> (it's also 100% predicted by your AC, EV and SH scores!)
12:06:09 <Patashu> (and how fast you're hitting)
12:06:16 <Patashu> (e.g. if you're at min delay they're only hitting about half as often)
12:06:23 <Patashu> (so it looks like your defenses are waay better but really it's you that's in slow motion
12:06:44 <Patashu> swap to your other mace again
12:07:13 <Patashu> want to know what the pro way of dealing with jellies is
12:07:26 <elliott> wacking with something you don't care about is better
12:08:32 <elliott> ok, lemme clear this level first
12:08:39 <Patashu> the things to watch out for in the lair are
12:09:14 <Patashu> but the lair is easier than the main dungeon because
12:09:17 <Patashu> no spellcasters hurling shit at you
12:10:45 <Patashu> also there are a lot of them
12:10:50 <elliott> i would be green if i was a green rat too
12:11:46 <Patashu> while you're sick you can't regen
12:12:28 <Patashu> it's ALLIGATORS that are tough
12:12:32 <Patashu> (and you don't meet those until the swamp)
12:13:53 <Patashu> btw a pro as hell zerk strategy is
12:13:57 <Patashu> back up about a room's length
12:14:01 <Patashu> that way in the post zerk rest period
12:14:04 <Patashu> you're less likely to be ambushed
12:14:08 <Patashu> (like what happened just then)
12:14:42 <elliott> a water moccasin AND a plant???
12:18:42 <Patashu> if you guzzle cure wounds like that
12:18:48 <Patashu> you won't have any left for when you REALLY need it
12:18:55 <elliott> i was pretty close to death there
12:19:08 <Patashu> I would have brothers in armsed
12:19:13 <elliott> oh, I forgot about that :x
12:19:19 <Patashu> you can swap places with your pet
12:19:33 <Patashu> especially when you get a good roll and he sends a berzerk giant
12:20:03 <elliott> are you sure i can't just berk this
12:21:43 <Patashu> moce ise pf the chple [pomt
12:21:48 <Patashu> nice use of the cvhoke point
12:22:16 <elliott> guess what i'm gonna quaff
12:22:58 <elliott> actually going to brothers in arms
12:24:26 <Patashu> on any other character that would be a good amulet
12:24:30 <Patashu> but you p. much have gourmand by being a kobold
12:24:51 <elliott> "The giant frog hits the plant."
12:25:17 <Patashu> is that the yak that fled earlier?
12:26:03 <Patashu> and circle it indefinitely
12:26:29 <Patashu> why do you go in a straight line like that
12:27:06 <Patashu> any of those pillars work fine
12:27:12 <elliott> oh so there are pillars here
12:27:19 <Patashu> that you can circle around
12:27:28 <Patashu> back yourself right into a wall
12:27:31 <Patashu> where what you should do is
12:28:49 <Patashu> that's better than scale but worse than splint
12:29:20 <Patashu> your ring mail artifact isn't THAT good
12:29:25 <Patashu> I'd upgrade to chain or better when you feel like it
12:29:29 <Patashu> also, figure out what that ring is
12:29:32 <elliott> i'm fine with it for now but OK
12:30:10 <Patashu> you can leave that on then
12:30:34 <elliott> likew ho would write that scroll
12:30:47 <Patashu> giant slugs are as slow as goliath bettles
12:31:49 <Patashu> nice use of the choke point
12:31:58 <Patashu> when you reach ****** piety under trog he will do one of two thingd
12:32:05 <Patashu> 1) gift you a godlike weapon you can use until the end of the gae
12:32:10 <Patashu> 2) give you some piece of crap you don't care about
12:32:34 <Patashu> a deudly centipede was guarding it
12:32:42 <Patashu> you need to pick it up too
12:33:19 <Patashu> do I need to tell you what resist corrosion does?
12:34:16 <Patashu> ok, it's probably not going to die
12:34:37 <Patashu> (and kick yourself for running out)
12:35:49 <Patashu> you just dropped a match on it
12:36:58 <elliott> how can frogs be so deadly
12:37:53 <elliott> the worst part of roguelikes is that lull after you die when you really don't want to go back to early-game stuff
12:38:06 <Patashu> you'll probably be a looot better at the early game now
12:39:14 <elliott> maybe i'll play again while i still remember how
12:40:23 <Patashu> everything except m&f turned off?
12:41:00 <Patashu> the way you run from enemies
12:41:33 <Patashu> the first thing you did wrong is run into a part of the map you hadn't explored yet
12:41:40 <Patashu> (hint: these are more likely to contain enemies that will stop you from running away
12:41:46 <Patashu> the second thing you did is, when you reached that intersection
12:41:51 <Patashu> you went into the middle of it instead of off at an angle
12:42:01 <Patashu> you make it impossible to change direction without the enemy getting a hit off of you
12:42:11 <Patashu> in general, you don't use diagonal movement over orthogonal movement as often as you could
12:42:20 <elliott> i forgot dungeon 1 could have actually scary stuff
12:42:45 <elliott> i gave up on that game as soon as i entered low hitpoints
12:43:00 <Patashu> you can pillar dance away from a hobgoblin indefinitely
12:43:03 <Patashu> (if you don't do... that instead)
12:43:05 <Patashu> (which is not pillar dancing)
12:44:15 <Patashu> you waste a turn whenever you don't cut a corner
12:44:32 <elliott> it's something i know i'm terrible at, diagonal movement
12:46:01 <Patashu> are you familiar with the concept of luring?
12:46:28 <elliott> uhh is it something other than the obvious
12:46:42 <Patashu> if you see a tough monster that makes you really worried, you might opt to back off a long distance with it following you
12:46:49 <Patashu> so you know with almost certainty you'll only have to fight it
12:46:55 <Patashu> instead of charging at it and discovering it has lots of friends waiting with it
12:47:04 <Patashu> obviously it's a pick and choose kind of strategy
12:47:08 <elliott> i just sometimes don't follow them because they'd be tedious
12:47:23 <Patashu> you have a very low tolerance for tedium, it seems
12:48:57 <Patashu> you could just walk around it
12:50:52 <elliott> i mean let's put it this way
12:50:57 <elliott> i'm already better at crawl than i am at nethack
12:51:09 <elliott> that says more about my nethack performance than my crawl performance
12:51:17 <Patashu> except I was actually bad at nethack
12:51:21 <Patashu> started the invocation but forgot the candles
12:51:31 <Patashu> anyway it was a fluke and I should never have gotten that far
12:52:49 <elliott> been like that the whole time
12:53:03 <elliott> wouldn't forget something that important!
12:54:51 <elliott> is a bunch of hobgoblins called a foolish consistency
12:55:36 <Patashu> what do those ones even mean
12:55:45 <Patashu> you won the mutation lottery
12:56:00 <Patashu> the -1 str doesn't even matter
12:56:08 <Patashu> you can now eat green corpses
12:56:53 <Patashu> the dart trap won't kill you btw
12:57:05 <Patashu> going into the elbows of corners
12:57:22 <Patashu> how much damage can a worm do tops
12:58:03 <Patashu> worms are goliath beetle speed
12:58:09 <Patashu> though with your weapon's delay
12:58:10 <elliott> i hate everything at that speed
12:58:13 <Patashu> you might not be able to hack and back them properly yet
12:58:35 <Patashu> so it's a good thing you don't worship zin
12:59:20 <hagb4rd> can i watch using one of the clients? can't get it done with telnet (there are 2 options: (R)egister and (Q)uit ..) i've registered but after that nothing happened
12:59:33 <elliott> burst into flames of its own accord
12:59:36 <Patashu> it should give you the option to (W)atch
12:59:52 <elliott> hagb4rd: crawl.develz.org 345?
12:59:54 <elliott> sure you got that right? :P
12:59:57 <elliott> then press W as soon as you connect
13:00:47 <hagb4rd> okay..somehow the line was not displayed correctly..but 'w' works fine
13:00:56 <elliott> hagb4rd: make sure your terminal is 80x24
13:01:04 <Patashu> you're poison resistant, right?
13:01:11 <Patashu> so meph won't confuse you (if he knows it)
13:01:11 <Patashu> just run up and murder his face
13:01:30 <Patashu> he summons a lot of imps at once
13:01:38 <Patashu> (the player spell only summons one imp)
13:02:26 <Patashu> you are a Good Player if you know when to use haste
13:02:30 <Patashu> and a bad player if you never use it
13:02:38 <elliott> what if i use haste constantly
13:02:43 <Patashu> then you'll run out of haste
13:02:58 <Patashu> I think I've said this before but
13:03:01 <Patashu> haste is really, really, really good
13:03:06 <Patashu> but it won't save you if you're a turn away from death
13:03:15 <Patashu> it's like berzerk ,you have to identify it's about to be needed and use it pre-emptively for maximum benefit
13:03:38 <Patashu> haste makes you 1.5x as fast in both moving and attacking
13:03:58 <Patashu> there might be a wizard or priest
13:04:39 <Patashu> also, orc parties are a good target for luring
13:04:43 <Patashu> since they often have priests or wizards
13:04:46 <Patashu> and can have many if you're unlucky
13:05:41 <Patashu> but backing up would have been safer (scorpions are same speed)
13:06:46 <Patashu> what else are you going to do
13:07:07 <elliott> i survived a little longer than i would have otherwise
13:08:36 <Patashu> I just thought of something
13:08:39 <Patashu> the next time you find a book
13:08:50 <Patashu> when something annoying is next to you
13:09:52 <Patashu> also, keep in mind throwing and afing will take two turns
13:09:59 <Patashu> if you don't think you can handle two turns of melee, well, you should have done it earlier!
