←2013-07-30 2013-07-31 2013-08-01→ ↑2013 ↑all
00:00:21 <shachaf> What do you call a thing where f . a = a ?
00:00:27 <Gracenotes> Abbot Lambda, of the Order of Curry
00:00:46 <Gracenotes> left identity?
00:01:13 <shachaf> . is function composition or something.
00:01:25 <Phantom_Hoover> left identity?
00:01:27 <shachaf> And a isn't universally quantified here.
00:02:41 <Gracenotes> then a is right zero?
00:02:52 <shachaf> Oh, wait.
00:02:58 <shachaf> I bet this is a fixed point thing!
00:03:16 <olsner> hmm, discoveries of the day: ghc includes its own dynamic linker, and can load plain .o files too ... but only if they have less than 65280 sections
00:03:27 <Bike> in that a is a fixed point of (f .), i guess
00:03:28 <doesthiswork> who broke the point in the first place?
00:03:48 <Bike> maybe you could just say "a is a fixed point of (f .)"
00:03:54 <shachaf> Bike: Right. In particular when a : 1 -> X, this is just a regular fixed point (e.g. http://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/fixed+point ).
00:04:05 <shachaf> But I'm trying to figure out what the limit of an endomorphism is.
00:04:18 <Gracenotes> it's an endomorphism
00:04:28 <Gracenotes> ...no I have no idea
00:04:35 <Bike> endermorphism
00:04:35 <shachaf> (By an endomorphism I mean a diagram with an endomorphism etc. etc.)
00:05:21 <shachaf> OK, so let's say we have a diagram in some category with an object A and a (possibly) non-identity arrow f : A -> A
00:05:44 <shachaf> A cone is an element E and an arrow e : E -> A such that f . e = e
00:06:38 -!- Phantom_Hoover has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
00:07:02 <shachaf> A limit is a terminal cone. I.e. a cone (L,r) such that for any cone (E,e) there exists a unique h : L -> E such that e . h = r (uh, is this definition correct?)
00:07:36 <shachaf> Wait, that's initial.
00:09:18 <shachaf> A limit is a terminal cone. I.e. a cone (L,r) such that for any cone (E,e) there exists a unique h : E -> L such that e . h = r (uh, is this definition correct?)
00:09:31 <shachaf> No, messed that up again.
00:09:40 <Gracenotes> is this the other kind of esoterica I keep hearing about?
00:09:40 <shachaf> But you know what I mean.
00:10:01 <Gracenotes> draw a pretty picture
00:10:05 <Bike> only if shachaf is smoking.
00:10:23 <Gracenotes> he is indeed smoking
00:10:23 <shachaf> A limit is a terminal cone. I.e. a cone (L,r) such that for any cone (E,e) there exists a unique h : E -> L such that r . h = e (uh, is this definition correct?)
00:10:38 <Bike> ok, good.
00:12:16 <monotone> Is there smoke pouring out of his ears?
00:12:35 <shachaf> OK, let's try a concrete example.
00:12:36 <elliott> wait did I `relcome monotone and/or ask monotone who they are and where they came from yet
00:12:50 <shachaf> you did `relcome monotone
00:13:13 <doesthiswork> hat is rong with W?
00:16:56 -!- Phantom_Hoover has joined.
00:17:20 <monotone> I assume the "r" stands for "rainbow" given that it displays the message in brilliant Technicolor.
00:17:52 <elliott> we have... a lot of welcomes.
00:18:08 <Fiora> there's others?
00:18:18 <Phantom_Hoover> `WELCOME
00:18:23 <Phantom_Hoover> `wElCoMe
00:18:24 <HackEgo> ​/home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: wElCoMe: not found
00:18:28 <Phantom_Hoover> poor
00:18:40 <Phantom_Hoover> `wehlcohme
00:18:41 <HackEgo> Wehlcohme to the ihntehrnahtiohnahl huhb fohr ehsohtehrihc prohgrahmmihng lahnguahge dehsihgn ahnd dehployhmehnt! Fohr mohre ihnfohrmahtiohn, chehck ouht ouhr wihki: http://ehsohlahngs.ohrg/wihki/Maihn_Pahge. (Fohr the ohthehr kihnd ohf ehsohtehrihca, try #ehsohtehrihc ohn ihrc.dahl.neht.)
00:18:44 <Fiora> `WeLcOMe
00:18:45 <HackEgo> ​/home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: WeLcOMe: not found
00:18:50 <Fiora> `WeLcOmE
00:18:51 <HackEgo> WeLcOmE To tHe iNtErNaTiOnAl hUb fOr eSoTeRiC PrOgRaMmInG LaNgUaGe dEsIgN AnD DePlOyMeNt! FoR MoRe iNfOrMaTiOn, ChEcK OuT OuR WiKi: HtTp://eSoLaNgS.OrG/WiKi/mAiN_PaGe. (fOr tHe oThEr kInD Of eSoTeRiCa, TrY #eSoTeRiC On iRc.dAl.nEt.)
00:18:56 <Fiora> gosh silly
00:18:59 <monotone> I think there was one with fullwidth characters too.
00:19:04 <Fiora> `konnichiwa
00:19:05 <HackEgo> ​/home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: konnichiwa: not found
00:19:12 <monotone> `welcome
00:19:14 <HackEgo> ​/home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: welcome: not found
00:19:18 <Phantom_Hoover> `ls bin
00:19:20 <HackEgo> ​! \ ? \ @ \ WELCOME \ addquote \ addwep \ allquotes \ anonlog \ aseen \ botsnack \ bseen \ calc \ CaT \ chaf \ define \ delquote \ e \ emmental \ emoclew \ emptylist \ etymology \ forget \ fortune \ frink \ fueue \ gaseen \ gccrun \ google \ h \ ?h \ h! \ hatesgeo \ hello \ ?hh \ hyfinate \ hyphenate.fi \ `i \ instalist \ interp \
00:19:21 <Fiora> `bonjour
00:19:22 <HackEgo> ​/home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: bonjour: not found
00:19:27 <Bike> `welcome.fr
00:19:28 <Phantom_Hoover> `WELCOME
00:19:28 <HackEgo> ​/home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: welcome.fr: not found
00:19:35 <Bike> `welcome.es
00:19:36 <HackEgo> ​/home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: welcome.es: not found
00:19:40 <Bike> hm
00:19:47 <Bike> `? welcome.es
00:19:48 <Sgeo> Fun fact: A tutorial that comes with Pharo 2.0 is broken
00:19:49 <HackEgo> ​¡Bienvenido al centro internacional para el diseño y despliegue de lenguajes de programación esotéricos! Para obtener más información, echa un vistazo a nuestro wiki: http://esolangs.org/wiki/Main_Page. (Para el otro tipo de esoterismo, prueba #esoteric en irc.dal.net.)
00:19:55 <Bike> `? welcome.jp
00:19:57 <HackEgo> welcome.jp? ¯\(°_o)/¯
00:19:57 <myndzi> |
00:19:57 <myndzi> º¯`\o
00:19:58 <elliott> I'm just surprised Fiora managed to forget all the different welcomes
00:19:59 <Bike> aw shit
00:20:04 <Phantom_Hoover> Sgeo, that is the exact opposite of fun
00:20:05 <elliott> after having all of them used on her about five times each
00:20:11 <shachaf> `rm bin/chaf
00:20:14 <HackEgo> No output.
00:20:17 <Fiora> I... I knew them?
00:20:27 <Phantom_Hoover> and whilst it is still a fact on a technicality i feel it tarries the name
00:20:44 <elliott> well you may have blissfully forgotten the part where you were automatically welcomed like 100 times for some reason
00:20:49 <Bike> the noble name of the O'Facts
00:20:57 <Bike> sgeo has soiled it
00:21:23 <Bike> `run ls wisdom/ | grep welc
00:21:24 <HackEgo> No output.
00:21:25 <Fiora> elliott: you remember I have like, no memory right <.<
00:21:30 <Bike> `run ls wisdom/
00:21:32 <HackEgo> As the wisdom directory contains many files named after nicks, listing it in public annoys people. Try `pastewisdom instead.
00:21:36 <Bike> right
00:21:40 <Bike> giant babies
00:21:52 <elliott> Fiora: if I said I forgot, would you believe me?
00:22:21 <Bike> `run wget $(pastewisdom) | grep welc
00:22:23 <HackEgo> ​--2013-07-31 00:22:23-- http://codu.org/projects/hackbot/fshg/index.cgi/file/tip/wisdom/ \ Connecting to connected. \ Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden \ 2013-07-31 00:22:23 ERROR 403: Forbidden.
00:22:25 <Fiora> elliott: yes
00:22:27 <Fiora> yes I would
00:22:36 <Fiora> (because you're my clone etc :P)
00:22:38 <Bike> great
00:22:43 <Bike> `? welcome.bork
00:22:45 <HackEgo> welcome.bork Velcume-a tu zee interneshunel hoob fur isutereec prugremmeeng lungooege-a deseegn und depluyment! Fur mure-a inffurmeshun, check oooot oooor veeki: http://isulungs.oorg/veeki/Meeen_Pege-a. (Fur zee oozeer keend ooff isutereeca, try #isutereec oon irc.del.net.)
00:22:50 <elliott> Fiora: I have bad news for you. I didn't forget
00:22:51 <Bike> aight.
00:22:54 <Fiora> >_<
00:22:56 <doesthiswork> why isn't wecoming automatic?
00:23:12 <elliott> that welcome.bork does not look quite right
00:23:15 <Phantom_Hoover> that's not the Esoteric Way
00:23:20 <Phantom_Hoover> wit. the list system
00:23:24 <elliott> those entries shouldn't have the name at the start
00:23:44 <Bike> doesthiswork: what are you, some kinda factory apologist? all our welcomes are hand-crafted!
00:24:03 <Bike> is "wit." supposed to be "witness"
00:24:26 <doesthiswork> Phantom_Hoover: At least this channel is consistent I guess.