13:10:17 <Patashu> but I imagine it would work well on like an orc wizard
13:11:38 <Patashu> the bat's mortal enemy is the tab
13:11:43 <Patashu> have I just blown your mind or what
13:12:59 <Patashu> ##crawl found some splats of this guy who
13:13:06 <Patashu> didn't know how to go diagonally
13:13:18 <Patashu> taking orthogonal steps up to a lich
13:14:11 <Patashu> at least you landed next to the upstairs
13:14:33 <Patashu> have an orc as a souvenier
13:14:36 <Patashu> go to the choke point already
13:15:00 <Patashu> you can't hack and back it yet
13:15:03 <Patashu> because your weapon delay isn't low enough
13:15:15 <Patashu> if you had show_game_turns on you'd see it takes you 1.2 or so turns to swing a weapon
13:16:11 <Patashu> why are you throwing darts from melee range
13:16:17 <Patashu> it will kill you in one hit
13:16:22 <Patashu> find a place you can pillar dance
13:16:29 <Patashu> diagonal movement may be necessary
13:16:55 <Patashu> I meant that little triangle thing
13:17:58 <Patashu> the first ogre of any game
13:18:01 <Patashu> is NOT there to fuck around
13:18:08 <Patashu> he's there to beat your pansy skill into a pulp
13:18:14 <Patashu> since you suck with your weapon and have no defenses to speak of
13:19:40 <Patashu> it's good to know for sure
13:20:17 <Patashu> youy should think 'alert alert'
13:20:21 <Patashu> geckos are faster than normal speed
13:20:37 <Patashu> (crawl's early game monsters are unintuitive like that)
13:21:23 <Patashu> hmm, I think I know what the colour coding for stairs is now
13:21:31 <Patashu> green = there's no monsters on the other side
13:21:35 <Patashu> red = there are monsters on the other side
13:21:56 <elliott> you can tell whether there's monsters?!
13:22:07 <Patashu> and turn green/red after you've gone through them
13:22:22 <Patashu> if you could see onto the other side of stairs without taking them I think crawl would be too easy
13:23:38 <Patashu> your m&f isn't going up very fast
13:25:26 <Patashu> since kobolds have apt 3 in short blades
13:25:32 <Patashu> that it might be better to go short blades path
13:25:38 <Patashu> (apt 3 means you raise the skill almost twice as fast
13:25:44 <Patashu> (apt 4 means you do raise the skill twice as fast)
13:25:49 <Patashu> (similarly, apt -4 is twice as slow)
13:26:28 <Patashu> nice position you left yourself in
13:26:31 <elliott> what is potion of porridge btw
13:26:39 <Patashu> what can you even do from this point
13:26:46 <Patashu> probably start by trog handing
13:27:43 <Patashu> anyway, next game you should try this
13:27:46 <Patashu> first short sword you find?
13:27:53 <Patashu> and train short blades exclusively
13:27:59 <Patashu> it might work better since you'll train it a lot faster
13:28:03 <Patashu> and quick blades own if you can get your hands on one
13:28:24 <elliott> that thing's like elbereth
13:30:53 <Patashu> btw, there's an undisclosed secret mechanic in crawl, whereby if you retreat partially behind a wall to get a ranged weapon user out of los, they'll move to the tile furthest from you that enters your los
13:30:55 <Patashu> I swear they always do that
13:31:17 <Patashu> ideally you'll move to a spot where you can close in 0 or 1 turns after they appear
13:31:20 <Patashu> not always possible however
13:32:16 <Patashu> do you have any unused scrolls?
13:33:24 <nortti> "can't open 'ed.c': File exists"
13:33:37 <Patashu> you know about doors, right?
13:33:46 <Patashu> yeah what the fuck are doors
13:34:03 <Patashu> and see a centaur pack on the other side
13:34:08 <Patashu> the best response is usually to shut the door
13:35:53 <Patashu> you keep moving intothe elbow of corridors
13:35:55 <Patashu> instead of cutting across them
13:36:00 <Patashu> stop that, even in situations where it doesn't matter
13:36:12 <Patashu> look at all those id scrolls
13:36:40 <Patashu> btw, don't forget that if you see an orc wizard blink it doesn't know invis
13:37:06 <elliott> is there any reason not to drink the potion of smart
13:37:42 <Patashu> orc wizards have three sets of spells: haste and blink, confuse and invis, haste and invis
13:37:46 <Patashu> and they always have something to damage, of course
13:38:09 <Patashu> once you're in melee with it
13:39:59 <Patashu> I'm wondering if that whip of electrocution
13:40:23 <Patashu> it fits into your maceandflailskind strife specibus, yes
13:40:28 <Patashu> ok yeah, as a weapon whips suck
13:40:32 <Patashu> but as a brand electrocution owns
13:41:37 <Patashu> you shouldn't be meandering off into the unknown
13:41:44 <Patashu> you should look for a place you can pillar dance around
13:42:00 <Patashu> you had a wand of draining?
13:48:35 <Patashu> are you going to play again?
13:48:46 <elliott> was taking a minute's break
13:48:49 <elliott> you can go to bed if you want though :P
13:50:00 <Patashu> try swapping to a short blade as soon as you see one
13:50:11 <Patashu> (daggers suck except for stabbing)
13:52:22 <Patashu> stabbing only works if you're stealthy
13:52:28 <Patashu> and if you were stealthy you'd be using a dagger
13:52:33 <Patashu> for the stabbing damage multipler
13:52:41 <Patashu> (if you ever want to try a stabber, roll a spriggan enchanter)
13:53:02 <Patashu> then you follow the hyperbolic guide
13:53:04 <Patashu> ??hyperbolic ??hyperbolic[2] ??hyperbolic[3]
13:53:55 <Patashu> you stab most things to death while they're asleep
13:54:05 <Patashu> and if they don't die you can put them to sleep again with eh or run cuz you're fast
13:54:14 <Patashu> (and you'll run a lot since you'll be very flimsy)
13:54:25 <Patashu> it's a looot diifferent from playing a kobe in any case
13:55:12 <Patashu> and stand next to the door
13:55:15 <Patashu> you don't even have it yet
13:55:20 <Patashu> stand next to the door anyway
13:55:37 <Patashu> sure, if you think you can
13:55:48 <elliott> well i can't beat him can i
13:55:57 <Patashu> kind of risky without hand I guess
13:56:00 <Patashu> where's the nearest staircase?
13:57:36 <Patashu> you can use potions while confused
13:57:47 <Patashu> just not...wands, invocations, scrolls or rods
13:58:32 <Patashu> also, if you're going to swap to sblades
13:58:39 <Patashu> you can leave your skills au natural until you actually find the short blade
13:58:58 <Patashu> armour or fighting or something
13:59:54 <Patashu> how did you -not- have hand
13:59:57 <Patashu> the last time you got to sigmund
14:00:33 <Patashu> if you find a scroll of acquirement, wish for weapon
14:00:37 <Patashu> you'll be likely to get a quick blade
14:01:59 <lambdabot> Local time for Patashu is Mon Apr 23 00:01:57 2012
14:03:05 <Patashu> you don't have to hand -every- time you're poisoned
14:03:08 <Patashu> only if you get poisoned a lot
14:04:45 <Patashu> hand as soon as you see a priest or wizard
14:05:08 <Patashu> if you can move out of los in one turn
14:05:51 <Patashu> (chain and splint and plate are better)
14:06:46 <Patashu> so enchant armour or recharging
14:07:02 <Patashu> oh, then it was recharging
14:08:38 <Patashu> blinking is the best scroll
14:08:52 <Patashu> it seems if you do it immediately
14:08:55 <Patashu> most of the orcs don't even come looking for you
14:09:11 <Patashu> since you've lost hp already
14:09:31 <Patashu> lol I was about to suggets you pick up the morningstar
14:09:36 <Patashu> and you have a nice sblade too
14:09:41 <Patashu> (elec is a great brand early on)
14:09:47 -!- derdon has joined.
14:10:55 <Patashu> did you see that worker ant go into the elbow
14:11:01 <Patashu> clearly needs to take more advice from me
14:11:11 <Patashu> your sblades skill is going up
14:12:23 <Patashu> aaaaaa this wizard is eating me
14:13:38 <elliott> oh he's the guy who's actually a weakling
14:17:44 <Patashu> this will be your main weapon until you get a quick blade
14:18:06 <Patashu> new contender for worst berk
14:19:01 <Patashu> Prince Ribbit (F) | Speed: 14 (swim: 60%) | HD: 6 | Health: 40 | AC/EV: 0/16 | Damage: 20 | Flags: amphibious, spellcaster, cold-blooded | Res: magic(40), drown | Chunks: contaminated | XP: 302 | Sp: blink; teleport self.
14:19:04 <Patashu> basically he's a blink frog by himself
14:19:07 <Patashu> and he appears a lot earlier
14:19:35 <elliott> confusion him then melee? will that stop him blinking
14:21:11 <Patashu> you don't want the imp blocking you off
14:22:35 <Patashu> now imagine a pack of prince ribbits
14:22:38 <Patashu> and you know why you died to blink frogs
14:24:06 <Patashu> the First Ogre Of The Game (tm) came a bit late to pull one over on you
14:24:16 <elliott> i think he might have been the second
14:24:27 <Patashu> the second ogre is never quite like the first
14:24:52 <Patashu> if you invis after monsters have seen you
14:24:56 <Patashu> they still know roughly where you are
14:25:03 <Patashu> it's not a guaranteed escape mechanism
14:25:07 <Patashu> but it's probably heal wounds
14:25:36 <nortti> I got unix v6 ed to work on my system :D
14:25:48 <Patashu> you may as well flick shields on too
14:26:11 <Patashu> (you should have gone up the stairs)
14:27:42 <Patashu> use a scroll of remove curse
14:28:06 <Patashu> you might want to find out what kind of ring that is
14:28:24 <Patashu> he was using a spear of venom
14:30:07 <Patashu> yeah, your artifact gloves
14:30:13 <Patashu> if your int gets drained to 0 or lower, you should take the gloves off
14:30:24 <Patashu> (you get a grace period and then you die of having no int)
14:30:28 <Patashu> (like if you were starving)
14:31:21 <Patashu> tanking those hits like a pro
14:31:53 <Patashu> it will run out waaaay before they all die
14:31:54 <elliott> how did you find out my secret plan
14:32:04 <Patashu> not zerking is a good plan for kobold vault
14:34:43 <Patashu> take the dagger of distortion
14:34:44 -!- Ngevd has joined.
14:35:09 <Patashu> this is a good opportunity to practice piller dancing
14:35:27 <Ngevd> In response to the seeming renewed developement of UniCode, I have renewed developement of Uniquode
14:36:16 <Patashu> the artifact isn't very good
14:36:19 <Patashu> since +2 dex is like nothing
14:36:41 <Patashu> here's how you deal with the eel
14:37:30 <Patashu> it knows what to do already
14:37:58 <Patashu> you got back all the piety you spent on that bia
14:40:06 <elliott> think i can turn more of these on yet?
14:40:54 <Patashu> when you get some heavy armour like plate pump armour too
14:45:54 <Patashu> steam dragon (D) | Speed: 10 | HD: 4 | Health: 20-39 | AC/EV: 5/10 | Damage: 12, 6 | Flags: fly, !sil | Res: magic(16) | XP: 183 | Sp: steam ball (3d10).
14:46:59 <Patashu> is that long or short blade?
14:47:41 <Patashu> anti-magic is a brand that does no damage, but makes spellcasters less likely to cast spells
14:48:01 <elliott> i don't like that brand then
14:48:02 <Patashu> so you want to use the electro sword most of the time
14:48:11 <Patashu> it's actually pretty useful
14:48:20 <Patashu> since you start meeting spellcasters that do omfg amounts of damage with their blasts
14:51:56 -!- elliott has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
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14:52:52 <Ngevd> I barely got the hang of Pokmon Mystery Dungeon, I don't think I'm up for Crawl
14:52:59 <Patashu> crawl is the easiest roguelike
14:53:07 -!- elliott has quit (Changing host).
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14:53:43 <Patashu> I think this is the entrance to the orcish mines
14:56:21 <Patashu> you can do orc 1:3 if you like
14:56:43 <Patashu> also, should probably butcher stuff
14:58:43 <Patashu> lair appears between D:8 and D:13
14:58:52 <elliott> I wanna go for orcish mines
14:59:24 <Patashu> also, stairdancing is > go down stairs < go up stairs [Tab] kill whoever followed you
14:59:34 <Patashu> you'll end up doing it a lot
14:59:37 <Ngevd> I managed to get 100% completion on Pokmon Ranger, but that isn't a Roguelike in any way, shape, or form.
15:00:36 <Patashu> corpse corpse corpse corpse
15:00:46 <Patashu> and yeah, I was right about the stair colour coding
15:04:07 <Patashu> move towards the high priest
15:04:28 <Patashu> that's a pretty early orc high priest
15:04:50 <Patashu> I thought trog summons were shielded from abjuration
15:04:58 <Patashu> maybe it's a piety in max_piety check
15:05:49 <Patashu> there's always three < one escape hatch < three > one escape hatch >
15:05:56 <Patashu> just that in orcish mines they're in separated 'bubbles'
15:07:56 <Patashu> if you do, ask me about anything new you see
15:09:25 <elliott> fucking anti magic bullshit
15:10:03 -!- MDude has joined.
15:10:12 <Patashu> longer answer: your max hp is still really low
15:10:15 <Patashu> so you might randomly die in elf
15:11:59 <Patashu> blinking, tele, curing, heal wounds
15:12:32 <Patashu> blink onto that other < down there
15:12:36 <Patashu> that's the one you came in by
15:12:55 <Patashu> lucky you didn't get smited more
15:13:02 <Patashu> now you know the importance of staircase colours :)
15:13:58 <elliott> how many corpses until trog likes me fully
15:14:09 <Patashu> are you hoping for a quick blade gift?
15:16:16 <Patashu> btw, a combo you should try some time is hill orc priest
15:16:20 <Patashu> hill orc priests are special, they worship beogh
15:16:23 <Patashu> the god of converting orcs to be allies
15:16:27 <Patashu> and over time he levels them up to be better orcs
15:18:08 <Patashu> you can only blink within LOS
15:18:11 <Patashu> also, waste of a blinking scroll
15:19:41 <Ngevd> Wow, I own at least 5 books
15:19:45 <Patashu> yeah, I think that's right
15:20:46 <Patashu> the orcish mines, a perfect place to go and hang out if you like
15:20:51 <Patashu> -ambushes on every single staircase per level
15:21:18 <Patashu> can you go one tile east for me
15:21:28 <Patashu> I got the colour scheme thing wrong, then
15:21:31 <Patashu> maybe green is up, red is down
15:21:45 <Patashu> ok, I guess you just have to REMEMBER which staircases are cleared already
15:21:49 <Patashu> because that's totally unreasonable
15:22:23 -!- Ngevd has quit (Quit: Goodbye).
15:22:24 <Patashu> you're not done until you find the four shops
15:22:28 <Patashu> or flee because the area is too hard
15:24:12 <Patashu> (they will do that randomly)
15:24:17 <Patashu> (they don't have a smite/turn quota, it's random per turn)
15:25:49 <Patashu> why doesn't that work anymore
15:26:01 <Patashu> now stay summoned this time
15:26:42 <Patashu> lucky you have your troll to tank everything for you!
15:27:22 <elliott> what is it with these orcs
15:27:27 <Patashu> you are in the ORCish mines
15:29:13 <Patashu> I wonder if they see invisibility
15:29:17 <Patashu> tele takes too long to kick in
15:29:30 <elliott> don't have many other options
15:29:53 <Patashu> tele takes approximately 3 turns
15:30:16 <elliott> that was counterproductive
15:30:38 <Patashu> I think that actually works
15:31:22 <Patashu> (that probably wasn't the best place to run. I presumed it was cleared out by then)
15:31:43 <Patashu> anyway turns out invis does stop smiting
15:32:51 <Patashu> see what else you can lure
15:33:38 <Patashu> and you don't know what it is
15:33:51 <Patashu> you might want one of those
15:33:55 <Patashu> first can you bia that knight for me?
15:34:33 <Patashu> you can't order it to attack it since you can't see it
15:36:01 <elliott> i just murdered the entire population
15:36:04 <elliott> and they're still selling me shit
15:37:14 <Patashu> get digging and disintegration
15:37:21 <Patashu> disintegration can do two things
15:37:27 <Patashu> 1) it destroys one section of wall if it's diggable
15:37:30 <Patashu> 2) it destroys statues instantly
15:37:47 <Patashu> (unless the statue is roxanne)
15:38:12 <Patashu> roxanne is a unique statue
15:38:19 <Patashu> anyway, you may as well leave orc now
15:38:44 <Patashu> just don't take that staircase that goes to harold
15:39:27 <elliott> down the escape hatch here?
15:39:34 <Patashu> there's normal stairs right there
15:39:54 <ion> elliott: The piety will come back after a while.
15:40:47 <elliott> do i want glowing orcish splint male
15:41:33 <Patashu> is this your first encounter with BEES
15:41:38 <ion> glowing orcish splint females are hot
15:41:44 <Patashu> notice how when you're attacking things
15:41:46 <Patashu> the world is moving in slow motion?
15:41:52 <Patashu> that's because you're at mindelay
15:43:03 <Patashu> fog would have been nice to know earlier
15:43:13 <elliott> are these worse than the other ones
15:44:25 <Patashu> don't go into the middle of them all
15:45:29 <ion> You could just add travel exclusions to the eel area and explore the rest of the level as usual.
15:45:36 <Patashu> ion: the eel area was the level
15:46:00 <Patashu> figure out what that ring is
15:46:04 <ion> Wasn’t like half of the level outside the view of the eels?
15:46:15 <Patashu> ring of invisibility isn't like in other games
15:46:19 <Patashu> you have to actually -evoke- it for invisibility
15:46:24 <Patashu> and it has a failure rate unless you pump evocations a lot
15:46:25 <ion> with potentially an useful item somewhere
15:46:27 <Patashu> but hey, ring of invisibility right
15:47:53 <elliott> how do i get to that fucking bazaar
15:47:57 <Patashu> you can come back to it l8r
15:48:05 <Patashu> (it's permanent because it wasn't announced)
15:48:28 <nortti> because writing cc hello.c && ./a.out would have been too boring: "cpp hello.c > hello_prep.c && ./wrapper/c2bf hello_prep.c && bfc a.b > a.c && cc a.c && ./a.out"
15:48:58 <ion> elliott: Also note the autofight key, the tabulator. It’s handy when you don’t care which enemy to hit.
15:49:04 <Patashu> it can't attack through the glass
15:49:05 <elliott> ion: I've been using that.
15:49:17 <Patashu> also, tab usually picks the enemy you were going to attack anyway
15:50:16 <Patashu> elliott: hill giants are your new ogres
15:50:35 <Patashu> why is there so much water in this dungeon
15:51:03 <ion> I tend to always add travel exclusions around dangerous places so i can safely autoexplore and autotravel.
15:53:02 <Patashu> drop your scroll of blinkin
15:53:49 <ion> How did dropping the scrolls help?
15:53:52 <Patashu> do you have anything you can id?