00:24:48 <elliott> you know if our welcomes were actually hand-crafted we'd type them out ourselves.
00:25:01 <Bike> uh this isn't the stone age elliott.
00:25:05 <Phantom_Hoover> Bike, yes
00:25:12 <Phantom_Hoover> i like abbreviations ending with .
00:25:25 <monotone> cf.
00:25:27 <Bike> Phantom_Hoover: i was just thinking, like, that's exactly what "c.f." is for
00:25:30 <Phantom_Hoover> wit. cf.
00:25:35 <Bike> or "cf." if you're a fucking hippie yes
00:25:52 -!- shachaf has left.
00:25:52 <Phantom_Hoover> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cf.
00:26:06 <Phantom_Hoover> is wikipedia fucking hippies
00:26:13 <Bike> uh duh
00:26:18 <monotone> They're all about free information. Of course they're hippies.
00:26:19 <kmc> an enjoyable activity
00:26:27 <kmc> oh i have voice again?
00:26:54 <Phantom_Hoover> GREGOR DOESN'T HAVE VOICE
00:26:57 <Phantom_Hoover> FIX THIS
00:27:08 -!- ChanServ has set channel mode: +v Gregor.
00:27:09 <Bike> elliott: please comment r.e: optimal voice status
00:27:26 <Phantom_Hoover> so anyway i obtained and read THEM: adventures with extremists by jon ronson and it is very good
00:32:29 <oerjan> <elliott> those entries shouldn't have the name at the start <-- i guess someone used `learn without understanding.
00:33:06 <elliott> learning without understanding. that's deep
00:40:47 * Sgeo facepalms
00:40:47 <Sgeo> | announcer |
00:40:48 <Sgeo> World announcer
00:40:48 <Sgeo> on: WindowOpened
00:40:48 <Sgeo> send: #value
00:40:49 <Sgeo> to: [:ea | ea inspect. Transcript show: 'A new window was opened';cr].
00:41:09 <Sgeo> oops meant to paste a link to a pastebin
00:44:01 -!- karinita has joined.
00:45:12 -!- karinita has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
00:45:46 -!- Phantom_Hoover has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
00:47:56 -!- CADD has joined.
00:48:33 <monotone> `run tail +1 bin/ls
00:48:34 <HackEgo> tail: cannot open `+1' for reading: No such file or directory \ ==> bin/ls <== \ #!/bin/bash \ if /bin/ls -id "$@" 2>/dev/null | grep -q ^752129 ; then echo 'As the wisdom directory contains many files named after nicks, listing it in public annoys people. Try `pastewisdom instead.'; else exec -a ls /bin/ls "$@"; fi
00:49:11 -!- Phantom_Hoover has joined.
00:49:20 <monotone> `run tail -1 bin/ls
00:49:22 <HackEgo> if /bin/ls -id "$@" 2>/dev/null | grep -q ^752129 ; then echo 'As the wisdom directory contains many files named after nicks, listing it in public annoys people. Try `pastewisdom instead.'; else exec -a ls /bin/ls "$@"; fi
00:49:53 <monotone> `run which tail
00:49:55 <HackEgo> ​/usr/bin/tail
00:51:09 <Bike> it has the inode hardcoded. great huh
00:51:40 <elliott> that's to catch indirect ways of referring to the wisdom directory
00:51:44 <elliott> but yes it should just look up the inode
00:52:08 <monotone> `run (echo '#!/usr/bin/tail -1'; echo 'meow meow meow meow') > bin/cats && chmod +x bin/cats
00:52:12 <HackEgo> No output.
00:52:23 <monotone> `cats
00:52:25 <HackEgo> meow meow meow meow
00:52:33 <Phantom_Hoover> <elliott> that's to catch indirect ways of referring to the wisdom directory
00:52:56 <Phantom_Hoover> if you're that committed to pinging a bunch of people you could just do that manually...
00:53:10 <elliott> it's the principle of the thing!
00:53:12 <Bike> yes but huge babies.
00:53:15 <Phantom_Hoover> (or run all the lists)
00:53:17 <Bike> huge, dorky babies
00:54:16 <monotone> Or by using `echo`.
00:54:41 <elliott> did we get an answer re: where monotone came from. new people are scary. help
00:54:53 <Phantom_Hoover> can you not change inodes
00:54:54 <Bike> you never asked
00:54:58 <Phantom_Hoover> for directories, at least
00:54:59 <Bike> you just asked whether you'd asked
00:55:13 <Bike> c'mon elliott keep up
00:55:19 <elliott> Bike. Bike, stay on my good side here
00:55:41 <Bike> you don't have one, hth
00:57:20 <kmc> today people from Microsoft wandered around SF handing out cupcakes to apologize for how shitty IE 6 was
00:57:23 <kmc> https://twitter.com/IE
00:59:55 <monotone> I was planning on just lurking, but apparently there's only so long I can hide before I get a `relcome.
01:01:53 <CADD> kmc: thats amazing!
01:06:31 <Bike> monotone: the fiora contingency, we call it
01:07:13 <monotone> Sounds like the title of an unpublished Michael Crichton novel.
01:07:55 <Bike> indeed.
01:08:00 <Bike> "Do Twinkies last forever? Is Iceland made of ice? Things aren't always what they seem. Learn more at http://www.browseryoulovedtohate.com." wow, kmc.
01:10:11 <CADD> Bike: reminds me of http://howfuckedismydatabase.com/
01:10:44 <Bike> yeah but this is an official marketing campaign.
01:10:57 <Bike> "Curious? It's good now. No, really."
01:11:43 <CADD> lol!
01:12:38 <Fiora> gosh, why are microsoft marketing campaigns so like, strangely amusing
01:12:46 <Fiora> it feels like they're from an alternate universe that's slightly different from ours
01:13:00 <monotone> Exhibit A: Jerry Seinfeld commercials.
01:13:20 <CADD> Fiora: but see, we are still in the same universe. because that is the best that MS can come up with!
01:14:10 <kmc> haha
01:14:14 <kmc> to be fair I think IE is actually good now
01:14:19 <Bike> probably
01:14:24 <Bike> this campaign is pretty lulzy nonetheless
01:15:27 <kmc> yep
01:15:54 <monotone> I stopped being surprised when my JavaScript started working on it the first time, so I guess that's a win.
01:17:04 <CADD> monotone: they are trying to get you to use silverlight!
01:18:08 <FreeFull> IE doesn't run on Linux
01:18:59 <Bike> whoa they're missing a huge market there
01:19:49 <FreeFull> The biggest
01:20:05 <CADD> lol, i would never run ie on my linux boxes, even if i could
01:20:13 <CADD> firefox > ie
01:20:17 <CADD> by far
01:20:31 <monotone> I have. Not willingly.
01:20:56 <kmc> FreeFull: even with Wine?
01:21:12 <CADD> oh man, whenever i work on a linux box i always bring linux to windows
01:21:15 <CADD> cygwin
01:21:18 <CADD> bug.n
01:21:23 <FreeFull> I don't think the newest IE will
01:21:30 <FreeFull> IE 6/7, sure
01:21:40 <kmc> I bet they use undocumented APIs
01:21:48 <kmc> somebody was talking about how the only way to Valgrind windows programs is to run them in Wine
01:22:17 <Bike> do browsers form a poset
01:22:24 <CADD> kmc: really? thats actually really interesting
01:22:37 <CADD> Bike: depends on what you are measuring
01:22:43 <kmc> Bike: my brain chip informs me that Firefox is the best one
01:22:58 <FreeFull> I should try running valgrind on a haskell program
01:23:19 <Bike> kmc: can i get a brain chip....
01:24:46 <monotone> `run (echo '#!/bin/sh'; echo 'echo "$@" | tr A-Za-z0-9 [A*26][a*26][4*10]') > bin/aaaaaaaaa && chmod +x bin/aaaaaaaaa
01:24:49 <HackEgo> No output.
01:25:06 <kmc> FreeFull: hm that could be fun
01:25:12 <monotone> `aaaaaaaaa Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet 12345.
01:25:13 <HackEgo> Aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aaa aaaa 44444.
01:26:12 <kmc> that's like the buzzfilter
01:26:28 <kmc> also did not know that tr supports A*26 syntax!
01:26:35 <kmc> learn somethin new everyday
01:27:03 <oerjan> Phantom_Hoover: afaiac the bin/ls is only meant to catch naive attempts to list wisdom/ , but it tries to be permissive in how the directory itself is referred to because newbies don't always choose the shortest forms. afaict it works for its purpose.
01:27:29 <FreeFull> `run ls ../
01:27:30 <HackEgo> bin \ dev \ etc \ hackenv \ home \ lib \ lib64 \ opt \ proc \ sbin \ sys \ tmp \ usr \ var
01:28:02 <monotone> kmc: I went looking on the man page because it was either that or piping through tr multiple times. (Or `tr A-Z AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA`...)
01:29:35 <monotone> I feel like continually tossing useless stuff into bin/ on my second day here is a bit gauche, though, so I'll stop.
01:29:41 <Bike> why 4
01:29:54 <monotone> 4 looks like A, of course.
01:29:59 <Bike> of course.
01:31:19 <oerjan> `addquote <monotone> I was planning on just lurking, but apparently there's only so long I can hide before I get a `relcome.
01:31:22 <HackEgo> 1077) <monotone> I was planning on just lurking, but apparently there's only so long I can hide before I get a `relcome.
01:32:06 <kmc> tr a-Z "[`perl -e "print 'A'x26"`]"
01:32:08 <kmc> obviously
01:32:23 <Fiora> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iB5txqIl8jQ microsoft's commercials are just so bizarre these days
01:32:50 <Fiora> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tr3dFSzh1yU just I I really don't know what they were thinking
01:32:57 <kmc> i like the dubstep IE commercials
01:33:02 <kmc> and by "like" I mean "enjoy making fun of"
01:33:09 <Fiora> XD
01:33:15 <elliott> Fiora: are Microsoft's commercials nowadays any more baffling than, um, the rest of Microsoft nowadays
01:33:18 <Fiora> oh gosh, they made dubstep IE ones too?