15:53:55 <Patashu> ion: it prevents them from burning up
15:54:16 <elliott> I think I want to go down another level.
15:54:20 <elliott> Is this the last lair level?
15:54:30 <Patashu> if it's not on D:13 you'll have to struggle your way up
15:54:45 <Patashu> I don't even know what to do
15:54:56 <Patashu> run away from the giant, first
15:55:28 <ion> Nooo, don’t
15:55:34 <ion> Enjoy your hydra.
15:55:41 <Patashu> all the stair cases are in one spot
15:55:53 <elliott> I'm just going to go bezerk.
15:56:03 <elliott> That was my way of asking you whether that would be a good idea.
15:56:11 <elliott> Is the reason that I would die?
15:56:13 <Patashu> hydras gain heads if you hit them with a sharp, non flaming weapon
15:56:26 <Patashu> I hate using blinking scrolls
15:56:50 <Patashu> it should go for it anyway
15:56:59 <Patashu> go for that upstairs over there
15:57:12 <Patashu> why are your dungeon levels so awful today
15:57:44 <ion> Try to blink to the other stairs up.
15:57:46 <Patashu> (should have done it earlier, actually)
15:58:23 <Patashu> you are having really bad luck
15:58:31 <elliott> OK. Time to take a breather.
15:58:38 <elliott> This is a much less chaotic situation than five seconds ago.
15:59:33 <Patashu> oh, now you're in the water
15:59:54 <ion> Note that you’re faster than them if you’re out of the water and the others are in the water.
16:00:19 <ion> You *are* in water.
16:00:32 <Patashu> I don't know why you walked off the stairs to begin with
16:00:35 <itidus21> someones gonna have fun reading this log! (no sarcasm..) it will read like journey to the center of the earth maybe.
16:00:46 <Patashu> with an orc wizard in los the whole time?
16:01:01 <Patashu> try confusing the orc wizard
16:01:02 <elliott> Confusion, invis, random, magic, digging, slowing, disinteg
16:01:04 <Patashu> it's crazy but it might work
16:01:06 <elliott> I've tried that a lot before
16:01:33 <elliott> I have 4 HP. A single hit from the yak would take me out.
16:01:43 <Patashu> a single magic dart will take you out
16:01:46 <Patashu> and is also guaranteed to hit
16:01:50 <Patashu> unlike the yak which is not
16:02:14 <elliott> What if I go one east, then hit the orc?
16:02:18 <Patashu> can you confuse the yak too?
16:02:19 <elliott> That'll get me just out of the reach of the yak.
16:02:56 <Patashu> (they all look shitty really)
16:03:42 <elliott> This is like that time in NetHack...
16:04:07 <Patashu> neither was guaranteed to work
16:04:12 <elliott> Can I have the death message from ##crawl?
16:04:21 <Patashu> <Gretell> elliott the Swashbuckler (L12 KoBe), worshipper of Trog, slain by a yak on D:12, with 16802 points after 17648 turns and 2:04:04.
16:04:57 <elliott> @tell monqy You _have_ to watch the 1768 / 2:04:04 turn game I just died in.
16:05:21 <itidus21> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
16:05:28 <elliott> To play again, or to take a break first...
16:05:33 <elliott> Patashu: Also, go to sleep.
16:05:37 <lambdabot> Local time for Patashu is Mon Apr 23 02:05:34 2012
16:06:21 <elliott> ion: You can dispense Crawl advice and wisdom, right?
16:06:32 <ion> elliott: I suck at Crawl.
16:06:45 <ion> FSVO advice and FSVO wisdom, sure.
16:07:02 <Patashu> anyway, in future be more careful with zerks when you're in serious peril
16:07:06 <Patashu> just as being hasted is reallyt really good
16:07:09 <Patashu> being slowed is really really bad
16:07:24 -!- Patashu has quit (Quit: MSN: Patashu@hotmail.com , Gmail: Patashu0@gmail.com , AIM: Patashu0 , YIM: patashu2 , Skype: patashu0 .).
16:09:55 <elliott> ion: Take a look at this Dungeon:1
16:10:29 <ion> The hblSl are behind glass. They won’t be able to do anything.
16:10:43 <elliott> That makes much more sense.
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16:25:16 <HackEgo> 651) <elliott> fizzie: It's like a JIT, if JITs were... strings.
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16:37:42 <elliott> you have a 2 hour replay to watch
16:37:48 <elliott> no it's not optional sorry
16:37:49 <lambdabot> monqy: You have 5 new messages. '/msg lambdabot @messages' to read them.
16:38:22 <elliott> i don't think the tv thing will play a full two hours though
16:38:33 <monqy> id have to download the ttyrecs
16:40:27 <monqy> or use the tv thing but
16:40:27 <monqy> ##crawl woul kill me
16:40:27 <elliott> oh can it actually play two hours
16:40:27 <elliott> you should totally do that, i hear ##crawl are nice
16:40:27 <monqy> if you know how to
16:40:27 <elliott> downside, my play would become laughing stock of crawl
16:40:27 <elliott> anyway lemme find the direct link to the ttyrec
16:40:27 <monqy> its easy with the !ttyrec sequelle command
16:40:27 <elliott> http://crawl.develz.org/ttyrecs/elliott/2012-04-22.13:56:36.ttyrec but this is like
16:40:27 <elliott> a totally distant second to watching it on the tv
16:40:27 <elliott> also i've uhhh forgotten most of it
16:40:27 <monqy> 09:39:55 <monqy> !hs elliott -ttyrec
16:40:27 <elliott> but there's a lot of really good bits
16:40:27 <monqy> 09:39:56 <Sequell> 34. elliott, XL12 KoBe, T:17648: http://crawl.develz.org/ttyrecs/elliott/2012-04-22.13:56:36.ttyrec
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16:40:41 <elliott> i see patashu requested my slaying earlier
16:41:12 <monqy> shorthand for !lg [...] max=sc
16:41:15 <elliott> connect with a new nickname and request it in /msg
16:41:26 <elliott> that would be pretty obvious
16:41:57 <elliott> monqy: what ttyrec player do you use
16:42:25 <elliott> to relive... the mammaries
16:42:37 <monqy> whatever i found first
16:42:39 <elliott> oh uh the ttyrec is uxterm so
16:42:43 <elliott> i guess it'll probably work fine though
16:43:27 <monqy> i havent bothered finding a great ttyrec player. ttyplay is the first i found and it works fine enough so i use it
16:43:35 <elliott> oh jettyplay loads this one fine
16:43:53 <elliott> it certainly has lots of features
16:44:43 <elliott> i think it will probably be uhhh
16:44:46 <elliott> less than 2 hours in practice
16:44:50 <elliott> because there was a lot of doing nothing
16:45:04 <elliott> it's exciting though. like an action movie
16:45:30 <monqy> when should i start it now?
16:47:43 <monqy> oh no what code were you talking about
16:47:49 <ion> TODO: synchronized multiuser ttyplayer
16:48:04 <elliott> this is quite boring to start with
16:48:09 <elliott> but it gets interestingly relatively quickly
16:48:52 <ion> Actually, i want a synchronized multiuser video player with a chat overlay.
16:50:48 <monqy> the ""general wisdom"" is to do the lair before orcish mines because orcish mines can be hard, but powerful characters can do orc first if they want
16:50:48 <elliott> mostly the fun parts consist of the ten thousand near-death experiences
16:51:01 <elliott> you should see what i have to deal with right before the entrance to the orcish mines
16:51:06 <elliott> and also i didn't know where the lair was
16:51:11 <elliott> and i thought fighting orcs was fun
16:51:15 <elliott> that was before i went down into the orcish mines
16:51:33 <monqy> lair appears from dungeon lvel 8 to 13 i think??
16:54:24 <monqy> oh nice elec weapon there
16:54:47 <elliott> the best number of orc priests
16:54:53 <elliott> yes it's a nice weapon it gets nicer later on
16:57:26 <elliott> a huge number of corpses to trog
16:57:31 <elliott> like at the expense of actually eating
16:57:58 <monqy> eating is more important since you need food to berk and berk costs a lot of food
16:58:15 <elliott> i also use brothers at arms a lot
16:58:21 <monqy> i guess thats later
16:58:24 <elliott> so in retrospect it was a good decision
16:59:08 <elliott> really bad berks occasionally
16:59:18 <elliott> like ones that run out right as i reach whatever i was trying to berk
17:00:06 <elliott> wow i spent a lot of time on dungeon 3
17:00:20 <elliott> now i follow an ant for ages
17:02:18 <elliott> add another e on to that word
17:03:01 <monqy> oh yeah dont berk things that will probably walk away from you
17:03:33 <monqy> edmund is ususally a wimp just dont fight him with other things at the same time
17:04:31 <elliott> gotta have scroll of curse whatveer
17:07:51 <elliott> run down a corridor really angrily
17:08:16 <elliott> the thing before the entrance to the mines
17:08:26 <elliott> that's when the exicteing starts
17:08:29 <monqy> mines entry vault?
17:08:40 <elliott> the long game before this i lost to blink frogs
17:09:15 <monqy> blink frog pakcs have to be handfled carefully yeah
17:09:26 <elliott> i think my technique was: berk
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17:12:01 <elliott> prince ribbit has a human corpse?