01:33:28 <kmc> anyway obligatory observation that this conversation proves they are good commercials
01:33:29 <Fiora> do they suddenly have like, marketing managers who really really love dubstep?
01:33:33 <Fiora> and beatboxing?
01:33:44 <kmc> I think they have marketing managers who love whatever was cool 1-2 years ago
01:33:49 <Fiora> I don't think that it makes them good commercials unless people actually buy them
01:33:53 <Fiora> and I don't think people bought the surface
01:34:01 <kmc> yeah it doesn't actually prove it, but it suggests it
01:34:12 <kmc> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFE4rkSaKOY dubstep IE commercial
01:34:25 -!- quintopia has joined.
01:34:29 <Fiora> like there was that huge focus on ads during the tech bubble right? and superbowl ads and stuff
01:34:32 <kmc> drop at 0:30
01:34:40 <Fiora> and like, everyone watched and talked about them and everyone was making a big deal and then they all went out of business anyways
01:34:43 <monotone> tr A-Z `jsc <<< "new Array(27).join('A')"`
01:35:45 <Bike> genius
01:35:50 <quintopia> how did you get voiced kmc
01:36:05 -!- Frooxius has joined.
01:36:42 -!- ChanServ has set channel mode: +o kmc.
01:36:47 <elliott> he's evolving
01:36:57 <monotone> Does he learn a new move?
01:38:55 <FreeFull> tr A-Z `dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=26 | tr -c '' A`
01:39:08 <oerjan> dammit first time i make pizza in weeks and i forget to adjust the oven properly.
01:41:09 <oerjan> at least the temperature is correct, so hopefully no major difference.
01:41:21 <CADD> Fiora: reminds me of highschool musical..
01:41:22 <kmc> quintopia: by being the best
01:41:26 <kmc> omg
01:41:30 <CADD> lol
01:41:39 <kmc> elliott you're raising the \rainbow{CHANNEL TEMPERATURE}
01:41:43 -!- kmc has set channel mode: -o kmc.
01:42:17 <quintopia> how did you get ops kmc? you're not so great as that.
01:42:33 * oerjan pours liquid nitrogen onto the other ops
01:42:45 <elliott> quintopia: I bestowed them upon him
01:42:48 <elliott> because I am so great as that
01:42:49 <monotone> FreeFull: Touché.
01:42:59 <quintopia> oh okay
01:44:21 <oerjan> quintopia: while elliott probably bestowed these ops, kmc also has ops in general hth
01:44:41 <oerjan> which i bestowed, fwiw
01:45:29 <quintopia> i figured as much, but i wouldn't have predicted it.
01:45:52 <quintopia> i will accept the judgment of oerjan the almighty, but not without question
01:46:00 <elliott> oerjan: i take credit for kmc's successful op campaign
01:46:03 <elliott> and also all the profits
01:46:38 <elliott> otoh I credit mnoqy for my successful campaign
01:46:57 <FreeFull> Note that it doesn't actually matter that it's urandom
01:47:07 <FreeFull> Hmm, how would you make it matter?
01:47:48 <monotone> Wait for 26 "A" bytes to come down the stream and pluck 'em out.
01:48:18 <FreeFull> Perfectr
01:49:40 <FreeFull> tr A-Z `cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd A | dd bs=1 count=26`
01:49:52 <FreeFull> monotone: This good?
01:50:34 <monotone> Better than ever.
01:51:17 <FreeFull> `run echo Trombone | tr A-Z `cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd A | dd bs=1 count=26`
01:51:19 <HackEgo> 26+0 records in \ 26+0 records out \ 26 bytes (26 B) copied, 0.269565 s, 0.1 kB/s \ Arombone
01:51:31 <elliott> arombone
01:51:35 <FreeFull> XD
01:52:41 <FreeFull> I have no idea why it didn't work as intended
01:52:48 <FreeFull> `run echo Trombone | tr A-Z `cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd A | dd bs=1 count=26 2> /dev/null`
01:52:50 <HackEgo> Arombone
01:53:28 <FreeFull> oh
01:53:29 <FreeFull> XD
01:53:34 <FreeFull> It only does the capitals =P
01:53:51 <FreeFull> So it's actually working as intended
01:54:08 <Bike> thank god.
01:54:23 <FreeFull> You know, you can use dd to do multiplication
01:54:28 <Bike> `run echo TROM FUCKING BONE | tr A-Z `cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd A | dd bs=1 count=26 2> /dev/null`
01:54:35 <Bike> `run echo TROM FUCKING BONE | tr A-Z `cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd A | dd bs=1 count=26 2> /dev/null`
01:54:37 <HackEgo> AAAA AAAAAAA AAAA
01:54:39 <oerjan> FreeFull: your definition of intent is somewhat lacking hth
01:54:40 <Bike> good
01:55:30 <oerjan> trom bosis
01:55:48 <FreeFull> `run cat /dev/zero | dd bs=3 count=4 2>1 1>/dev/null
01:55:51 <HackEgo> No output.
01:55:54 <FreeFull> `run cat /dev/zero | dd bs=3 count=4 2>1
01:55:57 <HackEgo> ​............
01:56:08 <FreeFull> `run cat /dev/zero | dd bs=3 count=4
01:56:09 <HackEgo> ​............4+0 records in \ 4+0 records out \ 12 bytes (12 B) copied, 0.03546 s, 0.3 kB/s
01:56:19 <FreeFull> Oh
01:56:23 <FreeFull> I made a file called 1 =P
01:56:28 <Bike> `cat 1
01:56:29 <HackEgo> 4+0 records in \ 4+0 records out \ 12 bytes (12 B) copied, 0.054559 s, 0.2 kB/s
01:56:34 <Bike> `rm 1
01:56:36 <HackEgo> No output.
01:56:58 <FreeFull> `run cat /dev/zero | dd bs=3 count=4 2>&1 1>/dev/null
01:56:59 <HackEgo> 4+0 records in \ 4+0 records out \ 12 bytes (12 B) copied, 0.0012 s, 10.0 kB/s
01:58:32 <Bike> `run cat /dev/zero | dd bs=4 count=7 1>/dev/null
01:58:33 <HackEgo> 7+0 records in \ 7+0 records out \ 28 bytes (28 B) copied, 0.047547 s, 0.6 kB/s
01:59:01 <Bike> not liking the big O here
01:59:08 <FreeFull> `run cat /dev/zero | dd bs=3 count=4 2>&1 1>/dev/null | awk -- '{ print $9 }' -
01:59:10 <HackEgo> ​ \ \ kB/s
01:59:38 <FreeFull> Oh, the \ is newlines
01:59:54 <FreeFull> `run cat /dev/zero | dd bs=3 count=4 2>&1 1>/dev/null | xargs | awk -- '{ print $9 }' -
01:59:56 <HackEgo> ​(12
02:00:05 <FreeFull> `run cat /dev/zero | dd bs=3 count=4 2>&1 1>/dev/null | xargs | awk -- '{ print $7 }' -
02:00:08 <HackEgo> 12
02:00:10 <FreeFull> There
02:00:31 <FreeFull> `run cat /dev/zero | dd bs=1234 count=1111 2>&1 1>/dev/null | xargs | awk -- '{ print $7 }' -
02:00:33 <HackEgo> 1370974
02:00:40 <FreeFull> Yeah, it is a bit slow
02:00:54 <FreeFull> Much better than using bc or dc though =P
02:02:03 <Bike> `run echo '1234 1111*p' | time dc
02:02:05 <HackEgo> bash: time: command not found
02:02:36 <FreeFull> Huh, today I learned HackEgo doesn't have time
02:02:49 <Bike> `run time ls
02:02:51 <HackEgo> bi \ bin \ canary \ delvs \ delvs-master \ etc \ factor \ hi-bool.bf \ ibin \ interps \ karma \ lib \ master.tar.gz \ multiply.bf \ no \ paste \ pref \ quines \ quotes \ share \ src \ wisdom \ \ real0m0.271s \ user0m0.000s \ sys0m0.170s
02:02:56 <Bike> mysterious.
02:03:24 <FreeFull> Weird
02:03:33 <FreeFull> ls bi
02:03:36 <FreeFull> 1ls bi
02:03:37 <FreeFull> `ls bi
02:03:39 <HackEgo> bi
02:03:44 <FreeFull> `cat bi
02:03:45 <HackEgo> echo -n $@ | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | zalgo | z
02:03:57 <Bike> very nice
02:05:58 <Gracenotes> can I talk to HackEgo
02:06:13 <Gracenotes> `file bi
02:06:14 <HackEgo> bi: ASCII text, with very long lines
02:06:22 <Gracenotes> isee
02:06:42 <FreeFull> `ls -l bi
02:06:44 <HackEgo> ls: invalid option -- ' ' \ Try `ls --help' for more information.
02:06:50 <FreeFull> `run ls -lh bi
02:06:52 <HackEgo> ​-rw-r--r-- 1 5000 0 419 Jun 20 20:39 bi
02:07:25 <Gracenotes> glad someone else does -lh
02:07:50 <kmc> troubleshooting server hardware by binary search
02:09:05 <Gracenotes> there ain't no trouble officer
02:09:28 <FreeFull> Gracenotes: How else am I supposed to tell how big files are? dd? =P
02:09:50 <FreeFull> Maybe one should just use dd for everything
02:09:52 <Gracenotes> well, I use -h even when I don't strictly care about the size
02:10:19 <Gracenotes> du is if I only care about the size.
02:10:33 <FreeFull> df -h
02:10:43 <zzo38> FreeFull: Well, it is possible to use dd for everything and this is how CLC-INTERCAL distributions work.
02:10:45 <FreeFull> `df -h
02:10:47 <HackEgo> df: cannot read table of mounted file systems: No such file or directory
02:10:49 <Gracenotes> well, and want to sort, say
02:10:56 <Gracenotes> `mount
02:10:58 <HackEgo> rootfs on / type rootfs (rw) \ none on /bin type hostfs (ro,nosuid,relatime,/bin/) \ none on /usr type hostfs (ro,nosuid,relatime,/usr/) \ none on /dev type hostfs (ro,nosuid,relatime,/dev/) \ none on /opt type hostfs (ro,nosuid,relatime,/opt/) \ none on /lib type hostfs (ro,nosuid,relatime,/lib/) \ none on /sbin type hostfs (ro,nosuid,relatime,/sb
02:11:12 <FreeFull> zzo38: I don't think dd is turing-complete
02:11:55 <zzo38> FreeFull: Well, the shell is also used for control
02:13:32 <kmc> if this were 1995 i would say that my two SATA controllers ended up on the same IRQ or something
02:13:37 <kmc> except for SATA not existing, ofc
02:15:13 -!- Phantom_Hoover has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
02:15:16 <pikhq_> Of course, to an ignorant OS, SATA looks like PATA.
02:16:07 -!- mnoqy has joined.
02:19:04 <oerjan> is PLEASE PLEASE legal syntax
02:20:26 <zzo38> As long as you don't try to execute that line, I suppose it is.
02:20:40 -!- NihilistDandy has joined.
02:23:57 <FreeFull> http://smuggle.intercal.org.uk/examples/hello.i
02:25:08 <zzo38> However I think if the program is loaded using punch cards that the computer can read/write, it is supposed to print an asterisk next to the lines with an invalid syntax, but compile the program anyways
02:25:31 <FreeFull> "Note that a future version of CLC-INTERCAL plans to embed a Whitespace compiler inside the standard compiler. When that is done, whitespace will be still ignored by the standard compiler, but it will have a new meaning. We'll change this chapter as necessary when we do that. "
02:25:40 <zzo38> Or something like that; maybe not that.
02:26:07 <zzo38> Maybe it is supposed to print it on a separate sheet of paper; I am unsure.
02:28:52 <oerjan> <elliott> was the tunes link there because of glogbot outages or such? <-- yes.
02:29:51 -!- Sgeo has changed nick to BadBobby.
02:29:58 <BadBobby> (Note: I am not actually Bad Bobby)
02:30:23 <zzo38> I didn't think you are. I think you are supposed to be :Sgeo!~quassel@2002:ad03:4ea6:0:cdc1:17bf:fac6:935c instead.
02:31:07 <kmc> `addquote <BadBobby> (Note: I am not actually Bad Bobby)
02:31:10 <HackEgo> 1078) <BadBobby> (Note: I am not actually Bad Bobby)
02:31:36 <kmc> `addquote <zzo38> If you want to ask me if I believe in determinism then you have to be more specific. <zzo38> I haven't checked if I conduct electricity significantly better than average, though.
02:31:39 <HackEgo> 1079) <zzo38> If you want to ask me if I believe in determinism then you have to be more specific. <zzo38> I haven't checked if I conduct electricity significantly better than average, though.
02:31:50 <Gracenotes> oh lookie, someone's using ipv6
02:31:57 <Gracenotes> I say
02:32:08 <BadBobby> o.O
02:32:16 <BadBobby> Would that be my ISP's doing?
02:32:16 -!- Bike has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds).
02:32:41 <oerjan> Gracenotes: it's ok Sgeo will change back to ipv4 once it's no longer used by anyone
02:33:20 <zzo38> A few gopher servers are IPv6 only, such as the one for INTERCAL
02:33:42 <BadBobby> I was hoping someone would recognize this name
02:34:38 <Gracenotes> it's p. bad
02:35:32 <BadBobby> http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2010-09/14/eve-online-heist
02:36:03 <Gracenotes> oh, that was really cool
02:37:49 -!- Bike_ has joined.
02:38:38 <quintopia> i remember that thing
02:42:28 -!- doesthiswork has quit (Quit: Leaving.).
02:49:22 <kmc> now everything works except that one of the two (identical) SATA cards is super slow when the BIOS or GRUB is talking to it, but it's fine when linux is talking to it
02:50:06 -!- Bike_ has changed nick to Bike.
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03:06:40 -!- BadBobby has changed nick to Sgeo.
03:14:01 -!- carado has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds).
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03:26:15 <shachaf> What is the free category on the quiver •↺ ?
03:26:25 -!- carado has joined.
03:26:33 <shachaf> Is it naturals or conaturals or what?
03:30:48 -!- CADD has joined.
03:30:54 <mnoqy> looks like the naturals to me
03:31:12 -!- CADD has changed nick to Guest94385.
03:31:15 <shachaf> hi mnoqy
03:31:23 <shachaf> `smlist (415)
03:31:24 <HackEgo> smlist (415): shachaf monqy elliott mnoqy
03:33:32 <mnoqy> good
03:39:13 -!- Guest94385 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds).
03:40:33 <shachaf> when can we expect the next `olist update
03:41:43 <nooodl> what is smlist
03:41:44 <Sgeo> You can start expecting it now. There's a good chance that it will update at some point in the future.
03:41:58 <Sgeo> As such, the expectation is unlikely to be incorrect
03:42:16 <Sgeo> (As in, expectation comes into being now, blah)
03:59:19 -!- nooodl has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds).
04:06:40 * shachaf mixes some prime noise into #esoteric
04:06:46 <Bike> hott
04:07:05 <quintopia> hi the chaf
04:09:53 -!- iamalexalright has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep).
04:25:25 <kmc> ♫ — ♫ — ♫ — ♫ 0 2 5 8 8 0 2 5 8 8 ♫ — ♫ — ♫ — ♫
04:40:00 <Bike> fullwidth
04:41:22 <ion> ITYM ♪|♪♪♪♪♪♪|♩♪♩♪|♩♪♩♪|♩𝄽𝄽|
04:50:33 <Sgeo> Windows confuses me
04:50:54 <Sgeo> Win32 functions use stdcall or something and other libraries use cdecl?
04:51:02 <kmc> that's right (?)
04:51:03 <Sgeo> (At least, I had to use cdecl to call the VP SDK)
04:51:18 <Sgeo> Even though those other libraries are on Windows?
04:51:25 <kmc> also they have their own wacky calling convention for C++ where 'this' is passed in a register and everything else on the stack (on 32-bit)
04:53:18 <kmc> ion: what are the penultimate and antipenultimate characters of that?
04:53:25 <kmc> antepenultimate* damnit
04:53:31 * kmc fails so hard at being pretentious
04:54:45 <shachaf> kmc: 1D13D MUSICAL SYMBOL QUARTER REST [𝄽]
04:55:01 <Bike> quarter rests are complete bullshit, imo
04:55:07 <shachaf> imo tmux hth
04:55:32 <shachaf> Bike: is there anything that isn't, iyo
04:55:41 <Bike> nah
04:55:44 <kmc> shachaf: yeah
04:57:55 <Sgeo> NetHack 4 sounds interesting but the server apparently acts wonky
05:01:36 <shachaf> higgledy piggledy / poacher of lincolnshire / playing some music, then, / after a wait, // reading five numbers; the / antepenultimate / reading we heard: zero / two five eight eight
05:11:40 -!- copumpkin has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds).
05:11:57 <kmc> ++
05:12:16 -!- copumpkin has joined.
05:12:54 <oerjan> girl genius is breaking new technological ground
05:13:06 <shachaf> oerjan: oh no should i read that
05:13:17 <oerjan> of course
05:13:58 <oerjan> although i was referring to today's comic in particular.
05:15:02 <Bike> Groink
05:15:35 <shachaf> Bike: time to teach me about coëqualizers imo
05:15:50 <Bike> not with those diareses i'm not
05:16:28 <shachaf> Bike: time to teach me about co-equalizers imo
05:19:02 -!- CADD has joined.
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08:06:02 -!- Taneb has joined.
08:07:36 <Taneb> Good morning
08:09:07 -!- NihilistDandy has quit (Quit: NihilistDandy).
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08:12:07 <Taneb> Aaaah I have become too dependent on RSS dohickeys
08:12:24 <Taneb> Now my free trial on BazQux has run out I don't know what to do
08:12:57 <fizzie> Pay through your nose, of course.
08:13:32 <Taneb> fizzie, I've... misplaced my bank card
08:21:26 <fizzie> I don't think you're supposed to keep those in your nose, anyway.
08:22:04 <Gracenotes> money order
08:22:56 <Gracenotes> cash in a greeting card envelope
08:32:24 -!- Taneb has quit (Quit: Leaving).
08:46:49 <oerjan> you know _someone_ is going to get a nose operation just so they can pay through their nose.
09:02:07 -!- Taneb has joined.
09:05:42 <Jafet> I paid all of my savings through my nose and so I will now have to get a nose job.
09:06:41 <Taneb> I knacked up my finger
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10:08:41 <FreeFull> Groink!
10:32:58 -!- TodPunk has quit (Quit: This is me, signing off. Probably rebooting or something.).
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12:08:12 <fizzie> This one reviewer recommends four papers that we should consider in our discussion and (presumably) cite.
12:08:20 <fizzie> Three of the four papers are from the same triplet of authors.
12:08:48 <fizzie> It would be interesting to know whether the reviewer is one of those three names.
12:48:41 -!- boily has joined.
12:50:30 <boily> good front wind morning!
12:58:20 <Taneb> :)
12:59:26 -!- TodPunk has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
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13:00:46 <boily> how ended yesterday's slapfest? were there any casualties?
13:01:00 <Taneb> I think not
13:01:54 <boily> no missiles launched? no grey goo cataclysm? no helvetica scenario? :(
13:02:41 <fizzie> A papyrus scenario.