17:12:40 <elliott> that was me checking i had
17:12:43 <elliott> corrosion resistance thing
17:16:22 <elliott> monqy: the entrance is on this floor iirc
17:17:46 <elliott> the pre-entrance bit i mean
17:19:03 <elliott> argh, this level is way more complicated than i remember
17:20:50 <monqy> did you look up its logfirle
17:21:16 <monqy> sometimes ghosts can have particularly scary features that are spoiled in their logfiles
17:23:24 <elliott> i thought that was the entrance
17:24:23 <monqy> space warps horribly around you? oh no did one of htem have a distortion weapon oh yes
17:24:30 <monqy> you could have gotten
17:24:33 <monqy> banished to the abyss
17:25:00 <elliott> patashu demandd ido the boring thing here
17:27:12 <monqy> bia on an eel is probably a bit excessive
17:28:38 <monqy> probably you hit ' or something
17:28:47 <monqy> ' switches between weapons in slots a and b
17:30:11 <monqy> oh no what idd you do
17:30:35 <monqy> why didnt you just hit the b and run away if you got low on health :(
17:30:44 <elliott> ohhh nooo you might dieeee
17:31:22 <monqy> 59 is far too much to die to a golaithe beetle in 1 hit
17:31:44 <elliott> i think this is the entrance
17:32:25 <elliott> i might even modify my configuration to not stop for bats
17:32:38 <elliott> uuugh this part was a pain
17:33:04 <monqy> bats are ez with lots of autofight
17:33:22 <monqy> yeah that is a crawl problem
17:33:38 <monqy> (which is why you should have a key with both autofight and autoexplore on them)
17:34:08 <elliott> just because autoexplore put me there
17:34:15 <monqy> woww whata re you doing
17:34:20 <elliott> so i don't get electrocuted
17:34:39 <monqy> or do you mean from using your elec weapon on a water monster
17:34:51 <elliott> patashu just said electorcute
17:35:02 <monqy> oh dont worry about it
17:35:11 <elliott> not in a rational state at the time
17:37:37 <monqy> antimagic is good but for most things you shoul dusie your elec i think??
17:37:48 <elliott> spoiler the next god gift is an antimagic weapon too
17:37:59 <monqy> trog likes antimagifc
17:39:05 <monqy> there are lots of ways to do armour and im not really an expert at it
17:40:08 <elliott> wasn't sure if you could melee them
17:41:12 <elliott> 90% sure this is the entrance
17:42:53 <monqy> the only reason your iron troll was able to kill erolcha is
17:42:57 <monqy> because there was a bat behind her
17:43:00 <monqy> so it went for the bat
17:43:10 <monqy> ah yeah that's the Orc entry
17:43:38 <monqy> nice giant spore behind the orcs
17:43:58 <monqy> i probably would have shot a piercing ranged attack at the giant spore back there
17:44:06 <monqy> kill the spore and hurt and confuse the orcs
17:44:07 <elliott> the best part is how this makes me decide i WANT to go in the orcish mines
17:47:31 <elliott> that meat ration really hit the spot
17:49:57 <elliott> it looked so easy at this stage
17:50:32 <elliott> monqy: do you go "hi" at people who do this too
17:50:48 <elliott> use staircases to vacuum up bad guys
17:51:08 <monqy> i'd probably say hi at this point
17:51:13 <elliott> i can accept a hi, the alternative was uhhhhhhhhh
17:51:29 <monqy> losing all your hp in stair dancing is definitely a "hi" moment
17:53:11 <elliott> somehow they got much easier right after
17:54:07 <monqy> for orc high priest and such you might want to use antimagic if you have a good antimagic weapon
17:54:25 <elliott> trust me i make far poorer decisions than not switching weapon along the way
17:54:43 <elliott> i like the part where escape hatch
17:55:23 <elliott> i tried to coordinate this at first
17:56:10 <elliott> monqy: spoiler the best part is when i stair dance with the wrong upstairs
17:59:13 <elliott> i think he was giving me a hint
17:59:51 <monqy> i wonder which ending vault you got
18:00:10 <monqy> stairdance into elf
18:00:12 <elliott> ...with the entrance to the elvish mines
18:00:41 <elliott> must have been fun for the elves
18:02:29 <monqy> did you see any orc warlords or stone giants or iron trolls
18:02:57 <elliott> there's a bit ten times as crazy as this at the end
18:03:51 <monqy> yeah orc:4 has an end vault
18:05:28 <elliott> i like how more orcs came to the safe place
18:06:53 <elliott> that the orcs could go around my throttle
18:07:13 <elliott> ok i knew it but i thought it just wouldn't be a problem
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18:07:31 <itidus21> oops shaohiosahiaohsiaoas sorryyy
18:07:49 <elliott> dont worry "yak" does not even begin to explain the cause of death at hand
18:07:59 <elliott> monqy: this is where it starts to get brilliant
18:08:00 <oklopol> "18: And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."
18:08:27 <elliott> monqy: wrong stairs again!!!
18:09:43 <elliott> not where the stairs are!!!
18:10:07 <elliott> how did i ever survive that
18:10:11 <oklopol> was the h not pronounced when the earth was created?
18:10:42 <elliott> monqy: god im really bad at stairs
18:11:02 <monqy> at least youre alive!!!
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18:13:08 <elliott> kobold can't catch a break
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19:03:34 <zzo38> My opponent has NIGHTLY GARBAGE RUN in his hand, but no eligible cards in his trash, and I intend to keep it that way!! All of his cards are resisted to all of my cards but I might still win
19:04:25 <zzo38> Especially if he doesn't wake up this turn.
19:04:56 -!- ais523 has joined.
19:05:05 <nortti> "Mmm, now there's an idea: adding syntax coloring to ed... Perhaps we could also build a Lisp interpreter into it?"
19:05:50 <zzo38> He did not wake up so now I am nearly guaranteed to win, as long as I do not knock out any of his cards.
19:07:38 <zzo38> Although he can still attempt to retreat even if confused, so I have to be careful about that too. I do have GUST OF WIND so that might help.
19:08:03 <nortti> "ed's size on my debian box is around 42k." ed 42kB in size!? ed on my box is 6.16kB
19:08:23 <zzo38> nortti: Maybe it is the Haskell version?
19:08:50 <nortti> zzo38: well I am using the versuon from unix v6
19:09:24 <zzo38> I know that executables for Haskell programs are much larger than C executables
19:09:54 <nortti> or maybe he just has a very crappy c compiler
19:14:07 <nortti> I have made my c2bf preprocessor kinda usable (supports #include <name> and #include "path") and my stdio.h has working implementations of getchar,putchar and puts
19:14:50 <nortti> is there some feature you would really want to see ib c2bf?
19:15:17 <ais523> nortti: why not just use cpp as the preprocessor?
19:15:38 -!- Ngevd has joined.
19:16:53 <zzo38> He does have the ability to save himself (use SWITCH to reactivate KANGHASKHAN [Lv40] and then retreat), but he seems to be blind to that fact
19:17:08 <RocketJSquirrel> nortti: I cannot even begin to imagine why you are using C2BF for anything.
19:17:10 <nortti> ais523 because it throws in all kinds of junk that c2bf can't take and system header files don't really work with c2bf
19:18:06 <nortti> RocketJSquirrel: I use unix v6 ed for coding. Did you get your answer?
19:18:17 <elliott> nortti: you realise RocketJSquirrel wrote c2bf
19:18:55 -!- RocketJSquirrel has changed nick to Gregor.
19:19:12 <Gregor> -NickServ- 13 failed logins since last login.
19:20:24 <nortti> Gregor: to put it another way: I like hacking little bit limited stuff
19:21:42 -!- graue has quit (Quit: Leaving).
19:21:49 <nortti> by the way when was c2bf last updated?
19:23:49 <nortti> Well I am working on a update. Getting string support is now top priority for me
19:24:19 <Gregor> It has some kind of array support, strings shouldn't be enormously difficult.
19:24:48 <elliott> It would be easier were you to just implement --C-=C-C-- ;)
19:26:18 <monqy> amazing new esolang by our friend nsqx
19:26:58 * ais523 disapproves of having a single datatype called "void" that can hold more than one value
19:27:21 <Gregor> ANYTHING can be lost in the VOID.
19:27:31 <zzo38> If I simply pass my turn now, I am guaranteed to win.
19:27:44 <Ngevd> I don't think it is turing-complete either, due to having linear-bounded memory
19:27:49 <elliott> ais523: I disapprove of any datatype called "void" with more than zero values
19:28:08 <elliott> Ngevd: Oh, good point. You should post that on the talk page.
19:28:10 <ais523> elliott: C's void has one value
19:28:30 <elliott> ais523: well, technically C doesn't really have a void type at all
19:28:35 <elliott> but yes, I disapprove of C's abuse of the term "void"
19:29:29 <ais523> Deewiant: it's normally assumed to be 0 by analogy with the other types, but a type with one value, it doesn't make sense to say what the value is
19:29:32 <ais523> as you can't distinguish it from anything
19:29:34 <nortti> elliott: I am trying to get c2bf to compile itself because I am crazy
19:29:43 <elliott> ais523: That's pseudoscience.
19:30:16 <Deewiant> ais523: How can you tell it has even one value?
19:30:23 <ais523> Deewiant: because you can return void
19:30:38 <ais523> a type with no values, things that returned that type couldn't return
19:30:48 <elliott> you can return (with a special form) from a function with return type void
19:30:52 <elliott> but it doesn't ever acutally return a value
19:30:59 <elliott> actually, you could make a good case that C's void _does_ have 0 values
19:31:02 <zzo38> Actually in C, void just means the lack of a type, as far as I can tell
19:31:03 <ais523> elliott: in that case, there are a huge number of special cases for void
19:31:05 <elliott> but that C means something different by the usual function arrow
19:31:11 <ais523> e.g. a ? b : c works fine with b and c being void
19:31:46 <Gregor> ais523: But that ?: has no value.
19:32:03 <ais523> Gregor: it has the same value as all other void things
19:32:24 -!- asiekierka has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
19:32:27 <Gregor> Right. None. You can't put it anywhere. You can't store, use, compare or even cast it.
19:32:58 <ais523> hmm, can you take its address?
19:33:08 <ais523> void* exists as a type, but I don't think you can get a void object to take the address of
19:33:22 <Gregor> And you can't dereference a void*.
19:33:28 <elliott> you can't dereference a (void *)
19:33:35 <elliott> but you can cast it to another pointer and dereference that
19:33:37 <ais523> /I/ can, I don't know about you :)
19:33:38 <zzo38> ais523: The type void* means a pointer to something that it does not specify the type, so "void" is in place of the type
19:33:38 <elliott> thus, void must have no values
19:33:44 <ais523> <gcc-bf> goto *(void*)0
19:34:52 <elliott> oh, hey, Aardwolf! I haven't seen you in here before
19:35:15 <ais523> Aardwolf: it's only TC given an infinite program
19:35:31 <elliott> I was about to say just what ais523 was going to say
19:36:28 <Ngevd> Also erroneously Turing-complete?
19:37:24 <Aardwolf> Is a desktop computer considered Turing-complete?
19:37:32 <ais523> Aardwolf: no, it doesn't have access to infinite storage
19:37:40 <elliott> ais523: stop stealing my thoughts
19:37:55 <ais523> it's what's known as a "bounded-storage machine", a machine where lack of storage is the only obstacle to TCness
19:38:10 <Aardwolf> If a language specifies no limits, is it not infinite then?
19:38:59 <Aardwolf> What makes Brainfuck Turing complete then?
19:39:02 <Gregor> A language not specifying limits may or may not be TC, but at least isn't assured not to be.
19:39:17 <Ngevd> Brainfuck can access infinite area in a finite program
19:39:40 <Ngevd> +[>+], for example
19:39:40 <zzo38> Aardwolf: You are Lode Vandevenne, isn't it? I used your LodePNG library in my TeXnicard program.
19:39:47 <Aardwolf> Yes, in that case, it's actually not Turing complete
19:39:55 <Gregor> The language Brainfuck-as-interpreted-by-your-favorite-Brainfuck-interpreter-running-on-a-real-computer is not TC.
19:40:37 <Gregor> The language Brainfuck is TC.
19:40:55 <elliott> Aardwolf: It'd be possible to make such a CA-type thing TC by providing a way to expand the field.
19:41:07 <elliott> Game of Life patterns can construct things dynamically, which is why it's TC
19:42:17 <ais523> elliott: indeed; the most popular method to achieve TCness is to have infinite storage; the second most popular is to have some method of increasing the storage from within the program
19:42:31 <Aardwolf> Yep, I got it, thanks for explaining it! I thought, if it's similar to a PC, it's TC, but a PC also can't magically expand its RAM so... :)
19:42:34 * ais523 used infinite rather than unbounded intentionally
19:42:39 <Ngevd> I think, in Uniquode, I'm gonna make ℒ execute STDIN as a brainfuck program
19:42:43 <Gregor> elliott, ais523: Is that usefully distinct from having infinite storage?
19:42:53 <elliott> Consider a BF derivative with wrapping tape.
19:42:58 <elliott> And an instruction to add a new 0 byte to the tape.
19:43:37 <Gregor> I don't mean "is there a difference between these two classes of languages," I mean "is there any useful knowledge to be gained by distinguishing them."
19:44:44 <ais523> Gregor: TCness proofs are often easier distinguishing them
19:45:07 <ais523> an expandable-storage language isn't going to be able to simulate an infinite-storage language directly, you'll need to automatically add expands at appropriate places
19:45:31 <oklopol> consider the language where every program of length n is given BB(n) memory
19:45:33 <ais523> this came up in the MiniMAX proof, where someone asked why I didn't just use an existing BF derivative rather than inventing my own with an explicit expand command
19:46:33 <elliott> ais523: infinite-storage is like GC for expandable-storage machines, or something
19:46:50 <ais523> now I'm trying to work out if that's TC
19:47:07 <ais523> I guess it is, by definition, and possibly points out problems with the definition…
19:47:11 <elliott> you can't write a UTM simulator in it, no?
19:47:25 <ais523> elliott: you can, if it runs out of memory you go into an infinite loop
19:47:30 <oklopol> well, if it runs out of memory and detects it, it could just loop forever without doing anything.
19:47:38 <ais523> it's not BF-complete, though
19:47:45 <elliott> this language is of the devil
19:47:50 <oklopol> then if only the result after program stops is used for tcness considerations, it's just as tc as it originally was.
19:48:14 <elliott> oklopol: you're meant to use your powers for _good_
19:48:14 <nortti> but if source given to it is infinite in size?
19:48:21 -!- impomatic has joined.
19:48:49 <elliott> nortti: infinite programs don't exist
19:48:58 <ais523> `addquote <elliott> gah <elliott> this language is of the devil <elliott> oklopol: you're meant to use your powers for _good_
19:49:02 <HackEgo> 845) <elliott> gah <elliott> this language is of the devil <elliott> oklopol: you're meant to use your powers for _good_
19:49:18 <HackEgo> 484) <itidus20> monqy: last night in my dreams I saw a false photo album of my childhood... looking ghostly
19:49:18 <elliott> proof: no program prints chaitin's constant. if we have infinite programs, then putchar a; putchar b; ... can print chaitin's constant
19:49:20 <HackEgo> 402) [on spiking] <CakeProphet> drugs are expensive. It would be a waste to use them on a random stranger.
19:49:21 <HackEgo> 842) <elliott_> (help why are german) <monqy> i play the german version of crawl <elliott_> i
19:49:24 <HackEgo> 317) <Gregor> elliott: Fythe-generated code doesn't use C calling conventions, because C calling conventions are for pussies.
19:49:30 <impomatic> Busy Beavers? Dewdney wrote something about those...
19:49:33 <nortti> elliott: start is ptogram and rest is padding
19:49:41 <HackEgo> 824) <Taneb> coleridge and
19:49:41 <HackEgo> 558) <NihilistDandy> Also Perl, but I don't really consider that a programming language so much as a really heavy implementatino of awk
19:49:44 <ais523> elliott: this is why I invented 1cnis, to allow for infinite programs that don't have that sort of problem
19:49:44 <HackEgo> *poof* <Gregor> elliott: Fythe-generated code doesn't use C calling conventions, because C calling conventions are for pussies.
19:49:56 <ais523> elliott: agreed, although 824 isn't too great either
19:49:59 <Ngevd> coleridge and was one of the voice recognition ones
19:50:04 <oklopol> elliott: that's kind of a silly proof :D
19:50:05 <zzo38> (I mean, the fastcc in LLVM)
19:50:06 <elliott> ais523: it's better than the ten that follow it
19:50:15 <elliott> oklopol: sorry if you can't handle my LOGIC
19:50:22 <HackEgo> http://codu.org/projects/hackbot/fshg/index.cgi/raw-file/tip/paste/paste.29698
19:51:32 <oklopol> cellular automata are pretty much given infinite programs
19:52:04 <impomatic> If anyone is feeling generous, I'd quite like this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/110862346333#ht_542wt_1270
19:52:08 <Ngevd> oklopol, with a finite region non-default
19:52:39 <oklopol> oh you mean periodic outside a finite region
19:52:44 <elliott> impomatic: if I buy that, do you end up indebted to me for life?
19:52:58 <elliott> i mean i figure someone's soul is probably worth at least 261 euros
19:53:03 <ais523> elliott: "indebted for life" doesn't really work, that just implies that he never pays the debt back
19:53:14 <Ngevd> If we all chip in 5 euros, no problem
19:53:26 <impomatic> elliott: yes, what ais523 said :-)
19:53:34 <zzo38> Ibtlfmm could be made to compile into Haskell but it wouldn't work well because of some optimizations which are not allowed in Haskell and that an interpreter would be difficult too
19:53:45 <elliott> impomatic: you're a terrible debtor!
19:53:47 <impomatic> As long as I don't have to pay the debt in the afterlife...
19:53:49 <zzo38> Ngevd: I don't have any euros
19:53:50 <itidus20> impomatic: would pirated ebook versions suffice?
19:53:58 <elliott> Would a photograph suffice?
19:54:13 <Ngevd> zzo38, can you get any in the next minute?
19:54:16 <zzo38> A photograph of what?
19:54:23 <ais523> a spider with seven legs?
19:54:23 <elliott> impomatic: Here you go: http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/ODYzWDEyODA=/$(KGrHqVHJ!8E-E7jRHUzBPi)jpt8uw~~60_12.JPG
19:54:33 <ais523> also, what a bizarre URL
19:54:39 <ais523> (my client won't parse $ as part of an URL, incidentally)
19:54:58 <oklopol> Ngevd: usually, you study the set of all infinite inputs, but yeah sometimes you restrict to periodic or finite (+ unary outside).
19:55:07 <itidus20> i get a great deal of joy from metaphorically and hypothetically hunting ebooks online
19:55:12 <elliott> i wonder if i could even enter my details in that amount of time
19:55:17 <zzo38> Even if I did have euros I would have no way to pay them within the next minute.
19:55:44 <elliott> OK, now you'll have to bid on it with Feather
19:55:51 <Aardwolf> Haha the forth books jumped in price during the last 3 seconds
19:55:57 <ais523> elliott: Feather doesn't work like that
19:56:02 <elliott> ais523: That's what you always say.
19:56:02 <ais523> you'd have to put a bid of $0 on
19:56:08 <elliott> I don't think you even believe it yourself.
19:56:10 <ais523> then retroactively increase it to something larger
19:56:46 -!- tswett_ has changed nick to tswett.
19:57:15 <itidus20> so thats a fuckton of money for secondhand books
19:58:00 <oklopol> Ngevd: but usually you study undecidability of questions.