13:03:12 <boily> ow.
13:04:56 -!- boily has quit (Quit: Poulet!).
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18:01:49 -!- Rito has joined.
18:02:14 <boily> `relcome Rito
18:02:21 <HackEgo> Rito: Welcome to the international hub for esoteric programming language design and deployment! For more information, check out our wiki: http://esolangs.org/wiki/Main_Page. (For the other kind of esoterica, try #esoteric on irc.dal.net.)
18:05:40 -!- douglass has joined.
18:05:57 <kmc> Kwikset is a hilarious name for a brand of locks
18:12:01 -!- Rito has left ("Leaving").
18:13:49 <boily> were they scared away, as the usual relcommed guest? did they leave to inquire upon Kiwkset's hilarity? will they return? all these Questions answered in the next episode of #esoteric!
18:14:06 <elliott> but will we find out their coordinates and body weigh?
18:14:36 <monotone> I assume our contacts at the NSA are on that.
18:14:47 <shachaf> Do you mean coördinates?
18:15:00 -!- epicmonkey has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
18:15:23 <boily> ssh! we musn't alert their agents!
18:15:39 <boily> @tell epicmonkey we don't know that you're an NSA agent.
18:15:40 <lambdabot> Consider it noted.
18:16:28 <boily> elliott: the coördinates are part of the current myth arc. only at season's end we'll have a cliffhanger that leaves more Questions open.
18:21:27 <Gregor> fungot: fungot fungot.
18:21:28 <fungot> Gregor: you can't have seen many uses of defmacro can't be expressed
18:21:35 <monotone> Has someone already made the New Yorker joke?
18:27:47 <olsner> hi fungot
18:27:47 <fungot> olsner: not sure who they are. don't let the fact that it's a good thing
18:28:28 <boily> fungot: we know, even if we shouldn't.
18:28:29 <fungot> boily: giving a name to your variables, you shouldn't insert the continuations directly into the lisppaste text field)) into ( apply func restofthem) i gather
18:29:04 <boily> monotone: what is the NYJ?
18:30:16 <monotone> "Is shachaf an editor for the New Yorker?"
18:31:15 <monotone> They're famous for using diaereses to indicate syllable breaks.
18:33:01 <boily> the diæ̈resises are an integral part of #̈esoteric.
18:42:35 <Gregor> æ̈... lol
18:43:08 <Bike> has that glyph ever been used in a language
18:43:21 <Gregor> I'd venture to say "no"
18:43:21 <monotone> I'm more concerned about the diaeresis over the #.
18:43:36 <elliott> oh wow, I didn't even notice that until now
18:43:36 <Bike> oh,nice.
18:44:12 <Gregor> I noticed it, found it delightful, but still found the diaeresis over æ funnier.
18:45:52 <boily> wikipedia has no reference to æ̈. let's check unicode...
18:46:42 <Gregor> It doesn't exist in Unicode, that's an æ with a combining diaeresis.
18:47:55 <boily> you sure there aren't any precomposed forms? there's an ǣ and an ǽ in latin extended-B.
18:49:15 <monotone> If the "related characters" section of my character palette is to be trusted, the only other one (case aside) is ᴭ.
18:49:36 <monotone> ᴭ, for when you run out of letters to use for your footnotes, and have something against numbers.
18:49:54 <boily> so nothing in the four latin extended blocks, nor in extended additional. :(
18:52:26 <Bike> why's that called "modifier"?
18:53:01 <Bike> ᴭ i mean
18:55:41 <monotone> It's in the Phonetic Extensions block, so I'm guessing it's to do with whatever transcription system it's used in. Probably modifies some preceding letter.
18:55:52 <Bike> oh, maybe i've actually seen that.
18:56:29 <monotone> It's certainly nothing to do with IPA...
18:58:06 <Bike> it's uralic. wikipedia has an example, pŭə̆ī̮ᵈt̄ėi for [pŭə̆ɨːd̆tːəi]
18:58:23 <Bike> haha, those are making my irssi modeline fuck up.
18:58:46 <monotone> The superscripted Æ?
18:58:59 <Bike> the ones i pasted.
18:59:07 <Bike> superscript means "very short sound" inthis system, apparently
18:59:21 * boily tries to pronounce that uralic abomination, but ends with a figure-eight knot in his tongue
18:59:37 <monotone> Yeah. It doesn't appear to have Æ, though.
19:00:03 <monotone> Wikipedia tells me some stuff about the OED transcription system and a few others.
19:00:22 <Bike> ...oxford?
19:00:50 <monotone> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phonetic_Extensions
19:00:54 <monotone> You tell me.
19:01:05 <Bike> the horror.
19:01:20 <monotone> The horror.
19:01:36 <Bike> the hᴭrror
19:02:00 <Bike> "Velopharyngeal fricative (snoring sound)" what is eve up with phonetics
19:02:19 <boily> ah, the Infamous Feng.
19:03:10 <olsner> fungot: why do you mismatch parens so often???
19:03:11 <fungot> olsner: maybe it is indeed a concern
19:03:24 <Bike> n!2 [ʗ̃\ʗ̃], fungot
19:03:24 <fungot> Bike: and i'm assuming it is not
19:04:05 <boily> `? fungot
19:04:05 <fungot> boily: no that's fine. it just does
19:04:07 <HackEgo> fungot cannot be stopped by that sword alone.
19:04:17 <Bike> "The vocal folds discussed above are sometimes called 'true vocal folds' to distinguish them from the false vocal folds. These are a pair of thick folds of mucous membrane that protect and sit slightly superior to the more delicate true folds. They have a minimal role in normal phonation, but are often used to produce deep sonorous tones in Tibetan chant and Tuvan throat singing,[11] as well as in musical screaming and the death growl vocal st
19:05:17 <Bike> "ʞ // velar click // Proposed symbol withdrawn 1970; articulation judged impossible"
19:06:21 <boily> the first times you try practicing kargyraa throat singing, it produces a *very* peculiar sensation in your throat.
19:06:58 <olsner> boily: what's a good way to get started with throat singing?
19:07:31 <boily> there's a freely available tutorial album that cover basic techniques out there. I wonder if it's still online...
19:11:02 <boily> hm. can't find it. I'll have to try and dig out my copy, which may be about 250km away from me at the moment.
19:11:58 <boily> olsner: for now, concentrate on the khoomei style. that's the easiest and most popular. there are some youtube videos for that, I think.
19:12:27 <boily> (throat singing in a shower is fun! but please be considerate of your neighbours and/or family!)
19:22:02 <zzo38> I don't like these IPA symbols; once I made up a different set of symbols where all combinations including "impossible" ones can be made, and you just combine the symbol for "dental" with "fricative" overlapping, or whatever it is
19:23:33 <zzo38> Do you think this is better?
19:24:25 <boily> well, there is ithkuil.
19:25:29 <boily> (ah! the NYer article with Ukrainian extremists: http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2012/12/24/121224fa_fact_foer?currentPage=all)
19:25:56 <fizzie> There's also X-SAMPA. (But if you don't like IPA, you probably won't like X-SAMPA either.)
19:26:26 -!- epicmonkey has joined.
19:28:33 <kmc> I wonder if arguing about syntax in #rust counts as working or slacking off
19:28:36 <zzo38> True, I don't really like that either.
19:34:56 <Bike> "How does a one-dimensional genetic code specify a three-dimensional animal?"
19:35:25 <kmc> ;_;
19:35:31 <fizzie> Bike: Yeah, isn't there, I don't know, some kind of diagonalization argument against that?!
19:35:50 <Bike> it's a reasonable question in context but gosh if it doesn't sound dumb
19:37:19 <boily> now not only my tongue hurts from that evil uralian tidbit, but my brains too.
19:37:22 <Fiora> doesn't that only make sense if there's a one to one mapping of 3D creatures to genetic codes?
19:37:55 <Bike> wwell the main problem is that yeah it's not like a PNG or something, it really has to "specify" the entire course of development
19:40:31 <Bike> and there's an entire field for this, so, not exactly "R^3 is the same size as R" level
19:41:26 <elliott> R is a field too!
19:41:30 <elliott> forgive me.
19:41:39 <Bike> no that was pretty good actually
19:41:44 <boily> I know the argument that the cardinality of R is higher than that of N, for example, but what about R and R²? are they of the same cardinality?
19:42:40 <Bike> yeah, they are, just stare at a peano curve until you get it
19:42:42 <Bike> staaaaare
19:43:39 <boily> I... I'm not sure I'm okay with that kind of voyeurism...
19:44:41 <fizzie> CONTINUUM.
19:44:42 <fizzie> (I just like the word.)
19:44:45 <Fiora> geez, bike, stop ogling peano's curves
19:45:14 <fizzie> Peano Reeves, isn't that some action movie actor?
19:45:16 <Bike> they fill up my vision completely, man.
19:45:20 <elliott> Q: why was the ultrafinitist always dissastisfied? A: he had a very short peano's
19:45:24 <elliott> forgive. me.
19:45:37 <boily> urge. to. munch. elliott. rising.
19:45:45 -!- jsvine has quit (Quit: Leaving.).
19:45:57 <boily> elliott: see, you scared away the Reporter!
19:47:16 <boily> (hm. looks like my definition of munch is very dialectic. you know, when in an action movie someone snaps the neck of somebody else in a quick fashion?)
19:47:23 <elliott> apparently I also killed the entire channel except for boily
19:47:31 <elliott> oh. I assumed you were just going to eat me
19:47:39 <boily> I'm immortal.
19:47:47 <zzo38> Are you good to eat?
19:47:59 <boily> with sriracha, I'd say yes.
19:48:20 <olsner> hmm, what does sriracha actually taste like? chili?
19:49:06 <fizzie> boily: Isn't munch what squares do?
19:49:07 <Fiora> it's a type of hot sauce made with chili pepper paste so
19:49:55 <boily> it's the Universal Pan-Asiatic Chili Hot Sauce. essential for the authentic phở experience.