19:58:21 <oklopol> well okay then there's the people who like tcness proofs, and do things like universal CA
19:58:36 <impomatic> I could probably put the same collection together for less... I checked Amazon, Abebooks, eBay to figure out how much to bid.
19:58:37 <Ngevd> One day, I hope to understand all this.
19:59:14 <ais523> impomatic: how much do you think the collection should have been worth?
19:59:35 <oklopol> there aren't really any books on CA, so it may be a bit hard to get into it
20:00:04 <impomatic> To me, it's worth just over 100 euros. Some of the books on Amazon etc are overpriced.
20:00:36 <oklopol> well i'm not aware of one that contains any useful data
20:00:50 <impomatic> One of the books was listed for $150 or so, but it doesn't mean anyone would pay.
20:01:51 <oklopol> well there are at least two books about ca, wolfram's book called "pretty pictures of CA and a boring undecidability proof in the appendix", and then some other guy's book which looked stupid.
20:02:00 <impomatic> http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=The+Recursive+Universe+by+William+Poundstone
20:02:19 <ais523> oklopol: ANKOS contains at least one incorrect proof
20:02:30 <ais523> and I got to tell Wolfram about that over the phone :)
20:02:40 <ais523> although I'd worked out a fix for it, so it wasn't a disaster
20:03:16 <itidus20> oklopol: on this list you can see that many exist.. but i assume most are not useful from this chat http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l2736&_nkw=cellular+automata
20:04:00 <oklopol> "Provides a comprehensive treatment of all the techniques in nonlinear dynamics together with C++, Java and SymbolicC++ implementations."
20:05:04 <oklopol> well that's a lot of books, i have no idea if all of them suck :D
20:05:09 <itidus20> for the scavenger such books tend to exist free.. but i know i am not among people who would stoop so low
20:05:28 <oklopol> at least there isn't one that people suggest as reading material if you want to get into CA.
20:05:37 <itidus20> oklopol: ok cool.. so you genuinely didn't realize ... so thats good...
20:05:47 <itidus20> i showed someone something novel
20:05:51 <oklopol> perhaps because afaiu most people think CA are a dying field.
20:06:22 <Ngevd> Cellular Automaton
20:06:25 <oklopol> (i strongly disagree, it's the best)
20:07:07 <zzo38> Do you like the flaw/feats I have selected in the Dungeons&Dragons game?
20:07:22 -!- pikhq has joined.
20:07:28 <itidus20> oklopol: growing up.. i didnt know any books existed... simply being aware that some resource exists can be a great thing
20:07:42 -!- pikhq_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
20:07:50 <elliott> most people only find out that books exist when they turn 20 or so
20:07:58 <elliott> I was lucky, only took me until 13
20:08:12 <elliott> ais523: when did you realise that books existed?
20:08:49 <Ngevd> itidus20, if that's normal for Australia I'm glad I got out when I did
20:09:05 <ais523> elliott: much earlier than that, we used books in school
20:09:22 <nortti> I have alway known that books exist. Am I normal?
20:09:33 <ais523> nortti: is anyone in this channel normal?
20:09:35 <elliott> nortti: no. you're probably going to die
20:09:44 <elliott> it's usually fatal to be exposed to books before 3 years of age
20:09:55 <elliott> monqy: it's okay, adults are speaking
20:10:08 <ais523> zzo38: who in this channel is almost normal?
20:10:11 <zzo38> We are all a bit crazy
20:10:21 <oklopol> itidus20: well there are a lot of research papers that are suggested for reading, which i am aware of.
20:10:43 <Ngevd> fungot is pretty normal
20:10:59 <Ngevd> fizzie, poke fungot
20:11:17 <itidus20> my universe is expanding rapidly
20:11:39 <itidus20> dear god i hope there is nothing else
20:11:42 <elliott> http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/130033/how-to-use-an-account-after-puppet-sock-punishment-action
20:12:25 <oklopol> the day after i subscribed to the arxiv mailing list was when i realized papers most definitely exist.
20:12:25 <ais523> elliott: the answer is entirely correct and sensible
20:12:43 <elliott> ais523: yes, it's the other part that isn't
20:12:48 <itidus20> the trouble with research papers is that you need an extra level of comprehension to read them beyond books
20:13:07 * elliott wonders if anyone has asked anything similar on Wikipedia
20:13:12 <oklopol> and also how little CA stuff is being done, unless you count the papers of our group, there has been one paper on CA, and oh god how we laughed at it
20:13:17 <elliott> "What is the best way to avoid an IP block from Wikipedia?"
20:13:18 <ion> What is PUPPET-SOCKing?
20:13:27 <elliott> ion: Like sockpuppeting, but inside out.
20:13:39 <elliott> Instead of one person controlling multiple accounts, multiple accounts control one person.
20:13:54 <ion> It also seems to involve shouting.
20:14:14 <itidus20> in soviet russia, sock wears you as puppet
20:15:24 <itidus20> cottonsock47 has been banned for being a human puppet.
20:16:30 <elliott> ais523: Welcome to America.
20:17:24 <Ngevd> elliott, Welcome to the UK
20:17:24 <elliott> ais523: Why isn't it not 9 pm?
20:17:35 <elliott> @time where ngevd used to be
20:17:37 <lambdabot> Local time for where is Mon Apr 23 06:17:34 2012
20:17:39 <lambdabot> Local time for monqy is Sun Apr 22 13:17:37 2012
20:17:46 <elliott> monqy: Can I come over there?
20:17:58 <ais523> I don't think @time accepts time zones
20:18:09 -!- elliott has changed nick to BST.
20:18:12 <BST> ais523: Try now.
20:18:15 <lambdabot> Local time for BST is 2012-04-22 20:18:14 +0000
20:18:20 <ais523> meanwhile, where will be wondering why they got a random CTCP TIME…
20:18:23 <BST> It has an off-by-one error.
20:18:30 -!- BST has changed nick to UTC.
20:18:30 <Sgeo> Someone please explain to me how lol is an appropriate response here? http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/sk5fj/nothing_on_the_internet_prepared_me_for_this/c4fbe0b?context=3
20:18:33 <lambdabot> Local time for UTC is 2012-04-22 20:18:32 +0000
20:18:33 <lambdabot> Local time for UTC is 2012-04-22 20:18:32 +0000
20:18:40 -!- UTC has changed nick to elliott.
20:18:43 <ais523> why did it reply twice?
20:18:44 <monqy> Sgeo: why are you browsing reddit
20:18:49 <Ngevd> Local time for Melbourne is 6:18 AM
20:18:49 <monqy> Sgeo: why are you browsing /r/funny
20:18:57 <monqy> Sgeo: what's reddit, what's /r/funny
20:18:58 -!- itidus20 has changed nick to Melbourne.
20:19:09 <lambdabot> Local time for Melbourne is Mon Apr 23 06:18:45
20:19:09 <lambdabot> Local time for Melbourne is Mon Apr 23 06:18:45
20:19:11 <elliott> the great thing about /r/funny is that nothing in it is funny and everyone is terrible
20:19:13 -!- thutubot has joined.
20:19:19 -!- Melbourne has changed nick to itidus20.
20:19:40 <ais523> [CTCP] Received unknown CTCP-TIME request from thutubot to Channel #esoteric.
20:19:49 <Sgeo> That's... special, thutubot
20:19:52 <itidus20> my time isnt perfect.. but its close enogh
20:20:01 <ais523> thutubot's still probably doing /that/
20:20:08 <ais523> that's the reason I brought it here in the first place
20:20:19 <lambdabot> Local time for elliott is 2012-04-22 20:20:18 +0000
20:20:19 <thutubot> Local time for elliott is 2012-04-22 20:20:18 +0000
20:20:33 <elliott> why did lambdabot say it twice
20:20:42 <Sgeo> elliott, that's not lambdabot
20:21:12 * ais523 notes that repeating everything lambdabot says is actually thutubot's main use nowadays
20:21:17 <ais523> oh, and doing Underload when fungot isn't here
20:21:22 <ais523> on that note: fungot isn't here
20:23:12 <HackEgo> http://codu.org/projects/hackbot/fshg/index.cgi/raw-file/tip/paste/paste.11695
20:23:16 -!- MoALTz_ has joined.
20:23:38 <itidus20> i... i didn't think that out very well
20:23:39 <ais523> elliott: here's another good one: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/95207/how-does-a-stack-overflow-moderator-know-about-sockpuppets
20:23:55 <HackEgo> http://codu.org/projects/hackbot/fshg/index.cgi/raw-file/tip/paste/paste.1382
20:26:01 -!- MoALTz__ has joined.
20:26:46 -!- MoALTz has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds).
20:27:11 <elliott> "KKK If i m cheater then it is not the law to punish others ... !!!!"
20:27:15 <elliott> Their logic is infallible.
20:27:34 <elliott> @qu— wait, that would actually work if I did it.
20:27:35 -!- thutubot has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
20:28:18 <zzo38> In Dungeons&Dragons game, I have selected the flaw called "Weak Combatant" and the feat called "Favored Mercy (Aberration)"
20:28:50 -!- MoALTz_ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds).
20:29:35 <Ngevd> Quick, what's "You're welcome" in Swedish?
20:30:50 <Deewiant> "Welcome" is "välkommen", not sure how the "you're" would be added idiomatically.
20:31:23 <olsner> you don't usually add "you're" at all, it's just välkommen
20:32:01 <Deewiant> Of course, if you wanted the response to "thanks", it's "var så god".
20:32:13 <Ngevd> Yes, that would be preferred
20:32:52 <Deewiant> Evidently written together, according to Wiktionary. O_o
20:33:14 <elliott> Deewiant: "Written together"?
20:33:33 <elliott> Well, if you enunciate too clearly, the old religious people beat you up.
20:34:46 <elliott> Deewiant: In Finnish of course you don't have this problem, not because your language has fewer profanities, or because your country has fewer old religious people, but instead because you never talk.
20:36:10 -!- MoALTz has joined.
20:36:14 <Ngevd> In a couple of years, I may need to learn enough Finnish to pass as a Finnish beggar in Lund, Sweden
20:36:18 <oklopol> in finnish, when someone says thanks, i usually say "mm"
20:36:44 <elliott> Yes, it's normal to have such strange reflex responses to something unknown, like people being polite.
20:37:01 <elliott> Finnish people are often diagnosed with PTSD after going to the shops.
20:37:25 <elliott> olsner: Or people talking you to you?
20:37:46 <olsner> you to people to you talking you to tou
20:38:00 <Ngevd> oklopol, shenanigans
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20:40:31 <elliott> i will miss you all in heaven ~~~>
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20:43:12 <nortti> "The BHCT claim that Lane's rogue suicide prevention efforts endanger the lives of the people trying to kill themselves. "
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20:45:38 <ais523> nortti: surely the question is as to whether it makes them more or less likely to end up dead
20:46:17 <Ngevd> Is this those nets that I heard about?
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20:47:30 <zzo38> I think they should be allowed to select the method of their death, such as, scientific experiments, war, being eaten, losing at Washizu mahjong, etc
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20:47:45 <nortti> "It's either an insane anarchy symbol or a symbol for a highly educated Satan."
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20:48:23 <zzo38> The government just wants to get paid a lot of taxes.
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20:51:09 <zzo38> nortti: What are you refering to?
20:51:43 <nortti> zzo38: http://i.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/article/3/7/5/126375.jpg?v=1
20:52:55 <zzo38> It doesn't look like those things to me
20:53:45 <nortti> "Their long-term goal is to completely rewrite the yeast genome, officially meaning that scientists aren't just playing God but taking over from where the last guy left off."
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20:56:32 <nortti> 'if you asked a computer to design a life-form to survive the anti-life equation of a continent that is Australia, it would never say, "Weld a duck to a beaver after filling both with poison."'
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20:57:32 <zzo38> nortti: Are you sure? The computer might be programmed to be crazy too
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20:58:45 <zzo38> Can you make a quiz about esolang using this format gopher://zzo38computer.cjb.net:70/0quiz.menu*c and then send it to sprunge, and then send it to gopher://zzo38computer.cjb.net/7quiz.menu*B
21:00:47 <nortti> there are other people still using gopher?
21:01:35 <zzo38> nortti: Yes there is a bit, including Floodgap they will tell you the list of all the gopher servers they know, which are hundreds
21:02:23 <nortti> I know about floodgap. It is fron page on overbite android
21:05:28 <Lumpio_> You did not just seriously post a gopher:// URL
21:05:38 <zzo38> Lumpio_: Actually I did
21:06:22 <ais523> Lumpio_: zzo38 is quite a gopher fan
21:08:28 <nortti> Lumpio_: weren't you who said that no one uses gopher anymore
21:09:36 <Lumpio_> I guess that would imply zzo38 is a no-one.
21:10:36 <nortti> I think I am double no one. I have written a few gopher clients and servers
21:10:50 <zzo38> I have also written a few gopher clients and servers
21:11:02 <ais523> Lumpio_: try doing a web search for zzo38 (or "zzo38 OR zzo38computer", as he recommends)
21:11:44 <zzo38> You may occasionally find impostors and unrelated things but you can find relevant things too
21:12:36 <zzo38> I wrote two gopher client programs, one for Windows and one for UNIX; I have also written two gopher server programs, one in BASIC and one in C.
21:13:30 <nortti> zzo38: was the one for unix written in shell scripts
21:14:19 -!- Lumpio_ has changed nick to Lumpio-.
21:15:28 <nortti> I'd like to see it. I have also written one in shell scripts, but it wasn't really that usable
21:15:51 -!- TheFogg has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds).
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21:17:31 <Ngevd> I could do with a Gopher client, but the only thing I'd do with it is stalk zzo38
21:17:37 <Ngevd> So I think I'd better not
21:17:52 <zzo38> nortti: http://zzo38computer.cjb.net/prog/bashgopher/bashgopher (I wrote it using MinGW; it does work on Linux too with minor modifications)
21:18:24 <zzo38> If you want gopher client on Windows: http://zzo38computer.cjb.net/prog/visgopher/visgopher.exe source-codes: http://zzo38computer.cjb.net/prog/visgopher/visgopher_src.zip
21:19:27 <zzo38> nortti: I want to see a one you have too
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21:19:43 <Ngevd> "Component 'MSCOMCTL.OCX' or one of its dependencies not currently registered: a file is missing or invalid"
21:19:53 <fungot> Available: agora alice c64 ct darwin discworld europarl ff7 fisher fungot homestuck ic irc* iwcs jargon lovecraft nethack pa qwantz sms speeches ss wp youtube
21:19:59 <zzo38> Ngevd: Simply find a copy of that file which can be downloaded (possibly from Microsoft)
21:20:31 <nortti> zzo38: I'll send it when I get to my computer (on my cellphone right now)
21:21:09 <nortti> have you used gophervr?
21:21:20 <zzo38> nortti: I have read about it.
21:21:39 <nortti> it is pretty intetesting
21:21:54 <nortti> still not as good as lynx
21:23:16 <Ngevd> Nah, it's not liking me
21:24:03 <zzo38> Ngevd: I can try to make a proper installer to see if that works better
21:24:05 -!- hagb4rd has quit (Quit: hagb4rd).
21:24:16 <Lumpio-> Now I can brag to all my friends about having used gopher
21:24:20 <Ngevd> zzo38, if you're not too busy
21:24:30 <nortti> Lumpio-: lynx supports EVERYTHING!!
21:24:42 <Lumpio-> nortti: Does it support WebGL?
21:24:56 <Ngevd> Lumpio-, if that's something to brag about... you have friends?
21:25:14 <Lumpio-> Ngevd: I have... IRC friends .__.
21:25:38 <Lumpio-> Wait a minute, why is there a thing called "furryscript" in here
21:26:03 <zzo38> Lumpio-: Furryscript is the name of a programming language
21:26:31 <zzo38> A description is found here: http://esolangs.org/wiki/User:Zzo38/FurryScript
21:26:45 <Lumpio-> Wait a minute, you have a gopher proxy for Stack Overflow!?
21:26:52 <zzo38> Lumpio-: I don't consider it, but perhaps somewhat
21:26:59 <zzo38> Lumpio-: Yes I do have
21:27:27 <Ngevd> zzo38, do you go bouldering from time to time?
21:27:45 <zzo38> Ngevd: I do not even know what that means, probably not
21:28:06 <Ngevd> It's a style of rock-climbing
21:28:27 <Ngevd> Without ropes, a small climb, with crash pad
21:28:46 <zzo38> I almost never go to rock-climbing
21:28:53 <Sgeo> http://www.reddit.com/user/munkystargate
21:29:01 <Sgeo> I think this person is either stupid or a troll
21:29:21 <Ngevd> I believe there are very few actually stupid people
21:29:43 <nortti> "Multi-licensed with Creative Communism"
21:29:55 <Ngevd> Also, why is my surname on that page
21:29:59 <Ngevd> Also also, goodnight
21:30:03 -!- Ngevd has quit (Quit: goodnight).
21:31:38 <Lumpio-> I believe most people are actually stupid.
21:32:27 <nortti> zzo38: do you really use netcat to communicate over IRC
21:32:37 <zzo38> nortti: I used to; now I use PHIRC
21:33:06 <nortti> was it hard to respond to pings?
21:34:36 <nortti> I haven't really used IRC with netcat not counting the one time I used it to study how IRC protocol works
21:35:34 <Lumpio-> ...I've used telnet to IRC from Windows at times
21:35:44 <Lumpio-> I don't know why I didn't just use a web client.
21:37:10 <Gregor> http://codu.org/rawirc.c
21:37:56 <nortti> I also use irssi on my computer
21:38:48 <ion> I switched from Irssi to WeeChat.
21:41:00 <ion> 1988 Crystal Light National Aerobic Championship Opening http://youtu.be/ozoTzkCeO-A
21:42:33 -!- nortti has quit (Quit: nortti).
21:44:57 <ion> `words --french
21:45:26 <ion> `words --french 50
21:45:32 <HackEgo> priege albenfisse hûraissentiel untortain énolo asses sanie punisain asil epison ensement reiona pahomo dreursumino galiseignera conifcurt lehesneaux lacées sofnou maliti stel dina defolic filmander revena
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22:14:05 <zzo38> I have made setup program now: http://zzo38computer.cjb.net/prog/visgopher/Setup.exe
22:21:01 <ais523> bleh, the appropriate channels are being useless, so I'll ask #esoteric instead
22:21:21 <ais523> does anyone know what needs to be done to a chroot, to be able to connect to a postgresql database (that's outside the chroot) from inside it?
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22:27:45 <Gregor> I love when foods label themselves "98% fat free"
22:27:55 <Gregor> Also known as "2% fat"
22:29:19 <monqy> better than 100% fat, hey
22:29:32 <ais523> monqy: unless it's something like butter that's intended to be 100% fat
22:29:43 <Gregor> Was just about to say what ais523 just said ;)
22:29:49 <Gregor> If I'm buying a tub of lard, it'd better be 100% fat.
22:30:06 <ais523> OK, so how do I make a socket-on-filesystem?
22:30:26 <Gregor> ais523: Do whatever the Hurd does, and then don't do that.
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23:12:09 <Gregor> Madoka-Kaname: That's why I went with lard.