19:50:52 <boily> fizzie: it's either a wrestling move XOR an old display hack.
19:51:11 <shachaf> xeither xor
19:51:41 <fizzie> Slither snor.
19:52:31 <olsner> I thought lexers munched?
19:53:15 <fizzie> Maximally so.
19:53:27 <fizzie> @wn munch
19:53:29 <lambdabot> *** "munch" wn "WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)"
19:53:29 <lambdabot> Munch
19:53:29 <lambdabot> n 1: Norwegian painter (1863-1944) [syn: {Munch}, {Edvard
19:53:29 <lambdabot> Munch}]
19:53:29 <lambdabot> 2: a large bite; "he tried to talk between munches on the
19:53:31 <lambdabot> [3 @more lines]
19:53:36 <fizzie> Lexers are Norwegian painters?
19:54:14 <fizzie> (Also what are the attributes of a maximally Norwegian person?)
19:54:18 <shachaf> neither norwegian
19:55:07 <fizzie> In Neitherlands, they just can't choose from two alternatives.
19:55:07 <boily> `learn lexer is a maximally Norwegian painter. Its squares are munched with chili sauce.
19:55:12 <HackEgo> I knew that.
20:00:13 <Gracenotes> @more
20:00:13 <lambdabot> sandwich"
20:00:13 <lambdabot> v 1: chew noisily; "The children crunched the celery sticks"
20:00:13 <lambdabot> [syn: {crunch}, {munch}]
20:00:39 <Gracenotes> celery sandwiches are maximally Norweigan
20:00:57 <olsner> boily: someone will have a nice time figuring out what the hell that means later on
20:01:12 <fizzie> Huh. There's a Cory Doctorow talk tomorrow.
20:01:20 <boily> olsner: mwah ah ah.
20:02:11 <fizzie> It's " a presentation and a fireside chat", whatever that means.
20:04:35 -!- douglass has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
20:05:54 -!- douglass has joined.
20:11:23 -!- douglass has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds).
20:13:52 -!- douglass has joined.
20:18:47 -!- douglass has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds).
20:31:08 <boily> `pastewisdom
20:31:10 <HackEgo> http://codu.org/projects/hackbot/fshg/index.cgi/file/tip/wisdom/
20:32:33 <boily> looks like the West Midlands are even more canadian than Canada...
20:32:33 -!- Bike has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds).
20:33:06 <olsner> `? d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d
20:33:08 <HackEgo> d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d/d nothing
20:33:19 <Taneb> boily, Canada hasn't claimed the life of any esolangers
20:33:20 <Taneb> How could it
20:33:23 <Taneb> It doesn't exist
20:33:29 <Taneb> But the West Midlands...
20:33:32 <FreeFull> `?
20:33:34 <HackEgo> ​? ¯\(°_o)/¯
20:33:34 <myndzi> |
20:33:34 <myndzi> º¯`\o
20:33:45 <FreeFull> `? ""
20:33:46 <HackEgo> ​""? ¯\(°_o)/¯
20:33:47 <myndzi> |
20:33:47 <myndzi> º¯`\o
20:33:49 <olsner> I'm not so sure about the West Midlands either
20:33:51 <FreeFull> `? myndzi
20:33:53 <HackEgo> myndzi keeps us all on our feet
20:34:00 <Taneb> `? Ngevd
20:34:02 <HackEgo> ​B.V4!8Jdh8ZOL];D`c;CWG}8\c܏~ؖӲaq(G%;aȞ=HbΆUF&O}Typ՚V:y=!yQaI'^2a~,fg+z־*%@6ێiNï1S|wp䆍MD$Av.d Œ;7@߻;WyxOB؇8vRfA3;qrթ6}2L(-^X"BXΜe6#&u*ն"vD;.dϡm
20:34:08 <FreeFull> Whoa
20:34:14 <Taneb> `? Ngevd
20:34:16 <HackEgo> ​?-2.kvۿ۝9mȤs<NƽvRhY*J/(m>(2@NJfp/_>8yܟ`odN"m-WwڰK8{Lb,OL7w6Q3RsE!Z[; E^_(.Ukl\4Dںœ$kKmQ
20:34:17 <Taneb> `? Ngevd
20:34:18 <boily> I see things...
20:34:19 <HackEgo> ​Հq.@COɵ^@[(%k2(keg\-M)aN֖dVlwaotYIl%Tf0嬟8-U-pnr4d׆@I 9&jY[|-Ʀ>+W]E"c:B`VdyBVA|zLb'J0cnbf<Z5G7`ElaU"<Y#3?zRlԅ&^0-k \ {s/}JêiTs:?+.-EvߥiQ9.Ji_lhK>0w8-S@
20:34:28 <boily> the Universe, it is Talking to me...
20:34:34 <FreeFull> is Ngevd a symlink to /dev/urandom?
20:34:43 <shachaf> It was.
20:34:52 <shachaf> Taneb: Did you start reading `olist yet?
20:34:53 -!- Bike has joined.
20:35:02 <FreeFull> `ls wisdom/Ngevd -l
20:35:03 <HackEgo> ls: cannot access wisdom/Ngevd -l: No such file or directory
20:35:13 <Taneb> shachaf, no
20:35:15 <FreeFull> shachaf: Did you just delete it?
20:35:17 <fizzie> Heh, I got "bell in window 3" message due to fungot's rawlog of that.
20:35:18 <fungot> fizzie: i'm not sure how old scsi-2 is, or rather, any computer that has a non-serializable object in its environment
20:35:22 -!- Vorpal has quit (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.sourceforge.net).
20:35:26 <Taneb> shachaf, did you start reading `slist?
20:35:28 <FreeFull> `run /bin/ls wisdom/Ngevd -l
20:35:29 <HackEgo> ​/bin/ls: cannot access wisdom/Ngevd: No such file or directory
20:35:35 <FreeFull> `run /bin/ls wisdom/
20:35:36 <HackEgo> ​` \ `? \ _̰̆̓_̦̻̖͍̟̖̅ͭͭͬ͡_͉̭ͧ͒̐_̯͙̬̬̦̯͂͋͒ͧ͋̋_̴̝̔̉̅ͨ͞ \ ? \ ?? \ @ \ ⌨ \ ☃ \ ⊥ \ 🐐 \ ̸̸̼͚͇̮͕̳̞̤̜̯̪̪̱̣̠̺̹͍̩̝͚͕͓͚̙͓̪̮̟̜̣͙̪̂ͭ̎̏̔ͦ͒ͪ͌̾ͦͨ̚̚͢͢͠ͅ҉̴̢_͙̣͎͎͙̪̪̝̖͉̟̭̻̥̫̗̱̗͍̳̦̮̟̲̥͔̿̊ͣ̉ͣͪ͒̓̐͊̏ͫ̓̚̚҉̕͜͠͠҉̡̧̛
20:35:37 <fizzie> FreeFull: It's special-cased nowadays.
20:35:39 <shachaf> Taneb: Several times.
20:35:51 <Taneb> Did you... finish reading `slist?
20:35:54 <shachaf> No.
20:35:59 <FreeFull> `run echo wisdom/*
20:36:00 <HackEgo> wisdom/` wisdom/`? wisdom/_̰̆̓_̦̻̖͍̟̖̅ͭͭͬ͡_͉̭ͧ͒̐_̯͙̬̬̦̯͂͋͒ͧ͋̋_̴̝̔̉̅ͨ͞ wisdom/? wisdom/?? wisdom/@ wisdom/⊥ wisdom/☃ wisdom/⌨ wisdom/🐐 wisdom/̸̸̼͚͇̮͕̳̞̤̜̯̪̪̱̣̠̺̹͍̩̝͚͕͓͚̙͓̪̮̟̜̣͙̪̂ͭ̎̏̔ͦ͒ͪ͌̾ͦͨ̚̚͢͢͠ͅ҉̴̢_͙̣͎͎͙̪̪̝̿̊ͣ̉ͣͪ͒̓̐͊̏ͫ̓̚̚
20:36:07 <boily> btw, who were the West Midlands Casualties?
20:36:08 <shachaf> But I surely read over a hundred pages of it.
20:36:26 <Taneb> boily, ais523 and Phantom_Hoover
20:36:32 <olsner> `? _̰̆̓_ÌÌ…ÍÍ̦̻̖͍̟̖ͬ͡_͉ͧ͒̐Ì_͂͋͒ͧ͋Ì̯͙̬̬̦̯̋_̴̝̔̉̅ͨ͞
20:36:33 <HackEgo> _̰̆̓_ÌÌ…ÍÍ̦̻̖͍̟̖ͬ͡_͉ͧ͒̐Ì_͂͋͒ͧ͋Ì̯͙̬̬̦̯̋_̴̝̔̉̅ͨ͞? ¯\(°_o)/¯
20:36:34 <FreeFull> fizzie: I think the special case is separate from the system ls
20:36:43 <FreeFull> `? `?
20:36:44 <HackEgo> See `? for further details.
20:36:48 <olsner> hmm, too many levels of misencoding I guess
20:36:59 <Bike> wisdom lost to the ages/mojibake
20:37:17 <FreeFull> `? _̿̊ͣ̉�͎͎͙
20:37:19 <HackEgo> _̿̊ͣ̉�͎͎͙? ¯\(°_o)/¯
20:37:19 <myndzi> |
20:37:19 <myndzi> º¯`\o
20:37:23 <fizzie> FreeFull: It's specialcased in ?.
20:37:25 <Bike> wow awesome
20:37:30 <boily> `learn mojibake _ÌÌÌ°_ÌÌ̦̻ͭͭͬÌÍÌÌÍ¡_ͧÍÌÍÌ­_ÍÍÍͧÍÌÌ̯Í̬̬̦̯_ÌÌÌͨÌÌ´Í
20:37:34 <HackEgo> I knew that.
20:37:34 <FreeFull> I broke myndzi
20:37:40 <Bike> `cat bin/?
20:37:42 <HackEgo> ​#!/bin/sh \ topic=$(echo "$1" | lowercase | sed "s/ *$//") \ topic1=$(echo "$topic" | sed "s/s$//") \ cd wisdom \ if [ \( "$topic1" = "ngevd" \) -a \( -e ngevd \) ]; \ then cat /dev/urandom; \ elif [ -e "$topic" ]; \ then cat "$topic" | rnooodl; \ elif [ -e "$topic1" ]; \ then cat "$topic1" | rnooodl; \ else echo "$1? ¯\
20:37:45 <fizzie> FreeFull: (As an unrelated matter to the special-casing of wisdom-vs-ls.)
20:38:08 <FreeFull> Oh, you're talking about Ngevd
20:38:12 <FreeFull> I thought you were talking about the ls thing
20:38:18 <fizzie> No.
20:38:24 <fizzie> (The rnooodl'ing of all wisdom is: silly.)
20:39:10 <olsner> `oerjan
20:39:25 <fizzie> That's very lifelike.
20:40:23 <shachaf> `? oerjan
20:40:25 <HackEgo> Your evil overlord oerjan is a lazy expert in future computation. Also a lying Norwegian who hates Roald Dahl.
20:40:27 <shachaf> overloerjan
20:40:42 <shachaf> Taneb: Maybe you should do the same!
20:40:46 <olsner> `translatetoerjan ei saa peittää
20:41:03 <Taneb> shachaf, I think I read over 100 pages of `olist
20:41:08 <FreeFull> `? `?
20:41:12 <FreeFull> I broke wisdom
20:41:13 <FreeFull> Restore
20:41:21 <shachaf> Taneb: Which 100?
20:41:36 <HackEgo> See `? for further details.
20:41:39 <HackEgo> Traceback (most recent call last): \ File "/hackenv/bin/json", line 4, in <module> \ data = json.loads(sys.stdin.read().decode('utf-8')) \ File "/opt/python27/lib/python2.7/json/__init__.py", line 310, in loads \ return _default_decoder.decode(s) \ File "/opt/python27/lib/python2.7/json/decoder.py", line 346, in decode \ obj, end
20:41:42 <Gracenotes> how silly
20:41:43 <Taneb> shachaf, they had just met a bunch of cheery teenage goblins or something
20:41:49 <FreeFull> Oh, I didn't break it after all
20:41:52 <FreeFull> `? `?
20:41:54 <HackEgo> See `? for further details.
20:42:01 <olsner> `? for further details.
20:42:03 <HackEgo> See `? for further details for futher details.
20:42:04 <FreeFull> That's not what I wanted it to output D:<
20:42:09 <olsner> `? for further details for futher details.
20:42:11 <HackEgo> See `? for further details for futher details.
20:42:21 <shachaf> Taneb: Hmm, you'll want to get further than that.
20:42:27 <olsner> `? for further details for further details.
20:42:29 <HackEgo> for further details for further details.? ¯\(°_o)/¯
20:42:29 <myndzi> |
20:42:29 <myndzi> o/`¯º
20:42:56 <olsner> `queegan
20:42:58 <HackEgo> 589) <kmc> COCKS [...] <kmc> truly cocks \ 619) <shachaf> You should get kmc in this channel. kmc has good quotes. <shachaf> `quote kmc <HackEgo> 686) <kmc> COCKS [...] <kmc> truly cocks <shachaf> Well, in theory. \ 690) <kmc> damn i should make a quasiquoter for inline FORTRAN \ 693) <kmc> has there been any work towards designing programming l
20:43:15 <FreeFull> `? ææææææ
20:43:16 <HackEgo> ​ææææææ? ¯\(°_o)/¯
20:43:17 <myndzi> |
20:43:17 <myndzi> o/`¯º
20:43:36 <Bike> channel approaching zero signal-to-noise
20:43:48 <FreeFull> `? ♥♥äa¨¨~˝˝˝ÆEŁæłëðǽł“æ→ßðøµ¢ø78ææOeͲ௛࢟ﻞ茯⦑
20:43:50 <HackEgo> ​♥♥äa¨¨~˝˝˝ÆEŁæłëðǽł“æ→ßðøµ¢ø78ææOeͲ௛࢟ﻞ茯⦑? ¯\(°_o)/¯
20:43:50 <myndzi> |
20:43:50 <myndzi> o/`¯º
20:43:55 <FreeFull> Sorry about that
20:43:55 <olsner> Bike: truly
20:44:24 <boily> I fear Friday.
20:44:39 <FreeFull> Oh
20:44:42 <FreeFull> I know what happened
20:44:44 <FreeFull> I used tac
20:44:53 <FreeFull> Instead of rev
20:44:53 <olsner> boily: how come?
20:45:24 <boily> olsner: if we've reached that state on Wednesday, Friday will be something to behold.
20:45:50 <FreeFull> `? boily
20:46:17 <Gracenotes> wat
20:46:17 <HackEgo> ​.ecnetsixe s'adanaC tuoba erus ton era eW .gnihtemos ro naidanaC si yliob
20:46:37 <FreeFull> Perfect
20:46:38 <Bike> uhm
20:46:39 <Gracenotes> hm, I've enver been to Canada
20:46:45 <Bike> `? them
20:46:47 <HackEgo> them? ¯\(°_o)/¯
20:46:47 <myndzi> |
20:46:47 <myndzi> º¯`\o
20:46:52 <Bike> `? US
20:46:54 <HackEgo> u monad?
20:46:56 <FreeFull> `? Bike
20:46:58 <HackEgo> ​.gruobmexuL morf si ekiB
20:46:58 <Bike> fair
20:47:11 <Bike> why is everything backwards except the things that aren't backwards
20:47:42 <Gracenotes> we just need another bot who's set off by . who quotes all of its replies `like this'
20:47:44 <boily> Gracenotes: you should come to Montréal.
20:47:48 <FreeFull> It always was backwards
20:48:20 <olsner> boily: I predict that friday will be a calm day of pointful discussion, possibly even involving esolangs
20:49:09 -!- douglass has joined.
20:49:19 <FreeFull> `? esolang
20:49:21 <HackEgo> esolang? ¯\(°_o)/¯
20:49:21 <myndzi> |
20:49:21 <myndzi> o/`¯º
20:49:28 <FreeFull> `? esoteric
20:49:30 <HackEgo> ​.ten.lad.cri no ciretose# yrt ,aciretose fo dnik rehto eht rof -- gnimmargorp tuoba si lennahc sihT
20:49:52 <Bike> `cat bin/?
20:49:53 <HackEgo> ​#!/bin/sh \ topic=$(echo "$1" | lowercase | sed "s/ *$//") \ topic1=$(echo "$topic" | sed "s/s$//") \ cd wisdom \ if [ \( "$topic1" = "ngevd" \) -a \( -e ngevd \) ]; \ then cat /dev/urandom; \ elif [ -e "$topic" ]; \ then cat "$topic" | rnooodl; \ elif [ -e "$topic1" ]; \ then cat "$topic1" | rnooodl; \ else echo "$1? ¯\
20:50:17 <Bike> imo this is silly and we should get back to our roots of understandable `?s.
20:50:41 <boily> fsvo understandable...
20:51:13 <FreeFull> What I actually did is run all wisdoms through rev
20:51:44 <olsner> perhaps you should've modified bin/? instead
20:52:24 -!- yorick has joined.
20:52:25 <FreeFull> Nah
20:52:34 <FreeFull> The whole point of mercurial is that you can do anything
20:53:06 <boily> there should be a `؟ for reverse wisdoms.
20:53:11 <Bike> `revert
20:53:16 <HackEgo> Done.
20:53:20 <Bike> `? Fiora
20:53:22 <HackEgo> Fiora is half JRPG fangirl, half SIMD dork, and all sucrose.
20:53:27 <Bike> mysterious.
20:53:34 <Fiora> ?
20:53:41 <Bike> ؟
20:54:14 <Bike> `run echo '? | rev' >bin/؟ && chmod +x bin/؟
20:54:18 <HackEgo> No output.
20:54:23 <Bike> `؟ fiora
20:54:25 <HackEgo> ​¯/)o_°(\¯ ?
20:54:25 <myndzi> |
20:54:25 <myndzi> >\
20:54:28 <FreeFull> `¿ fiora
20:54:30 <HackEgo> ​/home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: ¿: not found
20:54:37 <Bike> fantastic, imo
20:54:37 <fizzie> Bike: Arguments, you know.
20:54:43 <Fiora> what's mysterious though
20:54:46 <Bike> i forget how arguments work.
20:55:01 <Bike> `run echo '? "$@" | rev' >bin/؟
20:55:04 <HackEgo> No output.
20:55:09 <Bike> `؟ bike
20:55:11 <HackEgo> ​.gruobmexuL morf si ekiB
20:55:13 <Fiora> I think they work where you have, like, two people who disagree and they yell at each other a lot
20:55:19 <Bike> oh
20:55:24 <Bike> sounds nasty
20:55:28 <fizzie> Now do ¿ too.
20:55:35 <FreeFull> `run echo '? "$@" | rec | tac' >bin/¿
20:55:38 <HackEgo> No output.
20:55:41 <olsner> hmm, xchat (probably gtk) and RTL text is quite broken
20:55:41 <FreeFull> `¿ Bike
20:55:43 <HackEgo> ​/home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: /hackenv/bin/¿: Permission denied \ /home/hackbot/hackbot.hg/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: /hackenv/bin/¿: cannot execute: Permission denied
20:56:01 <FreeFull> `chmod +x bin/¿
20:56:02 <HackEgo> chmod: missing operand after `+x bin/¿' \ Try `chmod --help' for more information.
20:56:06 <FreeFull> `run chmod +x bin/¿
20:56:10 <FreeFull> `¿ Bike
20:56:10 <HackEgo> No output.
20:56:11 <HackEgo> No output.
20:56:26 <FreeFull> `run echo '? "$@" | rev | tac' >bin/¿
20:56:28 <FreeFull> `¿ Bike
20:56:29 <HackEgo> No output.
20:56:30 <HackEgo> ​.gruobmexuL morf si ekiB
20:56:40 <fizzie> I was hoping for upside-down letters.
20:56:52 <FreeFull> I don't think HackEgo has toilet or figlet
20:57:05 <fizzie> fungot: Are you housebroken?
20:57:06 <fungot> fizzie: or right? how can you make it say: put l _itself_ in lambda, let, and having none of them
20:58:54 <Phantom_Hoover> "introducing the humble deep silver bundle"
20:58:58 <Phantom_Hoover> it's just depressing now
20:58:59 -!- MBEFDC has joined.
20:59:28 <boily> Phantom_Hoover: aren't you supposed to be dead and/or disappeared?
20:59:44 <Phantom_Hoover> i am disappeared, i'm in ireland
21:00:00 <Taneb> Phantom_Hoover, so you've escaped the West Midlands
21:00:18 <Phantom_Hoover> i escaped the west midlands when term ended you dolt
21:00:23 <Taneb> In October I may return to Yorkshire where I was officially born
21:00:29 -!- MBEFDC has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
21:01:36 <Taneb> If I did well enough in my exams
21:01:52 <boily> time to go unpack and cuddle my freshly delivered ouya.
21:01:57 -!- boily has quit (Quit: MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME!).
21:02:05 -!- metasepia has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
21:04:41 -!- Bike has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds).
21:06:36 -!- Bike has joined.
21:25:16 -!- Phantom_Hoover has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
21:29:24 -!- jsvine has joined.
21:38:13 -!- Phantom_Hoover has joined.
21:38:14 -!- Phantom_Hoover has quit (Changing host).
21:38:14 -!- Phantom_Hoover has joined.
21:44:40 -!- mnoqy has joined.
21:46:01 <kmc> Phantom_Hoover: whyreland?
21:46:42 <Phantom_Hoover> because my parents obnoxiously insist on regularly visiting their relatives
21:57:37 -!- Taneb has quit (Quit: Leaving).
22:05:01 -!- TodPunk has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
22:05:15 -!- TodPunk has joined.
22:09:20 <fizzie> Plot of the day https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/113389132/Misc/20130731-tmp.png and then for some sleep
22:09:43 <olsner> what does that plot?
22:10:04 <fizzie> Things.
22:10:11 <olsner> Cool!
22:11:26 <fizzie> Okay, so the Y axis is time of day, and the X axis is length of message, and the color axis is the normalized (per-row) count of messages of that length, in logscale.
22:12:05 <fizzie> I was curious if there's a time-of-day dependency in the overall distribution of message lengths.
22:12:13 <FreeFull> fizzie: Curious how there are lines
22:12:15 <FreeFull> I guess those are bots?
22:12:28 <fizzie> FreeFull: Bot maximum line lengths, yes.
22:12:41 <FreeFull> Try drawing the same data with the bots excluded
22:12:58 <fizzie> Nooo, I think I'll sleep instead.
22:13:11 <fizzie> Anyway it'd just be the same thing without lines. :p
22:14:06 <fizzie> You can see (some of) the lines at http://zem.fi/ircvis/esoteric/people_stats.html if you just pick "characters per message".
22:14:15 <fizzie> (Some are past the right end of that plot.)
22:16:13 -!- epicmonkey has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds).
22:16:16 -!- sacje has joined.
22:23:48 <FreeFull> Sleep is for people with unbalanced brain chemistry and a day's worth of short-term memories
22:23:58 -!- jsvine has quit (Quit: Leaving.).
22:24:46 -!- oerjan has joined.
22:28:35 -!- doesthiswork has joined.
22:29:00 <olsner> FreeFull: sleep is for sleepy people
22:29:14 <FreeFull> olsner: So non-people can't sleep?
22:32:54 <mnoqy> that explains elliott, at least
22:37:02 <oerjan> i personally think elliott is a person, but don't take my word for granted.
22:42:23 <Phantom_Hoover> common misconception
22:42:34 <Fiora> elliott's a pretty wonderful person I can confirm
22:42:44 <Phantom_Hoover> he's actually an aggregation of cats
22:43:12 <shachaf> you may be able to confirm that elliott is wonderful but can you confirm that he's a person?
22:43:28 <oerjan> Phantom_Hoover: are you spying on ##nomic
22:43:40 <Phantom_Hoover> mm, shachaf makes a good point
22:43:42 <zzo38> People aren't the only one that is possible to be sleeping, I t hink
22:44:07 <Phantom_Hoover> oerjan, i would join but elliott might dispatch some cats to kill me
22:44:25 <elliott> Phantom_Hoover: you clearly don't know how cat aggregations work
22:44:35 <elliott> if a single cat were to leave it would be catastrophic
22:44:51 <elliott> wait
22:44:52 <elliott> fuck
22:45:00 <Phantom_Hoover> does that mean... all the cats will come for me
22:45:04 <elliott> that was not intended to be a pun
22:45:04 <Phantom_Hoover> at once?
22:45:05 * Bike pats elliott
22:45:10 <shachaf> Phantom_Hoover: all the cat's will come for you
22:45:42 <Fiora> hee hee I'm rubbing off on elliott :p
22:45:45 <Phantom_Hoover> can cats swim
22:45:50 <shachaf> All the cat's are out of the bag.
22:46:23 <oerjan> Phantom_Hoover: elliott is not actually on ##nomic, although thank you for this information about him, i am passing it on
22:46:25 <Fiora> Phantom_Hoover: http://fioraaeterna.tumblr.com/post/50295612485/
22:47:58 <Bike> that gif is freaky
22:48:27 <Fiora> http://24.media.tumblr.com/01d8d878e8b86f16f9a440825abc88e5/tumblr_mmp0alWhSk1rjcfxro1_r1_400.gif I should post more kittens
22:48:30 <Phantom_Hoover> Fiora, can all the cats swim
22:48:34 <Fiora> http://31.media.tumblr.com/4d1391774fdd0bb960d61fe281831f63/tumblr_mj08z0T7nx1qa8b8jo5_500.gif
22:48:45 <Fiora> http://fioraaeterna.tumblr.com/post/56741666529/
22:49:48 <nooodl> man i should tumble
22:49:48 <Phantom_Hoover> i am in grave danger here and you are posting pictures of kittens
22:50:51 <olsner> is that jimmy carr juggling the baskets of kittens?
22:51:03 <elliott> nooodl: be careful about hurting your head when you land
22:52:27 <Fiora> http://fioraaeterna.tumblr.com/tagged/cat actually this is just good
22:52:34 <Fiora> http://fioraaeterna.tumblr.com/tagged/rabbit too
22:59:15 <nooodl> http://oklobplant.tumblr.com/ my tumblr subtitle is <marquee>
23:00:47 -!- Nisstyre has quit (Quit: Leaving).
23:03:40 <oerjan> nooodl: is that your tumblr why does it start with oklo that is just not right you are not the true oklo
23:04:21 -!- Bike has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds).
23:04:47 <nooodl> what is oklo
23:05:15 <oerjan> oklopol
23:05:23 <oerjan> why isn't he here
23:05:58 <oerjan> nooodl: those links were awkward to click but it gave me http://log.purrito.net/ which is probably relevant
23:06:12 -!- Bike_ has joined.
23:08:59 <oerjan> hm a bit nsfw further down
23:10:54 <oerjan> nice cappucino art
23:11:14 <oerjan> *+c
23:13:58 <shachaf> what's a cappucino cart?
23:13:58 <oerjan> @tell boily <boily> no missiles launched? no grey goo cataclysm? no helvetica scenario? :( <-- there was a grey goo cataclysm, but fortunately we all got uploaded to the goo. our world's simulation is now one recursive step deeper hth
23:13:59 <lambdabot> Consider it noted.
23:14:09 -!- Bike_ has changed nick to Bike.
23:14:26 <shachaf> gooerjan
23:15:46 * oerjan oozes up to shachaf and absorbs him
23:15:59 <elliott> get a room
23:19:30 * oerjan looks up helvetica scenario
23:24:56 <Phantom_Hoover> wait, was boily in the midlands or sth
23:26:13 <elliott> oerjan hasn't seen Look Around You either? :(
23:27:43 <Phantom_Hoover> you can't talk, you haven't seen the armando iannucci shows
23:28:35 -!- yorick has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
23:33:08 -!- Sgeo has joined.
23:38:06 <Sgeo> !ping
23:38:11 <EgoBot> Pong!
23:48:14 <oerjan> elliott: only a little. (now it's a little more.)
23:48:46 <oerjan> now i know everything about calcium.
23:49:15 <shachaf> oerjan: do you also know about intelligent calcium
23:49:35 -!- Frooxius has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90-rdmsoft [XULRunner]).
23:50:17 <oerjan> elliott: roujo wants to know if RPGLE is esoteric enough for you twh
23:50:41 <oerjan> he also linked http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/iseries/v7r1m0/topic/rzasd/sc092508.pdf
23:52:40 <elliott> I know nothing about RPG
23:52:42 <elliott> other than that it's old
23:52:43 -!- iamfishhead has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds).
23:52:49 <elliott> and has a confusing acronym
23:53:58 <oerjan> well this came up after i pointed out you might disapprove of the language choice in List<Cat> ehird = new ArrayList<Cat>(); hth
23:54:27 <elliott> the cats aren't ordered!
23:55:01 -!- Frooxius has joined.
23:55:11 <Bike> elliott is a list of cats?
23:55:12 <oerjan> elliott: ok i told him you said that
23:55:35 <oerjan> Bike: an aggregation
23:55:43 <Bike> oh right
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